Communist Charged With Felony, Media Provides Sneaky Defense Of Antifa. Recently in Washington DC several communists tried to light an American Flag eventually succeeding and throwing it on a Secret Service agent. One person was charged with a felony over the incident.But this recent news gives rise to a larger question. Why does the media insist on defending the far left? The answer is obvious, the media has a left wing bias. While its not a far left bias it is becoming so.When dealing with the issues of Antifa and right wing groups the media will allow the far left to define itself and its goals while also allowing the far left to define the right and what they believe their goals to be. In this framing the right will always be bad and the left will always be good, even when the media is forced to condemn certain actions.Following the Andy Ngo incident the Portland Chief of Police has called for unmasking laws saying that Antifa should not be allowed to wear masks as it allows them to escape justice. So long as these groups are allowed to define themselves the media will continue to claim this is a group fighting for social justice who sometimes makes mistakes instead of the bad guys they really are.
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