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Anthony Kennedy is Retiring and The Left is Freaking Out

2018-06-28 | 🔗
Anthony Kennedy has announced his retirement and the left is freaking out. Kennedy is seen as a swing vote who has sided with some pretty impactful left wing issues. But with his departure Trump has his second chance to nominate a supreme court justice.The left has responded in the obvious way, yelling and swearing, but the right has also responded in an obvious way, gloating.SUPPORT JOURNALISM. Become a patron athttp://www.patreon.com/Timcast

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Supreme Court associate justice. Anthony Kennedy has announced his retirement. He is to be leaving affective July 31st. Naturally, the left is freaking out 'cause they're concerned that abortion rights in gay marriage could get overturned if Donald Trump appoints a concern but if justice to the Supreme Court, this story is the perfect example of justice. How filthy? How absolutely disgusting politics in the United States is as we have contradictory statements from Republicans, and we also have just absolutely awful snide mean spirited comments from the left. Everybody this advice may I need to chill out. I understand the stakes are hot, but this story, oh, really is bring out the worst in everybody before we get started. Please head over to pay dot com forward, Slash Comcast, to become a patron. This is my full time job
If you appreciate seeing my videos and want more on the ground reporting, then please consider supporting my work by becoming a patron at any level. You feel comfortable today. First, a bit of the fax Anthony Kennedy, tiring from the Supreme Court Supreme Court Associate justice. Anthony Kennedy will step down at the end of July. The departure gives President Trump a second opera. Need to fundamentally alter the nation's top court for decades Senate Republicans hands to move quickly on appointing a successor as the two major parties fight for control of the Senate. November CNBC says his departure could have massive effects on US policy. Particular abortion rights and gay rights nationwide, his announcement immediate, race. Question about how long the court would stand by its earlier abortion rulings, including ROE V Wade, replacing With a conservative could have a massive long term effect on the high,
just you escort his decision to Leave- will have huge implications for the midterm elections. As Democrats and Republicans battle for control of Senate, the chamber confirm Supreme Court Kennedy was the second oldest member of the court. The oldest Democrat Ruth Bader Ginsburg is eighty five and has been treated for pancreatic cancer. Next oldest africanity, is another liberal Stephen Bryer who is ninety nine cent Republicans will try to fill Kennedy seat before November Majority leader Mcconnell said Wednesday. We will vote to confirm Justice Kennedy successor this fall Mcconnell blocked. Then President Barack Obama's nominee to fill Scalia seat, Judge Merrick Garland clearing the way for Trump to nominate, Gorsek Kennedy is out. And, in my opinion, Republicans you better be warned because this is going to have a lead, motivate Democrats for the mid term elections. This is a huge right, the left, so naturally, I think it will be a huge motivating factor for them but hearing the news. The results were rather obvious. Look Anthony Kennedy,
Eighty one years old and he said he wants to spend more time with his family. I can respect that. Do I think, there's a an issue yeah. Maybe, but what do you want? The guy to do do you want to go but eighty one year, old man and say hey, don't retire for our political objectives. No, this is, I was considered a swing vote right, in which case he's, probably not going to play, too hard to the left or the right. And if you come to him and say because of my politics, you should postpone your retirement he's, probably going to give you the finger. Probably not he seems like a classy guy. I don't know, I don't know anything about him, but he's retiring he's old. So let's take a look at what the left is saying. Following his announcement. Ian Millhiser from Think Progress said: F, you, Justice Kennedy. Very! he's got one thousand two hundred and eighty four retweets who's been allied. Who is an award winning actor said just any decides to leave a legacy of muslim ban, an peace out, F him, but it's only going to get much worse.
Mara Wilson said. F you Tony Kennedy Chris Hayes had a very partisan but much more classy response. He said Kennedy, Handing his seat over to Trump is the most perfect example ever about how is all the party of Trump all of it. Kennedy it's down from Skoda. San sees the man in the White House and says yes him. I want him, be the one to choose my replacement. Fourteen thousand retweets you've got a bunch of these blue check. Mark TWAIN pounce straight up, saying, F, Anthony Kennedy, and I just find it to be very disrespectful and come on. That's not going to solve anything. Chris Hayes. What he's saying is just bias. I really don't think Anthony Kennedy sitting there laughing twirling his mustache saying. Let's give this to Trump. I think he's just a swing vote in which is like yeah, whatever I'm out the New York Times, art section tweeted this out from Seth Meyers. You have great job where you barely work. You to wear a robe all day. An give your opinions on stuff that bass Please retirement stick around at
Until we get a new president, six months tops and then the very one classy version of the same thing Kennedy you if as sit in that chair till you die mother effort to all of the people who who are saying F, you Kennedy and telling him to keep working, because you want him to support your politics, you I don't want a nomination to come in before the midterms. We don't know why he's retiring Anthony Kennedy is eighty one years old, as it was mentioned in the CNBC article, Ruth Bader Ginsburg been treated for pancreatic cancer. It's possible that maybe he's sick he's going to old man. I'm shocked that some, buddy is retiring. Somebody that you actually think helped you in many ways they call them a swing vote. They it's important. And the response from so many people is to just start attacking and insulting him, and it makes me feel bad and it makes me feel like man. Politics in the USA is just so damn scummy, but I'm not going to let the right off the hook here, because Mitch Mcconnell is also a hypocrite
So do we have some tweets from Mitch Mcconnell back in twenty sixteen first, he said the America people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice, Hashtag Scalia each week, ' So the same thing I will reiterate: the american people have a voice in filling the Scotus vacancy another tweet, with a quote once the medical season is underway action on a supreme, Court nomination must be put off until after the election campaign is over, the next justice could dramatically change the direction of Skodas for decades the american people deserve voice. In that conversation now a lot of people have said that the american people got their voice when they voted for the president. The president appoints the Supreme Court Justice, an that's the voice. They were talking about. So if they really don't believe that the midterms matter in the confirmation doesn't matter, then that's fine. I wouldn't call you a hypocrite, but if you're one of those people that would take the opportunity to filibuster or jam up a nomination because it suits your political needs. Then you are a hypocrite so which is it do them?
not matter. I mean one of those quotes talked election cycle. You were in one. We just had the democratic Socialists the other day take victory, in a primary in New York. So the elections are coming through the mid term it would be this November. Should we wait after mid term or is it eternity for Trump to just get in his nominee, I think I know the answer to this question. Of course the left is attacking Anthony Kennedy for retiring he's, created an opening for Trump he's created, opening for conservatives, so they're playing nasty. Of course, Mitch Mcconnell wants to confirm the Supreme Court Justice before the midterm. They all play dirty, there's no consistency. It's all hypocrisy, and this is why I just absolutely don't care about most of it. But I want to point out a few things about the left statement on Anthony Kennedy and the fact that he just about because he's only sort of a swing vote he's pretty, conservative already according to wicopy
Kennedy has reliably issued conservative rulings during most of his tenure having voted with William Rehnquist, as often as any other justice from nineteen two to the end of the Rehnquist court in two thousand and five in his first term on the court Kennedy voted with Ryan Quests Ninety two percent of the time more any other justice in the twenty three decisions in which the justices split, five to four candy it's in the majority in all, but five of those twenty three decisions, sixty we're strictly along ideological lines and Kennedy joined the the servant of wing of the court eleven times the liberals five. So yes, technically, he is, swing vote, but more than sixty percent of the time he's swinging conservative. So yes, with this retirement is going to be losing some of its power in the Supreme Court and if the Republicans confirm a new justice before the midterms, then it's likely going to be a conservative
this is going to have a dramatic impact on the country for the next several decades, but keep in mind we don't. What's going to happen in the midterms. It's entirely possible that left doesn't who, as well as they think they will and Trump's going to. His way, no matter what you can't, an eighty one year old man to postpone his retirement for the next six months or even the next several years, simply because you need your like supported, but I want to say something else to all of the people on the right who are gloating, who are laughing it up a lot of these two, I'm seeing are starting to sound just like this snooty elite left that got Donald Trump elected in the first place, obviously I don't think it's the sole reason, Donald Trump elected, but I do know a lot of people when I traveled around on the campaign trail covering these stories covering these events. So many people were just angry with this arrogant, snooty leftist behavior. This idea that Trump could never win and people were tired of the pc behavior of the I'm right and you're wrong behavior. Just this air of elitism, there's that quote
reality has a liberal bias which I believe came from Stephen Colbert and that's the kind of attitude that helped Donald. How many people want to sit around and listen to a snooty? I am smart kind of person, so don't be like that, because, with this retirement, So many people on the right are starting to do the exact same thing: they're gloating there laughing it up, but I'll tell you what there will be a reckoning for the right as much as there will be for the left the Democrats are going to, right now. Young upstarts are coming to take over and pull out these incumbents that strong, possibility, will see more of that. But when the right comes out and starts gloating, how their winning and they can't help, but when will don't be surprised when this retirement from Anthony Kennedy triggers a massive bluewave, because All these people on the left that are freaking out that are cussing their minds out, are going to start riling up their friends and families to go and vote. There's no guarantees The only guarantee is death and taxes and that politicians are I'm not going to swear. I was going to insult him, but politics dirty game will see what
fence- but the last thing I want to say, is: keep your attitudes tempered because you never know when you're going to be on the back end of that LOS so comment below, and let me know what you think: how do you feel about the attitudes of everyone involved? Do you think Mitch? Mcconnell is a hypocrite. Personally I do. I do think hypocrite, but it's obviously just about gaining power. Do I think, he's standing up for principles, hell! No, I think the only reason he said the American here on the voice is because it gave him an opportunity to get the person he wanted in and now he's ignoring all of it. So it's just the way power it is sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose, but I really do think we need to stand up for principles and I don't think I think most of these people don't but again comment below, and let me know what you think and will keep the conversation going. You can follow me on twitter at MK. Stay tuned new videos every day at four hundred pm. Thank you all. So much I'm watching and I'll see you Walter,
Transcript generated on 2019-10-28.