« The Vergecast

Spoken like a true snake person


This week we have a special Google I/O edition of the Vergecast, guest hosted by Ross Miller, Emily Yoshida, Dan Seifert, and Sam Sheffer. They discuss the announcements out of the keynote, including Now on Tap, Photos, Android M, Cardboard, and the fact that Dan cannot tell his own children apart.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello and welcome to the verge cask. Google io special. It is made twenty eighth thousand fifteen, and yet just. You know I am not nearly patel neil. I is in los angeles dealers and serves the cook Google, I will talk about what he's busy report does us majority means. as always, is Emily Yoshida, as always so you know you hear you hear more often than any of us right now and right now. I am a mainstay. The regular got a pretty good streak going here, for that is true, and also to my left dan, safer senior tech editor is, that sure are also not elaborate on pre eminent google expert yeah. That's, let's just go that far and, of course, who is not left a seat for months. Sam schaeffer hurry. I need to tell has a going person. Raggedy person,
These will change that little card and discuss all the ways in which we are in the most like in the least like me, like patel. Why me can any rest where so I cannot tell yeah we all yeah, none of us could ever be me. I just never lose hope. We cannot, but ok, so This episode is entirely about Google there. What other things have happened in the news this week? We will talk about that next week when Neela and deter return. Today, though, and how about google? I owe the keynote just ended about an hour ago to give people a frame of reference, and there was a lot. A lot talked about in two and a half hours, which actual sure they most, I think, they're, usually three hours in the years passed yeah. You know google kind of like slip. Ups on them sometimes ago. Super long has he's like bladder, buster events, and then I am certainly keep it really tight. So this year's kind of in the middle east is long enough. This is long enough and Emily, I'm so sorry, I asked you to try to watch the Google io conference, which is probably the first developer conference. I think you've ever seen. I know if I mean what kansas
durkheim any time zones coating on stage will back just seemed like that. Just seemed like they were just trying to keep her real. Like lay I mean I feel like a lot. There are a lot of things that look like that where you've got somebody wearing a brittany mike's like parading across the stage and showing you some new things like you know, resouces, and you know lots of that. Obviously it cs and like any apple keynote something like that, but I thought the coding was a nice touch. It was like oh yeah. This is a nod back to where it all starts the codes. Do you tune into my new podcast, because the codes where I talk all about coding, I know the most devout, I will say, though it did feel actually somewhat cutting. Like I remember last year, I think where they actually did create entire app onstage from sell out well I'll, say I appreciate
at about it, not so much like how the karim works, but I appreciated when they were talking about like voice recognition for doing google search is unlike some of the under way, where stuff or something and just about you, no kind of breaking down how the aps recognise, speech and neo spit back an answer for you. That's something close to what you wanted. I like that that have like I feel like the apple approach, is usually like. It's magic is right. I know I wasn't. Rick is like it's a conference for programmers and that's like an entire. Must gonna hurt like just thousands of programmers who have you say a pirates decay they will clap insurance. Than they did in a lot of maize and when cinder pressure came on stage, someone is that I have seen him down and excellence a copy and paste one time and people just like lost their my right. It was great rate just for the active copy and paste it cleaned up to you, I, for
copy and paste will get. It actually is open to that right. Now. That's the bullet point here. The copy and paste is better. The copy paste for android is one of many new features for android m. This is the next version and then actually can you give like the highlights of what happened with android him, because it's not like no flagship features is a lot of smaller that's right, so we knew entered and was coming. That was no surprise and Google officially set it on stage, so I guess it makes andred m official. We don't have the virgin number. I don't know the name of it yet, probably won't know until this fall when it's actually fully released. So it's a developer preview right now, ah, and the best way that I can describe android m is, if you are familiar with mac us ten. It's like Google snow up where they are not really adding a whole ton of new features that you can see in use, but they are going back and making it work better. They get rule reliable, fixing things I copy and paste user interfaces.
and adding some better efficiency and stuff like that, but there's not a whole lot to talk about in terms of like brand spanking new features. Last when they mean it's lollipop, they completely change away. Android looked as it is a whole visual type of thing change. This is a lot on the back end. great because it makes a better experience when used in the phone it doesn't crash, maybe last longer new battery is firstly to use, but it's it's a little harder to get excited about me. I mean they. I don't think it's a bad thing that does like and that's the wedding. Most times we see the conference we're looking for that flagship feature. This is a lot of good like cleaning up showed this time, and I really am happy for that. Yeah one of the big things it seems like every time google announces a new version of andrei. They say that the battery life is better than the version before it. I'm pretty heard them say that since two thousand and nine, but they are making a big boy point this year with energy and they ve got new future hold those which apparently managed background processes la better. So if
devices sitting still for a while. It will have better stand by battery life, which is kind of a perennial problem. with android. If, even if you like, don't touch your phone for a day, you can like lose half the battery life and there is no particular reason why, as a whole, it gets fixed and it's kind of something that apple devices and ios have always done really good job with just like not dying while they're sitting on a table, and so maybe maybe maybe they've figured it out this time around. Can I zoom out real quick with it? Maybe dumb question don't know Please have so so when europe is it's kind of easier I understand why you have an event like this when you have an a a new product or something that you're showing be watching. Some of this was new products, but when you're,
is something like what you're talking about where it's just like making things work better in a way, that's not necessarily something super visual. What's the benefit of being up on stage in front of people who are coaters and talking to them about it like. Why is this? Why is this something that's trending on twitter? It's I think it's an attention grab and I think that there's enough interest from the community and the nerds out there that want to tune into this stuff- and I think Google knows that they can draw attention and if they do it in the form of event, it's like all of the information is contained in this one ball of an event and it I think, make things easier to consume. That's my take yeah. I think so many ways: it's like it's the state of the union for google to go over everything we have. I it does condone. I think the interest, his eyes like how much time the alot each piece right, even though it is like on surface level, there's not a lot of like I popping features Madam, I mean it is to them like it's, not as it doesn't make as much money as search for them, but it is like their big piece.
now I mean it's, it's the it's a piece of software that touches the most number people around the world. More people use edra devices than anything else. An annual like salmon and roger said a google has to say what they're doing within. They're, doing it in front of a budget developers who can now take these new tools and from and capabilities and put them into their apps and make their apps work better and stuff like that, so that kind of makes sense for there, then I can speak to the whole celebrate community all at once, but yeah as far as like there's, there was no light product this io, and this going, I am we're gonna- get to say that, but, like there's known, doesn't walking away from it being like others is new cool phone coming is ice like dying. I think that the two shores answer is the had to say something because they had to like your sister S, the due to the keynote and like if they dont devote tiny injured him. That's the weirder part! What about the vienna stuff, though, isn't that new the jump thing? That's one part that I
ten years after it was going to start the architecture that was the most exciting area that seemed like genuinely new stuff. it's the years like the like the vr part of it was I'd feel like the most future. Looking thing as far as like, I there's some other things that are coming soon, but like so just What disease did they announced new platform called jump that supposedly makes it easier for you to build. The are videos also announced a new version of google cardboard that works with bigger phones like the nexus x and works with the iphone. So there's the arm accessible, the more people, and they have this new platform to make the hour videos that
will game into it. Let's cardboard, let's start there, I, like, I went to both I actually wanna start with cardboard and cardboard came out last year, right, the beliefs of which is I I am so excited about this, because to contrast with another story, like the oculus rift, guys are like saying: if you want a full oculus rift experience that could cost fifty dollars. This is cardboard in a phone. You already have it costs fifteen hours, yet basically, it's pretty much anti oculist is the antiochus, but it actually works. Surprisingly. Well I mean it's nowhere near the oculist settle experiment. I think it's a completely different. Take on virtual reality. Oculists is doing. Oculists is doing this super immersive really in depth thing that that wants to pull you into it and take you away from the world that you're in an keep. You therefore quite awhile right to make its value worthwhile cardboard is like snapple viii are, laying you hold it. I guess you hold it up until your arms get tired, which is like two minutes friend, then you move on to monsieur life of europe.
arms up like yeah yeah, why they don't include the strap with those with cardboard says it is, it remain, is purposely design. So you sort of go in and go out I gather that strategy. I don't I don't know any of the content is deep enough to justify strap again. Let my letter blurring brief experience. Yeah, I mean it's a kind of a more mercer version of looking at a photo taken in pay. I'm a mode on your right, thumping, oh yeah, yeah yeah, this! You can actually see it up close now, unlike you, can do some augmented reality stuff with it, so that, like it, can overlay on your actual field of view and stuff like that. But none of it is like they do some real basic aims, but there's no whatever, like in depth game. There's no portal for this now, but emulate it. Is it in such a way.
It's a gateway drug for virtually all totally because it's like- and I know saddam because, like I was just it just, came out for iphone today, and so we were playing with it upstairs before we started and I dunno like I got giddy like the first time. I played oculus rift because I didn't have anything special for it was legit my phone and a piece of cardboard Are you still make the stupid for your face when you were just can't work, as is that just like an over by type thing? Now, it's the wonder and that if they want to our another look it's like the mouth opened, as he forgot to close so little time at a general. Yes, it if you gave the iphone users have never used, andrew carberry experience downloaded, give it a shot there's. What is it? You can look at three d models of like statues, yup, you can look at street view or so, if you were like look at a paris, a parisian road, you can just do that. You can just play, MR in like any place that really should put MR on this imodium yeah.
It makes sense. That would be the exciting thing, but yes, olympic super cheap, and now it's a multi platform, the other big phone platform. So I think you I'm looking for seeing things that are snack sized, also bigger. Yet what google seems to have been. Ambitions for it? They they talked a lot about how they want to incorporate it into educational programs so that kids can go to school and go on these virtual field trips without ever leaving the school which I don't have- yes, that's really cool, but I remember being a kid and like field trip day was like the best day that year so like that, I guess it's cool if you travel crazy more does it costs more or less to get cardboard for a bunch of kids or to take them to the zoo Well, if it isn't like cairo, Egypt and therein lies the yeah how'd you pretty just given smartphones cardboard. That's a good point. Why? I guess I think, the the internal challenge,
it was a little in this one. I am super excited for that cause like I never was like my mom's, a teacher and like a lot of her students like I've, never left the countryside of like just like a south georgia like little city that you've never even seen atlanta, which is like the big metropolitan area like twenty miles away. So I would love to see them like. Do it's not obviously like the same as actually going to a city but like they can actually kind of like slightly immerse themselves something like it's. I mean to be really cool to have an education experience where you are walking along
on the great wall of china or something like that like something that would never. You could have done in a feasible way with a group of elementary schools. You think that takes away that curiosity them from some people like. I have no idea what it's like. I actually speaking personally, I have no idea what it feels like to walk on the great wall of china, which is not my aunt he's, not even in my top twenty list of things that I want to do, but I'm curious about it, like I'm curious about what it looks like to do. Think that something like this, it's sort of like an intermediate step in between not having idea and have an having been there. Is that does not change? How curious kids are, then? I don't know I am taking this conversation in their eyes. The optimistic grew on me to say this is better than turning the lights on. putting the vhf documentary of the great wall of china and watching it for an hour year
involve the kids more they're gonna have more excitement about doing it, maybe learn a little bit more. Maybe you have a better idea of what the experience is actually like and then the kids that have the ability and the fortunate circumstances to go to china and walk on the great wall are still going to go. Do that, but there's is also like that there is that fear just take. The other approach is like well. This is good enough, like I don't need to go to the great wall of china anymore, because I just had the virtual reality goggles, but I think the the reality is that most people aren't going to go to the great wall of china. For, like whatever reason right, in circumstances time. On the other side, the world is not a one reply. I start my thing tat. I tried it before. I bought a lot in the wonder of yeah.
By that I mean I'd die. I can definitely selected the egg and the educational aspect of this and also lake. I'm I'm wondering why why kinds of experiences will be considered obsolete after something like this like something where all I genuinely didn't need to go travel for this there's nothing added from the physical experience of being there helped make cts obsolete so yeah. I know we have live streams of stuff right if you didn't have to walk all over the place. If you could just have your live stream and like maybe you could you could like? Oh no, this is this is what's going to be fun when you can like rent somebody who will walk the floors for you, and have the live stream of what they read. Somebody that yeah human trafficking, okay, I'm going to try this I'm gonna try for a segway or he goes wherever the segway. Yes, you know what that guy's going to be wearing wearing that new google jump rig
Oh yeah, so is a robot. Does the other thing the other nasa, because actually really bad thing I don't know why it is exactly what I was thinking now, so thank you for the set up. I just did not take it there anyway. What's so tears on the part of vehicle virtual reality announcement its job, its plans that you can download yourselves and make your own virtual reality, camera rig, which may involve sixteen cameras of various quality go properly. Sir own kind, Custom model for this it is a spaceship, is a around your sixteen cameras and kind of like I guess, you'd, where it like, a crown The EU got sixteen go prose and they are constantly recording and then the jump platform what that does? It takes the footage from those puts it all together with stitches.
together and stuff like that, so you don't see like the different cuts from each camera and then puts it in a format that you can use with cardboard or whatever other vr system you want is clinical. I think that's like more. The future thing I mean like, because how much is it going to cost like it? Maybe it's cool for for gonna say this word aren't I. Content creators and to make great content is because, like you, you gotta figure, you invest. I dunno a gopro's like four hundred bucks like sixteen times. Four hundred go perfectly one hundred and thirteen. I only know that, because I just of nothing not rank around like so maybe you know what you that's. No rick is like no, not too bad. I guess what this seems like nothing. first real effort to dislike it. Do the narrow Mansour thing where you can like I'm talking about renting
people here but like I, you know how people would have shows kind of from their point of view that you could tap into so it's like I'm going to go, live in this person's body like at least or at least through their eyes for awhile, which seems like it has all sorts of fun connotations, but the like the first lake, as opposed to just like having a live stream of somebody with like a single go per strapped to their head, like suddenly being able to have the whole experience are being able live stream. That seems like it opens up a whole world of entertainment, grandmother. You re a new reality. John yeah yeah. It's a brand new way to prevent all that I can written about it all the reality that are going to come out of this that we were my head. When I don't know, why was the presidential state of the union like at what point? Do we get like a future president to wear like or like have around them a rig where you can? Experience was like to speak in front of an audience
will like you should have just for when they doing their normal boring job like a total transparency, now thou amazing. The only way, the only thing that would mean maybe not a good reality show. I just thought of this. Is that your? If, if the, if the main character the protagonist is the person wearing it like, they won't be able to get into that many awesome clubs and exclusive night spots wearing this like carousel but the matter will be. and a cool. I think the first pillar democracy is like someone at the oscars will be wearing it. As like look I'm going, The red carpet had Susie's levies around me right secrecy is can be well that, oh, my god, who is the first pillar
pretty do you think to be like on camera using a selfie stick, because this is just the next level of glad it's not see Chris carson daley. Imagine just like a bunch of people in times square bumping into each other. With these giant sixteen camera rigs on there, my god, the angelic, look bumper protection on them no, my god, no it'll be like it'll, be what's her face from a from red carpet. For me, now hold on a second same bethink, hating article three, True, then ties my mind, and I said it now. You know katy europe works now. Oh my gosh, you would actually do this city. Of course you do this, then A gun save right. How we wronged ever doubtless yeah yeah, anyway, I'm sorry. I took it straight to reality, tv, but that's immediately or I go and comes to like first person broadcasting of your experience of each other,
First things we're going to see. Are people jumping out of planes with it right and people like you, know, climbing a mountain with it and all this other stuff that I like in the same way that, like the first Missouri, like a train, is coming at you like. What's the most extreme thing you can think of, and then we started to do things about feelings, so it'll it'll happen virtual reality feelings when when will the feelings come to be that's when it'll truly have arrived at an early hour like once, whence whence you re going through an emotional storyline, there's somebody else s point of view. That's that's when people have really collect, I'm, I'm being totally seriously be amazing. I physically We start to see a little bit of that. What was the arm into the water? I think we saw at some festival recently yeah that was a stab at it. For sure I mean it was definitely interesting that that's what they decided to do was do something around that movie. I, as opposed to any other. You know blockbuster action thing that fox would be putting out.
at gear and but yeah. I think it's still it. It gets a little bit lost in translation. I think when you start having something that's less composed when you start actually having the equivalent of somebody showing you like doing video blogging three sixty video blogging, then you know there's less. I think it fits a little less calculated or something or people are just You know, I'm not gonna, be one of the people doing this and that it has been my experience by the people who are you now will be opening themselves up in that way, but actually, I think, is a good time we're together. We have the quick little mid roll going to pay the bills
actually so the first sponsor this is actually like, I'm legitimately kind of excited by this one. So it's dashlane dot, com, dashlane, dot, com, slash verge cats, if you guys want to try it and what it is, it's a password manager and there's a lot of password managers out there. I've. Never I've, never gotten myself to use one but I really really need to and what dashing does you'll never get of the password is based we service reagan like store everything on and we need to like recall a password. It's all in one place is like the one password system to do and the reason he did this is because all my passwords really really suck. I have taken to try to memorize every single one, and I know that as like the not safe way to do it, but that's why you have a service so too young and in thankfully, this dash lane does to help, so I'm actually
like addressed, if you guys wanna do do it dash, they will give you thirty percent off for being average cost listener listener going to lane dot com, that is d, a s h, l, a n e dot com, I'm great speller, slash, cast ideas at the other bonuses. It makes us look really. and we can get paid more and we can do more. These votes gas, so they get listening thanks for giving our sponsored a shot and now back to the ship oh so that that's the virtuosity stuff It was like the most interesting part, the shining it wasn't it interesting like future looking thing, but I think there's some stuff that interesting that you can like use today that we haven't talked about yet and it's a new photo stuff which is pretty sweet. I google photos which the anything I heard when they said that was unlimited storage for all your photos, yeah pretty much. It's like all you need to know so, like Google is essentially
a photo service, those kind of pre, closely tied into Google plus and now it is launching a standard photos areas, that's broken out of it and it's available for andred an iphone, and it lets you back up an unlimited number photos and videos for free and the photos are limited to sixteen megapixel, which covers bring much every smartphone and helpful lot of better cameras and the Video is up to ten, maybe p that you can store for free back it up on Google lets us just put as much information as we. Why, on their servers, like all of it, we can give them everything that we let that we possibly maker or rider run on our credit cards. As it had so cynical, but them annexed, I was there is an algorithm for facial detection worthy no yeah verbiage. There's some definitely like some created up. They show of this algorithm. That can like DR identify person and then
dignified them, like all the way back through their entire life so like. If you ve got. If you got kids and you ve got like hundreds of photos, your kids from the like day, they were borne up until their life whatever they are now say, there's six or seven google configure out them in all the photo have that So is this something you're personally experiencing right now I haven't used it yet, so I can't say for sure, but like as a dad, it is pretty cool to be able to be like look at my kid down Let me get three years. I think you're just like what you want,
yeah, which which one is that Google do my brain to help me tag my children, babies, look alike too yeah, that's an exaggeration, but you know it's. It's like everybody's trying to figure out this google back This picture backup service, like flickr, gives you her by which is premature, limited to allow people wonder gives you a termite, I think apple gives you, like. I don't know twelve megabytes or something nice burn. and gives you like a hundred megabytes or whatever it is, but because people are cars, We taking all these photos and videos, their phones are getting filled up and they need a place to put them, and people don't really like to pay for stuff. So now, I'm still surprised at like how much, for example, like apple charges
further icloud service yeah yeah? I pay a dollar a month for twenty gigabytes for icloud, but that covers like photos online. All the backup of micro enterprises will be dollar of fur like a hundred gigs. They should be dot any it. I mean yes, I economics according to the same schaeffer, there's someone so many competitors offering cheaper prices and apple has what a hundred fifty billion in cash alone like, but with cool the us, have completely internal integration and aims. At I d have I will integrate into cloud. So that is the most seamless experience accordingly right, but I do agree like I as soon as I get like, since we both have cats, I'm going to just download the google photos app and get everything off my phone onto the service. I know it's an invasion of privacy. I know my entire life is about to be uploaded to their servers, said different way. I mean yeah, it's totally like you know, you're handing over more data to Google, but if you're a gmail user already, if you have a google account already you're already giving Google a lot of data,
Like I mean in order to use google photos, you have to have a good look at sea. Already, gotta gmail address that's already seeing what you search and where you go, and what you do on the internet use Google maps to any extent you know it knows where you're going and where you ve been so like. I think that it is a certainly concern. A number of people? I think that the broader mass of people don't care yeah. That's a good thing. That's for debate, but, like I think you know, people I have kind of come to accept that you know that's the trade off that you make when you're not paying for something. I just I I understand the concern about. You know Google, having all of our data, but what is it really matter. Does it really matter? I mean like a true snake per se, we're we're all be dead right. Everyone uses gmail
no, I don't care. If I don't, I it's just like. I saw so many people on twitter that were like oh invasion of privacy or creepy. Looking at your kids kind of stuff like who cares either don't use it like just don't. Then, if it creates, you are now dunno. There's this like weird backlash of like oh google, knows everything about you. Apple knows everything about you, yeah! You choose to use the services that that's like what yeah yeah yeah, I think, is more scary than all that information being at google's disposal is exactly this. How little I find myself caring about a little most like most people. I know actually fundamental that you care about it in terms of principle by, I love you other, it's like, oh well, I uploaded these voters, the google and they made a cool gift of like my kid running Now that's really awesome. I smiled and yeah that
I could not have said it better. I know it's like I was like I on principle. I want to be private and when I was private at the same time, I'm not taking pictures of anything worth a damn to me. It's like, google deny drink or ass. Yet, like everyone rings, everybody party minutes everyone do you know? I don't you think it's that I don't know it's like no more or what I would have have. I guess, unless I was in a very high risk position, I guess if I was celebrity or if I was a political, person. I would maybe have mortal lose by this stuff getting out but, like I dunno I mean unless I'm totally mistaken, there are a bunch of people who are really jockeying for the position of virgin entertainment editor and they will stop at nothing to hack into my cloud account and get anything out of there. That's vaguely incriminating info. I don't mean I dunno I even if there were something bad on there. I just don't know what the upshot would be for anybody to care about it. I really hope
it just challenged the entire I did. I did I just I had to make it interesting. Okay, I do want to talk about. I just started reading through this. I want to switch gears real, quick and talk about google now on tap yeah, because people getting so expert excited about this wild, yes dan. I exactly what's going on here, is that its google now everywhere and then some yeah, that's kindly To put it, you can like just put your finger on your screen. Google will look at your screen and whatever is on there in terms of lake words and pictures and then give you information about them. So it's kind of like if you're from it with amazon's x, ray service. When you're watching a video on prime video, you can pause it and it'll tell you what actors are in the scene and stuff like that. This is now your phone and it works with everything. So if you are they game couple examples on stage of like someone let's go see tomorrow, end tonight, or something like that.
Which the bar in and then it recognizes? tomorrow and is on your screen and then it Was you the I am to be card and tells you the rotten tomatoes rating, which I think is very high and probably giving you theatre time's up like that, like all the others relevant to like tomorrow, in being a movie, hop think peace, talks top tomorrow and think pieces that mentioned george clooney, it's it's like a quicker way like right now. If you use an android phone, you get to google now by swiping up from the bottom or you use that widget on the homescreen and you have to type in something or you have to hit the microphone and tell it something it's kind of like a passive thing. This seems to be a little more active, a little less work on your end to help Google, no more all about you.
Look. I know it looks vertical its analyses, brittany and an handy that seems way more saint, like that seems like something where that conversion from like. I want to know. If something is for two, I will use the service to have it. Tell me what it is. That seems like way more seem less, then like how the amount of times I actually like, do a voice, search or something or ask like for me. It's syria, I don't have. I don't have I don't. Do the google now thing but like it's very very it's not that frequent, but if it was able to just like take out, take out the part we need to type something or say something like yes get really really lazy, and it's also like it's a great like a great selling point to do. Android vs ios because, like in google's notoriously good,
about like taking all their apps and services and making work across every platform like google photos. Google is a great example. Every app I use my iphone is Google yeah, but I think this is a cappella. Thank you want to have android cars across the board. We can now just tell you what you actually need to know, no matter what looking at yeah, so that it will be interesting to see if it works in practice as good as it does in their demo and if it's as useful in real world, it's very great cool, I think, is one of the things that is going to take time to learn your. Routines and muscles of le possibility, but, like the thing is its, I think that's cool about it and what kind of breakthrough about it is that it doesn't really need to know much about. You just need to know. What's on your screen right and It uses all the data that Google already has its leveraging, that that the collar knowledge graph or whatever, to figure things out like it knows it. Instead, tomorrow, land being a word, that word means mean something: that's a movie and therefore this house's like a letter dumper, then google. Now, basically, is google announcer rights, yes,
next next level. The next leg of google now next next level and it's going to know an embarrassing amount about how much I need to look up like it's, my google search. Is so embarrassing. I don't know how many times that I've looked up, how older lido is, but it's definitely a lot my problem is like. If you look at my google search history, it is define and then word and that list of words is probably like the easiest thing for anybody in the world except me and I'll look up and go. I don't know what that I don't have it where I just constantly look up the ages of actors as I watch something like and then I play this game with my wife and I'm like what the hell do. You think they are and then she guesses and I'm like that.
And I look it up and I'm like. Oh you're right, the aging, it's crazy, I'm such a such an agent is it especially when you're watching like like school related shows like if I'm watching like pitch perfect or a high school musical, I'm like they're. Nowhere near as cool yeah, I got to know yeah yeah yeah. I know it's sort of like I mean I guess there are a lot of things that google does where it like guesses. The information you need to know like if you open up maps and like you're, trying to go to somebody's house or some restaurant that you are go to her, something in it remembers that have out there like a takes up that step. Also, just recently it was like this. We Google has now updated the mobile sir tat, literally complete the give you the answer before you finish typing right, for example, you could have been how old is, and it is one of the first results is Michael Jordan. Am I going, Did it I typed in like am I, and it already gave me the answer for how old is Michael Jordan? That's crazy that doesn't sound like it works, though
have you ever think? Well, it's it's before he hit enter and does a search like a hourly. Despite everything is no ray stommick each each letter, you'd say what you like. I will let you finish, but I think I may I already know what you want. I say which the its impressive I at me I look down like a god. I am that protected. They can't were also it's not it's as you ross its billions of other people that are searching similar queries and their able to like construct all that data and gas. Like yes ross. You are like these eight hundred thousand other people that search this too yeah, that's right, ok, really, citizens, how we're all the same, and that is our show. Do you guys think that something like ex machina as possible, where you can sorry spoilers? If you haven't seen ex machina one well go ahead, I'm not gonna. Stop I mean she's made from from basically the equivalent of google's data collected data, yeah
can we make an eye from absolutely I wouldn't it wouldn't it would not faced me if that exists already in, like some sort of weird watson form Google's gotta be Google has that they own what robotic? What's the that they own darpa right now what does it do not own, not better targeted, Boston must invest in boston dynamics, whatever it is they company I I would. I would be willing to bet they're working on Zan Google's eta programme. Actually, a tap has a keynote tomorrow and I think we're gonna hear a lot more about what they are working on, but they have extort, but people are ya, So sorry, sorry for the robotics company confusion, but emily to your point, I yes, I am fully with you on that. I have another question about robotics flower wildly onto Do you think? Well? No, no! It's! It's not! Do you think question how come so late
number leg, smarter child, although certainly group was more like a I things where you could type thief in the feed ban. Bots bought like a lies, eliza suspended. Yes, yes, tat was a rise as a shrink. You could tell her what was wrong with you and she would have. about six as our lack of days Now it is less yeah but dislike backtalk back to yes. Yes, it absolutely essentially by bought my lunch today and it said: ok remind your thirty minutes, and I said thanks and it's like you re welcome. Players jumped jumped answers, but you're you're, asking some dangerous idea from another journalist like. I think it was really exciting for a while, when just that base capability to have a back and forth conversation with earth with a fake bought thing very exciting. the mid nineties or whatever, like early nineteen eighties, even like, and we haven't seen
those for a long time, but I have to imagine that there much better now re like really really good, like just the talk back aspect of it. Why are we not? in those right now just to play around with like how come there's, not some super version of eliza that I can play right now. I feel like their most clever bot. Clever bot was like. Was that like wait? Was that the same thing, a smarter child basically or was that the quiz one clever bot is a? Is a clever bot speak to an ai with some I dunno, whatever google? What you're asking for, as is her right like yeah yeah like or not, it doesn't need to have a body just like a a chat, app chat up in your phone yeah. What will keep me from being alone? What, if I were to tell you the true story? What if I tell you that one of our freelancers on the site that works remotely, isn't actually human and is just a sentient journalism
just a new that the be amazing I mean we have any people. Is that right, that's true, yeah. So you could break, do adds Emily come back. I will tell you who that writer is more Google so sponsor and again, of course, thank you so much response during us, and you know we love our sponsors, next one is news, credit that is in e, w s, c r e dot com, slash verge and they struggle had for that means I would never did spelling bee the happen today. Ok, so what news credit is so here's the years the big
Sixty four percent of marketers say that producing enough content is their biggest challenge week, prettiest cause it all the time, but we're journalists. We can't really cross that line. However, if you are a marketer and you're trying to make really compelling content, I think it's a great idea to do. I think it's fun, and this is where news cred comes in to kind of help out with that, through news cred, you can license content from R five thousand leading publishers, forbes new york times men's fitness, and you can create custom original articles, infographics photos, videos and more describes the kind of thing that will help you maintain relationships with hundreds of journalists, photographers and partners. They have software that helps. You manage your calendars or workflows, integrate with twitter, facebook, linkedin every other social network. That's going to exist now and forever. and any other thing you to simplify scale and run a business and get your name out there? Yet
It's basically and if you are a martyr, listen to this, and you want to take a look at it and you also want to support the show which, of course, we would love you to do check it out at news, cred, dot, com, slash verge, that has any w s c r e d, calm, slash verge thanks to google back to Google. Thank you welcome back so there we ve hit ninety percent of what's been announced and that two and a half hour conference, Google maps offline huge. And that's our next one think if you don't have a transition, is it's cool? It's good it's us their return, directions on airplane mode, hell, yeah, yeah, there's, there's some junkie offloading stuff now they actually have to like download the mass? It's really does it see ass. You could like download the convention centre right, lay on your phone and there was kind of junk, but how are they doing this Is this your cash gather
and pictures like a no brainer, be able to turn on exactly it's one of those things with that. Why didn't they do this five years right, so nokia's here maps you can download, like all of new york state and like have that cached and all that stuff. So this is kind of like a thing to do, compete against that. But it's funny that google is pitching it for developing countries for people who have to like care about how much data these I mean it's fine. It's also super important and I think I'm glad they're doing that. But there is that weird sense of like they're getting really cool, and we want it now like this trickle in the other direction. Forgive me if I mistaken, but doesn't your phone when you're doing gps use global,
listening system. Aka a satellite- and you still can do this on airplane mode. I'm pretty sure that you can like turn on at least I phone onto airplane mode and Google maps or apple maps still works to some degree. I had some funky experiences with that when I was in france, where I thought I was on airplane mode, because I wanted to save my my wireless or my data there and then I was like trying to like I I had the map of where it was going cached on the phone already and then I would close my phone I'd open it to check to see like if this I was just checking to see if the street that I was going by was the one that was where I needed to be not expecting to have a gps thought there, but then it was there and I was totally in offline mode. So if you, if you have your wifi on, it, can also triangulate you even if you're not connected to a wifi network, but it's an airplane in theory of the airport or on out with wifi on then I can ping wifi connections around you triangular you and can it use
I? No I'm not sure if you turn on the gps. Radio, honestly, ok, but it case in point, Google maps offline, can fight do cool. This is it's an android high. Is it an android only thing I they position this for like android on developing. Trees home there is that gee offline mode in probably like. Perhaps we probably won't be able to like download this on iphone and, like use maps offline, the way they advertised not rain, right now? We just don't know enough about it, pdf of maps, I use that a lot for the credits of mapquest. No, I don't put it out. I just put on my phone I put in books, though my documents I seriously on board with this. Like
If I travel like out of the country like I am not going to my sim card, the newsome car, when I get there, I'm not gonna like internet setup, I will just screencap or screencap every single Google maps thing I need before the plane takes totally yeah and that's how I get where I need to go, or at least to the first wifi just gets you to water. He asked yeah totally alright, so we got to talk about two other things yeah from Google, and these are kind of like I'm calling this like. This feels like this is like the do over section of io for Google. In the first one was a new smart home thing called project brill We like what you think, I'm like less you scrabbled area, also, someone tweeted that it means it means something in some languages coming in in a means, brilliant verge mean something in some language do that they had and it would be market penetrator, don't question it while
nicely done, but it's actually so like. I think it was like twenty eleven or two thousand and twelve, the google. it at home, which is supposed to be like this internet of things. Connect your home devices of an Things really happened with it. They bought nest. and like they, hadn't really done anything with nest. So I guess project brillo is like restart of getting into the internet. things world which is kind of like a mess right now google is definitely not the first company to enter it. Hence I has been in it entails got about investment in it, but, like there's all these like disparate systems, that's all using his hagen's like people like I job to explain it and I don't really even get it? I do I get exasperated by it for the for the listeners, hear that heard you say internet things. I have no idea what it is summarized in one sentence and also please note that when he was saying that it was the most amazing chair, I've ever seen,
things is a terrible marketing catch all phrase to describe all of the things in your ali appliances in your house that are now internet connected, so you, have a lot more like a washing machine that connects to your wifi and gives you a message when it's done a slogan, with wifi, for whatever reason aids most of it is, is really dumb stuff that doesn't need to be connected to the internet, but because an early on in like people are Manufacturers are eager to jump on the craze and all that stuff and everybody thinks a feature is making. Your points is talk to the internet. You can get anything you want. wifi connects blender. I don't know why you'd want that. It does exist and I I think it's I think people like I grew up watching the jetsons and that seemed really cool that everything was kind of.
Automated or just have one device. That would like do everything for me and yes, like the the bigger picture this before get back to what brillo and weave rs like every company out there wants to own the house, because if you own the house that platform, that is a big step, it's a big market and you can really basically say what appliances you are and are not going to buy and profit from apple's got home. get outta here, which has which I mean at this point. Apples and equally nothing went home. They don't ask as hydrated internet home, so so this is like androids restart on the. Things are Google's restart and the internet of things. Hopefully the leverage. What they are learning from nest and stuff scenes paid three billion dollars for them and then Eve is the other component which is like, I guess the protocol that talk to each other with they are so brill o is the actual devices. If you have an abridged device that, as your connected aren't things device weave is the common language that andrew devices will speak there
the devices will speak and it's not it's not the internet. Troll, not the mantra is it's it's it's what you do with a basket exactly, unlike I think, and just cosmetic, and I I think it wasn't really clear but like any one can use weaver. Anyone can like tap into weave if, like Did you out there? They described it as an open system, they always talk about it or it is being open. So I guess it's: if you want to build it, to your product. You can do that and you can develop word and stuff like that and that the advantage for like android users is that they automatically detect when one of these project below and weave things is on a network, so you won't have to set them up. As watch er or do as much work to use the the things which is kind of a sticking point right now for a lot of people, so maybe it'll make that more seamless, but it's google do over number. One is true, but like the bigger fish can like we're talking, seven or eight different competing platforms for a category that I don't know a lot of people that actually
dying to have right, like if your building a new house now maybe you want to like you know, make it really smart and high tech and and make put like how nine thousand in it make it like. That's home, but fury live in your home where you live in, like an apartment or whatever lots of stuff seems kind of. All all all internet of things stuff is like car stuff to me. It's like it's just not ever going to. I can't even think about like crazy questions, ask about it because I'm working thermostats I can be that will be useful sure, yeah. I I I I'm excited by the idea of it, but I don't even know where to begin to fathom ing things like the idea of all walking to my house and the lights go. that's kind of cold. I want to invest in figure out what ecosystem to use that, not everything. Don't you think I think a lot it's a lot and we are in work. We are like the birth of this era of companies trying to figure this out. I think there's apples home kid, google, I think samsung suing.
Stuff, there's like bees way. There's all these protocols prisoners wildly it's debates that someone, someone eventually is going to win or there's gonna, be you know competition, but, unlike thirty years like you, you buy a phone or a computer, and it's like a thing to use the internet. I feel like any appliance you buy would be more have like more more reason to use the internet. I don't know what that's gonna look like tat, but yeah like what what is what is going to look like in thirty years, when you're
laundry is done and, like it's gonna like enclose, it's gonna look like back to the future smell like meadows, not that happened when we have seen that dialogue with your phone, that's gonna, be when we ve lost play. Was you go over the phone? You won't even have already I had to twist around here somewhere. I don't like. You just saw flush, toilet flush, how it's going to be on your work on the watch, risk detection you get up from the toilet, flushes for you, it's done, but also they have that already with sensors if you read the new yorker had a really long profile on market dress it and who is one of the top venture capital guys out in the valley and thunder bets gave himself and the author, who wrote the article remarked on oh hi tech, his toilet was it took him a while to figure out. How does it is how to thailand. He didn't
the brand? I would assume so best toilet in or out and here is a toilet, she than we do we Haven'T- had health and toilets touch of toilet. We don't it's it's the upper deck addition. No You know, there's a vote. We have like the nicest toilet in the world that is our answer. Grants actually speak to go badly, rancey, crest, everything everything comes around the reality reason I'm actually does there's the obvious reason be surprised, but also, I didn't think he was in one place long. To actually appreciate having a turning it into thinking. That is the twig guys, like you, always wanted, and warehouses and private jets. There's always what we're is not working wait like. Is there a point where he's not working or could actually use a toilet? He like takes a pill that absorbs all the liquid the excess liquid in his body and like There are various patient biological evolution has violated. Maybe
That was why I think why don't you ever since I was u over dollar one. That's do over number. Two that we saw today become official and had been rumoured for months is andret pay, which is Google's new mobile payment system. to be confused with its old mobile payment system. That was called google wallet so iterate pay is essentially to place, a google while it in terms of the like tap to pay stuff that you do your phone, it's actually built on that soft card thing that Google, by It was built by the carriers, and so it's kind of just like a guy fight version that it's gonna be available on all phones. I think it's compared with all that run. newer and it will let you have to pay with your phone. It supports fingerprints indication sets out a lot like apple pay. Its essentially google Where serious answer to apple pay. They say they're working with the banks, this time where they didn't really do that with google wallet and google wallet had a really hard time getting traction. Because of that. So
it's just that it's another mobile payments thing being shoved down your throat. It is but like there, there are things that aren't like about this, and you know I think one of the things that I I noticed that she was really happy with is like from the get go. There's apps, where, like it's fully integrated like uber, is fully integrated that I don't have to put my banking information into these like apps. It just works with the plan, right, that's like if apple pay is doing it I've, yet to find an app to do that. There's so like so, for example, like with the starbucks app, you can reload your card with apple pay, right, so that's kind of like an enough integration. Its varies with you. Do like a bullet point of the features of inward papers. Apple pay. You can see a ton of overlap and and like if anybody says one like, I would hope the other one follow suit right, but it's I think it's I think it's good. I think this will benefit both platforms, because now, every phone almost a refund out there is going to have some kind of payment device right. Right, then, maybe it'll catch have more adoption apple like to talk about how much
option its head of apple pay, but the real. Is I don't think that most people are using mobile payments at all because credit cards and cash or so can we? I would love to not have a bunch of credit cards, ernie credit cards and my wallet like I would just like to have it and I did again to a bar and my phone there have been great and you can have like a while a case like this, which I used solely to whole. Train passes cause but like did, but that relies on not only that you're you're, your phone system uses supports the cards that you use, but also that everywhere. You go where you need to spend money, will accept that as a former payment and end we for lunch I'm cash was the only thing that was excess. It everywhere. You went, and now we at a point where pretty much with few exceptions, you can use a credit card of some sort, not new york city with few exceptions,
knit dude new york city is hype on cash. I'm not I'm not kidding union like half half of place, If I go to whether that food places or bars cash only like- and both egg is also cash. Only ten dollar credit card minimum take while their cards yeah, but a very much I respect. I respect cash. Only after say yeah saying that makes me too makes me like pay attention. I I very much agree with that, because it's like cool just take this piece of plastic and do something with it. S like having the tangible dollar bills in your hand, or it's like I mean the places that accept cards are like big chains with mcdonald's. You can go, get like a packet
catch up with a credit card, yet avatars they don't get starbucks yeah. I totally feel it. That's all sorry, I d be devalued idea, it's illegal. How did you have any place national me? So I don't I've really what point or those places that morning and accept a credit card going to let you pay your phone utterly. I don't know like those that I want to just like farm ran, send beyond credit cards like apple watch but but the thing is when you're, using a mobile payments system, you're paying with a credit card right next to the friends the idea of his exotic versus like an nfc chip in your wrist or a nfc chip in your it's. It's weird, I guess can, I think we're in this like weird weeds e phase of like all these different payment systems, phallic, what we're doing while smartphones are way. Behind on on this curve, but yeah like what does it mean to transact money? You know all of my friends use Van MAO, anne and neil, I indeed her always,
crap on van on this verge cats, and they are not here and I'm going to make a statement. Then mo is huge. and lots of people can, I say, I've never used when mon I've done that have come up with an aim here have already paid it goes. I used in both every day Maybe I was I was there. I saw that and I use I saw that acts last night and there is like a group of people in front of me, like they bought snacks and someone had venom open, ready to pay the friend like that Some of these are equally check. When is like one card: ok, we'll do the math then hilariously people love and want to come back to that, like there's a lot of casual places, but there's also a lot of new companies like square there. Like you know, you can be a mom and pop shop and just have an ipad. The asking like use credit card, then yes, it's still expensive for them square. I think it makes sense for if your coffee place or something like that and stolen causal, we're square doesn't really make any money. No. On ethics, they wouldn't take credit card companies do in and yeah right and then I think, there's a theirs
fine line, also between like a credit card, which is something that you are buying and it's not your money and you are going to pay the company back that money that you just borrowed by swiping that piece of plastic vs like a debit card like I have a visa card that has a credit line, but it's mike actual cash. That's in my bank account and so like. When I spend that money, it is withdrawing from my account. So what is the difference between swiping in a machine, a machine or me, giving you cash or me using venmo or me using the phone is any real difference, and and these these places are like, oh cash. Only oh e, we accept credit cards. Oh we have this square machine but like at the end of the day, I am just giving you money. This is a transaction. You are giving me something. I ain't, giving you money turn for the better. The rest will. The difference is if you're not using captures the middlemen and between now there's no man takes his feet, while the middle man being the bang the processing rather prop processing.
If visa or mastercard or whatever it so right and like I could use venmo to do the processing for me, which doesn't cost me anything venmo is free to use. They don't take any money from me by using the well the the people taking money. How do they stay in business? I don't know I really taking your information, probably apps I mean probably definitely I hate to. I hate to interrupt this. We should move on though, but we'll move on we'll have a venmo cast later chase, quick pay, 'em old, know, yeah. I know I like. I just want to use cash out of spite for this conversation now Oh, I like cash saturday reminds me what I'm doing like what I'll do it. Economy, when everybody pain for things that there really does someone just instagram a video of their remote control, toilet damned me the link, and I am watching a guy who just there's no nudity in this instrument.
By raising a toilet and he press a button and the toilet flushed is: did it It was with their owner, is now carry around the oil. Every moment I mean he's the remote dedicated turkey does universal promoters. Unlimited remote in the couch cushion here can't fly off this. I will drop this in our chattering. Hire you I'm going to do. Thank you for sending me ok, so we will, in all the notes, votes cast. We will include the twin flushing link. You pay for everything that personal shack after this with a fountain Northern vig signature on it. I checkbook somewhere I've yeah it's somewhere in a box august. Google IO contracts were what else it was there where can I say something like a big league blinking in it?
Yes, yes, the amount to the degree which we are getting off topic and the diversity of things we are getting off topic about, speaks to how many things google has its fingers and radio links with about robots, we're talking about pain for things worth arguing about toilet yeah one company, like that I mean this- I don't have a judgment, just an observation. Here's a scary thought like it was a two and a half hour conference that quickly went through. two categories. Nobody knows about. It was all the things that google does it didn't exactly ass. I think if I dont think even went through half of their business right, so we did hear anything by google plot I, Google glass, we did hear anything about Google glass. We will we're gonna hear from eight up tomorrow there there on the calendar. There is another keno tomorrow, so there's another keynote tomorrow, a tab is going to talk about their what they do in there. What they do is like the way future stuff silly, but we didn't hear anything about that. We didn't really here.
Anything about like chrome cast, It's not like that. There was some little very, very brief mentions, is kind of like a thing like. Oh yes, that's the thing we do type of thing, but it wasn't really in a huge parliament's other than hbo. Now coming widget speedier it's a deal. The union also contain a press release or, if twelve, so there's a whole bunch of things at google didn't talk about, and they didn't talk about a lot of things. Had been rumoured this year. We still don't see android, where working on I'll s maiden then announced that it is that's gonna happen, we don't know nazi tango yet, which is there a crazy later on tango, cited largely like a tango is the tablet that can like not that I address you know you were thinking of project IRA, our conscious of it has like another google thing that has them. Earphone pieces, which is very, very cool. We didn't see any way to see a lot. Some of that stuff tomorrow, just just a hunch, not to mention
It has a tap, is about project, wound the internet, and also that don't put your local Google sweet it about loon. Today, really there were just like one balloon is the can give internet to the Lot of people the size of rhode island, it was just a tweet that I saw in my feed, but they made no I mean. Did anyone oil, Google, that road islands not very bear fruit if there were less yes, I'm here, but that will be very small. We didn't hear about andrew tv really though you can buy the nvidia thing that was kind of like news that was like tangential to the the thing does nvidia has an android tv box that supports four k. You can now buy it and, as at the end of there's also project fi,
wireless carrier- oh my god, you're carriers, like you, there is a large degree, lighter they're, nice p, also in some states. Yet to italy's, pointing Google is fricking everywhere and the fact that they can go on save two and a half hours blasted ton of announcements in still not cover, but a fraction of their company is like insane. It is So what do we think is coming up tomorrow? We have and where we know a tap is presented tomorrow. yesterday the spotlight. lorries that little video thing. You can install an android phones. No yesterday, they release it for more android funds. They release the video by just in lynne who, if you should know see directed a bunch of us a furious movies something you should know. Otherwise, quite similar will die inside and maybe outside they
did they were. He was going to be part of that. I dunno exactly what capacity, but in their little teaser, that did that, but, like ASAP, is the best way to think of a type is actually a tap. Isn't the only one in Google also google exe has to really future looking things. These are. These are tomorrow's ideas. I guess today tomorrow- is wild future. Let's hope that delay a light that so that just about apps up our google? I owe edition of the votes cast next week will be back to not is not a focused, show more hating on burma yale it up a more diverse, topical show, but before we get to find there is a podcast. You should listen to this week. That is not the verse cast
it's, not what's tech. Actually, although you should listen to both, it's not wtf with MARC marin wow, so I dunno that's just the first podcast I thought of crisp historic reserve with diverse cast on that one nah. I started a new podcast this week with with little pato the virgin science editor, it's called verge e s p. Would you stay? and for energy in science podcast, you can grow now but she's very clearly not say E s, p podcast. That is not, and yet yeah it's not an atm machine. You can't say that based parallel, but yeah, we were steady now as a biweekly podcast. So every other week our first episode just went up yesterday I interviewed the guys who created, halt and catch fire. The mc show and were going to
be kind of talking about. Science are the intersection of them and and doing a lot of cool interviews with people in both field. So it's gonna be fine and needs that you should see I I I think it's itunes, dot com, slash, verge e s, p, I'm I don't know why itunes doc slash the verge our for good I cast supplier, your choice. You can type in verse, whatever you do wherever you find it just give it five stars: okay yeah, it is like it will be great. It is great, now legitimately download a rated if you like it five stars. We really appreciate it and it's just an amazing star and we're looking forward to it, not to mention what's tech with chris plant. Of course the show just re everything we do five stars and if you do we'll keep doing more stuff, a big thanks to everyone who joined us today. Listening, thank you to Dan think Emily.
in sam. Of course, big. Thank you to our sponsors, which are, of course, dashlane d. A s h, L, a n e dot com. Slash verge cast, get thirty percent off your password manager, which god knows you need thanks the other sponsor, of course, news cred. If you need some business marketing, some creative people to help you get your business out there. That is in need of: u s c r e d, dot com, slash verge again! Thank you. So much for supporting our sponsors, which supports us, Nila and theater, should be back week, hopefully, and if they're not well, you'll see the missing persons report, I'm just going to interrupt and hype our vert or our verge cast account are chet account. It is the real verge. We sat shouted from inside Google I out today. You should watch that if you listen to this live for listening to this before on an old noon on friday, you should follow us
esops usual just follow us on anyway, and add some periscope we're out just verge on periscope or were pushing hard on those through platforms at I'm schaeffer on twitter, Emily is an embryo. Sheeta Dan is deasey seaford. Good luck, spamming is last name and raw is at ono Rosco. I think our readers markets to spell his last name. He can do it with their gut. You guys are great people, you guys are beautiful, wonderful people and, of course, there's a lot of Google news If you need to know all of it, if need to know what it all means and get all the analysis and beautiful hot taken reporting, please check out the verge dot com listening by everyone. seems to be a food in hollywood. Right now you said the F word
My name is direct, more bitter, I'm tellin us and where the host of the eager ups, it's the new podcast from your friends, eater dot com. You can listen to it on your phone, while you're walking your dog, you can listen to it in a restaurant. You could totally listen to it in a restaurant, which would be a kind of cool move, because that is a lot of what the show is all about tuna and for a new episode. The eater ups out every other Monday morning, room.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-10.