« The Vergecast

Montana bans TikTok. Also, FREE TV


The Verge's Nilay Patel, David Pierce, and Adi Robertson discuss Montana being the first state to ban TikTok, the Supreme Court ruling against reexamining Section 230, and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman testifying before the Senate.

Then, David interviews vlogger Hank Green about the TikTok ban in Montana.

Later, Verge senior news editor Richard Lawler joins the show to discuss this week in gadgets, from the free Telly TV to the Beats Studio Buds Plus.

Email us at [email protected] or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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I had thoughts of leaving, but it's all downhill from here when I read the book as a child. The conceit of the book is that it's a book about the book- and I did not understand that four year. Who cares was sleeping way, hopefully one The kid is sleeping, but then there's the book itself is about the process of like writing a book right, it's very nedda for a child. It's a lot to do, and I was like when I saw this movie, which I love and I'm going to read the book that it's based on, and I was like what, where is the book? I would like, in twenty five years old and I finally understood deficient The person who does not understand that as elon musk hard transition. This is only thing- we're going to say about David promised me that we would say nothing. It's groundless. Hi, I'm you I'm a friend It is here in the studio, yeah we're in person the civic say problem. it's not with any
the three of us have never been in the same place. At the same time, cranes obligation remonstrance with eighty robertson's, her height. and later on average, arose and scare, not in the studio Alright, let's talk about the one you one thing that we can move, move faster so he gave an interview on cbc talking to David favour, whose great reporter actually think he did a good job of this interview. He target interview cause. He kept a lobbying what appear to be soft falls and then letting you on talk to somebody. There is a lot of people like as watching then the technique- and I thought I was very good there's one moment in this area. We should you tweet, so much you're hurting your company's, and here on our side, and but- and I must say that I know every word of this movie by heart by miss quoting the princess s badly badly just play play. They do your tweets the company other test loners, who I don't agree with his political position, because
and I know I feel so much. He thought about it. For solving the and how you know, I'm reminded of the scene in the protest bride, great movie, great great movie, and he's right about that where he confronts the person who killed his father. He says six fingers he's going to do the voice right now. We offer me money offer me power care, they don't scare seized on care. You want to share what you have to say also I say and of the consequences. using money, so be it A few notes here, one if your moral philosophy is pieces on the movie, the princess bride. You should be able to recall it faster than tat.
If I can teach us too, we should be able to quote the movie accurately. Can we play the correct clip montoya with this is where we're at on the verge cast. Offer me money our to promise me that all that I haven't please offer me everything I yes. sing. You want one you will note, he doesn't say I dont care, he society Very dear friend, I was it if you want, sk in that moment had said, I want my twitter back, you son of a bitch. I would it would have been the greatest moment in television history. It's just your brain has to be a particular kind of swiss cheese to be like. Why do you tweet to the debt permit of your shareholders, and then you misquote that scene, which is about vengeance forth, is murdered. Father.
And you're like this is why I say whatever the hell. I often it just doesn't make any sense like. I can't formulate a version of this that those two things are connected. I just I propose as a as a young, fedora boy myself. You cannot be tough, quoting the princess bride. Theirs A context in the world in which quoting the prince has bride is a thing or two. that I think the I'm not left handed thing continues to be a red move that I pull on many people, when I'm typing I like type kind of bad and then I'm like ugh, I'm not just a movie designed to make eight year old boys think they're tough. It is written has a number of scenes that are exactly that. I'm not left handed again, not it's nothing! This art, that's enough! You on, now we are hard shifts in supreme court, which is super weird, but in a different way. They also called the princess redcoat after
This is when you go to the supreme court that you have to watch this movie the other day, and then I tell you a story from my youth when my father had a conversion van eighty eighties conversion, bad amazing, and he brought it home, and he was very proud of this. He had a tv vcr combo in the back. Then we drive this thing in new jersey, like five as a year. It felt like five times and my sister and I watched the princess bride in the back of this conversion, man, ten million time. This is the only movie in there if you could just we yourself. If I can just go back in time and spell that young boy, one day. You will insult the richest man on earth with the knowledge you are gain in this, they will be good, for parents are so proud. As this report actually today breaking news another. We are expecting this case to calm down while some of on the show we are talking about two big cases and section two thirty that had the supreme court disasters as google into the rest of the they were both related to terrorism.
The underlying them was: are these platforms liable for what is being published on them through this route of the anti terrorism, sexual and the supreme court? To I said why are you here from what I gather it did so it it basically performed a two step, which is that one of these cases is about sex, Two thirty and one of them is not the question and twitter versus tammany is, is a platform aiding and abetting terrorism? If it in twitters case fails to remove content that is posted by terrorists or if it may be, recommend something which is what you tube dead and so that this question and then Gonzales or school says well, if you assume that maybe it would be aiding and abetting then dissection to thirty protect the site, liability or if it's doing something like recommending content, it is actually producing that it does not become the speaker of it, and so, with the supreme court decided was look the fact in this case. having twitter and also involving Google it just you can
say this rises to the level of aiding and abetting. They were just providing the same service. They provide to billions of other people, and so this is just ridiculous attenuation of this doctrine. We can't say that they are viable, and so because of that, we don't have to touch section two. Thirty in the person ruthless. This miss clarence thomas who such section, two, thirty, so that what was out there was not actually signed. There was nobody who signed the gonzalez decision, which was the we won't have to thirty decision, and then yes, clarence As the guy who is constantly like, we need to regulate what platform say: road and entire long opinion about. First of all, the fact that yesterday we should not say- that this is illegal. They are not liable for this just because it doesn't rise to the level of aiding and abetting, and then there's also
interesting section, the kind of gets to the heart of the recommendation question where he decides that the problem for the people who are trying to see these companies is that they can maybe point of contact getting recommended. But the recommendation of the content itself is not supposed to promote terrorism. Twitter doesn't have like hey feed this person terrorism button right. It has a thing that just recommends stuff you like and from that point onward. It's this, as he describes the kind of passive entity that just it it hits a button? The button runs, the button turns out content, and maybe that content is terrorism related to this is a long road for him, where he it says over and over again. In this opinion, this is passive, they're, not screening it it's just happening. Because there's another set of cases that are coming the florida in Texas
content moderation. Cases where I think the thomas wing of the court wants to mess with section two thirty by seeing these are like utilities and the government. be able to regulate what happens on it. I am curious, if that's what's going to happen in part, because these cases are pretty strongly the texas in florida cases described as first amendment decisions, not section two. The decisions that the issue is whether companies have the right to say what goes on their site and whether its compelled speech to make them poor hate speech on there and so get it's a really good question: how that's gonna, intersect or to thirty, because in theory to thirty, doesn't even necessary come into the saddle, maturity and communities as this is the line I just like red, parents, Thomas's name on this opinion, and they read this opinion, which people likely short of across the spectrum, people They got to the right answer as and then he read it and keeps talking about how these are passive services.
and they're not exercising any discretion and it's all just happening on the internet, and you can just see the next jump is, and thus the state of texas should be able to insist that you don't moderate against yeah. I accept that there is apparent medical where he says he does specifically point out. Sometimes they remove it, which I think it is yes and offhand remark, but it is one than he included in his like well, yet twitter is promoting terrorism if it's doing anything, it's taking some of it down and he doesn't site that has being a thing that strikes against the case you. What am I wrong for thinking? Even that? Just taking sort of that so few ascribing like the hosting of their content and calling it passive in saying this is not them having an active role in it. That's not. Nothing really gets its to the heart of the section to thirty two, but where I feel so much of this is so new and even having the supreme court save like. No just so you know having something in your website is not illegal, like still mean something at this moment in time, and not just that, but
producing something like a recommendation, which is not just this thing, sits on your server through via the thing I've seen. A lot of people question is whether this means that a I statutes get like whether you can't regulate Something and I produces because the air I isn't meant to, I dont know be racist here and I think that's a pretty open question. I think that in this case influenza ai questions there's another case about andy warhol, drawing on this we want ruled against the we're all states, which is a big copyright decision that has further implications. Freya, yes
so the warhol decision is, I think we ve talked about it before it's about whether the estate could take this photograph from this photographer of prince and then paint over it and make a sort of trademark andy, warhol, silk screen print and then whether you can claim fair use based on this one particular it's a four part there, but four per defensive, fair use and whether the fact that it is a commercial work to what extent that should count against the warhol estate because they were sewing rate and the sort of example that they were pointing to in the decision is the fact that say when prince died. There were.
A bunch of magazine covers, and one of the magazine covers used, warhol's print in a way that did not have to credit or pay the underlying photographer, and so, since one of the standards of fair use is, does this replace the original thing? This was their way of saying. Well, clearly, it does because, if you want a picture of prince, then you're going to use this picture of prince instead of this other picture prince and the fact that one of them transforms it like what that picture of the prince means is not material to this really particular part of fair use. To what comes up for me with this is every fair use. Decision is supposed to be case by case, so one should, in fact the other the next one down the line. This means nothing in practice like various decisions like this happen, and then there is a massive knock on effect in the world of culture firstly, there is like the blurred lines case. They went too far then, just recently, there's the edge here in case you get Marvin Gaye
stated suing on, but in both cases technically it was the other way around in their marvin the original board lines case. It was robin suing guarantee that, where the africa's it asked for money first, yes, that's! It circle where Marvin Gaye sailors, like we just want money, Marvin, Gaye, dead anywhere, all also also add in this, but then get dead. People haunting very limited austria area, the so the bloodlines case, they went too far, marmalades take I paid state soothes, ensuring they lose and, unlike gets recalibrate it back a little bit. So you see the pendulums haunts me that's normally fine. There's some weirdness their whatever the edge
innovative eyes, had the mix of all of this and the supreme court. Saying hey. If you take this stuff and you copy it and you make a new thing based on it and it replaces the existing thing, that's bad! You can't you and it's like. Oh that's all of chat cheap. It ought to be everything, and particularly if you sell the thing yeah. That's all of mid journey like somewhere on the fan fiction forms the internet. A great cheer was raised with the supreme court handed up, there's any world. because that is as audience We, that is that, like a culture war that is brewing in the artistic junior year yeah, which is then particularly where were you mention, fan fiction because Van fiction? There has been this ongoing question of whether or not you can sell things against it and whether you can monetize it- and this is, I don't know why I have not spoken to people like the organizational transformative works over this particular case it, but this is maybe bad for that too. There is this common misconception that fair use only works,
for non commercial things, and I've been telling people know this is a misconception. You definitely can sell things that are fair use and the seems like it is sort of making that less true. Yet you can absolutely nothing. Sir. Our entire website is a collection of fear used to be pray commercially like we're like you're some new someone made, and then we like write about it. That's just like inside a fair use, and then we sides against said MIKE, magazine self control like commercial, various, nothing. I just gets me because, where I think the key thing is making everyone like, copyright be right. Maximal lists is the word you would use of the internet where everyone is re, mixing everything all the time. Instead of cut against your own interests here, because your added I like her shuts down everything you're doing like? Do you want? In addition to exist. Yes or no, do you wanted to this only if disney says it can access. Yes or no. Do you want to exist if you pay disney hate to write fit, though you just keep walking up, though the hill
in decisions like I, I dunno- if the world decision is it's at, but it just seemed like I mean the the this just makes you think about, like the the writers' strike in hollywood right now, and what their betting essentially is that, like the air, I is going to get good enough very quickly, that a lot of people are going to decide that it's worth just losing humans out entirely for commercial purposes, and now, like he's at your your one step past nor for copyright stuff that we ve talked about for many years. This is like fair use on top of fair use on top of fair use, and when is it fall apart and it just feels like everybody I talked to was like yeah sure, there's other complicated stuff going on. But if we don't fight against ai right now, it's all going to be moot because it will have just like railroaded everyone out of their jobs before we get around to resolving the third one of these cases. I dunno, if that's true or not, but it does feel like It- has just set people's hair on fire in such a new way about all of these issues. Over the last, like eight but yeah, it's wild, it's funny cause. You know we were expecting the twitter and Google Supreme court cases to be important right. We covered them a lot covered,
while the share we are in detail them in the supreme court was like men like yeah daddy. I was actually wondering about that because I think I remember I was on parental. and a lot is just going down, and I remember listening to the verge cast that you guys did with Alex, and you were talking about, basically, the the totally disastrous showing from the Gonzales lawyers who basically were like anything that exists on the internet is illegal. This isn't this isn't great, and so it it became very clear that they were kind of out over their skis on that one. But it seemed like the consensus was that the twitter case had a much more sort of relevant possibility to actually mean something and have a decision that meant something, and yet both of these kind of came out and now I'm with you, it kind of feels like the whole. Both decisions just amounted to like nah nevermind like. Why did we
these are the first. But now I think that the twitter decision was actually important. One of the I think it was blake reed. The silken fought irons, tech policy experts who are saying that twitter is a term that kind of an example of what happens it's like all morning for what happens if you get rid of section two thirty. Is that suddenly you have to let it get all these incredibly hard, complicated, singly use cases, and it is interesting that then eventually they just decided to shove- everything on that single uk, and say look yeah, this just doesn't apply. It turns out that you have to have some kind of real affirmative connection, but is also there are a million of these cases suing web platforms for platform, unlike some terrorist organization or other, and so I think it was actually a pretty relevant decision, because it's all about the fact that just how these. People on your platform does not automatically mean that you are liable for violating anti terrorist laws. That's fair here, but just seems like the of the cases we got today. They
aid away, the two thirty ones, which could have been a disaster for the internet and left the door open for the texas in california, moderation, cases too Oh, a bad way rank as the line is gonna, be what is passive in what is active? That's where I think that's, How much can you do before you're doing stuff is correct, is very much the open question in tunis and I don't know if he's gonna do Do I have any sense of what Amy coney barrett thinks about texans? I just don't. He has who does this rabbit in, in this warhol case very hot, hotly anticipated lots and lots of ship lots and lots of writing, we ve done it out, he's done it, and it's like oh this case might be the thing that stops generative ay I in its tracks, in no event a supreme court presence, as if you, for fair use of an original work takes over the market. For that work, we're going to say that's too much and it's like well, I dunno, if you guys, have
The was. I also curious, like obviously there's this for protest. This is one of those four parts. The other issue is how much of the work you're using and that's where I think, generative ay. I gets really complicated, because ok, maybe the string case. Is you use it to generate a precise picture of prince that looks almost exactly like prince, but isn't technically prince That's its own case in that seems, like I don't know the most nightmarish copyright like thing that might not be fair use, but I dont know if you're just generating any image in the world using a generate like a data set that include someone's work at what point? Do you get to sue and say because I was part of this data set, this person is stealing from which is a thing that I hear lots of people who don't like general survey. I say all the time like these people are literally stealing from me personally, because I have a picture in this data set or because I wrote a fan fiction that got scraped, cylinders. The people saying: there's the big companies sang it. So
every publisher news corp is saying it getty getty is doing stability. That's basically their argument. Just down the line. Hollywood writers are effectively saying this right. We wrote the stuff you're going to split your input and ai since bits of so the the four factors are the purpose and character of the your use. The nature of the work which is real fuzzy, yeah the amount or substantiate city of the portion used and then the last one, the effect on the market for the original one. So I'm just say if you can type, I want a picture prince. Mid journey and experts have something that was trained on a giddy set and then use out uncover magazine instead of licensing getty, get wins under this ruling. I think well at this hour, was on the idea that all pictures of prince or from getting like, if you have a data, sets that's trained on. Just I don't know, a lot of people took pictures of prince. How does getty prove that ok were the ones who created this thing Then their drawing from like that seems like it cuts to the question of like the amount used here
as having gettys answer and in the getty cases, and we like your generating, are watermark her picking out, I mean like comically, stupid office, ann, but I would just say this twitter case. We thought would be the lightning bolt in this kind of we'll see what happens. It's nothing right now in this warhol case, I think, is going to throw a loop into the generative ai conversation in a very serious way. Yes, potentially beer is always with our nation's government. Who knows what will happen? and always with copyright, because this is my dream david ways, I resign my dream, where only one segment in and we ve done the princess bride and we ve done copyright. Laws like this is neither the greatest I'd have to say fedora boys, it's really I've ever wanted. We lead the answer. I carry reference has thing with addy here. This is another thing that, but when we were walking in David challenge me to put a percentage on how much this will matter Montana passed a law last night it by in the evening, like six thirty p m,
a little blue earlier by their time, having a sunset signing ceremony, governorship what it's like. I hereby ban tiktok and he said it because it's a chinese company aids scraping The law, specifically, I think bans tik tok, forming distributed in apt stores, yes or are making scarecrow to your operated if you open, tik tok your operating it, but that's the question that right a real question, whether ok, so opening the app or making the app available is explicitly operating. One thing we don't know about is whether the web interface is operating like if you visit tik tok dot com. And we should be clear to users no one's getting sued over this. It does not apply to users, but if you visit tiktok dot com from inside montana is that tiktok operating in montana and therefore tiktok is going to get punished. For that, I'm a little nebulous on that yeah and I don't think tiktok knows I don't think apple or google knows
the governor of montana, knows, but he passed us these sign this bill, saying tik tok no longer operate instead of montana. It does not go into effect until january. Twenty, twenty four they at six months or so little. six months what happened? me there's immediately lawsuits right, I'm actually wondering about that, because there is one other possibility in well. There are two other cases in which this law never comes into effect and we never see it. The first is that congress passes a law that nationwide that bans tiktok or does something similar, so the congress restrict act. Yes, so if congress passes the restrict act, then they're just like yeah nevermind were tiktok spanned. We don't care or we don't care about our state's law, and so then they never have to deal with it. And then the other option is that if tiktok is sold to a company that or or spun off somewhere, that is not run by or
China, then this law also goes off the books, and so I think those are two possibilities and I'm wondering if those possibilities are going to be strong enough, that people decide they don't want to sue. That seems like it may be an option, but I think that would be a pretty bet and so yeah. There almost certainly gonna be be lawsuits the people I would Lena, I would expect its possible tik tok- would file one. It's also very plausible that a group of users wouldn't do that. That is actually how the we chat. Lawsuit went to or after trump trying to ban it was that all of these users got together and said this is infringing on our free speech rights and so then a judge actually provisionally serve agreed with them and so on, Well, we'll see you, I don't know the a you file assume that cost
together, collects tik, tok users and says these. This is infringing on our rights net choices, the other organization. It's a tray group that ends up filing a lot of lawsuits against state cases, state laws, and so it's possible. They will also do something. I just can't imagine why they wooden, because on the one hand I mean, it really seems to me like every single action happening right now is designed to force assail, because there's just either a bunch of technology exists to geo offence, the aps or in a way that I dont understand or what montana is posing as to essentially punish apple for tik tok existing, which seems like a mess, because what what you're saying like if you're going have tick in your app store or let people who have iphones or in google his andred phones, you tik tok, we're gonna penalize you that's a real weird move, especially when Google, an opera apple.
Like pretty big levers, they can pull to make users in Montana very mad at the government who suing us. So I just if you play this all the way out, it doesn't make sense to me how this works and there's been no real communication from zero montana, how any of this is gonna work so have to imagine every it is just a governors. Brother has a company called big bach he's just hope he gets his harkness like fire. Emerging with big bosnia now the governor owns tiktok, basically yeah there like it's, it's a big a political win in a moment where everyone is worried about china and there's a lot of feelings by tick. Tock and everybody likes to talk about. You know half of americans support of the atlantic talk and you just get to keep trying to push this thing down the road of let's celtic talk and then everybody who's part of this gets to take yet another victory lap. But in the meantime, like that's a big thing to do it's going to take a long time to do january. Twenty twenty four is not.
that far away- and it seems I dunno when I asked nila this- I was like what do you think there's like a five percent chance that this happens and his response is basically like. Well, everything is pure chaos, so who knows, was fifty fifth and that's fair, and so, if I'm, if I'm someone interested in making sure that tiktok continues to exist in the state of montana and everywhere, why wouldn't you just immediately start yelling loudly to any judge who will listen about free speech? I feel so. The pessimistic take is that everyone has. This kind of it can't happen here feeling where they believe that something has to outlandish to actually come to pass and is already there and so everyone's like someone, somebody else will stop at this is so reading. No one would ever like want this to happen and then comes january as happened. Is it also possible that it's a tough look to be on the side of tik tok right now, I think that tik tok you're, if your siding with that you were not only siding with china, I am putting sky
what's around everything, you are also siding with big tech written so yeah. I think that there is also its possible. No one wants to take the reputational hit those. I have you of my younger democratic congress. People Mckenna taught them during the two talk hearings. Rightly it's a tiny pocket of people were like this seems a good government already, but they don't seem to have any power in a situation like the very low risk. The other thing I've heard it it's kind of it, it stall chilling effect that the goal isn't, even necessarily to say we will literally crack on Tik tok for being in montana, is just to try to make apple and google drop it by making it toxic like that, you're, never I have to actually sue them. You're never gonna have to technically punish them. You're, just gonna get them to kick tik tok off, and then it's gonna be pretty.
Debilitated ability to do so. This is really interesting as apple underworld. Don't they dont have this ability right now they can block apps by country, but they have never built the infrastructure to say we know you're in Montana. In so we're gonna block the sap from being downloaded in Montana. I think the goal is that they would just kick off in general. Do you think that the governor of Montana, like I, will ban tik tok in it? the united states of america, because apple can't figure out who is not allowed to take the flip side of their rights or a perilous words like once one stating that everybody has to follow along because they dont want to make you usually are thinks right now, if warranted in new york right yeah. Let's montana her it's big box to bond I just say like if you're tiktok you're, looking at like the the raw population of montana and you're like well. I think the counter argument would be that a bunch of states are trying to consider this.
Do has just said: were the ones who pull the trigger first, and so, if you're, looking I mean, look, I'm not gonna put anything pass, california, this by making weird tech laws, but if you have a bunch of states that are saying we just want to try to ban tik tok then gathers off this pressure on apple, go to just kick it out, and then you don't have to worry about all the incredibly want ici offensive stuff because it's just gone and you have to go to w w w dot, tik, tok, dot, com or side, but it on your certainly powerful mobile web browser that have certainly loves you use that's actually to another, really interesting piece of the puzzle right. What does it mean to operate in the state? Do the ice piece of Montana?
This was part of the build servers earlier, and it was part of an original draft that I sps had to. They had the same punishments that app stores have and then that got cut by the bill, maybe because everyone's like this is a little too great firewall. He just have to insert how to talk to us to proactively block itself from being served. Montana. Yes, amazing, super great. I love this bill, I'm saying fifty fifty if I'm tick tock, I'm suing if I'm apple and I'm google, I am thinking about the net choices in the world filing a lawsuit on my behalf, saying This is a weird restraint on trade, like gin up some complaint about that's sort of the other wrinkle with montana. As that said, the restrict act and some other places make this kind of pretence of year to take tat punishment. But actually it's just any company. That's a threat to us montana, like now tik tok, but you have taken year here, which raises these specific issues legally,
because you're not supposed to make a law. That is just a centrally trying to replicate. Punishing one company, I'd like to ban any life from the statements here. Did you take her eyes the courage to look at the books dictator, There was a great weaker how, when we should note that they also expanded their government device ban to include telegram team who and what we. We watch the out for a team. Oh, it's. The shopping at four billion is its shot like a billion boy. Voice should be about That ad was too sexy. That's all I gotta say too many people whispering about you feeling like a billionaire weird. It was like the spice girls did an e commerce ad. I don't have to describe it David. You talk to green notable montana creator and take talker about this ban yeah. He was kind of nonplussed when we go to break. We should play a few minutes.
Of my chat with him cause you ve really interesting, but he was saying basically that he's in a good position to see somebody who has a big oriental answer for platforms, that the real people who would be hurt and affected by this are small traders who have really bad on tik in a big way. He also positive that what will happen is people will just like DR idaho can't get Tik tok and then come back it'll be like going to the grocery store it does I go out down majestic talks in and come back. He was kind of of the mind that lay how on earth would you possibly enforced this, and is this actually going to turn into anything? But the point that he made that I thought was really interesting was to your big back point. There is this idea right now that you can just like written, replace Tik tok that if we asked boot, tik tok out of erica. We have youtube shorts and we have real. We can't do with our place either wishes here. We also can't rip it reflects. We tried that with one way and that doesn't work either. But if you just kick it
That's something or replace it. Everybody will have some rose to go to the american own company in everybody went and that's just not how it works. Like tik tok has this very specific culture with different kinds: users doing different things and seeing different things and having different kinds of expired. Is than anywhere else and even if you just suddenly were like Tik tok is dead. Long live big bach, it doesn't work like that, and our options are either have tik tok or don't have tiktok. Rightly. There is no third option it also- and this is why in two ways ran out of the earlier one directly related. talk, we are good, liar saw a bunch of people and I said where's that culture of youtube shorts totally, like, I understand with a culture of tik tok is to some extent because in ceramic you're strong culture unto itself even instagram wheels has a legacy two. It is a very low rent time, but he's gonna lifestyle. Ie eight is anything that is it just to it's. Just a desperate, craven, vibe
it's been six survival, shampoo, please ia and then youtube shortages like just shovelling in boots, anything that was successful. The other platforms it's like. It doesn't have an identity and it's the thing that should win it's the thing that makes the most sense and they haven't figured out. Yet I guess we haven't figured out yet and the other one. That's really interesting is blue sky, which is a as much of a clone of twitter as you can get, and there's a lot of parts that we talked about this atlanta there's a lot of parts of it that are just twitter again and then you see there's a whole new culture emerging on that platform, and maybe it will thrive and maybe it'll fill. Who knows will happen, but it's not just it's twitter again break like very actively people like we don't want to do this again. So if you get rid of tiktok, yet maybe ever know go to youtube shorts, but it will never be the thing again and some people will just quit and some people will. She sees it differently, and I agree that that particular piece of the puzzle. It's like once you have a big vibrant network. It either lives or dies recipe. Only chance
somewhere, it is bizarre that people have been saying that, given that I thought that network affects was just the thing that everyone hunt them was all that mattered on high and we know the internet No one understands it: it's a series of tubes and vertical video as well things like I really quickly with area sam ought was in fact congress. This week they seem to love it boy. boy genius really wooed. The members of congress is merely asked. If you wanted to run a regulatory agency pathetic will you be inch In his answer. From altogether was yes Well, he said I love my job, but my current job, it's okay, that's what you say right before he quit your job yeah. I think James Vincent who has a piece going up on this called a chummy. Yeah aren't so yeah. He was the sort of anti zuckerberg, so we want to really. I didn't have the weird for certain problems that it was like this No, that yeah tell them if famously failed to regulate social media, the famously failed to pass even privacy laws in this country.
I think one of the reasons I feel the regular social media is they just couldn't they just couldn't figure out the first amendment like boy. This thinks I know at some point, both trump and Biden were like yeah. this we should just do since reach regulation guest on both sides- yadda bananas- Amendments really pesky. We like to tells me what to do, and I couldn't figured out which I think is I'm a eyesight like this- is it's a humanity when you know what to do here, we're going to do export regulations, we're going to ban the chips from going to china like the whole list and SAM Altman's. Like I appreciate all of your ideas, I am proposing agency called oasis, which is like office of artificial intelligence s. and love of a good, fake acronym bids is very safe. I it's ready player want to teach you, but there was this. This notion that, like
This should definitely be regulated like I'm building technology that I am not comfortable with and should be regulated, sundar pichai. It should be regulated, obviously, microsoft and very close with openai either they feel the same way. It seems like that's, coming and they're more open to it in a way that the social media companies were always like. I don't know the number of times mark Zuckerberg I mean like facebook ran had campaign, dear god, please regular and I think they knew that they were always gonna, be one step ahead and if I, if I'm gonna, be cynical about same almond, he's sitting there being like he's, not sing like please, regulators he's like you back in his chair is be. I get regulate the unity of the thing James
it out. Is that also he was saying yes, we should really be regulated, because in the future we might do really dangerous things get out. You two are going forward. The sort of counterpoint is that there is the act right now going through in the EU and that it focuses allowed on really present day, harms, there's things like surveillance or like face recognition, and that this didn't really get that much of a hearing earlier this week in the? U s that a lot of it as these kind of big apocalyptic scenarios and their potentially skipping over the things that might more happened right now before I become skynet and similar men to his credit, has done whether no honestly or as a pr move. A very smart job of loudly saying he's worried about those things too so and I think that's the part, that's different about social media rate, because congress is sitting up there saying social media is bad and the ceos were like no social media is a universal good. That connects people to each other in this,
at the same moment is able to sit there and say I'm worried about all the same things that you are here: I'm not perpetuating them, but maybe someday and the future things will get bad. So, let's work on it together and he has at least like an ounce, more credibility and this autonomy to see how a difference there was the social media, one of the reasons they can't say will prevent any bad use. Is because a lot of this is up to users that social media is a tool used by a lot of people, and if you can't let peoples do what they want to some extent on social media, you don't have a product in a way. I think that there is really you can say yeah we're going to have these very circumscribed uses. We will control absolutely everything you can do with ai. As opening. I will tell you exactly what you're able to say with these tools. We will tell you exactly what pictures you can generate there's not really the same downside there. So of course they can tell congress like we will control exactly how this is used and if as something that will stop at haven I mean we're we're already seeing like sundar pichai, said already they're, seeing their ai used in ways they couldn't predict and didn't know about. It's like the stuff is that's really normal, but the point is
they can stop. That is that they can see something and will say you'll you do that and then they can just shut that down, whereas if you do that in social media, Then it no longer really feels like a thing that you were able to meaningly meaningfully do anything with as a user. True it is. It is different in the sense that it is like the social media of his person to person in the platform a sort of underneath trying to solve it. After only there's a dial, labelled, horny jack dorsey had a dial on twitter and he turned it down to low twitter would die. Such a policy, including these entertaining won t places of work on dials. Eighty pragmatic that such kick max horny max horny, being let's do it Thank you. So much always the light. We're going to take a quick break here is david talking to hank green, about the tick tock man. So dislike, Talk ban in Montana has been brewing for, while you're a person who makes tik tok from Montana
Is this like change your life? Have you been thinking about this at all like what? What do you do when this is happening? Honestly, seems like I think that were mostly talking about it, because it's a good sounding headlines, like montana first data ban, tik tok like because it gives a tie. into the broader narrative of a very important conversation on nothing saying unimportant, but I do think that it is mostly news, because it ties into the broader conversation rather than this thing itself being news for a few reasons, but more The big reason is, it seems unlikely to actually happened. That's big significant, but let's it is out of it? So it's it's! We ve got you no seven months. Eight months, Harold, this until this comes into play? For you as a and who is you know increasing investment executed. Gaudy answer: you make a lot of yeah. What do you think about? Even if there's a two percent chance that Tiktok goes away, and this is true of sort of the broader you a span of tiktok and general rightness. As I know, you say a thing you ve talked about, but how do you sort of hold the aid, in your head that this is a remote
possibility, but it's it's not not a possibility, it is a possibility. Well, what I do is, if it seems possible I'll, go, get a new phone Matt day and I'll download, tik tok onto it, and then I'll have that phone. For a few years and tiktok will be a zombie app like. I won't get updates on it. So that'll be a problem, but I'll keep making content and and I'll keep uploading it. May I like it, I like the probably that the person you we should be talking about about this because, like One I've well established audience and I ve got it all off. I've been well diversified among a bunch of social media platforms which is tricky to do and has taken me fifteen years, but I've done it, but there's a lot attic doctors for who this is much bigger deal, and that is both be as like, maybe their phones old, and they can't afford a new one and it's going to peter out and like six months in they won't be able to get tiktok to have to drive to idaho, which isn't. depending on where you live, it can be quite it could be a distance to get out a montana for
me it's about an hour ago. I like the idea of like having to drive an hour to do tik tok we'll just today. will the app and that you drive back and then you can, once again. I like this, go to idaho, like when I'm in california update the app and then I'll fly home. You know like the entire idea of gm fencing, the app store is very strange, like I dont know, if they, if anyone know how to do that or whether that's even possible. Do you think that, fast? well, you know more about that, and I do if it makes if, but that even the lawyers who talked to they don't know either, which is party, I think this is such an interesting moment. is it a series of its detested things that no one has ever had to answer before and it's like he is it likely to get through Even if you can set a sort of each one of these hurdles are toss up. Is it likely to get through every single toss up, probably not but again, like never rule out the weirdest outcome? This is the world we live in now who's to say so, but back so you're saying about serbia
if I crater who's a little less worried about it than was like what do you say to those people? I'm sure a lot of them ask you like hank. What am I going to do if, if tiktok gets banned? What do you tell those people that go? You know find a time machine go back fifteen years and make this thing called psycho, it's pretty cool. You should be a little well for you, I mean it's the same conversation that I have all the time like for completely different reasons. People lose their tik tok accounts. All the time tiktok is is very weirdly, moderated place. People lose accounts with millions of flowers, and there is no recourse. There's no person to email, there's nothing. You can do for the purpose, and I let go back a bit and if a friend of mine says to me hank, my tik tok account got banned. no good reason, they said I was thirteen, but I'm a forty five year old man, we're summits thing like Assyria really there's no one. I can email to fix that. You know use
building your house or your business on somebody else's land, when you making on social media platforms, always minoan, like you it changes it's rules and they change how the algorithm works and they change how advertising works and that they'd start democratizing things and, like all this stuff happens, and unlike it, has really big impacts on people's businesses and then a lot of times. Those businesses closed down and there's nothing to do about it, because you built your house on somebody else's land so that that's not that new. Honestly. So it's a very similar conversation, I do say to all creators all the time try and develop close direct connections with your audience, whether that's through newsletters or through patriot, or those are two other really good ways to do it and also diversify across platforms. If you can, but that's very hard to do, yeah, it's interesting to me that, like the way you describe it as even as comes more work. Tiktok is still worth the effort and
I just can't. I think he knows the rubber like there is definitely going to be if this all comes out. The way that it might there's gonna be like a black market for funds that have tik tok installed and like that's insane, What a bizarre worlds me there's a black market for driving to wyoming like that, like, I don't know like is, how is the geo fence work? Is that it's not like on the individual phone? I wouldn't think I'd think it would be based and like vp ends, and I don't know what it seems like. There's gonna be ways to get around it, but I do I be the of the black market, tiktok phone, where my excuse around and around on craigslist being like I'm thank green I'll pay, ten thousand dollars for a dick that phone right in somebody's like I have. I have a twenty twelve I've had that runs it. Do you want that? You're, like ok, I'll, take it it's alright, it's out there. I did this with like my back book once where they got rid of the sd card. Sought now is like I'm just gonna keep by an old macbooks until they ve learned that back I'm not going to live that dangle life. But at what point does it become not worth the trouble
it seems, like part of all, of this is just to make tiktok harder and more annoying, and if you can sort of make it frustrating for people to use, maybe they'll leave. But what does that point? Look like I mean it's going to be really different for from people like, for example. For me my audience, I have a great kinds of content for youtube shorts people on youtube, like the kind of content that I make, but lake Tik tok as very culturally different, and the thing that we don't do. A good job of understanding is that social media platforms are not the code they are not
algorithm, they are the cultures that exist there and like. There are ways that the platform influences the culture and the ways the culture influences the platform and it's much more complicated than we attend to give it credit for, and you won't. You can't recreate that culture. It's like it's like trying to take. You know the gilman street punk scene and move it to Boise, like it's just not going to happen like if it becomes much easier and better to use youtube, shorts and much harder and worse to use tiktok what that will create his new cultures on youtube shorts, but we will not be a direct port. It will be. It will be a moment of cultural destruction, which is like a big deal, and I don't think that we give it credit for the bigness of that part of the deal
culture is important, and that is a very strange thing for I don't think that the people writing these laws have any idea the impact that they could have a real reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what they wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our price due to not hating you that's right. We're cutting the price of mint, unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try: mint mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation, an upfront payment for three month plan required taxes and fees. Extra additional restrictions apply, cement, mobile dot com for full terms, we eat with our eyes and our mouths, obviously but also our brains noon, can help. You learn more about that psychological component to healthy eating, new music science and personalization, so you
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if see, some staff as an adult that you just missed as a child, I'm sure that's trailed. Its is very true anywhere back which lawyers here heritage pay good to be back fan favorite richard lollards. Here we ve heard the requests for them and been heard. Most of them were for me, but no get richer, just cause the hotline once a week with a new voice, saying we're yeah, good stuff, it's in a low voice. I dont you say I because they eyes evil but very see culture words here, can replace richard man, the robot. I we I want some gadgets, we, it was a conversation just now. And now we're going talk with the stupidest tv ever made, the David love next tv you did. I own is what she meant to say so, into a telly talk about such things called tele, which first law unbelievable I hated it for a somewhere that I've come all the way around its extremely get it's a new company,
raided by one of the founders of pluto tv, which is like the one of the fast ads for streaming tvs, and its thing is basically they're going to give you the tv for free and in exchange they're going to have a second screen below you tv. That's like a wide sort of cairo, looking thing about the third, the height of the tv, but just as wide that is just for showing you adds. So you essentially you get a free television and add bar in your house. That is just a billboard that lives in your house and show the ads. While you watch tv there are a bunch of other weird things about this tv. Many other weird things is absolutely so many, but I just I just want to tell you my two ferrets. It's a fifty five inch fork. Atv, that's good! It has no built in streaming stuff. So, in addition to shipping, you see they also ship you. I believe it's an android tv, the hunger wait, wait, wait! Wait! He has now is not a smart tv image. baxter like built in streams
second, and I thought they were just notes, just it's just built into the box. They were just trying to like meet the people where they are. You know like it's just a dangle that I dunno what it is, but it is just as long as the plugs are so good. They just. I bet, there's something like a patent thing where like. If it's in the tv, they have to pay an extra bucket and they're just trying to shape every single dollar off two so that it can be free. I suspect, you're right yeah and then the other thing which we'll get to in a minute is that it has the worst and janky has privacy policy in their history, and we will go on universe. We will come to that, but I have not looked at this television. I don't know I'm all in on this thing: I've you love it. My basic thesis here is, a two screens is actually an extremely good at here is how to have like a cnn style kyra. Just showing me sport, scorpio, that's what you were never else into that David. Just add a kid me, mrs being at the airport in the bar. That's why I'm here
This explains a lot about a lot of things, just me who is yelling about politics on the bottom at all times, and then it's all heads anyway, like watching tv now full of ads you youtube? You watch adds there's a bunch of ad news this week about how poppy ads are in an age of coming back with some, like whatever give me one more, adding you're gonna give me a tv for free, but I I'm super stuck streaming staked situation it says, forecasts streaming, stick included, which again I just read is like we're meeting, though Walmart buyer where they are right. Consequently literally mean included. Let me read you from ever after a story that s- and she said- unlike this- is the most like understated burn of autumn. I love it. Unlike most mainline smart to the operating systems tell yo s, amazing them. Curly does support. Third for streaming acts like an economic aspect. I load outlay catholics who needs it
I until he comes bundled with a free for k, andred tv dongle that you can use watch whatever streaming service you one work is they don't need to worry about universal search while the suffering any deals, khazars running ads on the bottom of the direct they built? Ironically, a dumb tv with ads ok. Let's go then here's my next question because it has on the speck she, its labelled future proved yeah and its evidence of it future proved is quote modern hardware thoughts as powerful chips at again all turns on assuming free ok, updates, bringing new and better experiences like a smart, humble control. Sure out of the bottom another box that programme what invents down and let's just give it, and then it has. camera in and a the camera is an hd camera prospects for video, calling fitness and interactive gaming unclear
here where any of that runs through important story that it's for that can't do it. I don't know. and then it says MIKE array, with quote: hey tele voice control. Now, lord, so this is run and some software, yes bridges. national, not streaming apps, not decided you want that. You have to make business deals for and it has a motion sensor for wake up and interactive amy's. They think they ve built a din and tender. We. What with ads and also to make sure that you are sitting there watching the ads. That's what it s right, so they're like their advertiser said we will only pay for this. If we know for sure that somebody has actually sitting there watching television and they said o crab, we have to put a camera and everybody's tv and a microphone to make sure that are actually in the room? What weird features can we invent such that we can put these in the oak and suez so again and if you opt out of sharing your viewing inactivity, data this it says in the privacy policy. Unfortunately
It means you will no longer have access to the services and must return the television or you can pay. Five rocks I am going to so immediately pay the five hundred dollars just to have this weird tv and tv for five someone's going to hackett it's going to be cool and they're, going to put like subway information, stock tickers without their services and other animal gets it. I'm thinkin like alter a wide screen gaming on the bottom of the sea, because five hundred dollars and it has to screens sandbar and and do you know how she this can be done to politics, in all its backwards. It says here that guy I'm in love with this alone. The audacity above a new product. If you are at all Like me. Remember this thing called the queue cat from a long time ago. It is like an old old internet controversy. Richards nodded his head richard on slashed mchugh captain. They handed out like barcode scanners.
People and you are supposed to like barcode, scan print magazines, and then it would like take you to what I dunno, what they're supposed to, and people immediately hack these barcode scanners, like qr code, before qr codes David. Where were you in nineteen? Ninety nine, when this was going down, I mean this was like a big deal that people were hacking. The barcode scanners they were handing out for free, like this, was all over the new york times and wall street journal. This was the story of the two thousands and then people with these story? That's very well other than a few other things it was it's a cute cat and then like bush v, gore like somewhere in there, a talented young artist named britney spears released her first single but overshadowed by the cue cat. Anyhow, people started hacking it and not using Eric we're dear I'm, software in the company freetown started suing everybody allow, then I'm I I saw this thing and I saw that screen at the bottom, and I was like oh this is this is a massive queue cat situation. People are going to take this they're, not gonna pay for it. They're never,
sign up for the services they are immediately. Gonna hacking is its ransom, junkie version and andrea. Like the most horrible thing that's ever been created in there I got myself a free to be spent in this. but he's gonna lose their mind if there is no chance to succeed now they're going to be in business for like fifteen minutes, but that's long enough for me to sign up to get one of these savages and that's all right. We've got to talk about the privacy policy, yeah. Go ahead, go ahead, sir. This is your. This is your tv. As far as I'm against you're, the ceo of the salary credit shadow. It is key for being the first to find this in telling his privacy policy. I believe it's not there anymore, but it was briefly one of the things that talks about the personally
If children right, it's obviously super regulated? What you can do with the personal data of children and if you have a large television in your home odds, are if there's also a child under thirteen they're, going to see it. So they have to have a rule about this, so they go through all the stuff. If you're under thirteen, you can't have an account. You shouldn't have personal data, we're not collecting personal data, and then it says if we learn, we have collected personal data from a child under thirteen years of age. We will delete that information as quickly as possible, and then apparent settle that I am quite confident was not meant to be political. This version is clearly written by a lawyer, says parentheses. I dont know that this is accurate. Do we have to say we will do the information or is there another way around this ten percent, the sick, literally the most saying the quiet part loud that has ever happened in the history of the world is going to accompany wrote to us. We have a long statement from Dallas, lorenz, teles chief strategy officer. He says out of context, its literally its end, its right did the context it could not be more in context. Is the privacy
published. An early version and policy tv is only meant to be used by people who are over eighteen, which add natural. For a television which they prove the camera. That watches you all the time they have changed. I'm just saying this thing to read up on the queue cat, Give you want to know what's up ahead with a daily. It's the thing that happened with acute this company has an entire business model based on tracking and advertising, but they built a piece of harbour. They We have no shot at walking down rhetoric You gonna buy one of these and by me and allow yourself to be given one for free. No, I don't love you can see here. I have too many tvs already. Otherwise, as I will be oliver, let's go, I may be. You know on a restriction when it comes to display that's for the best, but it's just like this is the business model for all tv makers, visuals been basically giving away to be four years. Their tv business makes no money, the business that sells subscriptions and advertising
makes money. That's exactly right. Tele is just doing it with more screens like. What's that, I don't have to answer while the downside is that a five hundred dollar panel is not going to be good. When you describe array backsliding. Does it mean to a flashlight, difficult walking around? single oraibi. That's where it every tv maker. We get this question all time. All the time people are asking us. Why can't I, just by a monitor, employed, my apple tv and and the answer is you can and you you can go out in the market by either hard to find and they cost thousands upon thousands of dollars, because the architecture of subsidizing the tv is not good, every time you sign up for an app on wrote. Who really gets a piece just like on your phone. Every add that's delivered on Iraq who broke. It gets a peace that said that The number peacock came out. Wasn't workers there are, you ever add serving this thing is like works. That seems hard another display it just a whole suffered.
Exploit ads, adds to run. I remember when visual was going to go public, we're going to have an appeal. Oh the releases document, obviously for investors about their business nor their opportunities, and they mention this little section in their about company called indicates there was a big plan to make money and read- and I was like wait: I've been reporting on video three or four years? And I've never heard of this thing and that's cause. They had never talked about it really, and that would be an after that they got too because everyone found out what they were doing with their do. Yes, a dave, backed off that I was years. since I've gone public, but every tv on the market today can do hcr automatic content recognition and tell people what you're watching it's just a thing you gotta turn off. I have it turned off on my tv. I don't even want my tv it's a wifi. During a monitor you, biased, martini you never let it can connect to wife ass. If I did I'd like the into the euro settings and if, as I do want to let this teasdale think connect to the internet like no. So now I have at my age,
work is needed on this. I see the area it hates yeah and tv makers issues. If someone were dragged let me can actually anyhow. I can't wait for you to see for themselves that has been. I can't wait for the people in russia, figure out how to hack the spot on display. Oh yeah, I think it's legal for me to say that I'm not saying you should do it, I'm not saying I'm doing if you just say, I've never used a computer. In my life, I'm just saying, I anticipate the day that someone might do it. It is literally inevitable it's just going to have infancy from the top of the jacobites and the beets yuba big week for headphones. Chris watson been on a roll here yeah richard. What do you make of these of these echo? But so amazon, as it is wont to do, came out with a bunch of new stuff new echo pop little colorful, looking smart speaker that looks kind of like they took an echo dot and just like chopped it in half and then the echo buds super cheap, like prototypey. Looking things with no design
or interesting features whatsoever, but they're like forty dollar wireless headphones. So I can't be that mad at him. I dunno. What do you make of all this It is called these the amazonbasics buds. Yes, that absolute, right cause. Then we all would have understood how to take this. You can put an accident in it, you can do whatever, but you put echo on it and then you say it's fifty dollars, and you showed me these that have no branding. If you saw them sitting on a table, you have no idea. What was they were? You would understand that, yes, these are your buds in the most generic sense and I'm sure they are probably fine, amazonbasics yeah. I really I I I'm a big believer in cheap ones like this, because I think we're entering a point where, like if you
I spend the one hundred and fifty dollars or more you're like absolutely spoilt for choice when it comes to wireless earbuds, there's so many good ones out there. The the airpods are good. The new beats ones are great, like sony makes good ones. Jbl makes you like. There's tons of good ones out there, but the low end stuff and most of the people I know, don't want to spend that much money on headphones there, but then they're like I literally can't find earpods any more so like what do I buy? I'm stuck buying wireless headphones, so I'm like sick that these exist, but you, like you, couldn't design these less than they are currently designed these. This is, if you just imagine close your eyes, dauntless rise for driving but pull over and then close your eyes and imagine those boring nondescript wireless headphone. you ever seen in your life and the echo buds are like forty percent. It's really kind of incredibly reminds me of the germ of the first chrome book. The sea are forty eight year where Google was like, we may.
This black rectangle that it is not at all interesting and we don't know what to do with its we're. Just gonna ship it and call it. No first chrome book is good. This is that again I appreciate it Is there something amazon's we give them to you for free? If you saw for prime, yet, though, just come in every box, you have that from now on, but the bead studio, buds plus look amazing date you look. Amazing, monitor creature had fun guy in general, not not so much, but I do have the beef studio, buds, love them. Ok, I think that they are apples secret plan to get data. and users is answering. I know a lot of people who use android, and I know myself. This is probably the apple prodigal I've most quickly most eagerly bought, and then I bought these new, be through your both plus two. Yes, it did deal at the plus rate is basically there just
They have this like amazing, looking translucent design, they look great like the the pictures Chris watch took with his review, are beautiful and the headphones look fantastic, but otherwise it's just like it's the studio buds but, like everything, is slightly better now right, yup, a slightly better processor, slightly better case with a little bit but bigger battery better active noise cancellation, better. You know listening to you all of those things, but it's still the same okay and how do they fit the the one thing that has always worried me: I've, never actually use these myself, but they seemed the very small like they dont have the stem that europeans do they just they're kind of a little circle that where area. One of the reasons I like these in particular, because I also got I got the other pixel bugs around the same time, would like with my phone and those
It always fall out of my ears like, if just for no reason these tiny never fell out of music could do anything and they they just they felt good. I could sit there and listen to podcasts for, however long I wanted to, and I immediately went got the suitable place where I will once I go pick them up. Do they look really good, like like just for aesthetic purposes alone. I kind of want to buy one hundred and sixty nine bucks. They also come in regular colors, but the clear model is the only way to go. Yeah yeah, don't don't get regular. Yet these photos for reincarnated criticise arabia. He found a bunch of encourage clear gadgets, it's good. If you existed in the nineties, you know why I had the clear cue cat. You know what I'm saying. I'm hopeful that this translucent design thing is coming back. Yeah that, like I, would love to see all kinds of stuff, like that's like apple, make the next iphone this like sid translucent thing. A man sought very amazing right, like straight up like body blue translucent, cabbie, amazing. Some people have liked them. They dont have wireless charging. They don't have like the innocence of rising to automatically
you take them out of your ear? Things like that, so there's something that you absolutely cannot live without. They may not do it for you, but yeah, I'm willing to plug these in for twenty minutes once a week to charge them Jeff. I never wireless in charge me. How can we just talk about that? The air detection thing for us? I do they use the ear dissection. Do you turn it on that? Not enough, I think it is. Action is like the single most annoying software feature that exists on any device that I am, I turn it off because its order things it's like. Ok, if I, if I have to on one of the nice things about why this happens, is that I can take one of them off, talk to somebody or listen to something or whatever and then put it back in and for it to just pause and on pause and pause and repairs and an pause. Every time I move and then it's like. If you move your head slightly too fast, it thinks you took it out at a pause, it's just awful and to me it's like it's like the thing that Does where, when you walk into your house, apple is like to want me to switch devices that you're listening to like just leave. Let me manage my headphones yeah like I'm good.
I wanted to pause. I would press the button debts. I just hourly. Literally. All I have to do is tat. My ear like it's gonna, be fine when I'm reaching up to take it out of my ear august. Tat. My ear, with my hand, that already right there yeah it makes me so crazy apple, dick, try, less hard videos, hurried off. I do, but I do You still think every time only views apple headphones anymore, yeah. I have it on those sony ones that I use, and it's still like this second, this everyone's them. They really believe that you should be able to put your hand to that. Your cup seeking like going to transparency where my talk to that unified it in it and I'm like every time I try to do- is like worked like a charm. Isn't the natural behaviour you just slide the inside the air back. That's that's like not listening, reliable, YAP studies and yet no plausible nano We have today a break and we'll come back loading. the
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IRA back you, you can actually looks like a cat. I have to link this thing other day. Is it it's like see you ye cat yeah? How I know my computer, that you were a baby boy. The wicked media pages. Long and most of it is the controversy section is horrifying. What a link to this in the show notes- and I don't recommend, looking good because it's the last thing you see before you die israel Richard lived through. They visual like the oh gee internet forum, wars, it made time magazines list of the fifty worsen less yes again, one of the was one of the things that happened, maybe not one of the best of our most important, but it is definitely one of the things tat. I lightning around time outside its on time, Acheson's list of the words indulgence right after q cat come sub. Prime mortgage supper. It that's all. That's cute. What's wrong with you that europe is a hard time to be alive,
well, yeah, just say one day: the economic, the big short about kyoto, notably about devex, oh did acts and the original defects richard you haven't. We yeah hobby related. Getting slashdot from g doesn't go, let's go. Let's dig through some circuit city flyers, I'll just give people a peek into like the verge editorial process. We had our daily editorial meeting today and wisdom it was like the area twitter swan apart, like searches whatever it's all we're like we're back to the basics of back to the old internet in dallas. we have arousing call to blog and the like interactions and orchards. Like we're do indeed exist, which I q cat drop, our guard find the slash, not flame wars, of ancient history, we're gonna, do I'm all again on the site, but love it Having windows is a monopoly politics forever. This is the year the linux desktop. It is
that is truly the usual inaccessible or to screen tv. learning around David, so what adds creators? so ass to warheads Riyadh guy. I really don't know how became my brand that I believe in adds, but here we are weirdly large, one of ad news this week, it's the it's! The fronts for a lot of the hollywood sooty urges weird, when a complicated, because writer strike is happening, so it's all been very messy, but one of the things that all these companies are announcing is more ads. Because they want to make more money and their realising that subscription. Only streaming is not actually all that good business, but it turns out subscription plus adds is a much better business, so netflix announced that its adhere already has almost five million users, which is actually pretty big number four. As quickly as it has come out, youtube is bringing with it. unspeakable thirty second adds to tv which sexual that it's mostly replacing to fifteen second adds, but the day they just one
more like tv, which means Larry, has always wanted to be more active, read, and it's going to be more procedures. It's only going to be for when you're watching stuff on tv, but like they're, going to be bigger. More serious on ads and then max streaming service that is coming from one or other discovered your system discoveries lesson sale max has said that is going to have the shorter ad breaks than other streamers don't forget. It's going to cost at least ten dollars a month for the quote, add light plan which, as I have said, implies the existence of an ad heavy plan, but we will leave and I believe he said Davis as I've said it's going to be between three and four minutes of ads per hour, which is substantially better than like. If you watch broadcast tv at something like eighteen minutes of ads per hour, so three to four is pretty good, but ah that is still for people paying ten dollars a month to also watch four minutes of ads per hour is going to frustrate some people, so ads ads are coming. Y'all are the world is not going
down with the number of ads that it has its only going to get worse. So just get your tv for free cool, I run tat. I know horrible mine speaking of costume verizon rejected its plans. This week there bad there is unbundling, a bunch of services. People are very upset about this insane. Inadequate, rising problem. Is it if you want a new I found or new? twenty four new pixel fold and they hit their guide, offer you'd subsidies to get the new plants. so you vines have rushed after more expensive. This is an entree to what I actually talked about, but I do think it's interesting because there was a minute there, where the bundles coming from carriers were really good, like I got a like apple tv and disney plus a peacock and all kinds of stuff free from your carrier, and I started like it became a thing and started telling people about those like a new streaming service comes out. It's like, oh,
tell your carrier cause there's a pretty good chance, yet that there will be some deal because there are so desperate aid. These companies need subscriber serbia into your carrier because you are to have a bill, and so they can say about a and b. All these carriers are like desperately competing with each other, and so you're gonna, win and now all at once. That seems to be getting on. Well as it was Verizon did the most of it fragmented, the most but t mobile started to push on some of the team avian tediously never did anything there like we ve got you d bodies feel maturity. Yeah and then sold a having their willingness to participate dramatically decreased. That is fair, but rising over much stuff away. Now that stuff ten dollars a month extra. Basically, though, you can pick you up, works and you just add them up, and you end up paying about ten dollars a month extra, the alaskan, it's less good. People are very annoyed by this, especially the disney clasping out of the bundle which, while doing a lot of people are depending on. I want to point out that there is a big conference is weak. They call the big five gb
There was talk on conference or see our wireless read about a thousand. Yes, I we're looking at it in there. To pull sessions at this industry conference about five g, where the carriers just admitted all of them. fancy plans to make more money with five g have come to nothing. They have not monetize five g in any ways they were not monetizing forgery. We were gonna, do self driving cars. Whereas we were going to have ai generation at your house in at your walmart yeah, we were supposed to be getting surgery in a self driving car These new horizon plans are incredible. Example of this. Because we're all adds zero latency robot surgery, richards talking about all that a millimeter wave depend those maiden stuff. The plans now tear out the good five g g
by the most expensive plan to get mid van five g you're just getting on the cheap loans are just getting reformed, I'll teach spectrum and it's like what was the point of all this so urges the knitting failure all of that. Basically, it was just a disaster to ultra house and right about this. verizon is playing it's cute little games of not including quote unquote, ultra wide band, mid band, five g and it's literature plan only the slower nationwide, five g, which is just lt plus or whatever. I love that they call me banned ultra wide band for saw it's incredible. It's perfect perfect but it's like. Oh this just didn't. Work like this whole ray two five g rhetoric, all the meetings which, like the amount of just dollars spent they built. The network's great than ours are indeed faster, It is very cool to see how many people can stream, video out of and a falsehood imaging social context, trail dave increasing capacity hours.
I don't know about you, but I have not yet received her about surgery in the back and ultra gotten, not not yet maybe next week Erin hell I'll just say no attacking to tell you in the back of the record optimism, I'm looking for if they're like that, just incredible what will link the rcr piece in the show notes, but also for the correct person site, Plans are getting more expensive the bundles are going way. incentives are going. I because, at the end of the day, no man, how hard they have tried for decades. They cannot be anything more than dumping. They ve tried everything like they got rid of net neutrality. They only have the courtesy of excusing the bundle services from the data cask. That's what the recipe if that was the nightmare scenario and they won't do exceed the money that will- and I just I feel so vindicated by this. For so many years. We just kept asking people. Ok, you're gonna, make the network faster. That's awesome! What is that going to change other than I can download netflix movies slightly faster than
It had before and in any can I just took a trip plane. It was great kept. I have downloaded many a netflix movie. This. Thank you for that everybody put their These are people who have home internet from t, mobile and stuff. It exists here, yeah and it changed nothing for anybody like any all of this new world. We respond to enter because all of worked, what's being, which is aimed at further home internet like the customers, you can't get good fastened and they ve got a team of on. Maybe there will be happier charcoal, that's something, but the thing that their can't do, which is to make more money, because more people are doing more things on the internet. They just didn't figure it out, because ultimately wasn't there, I'm telling you five g and crypto, two biggest type balloons of reason There were right there on top, of which I am not sure. If you can write a thick deal, her picture
So let us know what you think is a bigger hypo in five g, your crypto, I'm dying to know what the readers think alright richard. What's your what's your letting it well, you know I don't wanna bring up anything that was overhyped. Let's just talk about the tesla robot yeah, the last time that we saw it, the more advanced version was not walking. It was not really moving waved his arm. We now saw a video with some segments that were sped up to two x speed so that we weren't sitting there for half hour watching it hold things in We take steps so without falling off, which is an it. How confident or whether this wasn't a person in a suit pretending to be a robot, then there are holes in them, so there is probably not a person in a suit. I think, let's get exacerbated by I dont know. If it s really hard to say
yeah this video. They are moving slowly, it's weird yeah and you know it's like until they show it picking up things and putting them in a box after he watches a person, pick up things and put them in a box, so you could spend, however much it costs. One of these for that do you know that walk that people do when you they d, like done too many squats at the june, that they were kept quiet, move their legs completely. That's These robots are very much related. This robot yeah a movie like that. So many squats. This robots he hooked. He just can't look at this guy, It's kind of he's just got his sneeze out and he just kind of shuffles like every step, might be his last yeah look. I know we probably are talking about elon, I'm just going to end here young promised unseemly, seeing the same interview that a chat jpg moment for tests was coming. That's what he said. Three said: maybe it's the robot, maybe it's, self driving river taxis promised again is about was common any minute. Now you know that
If you buy tesla the terms of service antecede prevent you from using their tests or at any other software network, like any other roma. Tactically real service said this on the television allow then he quitted the princess bread. I really wanted to come back to. The one lesson I want to offer the audience today. If you a situation where you need the sound tough do not under any circumstances quote the princess perfect, but at the very least, quoted correctly used the words they use in the movie and don't try to do that impression of matter inspects happens, as I do under that hit, so they just announced you can upload to our videos twitter. Now, if you're a twitter blue verified, that means you can upload your princess bride. Twitter movie. Pricey is very funny. Keyboard is doing it left and right because they fired everybody who does compliance at twitter. It's amazing. I watched like a little too much of the super mario brothers movie on twitter and I was like I feel I should not be doing this and then he needs did its market
If we owned that copy of the princess bride, the van and I I you know, I already paid my money for that movie. All right, that's it! That's! The verge asked a good one. Thanks to add written for joining us thanks to hank green for joy. That's great, I'm richard. Thank you so much man course. What went Wednesday show it's happening. A bunch of stuff utah Marcie am radio in cars about which he has until now. Are strong, very strong feelings where I am we're going to talk about that. We're going to talk about zelda, I assume this is going to be like a seven or eight hour episode, because you are going to talk about is held up Finally, Mr Figel, that's on Wednesday. Will we back next friday, that's shut and that's a rapport for verge cast this week. We'd love to hear from you. Recent email adverts cast at the verge dotcom the verge cast as the production of the birch and a box me gas network shows produced by me
genes and our senior audio director andrew marina, are editorial director is brook mentors. That's it we'll see you next week. The I don't care, hey, I'm ryan, reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to late hour prices due to not hating you that's right. We're cutting the price of meant unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month. Give it a try at mid mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation and front payment for three. My plan required taxes, and these extra additional restrictions apply seem at mobiles outcome for full terms, support
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-20.