« The Vergecast

How the iPhone 15 could still surprise us


The Verge's David Pierce, Alex Cranz, Richard Lawler, and Dan Seifert discuss what to expect at Apple's iPhone 15 event, the drama behind the scenes with Disney's CEOs, and some more gadget news.

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slowing down and the only real big change is usb see which obviously apple does not want talk about too much so divides this or that are just going to be different. and I'm excited to go there. I'm excited to see what it's like. Excited to go, see new tack, but I think a vibes of this event under a different sense for production, one too, they're, gonna completely glossary usb sea and the iron fifteen and spend a long time. So I got you b on the iphone fifteen pro, because that will reportedly be a thunderbolt port which is kind of a big deal for all the cameras stuff so that by definition gloss over years, we see on a fifteen, spend time on it and the fishing pro because it profit higher fares are gonna, be super state. What using his camera over thunder, not the world's biggest british and but in me on the side of it. All right. I'm sorry! I'm not here! I gotta go back to unpacking but I'll be at the island
with everybody next week and I'll be on the show. Next week I promise come hell or high water the Welcome to the verge casts the flagship, I guess the action button, I'm event data pierce, we have a whole crew here we have a last, stop That's crazy here, high acts hi, I'm your friend wondering how often you think about the roman empire, not enough. Now that I'm not that it yeah do you know ever every once in a while like what would cease or do I have a bracelet that says that put you now, none of which allows here. I richard height I saw a viral tweet about the roman empire, not existing, and I'm choosing to believe that conspiracy theory, like call one: you have seen the one where the it's the picture of the pyramids- and it says like this- is where they couldn't do. Pyramids to museum and underneath it it's just.
the ground. The pyramids are like several hundred feet, deep. Also failing that, I cannot. I spoke its sitting on the internet Dnc frontier idea. I have no interest in quips about the roman empire, What's your favorite conspiracy theory, don't even go there, there's no upside to you. Answering that question dad we're just going I'm going to save you from me and we're going to move on here. We have a lot to talk about this week. is still moving and still not here and he's. Shame him publicly for continuing not to be here with us talk about there's an apple event coming up next week or has been launched. I'm talking about that, there's a bunch of guy just this week. We are like firmly and gadgets season. We have new stuff from sun. Us do suffer, go pro new stuff from sony all kinds of there's some crazy streaming news, the bob's or fighting it disney, and we all have a lot of feelings. Beth hisses, I'm so excited its power. Well that that segment of the show is going to be needed. Half our sun, so apologies, and then we have a lightning round for fun. Seventy and blue.
it with apple, so we're according this on thursday, the seventh. The event is, on tuesday, the twelfth it's gonna, be the iphone fifteen dad you're going rate me your level enthusiasm for the iphone event this year. So I hear, there's gonna be a new I phone, please Thirdly, a new appalache. You know I'm excited to see if they can surprise us, because at this point with any of these tech events, whether it's apple or fuller sampson, whoever it is, the leaks have to tell the story, the everything basically comes out and we don't really have a ton of surprise going to these events and then also this is the fifteenth I phone by generation lays out the fatigues iphone. It's like the seventy actually, but like it's, it's like this number fifteen in this line, and so like really. What are they going? Do that's interesting, like we're gonna rumours of, like I'm sure, we'll talk through like the action, but
in titanium and stuff like that, like ultimately the iphone and the apple watch for that matter are like known products. So you're, not hyped fur apple. Finally, finally, finally, truly embracing u s busy. Ah, I think is yeah. I can't remember the less ahmed plug the cable into my phone, but it's good you in all in honor max, if I would only the wireless charging like ten years ago, even freer airports, very service and danced house is achieve at this it's like surrounded by cheap adds, like I'm looking for. Ask, and there's like for right in front of me me, like, I think, a lot of our audience. It'll. Be a nice convenience thing when they need to like share cable and stuff like that, but ultimately like there have been other ways charger phone and nobody is sinking their phone with their computer anymore, which is like the other reason you plug the phone into a cable. So I always forget about that, and then upon me,
phone in and it'll be like he ready to sink in I'm like who are you? How did you get huge? I don't watch you so I wrote a piece this week. bout lightning, and it was basically the assignment from Jake. Our takeover was like right about the death of the lightning port. Like was it good? Was it bad? How was it an veto overwhelming feeling that I got going back watching the old announcements talking to folks of use. It is that like lightning, was very good and if wireless charging had existed back or been any good at, all it never would have existed because apple is like desperate to make wireless charging the answer which I think is so interesting and like there is this great interview that feel shy. Their gave in twenty twelve right after they announced lightning. It was with all things, d and ain't afraid I believe us asked like I know wireless charging in schiller is basically like, oh weeping,
that's just another thing you have to plug into the wall. No one wants that and then of course, fast for five years and its twin seventeen and their announcing wireless charging and fill schiller. Up there being like pretty soon every cafe you go to. going to have a charter in every single table? Just remember this when they were like where's, my cafe table every surface in the world, going to be a cheap charger and you're going to be able to just put your phone down and charge it as if by magic, and I bet my ongoing theory that this apple event is. There are going to spend like six seconds on usb, see they're gonna be like look a port usb, see europe and then, like wee hours telling you how great back surface, I don't think they're going to talk about europe at all, no they're, not going to say they're not going to see europe at all they're not going to they're not going to make it seem like they were forced into this. They are going to how you now can use the same charger for your ipad and your iphone with the same cable. We made such convenience and your area
and your airports right, but you think it's going to be a lot of discussion, because there isn't a lot to say about it. It's a different port to charge your phone, we'll I've been talking to a bunch of people who are like so that the thing that happened when the ipad went from listening to your speech, He was that all of a sudden there were, you know, nous new accessories that could be supported. You could plug new things into it. You could get a bunch of ports in a dark like off new computer. If things were suddenly possible Some of those turned out to be very cool. Most of them never really came to fruition, and so I've talked to a bunch of people who are like. Oh I'm going to be able to like plug my external storage into my iphone now, and I keep me like you're, not you just super aren't playfully. I do this also shocked. If apple did, the apple decks is happening, we'll decks apple dax like money that is lower than ever. It is about a whole, but guess why that'll happen, but it's worth like dissecting the rumours are saying about the usb port, and so what they're saying
You must be seaport across the eye phones announced, which would be in fact be the iphone fifteen, the iphone fifteen plus the iphone fifteen pro and the iphone fifteen pro max. Unless we change named to ultra sums, I like, so they all share the same port, but they will all share the same capabilities. The Lesser models will still be usb to point o, which means that you're, not attaching a bunch of accessories to fix it, doesn't have the bandwidth and the pro models will have maybe thunderbolt capabilities or u s before capability, so that it is a faster data transfer seed is missing from that is, will support like proper video out you can do that with an eye to add, but will do that
on the iphone and it probably will in the way that, like you, can plug it in and watch a video on a bigger screen, but a desktop software environment is never gonna happen. I feel like they're kind of going to be obligated to do it, not just because everybody. If you've got this port, you should be able to do all that stuff that you can do with other devices that use the exact same processor, but also because of accessibility reasons like if I have a phone. I wish you billy use it. However, I want. However, I need to be able to shore fair. The lightning iphone supports that already, like you can plug in own into a tv to play. You can the young, the lightning to each my adapter stuff, like that. How many people have that adapter and have done that but I saw a usb c d h d, my cable. How often do you use it? Not, since I got if the sony imaging webcam yeah. So what are we talking about? I, like it's a it's a pretty niche use case for sure, Alex the thing
described is like a true and lovely idea that a company that believes that people should be able to choose how their devices work and has just now thing to do with apple as it exists in the real world. No, no, no, I think, like I think, apple- has a moral obligation to make it accessible if they have the port that accessible, apple would say: use airplane, I think apple doesn't give one solitary shit about your moral obligations. I think apple is going to lock this port down in every single imaginable way and they're, going to tell the same security story that they tell about the app store and everything else they're going to say. If we just let you plug in anything, all kinds of things could go wrong. All your data is on your iphone. We can't just let you plug in a random thing. Bad things could have and that's just true enough that apples gonna get away with it. And honestly, I don't care because I think the number of people who are out there wanting desperately so like plug a usb keyboard and three times it hard drive into their iphone to do things is like basically non existent. I think there's like him.
Be hasty and six other you tubers, who are like. Oh my god, I can finally get these high risk piles of my own in extra fast. I, though, there's someone's going to be happy tomorrow with their people that customer is buying an iphone pro ultra, whatever their not buying the based model, iphone for sure, yeah yeah, it's like a bit so that's list. run through some of the big rumours here. So I was a usb sees the big one and I would say, like on a scale of the ten, how likely do we think that is that at least it like a nine rape like I'd, be shocked? If that doesn't happen at this point, yeah, that's a pretty safe, safe bet. I think yeah I mean if they dont. Do it that'll, be the whole story. Yeah, that's really trail. That's real True there, like yours, just inaction button an excellent raise your hand, and what about the usb seaport have we have you heard related? one is the action button which has been the rumour thing again. I potentially just on the pro and promote models, but kind of like the apple watch, try there will be a customizable button. You can use to do things personally, unfair.
excited about this. As someone who does the same set of over and over constantly all day on my phone. Can I portable coldwater alluring excitement? Please? Oh now, the action button the ultra the watch ultra does nothing. Oh yeah, it is like the most disappointing thing ever and it would not surprise me if this action button on the iphone is similarly annoyingly limited, like only opens control center and it replaces a switch right click, the switch that was already there yeah it's getting the mute button there taking it we're button and adding a slightly different button? Yes, adding something that could for a lot of people or the right person be a better experience, because I personally I can't remember the last time just like I can't remember the last time I plugged in my phone to a cable to charge. I can't remember the last time I flicked the mute switch on my beside my phone. It's always on mute yeah. We talked but this last week it's because you're not a hundred years old, like
one who bets their phone rang loudly at the end. Congratulations, you did it but they're, not switching it either. That's why it's always ringing. No, no they're, not switching! So here's the deal last week I ranted about this button because I still think it's stupid, because all I'm going to do is turn it into a mute button, because that's what I need it for and somebody wrote back and was like you are stupid krantz and I always thought pay attention when someone says that- and this gives the riot right they might be- was like every it feels like every week. I have to go and tell my dad that he just has the mute button on and that's. Why he's not getting calls, and I was like, oh other- I forget that there are other people that use technology that way it was a nicer. Thank you. It was a nice reminder. I still think I'm right but, like I still think, is wrong in a perfect world. I could set this button to launch the camera or launch.
third party camera up or switch focus most or whatever, like. I can customize it to my heart's content, I'm a little reticent to get that excited that I'll be able to do all the things I want to do with it just because of the evidence with the appalache ultra. Even though the apple watch suffer is admittedly much more limited and locked down, then the iphones is even you can be able to open control centre, meet things open, the fitness app, so you see all the new fitness opportunity is started. Work up. I don't think that gives me hope. Is the you know that the triple tap gesture, the back the iphone do you can do that's. Actually customize customizable. You can use it to do. If an actions you can use it to open softly, just take that and put it on the action button. The triple tat thing for people who knows is she really useful and I turned it on expecting to get like a million false positives. It would be really annoying, but it's not it's great. You should turn it on, but I think if even just think that level of customizability, where it's like, let me open an app or do like a shortcut. I'm good I'd be happy
and I think we might get it I'll get scenario under a bunch of speck upgrades possible a seventeen chips, wi fi six e potentially, eight gigs of ram in the high end, phones or even potentially, in all of them, yeah dead, thing, but all the speck upgrades is they're all expected for the profiles right so like the regular fifteen is basically expected to be a microwaved iphone. Fourteen pro, with the same level of respects. Their dynamic island will is rumoured to come to the fifteen model, so the whole liable will support the dynamic and maybe they'll all support, always on display, which was something that was limited to the pros last year, which would mean when I was seventeen, you could use a standby mode to its full extent, regardless of which when you buy this year, but in terms of light performance increases those are really going to be limited to the fifteen pro by all accounts, which seems like apples, kind of move now- and I think it really seems like apple- has just embraced. This idea that there's no
Answer: upgrading from last year's phone to this year's phone, so what they need is like every three years. The approach should feel meaningful rights if you start with the pro and trickle down and then start with an extra prone trickle down, that accrues over you know the three or four year lifespan of your phone into something fairly meaningful, but it does make every one of these upgrades like we used to be on that sort of tik tok schedule of like big upgrade small improvements. It just is talks every year now yeah yeah, so I guess what The window with this year's iphones, as is the iphone fifteen, were not really anticipating huge design changes from the rumours, maybe some rounding of corners, maybe some rounded glass a little bit but its effectively gonna visually look very similar to the fourteen, the thirteen and the twelve. So this would be like the fourth year in a row of this design language, if this pans out
which to your point David, is, is like kind of like these small iterative up. Please, and if you ve, held onto an iphone eleven or an iphone ten ass for five years, you'll get a big operate with the iphone fifteen, but even coming from thirteen to the fifteen, you might not get a huge upgrade based on what we know so far. At least I do wonder what amount of time apple has in its brain for how long they think the upgrade cyclist because to your point, if you're coming from like an eleven, let's say this is going to feel like a big upgrade, even if it's sort of the smallest version of what we need but, like you said, if you have a, if you have a thirteen which not that long ago would be a perfectly normal sort of upgrade cycle like every ever two years. Nothing in what we ve heard so far makes me think this is going to be like a meaningfully different phone experience. I guess the one thing Possibly be. There's been this rumour of the paris scoping telephoto lens that might get you a more suitable that could be cool and exciting, but in terms of
actual new things. I can do on my phone, not that much. I know this coming from the person who just said that apple has a moral obligation, who who suggested that, but how much of this is actually an apple light like the tick tick tick, because I feel like it's. It's not entirely an apple if you like just the whole technology like all mobile phone technologies, slowed down re are their features that we're looking at the iphone doesnt. Have that what do we wish it had that other forms of musingly Ray light and is like ok, what was the last big feature: folding phones, which that'll be cool and apple eventually, does it twelve years from now and then the telescope england's, which might happen this year, like the samsung, supersede that's about it, like I'm, trying to think of other things where my ah man I want that on an I I you know, I think that actually gives apple kind of a pass, and the reason I feel that way is apple is trends that are, they have a moral obligation to
the obligation to push the envelope and because out of this boring smartphone relays, but realistically they are such a trendsetter in this industry as they are such taste meagre in the industry, and so like the fact that my apple, doesn't really seem to be in like they would argued this endlessly that they innovating out their eyeballs. But the real impact is like the d smartphone. As we know, it has been the same for a long time to David's point and so like if anyone's going to push this forward, move us out of the apples in a really great position to do that and it just like they're such a conservative company, I mean that's, not tim cook's apple right, reich see with with some other stuff, while the vienna a our stuff, you didn't have time to be pushing me envelope on the thing they just prince him money. Every year, I will say the one thing that is kind of a, maybe maybe a little bit exciting to me, is this rumour that the fifteen pro pro maxwell use titanium
The reason that I think that is kind of cool and exciting is because I think that the proposals have been way too heavy for like five years and they stuck with the stainless steel and it weighs a ton and they feel like bricks and titanium would be slightly lighter, and I would like a later phone I'm down, for, I think dan's right, but I think that what we are seeing here, they admitted that they don't have any new ideas for the phone that's why they burn out division problem because they can't guarantee that you will buy a new phone every year and they need to sell you a different thing. We need to get more money If you somehow and that's why the vision is happening, because what are we going to put in the phone to make you buy one well yeah. I mean we we've had these conversations for years. What is the next iphone for apple right? The iphone is a bread and butter, the company, it's it's at seventy five percent of it's revenue, et cetera, et cetera and and this year the vision pros it few years ago. It was the apple watch and fused before that it was the ipad and neither of them really were able to dethrone the iphone as apple's me business and so now, we're
what vr, but at the end of the day I kept the iphone is still apple's bread and butter. He didn't even mention apple, tv or homepod. So how could you know? I just think in a funny way. I think a lot of What we're doing in the tech industry in general right now is realising that nothing is probably ever going to be as big as smartphones that, like this idea of it someone was going to basically come up with one kind of gadget that every single person on earth was going to die. Their lives to was like a maybe a bad idea and be probably irrevocable. Rightly there, I just don't see a world in which that happens again anytime soon s because you're, not in tim cooks, world. Looking at the viewer heads
it's he, but he's selling. For thirty five hundred dollars right he's perfectly happy to not have everybody buy one, at least for a very long time yeah. I think you're right though I I definitely agree with you like. We we've hit this point where we all experienced one of the biggest shifts in technology in like the history of the world and in some ways bigger even than the personal computer ray lake way, more people have phones than personal compete. as for ever, and we more people now have access to the internet like this was truly that window into the internet, and now it's like or you could each scare replicate that yeah in a try with HIV are and and new weird laptops and folding phones and stuff, but like we did it it's like refrigerators. We had the big huge moment now everyone's got one and now I updated every ten years or when it makes
weird loud noise in the middle of the night to life, and when you do, it will start sending you push notifications. So congratulations! No! I I yeah, I think I think it's possible and I sort of expect to have this thrown in my face, but Think it's possible. That apple has something coming here, that it has not leaked yet it just. This doesn't seem like a whole story apple and it's the iphone fifteen and apple likes round numbers. It has to dance been a while, since we got like a meaningful big change me you a species that thing, but I also feel it give I've apple and I'm looking at that thing in its like: ok, we're being forced to change our port. We have to like play along with this new rules like let's take, this is a moment to do something unusual. More, I don't know this is the thing it puts connected. We in the form in which, has it and it is old, ike saved a couple of people's lives, not a small thing
oh yeah, the salaries of his real and I totally agree, I will say, when we had this discussion last year, I had the iphone fourteen pro law. The rumour mill was saying is trying to decipher what these cut out on the screen would look like, and nobody really predicted what the dynamic it would be- and that is the one area that apple doesn't really like- is the software side of things, and so, if there are new hardware features on the device, we don't know how apple will use. Or integrate it into its software and will we can? We can talk about how effective dynamic island is ah, but it wasn't what anybody predicted, and so maybe that like you're saying maybe there's something that, like we just can't see, because we're only seeing based on the supply chain, which can only see hardware components, keeping it something around. The bat you'll be awesome. If, if with the titanium, we
Trying to do this shatter prove glass thing for forever. If apple has like. Finally, cracked the like we have made a phone that is like the old like nokia, thirty, three ten like you, can't break it. If you try and tim cook, just like gets onstage and just like huh his phone into the ground and then picks up dowdy coolers, iphone launch of all time instantly. That's what I'm looking for I don't think it's happening, but that's what I want. I don't think it's have but I want this so bad. I want like the reverse. Cyber truck reveal because that's really what it is rightly give were in if Worryin phone or appliance mode, its durability and its battery life are the two things that everybody should continue to press against, because that makes my existing phone life, which most people are fine with meaningfully better immediately. I still see an alarming number of people with broken phone screens just out in the world. It's crazy agent
to make sure mine was working right now, it is apple, could make things more repairable. It did that without from fourteen, not the fourteen pro, but the fourteen was designed to be more repairable, so maybe that extends across the line. That would be a step forward by a small step, but when they just they just really kind of embraced california, repairability law, a couple of weeks ago, re it so late, but grudgingly yeah. They are embracing usb c, alex exactly where they like. Kick you when you use it like you're, just going to get kicked to the pants every time you plug usb c into this thing and anytime you order when others those they do, the repair kent's? So it is going to come to your door. the possibility should be used in this, and the charges hundred dollars, but as witnesses were apple being apple, they could make a huge gap between in the same songs in the goebbels in that whoever else's up the world because they just can't control phone, designing components, the way that they can to yet Emily mason timor parable as one lasting, no
What do you guys think of the rumors about the price that the most most expensive models will be? Maybe one hundred dollars more expensive than they used to be your stupid. It makes sense, but I hate it. So therefore it is stupid. I'm just talking you through my my my mind, my processing here like. Does it really need to be more expensive. I feel, like I know, is citation really adding a hundred dollars to it, especially because the phone, like the difference between how much it costs to manufacture it and sell it is fairly large, is feels like price creep wash. It certainly is. I mean, if apple is nothing if not very good, at preserving profit margins and providing, or or convincing people in perceived value, and when you say it's titanium and new materials and different, I don't think it's hard for them to jump a hundred dollars and perceive, value we seen across the board technology getting more expensive at over the past four years.
as inflation has gone up and as a supply chain issues that things are good samson the tablet s. Nine tablet line the summers, one hundred dollars more across the board, and that is like kind of backwards from how we want to experience technology in that it like gets cheaper over time, but It's just kind of like the world, wherein I will not be surprised for a second if they start at ten. Ninety nine now- and I also don't think it's going to impact their sales much because most people are buying these on payment plans over twenty four thirty six months. Whatever might be it's a buck, two a month, they're not even going to notice it. So I I don't think it's going to make muttered it's it'll just make apple more money well and the pro isn't their best selling model right like it's, the regular iphones, the well yeah I mean like the the best selling model I believe of last year's round was iphone fourteen, but the fourteen pro was close behind it and nobody bought the fourteen plus the big, cheap screens. Theory really took ahead last year. It wasn't cheap those surprised that there was no one hundred dollars like you're you're, like looking knife and fourteen projects evaporate leah. If they did it for less than that,
then yeah could have seen that argument, but it wasn't cheat those from. I guess. That's that's one of the things I could change here right, like the pricing schemes, because last year they did get really weird and it was a lie. Confusion and we immediately saw that reflected in what got purchased in what didn't and this year. Maybe if they raise those prices on the most expensive ones. Maybe they drew up the prices on the cheaper one step make that delta significant jack. It makes if they could keep the fifteen plus about nine hundred dollar price. But now it's three hundred dollars to go to the fifteen pro max, and so that's like a much more significant gap, and so that that might be the move there and any be people would more gravitate towards a fifteen plus if they want to screen, but no, we should demand that be cheaper rise up. They have a moral obligation. Have you considered the perspective of the apple sure relics? they have a moral obligation and somebody think about the profit margins. It really such a cynical idea to think that, instead of making one thing
cheaper in order to make the praise efforts is more obvious. There just gonna meet the other thing more expensive, but that's also a high I percent. What's kidnapping, that's rough, Alright, let's see so what else respecting there's gonna be We think a new apple watch which, by all accounts, is going to be thoroughly unexciting tvs any up. It's on the old apple watch. So I think what were expecting at the new apple watch line up is a similar design. Whether that's us he's model sears, nine or ultra, but they are rumoured to have a finally a faster processor. basically the apple watch has used the same performing processor since I the six or series six and their judgment. Small health sensors added to it with this model, the rumours are saying that will actually get a faster performing processor, which will be the first time in a while. We further will that translate to better battery. Like I have now, her once ben, like my watch, is slow
by watches stupid and doesn't do much, and I wish siri would talk to me less, but it does not feel slow. Neither widgets thing, as this gets more useful, will make. It feel slower as Is it more? I think if you have a recent model? Appalache, yes, but if you had one of the same sex for early ofer for shark yea, they they got slow. The series three got to be the series the aw to give her. So I agree with that. And then I guess was it next year, margarita blooming supporting that there's, potentially a much bigger, appalache redesign coming the out with the new the factoring using three d printing techniques and stuff like that, but it doesn't seem like that is slated for this year's model and read it quickly, but nothing on battery life. We haven't heard one way: the other improvements I mean apples, claim the same eighteen hours about her life on the series models for since like series one yes,
too so I mean at that. If you want more about her life, they have the ultra. That is, that is their their pitch for battery life is yet that will never fit. On this hand, and we think probably, we think, probably new airports to write potentially like just to put a usb seaport on them. It would be interesting to how this is handled like do we get all new airports are jesse air, a new case that they sell message so basically the same airports within the newport, and then you can buy the case separately. They did that with the wireless charging way back. When I think of the airports too, they first launch without wireless charting, and then you could be the case with wireless charging, where you megabyte bundled together, so you'll, be interesting to see that happen, This is one area where, like the supply chain, lease have not shown anything and select that no new designs of airports released or lead, or anything like that. So the idea being, if they put you as we on,
is still there solely to match the fact that the iphone has he was busy and so use a saint charting cable for both a second and meet the last, the lightning stuff if they can, if they switch both of us ever since my birthright so odd based model. Ninth Jen ipad, which is the cheapest, you buy still being sold, knew by apple. That's got a lightning the magic keyboard off imac on the for the mac are still lightning we did did we did we fix the flip upside down. Mouse is that, finally out of oh yeah, the match mouse is still are still waiting for this one hears, hoping they fix. All that all at once. That's gonna, be the big surprise. That's gonna, be the big splash. There's also rivers for the october vent of the apple usually holds that we will see em three backs and a new. I met with an empty processor, and I think that's when will see you as we support on that. for us, the truly pettiness thing apple could do if it really wants to get. Everybody in wireless charging is put usb sea ports on everything, but
them always in the most inconvenient place in the same way that on a magic mouse, it's on the bottom of the truck yeah put it on like the top left corner of the iphone that are like. Oh, you want to plug it in knock yourself out great good, good luck, it's in its aim: the dynamic island, yeah, yeah I love this is this. This is my new favorite idea, TIM cook. If you're listening, please charge the dynamic island, I love it. Oh one more apple thing, actually that I'm curious what y'all think about so there was this announcement this week from apple that division pro appstore, further headset, presumably coming next year, will include by default all iphone found an ipad ups that are compatible with. Is he has some? You know? What can how to do? It means is difficult, but it means by default, if developers on turned off a huge number of iphone. An ipad ups are just going to be available for the vision pro on day. One is a good idea.
A terrible idea. Great idea can you, I guess you're gonna be able to go, find that one fart app. That is just survived this whole time and immediately be like in the virtual space. That's incredible! You like, hundred dollars spent absolutely I want to start up I think it's a necessary move to give the people that are actually buying these four thirty five hundred dollars. Something did do honour headsets other than the five to ten acts that are ready to go and lawyer. I don't think it's going to be agreed. sperience for the vast majority lapse at everything that I've seen from developers playing with them, and things like that. I have said like, if you have an ipad it'll run, but you really should be redesigning it for this special interface thoughts. I mean this is something that happened with iphone to ipod and every time you excellently open an iphone app on your ip address
moses instagram instagram threads in two thousand and twenty third year of our lord really upset, and so that's what's gonna happen for visa are for it. For this headset, only it's gonna be for, like the next three or four years yeah. I figure yeah it's going to take some time and then like it'll taper off, and you know if the platform is a success and it gets a developer interest in the customer interest at all that there will be more more native. Just like the ipad took a couple of years to get really great native ipad. Apps. Do you think Visual design, so, like you know when you, when you open those ipad, apps oftentimes, they feel like they're from two thousand and eight they're from like the dawn of the iphone. It's like nothing's changed that sky morphic design and everything do you think, like the same things going to happen with this new headset, where you'll still be likes like not only stuck because it's this giant blown up app but because, like the design is so different, the ewi design is so different.
From whatever's coming yeah. I mean, I think I think that is a part of it ray and that's part of the reason that, like all the members that I see posting us, so about it, are saying they need to resign it because the design language of endangered, maybe you could speak to this marcus- you got for saint experience with it, but the design language of vision less is very different than I. Unless an ipad owe us, it's got a lot of transparency and layers and depth, and things like that and, like I was, is notoriously flat. yeah I mean, if you, if you just like, think about the structure of a normal io s app. It's like there's a bar at the bottom, with some stuff there's all your stuff? In the middle of the top? There is probably a menu button that opens things and then, like that settings live off to one side right. That's kind of the lake stand structure of an ios app up. If that's the best, we can do in augmented reality like boy did we blow it in the future? You you know that you use. It is by using your fingers and you you look at the menu item. They
when I click on a menu click, your fingers together and that's how you do it and if I have to sit there and be like ok, look up click on the thing that go to settings then move my had all the way over here. Look at the thing with my name on it, click that look down a list, click that link no, that's bad. We have blown it and then periodically having to make make it big. So you could actually find the button and just exactly yeah. No, as this is a mess- and I feel like this thing that apples trying to do where it basically seems increasingly like the ipad. App is kind of the like atomic unit of it, and then I've had apps can move to mac where they more or less work. Ipad apps are increasingly in have everything in common with iphone apps, where things mostly work in both places. Even though the screen sizes are different, and now they want to put ipad apps in particular on to division pro, and I just don't think that's going to keep working forever like you have this, one rectangular screen and you should
or to put that on all of your rectangular squint, I'm just not sure that holds forever as much as out seems to want to, but I do agree, it's a decent stop gap and like a bunch of the half functional apps are probably better than no at all. Events like if you want to watch netflix like the ipad netflix out, will be more than sufficient to play and ethics in front of your face in in the on them. Just not be his cool, because you will be in a little weird virtual theatre, that's always empty, and scary. That's actually you're really good example right because there is the version of it that it's just like could play in a window in front of you, but the cooler version of that is something much more ambitious and has weird theatres or you can like, have it be the like oculus quest thing It's like hearing your home in its playing on the tv in front of you in theirs crackling firelock. There are big ideas too had there, but I, like I'd, rather have a thing that plays netflix than nothing that place netflix. So I guess I have seen a bunch of developers were not accepted.
This idea of it, the like even some who are like Ali, eventually turn this on, but the idea of it beyond by default and people like me, covering their acts for the first time through This thing that is thoroughly optimizing untested for their app they're, not fence the same thing and with the young apple silicon max right, like had initially pitch of I could be miss murmuring it, but I believe the plan was I have all of the iphone and ipad apps just kind of work by default, and then they rolled it back because in many many developers have opted not to make their apps available on and what macs are or apple. Silicon macs are because the experience really isn't great and they didn't design it for that and there's a handful that do, but it's very few and far between can I wouldn't be surprised. The same thing happens at that between the time of when we have this thirty. Five hundred television programme, whenever we get a vision, proverb, people actually can buy or want to buy that policy changes and also
hopefully by then they'll have enough apps to kind of satisfy the people, but for the first initial buyers, having of huge appstore full of apps. That kind of don't work, but you have everything to choose from is fine before you get the general public. Actually, using this thing, it's a hell of a sales pitch for thirty five hundred offer just to bring this full circle. Do we think we're Did you hear anything about the vision pro next week? Yes hung two percent. I like, I think, David's right that they've got something in common, but I think it's probably less about the phone itself and more about the grand do vision for the next, the future of how we window our ways into the internet. And it's going to be some stuff. When TIM cook told us that we can hold up the iphone to our face like heads up style and have a vision broke right now, four thousand, ninety nine
I wish you all going to buy. One ever saw. Google cardboard was very successful and I need to cause a thousand years. That's how much the belgian headset will be a think. The thing I've been surprised by his howl forthcoming apple has been in like lead, when developers talk about their experiences so far like there have been people out there talking about how they ve been using it, and I haven't said a tonne but there are able to at least I think those are very gated experience like their ship like like what, like apple produced, a pr blast a few weeks ago, right the head, so developers providing quotes and things like that, I'd like that's all those developers can say about it in those less apple. Pr prove tat is true, that's happening to, but like I just makes me think of like when the ipad came out. Apple literally changed it to people's tables. We'll probably get something like that, but I would bet we're gonna get like a really fun ma taji video of the developers playing with the vision pro and that's about all we're gonna get
We need to take a break damn. Can you stick around for a little while longer and talk about more gadgets, or do you have to go happy to join okay, good, alright, we're going to take a quick break, then we're getting back. tat, was my the verge cast comes from crucible moments, a new podcast from sequoia capital. Did you know that paper invented capture to fight ten million in monthly fraud that almost sank them or that airbus He was once merely put out of business in europe by a copycat competitor that call on their website down to the pixel Crucible moments is a new show, hosted by sequoias rule off that takes you inside the pivotal decisions that shaped startups, whether you have your own start up or just want to learn how iconic companies once navigated perilous cross roads. Then you might wanna, give crucible moments Alyssa The show brings you inside decisions from companies like air bambi pay pal. Twenty three in me an invidious tune into sequoias new power
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for longer. It has a new vertical video thing. That's all fine, but I just lake does anyone care worker prompts David is this? Is this goes prose problem, or is this your problem, you are few years older than you were the last time they bought out of a brand new phone. Oh no, it's go press problem you may be are a little less. Ok. Maybe I am a little less sure that I'm going to be doing anything worth filming with a gopher up like that vague. If you just made them the things that you can do that are worth only with the global, like, maybe so, years ago I had some of those things on the list. Now it's not a zero sum, never going to happen, I think that is the lesson of action cameras in general when they first came out and the first would be popular, everybody thought. Oh, I could be life logging or we're filming all the trees of interest and things like that, and then they realize that, like. I don't really do anything all that interesting and I don't really want to deal with all this footage and I'm not a video of
filmmaker whenever and so what we have two hero. Twelve, the twelve look, the twelfth go pro at this point like they are products for a specific type of filmmaker was using them to either capture interesting angles or to activities or whatever their just not general, consumer products like they might thought they would have been five to ten years ago by the now I've that, like the phone made it hard for them to be general consumer because the phone camera got cause for a while there you'd be like okay. Well, I don't wanna use my phone to film this, because my phone's got a crummy camera on it, but the gopro's got a much nicer camera, so it makes sense, and maybe one day I really will go skiing and be able to show everybody. My videos you won't, but like you, you could you could rationalize that right and I think it was. It was like twenty eighteen, twenty nineteen were. Suddenly their sales just fell off a cliff because everybody was like. I have a go pro and I'm not
active as you wish. I was go pro ad and, like the they really struggled lately, they had a lot of issues. It was around the same time. They released their drone that just like flopped, because it was busted with a gun you go to the grocery store and they'd have an encap forego problem at every walmart in Meyer and whatever in, unlike other, that many people living action, camera lifestyles and it turned out their work. I think I really think go pro thought it was like the point and shoot camera of the future and it would, it seems to me, is that, like every year, the total address of a market of go approaches gets a little tiny bit smaller, because it doesn't have new ideas about how you can take photo and video, like one of the things that time is it's easier to time codes, if you're shooting with a bunch of go pro simultaneously and it's like that's for twelve people. That's that that's the number of people who care about that. But then
I guess I don't know: there's a guy in my neighborhood who rides like old schwinn bike to that in station every morning, and he like has on you wearing business, casual clothes and he has his messenger bag, and he clips ago pro to his messenger bag and just films, his ride to the transition every morning and every summit see this man. I just want to stop him and blatant about. Why have you ever watched. Any of these videos is using it as a dash camp. It's a desk, I think ass. He gets hit by a car. That's for sure,
you're. Ok, he has a dash, can basically go processor for people who don't I get dash came because the desk and market a super confusing and scary. I definitely don't know that from experience or cyclists who need it so in case the cop like gives them a ticket for writing in the bike lane, which happens far too often here in new york city and then veering, like whatever people on our video team, who actually does use it for like cool stuff, is always a gas snowboarding this weekend, and I might do you have the urgency. The thomas report experience as recalled: yeah yeah, the thomas rigour experience leave these since those two and then, and then the folks who data it for dash and that's the market. I mean, I think it a smart. If I was go pro and I didn't really have an idea to reinvent the scammer, the ideas are turned. The past failed three sixty video or drones, whatever I think more to lean into building these higher and features
where the need that is still using the cameras and is still gonna, go and buy them and will sink. Five go pro angles together it's worked for like sony has worked for kind of red lake going going more. Neither does work for cameras particular go make sense because camera nerds be nursing I think my real issue with go pro is that we treat it kind of like a mainstream brand and it Much is a mainstream ran like their brand recognition. I'm sure is ridiculous. When in reality, like you, said grants it is basically it's red, it is a specific device for a specific use case and that's fine and
that's all well and good, but it is so not how gopro wants you to think about it that the dissonance of that, I think, has just always kind of annoyed me. The I think they've also struggled with that right, the mantle of leadership, changes and stuff after after the groan, because they were also realizing. Oh wait where we're having this turner in our company and we're not going to able to survive it. If we don't fix everything and it still feels like they have kind of leaned into we're here for the niche market and I'll think, a lot of us are just like, like the the the news from us was, was written by viren, who is part of that market right late, like I think, waller, friends and family might still recognize, go, Well, none of them have armed them in years. Have any desire to own them in years and go pro is probably ok with that yeah. I think that's probably right all right. Well, that's enough about Coco! That's that's all! I want to talk about gopro in thier, twenty twenty three, a couple more things here. So Google did what we talked about last week,
and assumed just going to happen, just full leaked to the pixelate pro richard. What we learn, what we know about pixelate prow it contained. it'd be a phone. They actually today posted you've, probably seen by the time you're hearing this. They posted a couple of videos of it of the pixelate pro and the pixel eight, which inaudibly depicts late should be bit smaller than the pixel seven in pixel. Six I saw if you small foams, you ve ever a good option, so you can actually see it now. We've got some comparisons there. They showed off the second watch, which looks a lot like the first watch, but it seems like that's what we're going to kind of get it the event guru always leaking itself if we have, we have had the hardware specs we've heard stuff about the software, they haven't said too much really about what these things do, but we can see them. We can see the camera bar. It's still there, they've they've got links. Is it's not folding, it's nice to see google making progress on the the length of time between when it leaks? It's own product and it's own event like where at one month
the event, that's pretty good. You know a couple years ago, like they would announce their phone in may and not now large until october and their legs. Now we got that pixel five common region. to you. Gotta get ahead I iphone hype train, like pixel fans, don't forget its common. here. It is the whole thing just wait a little longer richard. I'm just seeing this video talking about now. For the first time the pixelate looks small yeah. It's like six point. One is inches What they were talking about, so yes ma phones are back and were six point, one into small now, which we agreed on this show that is the perfect size for a smartphone as allison I will say to any one who asks that is the correct size of smartphone, so good job, Google, yeah, that's coming october. Fourth, I assume we will get six or seven hundred more leaks before we. Let you go down
run me through the two blue two speakers that came out this week. The sun us move to an eu. We epic boom technical, one of its not really about. speaker, but shots true, fair enough to eat less expensive wireless speakers, both of which I want to buy anyway. So here we are so out of a role there back a little bit. The dishonest move to does support bluetooth, but its prime. Early. A wifi speaker is an update. Few sources. First, portable speaker, it's got a battery building, Do it it's? Basically, if you took the slowness era, one hundred and stuck a battery out of it. The improvement over the move. One are stereo sound now because it's got multiple twitters and double the battery life. It's It's got a slightly different design. On top with the way you just volume or skip tracks, and it comes in green and if you read the site, you knew all of this a month ago, because Chris welsh leaked all of it and had
the huge scoop on it. So I, but now it's official now you can order it four hundred fifty bucks, which means it's fifty bucks more expensive. Last time I saw how it goes the one weird quirk is: it does not support google assistant for voice commands because sown and google, as we know, and have discussed prime many times I don't get along anymore- so voice control is only through. amazon system as soon as his own assistant, but you cannot use google assistant on it that leads coming out this month, so that common will soon will have a review all that fun stuff and then the other thing. is a solar powered bluetooth theory never have to charge from the compass that brought a solar powered over your headphones. It's a saint concept? John Porter reported on it from isa out in berlin? It's pretty need cause. If, anything about any blue speaker, never owned. They end in a drawer most of the time, and then there always dead when I want to use its it s. Part of this thing not attractive? It looks like a coaster
It's ok. I don't think it's gonna, be a banker speaker in this small, but I will say a solar power. Bluetooth speaker is actually like kind of a perfect idea, because it's the sort of thing you use out I all the time, and so in the way that most solar gadgets are like you, you have to let go out of your way to put them in the sunday when actually kind of tracks very ended as the one up speaker I would add- and this is just because I am permanently obsessed with this company- is you ultimate ears just came out. The new speaker called the epic boom. It's like three hundred fifty bucks. It's too expensive, it's big you it s kind of like lost its mind with how large a blue she's speakers should be. But I continued think they are the best series of speakers on the market for just like regular, ass, blue two speakers. I have I have a wonder boom. I have a boom. I have a mega boom, their wonderful I am sure I will end by I just love how they each one has like one up. The name like to start
with boom, which is already like up a big like powerful name and then they're like well? Where do we go from here? Ah mega boom? Now our epoch boom? I assume the next step is ultra boom and then apple sues them out of existence for using the for him no, I just everyone should buy you a speakers. Mrs that's how I feel about this. I feel that others are We should move on some aside. What streaming dan you can say where you can leave, and we will understand if it sounded, go before bob let you guys have fun. Thank you for having things very aright Dan is gone, suffer bartok, Alex just said
the same here a little bit. We, we have a banger of a CNBC story. This week we have a lot of bobs to talk about catch us up. Here is a couple of years ago, bob iger, then ceo of disney, said I'm going to leave. I'm retiring I'm going to stay on as executive chairman, but otherwise I'm I'm going to go and I'm going to name this new guy bob chapek who use who's, been running our parks and and run like home video and seems to really know the company he's going to be running things. Popcap it came in medially got like covert happened. They had to shut down the parks, got into a huge fight with Ronda santas over whether or not people could say gay in in florida, lake got in a fight with scarlett johansson about being paid appropriately for black widow because they moved that to have it released on disney plus at the same time as theater,
as all of us have happened, everybody's ice cap, it seems like kind of a clown why's he in charge and then Bob eiger returned and said: hey, I'm here to worry, I'm gonna fix everything and it seems like he really had as a wow. What was this huge Erin judgment? Who made the decision to put traffic in charge and aren't we all glad? Eiger is back, and it feels like this. What we found out from the sea and bc story was, it was the same person that did both of those themes Bobby good job. Here. I just want to focus on like when he left. That was right. time that we were all kind of reckoning, with the idea that oh corvids a thing this is this is happening and like just at the very beginning of that bag. It was like a mouth just like he was at that meeting. The kid just like turning into ghost life is peaceful and gone when the I remember, even at the time the story was basically barbier. Is this like legend?
early successful ceo, his run, it does. The is up there with any ones run at any company. Ever he bought pixar, he bought marvel, he bought lucas film does was booming, everything was going really great and he basically saw the writing on the wall. That was covered and just just peace doubt. But but then what seems like happened is our man never actually left and just continued to be like nicky shadow ceo, yet build the house and kept living in the attic yeah you'd have to keep living in the attic he kept living in the master bedroom. He he's like this is not your your private bathroom. This is mine, but don't worry you can have the run of the house. You've got everything, but you need to talk to me every day and if you don't continue to kiss my ring, then I'm going to be really upset and then eventually you're going to.
kicked out like this story from from alex sherman at CNBC, is jesse incredible, because it is full of like emma her for us rounded up all the petty mention it because there are so many petty moments and what it all boils down to is. If you are ever in a position where the ceo of the company comes to you and says, I'm going to promote you to be ceo, but I am going to be sticking around as executive chairman and I'm not giving you my office, but it's totally. Ok, you are in charge, do not believe that run ya run. Don't take that as a bad job to take and and that's what happened like he took this job iger was micromanaging. He was in things, chapek was by no means like a saint in all of this. He he definitely screwed up
white frequently, he didn't know how to handle talent, but we found out like the scarlet johannsen thing. We all thought it was chapek just blundering through because he doesn't know how to handle talent and it turns out, he thought eager was gonna, do it and I was like no, no, no I'm going, tell him, I'm not going to do it, but I'm also not going to do anything and and then be like. Why did you fail bob? What what happened? It was just a lot of moments like that. Where he'd be like, I got you, I got you and then leave chapek out to dry and you're, like ooh buddy, rob yeah he really just kept showing up at every moment. There was like any time somebody was to sort of collecting a ward shake hands for doing a great job like there's, bob agar and oppressed white shirt, doings At any time, there was like actual running of the company to do eager was just nowhere to be found on a lonely here for the funds to yet
He said, I'm I'm the fun day and the traffic is the the dad who tells you that you can't go to spring break this year because of covert sorry I mean a truly. Some of this stuff is like straight out of succession. Like the metaphor, out, not leaving. The house is like barely a metaphor because one of them things in the story. Was that eiger kept his office with a private bathroom and made chapek have a worse office so like this Theo's office was just eager so that he could like shower in the mornings, and it was like you don't want this. You don't like likud, the story they like yeah anyway no. You don't need this office. This don't worry this for handling. Tell you don't do that yeah and then I like running around behind the scenes trot. undermining traffic to other executives. He didn't say his name and his goodbye party. It's like all this would be so like petty and ridiculous. If it wasn't like two of the most
powerful for people in entertainment just publicly beefing with each other inside of their own company. It's all so ridiculous, the part where he he finally says I'm leaving as as I'm gone, I I've given you the reins chapek, I'm going to go sit over here next to my friend Steven Spielberg going sit at the opposite end of the table, and I am not going to mention you once when alike. Just them. That's me, man, that's like coal. I absolutely respect it Bobby, now terrifies me completely, but let that was good poor by I feel for bob. You don't even know it's Bobby, I'm talking about
well. Bob looks good in this story. All the bobs lose what's funny is the same thing kind of happens when Michael eisner, who was the ceo before iger, and he originally came on, and everybody was like. Oh wow he's going to change the whole thing he was brought in by by these guys that these investors, in the eighties, in a musical wow, he's going to change disney and he did not change disney, and then he was like I'm going to name my own successor. Who's going to happen, have the exact same first name as me, and I'm going to do exactly what bob iger ended up doing and everybody at the time was like. You cannot do that you're dumb and we all hate you. Please leave Michael eisner as quickly as possible and bob got got away with it, because bob iger is so much more charming and everybody's like he got. He had us marvel. He got us lucas, arts,
like do whatever you want bob you want. Three more offices will build up. That didn't happen in the story, but I assume that's happening somewhere, but now he's back. He just signed another contract to be disney ceo through twenty twenty six he has claimed. He will have his actual successor, you know solved by then, but I I feel like bob iger is like in the middle. just ruining his own reputation like he truly went out like a plus ceo, like mount rushmore of good entertainment. As I see it, bob sugar and I feel like now is just like speed running his own demise. In a lot of ways he's poland was theirs the football player who just keeps go, I think the comparison is jordan on the wizard and I think it in a very, very specific ways it dawned on whether it is not jordan on the bulls for a lot.
Recent but join the wizard still like twenty five and eight and like still an all star level player and bob sugar is still bob Eiger doing his his things, but it's just not like it was before he you if you never going to go out on top with three pointer at the end of the game to win the championship. It just does not happen again now you're, the guy who's going to have to try and figure out a way to launch standalone alone. European and probably cell disney's cable channels and dismantle the whole thing that you built. Congratulations, yeah, they retire bob, it's just let it go. Let somebody else pick your sick
Besser, because that was the other wild part of this- is that he didn't actually know Bob chapek very well. He he there was other people that they thought were were gonna, be the next ceo, including the guy who was running disney plus and everybody's. Like oh yeah, it's going to be him, and so, when he was announced bob chapek everybody's, like we, the guy who runs park slate, that's who you're going with and then even he was realizing wait. Who am I going with cause? He like had bob. He was like okay, we're going to fly down to this big meeting shareholder meeting you're going to talk to a bunch of execs and stuff. It's going to be great. You've never done it before the only time
I ever attended. This event was at the invitation of someone else, and you sat in the audience you're now going to run the entire thing. Why do you want to go to the back and study and read everything when you can just sit here and talk to me, and I will explain to you how to do it all and he got really upset because chapek was like I'm going to go study because chapek is that kind of guy? And I think a lot of people would be in that situation and I was like, but I am a font of wisdom. Why do you not listen to me and then he, like, after capek, went back to study was like walking around the plane being like you who is the sky like? does he get it and, as I owe you shouldn't, be ask that question at this point in the game he hired a nerd and then he surprised that the nerd trusted the book instead of the person could have told you up it happened but yeah. It was one of those things where it just feels like uyghurs. Ego caught up What's interesting about this is this is a really
systems story in the world like the number of sea owes who have I'd in various ways to detach and then have found themselves able to go away. I mean like this: is the story of Larry agent, Sergei Bryn, who, like wanna, go away, and just like, be weird billionaires, but then every time anything happens that we have to start coming to the office again, unlike mark Zuckerberg, was starting to detached from a lot of day to day running of metal and then came way back in its really given me like great respect for Jeff Thasos, who just was like Andy Jesse's, in charge, I'm going the music festivals and is just like now he just goes to music vessel dies, a yacht like he's doing it right, and everybody else I should probably learn from bezos. I hope TIM cook read like because TIM cook is coming up. We were were increasingly talking about who is going to be the next ceo of apple he's he's starting to like make those noises it's going to happen in the next few years, and he just needs to read this story like four times in a row.
to make sure this doesn't happen to him, because it's a similar situation of this is one of the first see coming into a company that has largely been like managed by people who came up with the company, and that makes it really really difficult. As so, I'm just really really curious to see how we see some of these tech, ceo successions that are coming that are on the horizon, happen after this just disastrous anyone told me so, is there a do? We have a leader in the club house for who would be insane enough to be the next disney see. Ear, like part of me, wants to say no one in their right. Mind would be PA baggers next Sesar regrets is just a suicide mission, but then, like whatever the echo reno took the job a sea of twitter like, People will talk to someone hungry af. Like call me up, I, if somebody called me today and was like, do you want to be the next ceo of disney I'd, be like yeah?
alright. Let's go: let's go to the parks for free right, I mean yeah. It was like get you to the parks for. Do I get screeners deus, cheapest, ceo. They ever That's how you know your qualified screener is in part passes. That's that's the corporate perks grants is here for, but that seems like that's how you pick Bob he looked around and these four informed found a guy who will like you know what I think, you're desperate enough that you
will not be independent. You will just do what I want to do and he was wrong, and that was what made him unhappy that was the best part of it is like he really thought he was going to just get a yes man and not somebody who would actually go run the company and their image, and then the guy immediately went and was like I'm going to turn we're a tech company. We have an enormous streaming service, I'm turning us into a tech company and everybody screamed and cried chapek to his discredit, did also put his old friend in charge of all film and tv at the company, and the guy had zero experience in that space so like he was by no means a saint. He he was definitely screwing up. His fair share of things without acre intervention, one way or the other, but he was also just being like subtly knifed every time he did anything yeah like every time he like. That was probably why he put that guy in charge, as he felt he had no one to trust. He had no authority, he was like. I need some control, and so it just became this big.
Power struggle, I need someone to sit with and the executive dining room. He didn't friends at the eiger going away party who talked to him about games like escargot, wasn't going to says true We should just. We should both use more streaming news here, real fast commuters, poor one really fast for quickly again, which appears to be yet again dead roku did some layoffs and is getting rid of a bunch of streaming content, which in all likelihood means could be shows going to miss. The gold arm show maybe some of them, and not all of them, do the golden arm, probably headed for the job in block but other story by variety today where they said that they pass him sources of whatever? Who said that these shows that are getting chopped are the ones that warrant bringing in that like new subscribers weren't watching so
stuff like the Kevin hart show, might stick around or other stuff that actually brought in the bodies of new viewers is. Is the that the long tail stuff that this definitely going so yeah could be dies? A thousand deaths yeah? You can't. You can't fully kill queer baby. is clearly was never fully alive. You know, I mean it's, but you can't kill it repeated you can you can stay it over and over and over again you too he's doing some interesting stuff. The advertising stuff that youtube is doing right now is interesting because it sounds like they just rediscovered tv. Yet we
given walk through this cause. That was my read to us, like oh youtube, is just going to be a television channel but, like explained, is going up. Youtube is now experimenting with a longer block of advertising in the middle of the video you watch rather than like you know, fifteen second adds half cutting up the video or one big add at the beginning, and if you will recall, if you are a person who still watching tv or seen tv on Tik tok the hat, as happened in the middle and we have an breaks and that's when you go to the bathroom and get more water and see how fast you can run an and youtube egg. As is doing that, I love it. I, by its just cracks me up that youtube was like we did a whole bunch of research and we, like we looked at the data, and apparently people like regular, scheduled breaks for advertisements
rather than chaotic, random moments for advertisements who would have thought who would have, except for everyone who has ever watched tv. The other thing that they announced basically on the same day was that they are simplifying, add controls for graders aka they're, taking away a bunch of the options that craters head for, like placing where the as we go in their videos, which does not seem to be the same thing as this, but seems very closely linked because it came at the exact same time. It enables them to put the ads at regular intervals wherever they want and not. Let you, the person making the video jukes so you're going to have to
into it. You're gonna get you said, like eighteen minute party, you know t v show. Oh, I know when the ads coming up. I know when the plot point in my three camera drama is coming up, because the advert the ad is about to commit. Let's get me right now: it's going to be like an am distribute video right before the big reveal it's gonna be a whole. Do you take nutria or whatever, like just right there, just like it's going to be? I think it honestly. I think that's great, like it's super annoying when you're watching a show on youtube or on a lot of the streaming services, we're doing the exact same ad presentation that youtube does where it's just like. Suddenly in the middle, like somebody be like, I don't love, hey guys, do you need this and you're like what the hell are? You'd, like pick your moments and tv, was really good at picking those moments even for stuff that wasn't built for tv, they were still going to be like okay, we're going to cut it, we're going to take it at the right ad break right moment, and it's like yeah arab. You should all be doing that, like just tell me where I
put the outbreak in my youtube video. When I upload it I'll tell you where I want it. You put forty minutes of ads in there you make money, I make money and the audience gets a nice bathroom break when when I press play, I know when I'm going to be able to get up and do something else for zak yeah. I think that's like free for users. It's a really good. You know yourself to watch ads that sucks, but like for the users- and I think it's a much nicer experience- and I hope that the other streamers who are all experimenting with like netflix, come on man. You gotta you gotta, get on this ad train and not just deliver him at the most random moments possible because it's miserable, but it's going to require work, and I think it's like that, something that they typically shy away from right, like they want to avoid that labour. That's that's why they're there and not on t v and film and so there that additional work is going to be interesting to see. Who does that and how they do it and how expensive it actually is. Yeah. I do wonder like we. We talk a lot about how these sort of platform and
and it changed the way that content gets mad. I suspect this is going that too, I think right What you're saying earlier is is like absolutely going to be correct that now, if there is one big, mid rule, add or one set of roll adds. What you is. The creator have to do now is set it up so spectacularly. Well that I have no choice but to stick around through five minutes of ads in order to get to the second half of the video, because that's how you get paid, that's how you two gives pay. That's how you use them like the cliffhanger stuff. We're gonna start to see from people just to get you through. The outbreak it's gonna, be so Sir oh, so intense, and it really is its very, like nineteen, nine, He's sick com and action network tv show like there's just gonna, be something bonkers. That happens after eight minutes and then somebody's gonna be like you're. His
heather and then it's good at breakfast, I wanna like soap, opera, don't don't literally like that's, I think, that's coming ass because it's it's going to be so hard to get people through that but that's where all the money is going to be as in that middle outbreak, whereas now there's the you know that rostov gets you some of the way in the middle stuff happens at these dynamic places, and so you can fifteen seconds at it. it's a little easier to get people through, but it's like a five minute ad break or a two minute
ad break or even like a ninety. Second, ad break in the middle of a youtube. Video is just an invitation to stop watching that Youtube video, and so I think what folks try to do to get you through. That is just going to be weird and fascinating. I think it's gonna be also interesting for those of us who, like you, sit, bend you're watching youtube wind down at night, even though you should not be doing that that's a terrible way to wind down, we are still doing it and you're like oh, I gotta kinda like go grab some warm waters. I'm going to. I need to go. Do a little errand right before I go to sleep and now you'll be like oh ad break, fling your ipad across the the bed rush up and get your water. Do you like brush your teeth, get it all done and then your I can't finish watching your video, that's great you find out. Who is the father? Hopefully african youtube, every youtube becomes about. Who is the father? It's just a boy profit morgan
it'll, be good and I think that's the other part of his. Not only do they need to have kind of the the cliffhanger, but they also have to have the part leading up like they have to have a video that you don't want to just skip through, like you have to watch the first, you have to want to watch the first five minutes or, however many until the break and then and then stick around and that's just going to be kind of a a very different construction yeah. I wonder if that lake, that kind of style of youtube videos now where it's constantly getting constantly pushing, because it has to get you through all this tiny little fifteen second ad breaks, if that's going to it cause that pace is so frenetic and you're, seeing like a whole generation of people coming up and that's the pacing they're used to to the point where they're like people talk too slow and stuff like that and wonder if we're going to. If that's going to stop,
instead, like forty years from now we're gonna be like man generation. Alpha talk so fast. What's up with that, we're all back! In the day they had fifteen second ad breaks every two minutes and they're all watching videos at like one point: five x speed, so they just learn that that's how people talk he asked and everybody else got to be like normal, and these K series really. This is normal rain. We're fine! That's my generation alpha voice! again, I think there are holding a screen and apparently which I like the other guy well, because that they had fought, not headsets didn't take off. I'm sorry, I'm sorry term. Another border was changing used with these.
Does happen and when you have these dynamically inserted ads, like the people who direct these videos who are used to laying out the different pacing and where things go now, they don't necessarily have as much control over where the ads pop up. So they are handing over control over to you, too may be, depending on the length may be, depending on what ads youtube is sold and they're going to have to edit and direct these videos and in hope that youtube picks the right points that everything works out properly, so they're going to do like the cliffhanger and then they might get the cliffhanger spoiled. thin cut to ad break because it was like two seconds too long and the algorithm was like no, no, no, no, and he has got to go here. Ooh, that's brutal! That's brutal! Never! That's! That's going to make it rough! That's that's bad youtube! Don't do that yeah! I feel like that's. A big tweak like just tell people where their adverts are going to go commensurate them or let people she was right. You can you can. I have your own structure if you have three or four ads and you can choose where they go as opposed to saying right,
in the middle. There is going to be a large. I break build your whole thing around. That's! What's that you may have sort of one shape of thing. You're allowed to make that point. I do wonder if this is gonna, make people come up with lots of different new ways of making money. I think a lot of these folks. If I mean it so does the like branded videos and I'll have the one chapter in their video. That's just where they talk about a cool there. Sponsor is its particularly begone tech. You too has been experience at least where they're, like this videos brought you buy skill, share it's always skill share and then they go telling you about. You know whatever weird stuff. They brought on t move this week, but maybe like this is how product basement comes comes in an even bigger way. Maybe there are other kinds of like builtin add formats the prepared authorities gimme, a really interesting. To see how this goes on.
this continues to make me glad that I pay for you to premium because ads or a nightmare, and you two beds are a particularly pernicious nightmare. I didn't know I paid for youtube premium for years, because a patriot through the weirdest of things, Google music. Like I, I was a Google music subscriber. There are dozens of us. Yet there is smeared richard just take it out and share the same two songs. Over and over again we have come as no yeah. I thought they closed Google before or on youtube music. Okay, yeah, I didn't I, I couldn't stand the switch so when it switched over to youtube music. I was like I'm done: it's, google, music or nothing, and then I cancelled it and then I was like. Where did all these ads come from on youtube If, for like a full week, I was like something's going on with the algorithm. I've seen a lot more ads. Now, I'm just never gonna open a youtube video in the wrong window, I'm like what advertisements I want you to see eyes. I swear
you premium gets like a dollar more expensive every two weeks, and I I don't know what the number is when I start paying it, but I'm still in it now. I don't want you to find that number. I told me there yet you to please stop it, I'm good. I pay you enough money, we're cool party, we gotta take one break and then we can go back we're going to do a lightning round. We're already have been working to cut back, remove lightning rounds. Don't get out of here, we'll grab it. Support, for this show comes from draft kings, kings, main makers, football is back for its second season and it's better than ever this week. You custom can claim their first pack of digital player cards for free to get started? Each dropped kings. Digital cart represents an athlete and you score It is based on their real world performance draft them into. Weekly contest for your shot at a share of thirty million dollars in prizes or sell them. Any time on the draft kings. Marketplace rain,
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if you do the flaming run really fast, because I have to go to take your pick up. That's just a real thing and if I'm late, they charge me money, it's very intense we did. We know want that. We know to morgiana blast through this and get out of here is your lightning round. Choice happens to be a perfect transition from what we just talk about, so you go first, yes, favorite thing, I'm talking about MR beast all the time now, because my god sons are both really really into him, and I have very strong conflicted feelings about that and spent a lot of time telling his mom sitting her like hit pieces about MR b saying: don't do it, but anyway, mister b's has a new new youtube face because he started doing ab testing for the thumbnails and found that more people finish the video when he closed his mouth
in the thumbnail, and I guess that's how statistics work. That's how he is like I was just gonna say: is this science? This is one of those things where normally you'd be like. That sounds like a bad reason to do that. That is probably not the actual factor, but notable here is mister pieces really really really really really good at juicing the alger at the youtube algorithm. That is why he is like the most popular youtuber. He knows how to bake that thing tick, so he was probably like. He probably is onto something and we're. Probably see a lot less just why about of open eyed youtube, and I for one am thrilled, slake, so mister b, where we think about him which I have definitely seeing the inside of enough people's mouse in you to it on the address, and I don't need the tonsils slight just now, I'll need it yeah cause there is, I mean everybody knows what you mean by you to face re like you, I close my eyes and see it gets the purse
and that sort of like half smile, half scream face all the time. You'll see us on the verge kiss, sometimes like when they do our thumbnails you'll even see, I'm doing it right now, you're going to see it. If you watch the yeah, it's either that or the furrowed brow, where or kind of like what is. Thus that's. The other youtube face yeah their great. So I hope we move slowly away from that. Then we don't need extreme disorder faces to sell a youtube. Video that's my hope. I am forever fascinated by the like art and science of youtube thumbnails, like in terms of things that directly correlate to how much money you make youtube. Thumbnails about as direct as it gets on the internet and the things people due to build good some nails and make them work. It's just bananas and are so far- and you are right that, like no one is better, it solves
in this system that, MR beast, so I'm I'm more inclined to believe him than most. I guess- and he seems very happy about it- he's he's so happy that, like he's going to have to rush his teeth more but he's not going to have to show you his right he's happy in like a closed mouth way, not an open, mouthed way! Yeah! It's like back row smile exactly how the next and then richard younger my lighting rounds thing to dismember the clubhouse steed. You know before this the they was still in business, be honest gap because periodically check on it to be. Like you still around cause, I will just want to know. I have like a kid still be around it so periodically like three weeks ago as like clubhouse, oh yeah, it's still there just like what are the crypto boroughs talking about today, you won't go about it: data mine. I never thought I'd. Never never gave up on clubhouse yeah. Richard clubhouse room is bump in ya. It's just that I have, I have a whole music design for your club has enriched. We got the plants, can be amazing so anyway,
clubhouse. Just did a huge like pivot and redesign complete change the app instead of being the kind of public streaming audio room, I guess is how I would describe it. It was like what, if twitch, but audio, sort of that feels right, and no game and watch and all it was as people yelling about their nf, and that was best case scenario anyway: AL club, as is all in on voice messaging, and so they ve like those russia tools where you can one to one or in groups just send voice messages to your friends and I happen to think like in the abstract. This is a very good idea. I've been like banging the drum that voice messaging is a good idea for a long time and history is proving me right now, a very vindicated about it. But I kind of think it's too late for club I saw it. I hope I am wrong. I think, like the arc of that company would be fascinating if it figured it out and came back, but I just think like kudos clubhouse for being like okay, we
built in audio apt that everybody was into for three days when they had to be inside, and then simply forgot about when they were allowed to go outdoors again and we're going to find a new, thing to do with it that actually feel kind of honest on brand with what we want to be about and they have sex Really nice again, I don't know anyone who uses it. None of my friends are there to listen to my voice, but it's like I just it's a pure piece of like product design. It's really nice. They did a good job. It looks nice. I will say I don't like that. You hit the record button and then, as soon as you stop it sends the message now. No anyone who has ever edited is podcast can tell you that that somehow The redesigned up, I think, is perfect for opposed apocalyptic videogame where you, experiencing the story to audio logs that people left and they were all chat. in the clubhouse leaving messages for each other. Otherwise I don't think I'm going to use a specific app for this is going to be a feature that facebook or whoever is going to steal and it's gonna be built into their apps. Just like they steal everything else. Also, congratulations! Cop out,
but I don't think it's to do. Have you ever heard the up runs zombies. Yes, yes, so I tried to run. Zombies was the most committed I ever been to a fitness app, because, basically the idea is you're, a runner is trying to keep people alive and there's zombies, and when you it just like, tells you an audio story, new here messages from other people. you're running in that it has zombies, and then you run faster. It sounds ridiculous, but like it actually kind of works, and richard is se I what you just disrespect club is just what's happening in your brain in runs abi's only hopefully less depressing. When zombies was too depressing for me as like, I don't wanna run anymore if you're not running from zombies, what's the secret just like just let the zombies take me, I don't care. If I like it, though
hey! It says that what's left in the world, why should I jog jogging? Is horrible death first death for I actually I I feel that alright, richard resource bunch of chrome news, as we have like word, like fifteen years of chrome, to have really good timing for them to change some things. They said they're gonna be changing up the look a little bit so pretty soon. As long as with Google, you I really know when things are going to hit they're going to roll out to some people sooner some people later, but we'll see some rounded corners, Google's rounding all the corners. Now the corners are getting bumped. There Can it be wrought rounder, the color palates will be kind of like you seen on android, if you have seen handwriting last couple of years, using what cromwell look like this,
material looks nice, the material you stuff is nice yeah, I'm into it. I I like it. I think it'll be good across different devices. They also have ah said the privacy sandbox they're supposed to replace third party cookies has reached a milestone. It is now generally available. You've, probably gotten the pop up. This is hey, we're doing some privacy stuff, and then you clicked the button to make it go away and didn't think about it. If that creeps, you some people have said they feel like it's spyware in the browser. Is it more private? Is it more control depends on who you ask, but we have awesome instructions on how to disable it. If you want to opt out of it, the new targeted ad tracking part, Barbara krasner, has the instructions for you to go ahead and turn it off that pop up made a lot of people feel on feelings and it's a weird one right. I'm I'm genuinely torn on this because, like I've reach the point with all kind of browser data of just total nihilism that it's like I'm in. Chrome. Google already knows what I'm doing in chrome. That's not complicated, and you know who else knows what I'm doing in my breast,
or is the millions of data brokers who are just collecting? and buying and selling data about everything I do in the browser anyway, and in a lot of ways. What chrome is due women were Google is doing with his privacy. Sandbox up is designed to combat some of that and it comes. That's it by saying no one is allowed to have this data, except for Google, which is like not great It's the solution you would hope for, but is that better than other solutions, instead of everybody and Google, it's just school, a guy kind of is better. It is a solution. Yeah, so I don't know I'm so torn put. It is very funny watching Google be like this. Is a privacy preserving thing and everybody slick, no its, not messages letting you have data that you can give to advertisers. like all the other data you have to give the advertisers distrust of its google their not must be evil this order,
come up in an antitrust lawsuit in five years about how they lied to you in ten years or next week. Definitely not going to happen. None of that but yeah, the new chromebooks nice happy about that. That's enough for a cast for one day! Go turn off your privacy settings. Just let chaos ran. Let everybody critical voices data doesn't even work. We ve got. It what what if there was a target that you really needed to see think about gas on San yeah. That's why I have this little like funky ass. I got this little gameboy cause from a targeted at I'd like it was on tiktok tok eyes like yeah that look stupid, that as somebody who successfully understands alex cram, they they understood me and I went. I spent fifty dollars and now I have a game boy. S p, that it has the size of a thumbnail. Add I d what I'm gonna play on it, but I can play syphon filter if I really wanted to amazing We are very long we should get out of here. This is the beginning of lots of stuff. We have
well next week. We're gonna have a special apple show with all the folks who are gonna, be there live next week. You is Google starts next week. That's going to be fast standing. We have a bunch of dna stuff in europe that we didn't really talk about. We're gonna go back to that in much deeper ways of the next couple weeks: microsoft he's coming. Amazon is coming, Google is coming code conference is coming, we have all kinds of stuff going on, many connect is coming. Nana connect is coming we're going to learn about the question he doesn't open. I develop over chechnya, we do yeah, that's on November richard I can't think about november. Yet that's I'd rigour fracture its football season is starting sunday tick. This here, which I get talk about now, cause it's on youtube, so technology, that's great news, tons going on we're. Sorry, nay a series on monday on the verge cast, we're doing a bunch really fun stuff about a music and I voices in actual assistance. We got all kinds of really fun stuff. Coming up, it's going to be a very busy next few months on the road Yes, it's gonna be awesome. Our whole crew.
including me, light will be back next friday. We will shame neil, I ruthlessly for not being here. We hope you help us do that until then. Thank you both. Thank you off. broadcast the and that's a wrap for verge cast this week. We'd love to hear from you shoot us an email at verge cast at the verge dot com. The verge cast has a production of the verge, and the box media podcast network shows produced by Liam James, and our senior audio director andrew marina Its oil director is bookmakers. That's it next week. the
Transcript generated on 2023-09-09.