« The Vergecast

Code Conference, Essential Phone, and Chromebook Pro


This week’s Vergecast is recorded out of the studio. Nilay heads to the West Coast to reunite with Dieter, Lauren, and Casey at this year’s Code Conference. The gang discusses the speakers (in more than one way) at the event including Andy Rubin, Hillary Clinton, and Reed Hastings. They also chat a little about the news outside of the conference. Back in New York, Paul reports on gadget week with his weekly segment “Let me hug your robot heart.” There’s a whole lot more in between, so listen to get it all! 01:29 - The case for editing tweets 06:01 - The Essential Phone: a first look at the hardware 30:11 - Paul’s weekly segment “Let me hug your robot heart” 32:49 - Netflix CEO says net neutrality is ‘not our primary battle’ 42:41 - Clinton says the Russians had to be ‘guided by Americans’ in how they weaponized information 55:37 - Don’t buy the Chromebook Pro until Google fixes a critical bug 59:11 - Verizon says the Droid brand isn’t dead, but it sure looks like it 1:01:30 - Microsoft's new Skype redesign is a radical change that looks like Snapchat 1:04:55 - Samsung's Bixby voice assistant is reportedly still weeks away from US launch 1:07:11 - Apple’s ‘Siri speaker’ reportedly enters manufacturing as announcement nears

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello welcome to the votes cast. You might detected a slight echo in a prison. the sound of money, the first guys is going to be recording or extraordinarily fancy ballroom at the tyranny resort because we are at the code conference. So I'm here I'm neil patel dieter about is here yeah. This room is making us very like chill and like I'm, in order some people to be killed their cases, this year. It is so nice to be here with so much money. around us. Lauren goods it's so nice to be here with the sound of crash waves outside
do I get let me just described this reggie were in the top floor of the town air resort and where literally gazing, it's two walls of windows, one like the corner board room and it's just the ocean spreading in front of us. But that's not what we're here to talk. Where did we talk about technology? culture power, those who wielded those who want it. But certainly, if your questions about the border of then you should get out of yeah for the sharp aquos tv in the car. It's a beautiful room, but if it sounds a little different, that's actually why I'm explaining to see if it sounds a little different, actually it says we're on the road this week in this opulent room at this opulent conference. It's been a great code conference. A lot of things happen. We should get into the news, the biggest news of the week, I think, for
ass anyone for us personally. Is it casey asked to see if a twitter, when the hell he's gonna be able to edit tweets? Listen neil, I there's a movement in this. There is a lot about you. Can you can hear in on the streets with it? I don't feel like here in these tweets after the election, everyone was like we're always from voters. You never heard from them after they introduce editing tweets in a twitter, it's gonna be the same thing. People are gonna, be like we didn't realize. We wanted this as much as we. actually did, and no one says that about trend. I think you can just to look forward to some changes, but let me tell you what I did: okay, so as you may, I have been on a years long campaign to let us be able to edit tweets. I've made the case for editing tweets on the verge dot com, where I've sort of laid out my case. I won't repeat it here. Also, it's self evident why we should be able to edit any tax it we write, but also is that try to cigarettes casey if he were born and, like you know, sixteen hundred just railing against ink
alum, and why I somebody must invest the pencil we must use. The word self evident are like preceded by. We hold These true yeah, followed by all men, are created equal, not, we should be equal, then edit aspects that we visit. If you saw the faves I get on my tweets, tweets you'd, be telling a different story, but here's what I can tell you anthony no to this year. Foe of twitter was the penultimate speaker at the code conference yeah, and one of the cool things about the conference is that the random, a straggler audience random, like me, can just get up and ask questions, and so I strove to the microphone. I was the first question you didn't through. He ran you trade. It's all her life. Indeed gap. There separates what he would say like you, trieste you just you because you are using. I went.
I went for it. His hair got there like seven. The good news is, I was able to say you don't have to knee. There's this growing movement to let us be able to edit our tweets. Can I count you as a supporter and then he talked for three minutes about essentially that twitter continually evolves it's a product and it appreciates it's passionate users and then he sort of stop talking that was a prepared text. Keziah yeah he coming how me to this space, where they know that you are. They monitor twitter outcome even tweeting from here. They know your look like I got back channel afterwards that NATO had been prepared for this exact question would become it because they know that you're here and so anyway. So he gave me not answer and then I said you I'm gonna, go ahead and mark you down as a supporter, and then he laughed and said nothing more. So I
That's some things whether there is a growing accepted, inevitability, inevitable, tweets the biggest news of the week. By far- and that was the richest nothing else unless it in, I think notice anything else really of import. He sets up stuff out live tv yeah to fill the slowly at him. He made the claim that the reason twitter is getting into video is because it increases like viewer, ship and engagement with tweets that people tweet more and read more tweets. When there watching video, and so they just put it right there on the platform, but at the same time he also made like another claim that, like the you know, even a huge increase in like that is like doesn't affect their like overall numbers on the bottom line. So, like I dunno there that they've got this whole story that they're telling now that for the first time for many years a towards existence. We didn't know what it was and we decided. We know what it is now we'd figured it out last year. We know twitter is in
editable text, we have a four point description of what twitter is for hire. Anybody wants us to do anything. We decide whether or not it'll help one of those four things, and then we say yes or no. What's better than dick costolo is like inception style bubbles upon bubbles trapped? What was that it was crazy. Oh, like the four quadrants of doom yeah yeah, it was. It was a bad moment in twitter history. I do think that they are closer to arriving at at what they want it to be. I think the question will just be: is there actually a good business here? Look, there's a whole conversation we can have about the number of people who stood on stage hear it.
And talked about video in funds, but that conversation is boring. It's like it's interesting a little bit but like it was a deafening underline current right, like the shift immediate, but what I don't want anything I want you to think. I still has a whole thing even here, and that's why you're listening to this in an already, but the biggest news here, for us. Yeah was the essential phone, the essential phone, and I gotta tell you it deserves a phone call it the iphone. Is that not kosher? It's actual name is? Is he a aged one, Malaysia is one I thought that he said and stage it just called the phone yeah, but it's like model by, like
asked one spell on the well now. He just wanted the full story, so so Andy Rubin's on stage the other night, and he reveals this phone yup to walt Mossberg. Who was interviewing him, but then afterwards, dieter bohn executive, editor of the verge who's sitting right across from me, chases its to tell tell us how you got your hands on this phone because we think you're the only person the industry has had in the press industry. In waters, is actually played with five plus retiring, so he's out just old school gadget, hustle like if you look at the pictures, the real bad cause, I'm not a good photographer like in literally a hotel hallway. It was like you know, tartar them. at its at company in like where reality we should. We should allowing and the room having he's literally like trying to pack his bags to leave, to fly away from this place,
Not no. Let me pictures like ok and then like ok, I gotta find someplace take pictures. Well, I can't so here is my hand. There's some hotel carpet behind it. Click click click, click, click, which is a thing we used to do all the time, literally, I am mister blurry cam. they all those I could reveal evocative at the time, I am saying it gently attacks to join a stern, a teller to fix your white balance We were that hundreds of these photos in you teneriffe whenever there are bad way, pounds photos and engage with it was always joanna physical, weird form of referring like the fundamental will just I will just see, photos, balance and would perhaps not always with china that big. I saw the internet, it was just a referral burn. That's all that was so yeah I dunno it's his phone yeah like what's go through. Okay, so the the the thing that every seize on the phone right away, that the screen is belus, except for the bottom there's a strip and then the top
literally wrapped around the front facing cam. So it looks like the little one, eyed minion these areas, pleasing eye when you hold it and look at it like your eyes, just go straight to that. Zone on the screen just really ah na constantly. But then, after, like literally a minute you you do stop doing that, and it doesn't feel weird to have a weird gap in the middle the top of the screen, and I do they get smart when Look at an android phone there's, never anything there. It's always like notifications of the left status, crap on the right and there's like an empty space there, so sure yeah. That makes sense. So that's fine! It doesn't wrap around the edges. You know it's whatever and the titanium I dunno like it feels like metal.
It's for then there's a lot of rhetoric. If yes, we're back around back, is ceramic and there's a one plus ceramic phone, that ceramic ceramic is really good at lake, resisting scratches it's really hard. It just feels like glossy glass, eight and ten of wines, and you don't even have a lot of other our internal lines. Other titanium, there's like a couple allies on the edge interesting. I thought you said that you didn't need at any happen. Bandaid! Well I mean this was this was literally like it was a what's called Dvt unit. So, like the I one of the photos I like blurt out, like the code number like there, were, there were numbers all along this thing. Every piece of the phone had some code on it to like
if you identify it for you in whatever I will just say like we should get into like the why the phone is interesting or not interesting, but just having held the hardware it feels and like imagine. If you took an iphone and put like a perfectly square case on it, yeah like it, the edges aren't like sharp, but the thing just feels kinda like blocky and people may hate it I dunno it's not like super thin, but it's not because it was a prototype that there's no it's just that it just has to look like the aesthetic of like I am kind of lucky. I am not trying to be curved and rounded and smooth, then, whatever it's just like nope, I'm, I am a. I am a rectangle and I am perfectly happy being a rectangle yeah, that's the central shape of the fun. It's a whole. There does not actually what was then just kidding, I'm going to say that as many times as they possibly can. What was the you I like this in its entering this just entered, so we swept through everything, looks like android
There is no skin. There is nothing! Nothing do let me those aerials there's nothing on it. It was like like they, the thing booted and like had entered. I didn't. I only had a couple of minutes to be like here. It is dangerous, but I like couldn't like hunt for software. I couldn't ghana attaching attached creditor is. I was. I saw the pogo pen, three sixty camera and I said, let me decide if we're leaving now. Ok, so I wanted so that that It's like the phone there's, the hardware literally, we think it's theater and walt who have held it. Well, aren't who don't work at a san, diego and- and you know, presumably like random carrier people re like some mid level, marketing manager and spread is listening to us being like I've held it. I know. Well, we ass all the carers who get to support the phone and rising like it. Work, whatever didn t mobiles, like everything works, a team where the best and atp was like tat lighted. Another I had to give up and continued screaming
and he asked us why we thought that we were allowed to talk to them at all because they're, a t and t. I know they just that it'll work there and sprint was like yeah it'll, totally work at work and will have more to say later death, which just want to point out that become obvious to me that I have a soft spot for farms that are probably going to fail right, maybe crumble and also from books, and if you want like the definitive, like example, of a phone that is very cool and interesting, exciting and innovative and, like just everything, seems great. It would gotta be the web o s, zero point three and it launched on spread and there's a little bit, age, Abu, my headway. Here it was I who is going to buy this, what we do just go through. All of this is like
I think that this annual leaving it is outside its borders. In theory, the phone should be the least interesting thing that anti ribbon is trying to do with his contract, so he's got a phone and that's it hundred dollar said. Seven hundred in its comes in colors, all the colors of the rainbow for colours for colors of the rainbow just met the rest reclining color of the max. I assume I got right. Color roaming brought my friend that available to forget about the bad. As, like the color of my eyes, are my driver's license. Color mats. Look, it's been a really one through space last someone you. This was a good night
Like you, you know every for every company when they like released the colors of their gadget. Colors colours are ridiculous names like Google made their jobs so that this what's really blue or whatever like but they're like all, is like ice. This bill charcoal that, whenever a scrape, what if we they just gave colors names. This is matt here, white, jenny centres, the phone journeys, retainers, really ensuring that we have to stop what you have the names the
teams of colors are inherently arbitrary, like blue. Could just be george, doesn't matter anyway? What is truth and the verge? Has everybody so there's the phone? Then there is it's. The phone is, like you said among the least interesting, then there's a home device called the essential home yup, which is around puck with a huge round display, which we think might be the biggest around display available in consumer electronics, correct and that runs Ambiente o s yet, which andy and walt clearly had some sort of like mind, meld because walt's last column was about ambient technology and then Andy Rubin came here and released ambient ios yeah. So he was very happy to latch onto that ambient ls sound. I'm just going to say this sounds right. Promising. It also sounds like the ravings of a fuckin mad
like the way you gotta make your eye their description. The way as described in the website is like it's an api to your home. It turns out into an application, your home is I and you are an application. You are, but one feature of the api. That is the application of the universe, interest everything, and this is exactly how nor people talk to each other in america when they walk into home depot or bestbuy they're like what's going to make me feel like a naypyitaw day to me, Amelie. Well, here's a bad sign, essential dot com is not loading, that's great, but the the point of the essential. Device in the ambient o s is nearer. We can tell cause, there's no demos, theirs Just one screenshot of the device running ambient o s and all that screenshot is huge modal dialog box. That says leave now
It's it's like a programme we have. If we have a reminder of you, don't go to the airport literally there's a picture of it, a music interfaces godlike via thing around a circle in the middle for some reason, but ambient o s it's a fundamentally supposed to. I don't know how to do this tie into ever other smart comb device that you own the up and then somehow tie to all of the other smart platforms that exist like home kit and smart things and alexa in that the mechanism is complete. the unclear. Yet why the onstage and walls interviewing him he he basically said like there's too you eyes are security standards, so I'm making another one yeah, but he he wants to be the the person who, like abstracts, all of the crap, that you have to deal with it, a smart home and like make the layer that just has them all talk to each other. You know it's like it's like synergy and we're blessed
yeah, it's gonna be a fact. However, my speech has also wasn't there. Emphasis on privacy is well yeah, and what exactly he means by being more private is super unclear. It's really really unclear like there was something I dunno if we wrote this. To be honest, this isn't the language somewhere on the site, I'm not remembering at the moment, but something about it, keeping more of the data on device rather than in the clouds, but I don't see how that's I just yeah, that's boss. Why else? I don't see how its total it's going to be possible to also that all the oil company libya to us right so that the third piece of this or fourth pieces, so I ve got the phone forgot ambient. Oh ass, we ve got that what we causing the smart speaker. Is it ad hoc sports, because how to display? We need a new word for this. These things that have displace cause, there's smart circles. It will there's the amazon one, that's a square intelligent
cs. I wish you just call I'll call a mat, maj, jenny, Jenny, he's iphone characters, characters just just get in there. Thinking like speak, like things that, like prove that this is actually get to work, as he's trying to create an ecosystem of modules that will attach to the phone and possibly the speaker or like your wall right, and that the the linchpin of this is he he did two things, both of which are very pragmatic and the first thing that he d It is for wireless communication he's using basically wireless usb, so I already knows how to code the usb to communicate so that simple. So that's better than like what google was doing with like. There are early versions of project ara have like these. I concede magical future whatever's for wireless data and then the second thing he's doing is like they don't want to have to stick a battery in every single one of the
If things cause that sucks, you have to charge it so he's he's in pogo, pins, yeah and then magnets to like hold them on, say others there's like we're entering a world of pogo pins, yeah they're little. If you don't have to plug a pin in there just a little spring loaded, guys now just a little on the back, there's two receptacles in the back and the pins around the thing and they clip in yep and they give power to the device, and he went on this whole speech. About how I don't need to put a wifi chip in here at any pattern here. So my three six camera only costs fifty bucks and it worked. It worked pretty well, yeah, he's also being very careful not to call it mods or wasn't really saying modular. It was more. They call that part of the phone, the accessory bus, the wireless access bus and it was. that asked actually dieter about modular. Someone got harmonise everything about malaria and how it has really taken off, and he and ribbon did say that he plans to make first five or six. They plan to me. First, five or six accessories to get people started, because I think this way I can think of more than two months I can think of like camera
speaker and an extra battery is usually the idea and other I mean once you start getting into like, and this can also be a projector. Your friends come over and your project from your phone to here's, a hike to mix you're, so the hazard of anger ass, the extra there. I know the lion, the the only consumer product that built a successful ecosystem of external modules that you clicked on the thing and you're just gonna, fuckin hate me too for saying this. But it was the handspring visor That is what the parts was a cellular rave. Yes, all these events, literally with the first trial, was a handspring visor with the media and take off the, but all body on the visor were cellphone mp3 player,
story there are apps modem right. They were. They are things that just became apps on a phone. I dunno there's a bunch of stuff, that's like coming for like moto mod, but, like that's, like you know, physical keys. So I actually I put the this on a rundown. It's funny cause he nancy essential phone. He announced a modular phone with this thing and he announced his m. In ios, which the phone is real. Like it's a thing, dieter held it, it runs android, we know what android phones are you have an android phone with a funky screen design and a modular accessory ecosystem is not the heal. the sun he settled says. Regime was thirty. Two I don't ever want. A code was gonna to get a free one. Like he's that conference gap then theres, this ambient noise thing, which seems like insane favor to me. That's just me Then there is like an assistant that he's doing their raspberries assisted at our own ends.
Reason that he's making the phone is because he wants, but his assistant it in people's pockets. Basically, and was fundamentally is reason to make the phone, but at the same time today we reviewed the motto but these are two yeah, that's a terrible name stuff, but that's a phone with a modular accessory ecosystem. The people, quite like tat, really likes the first one and samson today announced a new smart things. How that is actually a mesh wifi router, which is the combination of things, are really is always wanted in smart things purports to interface with everything in your home and be the bridge on top of all of it. What is new, what it like? Is he bringing to the table here that motor owen and samson around like generation two and three of these products? Already it's a world like and what one of things
I've been wondering. Is why announce all these things at the same time, right like if you were just excited about the phone? Why not announce the phone, because I think when you unveil all of these things simultaneously, it just sort of raises the question of how baked is all this stuff, like it just seems incredibly ambitious for a relatively small company that has been working on it for all that long see. I actually disagree with that a little bit because I think the way that Rubin presented it was. He went through like a little bit of the progression of computing over the past few decades and then ended up as he was tired talking to the crowd at code conference. The other night ended up at okay, so what's post mobile and I think if he had just showed up with a mobile phone at that point, it would have been sort of like okay. So what's, post mobile is another mobile phone. is another I gotta yokels, and also why make the phone the centre piece of your announcement? You know like because it's the thing that's done, but I went away. Look at the point of shipping, this phone, why not ship the other device? So
where I think the reason that he introduce five things at once was that, even if in any individual one of them didn't have any real innovation, you sort of present them altogether and a kind of seems like this complete thought. But, as you know, in July, it just seems like a lot of some. Other people have done right. But what he's saying actually trash parties like? Why are you doing? This is like We want to be a big consumer electronics company that puts the user first, that's kind of the privacy of incomes from and he was we raised, multiple hundreds of millions of dollars, then why are you saying that he was making a three with his hand, oh really he's holding up three fingers and like like he's like multiple and like winking. We think he had explicitly said at one point that his fun the playground global fund had raised three hundred million dollars yeah no he's fund is an investor and essential its yeah we're like up right. He what he was easier set. A central had multiple hundreds of millions of catholic waving his hand around even those what signal he was
he was just trying to get his people to get him off to state the facts, because I flash mainly by using we re. They raise obviously a lot of money and they want to be a big player and how things are going to ramp over time and so you're, announce all the things I just the vibe afterwards. Just from talking to the code, attendees was what was the point of this people were very down it in a way that I did. Actually. I was uprising, which is interesting. It's like we're because the attention so the traffic to these person or site was skyrocketing. Will the mandate is a nation? I didn't hear toaster the month in people, love andrade right and so the idea that the founder of android has a big new idea like there are very few verge stories. They're gonna be more interesting to our audience rat. but I just where they were still confuse. Alyssum choice, words to say about android right register, or about the air, which was an amazing thing here. The co founder of edward say when I say basically in those
words, yeah he's I don't like any of them. I have them all and I don't like any of them and then he was like technologies like too complicated, and it's my fault because I made answer gets is gonna, make a great iphone this form of energy we've been talking about what the world than just apple look what it I think he was trying to indict ios and that as well right, there's not a lot of choice in the market. There's our innovation and when there is it's too complicated- and you talked about overload to like this fatigue- is the word he used actually just there being too many devices yeah. But he if he thinks that, like there were unintended, knock on consequences to the mobile revolution that he helped start by creating android sure what has he actually presented.
in this phone. I would say very little or in his overall vision that solves that problem. I mean it sounds like what he wants is to build an ai that talks to everything for you, yeah, it's just a very tall order in he, like apple, is not going to give him homekit and siri access yeah, the it's just they're, just not that's not how they operate. It sounds at amazon will give alexa access to virtually anyone, and he brought up that the alexa team had already been talking to them and they're very supportive of him. So maybe that will happen I ve already a child who get the Google system tat. He knows a guy over there like that'll, be fine, but like it, it's just a lot of the same yeah. You know, I think, like the more interesting energy in comparison to make here is tony fidel, who also want to start a big consumer brand, and where did you did he it'd be like well, I helped invent the iphone and so here's my next phone bill he's like I'm going to reinvent the thermostat and then all of us are like
and though we looked at, we realise that there is such a terrible events have been met. In this whole category nest is a big success is a what Well until I bought it, I'm just sort of within the first two years right- and everybody was pretty excited about this. If, if Rubin had gone out and sort of found, some other gadget that either needed to be reinvented or hadn't been invented yet and showed up with that, even if it seemed like he was in a niche category, I think we'd all be sitting around the table saying you know this might not seem like the most exciting thing, but you know if it takes off it's going to give him the runway. He needs to sort of developed his full suite of consumer products. Like I think, that's a more tried and tested approach to building a consumer brand, then I'm going to reinvent five categories simultaneously
ways that don't actually look like reinventions yeah. What if you could come out and presented a tv? I keep thinking about what reed Hastings said about that. Like someone asked if he was going to ever make a netflix or ever excuse me ever launch a netflix line of movie theater chains, and he said now. I want you know and then to tvs, are getting so good right, which is sort of in conflict with what I said earlier about how people will still go to the movie theaters for whatever reason, but but like imagine, if Andy anyway, imagine if any ribbon, stating knows I hears the essential tv aren't creative into into that, like everybody will tell you, can make money, isn't in money tvs but like. I would be only really interested to see any remains take on a tv just because there is so little innovation in that category. I have watched so Many tv devices get launch on stage a code that of all died. You don't do that if you Listening to this new, like oh, that sounds like a good idea, just stop to stop listening. I why you keep us in a virtual state I appreciate your support, but I'm saying if that sounds like a good idea to show off, take a fuckin break
take a cold shower. Come back to us will be waiting down. Demand sarge, got a red and add realised as other stuff to but weren't present we're getting a found soon. Presumably, is it supposed to ship them in thirty years, and we're presumably going to see much more of this ambiente o s I got the branding is great right, like we had at a story stream on a site that was like all of the essential phone news, and I was like well at least they got that and it's interesting. How andy was not like a super charismatic presenter of this stuff, but just the interest from our audience. It was like a. It was a delightful break from like trump news on twitter for like a little bit, all anyone was talking about was a new cell phone and it was cause deterred. medium to bad photos in a are as like. This is two thousand ten. Maybe I'm I'm back there.
Earlier this add it is unsurprisingly forswear space who are great. This episode of our chances. Ratty must wasteful.
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squarespace you're in a hotel ballroom that I think that's attacked by interesting new direction for the market and it's like a vr play squarespace. Where are you now look around on the web with template hello? This is Paul miller. Come Yet you live with gadget hot takes, there is so much going on the gods world and you know I'm happy for everybody who got to listen to you very smart and tell jet executives talk about future, but the present gadgets and is so much happening. Copy tax was this week, others all these crazy laptops and video card. And mother board, all the new man boards that support the new processes around the x to nine nine motherboard so exciting you have to go to the verge of com,
insert kubrick. I don't normally tell you to do this, but it's really important this week cause it's it's gadget week. Let me tell you, but every week I do a segment. It's called. Let me hug you robot heart and dumb this week on. Let me hugger robot heart is at an up its It's maybe the pinnacle of indigo. You know it's a classic current cut it on kickstarter had put it on indigo go so we get the money, no matter. What, because were kind of scam me up, maybe we're just really passionate about this. We want it to succeed. I don't even know I really don't know this. This company called kate cable. colleagues labs with a k they made the sound heroes. Blue tooth speed is bluetooth speaker, that is a statue of
bought? That looks like it's from out of a video game. They basically trying to make their own like imagine. They tried to license like the silver surfer. Or something you know like a real, a real ip and put blue two speakers, and chest and then have em stand on a plate. That is a subwoofer and by the way, this figurine is like three feet high, but the cunning, the ip, so they're like making their own ip, their Gallagher videogame tie and there like making a comic book about this robot. sound heroes. But there's only one here and it's this large polygonal robot, like thing that doesn't do anything said, have a laser eyes. The big there's, a big and small offers the big versions of two hundred eighty, probably the best way to spend more money on any go. Go right now. It's funded, of course, as very exciting, yeah? That's let me let me hug europa heart saying I do every week without fail, have
the time and on the west coast to touch the ocean. You were talking about netflix, reed hastings. Was here some interesting spending, there's actually a bunch of like policy news right. Hillary Clinton was here at code. We should talk about that. She has a lot about how content has been weaponized and the billionaire which is interesting and then we're in collar jobs is here with come here, subtler, education, let's start with red lauren you wanna go through with you he's out. You talked about movies eaters. We talked about data, windowing, which I you know is something that netflix has talked about a bunch before netflix essentially believes that movies should be available on netflix for streaming the same day that they are released in theaters and has advocated for that and a lot of you probably know this. But if not there is
and you know, there's a ton of a dark zone in the movie industry where there's a window of generally ninety days, it's getting a little bit shorter in some cases, but ninety days, where war between the time that a movie is released in theaters and that it becomes available for first dvd and then home rental, and so netflix deals with that right and even though netflix has all of this great original content that they're making and stuff like that, they still, of course, would like faster access to to movies, but it's hard to crack sort of the traditional distribution standards. So he spoke a lot about that. He said this interesting thing where he believes. I'm not sure he actually believes this. I think maybe he was being diplomatic, but he believes that if the window is shortened and netflix gets movies right away, that people will still go to theaters because he likened it to a well. I mean if people know how to cook I'm paraphrasing a little bit, people know how to cook, but they still like go out to dinner with friends, because it's like this communal experience, which I mean personally, if I had access to a brand new movie like john wick, three the moment that came out on netflix, I'm pretty positive. I would never go to
we'd, better gear and socially for people with kids who for them like going to the movies theatres involves like we're getting a sitter or buying four or five tickets and like it becomes it's very sort of complicated and expensive proposition it's hard to like a man. and but you gotta restaurant. Someone else makes the food for you re There is not really a matter for the convenience actually is going out to dinner, with iran's supposedly during the dishes at home, but so we talked about that and then he didn't get internet neutrality, which sort of what we are waiting for indeed or you wrote about thy specifically. How is it is kind of deep prioritizes explicitly be prioritize whose basic look when we were small scrappy you. It was an existential problem for us, and so we were big warriors to save that neutrality now, big and powerful. We get all deals. We want. It's not my problem. Somebody else carry that water yep
He literally used the phrase, carry the water, he said. Carry the water, he said were big enough, so that we can get the deals that we want yep. So we wrote a piece ages ago. Jake wrote it for us where they, he just charted netflix public statements against on net neutrality against its subscriber count. Now, and it's just if they just got cooler and by the end they're like really big, and I can't quite read whatever whatever you idiots want to do. That's fine by us, where netflix and to me that's the whole argument of why you want net neutrality, because netflix is basically saying we can do whatever we want, because we're big, because we're big little guys on your own, that the last crackle team is like, but we still need it yeah we were crackle The last interview at code here was stiff, caraway, crackle vernal always been case, good other netflix. His argument for doing some of this zero. What is called the zero
it is that those opportunities are available to everyone, the small video producers and the crackers, the world and stuff like that, because they have dappled in that a little bit. But dinner continue your right to say so. I was just like the the one of the vibes at this whole conference is like everybody knows that we are not going to get reasonable. Like bates about regulation in our current political, quite get this there's just gonna be all regulation is evil, and if you ask the budget regulation, you're, communist and then everybody else, Is it going? Oh, no, please regulate, know your ebola. No, I mean you must regulate her else and like it gets polarized really bad badly, but steve case who founded aol is doing this thing where he is trying to get like money and entrepreneurs out of silicon valley and like out into the middle america into the rest of the country and and that's very admirable. But he said this thing
he was like look the government. Is it going to go away? We should have some kind of like reasonable solution and we're not anywhere near And in the meantime like, if you want to start a little company out in the middle of the country that you don't know what's going to happen, I mean he didn't explicitly say that, but like netflix piecing out of fighting for net neutrality or all the other big companies, Google apple, microsoft, then at piecing out but they're like everybody, basically knows that title two is going to go away and nobody knows if anything's replace it ever has just sort of assuming that it's gone guy from time warner. Mucus, mucus basically said that What's her name for CBS servants, terrorist said it, I was not everything action. They are basically said the same thing, which is like Ghana, we're just gonna like, we're. Not gonna has masters of the universe,
I don't want to underplay like the code. Lineup is not yeah mid level. People these like chair red zone, is the primary shareholder of viacom and CBS, like she runs them yeah just because, as the ceo of time warner he's selling his company and eighteen t because he's like the timing is right. And for me to just like he sold everything yeah, he took over time warner and he literally sold every part of a full time when a cable as well. I got one thing left for their work. Strenuously arguing ono get rid of these regulations are bad for us and will be we're to be good when they go The way we really need them to go away to save us and don't worry when they're gone, we're going to beak we're gonna like do the right thing, they're, basically saying yeah they're gone, I was going to be gone in a minute. There's a lot of shrugging there's a lot of shrugging and a lot of land will make decisions that regular either under have nefarious plans or their like. You know. Nobody is so like
losing their minds over like how fast track. Is changing and what trump is doing that, like the idea that anybody's going to like be able to pay enough attention to do anything nefarious in the next six months when regulations go away. I think there's also a sense that if you are one of these masters of the universe, like part of your responsibilities, just be calm, yeah right and like you say there is I I got a lot of that sense. look, there's not even incentives for us through the bad thing in a cottage, full disclosure, communists and miss universal big investor and rocks media there, big sponsor of code bunch their people here they left a bag full of million. I e the skills that comcast left in my room, fine days that the furious toy car here too, yeah. It was delicious but whatever, but you know they're there they're here and I was talking to some of them. I won't name names wherever, but the the the the foundation
if the conversation was look, we're not doing it now, we don't want to do it in the future. It doesn't make sense and we were happy to like go to congress and pass a law that says the things that you want. That says no blocking throttling or whatever and the mobile guy I have a little bit of a different. I was talking to somebody who runs a small wireless access company he's like it doesn't. Even it's not even in anyone's best interest to do this like we want you to use more data, that's how we all make our money. That's the that's the game, we're playing in the wireless carriers in particular. The big danger is actually not the net neutrality stuff. It's the caps in the cap system that they're imposing because they know as cord cutting goes down and people stream more and more four k. They can predict to some reasonable level of accuracy. Exactly when you're going to start maximizing your cap in your house and they're going to move you
one to another, more expensive payment structure and he's like pay attention. That was that was like a wild conversation. I mean that sounds totally true to me yeah, but it was one of those like they're hiding the ball like twelve dimensional chess conversations, but like there is that sense of just calm like it's going to you're, going to hate it and be bad, but we promise we're not going to do this stuff. Well, it's to me like you're right, it's a sense of calm, but it's also just a sense of inevitability, like we have been at the very urge, like sort of like Antonov, sacking yourselves ups for like our time to call the fcc and fight this thing and see if we can stop this happening and like literally. Nobody here is like they're already they ve already assume that fight is over there like moving onto them thing in the next thing, for them is like mere shrug, but like the nobody's trying to convince anybody like have a debate about whether or not the fcc should
changed the rules around net neutrality reset suing their you know. What's interesting in this is really wonky and we don't have to spend a lot of time on it. But a jeep high legally has to not have his mind made up right right. Right. Right, he's got to ask for comment on his proposals, except the comments, deliberate and unlike pass a thing and like ideally sissy passed like unanimous thing, but it everyone here is like what you were going to do it. So I it's the Legal challenge that is coming in part will be. lot of evidence that the industry believes that their regulator is already has is my main up in this process is a sham. So that's a weird opening and he's left open the weird up in his left, open through its where its early in the day here, but it's been a long, I want to say, actually Clinton, because it's obviously the verge talked about a lot of things, but this sense of where the matter
the universe we have to remain? Calm was book ended by Hillary Clinton on stage here in whatever you think of trust Just their styles are radically different in hilary style is like complete mastery of the she's? Like she just knows the information inside and out. She speaks very carefully and forcefully and then trump is like coffee. She comes across as very competent, yeah yeah too much. I talk to a bunch of people here and we don't like her She seems so smart and there's like that yearning for us. one who you can have a very principled intellectual argument with, but I've got some things here that I think are like major verge stories. Actually wine. she said the russians had we guided by americans and how they quote weapon eyes, information. Yes, what she was
She has this whole, like explanation of what her take is on the email leaks, yeah, and like there's a whole chain of logic timeline. Romania recently decided when we're sorry, I'm like I'm really quite tired Johnson. I know it's funny, I'm pretty sure. If you went back and listen to last year's verge guest episode, the night we did the kodak when I was like not making any sense, then either, but she she did. She went through. For example, she said within an hour after the access, hollywood tapes were leaked. That's when the podesta emails were dropped. and so she points out a couples she suddenly heard. Prosecutor lay her through a kiss. Yes, I, like her her core contention. Sort of the thing tat was new, is her saying. Look. The russians.
There's no way that they could be like smart enough on their own and be plugged in enough on their own to know when it would be most effective to dump some of these leaks that they dumped what it was. It took one little more tech and culture turn passed. It right. She's like she said some crazy things with the democratic oh anymore go bankrupt, but she was like we built this operation for obama yeah. That was all right. Voter turnout, voter. I I I'd marketing of that, but I want one last thing on the russia thing and she pointed out that the there was nothing really interesting. The emails and she called them Lauren. She call them. a dying in what was it, you got, nothing burger, isn't it the first thing she said when she came out and stage
and it was really got right into it, and she said I really that you knows the emails were. The biggest thing was because there is a big as nothing burger of all time and ultimately was what made her medium start waiter certain lose ground at the end after one of there is another released at the end of october and yeah, but I just love that you use that word. Laura lustre mon is great Lords word anyway. Sorry, anyone does share this theory. That was your team up. She told the press hard. I prefer, but It was more interesting to me was she talked about the Democrats. Have this whole, aid operation cheat spaces around abbasid like it was guard, known investment fund? It myself and I wrote the php by hand there you're young haggard bell was like real rate of six computer. What was going on there and fixed everything you know Bob with it on the internet with carbon, but then her she's, like, in contrast, the republican party
because they have a lot of billionaires, who own media companies also take. Their operation was also like rightwing content farms, yeah like spamming, fake news out in the world and like look like sinclair buying local news operations and like managing content, as well as like voter registration data, which is what the Democrats are really up to yeah. So, like her her basic like narrow, it was like. We came in and used technology to like get out the vote and, like you know, sent her message and like get flyers and blah blah blah and like that defensive, but, like essentially like get out the vote and the republican machine used it like explicitly for like attack in a way that nobody on the democratic side had thought to do. Yeah target it false news, yeah or just cited. I mean I was there yeah it it's it's a whole range of things right, but there's like this media operate
which is fundamental interests into because the media operation enabled by the internet and. Hilariously enable to an enormous degree by open platforms and net neutrality rikers. If you're comcast, you could just throttle the fake news and make it go away, but they can't because of the rules to like it all comes around full circle. Like frank, we build the world's biggest open information system we can assume like it won't be used in this way. So her her all thing was this sheen existed and then these russian hacks. happened in the machine was ready and awaiting the quote: unquote, weaponize information. I thought that was just is a theory of the case, like I'm pretty sure she was just like reading the first few chapters of her book on stage like she was prepped. I talked to some people that had dinner with her like earlier and they're like this is basically the same thing she said at dinner, so, like
she's. Obviously like this is an argument that she's going to be making repeatedly and any others, I'm sure you're deep into politics. There's all kinds of other podcasts will answer the question or enlisted asset, whether she should have apologized for like whatever. But her thing was. This is an unprecedented combination of like foreign hacking into our country and then how the media structure of our country has developed technological for, This and social here than this so to me I just like ultimately fastening, because you could make the argument right now in this country. that we should get rid of net neutrality in oliver internet provider should do a better job of like walking down the flow. information. She, actually, I don't think you're largely asked facebook yep twitter to do that. Those things I need to figure out how to moderate these platforms, hunter, which seems super unlikely, but it it does. I mean not that they can't do it any better, but that they can, get a handle on this. Now I mean there is a very difficult
the thing that I just thought about sitting there listening to her disruption, what you just described me I was like: how does any of this get better yet like it? It seems just so tricky and You know why I'm sure there will be no new defences that candidates put up in the next elections. The russians have learned a ton from this election. and so it really is to be this kind of new information, arms race and it's terrifying to me that's why we share net neutrality. Charlie, I mean, like I dont believe, but it's it's part of the argument right like if you really want whatever company to be more accountable for the information that delivers, you could make them do that, and that is terrifying, but it's it's kind of like should she have spent more. That was my question. Should she has sent? Word
wisconsin like probably yes to right, like acknowledged seller thing, but I thought it was really interesting in it to me. It's part of the story this this election that will just continue growing and growing and growing, because she is obviously going to be making that case really loudly for a long time, but the the part of the answer to why wasn't she was cause. It is also in like enmeshed in technology, like their data told them don't need to do it and their data was wrong and theory also like she also had whole bunch of other stuff, but but like fun. Actually like looking at the intersection of tech and politics, the the sort of like advantages and disadvantages. That republicans and democrats have right now are fasting. So republicans and there's a there's, a book called rat fucked, that's about jerry during or after they lost. If republicans lost big- and I think oh eight- and they were like oh wait, but the census is coming, and so they took the census and used used.
Data from the census and they aggressively like fought to get into statehouses, and then they won statehouses, which meant that they could draw the districts which gave them an entrenched advantage in congress, and the Democrats are just nowhere on that right now and so that, like that's one republican literally, it's a technology advantage. They have like specific software that was designed to learn how draw districts better to like gideon the incumbent advantage that ugh and so like how like it's We talk about machine learning all the time and like how like the computers, eating smarter and they can win an hour ago and bob law, but like the computers, Getting smarter and there's algorithms that can take data, that's complicated and it will do like the number crunching and the synthesis too, like give you the real world result you want like. It is happening all around us in ways that were not like acknowledging enough, like specifically with like drawing district lines.
Remembering, if you want cassettes like that's toward her, but like that the idea that, like the methodology that you apply tech to is different across these two parties and like they're, trying to learn for each other or whatever, but like one, is applying it to like content and drawing district lines and the other one is applying it to like get out the vote and like organizing protests right like yeah, those are radically different strategies and they have radically different real world effects and it's simply I like knowing and thinking of what a clever use of applying an algorithm. It would do there's a lot to learn right now from this blueprint that she she's making essentially- and maybe her book will get more into it and be like you know you mentioned earlier, like I'm sure there are plenty of people in podcasts. You will dissect her demeanor or how she seems right now in the six months after the election, but at the end of the day she is information that can be incredibly valuable to her party going forward and so she's putting it out there, and you know it
Marc andreessen was also on stage at one point and made a really good point and said you know like. Why would the people who voted for donald trump in this election at this point suddenly think oh yeah next time I I should vote for a democratic president again because right now, everyone's paying attention to the problems that have surfaced throughout the country. You know, and so it's going to be like for the democratic party. It will be an uphill battle, one especially battling these take sort of weapon eyes tearing one of hers. Is solutions like this is a roomful of going urge. All of you should by local tv stations. She said it s. A lot of talk of that later, like will luring Paolo jobs by the new york times, like your money go go by the road is straight out that when it came up like several times, the conference wreak record that it has a running list of everybody who said there not running for president s pretty great topic our right. That's not all tax, except for the next segment.
Remember ever wider m or others. This episode verge has also brought you, but I'll tell you that a few wisconsin, for example, on it. So little bluetooth tracker must now you are isn't even go to it. It's great Beth. It stopped. What are you? U violating seconds volatile the tiny breaches tracker that makes finding things easier than ever. It is attached child. Your keys wallet laptop If your bike, anything, you don't want to lose and funny things becomes super easy, just open the free tile app on your phone. See. Your last item on the map, then quickly find your item by making your tile ring back in your hands in seconds. If the phone has gone missing and still press the tile to make the phone ring, even if the phones on silent tal fines to minimise saddam's every single day, join the million who use tile to help find the lost stuff in get at one. Today it get tile dot com, let's get tile dot com, slash verge! You save up to thirty percent per tile. If you buy a multi pack, any
shipping and because time makes perfect. If, for a limited time, you get free gift box with multi pack order so go to get tile duck on such virtue. Vital find everything else it as it was once in some side note about was constant, sewed neil. I did stand up and ask Hillary Clinton a question about this council companion was content. And after that I witnessed multiple peace is walk by me. Lie in the hallway go with cards. Have this? If I saying I'm from wisconsin managers think dinner, I got another note from Lockhart steele, because Hillary answer, the question was long answer or a detail, and she preference to want to preface one of the parts of her answer with since you're from wisconsin. It's interesting to see all that our company sent me
I think that from now on I will literally begin everytime by saying, since you're from wisconsin sickening might find that's a nice like part sale. Is it real person that is his name like steel? He's an eye, It's just a very dapper. As he's the color of a phone yeah Lockhart is a good phone call yeah anyway, but as a bunch of stuff odds and ends to wrap up cedar. You are going to review that but for you had one I have it. I have it with me right now. I'll, tell you and I try to use it dieter, I art, are staying in the same villa. We have a village Casey staying in the tower surfing the monks, it's amazing princess as regards its like the dollar, but I was or come into our villa we're like sitting in the living room. He opens its chrome, chrome. I really like this. I won't say the score he was
about a publisher view. The the score dont think has written. We are putting a score and we're getting from these. I think I'm gonna give it a higher scored a day later. What you actually published are the words: don't buy the crumbling pro? What happened there I hope, the story with chromo acids that they're trying to get android apps running on it. If you listen to verge kassab sure you've heard me complain about this, but the entered apps are in beta and the way that the android apps run and croats it's not like theirs. I can embedded android phone inside the thing they like early tied into the o s and that can make the us a little bit unstable and so that the solution is don't do that. Don't use them just use it as a crowbar cause. You can do complex, you can open web apps and it's great, and so I had some crashes in the first couple of days. I was using it, but I was like oh it's because android seven stop using android, apps reboot the thing and then I won't crash will be fine, so I did that and everything seemed fine and then it super wasn't
just like you know it wouldn't cromer that a memory is like a snap again every single app window and tab was like. Oh snap, all the time once I hit more than like ten or twelve tabs, so I had to ask Google what what's the story like we're going to fix it like when the lights soon have like well thing is being sold to people right now, so yeah tell them that is broken, that's what I did, but the problem with the advice to don't use. Andrade apps on a crumb book is like this crowbar comes at the stylus and when you pull the stylus out a little thing, pops up, that's like drawn green and that like bring you too an android brings you to Google Keaton, and so like. The core feature of the thing involves the thing that makes it unstable but it's also unstable on its own. So anyway, I do ten on reviewing this thing, I also intend on reviewing it when andred apps commodity beta. Like three months I mean to have the thing like eight times, but when the time is all over, but for right now
Until I tell you or somebody, you that they have issued a update to crumble us to resolve the. Stability issues. I would not buy it. Lol thanks, are ruining far stay dieter here, you could I trust the grads are pissed that have a boat. I trust that Google will fix it and I trust it when they fix it. The single be good, but I don't trust it so far that I would recommend that people go out and spend five hundred and fifty dollars on some have supports miserable timing. Bs last week is doubly there really see the end. suddenly the whispers of increase that something is happening to the ipad, to make it more computer like. we have seen. I know that it is also windows, tennis, yeah right, like there's a, I wrote this article like a month ago. There's a confluence of lake. Take these men, operating systems that you can't mess around with and that where there are more
Karen they're, updated more often and like level them up just enough that they could actually replace a mac or a pc like that's what that's what these three companies are trying to do, yeah, ah and google was duke, was first and they just fell on their face. As a and z to play came out yup I wanted to do a little pour one out moment. The droid brand at verizon appears to be gone that's fine! Is it find its great that I never liked the joy brand after they release? Those incredibly massaging is too commercials at the launch of the original droid death. Like you're, a man you like you like manly things, you should get a droid cause I voted for girls. It was they hire like a fake dennis leary. You have
I do like Denis leary. They they literally had they had this, like you know, flashing like give you a seizure. Commercial were like just crazy scenes happening all the time and it was like a fighter plane, in shooting up into the sky and an explosion, and like disbandment of the joint appears, but if you slow down or watch it one the scenes in this crazy seizure. Inducing you know commercial, literally a banana. a female mannequin in the face like what's here, was a different. What's very recent type our amendment giving businesses Elizabeth there's like come on. We used to tear apart this marshals on the show I tried droid. Right admit sets out, but for only time that was the dominant anyway, that's what people called android, though you gave a droid yeah. It's weird that is just raised in and out of our culture and its just over now do android photos. Color folds his days of nine rights, just
they call ever samsung I've a galaxy. Maybe no one's is evident yeah We never we're. Talking to engineer high ranking may prove my boy, while if you here's a ranger viewer uninjured from think in your head, what you say and then tweet that back. One cutting really just do it even more efficient google on it is that there is an excess or pixel yeah. I guess that's how the other ones it get over. People don't say it like. I have a mac, I ate just the you know when somebody who knows nothing about phones, walks up to you and says what kind of phone is that? What do you say? You don't want to. in a whole conversation with them. You don't want to agitate them very much yeah you just want to be like. Oh, I have a blah, I think people say samsung haven't seen anyone tweeted all backlund casey this one's for you. This is just your moment,
right. Skype has been redesigned and it's getting stories, as you know, if you've downloaded any app that has any social feature and twenty seventeen stories are the new thing of femoral collections of pictures and videos that disappear twenty four hours after you posted them. Of course, pioneered by a snake. Chat, gloriously ripped off by instagram and in the rest of facebooks product swedes. It's now to start a pop up everywhere, medium sort of has a version of stories, believe it or not to be empty knows, but so and has a gap has now announced today in a blog post that they are redesigning the app rebuilt it from the ground up its to be a way to share every part of your day, and so, of course, that is going to include stories. Skype stories. I really love when there's a utility that everyone uses for just one thing, which is very easy video chatting and accompany decides. You know what this really means
stories that doesn't need to something that is completely out of use that word again and non essential to the core functionality of what this thing dies. I literally think of a review of her video chat, its we call people for broadcasts yeah, it's it's like that. All calling service on the internet. Where gets its chief? That level were. I can as I had virtually anyone, we a podcast. What's your skype yeah, there's always an answer when are you in other people's fuck? When you have people on your part, s learn on shore If you know, what's your skywriting, every sort of your questions, I can set all units and instructions that international calls. Yes pretty much, but what's he got it now it stories you I was insanity is pretty well. I'm actually disappointed that I can't just use it right now, like it, apparently didn't. I knew I o s opposing any come out for a month or more be dissipated,
While. I think it's, if you're looking at it strategically. I think you would do this for the same reason that whatsapp introduced stories, which is it's popular internationally places where snapchat does not have a big user base, so I actually do think for a lot of skype users. This probably will be their first introduction to stories. I think the question is: are any of them going to use it, and results have been very mixed. What's app says that actually already more people are using whatsapp everyday that are are using snapchat up just for the stories feature alone, but then you can look inside the facebook app and almost nobody uses using stories yeah. So you just never know yeah. I don't know if this is like empirically true, the main facebook app, gotten incredibly slow. Lately. I threw my earnest: it's like they ve dave, definitely taken their eye off the ball of this, that core literally the core of the willing the size of the updates. When they're like three four hundred megabytes each their packed full of a our filters- and god knows what kind of address
as in spyware, so yeah third big juicy apps, so easy and those who have said that drift grows. rapid with social authors to carry the can communicate enough. C mon. I want, I hope in the next up notes. They you know fixes enthusiasts humped bulletins still going the very voice, their full juice I address you edward, anyway bixby everyone's read any reuben had a nice burn of what was I think we're done burn the expert. What was I talking about assistance on stage and he was like bubbles? and he has. I didn't mention bixby our cardona. Any room goes. Thank you for mentioning
These delayed, because it can't understand english, which is having their presumably they made. It understand, reinforced a company. My whole thing was a shipping, the phone, the button that watches the thing that doesn't work. The button like exactly What about it? My early I believe that lets you remap the button yeah all the all the apps that let you remap the button now they're, basically bixby hacks, so it launches bixby and then then it launches the thing you want, and some of them are pretty quick. Like every now and then you'll hit it and be like nah, but language you're using and essay yeah, and I would say one out of ten times I pull my phone out of pocket and actually hit the bixby button, and I look at the bixby screen and like it hasn't updated and so like I just look at my phone and it's like. How do I gotta this looks deep, eminence turning bixby that? that makes you feel bad
It literally what negative, emotion puppies like yours, like a dog butler analogies, dislike bad news bad news for stopping. I was just trying to come up with other words for dogs, but I I'm not classically improv trained leave this to the prophetic like to recommend that I install a moon theme. It would like me to know at today's weather is loading. yeah paris. Agreement is turning off course that's real time as recording this. I have Never ever in my entire life, either in person or on the internet, indicated any sort of interest in hockey. Despite the fact that eleven minnesota,
they really want me to know that there's a dude who plays for the penguins, that's really quiet, thanks bixby ex be they expect ex may last one laurens, Oh ok, mark ermine has lost one sentence group that apples Three speakers in production production. Someone at this conference told me that apple is working on this idea in fits and starts for no fewer than six years wow. I can't verify it is one of those bar type, conversations, but in production there in the market, do you think they're gonna is there anything were to see the wbc think they are going to make a big splash? Are they going to have it under? What do you think side note to that? Syria has been around for sixty. irs. So that means right because it launched in two thousand and eleven. So that means that if the speaker has been in production for six years that like the moment, SIRI launched apple was to hear about it in hardware form other. Then I like an I device was, and it was
since starts. I don't I don't even running on whatever they can do. Even having johnny I've is reached going away at a block of we shared. Maybe he has been. Maybe it's going to be the most perfect speaker gases, but almost amazing, that's for on a pot unapologetically speaker, speaker yeah, so here's my thing. Do I think that if apple introduces a speaker that, like people will run out and buy it, absolutely I think they will. I mean I think there are a lot of apple fans and on users, obviously out there in the world and enough, so that people would be willing to get this chance, especially people that maybe haven't invested, get in and amazon echo or google home. But I do think more, so maybe then with other- and this is just my opinion right now and it could morph like many times in the next few years as voice control, becomes even more prevalent, but I do think that voice more then devices that we Other devices that we use in everyday life,
everyday lives is something that, like once you're sort of hooked into one system, it's very hard to also hook into another. So you know in apartment right now, because Minerva: have you no amazon echo? I have gone home, the ngos in those early, the only really voice, controlled things within the lights. Have are lou. Truncated is compatible with home kit rate. So I've got like a few differently these things going on at home and air to assist a pain. it is kind of wanna talk to one once you start ok, set a timer. Ok, turn off the lights, accused change that do not want to watch this programming on the tv you wanted. It just seems like it's. You just wanted to be unified. You dont want that kind of fragmentation when it comes to voice so I think the one challenge that apple may have is just if there are people who are really already sort of hooked into amazon's alexa, and that seems to be doing the job for them
then I'm not sure what the value proposition is for them to get another speaker to that set up right at this time. I didn't it would have to be really good like you is serious in this moment, cannot play spotify right, so tat like and unless this speaker comes alive, Much better third party integrations that they have historically been willing to let SIRI make eating. Instead on arrival, interesting, that's like that's at an hour. that it they they're have a minute that, like they'll, have a few more integration. That is fine, but what are going to do, is get on stage and say you can get and elect the that is made by amazon and who knows what amazon is doing they're trying to sell you stuff, you can get a google home and nobody trust, Google or you can get the siri speaker, which we privacy. Yes, pyres aren't magical system like doesn't even connected to the internet. Till the microphone recognises your voice, whatever the hell. Does that not just the adjust saying we are the speaker that protects your privacy?
I can say that over and over and over again and the thing will matter for no matter what, if the thing can tell you the weather and set an alarm, they'll sell it and not for nothing. The echo is not like a beautiful by any search dimension. Now, and it's not a good speaker and scientists The two things this apparently under the santos does were like you I put in a room, and it like makes a bunch of noise and lessons for the the sound bouncing around the room, and then it tunes itself to the room at school at the most annoying process I go through with any audio device in my house by literally my wife is like. Are you going to do? The thing is id to leave because it just makes a lot of chirping sounds at you. They said I was gonna, have seven speakers in it or something that was in the Bloomberg report. But when apple has done these other platforms, you know like, can play spotify. It's like the iphone like it's there when you plug in iphone into carplay spotify, is their right, so they're not completely blind to the fact that these other things exist right
it just looks like siri- has traditionally been underpowered. I think apple is coming in a little bit late. I mean I mean, I'm probably being a little bit too negative. I agree with you guys. I think, that, yes, it will have a certain base, Yes, privacy will help themselves a decent number of them, but like let's also look at the proper market. Like It is really on a tear. It has a lot of developer support. Already, it's probably going to be a lot cheaper than the than the apple device right. It's the is there something I can provide all so these rugged things. Death will see their issues next week. It's party lauren, indeed, are going to be there geocache and kazumi there, I'm going to be live blogging from new york, yep that'll be in new york for a variety of reasons, whilst chilling- Well, you bury their climax crack. Some jokes until I blocked says stating a lot of movies. You do and will you be jobs and we would be granted drove amazing case soldier
Is there a live blog? Will you be offering your searing insights yes and then responding to people on twitter saying? Why are there so many bad jokes in this year? Just give me the facts. It's because watch the fucking stream yourself. That's why I tell him. No, we love you and we want you to journal and look at him. I swear at you, the feeling is mutual twitter person Also you knife, which is next week, death while maastricht last episode of control or delete live law, I live in new york from the school of visual arts with diet or bone or show there is going to be great, walt, hey, look! Here's the thing his send off here. There's emotional moment: so interviewed wall, which is amazing. I encourage you really. She videos really fun ears, really, wild story about steve jobs in itunes for windows. I was told that a wild story about the say all four of these words bill gates talk about it's go. Listen now is great, but now
while sent off to his audience a billion airs and taxi is, I am very copy that the last thing that he's doing with us is a room full of his readers and listeners cause. That's it. Those are his people. Such do. Ninth dwelt, see have it out afterwards, but if you're in new york Doesnt tickets laughed somewhere. winter, one hundred tickets left, I want to say yeah. It might be under fifty, fifty or so left, but come out we'd love to see ya and you can hang out with while it was a whole thing. So june ninth Lauren has podcasts you unplug your podcast. Yes, it's called too embarrassed to ask and it's in the same place as you, This podcast its with care, a swiss sure these economic recovery code and the person who I don't know just kind of hounds silicon valley techniques, It is the most of anybody that I now really fun. We try to answer all the questions you have about tech this week. We have a, a special episode was the one is the virtuous sharing its tomorrow to our ok great. So I'm it as well
prize right now that tomorrow's episode of too embarrassed ass friday. That episode is with the one and only walmart borg, it's kind of a send off episode and I know usually we take questions from people online. Who just ask you know hey what what what laptop should I buy and that sort of thing or whatever it might be in this case we got questions from. Oh, I don't know, you know Cheryl Sandberg and more cuban act or see who's in give you two bill gates. A few others who sent in their questions to halt, and he was very surprised- and he has a really great answer so dramatically. One lesson a lover it's really fun and actually he does tell the talk about story. There's snuff watts legacy about care. Switcher speaking, which hosts recode declared, which is wonderful, my favorite, the notice of the park ass, Peter kafka's, record media, and if you have a chance to it, go and watch all the videos, the interviews onstage from the code conference, a really encourage you to do it, peter on kara artistic,
credible, interviewers and whole show was great. So if you want, I watched You have time warner squirm in his chair. Peter kafka can deliver that experience you, but that's it for us out I love doing the show with you guys here as tired and loopy as we are in this opulent ballroom. It was great week here and we will be back last week? That's right! Whatever dvd see the stuff with w regime is in an obscene alive control, at least at its richest retinal steps that Paul bye, bye.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-04.