« The Vanished Podcast

Dorothy Goroshko Part 1: The Monster


On June 4, 1975, Dorothy Goroshko went out to have drinks with some girlfriends in Boston, MA. Her three sons, ages 21, 14, and 12, were at home that evening and went to bed that night, not thinking anything was amiss. The following morning, Dorothy wasn't there. The younger two boys got themselves off to school and figured that their mother must have spent the night with a friend and she would be back by the time the school day was over. They were shocked that their mother still hadn't returned that evening. The boys weren't sure what to do, so they kept waiting. After a few days without word from their mother, Dorothy's son went to the police station to report her missing. Forty-eight years later, Dorothy's sons are still searching for answers.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Dorothy Goroshko, please contact the Boston Police Department Homicide Unit at 617-343-4470. If you want to remain anonymous, please call 1-800-494-TIPS or text "TIP" to 27463.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Wondering plus subscribers can listen to the vanished ad free right now join, wondering plus in the wondering, app or apple pie casts the night my mother disappeared. She went out with nothing, but the clothes on her back go meet her girlfriends, they have drinks and she was with them all the way up until voting time at the penalty box, and that was the last time anybody saw her. There were a couple of ways that it was possible to. She was seen at a bar across the street from the penalty box that night after the penalty, boss close about called sand zone, but that would never reuben. There was
say about that. Initially, when he first appeared, while we were all reeling from the shock of it all one of the questions that were mine, what did he get take up? Did you get tired of being a single mom and when all the fuss greater, but we came to the conclusion very quickly that that was not the case become. He just went out that night with nothing but the clothes on her back. He didn't take her jewelry, you didn't have to your bank account. You didn't take spare cash that was sitting on her dress her. He didn't pack a bag, clothes with her on june. Fourth, nineteen. Seventy five dorothy Asheville went out to have drinks with some girlfriends in Boston massachusetts three sons, ages, twenty one fourteen and twelve, where at home, evening and went to bed at night, not thinking anything, was a mess. Next morning. They awoke to find that their mother still hadn't returned the younger too got themselves after school, in figure that
mother must have spent the night with a friend and she would be backed by the time the school day was over. They were shut to find that their mother still hadn't return that evening. The voice we're not sure what to do so. They kept waiting after D with no word from their mother dorothy eldest son, went to the police station report her missing forty. Eight years later, dorothy sons are still searching for answers. I'm russia and from wondering this is episode. Four hundred and five of the vanished part one. Of dorothy garage ghost story, the monster The the called him. The miracle man based on the hit wondering podcast, peacocks, doktor death dives into the
breathtaking true story of doktor palo maki, a rainy whose ground making surgeries were set to revolutionize medicine forever, when a trail of tragedy and deception follow in its wake. A journalist and a group of doktor raced uncover the truth that power your rainy might just be more mirage, the miracle soaring, grew, ramirez, Mandy more doctor streaming now only on peacock before we get started just a quick disclaimer. This episode, contains graphic descriptions of intimate partner, violence and child abuse. Pleased care, while listening, but spring of nineteen. Seventy five, forty, you Well, Dorothy garage go was a single mother of three sons, her eldest Anthony had just returned from the military these middle son rick, was fourteen and the youngest John was just twelve on the evening of June fourth dorothy and a night out with some of her friends. This was.
in unusual occurrence they were going to a bar called the penalty box in the north station area of Boston. Tat evening dorothy left her home in the brighton, neighborhood of boston and drove to the Lee box in north station about six miles away. Dorothy last seen at the bar and symbol, if that she went to an after hours bar after closing. But no one knows for sure really know for certain- is that Dorothy never made at home that night and was never seen again. with these sons awoke the next morning and the younger too got themselves after school days, passed, with no sign of their mother. when they decided to report her missing when Dorothy disappeared. She was driving a nineteen seventy gold, ford maverick with a black top car had a massachusetts license, plate nine k, seven, seven, five, five and just like dorothy the car, never surfaced
when dorothy left to meet her friends for drinks. She didn't take anything with her. That would make anyone believe that she plan to disappear. She hadn't pact leave for a trip or to leave for good something happened that night. In nineteen seventy five, perhaps worthy had too much to drink that night, and there was an accident, that's never been recovered. That's it the possibility when someone disappears along with our vehicle- and we have seen many cases with that same outcome- resolved in recent years, with vehicles being recovered in waterways. However, there was someone in dorothy's life at the time who had a dangerous past and her I couldn't help but suspect that this man had something to do with what happened to their mother since this is an older case, there aren't many living relatives left to speak to about dorothy today. Her middle son, rick, has stepped up to fight for answers for their mother. Rick is new contacted us back in january about covering his moms case, we spoke to both
and john for this story before we we jump in. We would like emphasise here that, in order to tell their mothers story as well as their own, it opens up old wounds, as and John have endured severe trauma not only because their mother disappeared but I'll due to many things that came before, but this as their lives experience through their lands and while it may not always paint dorothy and the best light, they still to share her story, no matter how imperfect, when we spoke with rick, We asked him to start at the beginning of what he could remember about their early lives. So my mother was a single mom. She raised three boys on her own. My oldest brother every is seven years older than I am, and then my younger John Two years younger than I am certain, the three of us, my father, was out of the picture, pretty early, the boy she wasn't alcohol, a gambler couldn t really hold on a job.
and they ultimately got divorced I remember him being around, maybe in my first holy communion william in the forest greatest happen, then, naturally, like a laugh at me, seen pictures of him with us, and then he never kept in touch once they got the voice. I gotta christmas card once a year report. They can't wants you dear, but that was that was it so my mother raised us. Did the best that she could. I know she loved us in her own way. You know she a great cook she cooked for us. She made sure that we were fed and clothed, and the was always clean, tidy impeccable order. During our first interview with wreck, it became clear to us that dorothys story was not going to be an easy one to tell she was a complicated person. Was honest and open about his mother. She had her own struggles and he doesn't even know all the details of those struggles, because he was only fourteen when his mom went missing. He can
speculate today based on what he knows of his mother's life, but later His family was hard back then. I wish and loving all these loving stories to tire you. You know she was troubled. She was borderline, alcoholic herself, she was physically abusive, she depressed taken the volumes and she just wasn't a happy person can speculate as to why her life, life and she was pregnant. When I was sixteen years old married my father, she was clearly the disciplinarian and she would keep a thin line. These are the facts and Can't tell you the number of times I came home from school in the afternoon and she was drunk sitting in the living room with all the shades down and smoking lincoln in either of these kinds of things, and so I know this isn't the hot warming, but it is the reality. I had some positive memories of my mother.
I know she loved got in her own way. I know that she used to drive us to the pool during the summer time he was a good cook ass. He taught us to be organised and respectful and with the fear of god. If we want, then he beat us a lot. She was a strict disciplinarian. You I'm talking about this whole subject because on one hand, when I say she loved her, wait, she put us at risk questions like did. We have a good time yeah. I remember some points go into the lake or go into the beach, or I remember, having some fond memories of things, but really from the time I was ten on, I dont remember a whole lot of fun. That's all! I remember a lotta crazed in the lot of mixing It was a lot of drinking. Alcohol and depression, and just where, unfortunately, how it was very tragically at the rate, was gone. The way it was gonna end.
we don't wanna sugar coat, ignore or downplay the traumas at dorothy sons endoored before she even disappeared, which a host of new struggles into their lives, but, while looking through, his paper articles to learn more about dorothys disappearance. We found an article from nineteen. Fifty seven about eighteen before she went missing in this art, may give us a glimpse into what life was like for dorothy dealing with her ex husband, trying to raise her sons on her own this article published in the boston daily record, and it was title. Judge is a dud as cupid. Her sobs prove it the article written when dorothy and her husband only had one child together Anthony who was three years old at the time Article said that despite a good cupids, try the judge unsuccessful in its effort to reconcile a young estranged western couple. Frederick shhh go- was charged with non support of his wife blonde,
storage eager ashcombe. When the judge asked dorothy, if there was any chance, I reconciliation she broke, in tears and shook her head her husband to pay dorothy thirty dollars per week and dorothy accept it for that intervened on dorothys behalf. Frederick was me, in eighty five dollars a week while living with his mother mail He was maintaining her own household for herself and their son. That was when he offered to pay dorothy fifty five dollars per week, instead, its unclear. Why may the news in a local paper, but maybe you can help us understand, some of what dorothy went through after this time they went on to have two more children together and dorothy, appraising all three of the boys alone. It's a tough road being a single parent even today, and even with a support system but it was certainly more difficult back in the fifties. Sixtys and seventys rick told us at all
they didn't have a job and it wasn't easy for them to get by. My mother never worked. She was happy sitting at home, collecting your welfare checks scamming scheming, figuring out how to make that wealthier check. I get her cigarettes in her beer and we would go to these churches and stop and get generic foods for the house can of green beings, it would say I want a white label, just green beings or green peas or corn. My brother and I saw one of the things that we had her diary: from when she was fifteen years old, so when she was seventeen years when she got married. I just recently read it again: she would get a job and she will decide I'm not going to work the next day and if you get fired from that job because she wanted to go swimming or she wanted to go to the beach her mother, who came to this country from germany. My grandfather on my mother's side was from ITALY, my mother and her sister
mary from all with my aunt, were born here in this country. My grandmother worked like Hell she held on to jobs. She learned how to speak english. My aunt, who was her sister, had a job her entire life and was had a great work ethic. She worked for the same insurance company for like forty years retired with that company. My aunt used to say, come I'll, get you to come. You can come work for me. She she'd wanna work her There was also a strict disciplinarian reading that diary. She was definitely a rebellious kid. She did her own thing skip school all the time she he would. I go into stores and steel, whatever he wanted, she was a rebel and she was always on the wild side and he hung out all these people that grew up in the west end the boston it was. It was all image. in the western balkans and a lot of them wanda being the future gangsters that ran Boston. You know she was
think of it, he knew all of them. When we read in space on our third floor bookies, we had bookies come in monsters are running numbers and they would install phone lines upstairs and they they'd be running numbers all day long out of our out of our house. You know I'm not trying to make broad as bonnie and clyde, but what I'm saying is that she was on the wild side, and my grandmother was always holding her and discipline. My aunt, by contrast, I don't want to use the goody goody, but she compared them Does she want the goody goody, my entire life? I never knew my mother. I have one job sure that added to her depression into her anxiety in her inability it really develop into.
an adult just first some contacts here. She said she had to bring me through the stores to the discount stores and teach me how to steal. She would have me: stick things in my pocket. Stick things down my shirt switch tickets on things, so here I am, can eleven years going what your mother to the store and her having used your step in and I get out of the car, and you say you have all those things and I'd I'd empty my pocket and give her all the stuff tat I stole. Then she smack me and say: don't you ever do that if you're not me. So then I I would get the morality lesson for not not to steal unless I'm with her. So it's like talk about mixed messages right as a kid, so I say she loved us in her own way, because one day, the neighbor next door, yells out to her son, who was our playmate yells,
Jimmy gotta come in your daddy's knothole, but your daddy will be home, which is like a shot to us, because our father wasn't coming home because they were divorce or my mother drops her broom and chases her up her front stairs right into our house and the shit out of her and next thing. You know the cops come and resting arresting her for assault because you added to this woman's house and and beat her up so on one hand, she's protected quote unquote: protecting us from that perspective blue, refuse. Whichever way you want to look at, it is clear that carvers, some resentment towards his mother sir lives, wouldn't have been so difficult. If she had taken her sister up on that job off her, maybe they wouldn't have had to steal from the store or maybe she wouldn't have disappeared, with her sons left behind to fend for themselves. Easy to understand why rick feels the way the he does. The conflict in his is at times is palpable, but we also
to acknowledge that dorothy isn't here to tell us her story. We don't know how she ended up on that path, but despite all of that Rick is on a mission to find out what happened to his mother, while speaking rex younger brother John. He plain that he too has a hard time recalling happy memories from his childhood john but many years trying to understand his mother be somewhat here a car from the first five years of his life, very difficult for me to remember the times when I think of my mother, the only thing that really comes to meet the jumps to me, the instances that remind me of her, mostly our negative, I know I must have had
good times when I was a kid. It's very difficult for me to remember those moments, but I may just to give one example around christmas was always something that causes a child. I looked forward to and the date I would like the most prior to christmas was when I would come home from school and while I had been gone to school, my mother set up the christmas tree. I would walk in the door and sure enough. There was the christmas tree lit and that It is probably one of the best memories I can come up with. I've tried to work them out many many times. I've looked for answers. I've. I've tried to understand my mother's psyche and of course now this is coming through filter of a sixty year old man who had now a lifetime of experience, as opposed to a twelve year old,
trying to figure out. You know what kind of how whole battle I was trying to navigate I've been able to try to think more logically about what was going on with my mother. I believe that she had her. own psychological demons and they showed displayed in. A new mirth amount awaits whether it was square. men, whether with heading in my opinion. I found my mother to be the very selfish, her happiness, her came or my brothers and mine, and not just happiness, but I mean who she decided to bring into our homes. He was more concerned with our own happiness than the happiness and safety of her children at that's. One of the areas I very difficult to forgive oughta be tries to say what you know something.
Here we are a woman who has had three children, she's a single parents pregnant when shippers, seventeen years old, I say to myself: hey, listen, doesn't I think you know, or there comes a point in your life, I mean whether you hit thirty thirty five, these little milestones and all of a sudden I mean you know it occurs to you. This is my life. It's not going to be getting any better. This is what it is I also don't want to present the fact this isn't rainbows and ice cream unicorn. My mother was not a very good mother for lack of a better term to me. I believe she had psychological issues you're. Looking back at us, I remember coming home. from school several times. You know my mother would be passed out in a chair, basically I'd shake shaker. I had gotten to the point where I was just so bitter and
The point that, in a great ashamed of Egypt, I could prevent a million adjective all the negative. This was what she turned into We often have discussions on the show about how some people are perceived by the media law enforcement and the public are culture has an obsession with people who are viewed from the outside as perfect or having it all stories a beautiful young women who may have been abducted by a stranger will make national news, while so many others are forgotten, but no one is perfect in the deep you dig the more skeletons you'll find in everyone's cause. It often these Looking that we carry make us more vulnerable, sometimes we will get questions from listeners asking why we would cover someone who made bad choice as well cover someone addicted to drugs or alcohol? Why We cover someone who was in a relationship within abuser these question have very complex answers. But the simplest explanation is that everyone deserves to be found. We
consider any one to be disposed of all and frankly, if you ve, through four hundred episodes of the show you likely ray. I by now that the vanished just as much about the journey, the loved ones of the missing our on as it is about the missing person themselves. This now, hunt for answers, hans people forever until they find some sort of resolution. Despite honesty about his mother. He expire to us it is mother, didn't deserve this. It was because she was a fabulous mother and this was no leave at the beaver a lifetime, but she didn't deserve what you got. She had her flaws, but she didn't deserve. What she got is the bottom line. It's just not right. I want to get her home I wanna get. I want to find a remains before I die and give her a proper burial. Along the way we can hold someone accountable responsible for her death. That would be the icing on the cake. For me. That's what captain motivated over these decades, to try to get answers.
Rick's motivation is defined as mother and put her to rest John express that Motivations are different, brick and I may have different opinion here. The motive for my brother rick, keeping a very beautiful son- I mean he has kept the fires burning. So to speak, I mean trying to you know, keep my mother's name out there, myself I dont know if that's exactly my motives are more in the camp of the stage, my life. This is been with me for so long that my feeling that burden inside of me, as I feel like I'm owed in answer, owed a explanation of what happened to my mother. That's mostly
What is that my bite? I'm not the kind of why one of my mother homes, I can give her a proper burial. I think, like I said, I'm owed an explanation as to what happened my brother rick. He has called the Boston police department, I think now, for thirty years I beat to the point where I think several, the parker physicals I have retired, but he called him every month is only knew him. My mother, I mean hey. Have you checked this check that for me I would go out of my tree trying to dedicate that much time and devotion to it, but I think that just goes to show. I mean hey, listen, we're brothers. We both experience a common horror that no kid should have had to endure, but we've kind of taken, separate path,
in regard to our dealings with it now John believes that perhaps his mother's life would have taken a different path if she hadn't gotten pregnant as a team and was essentially forced to marry his father. The marriage failed dorothy left to raise the kids on her own without a support system. Her ex husband, abandoned the family, there to help raise the boys, support them, protect them or do anything and she never. A chance to pursue any dreams that she may have had for herself. She was lonely and it was his relationships with men that caused further trauma in her life. I kept the staples were any kind of with a certain kind of eczema. I just don't know for sure, but I think my mom she got pregnant when she was seventeen back in those days ago. In the fifties I mean you hear the term she gun wedding and I'm sure that's exactly what this was. She was married at seventeen.
routine use old the mean at this point. You don't know yourself, you don't know what you want to be sure. She was in love with my father at the time, but they never really maintained a solid relations Half the time he was out on a bender spent the money Oh that was meant for rent a mortgage wasn't asking see father. My mother also had a sister and my turned out to be such a different character than my mother that I always find it impossible to believe that somehow only negative things were thrown up. My mother not at my aunt mary, I think, to both raised in the same environment, my grandmother, the shoes, a wonderful grandmother, Did she she admired, lived together and made both for us and to their home when my mother
if they're, the only ones in our family that basically stepped up and took that job. I don't believe my mother's face serious trauma in her life, except for one. You know with the men she decided to be with, I mean I think, that's really where the trauma was born from the quince, as my go to place for luxury essentials at affordable prices for everyone? On my last, including myself, quince offers a range of high quality. items with prices within reach. Like one hundred percent mongolian kashmir sweaters from fifty dollars, watchful, silk tops and dress s. The best part all quince items are priced. Fifty two, eighty percent less in similar brands by partnering directly with top factories, quince cuts out the cost of the middle man and passes a savings onto us and one of my favorite things as at quince, only
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but his memories of John Bolton coming in their lives. I know every single day would come home from school. We go out and play and that should call a thin and we'd have a book and cookies and then go back outside and play until supper time before the chaos started before ass. She met open with a kid. She was the adult, but I know she was a lonely woman. I know she was depressed me how she had a tough life And I, and, as a result we had tat lies fell over the years, David in mecca, and what not? And it was right around nike. These seventy one when he had just got not a prison. She meets this guy out in a bar I'm sure, because every weekend or whatever she would go out with a girlfriends and go down to it. north end, not station in Boston. It was notorious far fear and all these organised crime people, and by the way she grappled all these people, they all hung out and
I really don't have a memory of the very first time I met him. It would have had to have been. He came over to the house he was a few years younger than my mother. We want to spend time with them. We want up, go into the beach going That's what I'm not gonna lakes go into the beach having put out. John believes that his mother resented being a single mother having to do racing on our own. She was, seeking excitement in her life in Bolton, provided that for her he could be a very charming man when he wants to be- and I can see why my mother might have been attracted through, he had a certain kind of charisma, but he also had that bad boy
what kind of reputation and new people in the underworld- and I think that's what drew my mother to him. She put up with a lot at the hands of bolton when she brought bolton, is where life for her. It was very exciting. Like I said, I think she she was looking for something that was not as mundane taking care of young children. We can only speculate about what drew dorothy to John Bolton, but clear members that things quickly turn violent. He becomes part of life and she's head over heels for this guy, then as a mean girdle, he be her broker knows, broker legs pushed her down a flight of stairs punched. Her like, like you, would puncher punching bag. Rick explained that for much of this time, his oldest brother anthony, was away in the army. Rick and his
Your brother, John witness John Bolton brutally beating their mother on many occasions. It was frightening for them and sometimes things would get so bad that they would escape to get help from a neighbor, my older brother, he was so so much older. he graduated high school in seventy one. I was still ten years old when he graduate high school. He went right into the army and he was gone for the four years in the army. That off The chaos occurred. Let me, in my younger brother, John lived through the soap backing up a little bit, but first obviously was I just being from being my younger brother seeing listen here, listen running downstairs, countless times in the middle of the night, trying to break it up and then getting beaten ourselves and, finally, to the point where you get sensitized it and you actually get angry about it, that she's putting up with definite use, letting this happen and she's putting up harm's way in the beatings would just continue and we would
stay up in a roman stay in bed, because I didn't want to grant get bob anymore will run out I was in the middle of the night because there was a cop that live next door say it a number of times that we ran out of the house in up a job in the milk a night banging on the cops door to say: hey, we need help Then he would either come over or by that time. would you believe it would become down my mother wouldn't want to press charges? Do anything brigman and that, as a child, he explained his feelings of anger, because felt his mother was putting up with bolton's abuse or letting happen which put both brick and joy in harm's way and then understandable. From ex lines as a child living in terror. But we also must acknowledge that we don't know if dorothy had ever try to leave bolton. We know that leaving in abuser is an exceptionally dangerous time. And we know so much more today about intimate partner violence than we did back. Then there were
ugly little to no resources available to a dorothy or protect her. If she tried to leave him, she may not have just been putting with that or letting it happen. But pray apps living in fear, unsure of how get away John who carries many traumatic memories from the years that John Bolton was in their lives. Memory that haunt him to this very day. I don't have really anything positive, but I can say about this. Some truly was, in my opinion, an animal ethics, a sociopath I'll. Do you ever showed any type of requests for any of the crimes that she committed? I think the only regret did he ever displayed was the fact that he got cash. He was a sadistic men We were hit myself. He would hit my brother children, they say our resilience, but do not watching him hit my mother and the thing was it was like you,
Why, too, a ridge? He knew exactly what he was doing on most occasions, maybe caught to rage every now and then, but for the most part, the son of a bitch knew what he was doing and it'd be sometimes you'd, be behold, my mother, by the front of her her sweater- and you know not even slapping I mean he would reach and puncher and I'd be screaming. Leave her alone leave her alone. That sort of in his turn, and have like this disgusting smirk on his face when he was walking me all the flight. What the hell are you gonna? Do kid watch this second another one. That's where I saw. You know that this is a sadistic sociopath behavior I may take after a while. You got to learn the tunnel, sure about when things were starting to get really really out of hand. I how to protect myself my
white mirror. I had places where I would go and hide be quiet and try to stay out of the line of fire so to speak. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't one time I heard my mother crying and sobbing and I walked out of my bedroom and his bulky his record, my mother, on top of the vanity I'm screaming at him and sure enough. He can run into grasmere, threw me back into my bedroom. My brother rick and I had bunk beds, and I wearing my forehead, which one I'm splitting on the upper bunk of the bed and I fell to the floor, and my mother now is screaming to resign. He's not correct, don't worry about! If this is the kind of man he was, one thing I can say for certain is the truth is the truth. The facts are the facts, and I mean I still have pretty much the exact memories that my brother rick carries. We.
experience the same aura John recalled a time when they had left Boston and driven to georgia with Bolton. they were saying in a trailer park somewhere in georgia when bolton, brutally beat dorothy. It was too bad that rick just fourteen at the time with no driver's license had to drive them all the way back up the eastern seaboard to Boston or multipurpose out of school. We lived in a trailer park, he beat my mother so badly. First of all, the neighbors from all over the trail pocket running bolton of course takes off because he doesn't want to get arrested by brother. Rick ethic was fourteen years old. At the time he had a drive, didn't let him at fourteen years old. Gradually he had to drive the car all the way, roger upton Massachusetts, because my mother could have badly hurt her so badly
was he couldn't jewish, and that is something that always sticks out to me. That can be kind of all of us to pick either the entire narrative out her again pulled us out of school. Didn't care about us going through the exact same scenario, getting us in the same trouble and then having to have her. Fourteen year old son drive a thousand miles from georgia to Massachusetts, so that's one thing and suddenly just a mother is supposed to be somebody who is nurturing a mother is supposed to be somebody who teaches their children, good values and, she had that own in her body that actually told her that this is what she was supposed to be doing things. So bad that at one point John hatched a plan to get rid of John Bolton. John Rex, is being just eleven years old and making the decision to steal a gone so that he could shoot Bolton, why slept john was desperate
at this man out of their lives, and this was the We think he could think to do. The only way out is a thief is a robber. He had a bag of guns and his car, but got to the point at the forum. You never noticed it and I'm thinking about while he's sleeping, actually shoot him in the head, with a gun margin that coming from the minds of a twelve year old ship, maybe even younger, becoming I've got nothing. When I was eleven years old, but the only thing that prevented me from actually following through with that was. I was petrified that I was going to pull the trigger of the gun and it wouldn't go off, but I'm sure he would have heard a click and then I would have been dead, I'm sure. So I had that weapon for several years and then I wind up getting word of it down a storm drain. That's the pot right tell you that,
The fifty year old man walking back saying, imagined putting a child between the ages of eleven and twelve into a search away where he was contemplating murder, because that was the only way he saw. Sir, get the situation no to resolve the situation. Get this beast His wife during the course of their relationship John and got in trouble and was incarcerated. Rick told
it's about how all of this went down the one night she was out with jacket, John Bolton's she's out with him, and next thing. You know they pull up to this hotel, the semester over in cambridge, and he goes inside the hotel. This is her telling me that the story and telling ultimately the police, the story he goes inside the hotel and comes running out of the hotel- throws a gun on the front seat and takes off like a bat outta hell. He gets robbed the place with her in the car and they get home next thing. You know the state police are kicking in a door. They are kicking in our front we're looking for him searching the house, they arrest her. Then there's like a a statewide manhunt for him. They track him down and he runs off into the woods. They shoot him and capture him and off he goes again to jail for armed robbery here
urgently told them she had nothing to do with. It are no knowledge of it. Going away now he's in prison and we used to have to go visit him and she used to drag us to norfolk, which is the maximum security prison in massachusetts and walpole, eventually like a bit and walpole, which we gotta be operative. Salvo, who was the Boston, strangler soggy I'll, be back at the top all I can. I get them be albert salvo, the boston strangler. While I was visiting jack both in prison, we used to have to go into this place and go through all these eyes and was then go into the general one room where everybody was and we would have to just sit there and pretend like. We were happy to see him and it disgusted us. She made us go there, because you know she wanted him in her life and we were in her life. So if I would guess her motivations, yes, she wanted us all to get along like a happy family of some sort.
After spending time in prison john- was transferred to another facility that afforded him her freedom rick and his brother hate visiting him in prison. But at least they were all safe, but now he was well to come and go again, which that he was around their house more he's in there, and I guess it's, the behavior state of Massachusetts had all of these work relief programs. They were big at the time and the prisoners, and so because I guess he was behaving. They gave him this stint in medfield state hospital, which was right near norfolk and wall poster. He would go and report to med state hospital where he was on this work release programme and he would work. But while he was there, he would be able to get out and out at night, be able to come over to our house and hang out with my mother for the night and as long as he was back whatever chicken roll call time in the morning he was safe,
yeah, so we knew he could get out anytime and he could come over no matter what he would get out of his work release program. So he was granted a furlough for a weaker a weekend or whatever it was from jail. That brings us to june for nineteen seventy five, the night the door the vanished, rick told us what he can. far from that evening? I was fourteen when, when she disappeared in seventy five, my young abroad with two years younger than me that he was twelve. Am I the brother was twenty one. He had just gotten out of the army, he wasn't home for more than a month or two in my recollection of things june. Fourth, with a wednesday night, I was baby sitting that night. She was going out with their girlfriends to meet out what station have drinks. When I got home from baby sitting that nice woke up the next morning, she wasn't home my boat brothers were there with us and we're like. Ok, what she does
No, she doesn't come home shouldn't, be somebody or she'll do something, and so she didn't come home and we're like. Okay. So off we go to school, we come home from school. Now, it's thursday, the fifth. We come home from school and she's, still not home, but it's like wow. Your english is home by the time we get back from school the next day, if she, if she stayed out the night before so day comes and goes thursday night comes and goes by friday. Dorothy son Anthony was concerned enough that he went down to the police station to file and missing persons report now Friday June six she's go as an home friday morning, so my older brother, every one to the brightly police station to report her missing vase, to him well technically, hasn't been forty eight hours since she was last seen Wednesday night
here it is friday morning and he's trying to report it, and they said you gotta come back on monday of this poor. They handled this right from the beginning, lost all this valuable time, the week that we have not let the whole weekend go by and then, on Monday morning my brother, my older brother anthony, went back again, Sir reporter still missing and that's when they took the report was on jus night and at that point it was treated as a missing persons case. It is now under investigation as a homicide. Twenty eventually did their investigation, that's when they found out. Yes, she was at the penalty box. She closed the plays down her girlfriend that she was with said good night,
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finding out from a friend that his mother was actually a missing person. I didn't know right away that my mother had been missing. It wasn't horribly, common that my mother wouldn't be there in the morning, and now I come home from school he wouldn't be there yet, but should not drag herself into the house somewhere around there, four or five at night. You know that kind of thing, but it was very, very unusual that she would do it two days in a row that I wouldn't see her. My brother, tony who's, my elder by manga is getting really. I don't think, watch it. the nervous obeyed. He was telling me now, John, don't worry I, along with my john doe, but you know why she met up with a friend of hers but they're having a vacation and I'm sure she'll be back very shortly this one for about ten days. So, finally, what am I,
friends who you know. I knew very well, and his mother knew my mother. He asked me something about my mother. I told him the same story that I just relate to you, because that's what I knew- and he said John I got a treasure. They don't know where your mother s she's missing and went home, of course, to my brother said: am missing. It is sheer gone and that's when I finally started to learn the story that she was gone, Dorothy's three sons were clueless as to what to do next, anthony barely an adult just back from the army. Chicken John were kids, they funding for themselves afraid to tell anyone what was going on. They lived in fear. They would be separated. They also didn't know what to think about their mothers, disappearance, hatch. Bandit them, did John.
I hurt her the night my mother disappeared. She went out with nothing but the clothes on her back to go, meet her girlfriends to have drinks, and he was with them all the way up until close, in time at the penalty box, and that was the last time anybody saw her or her car. There were a couple of claims that it was possible that she was seen at a bar across the street from the penalty box that night after the penalty passed close a bar called sand zones, but that would never proven there was yet. Your say about that, because initially, when he first disappeared, while we were all reeling from the shock of it all there are one or two questions that up into my mind was: did you just take up? Did you just get tired of being a single mom and when all the prostration other, what was going on with?
her and jack, even though he was rated, but we came to the conclusion very quickly that that was not the case because, like I said she just went out at night with nothing, but the calls on her back. She didn't take her jewelry. She didn't have to your bank account. You didn't take spare cash that was sitting on her dress her. She didn't pack a bag and bring clothes with her. So I just wanted to say that for the record, people who are gonna go. Do that we'll take things with them. If they have to go out too, and they have to start, they have to have money, they have to fill their gas tank. She had nothing and, and for years after that, over the years I had her credit card checked. Then there was never any activity on it and that kind of thing, through various credit bureaus and friends that I knew that that had access to be able to check that information. despite the uneasy feeling of not knowing where his mother was, which on remembers most about this time was this.
Of relief that he felt that bolton was no longer around the first couple of weak, upright bought up. She was gone of course, in my mind, there was turmoil a bit out wondering what was going to happen. What was going to happen to my brother, rick and myself again there. This is this is the thought of you to sound terrible coming from a son, but after those initial couple of weeks having that feeling of turmoil. My biggest here, he came back, but she might come home during those shoes I myself am finally at a point where I don't have to worry about sleeping with one eye, open, afraid of being beaten, afraid of what has been awakened. yup at night, even though my mother was gone and there was a little bit of chaos in the house, at least for the first time in many years I felt safe, even though she wasn't there
My point is that my concern became more that she would return as opposed to making what happened. For John, the idea of his mother returning meant that bolton would also be back within their household. He felt safe. His brothers rick explained His older brother was thrust into the father figure role, which he wasn't be ready for all three boy. Had the chip in to help keep a roof over their heads during such an uncertain time. My older brother, he suddenly a situation where he's like rome. It felt like a quorum quote: father figure, if you will, because he is the oldest brother, and then there's me John, who are fourteen and swell you grow up quick, but even the four years before the day she actually disappeared. We grew up quick, because that was the period of time that she was dating this monster, and this guy,
becoming over our house and beating her constantly, and there was all kinds of chaos from the time I was ten years old. Until the time Fourteen years old, when she ultimately disappeared- me and my brothers after my mother disappeared. It was scary. We did not know where she was. We did not know if she was ever coming home, we had to go on and survive, so we had to continue going to school my younger brother and I, my older brother, had to get a job. We all had to work to help to pay bills. We continue. Catch the wealthier checks that we're coming in under my mother's name to survive. We were able live in our home for like a year and a half or so after my mother disappear,
we were able to live in our home. We did not tell anybody other than the police, for example. I didn't even reported to school officials. We were afraid that we would get separated. We didn't know what we didn't know and we were afraid that the department of children services and whatever their called, would get involved in separate us. So the three of us just continued living in our home. My older brother, he asked the matter back, opened up a used furniture, store. We used to help work with him at his used furniture store after school every day they helped out. We ask had other after school jobs when we weren't working with him to continue to make some money and like I say we were still getting the wealthier check coming in to my mom under my mom's name, and we would catch the welfare check to help the paying all of the bills that we had to pay for. My father It was long gone. He was an alcoholic and
he was re married and he couldn't help himself had nothing to do with us once she disappeared. and we didn't know father's side of the family because once they got to when we were very young, We weren't allowed to see his family anymore. We weren't allowed to see our uncles enhance and cousins on the garage go side of the family. All we had what my mother's jester my aunt and my mother's milk, My grandmother and my aunt lived together. My aunt never married. She never had children, they lived together almost like a team. They weren't. She was the breadwinner and my grandmother was the house.
But the homemaker. We would go over there on a sunday and have some meals and things even when my mother was alive. We continue to do that after my mother disappeared and we stay together. The three boys, the three of us, lived together for over a year a year half going on to just supporting ourselves and doing a thing in your having meals. With my grandmother and my aunt and my old, finally got married and things were not working out well with him being a young twenty one year old, twenty two year old, married guy with two teenagers me, probably fifteen, or sixteen by that time, and my younger brother, two years younger than me, and what wound up happening. As my grandmother and my aunt made a decision
I say we're going to move out of the little apartment that we're going to get and we're going to rent a bigger place and we're going to take rick and john in and they took us in. We scoured newspaper archives her any mention of dorothy in the days, months years and decades that followed her disappearance, but her spent almost completely uncovered until recent years, rick told So there was a brief mention of his mother in the Boston Harold early on. There was one picture in the boston herald of my older brother and his new wife and me and my younger brother, the four of us sitting in front of a christmas tree. It was right after christmas in nineteen seventy five and it said this year is not a happy year for the garage go family. Their mother has been missing since june, and then my older brother was quoted as saying something along the lines of, even though no one in the spirit, you know we're celebrating christmas, because my mother would have wanted to continue on what the holiday.
that was the only coverage at the time that happen. Europe I've been was Kennedy. We would got a lot of coverage bout. I wasn't all accounts, dorothys night out at the penalty box with her friends, seemed on eventful. They did, causing John bolton with her some thought that point she had gone to an after hours bar once the penalty box closed, though that has, ever been confirmed, so, while everyone suspected the violent boyfriend richter, So there were no eye witnesses that could place the two together that night. He spent a lot of time with friends around that time. She had girlfriends that she would go out where every weekend anyway, there
that would come over to the house and hang out of the house and have beers and smoke cigarettes or whatever sit at the kitchen table. They hung in not station, which is where the boston garden is located, not station the bars that she hung out where the penalty box. That was where he was that night. Until closing time, then, across the street, from the penalty box, there was another bar called sand zone that was a another bar and restaurant. Both of those places were known to be mob affiliations, the italian mob, because in the seventies you had the italian law, run by the angelos, and you had the irish mob run by whitey bulger. They were very close together. They were almost in very similar territories. That's why do a body
everywhere in Boston in in the mid seventies that were floating that were being found. It was crazy, crazy time she hung out at the penalty box. She hung out at san, and I came to find out that there were a couple after our joint that when these bars closed down, the people would go to these after our joy, One of them was known as the colosseum. There are questions as to whether or not she actually went to one of those after our body putting the colosseum that night. But there is no evidence that she did those with a friendly went out with that night and they were interviewed by the police. Their story was very simple: that
They all went out, they all had drinks, they all closed. The bar at two o clock at the penalty box and they all said, bigger, buys that went their separate ways, and that was the last they thought of her. He jack Odin was not there with them. He was not seen at the bar with them all with my mother. Nobody had any recollection of ever seeing bolton with her in the years before Dorothy disappeared, her son had been terrorised by the man in her life, John Bolton. They were the same brutally abuse their mother and he often use them as well. after their mother had vanished they one suspect in their minds. John Bolton. However, no one could pay some together that night, which was strange, dorothys, casement hold for a very long time, but rick pressing, the police for answers here, call them on a regular basis to what was being done in re.
and ears they did began to take a closer look at the case files. They tracked down now living in florida and he gave them a very interesting story about that fateful night in june of nineteen. Seventy five, I admit and earlier in this episode that bolton had a dangerous past, and you know from and John. I witness accounts that they saw his vicious attacks on their mother. They learn to hide out of fear because times. He would accuse them. Two things were oh bad, that John stole a gun and plodded to kill bolton in his sleep though he never went through with it out of fear that it wouldn't work in bolton, would kill him But there was more useful, we're Dorothy carrasco disappeared someone else close bolton was reported missing later found in a shallow grave beaten to death, the pattern,
next week were going to go over johns account of the night that Dorothy disappeared, because maybe there is someone who puts the two together on june. Fourth, eighteen, seventy five and we'll so take a closer look at John bolton's past. If you have information regarding the disappearance of dorothy carrasco. Contact the Boston police department, homicide unit as six one, seven three for three or four. where seven zero, if you would to remain anonymous. Please call one eight hundred four nine for tips or text, were tipped to seven four six. Three, if you loved one of the victim of intimate partner, violence, please reach out to the national domestic violence hotline at the hotline data work or view too. by sending the word start to eight eight seven, eight, eight! You can so called the hotline twenty four hours a day, seven days a week and one eight hundred, seven, nine nine safe. That's why
eight hundred seven, nine nine seven, two three three mark modern bumbershoot, the man he was convicted of murder pattern to life in prison. It went to appeal in massachusetts and the court felt that the only witness against him was his son, who was very young, but he witnessed the event and he decided to kick it back to the lower court. Have a look at this case and before the case was adjudicated, they wound up actually reaching a plea deal where he pled guilty to aggravated met.
What in the wonderful state of massachusetts themed child steps was all me wore an additional two years. Sorry, he got out of prison. My mother never should have met this man, the the The.
I'd like to thank rick and john for speaking with us for this story. If you have a missing loved one that you'd like to have featured on the show, there's the case submission form at the vanished podcast dot com. If you'd like to join in on the discussion, there's a page, a discussion group on facebook, you can also find us on twitter and instagram. If you'd, like our show, please give us a five star rating and review. You can also support the show by contributing unpatriotic, be sure to tune in next week for part two of dorothy's story, Mary Jane thanks for listening the
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-01.