« The Mindset Mentor

Fall In Love With The Process - TAKE ACTION PT.3

2021-08-20 | 🔗

This is episode #3 of a three-part series on my secrets to taking action. The process is the most important part of achieving your goals. The problem is that the process is also the part that people give up on first. In this episode, I am going to teach you how to fall in love with the process by understanding one specific chemical in your brain. Because if you fall in love with the process, then achieving your goals is inevitable.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to today's episode of the mindset, mentor podcast, I host rob die if you have not yet done so hit this. But since you never miss another episode and if you ve been listening anymore, any thy from any episode I've ever done. Please do me a favor and go to itunes or apple podcast. and give a rating and review to this podcast. It helps more than you No, the more reviews that we have that are great reviews, the more than is ass. She gets recommended organically through apples system so that more people can find us greatly greatly appreciate it. If you would give us rating review today, Can we talking about? How to fall in love with the process, and this is episode number three around how to take action We are talking about taking action. there's obviously a process to get us to where we want to go. One of the most
important things that we can do is learn to fall in love with the process of everything they were doing scenario. talk about something called a dopamine reward system. I'm gonna teach you how to actually use the chemicals in your brain and how to she get your brain to release the chemicals that you need. Reward yourself whenever you do something so that, therefore, you continue on the path of the success it you want before we dive into that. Its very important, to know what is dopamine so dopamine is a chemical Inside of your brain is neurotransmitter. Most people think the dopamine is the feel good chemical of your brain is actually not to feel good chemical other. You do feel good when you have to open mean that, through this in your brain, it's actually the chemical of motivation. So it takes your. Oh, yes and puts it externally now, if you ve ever seen somebody that does cocaine or heroin what that does
It releases massive massive massive amounts of dopamine, something that you can't do without a drug. that's why, though, when someone doesn't have the heroin that they want, or they don't have, the cocaine that they want? Is they have to get it like day of this will know addicted to what they have to its anything. They can do to get their hands on that. That is the external feeling of motivation to go. Get that thing? No matter what Now, obviously, you'll never be able to release that amount of dopamine in your brain simply through a dopamine reward system. But what it's doing. Is it showing you when dopamine is high enough? Somebody will do anything. They want anything they can too. The end result in that end result we're talking about a drug which obviously you're not gonna, be doing hopefully
at in this unreason. Can we talk about the end result being you know, creating the life that you want? The happiness that you want, dopamine is a very externally focused chemical. A lot of people get dopamine serotonin mixed up with each other. Dopamine is the chemical of motivation. It's an externally focused like I'm going to go. Get this I'm gonna go achieve achieve achieve. Sara toning is actually pretty much the opposite. It is the here and now chemical that makes you feel gratitude makes you feel grateful for what you have and everything that's around you, dopamine is the chemical of more so if we can create a dopamine reward system, just a little tiny bit of dopamine being released were just like. Oh my gosh, this is amazing. Then it's going to motivate you to continue to work harder and to fall in love with the process which, like I said, we're going to be talking about. So it's the chemical, let's released whenever you're excited or whenever you're celebrating something. So if you win something big and you are coming, My team, just one the NBA finals,
I just want to superbowl that chemical dopamine is released at the moment. Is the celebrating, Your comes out whenever you're celebrating your excited about something. So the episode of talking about how to use that chemical to take the action that need to to create the life that you want to. So when you think about some of the most successful people like, let's just take athletes as an example right, like the most successful basketball players that have ever existed like, if we just say, Michael Jordan and kobe bryant right, maybe lebron jeju for him and Eric put a few other people in there. It was like some of the best and have ever done it blush just about Michael Jordan. Copyright, because I you know what they are doing do and in and practices and what's the what's, the commonality between, like Michael Jordan, bryant, kobe bryant and some of the most successful and entrepreneurs. What's a commonality, you know it, you might say hard work, wait said dedication, you might say, obsession with their craft in all of those would be true. There's none of those are incorrect, but most of the time what they ve taught themselves too
whether they realize it or not, is to fall in love with the process, not the end result in so you know when you look at it, it was never about winning an mba championship. Fur Michael Jordan come right new that if they became the best they possibly could they would have a better chance at in winning and I'd be a championship So what how was they fell in love with the process of it, then I'm sure probably didn't. that they were creating a dopamine roared system in their brain, but what they would do is they would set up a dopamine reward system around the process that they had a mature exactly how they did that What is the dopamine reward system? First off? It's a way to get your brain to at least dopamine after you accomplish a task that is part of your process to achieving Most people tell themselves that they won't ever celebrate until there, where they want to be. They won't celebrate until they become a millionaire
they won't celebrate until they win the championship, but that's the wrong, way to do it, because it's gonna take a long time to become a milliner is going to take a long time and a lot of hard work before you in the chair be in chip. So if you want to use the dope reward system, you don't attach it to the end result. You attach it to the tasks that are part of the process, so I'll, give you an example rice to do, and I didn't know this is a thing when I was younger. I just did it because I heard somebody talk about at one time when I was in sales- and I was in in sales. I would sit down and make one hundred phone calls in a day. That's a pretty strenuous process just to sit down and make one hundred phone calls, but I would do is after every ten phone calls would give myself a bag of skittles that were out. I would give myself three skittles after every single ten phone calls, so I'd do ten phone calls. You know I would think of myself through skittles. I do the next ten three skittles and then, when I finished all one hundred phone calls, I would let myself finish the bag of skittles. I didn't realize what I was doing, but I was actually setting up a dopamine reward system
for my brain to want to continue to keep working for what it is all going for now. If I would have gone, I'm only get to be able to have skittles after I finished the one hundred phone calls. I wouldn't be rewarding the process, which is what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to celebrate the process, I'm trying to celebrate every ten phone calls, which then makes me want to celebrate and get more dopamine after another. Ten phone calls after another, ten from those after another ten phone calls and then it's a big celebration. The rest of the day, skittles. Whenever I finish all of the phone calls hey did you know that you spend one third of your life on a mattress, and few things to me are worse than sleeping. In a crappy mattress and then waking up and being sore the entire next day. That's why I recommend that you get birch. Birch makes organic non toxic mattresses made right here in america and shipped straight to your door with no contact delivery, free shipping, free returns and one
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a dope. A mere reward system is like the bread crumbs that she said, for yourself on the road to success. It's kind of like, if you remember eating where they would take the recent pieces and they put like one every four or five feet so that each you would come and eat it and need to follow the the cortical breadcrumbs follow that the recent pieces that's exactly what you're trying to do in fact do idea. Research shows that if somebody is given and if they allow themselves to eat at a small piece of chocolate after a workout? at dopamine reward system at the end of a workout will actually motivate them to show up the next day because their body and brain want the dopamine again now mustang eat an entire candy bar, because that's not part of the search. It was a small piece of chocolate and you might think that's counter intuitive, because it's like well I'm trying to work out. So I would. I have candy because literally setting up a dopamine reward system for finishing the work out. Can you we even further than that and set up a dopamine reward system just for showing up at the workout? Can you set up a?
What system after every single set in it doesn't have to be. I am talking about skittles and I'm talking about candy and and stuff. It doesn't have to be just candy a dopamine reward system, the best part about it is it's completely subjective, so it doesn't have to be candy. It doesn't have to be anything physical. It could be literally just celebrating yourself after you do something one of the things that I do is after I, when I sit down to record podcasts I'll sit down in our record three to four in a row and then I changed my short after every single one of them, so that when you seeing these videos, it looks like I m in a different dates, the same frickin day, just different shirts. But what I do I will then celebrate. Every single episode of the end of the episode with myself hasn't changed my shirt, thinking to myself about how good that episode, this was in how many impact humming people's going to impact. That alone makes me excited about the process of doing what I'm doing and makes me one to go in with more energy than next time a record, so it doesn't have to be skittles. It doesn't have to be chocolate, it can be completely subject
of a mini celebration with myself just out oh god. I was amazing, you don't really, But this in building myself up telling brain when our celebrate boop too serious a little bit a dub mean and get myself addicted to the process of what I'm trying to get to some completely subjective doesn't have to be candia that stuff in notice. This is attached to the process not the end result. So, Michael Jordan, kobe bryant were they won tens of championships. What is it eleven championships between the two of them right, but they were notorious for working harder than anybody else. copyright was known for being at the gym. Single morning at four a m since he was in high school since he was in high school and he's notorious for being known that what brought him them joy was not winning the championships, it was that he knew At forty five in the morning he was the only competitor out there. There was work, waking up and working
tat, his dopamine rewards isthmus. He would celebrate himself for being at the gym. Knowing that all of this commission ears were sleeping- and he was outworking them, so of course he wanted to show up the next day and feel that way again and show up the next day and fell away again and show up the next day that again. This is why you see people- and you realize it's not about winning winning is just a byproduct of all of the hard work they put into it. It was about becoming the absolute best their crafted. They possibly could and then winning was just the by product of it. There was just I want to live it my full potential. I would be the best basketball, in the entire world and so waking up at that time, knowing that they were the only person up Knowing that they are outworking of their competitors, brought them joy in so that joy, as a little dopamine rewards us in that they probably didn't even know that they set up, but they were excited about it and they knew that their outworking every
So what's it about winning, is by becoming the best they could in winning was the the by product of it. So many think about this, for you for your success. Your growth for the business. If you want to grow whatever it is, can you attach a dope and me what system many celebration, a getting exe I did about it and building or up and talking positive to yourself, to make yourself feel good along the process? Not going well when I'm finally successful when I'm finally a millionaire, then I'll, be proud of myself. Then I'll be happy, then I'll be bringing the joy and everything that I want to my life. If you're doing that, you probably all get there, you won't be force yourself for ten or fifteen years. Most of the time you can, but you may struggle on the way, but if you celebrate showing up and putting in the work and showing up and putting in the work and if you're trying to work on your body, don't only be happy whenever you get on the scale and it's finally, the way did she wanted to be be happy. He did. She showed up be happy when you get done behind.
The after every single set and celebrate yourself and build yourself up Khazar will actually make you addicted to the process, which is what you want to become addicted to becoming better in everything where that is possible. attach your reward system to the process. In the effort that you put into something not the actual end result so attached. to making the phone calls not getting the appointments at attacks. Two finishing the work out or finishing each set not getting on It's gonna be what you want to be attached to reading five pages of a book, not finishing the bucket a to eating a healthy meal, not the way you look in the mirror, that's Important things you need to realize is to fall in love with process- is the most important part Are you always hear you always here? We wish over time the most successful people saying it's about the journey? It's about the journey. It's about the journeys, but the journey its he's been about two during this is why cc egos and people like us god he so rich. Why doesn't he just
retire. It was never about the money if you're going, something just for the money there's a pretty good chance. You won't get there. What it was about for them is building the business. The work seeing this amazing thing being built around them. There was only in their mind two years ago, five years ago, ten years ago, and so the reason why they look like their addicted to their business is because a thing that brings them. The most joy is bringing out the highest potential of himself in building this amazing thing and they have probably without realizing it, built a dopamine reward system to the process. Not the end result twice you so many people that sometimes are working for money and work for money works from the trying to build this big, it's just so they can make money and eventually they give are they burn themselves out is because their entire life was attached to the end. but it was never touched. The process in bree out there to potential so the questions for you is this: what do you want K? What do you want
What actions do you need to take to get there? What's the process of you getting whatever it is it you want? What is it? and then how can you build a dopamine reward system to get you to fall in love with the process of reform of the process? You're gonna keep showing up and if you just keep showing up eventually the by product will be whatever it is. The success that you want. in your life. So that's how I got you four days ever so if you love us ever so, please share with someone that you know and love tag. Meaner inscribed, your instagram stories put on instagram stories and put it tag, meta, rob I'll junior, already d, I m J r and if you're also out there and you ought to reach, if a motivational email from me every single monday, Send you an email every monday morning, it's gonna be my intentions. Going into each we see can steal my intentions and one on focusing on for the week. You can take that it's absolutely free just go to monday, email, dot com and I'll send the two every single monday? I don't believe in the same way. Leave europe single episode make it, commissioner,
make somebody else's day better, I appreciate you, and I hope that you have an amazing day
Transcript generated on 2023-04-19.