« The Jimmy Dore Show

Matt Gaetz Sends McCarthy Packing!

2023-10-06 | 🔗

Well, he did it. As threatened, GOP Congressman Matt Gaetz has called to “vacate” the Speaker’s chair and successfully ousted Kevin McCarthy. Establishment defenders on both sides of the political spectrum are decrying the move and the “chaos” that has overtaken the GOP House caucus. Meanwhile, leftists who supported the #ForceTheVote movement are throwing up their hands and wondering why The Squad never wielded their power in similar fashion against the House Democratic leadership.  Jimmy and guests Craig Jardula and Kurt Metzger discuss Gaetz’s willingness to embrace the wrath of his own's party's establishment. Plus a segment on the sheer inability of Russiagating Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers Bill Maher and Sam Harris to confront their own demonstrably wrong positions. Also featuring Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and George Clooney!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey come see us onto a we're. Gonna be an tampa. Boca return, orlando dallas used in san diego bloom. In illinois, indianapolis and levittown town new york, wow, it's a lotta date see there. This is Jimmy who's. This fresh show by president, hey president, how you the way you call because I become addicted to making phone. I have your assistance yeah check this out slack check. I just got through calling canada, germany, italy, japan, poland, romania and the united kingdom, as well as france's foreign minister and my niece, while all the while, if all goes well, it's my niece's birthday and I couldn't her. Hair and tourist pursues its rice or about valiant struggle, and ukraine
I was assuring our allies world leaders that the united states his commitment to helping ukraine win. This war has not wavered despite the fact that part of the debt ceiling deal was no more money for ukraine, which was tragic. I'm sure you agree, but we will prevail, know her jimmy next fiscal cycle. I swear. We will return to sending a Ukraine, like you, wouldn't believe, just shovelling money at them like we're, fuelling a locomotive. Jesus trust me. The most irresponsible unconscionable expenditure decks bear bonds overseas at the american people would ever seen, but saint alot Your job is re, hopscotch gonna, be. I were Iraq wars when I'm like. This is not just me where one Many allies of ukraine sorted
coalition of the willing. The world stands with our friends under the neighbour I just a few days ago, the canadian problem, sure, the one hundred year, one ukrainian canadian freedom fighter, who fought against the soviet union in world war. Two was the bahamas. Saw nazi. You me she said yeah, maybe your history, Jimmy fought against the soviet union. The axis powers thought again. The soviet union that doesn't make a lot of money I was. He was literally in the water. I says: how should for real
look bad! I wonder! just intruders, gonna good boy. His way out of this one are well what a shame. Anyone who pointed out is a right wing, not job. Ah good plan. But even era we can show europe's foreign policy. Not part of europe has always been far sighted after the show world warriors canada took in many ukrainian nazi ford soldiers? American do not do that. We took in the high road king, german, nazi officers, the high value boys, once again, america took the best and the brightest, and we got a fucking space programme out of
yeah what it can to get a bunch of auto body shots right, for paperclip. Try that's operation, The term I think of the helpful paperclip from microsoft word, Hi there looks like you're trying to start a space program. Would you like to harbor actual nazis? The clip? Yes? Yes, I do. Thank you paper clip. So soon More money disallowance give for the time being then No, no allocated funds correct, but Jimmy. I have good news. I don't you heard about this, but a recently discovered accounting errors freed up. Five point: four million dollars. Isn't that amazing,
presenting so much money over there that even minor errors are in the billions of dollars. How much money is there any old? citing this money? Do we keep track of word actually goes in ukraine Jimmy. I got my question. Grab is nearly impossible to get afford. Turning, were our aid goes to the point? to disarm. It may seem highly irresponsible, the funnel billions of dollars there, but it is not the job in the united states to clean up another country's government. You may like it's, not our problem or something correct, job to simply point a fire hose cash. You crying lippman children. so many corrupt ukrainian billionaires on the streets of kiev is worrying. Protract suit, embossed, with gold leaf. Does it plan to view that, despite all
the money we ve sent over the ukraine. There is very little or no progress in that war. Now I know how it does not want It makes our efforts to achieve even more valued. Somehow I know an The last thing we want is to tether the idea of foreign aid to visible results. It would make the whole goddamn system works. Well, I appreciate you call. It ended. Tell us that there is no end in sight visa either this war, our spending in eastern europe, I closure. Deep down, you already knew that I have to go now
call me ass dog just get another topside go scream life into a pillar the sliding down the street and johnson media Samir switching to show so what happened this week in congress or just happen yesterday? What is what we were pushing them do and twenty twenty one the squad and the progressives had just as much powers. Mac gates did
instead. So this is what we want and we can't even get a floor vote on medicare brought, that's garbage you can do and right now we need He Democrats Jimmy, we need be elected official. that you helped get elected. Tell Nancy. I see that you will not vote for every speaker unless medicare for all is put on the house floor or of both parents are released, Idea are the worst abuse about crystal is not using the power you have to fight for people will day time.
What are your see? No, they have no other option because we're watching and we see through their bullshit excuses. We have to put the pressure on them. I want to see who's going to vote against healthcare in the middle of and demo. If you're not going to do it now, you're, never going to do it. You phony all the people who filled up your voicemail they're, going to remember whether you did the right thing here and which side are they really are. This is where you force progressive house member to reveal who they answer to do they answer to their constituents or do they answer to the party bosses? Listen to. These onward party does not do more unless it is push, and so this moment is the great unmasked force it to happen. Ask them, are you fires or are you careerists? Are you activists for the people or our? poles yours on twitter, if everyone's gonna, try to tell you
I knew that if you're just a little bit nicer, then it'll be fine. No, the whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable. You gotta make them uncomfortable, she's, pretending to be part of a movement when she's really running cover for nancy Pelosi. Did you think anybody voted for you? You could vote anti blows without getting them anything? This is medicare, for all people's actual lives depend on us doing this yeah exactly. How is your chance to actually use your leverage you take risks, and will you be a party fucking climber star? bringing the rockies democratic waterloo, cork worker machine rock is not at all. That was just what we saw a man gets do. Matt gets is
grim, bringing real reform to the house of representatives Matt gets, is showing that they actually did have that power. Mac gets is showing that we were right about forced the vote and that they voted for anti pelosi and extracted absolutely nothing for their vote. Mad catz has been slap in mccarthy's face at around since he before he got beat, it became speaker. Go ahead. We will say: let's not forget one of the reasons I couldn't force the gg. The vote was because we couldn't risk the possibility that Kevin government is out What would you do that yeah. Strong of a thing. I want yes begin speaker? We could lose robin
So this is how this is: how balls the cabin mccarthy was. He tweets out, bring it on pet has just did become. No, I was talking to the intelligence. Community was as we do you. I must leave awaited him that he said this exchange is amazing. So what so? What happened? So they ousted the big car thieves speaker edge, and you already know the story, but I I could never want you dumb, causally, let's disgraceful. You said he the worst guy, don't when your enemies are screwing up, let them school bought up? This is about the establishment and you can't go against the establishment, so you have dislike, they said a video. You have to be willing to be hated by the establishment to get something done and met gets is willing to do that because guess what he's funded by the people were new? richard everyone's gonna hate hate him join you in I'm sure that's what they said about trump?
Instead, everybody's gonna hate him when he said that you're you screwed up dynamite stood up nine eleven and in iraq. War was wrong, they're, like all that's over for him. No, that's what catapulted! the presidency say, mac gets is more popular right now that I think anybody in congress I don't I don't. Hang us here. Let me so so nick says. After seeing what is happening to cabin mccarthy do the actions the small militant caucus. I'd be embarrassed, I was somewhat on the left, who spoke out against forced to vote way demanded. Eo c in the squad do the same to Nancy Pelosi. How does it feel to be proven. Completely wrong and exposed as naive, political as a naive political child, he goes on removing nancy Pelosi. Isn't chaos what is chaos? Is seventy thousand americans dying each year because they dont have health care and she refuses to put it up for a vote. Imagine if the left supported forced to vote a neo see. and the squire was making this argument
millions of people watching. Instead, they voted for nature, policy and the de essay left ran cover for them now We are further away from medical care for all their work. Bernie movements started, though that includes Corey bush, all of them. That also includes new turner who ran cover for them the young turks. All the people with their stupid shows who did that it fails see what is this fight against one of the most unpopular politicians in the modern era, while fighting for a bit pillar policy position like medicare for all. She would be the most power pillar politician in the country. By far. Instead, she voted for. Oh see. Now she has failed. Bull rating as low as common harris and Hillary Clinton. I didn't I do know, is that bad, so so they voted they did it. And they did it over real reform stuff
it was laws on Monday is the first time they ve. I didn't it was a first I've, never done that, and the people who are upset our people, who I see even like quarter. Democratic papa, not politicians would like. Journalists is right, people at the half polling. Stop there saying this is outrageous, and it is because this is data. You can't go against power, you didn't you can't go against the establishment, so he introduced a privileged pretzel resolution to vacate the speakership after accusing marthy of marble card of cutting a secret deal with president Biden, so what they did was they got the ukraine aid he serious about this ukraine aid. This man gets so what they got him to take the new green aid out of the deal that would keep the government open, but mccarthy went behind their backs, always jimmy
I don't know if I believe that there is no proof of that. We can just jump on as if it were Russell brand pollution from oil tankers. Gave a girl, you never did you see the british media. This is something of the wheat and my job do my job. Unfortunately, they sent a letter out tat. You know leadership telling the people that dont worry mccarthy when we get back the session is gonna put it up for an up and down vote, which was very you know, When I put his hands well, you know I took it out, everybody assumed it won't go on the floor because only the speaker can take it to the floor. So if he takes it out, it's never going to get on the floor, but then he went behind her back and said. Don't worry, though, we'll put it up for an up and down bow and you'll get your ukraine spending money, because all the Democrats want to fund this war, but this is about. This is just about how much the military industrial complex has a stranglehold on the Democrats.
And that's all this is. This- is just a money laundering operation, the ukraine war. This isn't we've been. We I mean look at my speech at the ukrainian. I bet the? U n, you know one of to go ahead. This is like okay, remember when it turned out f t x was doing back it is with led me to research they're supposed to be separate. Yes, I get a strong feeling that america have some similar. Really, issues like pulling a mad may always is all one big company- and I thought I lived in a nation so what's funny- is that there are people out anyway. So the final goal was to sixteen to ten, with eight republicans and every democrat voting to remove mccarthy
then so here's my gets a speaker mccarthy, never intended to move on to single subject appropriation bills until he forced them to so disguised writ. This is so He's got you through. Marijuana withdraw still am head foggy on vacation. Wasn't paying attention Is serious about this, so it so Craig what this is You know how they'll put in a bill here you, ukraine of funding. with the vote in the border area, along with the the military of when it, whenever school funded put. All this kind should get. You can vote against it. And he saying no, you gonna vote on single things. These keys. This is like a real reform, but what about the political norms, Jimmy Normally we wouldn't do that slowly, we would do something grubs and so that that's a real
form can get a clinics yeah. They go crazy. That is accused he's the crazy guy of that, because he did the thing that Most people want in the good everywhere. You know that I can see that at stake this election. I most left this want that didn't want to build. That goes to the floor. Where your money, Is it rains mainly earning oda? Boiled could also provide cover for the orange politician or israel funding and school lunches. Yet right, that's a good, but you don't. Oh thank you. Thank you and am is all representing. The peoples will represent a little crazy about him. So he sat with his so the one guy who has the balls to do this, a congress back gets and, of course they tried to smear him as a pedophile, because the dough the class doesn't have a stranglehold on him. He he does it take pack money
I haven't looked at its funding, but I know that on the floor, the accused him of using this for fund raising any said I'll, gladly take Twa habit of play area play that washington, change? We must put the house of representatives and a better course speak of mccarthy has failed to take a stand where matters, so if he won't, I will so here not. This is the speech. I always wanted to hear lefty make care here. It is to be clear. I tried to get one of the three programmes on them
public inside y'all. Wouldn't let me have him so he sent me over here, but you know what I'll make this argument at any desk in this building from the well from the chair I'll make it on every street corner in this country that Washington must change. We have to break the cycle, we have to break the fever and I would hope truly that the reforms that we are fighting for our reforms that would last and be embraced, and that would democratize power in this institution beyond the privileged few who back us up against shut down politics and in christmases and deadlines in order to achieve their objectives. Mr speaker, high inflation is on the verge of bankrupting american families. Our economy is breaking in half
a typical american family can afford to buy a house in ninety nine percent. Of u s. Counties. Inflation is stealing more than seven hundred dollars a month from working americans, nearly nine thousand dollars a year. Kevin Mccarthy is the speaker of the house of representatives and he has failed to take a stand where it matters. So if he won't, I will I make no apologies for defending the right of every hard working american to afford a decent life for themselves and their families, and we had a greater opportunity to do that and to build coalitions under new leadership. We have to rip off the bandy. We have to get back on a better course. Mr speaker, I don't know how those boats gonna go. Usually one of outcomes of this war. It's pretty predetermine, and this one I'm not so sure, but I am sure that we ve made the right argument that this place deserve single subjects, spinning bills and that we should have.
Seventy two hours to read a bill that something that spends more than a hundred million dollars shouldn't be put on the suspension of the gender such that we can't amended, and there shouldn't be secret side deals made on a continuing resolution to lump ukraine in with border security. That is a bad is not right for ukraine or border security because it fails to give either of those issues the dignity that they would require, but we can return that dignity. This house, we can get back on a better path. We can have single subject appropriations bills. We can set a budget a budget top like we ve had a budget in this place since I was in high school. So let's get a budget. Let's get out Together, let's get on with it, lets vacate the chair and once get a better speakers are your back, and so we all those hasnt is now you got. There goes there. That's a ruckus, that's a real ruckus
and now you know why this landed them as a file, because the donor class can't control him, and so whatever, but one we're all those crazy stories that they were writing in that he's a petticoat, they re part of everything about if we're going to give her any long, it'll be making come back now, so that so that's what they I'm sure. That's what they said Jamaal, bowman and Bernie sanders. Eureka was to do what we're doing and back gets to you, ok known for better go along with the ukraine war. You better go you better put to sea and or healthcare activists you better tell call of care. Candy, you better both for the cares act. You better do. participate in the largest upward transfer of wealth in human history. Do you wanna back get right now, we're gonna say: there's a pedophile and if that doesn't work or do we did to trouble, saves a russian agent and if that doesn't work, I do what you did. They have to tell you
ever and will say, she's in a scientist is a traitor to our country, even if she's, so because it officer at our military in these stupid wars, that's, and so they can't control him and that's why they did that to him. What do you think, the f b? I was trying to pin a pet of file to tag on him. What what do you think She did Russell brain. Do you not see the game now, ever. The donor class can't control and hate this that and shook their ethnic calling increasing at the calling of a terrorist is a disgrace. I saw you rich. You say you, but he's a traitor to the republican party. Think that I'm mad about yet so here imagine it.
Dude if they had the balls budget? If a Democrat had the balls to say this and actually follow through on and when it comes to how those raised money, I take no lecture on asking patriotic americans two way in and contribute to this fight from those who would grovel in the need for the lobbyists and special interests who own our leadership. Who are you? It needs to do more to do between a view and a crowd of people, and he has and will you here at the top, a crowd of beef. So if I say that at one and by showing the whole place stands up and cheers here, he said is that in front of their elected representatives and they boo him, party. That's it Party boeing and he doesn't give a damn- that is that this is like watching to be met, gets right now. For me, it's like watching professional right.
killing villain go to the microphone and all of a sudden turn into the good guy. The right these rights, what year for the people, is doing a great man. A wrestling monologue. Have you actually do the thing like blue mccarthy out? It's really weird our happy. I'm about that now much Thank you? I will align with every Democrat, whose we're sphere with a camera mccarthy speakership here There was a primordial. Despite what you got any does it want to fund nazis? Oh we'll get you In fairness? Did you more bowman? I believe he did try to force the vote a couple times, but it turned out to be the fire alarm, so the conservatives have been considered dishonest steve's for generations in it. Like back, gets as absconded with the morality that was supposed to be and left look at this of angry monopoly men go here,
exactly these actually and the Democrats I'd right now, because the republicans wouldn't give him up the podium symposium you. So those are all democrats behind him right. What's the democratic dagger, like this. Doesn't look classy at all. Well, what they're doing there trying to spending it look. Look they don't their act together and you're gonna try to campaign off the fact that their just out of whack they can't get their act together. They can't get on the same day. and their slowing down government there shutting down the years of this nonsense. No other dryness bennett, but it is. I think we all want. I want us all to be on the same page. We all want people, that's what the Democrats have turned into they've. They that's what they're bragging about the ios said a couple days ago that the democratic parties running like a well oiled machine, sure they're, all in unison, bitter all in wax, that's called being in lockstep she's that their brigand, what a ruckus.
So listen to what he has to that machine per no claim that this Isn'T- and I you know forced to vote may be, and I want to say it. I want to say bitter, but it made me cynical. because I saw all these people just play in the whole establishment lies so that to wait till you see things better I was in by the way you see what's coming next at this guy from the corporate media, where the calling of a terrorist they're, saying that he's over it's going to be like terrorism. Charges brought against him because when you, if you can charge it with terrorism, you don't have to you could just suspend civil rights. You don't have to give him a trial, because when Barack Obama signed the Andy taught at ten twenty one, and now they just indefinite detention, I bet he's going to get indefinite detention
they have already been talking about the ethics committee coming back after him, possibly bringing up some charges as voting. I hinted at that the ethics committee here yet they're, not the norms committee, so. course everybody's going to spend this from from. send bc cnn fox news. I bet you even to the young turks and all those people that somehow the they're, not the person I saw the so much to say about it. But the weird thing is that the Democrats could have tried the actually extract something from Mccarthy the better I wouldn't they do that I'll. Take the cards was willing to make a deal won't eat. Did he probably wasn't willing to make a deal because of what mandate set on jake too? but when he goes will know if, if you know, mccarty is gonna cut aside deal and if the Democrats are going to you know a deal with him? You know, then the Democrats will own him because I'm done owning him. So he put him
position where Mccarthy probably couldn't go to the Democrats, because Matt gates call this bullshit on jake tapir. So here's here's his or her. Some I mean this is mac gets is, is is inspiring and This amazing. This is exactly what we thought that a sea would do. This is exactly what we thought: corey bush du jamal bowman would do. This is exactly what we thought. They would all do, of course, they're making. They are trying to pretend like this is bad they're trying to pretend leg Jimmy the optics he to exonerate so they're gonna get that ukraine money come hell or high water, and why why why do people give a shit about cabin mccarthy? The most every politics attracts mediocre people to begin with, but the most meat
ochre of people who are living nightmare. That cabin could never be the speaker, and that was our worst thing, there's there was operating. I remember the fear of given mccarthy, because people run up a gear and area if you think yes, which was a lie anyways, because he was a speaker with the Democrats, had power when the democratic majority wasn't the debris, he couldn't even keep speakership within the republicans. So here's a letter I forget what this is, but let's map gets, is on fire. Let's play the one it is astonishing to hear any colleague give speaker mccarthy credit for moving to the single subject: appropriations bills, as you heard my Like mr big say that was never the plan from speaker Mccarthy, though, Mr Mr big from six in the city As I see that mr be, he said, mister big, my friend mr big either he was talking about another- can go home.
be cited. As my colleague MR big say. That was never the plan from speaker, Mccarthy. The week before we moved on to their single subject. Appropriate It's the plan was another see. Are he pitched too see? Are they try to get us to vote procedure and only when a break, you said we are done governing by continuing resolution. We are here to eulogise the era of continuing resolution. We will not do we will not pass it. These bills can go. The spending may rise and fall as the years passed, but the notion that we're going to lump in the department of education in the department of labour with our military and our true, Our border patrol is fundamentally on serious and I would suggest chaotic. We cannot do that. It was only because we force that to happen and by the way, if we continue at speaker mccarthy, the appropriations process will go right back to what he wanted to go back to just decide. Show
just a puppet show just something to keep the hamsters on the hamster wheel as they continue to back people up against a calendar. Centralized power with the lobbyists. Special interests that move all kind of money through the leadership, that's how they get their way and that's why the american people I've been getting screwed decade after decade. not going to tolerate it anymore without a fight I reserve wow astonishing in that are incurred by blowing the end. Look it's what The more my blowing is to watch how those establishment media and the other politicians call this. The the bad thing he's cuckoo he's crazy. This is what Everybody should want. This is certainly what the people of america want and they blew it. Here's what,
make house is not a single democrat. Would ever will pull blowsy accountable in a way that gets did to Mccarthy every self proclaimed progressive increase We should be aware, of course, maybe and then and then there were people like this. Even they need slip. This is one member back them. They were used rider he's for saying that mccarthy couldn't eager yes, so what you? Is you force when you up no. What do you do? Still, the classic he's dead, the classic case, though he was cry all this, he was trying to get them so when you forced to being when you vote, no You can watch out for them back to the negotiating, so I just said day after day shown that forced the vote was the correct strategy neo see in fraud squad turned on their base and side with the establishment. imagine the energy, enthusiasm and power to make demands that the left
we have had if they were more like back gets and less like themselves. Don't forget! wires of the left. The media slandered us and lied to protect crooked politicians like JQ, grimm, ryan grim. Would you be you don't have to understand? Democracy itself is at stake trump. Talking about. This is democracy. You know trumps it. So this is real democracy executing general miley. I heard from a thing: this is real democracy. This is real democracy. and jimmy. This is of india is just what the left is wanted. The people do, and so the power has been concentrated in the speakers hands and so he's breaking that up to tributes. Way to run a collaboration yet, but this is a real vindication for you right this is. Wow I mean sometimes.
believe me. It might have been a gay rights using that it's like you guys don't they gave it said I should get. There should be a parade for me. I'm giving you know together. I want to cover it up. It's embarrassing You're right is embarrassing to make single fund something that real left this one right right. This is some real left this want. We don't want to stop lumped together, because this is our washington continues to be washington and special interests get way they lump together, but if you separate them now you have to make the politicians accountable for their vote now. They can't say well yo. I voted for ukraine spending because I want the money for the border who You know I voted for money on the border, because I want a new green spending. You can't not that stuff together and provide cover for them. This is something real left. This want a good, I do because what, for once, instead of you well oiled machine, it's done, How are you they do to society? They don't want that being a well oiled machine. They want that non
chaos right. It's investor look, look at their hacks, the establishment, hacks other riyadh day or so jack. Hey part, MSNBC, hosts and half of all taxes. Remember nancy pull He also had a foresee majority during her second state, as speaker of the house, so all the squad, the squatter weak. Trees are bragging that progressives never seen we considered using their leverage to exact, extract a silk. What that's, what he's doing You say that we did. I look waited. Do they ought only that one of the best stockbrokers and all gangrene so that she's makes the point centres are bragging that progressives. Never. Seriously considered using their leverage to extract a single thing from Nancy Pelosi that
would materially benefit poor and working people during a pandemic. When fifty million people had just lost their health insurance, that's what these bragging about norms he's brett! Yes, he's bragging that the Democrats didn't do this didn't do You think that's what he's brag about, how the Democrats run in lockstep unison, at the glasshouse with kindness and backed out of the house and knocked out, she has a documentary called locked down the house? Yes, so get this! What the Democrats are willing to vote for from a card the house democrats state that what their priorities and demands would be in order to support a geo, p house. Member for speaker, you want to know They want first thing money for you Even so, I was wondering what will finally get to that thing. I care about. That's that's what they want.
you this is such a clown show in regular people like I wanted to ask mike. You know MIKE Mccrae rights, those sketches, so understand. What's with the game, that's really being played, is a new grain do regular body for ukraine to fight china? What that's the first thing they want a redistributive gets and so The republicans voted to remove mccarthy's speaker along with two hundred they Democrats democratic rep. How came you freeze of new york who's, the democratic leader in the house and he's the he's what nancy Pelosi used to be. He said that any speaker, the Democrats, supported would have to agree to more funding for ukraine to first stickney says I get things the more important thing in my lifetime than paying women money to ukraine,
that more money that warm, nothing you had a peep dislike met gets just said. but people can fort houses. People are by the american economy not working for workers only giving up. We don't do this. It does affect your like. No, I know it's affecting me now. What would you do it? imagine if we spend our money just on people here in amerika, the anxieties you just spend it on drugs, Hey. You know Here's another great way you can help support the show. Is you become a premium? are we give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support to show you do it by going to jimmy your company that cop clicking a got premium and supposed affordable previous programme in the business and its agree way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks?
everybody who was already a premium member. If you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support. This woman battle, Mary Catherine ham? She went bill mater. I guess, and SAM Harris is still loud and polite society. because he lied on be behalf of this. Of of the polite society. He was on border, he was out all the stuff he said was at the behest of the estate. When a big pharma, and so that's why you still allowed on hbo that twice of toys is called social norms. What what's so hard- and I know you know to watch this- who is she? She is at american journalist she's, a good trimming error to town hall magazine a writer further federalist scene and contributor at an end, for hot air. So how the hell so was the signal this trumped arrangements in this, so you see here is how com his bad points or yet
view. I we only have a short clip here. I don't know, I don't think I have him. The original sense from both media and the intelligence agencies and and and federal law enforcement is the russia gates and the reason that so many on the party and I'm here as the translator, because I'm not one of them but solely in the party, accept so much of donald trump. It is because the russia stuff was a lie. all alive because not all right, you guys who it was all a lie you don't know what the mulder report concluded, that there was at night Nobody they had a. They had a phone tap on everybody in donald trump campaign that a phone tap on everybody and they couldn't find a crime. And they couldn't find collusion? They couldn't find anything such a shocking. exactly? It is lieutenant And so is it gotta creation, and so then that after that, then then there was the, though what was the last report, steel, thus
no, no! That was done on the report from the mother and then I'm blinking on them or the one about. How should the lawyer widen? and didn't know the last one from the department of justice. Why can I think of that cause? There's a lot of them audits. Might this is my brain fog from the marijuana withdrawal or the the last report? that just came up for their part, the durham reply. My bad durham report and I was tell I would so why would tell people about so that the report was we looked into this area three or investigation into the ad exposed, the fbi and brok, obama and cia? They all knew that it was a hoax russia gate that was started pissed. There was by the Clinton campaign and the fbi. They all knew that they told rock obama this so, and I tell people
regular people like when I go to kommeni clubs and other comedians. I could the durham report. Could I got it? They go ok, jimmy how did what is this thing, the durham report, and how do you know about it? I'm not they say because of course they never heard about it because of the news media doesn't want you to know about it. They wanted you to know about the steel dossier, which was a hundred percent. May not one firm is now even the great sam harris knows about it by the little drop is still suing christa christopher steel. Now for the steel dossier, he saw him so so this. So this woman comes on and she's telling the truth to someone like sam Harris and who, because if he talk softer, that makes it seem like his right any smarter than you, because he can talk even soft, as you have just like much just like my to my future, two Michael's hypnotizer drew out his arm where he goes well. It was illegal, but a social norms. What I do know, let's watch
I I to know what your original sin from both media and the intelligence agencies. And and federal law enforcement is the russia gate stuff. my reason. So many in the party and I'm sure as the translator, because I'm not one of them, but so many in the party accept so much of donald trump it is because the russia stop was a lie. What color wasn't all alive. It wasn't all alike as hidden our colleague who was it more yet most of it was a lie. I was alone Why not? It was wrong, but we are most of it was a lie. Yes, what your embarrassed that most of rushing leave, and even by your own standard, most of them, The gate was a lie, even you're, not embarrass but didn't lose. Some of it might have been true. What so here we go.
rip most area? That is still the cia on me. None other than some of us. A little joscelyn was true. We dislike took out, it is cut. So now say: mirrors goes that was alliance, and then we got a little bit but was dropped. Do you guys doing This is on bill, Maher's clash, heard schwab. the we have the written word that The mulder report for three years, yes, and no one ever said he was gonna, send the whole time. Unlike guys, I don't think you'll. Russia's laziness and everyone. As a user, they just flip criminal justice on its head, When someone is in charge with the crime they go, He didn't say that them one day that democracies, democracies at stake? What by authoritarianism? Every single deuces at present do you say, and I don't have the victory all that used to have for bill mar, because I think most of that was jealousy, but
but now it's just sad is just we know. What is actually scary, like you get scared that we, like I'm afraid. I might turn into that, he's always say I can't wait to sell out another thought, but billy the biggest does like he does. It know he's this being this wrong. All these but they didn't sam heroize yeah he's a liar, nor, I think, he's a conscious lives. because I know he is there's no way we have largely been bar- is actually duped illiterate if he's going to argue for a little look into it once you get to a certain level. Why would you you already know all the pizza there's that saying from Carl Sagan once you've been bamboozled long enough, you tend to just discard any evidence against the bamboo them and to the point where you need a lot of aachen? No molly resent you and that's what this is so I get it out. I want I want to Any policy on which we have seen in looking at me like I'm crazy and at the end we get to not much there,
there. When I was, I was you gotta get there was alarm was right. There was collusion. We never had before it was unprecedented. Is what why do? What was they just? Do he simply tell you simply tell you, ok, president, would do that he just didn't because he's insane you do know what I'd do if he did it and it was President at any was in public. Why wasn't it with the crime by mahler? Well, why there was, so blatantly zone sweetie. He didn't even hide it and you still couldn't charged with a crime bill said, I think what is referring to is jobs, russia, please, have you lazy as all that my god, you know, that's how I see that's how they can find her ear males that was you and we will not only be granted a look, almost trouble that out loud they wouldn't have done it. I swear to god. I think you saying that
That is what he hurried resentment it. This was always David from line up. Everything he's doing is in plain view, it's not illegal he's violating every political norm. Normally, there are things, that's what I'm talking about babbling, because he said it the great SAM harris, so David Frum, yeah the iraq war was a success, says David Frum, who gave us the axis of evil and lied about hosting the war David from it. This is who they're quoting Iraq war war pigs. This is who they came from correct me if I'm wrong wrote a book about how smart george w bush was correct me if I'm wrong was agree pain. this. This is amazing. This is like this still growing smaller this. Do you really think Jim that day, a guy who was b, who was a cat
lee colluding with a foreign enemy, the daily, and be pop fuckin president for five seconds. If a guy was act beetle, actually colluding with a foreign country just through america, the whole congress bull political parties and the old, Marcie that runs this country, that's whose actually looting with other countries to screw over the primary got? It does not turn out. Turner wasn't donald trump, it's every every one of his accusers here. This is, I believe, a bull This is still going on after the durham report. After the meal. It just doesn't matter, but look there, there's still the thing okay, so that lets the narrative so far that they're just expressed. There's no wasn't all not true, it wasn't all lie. There was some stuff they did. He do. Did it out loud like no one If you didn't say he was innocent. I'm not. None of it was illegal by what
what one dollar bill some he's innocent of violating norms. It's! Why is that so As you said, nothing he did was illegal. It just violated norms, so apparently being greater, including with a foreign government against your own people. That's not, of course, that's illegal. He didn't do it better I already did malthusian males by the way, and don't blame russia goes. I wouldn't do that. I wasn't russia who did that The cia is keeping set the rich computer locked up for sixty five years. Doesn't I don't know who did it? I bet it was russia. We debunk that on our chauffeur before I ever met you we do by him we'll binny on the show, and he talked about how that good work. First show to do it. I think so I'll take the credit soon. twenty years, usually get to know all the lie, but you usually promote the average crimes twenty years. These are all sixty five and
years hidden crimes, so I select billboard and have a staff that could someone who does not at some nerd who does research on you inner, like no, it turns out, dissolve scam. Well, but they don't care up, I could do it gets his staff is not as I guess you did with the more at the moment you there were that more illegal, like using the face a court to spy on american citizen ways that they should have done, that the actual legal things were done, work done by drug you're done by the f b. I now Who is doing the illegal things they lied? having a times that I know about, and they lied seventeen times to the pies accord, so they could get of tone tap on Donald
and they still couldn't get a crowd enjoying an email to right. Remember I can't remember the guy who gave large they changed the email, so they can obtain use political norms. Normally we do all that whenever we want you, don't you don't get it you don't get to reign, was partially responsible for funding this dossier, which partially came from a weight for russian disinformation. Yes, it was literally and minutes, started with cycles of media circles and then we had for years about I'm not exactly everything they said it was put its not nothing. This standard of evidence used for the russia thing for three four years versus standard of evidence used now in media for. In an hundred by nation and against a fairly obvious influence peddling is worlds apart.
worlds apart, how these people are treated, they do not get it and they sometimes don't get it from law enforcement and here's the problem a bunch of Bull, including in the justice system. Looked at trump and said: he's gonna bust all the norms, and you know what we need to do but all the norms to stop him and Very. I owe not build up of norms, rick the law over and over again that's right, they broke, they broke the law, we gotta go any further than busting the norms, and so here is. here is good member. We had not again my withdrawal fog we had this gentleman on the show to talk about mass formation psychosis and he's explain what you just saw from. Bill mar sam Harris and their audience so watch. This is extremely hard.
to to to to wake someone up who is in a process of mass finished that good stuff and a boy. Then, if you're familiar with the stuff Labonte, he wrote a very important book on on mass formation of the nineteenth century the psychology of the camps is, it was called great already there, that, if the people who are not in in the mass formation. Try to wake up the people who are in formation, they will be confronted, probably with failure. They will be confronted with the fact that that hell, I've experienced this with russia gate. I've experienced this with syria. I have experienced this with the lock down with coal ovid, with mandates with vaccines have experienced. I've tried away the people up from this, and they call you crazy, but at least some of my comedian friends with russia gate said to me, Can we? How did you know he wouldn't get indicted jimmy Did you know when the Mulder report came out? How did you know I looked into my past all the things that happen. I dont want what I do
I dont think that what they're telling me at MSNBC cnn, fox news and why street journal in new york times. I don't think that's the real cause. It's not that's. Propaganda zone by a handful of billionaires that run the old and don't care about this country, and certainly don't care about you for everything? You seem pretty much as propaganda. Once I must be the goodwill, no right so ok, I gotta unable to leg up the masses, but he says never them It is extremely important to continue to speak out, because if people continue to speak out, the hypnosis might become less deep. Its will become this stuff, the ball several historical examples of situations in which people who were awake continue to speak out and prevented the masses from committing atrocities, because its typically with masses do because
function of the mass formation is and the satisfaction of all this Based on the connection. You know, the fort condition must typically typically have the nation do, showed a tendency to urge to commit atrocities typically do it. being convinced that they perform? and almost sacred pledge that did something that that that they do something about this this right, is really the duty and that that it has to do with the fact that People in mass formation are convinced that what they do is for the greater good programmes for the well being of the collective We'll get, of course, out of this work for the building of a certain collective and at a distance the children are often of another of another, the part of the population, but then so it's hard to make their masses up the only thing you better than, but if you can when you to speak Percent of the population was really into the promotion of mass formations.
about. You will make a diagnosis. Less deep in this part of the popular and you might prevent the masses from from committing atrocity. So it's extremely important to continue to speak out, and so that's what we're doing at this show air. I hope I oh I had people tell me at the beating a covert you're, not a doktor, and you shouldn't talk cause you're not allowed it shouldn't and all, also, they wouldn't let your doktor, that's right. not my doctor so, and I had to explain to me but people who I know and for four years, that what I do an new show and what I have to look at whatever the establishment, what whatever the narrative is, whatever the status quo is, and I have to find where they're lying and they were lying about everything when it comes to covet and those people still don't care, they relied do about covert. They still don't care. Fascism came to visit your backyard
You didn't care and you don't care to know and that's what the cynicism so russia, the syrian war, just like a rack and covered mass formation psychosis. and you see on display with it would save some years has if, on both things at least bill, mar pushed back against covered. What oh great pushed back. Silk acts were so he auto somebody was area, but same harris couldn't get a job is, is like a maintenance man of the mass formation psychosis, because I just watched was bill more saying, absolute gibbey parrot, like parenting Thank you. Your lines. You has removed people buber boogie, you get all the lights? same here is concerned. Her points to harass bill more now she was. I heard that, and we put my about bill you don't seem thing. Bill. More was so he saw a doctor
wake up and and reproduction that he was in the corner. Knowing it was, he didn't say, was innocent. He he's doing. We'll see. Em harris acknowledges our boy totally disavow. makes the whole thing not valid diploma. Thanks, yes, like his job is to do that, just a porter Offer him ok ago. Nowhere but norms like some stupid. Moving the goalposts thing they use, but then was fails? You do that. That was remarkable at just jaw. Dropping, I think, he's a bruno and- and it makes me actually, you know I I would say, feel sad for four build more, but I feel sad or for the country then. In closing, I like that who has a platform like that who can actually make a real difference, and I think you did good work, would covin Guy is always good on free speech. I always give it to him always give it to any good at, but but to just to be this caught up like this in itself
real tragedy, actually beside only you're older relatives that are like the fox owner and if they want their writing, if they want to believe something, you gotta believe it. So even it's like that diamond dumber, so you're still saying there's a chance. yeah. They're doing that when it comes to the situation, which looks like one million dead donald trump worse. What do you do with the russians there? After all, the evidence was little say in there's a chance. I remember when it came to the actions we were using this term. There were so many of these anomalies, but what were people saying that wanted to believe that election? Oh so you're still saying, there's a chance because anomaly what I'm saying so we had to go to impossibilities, you no matter that law of origin apologetically term anomalies. Does people were still going so you still say there's a chance, it's like when you want to believe something you gotta believe it. Despite all the evidence guess what you already mulatto is our jades of another. You do you can make it true. Yes,
I hey. This is jerry. Who is this? a german issues, george coloni, the coup, he's right cheek. She on the phone same initials as gentleman's quarterly, not a coincidence, and I m sitting on some of my ward when it did you of wearing a tuxedo, for no reason why the tie on how should we do not want a very flattered? George, very unjust annabelle? How are you baby, I'm greater, actually means deaf steph just got back from a little bit of a nice vacation. Fantastic travel is important. I important irish truly restores
sure. Where did you go lake Michigan or what many headlights Nice estuary ass, though George we got back from ITALY, where we were at lake cobo actually shut the door He stand up an exit. The the windows for you, gotta, be kidding me. No, I was just to baby, maybe my entire mohammed, my. Why didn't you know why I guess I just do feel comfortable showed up on invited to george Clarice italian lakeside villa louder probably smarted guarded, like don t, chios villain, the godfather
orders to shoot on sight, but you should have called ok next time. Yes, please do we have so much fun, it's good times a couple of cool cats having to cronies yeah. Talking about that sushi place in the valley we both like we could play pranks. yeah and who don't know each other the clues. Are he can't do anything about it, the all sorts of gags, pranks and Boehner's, my wife yeah applying the judge, My own wife, oh, I wish to note
large moving on Have some say in the matter or not wiggers george anyway, what you? What did you How about jus ass Jimmy. I have some grave concern about why I'll tell you about what I I think, I'm saying I don't. If it's the letters day, I were like a sex yeah
it's ai george. Anyway. Would this thing take a bunch of videos of a cat and audio? they make it totally fake video that cat, without that saying shop that get every sudden burst boy. How do you know that- the cat- yes, it's good, Turning and, as usual, is one particular group of people, the hardest actors, Tom hanks, my body recently discovered there some commercial, our derision doors in some local dentists office or some shit like yankee. Whenever stoop that low is inhumane concerned you, Yeah like tat, actors were showing out. If you ever hear my real voice in a commercial baby, it's gonna be a jaguar or flax,
if you hear my voice for a jaguar or a lexus dealership in dayton, ohio baby girl, that is a deep fake. The rows are not the tunes of cluny. Okay, I'll make a note, especially once you discovered you get a yank, but it's gonna be like play a workable nerdy shit and it's always fuckin urge, because all the problems, adelaide in high school so dedicate all their intellect to making life harder for those of us who did I hear you george, now you're talking to the real george quality rice, broader, really know that really jaded dignity. Otherwise it's me I swear wait till I start making a deep friendship. You, my friend, videos, are you crazy shit wearing an iheart, doktor fouche his shirt and plant pickle ball, a check?
bye he's, probably wouldn't try well we'll have to deal with these things. As they occur, george, yeah? I guess I don't know, what's real much, not affect the very fabric of reality, although the ups It is me or you or anyone could say some really crazy shit for real and then just claim it's as if we get in trouble plausible deniability. I guess When we look at it, it can really say that order deep fake made to look like that catch. That debt is again say that wanted people to think it was a thief. And in this case on talk about an actual cat, that's how is gonna get, let's hope not. Jim? Jim is just one more thing for my deep mind to contemplate, which I will do as I stare out onto lake como at dusk, grilling. Everything here
at his art. My way through this show, I let you go, but man I wish you were here- may do next time. Ok, shunned! an old friend, and he will give some thought to what I was talking about earlier. no now by know why I Hey become a premium member goaded, jimmied organic dotcom sign up, it's the most affordable premium, programmer the business all the voices work today are by the one and only the inimitable, MIKE Mccrae. It can be found it MIKE mccrae dot com. For this week. You be the best you can be I'll keep being made
Why don't I don't don't don't don't don't don't don't worry, gown tat, you do not break out.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-07.