« The Jimmy Dore Show

Lockdowns Actually Saved SHOCKINGLY Few Lives – Fake Fact Checkers DEBUNKED

2022-06-24 | 🔗

When Johns Hopkins Economics Professor Steve Hanke released a metastudy indicating that COVID lockdowns had only saved a small number of lives compared to the astronomical figure that had been reported by an Imperial College study, the backlash was quick and fevered. The Imperial College researchers, along with "fact checkers" like Snopes sought to refute the claims Hanke and his co-authors made. Jimmy interviews Professor Hanke about the failure of lockdowns and the backlash his study received. Plus a segment on Krystal Ball's dismantling of Bill Maher over widespread misinformation about the causes of runaway inflation. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It would do. Instead, update salt lake city, las vegas, chicago Sacramento and then san diego warm taken by new special go to Jimmy, or commie dot com really, for all its figures were our lives. Jos, we're going to your time, maybe hmm This is Jimmy, whose is it joint budget concurs with the base. about business friendly. Blameworthy without yeah. Ok, guy can't reach up trying to air view. I name is Joe a whole right then. What's on your mind, MR president,
Swedish guy I gas price and chicken, in a budget with chicken flavoured crackers, but mainly the gas. I see I've been working like the tickets to get these prices down and relieve the suppression of financial burden on everyday americans. Time when I need the most And I've come up with a cunning plan: oh yeah. What is that a three month federal tax holiday. How much is the federal tax gas tax again? change. Your girl and check drive your car is akin to that turn a gala gas tank, almost two dollars, you shave every time you fill up that's you need two dollars out of fifty dollars.
Sorry? No, it's not a win win on three march. I don't want our asia judge of my friend. Does it now? If you want to wait for three much that twenty one dollars for a family or it can pay for half of them to eat a warm meal. You know tat, I was of dress this plan. Mr president, this congress aborted now another problem is technically the gas companies there are already taxed. If you'd be relieved this tax on them. What makes you think that passed along to the consumer, that's a matter with that you're making there isn't it. I have your work
it didn't the oil of gas industries. Word of honor. Exactly I got brackish worse. guys from action is chevron when is yeah exactly repressive. Oh brother,.
Although sure we can't get these measures passed through congress or the oil and gas industry decides to be a bunch of bone edge and go back on their pinkie swears. I've never heard of such a thing, but I suppose it's technically possible. There are other options such as conserving gas. Rather, what it makes sense car pool carpooling is fun, get to spend even more time with coworkers in a boring, a hard pool free day and feel free to ham it up in the car on the way there you're not on the clock as your time and on the way home, if a post mortem for the day, the work day really open up, everybody go around the car and think about what you could have done better. There have been more breakdown given made the company more money
it sounds like a nightmare or should or should not have stood up to now it's literally not what I said. Oh I'm sure I'm hard of hearing anyway walk to work. If it's close, you know within ten miles, grow food in your backyard to cut down on grocery store trips or learn how to forage for edible plants in your yard here by would here? Oh, doesn't love a nice day deadline, green wait a minute as in other areas, she along going without air conditioning just as an experiment just to see you'll save a ton of money. Utility costs with this one simple trick This isn't about gas city war,
combining family house. Might get cozy hm finds you live in a house together, see how long you can go. Early electricity average life. MR president. You have given us It's here that this this isn't about gas prices. It sounds like you're trying to get americans to get used to a postcard. ap society where they can. Rely on the energy grid or the supply chain. I was year not that I just its
okay, yeah, no, no just fun things to shave money, just your metal make things a little harder so that when things are better the same way once we get worse the heart and died of a survivor, okay is there to justify. Yeah anyway, I can't shoot anymore. I'm gonna go fuck up a box of chicken in a biscuit, been on my mind all day, but I've earned it after long work day of charlotte fuckin problem to solve all these problems- and I said thing happens and there's no point anything wait, am I still on
stop sliding down the street and johnson media. Some had the chance to show I remember we covered this johns hopkins did a story. They did is not a story. John Hopkins did a story. John Hopkins did a comedy sketch no jumped hopkins university. This is from them. I and it's what they did was they crunch. The numbers on a bunch of different story saw studies to see if the covered locked out They save lives and were reported it, and here was headline in the watched in times lockdown had little or no impact on the covert night in depth. A new study shows so I'm just going to recap it for you, because there's been updates The new information on this, the locked,
during the early phase of the pandemic and twenty twenty reduced cove at night. mortality. By about zero point, two percent said rod review of multiple scientific studies. We find no evidence that lockdown school Closures, border closures and limiting gatherings have had a note simple effect uncovered nineteen mortality to reach urges road, but the research paper said locked out did have devastating effects. On the economy and contribute to numerous social ills they have contribute to reducing economic activity, raising unemployment, reducing Schooling, causing political unrest, contributing to demand stick violence and undermining liberal democracy? Researchers at the imperial college of london, for example, they predicted that if we did kobe lockdown it the death rates, I would reduce them by ninety eight percent so keep this
That might have very important the impasse the college of london predicted that if we did those cuts but lockdown to reduce death rates by ninety eight percent. That never happened, That's, according to a new study by researchers, Stephen hanky, John herbie enlarge yoni at the johns hopkins. Ok indeed, we do find some evidence. Lebanon gatherings was counter productive and increased covert nineteen mortality so that paper came out. That was called a working paper wasn't yet peer reviewed, that's how that some process, and then this doctor, when I'd Tucker carlsson and mentioned it. He mentioned that John hopkins paper and then all of a sudden, this paper got this press release, came from the science
media center and it was trying to counter or debunk that johns hopkins study. It says, expert reaction to a pre print. looking at the impact of lockdown as posted on the john hopkins krieger school of arts and sciences website and then snobs, which we ve shown you that snobs, is not a fact, checking organization, none of these organizations that claimed to be fact checkers our fact checkers their p, well who are paid by billionaires and corporations that have a political agenda and then they I disagree with your conclusions, so they don't actually check your facts. They check your conclusion. Hands, and then they disagree with your political position. That's not a factual, and so that's what snobs did and So let me bring in the author of the studies
Stephen hanky is: a professor of applied economics and founder and code director of the imf. shoot for applied economics, global health and the study of business enterprise at the John hopkins johns hopkins university in baltimore. Welcome to the show whether germany, so now? What was here, let me just read what the The problem with these people tell me right now: what was the problem with this bliss press release that came out to try to
discredit your we're paper. Now the programme go ahead. Ok, the press release came out on february, third, two thousand two thousand and twenty two, and it was heads for authors. Actually, three of them were associated with the entire college of london virologists there and they force a person was professor pat from the university of Nottingham love. They incur a college of london crowd. was quite critical of our study. They had, they had five kind of scientific point said they wanted to raise that they criticise this about and those five point they didn't read arts working paper very carefully Jemmy, because we we convert wee wee wee protected our care
stan and and- and there was really no problem with those five criticisms, but then we can get a patent we just ended, but let me just sit her up. First, let me just interrupt for one second just so, people are clear on the what's happening. So are these people? while the science media center out of the four authors of that came from the imperial college, and why is that lord and because the imperial college were the ones that made the predictions that coded locked downs would reduce the death rate by ninety eight percent. So the johns hopkins paper debunk that incredibly debunked it like that. It's a crazy prediction and they will run ok that that that this important point erasing jimmy- and that is on march- sixty two thousand and twenty- the imperial college of london came out with the results in the car
dating back. If you didn't locked down, we were gonna, lose a lot of people an end. When we're talking about a lot of people, they estimated that the das avoid it would be between and the u s, for example, destiny, you Ass would be between one point. Seventy two point: two million people So so too, it's a huge number and they did the same thing for anglin and and the uk. They said that there would be five hundred and ten thousand das avoided. If, if
it'll, lock down and if they didn't lock down. Obviously, we're going to have almost a half a million people dying in the uk, the next day the politicians in the uk locked down based on that study. So you have to ask this gets into very interesting sequence of things in the uk, because this imperial college london crowd. They have these models that spin out kind of fantasy numbers about the number of people that will be killed due to one thing or another. If you look at two thousand and one I've gone back to look at their work and examine it, two thousand and one they said that the uk foot and mouth epidemic would end up on
a daily basis going up to a peak of about four hundred and twenty cases daily case as well. The peak was fifty, so they were way off on there and and the big problem with that is they slaughtered ten million animals as a result of that scare, then, in two thousand and two they come out with another study on mad cow disease, and they say that a hundred and fifty thousand people are gonna. Kick the bucket to resolve the mad cow. While a hundred and seventy eight x ray die, then two thousand and five they they set up. There are two hundred million people will die of bird flu worldwide and actually form
Fifty six died, then two thousand and nine we ve got them claiming. Sixty five thousand people died. The swine flu. Well, five hundred did so you get the picture of what hang on, so that the people at the imperial college have been wrong consistently on a grand predictive basis. They, wrong bright in incredibly wrong, sir. The end ass, what's going on, leave these. These are scientific people with big credentials, there's no I spent about it and in their virologist they have a model and an they could the they could the data in the model and run the moslem make projection, and this is the old garbage and garbage out kind of problem
we are matters that he gave me the heater summarised. We looked at actual measurements. The these are model caesar like a natural experiment. What happened actually when they locked down in country abs, and then we come up with a number. So if you combined always studies with redeem the key number. Let's just get down the something people can grasp. Very easy in the united states, but the worst case scenario was one in which sixteen thousand das would have been avoided and makes
ring of two thousand twenty due to lock downs, sick, that sounds like a big member. Sixteen thousand, but put it into perspective in the: u S, the average number flew deaths every year, seventy two thousand, so so the covert thing, the saving of das. With locked down these, priest walked on majors its peanuts compared to just the normal flew through you. Couldn't you put in these these policies? You get the maximum benefit and I read your saving. Sixteen thousand wise one In fact, the normal flew season you're losing seventy two thousand people, and so the point is that the banana lives that were saved even on their model was
a very low and not not statistically significant. Well, the note the number saved in reality is very well the number and are more or less is mega high. If you work at their model, there are more relative to what happened in the real world. What we found in our matter, analysis, the number of them they have, is a hundred and thirty five times higher than predicting them actually happen. So so so so the big problem. Ah, but they their criticism of isa. The big problem with this and other people like snobs, basing their articles this is that the people who wrote this Were the ones who been wrong about everything from the an end and that day, Did they mention that? Do they? mention that hey by the way, where part of the group that what we
had the run out of date. No, they did that the thing about slopes and the fact checking usa today it is not always backed checkers. You put your finger on it. They they cherry pick and and massage and come up with their own already about what what they want to tell their stuff worry and if you look at the end, the scientific media center release they. They cancel professor patten from university of Nottingham. He had for things to say about our study. He said that it was a significant contribution. It was very transparent. Here I actually have a written down. Let me read it: I hear you so good at your father. Yes, so the m, the press release that they release trying to discredit you and yours and your paper at the post
Media center critiques are clearly bays biased, as they all exclude any mention of protect professor patents favor bull appraisals of our work. king paper, for example, professor patent the following four points in science media center. Key to Systematic review like this are the sets of search and exclusion criteria. The paper is very transparent about which is about this, which is good. They focus on difference in depth since a difference, indifference, empirical studies, I e they look at papers which compare the impact of an intervention on mortality by looking before and after, but relative other areas which did not have the intervention. S resolve model studies like the well known flaxman nature paper, are excluded. That is not correct, reversal. So one of the critiques the people were making. Was that you excluding data that would debacle I would go against what you wanted to conclude any disk.
Right here he signalled that that is not controversial, that yoke excluded certain things, that's what that saying. That's what they're saying an end and what we split it was the marbles east these models. It turn out fantasy, numbers we were looking jimmy litter, let the real world we looked at what we looked at, only the studies that Joy dealt with real world numbers and we start. by the way by reviewing nineteen thousand six hundred and forty six studies. Then we did a lot of screening and we got down to thirty two studies that could put enjoy be used in an aside. If a way, as we have done it and of those thirty two
I only ended up with twenty two that we could convert to standard majors make them come comparable, come up with the numbers aggregate things and in a meta study, as you're supposed to be doing in a meta study. So we looked at thousands of studies that were out there. We ended up with twenty two that passed that ass, an those twenty two we evaluated and in detail and, as you see the new paper that we have two hundred and five pages long, I mean it's clearly, not the kind of thing you wanna. Do you read me driving. You know look at these summary points that you're making here this dispersed. Pat the thing is critical, we're very transparent. We said exactly what we did hear anyone reading the paper with it would now this so this in point he makes is the result, is pretty consistent with other non systemic reviews, age urban alan, which is
reassuring. It is also can system, with the few studies which look at the impact on over all access mortality, so these are two very positive things. He saying about yours, your paper and he goes to say more marginal. In my view is there exclusion of synthetic control methods papers- some of these papers find it significant impact of and p eyes on mortality, so. including them might have led to somewhat higher average mortality affects. The paper gives a robust defence of their exclusion, but I think he would give me will on both sides of that debate and then the the final he says we engage on theirs You say you say we engage in a thorough review and revision. Of our paper january. Twenty first one, twenty two working paper. We can report that one error of commission was found in the original. It was not detected by any fact: jack yours or by those we corresponded with but by us the air was computational error that involve logger it
It was small and did not materially affect our results, so it this so there seems to debunk all the criticisms that they had a view, and the criticism Sums were this that deep, your study that paper about locked was not. The work of the universe. itself, and it was peer reviewed and it was not written by an epidemiologists and a number. Researchers have also taken issue with the methods used in the study. So we just showed you that the methods you used other up up up with professors of note have said it was perfectly fine, so that that may make this. When we make us a couple of comments about this johns hopkins. Doesn't endorse research? I'm a professor at johns hopkins, I probably the most senior professor at johns. How university I'm in my fifty third year here and the university does not endorse studies. So this
This is a funny thing anyway. At an end, it's done by economists, not urologist. Well, many studies are usually done by social scientists like like economist that he does this kind of aggregation were we know the study with a working paper was published I johns hopkins institute and it's a working paper. We say it is very clear Anyone who knows anything about science working papers are not peer, reviewed their put out there to be true over refine so that, ultimately, you can submit a paper to a bury your journal or
I haven't published by a publishing house, which is exactly what we're doing we. We followed the the scientific protocol to the t on this, anticipating that we might have controversial results jimmy we, we actually filed a protocol which we file on in July line paid protocol. That was in July, two thousand and twenty one six months before we actually, Wish bar study saying exactly what we were going to do. So if anyone wanting to criticise our methodology, they could, even before we started doing the study. So all this criticism is easy. He debunked right. So I wept so arts audience knows how fact checkers go. We weaved above
them. In fact, Johns startle through a lawsuit got facebook to admit that their fact checkers art actually back checkers thirty people with open. means that differ and that's what that was in courts so and so the people claim to be fact. Jaeger to people at of snow observe fact checked. Or whatever it or usa they're, not fact checkers. These are of these. are people who s this guy. This is this that they have an agenda, that they have an agenda and, and most of it is absolute rubbish. my experience and what's going on with his imperial college of london? The reason I reacted by the way and put out that press release the day after darker mac bride? Who, who is a colleague of mine, is a professor.
listen at johns hopkins and by the way, the reason they say, Johns hopkins and tribute any study dealing with mary collar public health issues coming from Johns hopkins Hopkins has such a big name that they dont want the professors name and all of a sudden. It gets evolves in two and transformed into at johns hopkins study. Why do you say Johns hopkins? Get me because you know it carries weight and that's why that's why the thing came out as johns hopkins it. It was published by my johns hopkins institute, but you know the the authors kind of disappear into the sunset when you're dealing with this kind of thing. But let me let me indicate why the imperial college of london jumped on it the next day after that parker girl's program. They got worried
They they got worry there, we're gonna be under an and they put out this press release because I knew the study we did with legs worldwide. I mean it ended. Was in the white house. It was in the congress and aunt em and had been given a great shout out by my married mercury on until your girls in So it's the fear, machine, the imperial courage and the virologist it the running of fear me, gene and they know they can get a policy response, because politicians and end the one policeman anger on this a long time ago said the baltimore it Joe Mencken. He wrote that the whole aim of practical politics, just keep the populace alarm enhance clamorous to be led the safety.
an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them, imaginary. That's what the whole thing is about. Politicians get power if they can scare the pants off of everybody and those imperial college of london, fantasy numbers are bigger than this you're, sure everybody, and so this is very, very similar to the great barrington declaration, where it dead had a counter narrative, then the establishment that was funded by big farmers. So what FAO G collins at the end I ate was, and the people are the debate. You are recommending the burnt great bearing to declaration. They had a different view of how to handle covered and how to handle lockdown sonata protect people so immediately as we covered on the show what they did is they don't? They didn't, engage the ideas of the great bearing to declaration. They wrote smear pieces that try to discredit the scientists as fringe crazy p.
but even though there are from harvard and stand burden the most respectable places in the world, so that was there. That's their power hey there, play as if you go against the establishment narrative, which is what year paper, did they d try to do credit you immediately and that's exactly what they tried to do and they did it in a disingenuous way and then they get bought by corporate bought fact checkers like snopes, which, by the way the founder of snobs had to resign because he was revealed he's a serial. Plagiarists down of people know that about slopes, but that's the that's a level of Integrity. You habit is backtracking organizations, so this is very much like that. Would you agree glad item? I completely agree with you Jimmy and allow me why I really got started on this thing was with wars.
it is an old colleague of mine. We ve written a couple of books actually honour on russian currency and finance and ninety ninety one, ninety ninety two, but we we got interested in this Remember swayed sweden had a kind of a laissez faire approach right, they didn't bogged down and they were. They were getting hammered by the press. One on this thing started so delors, young, and I look into it and walk bounds as it turns out I'm going back to the great constitution in Sweden. Sixteen thirty four, I'm gonna quote from chapter to article eight which states that in every one shall be protected in their relations with the public institutions against the deeper of personal liberty. All swedish citizens show also, in other respects,
guaranteed freedom of movement within the realm and freedom to depart from the realm. That means walk bounds in sweden would have been unconstitutional. That's why they did it. It's in the sick, in thirty four constitution. We don't have that in the united states and most other countries do so. The the the this thing in sweden was done for constitution, no reasons, and so what was the result in swiss sweden didn't do locked down? I remember we covered it and put a lot of people, of course were
very angry at sweden for doing that and trying to make them tried to disparage them? What were the actual results, but the actual results of it turned out to be axon. Think they made some mistakes at the beginning, but right now, if you look at the overall results, very good compared to all our peers, Sweden, Sweden is is, is actually a star in the whole universe. When it comes this kobe and lockdown down a business, especially the way they handed handled schools there, children I didn't you locked out absolutely wait? We haven't. We ve only thought Jimmy about the potential benefits of walking down the potential benefits. We find all the empirical working
it's, it's the man amongst its I'm almost no benefit from a public health. Saving people's lives brought point of view, but if you look at the cost of cost, are enormous, got the economy down in anybody. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out we're talking about trillions of dollars. Look look just what I have here. I I have today's financial times. I'm holding up. Let me just read the one with the headline this tour, tourism in south east asia. The region's economies enjoy strong rebound from ending covered restrictions, that's a jazz, but there were a lot of cost. If there ever strong rebound did, he must have been down in the dark
right, dude due to Allah restriction. So we know the cost has been enormous. The benefits are the minimis. So that's why we said that walk downs should be ignored and rejected out of hand. That's it that's the story, and that was that was as far as my reading of the great barrington declaration they were, they were for targeted protection and targeted luck. Not deal locked out higher economy. You take. People are vulnerable to that in the specific strain of corona virus, and it's an you lock them down you protect them. You give them extra protection, who we talking, We're talking about the elderly, because the average age of death for of cove it is over eighty over the life expectancy. That's the average age also as bill is bill gates even admitted that it's a disease with
of vitality that affects mostly the elderly and people with cold morbidity. So if we would just targeted, we wouldn't have did didn't have to inflict all this pain on everybody. An end by we even the way they did. The lockdown made. Absolutely no sense. I made the point out. Time and time again on this show that why is it? I can't go: buy a baseball mitt at my local sporting goods store on the corner of my block that has one or two
people working inside during cover they had to close down, but I could ordered from amazon and amazon, had a thousand people working inside of a fulfilment centre, so why were they allowed to spare spread covin, but we weren't allowed to go into my locals so that just one example there's a million of em like that, so you had to close your store down your problem and pop store, but target got to stay open walmart got to stay open that doesn't make any sense. Does it, though, what what what what we're getting at hearing this conversation? Ok, we did a big science of external either followed our protocols, our rules and everything else. You and I are talking about common sense and a reality. And at an end, and every one of these examples you're giving is this common sense? You that's that and what you find out by the way and in in the cover them and other pandemics.
I said there is a lot of voluntary behavior that takes care of these things and and mitigates the problem. If you look at the spanish flu, the spanish flu, it starts in new york, city, okay, it's it's killing a lot people and am it's it's on the wire services, it's in the newspapers out, west chicago denver observer. So what people do? the death rate was a lot lower as you move from new york city and, wes, because people see the news they they voluntarily adjust themselves, and
and and and and and they know they don't want to be- in big crowds, for example, because they might well, you might get it so. So you get a lot of voluntary behaviour that takes care of things in the hand. That's actually what happened in sweden by the way, sweden at very good public information about the dangerous associated with government and people. They went to school school state open, but they were care and no fatalities and children to school age, children in sweden, but I'm pretty sure, that's all. I remember I've recover this and there were no. Fatalities- and I only know if there was animalization from covered. So what. so when something like this happens, I'm always curious to like you write this paper. It's a working pay
bert and then it goes against the establishment narrative a kind of blows it up and then need started a bunch of hit pieces that our disingenuousness criticising your paper not doing it in the correct way and I'm hiding certain information and what is this, effect of that on you at johns hopkins like what is the what it is like the atmosphere there do, or do people try to distance themselves from you or does everybody know it's a joke? Oh, it has absolutely zero effect on me. I know I better on fifty three years at johns hopkins. I know I know how to bob and weave deal with these things, if necessary, get. It doesn't affect me personally and in any way and ida and lars yearning and nunez herbie it it doesn't affected
you re reading go about our business. We didn't the first version of the working paper, We got a lot of comments by the way that we have talked about a lot of the technical comments we made adjustments. We made the second version lucky is to read. The tables are all better there that we only found really one tiny air that I told you that computational thing logarithms, which didn't have any immature, real effect on anything we clean the thing up. It is now under review and will be published as a as a short booked, a monograph We also have written up a much shorter about thirty page journal article, that's that's it's! A peer review let's being the reviewers or reviewing our right now. So this is this standard operating procedure. For me, it is this. This this is why research is all about, and so are you
you gonna released as a book. Yes, ok great, so one that comes out I'd love to have you back, and we could do so this. This is still not done, making its mark your work is still there still is. Mortar more people are going to talk about going forward right. This are going to talk about it and and- and there are members of parliament and in the uk who have talked about it by the way and we'll be talking about it in the coming weeks, rods and maybe weaken, break this chain- that girls from the imperial college fear machine directly in the u k, parliament, the on the bbc and all the rest of it, and and no call it what it is. I mean that their models, I mean they might be great marvels, but the models or did they ve, been
firstly way off the mark. I mean there there s the man as it is a hundred and thirty five times higher than the number of deaths than actually work were occurring, did you know this is from my memory, but I'm pretty sure didn't they say, then they produce. something like gum in for in twenty twenty in the first half of the year. That, like something like Ninety nine thousand deaths would happen if they didn't do lockdown, while we did you locked out and ninety seven thousand people died, was it it was out.
It was something that I have actually the the relevant. You can spin their thing and look at several different ways, but what they said that in their modelling they said that the number of deaths avoided in the us due due to lockdown. If you locked down, you will avoid one point: seven million to two point: one million deaths. In fact, we know we were at sixteen thousand that were actually avoided by lockdowns, a binary that that's a big deal. That's an update that again, they they said lockdowns would avoid one point. Seven two went to the two point: two million deaths we actually avoided. Sixteen thousand, I can't wait to hear people say that under nightly news, I can't wait for that get to come out of their lips
and I wonder if it ever will not hold your breath. I wonder if it ever will I mean we covered on this, the power of the agenda of the corporate own media mean that's what people don't realize that big farmer? make so much money that they have enough money to buy the politicians and by the corporate media and that's exactly and they all that's exactly what happens and just what look with, he did with iver method, which is a prop pulitzer, prize winning human medicine from twenty fifteen. It's on the w h a list of essential medicines and they made People in the united states think it was some kind of horse poison and you were crazy if you took it even though its meant prescribe billions at times and save millions of lives already, and so that's the power
a prop again. They can make you think an essential medicine is poison, and now they can make you think that lockdown, even though you ve done the work and expose them that they don't save, lives, are still necessary, while jerry here you did good years, were I always tell my students at first, the first day of a classroom salmon are ankara's. Ninety five percent rule is Any five percent of what you read in the press is either wrong or irrelevant. What I end and being in this space. I realize your hundred percent right to protect its crazy, the this about of misinformation dis. So that's why it! Yet we could. We could talk about this all day but listen. That was, I appreciate you doing this study I presume you coming on to debunk your d fake fact checkers. Damn. I can't wait to see. you know the more waves that your work does. I will once again printed once it gets peer, reviewed idea
I hope the. Hopefully we'll have a bigger impact and they walked both the charlatans that were lying about it and lying about cove iD the disparaging scientists like yours and end and professors like yourself who counter narrative, If there's anything else, you want to add before he leaves no, I I uh thank you for inviting me on. I enjoyed very much our session and I look forward to seeing you on chapter two. Yes, their weight, stevie, H, hanky! Thank you. So much for your work and thanks for coming nano will we look forward to your book. Will talk to you soon hey. You know, here's another great. Where you can help support the show, you should become a premium. a member. We give you up. Couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it.
going to jimmy Dore carbery company that cop clicking joined premium and supports affordable previous programmes with the business and its agree. Way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards, thanks for everybody, who was already a premium member. If you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus goddamn thanks for your support the crystal ball went on bill ma. Her and cherry and bill motto reminded me of why I would get so victory about him, when I would scream at the top of my lungs about his craziness, because he's just Is it a bubble like using published its class bubble he's a millionaire bubble right. So when he talks to irregular in its when they're waiting on him or their shining issues or their driving him somewhere. You see them say Those are different conversations. Then you If you actually know those people, so I here they are and there
they're going to say that the problem today is because the united states government spent too much money helping people do in corona via during the lock downs which, as you know, was the exact opposite happened. What they did was they passed of five trillion? dollars, cares, act and almost that money went to help people almost all that money got if did to the richest oligarchs in the country and the richest corporations like airline companies stuff like that, it didn't go to help people. You know who did that other countries made sure that if they locked down your business other countries being in the western world and they, if they locked down your business, you gotta check they would pay your salary that didn't happen, states. Everybody got a one time, paypal you get fourteen hundred bucks and then six hundred bucks they got grand for two years. Other people got their salaries paid. In western democracies that function that are completely corporate, captured like ours. So the this guy,
I and bill mar dont know what the hell they're talking about and crystal ball does and so This guy says that that oh, we spent much money, helping people like the people who are unemployed because they closed a brick and place of employment, is an watch. A crystal ball says the economy, there's wage, much government spending and that's why we have inflation. That's a large part of their basic pandemic. We had is obliging gratuitous than oh. By the way they were weren't you played. A role is played like the only reason we view as people that a little bit of money. Nobody is just not on a new a little bit of money. They got more than we spent in world war. Two, so you don't have one says a little body that when he says they, who do you mean they does Ebay chose he talking about the carriage act, because the cares didn't, go to evade the workers. They the people,
it went to they the oligarchy. It was a fleecing of america as dylan radegund and other people explained on this show it was a fleecing. It wasn't we didn't give money to people didn't help people barely at all and that as dillon, again explained on this show and described in the cares act was the equivalent of if you, if you're, economy was a car in your car was broke, down on the freeway, you would send tow truck to fix it, or to toad away and get it fixed. What the cares act was the government sending a bunch of criminals to pull the cars to pull the tires off strip the engine and take this step. real out and then take off that's what the cares act was instead it taken that money and giving it to people they took their money. gave it to rich people already and they threw it into the market and other places and bill mom doesn't understand that, because bill
Our only hangs out with other people who are millionaires. I'm jealous, I aspire to that guy about that. So Here we go, don't act like you said, don't I don't act like we had to react to the pandemic exactly the way we did we had. We had to spend several came about on the feeling that the federal reserve shot at wall street for some reason, people don't upset about that. The trillions of dollars, federal reserve, shot at wall street to stop the stock market and the bond market. No one gets upset about. Even now that was a mass of malware desolation. Women shot a ghost. What way we told me that which I can not buying assets buying stocks buying bonds. Buying treasury bill and so that they expand the balance sheet. This is during the crisis. The krona virus crisis when the stock market crashed. That is what the fuck did. They went into action. They shot
start my hundreds in crash during now crashing So this is what happens when you get your news from MSNBC bill mars, getting his news from his pale rachel, mad cow. What do you think he's getting his news and he's like what there wasn't a crash of the stock market at the beginning, a covert? Yes, there was. But guess what they just through money at it it was a money can, and that was a headline. There was one headline I remember rip covering so he's
please, don't know what he's talking about and crystal ball does and she go keeps egos on crashing now. Crashed and fed came in and backstop it that's what happened crasser letter, but no, it crashed go back. I think I'll have a club where rivalry bond markets stopped functioning and the fed to extraordinary action has never taken in history. I dont know I have always motor than one somehow nobody gets upset about the rich people who tons of money and tons of support. Are you able and working class people dead? Sri Lanka and people are able to feed their kids mad a little bit of money in their bank accounts? It was the worst thing in the world that is one small part of the inflation story, and it is by the way, not be only thing that we can deal with to get out of this. Ok, so I think we see The mystery of why no one gets mad at the trillion spent to bail out well, street there in the pandemic, and it's me this bill barton, nobody at ease the barometer of what people know about me, really
He really is. Why didn't anyone know about it? Well, there were more important things to worry, about, masks, celebrity tweets about masks and superheroes were gay. You want So what was she talking about she's talking about this? This News, our federal reserve to lend additional one trillion dollars a day to large banks. the fact is also buying treasury bonds. Just as she said, the fair this also buying treasury bonds at a furious pace and will soon run through five hundred billion in purchases in announced on Sunday? It's all so accelerating its purchase of mortgage backed securities, most we expect they will buy more. All the feds emergency steps are intended to pump cash. now remember
bill more and that other guy was saying was that inflation is because we put too much care. The governments spend too much gatt cash, helping people. There is and almost no money helping people buck base? That was the problem. With the cares acts it didn't help. Anybody it just enrich the already rich and we have few if the end which don't know anything about the girls ex gear bill doesn't know anything about the cares act and whoever that asked wipe is sitting next to crystal ball also has no idea. What's in the cares, act or what it was like most democrats most most, but can you tubers don't know what the fuck and cares act? Was they report? did it incorrectly. You. I only heard about alone here at the time that right there on the rest of us all. The first time I heard of kyle kolinsky and all those fuckers, the they're all saying. Oh, would they had to pass us to get the the unemployment through, but they had to get they had to help there to do
bernie. I had to do this, so we can get the unemployment that role row came on my show and said that you so we had to pass the cars because we had to get unemployment benefits. The people and I said role How happy are you that the only person who knows you're bull shitting is be a fucking pothead comedian and no one else is going to hold your feet to the fire and he pretended like he didn't hear me say that, because he couldn't It knows that he had to admit that I was he predator, pretend that didn't happen. Nobody who interviewed fuckin ro khanna is ever going to hold his feet to the fire. For that bullshit vote on the cares act or you know, the rule of thumb is if, if they send a didn't to you. You can be sure they sent a fortune. somebody already ridge. Just for you to get whatever little nonsense burdens that you got while we were locked down,
so they're given and they didn't run any of this by bill, marr. So so now bill mar looks like some old guy who doesn't know shit he's like the male joy bay. Her, because nobody does nobody picked up, own and told bill bar that we're gonna be pumping cash into the financial system. So a beer remember This guy here was watch what he says: the economy, this way too much government spending and that's why we have inflation. But he's not upset about this government spending. End pretending, like the cares act. Government spending went to help regular people. It was the law just upward transfer of wealth in human history, I don't know if rate grow crystal ball said that Maybe she doesn't know what's in the cares act, but maybe she say that it didn't say, though I didn't see those segment, but I would said that
I wouldn't have known the other stuff. She said that was good, that she said brought that shit up. I had to look it up and she was right so this the depth, so it the cares act She couldn't abundant debunked it right then, and there, no, that was the largest upward transfer of wealth in human history. That was not social spending to help workers kind of a fucking. You do you think you think we are go ahead. Jackson, even I just like all across the political spectrum. People understand Is that a reasonable? I don't see how bill more miss even Peter schiff. You know he said, while inflation was limited to the stock market, you had this pumping of cash into the top. You know corporations and then they did start buyback psych. How does the I like this? What it may bill mars, friends, happy you should have known about this while they all got rich off. It good
First of all, my money and joint empty of a mortgage backed security at one point: five trillion wow a trillion dollars a day. You know mud unanimity, twenty, your dirty wars. We could wage with that kind of money. Here it is one point: five trillion proper crashing markets. That's just a simple cash injection of one point: five trillion Then they get a lollipop it. Everybody forgets the whole thing. Look a bill mark the fed said it will read, but this is from forbes the fed ramp up its overnight funding operations buying. Repose orb repurchase agreements by one point: five trillion over the next two days. It's the third time in full were days. The new york fed has announced that it will bulk up lending in there
pull market on tuesday to announced an injection of fifty billion and it added another twenty five billion unwise. They that's enough to cure homelessness, justino they did it with? No, there is Town hall, no debate, no, nothing that guy just press a button at the fed, and that's what happened it? Nothing! That's it that guy press a button and it's done there is no democracy involved here. They did have some meetings of the Bilderberg meeting. That was a yag one that they had, ah Crystal ball, hilariously showing bill mar he's in the right wing bubble. He used to mock and services for being, and he is now in a right wing bubble. He is in a bubble. The bubble he's in is a class bubble. he's in a class he's the same kind of guy who open. minded lefty. Who could understand why trump got elected in the first place, he thought
It was all racism and sexism, which is what people in his class think How do I know this? Because I am in hollywood, and I used I use- do lot more than now is to travel in those circles is get invited to those parties I dont anymore after I would. Vote for Hillary Clinton bodies to get invited to those parties until after trump got elected, and I started telling people know it wasn't racism and sexism. We ve always had that in this country, the republican parties when doing the southern strategy since Nixon this is it new racism. This is the corporation trying to blame racism for people not willing to vote for the corporation anymore. That's what that was. People were hurting people I voted for a bomb. I know I've got worse and that would be I like bill Maher, don't understand, because his life keeps getting better financially, I mean it to go ahead, kurt those you like where they go. Don't they know that truth? Don't you know that trump
view like. Well, maybe not, but they know you ate them clear, yeah yeah. So that's that's what These people, that's what bill mark that he's in that bubble? I'm not kidding to a party once I'm with everybody from a tv that works right, all executive producers in all rich people, and it was crazy. They all said all this is racism, and sexism was right after Donald trump got elected, and now sinner, like, while people really believe this shit and that's what so, that's the it's a class bubble and that's what I think so here is another thing. She says she goes, the more unequal and brutal. Our society gets the crazy people behave and then elite swooping did tell us. Our real problem is our fell. Low. Citizens now ruling class theft rigging and failures. She selves jimmy door.
holy shit but she's got it. I she's If, if I say that bill tell me I'm a nihilist jack in our view a denial is depew, say this exact thing: is it that's what this is, What there isn't this, what you're calling nihilism jackson and white supremacy you get forget about that. That's right that! That's also, white supremacy approve. If you have this thought in your head and you expect x and you talk about it you call the white supremacist and a shield when herself correct okay. So that's the problem was so great job. I grow, the ball on bill. Marble marked, certainly sets it gives it to you on a platter to fuck me, I don't know shit what they're talking about and that crystal ball gets like a genius, but she lost speaks out of both sides of her mouth and
like here's another one hears here's what she would called nihilism today. It has, I want it or not. They do in fact need in order to win now they know she's about the democratic party needs people who are considered themselves progressive. Now. That term means nothing anymore, because Hillary Clinton calls resolve the progressive, but that's what she sang actual progressive. They can't win with she's talking about Bernie voters in the primary stuff like that they can't win without us, and so why not? flex? That muscle this is what she used to say, certainly prefer not to give up anything some censoring to get us on board. But in fact their fixation on trump and trump alone does give us an advantage. The only question is a big one is if we're willing to use it if we're actually willing, in a coordinated fashion, to make demands
Are you willing to withhold our boats individual matters here and there making our own are. Decisions are, in fact powerless, but, as always, solidarity. Quite a powerful got big question and again it is an incredibly. waiting one as whether were actually willing to grab that power and risk actually being the reason that truck is re elected because well, I think it's highly likely that the cause of their anti trumped aspiration democrats would cage virtually any demands, backed by a truly credible bread. There is, of course, a chance that they do and there is of course, a chance that such a coordinated anti by not position from the latter would in fact result in a trump re election and lets us overcome what that means. It mean, being ready to carry the trump admins actions on your conscience quitting the orphan babies at the border. so does that mean when you voted for Biden you're carrying all this shit on your conscience? Are you carrying that is actually more kids in cages. Now is that on your conscience and every bad thing you said, trump was doing bite and doing worse. Is that
your conscience, I don't think it is a good thing with white nationalists, at the level of sheer incompetence and being willing to be absolutely and thoroughly despised, seen as true village or perhaps and even greater mad magnitude will to pussy willows. Nothing this forty billion dollars to the country's so Are you your risk being called a white nationalist if you dont want to send money to white nationalists in ukraine and it's now called being nihilist right. That's now called being analysed right jackson. What you just said, they're dead donor, to withhold your vote, don't participate, dont vote for them anymore? That's called even under the threat of tromp. Right now, that's called nihilism exactly ok, so I just what I was want to give everybody. The eu, even though she made some great points that bill
modern, I can render for it and I'm glad she was there to do it. There's a schizophrenia happening with people like that, and that's the nicest wagon put a lot of people it seems disingenuity, but we'll see anyway. What I anything else you guys have one would like to say about this segment with the bill. Why anything about bill Maher or do you want your funnier carbon? It goes in the store, not not that long ago, and this woman approaches one and she goes hey. My friend has stewardess on private jets and bill Maher. She was. burma is on the jet and she goes agency this impression of EU. They call twenty tonnes. I didn't you told not approach. Mr mortgage he's bigger, take a joke not so much. I judge whether
turns out wow. wow you out for that impression. That's funny so bill mar is back to being the shit lib. We always knew he was Of course, he doesn't know you and of course he doesn't know about this, not because he's a right winger, but because he's in the different class, because he wasn't sydenham, hoping the government was gonna, give him some unemployment hope, hoping that the gun was gonna, give him enough money to buy medicine for his kid or by medicine for himself or pays rent or wherever and he wasn't upset that this happened because it it affect him. He was sitting at home, broke about to become homeless and watching the government pledge. trillion dollars a data banks. You know even more importantly, it means all of his writers did know about those right: hey right, hey there again, it is a class thing and it doesn't make you a bad person, do blip being a bubble.
right, because you don't know you're in a bubble right, but it does make him unbelievably incurious an end and it does show why would affect you? Brok, obama hey. I wrote a book about this talked about just being just being part close to these people effects. brok, obama said being in the room with all those moneyed people. It changes you and so bill our entire life for the last thirty years, which at his life I'm totally jealous of, is banished from been traveling circles with those people So he doesn't understand that the government in spending money on workers. He doesn't get that hmm. This theory who's this double happy souls those happy to achieve whatever your liberal pocket celebrate?
Beg evades wrestler pow, that's very nice, Are you called today what I know this day will come. I do it, I put on record saying they should, for decades government over reaches out of control, and now it's finally happened like a desert. the word even basic debate. What are you talking about? I gotta make a final comment daddy's space, one, daddy's trees. I refer to myself is daddy. Sometimes I gotta contacts that would make sense, Yet no, I just you just sounded weird. What's that what our sneeze
hey. You know there's a lot more to that phone call, but we don't have time in today's podcast. How do you hear the entire phone call? You've got to become a premium member, go to Jimmy dore comedy cobb sign up, it's the moon it's a horrible premium program in the business, the all the voices performed today by the one and the only the inimitable mike mcrae can be found at MIKE mccray dot com. That's it This week you be the best you can be housekeeping me. Don't don't worry, don't die? Don't worry, I'm not worried.
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-01.