« The Generation Why Podcast

Murder of Gladys Ricart - 508


September 26th, 1999. Ridgefield, NJ. On the morning of her wedding day, Gladys was filled with excitement. She handed out bouquets of flowers to her bridesmaids in the middle of her New Jersey living room, already dressed in a white flowing wedding gown and surrounded by loved ones. As an unexpected guest entered the home, she turned and recognized her ex-boyfriend who pulled a .38mm handgun from his briefcase and fatally shot her three times.

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Hey prime members, you can listen to the generation. Why podcast ad free on amazon, music download the app today the darkest chapter in the conjuring universe returns in them? to a priest murdered in evil is spreading the sequel to worldwide phenomenon. The nun follows sister irene ass. She comes face to face with the demonic force back the demon. None disco the shocking untold origin of the demon and pray Sheena. finds you the money, See horror event of the year, the none too only in theatres september. Eighth rated are under seventeen, not admitted without parent, hey, I'm ryan reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices. Do not hating you! That's right! We're cutting the price of meant unlimited from thirty dollars
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I am pretty good. How are you ok, just okay. After the day we ve had well spent an interesting day, lots announcements and verdicts well, in all the time, following trials. I dont think I watched one quite as closely as the one, they're just ended the one that down. with Alec marduk was a law case in the making. This didn't just involve a one off event or murdered. This was a story of a family in their behaviour. In there, or influence over a town and then a man. Found guilty of murdering his son and wife, personally air and I was like, if he's I found guilty, there's something wrong kite powers like there's no way they can't find this man guilty the thing was: is this trial had tremendous coverage through multiple outlets and networks
so I was able to watch even with busy schedule, I was able to follow along and see, I would say, majority of the trial, was fascinating. Just the whole thing was fascinating, but you- and I we ended up having I don't know, the discussion about this case and we released some episodes out on adrian. So if anybody wants to know what we think or about the evidence, you name it, listen to our episodes week over the case, and I think I wanna hear what we had say if not the only reason to join the patriotic, but we ve been working our pace, four years. So when you get there, a lot more than just the moroccan murders, episodes to listen to, but I do think it was an import trial. Justin I'd either. This goes beyond fascination with murderer with crime, This was also a big question of does someone with that.
Influence have to answer. Did justice have to answer to authorities? Well, I think big judge, set the tone from the beginning of the trial that he wasn't going to allow in this families influence to bias him my mother sent me a text and she had take photo of her arm. Had this huge bloody gash in it and she writes, do you I need stitches enough why Yes, you need stitches. So I give her a call, and I'm like I'm, going to take you to the hospital that's close by, so we can get your arm looked at and get you stitches and as she begins to describe to me that she was walking through the kitchen I am a man was leaning against the wall and she tripped over it. Banged her head so hard on the ground that she bounced and hid it again. And so how gashed her arm cookie
so you hate your head, so we need to tell the doctors that so they could do a city scan, make sure you didn't get a concussion euro, make sure writhings good she's, like ok, sorry my car and were drive into the hospital and she's like you know. My next really sword, I'm just thinking yeah had sore because you proud gave yourself whiplash with falling under the ground like that makes sense we get to this. spittle Saint looks hospital and her they do a city scan and they're doing all the staff and they said up her arm and then they go her? U S! fractured your neck in two places. At that point erin, my first thought I mean my poor mom and I'm I'm feelin for and I'm really really worried about her, but my first thought was: she had gosh on her arm. That looks like a defensive wound and she as a broken neck and she's too, the doctors that she tripped over a mob, unlike into jail. Like they're, not gonna, believe her story, they're gonna come after me for you
abusing my mom or something- and I'm just thinking in my head, like she texted me, and we talk on the phone and my phones, gonna ping off of the tower forty miles away from her. How some good, everything's, fine and irresistible That's where my mind when they transport her to a trauma centre and she's been denied but ever since big neck, brace so adds dinner then a week, We are, hopefully she heels ups in here, the only up I have just said. Is I've mentioned this in a previous episode, but there is a new episode of framed out its episode. Twelve, season. Two, it's kind of a big update, so back out to your podcast apps, and look it up framed season? Two. so twelve
nice case ahern is in a. We usually cover cases where others questions revolving around. Who did it did they do this work their motive and thus since get answered pretty quickly in this case because they catch the eye. in the act on camera and there's a whole roomful of peoples, There is no question about who did you know question about how he did it, but there are. questions surrounding this case and somebody could get away with murder right we're talking about the september twenty six. Nineteen. Ninety nine murder of gladys required in richfield new jersey on the day of her wedding glass. This is borne in october. Nineteen sixty- and She was thirty nine when she died. shoes from the dominican republic and shit, moved to the united states and nineteen eighty three. She was
employed as a cleaner, when she first moved here cleaning houses and offices, and she lived with her older sister norma and studied at lemon college in the bronx. This is a new york, obviously after that she got a position at a travel agency. In new york the time of the murder. She was an accountant living. a two story home in richfield with her mother and twenty year, old son Davis. So she was a single mother. She had a lotta hobbes, she loved to sing funny According to her niece, she wasn't the best singer, but she loved You dance and took a lot of sulphur classes in that ninety ninety one. Ninety ninety two issues: she was dating. And she met a man name. sting garcia. They hit it off right from the start, but it was one of those relationships where it was really
and down all the time, so Sometimes they were great and sometimes they were completely off and separated but they will always find their way back to each other. It said that argue teen. He was a well connected business man and he was an activist for the dominican community in new york. This is again, they had a great reputation. He was always promoting people and causes in new york. They had to do with the dominican republic, He was well known and, for the most part well respected, he worked a lot of non for profit groups. Here the executive director of the association dominicans incorporated and his town organization, taught english to immigrants gave support to be no start. Ups, miss start ups. Finding jobs as well as computer skills. So
he's very diverse and everything is doing. And he was also the president of the dominican chamber of commerce in washington heights for eight years. He also ran care a bit school in upper manhattan. And who is this There are of a nineteen year old son and a sixteen year old, daughter himself, so he's busy always on the go doing things, but he has This relationship with her and, like you said up and down, and I think a little That is because, steen He wasn't just with her. He would actually be several women at the same time? Thus gladys is right. Eye to be exclusive with you. I don't want to. Find out that your cheating on me- and that was a big part of their fights and why they break up yeah me. Into this abet so Augustine an gladys met, while writing the new york subway and
garcia because he to see her again handed her his business card and they set up but per state And then they had another day now Everyone knew that he was a high working man they knew Gladys was a hard working woman. They thought man. This is a good match, but the when gladys started dating garcia. He to move in the what they call the upper class circles and they say: gladys fit right in it didn't matter where they were. She she could fit into any environment, so he would go to charity functions with them and they were seen out together all the time and even like to go, Answering English was one of her favorite things to do and why we're doing all this garcia. Would introduce her two people. He knew he knew many people and he would. Producer as his wife, even though they were married now
the thing was, is gladys wanted be married. She wanted a family. This was a big deal for her but all along the way over the years. Every time she would bring it up well, augustine was it really having it and he would make excuses or you know seem to push it away like it wasn't a priority for him and so This made her suspicious overtime because like any relationship once you're in it for a while, you start to think. Well, we gonna take the next step. One night she was at his office and she augustine well, Cheating on her with her best friend now many people about this. In view link our sea in the other women, but glad, didn't know about it until that moment. So that's why She really broke off the relationship and he knew this. He knew this was a different kind of break up in there formal breakups, because he started
calling her all the time at her work play at her house and gladys this wasn't have in it. He knew that he was losing her or had lost her and her. He was trying to get her back now. It is his knees Denise she had recalled augustine had pleaded with gladys. His mother said: please, you gotta talk to her. I need her, but I mean her mom isn't gonna. Do that she's not going to talk to her daughter about getting back with augustine, obviously her daughter, has made a decision for a good reason. Though, after this he started leaving red roses over gladys is frontline and you The idea, just in this picture that he didn't want to let her go and die after red roses. He started leaving white roses now: white flowers, they say are typical of flour,
at funerals, but why I can also symbolise new beginnings and everlasting love would say, given what We're going through this wasn't about a new beginning. That's just my opinion. it's very possible that he was getting angry in guinea. We're controlling and wanting to send a message yes, I think so. It is very much a pressure situation of you better. Just get back with me. That will be easier than what's going to happen next and gladys, she has a lot of friends and family too. They were telling her. You call the police, because that stocking here, letting you be here moving on and she's one of those people, they didn't want to cause a stir. She, You know: he's gonna go through some staff hill, Eventually let it go. I dont cause any problems and cheek it ain't him. She said he did so
for me when we are together. I just I don't think it would be the right thing to do that. Things go, is you try to give somebody I care more anyone the benefit of the doubt. You try to remember the good times and not only judge them by the bad times, but other people who are outside of the relationship- have a clear view and they see some red flags. They see something wrong: they're, gonna, they're, gonna say something and sometimes you should listen one of those red, I'm just in was the fact that augustine did. Tell anyone on his side of things that he and It is no longer a couple, in fact when they brought her up. Oh yeah, everything scrape marcel together, but they weren't together in fact, in june of nineteen, ninety nine, There is a new man gladys his life, James Preston, junior, a musician, and apparently it was
a whirlwind, because he started writing songs for her and he treated her like a queen, and they said there is definitely a change, because during that break with augustine. She started becoming more quiet. Her head was down a lot and now her head was. and she was, but they call vibrant, they prescribing her as vibrant. What happened next with them just as well, preston junior is going to propose to her, and this is What she's wanted she's wanted marriage this whole time, so he get a diamond ring. And asks for her hand and too marry him and settle down. Of course, this is addison dream, so she's gonna jump at this. You know she wanted to move on and be happy and was sure that she'd found real love this time. So, of course she says yes. there was a time where she did call my when one regard
in augustine, garcia? She was. at home with james, her on and well I'll, just described this call so glad is called and said. I have a gentle here trying to break my window and bachelor asked do you know. Person and she replied well used to be my ex boyfriend? I finished with him about three months ago and he's breaking my window, because I dont want to open the door he's out I now yes, ok. He's breaking my window. All right, we'll send someone somebody over hurry up because I'm afraid of him so the police show up they do arrests, garcia, but gladys didn't press charges. She said, can you just keep a watch on things and I'll keep away my home, and now garcia backed off, but I know what for several days- since when the roses started the red roses and then
were white bows, white ribbons and white flowers There were all around the house, and so with these red roses it was, they say very stark differences, her home was all white and others all these they're, all these red roses beware: he was, I think, letting p well, no just in that still around keeping. I things aims, probably hoping that james then junior would get skittish and run away. But I didn't happen very nice, he's obviously trying to insert himself into the situation he's trying to get pressed into not want to be with her because well he's the baggage and that sucks, or her because she shouldn't have to apologize for a stalker for an ex boyfriend. Yeah I think a lot of people can understand that now Britain talk about something real, quick air before we get onto this wedding, but the night before this was it I guess it's two, a m gladys.
Went to the local supermarket, mrs, while those twenty four hour places and security footage captured her shopping thank our senior posts, arm around her and they lee guiding her around the different isles right he's with her every step of the way, and he did leave her side until they left the supermarket. I can only imagine what he's telling her justin yeah and it's not it's not clear if He knows about her engagement if he knows about the wedding, with twenty four hours of them hanging out at the store, it's a real question and I'm sure he's too her get back with me telling her that James guy doesn't matter. For you all the love, balmy, manipulative staff that I usually says when he tries to get back with an axe.
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who are seeing garcia slowly driving around the house right he's making his way around the block any slowing down the girl man, the other guess, they're watching this right. They have a photographer there and a videographer there, so everything's being photographed and videoed to the lead up of this wedding. James was waiting for his bride at the church So we are seeing the axe christine driving around, but there's that problem just in if they go and they tell gladys. What's going on their work, ruin her wedding day, maybe skies just driving around and he's going to leave. Why ruin her day right? So they don't say anything. But then augustine pulls up to the house and gets out of his vehicle neglect, his brother, wan and his son eighteen
our standing at the front entrance of the home in garcia, walking up, he's wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase. He looks like he's coming from work, so one kind of gets in his path and tries to stop going inside saying: hey, not the best time, And garcia sang I just want to go actually gladys her wedding, and one single look, you know- that's not really a good idea, but garcia goes right around him. So he goes inside follows garcia, but he's making his way. With deliberation at this point, he's making be line for gladys. Does that his intended targets so as Lattices handing out those bouquets she's turning and she sees Augustine garcia approaching her any poles. A thirty eight albert hang gun from that brief case start shooting
fires, three shots at close range and gladys. so the ground, and this is when chaos happens. Just in they're, all kinds of people rang from home, especially women, trying to gather up kids and get them out safely, and I mean These reports are that this augustine guy, he wasn't saying anything. He just went in shooting and right, one pulls the gun out, there's video of all of this. You can see her handing out the bouquets, and then you here just me: and some like someone screaming in a scuffle, but the shots ring out almost immediately. Yeah one is doing his best to grab with the shooter, damn he tat garcia the ground and in two shots fired, which empty that revolver and pretty much by point everybody's. Are the house except for gladys wanna, garcia and.
I don't know Just- and I can't imagine what one is feeling because he's doing his best to try and save his sister but she's being shot by this man, and there fighting over the gun, the he says keeps pleading with them to stop and He is not and once more friends inside and she even trying to help to get this gun. Lay from augustine and while he's trying to reload the firearm he's got the cylinder open he's trying to put more bullets inside this weapon. He wants to make sure he finishes his job and according to one, he said it just. It felt like forever. This battle. the richfield police, were notified and responded as quickly as they could. They get the gun away from the perpetrator from augustine and they handcuff both wan and augustine. At that point, they didn't really know who was who and who is doing what so they just handcuff, both of them
a start asking questions. It's not too long figure out, who then bring in gear an emergency services, while they also responded pretty swiftly, but gladys did survived the shooting the police questioning everybody in they figure out pretty quickly that garcia is gladys. Ex boyfriend and he was not invited. He was not welcome at this residents and. Obviously he had intentions of killing her because he showed up with a gun. Now we get, description of this whole situation. Justin, but Augustine garcia spoke to police and he had a different account. He said that he went to this home and got into a sky for with Gladys his brother wan and during that scuffle and struggle that he went where is gone before he blacked out.
He said he didn't even know that gladys was dead until everything was over, meaning he doesn't really remember any of that justin now he said, that he had. Driven by saw people therefore a wedding, and he cited to get out and go into the house. So this tape. You said that filmed and video. This wedding, or at least the the day. So far they were going to do the same with the wedding, but they have high quality recordings of everything. though this isn't a case. They really have to build. Is it I mean aid they have lot of information already from day one and four most of us. This is open and shot he's. An expert friend he is- Doktor harassed her he has shown on the day or wedding with a gun, and
and her down on video. So for a lot of people, this is done. but, as most of you know, there is the whole crime of passion and if there was ever a definition of a crime of passion. This this in this attack could definitely be categorized. As that. Bilbil was set at five million dollars, so cars wasn't going anywhere, so trial, happens in two thousand one, the fall of two thousand one at hackensack superior court. It's a three week trial, just in one was the defences strategy here, because obviously they can't say augustine is not your guy. He wasn't there. He didn't do this because you know weakened about witnesses who have poor eyesight or do not work leave their etc etc. This is all been recorded, plus
have many witnesses, have piracy lawyer fernando Oliver, opens up to the court with. As to the incident itself, there's not much I can say it happened, Mr Garcia did fired the shots that caused the death of miss regard. Had the the case? That's what going to be in dispute. What work Mr Garcia s state of mind and he's going talk about garcia, feeling, fearful disoriented, confused and he's gonna say that he lost control of himself and his emotions when provoked meaning he, his the level his life being married, I he didn't know about the marriage and then he was courting quote in a full with her brother and he lost it. The I think there, trying to put forth that image that he knew
there was going on, he went in and he saw Gladys his acts in a wedding gown, that's just something that he just couldn't handle they're saying So this attorney also says that garcia was never told gladys was getting married. That's why this was big surprise and he's that they had continued to see each other, often on for several years and had even seen each other the day before the wedding, which we just talk about right, because when this happened d, Dominican community is a pretty tight, knit community up there. So this was huge, in the news, especially in that community and everyone, just looking out, I'm going, you guys broke up, and then you show up on her wedding day and killer. What was going on that, but the didn't know is that she was still in some communication still in some sort of a relationship with him. If she's out with him
you literally the night before her wedding. now, but if she's shopping and he shows up there It makes you wonder, was that really her wanting to him or, if he's just trying to will exert that pressure to bring her back printed book like they walked into the store together, so it sir they defend absolutely gonna say that they were together at that store. They're, going to argue that he wasn't stocking her waiting for her. They went store consensually, though that's what they say the the attorney says the night before the wedding there together and their together late at night and there, together and in intimate way. Nother defence attorney for garcia said he had everything to live for. To think that he had gone. Air with the premise of shooting or killing? Somebody is unthinkable there. Looking at this journey
at this court in their tracks, to convey who augustine Garcia is. What is known for he's done, meant good things. He has a great reputation he's out there I began to just go killings, you know to go, kill somebody and there they're, really painting this narrative that he had idea thus their hanging out the night before he's, not sure. In killing her, then they're getting along not until the next day when he drives by in, the wedding happening that he gets enraged and then shows up with a gun, and that that's essentially there their whole argument is he didn't know about this. So it was all a surprise to him and it's going to be very upsetting to him. He didn't any prior knowledge of what was happening the next day honestly air, and they do have a point that, like he knew she was getting married, then
before any hanging out with her as they an intimate way. I think that here would have gone into a rage the night before I sure that this was as pre that meditated as the prosecution is trying to paint it. Well, let's see what prosecution says because for this trial they re go after garcia, someone who couldn't except the fact He was losing gladys, he was going to allow anyone else to have her. And he said as for damn paying out or support running into each other. He said: that's gonna happen because of where they live, and because of the circles that therein so said gladys wasn't one to go after garcia. I mean there were times where she could have called the police and she didn't. She could have taken steps against him because of their harassment, but she just always tried to say,
No, I don't want to cause any trouble so now, trying to say you know you're talking about garcia, we're going to talk about gladys retort who she is because that's important to our case cause he had status in the community, he was very important and even if she was having issues with him, she didn't to rule his reputation in all its she was trying to be the good person. She is trying to take the highroad here, but again but you already mentioned she just understand who she was dealing with, so the process you should realise, as they have a problem here, because there were be people who say come on, they were probably still see each other and Gladys just didn't tell him meaning garcia, that she was getting married. Because she knew would cause problems so the prosecution says
you know, garcia should have been aware that a wedding was taken place well before you ever got there and they said he why into the home with a loaded. Thirty eight caliber handgun concealed in his briefcase, and he had additional cartridges in his pocket, so they're saying went there to kill her there and I think the right, but What the defence is trying to say is he drove up saw the wedding, didn't know it was happening and then either a went and got his gun or be already had his gun on him. then one end, and it was not Planned it was a cordon quote, crime of passion, trying to argue for the defense, I'm just given there. You know their side of things and, if its I'm a passion that's no longer a or charge that turns this and to a manslaughter charge wishes as most no a much lesser in much lesser punishment and its also
passport. Augustine, garcia, usually had a gun on him because he said this man and might need for protection, correct gap, spot the divan says, is here well known in the community and he handled a lot of money. So he had to carry gunnar around now, the process She doesn't leave it at that, because they also produce a witness and a tape that Gladys had made the conversation that she had with garcia where she states they had broken up several months prior to the wedding, and they say that proves that she was letting him now it's over then the France is obviously showing that video from the store the night prior and saying now, that's not true and we can counter that. Also the defence is trying to make all of video of the shooting inadmissible
they're, saying that its way to prejudicial against their their client and they are trying to get out All video thrown out. That's It's pretty brazen era me you have a emerge. On video and the defenses filing motions do not allow the jury to see any of it and ass, the judge, a sort of- compromises and he doesn't show the entire video to the jury. He only shows the part where he shoots: glass, so they're seeing the most important part, but there seeing the lead up they're, not seeing how be. She is with you on that ever wedding they're, not seeing d Their family members talking about the ex boyfriend driving around the block. There seeing any of that other stuff on the video there. Just seeing when the shooting took place. Not is it
Now the family was concerned right because they're watching this entire trial, concerned that in there- estimation that augustine garcia might get away with murder, because the defence is really putting up a fight here, they're making some arguments If you're in love with somebody and you have this on and off relationship over multiple years and they one day, you're driving pass their house and it looks like they're gone, to be having a wedding that day, you might be upset. And you might do things that you wouldn't normally do they're trying to say don't judge Christine garcia. By this day, you have to look at his whole life. This is not a killer you have to undergo and he he had a momentary lapse, or he had a crime of passion that happened here, but it's who he is so the family was stephanie concern because even the family understood
defences argument. They might agreed with it, but they saw the clear pitcher that the delay I was doing in court and in an trial, and it just takes a just- takes good defence attorney making solid argument to persuade a jury of a lesser charge, so the defence. when they get their final stew, went to the jury they're asking them to find. Ashen provocation. Manslaughter, that's what they want, and I don't know about you, just cimeters, there's something about this. That makes me think there are there trying to blame the victim gladys required here I mean that it at its core is he was so upset by her actions that he did this, and that is. absolutely victim blaming because Does she have any responsibility to tell him anything
She doesn't know him anything but in this trial they're making very good case that this could thrown him over the edge tat caused her a mental break? Well, the jury made their decision and they found augustine garcia guilty for the murder of gladys, ricard but it took them a little bit of deliberation and gladys family was just on, to their seats the entire time they didn't know it was gonna happen. You can never tell justice for granted. So the defence, despite their thereby at all, despite the strong defence they put forward, while the jury rejected that.
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we entered thousand experiences. You'll remember do more with via tour. Augustine garcia for he was sentenced, did ask his family for forgiveness. He said I trade, my life one thousand times. I pray that god will take life. So you can be happy. I hope god will grow he'll the truth of what really happened who can release your anger? May god bless you all? I am sorry just in when you hear what he says or read what he says. You think this is a very mixed message. Where he's knowledge icing, but then, basically, giving excuses and making up stories about we're really happening. It is doesn't go into detail, but he said that he god would reveal the truth of what really happened. I mean it's on video there and at the time when he's arrested. He says he into a scuffle which
There is no evidence of that on the video, so his statements weren't, adding up and then, of course, during trial, when their painter picture of what happened changing his statements, but of the jury doesn't understand, or they can get to see how many times he said different about what happened that day they weren't allowed to see the video leading up to it well was a scuffle. It just happened after he started shooting and he tried The per as happening before yeah and workers scuffle. I mean we now that want simply tried to intervene and advice. To leave that's it, there wasn't a scuffle not at that point gladys is nice said we were there watched her die, endured the trial and we will suffer august. In europe conniving selfish liar, and you should take your punished
like a man, I think, am one we know from covering true I'm cases just then is by a allowing families to have their statements given in front of the The guilty party, the one who's responsible for taking their loved one, it lets them have some power back, and I feel like it an important moment. And I'm just glad they do have that ability, because august needed to hear from cloud his family, we have to say just in when the and was handed down by william, see me hand expressing junior was there and so were multiple. Family members of gladys, his family and dumb. Garcia had no reaction. This is common, though I think, when sentences handed down by that time, the
individual knows there guilty they They know the sense isn't going to be good for them, so they just this almost like that I'll probably I mean murders, a cold, cold action, february. First, two thousand and two augustine garcia was sentenced to life in prison with thirty years of parole, analogy ability for murder and a concept there for your term for third degree, unlawful possession of a weapon and to concur, for your terms, dane during the welfare of the child, because there was I am people, including children when he shot gladys we got into this a little bit earlier, trust him, but with the defence being accusations stating Gladys was still seeing Augustine garcia right up to the wedding day, whether I somewhere her family and brother, Juan ricard, told reporters that
family, wanted to. Let everyone know that all the wise that were told for two years and one month are over I was essentially, the defense was going public with these videos with these community since between the two and when a counter character assassination against gladys lead. Up to trial and the family had to sit through all that animal. to one in others. This was a misrepresentation of what was happening because It was augustine who is showing up and harassing her and she just to nice too, her arm away from him or shove him and tell him to leave and that's the the part of this is she was trying to be polite. She was trying to be nice. She was trying to not ruin reputation, even when his reputation deserve to be ruined because of his actions. He
was the one that cheated on gladys here, the one that was controlling. Probably all the women in his life and he couldn't stand losing her ass. He was in control. Now we didn't about gladys, his funeral, but gladys re cart was the rest at the hour funeral home in upper manhattan and She was very in the same white, gown and veil in which she was killed on her wedding day, and I feel that important I think it was a great apes. great idea just then because being married, having a family. That was her dream. More than anything we she loved to dance she loved to sing but that was everything to her, was to get married and he was to be married. That day had just if not for her acts, so they buried in that white gown avail. I think that was a very loving tribute for her that,
and of spawn day movement after that so in honour of her memory and to raise awareness for victims of domestic violence the girl in the latino community in new york city. The gladys regard and victims of domestic violence, memorial walk, bridesmaid, was started in two thousand and one- and this was a very grave roots effort. There were women who would started arching or doing marathons in their wedding dress or in a wedding dress. to raise awareness, and then it grew and grew and grew until became this march in its an annual event that began, the second anniversary of gladys records, death you can and videos, because this estate place every year. Since then it continues and you can hear messages from women, participate in these in these marches and the one that I took that I recall from.
watching these different videos was that there to be more awareness of domestic violence, because it's as weeks, the past chestnuts, not so simple, to make a call to the police to get this to stop partners not a lot of good answers here, because you can't the police. You can call nine when one when you're feeling threatened or when you are being attacked in that I'm never going to dissuade anyone from that, but when the police show up, they separate the couple they separate the dispute and you know, maybe, if you arrest somebody they'll, start to understand the levity situation, but escalation happened way more often when they have to arrest one of the two individuals- and I don't but the best answer- is there because I think they should arrest somebody I if, if an assault has taken place than that person needs to be charged and put in jail, it's very difficult to stop
domestic violence and so on Ernest is number one more and more people. Need to understand that happens, all the time women are being beaten or a b used or killed, as a very selfish reasons and there's just no way to stop it unless we make everyone aware of it so marches like this. attention. More people are educated on what to do right. How to reach out for help and dumb. I urge everyone to read up on domestic violence or if you can and donate to domestic violence. Nonprofits, because. This is a situation that's going to continue to need to be addressed, for the first will future. Unfortunately,. For more information head out too Its march dot com and you'll get lot of information about this about the gladys recall,
and victims of domestic violence. Memorial walk brides march. It's it's a very good one. site so head over there and check out the the history I bet the route they take. Look at suppliers and time This read more about how they're making a difference every year, never an episode of generation. Why subscribed to us unable pack, ass, spotify cash box or realistic right now after subscribing? Please leave us a review. Our website is generally dot com it's a lot more about events and updates. Just in it I have other vodka mine- is framed in investigative story. Each season is- deep dive into a case that went wrong and why, just as other podcast is peripheral his pocket ast is a safe space where listeners and their stories,
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-18.