« The Editors

From 'To Kill a Mockingbird' to This

2021-11-12 | 🔗

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Light Items:

  • Rich: Biscotti
  • Charlie: Playing Tetris
  • MBD: The new Bond film
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Refugees and border walls woke celebs and socialist chick social engineering encoded locked out its you get wound up her what's happening in our country in the world. That's why it's time for acting on wind, a weekly round table discussion tax current events from the act, an institute for the study of religion and liberty, every Monday, joint host AIR Cohen and ACT, an institute experts including Doktor, same Gregg, Reverend Sir ego. Doctors do Barrows and more and this weekly Oddy, public square where news politics, religion and culture meat for an on I'm conversation on a free and virtuous society action on wind will explain the news of the weak through the act and institutes unique perspective, connecting good intentions with sound. Economics as it works to promote and to shape a society that a secure, free and virtuous one characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles to subscribe to act and unwind visit, act and dot, Org slash and are, or surgeon,
and on wind on Apple podcast, Google, podcast, Spotify Stature or wherever fine pod, castor available that acting. Org Slash and are too subscribe. Please check it out inflation at sea, point two Rittenhouse on trial and Christie Verses trot. we discussed all this more on this edition of the errors amber slurry and join, is always by the right arm of Charles. He Debbie Cook in the notorious b d, MIKE Brandon Door. You are, of course, listening to a national. podcast or sponsors as episode. Our subtext and master works more about them in due course. If Ulysses, cast on national view. Dot com were delighted to have you but be easier for you better for us to be made as party or feed
a string of services out there from Spotify to Itunes. Like what you hear here, please consider giving us a glowing five star review on Itunes. If you don't like what you hear your please forget, I said anything. So Charlie. You completely blew the Virginia gubernatorial raised with your ball headed insistence that Terry Macao was gonna wind, despite all the evidence, but other Sidle ledger. It looks like you have nailed. The violations story. Finally, transit. People have been defeated and a complete rout with The latest inflation numbers big jump from September two October, when it seemed so perhaps the numbers were there are elevated but had been settling down and in recent months and then decide popping six point: two annual
Increase the biggest in more than thirty years, but you make of it while the common denominator is my propensity for pessimism when you give them and they D heartened about that, What I'm saying is that I didn't so much get the inflation story. Right aside, I adopted the same pose as in the Mccall if case and assume we are in for a world of pain which we are so I think the most interesting part of this is the chasm that exists between the problems. The Joe Biden as President is facing, and the policies that Joe Biden as President,
the star, Joe Biden, did not cause this. At least he did not cause it. Any more than If anyone else. certainly adding another. Two trillion dollars in spending earlier in the year didn't help Larry Somerset as much but much of the the virus mitigation spending or spending that was approved under those auspices was signed by Donald Trump, and I think it would be churlish to say that the state of the economy it is moment is so full of Joe Biden, but this is also the hand the Joe Biden has been doubt. This is the hand House Democrats have been doubt. This is the hand that Senate Democrats have been down. They may have small majorities, but they have majorities,
Nevertheless- and I suspect that if we were looking at a republican trifecta, the press would never tire of saying, given that people are suffering in their. Why on earth are the Republicans with their slim majority is obsessed with passing an agenda that they had contrived years ago, sometimes decade what is it this is led them to be so callous and obsessive. Especially when to pass the built agenda would almost certainly at least in the short term, be to make inflation worse. Joe Biden has started lying about this. He says that seventeen Nobel Prize Winning economists say that his plans circled build back better. Agenda will limit inflation, but they don't say that they say that it will.
limit inflation in the long term and they point to certain industries and sectors. In the short term, it will make inflation was, and yet that is what the Joe Biden is obsessed with doing, and I think this is a political mistake Obviously, but I think it is a dereliction of duty, there are some things that President Biden could do. First start, he could make it clear that he is aware that is focused on this and that it is going to form the majority of his policy intentions in the coming months, and then he could, for example, trifler gas prices by not shouting
pipelines and expanding production. He could wave the Jones acts. He could change some union rules that are federally determined at ports and elsewhere and, of course he could drop his gargantuan spending bill it is amusing me to put it mildly, that the defences of the belt back better agenda now are tailored to what people are worried about. without actually being related to what people are worried about. So we see people to judge on television
Saying that the reason that we have supply chain issues and the reason we have labour shortages because of a lack of childcare, save that that was true or three years ago and across the board. We have Democrat, saying that we have to pass this massive bell, because otherwise in nation will get worse, and that is nonsense. Its nonsense. When checks, you must as it it's nonsense. When Nancy Pelosi says it, it's nonsense. When Joe Biden says it is also being advanced in a really have faced it way. The Roosevelt Institute yesterday said that they build back better agenda, would help
to defeat inflation, because there's ten billion dollars in the package that will give the president powers that are directly related to the parts of the economy that are causing the inflation to which the obvious answer. Well then, just passed that pass that ten billion dollars worth of spending. There is absolutely no reason that we have to rap that ten billion dollars of spending up in a one and a half to three three and a half trillion dollar package, because we have information. So here I am, I am baffled by the pig headedness of the administration and the devil tragic party- and I am baffled by the unwillingness of the press.
If the way for a moment from its ESPN style, Austria's coverage of the president's legislative agenda in favour of asking questions about why it is that this is what he is interested in, given that, if you ask People- and if you look at the economy, the contents of that agenda- really dont into sacked, with what is happening on the ground, ended immediately rebranding of the infrastructure and the bill back better plans as anti inflation, It is just a letter that reminds me. When Biden gave his anti crimes speech, I think over the summer they were suddenly seized, at issue and realise that global threats at eight they said all the others, so called covered relief. Billet we'd, be spent.
on Anti crime measure. Eunuch has communicated the funds that the higher cops, something that no one had ever thought of when they they're putting that build together or selling it up to that point. So Think, though, that the biggest factor here driving inflation, is a mere man globally between supply and demand is inflation going up every other advanced countries we're going up more to be sure and these supply chain disruption says, is not directly binds fault. I think that the transitory people that and bored with during much of this correct that, essentially what's driving. It does not like a monetary inflation that spun out of control in the Sixtys and Seventys and went on for years and years and years, but those factors have not proven transitory and their easily gonna, extend least into next year
the margins. I think that the spending has been part of it and not just the Biden. Spending or maybe not in primarily as Charley, was alluding to the Biden spending. A lot of this hasn't gone out the door, yet another infrastructure spending they haven't even signed yet alive cover leave those been setting sitting around that's been a republican criticism of it but ass? Eighteen months there was just spigot of cash. Being spoon spewed out of out of work, and that has stoked demand and so that the focus now should be on supply. How do you increased business and in investment and manufacturing of goods in an hour breast of it, so that this is, what kind of a deregulatory story and a Labour union story to the extent that that all those kind of rules play into the supply chain difficulties rather than just a pure spending store but there is a fascinating your ties. Peace today choice I have it by Lisbon,
leading about what economists have been saying about. The inflationary effects it bill back better and this time stories and yet actually most economists think in the short term, that programme will, at the margins, Itunes, action rather than diminish it. yeah. Well, I mean how could it not right? I mean you have in other parts of the UK you have labour shortages and raw material shortages and energy shortages, So federal government going on expanding spraying and an increasing overall demand from further building even roads, is going to. They are going to have to compete in the market for labour rights. Which is already tight, and were seeing the fastest rising of wages since the nineteen eighties in the current market for labour so yeah should be inflationary spending, and if in
the infrastructure bill, at least at first I agree with what you said, that it's not a monetary driven nation that were seen in a bridge water capital, one of the big hedge funds in Connecticut, founded by re dahlia, put out a big note sickly saying like well yeah like it's kind of a transitory inflation demand shock. But the problem is its like There are basically saying it's transitory, but we can't see the end of it any time soon give in the size of the mismatch between demand and supply and their basic thing. Supply he's going up. There's even productive. passenger is going up. That's why you're seeing. China is sending a record number of container ships to the West Coast of the United States is something
They're well above their pre pandemic level of trade with us forgotten now dad, but am Their houses that are going for sale, Annette closing a week later, their sales, so that the. there's tons of money at their chasing a limited number of goods that is necessarily going to be inflationary for time. It's just a question of how quickly does the man just me. We ve seen like price of lumber was sort of the number one sign of horrible inflation. collapse as people brought it to market. So there's. What am I want? My transitory friends, I thought you did this week were saying Lumber yeah example of what should hopefully happen. More broad
Well and could be. You know. Some people been taught me about this concept of whack fashion where you get goods that go surge up and then productive capacity expands very quickly that demand and then their productive capacity needs a slam in demanding people learn numbers expensive. So you know what I mean do they went away project in my home. I'm gonna buy a car, you know. Instead, and the ship their money, then lumber gets cheap and it takes a while for people realize o lumber cheap again soon however, people critically Maxine real, strange waving his lines and and that wouldn't prize me either because no in history has done what the me You're states in the world have done in the last year, which has tried to shut off the economy in turn it on again I mean it's like The most astonishing thing. We ve ever done
m, actually amazing that it hasn't worked out worse than it has already rightly I should think the economy shown an amazing resiliency in responding even with this unpleasant side effect of inflation, and I would be worried if, from the conservative right now I'll, be worried that the market is so dynamic, so fast that responding to these signals padded through the global price system, that is inflationary period were were entering, could just be, the country into a bloom next spring and summer and that were getting at a risk easier back back onto a thing about how much you fear any economic. I fear. What am I want a gloomy I want. I want the warring twenties for sure, although those that comes with its own, getting and insanity I
Thirdly, we deserve it after the last twenty years especially after the last to, but I'm guessing, is a political matter saying. we know the economy is gonna go bad for Democrats next year. I do not I'm not sure that that not it goods come to the market. What people are gonna feel is hey. Wages are up, there's tons of, opportunity for jobs. There are tons of job opportunities out their work well labour has the labour market by the short ones in people's lifestyles or are yet again better than the other side of the coin on the labour market, yet acetate labour market, which is great and wages, have been up, which is great, but and inflation is eroded. All that away, I mean the real real your wages actually declined overlap.
you're, so you may have these stories people's crashing, their heads, Why? When always other economic indicators are so gray? White people not feel right. about the gun, and that's why I'm wages are actually going down, and I think one of these poles The other day had binds fifty seven percent, I think disapprove his hamley. They call me that that extraordinary- and it must be a huge amount of that- must be people actually feeling this in their pocket book and ensure that, where an another aspect of all this kind of covered relief that came out of Washington, another inflationary cycle was diminishing. The supply of labour though you don't, you know, have the truckers, you need, etc. And then that overall, the progressive programme is is almost baked in a cake to be at the margins. Inflation because what they do is they put all sources structures on,
supply of goods with, regulations and licensing requirements and all the rest of it, and then they subsidized demand and say: oh look with made a cheaper when actually they ve made it expects more expensive than theirs. Spending more on and government and the other side the ledger, so you see it in the housing market obviously see it and healthcare. You see it in higher education as what they also want to do. A child care and the bill back better programme. find the fingers any is lot. Eyeliner went approach of progressive two basic economics baffling that's where they are and binds first approach was: inflation is happening now,
is happening and flooding the economy with federal money will help we're apparent again to fix things being too expensive by subsidizing them. What happens when you subsidize people pop the difference, and there are some exceptions if you're willing to tightly regulate the market. But as we have seen with afghan and ass, we ve seen with higher education. He throw money, people they say. Thank you very much and they build it into the baseline. It's not just conservatives are there to see that there are some on the left map bruening, who is certainly not a conservative hates conservatives has pointed this out as regards childcare, but the soft San tab left its can't see it, and I did what.
Press me the most about it? Is that government programmes do not get charged in the way that private sector businesses are. the Congo to business, and I suspect that if they do get their childcare provisions through, we will go now Nor view from saying this won't work. This is what will happen to these doesnt work, and this is what is happening. But it will still be extremely hard to repeal, because ultimately, the political question that those who are trying to pass it want to answer. This is fair and They will pass it on the grounds that it's not fair and they will hold onto it on the grounds that it would be unfair not to do it. and all we will do is increase that increase our tax burden. Increase prices, bring more people into depend,
it's on the government are not just talking about the end user uncertain about the people who provide services is subsidized by the government and become clients. and on and on And on we roll in us one reason why it is so important to stop. This is not just a short term question of inflation, the economy in general. It's the long term risks, hair. and the cynic would say that the Democratic Party really has no compunction whatsoever about making people client I look at the relationship as for the teachers unions, I am. I am somewhat fatalistic on this because
I dont know how to argue with people who say Lala alone, I weren't. So I think really the biggest vulnerability to help in terms of their responsibility for stoking inflation is well and gas right now, the oil and gas market is is weird in price. It away weigh up, apparently people think and my loose reading on this- that there can be a lot of supply by next year and maybe than that civil crash back down, but explicitly the democratic programme is to make oil and gas more expensive to make it harder for people to fill their tag at the gas station harder for them to the heat, their homes,
in the winter and ashes enormous Bart viability of them, but they don't have the courage of our convictions. And thus you see the absurd spectacle, the president of the United States, who presides over a country that is more or less energy independence and has got that despite the predictions in the space of fifteen years gang I dont want. Or this horrible climate change inducing dirty fossil fuel production on our land? I will stop it where I can. I was shut down pipelines where I can also OPEC. Please please increase your production so that Americans don't hate me when they go to Philip that cause yeah. It's pathetic calling and even some OPEC officials are what are you talking about she'd anti oil guy, where you coming begging to us so envy the exit question to you. Inflation will be higher
or lower next year, this time higher or lower I believe it will be the same as other option Believe it to be lower bud and for Joe Biden won't. Take my advice, which is. We need the semi can, first, we need everything that is the product of east Asian, through a policy so we should meet it by soaking up western industrial policy. We need shipping containers to go back the Pacific Ocean, I say we fill them up with our diversity, the equity inclusion, consultants that were producing with our industrial policy, shit them to EAST Asia, where they're so desperately needed in those under verse countries. and we reverse the political influence of China, the United States by Muslim sing them a basin of cars. We send them puss, grads
right. We do have an industrial policy that supporting the divided island, I'm dead, serial killer, higher, lower the same. It's gonna be home. Why? Who? Because We have a mano maniacal political class that isn't particularly affected by it and the one sort at once and doesn't care about the consequences. some may save lower I've been wrong before, but I think the supply chain problems will be abbreviated? Maybe by and Africa, you Emily was answered Jim, that he just focus on the supply chain Mama. Maniacal shadiest choice term, an innate. They seem to be
going there and then maybe they can make a difference at at the margins, but ultimately the private sector and companies are than if the figure this out figure out how to at least make it better. And then I think, globally, supply should catch up to demand or get a get closer, but I don't think we're gonna be anywhere near what the fattest saying you, the fair. I guess the forecast is below two percent next year and that's that's not gonna happen. just housing alone should should ensure that that will probably sure that doesn't happen so certainly higher than to bananas. Lower than where we are now on an annual basis. Six point two: so with that lets pause in here from our first sponsor this episode, love the humanities, but not so much a fan of listening to lectures then try the sub text, literature and film podcast at subtext, podcast, dad,
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cast up of your choice. Please check it out, so anybody we have the ongoing Kyle Rittenhouse trial. I guess it began last week, but really reached a new level of interest with the cable stations taking it gavel the gavel every day this this week, and because arm political culture is complete, insane just was being rational about this. First, volley never should have been charged, and it is a clear case of self defence which has been made completely in this trial, but you have on the left. Just basically saying, hang on just hang the guy. I just because you cease perceived as being on the wrong side, because use anti writer came Jeffreys, I'm sure has in invade continually over the years about mass incarceration, just as he should be jailed in the key should be thrown away even after the evidence have we seen
over the last week, and then you have some people on the right who you know. I think the the reasonable take on red You should have been there. You didn't know how to handle a gun should have been running around this chaotic situation, even if his intentions were good, but it's not a murderer But you have some people on the right to path him up into some euro and saying that this is the kind of of young person we need if the country's going to be saved. What do you make of it. Well, I don't wanna necessarily problem up is a hero, but actually do you think he had pretty good trigger discipline and I think he did know how to handle a gun, but. So yeah. He was clearly overcharged by the left is committed to mythology of the right as full of an invasive, you- maybe a mythology of the kind that the right
and the Red America full of black jawed Sling, blade style morons who will be activated into characteristic violence. If they hear the wrong message and with a Huron message from Trump. There must be. some kind of horrific violence act in response because of it and so here here in the written house case, the kind of have the M incremental instincts. Creation of it like here is so its theme. A lot of the less responds to this will be totally impervious to evidence right because they believe it on a mythic level on a factual level. and that's why the court you know now the court is come, under attack from the last week
seeing people say eldest judge put on his clan hood because he's giving the the local prosecutor a tough time, because the local press It is trying to introduce evidence that was ruled inadmissible and in doing all sorts of things, because the case is weak And we see it over and over again that people are overcharged when there's this political meaning to the crime, and their evidence goes out the way side and we see I mean. Like how many years of events like the Duke lacrosse case, like we see that all the time. and I don't know we we shouldn't surprised by it. I was surprised that As was put on the stand, I thought he did himself well overall,
Do you have any doubt Emily exists? Is this another thing that was prevalent on the left, Lebron James, at greater heroic concrete, social commentator said on twitter I'd up when he was breaking written house and try to be interrupted, you sake, any tears. I don't believe it. I'm warning you are there talking loosely about this as well did. Did you think that was sincere? That emotional display, I think, listen. think he's on the stand and his life is on the line. An utterly his life. But of course, he's talking about. Any normal person would experience as the most dramatic moments of their life when they took the life another human being. Unfortunately, we have a culture people who basically are raised on comic book stories, and I think that anyone who doesn't think bad
even by their own life- is like a bottomless Lee malevolent and injured. Boys the bad thing they did like you You could even imagine a case. This doesn't, I I believe, apply to clear Rittenhouse, but you can imagine a case where a coward a Rittenhouse type goes to one of these things. He is harry by his passions into the attempt to start. no stay about a riot and, and it is guilty of felony murder of two people, and yet he might still cry on the stand. Because he's a human being and is talking about the most grave matters of life and injustice then who he is I dont understand eyes, donors and the incomprehension, even from the liberal view. I think it's
early childish, damn yet, of course, he should be Of course, his nerves should be fired up to the absolute from a mere look like he was having a panic attack. Understand that's totally human at the same at the same reaction, I think they d arm. Well, there's probably knew he was going to do that because there certain things that even those of us think I've never experienced anything. Nearly traumatic as that and break out. Never will there is certain John Vainer, you know whenever you're talking those fathers bar start to cry and like people No, it's gonna funny and people Martin for, but that their sub, something that was just deeply touching the banner about that and it was sincere and an Gardena you you go Written house did every time it you talk about. That's probably what happens as lawyers probably knew it
so I have no doubt it was sincere, so Charlie, what would you make the argument at some people might Ok, this is Can you waited case for some Really bad happened here, so just charge him up and and throw it to two a jury? What would make of that? I think you know what I would make of that resident question criminal justice squish, I don't think he's guilty of anything he's been charged with, except potentially the weapons charges richer, a misdemeanor which are usually to spend we ve been Wisconsin with probation and which are extremely what's the word loosely badly legibly written the rest of it.
is so how you think one needs to cow. There is a good or a bad person whether he should or shouldn't have been now whether the events were nice or ugly, evidence is there, and so those who want to attack him Jeffreys Budget locker and throw away the key in the prisons that came to everyone's to abolish are going after the judge who saw the judges felt, but I think the judge spin rather good, and I think that the attacks on the judge show two things, one that the left has become extremely liberal, including on matters of criminal justice.
And too. But our politics have changed over the last forty years in ways we haven't quite caught up with yet that judge is routinely described in the left, leaning, on twitter and by members of Congress, who should know better as some sort of Trump fan. I'm sort of right wing- I I don't know his personal politics, but I do know when he was appointed and why that judge was appointed in nineteen eighty three, by progressive democratic and in nineteen. Eighty three aggressive Democrats believed in things like presumption of innocence, putting the thumb on the scales which our constitution
does for the defence and the fifth amendment and from what I can see. That judge still believes in those things I judge would have been in the good graces of the Asia Year, nineteen eighty three and in the bad graces of the Archie Bunker types, but because far too many people in the press want this suspect to be locked up. They ve suddenly abandoned all of those principles if they ever held them. And their latching on stupidly to what Either norms within our criminal justice system, ah norms, at least for that judge, one of which, for example, was that the judge said at the outset that the
To people who were killed in the one person who was shot but survived by Kyle written has could not be referred to as victims. It makes sense its also assigned the practice, for that judge is a good piece on slate about it of all places that judge given that the question here is whether or not they were victims, whether or not this was homicide. Whether or not this was self defense. That judge decided it would be prejudicial to decide them from the get go to describe them from the get guy S as Victor
much the same way. I soon be prejudicial to describe somebody who had accused sexual assault as a survivor if it was not clear whether or not it happened in concert with that decision. This judge prevented the defence From bringing up extraneous information about one of the men but Rittenhouse killed that he had just come out of mental institution now it really doesn't it too much research to get a good impression of who the judge is, of course, the kind of guy who a lecture prosecutor for deliberately and wilfully violating the decision
He has already made for deliberately and wilfully violating the fifth amendment by implying twice that there was something suspicious about written houses having exercised its fifth amendment rights, but it doesn't. It doesn't have to, and I am much more worried here about the reflex, if behaviour of many people who have power and influence than I am about this trial. Usually somewhat reticent when it comes to criminal trials are, I think it is broadly and appropriate for public figures to comment on ongoing trials, not least because if there's a mistrial, the next Jerry may have been exposed to the comments in the atmosphere.
So the very least, I would like to see some sort of respect for the system and I'm not if you look at the coverage, its essentially beginning from the premise that he's obviously guilty and has no need to have a trial and then its coupled with this question, begging that he is going to get off only because America is a white supremacist nation American The second amendment, America, hits black lives matter. The judges, corrupt cetera sectors such as we know the much simpler explanation here, is that the state of response in charged him with crimes that he didn't come in and then appointed an incompetent prosecutor to push the forward
And now one point in our history, the Democratic Party and the press would have been appalled by that. But something has happened in the last decade. Something has happened so that if the defendant or the accused is disliked or is he to be an avatar of something that is dislike who goes out of the window, and that's how you get from figures such as how came Jeffreys saying that we should defend the police, that we should abolish, pray
and two saying, lock him up and throw away the key mid trial. As a member for better legislature- and I find this- I find it deeply deeply distressing and not least because suppose that back Jeffreys, the World Ass, and I wish I didn't think there, but there are some really sincere people who care about criminal justice. How do they think the people that they want to be treated well are going to fair if the people they don't like Railroad it. You cannot have a system like that. So that's been my take away. I I dont think that the charge is sustainable. I dont know how the case will come out. Well, my goodness me what to do.
All set up as a signal to the exit question every day. Will heed Rittenhouse be convicted of murder? Yes, or no? No, show you an adventure Nasser, I don't know. I don't think that all of the charge is other than the firearms charge, which it is a misdemeanor up. First degree: homicide, that's how they describe it and response in the language of the Lord of the manor. I dont think you could try what we have heard in the cool with with the idea that this was premeditated feeling it's almost like they're trying the prosecution is trying to go for. It's almost like.
A constructed felony murder case right, like it's a it, reflects the lefty rhetoric on twitter of well. He took a gonna crusty lines because you didn't do but he did. He did. This is in the middle of doing something wrong, so all everything that follows. After then, it becomes his criminal fault, including the death of others, and I just don't think it's gonna work. Yeah it'll just be shocking, shocking, miscarriage of justice. If, if he is victims of murder, and I don't think he will be with that of Bosnia from our second sponsor master works March. Twenty twenty was nightmare with coal is spreading like I'll fire. The mark was plummeting down sixteen percent on a single day, the ports the economy getting worse by the day and the must Jesse penny went under, hurts file chapter Eleven Inversion Atlantic went bankrupt. Many people ask
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six than since Joe Biden took office and he's less and less the subject of our politics and ICE Christine good at blowing people up whether its new Jersey teachers, unions or marker Rubio himself or self to know it's true, but he you know he can do damage jack up, we'll work, yes or no. I think it. my help sue damage from I'm not sure it will work out for Chris Christie, whose ultimate aim seems to be to be President himself. But this is an important sign posts. In the road as to where things ahead, crispest he's not some random. He endorse Trump and was somewhat.
I'm at all in turning the tide in his favour. We still fall. I had at the time back in twenty fifteen twenty sixteen and he's been fairly defensive. Its trump serve for him to say. Ok enough shows you Were the wind is headed Yasser the key ambiguity and the question I ask is what does a word work and, in that context, me, and so I welcome this line of attack from crisscrossed I think he's sincere and lodging it does not when I disagree with all upon it over at hot air who just we all admire his his its work is so prolific in its judgment, so sound on such a wide range of things, but he's The with post saying this is this: is Christie angling to get a cabinet position?
and the second Trump Administration cause trouble have does some help by him. Then get him back in the tent or may This is Christie angling to be trumps view now, many because the establishment or say after Trump, enabling sweeps denomination twenty four unity, here, the party you need to get Christiaan bored- I don't I don't think any of that it is is is right. I think Christie. You know he like politicians do. We saw the main chance and twenty sixteen it told himself it properly. when and that the best way to influence to try to make them better was to get an on board early. It didn't work out very well for four Christie. In terms of you, I had had control the transition, but that didn't last, but he was advising Trump to the very end of his presidency and I think what genuinely and sincerely shocked by January. analysis has made a break, and it is is, is passionately anti trust
and someone had to say this eventually No, whether it's gonna get any traction now at the moment, but it is. It is a key juncture as just a huge vulnerability of trumpets, because I'm a huge element of start. The steel is here, not admitting that he lost and lost to an end. Evil mediocrity Joe Biden and it was anyone else's fault. It was a winnable race and Donald Trump lost it so I'm I'm about the young man. I Christie Eyed and I think the main A line of effort here should be what yanking did basically tiptoeing around Trump crumple little bit winning trump voters over convincing To supporting a better candidate, no better programme, which is what Ukraine has but someone- ass to co directly and people more people have today has to go directly ashram, so
whether a work, maybe I'll say no. It is not going to work, but it's important and welcome development with that, let's hit a few other things, before we go anybody. What you been up do ass, I watched the new born fell. Finally, which is available on a rental through apple and dumb. I liked it very good. It was a little somber and emotional, but he knew When I looked most about it was It returned alive bit of the silliness encamped Venus to burn embalmed villains. There was there. a kind of ongoing bit about. I am I an eyeball that felt like very classic bond with their physically malformed villain. In the mix and dumb yeah I enjoyed it
Wife brought home a new boardgame yesterday, Zan would be so delighted, there'll be jealous, in fact, probably what's not actually a board game, I suppose tatters repay tetra summer Gameboy or another but I know lumpy bore, but this is. address in real life. This is the opposite of what Mark Zuckerberg is trying to do just to put everything in the real world into the virtual world. This is taking the virtual world I put, in the real world you have these transparent, rectangular shaped Stan's and Stan your cards and each card shows which piece you have much pieces coming max and then you have to actually put them in and watch. Everyone else has to see who's doing well and then whoever gets the most completed within a certain time, and it sounds silly, but it's actually
enormously fanaticism, nosey frontier, three or of starch being in the pieces at the wrong angle, and then you have to go get a nice for the seventh time. Pull him out but attaches the the board game is, is a big head in the cook household, so I hate hard pastries user or hard cookies. I think soft chocolate chip, cookies cricketers so much better than crisp chuckle cookies, so I hate stones. For instance. I know why anyone each stone and our waste goes exist. Ex effort there are medieval hold over before we had the means. Actually softer patient but why exceptional I make is discarded because he condemned. So it's ok, this hard, because you know dividend and coffee and and my wife just got there This is if you really impression the brand you at me your email me. I don't have a right in front of me, but this incredible chocolate chunk, Scotty
That's basically like a long, narrow, chocolate chip cookie basically, and it is so good. I find myself in the offing two of them as like either their only there's. Only one laughed I should say, go and have the third time that I have one tomorrow our or do I really need now. It's just so so good. But with that, it's time for editors pay, and made it. What's your pick up my pictures from the end row issue magazine, they're just came out there's a piece by had the Arcas role as the entire law. That's very good and deep and true down the whole issues grave, but I'm really kicks at all a very high level troika. What's your pick, you have won this time. I do have one this time,
I have had one last time you had rushed on my flab minus Carl Smith of years best film to date. That probably said a hundred times, I'm not especially good, at movies, and so after when I read movie reviews, I think, however, that once it, but this one about a movie made by Kenneth Brenna hold Belfast, really did make me want to see it and then I suppose I had my car for being able to do what I caught, which is watch a movie and then have interesting things to say about it. And they did you tweet about this man you're right about- I am I making that I didn't I didn't I might have treated about it. The reason I didn't write about it so my take is Rittenhouse Prosecutor seek criminalize constitutional self too. That's why Andy Mccarthy, little back story here, any wasn't really following this this trial, I texted hymns, set this tweets.
One of these assailants of Rittenhouse, that Rittenhouse didn't shoot at him and until he had had the assailed Rittenhouse and pointed a gun at an annual government really find the straw. Let me get up on it and then this instantly is totally up on it. and and rights what might be the best piece anyone's written about the Rittenhouse trials so far, and just suggested another reminder if you needed one, that on on these sort of questions you you can just take anything that Andy rights to the bank, so that said for us even listen the National park gas into real broadcast retransmission cow this game without express written permission. Naturally, you may in a strictly pro hitherto, despite gas, will produce the aforementioned incomparable scarcity makes a sound better than we deserve. Thank you, Charlie. Thank you. Anybody thanks to subtext and master works and thanks Specially to argue for listing where the others see you next time
Transcript generated on 2021-11-12.