« The Editors

Episode 380: BIF Makes It over the Finish Line

2021-11-09 | 🔗

Today on The Editors, Rich, Charlie, Alexandra, and Jim discuss BIF, “forever masking,” and if anyone will ever answer for the Russiagate hoax.

Editors’ picks: • Rich: The entire upcoming print issue, which is dedicated to why Roe should go • Charlie: Alas, he forgot his pick this week. • Alexandra: Kyle Smith’s piece “How Not to Approach Princess Diana” • Jim: Jimmy Quinn’s post “Beijing’s Taiwan Invasion Timeline: Two Predictions

Light items: • Rich: Daylight Savings is an abomination • Charlie: His three year old’s first encounter with ice • Alexandra: Playing Apples to Apples • Jim: Watching other football teams

Sponsors: Masterworks Stamps.com

The Editors is hosted by Rich Lowry and produced by Sarah Colleen Schutte.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Refugees and border walls woke celebs and socialist chick social engineering, encoded, lock downs. it's easy to get wound up her what's happening in our country and in the world. That's why it's time for acting on wind, a weekly round table discussion tackle current events from the act, an institute for the study of religion and liberty, every Monday, joint host AIR Cohen and ACT, an institute experts including Doktor, same Gregg, Reverend. Sir Ego doktor, steed barrows and more and this weekly audio public Square, where news politics, religion and culture, meat for an honor in conversation on a free and virtuous society action on wind will explain the news of the weak through the act and institutes unique perspective, connecting good intentions with sound economics as it works to promote and to shape a society that a secure, free and virtuous. one characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles to subscribe to act and unwind visit act and dot, Org, slash and are or search.
and on wind on Apple podcast, Google, podcast, Spotify Stature or wherever fine podcast, her available that acting org slash and are too subscribe. Please check it out. This were the finish line. Mask forever and will anyone ever apologize for the Russia Gay Hoax will discuss all this and more on this edition of the editors I'm rich Larry. I'm joins always by the Right honourable Chelsea, W cook. Saunders and the scientists and the siege of authenticity, Woods Jim, Gary. You are, of course, a need, your national, you podcast sponsors, this episode, master works and stamps dot com
more about them in due course. If you listen, this part cast on NASH, reviewed, comparable. I love you, but easier for you and better for asking each party feed at any the streaming services out, elephants, bonafide, Itunes, and if you like what you hear, here please consider giving the glowing five star view on Itunes. If you don't like what you hear here, please forget, I said thanks so germ best finally passed. They tried to pass it multiple times. Obviously they wanted to do it before the Virginia gubernatorial election and stared and kind of a typical political thing. They get shall act in in Virginia and their lesson as they should have passed them. So they passed there like three days after the the election a lot of upset because thirteen Republicans got it over the top. Now. Maybe
Members of the squad would have felt more pressure due to come on board if Nancy plus he didn't have that republican cushion, but she did her republican cushion and some of us feel Klein Charles see W cook Donald J Trop. I very upset about that. Would you make of it. so I was watching the back and forth on Twitter on Friday afternoon in its evening? Does for a good job of Friday? It look. I was really Lucy in the football all over again that we heard Nancy Pelosi. Several times say we're gonna have about this week. Are we going to have a cap creating these artificial deadlines and then because they were art official and with a really wasn't any serious consequence or not hold the vote on a particular day. They would just gonna blow pass that deadline. They wouldn't have the votes and uses this continuing cycle of inner. What's he gonna take together, something where you could
everybody the short version was the house Progressive did not want to pass infrastructure without ensuring that they were gonna, get build back better as well. Because there are actually was. If you separated the two pieces of legislation, there is a really good chance that the house, moderate Democrats, I am able to pass one, not the other or more What even more likely your mansion Pearson Cinema would say. Yes, we want to pass infrastructure. We don't like this. that's an bill back better, so we're not gonna pass it and they would only get half loafin nothing It's worse fer a house progressive than only getting half a loaf permanently so for launching a Friday afternoon and evening it was like it might not happen. and then they went for the vote me people of accurately observed Nancy Pelosi. Doesnt lose a lot of us. If you just think she's got votes, she doesn't know about, so going forward with the vote was a strong indicator was gonna curious. Isn't you ended up with six as Democrats. Voting no including four members, the Squad AIR Sea and the rest in their attitude was the bill was good enough
still want to make sure build back. Better is gonna have other the stuff. They want things already too small. I was not thrilled by and look yes this. This is a big by partisan When for the binding ministration after eight when they just felt fear, uncertainty annexed anger in internal divisions amongst democratic about as bad as we seen him in a really long, while This gave him a big gave him a big way and democratic feel better about themselves and This only happened because these thirteen house Republicans voted for legislation You know, if you have all six had remained, no, they would not have had the boats. I gotta tell you there, I figure of Nancy Policy really needed one or two extra than some of those six night. No votes amongst the house. Democrats would have left. Think you look. it's a frustrating moment for house effort for conservatives, because the stove a bunch of work in this infrastructure bill, as is I'm not quite as mad
as Charlie or Phil Cline, who was as spitting fire and as bad as I have seen him since then Reno spake spike against the detonation ready for that. And an understandable, and this is this- is really frustrating. If we, see, build back better past then these thirteen house Republicans can say, look we got me restructure: spending we want, we look like were reasonable and are not reflected opponents of everything the President wants to do, editors out, okay, Cinema imagine come around and you get build back better on top of that, yet another one point something trillion. On top of this one point something trillion adding up to something close to three trillion, adopt these six trillion in spending me bad depends on what was really really bad. Now it looks like you basically resurrected, thereby demonstration what they were at their lowest point. That's maybe I guess
having the jaws of defeat from victory type scenarios. I completely understand this building living at add to this is that a lot of people were ask and last Friday night. That's it Kevin Mccarthy. This is your fault, your terrible house, minority leader. You should not be speaker that rhythm- I don't think we like Kevin Mccarthy, I dont think is typically affected, but I would note that of these thirteen three of them are retired. No party leader has that much leverage over a guy, who's retired is what you get to do. Kick him out of account. Like he's doing these retiring little care, what you say you could the second of certain committees or something like that without leaving in another year. This is now at stake in ten senior riotous in high school, or something like that, so as much as I don't, particularly like cabin Mccarthy. I don't think you can blame him too much for the Serbs no passing through the House Suzanne at the case for being relatively chill about this, but I don't think it's crazy I agree with that, but is one in four. At your bills. It's kind of thing Congress does all the time
talking about here is just kind of adding up the kind of typical row. And bridges intermodal transportation bills they pass all the time to that you know maybe sediment. Imagine. Cinema mansion really don't want to pass the back better bill and the instructor billows really levers for them. So now it's such past and even though their these kind of paper agree. since that have a lot over gaping holes in the Empress your bill and, though back better, have been decoupled right. Go back. Better now is is on its own one way or the other, certainly in the Senate, So maybe this just makes it harder to passport that better makes it easier for cinema. Imagine just stood to say no, sorry forget it, what I would say is one we don't need. More infrastructure of spending was certainly dont needed. Having done
This way, coming up with a big number of were, for you figure out what actually national projects are worthy of federal spending too Here you are giving Biden a boost which probably help. Some generally maybe helps specifically the effort to get back better, three just democratic disarray had a dynamic in a momentum of its own. And if they kept on stalling on the infrastructure bill it it made, go back better, getting go back better harder. Obviously, and the more poisonous relationships became amongst the Democrats, the better so for all those reasons merit on the merits and the politics, I think, is very bad and I just started galling that After all this, after all this dissension on the Democratic Side Republic, couldn't with their votes and hold their members as well as Nancy close. He did
I agree with the Irish as an hour. I think there is any reason as republican to be happy about this. I guess, if I were very mistake. I might try to make my myself think that this new tanks, the chances of go back, better, decreases the chances of it passing, but I think both then worked really bad because of what was going on with Democrats. A national reason in the world does Republican to kind of step. to the gap in and help them out of this massive whole. They obviously have dug themselves into the The presidency has been looking terrible for the last months and if you as our public in our thinking yourself- oh maybe it would be great for me and my district of to pass Some kind of infrastructure bill your kind of missing, right. The Democrats are falling apart and those these bills are not something. We need this near the door that better especially, but we don't need some infrastructure spending, there's been way too much federal spending already this year, then
No, I don't think there's any way justifies a republican supporting this, especially given the fact that it enabled the left wing Democrats do not vote for the bill and for it stopped past now, probably would have passed regardless, but you're giving covered the Democrats for making this look like it was natural bipartisan project. I don't no necessarily that it will actually help Biden or help. Democrats. I think things are still looking pretty dire for them, but that there are looking a lot worse before well past, and so I think it's silly ass republican to think you might get something out of this or as if it was a you're, saying that this was going to take build back better. I don't think that's obvious at all, so has been a lot of build up here, so you better be fire, even by our own standards, urban or listeners, can feel big. Let down I'm splitting fire. We did not need this bill. We can't afford to spill. It contains extraordinarily wasteful spending, even ass, the younger brother of the gun.
Zella, for example, I was interviewed interview over the weekend with the head of Amtrak this is amazing. We ve got more funding from this bell than we had in our entire history. One bill this isabel, but Rob Portman and others say, is common sense. Investment not spell they say, doesn't add to the deficit. Does a quarter of a trillion? Dollars gets less than it could have been and still are. quarter of a trillion dollars to the deficit. Now I have a little more sympathy for the senators who passes because many of them, I think incorrectly at the point at which they can,
the plan, genuinely believed that they were saving the filibuster, which is, of course, an important thing to do. Mitt Romney seems earnestly to believe that so do others, but that's gone now. That's gone for a number of reasons, but you close to the mid term. Cinema mention two entrenched the elections in Virginia New Jersey and elsewhere for Democrats on the back foot, the president's upriver rating is stunningly bad. His agenda is not popular So the house did not have the same justification here. You can Stan why, in the heat of the summer, the Republicans acquiesce to this, but there was no need for the house to do so, especially given that in doing so, they bailed out Nancy policy.
Mr Wynn, to the president and subsidized progressives, by which I mean, if you assume that this was going to pass anyway, fair enough, but there is no reason for republican members of the house to deliver votes to policy so that our own people can vote known, save face and that's what happened on Friday? That's one of the reason reasons. I think that people such as filled with so many that they didn't just vote it into law. They, A progressive spare how air sea can I run around and say I stuck to my principles now. Why do I think this is a tactical mistake,
as I am open to the idea that it was wise in the long run, spin advance by figures such as you have all Evanna, greatly respect you out and I'm open to being wrong, but why I think it was attacked chemistry Is that everyone I know. is unaware of the intricacies her. I get text messages uncles. All the time from people who are particularly political say was to deal with this bill. What's happening with the bill. They don't know that there are two, they don't know what happened
in the house, with progressive making one contingent upon the passage of the other they dont know why there are two. They don't know that one of them asked with republican votes and the other is steadfastly oppose the day in day out. I realise this is why I thought it was a mistake from the get go for a public and to breathe this into existence, and now it looks as if the Republicans help pass it and that's what I've heard since again from a political people. I was around a lot of people over the weekend at the wedding. Wait. Did the Republicans pass the bell? I thought they were against it. I thought they said it was socialism. I thought they said it was causing inflation. I thought they said it was irresponsible. I thought they said it would raise taxes. I thought they said it
to the debt, why did they vote for it? So what you know they're there too, but this one is much smaller than is more about physical and the ice was over and I think Republicans just tied themselves to a lot of the maladies that they are presumably going to spend the next year running against. If you pass this sort of thing with the party line vote in the house, they ve not suppose the ends up in trouble on the floor. It is much easier to sell the opposition to cleanly, and I know that there were a number of votes in the Senate from the rubble inside I understand that. But people don't follow this in the way that analysts and what I heard on Saturday Sunday was the Republicans voted for the bill. They set their purse and
I think that was a monumental mistake. Now I should say in closing: there is, of course no such thing as the Republicans and I'm a champion this any more than there is such a thing is The Democrats and it's easy for me to rail against these thirteen representatives, but those thirteen representatives are part of the reason that the Democrats only have a Christian, a fearful and, if Republicans somehow and election night, twenty twenty one, the house. They would be the reason that Republicans one the majority there's no such thing ass, the Republicans and in a big, diverse country. You are going to get a difference of opinion
I dont think, though, that it is unreasonable to say that this was a tactical mistake and Shop Mccarthy has started a leverage over these people, although his pitch is that he will manage the party well clearly didn't whether he could not- and I wish that they had at least waited it out to see what happened within the Democratic Party instead of providing votes at that key juncture that made it easier financing, the lazy and easier for the progressive ring to save face so Jim. What span very spend time talking about this week? We will, four, obviously by year, your quick take now on the prospects of bill back better. You have a house Democrats, cannibalism,
earlier, in my view, adding back stuff getting paid leave? that matches- or he said, he'd opposed so I always thought that the most natural kiddo marking as it is getting what mansion in Cinemas Bottom line demands were and then and then working towards that. Instead, they seem to be going in the point in the opposite direction, at least for now. Yeah, I think that's, and it is an already- and I think it isn t any possible that the game, while others thirteen house Republicans works out well that instead of making the x declarations of democratic, hold more realistic. What our cinnamon and mansion? Ok, a cinema! Imagine, ok with you know: it's not everything we want, but we'd get three quarters of a loaf, that's pretty darn good and it allows to go to the mid term elections, saying look America, we ve done its past
All of this is actually raising expectations. Neglect able having got the infrastructure bill now it's time to get there this tree bill back better and all the stuff we want does shake out that way. They can't build a consensus and mansion Cinema never never sign on to that going to work out great. I'm, not one hundred percent. Confident of that. It's been there observing threat. entire year for thee. You know any semblance of aiding resembling this whole conservatism, and because this is an arbitrary pod cast, you can hear me making see you can't see making airports as I say that we are very it's entirely dependent on Pearson Cinema and your mansion, saying yes to much spending for us, because it someone. You know if you're here democratic quantitative, expendable. Why some number they can live? Where and one point trillion or whatever. It is better than not get nothing? if you really wanted one point three or to or six trillion hackler you know like Bernie Sanders would rather get a whole bunch of spending, then get no spent.
I suspicions you still end up with something But obviously, I feel, like you know the minds of are mentioned in Cinema or like a black box, and we just can't really seen what this is so great, an ex question to you. First Alexander. I think this is the ball back, but about goes down in the Senate, who will kill it Joe Mansion, Kristen Cinema, both someone else think it'll probably be cinema, and I say that only because I measure has been pretty firm, but he he's not one to really but your faith and on these things- and I could see him- you no kind of getting acquainted. whatever it is. You need to do to pass it on finding a line and been goin with it think. Cinema won't budge, trust you to pick up. I knew a b
Cinema who puts in the final knife, but they would need to be some dissension in the ranks that lead had to that position, and I could see that happening, given that its not just mentioned, who is nervous about the spell so's, Maggie Hassan, her voice, talking about it so presumably is or our democratic senators in Nevada, maybe Montana, maybe Arizona, Alison Cinema. So I think she will. be the one who is blame, but if it does go down is going to be because there is a more general fear. Yet another thousand trouble when real trouble when youth start having to do you Hassan criminal. gee statement she makes in the Hall Ways readings of her up ads, but are not there yet so Jim cinema mansion, both someone else
thing. Is it a year both her are neither, I think, the pressure yeah. What did it if you want? The senator is holding up this other bill that almost every house democratic signed on weapon, that forty nine other we know. Democratic senators have signed on with a relatively new president. and on with that battle, just become too much pressure. We ve already seen how we now that you know Radical outrage directed at Cinema directed at mansion and protestors, not gonna, stop honest witness I if one of them does hold up the entire bill back better bill. I really worry about this. So The two both of a mark is not at all as a distressing thought. I think action is more likely to cut a deal just based on talking to people in West Virginia, who know him really well setting. it's gonna go down. It's it's cinema is keep centre,
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this is the first step towards for ever masking what to make of it. I am certainly worried about that. I think one of the major lessons we have learned from everything that's happened was covered is that our public health bureaucrats honestly have no respect for people's ability to decide for themselves. What risks are willing to take, they would have us. Ways behave in the most cautious way possible. And if you look it's on the guidelines, the CDC publishers for other things We'd have to live extremely risk, averse lots of us if they prescribed every single thing they post as a guideline on their website. If they, businesses prescribed these things for us or somehow turned it into some form of guideline. We had to live by the way they ve done with covered. We don't be living very different lives. These are just some of them, risk averse people in America running our our public health institution. I think it's bad for me
our kids and I think they are pushing their advantage. They eventually have gained during covered, because people were afraid and in turn to the sea you see in and other bureaucrats like that for guidance for protection for their ideas on how to get through this pandemic that now they think that we're going to listen to them for we're about everything that has anything to do with health, and I think it's up to people too push back against that right, because otherwise wonder having to wear masks during flew season and businesses in certain parts of the country, at least for them. Your time and look, I'm not opposed to it. If somebody wants to wear masks once covert is gone or its becomes some kind of endemic, We will have to worry about as much they still want to wear masks in the winter because it makes them feel safer when they go to the grocery store and go for it. I don't care, I'm not going to give him a dirty look, but I am very opposed to enter re shaping our society around the policy suggestions that become mandates from people like Russia will ask. I think it's it's bad for american states where they are.
Decided to go, go away from this model. Stopless me, the CDC are doing pretty much fine You know it's not making any kind of noticeable difference into of course it's. I don't know why we would all sign up to listen to these sorts of people for the rest of time about everything. This is why don't give an inch, especially. Anyone who has anything to do with public health. The first thing we should do after covert is bombed the public health schools because that's where they breed and Then we should reconsider the role of such people in our society and not just because once they get their hooks in, they believe that they can perfect man, which is impossible, but because their agencies are now being used to
undermine the american constitution, as we saw with, for example, the eviction moratorium. Russia, when I gave a functional, she should be advising functionary and not an executive in any form, and she is demonstrating the wisdom of limited government, which is, of course, a separate thing than small government. I am in favour of both limited government is more geared towards restricting what individuals and agencies in any one power centre is able to do of course, given her background, of course, given her interests, of course, given how remit, which is too wide Russia will linsky, has noticed that as a by product of some of the other measures that we have taken, many of which were legitimate in order to fight covered, we have made
Are the gains if you stay inside and if you wear masks and if you interact last and socially distance, sure you're going to get sick less and if you fly last you're going to emit less carbon and if we all killed ourselves tomorrow in some Jim Jones called. Then there would be no poverty last, but that's not. Are you run free countries, and we have reached a point at which, whatever case there was in their often was for intervention from government has gone. We have miracle jobs, multiple miracle jobs. We have miracle drugs that deal
web and save the lives of the people who refuse to take the first miracle drugs and everyone in the country. Everyone has had the chance to avail themselves of them full free without paying a single dime, at least directly. So I am now in full resistance mode to this nonsense. We need to get mosques of the faces of children, thankfully it that isn't happening in Florida. We need to get Mosscliff the faces of a line travel as we need to get mosques off the faces of hotel guests
strong, guys and move on from this because, as I forget his name, but somebody on the left pointed out last week, there is a difference between covered and a pandemic covered is a disease that is still with us. A pandemic is a matter of judgment. Flu is still with us. Codes are still with us, but we don't regard them as a pandemic, because we think that is acceptable to live with the risk. Given that the aim of us, I seem to be free and prosperous, and I think it has reached the point at which it is no longer or should no longer be designated as a pandemic, but as a problem that we deal with within reason, and we can say thank you very much, Rochelle Linsky. I hope you have enjoyed being queen now. It is time to restore republic jump. So it is good to step back and ass. This very question: why we afraid of covert nineteen because could kill you
Rikers, we don't worry, it's generally had been out just flew from the very beginning. We would not have worded more people. I could hear listener. Thank Germany, chances of killing you were, than one percent. Yes, so let's go out, you could kill you and the likelihood of killing. You very much depended upon your age. Whether you read me you know, compromised whether article morbidity and oh, by the way Probably last week Oxford University researchers found upon Charlie wants to cheer her leisure. The Oxford found founded, there's a big there's, a gene that makes you particularly much more vulnerable to succumbing to govern. Nineteen. Apparently that gene is very commonly founded. Indians of the subcontinent helps why India got hit really really badly by the Delta variant, Ah the set off about a speculation about whether this might have an engineer target indians- that's really not terribly lightly, but as I wrote a good number of times in the last year and a half two years Europe genes
towards a great deal of how much you vulnerable to any particular pathogen. There are people out there who are almost as if almost in vulnerable to interact it does not affect them. The same weight as there is a group of population on the Indian call border that was effectively immune to malaria and you basically others. They lived an area where mosquitoes from a lip malaria is prevalent, but Emily bother them, and I made it very huh for anybody to come in and take their land The World Health organization came along, killed off the mosquitoes the laughable area. People could go to take your laptop, unexpected consequence of our genetic diversity there. On the question of an early experience with this lunch This is my mother, my eye mother got covered. Pretty early on pandemic itchy, she lived in a This is a living facility. Just would be a classic case. I thought that this was the end. We reach the end subsequently, which I am grateful for. Could we could reach the end with with mere bedside?
but on issues, eighty nine years old, extremely frail suffering from Alzheimer's and she got covered and and she goes on hospital and the doktor guess her. This tested, that determines whether pretty early, whether you, your immune system, could run out of control cause. You know that this parliament, the reaction that starts stuff, starts dour slide, and it is just like it, no effect on her. She has a virus. Brazil is just not affected her and she didn't classic vote. person, the doktor said just gotta, be it has to be genetic. There has to be some genetic element to people's vulnerability. Cause like this just makes no sense, otherwise, so for the first I got my guess is Sunday, maybe not that long ago, from now will have a genetic tests, for you could determine how herbal you article. Do you had this gene that these Oxford researchers and if you do you really care for drug credible boy did, but if you don't have it ok, your chances of being a fighting off covert a really good at so but that's where more pre pandemic
If you heard about. How did you hear about your about jack? He's got a cold even answer to hear that, and then you go on with your life people than worry too much about getting the call. Let's say here when you're over Christmas, the flew out really bad eyes. Young, a bigger, is probably to be out for the rest, the weak and then you'll get better. Now grandma gets cold woman you're. The more nervous man if Grandpa gets the flu There are people who succumb to influence and the violence we did not wear masks throttle, winter because we are afraid of called him flows, because I just work that bigger problem that you want to save people didn't take them seriously enough than if they had, we might have had your desk from the flu amongst senior citizens are people who had other health issues in America with alcohol. Was that argument No, we're not gonna mask everybody all winter long, because the phone calls and flues we functions as a society. Normally, we did not really like swimming you wash your hands shore is I mean you should not cloth in people's basis? Yes, what the hell is wrong with you, but the idea that you're gonna get we gotta adopt this.
wholesale change in our lives? This is a very clear signal, its not just like you Now, during the Bob negativity neighbor who yells you for not walking in a single file during the pandemic, because you're here One thing for them, but it's another thing when the CDC director effectively. Somebody was consumed by neuroses and who pay sickly, wants people to wear a mask in fear of routine calls. People get calls all the time and You you, we don't live in fear of the departed nor by the way, is permitted added, suggesting that, if every exposed to stop your immune system never builds up any ability to the wind, do get exposed to some sort of pathogens. we will now they bar the door. It's gonna, really hitching system really really hard. So a little bit of exposure to all these germs out there that actually pretty good for you keep your immune system in fighting shape. It is this, coupled with
early like earlier sprang, rashly cases start to go down the vaccines rolling out things, look pretty good and I don't know where Richfield answers. I have this vision of doom dark cloud. I think, then, that will be done about this like the worst possible time of all the times of the entire pandemic, you could say be careful. I have this feeling of abandoned. Do lead point, was the worst possible time. Things were really get better that I think she's just words we're not talking about science anymore. We're not talking about the actual held recommendations were now talking about someone who just you consumed by a fear of sickness, fortunately, that is part of the human condition and a good functioning immune system, is gonna hold up with everyone. the OECD, grander flu vaccine short by the way, it's worth noting an elite by fifty percent effective below that more some years. There are a whole bunch of varieties of influenza the flood around every year. The people who,
the flu vaccine have to figure out. Why which strange with it grew to be most common? They make them I guess they need the best judgment. Sometimes it works and planted. Doesn't I know a lot of people get the flu, even though the other flu vaccine Ivan lucky and there are usually get through all winter without getting any company called and then right in late spring, It's me like a prop up it I'll get one really bad one for the rest the time so now I don't intend to be worn, masks and I Ruby I dont know I'll, be quite in the arm. Kill it with fire real. highly agitated state of applying, but he's been deceived banana on a tear this past week or so on a whole bunch of issues, but that does not wearing a mask a macro. You know for cold
school, the nineteenth gone or go back to normal, and I don't care what really were shovel as he says about so we know he'd be breakthrough. Undecided vaccines is this Pfizer treatment that here you can get it and take this this drug and drastically diminish here to your chances, hospitalized, getting a serious case of it. So Chelsea to be cook exit question to you when the pending is, is more or less over to be different definitions of that the level of residual masking in the United States of America will still be high, immoderate below be non existent, will be almost non existent
fighting that the laws still require the reason people where mass on aeroplanes, as I told you the second day, not told to anymore now, stop and so you'll see a few people who will essentially whether mosque as a political slogan, but the rest of us will drop it like it's hot them. I think it will be well and I fear there will be placed in a country where there will be no unnecessary laws requiring it for a lot longer. Minister last requiring it now, when I I think, for vaccines, people, it's obviously unnecessary, because most people, In these places it responds nervous about it and what policies like this are with the people in charge thanked the Basle people want, but I think, for the most part at all, it'll keep dropping. and become very low bud and dramatic, who actually vary a great deal by location, most of the country. No, you will not see people wear masks, but I
certain deep blue parts of the country, you probably will see quite a bit of it. I'm not we thrilled by this, but I think you know the seller Corridor West Coast Place, like that made. This is, as you know, this is almost a lifestyle now covert obsession has become giving people a real sense of identity and they're not going to break it up later yeah I think overall below. But I take your point, Jim it'll, very by region. This is it's not me he never I'll just in hand, strong feelings about it, one way or the other during the entire pending kind of annoying, but is a low level. nuisances. As far as I'm concerned, I do think we should take flew more seriously. I mean it is dangerous to old people can be dangerous to young kids. I think you should have schools if they have outbreaks of the flu know, maybe they should mask. Certainly and nursing homes and assist living facility should be,
I am a lot more ready are really really a cautious about the flu, but the problem with what will lend scheme is saying it just does sound like me, creep, and that we have the mass onward and feed the greatness? good are gonna attempt to never let us take them off with them Let's hear from our second sponsor this week, stamped out com looking for ways to skip the trip to the post office and dollar hectic holiday shopping traffic. Why not save time and money with stamps calm, whether you're selling online are running an office or side hustle stamped out common. Save you so much time, money and stress during the holidays. Access all the post office. New patient services. You need without taking the trip and get discounts you, find anywhere else like up to forty percent off you S vs rate and seventy six percent of Eu P Ask pointed the poster. Instead of using stamp that com is kind of like taken. stairs
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yours who allegedly lied to the FBI The irony is here a bound, so crisper steel was not relying on his character, Densher Go, I think, is his name who at one point, was being investigated for parcel being a russian spy, then go. Wasn't term rely. A pr pack who at one point was doing business with the Russians. This was all the material went to the dossier was, are completely ridiculous gossip that even the original version of it and gossip were kind of spun up at a time and shake go and Christopher Steel got two at an end. This was evident really from the beginning as soon as Buzzfeed knows very controversial the time but Buzzfeed published the dossier, and you could read the thing anyone out of common sense knew was. Total garbage
and it was easy to establish it- was garbage either there a couple of things in their that were obviously Wait wait forces russian consulate supposedly in in Florida. The trip that- oh come on supposedly took Tipp the Prague, but b I didn't get around to talk to these characters and really poking prodding. This thing until after headed relied on it to get a prize awards and not not until the whole thing had at spun out of control, eventually creating it an enormous special council investigation. Oh really was looking back a period of mass hysteria and profound liberalism that was inexplicably made worse by the target,
Donald Trump, in normal circumstances, people who are accused of wild fantasies indignant and constructively so but tromp was not, which made it difficult to conclude that everything was made up, even though I think a lot of us, including myself,
suspected that I'm not talking here about the dossier. The dossier was obviously ridiculous. I have often wondered subsequently why I didn't write more about this and I think it's because Trump would on occasion make you wonder he said during the campaign. I believe that he would like it if the Russians hacked Hillary Clinton, the case of its tongue in cheek it was, but you look at the case being made, and you think I wait for.
The result, I did wait for the result. I wrote a few defensive of transport listing of liberalism along the way. I love the idea that crept in that denials are a form of confession that bleeding the faith is a sign of guilt that at that defending it Was obstruction of justice ride and I will said serious constitutional problems with the way the investigation was set up because I believe in separation of powers. So like many, I waited to see and I've been astonished that we ve just moved on and perhaps I'm not really astonished
I'm saying that retard by what we have just moved on, no one who bought fully into it has apologised. No one's been fired from their job as a journalist, no one is lost her a book deal or tv gig over this. No one has. Lost their respective their peers. We just moved on and on, and this is of course why you always need to wait for evidence and you need to apply the same standards to the people you dislike, as well as to the people you like, because what I sense as happened here, is that the people who were the most hysterical about this at least those who don't still believe it. I have reason with himself that it was ok, because it was about Donald Trump and Donald Trump was bad,
The capital be answer who cast up. We should care. This was that this was an incident in american history of collective hysteria precisely the sort for what it's worth it. Those who were in charge of it would have recognised, had come from the other side So Jim or talk about this little bit, forest are recording, sir. What's going on a lot during this period. And it had been a person panel and in their view one punching bag mega type be me and then the bee everyone else whose utterly convinced that cliche at that time, that the walls were closing and they just knew just knew it, and it was that it was the premises I'd every statement and every question and I just costly over to why be very surprised if there is any real collusion-
the Russians given it make just makes no sense on every single level they weren't carbon after clue with people, if the Russians hacking, Dnc in another email accounts. They didn't need trumps, helped to do that. They can do it on their their own, but you know it evidence comes in otherwise I'll say it in. I was wrong, and, and and I'm surprised in and take the facts as as we find them, and no one else. No one else it has. It has been zero accountability. No one has said well, you know I got a little too worked up or gosh. I was wrong and I was right to maybe make you for something about Trump. You know Charlie's referring to. Is that a lot of weird stuff and it a meeting at the hotel which what what what's right there. Moved on. They just totally ignore the fact that they they poured. You know petrol, all over their credibility, through matches on it, every single night on on cable to
that's around America on our pages and that and they think one's gonna notice and work, you know, for the most part, given the world they operate in no one does everyone just sort of. Actually moved on rich from the very beginning, one of the problems. With this theory, There have been some sort of conspiracy between Vladimir Putin and the russian government and Donald Trump, the trunk campaigning. Twenty sixty as you'd like to think that we have intelligence agencies like the central intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, which does offer signals, intercept you'd like to think they'll, be watching the russian government really closely If you're, not the directed their job drive, you did so. If bladder Putin is trying to organise some sort of conspiracy to to control our political system to alter the outcome of elections, all I can to stop yet come, Major debate like one day be looking for that, maybe get a watching for something like that in the two they didn't find out about something like that
They wouldn't just sit on the information that there that doesn't seem like the sort of thing you leave sitting on your desk over long weekend now, we'll get to Tuesday morning. And so the whole entirely. The Miller report as well not motors, not gonna, find The smoking gun kind of story, if he does is gonna, be this giant embarrassment that our intelligence communities in the The item is only finds this stop years later after the election long after the consequences are ignoring the fact that we know what was going on it. unsurprisingly, Buller came out again, can approve this theory laughing stock, but Buller really true, proved out to be dare elected his own duties of the flip side of this, which is like ok, it deserve support this. How? this whole thing gets started. Why was the F b? I get your own investigating this despite the warrant also to stop the other. Aspect of this week's I'll, be indictments, frown, John Jerome that really stuck out to me was
Durham back and like you very early December twenty nineteen, I wrote this long profile. John Durham. I heard that he hated talking to reporters and he never talked to reporters news dislike, very private. You know a guy who almost nobody knew anything about like ok, that's gonna profile on road. It really in depth, and now beside my usual touting my work go about, read it, but I think that inclusion of everybody would work with them and a few times he had addressed the public is John Durham is an exceptionally careful guy. He does Ray, diligent he's not fast moving and he operates on his own timetable and he comes back at once. He comes back with an indictment, Dayton, almost always sticks not the kitchen with prepare through this time, not got somebody doing work outside the house in his chosen to do it exactly outside my window, good timing, fella but I went to the result. Was that I'm not surprised the job. Durham ended up coming and looks like he's got the good
yonder does not think his job is to make. Operate on somebody else's political timetable or to influence elections or stuff like that and since the election you see the whole bunch of Democrats, insisting John Durham doesn't have the goods. This is a dry hole, John Deere, a waste of time, a wild, goose chase, lonely all bank of that says, oh by the way, actually, key sources nodes still dossier. Relying happy I could have done is minimal, checking to figure out they're lying. None of this makes sense and I think it say There is a legal indictment going on here, but I think there's also ethical and moral indictment going on for a whole bunch of people who are not mentioned in the legal documents, and I love what you said it was. It was very, very well stated enforcement system and trying to imagine what was happening outside Europe
Your windows are. I believe this is an attempt to get rid of your deal than any potential insects and stuff, and I think, he's killing each one individually. A sledge hammer or absorb jackhammer he's taking out the jackhammer. That's the most effective way to kill and a good job, but a good girl, great I'm gonna pay for this. Right to explain to you, Zan Media's handling of Russia Gates made? You regard it much worse, moderately, A little worse, I didn't change your view cause you viewed already had bought yeah, I would say moderately worse, but only because he recited my opinion of them was already so well, but I think it was probably the biggest example is early on in the hall. phenomenon of exactly how abysmal there are going to be at hand, handling trump and how there you know the media's in a failure to pursue the truth. We're just gonna be intensified by how much they just like him.
Charlie much worse, morally worth little worse, Nokia much worse. The irrevocable can get it. Close to that, it was near the bottom, so there was a lot of room left to fall, but I do can observe the like in this. At the exact same time period, we been it I've ever having all this Russia, gated, knollys conspiracy theories and is trumped up. Agent and, and I gotta stop- were also being warned about disinformation on Facebook. You know- and Oh I'd like to have the russian bit as well as the election, like. That's that's kooky, crap that everybody can figure it out. This was it was like prime time of embarrassment, b c for like three hours at night for like two years, the ethical and clean green walls make an appointment on Twitter, the other so I think that this Why the prime media failures, since I don't know Jim what Dan rather tours George W Bush a driver.
I've got comparison, but I also note that, like there was basically then rather a merry makes big guide and then on it I cut out on an island but by the end, on an island by the end but things really changed my view. The media of much is just as it was already Kano Rock bottom, so it it objectively. It was shocking, but I wasn't that shocked. Unfortunately, with that, said a few other things before we go Jim Gary. You have moved on from watching the jets and are now watching other football teams with your son No, not a surly at the case, but observe that you know I, like my games at one o clock on Sunday afternoons and be geniuses at the other fellow decided, to give the jets in a five we spend one game in London that started nine one by weak and one Thursday night so this past Sunday my sons and I went hiking around the basin next day park.
We ve got a shop a little, but after one o clock and like you know, it's gotta there's what are our favorite restaurant has a has been one of the restaurants, clear near here. Let's stop by is little at one o clock. They all want to play games going on my apologies to Dallas cowboys fans, because nothing went right, for them is one of those gains for the balls were the doubt, the demographic us. Nothing could go wrong, everything's bouncing, thereby. and which is not the best time and it was just going. It is a reminder of how much fun for watching football could build you a giant pile of wings in front of you and dad you you're you're having written and you're, not watching what the hell is wrong with my team. Why did they call back oh good the guy got injured, dang it. You know I gotta start when a great time and again I guess this is how other for other teams about bands of other team was still at this all the weak. It must over every other. They must go like this all the time and must be awesome. Yes, where the pleasures I have watching college football, Gus Emmy, the guy and it there is really not much factor, usually speaking us watch it for the enjoyment of it
I do hope you guys took note that the Derrick Henry List- Tennessee Titans, still smackdown on the LOS Angeles Rams on Sunday night, two thousand eight hundred and sixty while the Tags House stirring ninety six victory straight out: Blake Bottles, air, so regulations, that other areas like bottles is like the defence of that so then speaking of high level gains and sports in competition. You been playing ball games with France. S I have not going anywhere in the past weeks and a very exciting to report that we do it over and over here nobody spirited play, aroused apples with friends which was good play that game in a long time. Unfortunately,
I did not when much like the jobs, but I have a glorious history of winning subtler. That puts me in terms of supporting the Jeff, yes also but like, but it's a great game or dangerous and programmes for fun with friends. Just just at a cool thing to do, Chauncey, Debbie, Kirk, your three or all the severest floor item you ve three year old son ice for the first time ass. We went up to a wedding just outside New York over the weekend and we rented a car. On the last day we went out into the parking lot to go to the airport and he's my three other staring at a car, because this issue device on it sort of what one is that what is on the car so asked in a roundabout way, and am I wasted eyes? Just I've got you touch it. So it's pudding his finger on the pulse, put back any realized
write his name in it and but he was just so utterly baffled by the whole thing. Is there, unlike the fibre of it at least a little time up in the north, Not only has my three year old spent no time in the northeast, but you ve never been there until this weekend say it was just sir. fascinating example of how you surroundings inform you, what you use to informed is to make coming forming the nicest is pretty normal, but to him this is. This was exam So we have some of our friends on the right who believe we're governed by a deeply corrupt regime That needs to be overthrown, perhaps in a literal, revolution and made may prove that the founders were were wrong and the setting up the governing.
Institutions we have, you have been proved wrong two hundred years, hence and generally think they're wrong, but the one thing that makes me think maybe they are correct as daylight. Savings time was just as a ferocity. I mean the idea that you gonna take wins which is already hugely depressing, and make it seem, like you know, eight o clock at night at five thirty, when it's not necessary is just really, a travesty and an offence against all of us. That is very, very hard, to forgive what that is time for a editors picks, Jim Garrison, ay. What's your pic early, easy, Take this week we have large good stuff, but Jimmy Quinn's. Does the corner person Beijing's Taiwan Invasion Timeline to predictions? It does stories that we talk about this in a couple of past editions of the podcast,
turns others really just a news coming from writers from Chen been talking the directorate. I wasn't a sturdy bureau based. it sounds like you have intelligence information indicating the chinese officials had debated attacking the proudest islands. These are the ones that are like gonna happen between China and Taiwan, and see what kind of a natural first step. If you wanted to see what to get away with They decided to not do it until two thousand and twenty four which, by the way, is when the current term of the taiwanese leader end. So it's the president's, I I believe so you have not yet the intelligence could be wrong. Information could be wrong, but that's the certainly. This is what I want things just as this giant, no pun intended red flag. Like all my good like this is not something that is the usual attention. between these two countries. Yes, I said to separate countries and on its head, boy were no longer being lies solely with walking with integration
This is another glaring example of those things, just like the pleasing to killing or China market fuck me. and almost always Whistler rebuttal heads the withdrawal of Self Alexander. What's your pic attack is chaos. Let us move your view about the new princess Diana movie. He just ass a great job of explaining why it's really not worth soon joined up. I don't know, but because I'd forgotten to do this, and I actually did think about yesterday I asked it's gonna be my outages, Africa. If it comes to you in the midst of my pick, feel free to intervene, and I'm gonna pick the entire. coming issue at print addition, which is entirely devoted to taking such hammer, just like that. The the hardworking guy outside of of gems house at the moment Ruby, weighed and making the case for why the court should overturn it in advance of the oil
events which are coming pursuing here and the courts internal deliberations about So that's it for us even listening to a national park. Guessing you re broadcast retransmission countless game without express written permission she magazine is strictly pro gibbeted, despite Kestenbaum produced the incomparable Sarah shooting, who makes us better than we deserve think Charlie, think exam. Thank you. Jim thanks to still works and stamps dot com, and thanks especially to argue This is where the editors monsieur next up
Transcript generated on 2021-11-09.