« The Editors

Episode 368: Maricopa Dreamin’

2021-09-27 | 🔗

Today on The Editors, Rich, Charlie, Jim, and Phil discuss the 2020 recount results out of Maricopa county, the ridiculous ‘whipping’ controversy from the border, and the Left’s hijacking of the word ‘women.’ 

Editors’ picks: • Rich: Alexandra DeSanctis’s piece “The ‘Women’s Rights’ Movement Goes Woke” • Charlie: KDW’s piece “A Few Bad Apples in Uniform” • Jim: MBD’s piece “The Party of Misgovernment” • Phil: Ryan Mills’s piece “Police Academies Face Recruiting Drought after Year of Relentless Cop Demonization

Light items: • Rich: Lynyrd Skynyrd • Charlie: Surviving the single-parent weekend • Jim: Going to a John Ondrasik (Five for Fighting) concert • Phil: The Great British Baking Show

Sponsor: FastGrowingTrees.com

The Editors is hosted by Rich Lowry and produced by Sarah Colleen Schutte.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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code enters at the trouser dotcom, slash enters again say: ten percent by using the promo code editors at v, I t r, a Zizi, a dot com flash editors. Maricopa doesn't produce the goods by. Horsewhipped the border patrol and what is the future of women? Yes, I said it. Sending word will discuss all those more on today's edition of the editors, I'm rich, lowering I'm joined by the right. We'll Tracy double Cook, Philip, still Klein and the sage about Does the Woods Jim Gary? You are of course, listening to a natural Hi gasser sponsor this episode is fast grew. Trees more about them in due course. If you listen
podcast on NASH reviewed a calmer delighted, have you will be easier for you and better for He made his party or feeding the stream of services out there from Spotify to Itunes, and if you like what you here, please It are giving us a glowing five star view on Itunes. If you dont like what you hear here, please forget, I said anything so Jim Garrulity, we have the Maricopa audit completed whether we have the entirety of the results yet, but the headline for most people, is that the hand rat recount has confirmed the basic research. Maybe tipped it a little bit more and binds direction, but for President trumps says real story is there's a vast amounts of fraud, in Arizona and, of course, of course, of course he is the rightful winner. What do you make of it? well. I don't think much of it because We video is described as a sort of the default setting for the former president,
Pretty much since election night, one running their that he had worn made one in a landslide. This is ridiculous. There was no way this many people could have voted for Joe Biden bubbled up about, and you know We need you all of the law suits from whack doodles like Sidney Powell and Linwood, and all those types number one anywhere. They were for at court system after the election. I should point out you occasionally they would get points. You're allowed to get there. Water is a little bit closer to the counting process. They they got one or two minor victories you're in there there has never been any evidence for these get a grand vast schemes of rigging the election of the president says, and you know the idea that auditing the vote in Arizona was going to suddenly fine. You know, tens of thousands of votes for tromp was never a realistic option.
Resident is often cloaked land. He basically is convinced that he's got some. You know some day like we're locked, this monster tillage appear. You can see this evidence there or alternately. You just can't deal with a defeat, but he wants everyone to believe he was cheated anyway. We believe that your repeats this enough now and believe it probably not him half of Americans will believe it, but probably more than half of the Republican Party will believe it or a large enough chunk to make sure that he continues to be the most dominant force of a party, and I think one of the things that is worth keeping in mind here is the general consensus. Yes, of course, doll from seeking to run again and most people say well. He runs he's, got a really good shot at winning the republican nomination. Some people may even characterize it as a slam. Dunk for the baby, Donald Trump were seeing in mid to late two thousand and twenty one. Clearly, the different use Yahoo unknown quantity to how he's not being evaluated its potential as a president, but he wasn't twenty sixty
I think it might be a little bit of a different persona and character than he wasn't. Twenty twenty in part because he's grown so obsessed with. The presidential election results in, insisting that he one and that there is this strolled residents just right out there it up. It's not. Here today: that's gonna come up tomorrow. It's not the states over that's constantly in the goalposts decide, yellow someday, it's gonna come out. It's not all that different When I read all the others is gonna come out o the storm is common, oh dear, and it's always coming off tomorrow. It's it's always just over. The horizon is just one more little but a threat, and you know why You see some people eventually lost faith in you, and I, not only the most true die. Hard believers really want to do that. I'm gonna wonder about. When the decision about who dominate in twenty twenty four world around for the other party? If Donald Trump remains absolutely obsessed with
There are twenty twenty election relegating insisting now look at the bamboo sheets in the papers and any other kind of crazy stuff does. He is? be up as appealingly character, There are probably to want a more abundant, so, but the here now like I just renting about Americans being left behind in Afghanistan I don't know much about the border he's not talking about inflation is not impose on the mind, he's still really getting twenty twenty I just think that a much less appealing is bigger than the trumpet twenty twenty in the trumpet twenty. Sixteen so fell. What that what folks are hanging there had onto the extent folks feel motivated the thugs who think the election was stolen, kindness, theological commitment. The extent of your motivated to hang the hat on anything specific. It's that this audit, supposedly found there. A bunch people who moved before the election and voted in their prior dresses and or very
kind of phantom voters stymies surgeon databases that are really highly accurate, necessarily plus, doesn't make sense that their apparently publican voters were disproportionately in the piles of suspicious valets. For these reasons you can move somewhere. You know student or something move. Some someplace temporarily and vote in a different locations has not necessarily sinister as betrayed, but what you make the substance of this audit Well, that's the thing I mean. The whole point argument is that I mean I think it's hard to sort of look at some of these details without thinking of the contacts which is that from minds it, we were promised by Trump and his supporters that this was gonna shit like the ones the
results of the audit came out. It would be shocking to everyone and it would show that tromp was truly rod and it clearly did it right so even if there were some examples of irregularities and think that anyone would argue that when Europe, hundreds of millions of people vote in that everything is a hundred per cent perfect and there's never anything wrong. At any point, I don't think any made that point, but I think that if there are legitimate issues that exist, aid unfortunately becomes much harder to talk about those. If people spend months saying everything was com, ITALY robbed and that sort of another problem with the sort of from pasture, which is that I mean he's expecting people today,
not all there might be things that we should work on to make- are elections more secure which would be reasonable arguments to but you're talking about in multiple states count being wildly off and them all being wildly often the exact same direction, and so I think that that some- problematic, and I think that the difficulty that a lot republicans have is that they have to do something ray indulge verse because Tromp has convinced a year most of republican voters that the election was robbed. So it's hard to just come out it's been a hard for them to just come out and say no. This is completely untrue. You bite
whether you like it or not, was legitimately elected. It's gotten really hard for Republicans and the further difficulties to Jim Point about twenty twenty four: is there when you usually try to run against another candidate who may have lost before the army. This argument is. Will you had your chance in you lost? That's the obvious argument you'd make, but, like Hillary Clinton tried to run in twenty twenty, that's what everyone would be saying. You tried to run against travel,
you lost them, that's why we got from so the obvious argument is we got stuck with bite in and a democratic controlled Senate because you lost by then and then cost us the Georgia Senate seeds, but nobody can actually say that or make their argument against job. So I think the Republicans are in a really tricky situation. Regarding twenty twenty four, a lot of people, I feel like I'm hoping that somehow the Trump issue resolves itself, but it clearly what is clearly not going away and so Republicans, you're gonna have to be grappling with it. You know in a couple years so Charlie didn't this, has unharmed hallmarks of classic conspiratorial thanks
because there's no amount of evidence that is going to convince anyone who thinks a stolen that that it wasn't star, because no matter what what the a national count was on election I'd or what the recounts. Places that had them found or what now this audit has as bound is always can be, there's more evidence just over the horizon or there some other cover up. That's keeping the truth from coming out. Yeah. It has all the hallmarks of a doomsday called. Nothing can possibly obviate the core prediction: They can only delay its being accepted or revealed its absolutely absurd.
Started with a position that was entirely defensible. Let's look into it, for I never thought there was Marshall again do, but you don't wanna block investigations move to let the process play out, which I agree with on narrow legal grounds, but again didn't think. There was any case a now, It's our own ordered a compromise. Our own audit staff by the most partisan people, people who have the most incentive come to the conclusion that the audits workin. I arrived to reach a saying, there's not much here must be it on it too. I didn't give the audit process to Joe Biden didn't give it to George Soros
they didn't give it to Nancy Policy. They hired disreputable footsteps. And even those five said sorry embarrassing, and it is of course, all protects tool in service have done Trumps ego, I think, there's gotta be ruled out there. You insult the cyber ninjas. I think bellies exactly correct. Why do president's? Who lose elections? With a few exceptions? Go away?
Because people who have an interest in the party they want to represent prevailing think they would be better off with someone else. Americans tend not to like to look back, but even if they are comfortable with looking back, they tend to prefer a fresh phase and Joe Biden Data from A real number by beating him, maybe you ve, spent the whole year saying look at it. Fray allowed sleepy man and then that phrase. Sleepy man prevails. Then you are open to a fresh face sang the months. My turn Donald Trump knows that and service.
A combination of his unwillingness ever to accept me could lose at anything and his apparent Zaire to run again. He is spun this story into being, but it is just sad that others have gone along with it and that it does, show the hall that he has ever some weak people's minds message in this a trunk cares about most. It's not like. Ok, there's a lot of good policies, lot of good judges, and you know what he did at the election wasn't so great, but let's, let's get drunk back because of the spouses are so good. This is the main thing this is the main and almost only thing form. We saw this this rally the other day where he was I endorse Stacy Abrams because he hates Brian camp so much because brown, camp, wouldn't go along. He still sending letters to Brad, Robson, birth or say you have to declare me the right
four winner of the two George. Elections were almost a year a year out from election that was counted in recounted over and over again coming up with the same result, he has requested their rich. I guess they did up like that. This advice, Despite that, there is no indication based on what we ve seen in the past year, that lets say after the twenty twenty two midterms yell presided danish impression about whether looking at Joe Biden for another term or whether age end exhaustion catch up with him and he decides against putting aside and cobbler here you go here the reins and a new Harris is the de facto nominee interesting effect event scenario, wouldn't choose to run against Cobbler Harrison contest. The nomination me twenty twenty four could be a really good opportunity for the Republican Party, but I think it'd be kind of bankers to say
very best thing. The republican party can do and twenty twenty four is run the guy who lost his stick it before you gotta, say: let's do exact same thing. Get let's see what happens? My guess is you get every summer was up. I mean I've been trying to came out in my mind how you kind of square the circle of saying Trump had his chance and lost without accepting that by them was legitimately elected me Only thing I could come up with the only sort of trompe way to argue against Trump would be to say Well, I'm not gonna to let him still the election trump stood by them and he allowed binding to get away with stealing meal action from his army ever gonna. Stop him have the I'll, be strong, I'll, stop the steel. You're, not really. It is an irony right, Charlie that Sir
a guy. His whole image is built on strength. Has has had this most dastardly deed done to him by forces that he was supposed to dominate and bring the heel, when, when at worst thing in american history is, is happened to him at the hands of these forests.
Why it is an irony, but it's also why he's had to construct this story, because if he can't beat Joe Biden than he can't be that strong any say he's had no choice. He's had to fall back on this as a paradox there that the tragedy of this is that the republican future notwithstanding this monstrous bell, that is under consideration, looks oddly bright far brighter than people thought it with a year and a half ago, then you have a president who is a forty three percent approval ratings collapsed among independence, who, even given the provocation of Donald Trump, could not convince the count to elect him. Resoundingly could not convince the country,
deliver anything more than a fifty. Fifty cent should really have been fifty one, forty nine, if the if the planet in Georgia in the service of dark from could not convinced the country to give Nancy policy. A workable majority in the house not increase. Its position in the states is now in a minority in the Supreme Court. Has. Considerable problems, among minorities, not that every minority in the United States suddenly decided to become a Republican, but that enough have to raise eyebrows, and not just in Florida taxes, but apparently in California too, if you look at the Ex appalling from the recall, the Republicans should be looking at next year in saying we're going to take back Congress, began to do well in the states will well set head of twenty twenty four, with an unpopular president and unpopular vice presidential candidate, a democratic power
It has gone crazy in many important ways and instead it is still litigating. Twenty two, and I understand the why this is it's because- our trump is a madman, but if the Republican Party had managed to come out of that letter,. And I said you know, even with covert even with trumps floors. Clearly something here resonates it and we have a lot to build on and we got a lot done. You could see a real case for optimism, but ass. It was sitting around on this Talking about this insane doomsday called and worrying that it's going to poison efforts in twenty twenty, two and twenty twenty four and, in the long run, that's going to be a problem for trumps.
Taste which is on salvageable among people on the left and many in the center, but could have been fairly positive on the right. If he had left office and said look I did I can save country country goodbye, but he's not so were still investigating what was slammed on collection result in Arizona for no reason other than to fail to do so. Today. Please, his majesty how things can be hard for pumpkins to screw up twenty twenty. Two fundamentally, I think, like it He party era, at its height obesity erosion, because a mistakes are bad candidates, looks like Trump is dead, said on screwing up his own party in Georgia. Yet again, but let me ex question: do you feel Klein percentage yards that Donald Trump will run for the republic,
presidential nomination and twenty twenty four from zero zero chance. He does it to a hundred percent. It's a lock. It say: seventy eight percent him with his age and twenty twenty four around. Seventy eight percent. Askew dispute that we certainly see what you did their Jimmy. I eighty five percent and that remaining fifteen percent as if, if pulling head to head, shows him looking bad against by dinner. Who are the democratic? Germany is the idea of being a two time. Loser might frighten him out of it, but my guess is that he will put off the decision to less possible date just cause, I speak center of attention, so Jimmu member had have. If I asked you this particular question before ashes the question once but forget who is on Might not a bit, but I don't think my opinions changed you much probably to or from seventy nine percent target.
I'm sure the end up repeating the same era that I made in twenty sixteen, but I'm lower. I think Trump stars fighting. I don't know if it will be soon enough, but I think it's fading. I started noticing it fading in Florida, but wondered whether that was just because we are home to run the scientist, but I think that's the case. Small polling and other states showing this is some private. Falling I've been shown There's some comments that I've big gun, hair among people who are very trompe. I think it's about fifty fifty. Is that where you were last month, I don't I didn't I'm not even sure I was on the episode way. You ask this last time that you were, I cannot vote for it I was I'm pretty sure I was fifty fifty I know I was on. The targets were set you, ask your devious question. I can say seventy. Seventy percent
wouldn't be shocked. Charlie's right, I think Trump is stronger than I passed. They could have imagined. I think most of us could have imagined yet him he might not be quite a strong as he seems there might be cut its quiet erosion going on sources, since most of us are so convinced at least Most of us are over fifty percent. So couple was my chair. The fifty percent is gonna, run let me make a double barrelled exit question come back around two. You fill assuming DOM Trump runs in twenty. Twenty four
His percentage eyes of winning the republican nomination I'd say ninety percent can guarantee operates. Seventy five slightly less sir, to lead to this, I think, is about fifty fifty is, while I think they're inexplicably linked, of course, because I agree that if he senses weakness, humane run, the risk for the other candidates is a chump stays at fifty percent and they all split the rest. The vote- and he just crazy, said last time here, what thirty five percent of the votes beginning then it became a better completed by the end. It didn't matter they risk for Trump. Is that over time he begins to fade and we reached a point at which a critical mass and you say lucky last- we don't need you. Thank you very much, but we need a fresh face.
That it works and that we see a moment there was equivalent to the one we saw in South Carolina death when Trump said too, but your brother lightest into war in Iraq and everyone, including all the programme, people several, that's probably it and it wasn't so. I think he has about a fifty fifty chance of winning the nomination tat still pretty kirsch near, but it's not as high as others think on this one Kilo closer Charlotte, I am to fill and Jim. I put a sixty percent. Heaven of front runner, really strong front runner, but. If he goes so much will depend on whether in February twenty twenty four it's parcel, for someone to say version what like I said, you know you lost and we need someone is going to win this time and for it to land and
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it is based on the sly. This lie that when this began trending last week, based on a picture, one or two was immediately demand to anyone who cared to know the truth could easily to ascertain the truth, and even though this was debunked immediately, they had Comma Harris picking it up. You had Comma Harris very pointedly. Releasing a read out of a meeting she had with Homeland security secretary. My work is where she dressed him down over this in basically had to say. Thank you MA am I have another Jen Saki repeatedly at press briefing saying how These images were. And then you have the President The United States repeating This lie attacking these border regions for doing their job. There are the few people apparel in the federal government at the Del Rio Crossing
We actually concerned with doing their job in trying to enforce the border. They did only nothing wrong- they didn't have whips. They didn't their reins to whip. Anyone there twirled, their reins to control and direct their horses and have binding Saying they're gonna pay a price when ongoing investigation, and we have a trump about this when he he do this all the time. The exact same thing- and we would say you can't present states, pre, judge comment on ongoing trials. And investigations, and then you have here we have de norms doing this I'm saying based on tawdry misinformation, yet pretty incredible. I mean you'd, expect a president and not jump on something. That's your trending on Twitter with out
properly vetting, something to begin with secondary lay? What's amazing about this? Is it's not as if this were sort of an off the cuff statement that was made right after the image came out and before it was the bunked this had been out? for if this would you buy them, had waited for days, two way n and then he weighed in a in the most extreme way after it had been clearly to ban them in your have the photographer, who is on the scene, shooting the photos that got misconstrued as the border patrol agents whipping migrants, and that was the photographer said, the Renault WEBS, the my photos being misconstrued. There is not even a question of it and it there's no image
shows any the reins even making contact, incidentally, with the migrants sewage. It's pretty amazing to see that the President come out in that way. There is a famous moment early in the Obama administration in which he said the police acted stupidly and it was a big controversy leading to the whole deal beer summit. But in that case it was them. The police made a mistake. They thought everywhere escaped from was breaking into his own house, so it was a mistake it would. But you know it wasn't appropriate for our whole weigh away at it that way at TAT at tat moment, but the underlying fact. It was true that the police made a mistake in that situation.
Where's. In this case, you literally people trying to illegally entered the country, and the border patrol are trying to do what they can to control them from their situation and their erroneously accused of. Thing and then Biden is piling on and prejudging the outcome based on erroneous information, and I think a lot of this is due to the fact that by then was essentially trapped by some of the over the top rhetoric that was employed against the Trump administration. Now I criticize a lot of aspects of the the Trump border policy. However, I think that the the way that the democratic for this ism was was the commune with all the sort of Nazi Germany references in the concentration camp, and this is Auschwitz and all of that terminology.
I am in a position that if he doesn't come down hard on the border, patrol he's gonna be seeing, as you have the latest term, nazi reminder of the inheritor of these concentration camps, and so I think that that part of what he is dealing with the difficulties of course is that if you come down on these agents- and evidently thousands of these migrants are being released into the the United States, it's just going to encourage more people to come, because the the message is that the Biden doesn't have the back the people trying to enforce the the laws of this country, but he has the back of the
people were trying to break the laws of this country. Neutrality is its spoken, maybe on his part, Casper, certainly offline about that when you re fears is, is been falsely accused of something and that that fear kind of under goods. If I can speak for you, you're you're strong support for The protections in the anglo American system for the accused area, a patrol agents who showed up to do their job one day and all suddenly have been suspended and accused of terrible things. The leader of their executive branch, one of the things that the left collect
Lee and journalists on the left talked about endlessly during the tramp he is was the willingness of the last president and his most committed fans and apologists To establish a lion and defend it, irrespective of the consequences and irrespective of the evidence. And we have just seen this happen with Joe Biden, in precisely the same way ass was described. This was a lie, didn't happen. Photographs demonstrate that it didn't happen. The photographer who took them has confirmed that it didn't happen. The eye witnesses have noted that it didn't happen. There were no whips, the reference
The incident has now taken on its own life. It has been shorn of the original meaning, and yet it is gradually risen up through the government and been repeated, been endorsed and, to borrow a phrase, been weapon. Ized Jackie talked about it. My August talked about it. President Biden talked about it, it didn't happen. They talked about it. Nevertheless, they started an investigation. Nevertheless, I talked about punishments. Nevertheless, why? Because the terrified of twitter is a paradox
the heart of this: why has Joe Biden is where he is because he realized twitter isn't real life because he realized he did not need to take the council of ethically obsessed myopic, twenty one year old, with no skills. That's why he won the nomination. It's why won the election. And now he is actually subordinated to them to the point at which, if a bunch of activists. Who do not believe the border should be enforced a tall and who wish him to ignore his oath of office, make up a lie from all. He would rather get on their side. Then he would stand up to them. I think references to the
the soldier moment our overdone, but this would have been a good one and that only two explanations here as to why Biden didn't Number one he's so cynical that he saw this as an opportunity to distract from the various events, many of which are self inflicted the dragging his presidency down. The second is the he's out of it. Doesnt know, what's happening, didn't pay attention to the story, but is surrounded by people who saw this as an opportunity to distract from the various events. Many themself inflated
dragging his presidency- that either way it is a disgrace not just because he went after the people who work for him enforcing the laws he has sworn to uphold without any evidence, but because he has engaged in a fight, millions of people until they take their dying breath, are now going to believe that a bunch of mostly hispanic men in the border states Ping Haitians and that its just like slavery, because they have been told that by the press they have been told that by the press secretary they have been told that by the head of the age ass, they have been told that by the vice president, who reference slavery herself- and they have been told that by the president, I think
but that should chill people there's not just jump. It's not just some aberration. This how a lot of our politics now works, left and right to President's in a row tramp tramp, Republicans Democrats feel activists have created an alternate reality and had it endorsed by their political side, be, as I saw someone mocking Adam Sir, was annoying phrase. Cruelty is the point. The deception here was the point. He had to say China when weeps others, two options explain binds behavior. I tend towards the latter being out of thorough. This was the most more than Easter, balls in a press conference I sang in of Harris can be prisoner or whatever it's been. I found this most disturbing
speaking to an inability to grasp basic information. And ascertain the facts, and Jim Also, let me ask you so Charlie: describe this phenomenon where all the sudden he's beholding to Twitter left wing Twitter, which is so odd because the usual dynamic the how this works. You cater to the base of your part. When you're securing the parties nomination, then, once you than Amity, you have a lot of leverage and you talk to the centre and wants your president you're, the president right, the biggest guy in the the country certainly biggest kinder. Your party It doesn't matter what a couple ankle buying people on Twitter say, but we see the absolute opposite here where the whole our combines, came primary campaign to his credit was saying that it what it wasn't real, eyes and being right about that against expectations, whereas you Kamel Harris was for
currently wrong, which is one reason she flame out, trying to cater to twitter crowd, costly for the prime, is- and here you have the president, states now apparently, is totally beholden to these people. It all rich, I think, you're, what Certainly Joe Biden did not strain any muscles trying to figure out what actually happened on the border and refuted this instant narrative that this was you know whipping Haitians like something out of slavery and all that stuff But also note, though, the one eighty degree turned me yorkists made in this, traditionally had come out inside another vista whipping going on a Saturday everything four hours, almost like this. Is it the hallmarks of the darkest days of this country b? You know the heat which side of the bread is buttered. Thirsty This comes by Biden, Harrison, legal environment, estrangement are much more comfortable with it
about racism and races. Law enforcement and all my goodness, this looks like something from before the civil war. How could this be happening in twenty twenty one? The pseudo moulding about this? There much more That discussion Discussion of on revising the border, Secure- you guys said you insisted the twenty twenty campaign that you did not believe in open borders. And now we have a situation that an awful lot like open borders is really going occasion that the binding administration really wants to enforce security or immigration law. And they didn't want to have a border discussion, illegal immigration discussion. They know that Let us just even acknowledging that topic those badly for them. It's been you're going for months bite and early on its agenda. This is just part of a routine regular seasonal pattern, it's nothing that you have not sorry that that's that clearly, what's going on here, and also, I think, there's a certain beggar giving binding
credit here, it's possible of bitter enclaves, it yes, they were whipping the Haitians and bite it out. I got that's terrible, never bother to look any further this, but let's like look at this will really cynical cost benefit analysis if binding Harris get out there and say we are shocked, shot at what those crazy racist, customs and border protection agents are doing, they placate the basic, they get a new cycle, its back about racist law enforcement again at every step. Forgetting about the ten thousand people a year, people congregated Del Rio, and what is your gonna lose his integrity? but that at all Let's observed the presidency has been in trouble from I've been in trouble ever since the Kabul fell so maybe winds wherever they get them and a new cycle that is spent talking about. Could you believe they're whipping the Haitians on the border is a new cycle. That is spent on pay it I'll disguises
as you know, that they were not open borders but there's an absolute disaster there, but a disaster for six weeks now then that a darn thing about it lobby Karla Harris going to Central America and saying don't come to do any good that, like that's all bad today, I think, if anything, we will see more of these ready made twitter left centric popped, heart narratives. But in a few minutes later ready to go about racism about public climate change, all kind of familiar stuff of it out Biden is: the other part of that and a partner to throw law enforcement under the under the bus to do at home does anybody under the bosses not does not break up? Obama and Bill Clinton had buckets of charisma work with when they ended up in India there in the dog house or in response? there's another three easy. You really are the Israel ginger, but the twitter left is much more symbiotic agenda. Then he said
he was the lead, the world to believe everything. You have said that you may have very strong case for the cinema. Conch interpretation is sir, with that, Squash new fell, Klein all Hydro, my work ass. He was on Fox on new Sunday yesterday, admitting that they released ten twelve thousand haitian migrants into the country, despite their suggestion, that was always dishonest that they're all gonna get deported when their religious can have a few plans go back to Haiti. Our hundred my work, as will be out as homeland Security, secondary before the mid term, spur after the measures a table for check up. I think you'll be out sooner because of all the verse times that he was called on from whipping kids o way. Now I just heard that the act which addressed
Bennett before declaring war is before people you can bank on it its unanimous from the editors panel. It will happen. He is out for the new terms with that you could for the coming NASH, Review, Institute, Buckley Dinner dust off your tuxedo or ballgame. Our eyes is back. Please join actually wants to act. Twenty four, Furthermore, in Dallas Texas, for the eighth annual William Butler Junior Prize dinner, this year's gala honored Letter LEO and Eugene Meyer, the federal society, with the Buckley Prize for leadership, to put thought and at a myerson for present plants, be round table with a prize for leadership and supporting liberty
hope you join at arrived for the special black tie affair celebrating Bill Buckley Legacy and ask readmission and mission and honour Rees, limited tickets and sponsorships are available. All proceeds go to support and our eyes educational and outrage programmes at advance the principles of a free society, arse BB online it W W w dot and are institute dot, Org that Albania, we w dot and are institute dot Org We hope to see you in the Lone STAR State this October, so Charlie. We have other front in the ongoing battle over a language in this country. The word woman is highly embattled. You posted on is used SL you tweet, I tweeted out with better Ginsburg quote where they had it too,
bother eyes it and take out all the references to women. You seen various Innovations bending over backwards to come up with new and different ways, to describe pregnant women, women in general, a Tampax and always had been urged to refer to people who men strayed or men, strader errors by administration. Won't use present women they they go with birthing persons CDC organization, which is supposed to be fighting pandemic, has gone to pregnant people. He Academy of breastfeeding medicine once people once people refer to just feeding, road and breastfeeding. What do you make of it or do I make of it? I think all things ridiculous. First off I reject many of the metaphysical claims
I've been made here, but even if I didn't, I dont think we need to alter all of our language in order to include them. It isn t a reasonable to talk in generalities then acknowledge that there are people at the margins. You don't match them. This ongoing attempt to you for my eyes were generally or expand every word in the english language in case someone somewhere doesnt fail included by it is ridiculous. And its ended up with videos, if just in Trudeau of all people unable to remember all the letters in the L B, G T speak. You are series that seemed to grow like say you can see that the fear in his eyes is like is my career over now get through all the letters yeah set that part of it. It is said that I think the specific example of Ruth bade against, but actually is a good one,
I wrote about what it said about the ACL you, but the reason that this method. Was that the ACL? You changed what Ruth Bathing Ginsburg meant. It wasn't merely updating language that One point could be construed as narrow and making it more quote: Unquiet Inclusive, it's not the equivalent of changing man to people or persons. Ruth beta Ginsburg had a particular judicial philosophy. She had a bit kill a wealthy, a famous wealth because it turned out now I don't share it, but it wasn t Lee Coherent Ruth beta Ginsburg, believed.
That if men and women were to be equal under the law, in other words, if the fourteenth amendment were to be applied between the sexes, that. A legal right to abortion was necessary otherwise men would have the advantage of not having to fear unwanted pregnancies and could proceed accordingly. If you do what the ACL you did here, which whole bunch of organizations to across the board you? Actually changing the meaning of other people's words and your changing, the content and the nature of many of our conversations. Ginsberg said. The decision, whether or not to bear a child is central to a woman's life and they feel you change that to a person's life. And those two things are the same:.
So I worry not just that we are being annoyed by all as this, not just that we had looting our language and making ourselves less precise, but that we are actually making it difficult to have useful conversations have. I were on the left. Also worry that I am. Diminishing my ability to recruit certain groups to my side and historically, abortion has been an issue that is motivated women in both directions
Because they are women by expanding this out into this sort of vague and encourage sense of persons. I think some of the sharp edged stab gets lost, but my main problem with it is that it makes us less size and it makes us less comprehensible in much the same way as politically correct language. Around immigration does the average peace. Now that you read on illegal immigration is incomprehensible because everyone is described as a migrant The guy who comes over with a green card is a migrant. The guy who walks over is a migrant. I read a piece in the Washington Post a few weeks ago about a guy who was a migrant, but he wanted to be a migrant and this guy pretended that he can
help. The migrant become a migrant, but actually he couldn't help the migrant become a migrant, because he was a fraudster and said the migrant ended up not being the sort of migrant he wanted to and had to leave yes, it was a migrant elsewhere, that's where we always stuff and it's it's damaging to our ability to talk to one another. So agenda says all the hallmarks of the latin necks campaign, which is has also been completely preposterous. You'd origins, listen to you guys are destroyed This thought that guy better the good old days when the controversy is that they want to spell women with a letter. Why somebody's going to create your by comparison, foggy and have a letter. Why that's great part of a lot of the lot of how these these debates go forth, Is someone will, emit met somebody. What's it is persisting Bruce. Are you know the person is Bruce
and one day Bruce analysis. I wanna be noticed. Caitlin. Now many of your friend said yeah. My name is acts, but my and one calls me why was the time? Look? Ok, I'll tell you why I call you buy anything Jen. Would we have this? This operating philosophy was most of it. That's the operative lost in our life cuz. You want to call people that they prefer to be called. You want to you'll be polite, be courteous, you you don't. We would not your if someone really hated it. What's a Europe, a senator from Texas in IRAN is yogurt. Didn't you preferred because TAT rather rap yell, you would not want Colleagues, somebody rubbia reformer governed Louisiana. You know everyone insist upon you push instead of Bobby or something like that, This is a rope. Buildings are obnoxious. These things are unnecessarily combative, an attack. Stick in our relationships with people say most, had that instinct. If someone says Look. I know you always knew me as John, but now I'm Susan most people have this,
instinctive our ok. I guess I should call this person Susan, but the differences that the person is decide on the inside. I am a woman. Therefore, you must call me a one, and it is not merely a matter. Went beyond. Courteous must have gone beyond politeness gone beyond respect for some years. It is now you must redefine in your mind. You must and how you think these things you must no longer think of these are women, and these are men. This operating system work for many many generations going back centuries going back malaria there now that these new, your personal three categories, and now it was a face. Like twenty seven genders, you can pick farmers idiots. It's only to create but suddenly of all these different options, including demanded of us ever heard up soon, have you not prime minister to go problem of like how many letters and whereby forgotten and is there in an hour percent in there somewhere or what other stuff. So it's very true, king of poles, keep showing that how Latinos Latina was never.
We called? Let's let annexes little if next, as I hope, your whole pronounce it anymore, but it What are those things where this? You know the people who are assisting with this language, police. They're trying to run around the place. You can no longer see that word. Every word is now the equivalent of the end were now all of a sudden moves. You know that the harshest social consequences economic consequences must be brought to bear. On someone who didn't name someone, Miss jail. Any of that kind. We gotta get a jump down. These people get done of risks and instead of scurried been recognised. Did anyone asked thirteen, also Latinos if they prefer? The latter makes it if they dont. Why are these other people who are not latino or latina you'll like it away? Almost all, is being driven by highly educated, extraordinarily left wing white people who really want to run tell us what we can't get four people, which is he bit as arrogant as any previously existing system, but because there
There are the latter, convinced, though, the good people and have always forgiven, Fairly, underline claim here is is basically set biological sexuality is I got a novelty, is just not a real thing everyone's on this completely fluid spectrum where they can pick and choose at any time, and this is, I think, what you tell me about this men more than anything else, is that I'm we could argue you. There were many debates over the decades about what's racist, your successor, homophobic and people can argue about where, Wines are, and what should be, you know considered acceptable what you know, what what should you do to be tolerant and so forth, but in this case it's the first moment I can recall where
There is actually an effort to make you just deny reality and if you do, if you basically are just stating what reality is your intolerant and I don't and so on the one hand you can't say that biological sex exists. You can't say that
I'm only women could get pregnant and the language gets so distorted that now, if somebody decides that he or she wants to be called nay you're supposed to, even though since grammar school, you learn that if it one person you have to say here she- and they is only for two people in it- something that would get flagged year of any twelve year old tried to regular name you how to ride, try to use them for a single person. Now we're supposed to pretend it.
But he just wants to be called the day that we just says vague and so to me it really problematic, and I mean we had in the Lancet new issue, which is supposed to be a scientific journal and may wrote a piece about menstruation and women's health and how its not hasn't been taken seriously by the miracle establishment and they refer to bodies with vaginas. This is your what was supposedly the leading british medical journal, and so I stick it extremely problematic, and it also contradicts a lot of what we learned, your what feminist emphasised for decades and all the unique issues that they talk about that apply to women. It's now just anyone. I am its it
moving so fast and furiously, and I don't really know I've people realize how out of touch it is with the mainstream? I if I were running republican political campaign. I think that in every district in my country they should just be asking their opponents. Do you think men could give birth? Do you think maybe get pregnant demand? Menstruating I mean I. I just think that it's just sort of ridiculous the Democrats feel the day you can now say like pregnant women. So what would you say about how're primed from from view young age to think that the word They and their have a very particular meanings. The daily beast peace a couple months ago about Courtney, starting this is at the young woman is famous for four, not really.
Very understandable reasons if she married some fifty zero guy aged sixteen and then became tabloid fodder and then came out the binary a while ago story which honours the proud pronoun rules now it it's off, they and their they just makes. No sense, I mean the stories almost incomprehensible for for any person who's who hasn't soak themselves in these insane new rules. Patrol cook the question to you that the term pregnant woman is on the way out, yes or no, absolutely not that this is the equivalent to latin acts. I forget who said that the correct- and I think this is, of course a guess- we're u correct! This is absent,
nonsense. Nobody talks like this. Nobody likes his stuff, it's being foisted on us in the press and when they work out how unpopular it is. The will phase it out ass with night in accidents. It's it's just Jim Gary's unaware, yes or no. Now you know, I hate that the left is emboldened by other successes in the sort of culture wars, and this is total overreach by them, and there is no way people are gonna. They're gonna get the type of buying which is in passive, oh well, I'll. Let other people do something, but it's actually trying to force people and in trying to get them to actively say things that they know a ridiculous, so
say no, we don't get their son, you say yes, I think institution either there. You know when I think majors, Vision will stop using this word. I think the answer Ordinary people, though, is obviously no with their let's hit a few other things. For we girl, Charlie Cook. You warned us when we recorded Friday recording Monday here a little earlier than are accustomed Tuesday. That you were going to be all alone, I'm daddy duty over the weekend. How'd it go, it went well, we all survived. I had as many kids at the end of the weekend as I have the beginning and no extras on pointed out. This can be a pitbull to you can accrue all the chill.
When you're looking up here and I didn't happen- didn't have any honey I blew up. The kid moment saw any local news apparent says that my wife might have been able to see. I say doing nineties. Adventure movies gotta get time the weather was spectacular, the kids were good and jam. I guess that means I have to do it again at some point. So, Jim Gary you went to a John Andres. It can't concert at the invitation of none other than John hundreds but here we are so were also known as five for fighting and powerlessness out there who that's not bring any bells for, render unto them want to Superman, saw I can't stand flung. I'm not naive, very big hit back then folks. I desperately lot about eleven firefighters felt that song color article their sense of a sense of feeling responsibility to be strong, but also having their own
vulnerabilities that they didn't have an easy time, showing that everybody else, but what you tell you I don't feel so say he's conservative views, Lisbon involving you're, so and veterans causes and John. A drastic has been like very plugin what's going on Afghanistan. Has this protest song called blood on my hands that he's playing at the end to the concert, concepts? Terrific and there? If you have a chance to go, see him, I would encourage the yeah so after his profile, with a string quartet at the end of his regular sat with the string quartet, departs could deliver them yet taint, Yogi EAST he's wearing it. The slings and arrows for taking the staff of the song is very critical of Biden and Austin and Milly and Lincoln. But it's a good times and by also describes very receptive, I figure is going round. The was dizzy area is ready for a message like this,
and I guess I just see him- is remaining stopped in the store conducive to find. You are transect great Spanish, a gas thoroughly transcripts, but I'm just a sort of it's one of those mysterious things that I don't particularly like reality, tv, even I enjoy cooking. I don't particularly like cooking shows an I dont like british food and yet for some reason, I find myself entertained by the great British Baker and I ended up watch several seasons of is now under the new one started this past week, and I am already watched the first episode. So it is one I just those bizarre elements of comfort it where you gonna get into the characters. Unlike other that's gonna, u know be a disaster
Why are they doing it? That way? You know. Why are you trying to pull off the fund down there? You don't have time with this. This is funding is actually Charlie, also watched several seasons of the great Rebecca. I have against my will figures, mostly in Guantanamo. When it happened now, life, which is this all the time and then I was sure turn it off said. This is. This is a great example of of me being and America fire from Britain and a lot of Americans being angry files from America, and often never the trains. For me, sir. I've been going through a little bit about lettered Skinner phase and I've been watching this Netflix documentary. If I leave here tomorrow, about. Mr Skinner now thinks we home Alabama has two trillion at the rock fan and rock student at the urine
but it has to be considered. One of the great American Rocks Andre absolutely it's just amazing song and and been listening to. It stumbled on this oakland, one thousand nine hundred and seventy seven July, one thousand nine hundred and seventy seven Lynyrd Skynyrd concert, Just our rip, roaring version, of sweet home Alabama also just incredible version of freedom, The prize is a legendary concert and is considered, their best of performers. Unfortunately, the leads the band several other members met. A horrific and tragic end in a plane crash are not not long. After the but what's brought on by this documentary, one is- you can view they got it, something like exceptionally good something it helps to be talented, but you really have to work like crazy and these guys, all they did, certainly before them, they made- it was just rehearse rehearse- were hers it had to- Shack. They there
Charlie's neck of the Woods Jack Straw Florida, the solution on a river that they called the Hull House because it's so hot and uncomfortable and a guy Member of the ban would very often stay overnight alone there with a shot gun you might have to ward off your crocs or something or other, because people steal their equipment that anyone. Anyone to take their staff, but they rehearsed they're from seven aimed at eight p m and the story, Sweden, home Alabama is, I guess I had three power. Guitarists is when it went instinctive things about the the ban. And they came in one morning in this one guy said the riff starts off sweet Sweetheart Alabama starts off the song and another guitarist played Plato or for that reason, and then Ronnie The lead singer had had the the chorus pretty quickly and then he went down to the river to fish. This is the way he composed. You couldn't write things down, Egypt, he just do it in his head,
and he listened to the ban kind of worked out the music and he could hear it from the river and just wrote all song in his head came back. They they played it. He sang it. And then they called their producer and producer Sazen Documentary one the hallmarks of the bandages when they showed up at us You better have to work on anything. It was just everything was down, they burst it over and over again, but they they write events, cause and says: look I got it gotta come now. We gotta come tomorrow. This is the song. This is song and as soon as the producer heard it is like yeah did do come in tomorrow that this is a hit and he was right. Side is a little bit misunderstood. It's not be unreconstructed. Albert Asian everything about Alabama. Certainly George was as trade some debate controversy about that, but they are there
most of the song that creates some distance, there's not not quite what it seems, but certainly great right, song, and this documentary is is. It is not that the this document will you ever see, but is a great look at scattered, and I just love rock and roll stories. I love story about when name when, thereby to hit it date, when our cusp of of great So with that, it's time for ETA tax Jim Garrulity. What's your back so I want to apologize for any noise in the background. Apparently there now working on the kitchen with but sounds like a giant swarm of mosquitos. I'm not really sure whether works were that fits into the construction process, but that's what they're doing right now I see now Michael british authorities, the Party of MR government and a kind of filling there's, a lot of people think of service. Being anti government every just where hate government, like this kind of peoples
and unless you know about politics and workable definition of conservatism tends to blur over into almost an hour. Whispered state government, raw and, in fact, that we want government to focus on just a couple of really important. SK usually enumerated duties and leave it at that and stop growing and everything and there's this perception the demo you know what they're doing when it comes to come and back. They aren't They don't know what you're doing a break liberated already lays out really effectively how the Administration is demonstrated that the view of the Democrats party really does not work the levers of a giant massive ethanol bureaucracy, Really damage but of the Republicans do and you see in Afghanistan and you see it is spent Can you see it in the border situation and this is an important point to dispel the Got the Democratic Party might be the party of government in the sense that most people who work for the federal government, both for Democratic Party and most people. Democratic Party wanted spanned the size of the duties in the budget the federal government, but they do
actually know how to make it work any better than the Republicans do and really undermines the case for electing Democrats on a on a deep and fundamental level, so that your bet they're. My check is a piece out today by Brian Mills, the reported police up at peace, and what it's about is about how police Academy is ours, seeing mirror new class sizes shrank in after the year of all the time,
fond of the police in the increasing anti police rhetoric, and so the articles had a police academies face recruitment, recruiting trout after a year of relentless cop, diminish Asia and it's sort of troubling trend that warrants attention. I got your back to my pig. Actually is a reported police by Kevin Williamson who points to LOS Angeles. Were he right some of the sheriffs deputies archly crime syndicate? Am, I I'm not an anti, Police guy, but I also want good police and there are some bad police out there and Kevin's peace shine a light on some of them, especially in California,
Well, that's a really bad police and we should be. We should be bothered by he's basing this on a report from the Rand cooperation, which has somewhat neutrally even in an and Anna dines. Chronic called the wrong doing, again some police in California that the title of the pieces, the gangs of allay because. These guys are in Cannes and just worth remembering. Firstly, there is no such thing as a perfect institution, and, secondly, we need people to watch the watchman and the cooperation and now given Williamson, are doing that. Sir. My take his peace, I'm a couple weeks ago I used brush up on the whole women controversy called
his rights movement goes work by Alexandria. The sanction send Vonage has been an absolute rock, install we're just knocking down this. This kind of Saturday constantly on the website and constantly on twitter, and my hat is off to her for it. So that's it for us Finally, that this is where what we answer as a second, our twenty minute, podcast or somethin in getting pretty close. I think we, despite being a record in terms of in terms of length, but anyway, even listening to a very long national viewpoint. Asking you re broadcast, retransmission countless game without express written permission. Sure you magazine strictly prohibited. This part gasoline produced by the EU, comparable, forementioned. Sarah makes it sound better only deserve. Thank you, Charlie, thank Jim, Think, Phil. Thanks fast growing trees, dot com, like specially for oil, Really editors I'll see you next,
Transcript generated on 2021-10-14.