« The Editors

Episode 358: A Catastrophe of His Own Making

2021-08-24 | 🔗

Today on The Editors, Rich, Charlie, Alexandra, and Jim discuss the seemingly endless horrors still continuing in Afghanistan, Biden’s drop in approval polls, and why we still seem to be at Code Red with COVID.

Editors’ picks: • Rich: Andy McCarthy’s piece “Biden’s Appalling Trust in the Taliban” • Charlie: Dan McLaughlin’s piece “Joe Biden Is Who We Said He Was” • Alexandra: David Harsanyi’s post “Biden’s Defenders Are Flailing” • Jim: Kyle Smith’s piece “Andrew Cuomo’s Utterly Shameless Exit

Light items: • Rich: Going through a Wild West phase, Legends of the Old West podcast • Charlie: The talent of balloon artists • Alexandra: Visiting Mount Vernon • Jim: Zach Wilson

Sponsors: Babbel Masterworks

The Editors is hosted by Rich Lowry and produced by Sarah Colleen Schutte.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What happens on August thirty first in Kabul, how, publicly. Damage is Joe Biden and will covered ever and will discuss all this more on today, addition of the editors Amritsar, I'm doing this voice by the right honorable, Charles CW, Cooke Alexander's and the scientists and the sage of authenticity, woods, Jim Garrity. You are of course listening to a national view. Podcast their sponsors. This episode, our babble and master, works more about them in due course. if MRS Podcast directly on now review dot com would lead, have you but to be easier few better for us, he made his party or feed at industry services out there from Spotify Itunes illegally What you hear here, please consider giving us a glowing fire
The review I tunes, if you don't like what you hear here, please forget, I, Sir, Anything so Jim gear already We had exit question our last absurd about whether things will get better. Or worse on the ground. The evacuation, I might be the only ones that said better and I was wrong with we ve got some numbers. Out there, but has still been extremely chaotic. Even more chaotic people trampled people dying of it, exposure just equal conditions, and now I have the Taliban saying you know what we're stick into this August thirty first deadline for the? U S to get totally out. If you stay beyond that, there will be unspecified consequence and you have Joe Biden saying as of now you forget now by August thirty, first a week from
a recording early Tuesday afternoon. What do you make of it? This is about. bet, it's not about as bad as it can get. It could get worse because we could have America servicemen. american civilians killed. That's just but the old on wrong the I have a reader who worked for a contractor who worked in Afghanistan a great deal over the past few decades engineer, construction. Ah you don't want me to list specifically which bases its garrisons and things like that that his company had worked on, but it done quite a bit in some for thee. and government in the security round and he's been given me updates every few days and how things are going because his company Thousands of Afghans over the years and just about all of them are, can we expect to be killed if they Taliban income.
is that anyone who worked for the Americans is considered target, and so he knows lots and lots of people who are basically living with a death sentence and in some cases hiding in and around a bull trying to figure out a way to get to the airport. The Taliban is not allowing t going to back. The officially announced amply further today, that. Any skilled afghan should not be permitted to leave the country, keeping him on the tab. Bandit. Have the best upload troops in general whenever you get up to a check point, is always the question of Some you now angry young man have a issue trigger figure or not as you mentioned, the deadline is August. Thirty. First, no one is exactly what's going to happen. I gotta update for my reader earlier today, and he said the Good NEWS is the state department. Email program had stop bouncing back the EMA else, but he was goes to submit the verification of employment, to that's good news. That stretch of Friday and Saturday he's worker
the clock in a lot. I think, save at the Samaritans purse organization circular. Looking for somebody to sport during all this, that seems like a group that is more than pulling its weight but the baddies is the clock is ticking there studies, as did the best news he's had, was about seven hundred. Was people got out and a day over the course of three flights, but you look your numbers of a number of Americans laugh, which were told, was ten thousand to fifty thousand, and we were at work Four hundred, as of yesterday afternoon, than the sheer number of Afghans will be to get outward, don't you put it very simply: do the math. We can't get everyone out by that anything new, concluded when I can't think about that right now. I've got a focus on getting as many people out as I can right now. It's off, It's not his job to think about what happens on you don't midnight September. First It is the by demonstrations, job think about that, and it sounds like as a road for restart deepening. The word is not pursued
closed shop. On August, thirty, first military will start packing up. Your fears have been implication. That is, if you're too, Can you not by August thirty first you're on your own yeah, and if we just pull up stakes and leave Americans behind it will be hard to think of a group you're national humiliation, in our history of circle, be right up there with them. You know that the burning of the White House in the war of one thousand eight hundred and twelve and whatnot so then they're lot people don't like good work, Like him, verities friends, I have a number of people are now in a national security sphere HU as about a week ago. Also just sorry, I don't have time to talk- were totally devoted to trying to get people out Ngos have done tremendous works. The victorious had been really helpful flying people out, but it is not clear.
That the Afghans who are most deserving are getting through anymore Josh Rogan at the wash imposed tweeting earlier today that the the Taliban has been calling out I ve so called suvs and keeping them for adding to the airport. So it seems maybe getting more random Afghans than that are that the people who work directly for us I believe we should fly out the random Afghans, Then they should be flown to third third countries in and not necessarily I come here at the end of the day, but our arms they were getting out. I want a cab, it's not clear that we're getting out the people who were really made out a more open attitude. Yannick
you know it's just more evidence that what's happening is that you didn't have to go like this and could have been organized to know who never was going to be a great situation when we eventually pulled out and are given how involved with in. But it didn't need to go like this. I think what's host about it- is that you guys you described all of these for many people, who aren't even you know directly responsible for any of it, are now responding? it's going on trying to help doing everything in their power to get people out to know just wrath. My head one example: sender, Tom Cotton is trying to help people get out of there. Everyone who can do anything seems to be doing something, except for Joe Biden and his administration right all they're, doing a saying, oh action. no one stranded right, that's the the most recent line. We saw it today, I think was from from John Saki. Oh no one strengthened their right. What Obviously, that's not true, I guess there's just demonstrably false.
So it's prisoners and everybody other than the president has decided to do everything they can to get people out. Whether that's Americans were there or afghan refugees who need help, and I have to imagine- as the president wanted to do something or wanted to direct others who are able to help to do something be doing not me, maybe maybe our by machines, maybe more going on then we know about, but, from what I've seen reported, it seems as though he is actually the least effective and trying the least of anybody to do, anything helpful either for our own citizens or others. There need help truth, I'm baffled by him. I can, on this stand Or at least I can comprehend the at times. He has to put the best gloss on it, but you can. I can. Understand- or at least comprehend, that he things in the long run. Americans will fall back
being pleased that we are out can't understand how that fundamentally messaging strata, you can be allowed, as it is being intrude upon a practical strategy, so I can see, why he would say this was going to happen This is why we need to get out anything, he said in his speech the other day. This demonstrates why it was important to get up Einstein. There are Americans and that ah Afghans that we want and need to extract still physically in Afghanistan, many of them in Kabul. So what does he think is going to happen? If he doesn't do it,
we think the story is going to die because its the story may die once the evaluation is finished from had the withdrawal been done properly, it may well I have died and in a year's time people may well have looked back and said. President Biden got us Afghanistan, but he fast forward. This. And so we learn this morning that he intends to honour the August thirty first deadline, because the Talibans told him to against their wishes. The g7 against the wishes of forest Johnson, the british Prime minister against them vice of many people in the United States and apparently against the mass, which holds that we cannot be finished by then at least not at this rate. So when that deadline comes around
at midnight on the thirty first of August How does this go away? How does this end. because those people is still going to be there and we're all going to know that their there and the press, which has actually been good on this. stories presumably also going to know this, and it's going to keep pointing this out. I saw their families and anyone who advocates on their behalf, so I'm baffled by its strategy once again here, so Gemma US taking similar hoo hoo, saying that risk keep an eye on these bees Taliban guys geyser guarding the the gate sought on the outside cause, their special Taliban, so called special forces associated guy a colony is very close, closely associated a kite us I mean you have people like one step removed from being Al Qaeda fighters, basically guarding the air
while at the same time the president I stay says Al Qaeda is totally gone. It is not going to be a problem. And is it just bizarre binds rationalizations here- could went from initially. July AIDS, We can pull out because the the afghan army is very capable and end that government I've told the government to negotiate with Taliban and everything can be fine. They're gonna stand, Then it went to well. We all knew what was going too far and now his his way yes, I believe was in his Sunday afternoon. Press conference was, it was We're gonna be some version of this by those always gonna, be a humiliating debacle, no matter who did it in what form yeah? That's it. the opposite of what he was telling the country on July. Eight, which was not that long ago, certainly was not that your roughly five to six weeks before the country can completely collapsed into the hands of the town.
He was telling us we are not receiving. The Taliban was extremely unlikely. He told us lock. This has been. absolute buster, you know what from beginning to end there's some indication that the rate of getting people out is getting better overtime. Although I cannot help but notice, the White House keeps using coalition figures Instead of U S figures and effectively taken credit for things d, british and german and french and other NATO members are doing it all, is gonna you're. Taking down to the question of what the heck happens on thirty first, the messaging has been so bad strategy has been so bad. They just over all sense of denial of how often president goes out in front of the camera and says things that almost immediately foreign, correspondence say no. That is not the case. The Taliban. Is not helping. The Afghans go through. The Taliban is not being you'll like it left,
and a lot less birthright it. Joe Biden goes for the country. It says the Taliban is cooperating. and we ve been like an hour, is deferred secretaries on a conference foul of Congress, and he says a ban members are beating and whipping Americans were trying to get to the airport, is the president. Pay attention is briefings. This present. Getting briefless purposes is some sort of, like don't tell the boss. This is turning into a cluster. by Befuddle hears beside myself with how much the government is just run. Mr Mobutu, who doesn't see Anything going on around just utterly appalling and averages. Left in this situation, where you were trying to get everybody out I'd but basically suspicion. If there is a light on it home in inside bided, said Is this absolute faith that you know yeah? This is going to be really bad. We're going to leave that Taliban all kinds of advanced US weapons and
sure they'll set. You know shall, after that equipment to the Chinese, the Russians and all that stuff, but America's what get by October. America's will forget by November, even if we leave some folks behind even if their hostage shaped sooner, let America's will forget about there's been a great big spending bill coming ever is gonna, be happy with this. Things will be fine by Christmas, and I just don't think that's the case and, I fear president. I states is walking around in this lines of denial. As asked I can also earlier to another foreign policy pro Donald Trump Fan Republican The horizontal fan and you're saying that this is this is one time when you really want Donald Trump to be cause. Biden has zero leverage. I don't take. The Taliban fierce him at all. and Donald Trump, even if he had gone all the way down this route, we don't know whether he would have certainly is Negotiations set in motion has withdraws set in motion, but if he'd gotten a situation
he'd between right now, every Americans coming out or a bomb in the hell out of the Taliban and The Taliban would have to take that seriously and it is no way or, as is very unlikely Biden, is going to wear them of any sort of leverage with any sort of somewhere threat. yeah. I certainly I didn't have a lot of faith in Trump as in passing leader for a lot of reasons he made me nervous being in charge of our foreign policy and a lot of ways, but I think you're right or that the person you're talking to his right to think that this sort of atrocity never would have happened, and we might have seen some kind of withdrawal Afghanistan that almost likely would have disagreed with in one form or another, or that could have gotten better. suppose I don't really like that. You have cutting a view of the Taliban and in any sense, but it is very difficult to imagine transport of light, Americans be stranded there and that he would have you know
this kind of public facing while we got a mere two partner with the Taliban and make sure they agree with us and Navy well have must scored our peoples, the airport, if they wouldn't mind doing so. Just a ridiculously weak ex. Why on earth? Would we think that they're going to help us and your basically just going on on television and begging them publicly to to help you, as you try to run out the back door? If your tail between your legs out, it's not a strong public image, Janata think Trump would have given one. Even if we had had just groups. Other things by heart went to Troy S, question to you. I fled terror situation were praying for everyone involved, but exit question on August thirty, first a week from today You think that we will have evacuated all Americans if we have evacuated. All Americans will find some way to extend our presence there, despite
What the Taliban and Joe Biden are saying right now or we're gonna leave Americans behind. No, I don't think we will leave Americans behind. I think Biden we'll have to extend. The deadline of its not done by then- and I thank him. not notice today, but he is going to come up against the reality, which is that not just the public, but I think many if his own party in Washington are not going to stand for leaving behind american citizens either. The fact that you're asking this question, MR underscores once again that he didn't just blow this in, July, early August, he still blowing in January.
He's been this really unnerving phrase used by the by the administration last week or so saying, we'll get out everyone who wants to leave, suggesting it lots of Americans who are just just hunky dory with the butt of Taliban running things where they love the place. lovely this time of year. I just I don't know I order some who are committed to a non profit in charity or so don't want to leave. I suppose I can't imagine that that's more than a handful of the ten thousand, fifty thousand Americans we were told, were in Afghanistan when the Taliban took over. so in my suspicion, is that on dawn September, first by the minute, it will be insisting we got out everyone who wanted to leave which will not be the removal of all Americans from Afghanistan, then I fear there will be people left behind. I think I would be a bit more hopeful,
and spent everything going on. If the administration wasn't pretending that there was no one strand, thereby I just don't have all confidence that they are going to be willing to exist, the deadline and admit that there are still people there, sir, and the best of circumstances when last american leaves this will be a horrifying scene. If I'm correctly from that amazing. Moving that Roy candidate did last days. I gotta foresight on we had a lie to the south. needs to get our last helicopter out of these embassy compound. I believe it was other who had been swept by the Epp on this, would have been able to take on so that there will be signing of the seas. Desperation like we haven't seen yet that's the best terms I just don't. I dont know the answer, which is just shocking, whether Hell leave Americans behind or not. If it Do I think it could be the end of his presidency? I think they re.
actual be so severe that humiliation I'll be so great. This stories afterwards about what happens to America's left behind will be so horrifying. This It might not be politically survivable, and that's why I tilt tour. Charlie's answer and I think it's well. Put it. They don't know this yet in their color, hoping now we just get everyone out before August thirty first, so we will have to deal with it. You know, there's been actively credible manner, wishfulness here and in the policy to this point and it's. There is understandable that they want to be wished. Workers can be really tough choice, a really tough choice. Might try to buy off the Taliban, and you know it. You know There may already be this kind of stuff gone on. The sides were sort of paying them off tat to play along Navy, though the fright at or maybe they'll have to be more forceful
I guess I meant to tilt towards their they're, not gonna, leave Americans behind, but this is gonna, be hugely consequential. Weak. and all sorts of ways, but most importantly, for the fate of our countrymen. Granted behind enemy lies in that country. With that less pause here from our first sponsored this week, babbling new travelling to a destination. We don't know the language it can be challenging to accomplish even the simplest of ass. I know it's from not knowing any foreign languages to this happens to be one when I travel to any foreign country where a substantial number of people dont know English, but thankfully there's back The number one selling language learning at through babbles bite, size. Lessons, you'll, learn new language skills that you can actually use and real world from greetings, menus in directions to gaining a deeper understanding. The culture dabble is a travel essential, that was fifteen minute. Lessons make it up the way to learn a new language on the go other language morning, apps use a
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Afternoon we saw a new pour out from USA today, Slayer Reputable outfit that has binds approval down shockingly at forty one percent. it is a little bit better. Liar here, but Also last several days and the closely watched wheelchair politics average by tipped in the negative territory for the first time in as presidency. What he make it. I think it's numbers we are seeing from Biden early in his presidency were never going to last a kind of approval reading. As you know, the kind of thing you see when someone comes into office and not much has happened yet, especially taking we're from incumbent was really low. Approval numbers, just later than I think I was always going to go down, what's so interesting is how sharply it's gone down. If you look at the real clear average, just been thinking,
be too strong a forward, I suppose, but its very obviously correlated what we ve seen happening in Afghanistan and was so interesting about the numbers is, I think, the same pulled it shows people wanted That's gonna send button was read about he's, been saying that ever since you now he's going to follow through on what Trump started in pulling out there. But A huge number do not agree with what happened, and he is trying to make this case that there is no way that this could have gone differently. Pulling out was always going to look like this, and so, if you're telling pollsters that you wanted to leave Afghanistan. Sorry This is what had happened? Don't be mad at me, Nestor so ridiculous case, and not true, and I think most Americans know that and his numbers are showing their at least for now, holding him account of that. the trial. What will see whether it you know what happens on the ground in and whether Biden Bout about is back appears Paul was taken
during the time of some of the worst advisedly to this point out of Afghanistan, but only thirty, two percent of independents approve, Joe Biden job right now and that so we see similar, not quite as but we ve seen by shutting support among independent, and other pause, which would be a disaster for Democrats. Intimate terms shifted quickly it Is mostly the immediate product of what's happened? in Afghanistan, combines with the natural end of the honeymoon phase and perhaps the continuation of covered Biden, made certain promises made some speeches in July in which he indicated the curve it is And although he. has
himself, but he's well respected on this question, which is broadly, is The the risk for him is that people still don't want covered to be around so surely might like that, way he handles it when it is around, but the longer it drags on the worse is going to be for him. I think this whole thing they respect in the short and long term caused this needs to be seen within. contacts, which is that Joe Biden is. The president of the United States, because the previous president of the United States was Donald Trump and that's that's it that's. Why he's there. there was no Biden Movement within the Democratic Party, there's no Biden policy agenda: there was no great.
clamouring for Joe Biden to be in charge of everything. He was deemed to be the most likely candid. those who ran last year to defeat dont from and say. Not looking at a man who has his own constituency looking at a man who has ever inspired great affection or confidence, looking at a man who has heralded a move, meant in the way that say, Ronald Reagan did or Barack Obama did. And when somebody who is in that position, makes a mistake like this. That's just not that much to fall back on, I dare say be pulling numbers, will go back up a little ass. She said
Paul was conducted during the worst of it. My decibel even be a little bit of a boost. If Biden does managed to get everyone out, but Democrats a going to need to reckon with the fact that we have quite clear we reached the point at which bought Donald Trump is no longer an operative political philosophy. and they are now tied to a man who is aging. Who has never inspired a great following an whose incompetent tied to a vice president, who is Even less well light in hers and that there will be costs associated with that. There were cost associated with the rights embraced Donald Trump- he became the first president to lose everything since Herbert Hoover.
and they will be cost associated with the What term approach that the Democrats, Turkey, in order to get Donald Trump out of office, and I think, that we are starting to see them because Similarly, there is no there. There. Jim another interesting thing about this point again were taken out. One pole here. Maybe We differ numbered elsewhere. I think I have also seen this side. Another pause it if not as pronounced The USA today has his approval on economy way down a thing like thirty nine percent arson. yeah. I know it's almost like the disapproval I guess, there's an inflation to it. I can see those girls going up with him steadily like Ices at the local grocery store, even though they tell us, is the temporary in our colleague John Fund, had a really astute peace that started the weak. Observing that the Washington establishment,
they they backs Joe Biden fully and twenty twenty, both in the primary and in general, action, but they didn't than ever love. Joe Biden with remembering flamed out in his previous to runs properly. Eighty eight in two thousand and eight- and he was just come out of your head towards the scrap heap when Obama selected him to be as running back. and every now, and then during the Obama years you could cannot yet others how this funny job on the rights of really stunning than a guy named Barack Obama, ended up Becoming present United States, as almost a surprising, is the fact that Joe Biden is the vice president of the United States. The idea that, like having so many less than stellar moments and having bondage campaigns on his own that nobody really expected Joe Biden tribute alike, there seem to be the entire impetus, and the bite and twenty twenty campaign was that they wanted somebody stole associated with the Obama yours and cut
the hope that he had aged into the elder statesmen role and biting got older. You got the first part right. He did not turn into the statesman bar and he said has the same impulse is the one that Robert Gate said was wrong in every makes foreign policy issue over the last. thirty years of it, it was forty years ago, Other observed John Father starvation was at the Washington establishment. Had, you know, put the rags into the Joe Biden Basket, gonna, hoping that he had grown. into the role that he was ready to do that that he's embarrassing them now That's why you're seeing them turn. I also you're you're very good pieces. rich fellow preempted MOT, preemptive, respect about how does the finest hour of the media and quite some time now every day the National news media for all their flaws has been twenty years covering Afghanistan. They see a foreign policy and and debacle and humanitarian crisis and a GEO political.
nightmare scenario for the United States when they see one and they're not going to soft pedal it just because all the twenty twenty and it's much as year Joe Biden was the good guy. You don't get off the hook for stuff like that, particularly when is yours, in particular when you work for the country and assured them specifically that this wasn't going to happen so I think they wire bonds numbers down at the gate. Big chunk. Is it he's getting really tough coverage that he's never go before, and I think, if you see a set of flailing If you're seeing round played the White House staff, retweeting joy read a lot. I think it's an indicator that Biden in his tea were shaped by the experience of the Obama years and yeah, I guess they insert standard conservative groups that liberal media by us here, but it works. Beverly Obama could talk his way out of almost any circumstance Yeah, he has a really rough stretches with slow down growth in Benghazi and
ah about Healthcare that got better department. The fairest you know, veterans dive, get like you're. There was a real problems during a robot but generally could talk his way out of it and overtime. They would go away. I dont know that watching Taliban running around in U S equipment, Beating women beating children and return to their abusive wait. I don't know if that's the sort of thing Americans just shrug at and wonder what Kim Kardashian is up to. I don't know if you can tune out that well today, but it's But by his bet he's trying to run the Obama playbook without her. Obama skill set, and unsurprisingly, it's not working it well. Yet obama- I mean he took up the most important time. In his presidency, writer on November, twenty two twelve, but otherwise he sat in a weather, forty seven, forty eight forty nine Her sad, almost the entire time joy, cook, exe, Question to you percentage odds that Joe Biden will be,
democratic nominee and twenty twenty four from zero percent. It's not gonna happen to a hundred percent sleepy Jill, be back on the ballot without a doubt. I still think it's very high. It's difficult to unseat a sitting president. And ass, every political party knows When you try, you lose so I would say sixty five percent and I dont make it higher, partly because of the possible reality that this will continue to go south and that he will really loses political merger, partly as a result of the possibility that. Might declined run and partly as a result of the possibility that you might die,
lower than that, though, for similar reasons, I'd say, you may be sure deeper stand. I dont think that he is doing well and I think there is a very high probability that he won't run at all or will do poorly enough at the party. Won't really have much choice but to go for someone else: humanity. Fifteen percent. fifteen. One can be explained, then well, first, balls actual actual cables. Questions will still be around and we know how much it was mine will still be still be. Europe, Yet not. I ve always had one terms dinner stamped Oliver Call me crazy. I just don't think that's very likely he's moving around he's running again. I think this is easy. generally good results. There was a chance, but he's seen what's so maybe eighty one, eighty two eighty, but in December. Sir, what pans we're talking? What what what happens in Kabul the next week
so, but a semi not at a total debacle. I would says it's about fifty percent and almost all fifty percent he's not gonna run is is on him. I think he'll LE, if he doesn't run again, it will almost certainly he has his choice aspect, because he here Sir no longer up to it with that, let's hear from our second sponsor this absurd masterwork, spines reckless infrastructure spending, coupled with policy stimulus plans means the FED is printing, more money quicker than ever. In fact, forty percent of all. U S dollars ever printed, were in the last twelve want some are already feeling the effect inflation is rising at his fast spaces, two thousand and eight, so how our professional investors preparing for this nightmare scenario, they're turning to under the radar asset class or prices have nearly doubled. Sp returns between one thousand nine hundred and ninety five and two thousand and twenty is a real
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Now it looks like we're just at a place. Where are we and legitimately ask it. Is this pandemic ever going away or seeing declining? outside the fact that a lot of people still aren't they stated. Don't know where that's fair to say a lot. What a lot you know, but what is it thirty that may be a little less than that now of adults over age. Eighteen, don't don't have a there they ve been hammered by this latest surge and hasp hospitalizations and asked what we ve seen. Declining advocacy of the vaccines you had placed like Israel, there are a huge success, success stories, getting people shots, really quicken almost universal getting hammered by that, delta variant. There's now, as we discuss a little bit with us episode there is a boosters are on the way
and it looks like we're just might be and lists tat in tat tit for tat war with covered for the real long term yeah. I look. I dont know what the future holds I do I think it's safe to say that back in January, you said how are things going to feel at the end of August? You look all be great. We'll have somebody vaccinated by then, and you will probably started vaccinating whole big chunk of the rest of the world. We should be to invent aspect and for what it's worth the United States has had this x. Dance of effort. As of this morning, three hundred sixty three million shots had been administered that comes out. about a hundred seventy one million people who are fully vaccinated outta. The number That's only like fifty one point: five percent of the total population are one of the big chunks is that includes about fifty million american kids eleven years her younger, ok vaccinated yet and the FDA. still saying we're hoping by the end of the year. No tease, midwinter stuff like that and with care
Largely gone back school, thank God, You are going to start seeing some outbreaks in schools hanging out with less time for less podcast. I have good update my numbers. At least thirteen states had Schools are closed down almost quickly after school. It started because of outbreaks in their communities. This is also the news. Came that the FDA and CDC were recommending boosters, not exactly shocked. Anybody have been paying attention to What was going on over there is real if you're, acceleration stops being stop being fully effective after six months. The ideas that young- you know they said it was. mid, eighties or so percentage in terms of effectiveness. It's not bad. It's just not quite really wanted to be. And I guess there are their number suggested it was getting around six percent every two months after that, so eight miles, then you're down to low eighties than it. Hi, seventy two months after that, which is why the saying starting,
September, everybody should start getting their booster shot, It is quite frustrating because one of my readers said Jim you ever to get three and forty million Americans get the boost, your shots, get real. Thirty million Americans get the first shot, never mind the third shot. I think a kind of time, Mister Oliver topics of this sir. This pod guess. I think this is the potential to turn to real problems for buying, some of the points we came out of the Sunday shows this weekend pointed to that that marriage is really thought we were gonna be done by that's. The problem is the delta variant being is contagious as it is. We have a look If what want our for heard immunity was gonna, be were kind of hope and something in the eighty percent range baby, sixty seventy well, Delta varies so darn contagious that, apparently, some people say not can be closer. The ninety five percent. The only way this thing really goes away when everybody gets it embrace going
in one form or another, either gonna get it and will be the manage to beat the virus off. we'll get it for those who come to it. The scenario to avoid or they'll get it be protected against her through the for earth with former backseat. That is really depressing because it means we got months and months of this to go ass. I sat there still ten billions Americans or on vaccinated worth going by the way of this system. Thirty million Americans were one dousing soap haven't got that in modern. I haven't got no second visor glutton got finish the job, where's, repressing its fall in over hasty, crowded football stadium this year, schools or by concession five days a week most places there not seen too much. That is why you get something like the governor of Hawaii, David You say he wants tourists stay way because it is their up. There are plenty of placed their plenty of places in the sun where the hospitals are for when they are having to divert patients around and stuff like that.
Nothing wrong dissenters gets a lotta aggrieved. That's you know ludicrous and unnecessary, but yet does not get around it. Waterford hospitals are fall to the real bad late summer for her Florida attempts in terms of cases, hospitals stuff like that, and our deaths are higher than they were earlier in the year, which is not a good thing so in a healthy food she said the seventeen months it is to go. I worry that as winter com is more people spent more time indoors picnic, northern states and you'll see the virus spread faster amongst non vaccinated populations up there and its enough We owe it to three years to get through the influenza pandemic. Back in the run were one and yet seeking suspicion that maybe after really hitting us an early twenty twenty, maybe things what feel normal until twenty, twenty two or twenty twenty three so try Jim robot. Does he D made alluded to this point, but for her
there has been hit hard youth. You ve heard stories about that, but you also have places in the country that are deep, blue, stay It's that are more vaccinated, then states in the south also getting hit really are yes,. I persist in my view that the attempts by far too many people took from this complex phenomena. known is covered. Nineteen into a public policy frame and a partisan frame is a false game.
There are, of course, some things we can do. We can promote the vaccine. We can promote these monoclonal treatments. We can engage in some more square and social justice in certain circumstances, and we ve learned a great deal since it began. So we can implement the lessons that we have learned in hospitals and asked But this a great deal of this that seems to be seasonal, has a great deal of beef We don't understand and is a great deal of visitors, defied prediction and there's a great deal of this. Is warped by media coverage, for example,. Jim mentioned Hawaii.
Hawaii has exactly the same per capita problem as Texas Infective you superimpose one graph over another that pretty much identical. We don't seem to know that as a country, that's not reflected in our coverage and The reason I mention this is that. A lot of our time at the moment seems to be spent blaming people I'm pointing thing, and yet be the ins and outs their causes and the effects are still quite hard to measure it was only a month ago that the present of the United States, who is a covert hawk with sang with broken the back of this thing, we're on the verge of liberation was a few ex ago that moderate operators
Andrew Sullivan, for example with, say It's time now to let it rip his headline, because we have reached the point which those who are vulnerable have chosen to remain vulnerable by declining today free and widely available thin and yet now. depressingly enough. We seem to be right back in the thick of it and it's easy at the moment. At a blame, the people we don't like. So we can look at Florida where the situation it's pretty bad unstable. That must be because insert policy here it be bad in Texas, because is it, though, Why is it bad? In Hawaii, Hawaii has not had the same policy as Texas, and it seems impossible to.
That we will now see searches in the northeast, which would, of course not be attributed to malice It remains the case that Florida sits right in the middle of the pack. The deaths in New Jersey is the worst of all, but I think we are in a tough situation as the country, because this thing has now assisted and yet There are no easy answers, but were right leave really really going to want them, and I can being on the spot costs last year and the idea that it would have. Still been around in August, twenty twenty seemed to me. I'm thinking and now we're getting towards the end of August, twenty twenty one and you have and they found she sang this might last another half a year. You have Delta variant which, for some reason seemed to assume will fade away, but you know what happened:
and when we get the gamma baron, We thus even worse, so I feel somewhat adrift in that I dont think people want to acknowledge how unpredictable this and how uninterested the viruses in the ways that we have become accustomed to coping with, and thinking about, events that intersect without politics you know I am with Charlie and being shocked at work, still haven't to talk about this so far after the pandemic, initially started and to me, what I keep wonder. about is one is, are our end Are we working towards world or a country? I suppose that the case of our politics
Are we working towards a country where no one ever gets covered or where no one gets or where fewer and fewer appeal we'll get serious cases and die of covered and what is best to me is that it seems like so much of our media coverage and so much of what we hear from politicians and public health officials speaks about, as for not going to be done, living in a pandemic until no one ever gets covert anymore, like theirs. Acknowledgement of the fact that, because of the vaccines Fewer people than life steer and during the peaks Last year die when they get closer like that's. A really big deal we're still talking about this as if what we should be doing- is making it impossible for this virus ever to. In fact, a human being, that's just not going to happen. That's not a realistic public health goal. Not a realistic path. Voters not something that's going to happen. I think we're,
You'd be doing, I've been as if that were the case of our focusing on talking about worrying about. Is people not dying of covert or not ending up on ventilators or crowding icy used we'd be talking about more effective treatment once you get covert or vaccines? the effective vaccines on how seriously one gets ill once they get covered, but also about the cover is about the coverage is all about. Oh, if you're back did you should still be wearing a mask just in case or wherever outside, even though no one has ever gotten covert outside there's, not a single document in case of some getting covert outside these types of things crystal fighting about work, forcing people to get vaccines even when they have, in my view, reasonable. You know reasons I spoke for not doing so. I think we should be, for in a lot more on treatment on the types of things or make getting covered, Problematic, and the fact that we are not doing so makes me think that a lot of the continuation and I know some of it is unavoidable.
It's just a political stance on some other came here. We will see what we'll regional people be considered the end of the pandemic and a few months in the spring of twenty twenty two summer, two thousand and twenty two fall two thousand and twenty two sometime later next year,. Yeah, I guess optimistically, I would say spring of next year, but it seems like the goalposts are always shifting, I would say it ought to be ending even sooner than that, but I would hope hope. I sprang from TAT point you at the latest, Troy you don't have a clue. so This now so unpredictable and- and as then says Expectations are rubric, keep changing.
So it's not even as if we can be asked to plot a straight line because the a graph papers gonna shift around over time. I don't know I mean I I imagine that it would hope was slowly get less bad each time, but that could just go on for a long long, while and and ultimately we're just going to have to work out what we can live with. I don't have any idea, thereby say, fall twenty twenty two with that, let's hit a few other things before we go Jim much happier news, you are very pleased with his act. Will since nine for eleven performance and a priest teasing spanking other the packers by the jets Yes, now it's previous in football misread I get too excited about it. Nobody is really play
to win. The packers had a whole bunch of backups it there, but you know, The observation is humoral control who control who the opposition puts on appeal, because you do your best on there for Zach Wilson, the will the Mormons you know six greater who could not buy beer if his life depended upon it, look pretty good at their word. accurate, pretty sharp, and so we already have upload, a brutal injuries, early and precision, but the eyes nothing to look forward to something the route for, and hopefully this lot more funding. And then you recently went to Mount Vernon did. I was inspired by you or, like I did last week of visiting Newburgh and enjoy some George Washington history and I hadn't been to Mount Vernon. I cannot group in the Virginia area but hadn't been to Mount Vernon, since I was maybe ten years old somehow just have never made time to go back and they open up this hoe. Enormous business centre. There museum and expanded the offering of weight Inter it's really a great trap,
area. If you live in area or visiting definitely worth adding to the list as deadline things have raised it with me, one so small, even for such a group grand. Standards at the time and were washed and must have spent a lot of time ducking. In the house and then ask I'm pretty sure, not burn in that they have. This fancy state of the art writing desk where you, which had paddles where he could fan yourself, because, obviously is no arguments must have been so. Miserable and the hot muggy weather area and then that the key to the best deal which is near to the front door, get gifted Washington by a pretty
what I believe is replacing. It told me that they might might be a lot of keys. Such cheese, rounded off and his knee might be in question. Charlot what're you gonna do. I took the kids to a party and at the party there was a balloon artist, woman and I may be fifty fifty five and dim There are some things you do. If you look at somebody doing them, and you think I wouldn't know studies is not just that. I I can't do that. It said I wouldn't actually know where to start this woman was just a genius. Is this this long line of kids going up and says? Well what you know what balloon art can I make? and then the kids it's a ninja. She she could do it. Together these balloons and his strange order and with a little pant too,
draw the eyes and then the next job or come up and say a unicorn a monkey, an elephant or whatever they threw it. Her. she managed to do. I just think it it's such a town. There are so many things that people can do in the world that we don't really think about until we see them. So I've been going through a wild west phase, I listened to a while ago to history. Channel documentary on you too, and it was very melodrama. I can sensationalize in and made it sound as though the entire fate of the United States Depended- and this period on on what will happen to Billy the kid Jesse, James and and wider. But these are amazing Americans figures in and legends just incredible but Billy, the kid you sister, a kid from health kitchen who ends up this legendary front your figure, a sociopath and a killer has a bit of an ex
Dear colleagues has pushed up pushed over the edge by genuinely corrupt law enforcement establishment, out there in linking counting next Mexico? I believe it was Jesse James, just the worst of the worst dog killer thief, But the story is just amazing, the Northfield field, robbery and the escape in itself should be a movie arrow, whether one's ever made a movie of that, but they they. they should in a wider than the greatest of of the more who for a while, you know, operated at the fringes of the law, and you would want to mess with them, but basically righteous and wider Earp. Also, just the arc of this of this life Venus Legendary Old West LAW who really just wanted to make money. You know that, after a while, I gave up annoying as he ass. He called it, and just one a buck and any ends up just traveling everywhere imaginable in the American West trying to strike it rich
they gave her succeeded. Buddy ended up in a very American in LOS Angeles and lives into the nineteen twenties and, of course, ends up concern the whole thing on on silent, Phelps, so I discovered, which I recommend a people of Heaven in any interest. In this area too, this period the legends of the west, the lessons of the old West podcast? They have a great series. On Jesse James and a fantastic one, on died city that I just finished it goes in a lot to wider up and also his friend with it. The greatest name of AIDS characters, Bat Masterson, who also vary american figure the celebrity in in New York, who who turned a journalism at the at the end of his, is like anyway. It's that that time, the pot- for editors picks, Jim guarantee. What's your pic
would understand if listeners this podcast say I never want to read another word about Andrew Cuomo. Ever again, but if you have room for just a tiny bit more Kyle's me Andrew Quabos, utterly shameless exit You have also, while someone will come along and public life, you just can't stand on end in you. Try articulated your strategy against. It Kyle snip exists for this moments. Nobody events his spleen quite away. Kyle does, and I dont like very few target more deserving, then enter Cuomo, so well done tile their material. I take it as I do in our sunny corner posts from yesterday taking aim at some of the progressive or a liberal. Hundreds, were still defending I've been contorting themselves quite a bit to do so. I think that media is done a better job usual covering what's going on in Afghanistan, but there are some notable whole doubts and David does a good job calling about for it with your big alike. Damn coffins peace, Joe
I then is who we said he was, which is typically comprehensive and well done. This is a topic that I've been thinking about. Writing about for a while, and I don't have to effect. I couldn't do as good a job on a standard. My pig is Andy's peace, Fran yesterday. I believe any Mccarthy binds appalling trust in the Taliban, just making a case that by always knew that is what was going on. In Afghanistan, no matter what he was saying and was more or less satisfied with the prospect. So that's it for us even listening to a natural part, cast any re, broadcast retransmission countless game without express written permission national thing, is strictly prohibited. This part gas of improved by the incomparable. Sarah should EU makes a sound better than we deserve. Thank Charlie thank exam. Thank you.
Yeah thanks to babble and master works, and thanks especially to all of you for listening where the editors and we'll see you next time
Transcript generated on 2021-09-21.