« The Editors

Episode 352: Catastrophe for Cuomo

2021-08-03 | 🔗

Today on The Editors, Rich, Charlie, Alexandra, and Jim discuss the report on sexual assault accusations again Governor Cuomo, the unconstitutional eviction moratorium, and D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser’s mask-mandate hypocrisy.

Editors’ picks: • Rich: J-Pod’s magazine piece • Charlie: Luther Ray Abel’s pieces • Alexandra: Ginny Gentles’s piece “The Troubled Girls the Transgender Movement Ignores” • Jim: All NR’s Cuomo coverage

Light items: • Rich: Bad GPS directions • Charlie: Playing tennis • Alexandra: Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage • Jim: Good weather

Sponsors: Nutrafol The Bahnsen Group

The Editors is hosted by Rich Lowry and produced by Sarah Colleen Schutte.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the New York attorney general dropped a bomb on Andrew, almost head. The CDC takes a pass on a conviction. Moratorium in myriad bouser defies her own ask mandate, will discuss all this more on this addition of errors, Onrush Larry, I'm Jones voiced by the Right honourable Chelsea, W Cook Alexander's and the scientists and the sage of authenticity, Woods Jim, Gary here listening to a national view. Podcast of course, are sponsors episode are neutral fall and the bottom group, more about I'm in due course, if lesser podcast, unnatural view, dot com or life, have you better be easier for you that for us, if he made his party or that industry resources out there from Spotify to Itunes, and if you like what you here, please consider giving us
knowing five star review on Itunes. If you don't like what you hear here, please forget, I said anything. So Jim Garrulity bombshell, news out a New York this morning were according early Tuesday, asked noon. We get a hundred and sixty five page report on Andrew Cuomo Sex of harassment and nails him to the war. It is damning what to make of it. Yet we know the report coming. We knew that just James, the attorney general of New York, who many concerns. doesn't optically fond of, but was also something at a rival to Cuomo lotta people think she has. Given aspirations aspirational of her own, the she'd been. I had incentive to not for any bunches in her assessment and also was interesting. You enter former good begun this destinations in any investigation is going to completely exonerate May I got us all. The studies
talk about how the investigators can be trusted, which is you got usually good side. He knew something. Bad was well the assessment turning generals payments, devastating quote, the independent instigation, has concluded that governor into almost sexually harassed, multiple women and doing violated state and federal law. She said colonel engaged unwelcome and non consensual, touching in addition to second suggestive sexual comments. All of this created a hostile work environment for women. They said it's the the investigators independently corroborated substantially the fact Your interviews and evidence, including contemporaneous, noted communications and all this is made public long support. Wait here, If you prefer those you saying, oh, my goodness, is about as bad as it gets. No, no, it gets worse because we also, in fact some of these materials. We learned that Chris Quabo Prime time Go for CNN drafted a statement for it. Brother early on in this scandal
Now we knew that he was involved and strategy sessions. We didn't know that quite literally see it adds. Primetime anchor was helping and recall my right up what he was going to say in response to this stuff. I'm try, this is about is devastating a top to bottom As far as I can imagine, any investigator findings you're already hearing these these kind of weak, tee o it's time for the governor to resign. Look we all know intercourse knocker reside, does not there's nothing in his character. Nothing you if I'm wrong about to be somewhat like pleasantly surprised, but your best bet there's no reason to think and of what was going to resign, only proper response to this is impeachment. My understanding, at least as we are starting to take. This is the first comments from New York State Democratic loud such really bad here We should resign and without any further indication that their willing to impeach the governor over utterly annexing.
Will be able to know by the way we haven't even got to the giant pile of dead senior citizens because of almost orders to understand so that if, if your Cuomo seems like Playbook is pretty obvious, it's what you been Doing all long diskiver absorb these hits, try to explain away to the extent you can, although this is an important new juncture for Cuomo causes as Jim refer to. He was saying: he's gonna be vindicated its habits it. This is not have indications. He'll have to come up with some other excuse or explanation, and I just hope impeachment heart I need a refill motorized myself with the how the procedure works and New York, but it's complicated, and I don't think impeachment anywhere is a particularly easy, so just hope that that fizzles out or comes up work and you don't get a primary opponent and somehow people get bored and average Democrats New York State Stick with you the way they have so far
yeah I mean, I think, that the council has already shown us how he's going to handle this because the same way he handled all the delegations that we're coming out- I guess a few months back now and it you know the idea there was well just obfuscate say I didn't realize it was making people uncomfortable used to resign. His kind of ignore the multiple prominent Democrats calling on you to resign interest, hope people on the new cycle moves on and in fact that's exactly what happened, and I guess at that point he did have. damage of saying something like while you no further investigation will show that I didn't do anything wrong in this further investigation now is showing that actually he did much more wrong than we thought, but this isn't. The other stuff was plenty bad. I guess way of putting it. It's not as though we didn't have a reason to thank you did something wrong until this report, and yet before everyone contrast gave up, and let him go about his business and stop talking about it plus. I think he has. The advantage of a lot of Democrats are going to look like idiots if they turn on
and really try to whether in impeach him or whatever else, a lot of Democrats have a lot of skin in the game. I guess comes to treating Andrew Como like a hero, especially over his handling of covered, despite the whole nursing home debacle in and everything, one could argue he did wrong everybody on the left. I had a lot I guess, has a lot at stake now, because they spend all this time saying. Look and Andrew Cuomo look at New York. They ve done everything right, while red states and Republicans have done everything wrong. It is always a ridiculous narrative, but it now mean that determine say actually hey, maybe Andrew Cuomo isn't here on this stuff is really really bad. Is a lot harder for people who have spent the last year. Acting like he's God's gift, the United States troth, I think
It is imperative that we hold everyone involved in this to the standards that they have laid out for other people Andrew Koromo eight years ago, tweeted. There should be a zero tolerance policy when it comes to sexual harassment and must send a clear message that this behaviour is not tolerated. Furious later He oversaw too great fanfare a revision of New York's laws. In this area that, among other things, made it much more difficult to. So I didn't realize that I was making anyone feel uncomfortable Joe Biden, who is appalling on the question of due process in this area. Until he himself is accused of sexual assault, is currently trying to strip due process protections. college students. He has a history of saying he's on the side of survivors that we must believe people who come forward reflexively.
He is trying to undo the changes that Betsy Divorce made with the help of pretty much entire party any said in March that if the report that was being assembled into Andrew Perma demonstrated that the allegations were true, Chrome, I must resign, maybe even be prosecuted well. The report is extremely damaging. There's no way to overcome hair forbidden, perhaps for civil libertarians. That could be some wriggle room. Perhaps they want to hear from Cromer. Perhaps they would be convinced that
The teacher James has ambitions of her own there's no wriggle room for Biden. I think that it is important that we force Andrey came out to stand up to his own words that we force Joe Biden to follow. Through on his promise and that every single Democrat. in New York and elsewhere, is asked for their opinion on this. There is absolutely nothing to be gained in having a political party that says things such as in all read it again. It came from at and why Gov Cuomo on Twitter. There should be a zero tolerance policy when it comes to sexual harassment and must send a clear message that this behaviour is not tolerated, but that then makes an exception when it
is there a guy in the process so Zan. What's you read on Cuomo mean that there is an element here, I think of being pathetic and lonely despite the power and then celebrity and all that, but then also you, gentlemen, he could get away with it and that this is a a power play coming onto women like this, even if it doesnt work. It seems like guys like this they enjoy, that the thrilled being able to do it being able, China humiliate someone in that moment, but what's what you read on on Cuomo in that dimension, I mean I do feel bad for the guidance. He obviously it is a very pathetic figure. He is nothing really. You heard his name but his accomplishments in government. If we even want to call them that these roads political families was kind about a sad situation to see him or her a sad thing to watch him clinging. So
you know strongly is bitterly, but it earlier exactly to his the governorship. Despite these scandals, but at the same time think. It's very obviously is that he's asleep a guy and a lot of these stories to my understanding where from before the meat few era, not that that made it ok to do it, then, because we didn't pay attention, but I think a lot of, men in power had the sense that one no one was paying attention before. No one seems to think this is wrong. I'm not gonna get trouble is people never say anything. Maybe I'm not really do anything that wrong, maybe they actually don't mind whatever other excuses they might come up with? But there wasn't this culture of holding people accountable for this type of behaviour and so obviously that's not to legitimize or excuse what he has done, but I just sort of explain why Then in power you know they had every reason to think that it was never going to come back and buy them and ass. We ve seen when it does many of them, who are all high minded their defence of women and
women's rights, Harvey wanting with independence. of by saying I don't plan parenthood. Why are you looking at me? Right suddenly turned out? Actually that's not good enough anymore. You can do things like this after After all, these stories are started coming out and they don't really know how to defend themselves. Cambodia, question to you, Andrew COM, will be re elected governor of New York, yes, or no. No one up, This'Ll too much and get off, somebody wants to say you know, weeks or months from our early next year. Jim look at you, you got it wrong. You over estimated the good judgment of New York States, legislators and the arts electorate yeah. I guess I guess I did, but I can't imagine the mean does if being axed murder,
I'm just a little less than kind of a note to add to what I was introduced said about likely the idea of a culture of men being in power, lest we had a good at a corner posts that people cannot seem to respond to observing the Republicans Cotonou scandal. Sex scandal, money scandal whenever it is usually reflects only its inherent, it's cool, where does it, reflect something inherently bad about Republican Party at the raw sexually repressed that they're all objectified women that they're all greedy and corrupt Obama, when a bad thing happens to democratic, just a bad thing that happens right now, the predecessor of Indoor Cuomo, when he was near stated, our general was Elliot Spencer, who not only suffer attitudes see also that violent with prostitutes. His successor as near the attorney general observed Spiderman, who had four women, claim that he had attempted to choke during sex there of euro. That culture is what a pattern, wouldn't let something in integrating occasion that there is this right
since this behaviour is accepted, perhaps amongst pro choice, allegedly pro women allegedly self, that it I'd feminist men, yeah that's worth looking at in Albany Battalion, just random bad thing. That happened. Nobody, no broader lessons or or implications that jacket, yes or no Kenobi reelected. He will not be re elected them. I don't think so. I think an idea combination of these stories and and how damning they are in and just the fact that Democrats in Europe are happy to take a turn in even more progressive direction away from com. So when I asked the last time I asked a version of this question, I said he wouldn't run again, which I've cut thought back at various times, so app naively optimistic. I I was on the real act. I say no as well, I'm not quite sure what can happen, but I think something is gonna get him here, whether
the primary opponent or whether it actually does get impatient see you're playing by the rules, nor them rules and wrap Ralph Northern got around his his black face, Someone was mentioned to me the other day. He saw a a comedy said by african and just to matter, stupid. You feel as Alfredo having resigned over those two or three. your allegations getting pushed around by Angela Bran. You know that the most to the third. Besides the palazzo of all the democratic presidential candidates, this time around anyway. I think I'm gonna make it unanimous and say no. You will not be re elected with that. Let's hear from our first sponsor this week, Beautiful when it comes to thinning hair you no longer have to do is between natural remedies. Those at work there's a holistic solution for men that promotes both healthier hair and
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old, that the moratorium has gone away and should work assiduously to make sure that this doesn't happen again. This was not a good idea that has outlived its usefulness. This was an illegal act promulgated by the Trump administration and illegally continued by the Bible administration. It was an act, the CDC had no power to indulge in, and indeed in which the federal government.
Has no constitutional power to indulge in either. If you look at the rationale for the eviction moratorium, you look at the justification on statutory grounds for the action that it took a justification that was rejected by the Supreme Court. you will essentially discover and enabling act over vocs, favorite you, got a correspondent in male Heizer points out that the law in question permits.
see they say to, and I quote, from the law make and enforce such regulations, as in his judgment, the director of the CDC are necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission or spread of communicable diseases. Now that has been taken by the CDC as a Carte Blanche invitation to do whatever it wants, including superintend. Every single rental agreement in the United States.
From Washington D C, the problem there is obvious if all of the rest of the constitution goes out of the window during a pandemic, such that the CDC can, in its judgment, decide that a given regulation is necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission or spread of communicable diseases. Then everything
Can go out why can't they shut down national review if they don't like something one of our rights, as is written about vaccines or government power? This is an enabling act that would put in the hands of a single person all of the power available in the United States, and that is precisely what James Madison considered to be tyranny. That's the original meaning of the word in the federalist papers we have placed for nearly a year legislative, executive and judicial powers in the hand of an unelected bureaucrats- and there are many- many people out there- many of them
credit policy. There are not enough to renew congressional II the moratorium on that in a moment. I certainly most in the progressive political community who want to indefinitely extend this and are quite happy with this usurpation and blaming the Supreme Court for noticing how I am mostly horrified by the issues with separation of powers that I just outlined. But I would also say there is nothing in the constitution that allows
federal government- to do this at all Congress, it seems, is not prepared to try to extend it. Justice cabinet, in his concurring opinion implied that if Congress were willing to pass a law extending this moratorium, it might be constitutionally acceptable, but it wouldn't be what, in the constitution, accords to the federal government the power to regulate every single rental transaction in America? Nothing, it's preposterous is even more preposterous than the wicked we feel then decision during the new deal, which essentially said that any economic transactions has even the slightest aggregate effect on interstate commerce is regulated by the Fettes, which we should be treating today as a day of liberation
And we should be far far more invested in ensuring that we maintain the system of separation of powers, which really is the heart of the constitution and without which none of the rest of it. can survive so that we talked about this and applied before, but just extraordinary how one congresses so unwilling to take responsibility for anything and Besides power on its own to declines or fails to pass something you have members of Congress. Affirmative urging the executive hedge too, to take up and rational right what are right, the congressional powers and act on its own, and this is exactly what Nancy Policy did when the house failed to pass. This extension of moratorium. So I hope help Joe Biden will find some way to do it on his own. yeah. It's totally ridiculous, less! That's what I was thinking the whole time, Charlie
he's lying out this pro constitution argument, and I realized I obviously I agree with that and I think its correct in the right way that we should be thinking about these things, but that aspect of the conversation is basically always missing from any of our policy debates over No one ever says, but where does Congress get or not get the power to do this particular thing? We wanted to do right. The conversation from advocates on the left and actually from politicians on the left is well. This thing we want It is necessary, and so let's just figure out the best way to make it happen right are the most effective way to make it happen, and most of the time that ends up being pushing it. through their bureaucracy, or are some federal agency, thus just going to do whatever it wants, regardless of whether its authorized by Congress. Others are whether Congress itself even would be authorized to do it shouldn't. Do it the legislation which is the proper way of getting things done, but I think for both sides of the political spectrum that
This isn't the question that we ask and obviously more so on the left there on the right that those aren't the terms in which we talk about things are debating, well look at all these terrible policies are people are suffering because of covered and they're getting kicked out and they shouldn't be. So, let's just me to find the way to make that start happening and not me, I'm no discussion at all of whether its constitutionally proper to do it by the way that their suggesting that that aspect, the conversations just totally missing job, is not a time to add to what I want Charlie of said levels can observe that at every time you say that Jimmy still manage to guess I do you know what they're just a little bit to add you? U at it, but with the other. line at a and a lot of you know these sort of a sermon eleven dinners. Everything that needs to be said has been said, but not everybody has said it. Why do we institute the moratorium on evictions well covered? Nineteen,
And it was really really serious and it was unsafe to give the business open other that can hear some listeners disputing that. What was really them Peggy businesses open or better still. So, if you can't stay home, we can't have businesses open. Businesses can have customers in them There is no economic activity going on people are shutting down their businesses. If you can't work, you can't get money, and if you can't get money you cannot the rent, very understandable that we have a man doesn't keep this in mind. The started with the Cares act bucket back on March, twenty seven twenty twenty, it's not twenty more, its twenty twenty one rashly pretty well into twenty twenty one. The economy is in a different place. Now it generally pretty good, not great, still supplies, but for all the problems of the economy is generally not. The Americans cannot go to work because their workplaces are shut down is covered by tee.
in fact, if you live in, if you haven't, you spent on navigation of you if you're travelling to travel, it's just got back. You know furiously. Beaches places are crowded those industries that are, in fact, if we ve always with decisions podcast the best the big problem is employers are looking workers, so the issue really should not be. Oh, you have all these people there very their poor. They have no income, they have zero. They can't possibly if we are to pay the rent, know the rest economies going back to normal Purple Hansen on, but pretty close to normal and the rest of this year. We will have other problems that inflation or things like that, but by large, were in different circumstances than we were in March. Twenty twenty. So why would we need a moratorium on Amanda evictions started Mark March Twenty and, if its unreasonable to expect people to pay the rent,
August twenty twenty one. When will it be reasonable to expect people to pay the rent, and when will it then be acceptable for people to evict those who do not pay the rent? It seems very reasonable to say yes, we're back economic, normal there's no need for this again. Democrats think this popular innocent you stay forever. Basically, I just want to dissent completely from Want Jim said in that I don't think there was ever a good time for this legally, I think there was ever a good time for this economically. This has been a disaster- Andy Mccarthy, late. This are really well in his peace. I know there's some pieces coming today. I think this was short term thinking who run
Adam Joy? Now I didn't write about. As I read about the law, I think we have two or three paces from more policy minded rights is than myself on these substantive case against a moratorium leaving aside which entities imposing it so you're more plugged it, and I am try where these things that I was his first ever I don't think this is the moment to get rid of a necessary evil. I think this was a mistake from day one and I think ill in leaving the formal legal objections. I think this is also. Why is a matter of political norms? It is good to have a federal system, because that way you impose something like this nationally. You, you deny yourself the chance to see its consequences. You can't have a different policy in California there, in an farther than in
Massachusetts and one of the saving graces, albeit we ve, been lockdown during this. At this this pandemic, much more than we would want to be. Is the different states have been able to try different things and to monitor the consequences and the the intervention here, the CDC from the beginning prevented those states from doing that and prevented them from being able to share with others what they found,
so. I think this was a mistake right from the beginning and should be seen as such community s question to you and other yes or no there'll be a victim. The tourism moratorium, one where the other in some form still yes or no, it's one at their own, but not one followed them here. I think that most likely will be reenactment true now this is dead. The Supreme Court's made it clear that the CDC can't do there on the votes in Congress. I think you may see a few states trying it, but we are also the point- and this is where Jim Cosmic makes a fair point, also point now, where the impetus for it per SE is diminished, siding with since the end of this phenomenon. My main projects going forward war will be to ensure this doesn't happen again.
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No, no. I drivel that passes for thought for commentary on Wall Street is held in more disdain and awoke capitalism declaring war on american ideals of the bonds and group. True telling and deliver of client outcomes are not at odds with each other. Indeed, they are one and the same amongst investors. Now I'm a huge David Martin fan. His analysis is so valuable he's always right on top of whatever is going on. I talked him cup times last week over the the delta variant, Anne and he's just been a voice of of common sense and facts and reason throughout the entirety of this pandemic, including right now. I was speaking about pandemics and we got this delicious story over the weekend. Muriel Bouser mare
of Washington, Dc Re imposes an indoor mass mandate for everyone, including the vaccinated and then immediately within twenty four hours, I believe, of this mandate going into effect, spotted ad wedding. She officiated at the wedding, which was outdoor words on a rooftop but then went in I'd and tiana low of washing examiner showed up at this wedding got it a picture of. thousands sitting at a table with us is one guy you can see with what the mask everyone else's unmasked and bow. The explanation is that all you knows eating and drinking one it's not really there. No they're no place of food at this table stands issues eating dinner and the glass is cut. It looked to me like standard water glasses and that, even if, as an excuse,
Bob ate and drank during the entirety of weddings and I'll just be a way of saying all indoor weddings, at least those attended by mere he'll bouser should be unmasked what to make of it. Well it's a story. We ve seen countless times out over the last. I guess you're and a half. We currently say you're anymore, it's been about a year and a half since this all started, and we ve seen officials but Paul should, I think, most often is fair to say they ve been on the left, impose these draconian measures, which are depending on which one we're talking about of questionable, worse and then go out and inviolate than we cover Newsome. Do it we ve seen anti policy? Do it Miro bows just the latest example of politics, he's doing this, where they say, ok, rules for you, but actually when it comes to them and they are caught violating well, I was eating a cable where's, the food agency, you taking a bite of anything, you re all right, you just didn't want. Where mask which is fine, I get it. I think many of us, you have gotten the vaccine, don't see the point
wearing masks anymore indoors or outdoors, which, by the way, is now what some people want us to do. But if that's what you think, then, maybe you shouldn't be required. Everyone in the entire city to wear masks indoors, if you don't even think it's necessary for you to follow the policy Besides we saw her, I thought it was interesting. Even before she violated her own mandate. She announced the policy last Thursday to go into effect Saturday Morning and New is reports show that she went out Friday night to celebrate her birthday, there's an advanced and was not wearing a mask. She appeared to be some kind of outdoor roof top bar with fright but nonetheless, if you think there's some kind of serious emergency now with cupboard where we need to react and indoor mass me Dr everybody, including vaccinated people indoors and you're out parties, not wearing a mask your kind of communicating that you don't care right. The rules don't apply to you you're going to time, You can go and do what you want and in fact also then go out once the rolls taken effect and still do what you want, which is fine,
dont dispute her desire, not where mask indoors, like I said, but it just the hypocrisy of it in some unsurprising- got very hard to take yeah gymnast one seems to be a combination. You ve had a lot of these politicians. violating, gave a new some various prohibitions on gatherings or gatherings outside your family. At his famous dinner for lobbyists, fresh laundry eve had Mare of Chicago and Anti diplomacy, their hair down and obviously huge element of this is just eat. These politicians there powerful their famous theories to travel, with entourage and getting driven everywhere and Emily Security team. Around them, so they feel very important and they feel so there more important than these rules by think another going on here- and you see it just. She knows this rule makes no such as she knows. She's vaccinated, probably most people at this wearing it. Wasn't it stream
tiny wedding was didn't, seem like an enormous one, probably vaccinated to social knows the rule itself is not that important and constitutes a kind of theatre rich. I really have to correct you. I hate seeing this kind of misinformation on our part cast. Everyone knows the virus, causes while you're eating and why you were a mask, a cake, ain t a bit because your chewing and you just you otherwise insanely Algeria. I would observe Eu Defence of Mayor browser. The delta virus was not scheduled, arrival, Saturday morning so are complacent able for everybody to go out and party. However, they wanted a private Someone has damaged by the way I editing go back and verify it, but a protocol that these various characters yesterday at a posted today on the website and gave a new some sort of texting me what was instructing people to mask between bites at Maastricht
that's just for crumbs. That's just for slobber, assisted out your messy eater. It's a good idea to do where love. So we can mayor about around like a pin yadda? She certainly has this coming. I also thank those on the kind of being a lighted. A kind of figures glossed over here is not just as you mentioned that the sheer number people with wedding were probably vaccinated and those who were not vaccinated? I basically they assume the risk bay. They recognise the risks, gathering in a large group of people. My attitude is fine. That's that's your right. You roll the dice you're the one who's, much more, at risk of a serious response from the people who, with a reaction to the virus, then the people who are vaccinated bullets also observe regarding the masks effect, was Wanna binds advisers who was on CNN political. Third, like look early on in the spending of prison
My general sets the mass help there, not a bullet proof shield. They do some good and only five are better than the cloth ones, and what binds adviser sank sitting have engaged the delta barrier. Is you? probably gonna want to go there. Ninety five ass, the cloth ones it most, people are walking around probably aren't gonna, give them that much protection will that's the case. Masking rules, probably Otto like that, but I'm sure lots of people other dont have and ninety five mass, it's better. If only we ve thought about this ahead of time, the people might need a ninety. Five mass did not but what we ve got to do something about it. But at this point, bureau Bouser has instead of law, that you yourself isn't bills and assert that she herself has actually getting north purity and a deep down. Probably isn't
and make that much of the significant difference. I then, but I find it a push, he's doing this to implement masking requirements and vaccinated people in order to protect on vaccinated people. So you expect to take action vaccinated people that the vaccinated will not take to themselves to protect themselves from their time left to saves the labelling as a little bit left to say. I think there have from the beginning of the pandemic, been a good now
public officials who have believe themselves to be exempt for the rules and who see the law as something that is done to people, rather than of which they are a part. But I think what the most recent example showers is the curve it is over, and I dont mean by that, but it doesn't exist anymore, that people are being hospitalized. People are dying all that the death of Erin isn't dangerous. The opposite is true: But we have reached a point at which these rules are now either entirely performative or hangovers, that absent their initial contacts make no sense. This isn't some right wing way of looking at it. I've read so many pieces from across the political spectrum in the last couple of weeks, sang with we're done
release with we're done with covert ass. It previously existed. The vaccine is now available. We know what works and what doesn't and those who. Jumping all over new draconian rules, no somewhere deep down that the circumstances have changed. I think marrow bows is among them. I think she knows full well that, while her side is putting pressure on its politicians to be good at great risk, fanciful and continuing to poor scorn. Unfairly on many other figures in the German, not least governor dissent, is that these rules are
cites the point and more than that, that the people who are supposed to be bound by them know that their besides the point, which was the case this time- last year. So it seems to me that this is another good indication that we are in the death throes of covert, at least as it has existed politically ass. Hopefully it begins to wine down very logically suggests we talked This second ep last week about this CDC data that was coming out to greet scene it yet they're just reports on the Washington Post in a couple of them. Places subsequently that we had pushed back amazingly enough in the Biden team, saying the oppressed being wedded to alarmist about delta and a variant any had a lot of.
examination of this data that drove the cdc to its guidance last week that came out of Provincetown with a lot of people pointing out while this is a a party town July. Fourth, it's a big party town. You know you have a dance crowd, dance floors and clubs and an all round, so this is probably in a pretty good product, a very the proxy for what might be happening in the recent country, but eventually fathers very closely. What do you make it to the CDC support its case for its reasoning for its decision that rich, when, when you lay that out that way, let us be clear. I follow pandemic and and and virus news. I don't follow Prophetstown seen very well, that's not really zoning all of us, a site, that is to say the so it was. What is that, these. If you have no densely packed dance clubs in which strangers are kissing strangers.
Yes, that's going to be an environment will be to see the virus spreading quickly and obey the way. That's not representative, of both social interaction, genes for most Americans are really unique set of circumstances, and this is Hardly any honest to goodness wonder the CDC scientist or look at this study and looking at this think this is As you know, well, the other societies are really densely packed clubs that are gonna known for people gettin wild or whether this is just like the backyard barbecue. Down the street. This is you know. People are really the danger of us oh by the way like. Even if you see people were like tongue guessing strangers yoga the actual numbers for hospitalizations in prophetstown number people at sea. The reactions and there really not that bad- that they all these good people who are dying because it is the vaccines appear to be
working the waiter supposed to get the delta variants even in circumstances like this. Now, I suppose you could say you'd. Rather, people not get infected than others, but again, this is that if Corbett nineteen had appeared on the scene and it had been the equivalent of a bad flew season We would not have shut down society, we would not have had to you know a bee social differences. In Nazi our loved ones and not travel, and that you wanted to stop really like to do, we must combat Lucy so time. There was a big. What made this difference was the chance to be caught the spires, particularly if your elderly, particularly if you were oh compromised, radical morbidity, there's a chance to kill you and that's that that would really made the scary indifferent dig up. These are not certain that that factor he's gone for those who are vaccinated, except for those were very well, elderly or those of web or some other, really serious other health condition that puts them at risk recovered infection. So I don't think so.
This has been a difficult job only we have two years ago with the job either because we are still waiting for final opposition. for the vaccines that are still on women's use. Application Ninety million Americans get nervous systems there still not final approved. Also. I think it really would be helpful if they could come up and get out gives a sense of what the timeline is for back stations for kids. They are the last group of Americans who are on vaccinated, don't have a choice in it and thirty. Israel start to give third shots to people who are our senior citizens. Think I heard France and Germany are either struggle. considering it already going ahead with it right now. If you want a third shot, you can't get one. I think it would be wise to these open up that option probably the next major headache for the by demonstrations, be Biden saying last Thursday at this point. There is no, it's that anyone needs a third shot. Well, ok, that evidence is gonna, be
Will it pretty soon at all by the way, by this about six months after his were his second job, then exit question to you? I'm gonna give you too apt. You get pick. One can best option. The delta variant, Scott Auctioneer, arpanet delta variant will decline before the alarmist news coverage currently stand that will or option b the delta variant will consider running continued around strong and drive even more new returned mandates in the fall airy. I think, as the more likely to get it. I'm gonna agreed with seen some indication from England that the Delta variant new spikes up fast spikes down fastness, certainly popping up the case, maybe we'll be quite as that, but eventually just reach a point where the virus stops losing. It runs out of people to happen to Canada. I think
and as somebody who has family in England, spin remarkable to watch the different reactions in the different countries, because last week or my english friends of to me, isn't it great. Finally, whereas the downward slope coming out of this thing, and meanwhile, I've won in America was running around seeing its back its back we're headed into the worst of it. So I- and my hope is that Britain is is a couple of weeks ahead of where we are. Yeah a kind to think that I'm gonna go a is well and you still, this virus has been been with us for quite a long time. Now it's still have cut up patterns are a really hard to
explain, clearly understand, but I tend to think it's going to peek faster than you would expect, given that the covers an the cable shadow, its hurt certainly hope. So let me do a quick at our plus blood before we move on at plus of course, did proscription serves at NASH, review, dot com, your way to get around Recently extensive and hardened metered hey wall, Your way to see almost no ads on the website, if you sign up for an hour, plus and you log, in your way to get our email new letters and we got a bunch that you should be reading if or not. already your way to get them their complete text in your. Barks without having to bother with the annoying, I like to go back to the web page to read the news letter in its entirety,
And your way to comment on blog, post and articles if that float your boat, you can also be part of the private facebook group. That's an option yet invited events in conversations we had a blow out one last week with. Attorney General Bill BAR what a fantastic guy. He is so sad and well informed is incredibly candid in this conversation, and we had a most registrations ever for a while Are these cars and were then also be traced, more intimate zoom of that with our writers and errors. I've done a number of these last several months. Just hang out
thirty people on Zoom for an hour or more just talking about the revolution around July fourth or where we are and our politics, so our plus its great deal. It's your way to plug deeper into our community and support our ville, very valuable journalism. They're all sorts of great first time offers running at any given moment, so you haven't already. I urge you to go check it out. So, let's hit a few other things, before we go Jim Geraghty been enjoying Washington Dc Aerial, whether in the seventies and all nervousness was broadcast. Know that if you don't have it
a chance to live in the Washington DC or Northern Virginia area. You wonder what it's like. You have a chance to get here and summer. Just take you, the map in your house remove any pieces of metal. Does Canada trim it off putting them like way for about thirty seconds and then just rub the mob in your face fur? First, if you say that, give you the sense of what it's like to go out most of the time late July and August Muggy, its heart, mosquitoes off its terrible something cut. A magical has happened over the last couple of days were ended July, beginning of August. It's been really pleasant out. Maybe even though your secretary Chile, but it's not not even remotely warm. It is delightful. Its pleasanter than seventy sun is shining just a great kind of days when a splendid citing about gas know that it's it's been really nice that go out what we now have
Another cookout last weekend in the kind of a blessing had very unexpected, usually falls in autumn. In the DC area, terrific argued Nestle early taste of that daddy's passport is carried and playing tennis, yes in hate that, by the sound of it, would cause Jim to expire on the spot. We headed down to the tennis court seal evening to play tennis with some friends. The plan was play. Some tennis. Then have some wine, but when they got there was still about ninety two degrees, and it was just too much no shade. So it is the other way round. We had the wine for an hour and a bit, then we played some tennis. I can't say that it improved my game, but it made it more enjoyable egotism
Before after I've had half a bottle of wine is even where a head down like the ON board a kind of classical no, but I do actually quite like had bans. I should pick one I can do that on Amazon them. You, like her dance yeah. I quite like that whole seventeen. I look yes, dementia thing rich earlier, so I remember as he did. They treat him he's not he's back up what about a list of the moment, although there are many rumours yeah, that's why I must have seen it twitter, something about a rumour. Forgive me Charlie. I know that sir, is his heresy in a cup house, although they do not so much, not so much anymore, so Zan even reading the Abigails Asher Book, so he said to him and transgender them
Admiral Schreyer. So I am a bit late to the party on this one. That's not an especially white books. I dont know how to borders really as a light item, but it's about that takes a look at the transgender is an issue in much more specifically the issue of. Why were suddenly seeing this spike entrance under identifications among adolescent girls, and this is something I good about, but she really dived into it from multiple perspectives, perspectives, talks to parents, psychiatrists people as adolescence, identified this way and later cease doing so not just really rigorously researched though not super enjoyable, definitely must reading so then I know I gave you a hard time about going to Fredericksburg for just from from Washington, but last weekend I drove from the wash and area down. Take kings, diminutive, amusement park about ninety minutes, two hours south,
I noticed a sign for Fredericksburg. It does have there's a Fredericksburg battlefield Chancellorsville in the wilderness, all right there in the Senate said Sir, that's pretty big deal and a measure this try before there is a sign of always kind of wondered about it on the way to kings. Dominion from Washington DC for the stonewall, Jackson, shrine and earned. I wondered if, as you know, that the Woke stuff was haven't, how long is that? How long that scientists day stay there? of this year has been changed to stonewall Jackson, deaths site and then I'm waiting to a year or two from now it'll, just totally, I'm sure that I guess that's final disk appear. But anyway, what I'd like to mention is bad gps directions and I'm such a sucker form, because I I want to make a mistake on end up in our half an hour,
out of my way through, not following the gps directions, but just GPS sometimes is so ridiculous. I had this experience. I was driving around that this past weekend in Northern Virginia going somewhere. I wasn't that familiar with, and I had. we go around this round about and tat round ago, go in the opposite direction. To take our right turn when I could have taken less turn earlier, they there's nothing legal about the left turn there's nothing taters about the left, turn subjects just wide. Why are you doing that and oftentimes GPS will come up with
a. U turn that make you turn it makes. No sense are just away that that tat makes no sense at all, but I'm usually too much of it a coward to defy the gps, even if I don't think it makes sense with that its time in the pot cast for our editors packs, Jim Gary. What's your bit well, I've suddenly go with. Basically everything NASH Review has written about Intercultural, because I believe that this is one of those areas where the mainstream media like were used to buy us, were used to ban reporting reuse to stuff that
Clearly, if the republican Party that this was a case like arguably the worst governor in America during the pandemic was celebrated as the best now. The rap announcement from Tis James stay was gonna, be cherry. On top- and I went back- and I looked at one point when they put these came out- I looked it up. We ve had stories on Cuomo from David Larceny predict Shankar Tile Smith, passenger Lopez, arrayed Mikado, Zack, Evans, Tobias, went out, Brittany, Bernstein Pocket, All segments here on the gas rich, I'm certain you ve written about it, Charlie M, certainly written about alexandra- be surprised if you had written about it at me right. So we ve had team coverage of agriculture from the very beginning of this when everybody else was still calling themselves homosexuals. That is one of the many reasons why the world needs national review. Then. What's your back, I think, is a peace that we have up today on the homepage. It's called the troubled girls. The transgender movement ignores
my journey gentles. This goes along with my white item, its difficult reading. I think it's really an important subject. These girls, who are being suffering gender, destroy our interests being affirmed, amount and told ok, let's go ahead and become a boy when Very many of them actually need much more compassionate and serious care that takes into account with their struggling with it was your pic. I want of some pray for Luther re able one of our some intends in fact he's here for a second time, despite having a name like an alibi, monsieur killer is in fact from Wisconsin and he has a real lack of writing across a whole range of topics with just as much enthusiasm. His last few pieces of been on our
Rogers and a show in Wisconsin the box. The debauchery problem in the Navy and investigative report into Republicans pouncing an opposition peace against cameras in classrooms and the tv show tat lesser when I first got turned on to lose his writing by pc right. I think I praise donors bought currencies about you cause. You know about the joy of driving a bitter, while many of the pieces I just mentioned, have the same tone about them, so good stuff Luther Summit, tat is the cover story and our last print issue by John Powder, its buildup, lousy on the decline of New York City. Japan is good on everything. He is such a lucid and biting writer, but especially good on
if anything having to do with New York City- and I look at the space- is kind of a book in on a J pod. Peace that has stuck with me for years has just fantastic was something he wrote further weaker standard moment, a cover story, certainly a substantial piece on: how do you get beaten crime and the Comstock Sis before that. That was a well known saying, and lo and behold. All these years later, New York has forgotten what it learned and the beginning of this failing was electing build a Basilio, this Sir Lightweight Progressive to be made. of such a wonderful city and J Pod, just as chapter and verse on him and what's been going on in New York City,
Read it already. I strongly urge you to an that set for us even listening to a national podcast in the rebroadcast retransmission or account of this game without express written permission, permission, Sri, strictly prohibited pot, gas podcast improves buddy incomparable Sarah, should he who makes a sound better than we deserve. Thank you, Charlie. Zan. Thank you, german thanks to a neutral in the box and group, and thanks especially to argue for listening for the others, see an extra
Transcript generated on 2021-08-04.