« The Editors

Episode 334: Anthony Fauci in the Crosshairs

2021-06-04 | 🔗

Today on The Editors, Rich, Charlie, and Michael discuss Fauci’s fall from grace, the disappointing May jobs report, and the strong statements from Sinema and Manchin on the filibuster.

Editors’ picks: • Rich: This week’s fundraising campaign and Scott McKim’s slideshows • Charlie: Rich’s piece “How Southlake, Texas, Won Its Battle against Critical Race Theory” • MBD: Dan’s piece “Why Conservatives Should Be Leery of Seceding Counties

Light items: • Rich: Going to Subway • Charlie: The game Operation • MBD: Getting a second opinion

Sponsors: Made In Stamps.com

The Editors is hosted by Rich Lowry and produced by Sarah Colleen Schutte.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I can't believe, algae in the crosshairs and mansion and cinema in the breach will discuss all this more on this additional letters. Damage lowering them join is always by the Right honourable Chelsea Debbie Cook and enjoys mood Michael bread. Dorothy, you listening to a national viewpoint, Gasser sponsor this episode is made in cook where an stamps, car marshes, air sponsors more about them. In due course. If you listen spot guest on NASH reviewed, our comically directly on the corner were delighted to have you better be eased, your view, and better frosty made as part of your feed and industry. services out. There's just bought a fighter, Itunes and your language. Here, please consider give
as a glowing fire a review on Itunes. You dont like what you hear her. Please forget. I said Anything so every day We are more action on the Anthony algae and though theory, France we have, Archie emails released some, people thought there s some smoking guns and there you had a more modulated. Take that you rode up for the site, and then we had his vanity fair peace would talk about more in a minute. But what do you take away from the Else so the emails I mean, I call them a little bit of a war short test because I've, I think the Bay contain some damning information or little revelations about foul cheese, attitudes and prejudices that I think have been unhelpful during this pandemic.
but others saw a man whose just kind of trying to coordinate a flood of inquiries coming into him and information. On the lab leak theory. I mean clearly their email show. This was something that had popped up. Very early on fancies radar and Frances Collins refer to it as a conspiracy that gaining steam, and they seem to want to take their communication about it off of email which can before at an into inn phone calls which can't but you know you would perhaps for totally not innocent region We want to see a conspiracy, Theory, if you believe it to be such faded and stamped out, especially if it was casting you.
or your enterprise or science itself, as a villain So I don't find that minors when that, when their time, conspiracy, theory do they mean the lab. big, they may Moroccans richly female weapon, the soul, They. I think they used the words conspiracy very both in in both instances, one fur a zero hedge article that it was about by weapons, research. And another that it was just Lab engineered with HIV inserted into a corner virus, so they use that in both terms- and there is one conversation where that one that is kind of em. Spooky to read, which is a series of emails where one scientist outside of the government says hey. We
some signs here that this could be human engineered and then with. A few hours factually sends an email to another staffer saying like yours, Let's get on the phone immediately you're going to have some tasks to do today, and it's not clear what it is and so it's it's. It SAM. At the same time, a he's receiving emails from Doktor Danzig, who runs this outbreak of Eco Health alliance. That is a huge proponent of gain, a functional research and Danzig. I mean, if you put aside any value for a second, I think its indisputable. That Danzig has been a dishonest please
here in these debates, right that he organised a statement in which he tried to even hide his own involvement. Trying to clear, though, lab that he was the cut out for in America, he would receive funding from an age and then pass it on in some grants to Han and his the letter he organised is the scientific gobbledygook. It's not a lot of scientists, just don't credit at all for being remotely plausible as an explanation for the origin of the virus, so there d n, you see, he's writing nicely with him, and you know, but I think overall, you get a couple of things that couple of themes in fancies emails that I think open to serious interrogation now which is taken?
Which his arm he knows very dismissive of store, bought cloth masks at the very beginning of the pandemic. Explains why they would be useless for virus, particularly in aerosols,. You see him slowly come around to a very like weak acceptance of maybe, as the pandemic is more widespread, could be some utility, but I don't see anything that lines up with what he was publicly saying about masks in my in April last year, as he kind of embrace them protection, you don't see any proof better. He was deliberately trying to protect the supply. you see as his honest view, that they are store, bought
asks are mostly useless because, as our planet who sang work had the best best interpretation of the mask question too too fast for Fiji is that you didn't think you're gonna make a huge difference, but that they might make a difference in the margins of with someone who's infected and didn't know it to stop them from from spent spreading the viruses quickly due to others and then and then also just using it as a job a precautionary measure to make everyone keep thinking about the virus. Yeah, there's other things too. I mean he is I'm a bit out on a limb on this one. For now I dont think for very long, but fancy consistently dismissed and downplay the use of cheap available antivirals as a treatment for covert. Nineteen.
You see, scientists arguing with him in getting very angry at his statements I'm trying to show off their research in Israel and other countries and all the while values promoting. Ram desert here, which turned out not work very well at all and is about a thousand times more expensive than the alternatives on here. And yet so anyway, there's there's a couple of these things. There's no smoking gun and in this- and these are there's lots of reduction. material and in some of the key emails, But I felt it didn't look good and it had lots of fodder for people who are already predispose not like Anthony Voucher. but on the other hand, the hake, you know he's
cursing people out. He he's he sometimes refuses to indulge the press in entire trump talking points. You know some, it's uh, it's a mixed picture. Charlie. This is Eddie is our bit in one of his stand up. So the way he talks about how people who work for the secret service source bodyguards, they look so cool with their seat. And their concealed weapons and area pieces until something happens, and then running around grab the guy by the had falling over in the street looking excessively twitching, I think these emails give us a similar insight into the highest echelons of our government and our agencies.
they show chaos in the best case here is that. Anthony found. She was responding to add, really did a situation and drinking from fire hose, but that's my sadness, Michael noted, in his good piece on this he's all over the place. Certain topics- mosques is one of those topics. He contradicts himself, he pretends he didn't say what he said before and gives the impression of somebody who is trying to balance the scientific where the political Well, this is a longstanding criticism. Often remonstrated magazine piece about Anthony fetch him, which he advanced. This criticism as well that fat cheap
at times has been unable to play the role that he is supposed to play, which is to give a very lucky the call opinion and then feed that into the normal go process and has instead try to second guess what people will bear how his words will be received and what behaviors they will prompt, which is not his job. An email show him doing that on mosques and on more, I don't. Think there is anything conclusive on the question of the origin of current a virus, the set no smoking gun there and are not entirely sure. One would expect there to be
but certainly there is more in their. That would suggest the lovely fairy than anyone within the press was encouraged to discuss or debate about around until up two weeks ago. Am I read on these emails is that they show why we should have a role in our society for experts, but not elevate them too high, not privilege them. Not put them on a pedestal because they are like almost, and one else when it comes down to it. So Michael also had this vanity fair piece which is really impressive. I don't know how many thousands of words it is, but it's it's long and it says, Was- was the fruit of months of investigation which, which shows and their their couple apps,
that really stand out, one of which is their folks within a bureau. The state department that wanted to investigate Whether the virus had originated in the world stood a virus algae and we're too goodbye folks in another bureau, don't do that. it's a can of worms Stay away, and then there is also someone who who was saying please, whatever you do, don't don't bring up the government's role and funding gain of function. Research, yeah I mean this this is an interesting in the past months about from January this year, onward basically Sinistrum was out of office. We ve had a articles in
York magazine by Nicholson: Baker. We ve had the big Nicholas, we'd peace that he released on medium and now this- and this is more- you know Nicholas. We looked into virus itself and the kind of evidence that you would look at four pandemics in the natural world, the Vanity fair peace fits in another. Layer which is looking much more specifically at what government and institutional people were doing, they were doing it with them russian hours- and you know it relies Only on a group of dissenting scientists all agree the world who started organizing their own research with each other. on the last week. Theory going back right to the beginning and dumb that these these people work
have a reading over the internet, mostly other it seemed like they had, centre of gravity in Paris. These are not people, you can dismisses political hacks and what you find is yet the State Department, is worried about the can of worms. You find them World Health organization. You know basically almost fully setting up an investigation that would have been a whitewash of of the role of the chinese government and chinese institutions like the biology Institute, but then either tat rose who heads the World Health Organization and his himself like an african communist and has been a puppet of China. Many issues throughout this pandemic. Even he couldn't bring himself to rule out any theory This investigation was completed. no
it's some, it's a fascinating peace but it also gets at how the manufactured and false consensus against the lab leak theory and for natural emergence, Last year the created a huge taboo in the scientific community. Among journalists, and also My government officials, across the the- U S, government in particular, that that itself may obscure for The real answer here right, because you were losing day by day critical access to information that could could really give you a clue whether this definitively emerged from a lab or not But we are seeing as this so as this becomes if the same the main stream
we are seeing Anthony found, who is always willing to speak safely from the main stream start to say we need to demand the records from the Wound Institute of Viral, so. If this is all moving very quickly, the little one last thing, The other thing it's notable in this article. Is it very much less out something I've tried to put in some of my pieces on this, which is why does it matter? Will it matters because if this was a man made disaster. That's the worst man made disaster in history and just like the nuclear industry before it, you would have the industry of biology across universities and publicly funded labs across the world it would be under the most intense spotlight and they
would it be subject: to regulation from from outside of science itself right because be clear that trusting scientists to self regulate this extremely dangerous research. It was a mistake because they have too much confidence in themselves and their intimate too much of a conflict of interests, because the sources for the funding or so few and far between I mean. An age funds, thirty two billion dollars of american biology and that's down to the level of funding the salaries of your average. biology professor at any American College, who has to win their salary in grants. So there is a kind of a matter that has to be broken, and I think that peace really
shows why they try to give you your machine to me one the causes for saying at the very least, why those lessons others this whole absurd should be that he, u dont, go and find no bad viruses in some remote cave somewhere and then bring them into the city. Center of a bustling populous place, with people doing research on said, viruses walking out the door of the lab and and if they get sick, God forbid, Certainly you can have a pandemic, overtaken that city and overtaking the world, which is potentially what we saw here. Yeah And there I the peace, that only three locations in which this is done. This will happen. Thirty North Carolina facility, I begin Texas, its hope that the North Carolina in Texas facilities are in the middle of a field somewhere
The pieces is well done, its comprehensive its detailed. I didn't like the end of it, though, that the end is vanity. Fair peace has two paragraphs about, I am one of them, says China Sleep bears responsibility. The stonewalling investigators, whether it did so out of sheer authoritarian, have habit or because it had a lovely to hide, is and may always be unknown. That's fair enough authoritarian state. Is this how communists operate? ass, he noted whether China did so because that's China does or whether China did so because China had something to cover up remains to be seen him. That criticism is a reasonable one in it, outlines one of the problems. In the second paragraph about the blame
really makes no sense unless you believe that american journalists and political figures have no agency and says the United States deserve. A healthy share of blame is well. Why, thanks to their unprecedented track record of mendacity and race, baiting Trump and his ally, had less than zero credibility now, let's assume for sake of argument that description of the Trump Administration is correct. That's assume that the Trump administration was indeed mendacious and prone to race. Baiting. That's not an excuse for proof snow journalists, scientists, people who are task professionally with Making inquiries to have been if the state it over the last year to have worried more the consequences of this being true than whether it was true it's just good enough to say well again, where is he in this is correct.
Trumpet his allies have zero credibility because their mendacious- and they re spade but we can still evaluate the underlying question. We can still decline. To marginalize and disparage and mock the people who ask important questions. The people who advanced, credibly and in good faith fairies even in this peace, which is good, which is it a substantial piece of work even in this pace, there, is some indulgence of The notion that nobody really had a choice. As to how they saw this question because of that big ol. many trump and I'm afraid if you believe that people who work in the press have agency, which I do, That's just not good enough.
Emily S, question to you: will the media eventually turn on Anthony found she, yes or no? I think. I dont know, I think, is if he fancies almost one eighty years old Now- and no- there are rumours he's going to retire in the next couple of months as the pandemic ends and he'll go on the award circuit for his work I dont think they will let's turn on him and make him a villain by then, but I do think. In five or ten years. You know the Michael Louis's of the world and others will write a book that kind of fully What's to shame the response of America's that
the five or six or seven institutions in America that had something. do with pandemic preparedness and that failed instantly when it came about and he'll be part of that. I think that found cheese reputation is set to take a big hit in the minds of the general public and I think, even more than before he set to become a villain On the right- and I'm not sure, is a great deal to be gained by his advocates. By holding on to him. And say: very qualified yes, Media will turn on him
This could, I think we saw eventually, it took a long time. Eventually these Turner DIME on the line. theory. I think the ill. Questions round this game of function, such a serious. I don't know enough to have well form views on it but is there's some question right, Michael that of whether he was truthfulness answered it to ran paw. When, when Paul put this question to you because why the were the emails does it refer to? The research has gained a function, research any that there, the name of an attachment yeah, I in a reversal in the name of the attachment and there's, can burn expressed by foundering those close to him to find out if they are connected to this in attenuated way right, like they're kind of like scratching Isaac, wait. She can this be tied back to us, and in an attenuated away almost certainly can be,
if, after the lab league is true yeah. So still a dynamic. It holds Charlie's, discussing Vienna's vanity, fair article that big values being targeted by on the right. There's a natural defensive reflex around forty by the media- but I do think That'Ll- give way at least a little bit. So I'm a qualified yes, so that let's hear from our first sponsor this episode made in it quality and craftsmanship are important to you. You should check made in Baden as a cook where and kitchen where brand that works with renowned Jeffson arsonist, do some of the world's best parts pans knives and wine glasses, here my household. We are in possession of some made in wine glasses and they are tremendous. They our elegant? They look great the table there lightweight. Obviously, high quality and more the Mai endorsement, my my wife likes them, which, which is much much much more important.
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slash editors Maiden cook, where dot com, slash editors and use my code editors for fifty percent off your first order made in cook where dot com, flash errors, use the promo code once again, errors. Please check it out so Charlie. We have another jobs report here and came out this morning report we're recording early Friday after noone? Another miss not is spectacularly disappointing as last month's job report, but what do you make of it. That's a good description. It's not ass disappointing, but it is still disappointing. It miss. Over a hundred thousand Danny View, combine it with the previous one and we are in a much much
this position than was expected and a much much worse position than the by the administration would have hoped. Given that it spent one point nine trillion dollars and expected this to help kick start the economy. My view on this is that most of them, they was wasted and that the enhanced unemployment benefits in that law were counterproductive. Thankfully, a huge number of republican governors and state legislatures region getting the money or replacing it and it would be a disaster if the Bible illustration were to look at the slow rate of growth in the continuing problems with employment
and decide to spend even more money on whatever it is. That is fashionable this week. It seems clear now that the bailouts in the most recent bill were simply not necessary and have to some extent, is probably not the entire story, but some extent hurt the prospects of and exploding economy. I understand that Joe Biden has constituencies that are keen for him to this or that they have prior Ideological commitments to action, but he fast in his quiet moments wonder what would have happened:
say. One of those special elections in Georgia had gone the other way that bill had never been passed and the employment numbers had looked different. He might be sitting more pretty then He is now- and you don't have to take my word for this because one of the economists that the White House his closest to one of these, Economists, who is openly allied with the democratic body Jason Furman has cold water on the idea that what we are seeing in the jobs numbers is the result of a lack of safe child cap, provided at the federal level, and has provided some support for the idea that what we are seeing in the jobs summit is the product of people being paid to stay at home. Now I understand that when people head that on the left, they say: ok, but if private businesses
to attract work. Is then why do they just pay more? But there is a obvious difference between private businesses competing with private businesses for workers, which is good. We want that and private businesses working against God and action money that is either forcibly extracted from the economy or borrowed from China,
one is the normal working of a free market and the other is the corruption of the free market, and I am hopeful that ass, the I dont how many states there are? Maybe ten? Twenty red states start to take her off the enhanced unemployment that people will be incentivize to go back to work, and the next jobs report will be better than these turban, so Michael wages and got up, which is it a good thing, but it is clearly in part because employers who are fighting against the headwind these enhanced unemployment there
that's which are about half states are again it suspend early, but it won't be untold later in the year that day they expire, and it is clear that at that, at some level there suppressant on the labour market returning to full health yeah, I mean it's in its one of a couple of suppressant. I mean those others the fact that I know some people said it's. The schools aren't the strongest suppressant, but I know for a fact: alot of keys were where the schools napping, predictably open in a city are a suppressant, especially for people who want to take our leave waged work because they can't predict when they'll have to be home, to supervise assume schoolers school from home and
Yeah me see, have these states Louisiana itself You know you're, seeing the unemployment boost, not just competitive with the lowest wages and the state, but competitive reflect the median wage in the state This is a serious issue and it's not just the the economic issue either right I mean, I think, when we look back at this time. In covert where we we paid so many people to be idled. We're going to We learn almost in eighteen months, what we learned in the eighteen years before welfare reform, which is that pay people not to work leads to
anti social and destructive habits and it's connected to the rising crime agenda. The rise of mischief too. So I think this is even bigger than just economic story, which is itself in a kind Disappointment, I thought we all began the bite administration expecting that he was going to benefit from his unemployed boom. That was coming right, like there was a strong economy having into twenty twenty, that was wrecked by the pandemic, and then it was sluiced with money and all the data we have on household balance sheets is that there are extremely healthy and just to spend on in sectors that they can't spend on yet travel hospitality, and in lots of places where the
women. Devastation has been particularly cruel, like the restaurant industry, so the fact that their screwing it up by having overextended these benefits And having nursed too long a sense of fear of getting out there, I think it's a major problem for providing the joy and no one ever gotten rich. I M taking year in year, economic prognostication out the market, but that sad ex questions to you do you expect the disappointing job. Number slash economic reports to last. For the near turn, the medium term or long term. I being that, although they are, unwilling to acknowledge this big,
they want to maintain some sense of crisis and momentum for their agenda. The Bible, ministration and more responsible voices within the Democratic Party in the democratic coalition are aware that the most recent covert relief bill has been at least partially counterproductive annex going to want to turn the economy round before this becomes a drag ahead of the mid term. So I would expect that. one more bad jobs report will spur Syria, changes and an attempted reform. Emily maybe I'm reading too much into my own personal Sperience here, but I think is a growing and and of giving
and exaltation and energy building up in kind the national psyche about the end of this crisis, which is upon us right. This crisis is ending presently and soon it's going to be safe, to acknowledge that its ending in a very public way, and it would be absolutely damn foolish of the binding administration not to try to take some of that glory for themselves. so in they're going to have to declare an end to the patient this summer and encourage people that schools will open as normal in the fall and ice. think: they'll be a rush to start spending like crazy. This build up of their household balance sheet, and I I You think giddy times are ahead, so employment will pick up. I think this summer in a big way,
Yeah, I'm gonna say just near terms: basically except embassies, analysis. It there's a boom under their somewhere waiting to happen, and eventually it will. especially what's this policy is out of the way so that, let's hear from our other sponsor this week, stamps Doc I'm still go to the post office, still paying full price for postage. Will, thanks to stamp dot com, do anymore, mail and ship anytime anywhere right from your computers. That letter should packages and pay less a lot less with discounted, read some usb asks. You p S. And more stamps start comrades. The services of the? U S, postal Listen! You ps right, your computer. It's a must have for any business, whether small office, sending invoices aside hustle, Etsy Shop, shipping out orders navigating a hybrid work life stamps dot com can handle it with ease, no wonder over one million businesses to stamps dot com for their mailing and ship
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editors, stamps dot com, promo code, editor stamps that never go to the post office. again so Emily were discussing this earlier this week in the context of the blob over the top. This wording on the push to pass hr wine and end fell bustard, do it, but now We ve had some more action or inaction, thankfully, onto filibuster with both mansion. And cinema just, showing no wiggle room match noise makes me nervous. But that he's very adamant about this gets annoyed. Now, reporters continue to ask him fully wistfully whether he's gotta, ages view on the filibuster and you had a very strong statement at a cinema. Oh when she's
any with John Corn and for a visit to the border the other day, and you had Biden expressing some frustration with both. not by name but saying now, people ask bind and your people. Ask me why Biden, people say by do more will bind can't do more because the only has a effectually afore, the majority in the house, it is time and the Senate, including two senators evoke more with Republicans what you make it. Well, I mean we ve talked about it before, It is almost a comical dynamic happening with Joe Mansion. In the press, part of it- is that Joe Romania is not always a hundred per cent consistent and how he phrases. Is his intentions four for voting and I think he is enjoying some of the attention- but he's also gruffly impatient that enough
The media is lobbying him to destroy the film faster so that Democrats can build, can attempt to build a larger majority through legislation, and it's funny way that both cinema and mention are being rest. They from states that can easily elect Republicans. The idea that they are are entirely unaware of their own. Interests is interesting you know. I wonder if there is something we dont understand about. The psychology of the Democratic Party Which is willing in a way is willing to vote, so times on generational,
justification and suffer the consequences in the following election. so we saw that with Obama care that there was this resurgent democratic majority in the house, and many I voted for a bomb care knowing it would wipe them out of office. And I think many of them hoping that the vote, the party would ultimately protect their careers through appointed cynic. Yours and I asked I think there is this and underline dynamic of frustration that the cinema and mention just won't go for it won't. jump on the grenade in the same way,. it's something really Republicans haven't done since the do nothing Congress when they first stopped a national healthcare right where they purchase flee voted in a way that might alienate the. a majority, but will it satisfies our own principles so
it's an interesting dynamic, I'm it's it's getting to the point that it's kind of tragicomic, though yourself trial was Miss out on me about what Biden said. Is that as I like, three or four weeks ago still use can be then accept, yard and- they are never headed to complain that there Two Democrats in the Senate stopping his agenda shortly after. Hundred days off, many headed a two hundred vote majority in the house and I think fifty eight senators democratic centres. It just goes to this bizarre mismatches, had been there all along play for everyone to see that you can have empty R. J type ambitions If you have a tie in the Senate and a couple relatively moderate centres who are aren't gonna go along with your news scheme to see
lay at NFL the. So you can try jam some of this through before the election year before potentially Republicans take back the house and maybe the Senate too, It also goes to a misunderstanding on the part of Joe Biden enter extent check Summa off work. It is the job item, is president and why it is that the Democrats have majority thanks to Vice President Harris tie breaking vote in the sand, it is easier if you win the sort of victories that Franklin Roosevelt Dead and that. And and Johnson dead in nineteen sixty four flattened. The party say well, look we are in charge of the country and to me by we watch the president, one
as you say, you have enough people within the legislature that it doesn't matter if we have a handful of rebels, Joe Biden as president. in part, because he is not Donald Trump and he ran without a particularly strong agenda and, Democrats hold the Senate because they have a coalition that. Include some Elizabeth warrants and at monarchies interaction is but also Contains dimension whose from a state the Trump one by forty point, also contains. Kristen Cinema is from a state that Till very recently was Ruby read em. It's still often elects Republicans. The governor Arizona won the one the last election he ran and by fourteen fifteen points. Fifteen up
here Biden talk as if he was swept in with some obvious agenda and super majorities, and there are some people on his team who just won't get with that programme. He wasn't That's the same number of seats in the Senate, as Republicans of you're going to have a couple of them. Maybe more. We never hear about the more because all of the heats taken by mansion and cinema course you're going to have a couple of those sentences who are not in line with the centre. Gravity in the party, and you can't just say right. Well, there traitors. because they are just as much a part of the coalition ass is anybody else It is a real misunderstanding here on the part of Democrats as to where they are and this also a short sightedness and a
an unwillingness to evaluate the work that american politics works in practice. I suspect that in may be two years, maybe for maybe six. So by Democrats will come to look at german and Cousin Cinema ass long sighted, thoughtful reflective people who didn't get caught up in the air strikes because by refusing to abolish the filibuster, they will have kept Democrats in the game if it is true, as we are constantly told by the likes of fox in the New York times that the Senate is institutionally unfair to the left. To progressive is amended. The democratic party, the last thing that democratic should want, is to get rid of the sixty vote.
Threshold because in the long run, Republicans To have a structural advantage in the Senate, I'm not thought is worth convinced. That is true, but that is the line that comes from Democrats and from progressives, in particular one of the reasons that they should be thanking, germ mention and costs, and cinema fought. Their stance is that the vast majority of the democratic agenda at the moment does not actually have fifty votes in the Senate, and so, if in a fit, of peak or in this misplaced moral crusade to take over the voting systems of a whole country from Washington, D C. The Could somehow convince cinema and mention to go along with them, They would soon realise that they wouldn't get a great deal out of it. Anyway, it's not a sieve we are in some fight to the death.
No debate, oversight single pair. That would be an extraordinary change to american life, the boy An agenda is expensive, but it's not popular in the legislature. There isn't a great deal of momentum for and so it's even stranger, there is so much anger towards these two figures who approach more than two figures, because I think up in New Hampshire is it tat. Senator has SAM is against God, whether the filibuster, fine, fine Steiner's, hence getting rid of the filibuster. I dont know where John tester is a thing that will be tough for him in Tanner its extraordinary to me that there is This much anger and irritation, given that is simply not in the interests of the Democratic Party to see it go.
We D s question to you. The left will become disenchanted with how much Biden has been able to get done by the end of summer by winter by next year. We're never oh end of summer. I think it's already does already evidence of disappointment. That then you know that by calling him after are a few hundred times, they weren't able to will it into it. still. I mean this is a kind of generation of Lex rules, who were primarily formed by the text of Harry Potter, where things just appear when you announced them, such as its not to be in this constitutional system, Kaliko
I think that we are right on the tipping point. Clearly, Biden is not Fdi he's not going to make changes in the way that, after I was able to make, Yes, I think we are right on the tipping point between bite Get to spend a lot of money as his party throws up its hands and says well, this is the one thing we can do in reconciliation bill and bite and go into the mid term, having passed precisely one major piece of legislation, that being the one point, nine trillion dollars. Some current of irish relief. now I'm gonna, say also by the end of summer ice. Yeah who get something on infrastructure, some nature, but climate change
Jim George Floyd Actin HR one and just the is top line numbers he's talking about turn to spending. None of that is is gonna happen and there is going to be disenchantment with that. Let's hit on a few other things before we go. Emily, even thinking about the importance of getting a second opinion yeah. So this is just a couple of friends: Mars from our church were pregnant with therefore child and dumb I think a little after the first trimester ended. They had one of these checkup appointments and the doktor told them that their child had a fatal condition that they needed to terminate the pregnancy for their health and so on.
They ended up going to Colombia, Presbyterian and getting a second opinion from I think, a doctor per per Vinci Vince and down this past week and they gave birth to a health. b but very small, two point: five pound baby boy John, it turned out that the first time Her was right. There was a very serious condition. The placenta had try Soami sixteen. The child also had it fully, it would have been almost certainly fatal, but Now there is a little bit point the whirling he's doing pretty well by our ports. So using, all those of you who are praying swords out. Their lives was pray for that baby and gun. Charlie you have been re acquainted with the classic boardgame operation. Now after Michael story
guy from the sublime to link the ridiculous. am I a five year old had his tonsils and his adenoids out this week has been a tough weak for him, but one upside is that His grandma Maya mother in law bought him the game operation, which he's been playing. Let's say with. gusto if doc delicacy, he doesn't seem to bother when he jams in the treaties- and the nose lights up and starts buzzing just I resign anyway, I'm not sure for now at least that he'd make a particularly good surgeon, but it has been a nice way of getting his mind off the pain in his throat and Knows the child, as this will make no sense to use its you lived in a free state, are all Dana depend, but I haven't been to a subway sandwich shop in more than a year and I was out about the
day and when it was really hungry for lunch I saw this grave ass. I gotta find a subway and did find subway and that that smell hit. My nostrils is issue, so I came in the door, it's it's sort. smell of bread or whatever subway calls bread, but is not quite a bread, bread smell, but it's a subway bread smell. And I was so great smell that again Fortunately, this is not that the greatest subway shop ever that the bread. Obviously I always get white bread, not toasted, as little colored. I tell wasn't that fresh and then like that NATO's in the lead us you know when you get to the bottom of the little, been that they pick em out from it at all, Often times are becoming icy. So the tomatoes, where I see in the letter was, I see I brought staying home and I ate half as I guess. I don't think I'm going to eat any anymore of this, but still it was, was good to be in
way and that the white macadamia in not cookie, was what is was ass, good ass ever so that its time four editors picks embayed. What's your pic gives a piece by Denmark Laughlin Why conservatives should be Leary of seceding counties. Damn basically picks up a debate, gauntlet thrown down by Michael Anton author the flight. Any free election essay and I'm kind of provocative were on the right in time in this as a champions as one way forward. Reestablishing committee between the factions in american political life and the states of the possibility, whiling red! holdings to secede from their blue states enjoying adjacent red states.
and cite some he knows interesting, Examples particularly the creation of the state of mean in furthering his argument and damagon as he does. A pretty despairing let me just lays why this could be a pandora's box that we do not want to open and just monies times where I love being on the right and having these kinds of debates that aren't about just want binding. last thirty. Five minutes can. I was your bet. My pick your piece rich on South Lake Texas and out one its battle against critical, ray.
Theory? I think this is not only a deeply important topic per se. I do not think we should be teaching children, that the United States is a white Supremacist Haven or the blacks are inferior, controversial opinion But I also think that this is an issue that will be resolved at the grassroots level and issue sharing your piece. It can If parents gets involved as they did in south, Can, I say, puberty will be all across the country in the coming years, yet they charge Those people down there are heroes and an edge. It just happened there there a couple people with
Real organizational experience in shops were involved in the beginning, UK's started a pack in an information effort and organizational effort and end the Vegas. They just knock this thing out of the park and what they are fighting was so absurd is like this thirty four page document, basically a Maoist anti clinical Anti racism revolution in the school system. place that you would never expected. You know this kind of affluent suburb in Texas and that they really should be a model and if check out the Pisa, I have it the contact him info or contact email of four for the folks around the campaign down there, and if your facing some more situation and your school system do worse. And then reach out to them and get get some advice. So I have a double their girl pick. One want to note the fundraising
campaign were running around our coverage of lab leak theory, which thanks primarily to Jim Geraghty. From the very beginning, we ve been on this story, even when the the orthodoxy was most rigid, that this is easy and there's no way a rational person should consider it. Jim Jim was running extensive, exhaustive and pretty persuasive pieces about why we should take this seriously and this is kind of coverage that you only get at national review or not trying in a wild haymakers american. Out of where necessary, but this this is. This is good fact based content that everyone has to take seriously If you appreciate that in value that we really be grateful, if you consider pitching into this,
fundraising drive or to be over. Maybe by Monday AIR are Monday night. We had initial goal goal thousand and and worry about that had up to seventy five maybe have two of up at once again, but if you have given thank you, if you haven't, if you You consider, it will be really grateful and then I wanted to mention are sideshows, I don't know whether anyone's ever picked them before, but Scott became whatever our dear colleagues Does lay aside Jos and you probably all the gas is a complete aviation, not sir! set, there's one the other day, titled a ten thunderbolt heritage hog, and it was fourteen beautiful photos, a tenth adults painted to resemble the old p forty seven thunderbolt and then
today I just want to look into her our side, just to mention them, as my letters pic I came across this midway side, show battle midway side, so this guy has up those with almost forty photos and not just that. We talked about this are memorial day, pre Memorial day, part gas, just an extraordinary battle with an end. Just I just violent crime, the compelling us getting distracted, weathers Charlie during one of your answer. What one a and b anybody's answers when I was losing my attention? Could I just kept captivated by his midway so anyway, almost certainly anybody. I think I'm pattering gangrene a year. I'm always rapt attention during. You always trying to work out what I want to stop to them So that's it for us. You been listening to an ashtray. Podcasting re broadcasts. Retransmission causes game without express written permission of nationalizing strictly prohibited this park. Acid.
Produced by the incomparable. Sir, should he makes us, better than we deserve. Thank Charlie. Thank you. Anybody thanks the maiden and stamped dot com and talk of Europe snake, where the editors we'll see you next time,
Transcript generated on 2021-08-20.