« The Editors

Episode 127: Is It an Emergency?

2019-01-09 | 🔗

David and Reihan battle it out over populism while Charlie goes on a rant about the unconstitutionality of presidential declarations of emergency on today’s gripping edition of The Editors.

Editors’ picks: • Rich: An article in the new issue on conservatism by the late Charles Krauthammer. • Reihan: Fred Bauer on a unifying agenda. • Charlie: Kyle’s article on morality clauses in contracts. • David: Andy’s piece on Trump giving Mueller reasons to pursue the collusion probe.

Light items: • Rich: Commentary Magazine. • Reihan: Liberty Lane, a conservative children’s book series by Josh Bansal and Amalia Halikias. • Charlie: Hamburgers. • David: The Great Aquaman War of 2019.

The Editors is hosted by Rich Lowry and produced by Sarah Schutte.

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