« The Editors

Episode 119: Wave Hello, Wave Goodbye

2018-11-16 | 🔗

On today’s edition of The Editors, Rich, Charlie, Luke, and Michael discuss Republican worries a week out from the election, fallout over Matthew Whitaker’s AG position, and if Brexit is causing a political breakdown in England.

Editors’ Picks:

Light Items:

  • Rich: His pet peeve of hamburgers with the toppings on the bottom.
  • Charlie: The way Southerners drop a syllable from almost every place name.
  • Luke: The Bissel pet stain eraser wet vac.
  • MBD: Steven Isserlis playing the Bach cello suites.

The Editors is hosted by Rich Lowry and produced by Sarah Schutte.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hi, I'm Alexander DE and along with David French Icon, The order. Liberty, Podcast David, I break down the latest political news, with a focus on the importance of culture and religion and american life, episodes are available twice a week and can be found on Itunes, Google play stature, tuna or are now some of you online. what's wrong with Brower County who is marked Whittaker and his Britain, really getting out of the EU, will discuss all this more on this weeks. Edition of the others on Larry I'm joined is always, or at least very often by the right. Honourable Charles See, W cook
curious voodoo, Michael Brandon Authority and look Thompson, the smartest political consultant. We know the F r S, Raw alarm is still a war on a far flung book tour promoting his new book melting pot, civil war. You listening to a national park, s really centres cast on national dot com. We are delighted to have you but easier view and better for us to be made as part of your feet. At Google placed at your tuning were itunes. If you like what you hear here, please he's consider reviewing us on Itunes. We don't like what you hear here. Please forget, I said anything Our sponsor this week are the bonds and group and the Association of American educators. We learn more about both of them in due course so Charlie, you are living the dream right in the middle of this recount, if had Brenda, snipes the electron supervisor of Brower County open. Lee defying the law.
Bizarrely alot of complaints about Republicans complaining that she's openly differ and the law. Although unfairness, some some republic, including president Tromp, have gone pretty far out on a limb and letting from the Irish Republic. Have gone too far, but but usually when the question is election integrity, the press is not latched onto the people who have been hyper Balikh. They latched onto the issue at hand, whereas here and I must say, criticism of minors is reserved for the national press. The local press in Florida across Florida is excellent and and there- is no part his and bent to the Miami Harold, for example with which is not a right wing. Newspaper which did not want to scientists to indeed no one else into wine, has been superb and in reporting what's going on in his back yard, but but anyway, the national press. They looked at these criticisms of Brown, county and Palm Beach County, and they said my goodness, how dare
president tram? How dare got how dare mocker Ruby undermine faith in our elections? Now, I'm quite happy to criticise some of the hyperbole. If we can look at it in a vacuum, but the people who are really undermining faith in american democracy, the electoral commissioners in Palm Beach County and in brown county. We have laws that require public record to be released and timely manner, precise these are the people don't question action results, and but it's not it's not an opinion, but in Brown, county and Palm Beach County, the author these were in violation of those laws and also the state constitution. It is a fact and Scott took both counties to court and he one very very quickly The first thing has been going on is a total lack of transparency in those countries. The second thing that has been going on is a mess associated with recounts, though that may not
you need to Florida, but because we don't see elections that close. That often because we don't see the mechanics of reconciling We don't see the shenanigans for today, for example, it was revealed that the demo attic party. Some members within the Florida democratic body had changed. The dates on official documents to try to encourage people to put in male ballots were deemed unacceptable on the off chance that a judge would post hawk, save it after the deadline. Ballots were September, which is actually what happened. It's very shady. Is it illegal yeah? Changing official documents is shady is the rest of it? No, but again, it undermines and undermine faith and
The bottom line here, the reason it set a frustrating, I think, is that run the scent is one his election and by all accounts but they'll Nelson lost. His election directs got as well with the first one. We can now say pretty marked definitively rhombus answers is an ex governor Florida. With the Nelson election he's going to sue and sue and sue he's spend all day filing lawsuits. If you squint in the right way and assume he wins this lawsuit and that the counties don't actually go the way they normally go and their democratic votes, hair and overseas balance haven't come. If you can get Bell Nelson at about two thousand votes down on Rick Scott, and then you pray that as some sort of systematically but but he's lost, he succeeded in getting out an assessment. While I haven't price spreadsheets, do yeah that's what you know, because I think that this four things that may be really interested in this other than I have an interesting because I live in Florida. One was just watching the disconnect between local reporting, which has been excellent and and the national reporting, and they
Is the the drama that cable news has tried to build on. the sooner as if their within five hundred votes in any it could really change, but then on solar. There is some real problems there, real problems, there's been some real reasons. People have been upset, some republicans have gone overboard, but if you compare the the way in which the press treats Republicans Democrats, you end up concluding that the national media believes that if there is a problem that hurts Democrats, then that is the problem, and if there is a problem that hurts Republicans its complaint, about it. That is the problem. So, Michael one of the most important things about this interlude was the issue so an army of praise from Arthur Mc Sally when she graciously conceited- and I am all in favour of graciousness and good sportsmanship- and it was a nice video. She put a cow China, with her with her dog, but it makes no sense Have that reaction when she concedes at the same time,
the cheering on Stacy Abrams for fighting on, even though that it's it's extremely unlikely that she's gonna get three thousand votes from anywhere to try to the recent run off in Georgia right at the same time, and father were under Guillaume and others of kind of. No alleged Friday's or Ino FED can speak. See theorists that they're, not really they didn't really lose. The election yeah mean that that should be enough. We saw this to coming in between sixteen election, and I remember very clearly that there was this question on the debate stage for Donald Trump about him, accepting the results of the election and all I remember seeing immediately. You know, I think it might be worth a column of the time. I think it might not be him doesn't except the results. Maybe every one else. If wins doesn't exist, results and that's exactly what tat right- I mean when we ve had no, basically,
two years of you know: periodic free gouts that, like us, you Facebook means, or you know we have fake news stories about servers in Russia, communicating with the term campaign to dinner base we too. These have been joined up to deny the legitimacy of the previous election I now Republicans are getting accused Denying The legitimacy of before election middle expert working just one little wrinkle in Florida, just add that this hilarious is one of the races that is continuing, but that has got no attention is the race for agriculture, commissioner, the Democrats going to win and it it'll be. she will be. The only democratic, Statewide elected official in Florida, replace bill. Nelson, in that role, she's about five thousand votes up on MAC called our opponent and give them is down thirty, three thousand I'm saying count every vote. The integrity of our elections counts on its out Regis to to do any
other than wait and see. Nicky free, just started a transition. Tee said publicly to all the newspapers that she's one I'm so you don't you see that double standard playing out even in Florida elections. Sir, look dug in a little bit into Georgia because Dan rather saying there should be international inspectors in Georgia you ve had and Emory? Professor writing. All over the place is a NEO Jim Crow, election system- you ve, had sherry brow now and I guess Camel Harris was Camel Harris just saying it's an illegitimate result if she loses and there at about brine camp being sectors while his running for governor, which is the way the system is set up in Georgia and actually a Democrat, did it before She didn't when her primary, but she ran into given its rural primary well sitting a sector estate, secular state, doesn't count. The votes is done locally. They say he's shut down your two hundred polling places. Last several years he has nothing to do with that. It's the counties that do it. They complain about called pending filed, suggesting that if there's something amiss in Europe
strain you're putting this pending file that you can't, though, when actually can show up, show Idee involved and there's a voter idee requirement anyway. So this is nothing onerous about this whatsoever and then they have a use it or lose it provision where, if you dont vote for three, As you get a notice, you dont pie than you dont button to two federal actions. Then you're you're really knocked off the road but everyone knew these rules beforehand not unreasonable, and yet there making it appear as though this is a third world system and Georgia why'd. I think what's important about the Georgia case is that clearly Democrats have decided that they can build a movement in Georgia to make it a contestable state, both at the state level and then, of course, with an eye to twenty in the presidential election and in the face of defeat. The best way to build movement. Politics is to deny that the feet defeat was real and to say that some things been stolen from United gets clearly what Abrams and are people doing. We may not like
It clearly not good sportsmanship so to speak, but I I get it it's within the bounds of normal political discourse. I think when you talk about shared Brown and Camel Harris standing up there in saying it was stolen, what they're doing is engaging in a kind of signalling to the base that their willing to take on board the epistemic leaps that the base undertakes a as a by product of a factional loathing for fifty percent of their fellow countrymen, and Thus, it's a kind of commitment mechanism righted saying I am with you. I am not one of these squishy Washington types, but in terms what stage
Abrams is doing. I view it as a forgivable part of the the rough and tumble politics, but let's be clear about what she's doing she's trying to keep a highly motivated core of left wing activists and volunteers engaged and not get demotivated or demobilized. By contrast, Martha Mcnally has no such movement to build in Arizona right, she's, not she's, not a member of an insurgent party, the growing or rising views of the previously in a majority punch. You might go pointed is anyone else you know will see, but yet she might. She has good reasons to play nice. So, Michael, what do you make of the election a week out now because their knocking of Democrats are gonna flip the big floored races they're not gonna win in Georgia. They did when in Arizona and the House races the ones who caused call last week keep on tipping the Democrats way. So what would he any new thoughts on what this means? Yeah, I think Republicans
trouble. I mean I what he drove home to me as these results are coming in, was that Now we ve been distracted by the tumult of the Trump administration for two years, but the fact is in twenty. Sixteen the tube major parties were led by the two. Most unpopular nominee he's in modern history. frequently has at least for now disappeared from the scene and the gravitational pull she had downward on the Democratic Party is over Donald trumps, gravitational pull downward demotivating of suburban voters for Republicans is still going on, and I think that is the difference here mean it was You know a week ago I thought Republicans had stemmed Ino stem the tide. Some damage, but it doesn't look like that now and the them road map for twenty twenty four. The Democrats looks much much clearer now, the date they have,
identified, the messages, the type of messaging that works, which is into the center moving towards you know. A return to normal see in their campaign rhetoric and going for that upward, mobile, suburban voter, who has been defecting from the Republican Party since Gingrich's speakership, but his doings in much greater in faster numbers now and try. Is not consolidating the gains you know it. was consume. Michigan Pennsylvania took to make those states competitive through that look somewhat. I think that the net, the suburban flight from the Republican Party does not mean that these sperm and voters have suddenly become left wing voters and and insofar as the democratic parties moving to the left and consolidating itself as an ideal.
Chicle Party committed to a series of left wing propositions, they're, going to alienate alot of these voters that they ve just had crank the lever for them. So if I were surest davits, I wouldn't get to comfortable in my in my district. If I were Abigail spanned Berger, I wouldn't get comfortable in my office. I think in two years some of these will come back to us in part. They were by product, weak republican comments facing a hostile environment in part, it's a by product of a push back against unified, govern Having said that, it is with, I think, beyond debate, that the presence, personal popularity remaining below fifty percent is a dragon Republicans and its especially drag on Republicans among unmarried women. Have a very low opinion of him and who are well distributed geographically to hurt in the house because they live in a lot of these suburban districts. Whether or not we ve seen
compelling evidence for at least one democratic strategy suggested Democrats shifting to Georgia in Arizona and abandoning the upper Midwest. I disagree with that from the standpoint of presidential politics. I think that that would be foolish on their parts. Why highly encouraging do it so Charlie? Have you start playing out the map? Yucca started? Maybe election either that or the day after an if Trump holds us AIDS he's got he's got room for manoeuvre, room for error in the upper midwestern pensive yeah. He can lose Pennsylvania Kallas, Michigan winced, whence Wisconsin still there, but if you Hip Arizona away from him in Arizona was an encouraging this time around then it that he's got a basically when two of those three you have the map.
I keep coming up with when I play and the two sixty nine to sixty nine that what I did, I not hard to get their nerve, but but I keep coming back to that. That's my that's my sort of baseline, that's the one I feel most most comfortable with. I think that's a drop net map right right, council vote by state dealt the house votes by state delegations yeah. So so I agree with everything, but that that Michael seven, and also that looks at the search taking at the top of it. I think that that Trump is obviously bad for certain republican candidates, certain brand of republican politician. It is something that should worry Republicans. This was a big loss. It wasn't a great gain in the Senate. I want to say it, but that was pretty good for them. and it was a bad loss in the house and anyone who's trying to to spend this away- needs a head looking at the variable that, because we don't have,
Any idea about yet is what what happens when you try to distil the democratic alternative into one person and one thing they were fantastic at this year. The Democrats, is picking good people for each area, they ran and they didn't impose too many loyalty tests litmus test. They did find people who who match their districts and they also, as Luke said, were work. by weak Republicans in certain areas, but we know who the Republican is going to be in twenty twenty unless something dramatic changes, so they won't have that advantage and- it's the same Republican that they run against in twenty twenty. So what do you do?
indeed: do you try and find somebody who is is moderate? Do you try and find an insurgents progressive type? Do you try and find the most boring establishment present? I dont know the answer to that, but but I think that the the fight that leads us to that answer in the prime reason to be absolutely bloody, and I think that there are so many roads that are fraught with peril and and devour democratic operative. The wanting it would keep me up at night is two thousand twelve, not because I think that that don't jump is Barack Obama, but Republicans really strong old and twenty twelve to to capitalize on all that energy from two thousand ten and find the right person to to lead it. You can see Democrats having the same issue this time around so exit question to you on this topic and b d rate one week
the level of the blue wave that we just experience Tsunami twenty four ten foot or just another day at the beach, it's a twenty twenty footer. This was big achievement by the democratic. and the downstream part of the wave, the stuff in the state legislatures they took a big bite out of out of the lost. that has been inflicted on them there during the Obama era, and that's going to be good. for them as a party. That's that's party institution building, Luke's an army, twenty four ten footer, neither data beach, ten foot, her ten. So what why tennis territory they didn't flip many meaningful state legislative chambers that warrant already in blue states, so they're not gaining meaningful advantage in terms of redistricting
yes, they did pick up a lot of numbers raw numbers, but I think if you look at the projections restate legislative chambers, they underperformed in a lot of places where they were expected. You much better and just reiterate, like many of the places they ve seen, gains are not place full of left wing voters when you have a head of a democratic party, whether its camel Harris or bail, Rourke or Joe Biden. That person is going to have to be able to incorporate, take on and give voice to the increasingly leftwing position that democratic base and a lot of these folks are gonna. Come back into the GNP fold choice we have ten and twenty feet on the table were I can I say I think it's twenty, but I think that we found a couple of pale boxes. The capable of withstanding it one is a higher which seems to have changed the state and the other. Florida in Florida, resisted the blue eyes and those are not small states
they're, not states that have few people in them and they not states that are anything. But in crucial in presidential elections. So I think it was a much bigger wave, perhaps than it seem too on election night, but I also think that data is key. What happened If you do very well, but you seem to have lost a higher in Florida swing, state three will cause you. the trade any day the weak right to get Ohio Wall Iowa goes purple mean or even I'm in Arizona is not. It is, is really what engages like they're giving away Ohio, but their cutting Republicans in California and half ok, but then, and they also and in Michigan in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, looked that was young. I tell you, I got twenty Fuhrer on with
guy sorry, sorry, Luke! You almost got me down to a fifteen footer. May I say twenty: it wasn't a tsunami. Ninety, ninety four public, just what wiped out every single thing on on the map. This is clearly a geographically demographically limited phenomenon, but I think they got as big as a recently good in the house. I see getting him twenty feet. My estimation, because of that, sir, before we move on. Let's hear more about our first sponsor this week: it's the bonds and group have you: wondered how the people managing your money view the world thus who share certain ideological convictions about society and government with love, like minded professionals involved in the management of our financial affairs, but certainly are not willing to sacrifice investment, specification or expertise. To find such people fortunately You don't have to the bonds group has won the nations top independent wealth management firms were competence and experience are not discarded, and yet a firm understanding of conservative principles in the superiority of free market are foundational to what they do.
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Reform ACT which says you don't have to be sent it confirmed you have to have been acting in a high level in a department like this to get such an appointment, but there are some who argue that the appointment of the cause of the constitution name The array unconstitutional, because It requires for such a high level office that you be confirmed by the Senate. What does loop Thompson thing? Why met met Whittaker once in TWAIN? Fourteen mode, surprise, anyone here has a strong handshake, Certainly we ve ever seen an agent who has a kind of bad for you know now. I dont think I talked him for all of five minutes. While he was thinking of running for Senate NEO role of six minutes for the seat that that junior it's now now did you run de run for secular state, ah known here, yeah. Well, I dont remember we went up what running for after that, but we had a very crowded primary and he in and who, out of being congressmen, David Young Whore and at his life is well he's briefly in the centre.
it wasn't yet he was yeah yeah. So I was sitting in my offset the inner, a sea sort of in the beating heart of republican establishment, and he he came by said hello, but look, I think, the decree of the legalities I'll leave to lawyers. I'm not a lawyer. I am persuaded that he can sit there for two hundred days or whatever it is. But I think there is another question which is: why avoid a confirmation, fight everything I've seen from Matt Whittaker, he's a perfectly capable competent human being? He can acquit himself reasonably well in front of cameras. He can speak like an adult and make a compelling argument for why he ought to be Senate, confirmed, I think, there's a political advantage to as well
in with the cabinet hearings, making your opponents look craven and insane and having them sort of scream at a former football player whose had a second career as an attorney in then fairly successful politically might actually be good politics. No look, I dont know about any of the other stuff. That's been thrown up about NATO, so workers investments or whatever. I couldn't begin to comment on that. I'm sure people, the White House have a sense of it. But to me the politics of confirmation generally held the president, if you have somebody who you know is gonna get confirmed such lemme go to and legality is concerned, there is no constitutional issues ever come up. Miss podcast that you haven't been happy in eager to apply on I view this month. I do. I do, I think, is quite difficult to pause legally, but I think that it is more wrong, the prospects of somebody being in that position without Senate confirmation.
I think that we ought to remember that the way in which the United States is set up dictate not only that such questions are determined by the courts about that. Such question should be considered determined by legislators and members of the executive branch as well. and so even if you take the view- and I don't like it when I find myself The other side of Andy Mccarthy's, except there is a strong argument against say The position that I hold, which is the one that was outlined by join you in the Atlantic. I accept that at them, Ethic Andy's is not another has come down one where they had no. No, he does him on the fence, but, but even that gives me pause, but but look that that the question that I would pose if asked about this would be well what Walker go wrong. If this becomes a precedent and- and the answer is obvious- you would have a situation in which the president would get somebody threw the Senate and then make them
tired but make them resign as so that they could get somebody else who perhaps couldn't less and confirmation that they really it all along now, not saying that trumpeted that, but that is two hundred is no right right but that is a long time, especially when that's probably to overlap with the end of the mother investigation, so that that I think, is a problem in and of itself, and I think that given that the executive branch on the legislative branches, both to consider these things. There is absent Firstly, no reason that the Senate should not be scream bloody murder. Right now and saying no, we are in charge of appointments. You will you will ask us to confirm guy or somebody else there's no reason and of course there is a great reason. This is gonna happen, cause partisan. Politics makes a stupid, but there is
reason now that the Republican Senate and the Democratic House can't get together and change the law to say at she's, not two hundred days that ten you get ten days and then you have to find somebody- and that is irrespective of how you pass this question constitution, which I accept his difficult. That is what they should be doing, because it is their responsibility to try to follow the constitution as its written. Even if you could make a case that they don't have to It's not just visible, so Michael feel. Free us also take current legal issues. If you want also curious what you'd just make of this generally the most dire read from the left as this guy's hack. He drops on CNN Som, saying the kind of anti malware things that he likes and he is in the position solely to curtail and perhaps even extreme scenario, which is extremely unlikely and the moral problem. So I dont think he's very likely do anymore probe, but I could see
from both waking. What he saw on television and making a decision based on that, could see him. Looking at the two hundred days issue in saying this, guy can give me heads a heads up. So that, whatever coming out of the Mahler thing, I'm ready for it, and I think that maybe the the worst reading of the events, and I think it's not that's not horrible. You know in that that that's not like him I'm not ready to say this is an impossible events. This is itself obstruction. I have. I have each with this whole, like the executive branch investigating itself as thing lexical. That goes all the way back and Frank I think Trump should be far more worried about Congress. Then Mahler at this point
a question to you. Luke Thompson. Mark Whittaker will be acting attorney general. The eyes dates on January. First, twenty nineteen, yes or no. Yes, with the only caveat that he might have already been nominated by that point if it becomes a political distraction troika own absolutely he will he will be, but there will be at that point a bee permanence nominee. Who will not be Mark Whittaker? I take it he's a capable guy, but I think the scam patent busy. Is really bad sitting on the board, helping them intimidate people who are complaining, there, there is no way in U S, history, any acting attorney, general or attorney general has ever had such a blot on his record and is a very bad thing and trumped should find someone with more stature and crew boldly, and I believe you will so, let's hear a little bit more about our next. Second sponsor of this week's episode
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as presented her draft agreement with the European Union with all twenty seven countries. I put that quotes, because really what we're talking about his draft agreement between Mccrone Merkel in May, It really comes down to it. The few advice users from Brussels, and he now, if you are someone as I am, who cares about the concept of national sovereign? if you're someone. Unlike me, who cares about the Union with Northern Ireland UK This deal should offend you, I've arriving at it, but it's plainly offensive. However, Everyone in the Tory Party seems to have known a deal like this was coming since, signalled a year ago that Teresa may was gonna, go for this backstop that sort of keeps a borderless Ireland and would aren't they
patch, either Northern Ireland or the whole. U K to the Customs Union even after the officially leaves the European Union that we only that was coming so this late series of protests resignations, take a breeze, Mogg Arch Briggs. It here submitting his letter to the nineteen twenty you committee, to get rid of may potentially and call for new pm this coming too late in the process, its signalling and in a way it's like it. If you really think this deal was a dog's breakfast, you deserve to eat it now, because you could have stopped this months ago. If you really wanted to, if you really wanted to take responsibility, so in a weird way. I kind of admire may because he's at least trying to deliver something and what this deal delivers is Britain gets control of its borders, stops making financial contributions to the Eu
It still attached to the Customs Union, which means no crash out. That would be economically disruptive, no new border, Ireland It accomplishes breaks it and leave them, problems like how to get out of this transition period. Backstop later, I think they, I think, Parliament has to pass this because I think she can go to the Tories and say it's my deal. Or you risk no breaks it in German, carbon, Prime minister, and she can go to labour and say some of you should for this, because if you don't you risk me leaving a no deal brags it. I think they'll Beaufort, but it It is right on the line and you know it is possible that there could almost like an accident or miscalculation politically and she could lose the premiership. And this could go sideways very quickly. Trifling
No great fan of of tourism is for various time I have held the theory that if bread never gets himself into trouble, we just need to find a woman, and we always had great female leaders but method by this year. I think, has realised itself with it. That is, with the first green, victorian Margaret Thatcher and even on our current queen Anne and Aunt Theresa Maisie out one out, so I do believe that the idea of holding in contempt for a lack of leadership- and I sometimes fantasize about how Margaret Thatcher would have dealt with this. That said, she did inherit or seek not inherit a poisoned chalice here that there are so many contextual problems that that existed before the breaks it vote came We're not going to disappear on the instant comparisons to the american Revolution are, of course silly, but one thing that breaks in the American Revolution did have in common is that there was
general agreement during the american revolution- that the colonists wanted to get rid of the British, but then once they had, there was a real fight to be had as to what the country should look like and that happened in Britain as well. Yes, fifty two percent wanted to leave, but they have different ideas about what leave meant now, when you combine that with the fact that a majority in parliament did not want to leave, with the fact that tourism called a snap election lost seats is now reliant on. Do you pay if you combine that with the fact that the Tory Party has always been obviously split over Europe is brought down one prime minister after another. If you come come combined with the fact that the Labour Party is views on this question is well. You have Jeremy Carbon, a man who I think in his heart, wants to leave in charge of a party that in it usually does not. When you combine all of these things
Teresa may never really stood a chance. It was going to take some one of extraordinary statesmanship and courage and and cunning to to get to a an agreement that could pass the house of has parliament and and maybe she's just about cobbled together the best that she could do, but Britain is going to back out of the EU on one leg right on many sides that touch down in the last minute that needs to reviews, and she she is to blame for it in large part, I think, but was also dealt a hand that that anyone, but the best churches, american sport- I was just getting better and better know that no a wicked reformers politics, what one of the things that interesting to me, as you know, in retrospect, minks her deceased
call the snap election much more understandable, right, she had this deeply divided party and she knew to win authority over it. Basically, she needed you know over in almost eighteen months ago, she needed to down all the rebels, and so you will submit an she did it by snap election and then running basically as herself without the Tory Party. really barely behind her at all, and then she and she failed and with Teresa was the slack yeah it was. It was a total failure and it did make her rely on. It does make her cause underlying the duty and they ve basically signalled full on. They are not going to support this bell, which makes them ass much harder for parliament way. Think You know some smart commentators are comparing the vote that will come in parliament on two is comparing it to the top vote income this at the end of the Bush administration, saying you know what
very real possibilities. This vote goes down in flames, the first time and now Everyone in the business community, the market star, panicking the business community panicking and there's no legs at if there was a will to replace Teresa may with someone willing to step up and deliver breaks it. It would have happened already, of nodes willing to do that. I think everyone's calm down, maybe find some little tiny bit of virtue, each to add to the backstop to make it slightly more palatable, and then people just voter over the line, because this issue, also so dominated british politics that it's it's made governing the country itself like a sideshow to brags. It and I dont think in other these people that want to run a second referendum. That is, I dream is very difficult to, even the referendum, the car
wished, no one wants it and further the Romania's would lose it because mccrone and worker on they're talking about let's get started. me on the european continent that could fight the. U S I mean the bridge People dont want a part of this, I'm feeling Most of Europe doesn't want a part of that. I look this party on the verge of a nervous breakdown and potentially fumbling it over to me to give her the entire countries been in the middle of an earnest breakdown for very long time. I mean essentially, since the day after the referendum- and I dont know that that means that they're gonna fumble it over the Corbett right. It doesn't necessarily follow that sort of ramshackle almost laughably disorganize government leads to a cordon victory. I think, first of all, the Tories running yet scoreboard. A second time will not make the mistake of portraying him as a wild eyed radical which what they did. Last time, though, instead programme is what he is, which is a rather self
Regulatory Middle Class Pratt, who writes bicycle and wants you to be veggie tearing and that's a very common tightening under its area of noxious type of personal well, have the number in the nineteen thirty, not right, yeah and that's what they should have done last time, but they got they got to the utter fired up in the Meda mistake. They won't make that mistake again and if their listening I'm available Russia. But now I think I was probably the most euro phobic remain or you could find. I think the EU is a disaster adding to institutional for chaos, but precisely because the northern irish question, and also speaking of the armies? I really am generally skeptical of whether not european countries should be sovereign, I'm pretty comfortable having them be. You know, de facto colonies, the United States, you know you don't get to screw up the entire world twice and half a century and then turn around and say hey. We ve learned our lesson guys give us a land. we back, but For those reasons I I was sort of pro remain,
even though I thought the EU is terrible. I certainly could not have anticipated on the deal. he being the decisive factor and a tory majority than might bring down that towards majority over breaks it. But I feel, like I've, been pretty well vindicated my views in retrospect and I'm glad to see that the do you pay is pursuing things with all of its normal reason, pragmatic understanding, broad minded, as you have been God, one of the leading for here's. You know if the people in Brussels think they're going to accomplish what thirty years of terror by the IRA could not have. Another thing comment that I can't help it I can picture Margaret Patrick is sitting up there saying Rex it is breaks, it is breaks it that's a far cry from what we ve got. Such olives execution. You percentage odds, Britain exits from the EU, virile percent forget about too hard and public opinion turned against it. One hundred percent it's too late to go back, even if the establish
What are they going to leave that they will? They will accept, but the question is whether its meaning for Mother- they just have country constructed through parliament, some of the same shackles that they wanted to to shake off look. I think this is like a Howie Mandel dealer no deal question there definitely leaving and I think they will leave with deal. I think it very well might get voted down the first time and then everyone to wake up, sober and passive Michael, hundred percent they're. Leaving I'll worry, though, that the backstop is, you know a two decade trap So before we move on, I want to tell people little bit about the new digital sir, option service on national. You D come an hour plus we have now more than ten thousand sign ups for an hour plus, which are absolutely delighted by
It's really great deal you get access to offer content, including the print magazine, content and content exclusive denature, you dot, com that is behind our metered pay all probably noticing the metered pay walls closing in on you. A little bit makes it harder read all the Michael Brennand Authority and brand Shapiro, an Kyle Smith and aunt em, Dorothy that you want to read so just give in and sign up. and our plus agree what everyone agreed without ads or ninety percent fewer ads. Website, and no ads on the articles when you sign up for an hour plus or no annoying distractions. Yet it ability to comment on articles on the website something only available to and our plus subscribers get be part of our Facebook group, which is actually, Watching this, Sir Pike live on video, believe it or not and get to be part of the ongoing discussion there.
and you also get invent vited two calls that we have regularly with our writers and editors and various other news makers and invited to events in assumes its pod cases over were literally gonna. Exit are part asking studio here and go have our first ever at our plus meet up, here in the office, its breadth, com, Cavenaugh, themed event. We have a life sized cut out Cavanaugh Loop just a little earlier, put the national view. Lapel pan honour his lapel, where it belongs, and we have to kegs and honour of bread. half an hour and what you also get to do, if you part of our plus, is if you should throw questions, two panels on this very podcast. We have to this it will just hit I'm really quickly. Luke. You can already addressed Esben elaborate a little bit more. This question from Eric F thanks your question. Eric what impact will the when swing to the blue. Seen during the middle,
I'm having two thousand and twenty? Is there a way trump can win those counties back or going to take longer than two years? I don't think that Trump can win the county's back. I think the Democrats can lose them and it may take longer than two years, but I think ultimately, with the exception of counties like the county's Northern Virginia, where you have just a ton of public employees very very possible too, to win back those suburbs so envy do we have another question from Ariane: it D. and she would like to know what's the possibility that roving Wade is overturned during trumps presence, wings rather low. However, and I say it's rather low because I think what will happen. I think you have Georgiana Supreme Court. Now that is ready to start taking bites of Roby Wade without jumping at all. In one big shove. So I think what you will,
find is that plaintiffs welcome to the core calculating and testing this new majority on whitewash and they're gonna allow at state level, and so what I think you'll find him you there may be real progress towards restricting abortion and more attitude and freedom for states to do so. That will happen next two years, but you not go see I in a one, Roby waiters overturned. I think we won't know it and we will mean understand that has been under overturned for a few years. Aligned lie answered. That's not bad. I mean I listen. There will be people saying that each significant, disappointingly conservatism of wanting to overturn this thing from the beginning that we're going to succeed, and I it well, what I mean is what will happen? Is you know you not know that you know,
you Tom, may effectively a ban, be abortion and will be waiting to find out if the previous precedents put in by this court allow what did wakes up one morning. They wearily babies with right. I hope so I hope so, but I think we will not know it directly. They'll be it'll, be a fight of interpretation. the court ruling itself ample will be. You know some left, Activists will say: it's been overturned start donating money start quitting a fairy service fur plan, parenthood, Canada, whatever we won't know it until states start enacting laws. The donkey challenge a try. Another question for you very quickly from add a, if may goes, whose alike list replacement gosh. I really have no idea I. This is why I don't think she will go for it is worth because I don't think, there's an obvious compromise candidate. The reason that she a mediocre prime minister in the first place, because the Torah
but you can't satellite anyone whose actually talent and Liam facts, maybe we import Steve, the even citing Davy Davis is too far in one camped. Yes, the problem out here I I'd have to be honest. It is isn't unsatisfied answer. I thought about this a lot and I simply do not know. I think I think it is more likely that german carbon is Prime Minister, that we have another Tory later in the next month. So what last question which must go to you because it is seriously from loop tops this. This is a question from our plus member Loop Thompson to loot house and able to make this a regular feature on Ipod. Gamma forget a question from Lou Thompson for Lieutenant every single episodes thought
it's on the Mahler Protection Bill will I certainly don't like Jeff like holding up judicial nominees to get past. I don't think there is anything wrong with it per se. If Congress wants to put down a marker that, in exchange for some other policy measure, they will, they will provide sanction on the executive branch in a situation where the executive fires a subordinate number the executive, I realise that there are people who believe that the vesting clause dejected, pairing United States means that the president has unilateral and unlimited authority to manage the executive branch. But what those people, MRS, that we don't have three coequal branches of government, but rather that Congress creates new executive powers and it can additional eyes those all at once to and because it ultimately is responsible for appropriating the funding that pays the moment probe. I think there were within their rights to protected if they want, just as they would be well within their rights to shut it down to Morrow if they wanted to sell it at a few other things before we go,
Michael, you been listening to a famous cellist, yeah So I'm trying to finish a new script and instrumental music is important and the most important piece an instrument of music. For me. Right now is box, cello sweets and everyone has the yoyo my version of them. recommend Stephen ICE or less. Who is masterful. His recording of it is so sublime and artists two key form integrity. He here yet any interpretation of that? Unlike what music critic should say right well here be something we should changes. The sophisticated item. I ask as a swede, I dont have any weight items this week in life, but am was interesting.
who says he believes that the bachelor swedes are a retailing of the life of Christ and I think that does come through his playing via its varig. It's like ITALY rates, Charlie, even thinking this is not quite as high minded that now missing. Syllables his name's while they I was a Dallas airport and thereby making the announcement had a very, very thick southern accent. I couldn't quite place it and it struck me after while that he was missing a syllable from every place name, and I just love this. It became Mississippi Florida, planner. Susanna State Agency, did you start talking like this? Will Burma Carolina and that every single time we just missed exactly one syllable out, I was completely trip- might play with it. I was completely transfixed by this is hoping for more. They said they would say he would say it again now I will end up suing my children, my Luke, even think about Bissell Pakistan remove.
Yet so, if you follow me on Twitter and have the misfortune do that, you know I own cats, I own more cats than I want to own. How many I we're not gonna go into that, but through some family tragedy, three or more more than three, I anyway the cap minor Florida exactly faster. So a vacuum are very important to me and- and my household has been, that we ve bought a lot of actions and I recently acquired this Bissell Wet back, which is specifically called a pet stain remover, and this is right up there with the Wright Brothers invention of flight in terms of things that I believe have advanced human civilization. This thing has made the ownership of cats infinitely easier and has room moved from me. The need to get down on all fours and scrub with an alarming rate, free mash, every color in the country to get hold of it easily. Happily, it's great. So I have a pet peeve
I go to a burger place and they put the topics on the bottom of the Berger. They just for me totally changes the taste and I got it. I got put em back onto an upside down. Well now, accent than yet the bottom, but on the tar cigarettes, color, remove it and in many other than the toppings back onto the top, where they blogs are top things. And then you really like messing up the whole Berger and make it impossible to eat clear Europe America now draw on all areas. Really I totally agree. I just wondered I just because I actually ten VERDI's upside down and ate them sometimes do not hemorrhage sesame seat from the top of one, because it always come assessments, you'd guns, but it's a different bodies. It's like a kind of flour, though it is, that is right, but sometimes in ambient air, but said, is that time her are editors picks and idle? What's your back in Kerns Road, a nice piece on the controversy surrounding Sir Roger scrutiny. English conservative, eminent philosopher
was appointed to a governing board about architecture instruction in the city he's a traditional in these matters is really be. exploited by the government. I think they're gonna still build hideous boxes anyway by the left has tried to take him down by saying no always says nasty things but Islam or what completely drummed up controversy and, if I'm sorry, Sweden cannot serve them, this government, while then to Hell with it with your pick my papers, actually your piece on Stacy Abrams in the Georgia rice was a corrective. I had seen nowhere. This isn't a right. I followed especially closely and sir. I had not absorbed without thinking the critiques, but left them hanging and wondered if there was anything to them.
Damn I'm no longer under that spell have been happily disabused of it by by your face. Thank you. I, like your pic mine, is Kevin's piece on impeachment with some tongue in cheek references to insider trading, which I think is a it's. A good piece is classically. You know what Kevin P. and I enjoyed fragment my pick is J cost peace and the new issue about Republicans in the suburbs as a lotta useful. Act is very deep political reed of this problem and what to do about it? So that's it for us even listening to and ass for you podcasting we broadcast reach as mission, are Canada's game. Without the express written permission of national magazine strictly prohibited. This package has been produced by the incomparable Sarah should who makes a sound better than we deserve faked. Michael thank you, Charlie,
You live. Thank you to the box group and thank you to the Association of American educators and thank you especially to all of you listening. We are the editors and will see you
Transcript generated on 2021-09-20.