« The Editors

Episode 110: The Eleventh Hour

2018-09-19 | 🔗

In light of the recent allegations, Rich, Reihan, Charlie, and Michael focus this episode of The Editors on a discussion of all things Kavanaugh.

Editors’ picks: • Rich: And excerpt from Reihan’s new book, coming out in the next magazine issue. • Reihan: J.J.’s column on editorial cartoons, which contains a devastating line. • Charlie: Rich’s piece today on Kavanaugh. • MBD: McCarthy on Dems and GOP Judicial Nominations.

Light items: • Rich: His daughter going through a phase of begging him to stay home from work. • Reihan: Greek cheeses. • Charlie: Vintage recording equipment. • MBD: The Best of Yé-Yé, a classic French Pop music playlist on Apple Music.

The Editors is hosted by Rich Lowry and produced by Sarah Schutte.

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