« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

582 - The 1917 Minnesota Right Wing Coup - live

2023-05-09 | 🔗

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine the 1917 Minneapolis, Minnesota right wing reaction to socialists success in North Dakota and strikes.  Recorded live in St Paul.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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point out that will be going on torture. We will be going on tour starting on July, twenty seventh will be in San Jose. Then we go to surf just go: Sacramento Boise, salt lake city, bolder denver, las vegas phoenix, and san diego you're gonna die, podcast dot com, to to get your tour linked to buy some turkey's out. you can write you can, if you see. Videos of oliver are are wonderful, hilarious and other content. You can join the patriarch, the dot pitch or follow us on dollop the topic. A stun instagram also this weekend I will be in austin, texas, may twelfth and thirteenth and then may eighteenth I'll, be in phoenix at stand up, live, go to Gareth, reynolds dot com for the tongue, don't believe that at all
It's not tried so now and then here's a live show when we went to St Paul, the hip St Pauli, though, where they make the beer yeah yeah we go axe. in us from a long time ago, yeah. Oh shit, yeah, This is an american history podcast, where each week David hands any real stories from american history. To my driver know the son of a bitch.
That is where there is going to be about, new, thanks. was like what you here we're going to pass. The vision- and he said the best thing I've ever heard from saddam Hussein or podcast and said I'm gonna start one of those theories yes, And I was like well that's great sure I felt pretty
not my situation, but now it just seems like it's a pretty loaded market up to the I'm very excited very excited century. The the civic cars association was born there is massive things too small storms. the I said
It's like the. this is what we want to achieve the same thing as the chain chamber of commerce. Does today make money and crush labour. The Three, the labour, the association of form. these. Are the lions minneapolis? So it's a lot of the the law. The laws of the the rules are a lot like Part of europe, these you'll have to pay, always going to be a nightmare we'll all That's right.
I was also the goal of crushing. The commercial club merged with a couple of smaller groups and became the minneapolis civic and commerce association busy ca. So the cynical conversations associated with the goal. no, the socialist party was making headway scoring like I was elected socialist mayor of the town or one hundred and seventy five socialist politicians in north dakota Jesus. there's one with a drunk, Were you just get a huge war? Rugby in hillsboro have social mares farmer. For me personally,
Join the small farmers stuff exploited by big companies, especially the big companies in minneapolis, So the league ran candidates as republicans and won the governorship in a house seat. They took over the legislative branch of north Dakota, the republicans to the the nonpartisan league running as republicans okay gotcha day from the mill. Statement by the state railroad since you still vary enormously. Bang is dollar today and the people who live there What it
one of the things that are hard. Actually, it wouldn't work here. you like it. Enjoy. it'll, be so this is the atlas of these north Dakota got away. especially when the personally motor headquarters to Saint Paul will go on taking over the minister democratic republic, I already know it's exciting, but let's be honest when I already have and the way it is now so the great ambition I just it's not going to come to fruition. Why the saint Paul for two weeks, the living a lie,
The he was associate member clubs. Unless something is done to counteract this movement, I feel that our state offices and control of the legislature will pass into the hands of that organization. It was statement yes, but the npl isn't the worst that can grow up in a group out there. They just want to take over the system, whereas the industrial workers of the world system We're here This is a bad boy tat they
take possession of the earth and the machinery of production and abolish. The way here right. I going on next door, a lot of us coming out of me, this story, the fascist is running for office in my town and dads taking it: the diamond, I just wanted one of my comments. You should here's a video from my youtube channel. You can imagine so. the prospect of a better way to show our hours all over the west coast. They lead to strike at the summit.
In eighteen sixty during the guards provision might cops arrested to delete the organizers. Violence breaks out a minor shares or kill as mobs flights. So they arrested a bunch of ny, ww organizers for inciting murder and that kind of killed the strike governor burn the waste, He was so, the strike is re arrested by the mob, picketing and the all the rest of the. At yeah well
yeah we'll go spree. The companies end up making changes anyway, and they do give them an eight hour workday. So an eight hour that and the dead guy, interesting I really fear that npl or the I w w at cch yeah. They fear the person much more than that. I believe that the octopus guess what later quote is un american and against all government, but it is not as dangerous as the nonpartisan or the red socialists. Similarly
dress like that. that's right, Are you it took so long. But really flame? So what should we do? seems like maybe I shouldn't put this all together a little bit of an idea, expert on the planning and putting a together Right right, what are you doing? That may it.
come on Maybe you looked Jim like six years ok, the the The okay, The. So.
or one was started coming to shape their. people, parents, I live in the area and not all of us involvement or or or I knew which side to join the germans that are like germany still right word I know that They want, Businesses do Then there is the issue. A lot of people saw her as a loyal, an american piece of shit because of his social, it has to do with him or hate him as opposed to they or social. Well, that's the last time americans ate burgers. the
when a german, u boat, sunk, the british ocean liner, was ten in may of makes fifteen over one hundred americans were killed. And you were now really are more with fighting right. the one hundred percent americanism campaign I real americans the rising bogeyman everywhere, the animals in eighteen sixty and there was a lot of violence from them. How great is it that we have a photo of the top getting punished. you're in tonight.
So. It's it's a it's. A violent strike scouts are attacked drugs, full of furniture pushed over the furniture. The furniture moving situation No As for the furniture, the trucks they drive around, push them over furniture companies are for, okay, the today, the mayans, so hires guards drive.
Chicago organizers, out of town, and it works. Ok, so they drive chicago organizers. Out of the. What do you mean they? Don't the union organizers, the guys who are helping with the strike come from out of town? They hire a bunch of private guys to just take them. No fucking beat the shit out of it. That's basically what I mean okay, so they beat the fuck out of gaga and drive respect where they're from I just drive them all to another place, but now no. What so then remember me was a lacks a socialist Thomas van leer as mayor. He will not make the changes that will bring quote Why not disappearance of the evils of capitalism, gap.
the sea unfortunately was angels- does now has a weak mayoral systems? It'd be ok. City council has all the control. Okay, so you couldn't really do that much, but he did get to pick a place. She picked social, when the police, the police, the same outfit, isn't working for a lot of people, why the fucking ridiculous, but I watch people get used to it. People understand things like the the first opened the name changes. The red flame is what the whole thing is based upon. Really
The officer or something. thats better than the shirt the show off the chest, the sexy. What are you talking about? What are you sure towards absolutely the bars, get out one night and you come in short, jaunts front button, Why I know that.
The fuck? Are you even talking about the boys? Stop fighting and there was this. The this is not a debate. I am because I think people will get used to the change. That's awesome! Thank you. Fuck the series- as danger, the officer of the law, won't be viewed that way. It comes as a savior. Don't touch me. The.
More and more the. Was she in vain promise. not be used to bring up strikes when As does enter world war, one and there's demand for workers, because workers are all going to fight right and also people in america are in a patriotic hysteria. Well I mean they. Just some papers are looking for the best american. Raise money everywhere for the war, as the seller they marched down the street and have a pretty bad bump
by demonstrating what would be the right is now theory in this area, especially the lucky they left. The uprising Ro, the forty four thousand ex german soldiers in the reserves we're going to attack the city that they were told that other people people in Milwaukee is going to be attacked by four thousand. German american soldiers, laws yeah now the Is that all the
Soldiers had secretly shiver seven thousand rivals from it really is one of those things where it is like when you look at the world today, nobody knows what the fuck is going on. People used to like have some experience. In truth, they were down four thousand four thousand germans, the fire industry, the hardware, the hardware store, had seven thousand guns that they bought and they give them to four thousand men. So they tell the guy almost as to why the tigers are right. That makes sense Value by pages so the department of justice investigated were like. Yes, this is absolute bullshit and the department has also been compromised
and a bunch of right, wingers didn't believe it and asked the government to put the wisconsin national guard at the state fairgrounds near Milwaukee. And eventually you know what is happening here We're not gonna, send an army to stop the guys. We got a big guns, Well, I don't know it was distracted. I thought for that sort of, I really hate that people keep trying to follow in that direction the.
but I will say nobody has seen him in the same room as the isn't that interesting here. He is the swimming justice. He said this. Obviously so You're going as long as she thinks you're happening in Milwaukee. The uses, these and they create minister, commissioner of public
That's right, Why all the way out of the way Raised. When this thanks. okay. So on is the governor attorney general. So they don't even know how to spell minnesota.
Me recent of course, yes exists to be Yes, there is enough. Again, they basically are able to capitalize on the fear and now that that's right, we're your friends Then they got the idea because they hired private guards to get the organizers out of town and it works Like a vacuum created yourself
if he doesn't forms on April sixteenth nineteen, seventeen, the purpose was to do everything necessary within the law to protect property and free of the police, military and industrial state resources. To do a thing to do, and this the legislature gave Yes, one million dollars is insane amount of fucking money. It's also always like we value property so much more than like a human. What's he gonna, do we don't know anymore brass got an offence.
is CBS going to crack down on anybody who is against the war, a quote from one of the. If our soldiers eat food and munitions, the man who will not help or interferes with others producing as much an enemy of the country as those in arms against it, so they're going to fucking come to pcbs sees the identity it does make organizers appear as enemies of the state, friends and one member is one of the members John Mcgee. He lobbied for a position on the committee and he was a former judge, I lawyer, so great nation the
is that the quote: if the guy points man who has backed the treason, will not be topped on the streets of the city and the street or horrors who denounced the government advocate revolution, denounced the army and advice against it. will be looked through the barbed fences of an internment camp, really the boy there
wow so because it's the first second it sounded like it was like they won't even be able to have people, listen to the things they're saying. Well, I guess it's going to be language with language. It's aggressive because they'll be views ones with always goes, one person. The the the
You're really trying to do something in his brain and make it a little weird. Now we just name the for how we It's the admit that it is a lot of gingers the rights he believes in the socialist movement. The red planet using or supporting opposition
if he doesn't run out the first cps meeting, the commission offered all of it's resources down so now. Not only is it getting a million dollars on top of that they're going to give all their money they can to this group nice, they think associate member to be war, director of hadn't, been the war directive were director the cause. Some of us actually live next to the key was given the job of creating what will be called the minnesota home guard minnesota or the national guard is fighting in the war. The commission believes a replacement is needed and they call them the home guard.
governor purpose, who's on the condition, his name, the commander of the home guard. That is, It is a lesson for us, they had to buy their own uniforms, don't like them, but that's also bullshit. The group of us against us right as you yourselves. Why Yes,
really. A lot of people say that and then you understand what it is right away. Go ahead, the I recently want to buy their little uniforms. They want the guys who can afford to buy their own uniforms. not yet So all these guys came from businesses. The businesses might have an employer that they would be like. Okay, I'll pay for you to be on the home guard wow. So when you say that Unless the commission appointed six other men to be sort like cars, they could guns make war. Whereas in Britain the cops are just guys: they're, not they're, hired by this group, which is not a government group. So there's not government enforcement group as hired like people.
like less experienced or well they're, just hiring anybody in the qualifying like what you need to do to qualify for this is just being against that right: seventy five of them are already in a national organization to stop antiwar activists. Sir, your badge, he's really laying it on thick. It's like your backstop protest too much. The commission will only ever be good
why the crackdown, so basically the cch create a private army using government funds, and on top of that, the pts has given them aren't you and me we're going to unite. Having another one of my vision only one man to get in the way. Until now,
the stairs to get down to street level the quickly I could try the fire escape the Do I If somebody that'd be awesome, the If you have again soon so different outside.
Yeah right. It was your regular life. The next leg is the turn out better than does your frame with genitals, Why? What is great about my relate ability to the movement is I'm just like a lot of these men superbowl the temperature before you take
these studies. go on in order to grant. I talked to the b sc is giving them the power to anticipate and prevent disloyalty. He was going to be just show, and part of this was to use the brutal to us. was infiltrate. The unions and then information to the commission.
soon every county in the state, public safety commission, so every every single, If the director tried to demand that only men of unquestionable loyalty to the country serve on juries yeah, that's that's enough thing. You have to be spoiled That is why judges I know hopefully be harassed once the war starts. It's just like people are just fucking all over What's the money. We didn't need really exist.
So better than gonna be garbage all over. His yard every morning like it, was just that the postmaster general revolt, the second class mailing privileges for burgers paper, so they just anything they can do to make socialists of any social. So the commissions, all of the state's impressed with the the non do not care of her, but. the story, Does the. the
so Actually, I think a lot of people are uncomfortable with like the kind of anti red flame stuff. like it These meetings, twice guys their violence against twenty one and twenty seven. Yes, that's what you want you guys. Can we go somewhere? Beating upon it, The commission norma tax happening. yes,
it ends up being members, but they actually, the commission encouraged the suggestion to quote, and now we should get busy and have that firing squad, working overtime. So as electricity to the appeal was the quote. Prime targeting of the commission and field leaders were charged with sedition has investigated them to determine if they were so every undertaking raw war declarations to try again nothing against the war. Women just like money to go towards healthcare. The bricks Bobby,
I think, saturday, like on the floor of the legislature. Stuff, like guys, are coming out like it's a total shit show, but it doesn't slow down. It's just the teams- are like yeah, we're not gonna. Do that so they're not backing down, so the cps closes all saloons and gathering places in the district where they might ww have their headquarters. And so they passed a vagrancy law, so cause a lot of it. are itinerant, so there they just don't have a home and they move around from place to place, and you can talk if you're on the street they're just around Places me you. The answer me It might,
it was constantly arrested for preaching violence, sabotage or terrorists, but yeah gotta eat others. I guess this is what always happens, so they keep right on operating. So the commission Is the It is generally not going to help you with that. they said the man, isn't the conviction of the guy to DC to lobby meets with the president, and the president tells the agent to act. So, on september, fifth, nineteen, seventeen, the identity of your offices, all over the country, are rated four hundred and one union leaders are It's been convicted of espionage. They got senses up to twenty years, long yeah spot on
the governor of a cracked down hard enough. If there was a strike slip still worried, there might be a strike to put them all in jail. What what if they strike a jacket, so they form the civilian auxiliary who who's to blame. the paper these guys are older than Really and they're going to military young dues who are gonna go, the frog I saw you to all deserves. Another treatment.
Part it was like france in france, in the dutch, I used to for you. Gotta do is dig a trench on the road. It's going to turn the trenches will have an advantage. No, I don't know what's going on there, we did not join those, we lost a step or two. He doesn't need. The training ready,
while our blah. really take part in the virtual sessions, and then that grows to one thousand. So it's like businessmen who want to go to war, they got rifles rivals lears minnesota. The Reserves The bullshit right
goes war and they do so the lumber, the boy or think snake we're gonna have to try the I use yahoo the what
now what The fine noticed. bruce. so the numbers
these guys just started to dwindle because there's nothing to do. Oh god yeah! I miss my life. Why I guess officers considered voting to disband. but then they receive workers are leaving the atlas. All railway line search organs because yes, you were. Nowadays of tat hour, at sixteen as it went along for a while there like a weekend, more the president, the real as horse lowry and you weren't unsteady, get rid of any labour,
on september, thirteen swore civilian answer. These illegal private army was now officially legal force. Freshen up here. fleet with rush truck centers as the year draws to a close rush truck centers is ready to go with convenient locations and a dedicated team of experts. All here to see you through your custom, integrated solutions, rush truck centers offers new and used trucks and genuine o e m and all makes parts plus same day pm service and full service repairs on all makes and models to get started visit. I heart rush dot com, that's a hard rush. Dot com expect more with rush truck centers. It's possible
the dreams. So basically it's done is they've taken they they've hired a bunch of bouncers to be an army and then sidestep the training that he would give and now just made the cops. It's like the rolling stones had the hell's angels, the guys in the training. The stage I mean honestly sounds like there's. Only one figure in the story it's you to the.
so the dca joint they're still by associate another now deputize. So just like just that, somebody start some. Just let me be the outbreak I of the face, No, since then, we have the same powers as he did, including bearing arms and making arrests. now that they had an army LAO research just firing you guys The company offered a ten percent raise, but without hiring people in the fire, so they just trying to get rid of all the union. Guy, stamping and right now, there's an upside but that'll, obviously fake
The ten percent raised yeah yeah. I guess. But eventually they create. Division. Right It is a huge and so the mobilize and you're going to have a warm up. So the guys who are in charge of the auxiliary dropping the format in their station, the courthouse and the it orders, by telephone to troops who are around the city, pick up the phone and give out the orders and they're all prepared to be completely ready for strikes What strikes me is that a working life-
the corner. Buddy, we would like them, here. Killing the Finally,. the.
The strikers go out and they try to stop the streetcar from moving, but for the most part it's normals. They they can't get it done as soon as they go When I discuss the street guys, look at figure out how to open this door. The private army kicks me, so Gotta browsers, like is for the private, came, dispersed So it is not just patrolling the streets with bayonets and rifles and they were downtown. they sleep in the street car bars. The company gives food, blankets, cigarettes and cars essentially this winter there ever really
the same provision of public safety and it is a shame. There's no there's nothin. men around ministries, breaking windows attacking the street cars, minneapolis station units is engaged, the mobs was sent Paul. I envy The. Private army of five hundred was sent from libya to Saint Paul. To get ahead of them. They start attacking the strikers, but this wasn't actually normal for St Paul. St Paul was Their donation want the violence
I think this was supposed to be learned by the way. I am aware that some of the other guy the the crisis, The commission ordered the strike to end and that all the striker should be hired. That's okay and then the commission said they would investigate each worker to decide if they should keep working it sounds like a setup right so that they do an investigation and then hopefully that momentum will have stopped that and they cannot hire the right to do so. This event, the strike the union's development,
in the jefferson raise they got better working munitions and the firemen were back on the job and at the end of the day the CJ saved the railroad from just a big loss. They were probably gonna, lose as it is right to join city, rapid transit, organised the treatments, cooperative, protective association, Lowery also the company each member of the association, got a membership card. That said, he could call manage their own affairs and represent and looking after their own interests without interference by or affiliation with any other. is, you were right. Yeah, no hurry. You can work with that and then they've got a plan to put on their shit. Also
the upside is that they got cool buttons. Most of the guys. Those guys are right now the union guys see the palms strike till we get points, their guys thereon okay, guys the guys atlanta, but still not as smart. The ones they use it as a way to be cruel and one hundred and sixty man the owners association and moved out the cheaply made people who made these buttons didn't really know what they were doing thereby skill levels.
Enjoy their? Because these buttons appears, as. That is increasing company property, each other's bonds. Really, Is that a The. Measures are harassing where's the being. for now,
and you're. I guess The is harassed every day and on november first, the union go. Wine goes to cps for help cause cps is I don't know what just happened right here, so the cps orders all the nonsense to stop it, guys, don't fight on the fucking property and they pick a three man committee to look into now. Of course, It's the cps, picking a three man committee, so it turns out one has to resign three days later because he owns twin city stock, If the rapid transit talk, I didn't realize that would be a conflict. That means I shouldn't be in a position of authority over that every brother on the team. At the same time,
the guys had close connections with the cia and then the committee's final report on all the evidence to see they just take the company well we're gonna. Have someone make a final report will be a three see what went wrong. I feel like it's probably going to be the union, but yeah probably got the feeling. You know those three guys we just got rid of to maybe see what they did wrong. Diversity hire the guys who we found out at a conflict of interest to see what they did. It was more details of what went onto the gentleman involved yeah. That is a good idea. I like the way you get the job. I really like great.
So His cps officer now was sent to St Paul to train a unit that extra neighbors, like so they're trying we're trying to now at this point to just give it just of the things they do you spend money. really and. so this guy rise up using riots
they said to primarily use riots. They would also have ten riflemen loaded with vehicles, the rifles loaded with high power magazines, just in case the lead officer, decides to shoot into a crowd. just in case one does then complain to the governor. This was clearly a private armed military, and the government, but instead private army new, more ready for us, So they wouldn't be confused with the us sorry to say that they only look at these uniforms. Different As the saying goes by those
hey those guys. Those are great outfit. Certainly not all that camouflage or anything. I can see how you guys are really crazy paranoid. What's it like to be so, paranoid these guys are dressed like sergeant is totally different, he's forty six seven, eight ten too many for baseball. You needs of designated as so. So three months go on and the three man committee finishes their report quality internal investigation. They recommend we were told this use and abandonment of bombs
the the tape ways it's just three months in the trenches are going to figure it out, but this is clearly about this issue. Way There's like sixty thousand the words. Now. What has been agreed also it can be allowed to push union materials on company property. It's also part of the agreement, order so or a streetcars, so adopting these rules and
railroad orders, all bunch of hey, buddy serious, the guy's not getting the bars so that bees, to get rid of, So they decide where and lowery points, and in the got me the without me No,
lowry fight eyes and anyone worry we'll be fine, right it's not enforceable and as we haven't voted voted yeah, and this isn't it if you destroy the union, they they're, like the commission, has no authority here and about eight hundred men in the union now consider themselves locked up because they wouldn't take off their clothes. So the guys out there, like the look, they try to get out of my cold dead. You.
That's right so stop The What the Why?
Meaning, the union is an issue. You can't tell me what to do. Of course I understand as it is? It is, you know they have to draw the line somewhere, so the line drawn flair. Don't get rid of my father, Would you like to see they wants to give them the boss dire syria
the You guys? Now we believe me like the. What is so. When I was a boy yeah! You do
In greece, the wheels of the fucking street cars, I rather dry. I've got a job the also. Basically you guys cause, I'm a little
The reality is very easily baseball. the over sixty which uses recommendations, men who had been marked out to be reminded abundance by any CBS, just once everything running they want the disregard for business and not have reduced on the streets, and he says no love.
you stay This was his knees. the justifying the company. Now the union is opposing a direct order from the commission set up by the government, but already eaten by that gesture, they're they're, showing I think they're being like. Please please stop! This hurts you. So so this reaches out to the: u s: labours,
budgetary lines one yeah the quote is this is no time to take advantage of emergencies to force recognition of the union. That's right, maybe when the war is on. It's like fuck yeah, we're not leaving the wording I, but I also feel like he's being like you can do this in a time of crisis they're like yeah, we're kind of causing the crisis.
exactly what your patriotism. It is the height of disloyalty to force or bring about the stoppage of our industries in order to force the establishment of standards. They have not been able to forest during normal condition But you fucked up, you started a war entered a war, so you can put yourself in that position. Yes, but what As is always the design is made, there can be no attempt to deliver senator.
It'd be the strikes lockouts for the rest of the war opened shops. None of the gita passed a resolution in committee tonight. To begin or unionized furthers the rest of the world stage, while business man there my country, the governor. I told the telegrams gradual. I am how we handle the really Well, that's the end of this year, the federal government, I know that you're worried that this is all going to lead to horrific violence, so they have a point and arbiter. Okay. I can't wait to see those guys. The red I'll. Tell you.
Rain, lowries fury, He says no way he sends a telegraph to the vets. I love angry. Is the the I started and presented a dollar sign, I don't want it to say fuck. I want it to seem like I'm yours now widely with. For me too, not content to suggest arbitration or whether the company shall obey or disobeying orders made after full hearings by the minnesota commissioner of public safety
I say this as a union define state which was used by the commission. Right, so there are joins and send a telegram to the Feds club. Interference at this time will simply result in a tent in any attention to five duly constituted authority of minnesota. I should use every power at my command to uphold the dignity of my state, offering that we will uphold the dignity of the state Yes, I'm very something about asia governs so then, the union's now
marguerite, saint Paul and ass. They journeyed on monitoring second street cars. It's got operators. This is completely attack street so the joker to right, I private, I mean an hour from minneapolis at six pm and they just started be in two hours: things: their downtown, create a restricted area using barriers. That is everything that they've done in minneapolis, they created like a recording off or at the sheriff's office civilian auxiliary, when ST Why is because this is like they had all these guys with guns? Okay, so these guys did not hurt the street cars. This is the good guy guys with guns around the street or do not fuck around with this car shut up. I love the color.
Are the back it's just the way quickly, but I'll had over the of talking about love between a man It's the middle of nowhere, downtown the students they're not going to like what they see the wheel of the the doors, the richard It's the
did you talk about thanks? Take all the. So heavily armed patrols are protecting the streetcars. Anyone who looks like they're, slamming trouble or just beat the shit out by the guys sticks fistfights break out, as they confront union then coming out of meetings, but this just caused a larger crowd before.
by degrees below zero Jesus Christ. I swear The it is bj. Wasn't dead. Dying
The. No. Already my Is it just so hard? The mrs It wasn't my eyes. you lied to me. you do What
voting time maybe shoot. Gee, the. do you the. really.
the what so you guys and discuss their grand reform because it is twenty five zero and the problem is most of what was she like? And then nor those national bank did
donation of sixty three now right, bayonets excellent. So the private army Marmee totally controls the streets of many animals such a short time. All the cars are usually the convention is to take place in ST mall, and the idea of a general strike is not being thrown around right. Because, once again is the us secretary or into in a general strike it'd, be a big problem with the wherever, with the governor accent at all costs. You have to avoid a strike. His suggestion is to suspend the order number. Sixteen about the negotiations,
I did. This is horrified by this idea just become too high estate. Nobody wants to be told doing this right, we're not seen something that I find you always said The is getting involved, would really mess things up for the ccca and what they're doing, because what they're doing is insanely unconstitutional. So Mcgee was the secretary or minnesota. Southerner knows the secretary of the treasury and said they pretty much had everything wrapped up in dc coming in now will just mess up
And the pg integrity, intelligence and competency of the public safety commission, so it's like, if you get involved, you're, really gonna fuck up with the order of things where we're making horrible. Yes, it's a yeah, so the governor says that's all say I agree with that. You guys can't get involved in with legion. It will lead to riots. Agitation is going to make the war ever even worse, so the feds back off and they're like well wait and see what happens now. The union doesn't know that. So a couple of days later, fifteen thousand union members stop working in the morning and they go to a meeting to save a lot of time and they declare they would back
inquiries and demanded that he and another commissioner be fired. But they decided to wait a week to vote on a general strike in order to get the fastest time to act or maybe work things out. They don't know the feds backed off so the governor tries to show he is not anti labour. He fires one of the commissioners, the the streets minneapolis. Indeed, if the government wants to get involved, but they're worried about blowback now they're going to have to sponsors, so the Pinkerton's, then investigating all this time to find his loyal people. It's pretty easy. You just wear the button we support this. So the apparatus of the figures have is reorganise into a media plus division,
The american contentedly now definitely admission to call maintain constant vigilance in an effort to discover invaders engaged in undermining the morale of the nation, see it just like when you say like that you're kind of like okay yeah, but that every word the area of energy and they're pretty former agents from the cc membership. Oh interesting, the hcl operates under the bureau of investigation, which would later become the f b. I and the headquarters are in the federal building here and they got equipment.
They got office staff from the ccca we should get out. So this is at this point. Your state is pure fascist dictatorship, authoritarian, it's business, working with the military and spying. It's all a fucking thing. Each agent hired was investigated by a secret committee to ensure they were loyal and patriotic, and then they are now and they can make the recipe are thinking what they can recipe on and then created a new agency, so, the day after a large meeting a spy on an alleged anti government meeting in an office building in St Paul, But now he was just a bunch of you guys. Talk just got together.
And they were talking about a general strike if the streetcar company won and the agents pass this information onto the cia and when the federal government doesn't do anything. A sympathy strike is called at ten am on december or in all wednesdays are enjoying a general. The minnesota home guard revealed, martial law might have to be declared if all those men struck and the governor closed all liquor stores. The. by ten thousand men had walked on the job
and the secretary or on orders of the president, told the chairman of the president's mediation committee, changing the twin cities so that give had been created to investigate labor on the request. As a leader, samuel, gompers numbers isn't as elevator, but he aced the lefties right radicals and socialists. So he wants the government to read them out. So he's working with it's all good. so he's really excited by the idea of sex at the end of the day why he wants to do it so once the games are sniffing around The federation of labor president calls off the strike at one thirty. So so so they make a play and they start to strike. But then the liquor store,
The fuck are these guys as awesome as this secret agency thing is coming in right and the walkout lasted for hours with no violence. superstar, so the president's commission, which is what kind of set off the ends of the attempt at a general strike the helm like yours, and they got testimonies from ccca members and pc, ps c members and the streetcar companies the universe and then sign an agreement that they would not seem like they did, they did it. And he just kept saying all the things over the whole time like not as johnny wrapped up and then he like, it's not so lowery said whatever whatever
they are a dc they're, not gonna, though companies like we're not doing it and the governor says. Ok with that I don't know what city you from DC in january, nothing's happening. In the meantime, the streetcar company is recruiting new workers and they're going to small how's administer, try. why is, the road map. It's not everything you ve ever you know the bicycle.
Well, I guess it's a little like a pumpkin, the The. silly there, but as in small towns,. It actually is. The main No, never that's. Fine. You've got the right answer. Interesting work,
Dave I was gonna hire back workers, have you heard of the poison, but really. The present commission recommended a street car company. We hire the fire and not discriminating against so busy The civil war told the cps to get my comforting to go along and loudly said it was a quote: imposing a gross injustice on the loyalty of non union. That cps, of course, did nothing declaring it's already over.
While the federal government can solve the shit going on, so the governors are demanding where we went They didn't know that the illegal move- yeah we're figuring it out over here. Please. It is the as a morally region. it makes us miss. The man was crazy and then he says, disregard company was closed squarely on record in opposition to the war policies of our government. At this time,.
This is because it has now lived in designing the street car it is the job of nigeria I know this is a bot, the secretary of war, as a socialist, just like the mayor right when they enter the stance taken by lowery, the governments of the union Right this is his mind. Why wow This company was held in vienna. And
You wrote allowing still stands, as does the kaiser. Germany opposed the wishes of the government. these regions as network operators with the media. So she go below it doesn't do anything. as the national the labor board, and then they dismiss it say he lost in the end. They didn't get to hire back the guys who got fired over the fucking bombs. it feels, like our era was left on a rooftop along the story goes. He was down the streets, but he passed away the
What and then, if you look closely in the above the ontario nerve, I feel, like we haven't heard the last. three, These collisions and spying and having their army had gotten what they wanted in the state of minnesota. The rights of citizens were completely true. Was this temporary and undemocratic constitutes a dictatorship, the business, the interests of business state, when the war ended, the private army and the other commission dishpan, but not the ccs.
For us It's usual for sixty more years by unions and commies continued into the twenties intelligence was being given to the ccca and used in court cases and for propaganda and the alliance kept at it until the teamster strike of nineteen. Thirty, four, the trees to living shit out of the car industries and azaleas control minneapolis, and they once did to me
where's the fun. I mean it just sucks because it's like even in like always like even in recent memory. There are a couple of times where there are these moments that capitalized on properly really changed so much shit, and you realize the importance of that time. But it's fleeting because the evil powers are working overtime so hard with so many different resources to undo it and have been undefeated for so long. I mean yeah and not just here
If the government comes in right, the socialist takeover then you're like how long do they have and then the cia helps nazi coup there. Three years ago you can watch every single democrat and every single republican cheating on their actual fucking, like a cult, nazi, weird group, Elizabeth Warren's, like freedom and freedom, and they kill indigenous people, and then the indigenous people come back and they could come back announcing that this government, another eagle. You know that those those are okay, people we ended up cheering on the fucking monsters, even though, like Elizabeth Warren was super left freedom is pretty, digital freedom is bullshit, get rid of the
In america, they killed the laughing in war. One urged us and we have to come back. There is now the the big people be like. right. But yeah I dunno. Sometimes it feels like the only way out with something like this is.
Yeah but the, but we all need to join the. What is this? And the anger seems like this, whereas one in my the math and all the leads are pretty fucked up the teamsters, like the teachers and my union,
or the teacher union, but so are the cops. So what the fuck is that as much as we all get together? The cops are like that like what the fuck, so we need to literally go join, something like the identity. Wu start filling the fucking ranks. Where is this now and scarier, because the more people that join something like that what's happening, but it's I say I know we're here and we're ready to do some shit, the working wrong. This is such a fucking all over the place and we need to get in her room and even if the latest news and the real thing still like the people that running- and they still have the right message- they still have the right idea. So I dunno.
It's my solution. The gym a general strike looming, fucking terrifies, want to get started. You have to have tons of mutualists, I don't think you have to with able to be tons of systems in one way to do that, just to get a larger group, Yeah they've done such a good job of taking away everything so that people do not have a buffer or the security to do any of that shit. So that is totally true. I mean yeah, you just need, and it's right there I needed some version of it's coming. It's just like, on whose terms do you have any more opposite? The playoffs, because of the virtual hard headed towards is diversity, scattered.
Yeah. There's too many I mean like the most united we've been, is like the that slap. The johnny depp amber is just like the Dunno why they look like focus on it. You know what I mean like focus on the paper just like I do. Well yeah it looks like they know how to listen to the story like they know how to they have control the government control the business they will emerge. They always fucking emerge when the left rises. They fucking always do and the left is rising like the bernie stuff was like an awakening, and then people
started. Reading and starbucks down this happening and amazon there's a fucking, the bar and they're, going to come hard. So we need to get them. We need to get together, but they're going to come fucking hard Yes, I you to the it to do is to you know, cause, I think, that's very valuable, and I think that anyone listening like you know figured like make it easy for people to join. It's easy to join just sign up, and then I figured out that communicating with me and.
I need to go back and see what they said. They probably bought the one that, like you know through social media and shit like that, get that out there, as as we can The.
All right, everybody gareth reynolds here from the dollar podcast you're. Listening to it doesn't matter, hey wanted to hit you with some standup dates I have coming up. Please join me on the road I will be at flappers, comedy club in burbank, California, on december sixteenth, which is a saturday december twenty first and twenty second, I will be a good night's inner raleigh north carolina got. It struck the landing. I will also be at bananas comedy club in rutherford, new jersey december, twenty, ninth and december thirtieth there. please come out on the road I'll be hitting a lot dates. I will be at las vegas nevada, wise guys on february, twenty six I'll be at the wise guys and salt lake city. february. Twenty. Seventh, I will be a comedy works in Denver february. Twenty eightth I've Be in wichita kansas on february, twenty ninth that vor chaise cocktail lounge, who knew that's the twenty then I will be there's a few more days there become and soon I will
add the comedy club of kansas city on march. Third, then, on march. Seventh, I will be in Dallas texas. On march eighth, I will be in Houston, texas, then on march. Ninth, I will be in Austin Texas. Listen to you texas, then march tenth san antonio march, twelve laugh. Yet Louisiana and then I'll be in new orleans march. Thirteenth go to Gareth reynolds dot com, Information that some guys already using gar me, so I can't do garmin any more, so I think we're guerre bears with the care bears. Who knows I dunno out me please Gareth, reynolds dot com join me on the road. Thank you.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-27.