« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

580 - The 1835 New York City Fire

2023-04-25 | 🔗

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine the 1835 New York City fire.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
How's your money, feeling it's about to feel happier with a certificate from happy money's partner, michigan, state, university, federal credit union elevate and increase your savings with eighteen month terms and only a five hundred dollar minimum and the happiest part m s? U f! C: u certificates yield four point: five percent: a p Y annual percentage yield. Now that's a happier side of money elevate. Your savings go to happy money, dot! Com! Slash m s! U f! C? U! That m s? U! F! C! U funds insured! Up to two hundred and fifty thousand by nc you a b, a p Y is accurate. As of the twelve one, twenty twenty three dividend declaration date, early withdrawal penalties do apply. Fees may reduce earnings on the account any monthly withdrawals or transfers reduce earnings. You are listening to the dollar. All things comedy network, this
Is an american history podcast, where each week I, where Man who uses lotion. lotions owner. Of his own credit cards. Dave Anthony reach story from america. History to this guy- it's reynolds? Who has no idea what the topic is going to be about so really feels like you really inflate your credits, and one of them is that you use lotions in and you just gotta give a week toss in this direction. Speedy use so use Nobody wants to hear any elaboration, no I think a lotion like you put on your skin like nice, nice. Let's stop. But I don't want to go any further down, because Grammy moody's, lotions and jive to a special type we're losing I put on my body oliver,
Not necessarily our my arms and cries gives serious question Are you listening your nipples? That's not a serious question a lot because- and I actually, when I place, can I work and I actually get. Can I do a follow up common college are a lot of people are about how they look pretty chafed when we, when we number one. No one can see my naples solely in plenary. We ve seen plenty, Mine is they're, paying that's a patron thing yeah, but that's all I'm saying. What is more, we are back for patron subscribers, alot of people on the train or sand that looks like your nipples or in other areas, number one I'm calling a jar, because this violation of every work plugging will. Let me let me just go a step further. You whenever you call a jar, explained to me that you run hr and that's just simply not how h I should work, hey guarantees. h are worth
Actually you happy with what's going on? I ask a question: can I ask a question to nature? We need to have another sexual harassment. Ask me questions of that kind of integration. Roquat just about this, and I have noticed that the had of hiv, nipples or chafing servile out of the people and we're curious. if he's lotion in them. Are you liking your nipples? This is exactly what we're talking about love to know if you're, lessening your nipples, this is a good time to cut the music called. The quote: is jam packed I therefore give my god gave okay, let it is involved in. This is not going to come up signally clock My part to fish. Now him with the public about resent sid, argument about action.
Now this he my friend gareth, the dollar, is going to be on tour be san jose Angela Twenty seventh will be several references gadget light joint helping at all its grand twenty eight will be in sacramento thirtieth, we'll be in boy she sought lay eggs borer las against phoenix San, diego. Yes, that is what I and all other states in october. One of those days is going to conflict with a showcase baseball showcase. For finn, so I'm gonna have to figure that out. Prediction you'll, have your ipad onstage and going oh. Ok.
interesting try to learn what s going to happen. Maybe maybe you'll do it alone. That'll be crazy. You give me the story we could by the way you dont want to open a can of worms, because then I can start doing solids solo dollars. And I just urologist- steal your stories and I'll just go on the road, and now you know what I'll do I'll do the fur this five you did in the closet like a weirdo alone. I'll do those imagine for small. Those were a lot of critics called art. Straight up art, your wife called scare him, your wife worry. Secondly, secondly, you'd be like a car just cleaning out of control on a canyon mountain. If you are doing it alone, I mean what would be great would be when I don't understand what I'd be like. So I guess he was. I guess he was that guy
guess he was actually ok. So remember before what I was saying it seems like you might be that he was that guy. He was actually that guy, but watch rail crackers, adults, woman, hbo, max watch, rail crackers, it's fucking, glorious, Andrews eighteen, o, Jason Ruiz, I star in it and a bunch of other great people, it's very fun, to go! Watch that it's not okay, do you also say anything? It's not rude or about nipples knock knock, whose their rough rough who dandruff on your nipples, get some lotion weirdo. Trigger warning yes nailed is ass to in thirty four, year of our lord J town, who all the kids love because he's hip and he's Christ
I did. I swear in gold this is your damn right. I don't know if I like turning them into mister t, but can I tell you that today my live? Travers name was Christ. And it was I'll tell ya it. Was we We really what it was amazing because he could drive on water. I got a commonly eighty five seconds Everyone I'll be debuting, my new set Jesus stuff at the Sacramento wiggle factory, marge twelve, twenty twenty six guided and are making. movie called J town. It's weird. I we have these little trends where we say something, and then your tweet do you, like your replies, become mainly that and I hopefully in a J town, for you know. Why, because People are super into J tat because it's stupid people know that I think it's stupid. Will you the kid our use of all the kids are into it now.
teens are like it's off the hook. Is what this? What they're saying? Hey? Steve bush, Emmi meme, relax, rather its radical out. My god dave, stop. the evening post reported eight hundred forty three buildings burned down and new york city in eighteen. Thirty, four! That's a lot of buildings! Ok,. There was not allocate over. That is a very good gas saddam hussein, saddam Hussein, survivors we funding allocated now there's still not around the due. They su dic udo, who say. now you're getting warmer. Thank you. Ll keep sniffing, so The most buildings are made of wood and and that's obviously wicked to fire good, it's the thing. Yet tell them response. It's it's for fire
it's and so its eyes, a surprise. There be a lot of fires. Icy everyone knows is a lot of fires back then in cities, huge you're in cities, so owners ensure their property way back then, fire insurance lot of fire insurance. They the and started in seventeen. Eighty seven, that was when the mutual assurance company was formed in new york city. So they ve had they ve had fire insurance for awhile. Ok, New York also had a bunch of smaller insurance companies like city, fire, eighth ward, fire farmers, fire and low, and frankly fire near by We fire united states fire all kinds of fire. Nice companies you couldn't have, if you were of, if you were fire insurance company from outside new york. They they for a deal? Is foreign sophia pennsylvania. They call you a foreign, fine, ok
which is kind of what europe does now. It's another hasn't changed ailed gear year you year, you could richards get google now good fires get building insurance. And they were, the insurance carries we're discouraged from setting up in the states like a one point. They passed. A law was a ten percent tax on your profits. he had to pay a thousand dollar bond just to set up business in new york, so wow that led to that led to a lot of small companies in new york. So ton of a bunch of little small companies right. In eighteen, thirty, five there about twenty four fire insurance companies interesting direction were charting early but yeah. I agree so to speak. the response time. Fire departments in April put a watchman
in the city hall popular sure rations We know that it is the little bell fatigue right that dell topside teacup. No, it's the tent looks like a little bell tower. If there isn't it if the building, where a cock, it's the tip. We'll get that's not at all helpful where the seamen would be. No. No. no, no that's where the load shoot out of, and we should point out that a lot of people like to use these to teach their children about history in this episode so far is not going to be one of those know. For sure and it's weird that of all the of all the subjects you could make this sexual, but there the it's just picture. The building as dong visited, challenges, scored or part. I'm Going to do, I have to call a jargon, do not allow. No, no, no no Why you pick up the phone nobody's even this alone, I'm calling our age, so
a article twenty four seven up in the popular there on top city hall. Watching for fire. Light like like the way today like around here, a prairie dog they have guy and fire stations like with with binoculars fires but There are so many fires in the city. There's just said about. Did that must be avoided very stressful job, the overture. So he's up there, he would just keep watch where fires and if there's a fire, then he'd ring the bell. That's in the little bell powerful, but is fair. it differs. I mean there are lake as established its a wild place where there are probably fires just being like But probably lighting small fires on the street, I would assume right there's another language. Its eye to match. Its very smoky place is right. It s got their chimneys, go on and networking and there's gotta be a lotta. So what do we got? Why? Why sorry, never mind never mind now
I suggest that I've done that I do this. Every eye, barbecue pigs. Every day. The same time touch, I saw TED when they saw every time I sat by the eu in the world, Darwin s, place is rightly chinese food, it's five rocking, neither using fire to make it known Mr use, no gaze using steam is what I wanted areas guides I wanted to hear you do is responds. That's dangerous territory, know that, like with it now They'll be super races, differ, I did I'm a white guy. I want do the nobody is different guy feel like a year, While I am, I beg he does talk quietly, so only I can interpret for him. Alright, I get your point though. Yeah today, you gotta be careful.
so early on may twenty, eighth eighteen, thirty five, a fire broke out at the top floor of a third storey building the head, the tipp, it's called the tip very top floor, was a boarding house and it spread really quick and Got twenty other houses, some shops and up and a grocery shop, and so As became new york for grocery shop, did you did you notice that what you said a grocery shop. Well, they didn't have I don't want to see grocery stores because grocery stores doesn't exist yet like the way we think of them. Are you being serious? This is like a distinction as well. I could do one on on how grocery stores began, but they didn't have them yet really makes me think of them. So I don't want to say that that's why I sleep shop what he said, but you didn't say shop it a shop shop. so it's so when it was over about.
Two hundred irish, an african american families, are homeless. That's what happens, people or what new york city at that time called non people, man epps. so on august twelve We started in a book binder office on fulton street destroyed, boarding, houses, warehouses, tenements, a woman's that store my guy weapon. Manufacturers are going. This is why we should not put trees. Are these hats dear me how it I tend to suppose there are blaze. I say I got, I got a confession: to make idea is not to be really cool if one of the hats had a fire on it. Now
god you ve, caused tremendous damage, but I must say from a designer standpoint: I adore the concept and rest a deal. We make it so I the fire head yeah, that's what I was thinking hello. I just thought I'd show up a little late to the ball. Did you see kathy and a hat? That's on fire, my gosh, it's wonderful she's she's, god so so write another another would be a bowling alley burn out. Another big fire. also the offices of the new yorker burned down and that well seller, may harm former dollop sponsor, so we will not revel in there. That is No sir, you gave us a bag sewer, people died about. One thousand people are now unemployed because it was a business area. Walt Whitman lost his job six year old, walt whitman wow in that fire, yeah wow yeah so in early december in new york, it's very cold superman,
it's getting down to like seventeen below, sometimes erie canal freezes, so shipping, all all the ship there is shut down as on for two weeks, george templeton strong wrote that it was quote diabolical, whether nice that's bad someone's behind it. It started called there's an accompanying brutal wind that was described as could penetrating. So what talking about diabolical weather with a penetrating wind. That's right! Well,. The hudson the above rivers frozen solid. Hard, as a rock I heard penetrating land in the hudson was hard as a rock like, where these questions, I did not a fan of it is it the western and the hudson, or is it the hudson in the east river? I think
Look! This is one of those things where I live. Someone right now is going to be furious, but I think it's, the eastern area, I think it's the east for sure. Let's do easter, gotta hope I'm wrong. I hope onto so on december, fifteenth at eleven p m a fire starts in a forest story: iron spike and nail store on water street, regular the the weather makes it very hard to fight this fire. The fired firemen do manage to get it under control, but it flare up again about three, a m and then then it takes out about six houses nearby, some stores they keep fighting and hours of finding it, and then they found they get it out and their exhausted their totally exhausted. now the fireman are volunteer. Firemen, at this point like we had an cow alike. Are we as a california for wildfires. What does your lives tat? We?
at the bottom left a volunteer buddy. Let's look like I'm involved sluts lad up up up up up up up up up its sleeve, its labour nabob. Let's considered, let's just because their prisoners, you get a dollar a day, doesn't mean they don't want to volunteer to do because someone's forced to do a job mean they don't want to do, and I will I will stand by that until I am eight it in the ground. And yes, you heard that correctly, I'm demanding an extra two. Are we killing you? I missed work could be a patriot and level get the numbers. Ok,. So Because you see retired hoses, frozen, solid roses froze is they, they the reservoirs. After fighting this fire are drained. A merchant, puts ads
papers for double fire proof, iron, chests and book safes. So the next morning I guys already advertising like I can save you from fire w, because he's like these are two. These are twice as thick. The double sickness double iron you want to save your books. Submit Can you imagine a time where people are like, don't burn the books, no, The the weather's still bad the next day, nothing's changed ten degrees. Ten degrees is the warmest it got it snows that nights, and I was a foot or so of snow on the ground on December. Sixteenth merchant Gabriel diesel sway said that the night was quote the cold, this one we have had for thirty six years. Ok,. In my view, the next day two cops to the kind of cops their watch. Their watch cops.
watch my lips, fires. Ok, so watch cops, so fire fire cops. Fire watch, the watchman firemen with clubs should qualify, that'd, be beater, beat up beach, they shoot the fire in the back when it's running away from the building fire killers so they think they smell, or some one looks up to the top floor of a five story. Building at twenty five merchant street tat building has comstock and Andrews, which is a really well known, dry, good, store, shirt. From the inside gas pipe has ruptured, and somehow lit calls that have been left on the stove. That cop haze looks up and. the seas that
and I have kurtz running through the streets, young fire, fire fire now dave that doesn't sound like how a professional would potentially handle it is that the protocol, And professional man, we're just seems like anyone could do that, so it seems I get why, like the one guys there is that we should go to the fire department and meanwhile, haze is just running through the streets. Paul revering the job. I would think it's hell, I tell full, but it also seems like there would be some system that would be if you're good into that Loi people to be in charge of watch, for fire, wouldn't you think It would be some sort of bell to ring or there would be a system are so something like that workers is a guy, just sort of panics. Ok, I think that's what it was when they called it called for the city watch who are the other.
it's the force of the copse. You look out for fires and deal with fires, so they come so I These are just guys that are milling around right or he's yelling for all the guys that are out looking for fires. We got one, and now all the guys come and then a they get the doors to the store opened Hayes we found the whole interior of the building inflamed from seller to roof, and I can tell you we shut the door mighty, quick, good, smart. Yet exactly I, and and as someone who has had his house burned down as a child, This is how you do it. If you don't acknowledge it, it will stop fire demands that you stare at it. Fire has a medusa complex. It only breeds and moves if you see it Take like a ghost very similar. Do an apparition. Thank you.
So he also said immediately. The flames broke through the roof. So now the each man no role we do just shut up nobody look at it. Everybody close your eyes. the watchman city hall sees it starts ringing the bell: ok, there we got that's That's what I've been calling for the bowery theatre, there's a performance of the apostate happening. Star James work booths, father, Julius Brutus, booth, great, so boots Now that this is this, what year so this is. Is this podium? Thirty, five years close at this is pre. Ok, so I was going to say: if he's acting party is basically what dad's those dad's there at an angle to early of actors, family backers,
it's interrupted by the sound of the bells and people in the theater fire fire fires. Every surrender you know like in a panic a little bit. Ok, The tombs prison also hears the bell being wrong and they ring the bell, which is about a mile north and that costs of firemen are being called from all over the city. Basically, all the volunteer right, a member there they're tired. They just share this last then I write also there's not a lot of firemen because in a In thirty two. new york had the worst cholera pandemic ever that they ve ever had and four thousand people died and ten thousand fled the city. So well three years later, the fire department has less than half of what they had in eighteen. Thirty, two, okay! So it's a it's a it's a skeleton crew. Let's call it a skeleton crew. Why wouldn't I just use the prisoners to fight the fires. Oh there,
they're, not in late stage. Capitalism. Ok! Thank you. Thank you. So for all right. Workers are rushing to merchant street and they at by chief he's called chief engineer, but he's the fire chief james gillig. William may see, was in these supply engine company on frank artery and he he arrives if his uniform over his business suit nice so These may be planning on taking a meeting after this, yeah. He might have a date. Afterward right he's got an appointment after he plans to keep or like had he like the alarm and he was out in a carriage and he's like Y got my bag with my fires, but I do want to get naked in front of the ladys. Were the horse. yeah it on right, maybe I definitely like to think that is.
ideally I, while russia- and I do have eight thirty- fell. so a twelve year old start running around asking if they can help this agreement very common that that kid's or come up and asked to help and that other just random people will come up and asked out right. That's how fires worked sure back right. It's good get there that's great yeah, there's some tiny little bodies can get in the little areas and help. I definitely see advantages yet thanks So so that the the break in merchants now have common they break into comstock and managed to grab the goods and and at least save the goods from being burned up in but is an on fire building right. We call that looting quote those Few of us present had time to remove a considerable quantity of light, fancy, silk articles rights,
ok, so it is losing get the six other they're trying to save it, for the honor smoothly. If you took it out, there actually are saving. They really are. Ok area but soon the fires flaming out the doors and windows on all sides, and Firemen go to the closest hydrants for water sure, but there there is because they now that, as as as a layman, can it be a problem when the hydrants are empty and your plan is to put out the fire from I love a giant building sized blanket. I think. Ok, that'll, be fine right on other. Ok. Ok, it's bad, so the water from the hydrogen is essential because I just again is just a regular joe. When I see the fireman, I think they they really do rely on the hydrants. We have what I've seen there really
it's a kind of overly focused on an incident that gets a little obsessed, an important part. You can't park in front of them. They really are buried, yeah important, it seems yeah, ok so crews go on wall street to the river and. the rivers frozen. So they start trying to break through the ice, east river by the host. Engine has can't reach manhattan from their so kind, fools errand! and then they also have to get brandy- you pour it on ending the machines given give machines from freezing up, so water can flow what a dime,
yeah! No, give me head of that sub for the equipment, then the jeep and some further equipment do it. they they'd latch him, so they bring other engines and they put em all other houses and they put him altogether. I soon with another engine and then it finally get a friendly reaches the store, behoves us from the register, so they they were wildly unprepared for another fire. It seems they they pay a lot of focus on figuring out. If there was going to be another fire and then not, Basically, there were not resources to do anything about you. I don't think they think they couldn't once there is no water like To them there, the fire- and I like you, that's not our other people,
handle the water thing sure like to, but a member. If you someone job to someone, the bought one are not necessarily because it's too cold and there's all kinds of problems with getting water down. Can I painted I used to get I used to eat fire. Okay, these her all starting up open. I think we should be open to everything we use a twelve year old. That's gets a fiery and pigs out there I feel it you're, going back to a previous zeppa sober, pays a call back, and yet I am a little while ago and I figured it- let us have a meat fine. Let me finish, please I'm, enabling that let me I'm in the middle of something please and let's gets please, let's, some of the pigs out there to sort a around and eat some of that fire. They love garbage, ok, I've- seen pigs on sleep rose did before and they seem very capable
Such is again saying you down there in the fire dragons King of dragons, maybe also you, it seems like you're thinking about food like when you say capable like they get eaten like I'm, I'm referencing a this. Is I'm referencing a lot of drawings that I have not released to people since we did the pig episode and I'll release those, and then we can kind of years back ma'am, I'm drawing them a lot and yeah so don't I just I'm just I'm the guy who tosses stuff out there so that I I'm the reporter dave you're the you're. The official on the reporter in my role here is too to ask of questions- and I just thought- maybe you know we get couple pigs out there, there mention the fire we see if that doesn't mean that, with our hudson frozen david worthless, right, so let let's just be cool to each other, because it's a tough situation. So, let's just get it right. Noise It's definitely a tough tough situation, fire eating pigs and
then, like you said, maybe they I'm not to keep going I will maybe they're. Even the fire they're going on the hudson their bree than their fire into the hudson find that out: Well hello! Now we got a couple of things working in our favour. You now sure. Another really good ideas and we will table and get back to okay yeah. Let's another episode, maybe or just after, like an after show thing, Why, I would love, I think we would all level bitter resolution in this direction as soon as we we can get it oh they get there together and they spray water at the flames gay In business, unfortunately, the wind is blowing from the opposite direction. At forty miles an hour there person in the world, so the wind, so the fire, the water Out and then blows back at the fireman what it hits them. It's a frozen, they're just pay.
Sickly they're. Just we're like, let's add hypothermia, the problem. That's right! Ok, the there there freezing cold water all right now, taken thirty minutes just for the crews, picturing remarks, brothers just say in the area: that's fair and then get set up and everything so the fire has now spread because we're talking forty miles an hour winds and its spread to fifty buildings. Ok, ok, all right so we're dealing with a problem. it's safe to say that we got an issue. We have an issue, the fire is, buildings are on fire and water. Street exchange plays the iron Adrian front street. And south street ok, I know no one has ever seen a fire spread this fast like they can't believe what they're watching. Ok. Ex mayor, philip hone, who is here.
alpha in honor of a fire insurance. Business. Sorry he's a hunter got these a holler. He arrives. on the same because he's a fire, insurance, guy and east actually horrified by what he sees quote. When I arrived at the spot. The scene exceeded all description, the progress of the flames like flashes of lightning communicated in every direction and A few minutes sufficed to love the lofty edifices on every side, ok So he's he'd he's too many he tries to harmony right. Can eyes translate yeah guide. jack yeah, yeah, yeah factor vile bad, that's better!. Now people are flowing into the area to get a look, Their mostly just like snow, bring because at all, as I can't believe what they're saying they're just like pet parallel,
By the side of the fires eating at building after building- dumb places they think with the fires, not gonna, go there. So merchant start getting all their stuff out of buildings where they can to get their goods to those places. The safe houses, safe places right. One save spot is the south reform dutch church on garden street, which is built of stone with three foot. Thick walls ok services are going to church stash siesta. In this fall has been super dry The buildings are mostly made a wood so like that it's bad lad, set up their tender like ready, tender, they're ready to gather rate it just so. The fire is just racing through the first war. There's not much. Anybody can do to stop it or even slow it. Racist straight to the river.
the fire racist, it's the river it just districts. It's like I'm also going to put the water out as that from reversal. I gathered of the water as josh fire place. That's all the racers, the fight you. I so within two hours. There are seventy five hoping ladder. Companies. and hundreds of p m. I think most of these are, I think, they're mostly got guys, are pushing them, but there is also some horse ones probably, but I think it's mostly got ones guys push. I could and hundreds of people. Art people try to help a governess trying to get out when what is the hook and ladder mean exactly what are they doing? What are they? Bringing to? The party today have watered it engine that can spray water based. Okay, ok, so there's someone but there's no! It's not but there certainly nothing to hook up to the hydrants, our working y. I was thinking they had water
They probably them a little, but remember they used all their water on the previous night fire, so they They don't have very much it's a head and between the lines, the timings, bad timing, super bad. Now people start trying to help and they're carrying buckets entails, and some even tubs, got a pass how Boys boy, the piss swimmer, been the so. The fires are useless at this point. Many a frozen If there's watering them, they frozen. And then there's cisterns and wells, but there are also all frozen. the fire hydrants
are also frozen up debate. If they went down a bit like most, the waters browser frozen firehose. I would just move, but there's a lot of fire I'd be like get a little closer to the fire. Let's heat that up, then the firehose burns up well. I was at a fashionable well that's a That's it that's a I mean that is a fundamental production flaw. That's not on me, I'm not the I'm, not the guy who made it I'm the guy with a pitch of a pigeon. I forgot the big guy The guy beginning, let's give way, makes out there now model gonna gobble the flames up a bit. Let's see how they are aware of the pay. A worst case scenario we're pulling pork after this and have an a giggle. Ok, that's fair If they do like, I said, if they do manage to get water out of the fire engines, it turns to ice as soon as they turn the hose on so it is this lady mixed you're coming out. Is this pre batman?
because that would be a great saw it as I dont forget when we invented it. Ok So now the fireman are all covered nice and they start. pouring brandy into their boots to try to keep themselves warm dare I say, throwing alcohol on your hypothermic body during of fires session is not the best solution to new kid run through us most is at all. I don't. I look I'll be honest. I have got an iraq through a brandy foot bath. It's not ideal that's why I go more: the butcher grout, but it it seems wild like when you are. Making like banana flamborough you use, brandy like brandy, is very definitely flammable soda, so air pouring flammable liquid into their boots. We're just again not.
Feels like brandy is the only thing that we're kind of using here out of our swiss arms are the god right now I work at we gotta dream and brandy, so they pull. Fire engine ever thirty, three, which is known as black joke engine number thirty three I find find to have that them onto to the deck of a ship on the east river interest? They Gotten through. The ice right and they begin pumping water out of the holes in the eyes then entered over thirty three pushes To three other engines who then push though to wall street right through how's there, the cosy calamitous right, buddy relatively short time. All for engines. Freeze, and then there just useless what the fuck.
It seems that what did they get it a dave? What are they going to do? I do know, dies a bargain I make a guess thanks. It's not pigs, but that's a really really bad guess. I'm not gonna lie I'm not done pitching Pigs, is solve here personally. But do you need a doctor here so those, are all frozen. They're they're, just lists. At midnight, broad and wall street are on fire. That's the heart of Europe's financial centre and really the country wrangling, so we should be celebrating you're. He had most most other cities, newsroom newspaper plants, the warehouses everything's on fire, as
as well as also the financial hearts fired. You companies headquarter Wow we'll get it's a lot, a worst case scenario, stuff its adults. That's gonna turn around to turn around yeah. Absolutely, there's! No doubt Jesus Christ, Larry. Larry had. He went for a four walk today, so he is so cute, it'll be awake, since I believe you literally just fell asleep behind you, how Human goes to bed yeah pretty much, probably, by the couch, put his head other pillory like that's how I fall asleep after, like a barbecue that I drank a bunch of beer, Merchants, like the guy about it before a decisive way. Who you, who used to be a fireman, called
put on an old, warm overcoat and an old hat for active service and jumped back in with their old fire company? now oliver downtown their people of drought? stuff out of the bill this. apps and so marble, mahogany tables or sideboards or self as their silk. The sands is clauses finalized. There's boxes cutlery and creates a french wine and tons just stuff all over the streets, because you want to get out of doors right if you're just like. If you're you know, minded in the direction of theft, it is the paradise I like this guy just puts on the outfit, and I m sure, he'll have some relevant see at some point, but right now that the issue is not manpower The issue is: there's just no usable water, so this guy sort of his having the rambo my dodging is room while, as wives just like You going and he's like, though I baby do,
he calls and she's like don't. They need water yeah, they need water, but don't worry. I got my hat and my coat back on these things about to turn around here go to your old strive to help to death, he then there's twelve year olds out there trying to help? I feel like they need water, your own baby, they just one set of good hands. though so all this stuff is land around as the fire. It comes merchants too. their goods and started taking them over to hanover square thinking. Maybe safe they're spreading pretty soon hanover square, just path with stuff. Ok, emerging called it quote: a pyramid of goods is nobody's indiana cartloads, while will get their people, people start walking through and just stepping oliver fine celts, another expensive materials and member its new
snow. So it's muddy growing. He no yeah even back there. most probably worse than this. No you get now. It just comes down to shit it and it's terrible It's just people are just breaking. There there walking and stuff there breaking it like their climbing the tower and walking over. It is broken. nurture their share box boxes, this browser, broken bottles lang around sure. Now the looters show up and certainly side people. because once words out others a tower of stuff, over square, a pyramid of goods little ways down their way down. I've always wanted to have a budget bordeaux. Is so the merchants of trying to get what they can and save it
in commercial advertiser, wrote quote: nearly one hundred scoundrels were seized in the very act of stealing valuable articles even when the alarm endanger we're at its highest. Well, mean again like this whole. You know I mean we ve created this system, so Yeah system, I mean I tired, I don't feel shame saying I would be inclined to go there and take things if I'll never forget someone someone like when they were laid. It was recent. Like him after too year or two, like there was someone who watching the news and someone broke in and grab like I got really really expensive bottle of olive oil and people were they why would they need there ever make because they,
when I try expensive all. Why don't we? Why would they need it like there's something they can never have another can works. I do like that where you're like you're, just like shaming the style of theft, through a merry bridge builder bad, gave I know you're going to make for katya, then that person at home, taking tater, tots or ride a tater tots out of the airfryer, just below predicted to grow grow, grow grow while there's some picker in italy like watch like, but there's only two trees that are growing these olives as you slowly plucking them like these will be used on the most delicate the pizza they're gonna find his dog mad or from a wheat flour from the fine is they're the greatest grades we were in this person's just like it does really good. At these fish sticks yeah
so some looters start. setting buildings on fire. Now that I'm opposed to doing this, so they could go in and steal from the building that I ok. This is what we're talking about the other day this this is, It is, I would loot and I would not be lighting the bill. The exact fire might be like we ve have let's, let's deal with the demand that was dealt in there's a guy was stories always benedictio you're like hey meaning coming this way, spot of a man trying to set a building on fire at broad and sown stone streets and the furies mob, seized him and ass horrified. Others looked on. They lynched him from a lamp post of shit. Jesus I'd be like woe.
As I'd tucking, silk sheets into my undies, these sons of bitches there is some people take it bordeaux. What there's ways to do this. A way not to do this, I think, is just misunderstood. The law, the strange said, the building on fire just grab stuff That's what rattled says the streets that we live reynolds out of those guys. a look at that man looks just swinging from that lamppost. Isn't it funny, when you do this and he acts like I've done that on this show where I've been like yeah get Dave over. I got Dave's a bad name to use for this. David, one of the guys on the show I did just kill. so Now the fire is getting closer and closer to hanover square son quote gust of flame, like a streak of lightning, came from the northeast corner and shot across,
the square blown by strong, win and set fire to the entire mass. Jesus I, which in a few moments, consumed to cinders and then indicated to the house's opposite. These are the fire communicated Yeah I mean they're using words. I'm reaching out five had taken card so the fire just came through as in hand over and over where all the goods are. That's people, there's de replacement laughing a little here and I didn't know you were right yeah. So that's all on fire! Now may we say the looters did the right thing. That's right! So The goods that war In the original building made first that they first from the very first building. did they moved out industry than they
the types hanover square, okay and then they saw the fire coming to hanover square and they moved to shop on beaver street. And now the honors worried about that place or is looking for a new place to put themselves their genetic again, moving just moving stuff around yeah rich I turn to oliver hall, told the fire volunteers. He t donate one hundred dollars the fireman's fun quote if they would extinguish that blaze, this guy who doesn't hate this guy look I've got to get rid of this controllable raging fire clearly. The problem here is incentive and could you be out? There's always this guy, though right medium, others here they her, but what, by the way it's about five hundred today, if she's gonna say
Throw money at we ve got a set of ice people to put the fire. You might have to throw out a little bit more cash than thirty five hundred dollars, some rich ass. All being there all right, everybody who, if you want to split thirty five hundred dollars a month g or just put it in the city, got your name on it or leave it. Give you a big novelty check as long let's come on the Where's prose and ass all where's thirty five hundred dollars towards unfreezing. However, you bust this is totally rich guy and imagine you're like put out a fire during your frozen. You ve got like you, ve you, your lungs or black. You ve got brandy in your shoes, and these guys, like can Good you get a little bit of a carriage. Did the stick. You know it
I gave them was motivated should be here is a judge. You read about dosages, putting the fire out, so now the fire is insanely hot firemen. I've read their war, about melting matter, metal from iron, shutters doors, copper rooms and gutters merchant watched ass quote: the burning liquid ran off in great drops, so it's suggest melting hot magma, just dropping on yeah, it's fuckin lava, draw coming through the streets, see you gotta worry about that, as was the call them a blowing whatever it's, it's, not great, yeah yeah. But my we say you at the end of this. You might have some beautiful glass. That's party's beauties, that's what we're getting at it's going to be beautiful! Thank you! Five rather william Maisie was holding a hose while standing on a building steps quote. The heat was so intense that my great coat was bert through an
other on the inside of my cap was crisp well so are you gonna, bacon, hat and second of I, I think you're a little too and love of your coat william the same time? Freezing right, so you really are its debts. Difficult It's kind of like food poisoning, your boiling in freezing I reported quote: firemen took blankets from stores cut holes in them to make cloaks and we're compelled. To take the fine blanket saved and cutting a hole through them. So so that's hardly so, basically just making amish sex blankets They're making fact blankets in the middle of all this radically made by bank punches. I Julia, had a great idea. You know why don't we start making, we got the we got time
Camp with is how do we make some fucked blankets to our lead? Nowhere is pod chose we're gonna, get about guys, hey, look my dick through this put about you that that one bob, check this out. I love it. Bobby so On top of all this, its low tide, which makes it even harder to pump water out of the river point. This is just an besides all of the issues with the frozen water. It's really hard for them to pump water, because they're freezing there, cold. Their hands aren't working, gingerbread, thirty, seven hundred dollars to throw a ball
a christmas goose. Thirty seven do. Let's get moving Benjamin called for going all right for a carriage ride through sundays in a row. Thirty seven fifty model cars galore christmas, goose to split We're gonna lose everything. So here's a beds. All right will save your fuckin city. Ok, I don't the goose saw the monocles edna carriages, Billy booked up plus I'll, give you a cash is check. It will take a while, though, so, the men who are trying pump. What other ever keep having to take breaks and go into the ship's cabin to warm themselves, So, for all the companies now the engines, the pipes, the hoses, the valves- are all frozen.
an alderman sends meant to go: get salt to put into the engines to keep them from freezing, ok, sure. But when they did, the water came out. End quote rain down like Hale Dave. Is it spared She did feels like literally every calls been off Nothing's working, nothing has urban beyond nothing's working there also accidently self, sabotaging with every move, I mean the only thing that's made said so far. That has a bit them in the asses brandy in their shoes. I don't really understand stone here. I think you're right about that But he rushed over to a hydrant at will. south streets, but the story was full of merchants goods which
caught on fire and burn the fireman's hose so they'd be better off. Just I mean it, letting all the goods burn pretty much because now there just like, let's move some more flammable materials to other area, it will be easier for the fire to cross the street. A daughter of air you don't I made now the frozen the frozen hoses are also major hazard because it's basically like you laid a big hit. a bar across the street? You ve just got the condors everywhere and you can like there, it's like having a metal Paul there like you, there's nothing can do with it right. port official said there now seem to be a general panic among the fireman. Why No, I only when a week maybe we saw that they had cut the holes in the weak minded and understand. I think it I think, and this
This kind of applies to fires that we see today in California. Mike Australia, like there's just a point with electors, literally nothing we can do. This is just brantome insane firewood. Well, where their basically, just like we're, hoping that nature stops doing this, we adopted pigs. What are we gonna? Do. The gulag realise the fire chief realized there was nothing is man can do to fight the fires so ordered them to. instead help merchants get their goods out of buildings? Okay, that's a that's quite a concession, so to get your goods out of buildings. Everyone it's a cart to move their staff cuts made of wood perfect, so carmen These guys were carts are now suddenly in huge demand. Lout. Here we go. I've got good deals.
like our jacked alan alexander Jackson, Davis, who got his books and papers move for just three dollars: ok,. other carbon realise the situation gives them a really strong negotiating position. You know when really, when you see- and I mean I feel like people- are just problems- sick of this point being made but and you see the horrors of what a system like you it money to live and be happy. Does too, people. You can't unseen. That's just. It's everywhere, it's every thing, there's five. people are, I please my livelihood and people like my life. I remember when, when the pandemic kid- and there was a guy buying up toilet paper,
yeah. You can't do that and I was like. Why isn't it just capitalism? And it goes? No, it's not capitalism. I go, but it is you have so you have rules within capitalism you get into, but it's literally capitalism, the guys making And the guy is essentially doing what all the large businesses did their out and continue to do in the media is something which is price gouging, on an anecdote, a level that made their money and that guy, I believe, was unable to actually end up profiting from it. I care remember what ended up happening, but they they found a way to up in the gun yet Jeff basis is doing great. so so obviously as a bad situation quote some there's an apartment, Some cross their arms as they leaned against their carts and refuse to stir a step in the Twenty dollars, a load were paid them on the spot.
I assume the going price is probably a you know: a couple of bucks yeah one or two dollars, probably if the guy's doing it for three yeah, but these guys are enjoying the price gouging. A french merchant couldn't find anyone to help a miser. Here's a french in areas like fuck you for Please someone I've got a room full of pests, trees and funny cigarettes and bicycles would wake up it had some pastry. So yes, yes, please, please! These are absolutely important items from you got like a magic frog. You can ride or something like that. That would make sense. Why would we have a magic frog? It's just a room full of luxury told this gonna write a magic fraud because he's french I'm not under respond, What the come on! Please please, please help me: please do whatever hurry up these. We would please
anything. No right. Looking at look at me, I've got a scarf. I've got a long way to go down now got eyes the highways, the buddha, if just to seeing, have got a flamboyant buckled up smoking in both hands. Clearly, I am not from here I am from NJ, we asked a carbon, how much would take and the guy said five hundred dollars, my fucking god. I've been it's even now, you'd be like brow, fuck off and the merchant painted because he had a hundred thousand dollars where the goods to move, so that's right got it my boy. I got a bad bad. Ah, sir, god. A clerk for a store when uptown to try to find his boss lower manhattan. It's just total madness, but, as you got further up. there's nothing going on quote as
passed along with sound streets. He was surprised that the apparent indifference to people uptown to the burning city do they know about. They know about the burning city. Obviously, you'll be able to see some movement, they also just don't carry out and fired on their way which again is like our attitude completed everywhere. It's just like it's very similar people say this is the worst fire they ve ever seen, and the fire now heads towards south, the south, reformed dutch search where everyone has put their goods, god the stone church. Now many move them because the fire was moving so fast, but a lot so the people who move them after move them again, but the church roof. It is on fire right. So it's it's three three four. Thick walls of stone, but that's not the roof. The roof catches on fire. You know the roof, never thought about the roof. As it catches on fire.
A man runs into the building data, And soon organ music, starts coming out of the burning church. so he ran in to play music And the organ he better than play his he's I fear or music. Oh, my god, like the titanic ban this guy, I'm not sure what Is this the sky in the story. So far, I think that's the big guy this guy I want my art. We got another user. Should we got another said I had to help us move. Goods were in an annex worth.
Otherwise, that's the worst funeral song, I've ever heard, ban n, n, n, n, n n, or banana and iron man and or ma'am, are buried benny hill So so he played the organ. For about thirty minutes. Wow conveyed in here like games guy. If this guy dies, I'm gonna frame a picture of it yeah, people can hear it all over and the music almost stopped when this ceiling was close to collapsing in the man ran out. Ok, so you did have some sense. soon after the steeple collapsed in flames,. A restaurant owner who had, I believe it's the oyster shop they kept, bringing up so it must be an oyster house. It must be like I'm sure that measures must be super cheap and so the I'd think that's where they loving loved oysters back. Who doesn't like that
I've like I've, said if you want to eat a horses eyeball that that's your dish, love love, it so, there's giant caskets of white wine. vinegar and shed And the white wine vinegar is not frozen. So He gets a bunch of men together and using pale of vinegar. They fought the fire. splashing it on the journals offices. Are they trying to save papers, offices and and the oyster ass at the same time quote by one feet with water pails endeavours. We have no doubt that at least a million dollars was saved from destruction. Wow, that's crazy! And also makes me feel good about england if there was ever a fire without question.
Not all business owners move their goods from place to place so feels like the most effective things. Fighting have been salt and vinegar, which is interesting, yeah and brandy, and brain what brandy is really more just about a noble morale and the has led to do anything. But it was like, as far as the ideas go yet. the worst idea of and is the pigs, I actually like the guy who puts the pigs. I don't remember his name, but that guy I feel like head was onto something It was like a madman came through in just. We have now dave ran into a church and played in Oregon. Ok, I think the pig I should be listened to a little bit there there they love to eat, we ve never seen what they can do I mean I. I think that what was that guy's name doesn't matter but Guy to me is kind of the euro. The story a little bit. He could see the music guys
No, I mean he's great he's great, but every known needs soundtrack. Everything is I'd. They gall other characters in this story. Stand on the shoulders of pig pitcher, although you know if the music guy instead of playing a funeral song, is it called the funeral dirge? Is that what they call it yeah sure? Instead, if he had played like happy music, it would have been fucking. Amazing. Tuesday, cheer up the brighter aside boys, music, I think I've learned to pitch the other data So not visitors took for goods save them some stayed inside their shops to keep the fire at bay, bad. How well a coppersmith at eighty. Three water street help behind wooden cellar doors quote. He got water and a and a hand engine. And wherever fire appeared, he put it out of some guys managed some guy
it off. I just like water street is at a direct advantage. If you're on water street, I feel a little more confident and I love what a hand engine is. I don't know I don't care, but I loved the term. so merchants are also moving their goods now to the merchants exchange, which is a huge building. I'm not going about birch monks emergencies, your quick. and also, as the central post office in it and the personalized mastered, looked at it decide the fires knocking to reach the building I don't like that too. I don't it's attitude of it. Come here. I don't lie, I don't love. so merchant stack, although their blankets in their silks and other stuff in the larger rotunda at the merchant exchange, the younger It is but the building com fire so we're on talk to the postmaster general, who should not have a making those calls
way. Uk stamp doctor. What do you think about the fire, norway? And nowhere? No he's busy now because now he's panicking to try to get the male out of the building. I love it there. I love the like commitment to your post a lot of a lot of people, are standing by the job they were hired to do that. Like the argo guys, I look with we ever needed a funeral jam. It's my time to shine, get ready. First, shuffle it the post managers we gotta move these letters, nother ray not now rain nor snow nor slate nor out of pocket control fire swearing, we don't need but lay back station, it's bad! It is not good!
As far as burning, whether my ass, all after hollow being obeying a rainy night at tat, go jams, why actually that's gonna be greater, assure beg you, so they all. I can take small letters in the big packages. Only behind and he had he has all the male moved to city bag which is actually safe, oh that was not safe and then started bearing a male Jesus, I swear to god, you really should be going to jersey, seriously or get on it I wouldn't take it out in the middle of the river or something on a can the river's frozen. I would I would I would just yeah. I mean I would that's what I would do. I would our moving things onto the frozen hudson That's actually about idea. You get some slaves or whatever.
so people are being injured. Obviously one man, one point just ran down broad street yelling quote: is there a surgeon? Among you, gentlemen, for god's sake, is that surgeon and this started a rumour that a bunch of people are trapped in a building, but they weren't it's a bunch of people trapped in a building whose whose hearkening for a surgeon who is out there screaming for a surgeon. the surgeon? There must be a bunch of people trapped inside of a building, be valid. A bunch of people are trapped as anyone, sir did I oh appendicitis, that'll do that'll. Do. very body, this site is we're building a lot of people are burning in a basement. Is anyone here know p g Y n, We need, as many dead did says, we can work and has been barred.
yes people just like people panicking you know, so they think a roof escape dinner whenever and people are trapped in there sure now, the guy I on city hall, who rings the bell, has been ringing. The bell the whole time. the hammer on the bell. Finally breaks good get this guy, we don't like honestly, we don't need bells right now. there's still a fire guy. I I really wanted to bridge started. I feel like he's paid by the gone so listen, everybody do their jobs, but I believe of ongoing by we're not caring to italian. I'm owed seventeen thousand dollar eight. I was very clear to you thousand. We all told you to leave here. We are that it was useless a lot of the fire and we're trying to communicate a lot of the fireman we're trying to communicate. You couldn't do another year banging of the bell, I'm not gonna. Let said what
I saw the fire yeah so when I see a fire, but everyone's everyone knew about the fire, we told you we didn't, we we told you, we didn't, need you to continue to bang the bell okay, but it was highly distracting with you and the oregon guy. Most people couldn't hear anything. That's my cousin, but they will even eighty in. and then, when I saw another building a ring, the bell- I see no way yet that's great and honestly at that time. At that time it was a little bit. How did they get? This is when it got a little salute their get. This is when it gets you stupid, but this is what it s really stoop. It does want to get too stupid you. I don't need to hear any more about how many big I understand you saw buildings. I dont even know about it. Well understood! Yes, he rang the bell at you. I stop saying you saw another building. We understand I kept telling you leave, I see close star tell the stop it. That's our fire and rang the bell. Adele ute, I understand, but for the last time we're not gonna pay you, seventeen, grand and I'm not paying for them is yes, you ship show you my contract work
You know you're, not after all, when adviser it when eighty five, when advised a building on fire ring the bell rang the bell. Yeah, like a few times, we didn't say, stand up their separate your shoulders, Susan, law firm, maybe and talk to them. We represent this. Man was schmidt. Ding dong and we just want what's odin, Where the best spell lawyers in the business say ahead of the chicago fire bell guy, That was one of a better cases. stand, it's been a real tragedy, but we just why what I told a million dollars. Look, I'm still air no without paying the head. It was seventy grand like forty five seconds
I know because you weren't we weren't getting along. You were making up things now. I got a whole list of stuff that costs that sex, your money There's a fee for going up and down the stairs. Why did keep going up and down the stairs if there was a fire. I really literally do not want to have this conversation. Any further thing is really sore. hand, eugene Why did you give up a down the stairs that makes no sense gotta run down yet a yell. Some gotta go back now now nope our I go by one may. I'll see you in jersey. No, you will not. So now there is a really loud explosion and shook. And everyone scrambles for safety, not knowing what is coming.
quote a so that ain't, I marshmallow man. What happened quota second explosion took place and then another and another. Bags of assault, peter in a warehouse started exploding when they caught on fire. I don't know why so adding roads. So big bombs to the problem and me the the explosions contain for thirty minutes? So Bombs are now going off yet. Well, hopefully, it'll shake some water loose, and explosion released a really thick dark clouds. some others just sick smoke everywhere. Is it I suppose it did that god, just once all the die? Is there a passable feels like we at this point?
And then liquor, casks and barrels of gunpowder start exploding. So on the docks sperm and other oils. Were fires spurs sperm whale oil, but I see currents sperm is better. They call its burma? You called its break all the sperm, they he call that sperm, because it's a sperm, so now sperm is just also catching on fire sperm oil? That's what I call loop. Ok, so so now we ve got sperm fires for I mean embers, are now raining down onto brooklyn. Flatbush, burning peat: of silk. Wallpaper and wood are falling on the streets. The river catches on fire you guys been aerials of turpentine have spilled.
we're from their current there the dogs to be loaded somewhere guide dear. I say this is maybe the best thing that happened so far. End quote out over the surface the river for several hundred yards and sending up a bright flame in giving the appearance of the river being on fire. So I lay like, if you just A person you're like oh, this is the end of target. If you're a preacher, you are just gonna, tell you told your dodgy tell Jim jones algae, attaching tajik dodgy charger. What did I say? What did I say, but she kept gives it tobacco at fucking with barrack is. People in new jersey and new head in connecticut can The skies above new york glowing. new jersey, jersey was like
We might actually better stay here. We, Oh boy, you're ready everybody philadelphia, firemen rushed out of fire houses because they thought a fire was near by. I thought you were gonna say like they're gonna go help. The son of Alexander Hamilton, James Hamilton, said, quote: hamilton and dave a hero. Thank you. the fireman were exhausted and demoralized. What I would always up with them when they just can't a military escalation, mildly committed to venture thirty nine. Seventy one goes give everyone realise terms and that jerk you off. Oh The postmaster said some more now quote incapable of acting, some from drinking liquor, which they were obliged to take to keep themselves from freezing.
So some of the fireman are now shit face. I love it. well, where the fire put us out ever think about that. one company was so drunk that they put flowers. taken from the wreckage of some shop on their caps? so whether he and everybody's freaking out right now, But what we need to do is obvious: I am a daisy, I'm a daisy law, Call me rose daisy viewed a flower Then you are so beautiful and way areas that are behind you, like you're, an angel where angels, and I mean let's get a little more brain again, because I think we got to make sure that we keep this high moving is as clear as possible.
I'm talking about moving away from the direction of an individual flower and, let's consider ourselves living arrangements. My what's the matter It shows you you're beautiful, right yeah and you pay for two time, but both of the for babies. Okay for now, And actually feeling the ladder the mice boots are where I was called brandy lit and just as the question of course baby. What can I drink? Your shoe when she do this. I'm combined sing at an alarming rate, when I'm done the body, because I have been marinating in alcohol following its three hours. Hey
I am a is now just aging a check it out. Ok, give me mine is my eyes filling their melting abed. Do Second, new thing: that's what I'm I'm also on fine! Ok, is the deal we will leave. Finer is child man, flowers,. My brains, gone so The heart of paranoia and already you're already via uber, are there never a reserve. Alright, that's added a while for. in the morning. It was obvious there so morning by me in my three and four m, whenever its obvious there's no way to stop the fire me cornelius lawrence and others start talking about blowing up buildings to stop the fires advance. I mean I don't know anything but no
no. the mayor asked the ex chief engineer and current water surveyor if he had ever blown up a building- and he said no, but he could do it if he had to has it can do add two gareth. None of this I can't do it to pass you gonna! U gotta, like the boss, looks ngos. Can you do this and you are part of a team in you say yeah man? I can do this, I really do think fighting fire with fire. This circumstance is a bad call. You know we're gonna. Do we're gonna like the fire on fire, saying no. James Hamilton, another man surveyed to figure out which buildings to blow ok am so other people go looking for explosive say, are gonna blow up buildings, so they decide that the best placed to
Love is exchange place. Buildings on exchange place Jameson Zadig, I start emptying cartridges and care. mystery of gunpowder into a casket What is tim burden in charge? What is the theory here? I truly do, though, is that the barriers, the beat the fire to the punch waters, a bit like give they'll give anything to burn price sure, but your burning when it way. You should have gone. You shoot the hostage. Ok, you're on board with this year because creates like no different than they do with wildfires you bulldozing there. I create a space that the fire can't hop right by fire burns itself out. Ok, I guess I get it. It seems.
Is like now tat the guy who lives in a building, he's probably bombed, So what's the idea here, we're your blow your house to stop the fire, but Is there going to go, It's gonna go anyway, so we're gonna get there. First, ok this way? It's on our terms, you don't I mean like we did it a colleague is trying to say is that we will not take should from the fire. We are going to be ended. Usa, baby, they will we're going to intimidate the fire a little bit yeah. We we can't fight it with water, so we're going to blow it up thanks ray. So they're they're. There gunpowder in cask issue. Another guy goes to the navy yard in brooklyn
learns, there's four hundred pound bags of gunpowder on governors island. so they get a bunch of gunpowder they bring. If the army corps of engineers. And then they take. I think they put in little a little smaller boxes. and then they take it to exchange place now. The general in charge of the army corps. And engineers read it, so he took two boxes with us whose powder to wall and nasa streets? So it's a north of exchange place, but did they don't have an ethics this is to set off the gun powder, which is what they need moving it through the city is difficult because it's on fire right does young quote.
There was a cart with a barrel of powder on it is laid on top the barrel we're sparks flying in every direction like a snowstorm sure, ok, so right so you're trying to just frog or some powder across a city that is fully on fire, and it seems like its fairly open. You ve just got a board on top of it. Will you put a boar and even then the barrel is made of wood? I mean you're fighting a number of different issues here. I'd say as They move along broad street. One man sees gunpowder leaking out of the bottom. The container is at banners and there's a I passing by with a blanket and he orders the guy to stop and the man's like, I didn't steal the blanket. I didn't steal the blanket it's mine and it's not yours, obviously serious very clearly, not your blanket
and they said that in care and they took the blanket and they use it to cover the barrel and stop the leak. I also took some forks so Take it to forty eight exchange place, which is the building than has been chosen to be blown up. Congratulations. Forty eight place Hamilton prepares a fuse. And other guys spread the and powder. On the floor. And Hamilton tells the general that he wants to be the one to light it, and so he does quote there is a tremendous explosion and the who building, seemed to rise up and quiver. It threw down the front of the building a part. The adjoining one threw off the roof, but did destroy all the floors, the you're getting married up the fire
carried up by the floors endangered the next building and thus rendered it necessary to block that building, also so big They didn't necessarily blow blood. The first building great they gonna blow the second one up to. So forty six fifty fifty, whatever places I had a girl good, but not great cheer. he has fifty two is gonna. Go. Ok, so Now, five m, and they blow a guy who's. Just like having a d sleep like at sixty four is didn't go so they.
Then expending quote? I saw that the wall was completely cracked, the rear was on fire and the fire was approaching more rapidly than in front though the that fire, so the there's coming it's getting closer and closer the war just cracked and back. So it's not enough. So, they have to blow up. A third building I can I cite my earlier point where I question the strategy: a lot It is pretty baby, it's big time. Let's ro. marines are bringing the gunpowder ashore from roosevelt island, but the cold is a problem quote men's fingers became so numb that get a hardly carry it. I is We ve done a lot of these.
And I'm sure they're like what I think about like people travelling through like arctic conditions, think goes right, but this is a metropolitan area and nothing, nothing, nothing and well nothing. literally nothing. Absolutely nothing has got every every boat it's bad, except for that I play the or the organ guys doing. Ok, but even then he had to flee, but he is our bright spot. The organ guy is now saying at home, gone honey, finally got to play that fuckin organ What do I get? It sheds and I waited for my tie, says six hundred people have died, so it's just sort of play a goddamn organ with thirty forty minutes, most stores, or does it mean I think new york is another power, a ball. It was incredible. Could you maybe you just like help that maybe move some stuff instead of play,
the music, which is feels like we're, really honey? We really gotta get an organ at when I talk philip we're not getting a we're, not getting homework and that's just and god, so It happened tonight While I am I add why do around you and I are praying that you're not making this fire about you and the oregon. I'm pleased I that's not happening right now. Please tell me: that's not happening right now, the roof was abandoned. By van ban ban ban ban, I saw ban ban ban in bad bad about a ban Ben this. This is why this is why I have doing three nights a week of my sister's, which Unfortunately, I cannot do any more. They just blow aroused.
It wasn't a great house, so they're gonna be all right. I think we lost track for re sec where we are is their blowing the envelope with her and and because There is bad. The marines fingers are falling off and fires bad, so they're just gonna blow things right. The cold is hard to move the barrel, so they they put the barrel. a hand card, but now their word about two things when they move to bear Gunpowder quote for the ground was frozen and covered with eyes, and it was raining fire what's been backwards. Those are all bad things because they did the cartoons Tipp over the gum, our goes everywhere and then them Was I or rain, but definitely buyer? Let's, let me just add, just bought a minor faster Raining fires is gonna, be a big problem. By the way is this, your favorite schwarzenegger movie die
it's right it via Get the gun powder the priority where these various figures, when are we going to get out, get out o dad I got to play one more song and then we can leave. In dead disease did banner. Then Arnold schwarzenegger is or her away that's great. Like it or not towards an acre is oregon. The gotta have the improvise, So the soldiers take off their jackets and cover the kegs, so they won't be blown up by the reigning fire. But now they dont have jacket Ok, so there
the building. it takes a couple minutes to set it up. and then they blow it up. Ok, one slows the fire cause they blew, they blew up the building while well as a matter of time a man. You know your blood, thirty five buildings, one's going ahead. So the mayor and his advisors are these guys then look to see if any more buildings need to be blown up, fun, kamba, and they decide to blow up a twelve foot wide restore at Says Contains alley and slip which have never heard of hamilton. also bears the charge and soldier goes down with him in the cellar and law It's a candle, he's trying to knock the lid off the gun powder. Tell me This is not at this at this sounds. Does dave? Don't please
Please see, obviously, and so he's trying to nodded as it off the gunpowder so early motivated earlier down their hamilton. perhaps its arm and is You do it is so we could see if there's got powder and takes the candle other guys hand, and then pushes the guy aggressively out of this can have a drink. Oh hamilton runs a fuse from the barrel out to the sidewalk. Ok, now? A crowd is form to watch sure by supporting quote After setting fire to the massive combustibles I walked deliberately toward the spectators as it cried out, run run. Why don't you run. I love a crowd. Oh good
any time a play you ve got like random audience. Shouting, it's pretty good run run. Why don't you run It's just did to do. I get the right this way this this no more so it explodes, and it takes out the whole building, leaving a vacant space and that stuff? The fire from taking the entire block quote the whole block, from that too broad and probably lower down toward the battery was saved. So it's now early morning on December, seventeen and Stop the fire. firemen or go home noticed their clothes are stiff from the cold when they take. downtown is smouldering hundreds
of irish from five points. Poor poor, pour out of the slums carefully, whether highly frahm about as well and start looting, nice For twenty four hours they took what they could get boots beer, wine, kegs or smashed open anything out openly drunk out in the streets if they just start potato lifting than I really feel like were allowed to stereotype them fights. Breaking out over who is going to steal what I like that ten thousand bottles of the finest champagne was taken and many bottles drunk on site. I support this, Philip home quote the miserable wretches who proud around the ruins and became beastly drunk on the champagne and other wines and liquors with, the streets and roads were lined seem to exalt in the mist. fortune of others. Well, ok, I'll, let me say this potentially, but
I also feel like a fierce selling. Champagne you're probably mean a fairly good spot, and complain about what the lowest class does when you leave champagne, and they just want a moment. I do it. Absolutely I mean dave like you're, saying it's It's the same reason we support january six, keep going it's gone. The star, They were reported that alot, the champagne have been drunk while the fires were burning. So then mayor declares because martial law and in the marines or sent in but the winning did not immediately stop people started heading out to other areas outside the burned zone and see fires to buildings, Jesus Christ, luck, Like I said there is a line. and fires out, let's we should be thankful. Let's
legs loot what's in front of us and not rebirth, for a bigger lou. Oh five arsonists are arrested, the guy who had been caught looting during the fire and hung. They let his body hang there for three days: nice, that's cool. Second, christmas decoration yeah three blocks lower manhattan. Fifty two acres and six ninety three buildings have been burned to the ground palm back, then Two I mean yeah. I think there's only like two hundred and fifty thousand people in the city. At this point, that's crazy. I may be way over stating that, but I don't two people were killed while and one of the guy who got hanged near a That's why the day it was too Damages to data be about a billion dollars and damages
ten million insurance money was but little that was paid because the offices in banks were burnt It's a business is never open again. They started calling the area the burnt district court. There is already a lot attention between firemen in the city and an album. accused them of being an organised and unprofessional, but they're, not professional their volunteers. Far chief guard was fired, ah was past making illegal for non fire department personnel to help with fires. So all those twelve year olds, they came and other guys there. that, that was a problem and they can't have those that wasn't the problem, no, the price, was. The problem was the planning, I mean, essentially the resources and the fact that you were not prepared for the lack of resources,
yet the environment also, like you know, all of the weather and everything else in the dry. The dried would like land. The thanks that nobody pulled the pig trigger the bigger nobody. Nobody, nobody did that. Nobody like thought: box enough to just sort of like you know, move the pig Closer to the area and see what they would do just based on their natural instinct, that's right, you're, crazy! So The city now hired me. and to be maintenance, crews and keep them equipment, fires and all the equipment. And the fireman didn't like this, because they saw it as an attempt to end volunteer fire fighting and create a paid department account it felt like energy fired. exactly what was happening. That's exactly what it was. Ok, the public could
not get enough of reporting on the fire and saluting the hero. and the stories in newspapers. Artists are in paintings of what the fire looked like illustrate, papers are becoming popular and that this really helps them them. Marketing is super aggressive for all these. You know papers and paintings everything to sell. But some it's like disaster porn, yeah right politicians use the attention to get a crazy amount of financial relief for the city. Some businesses started rebuilding the next day and then took this time. to widen the streets because up uptown, is a little more grid issue, and this was like a jumble and so they they do what they and to create more of an organised, a rare thing and fixed the streets
by eighteen, thirty, six, its rebuilt, the buildings are made of stone and concrete. Some of them are still there today. A lot of people move uptown, where there's space It's construction speeds. northern manhattan, more work. Hers came now like immigrants pouring because there is work to build right and then area becomes lower man, I'm because pact, congested the rich, build high theatres in restaurants and the working southern music halls and taverns there's a big aqueduct built for water, I mean essentially the fire changes that the city and the corps of right have. The city is going to go because it's a big disaster right kind of like almost like nine eleven. The way we think of it today is like almost how people thought of in that
like that re act, that level of tragic thing: right, yeah, crazy, right here, totally crazy and by the way, if you want to join us on patriarch, you can do that. We have a chance dollop. ok sources, the great new york city manhattan, fire time, the orchestra. because society, the great near a fire between thirty five and the marketing of disaster, the book manhattan, phoenix by Daniel levy CUNY as one called city response fire. and then a bunch of newspapers evening, post the sun, blah blah blah yeah so and so is that could potentially burn on our tour. Oliver, let's go more so than a dollar podcast our com. If you your ticket information to our torn we're just turn,
enough money to live in the dust opium capitalist prison that we ve all been put in and try to just sort of Pat our nests, while we buckle up for for the inevitable punishment that is totally deserve. and I'm trying to think yeah guy yeah and, like Dave said, I have standup dates. You can, you know, there's a fear of thrones dot com and I can't Doesn't instagram davy posed a lot on your instagram by your dogs, you dog asked away during this episode. So so yeah. So so, yes
cool. I did it and awesome and we want to think snapple thanks dave.
The alright everybody gareth reynolds here from the dollar podcast you're, listening to it doesn't matter hey wanted edge with some standup dates I have coming up. Please join me on the road. I will be at flappers comedy club in burbank california, on december, sixteenth, which is a saturday december, twenty first and twenty six, can. I will be a good knights in raleigh north carolina got. It struck the landing I will also be at, but Man is comedy: clubman, rutherford, new jersey, design,
we're twenty ninth and december thirtieth, then please come out on the road I ll be hitting a lotta dates. I will be at las vegas nevada, wise guys on february, twenty six I'll be at the I guys and salt lake city february. Twenty seventh, I will be a comedy works in denver, fair worry: twenty eighth we'll be in wichita kansas on February. Twenty ninth: that voice chaise acting alone to new. That's the twenty. Ninth. then I will be there's a few more days there become and soon I'll, be at the comedy club of kansas city on march. Third, then in march, the seventh I will be in Dallas texas. On march eight I will be in Houston, texas, and on march ninth, I will be in Austin texas, listen to you texas, then march ten san antonio march, twelve lafayette, Louisiana and then I'll be new Orleans march thirteenth go to Gareth, reynolds dot, com for tickets and information
and yeah there's some guys already using gar me, so I can't do garmin any more, so I think we're guerre bears with the gear bears. Who knows I dunno out me: please Gareth, reynolds dot com join me on the road. Thank you
Transcript generated on 2023-12-29.