« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

567 - The First President's Slave: Ona Judge

2023-01-17 | 🔗

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine one of George and Martha Washington's slaves, Ona Judge.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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it's better as negative, up again it better right now. we're going to bring it up again: our time is really they lie like when I was a kid and I would was chubby and I would make fun of my tits before the others would this got really weird, but stop start again what at dark. You know what I mean it. It started out fun and I went to a place that nowadays nobody's comfortable with our journey bad. the tune into the chauffeur good hearted lantern year anyway, and sad And you D, like good times, Essentially, you turn it into group therapy and everybody's uncomfortable specially me,
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You can join that its pretty keeping you couldn't get a lot of stuff. We do little chats. We do a bunch of bullshit. We do small up, sometimes lab lab lab. We serve them it is the people also. If you would like to watch my new special england weed and the rest, you can go to my website, gatherers, reynolds dot, click menu bar and there is a special tab there. So they all things comedy you to channel we just the hundred thousand years, which is more than you ever gotten anything you've, my my some charting on billboard, hey, I was on a plane once and I charted, and I had to throw my boxes in the trash missouri one on the itunes store oh yeah the eighties. No one was doing comedy dick lick now
moving on. I will be doing a lot of rotating you gotta get out of that conference, this I'll be in Detroit january, twenty seven, twenty eight! I'll, be in rhode, island, the twenty ninth I'll, be in hartford, new new Hampshire, connecticut, I'm not sure january thirty january thirty first was nyack new york. February. Ninth through the eleventh rooster t, feathers, sunnyvale, calif march thirteenth summit city how many for, when Indiana march, fourteen indianapolis much fifty louisville march, sixteenth columbus, ohio, more seventy take. No, I'm sorry Eighty perry's burgo ours that march eighteenth. Look I'll again march nineteen cleveland, ohio march, twenty first likely they could techie march twenty second richmond ice, missouri march, twenty third kansas city Missouri. Ouch. Twenty fourth damone, I will march twenty fifth, the moyne Iowa march forest oh mamma, and that's it for now, there's more common sense.
See days journey? I try to go through that as quickly as possible for you because I don't want to be marked. It's never fast enough. That's that's! That's that's! What I'm up against june seventeen. Seventy three heavily three, seventeen, seventy three seventy now gotcha year, our lord cheesy Christy If there really is a genome christian god, you really been playing games. Have I yeah the other christians in america? Am I the one who's been playing game yet you have been yeah you're, not carrying out his message is marketed by getting them weird little names, jeezy christie. come on shooting things and yeah. You should be carried out
carrying out the orders of the bible owner maria judge was born on George Washington's mount vernon estate in Virginia. I know this one, how I just started nowhere at give me my these principles, the more obscure more about her exact date. Birth, is unknown, k, her mother, Betty was a slave owned by Martha justice. My had been the wealthiest widow in virginia and by brought over eighty slaves. In.
To emerge with george Washington way sigh, I don't want to get bogged down in slave numbers because that's not where my sweet spot is but well why George Washington dies. Martha brings over eighty slaves, no george to georgia is a lie. What does that? Ok, he dies later right now very much alive in the story. He I know how to say Do you see right so he had he. He married her she'd cheat her husband, really rich husband died. She had all the slaves, now these slaves says it Martha, bring into the marriage over eighty, there called- our slaves. So it's I don't know how they came with this great love, awning people, but so the the
lathes that she got from her ex husband belonged to her first husbands, a state. But she Martha, gets to use the slaves as long she's alive, and then they would and, and then I get in then she pass them on so they're, not technically george, clinton slaves, so they go again. I think what you are saying is that what I feel, which is its very disgusting, but if, when she dies the slaves go back to the to date: no, the we're well that she she pass them on to her grandchildren and children stuff. She dies right. Ok, but for whatever reason, I think it's because women can own stuff. So
I think what I article, what a remarkable time all of the all of the groups we had So women, all all of our awful knows just kind of like what role does the wardrobe forget is that women too stupid to own slaves up our guts, stop talking right so we don't know, we don't know the relationship between on his mom betty and on his father Andrew. Judge, he's a white indentured servants and tell tale of george Washington. He hands may georgia's famous blue uniform than he wore and the revolutionary war that everybody knows from the picture. So we don't know if the sexes george, This is going to be unbelievable, you're going to look fantastic and then it's so good. It's like yeah, we don't know
taxes, consensual or not, consensual ball. She is very high on our lot right. Ok, so george, Washington's indentured servants, sleeps with one of martial, Martha Washington's ex husbands, now dowered slaves that she has an owner is the child. A back up and we don't know if it's consensual without casual and george really liked, slaves that were half black half white, so that sort of aggressive. Joe he could about like. I want you to make a baby with desperate whatever. So it's all bad Andrew, would eventually get freedom and by nearby, but we don't know what the relationship is at all so ten own starts training to be. It Martha's personal servant and seamstress. Ok, which is a pretty good considering what it could be if you're see alternate right now, turn it
It's alright. I mean this. Is you know if they are being whipped and and on mount vernon that could it's not if you work out in the fields is not a great fucking life, but if you work in the house, things are better and ana is part of Martha's personal retinue of servants when ANA was sixteen george is elected president. Ok and so on and six other slaves are picked to go with. The Washington's too the temporary capital, which is new york city, so new, city is the capital tebrick what are an owner artists, and that was the temporary capital, then yeah they knew they were like put a pin in this okay and owner knows not just leave her family, places ever known, go too far, as city martha doesn't want a girl. Could she just doesn't like new york, so they end up going up later
I wonder if they ever liked enacted on our own. It was like I want to have like leave my family and there the only people I know it. Martha's, like I know it's horrible. I just loathed the city. You haven't, like my like my my family connection, like I mean I need with what I go through on a day to day basis I needed supports. The plus I need to know they're. Ok, I it's just there. So many pigeons I hate it we're going to do the same thing, ANA yeah that yeah we are as this is the same pain that were experiencing. I hate the cold so she's like isn't she sixteen and she goes with washington's and does a month later, with with martha separation the families and mount vernon was I wanna Washington's family wrote quote generally greatly agitated much affected,
So that's how little the slaves like there, obviously fucking, crying in very strange aid. They are, I think they picked up on a motion from us of this. I don't know if each other again so those taken by by the russians were seen as the most loyal and skilled and household work stuff many were by racial, which is what george preferred he said, the king yellow skin slaves were more intelligent. Your daughter's dave, I'm like father of america, once he owner was once described as almost white. That's quite a compliment. They paid. You, oh no said. Thank you. So does everything for Martha shipwrecks had a close europe's obeyed
because for what she said she brush her hair, she falls or everywhere, trying to stay invisible, also being ready to help at any moment She also helps attend to the young live in grandchildren that the Washington's have them there's some kind of surface sort of level bond with her how slaves, but she doesn't trust them quote yeah The blacks are so bad in their nature that there have not the least gratitude for the kindness that might be showed them so the slaves are not appreciate the awesomeness of washington's. I can't even even back, then how do you not go like they don't like me, because I I own them. I treat them so good. I give, and I gave
I like how do you get like I could be. I could understand being like look. We ve got it had quite a weird little situation where you know I have these. People who are for to work for me, so I don't fully trust them but to be like gosh. You know. Sometimes I feel like they resent me like. I don't her stand. Even when I'm not doing the thing where you go, I'm not doing the thing we're on man had I'm not like being like offended by slavery, which is just a given, but even from like a human standpoint. How are you not like I'll get to that later? That that's gonna come up a mother, ok, but good question, so the first stop on their trip eric is fairly, which is an abolitionist city, lotta quakers, this winter. Completely just crazy to owner tons of free black people five times as many free black people as there are slaves, so there's almost
two thousand free black people in this city. This is not something she's ever seen and we like when we go back and look at this time. We like quakers, with a western ally quakers, I think quakers, are still the only good one and ok. Even benjamin franklin spoke out against slavery. It's just that's just the vibe of the city, but had slaves no, no or he did. I think he did and then sold them and completely became an abolition. I could be wrong about that, but he's definitely anti slavery at this point, and that was before he was president for sure gosh. This all happened before he was president. If you really everything has happened, we still have everything up until two thousand and twenty three has happened before he was president because he's still not president, so true you get okay So owner sees how freedom looks right in
spring seventeen. Eighty nine they get to new york new york's, not as pro slavery is virginia, but not as abolitionist as philadelphia middle ground, most black people our slaves runaway slaves are caught and sent back it's that kind of I'm so on it takes care of month as everyone. The wash deeds are anti ten tonnes of people at their china new york. They had to hire fourteen more servants to deal with all the work, always they had all white indentured servants or not shins indentured the haired white servants. So owner has no time to herself during the day. We on top of things, radio serve martha whim and had to listen to Martha complaints because Martha hates new york, so she says bitching. All the time about any york? Again, it's just amazing to just lady.
Fuckin slave gonna shoot you. I mean that stuff that I am going through lately. It's just you wouldn't understand having such a hard time even sleep figure with some of the sounds that are coming up. You Oda, wouldn't really understand, but when you get this level every what yours, demand is just like bitch. What the fuck are you talking about? Going slap you Neither would later call her years new york, her quote lost years. You want last year's are when I was a slave everything our course, oh no I'm trying to be upset. The weight of the world. My back is sore from just carrying this emotion around all the time you just wouldn't understand. I'd have you would and they have to be like yeah, so off sorry, that's exactly julius there and listen to this rich. I mean, I think, the richest. I think at this point there, the richest people,
in america, the washington yellow she's just sitting there listen to the richest person. America complain complain while she's later it's yeah, it slid mind boggling like I mean like in a lake anecdotal sense like I mean I've been around extremely wealthy. People in them complain and you're, like a do, can not look like no idea I'll well, try being around someone who's, whereas the cup I remain in their complaining about taxes. That was the one that I am most. It was greed. The nations capital would now be washington, d c and the temporary capital. Philadelphia into washington was finished, so now they go back to philly, okay. So now she's like Oh shit, now maybe background yeah, ok, so Georgia's waves. Appearances are very important to him. He wants them.
Look a certain way and his white cooks and philip are super dirty here, I went away his white cooks lick, so he gets rid of them and it brings up His slave chef from mount vernon named hercules, whose very- good, looking very well capri, clean dude and He was also very good at cooking food for george that he can eat with his terrible dental issues. As is now I mean what are you yet a vital mix wondering what you just motioning, everything's mushy. No other a food it. Maybe he could. Maybe he cooked the the poor, anxious nail can't get over the fact that this dude, like wasn't able to chew ever like you, should never gave her get past. We add up the federal budget, you couldn't you so he's. Everything is just I mean we're. Basically everything we're just
motion. Turning into a mash room, I don't essentially he's on a wire jaw, die yea and though his present, a baby is pressed yeah man, god It hercules, just like at its coming for a landing. What coming it for a landing, never mind, so they actually moved into the ex home of Benedict arnold when he was in philadelphia now announced their job. urge Martha to grandchildren? Georgia's secretary, Tobias lear, his wife, their baby three other secretaries: fifteen white servants and eight slaves Credit party may now have a come there whew owner sleeps, in a room with a grandchild, because she spoke to watch him
make sure beings, ok, she's, she's, twenty four, seven on the clock, there's a door door connecting that better into the water contains bedroom so she's, always under the gaze of Martha that sacks adder beck and call all the time while the other kids a night, it's if it's like when she was back at mount ver and you would leave the mayor house and go back to your family's- how at least you'd have a bumper spite from the year, but now she sleeping next door to ginger vitus George totally. Just probably is it was just like the guy do. I was greatly like, ago all myself not awaken. I had a dream. I had deep again now george, you know that. That's not true! amazing, the blood is,
dream: I was doing steak. Come in quick, get the gauze So it's it's! It's a tough! Unlike its difficult situation. I mean the whenever it sucks Second, in always, will suck it totally sex. But to have to be like in a joint room with those people as well as to be. In the city, where you're like there's a lot of free black people here, yeah dislike it sucks. Now the washington certainly learn that in pennsylvania. Visiting slave owners could keep their slaves for six months, and then the slaves could claim their freedom. So that's. It
the pennsylvania law on the books. You bring the slaves. There stating six months you lose them. The washington brought eight slaves, and georgia's attorney general. Randolph was just aghast when his slaves quote, quoted the law of pennsylvania back to him and should tomorrow take advantage of a law. the state and claim their freedom. So, rather than just hang out be and here's the thing randolph thinks whether slaves, are they going to know we're how they get to know because they fuckin talk people and its a city of free black people and the free black people, like hey man, gray, fuckin law on the books, so the slaves
in one day and they're like by the way tomorrow we out we're fucking walking, we're gone sign are a bitch that has to be like the most stressful count down. Oh my god, when you're, like at five months, you're, like is hidden citys, like he's just talking about like leaving, not sacrifice anything. I'm like he's such a thing. It's gotta be noted he's, gotta be trapping us I'll bet looked, let's not get our hopes up, because behind weeks left he's probably We like, let's get out of here, like Spain, week away and then we'll come back he's the attorney general yeah, he's the man you like, and that its like the two days before you're like fuck. I don't want to jinx anything, but this is he's got like plans for next week. You're, like I feel like he said nothing and then just for the final one to just be like
absolutely yes, so we'll just clean up around here will get those papers in or out and just wanted to drop this real quick tomorrow, where yeah, So these are double barrels. Those my mental fingers, tat is. How did you who told you he's Well, you see among the slaves, it's kind of the one thing we really talk about a lot. How if we make it to six months, we could fucking leave what right but like he genuinely thought, they'd never hear of the law, but to this like we said free black people also abolition is are like out there telling slaves every fines They can pay several months six months so the agee as soon as this happens, then he goes straight to Martha georgia's away in march.
the leaves and action. The six month deadline is super clause for the washington's and it will be, he's super super humiliating, if slaves just walked out of the presidential household. Can I like that? It's like that too. It's not even like it's, not there's, not it's. It's The polity would be cool heads, a foe PA. It would be you'd, be laughed at so Tobias lear. Georgia's secretary, said Larry since letter to george like I said, is away, but just ponder and then he decides. His situation is different from the agencies, the hiv
chose to live in philadelphia and therefore had to abide by state laws, but george had to live there for work, so he decided that meant he didn't have to abide by the law. Now, that is a absent Lee, garbage idiotic legal argument. What what is here at this point is he the president he suppressed? and the richest man in america, Apparently, the kind of life I really it up its is a toothless dubbed shit, but so obviously that's like lazy to that's lariata lazy does. Is it I've just decided that I should have different, because I have to be there
I am the president, but but the we're so very used to the press like today, but it'll be like, of course that's allowed yeah. Okay. So what is that so? Like I said and this the slaves remember their dour slays. If they walk, George has to pay the cost us a state if he has to pay Marthas ex husband estate, if they bail cause, he would now and if they bail they can just stand. really yeah. They can just walk out the door and get an apartment across the street. There's no apartments gross sounds like they got help fuck out fucking great. I read to be the neighbor after all, that all these spock, let's go don't be stupid as as oh hey, george george wanted to show you real, quick and these, above all,
What is that? I think you could digestive easier than our grains We are moving. The neighbours are terrible. They used to live the house, George I overheard you talked about moving real, quick, wouldn't let you know I'm moving too My bows enlarge Oh, my okay we're neighbourly a lot of good times a year. We will have many more. So I guess he's decided. That's good reaches made up a presidential yeah, it's just an so then he he gets picked out and he orders all of his slaves, adult slaves remove. from the estate every second
Would you you saying thank you for that qualifiers, so so take them out, take them out and take the does, lays out taken to another state for brief time the back restart the freedom clock, which is also so such bullshit to relegate the freedom clock Well now you ve not lifted fairly for awhile and eighty two new six months, so he tells Martha, take slaves on a trip to mount vernon right now, but he He knew that people in pennsylvania would be like with your father. Work on the edges of the the deal here year. Beer fuck him with the plan we set up like we don't like like you're. Clearly skirting the law had you spoke to start making a country? did you forget that people in in pennsylvania, don't like white slave owners and he is like no You could know what we're doing fine
lex nay on the slave ay and the other state aid. A specially? You know their slaves there, like our slave. Really could not know what war up too, when we take them out of the state everything months and then bring back, so Martha just has to pretend like she's, just like operating holidays every now and then, where she's, like guess what? we're going to mount vernon for one for one day for three days and then we're gonna go back for five months, three weeks and core days, ya, bass, finally, a mean that is that's that man right, so the slaves of days away so either. So he might. He also thinks they might if they find out. What's going on like if they find out we're gonna, take them for a couple days and bring in the back.
That, his slaves might bail, Or in a letter cos but I wish I wish to do is to deceive them, and the public. Very nice waves. I read it again. It's like it's like emailing, crazy. now, but in a letter to just be like my intention to deceive them, add the pub don't show anyone, one is better, but the slaves as we said, the slaves are fucking idiots. They knew what he was doing right away soon. Sudanese he's like trap tramp, Hizbollah get, we know what you're fucking doing so Martha Martha thinks she can trick them. one his brother asked in was the one that was closest to the six month date. So Martha rights to her niece that she had actually made promise to austin to have asked
come for a visit to see his wife and kids and mount vernon and even Martha's keeping Own family, in the dark about the six month, trip thing certain was actually so trusted that he traveled alone, so there I gotta mount vernon, he went to mount vernon and then while he's a mount vernon lear, learns it's not just adult slaves, but also the child slaves who would be free after six months. so the whole. So now that's owner amazon is not she only sixteen! So I'll re right now, they're, just like goma above all else. The natives refilled veal drip drip drip now her child slaves. I, this is obviously more complicated. George is nervous, saying if three slaves
added philly, which is owner, richmond and christopher. Here about this they might become quote insolent in the state of slavery or not as obedient Why are we? Could you imagine a fate worse, Then slaves, be disobedient, god they put it. This is I mean we ve talked about this eight hundred thousand times, but it this is again and the person who is on the one dollar bill who everyone is like they were so wise, yes, say were so smart. We need listen! I would love to change laws, but the founding fathers- meanwhile. This guy is like trying to figure out loopholes to keep his slaves at philly yet and the and that's their excuse is always, will everybody did it? No, they didn't
as the president, your literally right now like loopholes. Certainly If you fucking do you're in a city where people like nah, like coal body were not into it was it was an option and he chose the spurned of, and was it's that he was a gaming- the slaves system, yes cell there but richmond on a ship back to virginia and more it took on a christopher on a quick trip to new jersey to restart their freedom clocks. Can you imagine if you're like you, Only you your days away and your freedom clock needs to get restarted and you just that you go too far. Jersey like you, like, is wizard. Threaten me. Yes, Is this what looks come from what's there? What's that smell
at sewage. So now we talk about your brother's before the georgian marcia believe mars is a better name, Martha asylum marcia with georgia. They believe slaves were better off with good owners like themselves than free right and benevolent slaveowners. They had food and they had beds and all when she needed. This is a this is a psychological. This is its. I mean they probably two subjects that had convinced themselves that they did believe this. But, yes is you can not part. I read its just like it's impossible For you I mean you are a me: what brainwashing itself, whatever it is, yeah tell yourself the things you convince yourself to do oral business right. So What's going on, I yeah yeah, I'm saving them
themselves. They dont understand they'd, get out there and that you now you do and now they didn't get out there and they wouldn't have enough money to themselves wisely brighter light gray. So I hear this so much better for them, which is just obviously you know. A name no and I'm the bad guy, and I have to sit here and take that be the bad guy yeah. Now, around this time, george signs, the fugitive slave act of seventeen. Ninety three, which states of a slave escapes then a free state that slave could be seized, forcibly and brought before a local judge who would then decide if the slave? had run away or not. If you run away and you get to the free state which was based, oh if you're an get anywhere. if you're, in other words date as otherwise we stay, but if you're in a freeze
date and you're a slave. This is because there's a bunch illegally is, as far as how you become free, not well and if you run a specially to stop runaways slaves from getting the free states and touched the ground ago, I'm safe now right, riotous right so but there but it's, but The one thing that they put in there's like you have to prove that that's your slave! You can't you say: it's my slave and take people right. It's a really great! It's worth it, The kind of thing matter glacis would come up with if he was that even argue or if he was back in that time. So right, georgia's plan to keep moving his slaves in another philadelphia works and it works for a long time. Seven years, oh my god, how can you fucking imagine being like did you are set?
I know I know these trips are getting a little tiresome, but we have to do this for your own benefit. You understand what you're, like you just like looking at objects. Appears his eyes with you get that they had to that. You're right they had to fuck lied to every time, they did it in the slaves. Like just fuckin, be honest mother forget it like. I looked shithead you're, the president and the think that he's the president so here so owner becomes she's. Now young woman she's got to living in the city the wash didn't now gave her money to gush to shop. She go buy yourself, something once now. They would let her go. To a theatre or circus like their work. There were very trusting of her at this point sure and again, that's there. They think they're being super benevolent,
by allowing the hurdles that they fucking on to do stuff? That year, judge should just be able to do that. They will have to convince themselves that blips of freedom are better than freedom. Now what it would have hated was that she was going out and becoming friends with free blacks and talking to Dave, I think they're going to be a bad influence on young. Yes, that is, I beg you know no in the slave owner world, but you know so she's hearing everything she needs to hear amber at sea, such as justice a bizarre idea that there are people living right, next to each other who, our slaves and free people, well David
transitioning out of our greatest sin. I like a means, lower, he's nanny, why people so fuckin lucky that every black person in this country did not pick up a rock and a fuckin club and kill you all like so fuckin lucky. So It s very scared. She us to escape she so scared of escaping, because, if she gets caught she could be so to another owner who could be terrible in comparison. Scott we selling down the river is an actual, is an actual frame, from the time brain. Yet saddam reverend them. If you go down the mississippi to some dark, fuckin genesis, the washington's pitch, while they idle, I mean who knows with a washington's, would have done. I think at the end of the story, you might think yeah that's what they might have done.
She knew with it. Ass labourers went the washington's are better than a lot of other people, they're not to violent or not too cruel. George did not break up slave families, one biography to quote the values are now right is such a low you know, George didn't break up the slave family, so he's hurt ease a decent dude one virus. I quote ways well treated well, fed and well club and then it was inconceivable that they be whipped. Now, that's the the once in the house in the fields, vernon. They were so so to her running away. If wasn't successful would mean everything gets that much darker and work Also, she has family at mount vernon and she would never see them again if she runs away, so she doesn't run yeah. I think,
I think it would be safe to say that we ve created a nightmare condition, that's correct so and she's, and during the seven years during these years, she's watching slaves. She knows get freedom right right. in seventeen eighty five is in her late and early twenties, and so now, all These children have died. All she has left his grandchildren Martha and came, and she dotes on her grandchildren like she loves her grandchildren. She has one granddaughter: is nineteen elizabeth park costas whose called eliza and she does not act as young woman, is expected to act she's, burn, she's, temperamental she's, not really enough for the times quote. She is more
or like a man than a woman and regret regrets that she can't wear pants. Oh man, I mean know what kind of person this is what an atom in a lot of wear pants. Good, I mean it's we're just it's just you'd, let the The trash people run everything just like the idea that Martha Washington is bemoaning this situation about a daughter wanting to wear a granddaughter wanting to wear pants tour. slave and you're, like the is the best applause. we came from so eliza rights and ass for georgia's bla blessing to marry thomas law, who is a british guy who's? Twenty years older now largemouth are not are not pleased because
this second british. law had already fathered too. Legitimate half indy children when he was living in india. A are these British. I mentioned that the area where we had it add thrilled about. We get it yet Martha also desperately wants eliza to remain in the? U s. She scared. If she marries a bread should go off, but george writes that he would support the marriage theme. eliza is being the way she is sure she's not going on around the house. So my Martha decides, which can she do? but give her her number one sidekick slave she's going to give owner. as a wedding gift, I own as a human right. That's important point out again
yeah, let's, let's get some of us are probably thinking that she might be a vacuum or something but she's out there. He's a person yeah she's, a human being and I'll bet you like when this idea is not pitch to own a but told on issues like I have some interesting news and honest. Please please, god, please, yes, background and I get my freedom we're going to. Let you go my god, you are you're, going to go with my granddaughter. Oh so you're going to be hers. Now get over here was so I can wrap you so owners just totally fuckin floored, because this, wish. These are the people she grew up with. She is ben the like what am I to know what to say: the Martha said she was ten, since she was ten Wait tomorrow, lay whatever the fuck. It is to the grand daughter who alone
spend the valet to Martha. Since she was tat allowed fuck me, oh shit, she's got she gets, gets right. and then but she's also sort of grown up with these grandchildren a little bit I guess I rose this. She fucking hates eliza. Oh my god. She hates eliza her like that, which is just the perfect and now she's, like she's, like I've, been used your personal slave for whatever this twelve years or whatever amazed to give me away like a fucking piece of furniture liking. Put it like. That sounds rude and now the other stuff we word about. She wouldn't be they were their family. no license. Husband is clearly okay with having sex with non white women. So that's not a good sign and plus
eliza. She hated and was quote determined to never be her slave. Her big, bold black letter so honest, are asking her free friends for advice- and they say bide your time and wait until
you see an opportunity and take it away there, everybody its care. If you know from this, despite cast listen, I've got some stand of show some inviting the garments tat Gareth army to join me, for I will be in fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I will be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty four through august twenty six that acme, I will be going to the u k in september. Please join me. I will be in Glasgow september, thirteenth, london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeen september nineteen manchester Birmingham September twenty of bristol September, twenty second and cardiff september, twenty four
and then in november I'll be in Australia november tenth almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia, then I will be in northbridge, australia on November fifteenth, Adelaide november, sixteenth, camera november, seventeenth brisbane November eighteenth, and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me: let's get ad did after it. Let's see there So only justice only just goes back works as normal keeping an eye on things. Then one of the trips is coming up and she's packing up the family for the trip to mount vernon packs a bag for herself quote Who, if I then, if I went back to virginia, I I never should get my liberty one night in seventy ninety six during dinner service, she fled the house
Now the washington eighty put out notices in the papers quote absconding now that we're doing the pastimes, which is another podcast you ve done in the feed. I have seen so many of these notices exactly like this, there's like in the older papers, especially sixteen hunters, is always like three or four of these quite absconded from the household of the president of the united states on Saturday afternoon, a light mulatto girl, much freckled with very black eyes and bushy black hair she's of men. stature but slender and delicately made about twenty years of age she may attempt to escape by water. They said she had enough money to pay for passage on a ship and she had changes of good clothes and they offered a ten dollar reward at your the fuckin riches dude in the country in your offering ten fuck in dollars. Look. I know probably not on the money yet, but this is a little absurd, also the,
do you like she might be amphibious? Watch out so I'm gonna have to go. Billy, because she's bend at the sight of first, lady for so long. Everybody knows who she is so she does this escape in philly. She packs a bag from them for mount, but she packs her own bag to take off yeah. I would so what do so and the reason why you bring up the lord, the the law that, if you're a slave who escapes in a free state, you're still allowed to be brought up, our charges is because she couldn't just go, lay low and fairly for two months and then be like hey at six miles. She asked like take off, take off Yeah correct right, so she finds passage on a ship called the nancy who was
captain by John bowls. He ran a fret freight shipping business. We don't know what bulls knew, but a single black woman travelling alone was pretty much unheard of re, so he knew she'd. She did not reveal who he had been for years. Ok, he was deep boat. These depot double depot. Women in the eighteenth century did not make long journeys on their own that suspicion like it was just not a thing, so he doesn't know Alert authorities she slipped out of philadelphia and five days later,. On the lands in portsmouth new Hampshire. not a lot of black people in Portsmouth but there are some and they ve been tipped off by
and in philadelphia and they're waiting for her when she gets there, so they take her to a place to stay for free black people and she got a job as domestic servants pretty quickly, so they there's a system right set up to help. People like this. much harder work than she used to shoot doing super hard physical labour, scrubbing floors, hauling back breaking loads scrub, scrubbing closing. Holding water. So it's it's a it's a step up. As far as you know, the harsh never verb black women at the time, average lifespan was forty years now. That's the brutality of the work, so Portsmouth, pretty anti slavery. One, prominent family in town was the lincolns centre John Langdon was friends with george tumblr.
His daughter Elizabeth was a friend of georgia's step, granddaughter. I had a few times vivid, visited the langdon house. While she was a slave, a boy so she wanted to avoid that house here. Stressful portsmouth she's, like that Outside don't wanna go near, and then one day, she's going to the market and honour comes face. Faced with Elizabeth Langdon is now I didn't know, George, was in town, hey, what's up Elizabeth tries to talk to her and say hi and ana just puts her head down and just fucking walks away, and she keeps walking and she keeps walking until it's done, time, because you don't want to give up where she lived a work, so she is so walk forever. She's kept locked it where they found
they weren't followed her she's, a united and worry shoot worse. I made the stress again you can't like yeah the stress level. I guess I don't believe you could actually possibly trial late. She walked forever. What a goose Elizabeth has no idea that owners runaway she tells her parents, she saw her and the landings are like vienna. They fill a duty to charge to their friends. George legally they like we go. I gotta do there, so they tell georgian martha you fucking, pricks and martha is just beside herself and george is furious. He wants her back, but he doesn't he's a politician. He doesn't want us at the people in new Hampshire who are pretty antislavery so at a have one for a politician who owns a person
yeah he's walk in a pretty fine line already politics of owning people. Whenever you down people, what are so always been gone for, she's she's been godfrey by over six months. legally. She is the washington's, but it it's gotta be tricky to take her back. Act in risk bad publicity, he catches. He can't just roll into town and snatcher right this, which legally legally he can legally, he can grabber and taken, to a court. Cheese and haven't judge decide, but he can't do it because politically again, as literally currently heap all have merrill's out there. Don't want that obvious hey, I'm allowed to go, grab are, but the optics.
Yes, my approval rating, I mean it could go grab her come with me now after she had escaped Member of all the other slaves had been at mount vernon, so he only brought to bear chapter that cause he was so worried that other ones would try to run the rest of the household servants in philadelphia there are now white servants. Jesus so Martha is, is insisted that that george track own down and get her because she is still adamant that she will give oana as a gift, to eliza, fuck and a guarantees are present, ran away. She imagined imagine if you got your
granddaughter armoire and the armoire ran away at arizona. How would you feel the very strange? so she's so the whole time she hasn't even given eliza a different person I mean not to like. You would think that she would be like I think you know, is very much like francis with pyrenees bike and there's I've done remembered. I didn't I didn't. I wanted wanted. Why want? I want the yeah, I mean look, it's not even that this is rich people. Rich people cannot fucking handle any under them, or a poor person or whatever saying no, that's not happening. They lose their fuckin shit out now, Is it just me or has Martha kind of turned into a bit of a villain in this story? Marthas a villain it feel like suddenly, I'm my I dont know if she's a good person, this is our
these are this is the founding couple? These are our first, the first couple and we'll see what this goes should this be one of the stories that has to be taught in school to kids, it's just its lake. Did the older, the more we go through this. It's just it so easy to avoid the stuff, and it's one of the news: does it just avoids the stuff it's like I get this guy fucking killed people in idaho this. Ok, we got it, we got it, we got it. It's a tragedy, Scott there's like a lot of other shit to talk about, but it's just simple avoidance they're just going to go like he'd cut down a cherry tree. No, he didn't. He fucking had sleeves that he was like take it. He was like playing freeze tag with their. yeah so
it also belongs to Martha's side of the family. So it's another reason she wants her back, so George's out. I'd furious he's embarrassed and he thinks owner is incredibly ungrateful for all. He has done for her. the nerve he's a benevolent erreth. I'm talking about my comes. He didn t her hee hee she had food and shelter edgy disclosed were kept. She took trips to the theatre in the circus, I know how could you do merely remember, em I'll bet you're those trips, probably a good call in the long run because she was like hey, you know, being free is great shrilly great to go. Do what I want to do, but she just gotta take for it and you can just imagine of twitter was around now like. If this is it, democratic president, who had a slave run away all these
It will be on line or democratic like he actually treated her really well. Actually, he gave her money to go to the theatre in the circus dropped out this lives go to the theatre, badges a magical drop would do if one of whose lives ran away. Are you, getting me. Oh my god. I can get it. So George writes an angry letter to the secretary of treasury, Oliver wolcott jr, because he wants help. He didn't believe. George does not believe that one a left on her on a court. Why would she? Why would she she had? world at her feet, she must have been enticed to leave. Probably by a male suitor. I was gonna say this has and written all over it and george decided that man was an erotic french,
then he'd seen around philadelphia, who The missing, who had been missing. Gareth its owner escaped he's just having dreams are just like so tragic charge. I took our with me, you think I tell you what is it not strange that we both left town around the same time nobody lives down around same time look george, we got the keys and get married. Also look. I know my tease you started calling him the seducer look, I'm after the seducer Maybe this is the we put a that we put? Is slaves slave took off and he because he thinks he's because he can't processor
the concept of freedom, big, something that someone would want versus having a good sign every situation. He refuses believe it so he's invented fake relationship with a french red who he saw huge around anymore and is given in the nickname, this is the seducer business and he has no teeth. Yes is there, for this is the guy. This is the trees Jesus. This is the guy shot. George should walcott that the frenchman was either insane or acting like? He was yeah and he heard the french left owner who live in squalor and new Hampshire, so he thinks it. She got seduced by a frenchman who helped her escape then they took up the new jersey and that bailed honor and now she was living in squalor again, meaning she would want to come back to him. George,
so live in his slave house- oh my god, the seducer I could just picture then she's. Probably right. That's everything! Let her know that she has another shot here, so great, so george falls upon is bullshit, made meda bullshit by telling walcott to ford a letter to a customs officer and portsmouth. So is using government. He rising that he is the president using a government for private business to get his slave back and its also like shouldn't like. Are you trying to set up a country right. I think of us in that be a big parties. I go find her. The customs officer in parliament is named thomas Whipple how the future slave act is of seventeen. Ninety three, the george signed
and made law with his hand, stated captured. Is she go in front of a judge and, be proven to who they belong, to write or if their share share. So get that hearing. Let's get that here and go George is not interested in that part of the law, but if he literally just came up with it, he wants or sent straight back to bridge, yeah no trial. No trial, no time to prove yonder every. In other words, the first president also believed he was above la guerre. I believe this is what we call an impeachable act. It's it's never changed every presidency not me, and the pressure that made me and the president to bed. He believed if that the landings,
had seen her in recognizer, and that was enough. No one needed to go to court. but just break the law? He just wants he's now telling a government official to break the law for on his behalf frame, and he warns Whipple to be done. Great as her seducer would likely try to hide her quote if he is not tired of her and we believe he has smoke bombs he's french would smoke bombs. George apologized forgetting walcott involved, but said quote the ingratitude of the girl who was brought up more as a child. a servant ought not to escape with impunity if it can be avoided like a child. What a prick, what a fucking, what a joy the gall of saying that rocket nerve. Let us You write history, washington, while also walcott contacts
born- tells him everything and end the ripples. I'm a slave owning family who had freed most of the slaves whip was not. slavery. He does not own slaves himself, but he promised, to do his best to to please the president. But but I want to make sure the law was followed and wasn't gonna hand owner. No questions asked well bad news. It's not being followed. Oh he Whipple spends like weeks in portsmouth looking for Oana asking people They have seen you know someone that described like her. He never It shows that it was the president's slave he was looking for, but he has no luck. He can't can't find her, so he decides to recur her into coming to him, and he puts word out that he's look for domestic servant.
Now he's really rich guy. This is a nice house. This is a good job. We're gets to Oana sounds like a good job. She sets up an interview, there. You have a very nice but little to prying wheel to too much asking personal question. and even asked her if she had a french boyfriend, and so she's like this, is all fuckin wrong. What she knows she knows the french boyfriend angle. At this point, I don't love you guys that I dont know if she does, but she knows the choir. Is being asked, are not interview, job questions, I have a really sensitive teeth. Have you ever made a mush diet, for Are you familiar with any of those dishes that would be easy to suck down instead of two in so whipple thought? He was being like super clever and that he would be able to
I had talked to her and identify her without tipping her off and then she'd go back to her place and then he'd figure out what to do and say. Yes, this is definitely her and also he was RA's also stupid stupid. If you're going to, I mean again, if you're going to do that, you like art, it's hurting. Now I got her, you don't go now that she's gone. Let's talk about plan b, but Look there white guys and they think that black people are even though he doesn't believe that people should be slaves. He still thinks he's better than a black person, so just like, she there's no way or in electing keep up with mine. What she's fuckin, smarter all of em, so she stands up and wait to see what he's gonna do. But he doesn't do It- you didn't call for it to be rescued and tried to detain her instead Ok, tell me why you ran away and what your plans are. Tell me. Well, here's part of my pride:
I was a slave, so follow. I guess it I guess I guess what I'm saying is had part of you. He fed you right and he gave me clothes and stuff yeah yeah. No, he fed me gave me clothes, but the one thing that he wouldn't give me was total freedom which How do I put this I crave and deserve, but then you guys have like pizza fridays yeah. Now we death had pizza fridays and by the way, loved pizza fridays, so much so that I decided I wanna have pizza every day. If I want I want to have peace in the morning pizza
evening, pizza at supper time, I'm an in depth pizzas on a bagel, that's weird! It turned into a commercial sure think you understand freedom that he's, like I follow. Ok, so she knows she's. Now she's sense is that each he's not gonna try to capture but just wants to talk to her, so she tells him she's never going to slave again and refused to be not one that attitude and refuse to be quote, sold or given to any person, especially eliza. And even the hard back breaking work. She was doing as a free woman was better than being a slave. Whipple now tries to negotiate and a like. If you go back,
to the washington's voluntarily bill, though, promised your freedom at a future point. No one knows of this is ran up, offer the possible, like I'm gonna, guess it's bullshit, but only greece to fucking a fuck session. Go back to the washington's and will like a cable by would take it back. And she agrees to meet the ship and go back come on. I hope it's bullshit so the day of the you know Ship leaving whip awaits unknown and ever shows up seduce whipple was actually a perplexed It is then- and this was said, three twenty that's when tea,
He's obviously nervous to wild caught that he'd blown it and that george was not getting all back. He wrote he wrote of everything he learned from her not due to a french guy trying to learn her away, but her quote thirst for complete freedom had better only motive for absconding. It's you. You know it's just easier, obviously fur george washington and for any fucking asshole to be like he. She has to have been poisoned by someone. It couldn't be. The prospect of being person yeah totally. They cannot. They have rubs rubs too hard up against your reality of, like you know, I'm a benevolent owner, yeah yeah completely blow
It completely blows up their wire of how this year, personal narrative that makes because otherwise whoa you're kind of a fuckin dec. Yeah yeah yeah, though azure total piece of shit. Otherwise you all people who don't wanna be all. so whipple in the letter also try to paint an a in a in a good light saying she had many good things to say about the president's family and even expressed affection for george and Martha. He said he thought she should be promised freedom that future. If she came back and trying to get on a back was not likely to be easy or welcome in the state of new Hampshire, where people were quote in favour of universal freedom and that there is now I shall come back on our own whipple whipple felt awkward he's the point guy right and he wants it's the first president. Everyone fuckin loves him
right deserving figure. What activities? Also like this person shouldn't be forced to be a slave sir breaking the law. When this letter that he writes to walcott, he says george needs get a lawyer to work with it. Hampshire. U s attorney to deal with this. And he also insinuated that george wanted George wanting to avoided judge was straight up illegal and that he should actually follow the law, which is what it was right Now he sends his letter and he thinks that walcott we'll take it and then right like a nicer version with all the facts to george but walcott s forest letter to charge. Is like punch. This email up is why why now I call them a law, break
toothless fuck, the judge reads: he fucking live it. Never one people, don't talk to me like this right, like yeah, yeah, he said. Whipple george george sense, whipple back a letter saying it it is of of freeing on our ridiculous quote two you're into such a compromise with her is totally inadmissible. Georgia's for gradual abolition, four slaves, but would not reward owners disloyalty with the gift of freedom. It's it's just this remarkable. I mean it's just what everyone power has which is this is this is the same argument for millions like I want like medicare for all sounds great, but like it's all, it's all this, this
this, but yes, I want all the slaves to be free, but not this one like it's all. It's the whole fuckin, the gamut of wide. Nothing is done so. He says why should she? Why should she be given freedom before, his loyal slaves, who didn't run away any blows off whistles request to be taken out of this project and tells him to tell she would be treated fairly if she returned and that he and Martha would not hold it against her or against her family in mount vernon. because he just made a fucking threat? He just threatened owner yeah he sang your family's gonna feel the travel this yes. And if she would agree to come, george told Whipple to forcibly take her and put her on a boat to Virginia, which again, we ve said this
one on the preset breaking the fuckin law. He is entering a government in oil to break the law in a way he's, It would save chewing ripples ass out, but he has no teeth Yeah and whistles like here, and I want to do this. It is like oh you're fucking what you have just a guy eddie like aren't you the presidency's here. I have the president and I've also good to make sure that I get this one slave back. You son of a bitch, raising people's day up look. Look cinema me, I didn't know you wanted to get loco. Sir. Are you supposed to be sitting up there Structure of a new land yeah, and do it that most of the day but Also, I have devoted a lot of time to get owner burke be closed down.
christian me off its such It is. This is just the ultimate like it does. It happen to me not me he's a pendulum child, how two percent he is why, storming around his house, going. That's just not but a charge far and wide. What's the win he wants when we wants to win so Whipple doesn't want to do it. He tells her to forcibly taker. He specifically They wanted her sent to Virginia instead of philly because was still. He still believe she had run away with the frenchman that he'd made up look. I know you haven't seen him. I know you haven't heard from him, but a frenchman is behind his name's. The and george is now evinced. The owner is pregnant by the frenchman and by the way, by the way, either way look didn't do matter crystal ball.
he's also have in his baby. That's the pattern, babies, seducer dude here, ok, my friend not only is she with the freshmen she's having a baby like he's out of his mind, because I it was mine, at least a recluse brought god I'd she's having a baby not Only are you wrong about the bridge bed but she's pregnant again you got by super wrong guy, so wimbledon His letter and he's like he doesn't right back, per month lights. The move to just be like fuck, oh honey, so honey, so george right in rome back at the great, the president, its honey, it's fucking, crazy. He he made up a guy got a lady pregnant. He got her pregnant with a fake guy, says a fig
in the run away. So we think the seducer gave her a baby. He has she, the guy, the fat guy, that george made up the president well honey. He is the president, so he probably has a lot. He probably has access to a lot of documents and intelligence. What do I mean quit? He won't. Let me not do that legal job? The thing I d I didn't want to be a part of because it's illegal he's telling me to do it. You know what I think. I think you should stop looking for owner. It's driving you crazy. I care he won't. Let me start looking for the seducer he's the one who's hunting. should point honey. The seducer is not real. Well he's. Only not real, because you haven't found him. Neither steed me in look baby,
baby. Listen to me, there's a lot of stuff that we haven't found. Yet that we know is real Jesus Christ, god the ala alligator, the elephant, alligator, there's tons of stuff. We know there to be real and I think the seduces just on that list. to find the seducer yeah, the alligator yeah, the alligator, with the elephant tube, so Now why don't you come over here and let me give you an above the pants hand job. You look really stressed out above the pan. Yeah outside the pant hand, job okay, yeah, it's all! I just yeah, just rub it a bunch too little friction
kitchen negro and then other why she little andy's on the wash get those little get. Those slow with stains out of there, you little man gotta, go, find ways to do that. Just call me a little near me little man cookies are your luggage. You re, in the sale, a rarity. Little thing mcgowan point me. I think you are you're. Just a guy he's the president legged did you little you little thing it's a little bit. Baby mama plays this game all right: okay, honey! I'm leaving I'm going out for a walk around thick, keep your eyes open for a friend, alright lurks in the shadows. So looks like of whipple's is not right. Back for a month, and then he he reluctantly says yeah I'll he'll keep trying as long
Is there isn't a great public outcry against what's happening? Well, so yeah just keep a lid on it. Yeah he's like if this doesn't get out on fire I'll I'll He also said the best way to stop the legal confusion, Fugitive slaves in the north was the abolition of library. In the south, george, never wrote back to whipple again judge like ok, this guy's just this guy's out of his pocket anymore. I don't know what this made, but he's cooper coca. That's, ok! But, let's just say besides oda. We have another here on the story like this guy had a great he just by raising. I hate, MR president Abbas. How can this entire to your shit, free, the fuckin slaves ass? All areas like I'm, not ready. Honor, honest terrified, that slaveowners gonna show up on our doorstep: J,
seventeen. Ninety seven she gets married to a free black man named jack stains. You may Jacques style. Jacques stahl should be im honest stains a seaman eyes, regularly gone on long journeys on the boats, so there is a chance that he could become. What semen stains? That's right, not great! Mary, getting married. Wasn't easy whipple heard of the wedding and got the clerk to refuse to give them the paperwork. They need it and now I don't have a hero is much any I now because if they got married and then jack died on. One of the sea voyages owner would get his money and property which would make it way harder to get her to come back crazy, she's not going back anyway, but yeah whatever yeah, but injects, went to the next town and got married and announced a paper so network good where they live married
jack. Jack is going off on his all see. Journeys works as domestic servants and they save enough money to move into a home there, Are you two other aim could be seamen, jack stains, that's correct is just I'm trying get over it, but you not merely I'm having a hard time. Don't say it hard stuff, So anyway, She's, mrs, seem a jack stains. That's what an honor moving to harm the home to other two other adults, and then twenty four year old ana gets pregnant she is still working when she's very pregnant, scrubbing lifting and doing all this shit seventy ninety eight as a baby girl named eliza. Oh my god, which I thought Does it come out the name? What are you waiting? I dont know what went on there, but that feels like a hegel, fuck yourself
really reveals like a very late. I think you could do better battle shower feeling, I think our There's no way did Martha didn't hear that in lose your fucking mind, no way martha what you heard that name she was throwing shit around the fuckin house plates little ceramic dogs, the whole works chairs, sir and other stuff, all the classic stuff, the big to historian erika Armstrong dunbar, owner had quote pass the disease of slavery to her daughter, jack was for but honor was a slave with made eliza the washing property to a just dave like genetic slavery. Is it's it's all problematic so far,
So owner is now not only worried about herself, but her daughter of you know going to a life of slavery. Washington retires, in seventeen eighty seven and goes back into his efforts of recapturing honor, what is his deal, is just an old like see. Captain like looking for his white whale. What are you gonna do with all your time off the president goin Well we're gonna do a lot of bad word may lead nowhere. Would anyone judge it was larger, fridge men who name? I don't believe you, yeah, but you would you do shit im yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah for sure, ok We must show no more
Yes, She knew you got it in a all george, ok, now one make this burg use. Sir John, in lists. His nephew burwell bassett junior. I'm sorry dave the country club just threw up. hello, we found the widest man. Will pass it alone? too bad just going to any country club and be like put this on the burwood bastard account in the letter to bassett about owner george didn't user in her married name, because george insist,
if she was still with the imaginary frenchmen. Oh my god. Let it go broke, let it let it go. Did it crazy that you're still trying to get her. But let's let like that. That's at least like playing in reality to some extent that this? is no fridge guy. If put is heard in the latter is pregnant if he is putting this letters, I imagine how much was I have the ring about it around the fuckin house, my god you're, just like Jesus Christ, I'm gonna do enough with four. No I'm not I know everyone's a little sick of it, trying to tell you that you've never seen a frenchman. Take a woman. I've seen it I understood, but I'm telling you the dew. Probably probably ok,
he's doing good american act footed book, I thank you. Let's you figure to vote He said Martha wanted her old servant back so white, Martha wants or old servant back Martha My sweet martha wants her own person back so Bassett goes to ports. And he stays with the land, it very quickly He gets there. He goes to see honour. Not at our door and she is shocked to open the door. see the man she knew from mount vernon there on our doorstep and he was clearly there to recapture her and her daughter, jack's. It see she's alone, god so Bassett tries to sweet talker.
and assure her. If she comes back shall face no consequences, I mean how long has it been? This is like two or three years and now ok, I thought I was maybe even longer it's not that I mean it's definitely having it's like three, two or three years then, but almost like now yeah she's, not she's, not going to break up her family she's, not going to bring her daughter into life of slavery and she's not going to leave jack behind, but basset process, a promises? George would likely grant her freedom. If she returned so now Saigon, from like bigotry, great till I get I just come back and will let you go. You gotta touch that you your touch the wood and then you go. You touch it. And you imagine a life where you're three. Yet I have that. That's what item living that. So are you in meanwhile, no I'm good here, I'm free, ok would! If you came back and you
extra free. So on a catholic in the middle of this stuff and says quote, I am free now and choose to remain so know. Best It cannot believe what is hearing because a black woman, a slave is talking to him. A southern white man like this. He was owed deferments from people, her, but she stands firm. She's, not backing down and eventually Bassett leaves. Is that night the language ramming dinner and baskets there and he starts complaining about owner, and then he swears, he's gonna take her and the baby back to virginia, and he said he had orders to quote bring her and her infant child by force. If
he'd, be though, in a letter george specifically said: do not use force because it would upset people in new Hampshire, but that's what he sang. So maybe Martha told them that are whatever bodies as drinking and is a agony. I would I want, but he's getting mad and the land in is like no here one owner and her baby forcibly taken and brought it. slavery again! so he sends a secret messenger to warn owner and returns later that non owner. Although it is me This is as the seducer I've come to give you ever special message. The best boy from the washington camp he's coming to take you in your daughter,
You must be very aware until your husband seamen, jack stains, comes home. I, like your eyes. You say I fully glossed over and black, because I am a citizen, paints a mock bomb smoke path. So basic goes back. I think that it is planned to tie her up thrower honest. to virginia with their baby, so he knocked buddy. Knock on the door. Eddie, not amazing part of it amazing, yellow, governments are eventually there's no answers that breaks in no one's there. Honoured run to a neighboring town, greenland, It was now hiding where they free family, the jack's. Sorry there also then keep going ridiculous,
bassett angrily goes back to virginia without owner by the way. Here I mean But just then I want a house, and is I guess, that's that? I mean no one's gonna help him not in as you know, is going on here so she stays with jack's round, should do in our jobs, she's the helping them the way she can wedding. her husband, a return in seventeen. Ninety nine george dies after being bloodshed You have already drain other after being drains yeah, but its death does not ray ana from her fair recapture to she's, still technically part of the widow, the rack, the widow to stay He stipulates that his slaves should be freed after Martha dies, but owner
not his slave. So, like you said blanche to Martha's family. Now, olive georgia, slaves now know they're gonna be free when Martha dies. and Martha knows, They know that she's there very unsettled when she heard a slave lot speak of the very good times coming to them once she was tackled but tat. I I have a life ahead of me. Would you like some time is? Why should now you gotta eat something, no you want to sit by the fire. Now now what dog. You do yeah yeah. look. I was born on a day, but it was yesterday.
I'm not going anywhere near that word. All right, let's go downstairs, downstairs absolutely not down the stairs as I know how you get me down the stairs. No I'm staying up here, I'm not eating, and I've never bathing how's that for your silly little plan, I love this love this is the best ending for a woman like this, she tells a friend she He is worried. The slaves new was their best interests to get rid of her. So she literally living in her house, surrounded by people who owns reserve its servants, deserves that she owns the cheese unable. Ask to do anything really. Could you light that candle this one? No way don't I'll do it? Could you thinks we support support, don't wait I'll, do it right after
it's all right. After still their friend that she releases all of georgia's slaves smile, she can't take it. She can't take it. Now she still has two hundred slaves that our hers well go include his family now Martha die in eighteen. Oh two doesn't seem like she wrestled with the morality of slavery. George did in his later life, but she does not. Her slaves, guttural, grandkids and sheep, very specifically stipulates. Then I'll his sister get own his fate, the one She ran from her. A sister is given to eliza gift. as a another daughter and some son, unfortunately Jackie the night in a three owner. Now she has, care for the kids alone, which is obviously extremely hard for a black woman at this time she worked extremely hard,
but she at some point realise she can provide for all the kids and Jeddah place her daughter. indentured servitude and eighteen, sixteen. So the kids like nino t teens, not slaves, not free, but they said food and shelter. Would she couldn't provide form at that point? and their service has an end date less than a year or so That long like it's right here, and leaves and goes to see own his daughters die before He does eliza thy allies in eighteen, thirty, two nancy in eighteen, thirty, three, the never move back home She lived alone in old age. She come on. christianity. She became a pious woman and she, loudly dismissed the washington supposed religious fervor, saying she never one heard george pray and even though she saw martha reading prayer, she not call that praying she.
close community church who helped teacher had a red which he pointed out. The really benevolent washington's never did in eighteen, forty five, honest danes was interviewed by ablishn abolitionist paper, the granite freeman, the interview of a former slave who had escaped the very first president, was widely read and celebrated abolitionists. oh said she could never receive. The least mental or moral instruction while Washington's slave. Her soul and mine were not seen by our masters as worthy of enrichment. She had not been introduced to christianity or taught to read I'd in eighteen, forty, eight, seventy four and it seems after George Washington's d the family stopped pursuing her
but she was always at risk of capture for the rest of her life. She was free over fifty years at seventy. Four there, like right owner at five year, gone back now. Why that's crazy? I mean it's like it it's, so it is so horrible into over same before. It's like why the fuck! Are you not like? Like you know, we have this ability to be like, because we are because we had nothing do with slavery. We don't need to really learn from it. However, We also need to hold the founding fathers up. As the peak human politician,
architect of our world and political system now, and we can't really divert or deviate from what they wanted. So remember the founding fathers and hold everything that they said as law and gospel and slavery. Let's not talk about too much it was like. Old ancestors of ours who were involved and were able to find their ability to be like that makes sense. Yeah the founding fathers did everything right. Ok, slavery, but we don't talk about that because it was so long ago. Yet, like that's bay, equally the american american policy on what you learn from that time just the general belief that like well, that's what everybody was doing now yet Just not now everybody was doing not at all.
Also the idea that, like you know you get this alive, I can it is a real mine. Fuck is like a white person to be like what would if I were to be sure if I were to be. You know if I went back to that time right now. What would I be Why, because would I be like this is fucking fucked up because, like in my head, I'm like I'd be like this was fucking fucked up, but I think mostly most like when you think about when you watch the two parties we have, Now you have the one that would be like. We love slaves, we want slaves, are needed, more slaves and then you'd have the and you'd be like yes, but slaves shouldn't, so long and we shouldn't they just be like we shouldn't call them slaves. We should call them active, sir If this members of a forcible cuz, you know it'd, be like, what's your package yeah yeah so, and the fact that it's george Washington makes it it's and it's in
it's. It's amazing. It's just a man in every way the pettiness Is that your attention to how much he needed it? It was just. Then it was a vendetta. It was vindictive he's just such a really supposed to be the president and that some fuckin toothless shit baggage, just like gave me by words, this is the guy who are like birdsville lucky we got him. Yeah he's a piece of shit. I mean look. He he led the army to defeat the british and get the colonies away from Britain, so that then they could then implement the same horrific class system that we just we just don't call it a king anymore by the way, it's worse that a king now yeah, it's yes
great thank the king. The king's just like writ large, can't do much. I'm just sit nova here now. The president's ikea drone, Jonah drone research was done by brittany, cullen brown sources net caught the washington, the wash since relentless pursuit of their runaway slave, on a judge by Eric Armstrong, dunbar perfect, god, washington, slaves in the creation of america by henry or wine sick the only unavoidable subject of regret: george washington slavery, any enslaved community at vernon by Mary, the thomson and different. articles on mount vernon's website man, oh man, here yeah, I mean until until we actually come to terms with
history? We have no future better. I think we got a new tag can I everybody by everybody.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-01.