« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

48 - Charles Guiteau - Live w /Wil Anderson

2015-01-10 | 🔗

Live from LA Podfest, Wil Anderson, Dave Anthony, and Gareth Reynolds examine Charles Guiteau.





This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome much of the third annual l a podcast festival last year at the alright. You guys know where you're at you're at a live recording of the dollop and for those there. That applause is the right response. Really well done, really well done for those of the uninitiated. Each week, comedians dave, Anthony and Gareth Reynolds pick a subject or person from history and examined it informative, it's hilarious, so if you've ever wanted to know more about colonial teeth, lobotomies. purity, balls and more. You owe it to yourself to subscribe and listen each and every week, and so with traces. of davy anthony and a hint of.
Reynolds alongside their special guest will Anderson. Ladies and gentlemen, my ran away jubilee rabies in any lobata mists felicia I dont know. If this is the right movement, oh, I know what to do. The era This is one of those moments where Gary or gareth. Thank you for saying both.
Turns into one of the stories from the dull matter a matter of time, just me. Explaining it to some guy like got a dumb nickname for it'll, be like right, dairy and the guy will be like well, it's actually darren it'll be like no. This is about my friend gary dairy and thank you for the TIM tams martin guy. We enjoy those and let's just started, ok gary and will Gareth. If you see a pair of glasses around their mind. I had to go across the street, the drugstore and get grannie glasses is the twenty seventh time in the last twenty minutes, garth than I've heard that. Its gary and grannie.
I'm sorry that I had a tragedy and I think we do Definitely we overlook that. I'm sorry too say: are I not very very spicy up top which nobody's into was eighteen, forty one. Some people have said this in a lot of people is one of the most requested stories, Charles Julius git, to nothing Do you know, do you know it? Okay, a couple of people are and how many people know what we're doing now? Oh wow, okay, so a lot of you guys are unread monkeys. There's a couple on stage: you don't like that. I suppose the original? But I didn't say gary creature.
I want you to. We know his name. We heard the garret future story or not eddie. It's dave, Charles Julius too, was born in september. Eighteen, forty one in three point: illinois, george george georgetown charles. Why pilot but an extra work and there is no Is not georgetown charles, I but may god forgive dive, he's not wearing his on that first I've heard of the charles was the fourth child born to businessmen luther get to where he is. The self it if you're yeah
and his wife, and that's like you, twenty years from the future that I found my god says, the sister branch is practically raised charles and would become his substitute mother and primary source of moral and financial support for his most of his life. Well make note of that France's yep that feels are important. The freeport locals generally thought the whole good to family was odd and there was whispered gossip about insanity in the guitar. poor whispered? Don't tell them what, You talk about their normal,
Report outside. luther was a brutal father, and show the name like looser who would have and Charles gets. You was whipped, often and received a steady stream of verbal abuse throughout his childhood. Well, that's not good luther followed the religion of John h. Noise, oh boy- I am, he was a noise meant, bring the noise. The noise preached communal living. It's already been right, I think he's It got, one was come on field and multiple sex partners partners. Sorry,
save that one year after that you can. I will add that when I, which was fairly. In common. In the victorian era. There's charles I get a beautiful nostalgia these flexible son of a bitch. I got it fingers a lot of power. doesn't inherited a thousand dollars from his grandfather as a young man and went to Ann arbor michigan in order to attend the university of Michigan. I know it's very exciting, nothing wrong with wait what but it turned out. He hadn't passed the entrance exams and when he took them he failed. So he went to the diversity of! Why the why I'm in australia and that's a good land, I've been paying attention what the devil,
Recommend everybody always go to university first and then try to get it. That's the right way to do so. Charles move back. and began followers. Is he wasn't allowed to go to college? There? Is nobody told them that Apparently he was in Iraq. The danger that I'm a movie black guy command. What's so he went and begin following noise and travelled in eighteen. Sixty two live in the o. Neither can he had a commune in new york. That was the center of the noise cult. The noise called here, ok, but charles, was a bit of an asshole. He rubbed most members of annoyed at the wrong way, even though the court was all about fucking, sucking. to repelled more women than he attracted while
Rub them the wrong way. You like bad yeah fuck, you guys But even no when jane. You come up, praying and the noise up, rather than I was. You like that on your ipad, You're a bit horny yeah, he caught his blowjob, the silence I shh. The Yeah, that's my pillow. He was every five years and got no action? What While a sex called, he barked, nobody That expression he couldn't get laid in a morgue. This sounds a little bit worse. you can get laid a sex called other court.
Members nicknamed him charles get out, the Creative devils. I mean that is terrible. That is like being at a pulp costs vessel in somebody guy that caused the we. One we found the grape. there's wilder, it was said that Charles was not good at the labour he had to do with the cold and he would get confused and make mistakes. He was also a quick to anger. If he d get angry, he would. Articulate wildly forget brown. I just love that
Anger and why wouldn't he get laid, he couldn't do chores he was upset about. It sounds like a real turn on because of the hot other times he would just sit in a corner and not talk to anyone for long periods of time. Oh well, this was now before polka, yes, just get, it said he would just make such good projects areas sitting I corner. Allow would want to fuck that verifiable one where the call police social behaviour was through criticism. Ro, the individual, who was to be criticized would sit in the middle of the room. A boy and the other members would form a circle around yoga and they were just sit there and let Charles have it these nicknames soggy. This.
Is that an international reference I'm not? They would He was arrogant and had a huge ego, because even after all, this Charles thought he was hot shit right. Also live in allay perfect. I got here now I heard you book Dejesus Jesus. gm going to be a modern batman while irregular. They might bring me back. Who knows they caught me at my house. I know yeah, like I dunno, if I'm gonna put in my earbuds he's the culprit company noise in the wood super pie fight it out for a bit logan upon down?
like bringing your poured gas bill, he considered himself better than most of the others and had an incredibly inflated sense of self importance sounds like an agreeable gentleman yeah after awhile Charles decided, noise was tyrannical and oppressive as a man, so he left the cult. You know he felt like the leader of the goal was tyrannical and impressive, Impressive, oppressive and who'd have thought a cult leader would be like that. I know so weird yeah. Naturally, after accusing noise of being a tyrannical and oppressive, he moved to new jersey in eighteen, sixty five and set up a newspaper that would spread. The teachings of noise. You know what you're, yet I dont like, kill somebody set up a newspaper. That's about you and now ass. You are
See you and fuck based battle day job. The cop gave him fifty dollars in books in fifty dollars and books, one hundred dollars worth of clothes and hundreds in cash in it and a note for eight hundred dollars. He was rolling in it. They're like yeah. Take all this just get the fuck outta here. Oddly, not a lot of people wanted to subscribe to a sex cult newspaper and after fourteen weeks it folded. What's so Charles went back to the cult, hey guys crack, then he's? Getting a lot of money to burn through back is can be awesome. The second time take too, Yes, one for each other, because we're fuck refined, circle tat I gotta go, that's how I want
she'll. I thought you do then. Beauty, the rubbing the rubbing revenue. Immediately return his feelings of superiority, over the other. Commie members intentions quickly escalated charles left, the call for good on november. First eighteen, sixty six. They again gave him money to get out there. And this is why he's so awful and he was awesome like me and they're like no you're horrible and he's like fuck you
It's funny. It is kind of like hard breakups right, because at some point you do kind of go back to be like. Oh that's right! That's right! This was not a good situation that makes sense like the the second run yeah. He gave it a second when there's nothing wrong with that, going back trying it again now give it a shot for the kids. The kids good for the kids will. Is are you still upset about punt in the unhurt, but yeah I've lost my confidence man. I know I just feel like this dude, the first time he left noise. I just feel like I've been the the audience got into a circle around me. I feel, like guys, you're, going to talk about about how much I love polkas, like somebody stuck his death before he makes a newspaper about how great this
as we let him do it or charles. Then there was noise again, oh wow, oh yeah, right. He doesn't look like a brick wall. That seems pretty closely, though like actualize five days. I know that everyone's like oh, no one would fuck him like he's like fuck. Germany, lucky's fuck fuck, he's very looks like a young, Abraham lincoln right I mean, I guess they all do, but still it is possible. definitely possible. My eyes are very like hey how riyos your vagina, there's gotta, be someone in portland who would find that hot, oh yeah,
he's at a farmers market like do you have any ripe avocados down there? Okay, great so noise, so charles laughed and said about being a shady businessman, he would sneak out of his lodgings in the dead of night without paying he had some short stays in jail and was always moving around to keep a step ahead. It was growing number of creditors. Things are good right. Yeah Charles I tried to sue noise for what he felt was owed him for all the work he has done during his residence. Let me just make a newspaper or newspaper that this problem.
after all the money they'd given him, he wanted another nine grand which back then was a billion dollar noise refused to make a settlement. Charles had a signed contract when he arrived. That said, he would get a room and board in return for labor charles then considered blackmailing noise by going public with stories of rampant, rampant sex in the cold noise, wrote to Charles lawyer and said Charles was never a good worker that he was moody and conceited. Then Charles admitted to stealing from previous employers, don't know said. Then he said Charles admitted to stealing from previous employers, as well as frequently
In prostitutes and had caught a venereal disease, it would be great if prostitutes wouldn't even fuck em girls have make the circle circle gals. I don't wanna thats, that's how he went for the money like I need nine thousand dollars cause. I laid twenty prostitutes in a circle. You know how much of our circle costs God you can They made me look at may make a square for back up dead. It's my birthday I got newspaper about this Noise also said that he was addicted to masturbation. I may define addiction. How to company of them is this story.
The guy who invented myth, Charles dickens, wrote what he called an appeal. It described all the sex that was happening in the cold. He sent it to the attorney general in washington. It was probably like, what's going on, we why, by getting these people are fucking? Am I supposed to get horny for cases where our arrest for fucking. right it like a penthouse form letter dearer to any general. I always thought let us do you were made up. I never thought I'd send one of these and myself- and here I am as this happened to any of your other readers. I was in a circle it just that the appeal described all the sex that was happening in the call, the central drainage on the washington to new york, state officials, dear treasury department and two prominent ministers and editors in new york. Ministers were like well I'll, be the private minister.
for a minute we're going over the paper. Work is now given good lord you'll notice, Some of the pages of the letter letters stuck together, but I believe that is from the history of the envelope I'm going to run. I have to go every tuesday between ten and eleven. The confessional booth becomes a glory hole, a lot don't pass it on noise, then threatened to press charges of extortion and Charles gave up he moved to Chicago. Alright, it's the same one windy city. in eighteen, sixty nine charles met and married Annie born. Yes, all right who worked at the chicago Y m c, a yeah all right choice, pickings for lady yeah. It gets good racket ball, cause she yep crime, racket ball time. She was the Y m c, a librarian ooh alright, but he mentioned that in the song.
nope. Not once did the cowboy alert me to a free rein and you say tat area. She also had an ill, illegitimate child at eighteen, so he was now daddy. When you come from a cultural noise, you wanna, who got with librarian, cause they're all about yeah Enables the quiet I wish there was someone in the middle Some are just passed Charles pass, the illinois bar exam and started. Why don't you just show up and sam a lawyer and started illegal practice on us? Obviously
The marabout to move moved to new york city cause that's what they're, so they moved to new york city wow, who saw that coming that turns out they're five years of marriage, weren't good charles used to lock her in a closet at night when he was mad at her house. How else do you shut them up? Yeah, I, if it's good for harry potter, it's good for hello yeah. Why do closet exist? Yeah, put a woman in yeah what woman that she can look at and obsess over coats, yep be careful of the lion, They behind here that's a lie in the words of the wardrobe jerk, like it very much guys, say: ass, low ass, I was Jesus. It is pointless christian literature he just gives wanting to get thrown in there's like back years. I've got a closet, is a gas rightly might
whereas it you're the only ones you get me. Charles, If they had a line for the people at home, that live stream just pay, for it you see that move if they had a minor disagreement. How are they gonna focus, my god? How good is that looked with he's real glass, jean valjean god, if their appeal to keep me up and know what that was so, instead of locking in the closet to bear in mind, his agreement. He would yell at her. I am your master. You are just out to submit to me so that sounds like closet warning to me. He so he was cool cool guy hashtag. Yes, all women couldn't
Why, as I was locked in a I wasn't. That's a great job by the life. I know. I know that everyone's, like all like we get it, but will off lighter to live streams, loving it at home, though I mean they stopped masturbating cause I'm going to go on record, but I have to by law. Remember that cool Charles then contracted it was from a part, prostitute and gave it to his wife. Every year, a year ago,.
That's something! I've done for you happy birthday, and now I've not been married. But forgive me is that pseudo fourth anniversary, that which one which one's soul was twenty five yeah yeah. But these three is an anal fissure. That's right, Really a guy you three. When I back crabs, you got me that last year, she's food she sued for divorce on the grounds that he had given her syphilis okay yeah shown the judge was like yeah. That's you can get. A divorce only makes sense. World showed us that. if law and order you ok, you got done alarm on the network.
Out that charles and purposefully had sex with prostitutes who had syphilis so his wife. What had grounds for Inborn boy: what was it like? A thinking ahead? Have you things ahead of the expression bought off I was the spot if I I, or they were probably like well she's, actually off limits she's the politik. He was like I'd love to have a power, brilliant, I me discount discount. How much does it cost me? many of them in a circle. who's got a hot we'd, be vagina Cause, I got a wife and you know where this is going: oh yeah! No, I do you do I want to get a divorce. Why do you ask for a divorce I want to fuck you and give your dirty holes after I, a paper legal advice now spread.
Oh wars, charles continue, have money problems in new york city creditors began approaching his brother John, to pay his debts. John wrote charles encouraging them to pay their debts. Charles. Roto shows the big letter. Writer, Charles wrote, a reply, exciting area. Fine, seven dollars enclosed sticker. Your buttonhole and wipe your nose with it and I will remind you of the estimation in which you are held by Charles J guiteau sign Returned the enclose receipt and I will send you the money but not before, and that I hope will end our equate acquainted Oh
it's great to meet? You take care. So, as I shouldn't, I shouldn't tell my brother to pay his debts cause see. He gets a little weird. I have been holding back then that's when yeah yeah punggol was the shit back, because I remember it titanic at one point, kate winslet gives the finger and I was like was that invented, while it probably yeah that was invented long before bungalows were discovered in The sixty hundreds right, I thought it was weird entire teddy when italy another capri. I couldn't get on that door where they were. clearly room it was like, I can generate a paint have. Maybe citizens under the spreads out has tat yolo that same to it. If that applies to take little chance to take in the fact that we just hashtag yeah, I know I can't believe is around for charles,
then I had a brief stay in jail after he tried to sneak out of his residence without paying in the middle of the night after he went to live with his sister Frances and her family. You know how he got out of jail. He just. the military side pay as it is due there. He came up with an idea to have a local chicago newspaper to buy a local chicago newspaper way back in the guy yeah yeah, which he would use to push politicians. He believed in he inspected a bunch of buildings to house his new paper and he looked at steam, presses right, okay, alright, I think it sounds good yep good point I was like it sounds like an honest plan. What could go wrong? Nothing then he approached charles far well a rich local bus. and told them. He just needed two hundred thousand dollars to make it happen in return. He would make farewell president of the united states of america,.
Our world is this river paradox. The barrel said no Then asked his dad to take out a loan for twenty five thousand and his dad said. No, it's getting sadder, Then he asked his dad to reduce the debt he owed to his dad by two hundred dollars and his dad said. No, can I have a toothpick, then he asked his dad to send his brother seven dollars. Then the dad told Francis that he thought charles was possessed by said yup. After a few months, Charles attempted to attack frances than acts, that's was using a job. What role is chopping? What did she walked? Body was like.
shut your now, she is Jesus you them who wouldn't fuck, that. There is no apparent reason for this pontanus attack and charles summit a doctor. The doktor spoke to charles for a while, and then he went back to Francis and he and the doktor said oh he's completely insane. To hear that recorded recommended that the brother be institutionalized and charles ran out of the home and fled. By the way I've enjoyed being here for this moment, I think this is the first time in the history of any of the dollars that somebody has stepped, even god. Why. The scars are that someone is going: no, no, no, no, no, no he's not
One day people walking publicly on polka. Now I don't know what it is either he loves the print realise rent he's, just a big print fan. charles then began a string of speaking appearances to take advantage of the many religious revival, meetings that Across the country there we can the late nineteenth century. Here we go right now, we're in it now is where we're going right. There's one of his programs electra spent some time as an usher, learning how things work and during the day, he'd go to the library and read theology books. Then he moved from town to town, renting halls, not paying for them and giving We're religious talks: he left a trail of unpaid boarding, houses, printers and tailors just like Jesus yep, just like Jesus in man, but he didn't seem to be all that into it. From a newspaper article after one of his speeches. What, if he's news riveting, speak I've done
The gun I mean you ve, done it again is there a hell Hey diseased fifty disease, fifty deceived people believed that there ought to be Charles. Egg to if there really is such a name has fraud in brazil, imbecility plainly stamped on his face after them, scoundrel talked for only fifty minutes. He said you think the audience for their attention and bid them good night. Before these added fifty recovered from their amazement, he had taken all the money and fled from the building. It escaped started alike.
And also he also left behind a half a dozen bill collectors who are waiting for an interview. So he's he's fucking he's off on the lam yeah he's on the lam, but he's got a great plan now he's started speech ever since is going to be there for an hour grab it after fifteen and then write about plus every place. He goes and he doesn't collect like it pays bill Hey mobility, ass right side by the end of the tourists got like a guaranteed eighty, as these are familiar base. exciting I've gotta go
the john and then finish this. Let me just grab that money. I have to take the world's biggest pith. Okay. Now Charles was approaching forty and he started to have a bit of a midlife crisis. Make a newspaper, that's what I say print your way out of this one. His father died. Oh no,. Say feel bad now, don't you, Charles life, had a moment of much of anything any. Why, like me, was forty right? Yes, father died so, like your father was like it what the least likes eighty six six roma, which. Then was like a hundred use all your letter ripe old age, it should say he's father finally by us, Also. It was in the sex called like fuck his way out.
I, whereby banging everything that moved yeah? He was fine. Maybe that's the key, that's sad! That's there his life had them out anything any thought. He was such a great man that it should have. He decided he had just attempted the wrong occupations. All of them his place was really politics. So we were all thinking, thank god, in eighty was an election year away in a manner as a lifelong republican. Charles sided with the stalwarts in the bitter in fighting within the party. He wrote letters and speeches in support of the stalwart plan and to put Ulysses s, grant back in the white house for moving so he's taken a stalwart side grant all the way the stalwart were defeated and garfield was to be the Republican.
Garfield garfield regularly with my mother is IRAN. I hate you. sorry ruin that, because we both wanted to do this, and I have my mouth- is exactly like going. We point when looking at each other, like we have already said this circle. Oh we! Not yet, If is about ot as like the three
You're a door no, because what I love was, it was almost like. It was like to play we're trying to harmonise you. Ve, never is what it's. What that same from back to the future should have been lied when night migratory folks like watch me, though the changes and they like you, don't know how music I know we don't know you try to keep up yeah take a photo of your guitar. Now the don't know you like. I mean that was a big trust by them. Really isn't it because, like if someone just wandered onto the stage, Well, I was like oh no, I'm from the future. Let me if I can handle school, I've run the future, keep up yeah.
let me again in the future. guitar starts. That's yeah! Oh, I gotta start a newspaper, So he wrote letters and speeches in support of Ulysses. S grant to get him back in the white house. They lost. Garfield was going to be the republican candidate Charles quickly switched sides and began producing pro garfield related documents in the documents he just substituted. Charles for grant. I'm sorry garfield for grant. It was like, so he just take his speeches and took out great and put garfield in so without changing any biographical information and why
This newspaper and his work we attention to detail sounds good, is basically giving garfield credit for grants child decisive battles in war and government accomplishments. I mean it's tremendous. Charles started hang around republican headquarters, trying to convince those in power to allow him to give this speech around town and support of garfield. They finally allowed him to give a speech in I a dozen black people, opera and heavy room and everyone lives happily yeah. It's a lot like Michael J fox back to the future. He have mogu a target for disability from budget blacks. he'll. Get that right, you'll get they'll get. I look at them ass. It right now.
so Garfield won the election charles sent him a letter. We've cleaned them out, just as I expected, thank god, charles, had never met. James Garfield charles believed that the speech he had given in august of nineteen eighty in front of dozen black people was the primary cause for the republican victory. I got that that got the black people turned out to vote or wait, wait a minute older and that's that's. That's actually. Fucking starts man in the black community.
I make a cool it's fucking, yeah sunday, fucking dry selling beats headphones going to billion dollars, went on Arsenio everything changed like we. Ok good point glad we're in agreement. I think we've all agreed that let's continue yeah certain that he was now certain that he was approaching the great heights. He was destined for an equally certain that the republican party and garfield were forever in his. That charles move to washington, to receive what he fell and was sure, would be an endless stream of honours. Well, he gave that speech from its while black me. That's right, Let's go to the parade, he was thinking, prayed, hang in the white house, etc. Shockingly, he was completely ignored by the white house. Hello, gentlemen, I'm here to me, Charlie human, the oval office, if you like,
the circle: The novel giles society should be an ambassador decided because that's how it works. No payback. I won the election. I get to go to be an ambassador. This is how it works. That is how it works. I garfield love to send people to Abu Dhabi, so to shoot. I'm sorry did you say Benghazi. Do you want to know? I don't want to open that can cause that motherfucker. No, no, no dave focus. Okay, too important. To president garfield he wrote next spring. I expect to marry the daughter of a deceased new york republican millionaire.
strong, didn't know that, just like a fuckin pool prediction like these doing the babe ruth What do you get to that one that's crazy, but here's the idea that one. Did they still have zero? yeah sure you got to. I think we can represent the united states government at vienna with dignity and grace and charles oddly he did not get a response woo. I bet he's not going to be happy with that. Well, he sent in the, a letter, okay yeah, it's a reasonable! Am I called to see this morning, but you were engaged to the present. The. But he's really busy all of a sudden I'm day you give us be fit well: black people the next day or jump lever guy, that's fine! Riding.
Previously, I sent you a note touching on the austrian mission. The current austrian council Well, I understand wishes to remain in vienna until fall. He is a goodfellow and I do not wish to disturb him. In any event, what I'm saying is to kick him out of mine that have nice sauce. What do you think of me for counsel, general and parents? I think I've repairs to vienna- and I presume I point what we probably confirmed through side lunatic. I go figure we bananas
and again no response was it's probably that he that Garfield wanted him to go to vienna and didn't like that. He will go paris, he preferred pair of dangling sure, that's what it that's. The thing is actually that it's actually likes the hawk and for a time when politics was more like that, because these days, because a focus group driven agenda is like every fucking idiots opinion like some idiot in a focus group, is like that, so they put it in and back in this guide, I will not fuck off manga. Yes, cool nor destroys littering the being yeah. Well, you know the best way just run on the white house. Long, that's what most lucrative that. Let us put out so charles started: writing different government officials, the old underground,
To secretary of state, blame. In january last, I wrote garfield touching on the austrian mission and jackets. And you're gonna bring this up with them, so I think he has filed. My application is favourably inclined. since then I have concluded to apply for the consul general in paris. Instead, I spoke with garfield about it. He said your endorsement would help. So I will talk with do about it. As soon as I can get the chance, there is nothing against me. I claim to be a gentleman and the christian day good day, Charles there's nothing against me,
I crazy I'm not a weirdo if that's what your favorite fucking people back in his original village are like crazy people that what I love is like. I actually feel what it's like to be this dude, because it's like when people like hit me up on twitter and go. Can you. Dived down block me. You know. I was talking today, but he's really excited and I feel like you're indoors, but it'll really help with that cause. Like I said he wants to unblock me. I've talked. I have no idea, you are something I was in a weird man, the blocking, It's always see, there's no government
There's reconsider for two. I am. I object. Weird thing. I got no response from blame. Is odd because that speech you gave that no, unless one garfield the white house, so he increased his letter out and so ok. So we are just dealing. With a complete crazy part like this, as we did our animal life and I dont favours you're a liar- he pointed out it through the white house- oh no, no! No! I mean, but we really I mean this is like us- gets a frantic, almost ray. What cut your eyes what's going on over here. What really needs a beer. Look, I will get a kick start. A burglar oda mine.
The kill I voted you guys to break up from england. Ok, maybe three. Let us say I think I have to say some because of reason, and I dont. While in washington, charles found a boarding house respected boarding like us, thank god. There is a general logan staying there and charles would constantly how hound him, showing up by his side whenever possible agent or is it going? I orient good. I was just sleeping urgently:
If I hear anything about me around the older white house, I know that I'm probably going to turn out hey cool, okay turn it out the ip all right: okay, yeah. Watching, ok now know what no, I turned it get away from general. in general: a beer. What kind of stuff what happens? No, that one's mine yeah! We know that Jesus Christ, wow hurts people, someone yelled speedball and the other two are having a good time. I mean that's. Lowly podcast sounded like the same, sounds like the same story. Do serious podcasting about real issues, but all put it in your boy. I'm right behind you.
They want your nose with neither the bung all and then out the nose. I think I'm allergic brazil. My ass now was the common hello. are you now why your nose with your pardon, It got dry, here's your bottom dollar that'll be for bong dollars boy. I tell ya. I remember this used to be to bug the bug sense. Like an economy, so he moves in his boardinghouse logan's. There is always bothering him logan. You bought that guy, who had by the guy you now. It does look very firelight. What has but he's like a general like he looks like he's, killed a lotta indians, american workers. And buffalo, when the long running the boarding house presented trials with his first bill, he bade
in the middle of the night when Charles charles hearts are jar, our two thousand and eleven, that playing over a death tat. Now I've heard everything you listen promising payment once he got his sick, Thousand, an dollar your position from James garfield, which represent a corner when. Which honestly it just feels like he invented the secret yeah. Every time he's not I'll know it's going to be fine. I've got this imaginary job for an unnatural amount of money, and I get everything on my vision board
I pay you with five affirmations. Is that good? It really would kill it in L. A he's really hot right now have you heard then is about being Garfield's cabinets. When the the woman rolling the boarding house show general logan the letter, Logan assured the boardinghouse woman that Charles was a complete lunatic. By now Charles was falling apart, where he had no source of income. He had no books to sell, he had no family and he had no friends. It turns out. He never had friends write his clothes, which were in poor shape when he arrived in washington were deteriorating on his body. He wandered about in the snow without boots or an overcoat.
I dune is worn, sleeves were pulled down over his hands and his shirt had no collar see. Now when Garfield gets him in the white house, this can be a real cinderella story, right, yeah, real rags to once. You read that letter, but this is like a political version of nell yeah. This is very now written all over. It. Oh man, look at what we gotta do a lot of podcasting aka, the fantastic the argued his wife get. I think the next barkeep that you're so lucky to go to the next podcast. Let's go in there. We might have to go straight through. What's a black as the secretary of state blame received, so many letters and messages.
Charles that when one day charles approached blaine and told them he was the guy writing letters. Blaine screamed nevers. to me again pass the ship. As long as you fuck a lab so write another letter, it's just like ignoring texts and eventually it'll be like stop texting. But it's also, though there was a time when republicans like screamed at. You see people to get away rather than when all they could vote for us obey on your morning show is that it is of course, being screamed at by blaine cause charles.
to write a letter. No, now I did you just fucking caruso that chance you daft miami, the us out of that she has no is my line which end up water. If not the lineup worried about the widgets, the words. the Cs louis, my miami. Nobody letters, charles More ladders sure now the amateur he wrote The secretary of state is a wicked man
you ought to demand is immediate resignation. Otherwise you and the republican party will come to grief. I mean these guys is really sad that he did not leave in the ear of internet common right now. This guy you king, draw. Oh my god. you're right that letter you at this guy is the sound. That's not good on opposite one! Thirty to repeal we sent a letter to will, like you, get gave a start reading my letters again. Why does it gave use air bones when he records the pod cast sincerely faculty sacchetti shit fuck thanks for your dedication, The facts of the case are the charles was then forbidden from during, the white house now moves. Are these guys don't get you reduce? This?
At a time when you could just walk up to the white house and opened the door and walk in and hang out it's a tv show here is always like a cheese start to the press. how can I was always cruising by that guy crews in walking around like a regulated, In what way arrange another word about ass outside my girls, who did this two areas where the ones that actually barred and secretaries as I can he not come in and there anymore disease freaking me up Have some letters there in my thousands of letters, I got it. I do not doubt Michael winslow lesson. I am Do what I can do? What I love is that's one of those things that would have a really good for live strain, but I've watched lost raymond there really shooting from about the tables. Are they release that at home?
Oh. The black letters do my matters, the computer. When I should. I should keep this on. So product he heard the news that the consulate jobs, the austrian in paris consular jobs had gone to others to show act to shock. He was infuriated rightfully so and felt Betrayed by people who didn't know Charles was how could they did? I am a position of honor after its peak and other works that quenched the election. We beach mean if you knew him, you'd, be like limit the plug ins.
That was twelve years ago in front of blank: hey: hey can can Charles come to the party? No, absolutely not right, he says no. He wrote me a lot of letters, I'm not inviting him, but he's he wants to talk about this. No, Each of your palm beach story- letterman yeah, you get! My ladders, wipe your nose with this yeah I mean there's gotta, be a part of you before tv. That's like I'll fucking. Let him in urban music yeah right itself kardashians. What are they supposed to be like when you're watching some shit I'll tell you about it? You're like this is like mine was at a time back in the day before tv.
You know what he's crazy, but he might tell me that I shall sum up my bones. All that'll be funny I like how about how do I love your letters like what are you talking about? We all pass them around. That's gone barbarity very bilateral level. Again, it's what you do. what now? What do you think we got there and then to challenges as me, you put on the list? Yes, but now I am I getting hard gas drive. You tell charlie. I have a spare parts, one. Oh my my thing they will all end has.
Bear that's right of a letter pass or one on his shirt. Oh I'm does glasser PA cats. That is also a we boast. I'd like to say to Charlie. You can have my plus one. We started a rice from people watching the live stream for I take it, you really that anyone nearby you can be my plus one fuckin rice by the time the amazing podcast rise. So so there's a guy like outfront like come on, say something say something say something so yeah, gimme, gimme, green. a green riding, a letter.
Then, in the middle of may, while lying in his bed Charles concluded that the president should be removed, oh yeah, here we finally, as makes sense as he Charles giteau, should be president right. Obviously,. well, we ve all been thinking it and to make the wrong. I mean it is so proficient at writing. you're calling it charlemont m and we can't stop. He prayed on it for awhile because it was a big deal. What you wanted a man in the glass is half in iraq. Where no knows who you are absolute, so did you hear my letters? Did you. Lord, I should be present. What do you think locked. yes,. That's a yes! Well! Can you talk to god about logging, the others
ghost is, like god, I'm getting a lot. I thought he concluded in june that this is what god wanted him to do. So he borrowed fifteen dollars a pistol that howard dean did and what or should there should be so hey if there's a picture of it? What do you think's going to happen? Remove now became a strong term. He got one with a nice pretty handle because he figured it would be hung at the museum and he thought it should look nice. Dave, if there's one excuse me, I'm looking for a pistol, one that that will hanging like the smithsonian. There is some sort of govern. the place of special keeps Except I wanted to have a nice handle. Why will it debate?
cause, I'm going to assassinate the prison me like a squirrel. Thank god. This was a loss on some of the mental illness, was able to buy. Finally, finally, what they want beautiful story report you can't even by a girl of the? U s, unless you say you want to shoot obama, I don't have id? Where are you going to use it to kill the president? Probably all right there you go, have fun knock yourself out he's black. What I might have spoke in front of him one I thought he looked familiar
Have you gotten my ladders? That would be the greatest ending to the story, though you didn't have. They said about the velvet underground that, like the first album or the solve five hundred copies, but everyone who bought a copy like formed a band yeah, it would be so great if the final bit of the story was all by the way we've mocked in this hotel. But obama's great grandfather was at that space that bed, that a lot of great points really good points. How was he not a passenger? Wasn't a fan of the opener. He got the nice handled one and then he said article president garfield. He aborted several attempts to shoot garfield for the next three weeks. He followed the president around town. He even attended church with garfield and checked to see if we would be possible to shoot garfield from a window as he
in his pew Jesus wow. Do you think he went pew pew yeah without question? He was like it'd be really talk to someone who liked him, and like thirty years I mean what's going on in his pocket ahead now beyond I mean that he does invented a joke. You can tell you, what noise does a gun like going to church? That's like a jerk george. I know that at preschool and show and then you will be banned from the school if he brings a real gun. It'll be fine! That's fine! For the next three weeks. If all the present around town went to the pew, then he wrote a letter to the american people. Good it's about time. You rode up funding letter to this. What is for everyone? the american people
You can see the idea of removing the president four weeks ago, not a soul. New, my purpose, I conceived the idea myself and kept it to myself. I put it where I My dollars, I read the newspapers carefully for and against the administration and gradually the conviction. Civil me on me that the president's removal was a political necessity because he proved a traitor to the men that Him, and thereby in peril the life of the republic. This is not murder. This is a political necessity, sounds murder. It doesn't mean, I know I know. I know you rapidly, Also, what are you saying, that meeting at an interesting little bow, but here it's.
I know, but you're you're going to shoot a guy? Yes, but so that's that's! No potato potato yeah, but you're going to shoot the guy right in the right in the usa shoot the guy, but he says political nonsense. You say: Fascinated I say potato because I am too because this is the first conversation I have added about than I have. Wrote a letter to a goat. Actually run a paper for goats that they mainly eat it, but do it they liked the work. Oh, they won't fuck me, though. Well they form a goat circle and shame me. everything's couples full. Why are you getting into a circle. That
I guess the platoon on his knees, yeah, he had a hard time pulling the trigger one night. He happened upon garfield and blaine walking down the street. I love that this is a time when the president is just cruising around. This is before we went fucking crazy in the press. As it has to be like a like a fucking steel tube to move around the country without us following a bomb, adds a maze. that are behind.
Maize runner, so he couldn't pull the trigger on june eighteen, he went to the train station were garfield was putting his wife on the train for a trip to new jersey. She was in poor health recovering from malaria and lie rid of her right, but Charles was like oh, I don't want to upset her by shooting him right front over which I will not upset her by shooting her just when she's away sweetheart. That makes sense right honest. We gave a nice guy if, if my wife were to be shot in front of me, Like what the fuck you shot her like in the parking lot it'd be like, do you guys want to get lunch like pepper or why? Why does it just to be clear? We delight starting the show to wait till your wife was weird. We did. I waited
thought you will like her and I made a fucking joke in which she dies in two different ways. I'm sure she's glad you waited. You know what I put a baby in her literally. It was so weird I was at ralph's. I was shopping and fucking lady leaves baby in a cart and I grab it, and wives is what are you doing and she's got a dress on, and I just crime arbitrator and I go. that's all, let's get out of it back a nine month. Maybe it's warm just take a look at it. You feel it taking. I feel a crying.
Which is now while the good news is, I feel that we might that better lordy. On the morning of July second, eighteen, eighty one trails rose early, eight breakfast and went out to assassinate the president elect in the mud on the rivers edge in practice. Shooting then he went to the baltimore and potomac railroad station and waited so. It shows that it is just a guy leaving a boarding house, and then he puts a stick in the mud and stands back and goes president being binging and no one says anything that goes back. He keeps gonna. Stick president garfield so
He goes to the railway station. He got a shoeshine and talked to a cabbie about taking him to jail when it was over. Listen for Johnny Johnny. So can you hang around cause in about twenty minutes? I'm gonna shoot the pres, and then I need to lift jail. I'll pay for the whole thing you get. The waiting that'll give you a lift to keep the meter running. Okay, he's made around give you a lift to jail or just help helping. I already have my plans in place asshole. So, while uber all over to jail, you're, not cool uber was the name of the guy who shot the shirt, so he actually had it My name's uber, I have a car, give me rs, as garfield as james Garfield enter the station charles shot him twice in the back. Oh, I didn't know him.
And yelled gesture a arthur as president. Now, Is that work in america? Isn't that how it should work in america? What like in the wwf, if you watch that sometimes I'll have like a belt that you can take at any time as long as it's three seconds and there's like a riff that, like it's just an old like you, can just fucking go that person like it'd, be walking through the callback and if you fucking, peanut, three you're the fucker world champion. That's what it too bad, the president. Let's get involved in that, you will elect a god and then, if you can pin him for the change, I believe in believe in that I agree, but the problem with that is he shoots him and then, like he he's been so obsessed with shooting person he's like we've moved on from that now for the new walking orders of people like
it's shocking. I know it's a transition. I gotta go get over it, but we have a new guy. You're gonna love it. Let's go back to the president and he loves mondays. The last point: Garfield had a bullet lodged near his spine. Now this was a time when the doctors didn't know that good hygiene was a thing okay, so they spent several weeks, cramming their unwashed hands and dirty instruments into guard. Fields new hole- oh yeah, sure charles just gave me a dollar time to get my hands on that has been gardening, but whereas the patient yeah I do this well, my toes. I think I can do with your elbow he didn't get out while you're over. I think I can yet. I bet you can't, but I can't get up andrew elbows and the president is dead. He died. I'm getting this.
well dealt with my pain, go through the body- and this is I'd say this, I'm a cop, the other on the back that might be set out for another five minutes? Excuse me. if you see the copyright to conquer. A line on account of areas right, it's actually my stomach his original rule. His original wound was three point: five inches long, but the tunnel. Doctors, we're done up. It was twenty age. What doktor can you can you feel that a little bit more, I gotta get my whole thigh there. If we read them up and another not want to come will pull out. New garfield. You guys
the fuck that delivered that look like it in here, I'm so sorry. I just spent seven dollars. It was on it's way from the Bung hole. That's a change for basically twenty ships, the doctors caused numerous infections and complications. Even alexander, Graham bell was summoned to find the missing bullet thing, a what. and let's go there? Graham bell? The matter with the code allow as the bullet inside an opponent near me, connect. Applause, No, I don't there, but if the bullets there can you hold, oh yeah, absolutely your whole, please! Yes, I can have What do you think of the world I dont know. Why do I would rather nothing a lot pillow does, as the bullet
I bought a this alexander the girl, of all open the browser, then what you do, I'm a man and leg will you leave? He says he's. I love you, I love that they how Mary light we really fuck this legislative, we could get wet Famous guy, a red that is like when the plane went missing and we were like maybe James cameron knows where it is camera cameron. I don't know. none of us every idea, cameron. Why did we encountered a caprio drab at bay, was big enough.
didn't use? There's a slight miss a homemade, avatar? Okay, so grand biologists invented a new metal, detecting device. So bell hooked up his gadget to the president at first, everyone thought bell had successfully located the slug, but when searches went in and operated and dug around for awhile in the president they still couldn't locate the bullet. It only turn later. They realise that the great adventure had just detected the metal mattress coils on the bed. Get gala day Or oh, my god, that is craig, oh fuck me you're right. I took that out of the bed right through. I took out right through, that Can I thought he added therapeutic stuck. It bodes right when it
You say you wasn't saved by the bell. You just happened. For five minutes. You require or five minutes, because you were sad london, podcast festival, los Angeles, podcast festival, twenty thirty someone's going to unroll a scroll because our native american electronics work anymore and they're going to say, and then we'll Anderson says saved by the bell. Anyway, we're talking about murdering the broadly welcome back you just,
If you just joining us, they've james garfield, into a chasm o o, I didn't know what the fuck I yeah figured. You said he's dead. If anybody, what did he die from If anybody has ever read history book, you knew where this was going everyone's lucky I have now. I thought when he was going. Brain before you're talking about mate, garfield garfield died in mid september from a massive infection too. Half months after big job, my heart goes out to him from the dollar it turns out.
I wouldn't want- I I was just about to a poor bitter my drink, like for my jade fox present behind me, and then I went now. This is a nice votes. I think they're gonna, which staff here boy, which areas gotten your message so. Goes to have everything that goes to soak. James garfield girl. I have an israeli and there's beast: really: I'm gonna kick in Kosovo that So so it's funny that the prisoners died because thought what I'm understanding.
we have a good time. Well, Gaza model has died. Charles rather later on day, some lead what because the guy that general, william three sherman, I have The president, I shot him several times as I wished him to go as easily as possible. His task was a political necessity. I have a lawyer, the illusion politician, I'm going to jail. Please Order out your troops and take possession of the jail at what good. German pass the letter along and said. I don't know this guy. You know you're fucking crazy, when
guys like. I don't want to talk about that. Also, you know you're really bad at sex when everyone in jail is in a circle around you going. No, I don't want to fucking your bottom line. I don't like your or take the dollars out I, as the sir Charles, was in prison the whole time that obviously Garfield was in in bed dying and he believed that he'd done something noble and would be applauded. But it turned out the people he had swindled over the years became celebrities. So the press when I talked to all the hotel clerics importing as keepers, the Y m c c secretaries and the clergyman and printers all over the country, and so all of these people were becoming famous. If they're like, hey fuck me too, this is like a gordon ramsay series that is this of hell, Charles expected to be free. John bail and then go on a lecture tour. He would make an easy thirty grand and use these views are bored.
And he would use that to pay off the top of the line essential journeys. Strangely, he was not given what what why kill the president. On september, thirteenth, Charles wrote a letter to the judge overseeing is case, I should ensure plea of assault with attempt to kill what the government meet me by giving me Years, the lowest time the law allows, I hardly know there I would do it. You know I mean I expect to be.
Quitted but jails been tossing that out, I've been the scope for two yup reminds me of when I saw Jonathan silverman. Do you know him the single gotcha that guy and he was on letterman, and he said like it when that single guy got really popular, because seinfeld was popular people that we love shows like that. He got really cocky and went into a meeting with like the executive, and he like pushed the piece of paper across the table with like he's offering and. Executive wrote something other piece of paper pushed back at all. It was weakened birdies through that the I never had a we get a bridge over the brow No, no one would like secretaries. They play in just a moment right. No one foot, unisex cool.
Just a counter existing eyelids is so most doctors bleed today Garfield would have lived if they wash their hands of interim instruments because the bullet lodged and assist in his back and it could have you stayed there forever. Well, that's good charles was charged with murder and his trial began on november fourteen eighteen, eighty one it lasted more than six months charles I sent a letter to the new president you're welcome chester, a arthur just by the way. How did that trial? Last six months there, like we do like he's a guy who wrote a little like I fucking, killed, the president were still torn I'm rather have any more information. I am opening hearing boatside my provision is is biased. it is a god send you- and I presume you appreciate it- raises you from a thousand dollars.
If fifty thousand a year, so he sent me a letter yesterday after the new president saying I got you a raise, can you imagine if you're the new president getting a letter from the guy who killed the last You like this is not good he's still addicted a ladder, juice, pine chasms, it This is u, from a political cipher, do president of the united states, with all its powers and honours from the cabinet. Sorry for the cabinet, I would suggest to the fund. All that at stake. Mr gawking treasury, mister. Wouldn't war general logan attorney general, a stores of chicago but all honour be paid. The general garfield's remains. He was a good man, he was he was were alike. Politicians area we lost is a shame that, as someone at issued under the natives open at a gallop
I was then wrote in autobiography com. Nobody, rivers, the truth and the removal of all workers part was about his life in this, It was about second part of that guy from the living. Had published in the new york herald, I am no boy did Charles my son again. This is this is the most part of the part of the oh, I'm looking for a while So I want an elegant christian lady of wealth under thirty. I don't want to do that is belonging to a first class family. I am fond of female society. I judge the ladies are of me and I would be delighted to find my mate first dating profile right. Why do I feel like if he was on tinder? There would be.
Picture of him with a lion or a tiger, the gun danger to kids. This is the gun that shot the president with looking at that handle the boy that's going to that's going to hang on. While nice, Charles child again trials with defense, was led by his brother in law, Francis's husband, george scovel, oh yeah, the one he attacked with an axe hanging in there yeah yeah right, combat child charles, would insist on trying to represent himself during the entire trial. But Charles was very unhappy that scoville trying, I was trying to use an insanity how jerry Charles vehemently insisted that, while he had been legally insane at the time of the shooting was not really medically, and
are you loudly in court against his own lawyers, attempt to proclaim in saint railway to prove you're, saying. lawyers and I've got great day. Anyway, you resume. Why are you with worry? Keep your voice up. He consistently spoke to the judge, witnesses and spectators whenever he pleased and often contradicted those testifying on is behalf. He's my medical opinion. Is that he's insane. is the doctor, doc, doc, doc or doctor. The sca testified that he had no doubt that Charles was both insane and a moral monstrosity yeah, but also just for the record. These were doctors who are sticking their cocks in.
How much are we really trust that these bucket bore odds? They could have lived a bullet in the president's back at bay. The cause. President of ozark, I would have come to america. Like you know, we had a president had a bullet in his bond and just kept going, but no apparently doctors a lot, maybe it'll, be better if this mob blah, let's play real life operation on his back that, but the prosecutor prosecutors argued that Charles was not insane draws, believe his actions had been commanded by god and he would be freed and given the popular praise for his role, Action wants addressing the courtroom spectators. I have had plenty of visitors high toned metal, old and low toned people everywhere. Glad to see me, they are expressly paying in without one dissenting voice, but I be acquainted sell them. It also needed money for his ongoing trial. Any made it pretty terrific argument.
I desire to invite by friends throughout the nation send me. Buddy people have given mrs garfield two hundred thousand dollars Planted thing- and now I want them to give me some money right, she's had enough I bet she has half the expenses to use tat. You were here. Ok,. I've got a letter throughout the trial. Charles was adamant that he could not be held accountable since he had been aggravating additive for god. What is that with ninety people being like shut the fuck up, that guy shut the fuck up shut up and like one guy giving them a show, I guess I can't,
and a lot of crazy up there. Have you read it? You want the trial. I talked to. Twelve black people won't shut up, shut your mouth just continually, berated his brother in law, scofield scoville. Whenever the lawyer didn't go along with his wishes, some of his quotes. The lawyer, during his trying to get off the case you consummate ass. I would rather have a ten year old boy than you try this case you have comparable. My case that every move your bank, so this is happening while, as I was finding court, it's good to bring up to You are a boy paypal will really cause. You know there is a network exact like hold on charles was constantly cursing during the trial. The joint defence d
the witnesses and the prosecution board is everybody's, get it. He also delivered his own testimony and epic poems all units. This is good. Every good way to prove it. a crazy it's easier. I am. Is it. which he resided at length, he solicited legal advice from random spectators in the audience. Guy passing notes. This is kind of like a hand to hand a letter like it's time you little pause. You got a little letter. We're going to have you want to represent, reject yes or no. I your eyes. Will you be my attorney? go. These lists
the legal advice from random inspectors in the audience be notes, and he often smiled and waved at spectators and reporters into the classroom. Hey, it's not a trial for killing the president. How are you you're? Welcome chester judge Walter Cox threatened to gag giteau if he did not stop his. The judge talks threaten to gag him yeah america, you know the the thing was like. While you were saying that I was patting myself on the In my head for not saying that we were, I didn't mean it that way. I wanted to say so much of when you said it, it made me so happy about it. He was like no that's too much, then when you said it, everyone loved it. I was like it was.
So sorry, I've stopped listening and now just very during this common should it all up within the dollar. I've started by your listening to the door. The dollop I'm like the Chris hardwick of the jury, but you showed during the dollop because they are coming off the shows. But on the guy you actually just talk during the show. so we'll what David Gary we're just saying you say, I causing gary, but he's real names, we got it now? We are giving a blogger here, while in paris During the trial, Charles actively made plans to run for president in eighteen, eighty four he's got my.
I mean, when I get outta here, we're going to right this ship after months of testimony the jury adjourned and promptly found him guilty. Oh what, after the verdict was read Charles forward and yelled you're our low costs about jack assets and then do you swearing imre and screaming. He was executed July thirtieth. Eighteen. Eighty two. For what. Oh right, right, okay, right right, right, yeah, yeah; no, no! No! That makes sense that makes that that makes sense. That makes sense. He was he was executed for leaving that boardinghouse where's, that's where they bought a ran stripping of boarding. Why. I'll being led to his execution, never sent his brother. seven all reports that I knew that was going to buy them
wrong hole was brutal unit not na, while being led to his execution. Charles continued to smile and wave at spectators and reporters am I going to get Oh I'm, your new president. He note. obviously the notoriously leave his way a gallows shook their heads of his execution, Bob ervic gerda. Robots? robot, there's one. You can't kill a robot romanian like a problem killing the president. Guys is donald trump. Honestly, I imagine if you like, we're in the time where you were watching hanging public hangings and then you saga. Home our eye fell, bother you
We have around, I dont, know my praise it and I like this guy right he's like one of the guys at the end of like top cheerful, like health kitchen, whose, like you haven't, heard less for me, These interview, just before his eyes, like you're gonna, hear the knave giles good, show We won't you should read a little bit about what death meets. What's dad on the scaffold as his last request he recited upon he had written during his incarceration, which he called at last, going to the lorry. Oh wow, that's a hard time too. He had originally requested an orchestra play as he sang his, but because that request was denied. I am so hard to get an orchestra ready.
I'm going to the lordy, I am so glad I'm going to the lordy, I'm so glad, I'm going to the lord of glory hallelujah goal and it just it just that's it wow. It's a fucking, horrible poem kinds is already that we should be clear that that's not a poem, if you don't know their centre, which you seem fuckin. I went to the minority learned that suppose everyone's like well, you know what it might have been though he might like he might, they might have been he might have been like. I let me do my poem and then you kill me and they're like okay. It was like this.
Thirty five minutes neighbor: do they allow that to florida that they have? I know they know their lord. I know the lord, our lord and that you know, but it's southern, but on that in order to know that you are hanging a loaded loaded on an order. This is bought a minute. No, no, no! No! No! No! No! No! No thats a lot a lot a lot. I do that. No, no, no, no, no they're not allowed at all. No, no, no! No! No! No, no not now no
This all, Just for the record this week, The greatest podcast of all time in the history of Paul, causing, if suddenly you press the next thing at it, was him still doing and. What are you doing You are literally throwing somebody with a pinata to an audience of mine was a person anyway. That's that's the that's a story of charles. norma fucking crazy eyes, all normal, totally normal story. Yet so garfield
Assassinated a just thing, is I mean it? Was Is the maybe I am having to apply for a growing lobby. Why did you do to your magic about doing the test? The logical beta barricade and they get to this topic? settle like well. You were way over with it's very complicated. The wound, with small than I wanted to display of Adam. There's a light we went over because my lorries is this, is this is one of the tube asthma gas? The festival in the other world, of course, being worth doing. What's the ets.
That is not valid. How could you not, I mean you'd, see it from all the way back there and thank you guys so much your company is the first call up The there are posters of the dollar that have you guys seen the dollop of the dauber art, but there are posts for sale and some of them resigned some we can sign for you guys. You need to sign some of them, William, a I was going to betray my what time is it you have a lotta time ago because in between my shows. This show is to go back to my apartment and I dunno what I would do that watch. The live, feed the I get
I just of watch the live stream of the show background guys. So I guess that I guess was not going to Zion exist to go smoke them. junior lights! thank you. Recover the rivers dollop. the. Why there everybody its gareth? You know from this this pact, Listen, I've got some stand of shows I'm inviting the gar me the Gareth army to join me, for I will be in fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I will be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty four through august twenty six that acme, I will be
owing to the u k in september. Please join me we'll be in Glasgow september, thirteenth, london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeen september nineteenth manchester Birmingham September twenty of bristol September, twenty second and cardiff september. Twenty four, and then, in November albion, australia november tat, it's almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia. Then I will be in north bridge australia, november, fifteen november. Sixteen camera november, seventeenth brisbane november eighteenth and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me, let's get add, did after it. Let's see you there.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-01.