« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

367 - Alice Roosevelt

2019-03-05 | 🔗

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine Alice Roosevelt, daughter of Teddy.




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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
America we are setting out on tour in twenty twenty two. Our first date is a may twelfth in Boston. Then we have to New York City on May thirteenth and then Washington DC may fourteenth and good Old Philadelphia throw some batteries Addison may fifteenth. Then we had a medicine, On June, second, we D Milwaukee on June Third Chicago on June forth and Saint Paul on June. Fifth, maybe at Seattle, on June, seventeenth and Portland on June, a team to get tickets at dollar podcast dot com. Is this year, twenty twenty two, ie or listening to the dollop on the all things comedy and network Moses by America has goodbye cast each week solid. Imagine I cried
gangster No more? of Harry, face Dave, Anthony reads: a story from american history to his friend Gareth Reynolds, who has no idea what the topic is going to be about faced with a do something interesting until it as as intro to something or even allow from crank yanking you're awful at this
call before his jam catch the fucking ball. Guy Dave, okay, him scared- and this is not going to become a particularly quiet time now hit him with the puppy present six arguments that are actually important Campbell. Well done. My friend the we should point out that we are recording this at the all things comedy studio and that they have an all things comedy Youtube page, where you can watch any of the video uploads of this and you can also check out the work, and all things calmly, brother. We lost recently name Stephen Brody Stevens, who is someone if you are not familiar with, is worth
checking out his end up and his show that was on all things comedy or his other show. I think I enjoy it, but It was a very unique comedian gets someone who everybody in the costly world is what it was before by everybody liked ready a noose. Thank if he could see the outpouring of affection that he has caused. He will probably be surprised. I, like all of us, yeah, ok yeah. Well, what is it now is tough plant that was a tough one year. It was been a tough here, yet wait by February? Twelve? Eighteen, fine, you can go, shouted come on girl come on February child. They do a four we're back, not really eighteen, eighty four h and eighty four year of our Lord, the idea is- and they even said it like that, like eight minutes in the eighties rip your teeth out, it's the eighties, that's not! No one or thirty that, oh you start the story
Alice Lee Roosevelt was born. Father was Theodore, Roosevelt Junior known as Teddy Ok went to Harvard where he met Alice, Hathaway Lee in eighteen. Seventy eight she they Boston, banking, Harris, heiress They are introduced by a classmate of her cousin, Richard a middle cock, dick salt still day. I I think that that is the best one. That's I'd like I've. What I'm going I wasn't get. What is it? He has nothing to do with the story, but the needs and everything to do with the story. He's the main character of the story, Richard Middle Car, so first of all the richer to dick static middle cod, and that will they call him decks Richard Middle Cock, dick salt stall salts. So he's that sounds like it happens to your penis deprivation tank. I just put his name in their because this is how rich people men their kids. It's a good since nodded system? It's a great says, a bad system the
Teddy and Alice married two years later anyone to Colombia LAW School there all up in the New York society world, Teddy ran Gazeta, TASER Roosevelt, so my share Teddy ran for narrow state assembly, any one he's big on taking on corruption. That's a jam Allison! He bought a large home and large family okay tall target for shares. Our great so how's Leir about long worth was born at home on West fifty seventh street under regular apartment, birth yeah. Just me, do better than their waterworth? Two days later, Teddy was in Albany when he received a telegram. His mother's health was fading. Ok, She she she was in the house that the these born, and I love she lived there, she was staying there, but she was there in the house: ok,
but he receives message that are heated though his mother, who is in the house, the Arab, ok baby and moved my mom break Teddy Russia's home. He doesn't run for the baby, I'm not sure if you, his babies being born. But he's like let that happen. Then, like your mom's, sick he's, like I gotta go, I gotta go. I mean who knows back then what it was like, but I would imagine that he was there for the birth and then he went back to Albany, and then he got this call yeah. We have a four thirty. You gotta hit it. You gotta hit it for thirty. So So he Russia's home and His brother Elliot opens up the door when he gets there and I quote there a curse on this house, Sir Elliot that's bad
back in February, a dark opener. If you, if you that's the first, if someone says to you than you have, but a hello gathers occurs upon this house, our dude, you know, there's your started on this house: ok, you're a fucking as occurs on this, how Europe bomber, we have ghosts, say hello were dying in here now Kuznets incurs, wouldn't you dying, you're, just saying shit come on in take off your shoes plays a game. Issues are, there's a curse upon. You will not fool. I'm a devil turns tell him tat his mother she's burning up with a fever, just typhoid! Ok, that's no! Not! Yet. Meanwhile, upstairs hours because up to see her. She barely recognizes Teddy cause. She had an undiagnosed case of bright disease, which is kidney, a kidney disease so she been living with it for a while, but the pregnancy made it worse, so it like kicked in its acute now, Teddy,
Other died at three p m and Alice Diet. Eleven hours lay, oh, my God, bam, wow, yeah ok as shows there died. Think I'm starting to see Elliot side of this a little, as is sure yeah detailing recite kind of occurs. Tenaya like alien. How did you know, and then why trying showed that baby up Nia, who will, Teddy Teddy was just twenty five years old well and he lost his momma and wife on the same day. So he is insanely in love with his wife. He has no pages of his diary about how much daughter which little much I'll. Take it easy now settle down, we get it. You think someone's going to read it because that's the thing in five years, she's going to be like you used to always write in your diary about me. I still love you. I write all that hard, you know the houses cursed. One reason I know this is your dead on this day. He just wrote a large black acts in the diary. So if you,
if seeing that you're sorta like what Teddy is not doing great and the only thing you wrote was, the light has gone out of my life. Okay, sure and then I assume he drew like a little light bulb and then a slash through it. Yeah. And then, and then he went and thereby to anyone. There speak his wife's name again so you didn't need therapy or anything. He was fine. Now using urban now. This is also weird that he didn't speak his wife's name again because they name their daughter Alice. Now is there now. What is that hard to make is a time for a name change rather than just no margin of a name. That was an idea. You had change the name? They didn't do that now. So not only matters like you, well we're locked in new you, you
a baby lady back maybe little baby, lady, so so that's weird Not only did he not speak her name again, but he would not allow any what else in his presence to speak his wife's name taking on a real sort of Scientology live now, where it's not great tat until the friend. the way to survive was to keep the pain barrier as deep inside as pie, literally saying what now we use as like the stereo diaper things you're not supposed to do. You know the key, buried deep inside yourself and wait for an occasion when you can explode They go to Africa and kill animal. Take it out on tigers right. So keep the pain buried as deep inside as possible, or it will destroy. That is actually that's right. That's the way to grieve
Obviously, this is not a widely held psychological believed. Anyway. That's how a little Alice came into the world, she would be called baby. Lee cool a double funerals held analysis was Chris Christian the day after cheese, so they didn't, they can switch the fuckin name up yeah, where she hasn't been yes, baby, Lee it's baby drier, which was get baby driver, yet at the end of agent. Eighty four teddy decided just to get out of politics. Obviously, is that a ref? Well, let's so he bills he had two ranches in North Dakota, began there previously to Hunt Buffalo in his if he he made for the ranches which are in the isolated Badlands North Dakota leaves Baby Lee bind us known as Alice. What's the plan? Well, he has a sister share that
this taking care of her. So he just live in, and this is North Dakota at North Dakota is about ass. Ok, he is he's out there, hunting, buffaloes, okay and other Anna was there is as yet no exciting and is dealt with is inside demons. He gets a job. Is sheriff? Mozilla is a rest and thieves he's gonna mob long round up like uses a totally different thing? It is anything but the death of his wife and mother S. We build up a gun, fired a saloon out area. It's just take that
and that I love you Ray Allen. My name's Jeff shut up realize. Why did you go array Alice? I love you. Woo woo, hoo, bro, Bro, Bro, Hamburg, hey hey my name's Joe running in a saloon is no, we shouldn't know we're not going to give in okay. Alright, just once with the nah I missed you. Did you finish your inside were slow. I am. Good to see a babe great president. Thank you, well very, ever get over this week if so happy together, Alice Monster, Alice and ass. My wife some live again
in diamonds. Side of again were to get around you for sure Alice, So TAT is becoming a bad ass though there were no stray recipes. Is the origins to basically these kid for Alice in one eighth. Eighty four letter he wrote quote I mousy kins will be very cunning. I shall dearly loved her clothes dude. The honest Emmett baby was tough change. The name the name mousy weird, Fact I wouldn't you'd never spent better come at a Teddy Roosevelt where's mousie can where's. My lord issued mousy kid is that this is the man who kills and religiously mouser begins. So thousand being raised by Teddy Sister Anna and the Ark animals, also known as by which is
the she got because she always on the move. It was short for high Anna by Anna name's. Really the girl s family. There do not good hours called her anti by K Anti by the very strong, intelligent, independent woman with a huge influence on ours, and she asked why the hump she. and a hop leg the one on the back. ok! So she has up pieces. Your classic Humped, Roosevelt sure, she's, just gotta Hunter names by so continued ready to this tale, she's in her late twenties and not married, which could have something to do with the hump command you gotta get on hunt meat, she took very. Are you missing other people at home, Senor area? It's like farmers make farmers only dot com help. Me it was great
I felt a so, but you, two very good care about us share. It sometimes make revisits when it came back for work when he did it spend time with Baby Lee. You mean mousing, or Alice whenever an agnostic, yes massacre. Thank you. In June eighteen. Eighty six teddy returned so easy. Sobers grief now comes back to New York. I think he's not it's not that he's over. It he's just buried at the gps. The now I can never yeah. You need a treasure map to get to the demons. He said he finishes. Building a house he'd started before his wife died. Becomes ouses full time dad again. Ok, so tat. He has previously had a relationship with a woman named. So that's our little girl, that's massacres. Its message can I love it it's a team proves yet a relation with a woman named Edith, Carol they grub next. Each other I want other gonna get married. He did screw to marry
twice but Teddy's father. An alias grandfather were against the marriage because of potential physical disabilities. They both thought the other family have. I think that is something new at the hump so grab, I was. I will never have the kid. That's right and I think that's exerts on every home chin, those happening on either side of the family, where the killer there's some Teddy Jean Sky. subject, a life baldness sunlike. I gave you I am glad that you won't have won't know than you ever hub. dad won't, have a hump right. I like like talking to people that are not you well, I've got a lot to help. Children. Anyway, daddy so tell him air went on to marry and then obviously that didn't work out so now rekindles his relationship with Edith. Okay,
Ok, so it is back in the picture. She is a Mamma. I write it starts from it. Just looks like a nightmare to be equipped to dress like a woman. Back then, is a nightmare. Oh yeah, it goes on, like she's got a collar on yeah. It goes all the way up to the top. It's like her head is on the gut, and it just looks all right. Well, let me put on my sleeping bag dress and go out for the day. That's just let you were forced to wear a snug e, all the time zone in their hearts. They get hot and heavy quick. He proposes she says yes, where's grandpa is passed on. I guess yeah, I guess that's all over now, so they get married at the end of each and every six. so our life is always about change. Again. It massacres, mascot. Edith and Teddy moved to restore Bay, Long island Alice baby. We moved in with them. Edith apparently had a problem with it Teddy had a child with someone else.
And now the kid was living with them. Is this not this stuff that you may be talk about in the courting process, while no, I don't. I think that more is it just like you haven't unveiling way like I have a daughter. I think he doesn't care, he doesn't care what I he doesn't care that she's upset about Alice, ok and, and also the first hours his wife was super hot. Ok That's also. So what it feels like she's in the shadows, little bit jealousy going on sure. Okay, so I mean Teddy's just like well, if you feel bad just bury your feelings deep down in your oregon deep so they start dragging our babies telling the if they would end up having five kits gang mother fuckin right right, yeah stop now So what do they call us? Because she is no longer a baby rang and there's five
the kids their kitty, so so they picked a great name to call her sister k, sister so right now, she's just an extra in her own life. Remarkably generic yeah. tat they come up with, that is that a family name by the way that sister that's the first mom that's oh gee out, so I guess they colors there, which is I can't live like haven't I can nickname of some kind, but a name about Lee left. That's her! Yet a little earlier sisters, the most generic horrible you're. Not here will you would also that's like something that you would like you to hear back that baby, like sister and she turned a gas like no my actual says there. What's your name says: don't yes so created a feeling of shame those related to her name and pray. Wasn't great propelling self esteem CALL Edith.
Didn't hide her feelings about Alice's Dead, Mother Edith called. Us an insipid child like fool in front of her daughter, cool during a fight is told us that if her mother had lived ass, she would have board tended to death Christ Edith Chill Chill bills invented. Yet it is a fucking. Rude. The super super as our group became clear, she was going to be very attractive like her mom. Ok, this pilot didn't help traditional Edith and the tension between is this story of Cinderella. Be ok, Edith was a strict Episcopalian with a quote cold and detached insistence on standards of conduct, so she was episcopalian, she insisted, Alice, call her mother.
Alice would later write quote she had almost a gift for making her own people uncomfortable Alice, had a gift for making Edith had a comfortable, but she was forcing Alex to call her mother well yeah, she's sister, how that it's like what yeah look we're in a play where we haven't named the characters yet Teddy was also pretty emotionally distant from ours possible because, her name was Alice Church, and he was usually absent working on his political career. He would write there's two, the kids and in them he discussed the other children like you write a letter to one kid and talk about all the other kids. But he never mention hours tat when he wrote letters to TED Junior, It was the only when he talked about Alice with Ok at one point. Alison Teddy had a fight about never speaking her mother's name, which was obviously her name too.
So so she was you now aware of it like that we're. Yet. This is a fact that it's my lying about my mom and my name elsewhere, Surprised to learn learn that Edith was quote not Papa sister. That Edith was not papas. Sister Alice was surprised to learn that Edith was not papas. Cisterna she's pretty young. At that point I would assume so so she when they were married. She thought that Teddy and Edith were brother and sister, and having five children may we should now huh stuff work, but again also a lot of cousins married back then, and just Is this a simpler time a simple time when you can just go to a family, luncheon and mayors soulmate, you know no one was off limits. Made it a lot easier when you grow up with your wife, the simpler times man trumpet Alice, felt that
he saw her has as a quote guilty burden of. I wonder what would that come from? Did she sensors! and this is reinforced the decisions in respect of a mouse even want Teddy, never realized. This was creating resentment and flower, Maybe he's very psychologically minded. Yes, clearly he's a man who knows how do we get into the emotion, that's right here, This mixture, orphan child who felt responsible for mothers, death given the same name. That was are spoken, angry about being led by a father Christmas. rebellious child. We can imagine yeah in journal and night. You know three, she wrote quote: Father doesn't care for me, that is to say one eight as much as it does for the other children. We are not in the least congenial, and if I dont care, over much for him and don't take interest in the things he likes. Why should pay attention in the things that I live for, except to look on them with disapproval, so things are good.
How old is she there? She so she's born eighty four, so oh three so she's she's a teaches nineteen right, jumped on them. so so Alice had to learn about her mother from relatives so because he never talked to me. They didn't exist, the only people she would occasionally visit her moms parent. And they were we loved a dark about Alice and we don't talk about hurry. Their Julie your granddaughter and its orbit I was thought TAT he loved for children. They had with Edith more als also wore braces a child which she called quote: a medieval instrument of torture. Well, well, I mean they're just trying to they're trying to help yeah. I couldn't believe they had braces then
not rather than audiences, yeah it's a race or some kind of brace like that yeah. Oh, she had one hundred prevention. She might get it. I get ya hp yeah it because imagined braces, then I and So let are describe himself during these years. Ass quote: stodgy too shy rather chunky and not a little cowardly. A shy uncomfortable child, not very bright and lethargic. She's describing herself like ok, so she is sure. self diagnosis is so she's very unhappy child and now men she spent time fantasizing. Could I would spend hours of time pretending I was able to at will To turn into something quite different, such as a princess with very long hair or an extremely Marshall Prince NICE Teddy joined up to five.
In the war against Spain, which made him. Does that mean in famous right after it became governor of New York. Alice was now for teens and had become very independent than our guy. Ok if couldn't handler, so they decided to send her to school. For girls in New York City House was not down, quote I'd seen Miss Spencer's scholars marching to buy two in their daily walks and thought of becoming one shrivelled me fair to that's That's a good use, a word tat number one there and that's against it, and I she wrote Teddy but if you send me, I will humiliate you We'll do something that will shame you. I tell you I will,
ominous yeah. You re dialing letter from your daughter. Ok, I guess I just said our things borings, our things. If you do this, I will. To Father is me the Hunter S, the hunted, what I have your head on. My behalf. Daddy warnings goes off at that point. Share tat was like that's a good. I get you already know not a press without writing a friend that she quote cares neither for athletics, nor good works K and she had the habit of running the streets uncontrolled with every boy in town. I arrive, watch out Just that I do anything unless it has made to Alice, was sent back to live with her and or an by
right- and I hereby with the ILO by hump pumping Hump Anti Hump Anna Hump by Anna Hunt by So this time in America a woman's goal was marriage. Sure I'm not a probably not women's go but the society skull for for women. I would imagine not all women are like my goal- is to get married. Now they were like. My goal is to not be beaten so I'll do what you people say so for that Haven't Herbert behaviour needed to be beyond reproach. Reproach right to get about because of the way Alice had been raised, Alice felt she can never trust demand. A lover but she acted like a woman whose goal was not to get married tat. She was just stubborn and insensitive. This is a unique for a woman. At the time we imagined personality yeah right audacious. There should be around so especially high society. This is rare
the magazines began writing about Alice when she was sixteen okay, so she's Paris Hilton a little bit little bit in. did ninety nine. The vice president died of a heart attack and teddy became vice. President. Ok us move to Washington, which greatly creased her profile share, but hey we're at the inauguration and ninety, no one did not impress Teddy Alice thought. The Roosevelt's were superior to the Mckinney's Mckinley. And she thought being a VP was quote second place interesting. She referred to as a Democrat. Gaily ass quote a usurping cuckoo hey Teddy than like that really admonished her bit The terror sixth night, you know on President Kennedy was shot by an anarchist, bastards
I think we're pro pro anima dunno, I dunno what we are anymore. He died a days later. Ok with swedish days of suffering, share shirt attend Came President AUS, rejoice that are father was finally taking his rightful place as president. She described it, as quote sheer rapture. So she's, not as upset about the shooting, as you would think now, she's excited to get in the like top spot. Yes she's in the face, and now she's like likes the fact that now she kind of likes her dad a little bit a little bit likes that he's whereas, if she's much mourner pops right, but I mean if your dad becomes the president, then you autumn, if you like, but like of your dad, became president you'd men fences yeah yeah for sure you what you want to go to the White House right. You want to try to meet low you what's going on there and pick up the found the anonymous batman. Give me his there's: no phones, there's no phone. There was no funds, The thing there's like you know the moors pick up the red more system, just type
The eighty ran more system yeah whatever they had like the emergency Morse. You know we fuck hit. You like me, baby, the bird. The bird sounds concerns better that car So she moves into the White House at seventeen years old, that's just great movie, why she mean became a celebrity She may have been the nineteen hundreds first global, celebrity Kay January fourth, Niger too. Made her debut to the world's answered debutante ball sure she was about the White House, debutante Teddy kept, out of the limelight that evening, if handled the receiving line and presented Alice to society. Here. Is this embarrassing?
didn't shit little as all those days. We won't say they were good there and they live in fact had been the best out of five or name is being wand Give it up. My mom died there. She is. newspapers covered it than it did talk about addressed them? if you know the whole thing, was all describe yeah of course, so the media always focused on the right things. What you're saying a month later, Framework International when she International christened a yacht that belong to Keyser, Wilma one Wilhelm of Germany. The yacht was christened. The media- or I would an honor if jewel would come down and bees avant breaks the champagne upon the media to you all it girl. You know that as I just now
don't just expression, you're different the Kaiser sent his cousin, ok Prince Henry of pressure to accompany Alice and sharp relations between America and is this sounding very similar situation. Now Would you know you know about Kosovo homeless, rather closest thing that has ever been to trump another issue, is killing and put the picture in air of them What is the right one? What you will a different when than you before yeah I have, but I had a picture of Keyser. Yeah, that's look I'm up and there is a good fellow though they look, ridiculous, Ok. So anyway, I Prince Henry, so he companies, Alice formulation, string american Journey AUS broke abolish campaign over the bow newspapers reported. Including how many times the prince,
touch to ask his arm chair brain keep the arm count our love, the publicity the times and then she seemed above at all quote. She seemed to look upon the whole affair as a lark, so she's kind of cool It sounds like you're right. It is like amend when play the media like bad here, for you are cool right when you're like above, whereas most people be like owes a bridge when she's like this is fucking stupid. I am myself, she pigs were stupid. We love are more right where the media, so she's grown up, not giving a shit. Because of what happened to you here and now. She's like this is all fuckin right. We are so she's like cool. The press begin regulating, but the president was going to marry off his daughter to a european the monarchy, Kay the Tribune quote she has become one of the most regarded women in the world, replacing the young queen of HOLLAND in popular favor
that's cool there ranking women. Well, Don't do that anymore? That certainly, but no more are no less or whatever yeah So the quote us boil, the woman was nicknamed Prince Alice by the papers police because Did this thing with it's Henry and they like hit it off and shoot low. He touched or eight times. History teaches your arm eight times yeah, it's pretty high arm count and welcome to gossip dish and then and because the prince and because she did, she may have explained this thing. Major start calling a princess princess princess Alice and stuck ok. they have the christening the owner of the near Tribune, invited Alice to Edward the eighth coronation in England. That's the hot! Take it! That's the fuckin shit right there who Edward the eighty eight eight AIDS Eights
Eight eight eight I'm trying to buy weed his coronation, yeah he's kind of what I'm the corner of right. That's the ceremony will present dear the new man who will be diagnosing how someone passed he's gonna come king, just like Simba yeah, like Simba, but now I get okay. Now we're okay now we're getting it, so he sees his pop in the clouds, but his dad sort of emerges from the clouds and he's like you must keep fighting you're right, you want exactly that's how it actually become. Can I went in and fuckin scar? Ok, sorry aren't. I say the English insisted on treating her like she was a princess, so word gets over that she's gonna come and they're all a flutter about. This is just exactly alerts. just like the Mega Merkel story. A year ago.
As the United States people debated whether or not she should be allowed to view the coronation with the rest of the english royalty. So now they're talking about. If she goes where she will set, because is being treated as royalties cause, she's a issue going to sit with the royal family, like what the Bonn, the media, namely reference associated, actually gonna monarchy, yeah now she's, basically right, she's anointed! Meanwhile, in Europe they were saying she was deserving of quote the honors due to the oldest daughter of an emperor. Ok, so they're all on board in Europe right, but somebody the press in the? U S found this all to be unseemly because, of course we are, the ones who fought against the monarchy, right, but also want to thank named your princess yeah and were the ones who Vader status, easier beer, this fuckin bullshit. What you're doing I know what I'm doing is calling out the media again, asshole.
the media accused Alice of having a democratic aspirations, the queen or some shit yeah right yeah. Ever how dare she? The Tribune road Alice, should be treated as more than a normal american girl visiting London, but not much more and not as much as royalty and they said the treatment of the press in America, whether training, I was bad right, quote: I have never seen brutally wanton an inch unjustifiable, a series of Miss Rapid. taken and falsehoods about a young girl resorted to. before in the history of newspaper discussion in this country in an effort to make a political point. That's gone, it was decided. You would not go a pseudonym. now that all these over the discussion before she got there, not only pathetically bridges decline, everyone bug fuck yeah, because she's this huge celebrity that says
consolation prize Teddy, sent Alice on trip to Cuba instead. Well, ok, better the I would say fuckin, absolute water, absolutely better she's been a month in Havana when she came back, press followed or every move when she drove, forty five miles from Newport to Boston with a friend it made headlines, because they were the only women to make the trip in a car, just so weird, isn't yeah. It's like it's. The fact that two women in driving a car is Greenwell would also we live in a post, Thelma, Louise era. So it's easy for us to look at that now, but it's amazing that, like to women, driving a car, is crazy and then because she did it it's like. Oh, my god, we share rebel rebel, There were CASA reports that she was about to get married whenever she was seized with a man, none of which were true right. So Jane
Kay Junior, totally bright, star all Edith and Teddy needed to do too what hours had been up to the night before was, open the morning paper, so she's just so surely lead and felt really cool about that issues like this is what I wanted to popular. She would often appear on the front page and legitimate important news was pushed to the back pages, What I'm sorry I just I sometimes get caught up in these comparative mindsets, and I just I can't imagine today the media foregoing actual important things: dialogues that are pressing the say that need to be discussed in media Nashville and letting that go by the wayside. Just for something that's gonna sell the rare I mean it's, I don't know- and I
If we had that system today we would really be fucked. Yeah things would We'd be bad because people not be able to get the information that was valuable instead of having someone to kind of distill. The importance of what was Bidding and explain the new ones. We would just kind of be caught I've been what shiny, IST and what's dumbest and what's precious than what's most scandalous, and I think that that would probably They call sure you know people. What fine wedge issues that they would just become obsessed with in it? What kind of driver large large chasm between us and the distance would only spread further and further the more that we were made. The feel like we didn't, have things in common as much We have everything it against each other about when in reality, we probably agree on seventy eight percent of the shit. Just think would be weird. Oh sorry, I was thinking about you're, a J well yeah from
second, Joe from the stream of them that I saw picture them today. So I was about that yeah. Now they are, they remain, friend, friends and it's pretty and by untouched by needles, mean that's fear, service, I just think that kind of stuff he shouldn't like throw away. You know what I mean like that's important there. They they stayed friends, oh you're, sorry so, while you're focusing on your focusing on the important news of J while in Stuckey amount, it's important, that using its human yeah. I think more important stories to focus on other know. You think, like the whole thing with Lady Gaga Bradley Cooper, like that, I, like it's kind of a more important yeah yeah. You know like everything that happened there, like you know she, there's a lot of issues and stuff, but I just think the chemistry between them and for them to have that performance in front of Bradley's, girlfriend or fiance, I'm not sure which is but
I the that we should be talking about a week by the way Ocean life down. Four percent are how to flag up here, how long until he inserts himself into a fund of people- and I like better tat- are but I was in joint, always attention. She started. Falling in tips about herself to end was paid cash for that she is the first savvy like she's, the firmly media she's using the media to our advantage. In doubt, no better Alice publicly, which was not highly fodder for young lady. The time that's disgusting, Teddy forbid. Her for smoking in the White House and she responded by going up to the roof in smoking there better, better, better, so much better. Yet that's a willing else. Teddy wrote a letter to TED Junior Quote: Sister YA sister still
with I'm sticking with it says its sister is now so until this Christmas. I'm gonna get your name, and these since continue to lead the lie named a star after your sister says It continues to be the life of social excitement, which is, I think, all right for a girl to lead for a year or two but which, upon my word, I do not regard as healthy from the standpoint of power Hence I wish we had some pronounced serious taste, he noted she had a habit of dancing all night and then not getting up until well. Past noon shouldn't you be jealous she's. Seventy Alice she's doing what you suppose, geology It's not three Alice went to Puerto Rico, for Mardi GRAS did. This is just what the thing is that when she left one hundred people, including policemen, detectives and secret service men, were on the pier to see her off detective.
the I know a little bit of a creepy send up. Goodbye, I said, will all be waiting for when you come back here, you will have our k by nets. make the boat move. He's gonna deck down his strength. a sheet of myself under arrest for being a bad girl. Again is a nightmare on the islands, the Tribune wrote quote her stance and one was a continual ordination and her trip across the island was like a royal progress. That's like when Trump went there, to process. That must me. But how can we protest Yes, sir, she is wherever she goes she's, being treated like a prince. behavior importer eager, please Teddy and when she returned he gave in to please and bought her a car. Ok and you can
open your room. She had a long red touring car and immediately be racing it down the streets of DC and getting tickets. Hey you haven't. They Kobza, like oh, words as ours in relations with huge gonna hundred the germ naval yacht. The Roosevelt was completed in the crew, asked Did I say that they were now get that? Oh, so so the The german Navy has decided on Nay Wilhelm was so excited by her christening, but just how popular she was that he too to name a german german Navy yacht Alice, Russia is very specific, so the owls railroads Teddy call that sister boat, so the arts rose rule, has been built
and the crew asked her for a picture when she provided so they can keep on its own needs to do to get a naval vote named after hours than to picture the likes of boys. You like that, I mean she's hot, I mean gradual access boys. I think we have a shot since you should look like here, it's again, it's a little hard to tell because there's so much stuff going on the head. I mean look ahead. The collar thing. The whole thing is not its just like It really is. It looks like your clothes were eating you looks like a snake is halfway through devouring you, but you had to wear it out and the hats are just ok. physically to wear a cake on your head. Man just be swallowed by your dress, Some Alice now started writing in cars. If men without chaperone that day, but my brother we cannot do that. You're gonna, a rumble, grumbled grandma, rumble arrival.
She's with vagina. No, so there completely honoured of also were ending the victorian area area as ending so like women like that's fucked up can I be more of a person met, and so she also our pants, which we ve learned on lot unexamined locally. Fear You got my aunt not by wearing pants. I find my more she play poker This is all very shocking to the public, but young women. in Thrall. Of course, young women were like with this. Is the You have an out. You have a trailblazer. Every but in the country knew about her large and expensive wardrobe. When Teddy took her car away for speeding Alice.
just borrow her friend, Marguerite Cassini car. Ok, Marie is, is a rich, Russian. Do you have picture she's, while that is most certainly has soared, yes: ok, she is she's russian, she was an ill, illegitimate child, but then the guy fire they deal with the They are now actually why they connected a little there. Yes, they had. They have like a lot of prison board into and let's have a little funny, that's right. Their background is kind of similar, so she's also party girl Eleanor Roosevelt was was his cousin did not get along at all. Ok, she told fiance after that ours was quote.
looking well but crazier than ever. I saw her this morning of combat. I saw her this morning in Bobby Glaze, auto quite along with three other men, so that's bad to be in a car, For decades young person, I'm Alice, drank gin. She went and watched the Wright brothers make their trial flights in her power she kept a dagger and a copy of the constitution, so she's a little logs, Jonesy yeah, certainly my dad does Jeffreys does whatever congressmen is room. Rumours began that ours was going to the race track often, but the family was suppressing. The pictures in her life is dying. Awesome, she's, fucking, genuine urmand vacation. That's right Oh all, this is going on. Teddy was in New York on business, so she was sent to New York. To get a lecture from Teddy about getting
shit together right, but I've decided to be of on now a good time. You need to get your act to gather now. I would call you by your name in Baby Lee. You don't have one I'm so mad. I'm gonna call you by your full name, princess baby, Lee Mousy, kins, apparently didn't take us when she got back a headline announced she'd Vincent. The track quote she as much an attraction as the thoroughbreds family family friend said she was quote like a young wild animal that has been put into petty, might killer careful, like a young wild animal that has been put into good clothes. Okay, okay, so she's a teen, Wolf issues and the girl,
those have a look at the nightmare life you have. What? How do you do? You drive a car with those her neck by the end of the day I was just Crazy idea- and it looks- are digging so that a bird on it get an owl on their yea weirdos percent men I do know, for she went to the Louisiana purchase exposition. where she was met by a cheering crowd of thousands, hey people wanted to, it's a glimpse of the princess so badly that they almost crushed her against her carriage, that's so we're about to Lenny with the bunnies her. I love her so much that we're going to crush her up against the wall. Now are men on board with this. Are they written it as I would imagine them to be? I would imagine men are threatened. This is mostly a young girl right, she's she's, breaking the FUCK and Malta she's she's a little vague de right, yeah he's a big fuckin beer
quotient language by the way is yeah yeah on face, my mother might listen. Now she won't. You should want you're in the New York Times quote. Miss Roosevelt found herself in the presence of a crowd of five thousand If the women asked all shrieking there, she is and Hurrah for Miss Roosevelt yeah. Can we bring back hurrah? Yeah era was good in era also. No, I want that's what I want people to yell at our live show yeah. I read as they're doing three cheers in rooms. Now too, three cheers. Imagine being at a time when you said three cheers for stuff: there: ain't Jasper David ever as best those party reached their carriage, the women burst the ineffective police, berry and a flood of femininity swirled about the carriage they are all trying to pure pyramid.
Each other's heads and most of them were her writing yeah. Well, what then, It must have been really hard does see past each other. Hurrah hurrah Did you hear my hurrah previously only great women of the theatre had brought out such crowds a high society teen getting this treatment was completely unheard of, but Alice breaking the model for young women Alice. Those cards became big sellers so so postcards all. the place of her right and that's a big deal back then, Yes, I'm sure it's gotta be like to be it had to be in some pockets of my family. Postcards are still a big deal. So close, I mean think about that like when I was a kid like people buy postcards and it would be liable yeah and as the people is that surrounding, but I used to do that then it was probably like this crazy yeah. There is and then you're going to ride on with a picture on it. Oh my god it it's a Alice. Oh yes, we live in the future,
so the young women want and clothes of ours is favorite color, which was a grey blue became known as Alice Blue teacher millions of american girls on the cusp of the new woman movement emulated everything she said and did Kay Songs were written about her like Alice blue gown and Alice where art thou Bay? These were named after her like he may. Never called sister this is baby baby. We daily Baby Lee so our skin do at her thing. She fired off cap guns at parties. She danced a midnight hoochie coochie on the Vanderbilt roof. Much is that even mean I don't know with whom she could she is Aaron. Can you do it, and she drove her own car and now had her own pet snake,
hello, which she brought social function? There's no picture of this now of a curious. Oh God, What's his name again, this prince entering Prince Henry exhaustive, I took a gamble on him, so what else do you like to do for fun? Does cool that's cool I'll, try to put these up on Instagram so as a pet snake, which she would bring everywhere and to social functions. Yes, like White House officials aren't really now becoming. I mean this is taking a tire. I mean she's, fully like she's, like every guy she's, really trying like she's like what will it take for people to stop me. I think I'm too powerful, like she's, just like I'm going to blow all the green Cobras to party. Alright, I'm driving a car with five guys in it and I'm as an egg with me. So yes, if she has a snake the pets, egg was named Emily Spinach. Ok,
great. She named that, because quote it says: green is spanish and as thin as my aunt Emily nice they spinach was a garter snake Could they emanate an egg? It had a hum. Now, that's different one is illogical, that its Anna and by so doing, so the gutters taken should carry around in her pocket or sometimes round her neck or its had pocket book, but persons, but whenever I know what a pack of books is a pocketbook, first, but they never have when the pictures they arrive, a purse with them when they put it down, Dave, I feel like they wouldn't be allowed? I think for like they would think it was wrong for them to carry purses at this time. I might be totally right, I think you're probably dead, but they needed a pocket.
It's we're went when pockets were invented, amazing, to think that pockets were invented for women and it made a huge difference in their lives. Pocket pockets is one of those weird revolutionary things for women right. It's insane right because they weren't they. They couldn't. They weren't allowed to carry anything and also in that pocket and all of a sudden like, oh my god, what a convenience Jesus Christ, you are the larger, outside and was hid. Emily Spinach in cupboard dinner plates during White House banquets and would wait for guests to freak out when they remove the cover. Okay, so Billy Madison is in the yeah Ok, so just like the barge in the meetings in the White House with no purpose other than a fact with everyone. There, ok and then she'd start giving advice. Should she would go in she official meetings and started
the advice and table a get. The fuck out of here- and I think you should clean up your languid all- what's her name- bats girl here, very postures garbage Levell offers. Alas, he smokes too. Get out after each year interrupted one meeting three times Teddy threatened to throw out a window I'll, throw you out of the window, my love. These seems like you would do you know, he's Simpson breaching this is what's best for you I'll. Do it you're thank me later so it's I will tell you excitement, that's that's our man. Yet the guy looks like he's wearing two monocles. This doesn't, it can cause he's got it's a monocle thing, but it's it's too last month, and I know he raised here. That just seems equally super terrible, real The income breaking your little weird glasses all the time- us then began saying she was a pagan which is probably
it just ahead, upset the very religious she said. Greg. Calling Christianity voodoo, ok, israeli, I'm waiting for her to do something. I'm not into will it happen as he never does Teddy. was furious, he is the hours of quote courting publicity, which was not only a lady dear lady? Does not court balloon? wrote that she described. oh sorry, hello. It's my bad. he wrote he wrote a letter that she described as savage. Ok, telling Erlich TED Dino get it. together right. Burn letter. So we don't know what it was, but there one telegram had survived about her serving tee to charity function from Teddy quote. do not like the advertisements of your appearing at a portrait, show they distinctly.
they the impression that any person who wishes to pay five dollars may be served with tee by you and Ethel Barrymore. I cannot sent to such a use of your name and must ask you not to serve tea. Dirty is just that his wits end of the fucking. He can just go seventy for five bucks to send a telegram I ordered models are video, DARE Telegram Alice respond, is that she got the telegram too late about the money. Dad talked about ooh now, there's another layer to this, which is Teddy, is Teddy, Roosevelt he wants to be the centre of attention session. Taking away his chair. right. I want in our set of her dad quote: he wants to be the bride and every wedding, the corpse at every funeral and the baby in every Christmas make em. So that's
calling someone a nurse yeah yeah she's. she's a very attractive. If ever you loved no- but you know my love, but that's it- that's a good to give the community No have no had there, but she's got a bunch of bs on her back of her got a flower mullet. He's gonna carry that so so hung out with a group of saying another, the group of other daughters who are super rich here we go, grace ran about sex He patterns of furs, daughters, club, the while an great. We already a matte painting, so this This increases attention would with Terry and Edith. Ok, as a group, they were, worse. So when the girls get the other ASEAN, because just over France, they were all encouraging each other rights and there's no power, or else they openly
you're with men. They made trips to New York Newport. Why, in Washington the social circles they went to those parties they encouraged each other to push bounds of social norms, say they would also bail on parties like people would throw them like a hundred thousand dollar party and they were just bail on it like they were just right yet living living it, I agree said she announced were quote too badly spoiled girls set only on their own pleasure right near. The New York Herald the printed tally of Alice is social life. Ok, four hundred and seven dinners three hundred and fifty balls three hundred pounds. is six hundred and eighty tease one as in seven hundred six social cause in fifteen months, while that is, I don't I think, you're eating multiple dinners. I mean four foreign, seven
isn't fifteen month by the way, a bus days, a ball and a party very similar yeah no years and they're separate categories, you're hitting to the sings or three these things. In a day yeah I mean as a full time party Jan one thousand seven hundred and six social calls in fifteen months, yeah yeah it's a lot, the girls, were rarely home, accept a change closer sleep Teddy it became more more upset as time went by and Teddy was convinced. They were squandering their lives on frivolous pursuits and demoralising pleasures which what they should be doing very like eighteen, then this has been more. You knew that you, girls could have thought it should be, as it is, of course, an elaborate broke them all and we should all be demoralising pleasure. That's that's what Everyone should be doing here if you get me again. I will be happy
he had the camera on me, that people are listening to this they're, not a wink from the people at home. Teddy to friend quote: I can do one of two things I can you, president or I can control Alice. I cannot do. I mean you're, the president. Your job is to put out all the fires and just sort of have a national on of these issues you have to deal with. I mean you need to deal with eighty five different problems. Your whole job is putting fires out and he's like. I can't be the president and be the father of this girl aspires to burger at he's fucking Teddy Roosevelt already right. So this is like for him. It's like interesting to hear an Achilles heel. he considered Alice's pursuit of publicity to be quote, vulgar I'd, get that's what it's caution
that's what he does like she's, literally marrying him actually she's eddying. They cannot it. She is being the bride at every wedding, the corpse and of avian every Christmas, but its cause she's, a woman that its vulgar buddy, it's everything he does her, but began to change a night. You know, for maybe it was the wise, but I agree that was hitting America butter at that, Our actions certain the little worse because of it happening in the country. Right maybe was the evacuation she's clearly disobeying our father either way the Some papers started to be more critical over actions, one such pay. where was called town topics, which was about the ridge, but the rich try to stay out of the papers. So it's like the scandals, bad shit, you. Topics turned on Alice and her friends, the pay,
I was wrong by farmers. Several paper was run by a former civil war colonel who let the wealthy purchase unity from negative stories you can buy. The aggregate guy there's not any. Like version but today, right now What do you think? If there's not a like a specific like media, publication or publication that if there was bad news about you could buy a rich person or buy their way out of hand as a presidential candidate, you could buy their way out information via yeah. I don't think that's a thing: okay, yeah so much so that in have been for Alice, the paper wrote quote from bring costly lingerie to indulging in fancy dances for the edification of men was only a step However, it is emitted that she is a smart girl and smart girls are supposed to be clever enough to take care of themselves without the aid of chaperone yeah. Here,
said she was using stimulants and had listened to some risk age told by the Son of a Newport hostess. well Sir answered she heard some dirty job. That's a problem here, cheer she's there was no dirty jokes when the guy who told who told the joke, when a woman is supposed to be like all fainting all down and that's fine, but the the murder of female who gained her ears. because that's right, thank you. The call your weekly a magazine had previously been attacked by town topics and saw this is a chance to attack back it is now is not is like Britain, it. Great Britain, because this is a popular girl and he can he can defender, honour and bright. He also I refuse to believe. Alice's hijackings would include such lists. Let us serious seriousness. The citizen
so he doesn't think that she would be off with manner listing represented. I also not right I mean, do you think she's like how far do we think she's gonna do I don't know, but whatever it's like, you should like. If you you know It's just me. I mean it's there still is this double standard where, like, if a you know like a dude sleeps with a bunch of girls, get out rare man jab and the girls sleeps, with a bunch of guys just like man. What's wrong with it still causes a horrible horrible act, you've committed, but I'm wondering if like, if like like what Serbia, sex! I will I wasn't. I don't know what that I don't want to areas like and what have, but I think it a bit like when you said she flirts like the first time that a girl flirted with a gentleman. It must have been like what is happening here. This is the total opposite of everything. I've ever been taught, maybe, but I think they floated. All the time, but I think you further with a chaperone around. I don't know what
I didn't get all shit, it's so restrictive in an anti humanity that it doesn't like it so alien, so Collier fires. Back, the two papers fought back and forth and editorials, and the editor of colors sued town topic for blackmail and ten top sued for libel, the cases really battle between all victorian morals and what was replacing them, but it put asses even more on display. Ok, so Teddy decide, it's an hour's on along, the asian nineteen o five Kay he had on one hand we want to get away my friends right and on the other, he thought seeing. Developing nations would be good for her. it's a seeing right, seen people philippine, rather than when our people, you do not have the right, we have any yes, this is a boat, Hale, Mary
she was also sent as a distraction from the press. So he knew the press. It be focused on her because Her presence would allow war Secretary Secretary, William Taft, who was in her chaperone Taft, was there and chapters of chaperone on this trip talk about an easy chaperone, was now that's so weird because He has this reputation that I've certainly played into that his. stream we obese yet these. There is now whose legal, linebacker breathing someone else, no tat, wouldn t The huge one item, I remember, is it yet have they wouldn't have sought to get stuck in a bathtub? Who is not big there now? is this. Amendment is tubs road while showing another picture is bigger, so so so
after her chaperone, but he's also the war secretary, because he's actual there to conduct secret negotiations with Japan, so they're using her as well, What a decoy yeah she's the decore like she's, going to distract distract all the press rain and he's going to get this business done. Okay, so, along on the tried, a mission that Roosevelt has created for that's right to talk about a movie. You guys area, I don't know where she is, there's also twenty three congressmen, seven senators on the traps is it was called the imperial crews and it was the first time the dot ever president have been a goodwill ambassador or get back people in the country. they visited all refer as princess Alice Kay. Her reputation was only increased by going on the trip, so
hours, understood recall and work within the limits on the. though she saw our strength so over the chip start. She takes a train to San Francisco. on the train trip she pulled out a pistol and took shots at targets on the top of telephone poles. As the train passed. What she says is quite this is in America's yeah she's still in America, okay, so she's shooting it whatsoever is on the top of telephone poles. Shirts are the wires wires that are important to people's communication for sure also one day set off firecrackers in the train, When people say what the fuck you doing, she said it's the fourth of July wasn't, I don't know if it was and still even if it was that's, not a valid excuse for firecracker hearing a train once you get to San Francisco, she slipped her chaperone and spent the night all alone in China. I can't find Alice
what she had done- opium wealth, Great Taft, to have tried to find it I will find Alice less than they I ship. They went to Hawaii where she danced the hula she put on a bathing suit and went surfing and tat to beg the photographers not to take a picture so tat and this is pretty early in the dream, and good luck to have this resorting to pleaded pleading with them. Please she jumped We can then raised at the media. Normally that's right, but that doesn't make them more excited back then their private go all right. Sorry, William, She jumped fully clothed into the ship swimming pool now lunacy. All she had. I was a linen top and a linen skirt so so potentially
I am sure she had once again. This is a way that it has won women we're lucky enough to where sixteen layers of veterinary barely had no get like something. A river out of the water Alice said it was her quote pleasurable duty to stir up her fellow travellers from time to time. Nice So in each country she was given tons of expensive gifts. The press started calling the government sponsored trip. Alice in plunder land there we go Finally, finally, highly hero in the media emerges, but she ok, there's big boy. if he's expanded yet but as a poet actually came up with that title, and then the press ran with it and in the Chinese Imperial Guard she's only wearing the two dresses they're right, you'll, look at the one and then the other one, and then the pizza hat,
in the chinese Imperial Gardens she was carried on the shoulders of for chinese men, the country's all. But if they want to gain goodwill on the trip they would have to treat Alice very well one. Traveller on the trip wrote in his diary quote. Perhaps to boast Alice was the party this was so outside, as well as inside the country before the trip during the trip and after the trip many times, return. The only question that was asked of me: the experiences of Asia was how did you like us And you see other sites I mean Alice, so she did spread goodwill wherever she went, everybody loved her all the asian countries really she's great anxious area. from Tokyo Manila when they reach Korea headlines in? U S papers just said quote: soul, welcomes her. They didn't even say who she was. Everyone just knew her was Alice, Roosevelt Right, but this it did
plan by this account would be work men essentially right because the plan is to send sort of TAT and other people all over the place to do some secret shit. An end, but she just as clearly in the limelight psychiatric so when choosing Korea Alice scandalously walked arm in arm and flirted with Ohio congressmen Nick Long Worth long. We're fifteen years older, so trapped, trapped, so TAT tried to everything you could to keep him apart, but tat too. If they gave up because he could not control Alice, and asked Alice Alice. I'm tired, He then asked Alice. If she wasn't, long worth and hour said more or less MR secretary, more or less lol. Worth was a notorious DC, Playboy, womanizer and you'll see.
How God, this Ban he went and another like it was a boozer. He was he was balding. Buddy while the in arising political star, she was smitten, oh yeah, daddy issues, but one hundred and fifty percent daddy is look at the collar. It's great. This is not the man. I thought this is what happens sometimes it doesn't demise. You ended up of Marilyn Monroe David he's the agreed is popular still is no excuse me, maybe one of the best ever it's not ok. Consecutive hits Dave keep I what you can tell me that he Dino jolting Joe children. Jos get new. Nowhere with me. Upon return, I was a war crime. on returning our society. Try to beat the Japan to New York Travel time record
Is she do you think she's work at I made if there is social media bag than holy shit Teddy was angry when he heard he was worried about her sate having to take that regular out regular train, not fast, where you are said Joe speeding, train, it was offended. She'd accepted arrived from another rich guy, each Harriman. He said or for Harriman to slow down the train which he did didn't matter. Harriman had done for the publicity and it worked people line the train tracks to watch the train pass by waving american flags and bans plate like its teachers, I can trade what I know, but it's like it's a teenage girl on a ram when you pine for the days when that was stimulating. I do, I think we, I think our brains, probably our brains, were to focus on when your big week event was going to watch a train and it's gone, and then I well I gotta go red near. I agree
so I just got off a New York after the trip she was at the of popularity right so she's coming back, she's, basically like she's in Amerika here, because I have done all those great stuff. Yes, she did all that stuff that the rich, Times Dispatch called her quote an american girl who has not been spoiled. She had, sir, the interests of America well overseas and everyone loved her for and had she not been spoiled, spoiled meaning a different kind of sport I and now she was hanging out with congressmen. Long worth do you mean successful, we saw earlier yet a hot pot dude. he was seen dress. She was driving with him. Without a chaperone. The Tribune will wrote quote they are not engaged. They ought to be. soldier tribute.
Following them, and then a day before the fire I was going to announce their engaged. The tribune broke the story. First, there engaged teddy supports it. as long worth had graduated from Harvard when the head is also going to be a good good, honest and chaperone. Please you dry, you try, I was about to resign, so he's Do it gets longer graduated from Harvard and was a good family from a good family and Roosevelt supporter, the try, the trifecta firm for any politician, and suddenly the press when insane in the run up to the wedding, the couple could barely walk down the streets because they were surrounded by crowds. The wedding was peak, princess, Alice Madness It was at the White House in February Nigeria, six, So the wedding happen. They're cutting the cake she gets irritated by the knife for these and to cut the cake.
she turned round and takes a military aid sword. Brandish laughed and began slashing the cake with it. The slices fell right and left. it was the scramble Munger friend that I support her, but this is someone who is not heard no of cake if you are Kiehtan eying, a wedding cake, at the White out what he asked you in charge. I don't care who they say the president. If there's a cake, you take a sword off the soldier and use to hack it and nobody's. Perhaps you nobody's worry, there's five year: nobody has the guts to stand or you you're. The new president, you are in charge represent a lot. I don't like this of bread knife,
Yeah know who wants cake just they received extravagant wedding gives including fine perfumes from the Empress of China. Twenty five thousand dollar tapestry from the President of France. Gmos, age, twenty five, valued and thousand dollar tapestry here. Is it made from money. I don't know it's from its from France. I think there I think their fleets the price to viruses from a former president of France. Anti you re from the king of Spain and a pearl necklace we're twenty five thousand dollars from the people of Cuba Kay, how does it was insistent on calling it her loot, her loot, whatever. However yeah I mean what we say. No, I love who will say no to her she's mused the sword yeah. But after the wedding,
couple of days after the wedding Edith said to Alice. To quote here we go I want you to know, I'm glad to see you leave. You have never been anything but trouble whatever the I know what you show you work up, you are in like an ape tenth tier character in the story. You ain't shit Peter, Still ass was free of Edith, so she must but happy The couple were not really love as much as they were comfortable with each other and was a chronic daughter, so he went about his business. That guy is it's just there's. He and so hours did too yeah. She started having affairs with men on the side. the honeymoon lists. Yet
but fucking great after the honeymoon analogy, literally out of the spotlight. Ok in nineteen o nine Teddy's presidency ended before They left the White House Alice One, and buried a voodoo doll in the White House lawn on its is going on. The voodoo doll was of the new First Lady Helen Taft. Oh my god. The little right, What what are you doing out there now us? What's going on thing, a little give for the future administration. All right, not at all. People found a, she must have told people, because we for you can't keep a secret like that. I mean I, can you didn't well tonight, I'm so sorry
So you may they found out about it and she also public. He criticised the taps into It was. Hers, was banned from the white. Was her beef purely the chaperoned experience with Taft or she cause? I really couldn't find out a lot of the stuff you try to read about her. Just gets vague so on also they probably weren't focused on politics. She clearly did not like his wife, because she did bury a voodoo doll and and write about the right way. Woodrow Wilson and be her father and the next presidential election. She publicly talk shit about Kay once again. She was banned from them Hey, she also One of the reasons she was banned from the White House was cause. She told a quote: unprintable joke about Woodrow Wilson. I could
I find it anywhere. He like doesn't exist. It does not. You cannot find it. No one knows what it is. Damn it. Teddy Roosevelt died on January six, nineteen nineteen he had been against the: U S joining the League of Nations, so Alice took up the cause when Wilson pushed for it. And she was so effective using Oliver connections that she was nicknamed the kernel of death. Well, is, she did very voodoo darlin alone and the? U S, did not joy ass, a she beat Wilson. I mean, people can say it was deadly her, but she could literally had brain an influence on what happened. Yet she had the media, she became Your picture in Washington DC that she became known as the other Washington monument
There's a lot and nicknames. So in the night, twenties, Alice start having an affair. with the Senator William Bora Bora Bora. B, O r, a page there. He is now just click the image. So you're gonna can yeah what's so. She definitely likes older deals. Yes she's pretty in the older that do other man the chair of the Senate foreign relations committing so he's kind of moving sexual relations in an ever again. They found love, they wrote letters to each still married to do right still married occur
but that didn't womanizer to yeah yeah, but I'm just curious she's getting down to spread their fair became known. The press started calling her Aurora Borealis raises the press list, I have it so so a ninety, if I'm Ouses husband Nick became speaker of the house and they had a child k Paulina. I would just gonna say it's time to get a family involved in this together. The family Jesus Nick loved his daughter, even though she was clearly senator bore a sudden. That explains the vibe odds are now move Nick died in eighteen, thirty one he did not leave much money bind Money Alice published her memoirs,
where the depression Alice, wrote a newspaper com and appeared in a cigarette at nice. Oh Roosevelt long where says they're allied smoke kind the throat? What is this could say? Can you make it a little bigger occurred to him? How do you read it anyway? It's so blurred so kind to the throat. That's what I always wonder like did did people feel like, because, even if think cigarettes are going kill. You did you throw get sore yeah, and you were just like ballots- that's normal. It happens. I'm So our is not a great mother what was that due to a mean? I can't imagine why do you think it's because I gotta go yeah, not great mom. She never try to keep the secret of the your father, so she
it's total smart, ass and she's got a great one, she's really fucking funny and should get away with words, but Is she didn't have like the thing that you would the entire give us. I got something is missing, and so So she people again. That's not next and she's like that's right like she just IRAN, so the one point openly marked the situation and said she considered naming her daughter, Deborah CASA centres. Name is right: it's fun to life when on she hated. The hearings me on American activities Committee. it sent a committee I won't point Mccarthy, Joseph Mccarthy, Collar Alice and she said quote no Senator Mccarthy you're not going to call me Alice the truck man that
hush man and the placement on the block may call me Alice, but you may not, while her daughter, Polly a wise struggle with depression and addictions. She overdosed on sleeping pills in eighteen, fifty seven of the Washington Post that it was suicide, but Alice got them to print a retraction. then Alice a city of a granddaughter appalling, had a kid and this time she doubted over and cared for her in a molecule, yeah Molly and ensuring and she loved again did a good job. But the kid So as a fixture Washington, she voted republican it super. You know, she's rich survey was she was well as an awesome as she was for. I think what you did for women he's still a really rich pursue hated after rose, doing and shit
if voting for the Kennedys, though, because she was the first Democrats, she loved who just happened to be from or crazy rich or she even voted for L Lbj, but then she became, Nixon supporter after Bobby was killed threat. Now, that's cool turn around here, but she but rob again. Yes, she was just under the catalyzed side to go from Bobby back to Nixon. That's your roof! three. Most of her life. She preferred to be called MRS El, rather than Alice after alike. time of smoking, cigarettes and a double mastectomy. In a breast cancer in her eighties Alice died on February Twentieth, nineteen, eighty eight days after the surrender birthday yeah. So that would be ninety sic yeah wow. the system, so she's she's a fucking bad system. Being the I've a view,
if you're driving Teddy Roosevelt and saying you're so yeah. Well I mean they. You know they him manufactured a person was not going to give a shit right. They the way Where way her were like. I just can't you know, I would be amazing today, if you thought about someone getting like a younger lake, woman getting involved in mainstream political. and All the established old people King, like this is too much this person's who crazy? This is not how we do things, but in reality it's the person who can use the media way better than you and actually is effective. Where there's, but it like that
the establishment, politicians hate now and are really worried, because someone who is actually a real person is not full of shit but I mean there is like. It also shows you, first of all, how stupid the media is, but also how you can manipulate it properly at times and really just again How dumb the system that white heading to set up is flawed and ridiculous, and just you just got a punch holes through it, treats the system like that fact clink o game on the prices right punch. Some guy am holes in at the Plinko game you gotta punch holes to get that little plinko chips. Out of our surprises, write a couple of yeah yeah. You gotta you just gotta fucking kick doors in and do it you're going to do it. You can't sit around and wait for the establishment. Fuck heads to
they're, never going to they're, never going to change your mind minds. You have to kick doors down and, like so let's say you're in Nashville and you're at your hotel, hotel, recycle and they're like no and you're like this hotel literally doesn't recycle. And then you walk four blocks looking behind, buildings everywhere to just fine one play. to put some recycling. But that means that they don't do it. What I mean when I asked people they were like all we are not here not here, like you think I when I think about all the stuff we think about it talk about all the time you are like art. I mean all this Our minds are really devoted to as net shedding edge over far and then you're like, but they don't. And try a little mowing and a little bit it's a real bummer, not even a tiny bit. It's a real bummer helluva town though, and well good, good he's a good egg. I like her. Yes, I meant
what? Oh, I guess, I'm in a man? Yes, what You know what, whatever I'm done, I'm out of your data take this hello. Do I'm on the phone with Hollywood year are alien to the deal yeah, I'm not. I'm couldn't some stupid right now in an asshole. What the fuck is wrong when we start shooting next Monday love it great. What do I have a friend is claims he has boobs to be in the movie. No, I don't You, the worst fake phone, call and I've ever met. We hear the words coming up with neighbours for things that just happened. Guy or I've ever met her? My children thanks there has been a lot of fun. doors, locked
anyway, laser done it for themselves, that's the moral I, like my any better my dog restore balance.
Transcript generated on 2022-05-13.