« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

19 - The Past Times with Adam Conover

2023-03-24 | 🔗

This week Dave Anthony picks a paper from a day in history and reads it to co-host Gareth Reynolds and comedian, podcaster, writer and TV host Adam Conover.

New episodes of The Past Times will be right here every Thursday.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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decided to be. I love to go on a little walk through history, and that sounds like that's warrior. There's gonna be a great and when I was giving you the intro, you do not remember this and I have two years ago I had to bring you up on stage at Gotham la I then I forgot your name, and I wish it was an I've had that done to me and I've done it to people, and it was one of those ones where I knew your name and I just was like nervous and I fucked it up and I'm sorry you know I had a right to that. We all have those things in our conscience that you know we did to other complex that we want to unburden ourselves up where we see them, but I remember this and, however, I'm happy to absolve you of your sins. Thank you made the effort and that's all that matters to you It's also it's also people shouldn't get that have separated like you, gotta the other comic. By being another,
It's great guy ironing out eyes like happening. I once go this guy's, a really really great friend. I just met him and likewise you doing that and then use ache I forgot what your name was never to go that big. Jim Hanks, how I'd Jim Hanks had to be held from attacking the honest, Jim hanks because he was hosting a night of dance in Sacramento. It's tom, Hanks brother he's, do stand up and it was hosting and hosting at night. Every time I turn around, there's a couple more hanks, I've never heard of yeah. It's like bubbles, apparently he's something about don't say anything about tom like finally mad about it. Exotic thomas give them some. So he said
Nobody's doing anything else, but Tom just come up into your act and I didn't hear it and I went up an hour ago, legitimate topics, I mean hockey game and he turned around and started coming rushing the stage they had to be held back. Oh no, It was the angry eggs. It was like. if Tom hanks was really really angry. It was like the most women in entertainment would be able to hold that until after they perform this horrible. This is the receptacle that Tom hanks per. All of his anger and bad he's seen either. You know, if of heads the most genial, wonderful guy on the planet, who everyone loves about every bad emotion just entered into this. The horrible figure of Jim hankses picture Even ass all show that time might be a nice guy, we re was. An aim is so Tom could get oscars, and
it never dies. Tom becomes the dave shut up Adam. You have a great podcast called factually think and yeah and a great follow as well on social media. Thank you. Yeah you get yeah, you do great great threads great points. So just a a great guy, and even if you forget your name, you're still kind of nice about it- you're, not Jim hanks. No, I liked the I was I you know. I forget the names of the guests we have on the podcast, you know so it it happens. You we meet so many people in this business. You know yeah yeah, like Jim hanks and okay, so dave as a paper prepared. I always like to take a stab at what year it can from sixteen hundreds dave. Sixteen or minority is about the first, sixteen thirty or recent and I'll take us I'll go
This is a history of newspaper summarised so anyone in the history of news- yes, wow, alright yeah, but see from us like if someone said that to me that would not. There would be no that wouldn't help me and I'm going to say. Eighteen forty, I think he's gonna want to do something. We can kind of rolling into mourning Adam and I'm gonna say late. That's very well! I'm gonna save from the from I guess he's from the dark ages. American history, the period where you'd, If it really know what was happening, no one talks about it. Unless it was from around, like nineteen o four these are men who even was the president. Nobody remembers yeah
nobody, it was one of those corrupt fat, guys from a thomas, nast cartoon. You know it was a cat. Yeah people don't know that it's actually September twenty. Second eighteen, thirty, two okay, ooh gareth, you said eighteen, forty pretty good. I was way off yeah richard! That's a plus! You need to be yeah. Price is right. Rules though I wouldn't get. It went over now and the papers, the berwick gazette from berwick pennsylvania, which I had never heard of sure I still I didn't even look it up on a map. I don't know where it is. I wonder how do you find? How do you make the choice of paper? Do you mind me asking I just I there's a newspapers dot com, which is a site that has all these old papers digitized, and I just go through and pick
date and then start trying to find a paper that has enough fitness to usually there, like one page or to play the lead to fighting for a page where you know donkey hand like I'm, not sure what is beyond doubt. it was from this. We do have from the sixteen hundreds recently, and that was like two pages, but it was just back with with van which is being beaten and it was yeah, so you can get some yeah, okay, whatever no one cares and so page one. It's exciting. I got an exciting headline: the bear without a bridle, hmm, ok, the correct, but most bears are without bridles. Those who newsworthy argue with you exit. I thought this was a time when a lotta bears were private dear. This well. but people kept bears that back back in this time you had a bear in the bar and a bear in the you know, wherever people just people have pet bears.
Oh good are always like love you about a baron, a bar, and you would go in there and he be chain up in a car. I think I shall I think russia is still doing a lot, a bear if we ought to get out of that, and it's not like that. I don't think it's as much as they haven't been bars. They just seem to have a better, often relationship with wild bears from what I've seen on instagram.
So that's what it was bear baiting where they would kill a bear for fun. I believe that what that sport was like. Oh, I thought that's what you oh jack, that is aaron. That's totally different among the early settlers settlers of Worcester county in this state was a german by the name of four pack, o foul pack. Now he says for pack or foul pack, it could be that he was an abs guy. That's right! Okay, he's the wild tenants of the forest had not yet given place to man and four pack being employed on a certain time with some others, manufacturing of maple sugar saw large bear coming among them. It is this. Is this news, or is this like an oral mythology? you'll find it is back. Then there's a bit.
cross over. This is just tell my grandmother told a man named was covered over the mountain, though the trickster spirit go on and without counting the cost threw himself upon his back. Okay, so for peck jumped on the bear. What I thought that meant that he kind of dropped down in like a crime, a guard position or something, but so he jumps on the bears back yeah for pick jumps on the bear. They use pronouns more, using. We back then get much more much more confusingly the well. I think you must could take issue that Adam to be fair in our programmes are gone crazy. We had the bruin unaccustomed to this mode of, say you taken quaintest,
come on he's saying the bear as it used to that greeting. No. This is up notices witty This is a little bit of dry with young I you didn't get home it's honestly. A lot of stuff goes over my head. It's true. That is what was a cop, the berkshire up, something where the pittsburgh buckler either black easily. Has generally it was a little worse. I wish I got. I hope there is a paper called that, so so the bear unaccustomed to this mode of salutation began to make off as his load would permit. Perhaps thinking like the man in the play that if so now he's reference something we have no idea
I don't what just happened? A man in the plan popular planets. It's a famous play the time, probably about a bare bear backing, and we have no idea if that was the way his new acquaintance, backed his friends. The devil take such backing. That's impressive loved rose it must period is like a funny short story. This is meant to be like numerous here's. A humorous anna. This is this is a paper. This The first is the hydro in a newspaper. all your love when you hear about what he did. Did you hear what happened at the poor as what the man was zero or that was a trifle amuse me. I've got their own. Ok, he could then he could not help turning around now and then to buy the leg.
His daring writer, okay, so a bit them ass, though the guy yelled, the guy yelled in than the german yelled, and then the bear, but the term nevertheless, hearty german kept his seat in spite of the smart and streams of blood which were trickling down his leg, Say twinkling is the worst like the bare sera ping handling badly worded. The blood is trickling its way at least a trick. Its trickling or its trinkets like trickle, trinkets, wrinkling, shrink away trench, maybe killing beautiful, trinkets embedded look to the writer said, I'm full pack- and this is jack us. This is other men started, for I can check what I want to point out. I think that this article is meant to be racist joke about a german man like that.
They refer to him as germany I many times this is about look at why german did yeah every single, every article that names, because then they all these papers, like the irishman, the polish collect their all. Yes, that's the amazing drives this a clear stereotype of air like they do not the blood trickling down their legs I just feel no pain or trouble, so the streams of blood which are trickling down his legs till one of the company came up knocked the weary bear on the head and dispatched him. I mean come on, come on. the very tired. This is how you got knocked out. He's are you kill? A bear is you'd. Is you Bobby I have had. This is
you put a german on top of him to distract him, and then you hit him on the head. This is by the way. This is a cartoon Yeah. I just want to make sure everyone knows it has. Papers from the card is alluded to yeah they're, just they're describe yogi bear episode. Yeah yeah, they really are. The dutchman was justly proud of his exploit, but when the excitement which had carried him through his perilous ride was over, he exclaimed. Oh boy. This is. dark, turf, ill I'll, never write a bare mit out up prideful riddle, dar tearful, J r t. Why, if I die that's a directive about is spreading, the devil. I would imagine the gavel. I think you say that the deadline only right based as dutch german devil is Teufel their Teufel. So it sounds like similar does. It would be yes now you're right that? Yes,
that's exactly what this is good news is that those who say this is also a sort of bastard visitation of the dutch language written by an english person because mete out, That is the kind of thing only in english, no dutch person would say mitt out. That's like a combination of a german and english, at least in this way. So it's this is definitely ok, it's just a part of it being a a racist joke. That's all I'm saying yes, it's good you're adam, there would be no closure. We would have no right that it would be did halfway through the second article right now like that is german, talk weird. they are stupid. We got a lot. We got a lot of feedback on our last episode for not knowing something did. We may add Jenkins ear. I guess was a big thing and people were not
it was like. I was screaming my podcast yeah yeah, the divorce, a married couple determined to be divorced, wow not being able to agree with respect to the disposition of the children were fewer referred. The dispute to an aunt I can only imagine the man is trying to have no children when he's not fighting for custody. I didn't follow this story. Can you get while being the camp, but I am a little thrown off by a married couple, determined to be divorced, but not being able to agree with respect to the disposition of the children. Bird the dispute to an ant whose arbitration they respectfully agreed to submit so that aunt, the answer that I gave in and make the call yeah judging
urgent, yeah. Yeah I've does the peacock I've seen this Okay, so, and that's one of their sisters, I'm pretty now Adam I'll jump in here who I'm pretty good at lineage to leave. This is one of their sisters. If it's an aunt So now, if biased judge, now I don't know- I don't know if it's if it's like the the wife of the husbands, aunt or the child's and will either way by its tiered civilly bite leah, how did you buy they're gonna, they're gonna, take sides quite quite easily. Yeah yeah! I can't wait to see where this goes. Quote we have three children said the husband, I insist upon keeping to the third shall be left to the care of the mother, interesting.
That's it. Classier sidney allows it. Oh yeah he's you do, and here it is like what we re doing he's doing here. You say, and I want the boys, that's what he said. I want the boys right. You have the other one, but I said the mother have a right to two: you care of one will be sufficient. The care of one will be sufficient for you, so there on opposite sides. They both want tickets, sure and the another when they dont want. I want a fish. Is a problem here, the delay. Neither one of us want this one. I could see that there is no way of settling there's no way of settling. This dispute said the aunt with the gravity of a judge, but by waiting for the birth of a fourth child. Then you separate upon equal terms. His that's crazy, like she's already miller, have each need do there needs to be another job? I'll be there like. This is a really bad judgment. That's not what we don't need to throw more babies at this problem.
This is newspaper only have like police and racist jokes in it is the paper is didn't happen. This is never is obsolete. when this is done, the job? This decision restore good humour the contending parties embraced and the idea of a divorce is forgotten. This is a new it. This is, but they did they in many places is designed order designed for you to read the read the paper you're in pittsburgh. You read in the buckler annually. you go get a load of this that all the air get a load of days. After all, it says here upon We have a laugh and largest it's hard to disprove. I guess because you're like find em go find this couple that doesn't. Just like I can. I can only go then like three miles of here. I think he didn't. I think the guy run, this paper didn't have any news and was making stuff, I mean fundamentally newspaper printers
just guys who owned printing presence and they would just yeah whatever they felt like the charming? That's it yeah. Whatever can you Magic living in a time of such misinformation
Yeah we're just some asshole could start rioting, and everyone believes that this one's called. This is singular factors, but this is among the applicants for pensions before the vice chancellor's court in this county. A few days since were two men, a father and his son, the former aged about ninety four years and the ladder seventy years they both served two years or more in the revolutionary war and the father had been through the old french war. While the son was giving his declaration to the court, the father caused much laughter by occasionally correcting him with taught boy. You are mistaken. You are wrong boy, the term boy applied to a war war veteran of seventy six, whose wife,
it looks and wrinkled visage events evinced extreme old age was irresistibly amusing. Here is this. I love the long explanation of the joke, yeah racing or whatever yeah explanation was longer than the joke. The joke was an old man was called boy, that's funny, but but then he's: wizard visage, the term. The equation. The boy applied, such a white and frame bring a merry smile. The faces of all assembled goes like this. The life under that? Every time I tell you over is usually why
it's strange for me to be back at that location, asking a similar question, you're just dead. Ninety four is a reach too. That's like it. I mean that that's back, then it's one hundred and fifty that there's about as much possibility. As of that happening as a german running a apparent, some of us still like to believe there- everybody its gareth. You know from this, this podcast, listen, got some stand of. Shows I'm inviting the garments the Gareth army to join me, for I will be in force. I colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth I'll be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty four through Yes, twenty six that acme, I will be going to the uk and september. Please join me. I will be gone as gauss september, thirteenth london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeen september nineteenth manchester Birmingham September twenty of bristol September, twenty second and cardiff september
Twenty fourth, and then, in November albion, australia november tat It's almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia. Then I will be in north bridge australia, november fifteen november. Sixteen camera november seventeenth brisbane never for eighteenth and then It will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me: let's get ad debt after it. Let's see there so there's an election coming up apparently cause a lot of election and charleston south carolina. Politicians in that city operate upon a new principal. Instead of adopting our ordinary electioneering tricks sometimes successfully practice, they make prisoners of voters with a view to weaken this.
Of a rival candidate boy. They imprison this. They imprison the voters of science is just outside this article, the ear mistaken. This article comes from georgia in the year twenty twenty two. Doesn't it water. It literally plight
if you play any year to this one, to both parties and south carolina, the unionists and NOLA fires nullify sure. Have I never heard that? Well, then, I think we have published have yes seriously, have published affidavits and handbills each charging, the other with having used this means to ensure success in charleston mercury. We find a report of a coroner's jury called the whole wow called a hold an inquest over the body of Peter J stun. The evidence adduced shows that the deceased was a decided member of the state's nights party that, as he was passing to his residence, he was seized by three or four unionists taken to one of their election homes in queens
treat and locked up in the third storey to prevent him from going to the poles wow yeah. I made an ass as guy who votes are unite, no two good. It did you give me one relax you! Surely that can't make much of a difference. If there's three of you per voter annual, every new opening of so many locations, I mean there were in please so many. You know white landowners at the time and I think a lot less people working in these elections yet I guess I've. That's true yeah it was. It was pretty some annual controlling who gets the ballot news in the room is like that's the first. That's the first and last way you win an election in an all democracies in the YAP that finding escaped by fair means impossible. He leaped from the third storey window to the ground. This gave really wants it above. I also like to ask that is like I've. Never wanted. about that. Much
Like love avoided. Ok, I'm like those kind of look celeb as they did. You say he was a member of the state's nights party. He added stage notes you know now. What do you care? What were states united? That's can't be what you said. No, no, ok, you're right! It's not it's not and is not a new way. Ok are all its arise days. I am ever know liar. I looked it up the noah our party was pro slavery party that held that dates girl nullify federal laws within their borders. It was one of the very first party. This guy is what is voting for slavery. That's why you so excited to jump out, of the wood and then leave the lad guy in a room here. In a row and he's like the that you are charter, decoy, Ahmed's freedom, Well, what do you do? You have any
I do have blocked up this. Is he burst through the window? What it could take twenty minutes? fighting for slavery is I'm here, I'm dying appear, so he leaped from the first story window to the ground by which he received a contusion the head, which resulted in his face. So that's the funniest conclusion of everything that we just said. We just learned he's, jumping out the window to go, reinforce slavery and then- and we all envision, what's going to happen next, he falls The window adopt its its is added the eyes Hurry hurry Why didn't strike me as that high?
I was like alright. What do you get to do that type of fence probably going to die? It's a pretty high leap. What a perfect story yeah! I loved everything about that they had the whole. They have the life of David here of how it happened. The reader should have what how yeah that long yeah they have. The affidavit before me personally appeared william gilbert, who being sworn depose, is that about twelve o'clock on Saturday night last. This deponent was asleep in bed at his house in swinton line where he was awakened by some persons whom he could not distinguish. As there was no light, the room, but they intended to entice him out by pretending to be union and a common commitment to look at a party. What will you do that for you to go they cover the mental, thereby thick do think we're do it. You look out night reach. Doesn't this entire issue?
until you bad failing in this, they laid hold of him and dragged him out of bed that exist by of the departments resistance. They dragged him downstairs and carried him bodily by force to the house. Of one frank words: boy. This is a dense word handles, isn't ideas a reversion to twitter instead of instead of people just tweet? you can they shop at your house? Grab you out of bed and take I bet sounds nice to me: that's like and it is like handmade political harassment. You know the old fashioned way. It's just like a human touch too. They look yeah. They locked him up with a dirty filthy room that the person who shoot this deponent into the room was one william get singer. Who said quote, he would rather have this deponent than a twenty dollar bill.
Oh okay, I'd rather have you than a twenty dollar bill. Well, that would have been like that that'd be a couple of thousand dollars, probably at that time, so yeah, it's great to have a twenty dollar bill. There were several individuals in the room playing card. That's an interesting twist poor tuned this deposit to drink a. Why believing he was sleeping twenty minutes ago, It is like a nineteen nineties, graphic adventure game. Does that make sense like oh I'm stuck or the attic? Well, while you're up here? Why did you sit down with us for a round of cards and I'll tell you my life history, so a casino guys. I just it is three: thirty: the department refused to drink and then he laid himself down
Faint sleep of war has wearing remove too in our guide remedy. I'm gonna take a nap, I know I'm a little book or is it just saying the guy fell asleep, but he's he's I pretended to fall asleep to trick him. He pretended tat. He affected this by climbing up also, as are busy with their game. He affected this by climbing up the chimney and getting down the chimney enabling how's he backward santa opponent come I did he backward Samad what their death to this, that this support and as a union man and knows no other motive, why he should have been subjected to such a ruffian outrage
to deprive him of his right to suffrage? Okay, so that's actually different the difference from someone else, because this guy didn't die. It's the other guy. This guy was anti slavery and he was a unionist and also he lived to tell the tale he would. He did live there and it's a heroic story of a man refusing to drink pretending to sleep in the chimney. Sweeping out. That's right her. How do these us? That's the everyday there's otherness in verona affidavit, which is how to because a distraction why, There were playing yeah yeah yeah that that's not there at all he's just like aeroplanes card, so I just this is the best fake sleeper in the bin. What are you keep looking over? There therefore did he's asleep. Now. We must create or must walk behind them. You must walk behind england
this year's berries, gavel, those travelling norms, They started comes from Ghana, little ass. He and here it is focused on the gay. You write these definitely slate on friday evening august. Thirty. First, we had a most awful visitation, while the chief justice of sitting in the house of his son James, a shock of lightning prostrated before him, his sons, James and edward, his grandson, John, the son of something marshal and two other grandchildren John and marry the fluid pervaded the whole house. Ok, so wait! The house were right way that their airlines and airports in the room, it's just a shitty way of saying bunch of people in a room and lightning hit in the EU. It is what's got me and people there were prostrate
at a meeting, they were knocked to their feet, they were not down began and the fluid permit the fluid of their liquefied corpses. That's what I'm hoping that I was half- or I think I think they're talking about. the library there describing it as a fluid, because this is the eighteen thirties dammit Right did don't know I wanted them. Did I wanted like cynics grandchildren and reduced misseurs? Okay, messrs jew, Alexander Henry marshal and john a thomas, were also show
how many people are in this fucking house. What might have been the o, though yeah yeah you're, so spoiled dave the it's it's like having a it's like trying to rent a place in the, in los angeles, in two thousand twenty two, although not prostrate it's all of those three two were not prostrated. So for twenty minutes, all of the first five were considered dead, holy shit, the application that's, it is quite a sigh of god. The application of ice water was immediate and to be of, I can't read that word in the restoration of oz, I was paralyzed water brought on by water. They call them up at dorothy. they were just dont know: wily, coyote, ok, and and then just needed a little a little bad bad. I became a bible artist,
it's so like the the math is so eighteen forties there how make their code rail return, it has worked. electricity. Well, I always water five people dead and then ice water back. I was close. You all were dead. Oh this is the chief justice that alright, chief justice, the chief justice, major ambler and thomas Marshall, were in the room with the suns, but were not injured, although so much shocked as not to see the lightning or hear the thunder, the suffers are all recovering. Shocked was the wrong way of putting a happy story. Shocked was bad yeah phrasing. For that we were also shocked for sure. Okay, that seems. For sure we it's it's whole thing is: is its to issue like we're friends or delete you dubious dubious
I don't know why, but we really is, about babbling covenant, raising the want of illegally worry bout of again. This is about to begin. This is like the daily mail. You're like Your friends are read the daily mail and there I was telling you stop. They saw the news and europe and you have to go you ever where'd you, in that one and they got the daily yeah lie. It'll be like I tried a few places yeah. I can tell you this next headlines, not great for Adam's theory of it. The headlines curing I hype now. This is gonna, be funny yeah this death, a gentleman of easier.
A gentleman who had a long time, fancied himself dying of a liver complaint, was advised by doktor crawford to make it excursion into the state of ohio, strong start. This is when this is when you cured liver issues, by sending people Hi complaints is very different. What have you I don't let your doktor dogrose like go to ohio. the fuck out of here. Have you thought about working ohio again heard. After the write it down on prescription tat whole wants you to actually walk to when you get there give them this. Who is anybody just good eye, any other higher. Every job in three months returned home, apparently in good health, but upon receiving information of the death of his twin brother.
Who had actually died of cirrhosis of the liver on. this telephone, wow and Adam's Adams going to shudder halls, wait ways other it's it's it's a control experiment, because one brother both had liver, but only one of them went to ohio higher. As is this Oh yeah, that's going to ohio cures, liver disease well but it kills twin, so But that's all we can find out what your liver disease is by fighting to with liberal in setting out the other shakespeare, it's called medicine. Why scented domain, often he immediately staggered. So this is the brother coming back. He merely staggered and falling down cried out. He was dead, his the and had done
the guy who came back from the living brother, his brother's dead yet, but he now he goes, I'm dead and fine daddy cried out. He was dead and had, as he always expected, died of a liberal europe. That's a horizon, and now he came back. He came back and said and I'm dead. You had your annulling the hat on a hat. We don't need this ending up. There's no milk. It was much more doktor crawford being set for immediately, attended and on being informed of the notion which had seized the hype. A contract immediately exclaimed. Oh yes, the gentleman is certainly dead and it is more than probable. His liver was the death of them. However, to ascertain the fact, I will hasten to cut him open before puke vacation takes effort skies.
Great hug, hey. This is okay, there's a pretty good joke at a hypochondriac to be like, oh, that I'm gonna operate mother fucker, especially also the idea of a hypochondriac being such a hypochondriac that they claim to be debts is dad dad. Ok wasn't. I really do an autopsy very once behaving in a very lying on the ground in bits. they do in the usual autopsy right on the ground. In this he caught There are causing knife and where did it as a butcher would open a famous ass show sketch
Also, you can sell funny that gave our habits he stepped up. yeah. He began to open his waistcoat. The hypochondriac became so horribly frightened that he leaped up with agility. With the agility of a rabbit crying out. no Ok you got here is if you were near them, this is the greatest thing I've ever seen. This is the highlight of my life.
What if I had to walk this way today holy fuck was this good murder. He he ran off with the speed that would have defied a score of doctors to catch you, okay, after running a considerable distance until he was almost exhausted, he halted and not finding the doctor does heals soon became composed from that period. If this gentleman was never known to complain of his liver, nor had he for more than twenty years afterwards, any symptoms of this disease. How could I don't understand how Adam yeah, it's kind of like it's kind of I mean this is real. It's just a guy come up with a paper, never heard any really up. This is like a very desirable. Like ones, are you'd, be like
you hear the early bill. It's ok! I gotta go I have I ever know. I haven't known about this story, though, which is why Why all the power he goes Ohio any comes back and then he had twin brother who died of the liver disease. Just have it be just a story works if it's just a guy who thing, he has liberty eyes and then he claims to be dead. That's where the story give us an art, is the big aboard the network you this is. There were no network notes back there's before the editor. there is no added, I mean, like you said,
This is just some guy was just like whatever yeah and he's thirty, eight is still. An eight pages is like a lot of really, you say is having the story. Ok, this is this is called to mister ketch, patient one great cause of vanity and idleness that are so fast growing upon our young ladys is the absence of domestic education and we go by domestic education. I do not mean the sending of totters into the kitchen, some half dozen times to weary the cook and to boast of it. The next day in the parlour I mean two or three years spent with mother assisting in her duties, instructing brothers and sisters in taking care of their own close. This is the way to make them happy
as well as good wives for being early accustomed to the duties of life. They will sit lightly as well as gracefully upon them. So I mean he's like now that I heard you it's a joke. Let's get you some kind of this is the other thing the paper is for is like fun. Stories and trading tips about how to subjugate women. That's you know, Why have you not knowing the germans, funny. They were bit by a bare and when you beat your wife, you want to use the back of your hand I I like that, he's like I'm not going to doug about tos that have in the kitchen you're like okay, he's like the navy, pier charge, close this guy ravenous as much either my god
But what time do? Modern girls have jason nation of quiet domestic habits until sixteen they go to school? Sometimes these years are judiciously spent in sometimes they are half wasted. Too often they are spent in acquiring the elm elements of a thousand sciences without being thoroughly acquainted with any or in any variety of accomplish accomplishments. very doubtful value to the people of modern fortune. Dress and flowery will take up all their thoughts. Yes, yes, Really there Joe way, science on new. They will want dreadful god.
What time they have to learn despite certain last item, so we'll give it the light. What time are they to call them? is the still in gentle affections, which most heavy situation of life have such an important effect on women's character. I feel like tuckered karlsson could read this word for word. the air, ah fuck yeah. Why don't you know guys is who's the old guy who's on fox business news now he's got the pearly white and he's like,
communist china, Lou Dobbs, monologue so funny that I'm like? I think all of them are that guy, like I was picturing like three other people too yeah yeah, oh, my god, yeah total heat. This one just goes on and on like this turn the volume down and makes you miss the brothers story: okay, okay, okay, so so these are. This is a little election section. I liked that and yeah I like that that the title know they're. Ok, though, they're talking about candidates west point, this gentleman in eighteen, twenty seven was appointed a visitor to west point by mister Adams' secretary of war, a station which he proved
entirely. Incompetent. We find, by reference to the report of the secretary of war, that Joseph written her it's capitalized charge. The government two hundred dollars also capitalized, as his traveling expend can't believe. We're still doing. This is fucking amazing. We're stuck this as never stopped the audible thomas read of mississippi charged the same some now. It is well known that MR reed had to travel going and returning increasingly more than fourteen
Miles further than mister retina, but his charges are the same. Oh, my gosh, the fat cats in washington, holy shit, yup yeah, the the honorable casey mallory of vermont, a visitor at the same time, charges forty dollars for traveling expenses and he had a greater distance to travel. Then Joseph written or how is that Mr Hitler demanded and received as much pay as Mr Reid and one hundred and six dollars more than mallory? It is not evident that mister written or speculated off the government capitalized. This is the honest and economical candidate of the anti jackson party. This is the man who introduced this system of economy. Will the people elect a? I can't read that governor who would speculate
off the government, never never. They hardly detest petty meanness. Maybe the perfect guy to read: that's you drink crier, our higher than we had so so other care. I believe that that was a that was an actual attack at recruits so used against Karen pass this year. It's like that was that was like right off of yeah. I know, and it's like what's annoying is I mean, obviously, is the I like, of course it's like yeah, alright yeah fuck Ritter. But what is your guy going to do? What is he going to do? the system of economical, I think he has a system of economy well, world travel, cheaper, ok, but what my life What about my life? You're not gonna, be wiser, but as guys travel, I detest petty meanness.
the test it and that's why I am voting against written or an ingenious mechanic of sailor massachusetts. Mr increase the vizir, come in greece, is mr increase. They think of. Mr mending, there was the was it wasn't. The the puritans used have names like goods carried over our does happy, they have names now for first, the beginning of this. Nobody had just like a man now and found himself in, like it is four packs pacts, and that was it well black and that we have sales. Mr increase us constructed a pair of has constructed a pair If artificial, hey. What's yours A bad one,
you're getting eyes, are these adds bag bed like eggs? yeah. It's just like bark at a couple of twigs somehow glued together, like the practice I gotta tell working, is just taken. two live birds, including two guys hands he's like hey. Look I made ages. I think those are dads. Are those that ted's and I think those are ted was complete except we took his heads. I created them, which are said to be admirably adopted to the multiple various uses of those imports and members important them. I think your hands, my unless my hands are important, there's gotta be impotent, but it isn't that true.
The unfortunate young man for whom they were made is said to be able to perform. Many operations are them among, which is the new rated in the writing. Oh no, oh numerous, and that so you can write. You can write with as little bird handlers are the that's good. Oh, is that the whole story, just just like I made artificial, that's really nice, and now it guys writing yeah, that's good yeah! That's a nice it's a nice, and now we go back a of britain. Are god we,
Give our readers blow. The affidavit is a respectable citizens of this county, which prove that mister Britain or the candidate of the opposition for governor did express himself upon the subject of the bible and religion generally in a matter abhorrence to the feelings and at variance with the opinion of ninety nine hundreds of the people of this state that every man has a right to his own sentiments upon the all important subject and a right to the free exercise of the peculiar system of religion that he may adapt. However mild and extravagant extravagant, and maybe no one will deny. So what did he do? You ask yeah, let me it's server pages here, so written, there's kind of a theme throughout this written or is really getting beat up in this yeah. Well, he's he's getting he's, definitely getting attacked a lot, so
personally, but this is a guy's statement. George Crawford or isaac. My eyes ignore what maclaughlan most normal name so far uttered the last guy. Remember was mister increased hills and people, it is a a guy with to artificial hands piling up dirt I got an increase in the hills. Ask MR agrees. Tales can talk to your friends not now I make it bigger hills. It's your hands outside. Please, please, go on with the tale of written and apparently isaac. Mclaughlin made the statement under oath and oh, he is a justice of the peace too. So we got this. So this is serious business and this is his affidavit quote. I remember when a boy my
Mr Jane and myself were attending a sugar camp on pocketed. Crusher. You yes ever crossed the river from the fat camp, so tough for those kids. Joker? I only want to corn. I only went to court, so I don't know about sugar. I remember when we were kids and I went to big rock candy mountain. We It was a whole dream. We had why the trees were made of. Peppermint sticks, Egypt, those kids its leverage, joker cab. Don't put those
water! I aperol is it's homer simpson in the trailer, hmm, ok, Joseph written or the president candidate for governor. It was attending a camp convenient to ours. He was frequently with with us during the season. I remember on one of his visits when he came to the camp. My sister was reading in in her bible when he entered she laid it down. Mr Ritter, took it up and said jane. This is fabric man or, let's all right, retina retina. Is that it's right to read it but bite. In my house, the mecca, in my have picked up my wife's bible. The bible all made up It is fake you got it by this is bullshit
I want to be your next governor and this is what I call It's shit, child I vote for me is that the whole story is that Well affidavit or more go down now. It goes on because the girl applied for what reason to call it that and written replied. It's all lies guys got my vote. He can get. He can take whatever travel money. He needs. I'm voting retainer, I'm putting a written thing in my yard. I don't have children at this point He said he did not believe in it and he could give her other books of more service to young people. He accordingly gave it looks
Remember long were, except one which was lewis and Clark s way better. I was hoping for some crazy shit and ohio. A book of prayer baffle met the father of lies and stated and felt like Here's a bible! I wrote. Here's the here's, a here's, a really good grape It's called dianetics by IRAN. Hubbard arrived this stupid fabrication, we're all aliens looking for our own planet. Okay, now come with. May we gotta clean this boat that this would be really great. If this happened a political sees today, if, like you, know somebody somebody's ryanair, dissenters has run for president, and then someone comes. As you know, I used to have a cabin next to that guy,
He came into my house, it said the bibles foolish of shit. That's I'd have it. I would have I'd be like the damage. This is vexing, god. I enjoyed. I enjoyed that story, so this is. This is a real anti written. A rag is a sense it I'm getting this paper, taken us now. Yeah big. Let me tell you I the I looked written or did not become the governor of south carolina. MIKE yeah he's not listed on the wikipedia page of list of governors of south carolina. I can find that would be there. You go it's damn this work.
the smear campaign worked yeah okay. This is just a little blurb. Our citizens last week were much alarmed by the influx of scores of the danville intelligencer. So that's in parentheses, that's a that's an arab paper, so people came from the other pairs, a yeah. It's like a it's like a couple of gangs, there's a paper. Why. Your paper swap yeah paper. Some some cried cholera, cholera, our borrow interesting. While our bureau authorities were applied to in order that the nuisances might be removed, the authorities were unable to procure a single person who would dare touch them with the tipp end of it. a long wait, sir, so that I have on paper is on those take another paper. I is authority, but I like that I doubt tat. They said billy here they ve got our cholera. Here's the story,
have. You are reading the new york times today, and the new york times had an article that said: hey, you know what happened the other day. A whole bunch of people from the washington post all ran into our office, and started: yelling, cholera, cholera and weak. the police, but the police said they're so filthy, they wouldn't even touch them. That's Oh, that's how close the photos are at the store guy that's executives day. I really really like it. I wish they would actually read, needs very anchor man. I mean this. Is all these papers take shots at each other back then there always right and shit about each other, so finally disappeared, but in what way we non smokers as they were more supposes no more atmospheric than otherwise they about
Borough is now called avenant. I like the picture that they did evaporate. If that's ok everybody what I like what lightweight about lightning just hit him and they became fluid This honestly just seems like some good natured ribbing to me, like this is their everyone's havin fun in this situation you know, yeah. I think I think you're right, I figure like I like the river back, then that laura you bastards. gotta? This headline is a case for dogs who we can use that again. Ramrod already. One of our reporters had related to him. Yesterday curious case, several months since a number of young men belonging to the city were in a saloon drinking, there evidently feeling very well from the excitement of steam.
And we're exhibiting feats of gymnastic. As we ve got a drunken tat. Young journey, I'm gonna fuck area, the germans, a young german name, wilder, declared that he had strength enough first do not through one of the stag eyeing has been wilder. So far. As all the germans or is a crazy on guys here. I've area have struck gymnastics before his comrades could interfere. Wilder struck the door forcing the panel completely the blow bruised his knuckles considerably, but not so seriously as it was thought, breaking the flesh and making them bleed.
Animals also, but that's there's a whole new break. It down tat the story, ok, good and by the way, if we heard this hand too much, I my buddy increased hills. He's he's make us up This guy, you gotta, see these. This one is. you're my body, the bar last night, this shit was volcanoes. Do you got so drunk he punched, a war all his hand or it was mad funny. Yeah I did his hand break now, but I heard he was yet. It was not. Oh, ok sure sure, did ok, nothing. Nothing was thought of the matter. At the time, the hand was done up in the party or separated the numbness wilder's hand continued to increase. He experienced no pain but a dead feeling. Ass if the hand supplement.
That grain does it hurt work now, but it's got asleep. What do you need to go? the doktor, nor my hundred, you sleeping yeah sleep now, very tired, tired hand. mood. The scratch your it up here to convert my hand in a few, It's the handling and the fingers some public body idle you're worried about your head now non! Stop you gotta come out with some oil. I would remind you guys of the headline ducked which This was not a committee.
a kiss for doctor that does. It sounds like a case for dog yeah. Alright, I'm starting I'm starting to listen a little bit more. I guess I'm open in a few weeks they have begun to wither, I like to shrink up and how they presented a curious appearance. The hand is wholly useless and have a dead looking raised. I cannot answer not all this deal I need a dot very like anybody at this boy could be like lack is that this must be a mystery. I think we know what happened murdered his own hand. Catch shrunk became elephants, skin so it looking red color, as if no blood circulated in it and has shrunk to nearly one half the size of laying down a little bit.
You got a hand and then hand junior a little headway to get I little grey head. The nails were black, but retain their hollering. I lie lad. Purse. I'm go the other direction Adam. I like what I'm here. I like it. I like this. Do yes his head? His head was email is that I am glad it is, and you got a punch that same door without other hand. Are you gonna, look weird, get a map of the nails and not grown any sense of blows, given upon cutting the hand, a little blood will stand in the wound, but it does not believe it. it kind of people are just like now. Just can I like cut it with a knife you have I yes, we ve in
Let's go just a little bit. I should write to the paper goes yeah. Look. It only bleeds really this hand might have died, I think my had died. Put us. There is no sign of more filtration of the hand what is worth a vacation like the hands, not embarrassed after that, the other two Upright did my job. It owns and that's what I love about his great dead end. tat, feeling regional. Only a few,
older has is turning over the hand and care a closer look back at this man. I've made you made the case for doctors, we're still good are the palms of the fingers seem to have shrunk like a flash and to have and to a substance resembling of voting. my god, my god is near the water balloon harry man. The hands now give it a jet You are you hated to come back, you that's what you do. You hate combat People are just stare around gone. Well, I don't think I told you need a doctor. school hours
What is that? What is can you talk about his hand. I urge that a bears yeah, you can talk about. His Jill did don't worry about it. I mean it. It's like a great bag on his arm. I know, but it's not worry about Obviously I'll be honest, is getting worse. and he's like fine with it about good of apple. Do his hand, we it's a case for documents. This wish we knew, this guy? He won't go to a doctor. I'm stuck, see the light? Several searches have examined the hand and declared they never saw or heard of a case similar to this. This is gonna, be as guys it's my first grey and her before I, like you know
but to do I'm scared? If I, if I cut it off direct crows, come out here. Let's do I looks like a storm cloud. You know my browser am I brought this. I see a good two or three hundred german d punchers, though year and I never one man may get german door pledges in these offices. But again I made this guy elites, lads, pretty bad, Look, I know I'm a doctor, but I gotta say I think this is a case for which I You should go see the witch on the other hand and arm. I watched carefully why over? Well I either I ready, I really do think, is becoming covering his statements. Going is going up resign! It's going up his arm gargoyle!
the little they're going put em and recently he's been seen, standing on rooftops for long periods, scary, birds. I mean I like that. His head, his bodies, gray eyes had its head is: have statute is like guys fine. You worry. If signs of the numbness are discovered spreading, as they are now amputation of your do it and now the summary of the summary the above was caused by two free. good use of tar battering what the fuck wait. That's the answer Not a aren't. That's that's what he you that's the end. It's not accuse we're doctors. Incidents like this. Like details from the trip to the article yeah.
This is. Where does I civil values, pine like the whole. I will come out of is the deadline, but the whole time it was gin, no punch the dough. What are you talking about? Well, this post made us grey, presumably pot. Maybe it's a punchline because it's like yea it was caused by drinking because he punched the door because He's drunk so as I you know, I am arises, you're right, I do it. You're a drunk mother, fucker! That's what's going array right, that's the dog right! Ok, you drink too much, ok body! Oh my god buddy! you got gristle had Well, David should probably call it there right. I mean we're not going to get better than the grey yeah. I don't think you can beat it at my door or something
We shit well Adam. Thank you for joining us for the pittsburgh buckler or whatever the fuck. You call that I said the pittsburgh buckler Furthermore, the nearer the real name- buckler where to end it doesn't matter what it is about. The bare shipper with one thank you for joining us europe. at gasp, factually you're at adam con override on so correct, correct and impose itself on youtube. Well John, by the way, do a video podcast on youtube, where I talked to incredible experts from around the world, the human knowledge- and I do video essays and stuff like that or check out the podcast factually wherever you get your podcast, it's a it's a hoot! Well, it's been pleasure I haven't, does Adam, does very smart gas and very smart. Yes, it'd be a smart show. I find you to be smart. This was nothing if not the height of you know my intelligence that I was working at and, as I'm sure,
now, but there are a couple times. Are you kind of tethered looked back to reality, where we were like I think it was a product of you beg you, but but truly a pleasure. Thank you. Kindly I had a blast I don't know they alone. A lot goes into taking care of your property. You need a quick met with one the liability and versatile built in like about a bee exit. L series, compact, trackers, varied number one and durability, and our experience, Z, series moors that deliver equality cut and psychic utility vehicles were durability. Speed visit your local about a dealer for a demo today,
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-01.