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Biden's world

2021-03-03 | 🔗
President Biden claims “America is back”. He plans to put diplomacy first and restore long-standing American alliances. His predecessor, President Trump, left behind a very different world from the one he greeted in 2016. Fresh crises confront the Biden Administration, including the Myanmar coup and political unrest in Russia. And climate change is now an urgent global problem. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki are tasked with repositioning America in that shifting world. Can they bring America back, to assume a leadership role in this complex new world?
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I'm says on key on for the BBC's washington reporter and your listening to bite in the world on the BBC The world service, america is back diplomacy, back at the centre of our foreign policy, president Biden plans to shape a new world order. We will repair alliances engage with the world once again, not to me yesterday challenges but two days, and the world it's a very different matter from the american president. It met four years ago from this day forward vision will govern our land from stay forward. It's going be only met first,
america furs and president Biden confronts starkly different world to climate change. taken on new urgency, and the world grappled with a global pandemic that knows no borders over the next half hour, I'll be asking from a distinctly american perspective. First what are the new president's? Toughest challenges around the globe. Next, we meet the key endeavour It was environs administration who face those challenges and finally I'll ask how those into jewels plan to address america's most difficult problems. first, what are America's toughest challenges around the globe,
American power and engagement in the world matter take Levin a nation often caught in the crossfire of middle eastern rival, the port explosion in battle and twenty twenty government corruption, negligence festered in lebanon, unchecked by the international community with fatal consequences. More than two hundred people died and the blast former BBC journalist and author of black wave came about spent a decade covering foreign policy from washington and is now based and build in lebanon. During the civil war, you fell, not only was it a civil war, but it was also a geopolitical battle with
regional countries involved like syria and Israel, but also wider international interests, the russians and the americans, say that innocence I was living on the receiving end of american diplomacy of american power. our task as the middle east is a complex puzzle that resist easy solutions. You know a lot of people like to think that america can, at the push of a button, makes certain things happen. but it's not that easy. It can what pressure it can send troops, but all these different places region have also their own agendas. Oh, I love lebanon as a place. It's very very special to be secretary of state under
Didn't trump might pompiers. Lebanon is a focus of influence for key regional power, iran and not something that's bothered pump. Who wishes he'd pushed back harder. We worked really hard on this, but the stranglehold hezbollah has today underwritten by the iranians proves proved to be an incredibly difficult problem. Homepage told Iran still poses dangers, and we know today that they continue to threaten our friends and allies in the region. Are always americans travelling? Whether that's an Abu dhabi, byron, riad many times, americans have come close to being harmed by iranian missiles that relaunched into those places celso also threat here too, the homeland iranian. Leadership armed with a nuclear weapon.
a real rest europeans, europeans and american americans iran. Iran is a paradoxical country. I would know my father is iranian. Yet one thing is clear: it's taken advantage of american withdrawal from the region becoming a key player in countries like syria, There's no question that the ten year civil war in syria, the uncivil, is Today on the global community, former uk foreign secretary, David Neverbend, now heads the international rest
he told me syria- should weigh heavily on the united states and the world, not just eight million people displaced inside the country, six million refugees, half a million I killed, but appalling abuses just of human rights, but of life lost and chemical weapon attacks and in other atrocities. I think that the ongoing in syria for the people who are served, but its national rescue committee is the is the danger that this becomes a frozen conflict in which two parts of syria I remain outside government control, in which there is continuing danger that vacuum of american influence left room for russia's
as it is putting in syria and in europe too, says poland's former foreign minister reduced slapstick risky, because russia has broken a yeah, an important precedent, namely that you don't change borders in europe by force on the pretext of protecting your compatriots on the other side and russia still keeping about seven percent of ukraine. Russia also poisons its political opponents, both in russia and on the streets of europe, including britain and russia, is building up for a cape abilities to interfere in our political processes. It's done it in poland is done it in britain. It's done it in the united states will do situation. Please. I want the boy Joshua woman to influencing the current, but
everyone we spoke to you for this programme, agreed that essential international issue for president Biden is the rise of china. The former australian prime minister, Kevin red speaks fluid mandarin and its president the asia society policy institute over china challenge. This administration is probably the biggest faced by the EU s administrations, the second world war, power is slowly but steadily shifting towards, by jean presented a military balance of power between the two come:
It's square within east asia and the west pacific. Now there is much more strategic parity than they used to be that's. Why are therefore describe the twenty twenties was the decade of living dangerously and us china relations, because when you start to achieve parity between states on the economy, military and technology, then, frankly, you have much more volatility in their behavior towards one another what explains that the binding administrations, new policy of global re engagement will result in a new age of intense strategic competition with china for sure paying chinese political leader who I've met on many occasions a man in a hurry and his doctrine on china's foreign policies to push hard and fast and far. and the assertion of chinese interests and values into It's the issue and across the world, including in
to the institutions of global governance, whereas trunk by, Jeez administration were indifferent to most of that and he's america first strategy this administration, because it anchored in u s. Alliances by the nation in europe is much more likely and intends to roll back against the channel is whether china is friend or foe to the? U s, because beijing, This cooperation will be critical on pressing foreign policy issues like the global fight against covert and climate change. David Miliband, I think, is very significant that climate change now be seen as the hard foreign and security policy is not just as I could quote soft issue. It's always been the case that the fight to de carbon eyes, the global economy is gonna. Take big economic decisions It's also been the case that the climate crisis itself poses foreign and security challenges. There is little doubt this is in
who world Biden faces but glow by an internal foreign policy, team and you'd, be forgiven for thinking. You'd stepped back a decade and time secretary of state, tony blink and national security adviser, chicks, Levin and white house press secretary general psaki were all key figures in the obama administration and now they're back so who are these key individuals who must face america? Tough challenges took tony tony by road or person together, while stock residential motorcade, democratic congressmen, tamerlane ascii, was in a band. The secretary blinking nineteen, ninety nine somewhere in the matter, Then it's wrote a song about
very, very instructive led describes. The role but the national security council in coordinating all the bureaucrats the hell elements of our foreign policy to the tune of the jackson, fives abc and the rest is history. replies this when we were in the obama state department together and performed. Basically, foreign policy parities
so these people are their friends not just of mine, but of each other. They they form a community of like minded people who want intensely competitive with each other, which is very rare at the high levels of american presidential administrations, who have this kind of camaraderie that that, I think, will make them a particularly effective team. We have a policy in recent years of so called maximum pressure on iran that has not produced results. In fact, the problem has gotten worse. Secretary blinkin has clear policy differences from his predecessor, MIKE pompiers, whose served under donald trump. Despite all that pompey, you told me,
He wishes tony blinkin well worth executor, blankets, fully prepared to do a good job. I tell him that I am written for him that I am praying for him and that I hope that during his time he will can need to use american power in a way that is good not only for the american people, but to make sure that america continues to be a force for good all around the world. I wish MR blinking all the success. ouch to china. We are working to ensure We are approaching that relationship from a position of strength, the voice of ministration is white house press secretary general cycles of happen. She is fast becoming known for her careful yet exacting communication style. and the hashtag saki bomb. I don't have anything. Or for you. I think I don't appreciate the like putting words in my mouth that wasn't what my effort was what I was conveying, as was she super ties, and so she doesn't come at things with eight or any kind of aggressive.
Manner, hagar somali, worked in the obama administration, with gents aki always listens and antiques recommendations from the experts. That is her real personality. She is very easy, going she's, very easy to work with and very very affable and gregarious somali says: there's a stark difference in the strategy of white has communications under Jan saki thing that I've noticed that that's fascinated me is this: coupling of foreign and domestic policies a lot of areas because there's a pandemic right in the pandemic obviously has a domestic side to it, as well as an international side to it and she's communicating about these things in a way that its explaining as though you don't, we need the buying from congress. We need bipartisan by it. We need by in from the domestic public in our foreign policy, in order for it to have a lasting effect and so that something
because there are different and something I expect her to continue. We didn't. and two very directly communicate with the iranians about the complete and utter outrage that humanitarian catastrophe, That is, the unjust, unlawful detention of american citizens. Have you done that? Tough talk from now new security adviser, Jake Sullivan, her gosh molly worked with jake to jake, so, first of all, Jake a's, he works like a dog. The guy doesn't sleep and he's pretty famous for that and secular blinking, is also very has a calm demeanor likes to listen to everybody's point of view, but he one of the things that I agree with jake on that we I mean that we in our discussions, is that he does want to approach authoritarian leaders, authoritarian regimes with a tough face
he's not afraid of that, and you already see that by the way his tweets he comes off. You know that again, we're not going to stand for this type of behaviour were watching very closely. So how does the work view by didn t former australian prime minister kevin red nose. Jake Sullivan and his colleagues. From his time in office forgot about dre solo drinkers, no intellectual slouch, and you could put jake up in a public debate on most subjects and and Jake would probably prevail, because he would have the most rigorous and logical approach in terms of tony blair and his experience of diplomacy, very difficult to find countries either an asia europe not had a strong and positive experiences memory of their dealings with turning up from personal, but far from it, These are human beings, flesh and blood
they feel stuff just like the rest of us, but I think knowing them recently. Well so passionate america, and and passionate about america's place in the world and the rebuild which now has to be undertaken. I think there are two or three things that marco this t, David Miliband. First of all, There are worldly team, they know the world and they have engagement around the world as part of their dna, The thing is that they ve seen what american leadership can deliver, but there is no hubris about, as they know that The economic balance of power in the world has changed and that this is to be a world in which america conflicts fingers and get what is what it wants. I think there is also a very important human element to this when they told about the way that humanitarian crisis begets political crisis, they really mean it and they D. And to look at foreign policy,
point of view of the least fortunate, not just from the point of view of the most powerful so was pressed invited and his team bringing america back here, whatever It is where he wants to take it back to MIKE pompeo's former secretary of state. I fear that when he says america is back, he means back to the eight failed years of president obama's foreign policy, whether that stay ridiculous around nuclear deal or the paris climate accords or the complete appeasement that the chinese communist party, those does our places. We want to go back to their places that the american people demanded that president trump and our administration take us away from. I hope, when president Biden talks about back. That's not what is thinking about former foreign minister of poland, reduced love, Sikorski is more optimistic about the new administration. Will, yes, it is bad because amerika was begun.
To behave like I dont want overstated, but instead of The world's policeman, which is to say a force for law and order, was behaving under trump as the world's opportunist and america on the problem, was overturning rules of diplomacy meetings with Kim jong on give nasty dictators like him. Propaganda victoria fall for no return. And now america's back as the leader of the free world and that's a good thing. So, where should america exercise that leadership, David Miliband, former foreign secretary of the uk, says the answer is clear. The first thing the reservoir we need to do is make sure that the serious conflict is much higher up the? U s diplomatic agenda. There is a desperate need to get some momentum into the? U n sponsored political process at the moment,
separate process in which russia and turkey and iran a dominant. In which the outside world has no role. It is vital to get the u n process back centre stage. the new administration is indeed demonstrating momentum, but in a different way, President Biden launched airstrikes on iranian back targets in syria. In late february, Whitehouse press secretary, Jen, psaki, explain. The purpose of the air strikes to the press present ascending and I'm an ambiguous message that he is going to happen to protect americans and when threats are posed, he has the right to take action at the time and in the manner of his shoes registered to court. He already sees a stronger stance from the new administration on russia too. Well, you can already gain a picture of what its starting off as fraud
The red out of the bite and put in conversation I have to say as having worked in diplomacy for several years. I have not seen between states that are not actually war. This kind of tough language- and I think it's something that President Putin should, moreover, and and draw conclusions from tough words are some in iran, should expect as well says ned price spokesperson for the. U s: state department When I covered the iran nuclear negotiations, one criticism was that president obama's secretary of state John Kerry, wanted a deal at any cost, But american priorities have shifted price explained to me: it's not that we want
idiot. We know we have tat. We have to have verifiable permanent constraints on IRAN's nuclear programme. The president has put a very simple on the table. It has won. The last democratic president also believed that iran can be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapon, but our goal is to stop there that necessary, but it's not sufficient. Our goal in this proposition of compliance for compliance is to use the twenty fifteen joint comprehensive planet, the so called a rendezvous, not as a ceiling, but has the floor to lengthen and strengthen it. but also to negotiate, follow on agreements to address other areas of iran's malign behaviour, including its ballistic missile programmes. I spoke with republican senator and two time presidential candidate mitt romney. He wants a more robust approach on China. Am hopeful that the bite administration is very
clear eyed. With regard to russia, I wish I think they are today and IRAN, and I hope that they be come as clear eyed as they need to be. With regard to china, now I had a good chat with secretary of state blanket and I believe he understands that this is the challenge of the next few decades, which is how to get china to take a different course, a knave that they but taking senator romney, says it will take concerted international action to stop china abusing human rights, it was. No question. What were saying I carried out by the chinese, the judge on with regards to the weaker p oh, is genocide. It's an outrage and china is using its its finance, wherewithal to try and pressure various governments not to call out their malevolence and and its work. So far, fundamentally mentally if we're gonna want to get china to recognise that the course that iran is not acceptable to the world, the name so the world, the lived by the rules are going to come together, lay out what those
are clearly and say to china. You can't continue to have free access to any of our markets, you dont begin to live by the same rules. We all live by. Of course, the. U S, china relationship is key to tackling climate change miliband seas. thomas and president Biden opening moves. I think the commitment of president by to make sure that fighting the club Crisis is a cross. Governmental enterprise is very significant and the appointment of John Kerry as the I'm an envoy shows that he wants international negotiations to be part of the answer. One of president Biden's first actions was rejoice in the paris climate agreement, but republican representative, Nicole malea, turkey's sees this as a sign of weakness, it seems too The president Biden is right.
Entering these international organizations and agreements without, negotiation has given away the store, we're getting nothing in return and what the american public and congress what may be different from the administrations. As for the world, Jim Steinberg was president obama's deputy secretary of state. I regret biggest challenges are more at home than they are abroad. I think he has done. Convince both the congress in the american people that, by The engagement with the world were benefiting, others were doing it to benefit ourselves and that the american people, be the beneficiaries of this region, winter engagement that our president Biden has offered. Steinberg says Biden has some distinct advantages and navigating the home front.
Bite in long track record in congress will smooth the path, but even democrat colleagues, like congressmen, tamerlane ascii, told me, Biden team. Should expect scrutiny the administration of President Biden, there's gotta be judged by what it does of of all of the issues that I've worked on since I've gotten the congress porn policy has been the most bipartisan, we're all gonna be conducting oversight. None of us are just going to What president Biden does cause he's my case because he's a Democrat. At the same time, on the other side, there are plenty of republicans I work with who are very willing to get president Biden the chance, despite that, republicans, like victoria coats, formerly of the trump administration, will take some persuading. but look at the things that we did over the last four years in terms of reform. but the nato in terms of defining the competition with china.
Abraham accords and the new map of the middle EAST? These are all very visceral. demonstrations of american engagement in the world, and so I certainly wish them well and and want them to continue that pattern of a good engagement. But I don't, I don't think america ever went away. It's all well and good to talk tough in the early days of a presidency, but actions speak louder than words an Indications show strong intent from president Biden, foreign policy too quickly declaring the myanmar military takeover over a coup and sending a warning shot to iran with those airstrikes in syria or making diplomatic action. A murder allegation against the crown prince of saudi Arabia and rushing to call Israel as prime minister, but it's the
system see in america's actions that matter and will make the difference over the next four years and beyond america. Coming back into the global system, doesnt mean and call me america, turning the clock back and thinking the last four years or even the last twenty years haven't happen. The what is changing fast and the issue? is that president Biden confronts in the early twenty twenties are being fought out in a different context, both to me an international than when he was lost in office, never mind when he came into the centres in the nineteen seventies, so america coming back called Mean america going backwards. It's got to fashion a distinctive agenda that will not just take this country forward. Take america food, but take the global system forward because we ve learned anything in the wake of covert it's the same. Divided international system is danger to us all.
I'm suzanne on for the BBC, washington reporter and you ve been listening to violence world on the bbc. A world service. The documentary is just one of our bbc world service podcast. There are many others to choose from. Hello, I'm a matter of saving, and I'm just so amazing, and we are the hosts of comedians versus the news on the BBC world service to show that invites international comedians to take on the headlines. Peel them up like an alien to make you cry with laughter for quietly, say: that's funny,
tune in to comedians versus the news from the BBC world service. We promise to never break into song: hey hey, no guarantee well very rarely break into song. I think the people like, I don't think, that's true. I pass by searching for to meet again versus that is Where you get your pipe gas.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-07.