« The Dan Bongino Show

We Are The Leaders We’ve Been Waiting For (Ep 1383)

2020-11-02 | 🔗

In this episode, I discuss the stunning election 2020 shift that happened over the weekend. The Democrats, and their media allies, are in a meltdown as they look at the voting data coming in. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed its not immune to the banks with your host Dan Bungee, know enough to say folks here it is arrived. Your chance, site kid, you not to change the world to rebound. What's been going on in this country for a long time. If I may, to cite the New York Posts hopefully will get that cover up at the end. Again, let's make em a great again again play times over now is the time to go out and do their talkers, an error, doers The doors to change the world talk is great. I love the fact. I get to talk to you every day, but if it doesn't motivate people to act, and it's all for not right great words of my friend, Jenny, Thomas. She says
you know we are the leaders we ve been waiting for, don't wait for someone else to get it down. It's your turn to get it done tomorrow. I couldn't be. Prouder of everything the a crowd out. There has done so far. I've got some videos today to motivate you It should really warm you hard. A little bed you're really good folks, no matter what happens at this point, I know we did we had to do. We got one more ago. Gonna be a really motivational show today it's gonna be packed full of information, so buckle up, strap in and get ready for an exciting forty. Eight hours today show bought you by express Vps. Ladies and gentlemen, protect your online. Activity today with a vip. don't wait, go to express vps dot com slash bond GINO produced a joke. It is good to hear from you this morning. How are you today by man, this incredibly powerful money? I wonder most important Monday's we ve ever recorded a moto show, so I'm already if we're MOTO hero. You bet near big time
the big mouth. What are you politics, the big most most, what's the big momentum. Nation momentum get out there, let's get it done, ladies and gentlemen, no more play times over. This is the time to get this done. Change the country and take it back and let's get to it, I've got some really really love. This show I had to do a little early at Weis out a little early, I'm only because I wanted to because I was in the mood to do it and I'm stoked up Miss Monday but an issue about you by friends what better person, what better company again at their job creators network. Why Ladys, general election days here it's here, it's here I vote already it's already over for me, but it's not over for some of you- have yet to go to the polls The good news is you're. Turning out and record numbers. There are many states where early in person voting has begun oars, wrapping up getting ready for wreck our election day tomorrow, get out get out and get out and vote get out and vote get out a vote. I can't say that I have to figure out where and how go
now to keep America, America darkened the folks of job creators network provide the most up to date. Voting information information you can count on. You can read, you can spread around and you can use to get twenty. Fifty a hundred people to the poles to twenty steam election was decided by thousands. Thousands does not millions thousand a vote. I can't say that enough. Ladies and gentlemen, as I said to a friend of mine on the phone illustrate the twenty Sixteen election was decided by tens of votes and individual precincts. Tens since they? Why not kidding go to keep America, America, come now do not wait. Make this the biggest get out the vote. If effort and conservative history, please don't wait, visit keep Merrick America Dotcom commit to taking not just one to ten fifteen or twenty people to the poles. Do It'll do a lot. Do your part now go to keep America America Dotcom? Today's never been more important are yeah baby foods?
again. I have to do this early is what one why you should try to keep to a schedule, but I suggest Paul. We gotta get going because I seriously have never been more excited to do a shot. I kid you not that's, thought perfectly number one hey listen it's love much loved to Beverly Hills. Why? What are you talking about What is this like her Jason priestly percent, not I've ever Beverly Hills answer. That is the zip code. I'm talking about actual. Well, yes, I travelled to California lot for a lot of different reasons related to the business folks, I to tell you, I'm not kidding, I'm in Beverly Hills, a lot? I have never been treated better better. Then you're conservative, I'm not kidding, do people in Beverly Hills my boy He who you know me, you know you are a restaurant or maybe get a dare say what restaurant soberness restaurant down the crazy lives you We talk about much love my camp pound, my chest, because my both don't work anymore. Pretty sure have a chest pointed at me. We're stuck here to stay away from that much
to Beverly hills. Ladies and gentlemen, we want to seize on video rumbled, accomplish bunch of my audio this here's a rally in Beverly Hills, everybody else you can hear in tobacco pack magazine leg, Trump flags, America, wags everywhere paths. Thousands of people in Beverly Hills who said enough is enough. No bull stuff today enable any more good for you to forego showed up and arrest that attacked a couple. People and even more people came out truthfully everywhere in Beverly Hills. People say, and you know what I know my neighbors probably gonna burn my house down. If they see me here, I know my liberal neighbours gonna boycott my business, Beverly Hills. I know my liberal neighbours gonna, put my picture on Facebook and say a screw this guy. He was that a man who really know what they said- John Bull barreled, I'm sorry folks portray we're making an exception,
Care you, oh yes, Paul, I no not oh what I see or taking notes. We are not poor. Put out. It's ok, rumbled! slash budget of double barrel. It's ok! Just for today we usually the family, friendly version, people in Beverly Hills. Much love ya, come back now set out New York when I grew up here. Now you have, it gets very warms my hard man arms my hard you, my lasting respect, I'm not kidding. I know what people in really hills. Gulf go through. You know, folks, I guess, you know. People say Beverly Hills, Dan thought of rich people, so what they showed up on a corner. We ve been doing this for ever. Believe me. I've talk about you salute we have my respect, but it's hard folks. Not everybody's, like us, he's people in a communist state controlled by socialists, weather
I ve heard literally at stake. I'm not kidding by showing up on a corner and represent freedom and liberty, it Sign an easy decision sometimes, but they made it anyway. My lasting respect, good for you choosing free liberty over socialism and oppression. You ve had enough so over some of the rest of us. Arizona, Skoda, Arizona. We're talking about here is a video of a ninety six mile. According to the person who took it, these six this. Here's my pay, my county, Arizona, this person driving on the highway team, accounting, Arizona people. Cars have pulled over on the side of the of the highway there in Arizona with there. flags in their american flag. There don't shredder, be flags say: do you know what freedom
nobody's gonna matter day and it's got a matter for ninety six miles. bless you Arizona. That's me country? Well, yeah, you're. Damn right! That's amazing, Ladys! Germany's video goes on forever forever and ninety six miles of people on the side of the road saying you know what the freedom train left the station a long time ago, where turn and a damn freedom train around and bring it back the freedom, trade is going to go back to the freedom station, we're not going to let it get any further away. Folks. This was a real opportunity for all of us today and tomorrow to stand up. And you say you know what not today not on my watch. I've had enough of this stuff. What a boycott! My
This you want to terrorize my family, you wanna get me our social media, destroy my livelihood. Some cases it I can beat us. You go right ahead, but I'm not going on the wrong side of history? We are to make Amerika great again again tomorrow and I give a fly in horses, ass, what you say about nine six miles, or people in Arizona. Remember. We are the leaders we been waiting for, don't wait for anyone else to do it. It's up to you now a newsboy, Donald Trump vote for himself, and your vote for Donald Trump counts. Exactly the same. The so called what the lives would call fly over country. What we call America when they fly over and looked down at us and scorn. I don't even see us when they fly over even at a low altitude. You know why they don't see us.
Joe and I M Paul, I knew were inside working. while their headed off to their fancy flock lunch. Maybe there. before new roles marking us smoking cigars and their smoking jackets in their bulletins, where Workin for eleven Jos producing solves there's our policing Paul has put in either the show carpenter get in their fingernails dirty pounding away at that hammer, architects drawn up plans, pilots fly in planes, truck drivers driving your food, so you can eat driving you DR in your medicines, to pharmacies. How do you think they got thereby teleportation liberal Citizen Freakin STAR Trek man? There are people workin for eleven. Those people were out there in Beverly Hills and we're out there on the side of that road. For ninety six miles in Arizona say, fly over country is America I can't say:
enough. You have a real opportunity re tomorrow to stand up say not today, not today, not on my watch. Maybe your last opportunity if we lose Michel one more he's Butler Pennsylvania. Again, how we're down thirty seven point: six two points in Pennsylvania: she's, that's a shocker. I guess the people and Butler County EPA, Joe they didn't get the memo. Here's a Trump rally held on Sunday and Butler County be actually Venus. This was Saturday Butler County Pennsylvania, heavily smokes Ike idea. Sorry Joe, I guess they missed the memo european I dont know. I have no idea how many people that even is be candid really folks. pretty good at judging crowd size from my prior line of work. I have no idea how many people that is, I really don't all I know is zero. More media people there are the more at the last Biden. Rally was a great guy well there's some some online seiners vocs made a great point.
Was it sir? I'm sorry, maybe Saturday night, a jobless and through some are made a really terrific pointed it's interesting. Abiden puts us little circles on the ground and Israelis for like ten people, and only eight people show up they candy Fill all the circles There are more media people at the Trump rally than actual people at Abiden rally. I guess Butler Anti Pennsylvania and get the memo that they were down? Forty six in point. Seven two points look at our votes that a fly over country- that's America as you, and we have the chance to take America back tomorrow from the forest I want to destroy it, wanted to destroy bigger God, given rights, freedom and liberty and everything we fought so so strongly and hard over Decades over centuries to maintain
this, is gonna be strap in with buckle up. This is gonna, be the most fascinating forty eight hours of many of our daily lives, even with every they evolve as got going on right now, I'm telling you prepare prepare to be shocked. my way, president tromp busy, energize or body he was in She gets yesterday in vainly on Saturday. He's been all over the you can't stop. The guy A guy his at his age, he ease indefatigable. You can't stop now folk you know. I told you in my prior line of work. We had a line stayed on select occasions as tool to motivate people because it motivated me, you know when you through a training academy in the secret service, they have to teach you something they have to teach you how to get big.
you're getting big means. Well for Its natural human instinct, obviously and smart by the way, God Did you hear gunshots or find yourself under attack with fists or a knife or any other weapon to do why to cover up put your hand up and find cover. Get behind something behind a big a wall whenever a fire if that's the only thing available to protect yourself, that's it natural human survival instinct it's almost I supported the feet noticed said almost impossible. I've seen that survival instinct be defeated through training, because we train you to defeat it. When I was an instructor at the academy and they teach you how to get big when the guns It's God forbid, start come in your way. they teach you to not doc, they teach. You God forbid, the president or any of our protect. These life is at risk of gunshots knives whenever it may be that you make your
bigger, not smaller, you don't run for cover, you become the cover and the way to become the best cover for the president is to get as big as possible so that your body becomes a magnet that magnet for them. rounds headed you away. Training people to get big, ladies and gentlemen, takes a long time. We hundreds of hours of assault on simple exercises. Exercise is where we do mock assaults and protect these with simulation rounds. He's plastic grounds that they heard there are obviously he'll rounds God by their plastic grounds. They So when you get hit, you know and they teach people how to take it, eat TAT round like a chance, so God forbid something happened. So the president, he doesn't. You eat that round. I said to you over and over again that the bravery and law enforcement, the secret service and other federal law enforcement agencies in our military elsewhere is when you sign up some find that statement a little bit controversial. But I don't I don't
the minute. You agree to train yourself to get big and take tat round and eat that roundly the champion like a real Hera Domini. You train yourself to do that. You're, not get about heroism. When things break bad, you just do it. you do it. They were heroes, the minute all of em signed up for the secret service and all of em swore in for law enforcement because age, they agreed to train themselves to take that round. For you, too a lot, but that robbery scene in the middle of an armed robbery for you, while everyone else is running away. That's where the bravery comes. It is a question actions are brave when they do it, but I'm telling you talking tat countless, you been in shootings and elsewhere in my fifteen years and law enforcement there, think about being heroes. When it happens, they thought about when they signed up. Does it make sense? You We need to get big well. You agreed yet big a long time ago too,.
when you signed up to be a conservative to record at the values that make this constitutional republic the greatest example of a free liberty, loving society in the history of humankind, the place but he tries to escape, do not escape from when you Greed to do that signed up as a conservative you were here are two now's the time tomorrow to execute and to get big. You want to see an interesting photo folks, terribly a lot of visuals. Please go to rumbled our complex bungee, no check it out. I uses, visuals very strategically made use of picture of a friend of mine and the secret service when they thought there was a gun in the crowd. Reno Nevada, President trump- storming. The stage noticed what he's not doing, he's gonna get paid. and from Reno again they thought there was a gun in the crowd and noticed what he's not doing
there's a podium, their president, trumpet speaking at this is back and twenty sixteen and the guy, not talking behind. It is a matter of fact he's. to grant presented, trap even jobs taller than him and he's making himself big on purpose. He's not pulling job he's going there to eat that thing, God forbid something gap is even if he's gotta turn his back to the threat to get the President first, that's we're getting big, looks like You hear gun, you ran towards it to save some one else. You even turn your back Do you not even in a seat at round clip you? But you did it anyway, because they got big. Remember I agent Mccarthy, when Ronald Reagan got shot, go watch a video someday chemical they had the limousine when Reagan was shot. Watch really does at that limo door split this body. Out this way, any eight that round like the hero. He was folks
time for you to get paid. We're not ask in your, thank God thank the Lord and not using his name in vain to take around for someone, God forbid: What is asking you to show up and vote and take your country back. Ladies and gentlemen, there are powerful forces lined up against you powerful billion maybe trillion dollar companies in the next few years, Google Youtube Facebook, Twitter, the media, academia. pretty much every celebrity in Hollywood outside of a few exceptions, the multi the billion dollar media complex every mainstream media newspaper in America again with few exceptions, are all lined up against you. If you Donald Trump wins re election on election day. Despite all of this.
It will be the greatest political story ever told. I let me take a quick, break here, and I want to give you an election update and what is actually going on in the ground. Ladies and gentlemen, and believe me, it a pretty for the Democrats anyone telling you this is gonna be a landslide for Biden. I think you can roundly disregard right now. Ladies, lifelong. We have of yet another cyber attack? This time too vague? Miss Barnes, a noble, the breach potentially exposed Customer data, including email, address this building in shipping address as telephone numbers and transaction history. The attack also in That is not a book services. Some customers have been on access, their nook, libraries, their previous purchases of disappeared and others were unable to log in firms online platform, it critically important understand our cybercrime and identity theft or affecting our lives. I had my identity stolen, it was a mess. It took me a year.
To clean up the disaster. They were buying online real estate programmes. Don't ask me why it was a total train wreck. I got I've had life lock way before they were a sponsor. Every day we information at risk on the internet. You can miss certain identity fettes by only monitoring your credit good thing. There's lifelong lifelike helps the Tec. a wide range of identity fast, like yourselves security number for sale in the dark web. If they detect your information, potentially been compromise. They will send you an alert. I get tax on my phone for me, my wife, my family, everyone. I have it for everyone no one can prevent all identity theft or monitor all transactions at all. Businesses. Lifelike can see threats. You might miss in your own joy now and save up to twenty five percent. Your first year, that's a big saving, gotta life locked, Slash bond GINO be oh and g. I enough that's life. Locked up Slash bond Gina for twenty five percent off go today, secure your identity, screw the identity of your families as well life locked outcome, slash bungee! Now I thanks lifelike critically important this time of year. Ladies gentlemen, back tomorrow
Where are the leaders we ve been waiting for? You? Are it If a leader on your block, you're the leader in your house, get outlets, It had done the do matter The talk is cheap to do matters. If the talk is motivate you to action and with all the relevant. It's that for you to vote. I can't say this enough: you have to take ten or twenty people with you, you, Do I'm really sorry I'm not here, I'm not your dad, I'm not your school teacher are certainly not your supervisor, I'm not your boss and I'm not your preacher. I'm just a middle ass guy like you or maybe a little more but live middle class. My whole life- you all have done very well for me, but on my life I every time I go out. I ask everyone. I run into all the time everywhere. It should apply starting to drive everyone else. Crazy did you vote? Did you vote? Did you vote? Did you vote? Did you vote everyone Well, I just met, but that's a personal question yes, it is also beyond a personal problem for me losing my country to these left wing. Lunatics,
twenty people with you everyone, you weren't, you where you know what he you're cool trick for you, maggie TAT, get a trump sure whatever it is. You'll be stun, no matter where you are New York, California, I told you, I've people know you that diary one obviously but Fox view no I'm, not foxhole type plus my own, shall we have ever been treated poorly in Beverly Hills cover. That's. Why put that right? Paula! Never! I've never had. a negative word. I had a lady, walking or dog. Stop me or gas demagogy know. How are you I had to people restaurant a restaurant manager come down the street after I was leave in Haiti, and so on so great to have you Another friend of mine, I'm Californy, Tommy, just a story: he happened to be gay, I had a hard time coming out to my parents, european a voter. Then I did be a gang, and how does it really is that he's like I'm, not kidding this region Beverly hills what this is the way, or a tribe Shorty Tromp have whatever. Maybe people will come up today? A wink they'll nod if you're in
You no good solid conservative states. They don't have to hide, but you have to hide, Sadly in liberal states, because liberals or lunatics deal. Could not your first question first question: did you vote? Did you vote yet? Did you follow up? did you check your vote? Did you go to the state election born check a lot like where I am Martin County? We have a great dickie. Davis runs our election, Daddy big shot out there you can check on my right, where Thou ballot receive ballot process? I know we're good to go me APOLLO. Did you check you follow up folks critical, no time for messing around certain motivate you re now budget. That com. I dont use our articles too much because a united Wanna pump you follow budget stuff initial, but this one's grey. Done why this matter article, yet no others with via the great the great Lisbon. Democrat Operative and deep Blue Miami Day County folks. We gotta stop the bleeding. What did I tell you about Florida I'm here, I'm on the ground folks and for
can we do to what's goin on health condition I have to court I now I'd high risk, so I have to be very careful, but I keep Paul am on the phone all day it drives, and I mean I'm on the phone figuratively all day. Did you know I hate the over use of literally but waking hours on the phone, probably eighty percent of the time. I'm telling you something's happening in Florida, folks, What is this article about South South Florida is largely democratic. My me date has been a hotbed of democratic dignity for years. My Dade County was won by Hillary Clinton, Florida by three hundred thousand votes, as they say You repeatedly GEO he turned out and early voting in Miami Dade County, which Hilary one by twenty plus It's three hundred thousand votes GEO petered out. It's been points higher than Democrats.
Tell me again how Florida is gonna, be some landslide, the media by and by twelve point six to five one for two, I too, for you sure about that. We thought tat through. Keep it I've line up again, Democrat operative instead Florida. Listen list into them. We have got to stop the bleeding that's public in The democratic, no don't let them stop the air quotes. Bleeding. Don't, let them stop keep turning out over and over and over. You have forty eight hours to get this done. You, And twenty of your friends, pile on right now we're up six points. That's going to election day
ten points. A GEO Peter now pile on now. Run up the score, leave nothing to chance, My hesitancy in these articles is to post them. People get complacent. Folks, don't that turn that could switch totally on game that we don't know. What's going to happen, I just want to counteract the bull Dove media narrative tat. We somehow we're gonna lose this in a landslide nonsense sector, you wanna these particles by then we will all be in our show notes. Please read: em Bunge bungee, no doubt com, Slash newsletter, the newsletter The show note it's free will send these articles everyday he's a great want. Upright bar read this one Pennsylvania peasant we're down ten that ain't Pennsylvania to bind we are Christine, bright bar report, demo
It's going more anxious and Pennsylvania about a late shift towards job. How is that has a possible Joe? Maybe we just Ah, the video butler can't EPA we're we're like ten people shown approach are no excitement at all that there is probably queuing up again. There's probably twenty thousand people, their import, Lord an EPA, something put egg sob it's happening and you are about to be a part of the second biggest political revolution in five decades. Second biggest, only after twenty sixteen, it is a deal. Call barreled because polity and like the first one, don't you dare cut their first. My sword cannot know she's, not cutting it out there I'll do it again. Do the whole show, and then you can cut him off policy tries to be the angel. My sometimes so I love the angel, my shoulder, but sometimes even the angel on the shoulders like it's ok for what.
Why are they freaking out and Pennsylvania? I have said to you who have I not Joe for the last two years, plus its all gonna, come down to Pierre Folks neighbour, and Slovenia Pennsylvania? If you are listening in Pennsylvania, we have tens of thousands the people who listen Pennsylvania. If you don't vote, I'm nuts That's impugning anyone I've I've! Just to have you don't vote. You could cost us the selection. Individual precincts this. This could be decided in Pennsylvania by ten or less Poland, individual voting prisons, I'm not kidding. You and your neighbours in your precinct decide this election. That is not a joke. Why are they panicking in Pennsylvania wealth read through the peace, a couple things I've run through quick. There is a massive surge expected of working class. Voters in Pennsylvania on election day was working last voters? The Democrats feel are gonna break
shortening numbers for President on Oj Trump. Second, The Democrats are afraid that their push for early male voting is cannibalize their election day vote. In other words, despite the fact that there are and Pennsylvania by a lot he's voters would have voted anyway. There hyper follow me Jarvis, as it makes sense that began these war, their proposals pencilly guarantee democratic vote. As you have Republicans, Democrats both have four by four votes: that voted in the last four primaries. Unless, for general, they will Mason Election, no matter what you dig, the Democrats of those two. What the Democrats are afraid of is that hi propensity voters would show up if there was a nuclear war going on already voted. In other words, though, early vote. Lead is not new voters there, people already baked into the cake. so now on election day, if
Our high propensity voters show up. We our new voters. The Democrats you're in a panic. They could get swamp on election day and Moose Pennsylvania. You dig you haven't shown up yet you must. as my father would save good man is driving. That's when you say that we were kids but I'm driving. he'd, say Daniel Joe because no one calls me Daniel nobody, no one. That's my mother! Nobody on the entire planet calls me Daniel member Daniel. That's a must. That's what he'd say what I'd have to do things? They drove me nuts This is a must. Put that on a church of this is the most. You have to go vote. Like Father, like a couple more things about heads, were every single time ever. I think I said that a few times as a Democrat. There are also terrified the B l tee for terrorists that tore up village.
coffee over the last few weeks may of sky. The living stuff Democrat voters in Philadelphia that want to go vote but now go vote orally because they were afraid of getting this not be out of a by the rioters. You know where these are. Let me take up. These are some of the most ethically ridiculous, strategically stupid people. You have ever met your time. I got an eye the ajar, let's ride during early voting, it primarily Democrat Turner's, someone to now be eleven people was like yeah. This is a great idea here yet because they're stupid, because there still bring the Democrats. I'm freaking out, but they scare people away from the voting boost, not a false Homer in Philadelphia, current struggle could move idiots could move. Where'd. You burn down on our own city,
our voters away nice. Why don't you Chief imbeciles, You get any dumber of Corsica when he whispered. Would you say. Now say something to say, and then she changed it. I want to say, come on. You got to turn your mic on something one more thing: you, the Biden, full power. The oil industry down sure that went over well Joe and Pennsylvania, where tens of thousands the people are employed back in the energy industry and, frankly, I'm just gonna throw that out there be like Joe Biden come, expecting arbour cosmos. If we're going to shut down every singularly producer for upon guest algae, owing to show your job down to we're, gonna Communist Union eyes shut you off its choppy a little upset, but Joe again, armor costs actually buy new. Do you? I've got more.
Is gonna, be a great show that this is where not even we haven't even scratch the surface, it I want to move on now to my closing arguments. First, I want to see ideologically the big picture This fight is about. Ladies and gentlemen, there are two conflicting ideas oh geez, in this election, you can't say that so much about them. AIDS Pass, you know, was John F Kennedy and Bill Clinton, one to four. who argued marginal tax rates was too high and the latter who said dear The government is over obviously the democratic Republican Party outside of social issues. There was a lot of commonality in some of Prior years about economic policy, the liberty and freedom there was outside of the social issues with the Democrats have gone crazy. That's not the case anymore. Do you understand what I'm going with this. these parties have separated to ideology. Ideologies, love.
liberalism conservatism can't coexist at the same time. Now they share nothing in common. to make in this next segment. The ideological arguments to you. These socialist toto Terry an agenda of the left, would we your personal destruction known for it, I'm gonna, do it through to it greatest videos you're ever going to see its problem My second favorite video after that Thomas all their videos of Milton Friedman, arguing with Phil Donoghue. It's one cut I may suit me to cuts, but one video and its Friedman making the argument that economic freedom, the capitalism, is the only path forward. Then it's not perfect, it has its flaws. But of all the imperfect systems. It's the least imperfect. That's coming up. scenario to make a very specific closing arguments you about the danger of job. I let me get to my neck, sponsor virtuous,
I just want to be here and talk to you on the show. We always appreciated that. I shall also brought you by a good friends at Jane. You sell what's What's that what's next year's technology for skin care and what, if you could try it for well for a limited time and get the genuine self bags and puffing is to try and accompany your own home for a four month free. You only pay shipping also get the Jan. You sell retinal ultra brand new for twenty twenty one. We always get these products early. Paula loves him also, yet that freemen retinal launchers, perfect for sensitive skin is cutting edge technologies and natural retinal alternative. With all the proof Clinical affects retinal without any irritation. Also free, you be the judge, Rico Free, clean, smooth and vibrant skin. A face where you can't see underwrite bags or even find lines wrinkles in crosbie or you just don't pay. How do you get this spectacular deal big popular product in my house, go to Jan you sell that's Jenny. other com g and you see outcome
The recent Jenny Sulphur bags and happiness and Retinal Walter will take, bags under the ice. Finalize lifelines firmness this and give you a younger texture guarantee or you simply no pay. It's really that simple for your thirty. Free trial log onto Genji that come that's Jan. You sell that Jenny so that come go today and check it out. Ok,. So getting back his show again from the boy Egg Overarching Umbrella perspective. What this election is about, and why you? You need to stand up. take action and do no more talk. Yet I do now. here the ideologies, lady freedom and liberty and economic prosperity, despite the and flaws of any human system have save billions billions of law.
From the desperation of poverty, hunger, starvation and tyranny, nobody's explained it better ever then, God rest his soul, the legendary Milton Friedman here is a kind of Milton Friedman on down a few decades ago, fell Donoghue was noted leftist, but at a popular daytime programme just completely Dismantling failed Donoghue assertion that somehow capitalism is flawed because of greed, greed. Great exists everywhere everywhere, the only question about? Greed is what system controls at best This out, when you see around the globe the male distribution of wealth, the the desperate plight of millions of people in underdeveloped countries, When you see so few haves- and so many have nots when use when you the greed and the concentration of power within the aren't you ever did. You ever had a moment of doubt about capitalism and weather
Reads a good idea to run on well. First of all tell me: is there some society, you know that doesn't run on great. You think Russia doesn't run on great? You think China doesn't run on green parties. Greed. Of course, none of us are really is only the other great. This the world runs on individuals pursuing their separate enters the great achievements of civilization, have not come from Government Bureaus Einstein didn't this theory under water, from a firmer bureaucrats. Henry Ford, didn't revolutionise the automobile industry that way the only cases in which the masses of escape from the kind of grinding poverty you're talking about the only cases in recorded history or whether where they have had capitalism and largely free trade, if you want to know where the masses are worth worse off worst off its exact.
And the kinds of societies that, apart from that, so that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear that there is no alternative way. so far discovered of improving the lot of the ordinary people can hold a candle to the productive However, these are unleashed by a freer it seems absurd really, no one. No one explain it better. That is one of the great video clips. about the power of human freedom, I've ever heard of The second aim is little short of the second part of it, but don't ever forget that folks, this election tomorrow is about, you can acting ideologies and there's no overlap. You have to ask. herself a very serious question tomorrow, the quest in Friedman, ass, daughter, the gray Accomplishments in human history, you think these words, by government bureaucrats.
Ladies and gentlemen, the great accomplishments in human history happened in free countries where free people, size, their own free, will and thought of things like the MAC, electricity, three d, printing, Revolutions in material sciences, Quantum, computing? The great solutions in human history. Despite the left's protestors to see authorities know what their talk about the internet, gosh thou a government project. Ladies and gentlemen, the people involved in the project. We are crystal clear that all the government money may be involved in anything. It was free market institutions in universities that took it developed it. What it is today. The left is just telling you a fairytale by our president. Darpa does a lot of things in conjunction with private companies. That figure it out. With money generated from private companies that give it to the government. What are you
there is no DARPA equivalent to Soviet Union. Did any of this Soviet Union put a guy on the moon. Ladies and gentlemen, the Sun You need to put our guy in space dead Ladies and gentlemen, the cell union collapsed after putting its people and a gulag and torturing them just read alternates accounted counter this. You have a choice. You have a choice tomorrow. Do you want your life your health care, your kids, education and your job. being directed by government bureaucrats, who no less about your kid. Your health your job than you have you ask yourself that question Why do you want to do that? because, as as Donoghue Trust argue what they're not greedy they're, not yours adjusting to me government bureaucrats are less greedy? What the new? Yes,
That's why I want to give them control over my health care, my education at my kids and my job. What are they about your job, your kid or your health care. What do they know about your health individually or they can ask me they can get asked you want. Phone service. They know more, listen! I'm gonna! Do this now so hard, stop lives! China, you you! I have doctors, who I I have to explain to my own doctors, because why not because you're bad people, because I don't live in my house with me: I'm don't to talk to twenty four hours a day, but you want to go I'm a bureaucratic control, your health care going for you understand, that's what Joe Biden arguing for that's. What aid public option is it Trojan horse for the government to take over health care, your health care. They know nothing about because they don't know you you. to take over your job, by using confiscatory tax rates and regulations to dictate to your job in your play, everything they need to do, despite knowing nothing about your job or they'd, be it government bureaucrats
make money doing what you do in your business, Dat, Many of them are in the government, knocking, I worked for the government, our secret service, a lot for not people, do good work and show up every day, but Hard reality is you're doing the work out there. You are put food on the table, you you're doing it. You are creating a furniture. People sit on the televisions, people watch the Iphone say their families with the food it Caesar body, because calls it clean the water they drink. Your doing now not government bureaucrats. now Donoghue tries to fight back against the great milk three minutes as well. You know we The system more centrally design like it, I like the communists, the Socialists have Joe, where they reward virtue rather than greed, but they do Well Milton Friedman was having absolutely none of that.
Check this out seems to reward not virtue as much as ability to manipulate the system and what does reward virtue. You think the communist commissar rewards fortune. You think I have my reward virtue. You thank accuse me of your pardon me: do you think american President's reward virtue? Do they choose? appointees. The basis of the virtue of the people appointed on the basis of their political clout. Is It is true that political self interest is oh, but are somehow than economic self entered you're taking a lot of things for granted. Tell me where, in the world you find these angels who are going to organise society, for it I don't. Even trust you to do, that when found those angels. Yet I haven't. You know those angels lie
in your own living room with you and your family ass angels? You put the bed at night, your kids, your parents, not my government, been fights common. Ladies and gentlemen, huge fights. I hope I just made very succinctly in that ten fifteen minutes segment, the ideological fight, the ideological argument going forward the best person to take control of your future, your job, you find it The well being your family's financial, being your health care in your kids, education is you. The government can fix your problems. They will never understand. Your problems, like you do like Paul, can escape from the near postponement and we will hold that. Can we go to that is the other stuff, the southern districts. So I want to make a very specific closing
You mean here that's more of an ideological readers, Digest version of the conflict coming to Morrow and what I'm afraid of a government take over our economy. But I want to make a specific argument against Joe Biden I think I've made the argument for President tromp repeatedly, but I want to a specific argument to persuadable voters right now against Joe Biden and candidly folks, everyone get out there and vote everyone. I We should make democracy in our constitution Republic available to everyone. But if I can convince you Joe Biden, your guy, who knows maybe enough or maybe you vote third party, but I'm telling you re now Joe Biden when The question you have Joe Biden is not the answer. Joe Biden a bad human being. He is not the case. Their candidate for all the flaws. You think you have against Donald Trump, then his family, youth
you have because I know the family different than a lot of people. Listening do I got my fifth, or from a family member this weekend in the middle, to keep in mind that German, I'm not telling you The just telling you that you're not going to say who or why now. I say why this election is tomorrow, Gotta call Sunday, no Saturday from me. Fifth, member of the inner circle of the trunk family, honest to God, folks because it was so close to the election. I thought it was about a rally. Hey you wanna go to rally you some, I'm not kidding. It was You know what the call was about hey. How are you feeling with the whole house thing and stuff? That's going on. You know the story. We don't need to beat that beat that up. I got all choked up to fifth family member in the last two weeks to call and check in
not asking for anything. Waited German. There were few days from an election, are calling a check on me, so I'm gonna take a hard power. Ass on the whole character counts, because if it does count, an obvious candidate here and it's Donald Trump. Biden and his family are not good people. Ladies and gentlemen, it is now obvious, with the Bob and ski revelations, the former partner, the Biden family, revealing that they were preparing to take massive amounts of sums of money. The chinese government connect Chinese Government intelligence, connected enterprises, the Biden family was about to take this money. Ladies and gentlemen, one of the companies, the Biden family, I don't are you could vote for Joe Biden if this DC see. Company was connected to chinese intelligence, the Chinese Communist Party in their military. They were up To unload millions of dollars on the pine family, what the hell, they buying.
Ladies and gentlemen. They were buying you buy me, then its offensive nano. They were buying you directly you're, not a sellout Biden, famine. What kind of governing structure we have in the United States? We have a democracy, no it out. We don't have a democracy, this isn't a democracy. This is a constitutional republic, a representative democracy, where representatives are voted in by majorities. In some cases, plurality- representatives supposedly represent the will of the people who got them voted in office. We are not a direct democracy. Don't vote on every tax ike. You vote for people to do it for you. What's my point What were the chinese buying Were buying you do those people, elected in Delaware, Joe Biden to the? U S Senate, you will like
Joe Biden- is the second most powerful executive in the country for eight years and was vice president knighted states. You could, if make the wrong decision. Like Joe Present Joe Biden, the most powerful person and the entire planet in the history of humankind on Tuesday, by making him the president and the Chinese were buying him and threw him or buying you, because in a representative democracy and a republic where the people suppose they represent your interest and the Chinese are buying influence with them and blackmail files against them. Those people are no longer representing you. Ladies and gentlemen. They represent in China. Are nuclear powered enemy? You don't believe me ever shown up without evidence ever active. On its even Mcintyre on social media, whose absolutely terrific he won't do southern District of New York, the Department of Justice system, district into your a charging document charging document for what Joe wants a complaint federal comply?
where they levy criminal charges against a very specific person and his entity there. This guy Patrick CO, and see ye have see who's that our Patrick? Oh you mean it. and hundred button you see who hotter Biden was negotiating this deal with the chinese company. That company was charge the Department of Justice. Are you not hearing here unity here that in the media anyway, you See charge forty three of the charging document about what Patrick CO Biden, client and see see their company what they were doing this Chinese. It is connected company elsewhere. places oversees. Let's what they were doing in Uganda of all places. Put that George number four three and that this is really fascinating. Their Patrick HA where's foreign officials benefits Joe in change for business opportunities by proposing to quote partner The families of the Ugandan Foreign Minister and the President of Uganda and acquiring a bank wow isn't fascinating around it
urban of justice has figured out came to Uganda that they say chinese communist, collective company, doing business. One hundred binding was buying family members in Uganda, GOSH for benefits, What do they mean? How benefits access to the social club, access to the did to the sauna back of the local, Jim, no they mean they were buying influence in the government. You know the government that supposed to be representing people in a representative democracy like we have you and you know, what's really weird Gama, comparing Uganda's govern structured hours. I'm simply suggesting that the same company buying off Ugandans was trying to buy off Hunter bided. and the amounts involved or body today Times larger than the amounts they were using to buy off the Ugandans and they were charged in a government complaint for doing.
You got it just came cheaper than Hunter by you know. You can have a vote for the for the summer, but trumps tweets. drugs tweets to bother you enough to vote for a family, Who sold you out. Ugandans came a lot. Cheaper Hunter Biden was really expense. They sold you up to a chinese enterprise. criminal complaint, drawn up against them for info Its operation and countries multiple countries overseas, then you are going to vote for that, It did so very definition of insanity, I get worse. All always does don't you where you get here email from Hunter Biden, business partner, Devon Arch and is just fascinating, evasive.
Bunch of things I came and what we can do about my poor, so that this is an actual email. By the way you can see it right here. and said something interesting? I have dinner with MAX Bach espouses name wrong. It's a frenzy city Thursday night. I should get back ever as he flew in four for whatever thing from from China, years, is rescheduling with the ambassadors meeting with MAX Bark is maxed Balkis you mean the ambassador to China Hunter this business partners scheduling at dinner with the Bastard China, and what was that about I dont. Nobody knew anything Joe Biden, they know any vein. The Obama government did no anaesthesis weird. let one more fascinating thing had Tipp. Do the greatest source in the history of humankind, the two seven niner he picked up. Something off. We strange, I I miss
and having a network of good sources and smart people out. There always helps you know the have got a subpoena, for honour by his computer after multiple delays,. on December night they found the body. stuff, one honour binds computer pictures, honor Biden in bizarre inappropriate situations, let's say drug use so all kinds of other things photos of things you probably we'd have to and your eyeballs out of to see you, fascinating a month after the F B, I got this and probably found all this stuff on how turbines computer just one month, Adam Shit, without this fascinating pretzel is really weird how this happened.
Here's Adam ship, just a month after the FBI gets the gets. The laptop Congressmen, Adam Schiff. Representative shift statement on Facebook. Effaced party, that was a Friday had slept, but a good one on Facebook, deep fake policy. Adam Shift seems really concerned Joe you see what I'm go this way: all of a sudden is concerned. We deeply, you know the facts. Are there pictures and videos where you can manipulate the face to make it look. like me or anyone any aromas undetectable. Maybe I got my gosh there's a video, Joe Erbakan, rob a bank, it's not Joe, which shows face Superman these? These two way call of deep fakes so good right now, there's so good that it's either
hard for a I programmes to detect that it's not really job. Maybe some other guy rob a bank. They wanted a frame joke. I'd really weird did Adam shift just a month after you probably gets wind about the F B. I haven't all these photos of Hunter Biter and weird uncompromising positions. That Adam Shift is like hey, Facebook. You know you be careful if those picturesque come out because they could be they could be deep fakes, are they defects? Do it again well, here's hundred pioneers ever see Hunter Computer turned over by Hunter Biden sign by Hunter Biden where he turned out actual computer. You see I'm going this job seems like they were already preparing a narrative like hey Hunter Biden, photos in emails and all that's up. They could be deep fakes facebook, so you bet now put those out there? We heard how Timing lies ray. We January my there
they have been, gets a computer and shift propagates window. It harry you better, put something out about deep fakes. Why? Because, when these hundred Biden clips go out and these videos go out, could damage your, residency and don't worry we'll just tell the media their deep fakes and nobody will ever know good pick up to seven. Nine are always good like that. I'd I've got one less answer that I want to make one more closing argument to you about your wallet. That was closing argument. Part one These are really really bad people. You may choose to elect president on Tuesday, which would be a huge mistake. Folks. Our final sponsors gray, company, a friends that we, the people holster, listen if covered, wasn't warning enough. The last few months have reminded us all others, a second amendment the left wants to defend the police have set it on camera Joe Biden. Windsor may not be any want to help you in an emergency twice. You need to be properly trained and marry your firearm safely, whether we, the people here
I have a few of my showed you my we, the people constitution, one. This is my in black, one which I like is while blends right in look at that. You see that see right through it. That is fit precisely to your specific fire up, we debate also started just thirty nine dollars. They accustomed design a fit your fire imperfectly. Look at that generic one size fits all crap holster. That is, precision fit to your specific farm. You put it in you, get a click, you know in their made in the USA. They have thousands of just to choose from plus an amazing selection of printed holsters. You ve already see my we, the people one mile over their proprietary, clip design on the back allows you to easily adjust the can't and the right of the house to show it fits comfortably inside the Waistband now is the time to support american companies. Go too, we people holsters that consular stand and get yours every hostage. lot of that ships. Rain comes with a lifetime guarantee you get it. Ten dollars off with you, Africa, Dan Satisfactions, guaranteed, if it's a perfect fit, send it back for a total refund,
We, the people hawsers that calm, Slash Dan. We appeal, call holsters dot com and use offer code Anthony pick up one of these beauties today, you won't regret the best holsters out there all right. Let's wrap this up with my closing arguments. Cuz we're running out of time Folks, there's a while an argument to be made here too, not just the principled one. We gave you the ideology I gave you that's why you should vote against show by an here's. We should vote for Donald Trump, the great depositor as a peace up as usual, be up in my shown us today. I put it out social media. Yesterday's, whilst fantastic its fox business. folks, you been lied to you by people in the mainstream media and the end Firstly, lying Joe Biden campaign, which continues to tell you that the Trump Economic gender deregulation, getting rid of red tape, economic freedom, prosperity and tax cuts did more for you, you ve been lied to. You told it so often that
its ingrained in people's heads it even when you show them. The numbers like we did on Friday show that the Trump tax cuts were for the middle ass, not for the rich. They don't believe it because they been inculcated with bull stuff from media. Telling mother does our tax cuts for the rich? Do you have any data backed? Of course you? Don't because you're a liar. The data on this fox business peace and let it go through it in reverse, because it matters save this peace you'll needed for tomorrow Truth about tribes, tax cuts by the numbers, not by Biden, Andy Posture, he's using non partisan Tax foundation data about the twenty seventeen task. This is not a partisan entity. The tax foundation. This is a day strictly look at the data. ladies and gentlemen, the economic engine that was exploding before that,
China virus hit us and the plague hit. Us was due to the Trump tax and combating red tape agenda its clear as day, and that agenda was for you, the working class candidly folks. It wasn't for me thanks the successes programme we ve had some reflect success and I'll be forever grateful. I grew up Entire life, though a police officer in an agent so did my wife in Hamburg from Colombia she came here, would nothing this was done brown, hard work and thanks to your goodwill. But let's look at the actual data about the tax code, which Joe Biden has pledged repeatedly to get rid of repeatedly get up, we played on the show a thousand times number one who is really better off after the tax cuts from posters, peace so best closing our meat. We could possibly make. He says what about the middle class. Specifically, he said
Well, there's no accepted definition for the club middle class: let's go by media in family income, which, in twenty eighteen with sixty three thousand one hundred seventy nine dollars so fair folks, you want to look at the middle class, let's look at taxpayers making between fifty and a hundred thousand pretty good definite. The middle class. Now he goes on in twenty eighteen or about thirty five five million taxpayers in that bracket- Increase of roughly one million over twenty seventeen, which means were rob folks, are growing middle class right, pretty simple, numbers here in total These taxpayers, in the middle class owed thirty, One billion less than twenty eighteen after the tax got ten twenty seventy year that one billion less care be joke. You deserve a keep. I kept me. I thought this was a tax cuts for the for the rich me too. So how is it that the middle class, or dirty one billion less here In other words, the middle class got nearly half of these sixty
four billion dollar decline in taxes owed under the trunk tax cuts. Folks, usage of data, it doesn't why what has been Appears a fax don't care about your feelings. They were relevant. Facts are facts. Because, on one more paragraph, as for the show or the tax burden. It also decline. while the middle class accounted for twenty two percent of total income, We the same as in twenty seventeen. Their share of income. Taxes was thirteen percent, a percentage less than twenty? seventeen folks, this middle class tax cut, was for you. the thirty five million working class busting, your butt Americans, Who leave your work boats at the door everyday, like my brother, does. Because the work citizen is an electrician. He don't
trials in a lot of that stuff into his house? You know lot of wealthy liberal democrats. you don't know anything about that. You never left work boots at the door. Conservative folks out there we get it pull this up IRAN, bootstraps memory or so you can't even do it I'll pull yourself up. I remember that is screwed. There went up to couldn't figure out what TAT meant. So. First, let's figure out who paid more than because the closing Biden argument is that scourge you over with economic growth and a task as we just thoroughly debunk than the middle class? It's not true. It's not true. No amount of your lying on. The left is gonna. Make the data become data. Data is data. No one can there's about your opinion on the data age, real you, middle class? You, the work in full.
Got a tax got. You are wealthier. Your wallet, fat or your take home pay was larger and one more thing left is so dumb they're putting out videos at one of them went viral and social media Joe this one. Is beyond stupid, they're, saying Tax reform checks are smaller, no kidding Sherlock, because you got more money in your page. Actually you can Figure that out the reason you read, on Czech or smaller. It's because you got more money every week or biweekly in your page, or this is your closing arguments. Are you too stupid to paid more? I thought Trump, Tax cuts for the rich Joe on the backs of the middle class. Actually, that argument is totally backwards. So final argument here. But when you look at the Trump tax cuts impact on the top, one percent of taxpayers is from eighty poster in tone
Eighteen one point: six million taxpayers about. One three hundred of the country made in gem reported earning five hundred thousand dollars more while the to all taxpayers, o the IRS and twenty eighteen declined by sixty four billion. As we said before, the these high earners owed why we re job, get ready for increased. Sixteen billion arm a that care I don't can't be sure, but I know it. I told her the shock and surprise. We told by Joe Biden the media TAT Godfather rabbi. That's preserving. High earners owed what they owed in increasing increase. By sixteen billion. This has, of course, supposing word I really it's on this- show the Shit Their tax burden by the wealthy also increased what they accounted job. Behavior shock at all, please
tonight, you're glycerine tells halves ready, because I know this is this distress in your system may be too much the wealthy accountants twenty percent, twenty two percent of total income and twenty eighteen, a zero point. Five second point increase over twenty seventy, but their share of total income. Taxes rose to forty percent two point: three percentage point increase at you when a pass for that is chalk. It all is overwhelming. We had a my cam these all these far right now, Elizabeth uncovered, for you stand just where'd you, ladies and gentlemen, I would just give any effects and data you're feeling about it at this point with the day to go to the election quite honestly are irrelevant. If your vote on your feelings and you like to be lie too. Yes, Joe Biden, your guy. If you are voting on your financial future economic prosperity, their own, while it near take on pay and you're in them
Class, the Donald Trump and your guy one last thing: now we're going over today. It is too important a shell folks. There, a lotta races on the ballot tomorrow, Ballot, so if you're under some illusion that I live in California, Illinois or New York- and I don't need to vote custom going to lose the popular vote anyway. You too No that you don't know that's going to Number, one a number two There are races in your state on the ballot that, if you don't show up We will lose critical house races. We will lose if you fail to show up few quick once. Burgess opens a new top terrific candidate in Utah, could take back a sea, Dive as do this list by the way I'll be up at the show notes today, thirty three competitive house races detract using as Democrats
hold the house majority by John Solomons, just a new site here, just a few of them people I met personal. Republican Burgess, Owens, Utah Gray candidate report Sean Parnell in Pennsylvania, terrific candidate, Stephanie, Bison, Oklahoma, gray, candidate, not replace, or our Republicans Nick, for TAT, Virginia Liberty, lover idea, Nancy South Carolina first female graduate whenever military institutions- She may South Carolina could take back a sea. The core value talk is in New York, could take back a sea from Maxwell is pretending to be a republic into trying to win, is falling, Claudia TAT he could take. I could see New York. Karen handle in Georgia and elsewhere get out vote folks.
No regretted the rest of your life. You know we have forty eight hours to win this thing. Let's run through the tape, let's make America great again again. I will see while on election day proudly tomorrow, you just born GINO.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-02.