« The Dan Bongino Show

The Republic Is Dead (Ep 2067)

2023-08-15 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the scam indictment of Donald Trump. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je know why, folks, we are officially in banana republic territory right now, it's so hard to believe that value brave men and women, some of em is young, is eighteen. You know still the beaches, normandy alma I utah beach and elsewhere fought in the battle of the bulge and, What for higher ideals like freedom and liberty for everyone and he's a real things, are worth fighting for fun we needed for their leave, leave lemons. as ever engaged in a spare body. Part operation, donating body, parts overseas. They did it They believed in everything that flag represent freedom, liberty, god. nobody. These are real things. Man than african bumper sticker. Ok, we're not dopey left is co exist, tolerance that stuff matters to us. It means something it's incredible:
but after two hundred plus years and all collapsed so fast, it's over man, or visually and banana republic territory. Now absolute, in banana republic territory right now and I'm very sorry. If you think otherwise, but you, my friend, I've, been diluted if you believe otherwise than let me tell you something, you're can indeed of frontal lobe lobata me the evidence, Everywhere we are now living in a police state lines cross wearin unpressed and territory right now, I have never seen anything like this indictments in advance. Before the grand jury is even voted, then they say it's. Bacon die bid, but it matches the real indictment that seems to come out later. This is banana. Public self man, policies? Gotta stop north korea's, taking notes on right now, freakin outrageous? How this that we let this constitutional above we don't own it we're lent it. We level
wanted to pass on and lend it to the next generation. Nobody owns it, some my united states of america- and this is what has become imprisoning political opponents. We'd multitude It's a sham indictments police. Aid soros, wondered attorneys around the country left wing process, you does everywhere financing their office. We're going to put you in handcuffs ban, we're going to take europe. Your mug shut, your mouth shut. Yeah! That's a good idea, because you know throb recognize him an amazing folks how we got here so disappointing. I have full coverage of the indictment today. How absurd it is all the we'll be legal theories from the anti trappers and me gosh I have been. I have defended people running against donald trump, even obama, trumps supporter, it's time for the detroit people to get a free in coil about. What's going on now to talk about the Republicans, so
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I gotta protected by our constitution and is collapsing in front of our eyes. three eyes on the left is chairing the entire way a dangerous threat to our civilization. Right now is the modern progressive who is fully weapon eyes the police state to take out their political opponents to abolish them. Institution to abolish the right to legal protection, to abolish the right to the first amendment ability to bring to question elections. It is over it Oh god, it's god folks, it's gone! God help us all The only question right now can be resurrected, so other outrageous and died. Medication been living under a rock somewhere emerged out of the state of georgia. Yesterday, the fanny. Well us another absolute lunatic and straight up communist release them it's diamond. Yet I'm gonna go to
the absurdity of it so ridiculous. It's at this stuff, I'm talking about I'm a dimension, is actually in the indictment you can the whole back. Your laughter, it actually that bad this is not a laughing matter. Republic is falling. Apart the indictment in georgia, the summit. Obviously we can put the bottom line up front, so you know we're going to talk about here and you're going to get coverage like this anywhere else. There are two premises of this indictment number one. there's an assumption that donald trump assertion on a phone call with the secretary state of georgia that he needs to find votes was a call for fraud. It is an outrageous assumption. I'll show you the washington post, how to correct this earlier. He did not tell rapids we're good to go and find votes. He said he needs to find votes, there's, an assertion there that that means it's inherently fraudulent. He wasn't talking about finding illegal votes. It was worth talking about finding actual votes, theirs.
Some share, that he was calling for fraud that is fraudulent and of itself. The second thing this thing is built on these fake electors. There were no fake electors, they were alternate electors in the event. state of Georgia went what trumps direction and not binds direction by the way. Something that's been in nineteen sixty in the kennedy Nixon campaign that has been done over and over by democrats preparing for a legal challenge to an election which they do all the time. Folks, the republic is dead. As you know, it's it's not on life support. It is dead. The question is now: can we rebuild it? How long is it going to take, and what are these tabs to implement this. The republic. As you know, it is dead, one for the lawyers to their not just attack Donald trump, first amendment to speak was first amendment right, big our god, given right to speak about elections there are attacking his due process rights, their attacking is
fourth amendment rights, nor attacking his rights to an attorney and his rights, the council. They are this rating, the constitution in lifetime and the communist left is low. thing the entire time about it, here's the indictment. The indictment this I am of course goes after and you are not safe folks, you are not safe from these people. If you think I'm a descent supporter attempts, scott supporter and I'm safe, they won't do this to me. You Friend are crazy. Here's the indictment don shrub rudy giuliani, Johnny's men mark meadows, is more Look at all these ridiculous charges, Canada as rural, jeffrey, clar, jenna alice ray smith, robber, chile, Michael roman. and those people sound, like attorneys, providing trumpet legal advice. Donald Does it have the right to when attorney in this country, because we're not a republic any more? police stay here or there.
security charges racketeers, induced corrupt organization, rico charges, conspiracy, solicitation these charges are ridiculous and by way proving to you. This is a start chamber, kangaroo court from the freak in third world the charges we took our line before the grand jury even issued a true bill. Let me give you this group on what happened from a friend sturdy. This thing had already been decide. They we did online reds because some idiot mc corks office leaked it and by the way, they'll tell you at this rig. It was not It was the exact same thing: the charge where the same, how that? How You weaken indictment before an actual true bill. Indictment comes down the years is when you are in a kangaroo court at its predetermine. Here's what happened someone mistakenly put it online ready, decided. This thing this thing has been
pre determined in advance, leaked online, the da's insisting it was fake, it was not fake whether it it is whatsoever was vague, does evidence, it was real, was the same charges and then they panicked how to get it all done, and I had it it done yesterday instead of today. So that's why you came out late last night because they realized they had a problem I've been is absurd and everyone is a fatty lady is a finds out there. She got her pork office screwed up and issued an indictment before an indictment or issued the paperwork Where's sorry answer. Oh, I don't know. what about nothing about nothing sergeant, Shelton. The whole thing here check this out. According to. Fourteen county clerk socks and certainly not lie with charges against presents our trump those that fictitious documents matched exactly the challenges that we now seems diamond. Can you tell us more about that document leak because now you have
the lawyers who are saying this is emblematic of a serious problem. With your office, I can tell you anything about which you refer to I can tell you is that we had a grand jury here in full in county they deliver. It still almost eight o clock not right after eight o clock and indictment returned, it was true build and you now have an indictment. I am not an Sport on clerks duties, or even administrative duties. I wouldn't know how to work that system, and so I'm not on not speculate wholly moses. This is a woman running the office. She has no idea how an indictment leaked before the actual true bill, came down really only the most critical line, order, case or violation of law and order case. We seen in this state this year, You can't control your own paperwork flower. You, joking folks, This case gets even crazier the lunatic wealth
invented. So many bizarre conspiracies is almost not enough time to talk about other bull shit on this show between. collusion hopes the impeachment hoax, the sex Impeachment hoax all lies in frauds about might lynn roger stone, Peter navarro, george Papadopoulos Carter page The list goes on and on of scumbags on the left, impunity the character and reputation their political enemies and weapon icing law enforcement? Do it they have the balls with this court. Shooting every election. They ever laws. They have the ball. rachel matter when Hillary Clinton to go on MSNBC last night and talk questioning elections and how the truth matters dude, you kidding me is this kind of a sick joke ma. scale rupture rachel, mad cow, the biggest huh. Still loser, shit stir in the media.
almost single handedly kept the collusion, hopes going she's got Hillary Clinton on Michel, who invented the collusion of talking about faith in elections. You gotta watch This yourself to believe this check this out. One of the thing that we have learned by living it, and these past few years is that Hocker sea needs the trust of the people thrice that The system of democracy at its heart is the idea that the people get to decide how we are governed and if we build We no longer believe that our will is effectuated through the system. If bad actors tell us falsely that every election is stolen and that the only way an election is trustworthy as if they tom come out on top of it, then something it's it isnt. It tells you something not just about that person or that moment it me.
Maybe wounds us as a democracy and in a way that is hard to repair me. What do you think about how we get better after the ones that have been collected on us through this process? Will I think you know the truth matters folks, it's gotta be a joke. I mean they. They ve gotta, be trolling us right now the truth matters she team invented, be sick. we'll dumbest conspiracy, theory in american history and weapon Isaac government hijacked the g o j for police. they'd status, to take out her political opponents. Are you shitting me going on tv talking about this. You disgusting, pisa, garbage. I work with this lady she's, a total fraud. Her husband knows exactly what was up. What is that a relationship would have seen you know what I'm talking about to cut the bs she was obnoxious and rude to see the way she talk to people flip it out all the time, this disgusting human being who by them,
was hated by our own stab. They would talk about it. the minute she left the room every single time. Don't even me it didn't happen. I was there this is it burbage person it power Greek communist straight up makes husband, look like John Adams embarrassment and by the way, so wasn't ok to refuse to concede, and it wasn't ok, the question. The election? How come right after result started to be posted hilary clean It did this interview with another one of her left, the lunatic friends and in the interview she makes crystal clear that no matter what happens Biden shouldn't concede. I want you to remember this was film for the results, were finalize we're up it will be vital, as she says no know Joe Biden. Shouldn can see so for them it was ok, but for trump you yourself a jail. You open
This Joe Biden should not concede under any sir, stances, because I think this is gonna, drag out and eventually, Do you believe he will when we give an inch or so just to be clear. That's ok, but dont trouble suggesting hey. I think this election was fraudulent. We have data michigan. We have this shit again in pennsylvania the interference election with the hunter Biden, information man, smell and balloting, which, as I have to do the new york times exposed in twenty twelve as well a source of nearly double the rejection rates of regular showing up in person voting the new times had reported this in the past, we engage mass mail in balloting effort nationwide, I nobody is even remotely curious about how
You got some really we're results in some of these places. Folks, this case is ridiculous. You know I took note here. It says, because I was reading this morning it it's hard to organize your thoughts, sometimes without multiple rewriting, so the show out of literally right at with this pen multiple times, because I want lead you down a path, and I want to leave, you would scatter shot thought this note is wrong. It's Unbelievably, we case question mark it's not a wee case. It's a in case it's a vague case. This is not a case of a crime. It is a pity critical attack of all legal theories about how to challenge election result. You legitimately believed to be fraudulent, are not crimes. Every freaking demo brad would be in jail. Their stand. This racketeering charge out of georgia. This
the soros left school, the entire time, get a bunch crazies in charge as local agencies, city states attorneys, a prosecutor, general prosecutors as well at them in charge and in just invent crimes out of whole cloth? Put him in front of injuries and just put your political opponents in jail. Think about detail to call genius of sorrows why spend billions of dollars trying to get a president elected when you spend a hundred thousand on an hp race or a local prosecutors, and you can just jail your political opponents anyway? Ladies gentlemen tragically devious but freaking genius, and they beat us the punch, china. They did. the police state is here brother, the police state, He's here right now the republic is fallen. Can we re
you it can we save it. That's the only question the republic is, you know it is dead. You know to be true. You doubt me that they made this add up out of whole cloth. here. Let me show you these videos again. Are you saying all will Donald trump wanted a series of fake electors? He did not. He wanted a series of alternate electors in case the result. In georgia when differently. Recounts or pending lawsuits sounds like some Democrats have done over and over again Here's a little super cod for you of Democrats, calling for turn it slates of electors in challenging electors. In case you think this really is a crime. He should wonder why these idiots sovereign, in jail check. This out too many voters have cast votes on machine. The jam or malfunction or suck the boats, not a trace
as we look at our election system. I think it's fair to say that there are many legitimate questions about its accuracy. About its integrity and they're, not confined to the state of ohio of these and many other examples all documented in the press. I am doing with congresswoman Stephanie tabs jumps to cast the light of truth on a flawed system. There is no reason at a time when we have enormous battles, place ideologically all across the globe. At a time when we trying to make certain that we encourage microsoft in Iraq and afghanistan. and other places throughout the world that we have
but what gentlemanly of our elections challenge, rightly or wrongly, by people who are not certain as to whether our processes are fair and just always the objection on from a high on raising the objection, but I intend to pay you also hear from some of my colleagues from other state who had similar situations is easy to say. Well, it happened in ohio happen in Michigan. It happened in arizona, and so let's not worry about it. Does it happen everywhere? Why are they a jail, The answer is folks, because nothing, they said is criminal. What wise donald trump in jail, suggesting the same thing, because now, donald trump set his criminal either so why is he in jail? Because we don't When a constitutional republic, we live in a police state. Were you jail, your political opponents and the political up The regime in power right now is that will drop don't overtake this. This is but the police state does policed.
stuff? All I've got to more videos, in case you think this resist limited to politicians calling for elector challenges presidential electors people chosen to go in the electoral college and actually select the president pursuant to the general election results in case you, we're just politicians. I've got risks man. I always back it up. Why are these people in jail because committed no crime either the trump. I needed a quite a few crumbs today's you could imagine still more sniffs leverage, each eye to say more monotonous, liberal flavoured coffee browns brand, stop just that I've. Given you money these horrible liberal companies at age you and they make garbage coffee till. I wanted a big balls. Over my coffee picked black. Our coffee for the show cause it's perfect three cup day today, coffee company, one or two percent committed to conserve, advise I'm committed to them. You know why the earth
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really pissed off today and are you? Are you again in case you think fake electors which are alternate electors is some kind of a crime. no plot, here's chris haze and Michael more creasy remember. Nbc Michael, more in obese Twinkies eating left is talking about X, actually how they can influence electors to not do their constitutional duty. When I thought this was a crime now only for trump check this out, I think there are people pushing very hard to think that, because of some of the constitutional perils of the emoluments clause, because of popular vote margin because of a fundamentals they think threat. the democracy that the vat elector should be persuaded and pressure on monday to to part with what pledges and vote and vote against donald trump. Yes, they absolutely actually I've I've right now that there are our electors, thirty eight of them who have a conscience, who are worried about a man who own attend the daily security ravens, who We now know russia.
Was trying to help get elected, listen to them publicly papa. We try to influence an election we are presidential electors I mean, I would argue, this was even more brazen with their accusing donald trump, using the media to intimidate presidential like design, not just politicians, obese. bowling chris haze, now No, no! No! Here's! A group of hollywood people who acts we filmed the commercial, we didn't even play the whole thing. This is just a small part of it. Here's a bunch of hollywood actors trying to use ie entertainment community, For once in intimidate the lectures electors in an election again farm brazen than what trump was up you. Why aren't day in jail here? Take a look. There are five hundred and thirty eight members of the electoral college, you just thirty six other countries just republican electors can make a difference by voting your conscience on December, nineteenth
by shaping the future of our nation. I'm not ask you to vote for. Hillary Clinton are not asking you to vote for the report I'm not asking you to vote for Hillary Clinton. As you know, the constitution gives electors the right to vote for any eligible person, any eligible person, no matter which party they belong to, but it should start Maybe someone you consider especially competent, especially competent, to serve as president of the united states of america by voting your conscience, you and other brave republican electors can give the house of representatives the option to select a qualified candidates for the presidency. How are these people martin jail, you understand did see exact same thing, sure is because they committed no crime. What about stacy abrams. You're, my may twenty nineteen say airbus was the governorship of georgia twice
Stacy abrams, again claims she won. Georgia's governors says I'm not quote: good support while oh yeah geese extra. We know we know she's got a good sport, but how stacy abrams, not jail, face abrams, who, by the way, use their position our position, the candidate to end what wins giorgio lecture laud false claims of voter intimidation and voters. Suppression that we're false how we not in jail for This is just starting. What's going on here, I'm gonna go this thing one act, job act day of charge is basically charge. One charge you that charges, but they did their their points there bullet. And let it go to him one by one to show you how obscene and ridiculous this thing is? But I want to this video dershowitz listen, I get it. We dershowitz a bunch of people in the shadows of theirs. It's all this other. I get it I'm not here to negotiate or talk about with Dershowitz did in the past big. I'm here
who's. The guy has some legal advice that I think is worth listening to. I can isolate this guy and ice some out, because of questions about is past and other stuff. The guy what he's talking about he happens to be a liberal who, by the way, has some sound legal ideas. I hear what you say I get it. I get it. But what he says here is important. He makes two critical points about this case against trump. How mental eight cases about what the defendant's mental state was r e here to prosecute and hard to win on appeal because you arguing that donald trump in his head knew. We lost the election and did it anyway. That's why they did this then The second point about how these values are all political at this point, but listen about state cases, criminal cases involving until states its important proving it spirits sea is very different.
or because you have to get their head and prove that the thing they did they, because they intended to further the conspiracy very important point. Listen to this. First of all that we should take seriously. The fact that there was a grand jury indictment means nothing. Is the press yoda, who indicted the best evidence that, as it was on his website before the grand jury, even vote It now The whole strategy of all these four cases is to get fiction before the election, even they're gonna lose our appeal. I used to teach my students, many of them future prosecutors. If you bring a rico case that increases your chances of winning their trial and losing on appeal The same thing is true with conspiracy, in other cases involving member states and so What sort these cases are designed to get quick, quick convictions, in jurisdictions, heavily loaded against I'll drop and these prospects don't care as much as possible.
is generally do about having with conviction my personal view is that will happen after the election, which only goes to prove what I've been arguing now for four months. If you go, after the man's running against your incumbent president. You darn well, better. Have the strongest case possible. and these are among the store these three them. Three weeks spaces. I've ever seen against any candidate will know that the fourth, but it see It's like it's very, much like the deasey case, and if you you have the main running for president against your person. You had the songs case, otherwise it It's a banana republic. Anybody can prosecute anybody who get what he's saying here. Folks, it's critically saying: they're not trying to convict trump based on some action. We caught him robbing a bank. Here's a video of him with a gun. Give me the money, they're convinced they're. trying to convince a jury about trumps mental state because they don't have any real actions. I'll show you what I mean come up that in this mental state,
breathing, he did was in furtherance of a crime. He wanted to do this. You believe that These are only easy cases. If you're in front of a liberal jury that already looking to convict this guy, oh yeah, he was thinking bad stuff. You get ready saying, but these cases, typically lose on appeal, because there's no evidence outside of your opinion about what he thought That's the point in it convicted asked interfere in the election. Fourteenth amendments is but kick him off the ballot steal. It isn't the point. Who cares if you lose on appeal later? That's the point that is most important piece of video. You gonna, see today about case involving mental state and political venues. I folks and we take a quick breakin and I'm going what do the indictment one by one? It is how Larry asleep stupid and somewhat. commentary by the anti charm crass been even more embarrassing I'll call that out. Two patriot mobile, everyday,
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actually federal agent, the cop, I don't know what you did if you attorney go back to law school by duct tape in furtherance of a kidnapping, requires a kidnapping. That's the point: it duct tape, Yes, there is an element of the crime urging pull to go, watch a news network where you're openly sending your first amendment right to question election is not a freak in crime. Go back to school bro! Everything about the legal since one of the dumbest comments avert all day and I was really public it? Here's poor one, I don't this is this: is it folks his actions in furtherance of the conspiracy approximately four days earlier first, he made a nationally televised speech, falsely declaring victory nobody, you fellows. I thought that was recently first about breach. Reach me here. I am and in four days earlier donald trump?
because the draft speech with unindicted co conspirators whose identity, to the grand jury that falsely declared victory and falsely claimed voter fraud did I do. I thought that was just for free speech thing to know is that your day gets better Here's accepts the indictment then over remarked meadows- is cheapest. They sent a text message, the congressman sky, parry from pennsylvania and stay Get ready for this folks? Are you ready in the chat Did you send me? The number for the speaker and leader of the pennsylvania legislate legislature, poet, once the chat with them all I gosh. What do you want to do? He wanted a job. Is hanging by his toenails an option. I mean this sounds really bad. It's like buying top duct tape for kidnapping or something else
This is all actually can me a diamond. You can read it yourself. Here's act twenty two in december, from tweeted from his twitter account georgia hearings are now on away at an amazing, won't leave them. Read the text like this one over overt act, it further it so conspiracy, Spirits see you mean hidden secret plan to choose out eighty million people to watch a cable news shadow in what fifty million holmes. You know somebody had how that's it what do you say to resolve this issue of weaken job? No, it's not! Oh, it gets even better and each weeded out to check it out. A new smacks to be out of the opinion about bread camp that he should resign you're, not to watch our news bags either
The daughter of the realm get em johnny. There is an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy again done in front of eighty million people for the public to see on. popular cable news channel that definitely watch our is beyond right side broadcasting network. Don't watch out either here- is another overt act and further in sick of the conspiracy he treated up here. it's from atlanta on the georgia election overturn now being broadcast on Rsp gay. I don't know about you, but this this I mean how what is he nuts an open hearing in front of the public in front a public commission, he wants you to watch able channel anyone could watch enemy, tweeted, eighty million people. This is it. This is deaf in overt act in furtherance of this secret conspiracy theory. This is just a scene. Here's one of the alleged coke and speed What did he do? Folks? the James shaver reserve.
The room at the georgia stay. Capital unfolding county for a meeting of trump presidential, lecter nominees and fulton county? Why you probably think yourself? I think I read that the crucial thing and the right to petition and assemble Joe, is ever written in their fishing. It is ok, just checking s That's good to know that still india, just checking I mean there are of constitutional right. They have not violated in this thing here. A couple more If I go on all day, here's act, thirty, two ready to calling for signature verification. I didn't know calling for signature occasion and special session, but that was. Hence the law, but they know donald trump. this again and it was an
Word act in furtherance of the conspiracy. That's that's fascinating to again. The right approach soon the government s this incredible. I've seen a lot People call for that signature, Sarah verification special session there, probably I'll be want to jail too often do especial show on that. They need a lot of jail cell. Here's act one forty last one. This is just a joke. So apparently it's now illegal to criticise my pants when my reviews, Donald trump stated pence- would go down as a wimp and their pants was not. Protecting the united states This was an overt act in the furtherance of the conspiracy. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a legal abomination, This is an absurdity, difficult to explain. Here's acts ios describe and what's really going on here. Ladies and gentlemen, this is
What this is actually about, this is from yesterday. We put it yesterday, show when put indonesia. The real reason behind this key axiom. Axios am. since these are state charges in georgia a president. A pardon wooden free trump veto, when the presidency or republican civil, that again we're to win the present united states came partner, dismiss khazars state crimes. Lady, in gentlemen. They thought this all through None of this is an accident period. They have thought entire police state up through every single bit of it well brian camp. and surely pardner no sure he cannot In power in georgia is sit in an independent born, and there is zero chance that some.
There's a lot of good republicans in georgia a lot I want to be clear, but there's a whole lot of swamp rats. There, too, there is zero chance that trumps going, pardon way you would have to serve a third of his sentence. First anyway,. How do I know that because there's a legion of swampy republicans in georgia that aligning with the swamp to make sure that people state is fully implemented in the united states and especially in georgia, here's they're all lieutenant governor on cnn last night the vision just absurd talking about now. This is our opportunity to basically get revenge on donald trump. This guy was a a book and take a listen. This feels different. You know. Donald trump did is: did his most damage in georgia? the soul of the republican party. Here he said the morality of the republican party, the fiscal responsibility of the republican party he's easy. such are. Winning percentage of the republican party has taken everything from us and it is our turn to take it back right.
our turn of intellectuals based on the policies that we think we're better on? This is the prime spot for us to take Joe bind the woodshed and call em out not running the border right, not protecting our communities, not putting our best put forward internationally. These are our moments in time, but if we make this, but the three ring circus, Donald trump. We will lose, lose and lose again folks. I can't say this enough to the people out there, who are the anti terror burs, even if you're, not an anti tramper, but your republic in and you just supporting another candidate. I need you to understand this. Please I know my advice is probably meaningless. Do I understand that I haven't inflated sense of self worth. I mean that, with due respect. I'm just telling you you are letting your political colours distort What's going on in your brain, you're, magdal s taken over your front your brain is not ruling right. Now. I don't think you understand. This is not about donald trump. It is about the police state
donald trump is symptomatic what they're doing the tramp of a larger infection, your guy tim Scott, the sad, this vague rama, swami, Nicky, Hayley or lady, whoever it is if they they get the nomination, they will be a victim of the zack same scale, american voters right now, who are smart, see this for what it is. If your candidate no matter how hard their feelings are against donald trump. I understand I get it he's. Nice to them. They are not nice. Damn fine been more than fair to run this this and other he is a great governor. If you listen, show. You know that I have never attack, round the said this, I believe enron, descent. This I just happened to support donald trump. That doesn't mean I'm de dissenters, I'm skin you all on the other side. Please see this the same, why this is not about trump. It is about much larger issues. I saw at slob chris christiaan fox news this morning again doesn't seem to get it. He seems so
Why does political ambitions blind him to do this? china, the republic going on right now? How do you explain in saying things this used to share of pat la back down and foreign county, suggesting they're going to set up trump for a mug shot like anyone else he's not what else these presidential candidate in a former president, you mass are Kidding me. By the way, this mug shadow become the single greatest fund raising picture in american history. But that's not the point is the point. Is this guy so dumb? He does realize it. Everybody seized her. What he's doing take a look at this boy, we are part of our normal practices. And so that matter, your status whoop we're mugshots rainfall. It doesn't matter. You status, we got a mug, shall ready for you believe this shit, Donald trump
no one's going to record, and was he going to do? Put the groucho thing on your that picture ye groucho thing from that I forget the warm weather I don't want to push out a spot. I gotta move on So what can the g o p do enough complaining about it? what can we do right now, folks g, o p member of congress in the united states senate near now pushing to completely decapitate funding for jack smith in this. show councils office immediately. Then you do in IRAN. Is it going to pass? Maybe the voters out. There are getting tired. I saw my buddy cats on twitter yesterday, who always gets it tweeting to a bunch of publicans tweeting their rage about this whole thing, elected republicans who have actual power saying please stop tweeting and please get to it it's time to do something it's time to cut off funding before the institutional republic is lost for good its lost, but there's a
limited window to save it, it is time funding right now. You think they'll share, and in all this craziness in the leaking the indictment more bad enough. Remember this! lady, Emily cores the jew, john grand jury, four person now idea, you remember how I I I have not seen her name on any updated a grand jury paperwork, so they probably got rid of our after this, but these were the kind of peace pull down there on the grand jury, who were in vain. forgetting donald trump and doing news interviews about it. Tell, again, we don't live in a kangaroo court. Police state failed additional republic right now watch this, isn't what you say when it comes to their r and d in there are indictments recommended. Of course, is it yet more than twelve? people as a more than twenty people, I think If you look at the page numbers of the port, there's about sex six pages in the middle. The got cut up allow for spacing
it's not a short list. not a far less there's more video of her. By the way I might even putting on today casino want to waste your time. I just one swear remain staring in the face of it. This is crazy This is insane the constitutional right. Book is collapsing and weed women like this, and people like it's a general doing it. You ve got a dopey share who'd you so obsessed with power and vienna tb insists on taking a mug shadow, most recognisable human being on planet earth. You ve got a corrupt joe. judea d and the entire da's office charging donald trump. What a faint crime every Democrat would. Guilty of it was a crime you ve got them staking we mistaken and then deliberately repeating amid the donald trump tall brad rapids. Berger the secretary of state of georgia to fine vote. Despite the fact this is all Had he been a correction in the washington post. You want to see it here goes
march, twenty twenty one. When they accuse drop of this fine, the vote thing to ones. their publication. The story, the ga. Her tears. They release than audio recording the president trumps phone call with states too. Elections investigator recording revealed that the post misquoted trumps comments on the call based on Information provided by a source trump did not. The investigator to find the fraud or say she would be a national hero. She did so. It said trump urged investigate and scrutinise ballots inform county, asserting she would find dishonesty they're here, I told her. She had the most important job in the country right now, a story, the recording can be found here. The headline tax or the story had been corrected to remove miss attributed to tromp, dotted break it matter there, still liberals out there telling you that donald trump told them told an investigator to find the fraud. Does it
that it didn't happen. the matter that it did not happen. We live in a freaking police state man. It doesn't matter. Folks, listen! I'm going to move on here cause. I had a couple more things to get through before the end of the show. On a bit of a lighter note, there is an opportunity to save this place. There's nowhere else to go in is your country. Is worth fighting for and I damn well ain't given
and you should neither is no excuse. You not take my generally morose mc cobb content in a based on all the shit we're going through as an excuse to throw in the towel. People like you, this country, some of whom fought the death to preserve everything. It stands for, and I mean something no excuse to give up its no excuse the pun, lipstick on our pig here we're in a really bad spot, so this happened yesterday, but god tragic wildfires and aoi in hawaii, just unbelievably destructive hundred people dead, it's probably gonna wind up in a whole lot more. Sadly, and again anyone changing their vote. Any you guys on green job here, my enough sucks. He now methana gear three job here. Ladies and gentlemen, the single word press secretary in the history of the united states there
The two senators from hawaii maisie haroun o brien shots. I didn't know there were four senators from. Why did you guys know this currently there's a guy by the aim of who reno amazing verona was a woman. I don't know. Maybe that identifies is something different set of asia, pronoun, not sure, patently there's a senator hurry now and a senator shorts. I was totally unaware of this commission. Pierre yesterday check this out. Irina way said the president spoke to just last night. He thanked the president for the immediate support. A federal agencies have delivered for residents of hawaii, and so does has a so has a senator shorts short, sharp shots. Senator shorts and center arena center arena apparently he's a he. No, he he was I a fine using he pronouns cos. senator arena. Last time I checked is biological woman. So unless something happen who senators shorts is, I have no idea a gauges, set it right before
that our enemies, a nuclear powered enemies, are actually watching. This debacle go on in life. Time is Stop it's really tough get my arms round it. Hence why give you all? These warnings is another piece, stunning video that just got lost yesterday, the maelstrom of another indictment of donald trump with their newfound police state, robert Avc, eddie junior, was on talkers show on twitter yesterday he said some incredible things about what might pompey o told him about the cia? I have no reason to do believe what our of K is saying is true. However, one quick thing about our of k: I'm lost a lot of respect for this guy. What he said about abortion recently. He tried to take some moderate democratic approach on abortion and when he was called out, he want full, like liberal Democrat, like what's whack the baby's any time So let's all keep that mine, however, he's a newsworthy figure. I respect disposition running for office and guy when he makes news, I'm gonna put it on the shell, unlike dammit,
It's you try to silence areas talking to talk about the cia and what might palm pale told him about the cia and this one really com, here take a less Bobby Kennedy. My plan pale in vegas defined stumbled across that I would have stopped. It wasn't meant to us. It was needed what makes a story weird years and I'm not I'm not even going to I dunno. If I'll even go there but yeah but said to me before dinner, you know I had a moment with em and he said to me he said you know when I was at the c I a I did not do what I should have done to fix that agency, and he said No, I any expressing regret and he said Then he turned to me and like look me in the eye- and he said, the entire apprehension on agency is
of individuals who do not believe in the democratic institutions in the united states of america. That's a quote. He said why entire upper echelons at the central intelligence agency, doesn't believe in the democratic institutions of amerika. ladies and gentlemen, it might pompiers correct He would know he was in a position to know then We ve got a real problem, then police state. The intelligence apparatus is apparatchiks. There used to keep it going that they're all the american folks. in real trouble again disguise worth hearing. I don't agree with him. I would never vote for amendments should on abortions and abomination. So, whereas other positions on taxes There's a guy deserves to be heard. These serious guy. Let me end on this note some happened yesterday when I was on the air mac. I go into detail,
right now, because one, it's really genuinely stupid, agree with DR knots in producer Jim to cause. I get distracted, easily but I want to address it for a reason it is really was done. When I say down, I mean so dumb. I honestly don't even want to tell you what it was about. Why? Because we are dealing in a critical day at a critical time, with per growing metastasize in police state in the death of our republic, even should this would be to distract them. The bigger picture, however, I just want to warn you, as I have warned you thousand times have. I not gay rights this over and over the biggest danger and threat you are gonna have, if you ever become a content producer in this space writer movie producer Tv house, I know you know october the biggest threat, not going to be from the left, their easy to handle their morons. The biggest threat is, to come to you from clout chase. in little ankle bidders inside our movement who, by the way
I'm telling you are not conservatives del, all themselves, like super, drug magda super caliph, rationalistic magda man, three thousand forty, two and they'll they'll be finance, it'll, be anonymous. Accounts they'll get following a five thousand people and endeavour notice in their account their entire account. is spent shitting on Republicans trevor notice, and nobody thinks suspicious these people are not of us Everything to them is up everything everything set up things are paul ryan up everything like fox did it beg you a lot of stuff everything go it doesn't matter, copy donald trump, there's nothing! You can do the reason they find a conspiracy around every corner is because it their livelihood, they are not. Publicans, I care
emphasizes to you enough. They have a total inability to this. Turn. The good guys from the bad guys- because there are not here to do that they're here disrupt every thing to them is an operation from you zack song to anything else. Please don't fall for employee, please, god, do not get distracted by the stupidity I'll take care of it. You need to be bothered with you won't do it yesterday. You know what I mean it's everywhere. Now it is up it's their up. I promise you it's not real. It's meant to divide us, and sometimes it works. If you don't call it out er thanks for joining us. Sorry about that. At the end, I just don't want to distract you with stupidity. Stay laser focused right now we have to deal with this police state before it's You may join us every day, rumbled our complex mancino, please click that green, follow button the right side of the page, if you're in the app, I really appreciate its free on rumble, set up an account.
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-16.