« The Dan Bongino Show

The Libs Finally Reveal Their Real Plan # 1021 (Ep 1021)

2019-07-12 | 🔗

In this episode I address the stunning comments by this prominent liberal about their real plans for the economy. I also address what happened at the White House social media summit yesterday. I address President Trump’s latest move on the census citizenship question and some insane comments by a liberal television personality. News Picks:We are going bankrupt. Federal spending hits another record.

President Trump makes a big announcement on the census/citizenship question.

Liberal Joy Behar compares immigration raids to “Nazi Germany.” 

President Trump is transforming the liberal 9th Circuit Court.

Are the Dems turning on AOC?

AOC’s Chief of Staff finally tells the truth about his real goals

Tucker Carlson and I take on the Mueller Report “comic book.”

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