« The Dan Bongino Show

The Interview That Should Change Everything (Ep 1380)

2020-10-28 | 🔗

In this episode, I discuss the astonishing interview of former Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski, and the troubling ramifications for the election. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed its not immune to the banks with your host Dan Bungee, no German, I set it again. Something is happening on the ground. Tat everywhere. I have another video cave, a Joe Biden rally. No, I didn't say that wrong a job I'd and rally where more people showed up on the trumpet side by far the binding site? I've got that by the way you vote yet. Did you vote yet? Did you vote yet? I can ask you enough until it's annoying you bring. Can people whether you are Where is he I wait? We gotta get everybody out. Everyone, everyone, friends, family everyone cause The second cousins. Third cousins, you haven't seen in twenty years, get him out of up, got that and we have the bubble: Linsky File, you see the interview s side with Tony Babo Linsky, former Biden, family business partner,. We
got the highlights a low lights from that one I don't want to miss today, show for South Sudan election updated. The end We leave the show without talking about Miami Dade County afar. Yes, Miami Dade Miami Day Emma Stronghold, not looking good for the days facial population press Vps, ladies and gentlemen, for your online activity from prying eyeballs today get a VP and don't wait, go to express Vps, dotcom, Slash bond GINO, Welcome to the Dan GINO Show producer Joe. Good to have you back. You were here yesterday, but at a technical malfunction. We could not record your voice. Now the audience can hear you and we can refer you so much for the past two days. How are you doing here doing well? The day before yesterday I was almost ribbon. What little here I am left out trying to fear that stuff. You know so well, yep, your great Ura, we're goin on gravy, sweat. Now the fair ray you're, you're gonna go, I'm gonna go ball
be bonds and if so, what action can join the virgin media either? And I mean if you have an area of solidarity, that boy said it now everywhere. I shaved my had once when I was about. What's your message, me this policy like. I will not be shaving. My death may one that's almost hidden, but I will not be yeah. I will not be achieved yet. Please, please, don't our efforts, we gotta busy showed an amateur start out with aid video. But let's get you a first by our friends do cat. It falls here the means ray beer lovers, favorite event Toby fast. Yes, that's it you're, probably not a plaintive Bavaria this year, it's a great time to start a new beer tradition. We Duke Cannons October. Fresh, yes, fresh, the beer fast located entirely, where, in your shower celebrate beer and get squeaky clean with a huge ten.
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best way to bring you love a bearded shower, visit, Duke Cannon dot com and use promo code, Bonn GINO, ten for ten percent off your next shorter freeze. Thing without is over twenty hours. A selection of do Cannas products are also available at your local target, Duke cannon dotcom, promo code bungee! No ten! I just go again. One quick annoying reminder, but I don't care about annoying. I went to win please if you have not yet voted in early voting has started, get out, please vote now. Please don't we. till election day. I know it's a tradition and many households. This is not the time for tradition, we're in the middle of a plague. It's time to win, get out and vote now while the lines are still manageable. Please go today and bring ten p with you, friends, cousin, second cousin, stirred cousins of friends. You have second cousins. Anyone in everyone, everyone you run into in the street, ask him: did they vote? You want to bring out ready. Duration, voter registration balance and put away you can't tell people had a register, of course, but you can get people registered.
go to a local firearm show and get people registered, get people registered, get it done, how people get em, EL embattled? Whatever you need to do now? There's our p, save for the day, we're gonna be doing it every day into election day was time a win win, win win, that's it even Lucy Parking Poor Lucy began her university wants to my fear. I got. I gotta tell you for Listen behind the scenes. Won't. I wasn't crazy about yesterday's. Shall I had a big vision for it, but not Joe there I kind of like I don't know I wasn't crazy about you did well, but today, I'm back. We are back in stone. Recreational, let's get to it. Video number one: babies, Germany, you're! Listening on audio! Don't worry I'll talk! You do it for a video. consumers at Rome rumbled accomplish bungee. No, I want you to watch. Is this video from a Fox news reporter who was out
in Pennsylvania on the stump and was with the on going to a Biden rally again, this is a bite and rally by this is not again bond GINO Foot and mouth moment. It is a Biden rally. What are you noticing about all the horn, hawking and all of the sites out there? There are no binding signs. There are now listen to me. Look at this video rumbled accomplished by GMO. They are driving pass than a bus and there's all these cars or not gay and they are all there is finally abide inside appears parent. Is we got applied, Sidon, there's an actual Biden sign site, I gotTa Biden Rally folks, theirs, approximately seventy percent trump signs at by rally by kid turn out anyone, but his own staff, but Abiden rally. Trump supporters are going to drop, rallies, by rallies. I'm telling Something is happening there,
the show Paul at all. Let me stop what am I am Dave? I'm gonna show you an example. I gotta get at this tony balance, you step, but I want to get you excited because I meant matters, and I don't want anybody. Listening these Paul's by the judge. I shall Monterrey trumps down. Seven the main points in Wisconsin. If that helps I'll be stun. If it does, it does we'll talk about it afterwards, I would be stun There is something happening. Paul was kind enough to pay. You photos to here's. their bide. Morality put the little circles underground. You know they deserve. sure distancing circles, which, if you watch the video before everybody's talking with each other, and then they go to this, look at this look at this. What are they twenty people at this rally, my God, what this war Like a crop circle from the male Gibson movie signs, or something like that, it's like aliens came down a drop circles on there's. Nobody there wakeham Aldys, nobody there now show us. The trouble we pictured body, I seen his policy, she do it. I lifted up there
There's a truck. Riley did there's more. People on the line for the bathroom and about get back anger dinner word: the Biden Rally Beers we're sound engineers at the Trump rally. Something is happening, Don't ignore it get out, involve moving we'll get to that other story about Miami Data Exit, I'm telling you I can buy. When I saw this, I can't believe it. Miami date we're here Recollect in one by three hundred thousand votes in South Florida, moving onto the battle its key vile. I love this guy's last name, let's get to grips with, I bought judo eurobonds. Emily call me a bungee, noble jovi, but been NGO Bingo every. I love bottle in disguise the grids so Lieutenant Babo. Let's keep goes on the Tucker across and show less. I little a quick background for those who were in the dark on this If you watch the mainstream media, that's been hiding a story for the last three weeks. Tony balance: he was a business partner, the Biden family, the Biden family,
seeking a deal with the chinese business called see, FC everybody track and the business I see- and China was a known business connected to according to Malta. reports Chinese intelligence of the chinese military. We, like enemies of the United States, a chinese military nuclear power threatening Taiwan, Hong Kong's yeah, yeah yeah, the same guys near sameness. So when Joe Biden was right, president, his son was seeking to deal with the chinese communist and they sought the input of Tony Bob It's you who is a well respected business man on the contours of the deal. If this is all Eddie, peeking, you're interested in ten way way way. Vice President Biden at the time, his son was seeking a deal with the chinese communist for millions of dollars, oh and accompany connected. The Intel military officials, he, why didn't they did didn't didn't, by the way he had no discussions whatsoever with his son.
About his business dealings with the communist- and you did say that right, you will play that video and a second, but is that true? Because Bob its key said. My side of the Tucker show that, despite Joe Biden loud protestations that he had nothing to do with any these business deals. While he was Vice President Papa Linsky. Actually there and met with job. I met the chateau on about the deal with China. Weird check this, yeah. Well, you said that they wanted you to me, Joe Biden. way to induce you to participate in the steel you weren't, you are the actual business guy here who had management experience deal experience. but it also sounds like Biden was vetting you to some extent. Yes, of course, like I request to meet with Joe, they re, that I made would show and you know he's pudding is, hunters says this in writing. That was A reference multiple times
putting their entire family legacy on the line. They know exactly what they were doing. There were dealing The Chinese owned surprise run by Germany Seo see their debts, financial support and political support from the chinese his party at all, it was pretty and it's me that's not my own words. That's how they presented to me and read me in on it and my bit, they being Gill earlier and thereby being Hunter Biden. Who was very proud of that in taking credit for it when I sat with him for two hours patio, the chateau mama now lay proud that they were doing a deal with the Chinese Communist Party will proud that they were dead. He had the relationship with Chairman ye who was running sea of sea and the abyss, for them to get deals done around the world and stuff like that. I got a job, I didn't know anything about it. I I I Don't we more are doing business deals with the communist chinese
clearly there's video at that meeting right at the Chateau Mormon. this video at that meeting with Hunter buying their laying out the contours of a deal with the Chinese Communist Party. Remember when the be document came out the ppp hoax. It is alleged that the ppp instead, it would tromp happened at a hotel in Moscow, and reporters from these big media outlets in your council are supposed sent reporters over the hotel, where the legend to try to video very the and nobody could find anything because, of course, the story was made up. Are they going to send people out to the Chateau Mormon to get video this Hunter Biden? Maybe I'm just checking you you will write as Rapporteur Ring Journal you're, not listening to the New York Times and unwashed about just you're going to do that right, Joe of court. They gonna do that bright, joy, I would hope journalism and there they ve come. Now listen, I'm a small operation here, ladies and gentlemen, but I'm serious The fly in one of my guys out there and asking the shed
oh Mamma, you there's a video and, of course the New York Times will do that because you want to get to the bottom of this. If tone, balanced he's telling the truth, or if Tony Bob This is, in fact, a russian asset, which is a disgraceful assertion for a patriot who is serve this country. Lieutenant our military. But in any case you think Joe Biden didn't go because you're, you know you watch the mainstream media and you don't know anything because I'll tell you anything and you walking around wine, which you're dunce cap on in case you don't they, Joe Biden, has already denied any knowledge whatsoever of this. Here is Joe. I repeat, I do see, but a year ago. Peter do see from Fox NEWS saying hey
I don't have anything to do with this guy, this business dealings Hunter about effect, you better start asking the right. Questions in a single area is a check this out. I know to be invested, He has violated every basic form of oppression. We should be asking him the question: why would a fine lady try to intimidate a foreign? Maybe that's what happened that occurs: Let me with job going as big as I read them like a drum, usually abuse of power and every element of the presidency to try to do something to smear me. Everybody looked at this has everybody's looked at, it said, there's nothing there. The right question does not bring their ways: Jabez, ivory everybody's worked out in every field. The New York Times looked out, and apparently the washed impose everybody's got into the hotels scene of unease me They ve already done that right. Of course, now that's not true Joe just making it up any.
Would he always does he flipped sit around to make it about Trump? Well, how involving, actually was Joe Joe Biden. cause. You may be saying yourself about our now dad I'm still a little le still little curious about how deep Joe Biden was involved this, whether listen to me, it's just my opinion. I wasn't in on the deal on list, a voice. Mail had Tipp to the national pulse, Rahim GSM, Redeem, GSM site. This is a recording I should say of Joe buy of honey. Next year's me to be precise. Precision matters is a record upon Biden himself? Talking about how is dad eyes, involve one business partners keeps calling is business partner. Sending calls this business partners way that the deal this guy named Eric. He also talks about it would support then she will couple courtier how Utter Biden, says: he's business wrapping. This Chinese, spied chief, were here
the boy cities where these are my words, because I know the New York Times, you have trouble what all this he is representing the Spanish, its chinese spy knees. Oh my gosh was that throb of affrighting, except for the chinese spiky Hunter pride in the sun or the vice representing him and how dad sending the calls to Eric is business part, but don't worry job I was involved in our memory. Just told Peter do see. Ask the right questions. These do the other. That is not the right questions. Heed our voice does a record Hunter Biden himself. Talking about representing the chinese spiky I call for my father taught me the New York Times is calling for all parties Eric lowering his dummy for how is the want, of course, because my father will not stop caused era, I'm only for a about
my representation of the lily how'd, it go spiky who started the company that However, we were three hundred and twenty billion dollars family. It is now missing, the which is leading the world is missing. It was my partner. is missing, since I last saw him fifty million Harmon inside. four billion dollar to be the aren't report it in the vision, your dreams my best friend is business me, as it is without telling me a criminal case,
without telling me again had to national policies, That's that so now we know one hundred binds onwards and recording want to be very specific and recording of his voice. Its and disputed by anyone that he, As in his words, ease wrapping these spiky Patrick, I wasn't exactly this by cheap and it's very suspicious connections that his dad involved and is sending calls to his business partner and that there's a limit investigation in the southern district in New York. That he's been contacted, but don't worry. Let's elect these dad president, whose involvement sending the call to his present part DARPA, not the whole Not that I see your folks, don't you! The verdict is: Joe Biden completely innocent, let's elected president, this price go up. This is price. Go up. by many present. When he's vice president, like where ten percent vaguer something does he get twenty? Is it like? Inflation? Hey guys, I've been promoted and vice president. I was right right now. I'm president, I was ten now its deadly twenty five percent of the Dutch is pride. I'm just checking
fire. What's the inflation rate on promotions and also like a great like the g s level, you know when you're in a government, your gs, ninety s, eleven GS, thirteen are their grades for Chinese pay off, like vice press level you get ten percent. President level, you get twenty five just check. It is economic. It is there somewhere. We cannot published. I'm just wondering how much what Joe Biden prices gotta be? If God forbid he's elected president, give ideas twenty five years, maybe thirty beyond my power higher prairie I know I'm never take it a bribe. So I don't know either me Joe above. Like I don't know, I'm not sure I ve never taken up a vague on a chinese deal with chinese communist could now shown right. I've never had never done that. I never never did that. I don't know. I don't know how to work. I
big I ever, but is one time when I was a kid. I feel that one of those you ever do football tickets in New York. You pay five months and you choose all the sixteen games. You have to pay a vague for that. That's the only vague I'm I've never done one with the chinese intelligence. But what do we missing? But those sounds like there's tons of Darwin this. Oh, my God issued Now you may be saying yourself: Joe Biden deny this then I, despite fact retarded hundred his voice and when a hard by the former business partners bubble indicates Joe Biden denied this. We have to believe him because he's Joe Biden, you know he's a democratically. They always tell the truth, So Tucker Carson, just straight out, asked lieutenant bubble and ski yesterday I am Joe Biden, basically said he didn't know anything about this. He had nothing to do with these business deals that his son is talking about him being involved in the business deals in. How do you feel about that public,
he's pretty straightforward? Keeping my by the way Babo Linsky is not a partisan, is actually donate in the past too. Who cares that people know Democrats here that try this he's in this is a company with direct connection, the communist government to China. So the Vice president has said he had no knowledge whatsoever of his sons, business dealings and was not involved in them at all, but this sounds like direct involvement and that's a blatant line when he states that that is a blatant lie. Other sea, the world's aware that I attended the debate last Thursday. And in that debate he made a specific statement around questions around this from the president and to be honest with you, I almost stood up, screened liar and walked out because I was shot dead four days or five days that they provide for this, that the buying family, taking up position to the world. And once again I'm irrelevant in this discussion. I just
brought in to run this company and have been exposed to all of this fact, and I believe the american people show See this fact I would have much preferred the buying family recorded and define these facts for the american people on the globe for me sitting here are having a discussion with you on so Joe Biden has not denied meeting with you in LOS Angeles, correct. The blade lie, Arbalist eastwards Mommy so just to be clear for the media. Folks, listening having a tough time with this, he has tax. No one is disputed from the Biden family Biden, family business partner is emails, From Chinese Associated, this intelligence connected can accompany see I here. If specific locations he met with Hunter and Joe Biden give specific times and dates.
and no one has yet deny this? Send the media's managers? Do you still think this is passed at the half? A baker you're pathetic excuses for journalists? Please resign resigned today, save yourself the future embarrassment History looks back on you and says what the hell were you doing in there. Newsrooms as his story broke you lay in Genk or something that's what you were doing. I don't see nothin no integrity at all Toto losers, enemy. Given my second sponsor here, I got more on this two more questions way with, despite and fair crime, family idea how much money was involved? The question we all asking how they held the bite, family think we're gonna get away with this budget, he's got an answer for that. One too, are today show party reference. It
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are we talking ten dollars, twenty dollars hundred hours thousand dollars, a million dollars, more than a million dollars, So a lot of money right for a public servant like Joe Biden Servant AIR quotes how much money was above. So Tony Babo, let's keep us ask that question by Tucker across the last night. You know what kind of a deal with the Chinese where they talking about em, really interesting here is, above all, its key mentions that we're talking about millions million this is one of those Austin Powers Marian dollars, millions of dollars, Judy Biden, family, the binding family. you're saying the binding family and have set a twice three times the binding family. because Tony's very specific about what the Chinese think their buying check. This out. Insignificant in a rather than this discussion to them. It was always the binding family. It wasn't. Hunter by
wasn't Jim buying. It was the buying family whose obviously lead and operated by Joe Biden, and in a document that you guys have, I think, been provided to yield to the world the chinese reference there because of their trust in the buying family that Germany and directors ANG are about moving forward in this, and in that document they re France, loaning five million dollars to the BT family right, the beady famine. is the buying family and this they didn't say we're loaning money to all night, a holdings or we're loaning that money to Tony Babo Linsky we're loaning that money to James Gill, your Rob Walker. They were again, not a document generated by me, a document generated by sea, of see that their loaning that money to the Biden family, you know
Paul and I last night that are behind this- is very recent on a couch watch and has set a bit of a rough day today and doctors stuff and I'm tired again like in Prague, vain they get jumble. Kick him any more blood, no more I'd feel. Like notes. Variety is living in my house, being drained region, Darting, why does it goes and I'll have a pint? Let nobody gave so is a rough day. Then we're sitting there on a couch, Watchin, Tucker and she's not going to meet you. I got my wife, those parties involved majority but me I'm like obsessed with it my job as you are seriously, I get it to always, although I can assure you this, let me show them. Attacks from my mother in law. Does not a joke manage Miriam Marshall, my mother in law for English, is really good, that a spanish, firstly, that this is our fuel tax. Reading this on the air, not getting Danny.
I'm watching is unbelievable. Worse thing, Umbria, terrible, so bad for that country. my wife and my mother, La Grubbing Colombia. That's I've Carolina Colombia c o Ella Colombia. Pablo Escobar's Colombia, my mother, not literally texted me Danny, Stan Colombia. Nobody cares we're about to potentially elect a guy Joe Biden who a bit Its partner, who has absolutely unimpeachable credibility, just said the Chinese Communist Party wanted to pay off. Five million dollars operate cares here. There are integrity, other business partner, that everybody should this guy,
sue everyone. Everyone. This? Probably my mother had attacked me who spoke of a mother, let this out alive street, but you ve got me like reading my mind right now: Now you may be saying yourself for yourself a follow up question which I know I'm saying I know Joe saying I know Paul S last night Before this came up. how the hell did the Biden family think they were going to get away with this taking bar Suggesting millions of dollars and pay off from China and we know taking money from other overseas entities, including enemies of the United States, the former mayor of Moscow's wife was a poor, now lie who, according to the Senate, or pay three and a half million dollars to member the Biden family. How do you think you're going to get away with this? Well, Tony Blair
Let's be asked a member of the Biden family, this exact question, and you know what I mean we take a ride away for you, move rebuffs out there. You know I always get cultural reference is wrong. It's an intentional! I just don't want a lot of movies anymore, like they watch a good one. Recently, silence very highly recommended, if you're a man of faith poses some very interesting questions, very interesting questions. I hear the book was a little better, but that's all other It made me think you're. That movie was a clear and present danger. One of the Harrison Ford but Movies Way place. Jack Ryan Remember the one with the narco trafficking. I think that was clear and present danger with Bulgaria. Patriot gives us any ass. The present Paris afford the CIA Guy Play and Jack Ryan confronts the president in a movie and AIDS lock into their chief of staff at one point about how they could do this whole thing about. Take it out this drug cartels outlet nearby people nowadays plaza plausible deniability, Jack plausible deniability.
You're the guy with the glasses who looks super annoying apparel, Liege. Combined, must watch clear and presently Jim Jos Brother, because Bob He asked the by family, you guys have but you were gonna, get away with million dollar pay us from Chinese. Army- and he said just like the guy with the classes in clear presentation pleasurable deny check, I'm thinking about the buying family, like. How are they doing this? I know decided not to run two thousand sixteen by war If he ran in the future, aren't they taking political rights, her headline risk, and I remember looking agenda in saying how you guys getting away with this like or aren't you concerned? Any sorry, Looked at me laughed a little bit and said a plausible, I ability it's not a movie soldier Crying here, folks maybe awry and Jack former porn stars.
but there are no JAG rye, and I can tell you that I don't know any Ryan Jack by the way. So don't send me bunch of picture I'm just saying if you are going to be a porn star, Ryan Jack would probably be your name we support. The liability is casual. Nobody movies, you too It's a thousand overseas, there's talking about five million dollar pay off the binding family from chinese communist. That's just select them president. We can logically deny it why? Why can they do that? Joe because nobody is going to follow up in the media, Joe Biden. Could it be like we have done this in water? My one of my favorite Jos Growin up, don't laugh. I was a very wild. Kid Battle come out later, autobiography a very wild kid? My favorite Joe was beavis of butter,
I love that show and remember, Mr Andersson used to catch them in the middle of doing something. Burning is now what everybody that was other kids. This is the other. its excuse, hey, you guys, took, five million dollars and three and a half million dollars from Russia, and there was a payment from China me this is the main question because there were some other kids enemy, because it was other It makes perfect sense, but thank you. You answer Moving on. That's all news, all news, the Republicans pounds public, kids, pounce that'll, be the store, all news. Her was other here. Even due to laugh debate this last issue was other kids. and the media's Mr Andersson held by. Said it with other kids, let's move, I had my New York Times. Biden says other kids. Next day
All those Republicans found by the we get to my last video from this is we got a lot more to get through shocking is to be this just the beginning, Did they know they were in trouble? The final question, so we have how involve which show how much money was involved. We answer those two third question. I they were going to get away with it. We know that final question did they realize they were in trouble, so Tucker asks the tenant bubbling ski that and what are there? partners in this deal. Was a guy by the name of Rob Walker? That's one of the Biden family context. Babo Linsky was dealing with, so Well, let's get a phone call; this is a record Oh, that phone call you're gonna, hear at the end of this segment, where Rob water is very clear that he knows how much trouble the Biden, families in a bubble, its egos public you'll, hear the voice of the emperor checked this cut up. We know one year press trucks out in front of our house. to move
I could lose my job. And all that I'm not trying to cause any harm to anyone in this situation right, let alone rob Walker in his family, Jane Julia and and his family. Basically robs position was, if you go on record with all these facts berry all of us here come out on record. I'm writing the family. You just can only use burial of this land. That is, can anybody in the fine family come out in the tests that broad Walker that's made up its? Adobe audition spoof, it's the fake exerted someone you to say that someone- and anyone is ain't. One of meeting and ask about this. This, this recording of a phone call Sweeney Biden, family associate, Babo Linsky were showing that you're going to bury us all man, man you're, going to bed. I saw man, man you're, going to bury us all man. May I anyone or we go with the other kids excuses. I was, I was happening. You gonna bury us all.
Why will bury how if this is all a jet on the up and up and Joe Biden had nothing to do with it, despite the fact that public he met with Joe Biden. then, why is Rob walk a worried about you're going to bury us all man. I promise you have never had a conversation with Joe about the payoffs we took from China because we don't take pay off from China. Now Joe. No tell anyone you're going to bury us all man, Joe has no. recordings of me telling him Joe you gonna various, because there's nothing to bury us with it. I'm gonna. Anyone can I ask that you come from Should from show that there are no, in fact recordings of me to show you various all man, Joe you give Toby audition craft. Now you gotta various all man various. So if you take a pay From the Chinese, the crap out your audio files and sabotage you gotta, various all man- oh no cause guy poor, guys buzz. They fired you practice style.
Are you going to bury us all is another barrier with no curiosity from the media all what a disgrace, but it's out of these people get up. Look at themselves in the mere you are such a colossal, catastrophic disgusting embarrassment, humankind, and I will say: over and over I will defend to the death Your big our right to report, but you ve done none of that level that media press free press is one of the key tenets of a freeze. But it also gives you the right to be stupid, ignorant losers and, unfortunately have taken advantage of that and there's nothing we can do about it, but just call out the truth, because, unlike tyrannical book burning left in the media. That's tripled I'm getting me squashed from Facebook and elsewhere. I don't care what you write. You know
I do I go on the air and speak the truth, and that's why my shows a number to show in the country and my facebook page is number one on any given day, because people want the truth. My call The New York Times has washed imposed to be pulled off the air or pulled off the internet. I just exposure for the liars. You are everyday. Let me get to my third sponsor and- and I want to get you some more news- gonna, including Philly, and an election up day. We have to get you because again this Miami Dade thing is really I'm almost like I had to check twice on parliament in Twitter to make short, was legitimate. My patriots supply Ladys. German. Are you ready for its coming? Next. Listen, unfortunately, are seen it again and family life night, the social unrest is getting out of control in these places and, ladies and gentlemen, to ensure your food supply. Why you wouldn't is really puzzling. You ensure everything in your life that matters everything. Don't you You ensure your house, you ensure your home. You ensure your car, you show your teeth, beloved dental insurance. How do you not
the food insurance plan. What would you do if the grocery shells were empty? You can rely on the government. Huge huge mistake. By this time. My so we can get freebies their response. We don't it tries Paula, not because we have so much of it. Now it's in ray closet. Am I ask, because I'm not going to wake up when they be like hey man we're out of food. What happen? Not my bag, doughnuts pun intended, we're gonna, have a beggar doughnuts. What you're for weak emergency food supply. Today, from my patriot supply, don't wait, don't we depend on the government to carry out don't be unprepared, build your emergency food supply would meals at last up to twenty five years and storage twenty five years, shipped lady, your door folks What's coming are using today to prepare than our waiting there's still time for you to do the same. Please don't way go to my friends at my pay. Supply dotcom. Today, the original Patriot Preparedness Company, my patriot, supply Dotcom, my patriot supply dot com
What are you for? We supply of emergency food today? Don't wait right so are, unfortunately, tragically we ve had a yeah, a shooting that resulted in the death in Philadelphia area a way out of a black man. You know listen, ladies and gentlemen. I am like there is nothing there's! No good side to this story is not dead is death. Then it's tragic. I you know, I don't know any police officer law enforcement officer. I've ever met my life that goes to work. You know thinking about how to get involved in a police. Shooting that day I don't you can dispute that all you want. If you are, you were never in policing and you're. Just Conjecturing or something you have no knowledge about, because you want to gain some kind of partisan advantage which is really sick, so What is a police shooting in Philadelphia to play the video? Now, let me give you a bit of a warning: do a little bit of countdown. So
I'll give you a five second going to play the video and I can play the whole thing, but we are going to play up until the shots are fired. So this is hard for you to watch. If you'd like to rumble slash plunging. If you like to see the video the man in question, least were called to the house as a knife, a bladed object in his hand in his approaching these police officer, and his within the danger zone of what the police would consider and what most tactics instructors would consider twenty feet or less is he d have real sincere life, in danger zone with bladed weapon. Here's! What have I yours, So as you can see, I describe it to you, you're on a street Philadelphia. The man in question who alleged have a knife is walking around a car. It looks like this
we're trying to stop in the police sir then walk around and it's almost like their circling around the car police office, there's a back up, giving him some space there not approaching him he's coming at them. I wanna be Crystal clear where the night it emerges from between two parked cars walks out for them the street, the police, take about three or four steps back, tell me drop the knife. He doesn't up that I've. They then engage with a firearm, both and the man dies while what resulted afterwards, ladies and gentlemen, Nemo get into some quick commentary on this, because again, this is just were in a really really untenable place right now is a functioning constitutional republic where every time there's a use of force incident before this in any administrative or criminal potential. Look at the case on the part of the police officers action. four there's been any that this happens. We have looting of a walmart because of light
what justice or something what it would have made a very, but is this this is what is his black lies mattering, whereas this is pro casting you're losing got Walmart. Guarantee you, you ask some of the people in this lunatic. What was the name of the person who was killed? They don't even know what is this. to do with anything you're losing a Walmart. How is this just this thing or protests thing or anything Surely we cannot function civilised society. If, when the people we ensure, women forcing our laws but police. Every time, there's a use of force incident before theirs. In any look at administratively or potentially, criminally of laws have been broken before there's been any look at it. There's a process for this. We're out looting Walmart, where are they bull outside of conservative media, saying this is grotesque.
This societal fabric will collapse tomorrow. If the response, to any use of force is no matter. Clear cut or not the responses. going to be too big doubt down and loop, your own city. There is a process. Administrative review, if use of force guidelines are broken if they were the producers will know about it and we'll have to suffer the sanctions, my room view of what I've seen on the tape I dont believe they broke in any use of force guidelines here, further review, is warranted. There could be a criminal trial. There's a Says the process: and involve at any point going shopping.
For free at a walmart you broke into at eleven o clock at night. That's not part of the process. Why would they their folks? Why were the cops there you pay? these guys, forty and fifty grand a year don't I've. These guys are not making Warren Buffett tied money guys and women you're paying, and why were they there? What do you think they were there? They gotta call you, ladies and gentlemen, you here in your neighborhood, God forbid somewhat. Was running down the block. There's a guy with a knife. Come in this way. What do you do you go How can be lock the door to your ass right, kids get inside! That's what the cops do. The cops your hey, there's a guy with a knife and they run towards not away from the problem a way towards with their because someone called the cops. You think that went there to shoot the sky. Maybe we
all sit back and not lose the Walmart. Why we find out what happened? Just a suggestion. Folks. For those we wondering about the tactics and for some of the grossly misinformed? Ignoramus, including a guy I heard on a pot guest, I listen to a lady I'm talking to someone Russ Roberts Sky who problem he analyzes police use of force and biodiversity. What are these we're shop or shop with knives. But you are not aware that a knife is a deadly weapon, you know how they work terrible wound. your girl arrive. For those of you saying who have again have never been. This is what, Me crazy, they ve never been to a tactics course.
One of those community policing courses where they go through use of wherever they know nothing about use of force guidelines. It was just a knife. There's a video shown in pretty much every police academy across the country. It's about surviving edge weapons. I encourage you some day to watch this video. You'll see why roughly twenty feet, when you broke, that twenty feet with a knife to a police officer. You are any immediate deadly for twenty feet, come on, there's time to react, really watch the video smartness and tell me how easy it is to us, a man with a knife whose less then twenty feet away. Watch the video then come back to comic. As you don't know, anything outside deadly force. You have any idea how quickly a man with a knife a woman with a knife.
enclose a twenty four gap. While you decide, if you have to get your firearm out, engage it Get your site on target and fire. You have any idea there. Acting you are reacting. Ladys german reacting is always exponentially slower than acting they. with they're gonna, do charge you, don't know he's going to charge because he knows it, not you but get lecture me again our knives, because you are a professor and been behind a desk knives, aren't Big deal. By the way body armors not even designed to protect against edge weapons, you know that probably know that either by talking to my audience, you all are smart. I'm talking to the liberal dances watch this shell who know nothing about nothing and think looting is part of the process. Ice picks, knives.
Can penetrate body armor, they were seems in body armor too. yeah. Maybe what would you you took a Jujitsu class and the like he's coming out with the knife block you listen. I love just so. I don't have time for that's not how knife attacks work. You know how they work, that's how they work blocked at watch, one on tape, not Jason Voorhees, where people come at you with the block, an I block it, which our key don't move, ladies and gentlemen, that's not how that works. They you slashing poking and you're dead. You didn't learn that in your black lives matter
course riot of your aunt tee for writing. Course, you to name a surviving edge web. Of course you did you comment on it there all the time idiots the process here. If these cops did the wrong thing now pay the price. If they didn't do the wrong thing, then they will go on as police officers. Following their use of force guidelines, which is, I believe, looking from this video, unless I see other evidence to the contrary, they did so at the time way from the tragedy the man losing his life so to be diminished in any way, you're serious things a man could have had some kind of, Michael pathology or mental disturbance and which death on anyone There are no easy decisions here, ladies and gentlemen, only less hard once I let me get you last sponsor I'm gonna, give you an election update and am am.
Listen, I get a lot of email from listeners in its typically pretty great, but I got one yesterday starting someone sent me an article mother Jones, which blew my mind. What, if I told you Biden was lobbying our or running on a platform of banning fracturing in the United States, so you have a job and Frankie. He was going to basically get you fire. While we promoting fracturing overseas, where his son was doing business with energy. Come all this for all. I know I'm not kidding yes, yes, I am backing. This is go, come up, without a case for your. What usually good, though my beggar doughnuts, that's a good one. They show also we both by our friends our genocide. Ladies and gentlemen, the first to hear about so teak the new deep acting serum from our friends at so many years urge from Germany is a ceo unfounded. He says the challenge was to get all the benefits of four hydroxide acids with no irritation, and
By now with their life is almost technology to deliver pure vitamin c deep into the dervish? Were colleges make it true? many layers of the skin, the new, so deep, so teak, deep, acting Sierra from Shall means skin that its smooth itself free for redness, acme and acne scars your college in production, the best serum I ever design shovel he's go on and on their say that this product is my wife is a big big, so teeth, Greece, firmness with this diminishes adult acme, redness and stress break out. Do you can say goodbye to cross feet and laugh wines to right now, riser teak free when you are genuine self bags and puffing is love. Ray results and a one hundred percent money back guarantee can't be that go to any other com for a Fremont supplies Zodiac with your honour. What are now get guaranteed free free shipping. That's Jenny, So back, I'm g and you see Eldar come enterprise,
oh code, get ready Dan Forty d and four zero Dan Forty a cheque for an extra forty hours off your order. Jenny sell that come Jenny, so backup thanks Jenny. So we appreciate you supporting show, so far, so I don't want to miss my first. These get lost in the second tease the teeth of Maltese Elect update thinking, they need our support. We need a to Cairo, the bottom election, but a little. You know siren at the bottom, because the elections now less than a week away did you vote vast wartime. Stop being annoying very sorry, I want to win, though care about annoying. Did you a message? Election uptake Miami Dade counties. Florid is the king of all swing. States ripe. I live in Florida have had the pleasure of living. the great Sunshine state for six years now five, I always exaggerate by a lot of casual. I just got it all. My life like a plus one of them, so five years in Florida love this place. And my everyday county, which is in South Florida
is a heavily democratic counted matter effect. Joke in Florida is, is the more north. You go the more south you get in Florida, northern Florida, more southern. According to its voting patterns, southern fly is more northern, which is we're, but it is what it is. So Miami date is a heavily democratic counting. So I was sorry going through various Social media Council prepare the show, and I caught this rather fascinating tree. what's going on an early voting and mail in voting in Miami date, and I have this sector Idle Miami Dade question Mark. Really I haven't you this twice, whose numbers are accurate check out this up, the street I saw from empty I'm absences. Matthew is valley, some kind of a data analysed here. He says quite Miami Dade holds the futures of both he's in its hands and right now the
Yo P leads in turn out. They don't pull. This is a blue county, your piece lady there he goes on what Democrats a black voters to show up at this Sunday souls than the Poles hispanic demo that's a non party affiliate is also leg. The GEO P a dynamic there ah skill, em and Nelson and twenty eighteen, that was the governor incentive candidate respectively, the twenty Eightth MID term, to loss to run the Santos and Rick Scott. How the Hell Republicans in Miami Dade County, leading the demo that's a non party affiliation Turner here we go back to my beginning, others show something's happening folks. I can't put my thing: run it. I don't know, what's going to happen in the election, I'm not making predictions but either way it burned you, if I tell you Trump's, gonna, win peace
get lacks a go. I don't need to vote. If I tell you is get crushed and lose people get upset. Dover just show up, don't worry about the predictions, but do folks focus on the data. trumps. The GNP is ahead. Internal turn. On occasion, Believe me, by the way, if by the way, is if Trump we in Miami? That's our huge lines like a moon shot like a one percent. Yet You understand will be the equivalent Trump winning California. You don't believe me. The twenty six teacher at the New York Times New York Times that kind of screening. from my phone, I took in saint Aubert. Apollo here are the results from the twenty sixteen Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Election, there's Florida you can see deep Blue Miami day there at the bottom bottom right corner. I am indeed how many votes they couldn't get. Six hundred twenty four Thousand one hundred forty six Donald Trump, three hundred and thirty three thousand nine hundred and ninety nine lady
Let me turn by roughly three hundred thousand vote difference in one county and yet the GEO p is ahead in Miami. in Turner,. tell me again out, comes down seventeen in Wisconsin. listen! If he is yes well come on here, the day after the election. Eighty trump love by seventeen Wisconsin. It is what I can, for example. since there was no good, I'm telling you taking off for a moment. I mean this, my subjective, conservative, partisan hat and putting on as he has jack. Do I kind of an observer hat. If you're ignoring this you're an idiot how the hell is, the GEO P get out the vote machine, turning out voters at Miami date in at higher numbers, and the Democrats.
if Trump loses Florida and be stunned? Stun I this classic apart, did me a favor jam from a couple weeks. Remember Biden on CNN door in the democratic debate, we'll get a bad frankie, we're gonna Why? But our member that, but my dear, He didn't say that not all listen to me, listen, abide, not Sierra. Here's Biden tell. You and the energy industry he's gonna. Basically get you're fired, wipe out your job if you're in hydro, tracking and natural gas queue up I'd near. Where five would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and tracking, in a administration? No, we would we work it out. We would make sure it's eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those either way. fossil fuel function, by its up my spin on by nets. By now, the Democrats will say, fair. He has since walked out back, ok
He is said now, multiple, how she's not going to ban fracturing, but so will you were here I'm your minds a liar who can't be trusted. What what you're take on that? I don't understand what you're takers You take is Joe Biden Wide and the primary being the energy industry to get elected because he's a liar he's now chain This position at admit it he's a liar, so you should trust them now. how matters, how the hell? That's any better! Nano dairy beef AIR Biden has since said he will not ban Frankie here. As I have been there, I just told you that But how to help you, he's a trusted partner with the fracturing industry who just admitted lying about the fracturing industry. Gotta get very that he got the vertical said. Joe Biden wins again. How does that help you? What if I told you had Tipp that a listener sent
ass TAT, Joe Biden, while he's on tape, threat to eliminate we're going to wipe it out the fracture through you just heard it folks TAT Joe Biden had promote the fracturing industry, foresees in countries where his son was being paid sums of money money to promote in any company was under investigation for corruption down would be really weird what'd you no one would even more weird this is crazy, Joe. If a liberal- and I mean liberal- I mean like they make went in concerning make light. Look like Ronald Reagan, liberal. What, if I told you liberal out with Mother Jones, had actually reported on Biden as is threatening to fire. You from the fracturing industry was promoting Frank overseas, because his son was involved with an energy company under investigation involved in energy. You know franking in We want this mother Jones peace. Oh by the way,
peace will be in the sheriff. Can you send this dear friends? How do we get the shone out there, Eurobonds, you know that complex newsletter and just subscribe, it's free email. The newsletter is the shown us. I send it out every day this article, the American I send this dear friends and at the bottom Add line by line how Hillary Clinton State Farm and sold frack into the world I got the Democrats hated for at, I don't understand so their liars and if you score all the way to the bottom of this peace and the shown us you see this puzzling paragraph. Joe Biden wonder to eliminate Frankie This really is what he said We owe our wiped out quote Mother Jones, the left of Lenin. Quote during an April visit to Ukraine, which is granted concessions to Chevron, a royal that sell vice press combined announced that the United States would bring in technical experts to speed up its shale gas development. Why quote the for liberals. That means he said this job. I we
they are ready to assist. You promised Biden. Whose son Hunter has since joined the board of the Ukrainian Energy Company quote again for levels Joe Biden said this Jeanne, where you'd be today. If you are able to tell Russia, keep your guess, it would be a very different world show By that home kiss the caboose of the eight o c. New green deal left. I said that way up, I love it. When shown vanity does at the new graduates, the green. I prefer. The new green deal, for reasons are not telling you. So you're kissing their Caboosa, the EO see lunatics on the left, telling them here, a ban frack which could cause millions of jobs across the United States We need no serious person doubts that you're gonna get
one fired here, while you're promoting free. Overseas Because your sons employed by an energy company Like a whole lot of racking, my guy voting Joe Biden. Integrity is on the balanced show by right, as you say, that we character thought about it. carry on the ballot Joe just not the way. You think it. Oh it's on the ballot I as a lying fraud in a ban, unless the sun's get the pale I'm not going to bed, I I'm to help you out with wreck never said we're going to ban Frank. You know it's on tape, Joe not I didn't mean that I lied to you, but you can trust me now. I was men are definitely not lying. Now I want less black. I want to get there.
because he the attack, tyrants or up on capital, Hell Zuckerberg the hapless, Jack Dorsey from Twitter, Google, folks they hate conservatives. I can't stay So, ladies and gentlemen, this is gonna get worse. Joe Biden, wins the selection kitty, wanted then alike saturation for effect because it discredits you over time, I know we can be sarcastic, can kind of you to alive, but not kidding. When I tell you my days are numbered on Facebook and probably twitter to. I understand that I'm a conservative, I'm one of the most followed accounts on Facebook and say that I'm not trying to impress anybody. I promise you disappoint in this. Look at me, my facebook, so great now this up with any this is about Facebook skews a little older lot of older first folks, Then a lean republican, conservative, even centre right and centre, left a little bit there. Now surely attracted the content. That's conservative,
not a shocker. I have explained this. Yesterday's someone people keep asking questions. Why did conservative pages dwell on Facebook because Sick conservative all their audience, I mean this is puzzling, have any of this, the Tec tyrants at Facebook hated that my page, Ben Shapiro, Patient Fox NEWS continues to dominate it, drives them crazy. So I started go to wash them examiners and assurance from a couple days ago. Facebook, Readying tools to limit the reach of court misinformation, let me translate every conservative posts, which would Walter what millions of Americans see their new swede mightily washed in his amateur Michael leader report, an unlikely the centre. Here's a screenshot from the peace, how they're going to crush misinformation which, by the way, translates to conservative content check this Facebook says, is planning for the possibility of election related conflict, meaning conserving post will actually be seen by people with tools developed these stop.
the spread of misinformation, which would limit the reach of Popular pokes as they go viral they're, just saying it out, it is saying folks, please sign up for a facebook page and others not just me, Mark within Sean Hannity. finish. The Susa Ben Shapiro, Michael Moles, Michael, was met. Walls. Excuse me, boring over their daily wire by GINO all of us on this about me and sharing because They can't remove your share, but they can stop the algorithms from content going viral and they will, if they don't ban. Now right of bide wines, which I'm already prepared for so of obsolete parlor, I'm already prepared to be banned. But their algorithms are trying to shut it down. They can't stop. If you share this stuff, the only they can stop. You from sharing is by getting rid of your share but beat the algorithm share the stuff, my stuff Ben stuff, marked stuff, Sean stuff, Limbaugh, stuff, everybody stuff,
Follow all of them not just me they are making this up look at it. This was the fate of a twitter account. water by a writer for the New York Times. He monitors the top facebook posts in the country, This is for a few days ago why they come after me and why are they I'm telling you they're gonna shouted down to the top performing. on the country. U S, Facebook pages in the last twenty four hours from one. by GINO to their Mancino three Fox NEWS, Fort Dan Bongino, five Dan Bongino six there, but you know seven Dan Bongino, eight Dan Bongino nine to see how that makes an appearance. Ten Dan bongino you like my content for Sally Field MOB You like me, you really like me. Just I'm actually be a genuine about his Giotto I've aging myself there just like the right he really like me again it's not about me and
Given day Ben Shapiro and others are in that top ten as well Fox NEWS, they're gonna shouted down but they can't shut down your share, but there Finding. Ladies and gentlemen to a small number of twitter people and social media people are very small number trying to pressure Facebook and others to pull us down and said. You don't believe me. Here's a tweet by going Greenwell an honor The liberal report there are some left matter you Glenn AIR in mind People actually report facts even further believe left. he's a quoting this article Pew research about the twitter, but this is what Facebook is scared of: they're scared of the social media bubble, including twitter. Ladies gentlemen, Ten percent of twitter users produce ninety two percent of all tweets from: U S: since last November, when sixty percent of these highly prolific users identifies Democrats or Democrat leaning independence there yet ladies and gentlemen, there is that true bubble, summed up in data itself a small packet of hot
it roasting, Malabar, eating basement dwelling, loser, liberals or in a basement pressuring the entire social media universe to get rid of everyone who is not them all I will comply if Joe Biden wines we will be banned from Youtube Facebook. Twitter can that's why parliament always gotta backup plan I want to say that shows: go unusually long for this important just to show you how misinformation spreads on twitter and how other information sergeant. I wanna hear a lot of this on twitter right. Here's fail carpet on Twitter. Had carbon k, e r p, and has done a really great job on the social media. Twitter moments, Saturday tweet on Twitter moments, where they can highlight a story. It makes nobody sees a president trumps claim that increase ass thing is leading to the rising covered cases, unsubstantiated accord journalists in fact, checkers feel carpet treated out a chart
the fact checkers must have. Mrs one show that when you I just for testing you'll notice, they covered cases were actually quite flat, charts and data. You know you could see the rumble dot com, slash, bungee, know. If you'd like to see the charge, you know what terms, in other words, True, but the twitter moments made sure that their fact checkers told you it wasn't charting journey, as a main data. Does it really matter to them? But I have again that's why I'm of Alma parlour and rumble lady German? I'm back today show was good. I feel good. If I do a not so great. Yes, I have somewhere. I have my whole days room, no matter what nothing gets in. My head, worse than that, I love this show so please spread around share the facebook page. And subscribe to my account on rumble, rumble dot com, Slash, Bonn, GINO I'd. Rather, you watch
are the Youtube you shouldn't be making Youtube wealthy and also subscribe. To my show, an apple Pakistan elsewhere really appreciated thanks a lot I see automatic you just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-29.