« The Dan Bongino Show

The Dan Bongino Sunday Special 06/11/23 - Jesse Kelly, Marjorie Taylor Greene and some epic Dan rants


First up we talked with Jesse Kelly about the current culture wars, sexualizing our kids and his book, The Anti-Communist Manifesto. Next, Dan saw a major league pitcher do a hostage video apologizing for speaking out about pride celebrations. This got me on a rant wanting to know what sex has to do with baseball, and how we’re gonna celebrate pride; pride in our country. Then, an explosive interview with Marjorie Taylor Greene who say the document that says 2 Bidens took $10 million in bribes from Ukraine and gave us all the details. Finally, Dan remembers the 79th anniversary of D-Day and took a moment to recognize the great men who stormed those beaches, and what they did for this great nation.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan Ben je know what the sunday podcast is our chance to play for you, some of the best moments from the radio show and some great interviews during the week that you may have missed. If you ever want to check out our show, go to bungie dot com, go to station finder and see what radio station moron near you you'll love it. I promise you we put a lot of work into the radio show check it out, but before let me take about a sponsor Folks Congress once again allowed itself to be pushed into appeasing the administration raise the debt ceiling for the seventy ninth time it's gonna pave the way for more reckless spending, more devaluing the dollar, more inflation as natural dead, continues to skyrocket. You need to protect your savings saver. Like me are concerned, I turn a gold multiple times use in brcko similar. thousands of similar minded people by gold from brcko ba arcy age
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the anti communist manifesto, this one's hijacked, this you know. What I do is essentially a job and you don't you have a real job is in a job. It's not. I had real jobs at one point: you know police, Federal agent that stuff. but this is a real job. Is this isn't like work in the traditional sense? Yes, I'm paid, but- and I talk relevant- lot of work into it. I appreciated, but this business, Poses a lot of good people in it, but. always been candid with you? There are a lot of a holes out there too, and I mean big hails a huge ones. Everybody's jealous they hated each other. but a good folks, Tobin thereof. Very few really really good guys. Nobody mark within a rock star handed he's always been there for me, but this guy is this total
Had he tells it like it? Is you want to talk about a guy with the same problem I have who has no filter? It is my good friend jesse kelly author of an incredible new book, and if you liked adage wait, I gotta promote your book cause we're going to get to your book, but the. It is amazing, it is blowing up, are just about everywhere books or so it is called anti communist manifesto, and it is a handbook on how to beat these s obese at their own game. Jesse, welcome to the show my friend my brother, how how dare you as my friend peace merged, my reputation, call businesses guy, I'm king, a all, then I am anxious to relax. That's ran, yes, that's have you ve, never followed jesse on twitter. You, he is correct. There is a bigger republican, troll odd to it, and if you get into it with this guy on twitter eddie, think I love about. Yes, you do. You never forgets like
it will go on for ever, but you pull came out your own expense. It is a lifetime commitment if you papa this guy on twitter because he's a savage but just you know you get you out. A real job to be in an era are military in the past. I I You know you degree doll about the business. There are a lot of really good and decent people. I think we know that people been friends guys like yourselves, but unfortunately, Pino everybody loves behind the scenes. Talk. You have a show yourself, there's a lot of backs the neighbours in this business and a lot of jealousy, and you know you one of the few guys, but when stuff got bad with me. You would always. I can always count on you for a text or a call. Ok, you need anything you know. So I appreciate that have I love you. I love you. My brother, I a hundred years exist is good. If the country is not just good for my friend it's good for the country, bad, I I I want you to be the biggest freaking thing out there. I said I've. Never I've never understood. I've, never understood these people like us,
it just brought up. I've worked real jaws, my whole life, construction and marines and all these ideas fell into this five years ago. In these people who What we do you talk into a microphone and you make a bunch of money and you It is only those six or something like that. Guy about you, dude, I'm happy there go by that's it like you put in a hoot somewhere on some crap forward operating base and you are like wade. I get. sit by s chair. Three hours which really solely like two hours and twenty are caught in a make. It like all this dull come on man, how you cry put about it. So I agree with you bed, that's the problem to many people, but in this business too long in their spoil, listen, I want to get to your book first. I usually get a book question last, but What is so apropos for my show today
actually glad you came on because we're talking about the corruption of institutions like the fbi in our schools and your book is called the anti communist manifesto by Jesse kelly chair and it up, and I The reason its tearing it up is because the book gets into something. I've said for awhile jesse, though, why matters it's wrong? I have to go out, commie circular cleanse economy would ok grade. Why do they do what they do? Why do they sock and when you explain you know in the book that not dealing with political opponents. You're dealing with like moral opponents like this is an evil versus good battle. I think it's really resonating with people. I guess that hi dan I'll be honest with you, I'm a little weirded out mad at how how much it's blowing up I didn't I didn't know- I mean it's the only thing I've ever written only book, I've ever written. I don't know that I'll ever write another one. I was just passionate about it, so I wrote Maybe that is why, but I'm glad you I'm glad you speak about it and world things. I love about you that you speak about
in terms that wake people up, we have for so long. I have been so apathetic on the rideable, discuss the other side that while they lit bro he kind of leeds laughter or orbit while he's a little naive, I surely when he gets a paycheck he'll come around know you are dealing with people who are trying to burn down everything you care about there they are worshippers of a religion of destruction, whether you religious or not it matters not. You are dealing with demons in demonic forces here. If you don't believe me, go look one of these poor little girls who had news had her breasts chopped off by your parents in her shrink in her doktor out there and I'll. Tell you something else: It's not even in the end of it demons. Don't have a bottom. They go down and down and down and down and down without end until good stops it, and we still pussy, flutter or way around how we describe these people. They point that you and they say, look
There's tampon gino, the nazi white supremacist, who hates women in these racist in these other things, and that puts their people in their right mind, set to fight. We. We'll say why is a Democrat, but I think we can get along. I simply play some cribbage together tonight. It's pathetic to be how weak spineless our side is. I can't take it anymore. Are we talking to Jesse kelly author of the book, the anti communist manifesto? Now you see why the book is rocket and up the jars jesse you're, so right. I've made this case on this, show repeatedly that we face and kind of the John mccain model that oh, if I just go up and vote down changes to obamacare with the infamous thumbs down moment, because it didn't follow normal procedure, then the washington, post and new york times will love me and the Democrats will say: oh look, there's John Mccain, what a dignified man he respects procedure over everything, maybe
We consider republic is no no bro, that's not what's happening. You are dealing with people who are like hey neither ninety someone should cut is not so have you played with a barbie doll. This is insane they all gibbered show ya. Gotta cc, rules about procedure or the thumbs down. These people were failing care about is the destruction of the present system to usher in this new europe top down collectivism. That's all they care about it all. They can about dan and maybe the best example of this trial be insane is when I see these soros prosecutors when I hear them disgust, but on the other the right almost universal level. Six other soft on crime prosecutes he's just a soft on credit, make it sound like some flowery liberal hippy, who just happens to want to be a really nice to criminals. No communists and the revolutionary phase from lenin on, had turned murders and rapists loose intentionally.
so they will murder and rate more cadiz stabilizes society. These are communist foot soldiers in and surely causing rape and murder, and we can't even speak like that on the right. Instead, once again, why I mean he's soft on crime barf? I can't The low g o p dan. That's why I'm grateful to god you're on the air we friggin need you. Thank you put me into a dyke trt for the low TG au pair were a little test that were replaced with jesse. We bring the mean back to normal by overshooting the goal by just a little bit, but on your last point, we're talking to Jesse Kelly. The book is the anti communist manifesto. I urge you strongly pick it up today. wherever you get your box folks, Jesse made a pointer is really important. This is not an accident. The
If on the police, soros funded, chaos in the streets, thing is being done for a reason: the why matters the be modern day. Collectivist in communist coin. The realm is fear for creates a craving for stability, which, conveniently the communist will feel that whole with a look governments here to save you, Jesse the same things going on with the kids: they come you don't just crave fear in the streets and disorder. They all so crave, chaos. You can have communism without the kids and there's nothing like chaos and confusion in a kid that will confuse them more than a kid entirely unprepared to deal with matters of sex and it being forced upon them at a young age. None of that is an accident either none of it and then they did it all on purpose because their evil demons their answer humans, that's why?
either going after kid so hard. That's. Why that liberal white woman, whose teaching your kid kindergarten, you think she's just kind of a nut ball with their pink here, but real in reality, she's a communist apparatchik, just as it was any creature whose ever walked the planet and she wants to take. Your child away from you, destroy their self esteem, destroy them sexually until that child cuts his penis off at thirteen and then commit suicide at twenty five after he has been voting democrats since the day he turned eighteen. That is what these people want for your kids, it's too bright down the american family, which is the ultimate opponent of communism, to down the american church, that's why they're going to use this algae bt keith still to send the fbi your door, the door of your church to arrest your pastor and, if you think, I'm being over the top rita history book, that's what's come in this country. Unless these people were stopped in your dag on right that's why they go out to the kids. That's why, when they sit down to write a disney,
be they make sure they have enough lesbians in there just say your daughter can sit down and watch that instead of just watching heroes in billions and things like that, the communist is purposeful with everything he does and we have to be equally as purposeful and that's why I wrote the book. yeah the book is the anti communist manifesto by Jesse Kelly. You know gesture I was explained and on the progress here. Let it get to it on the radio show, but this the perfect confidence that The tendency with us on the right, because we were so we were so edge- We were vile, so much what they're doing on the left, with the sexual liberation of kids clearly inappropriate? The tendency for us to blame all of it on perversion and believe me, that's a big chunk of it, but and in that stings and I get what we want to do it, and I do it all the time I guys I'm on twitter, like you know why you be imperfect, but Reality is, although there are, there is something to do with some sexual attraction, which some people have hijacked that
the communists is more tactical. It has very little to do with perversion from them. It s a lot more to do with the fact that they know this. The one thing that will absolutely divorce the kid from the parent? They have no comprehension, Noah Billy with their were young, immature mines. I just mean that physically to understand the complexities of sex, they ve no ability to understand it at all. So what You confuse the kid. Then you would sort of state apparatchik like a teacher or someone else. That's subscribe to this ideology. The parents loss river, the parents entirely cut out of the equation, and that is the goal. It is Do you know that it is not? turning them gay. It's about breaking. You must break them. You must break them from their families. You must Break them emotionally, so you, turn them into what you want to turn them into. I know you already know about the stand and I'm has didn't even bring it up on the show, because it's it's the most horrific
I've ever read about in my life. It's the one historical thing I wish I didn't know anybody. I wish I could take it out of my head, but they're called the patesi experiments. It took place in romania where they took the christians. The last remaining christians who are still yup, the romanian communism, and they brought to me in the prison system and they sexually abused them in ways that I I will not even describe on your show. I won't describe it on my show because I don't want to relive it. It's the worst thing you've ever heard in your life, but it was about breaking them. You must break them. And breaking somebody sexually is an excellent way to turn. Somebody mould somebody into the communist. You want only now they're not facing a dark christians. Now looking at your third greater- and they you see your precious child who you love, they see a novel, tunisia? They see a future foot soldier and that's why they go after him so hard. That's why you can't go to the local public library without some drag queen waving his penis in your daughter's face at some.
Credit I mean I, I can't believe it. I only got a mere level money able more promo into your book, but how I can. It is just one. Ten plus years ago obama was on a debate stage saying he supports marriage between a man and a woman, and now we're watching a dog males in fish nets. Swing in their junk in nine year olds phase is incredible. absolutely incredible. We got it, but it's going to blow up in their face the book. Folks, please, Pick it up today commit to do, and it is the the communist manifesto by jesse, Kelly and amazing radio host in its own right. Jesse thing: we're calling it what it is man and writing a book about it. It's time for a really big awakening in this country. We need it thanks for writing. The book appreciate you coming on too thanks party You are the man, my man, I love you brother, thanks pal of you to man, my body anti communist manifesto jesse Kelly. see why me and him get along. Can you guess.
we have like the exact same career trajectory. He is in the military. to peace by I visit laud law enforcement. We bow that actual jobs found by some active god ourselves. We re hokosa, whose it about the exact same time we're both like but this up there's another one of my bad temper, epic higginss so bright, Thanks, I nobody's worthy time But let's hear from an expansive first junk science. That's what doctors call many these fruits and vegetables supplements junk science, because disease extracts com in produce side, fruits and vegetables very few health benefits. That's why I feel the greens its whole fresh, healthy organic fruits and vegetables. Not some watered down garbage extract supplement its back. A better health promise. Feel the breeds is a science backed formula of specific fruits and vegetables. You won't find in any other product. I use it multiple times each day swear by it.
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it's, got me on a ran, want to know what sex ass they would baseball, but as a blue baseball, what do you do it in the bleachers and are working to celebrate pride with pride in our country, no more hostage, videos, man, no more hostage videos. Going to stand up for something in europe, public figure than do it. caesar for you to say now. It's actually not. We're coming to the end now? What been a bad one, year and a half long fight on these airwaves right here. Only cost me a year and a half my life cod, They are on an island gotta. Let it go pretended. It never happened. But we didn't come. I can accept lectures from anyone on this thanks. We saw it through.
All the way to the end. And we made sure That thing went away and did. We weren't gonna film, though them hostage, video. I wasn't gonna feel no hostage, video anywhere else. I work either. no more hostage, videos. you're going to stand up for something and stand up this pit, for the toronto blue jays, anthony bass that stood up against this fight? target and end. Down and film this hostage. Video set us back days now, luckily some others stood up and did the right thing I hope it stays that way. I don't know much about major league baseball anymore. I know a little bit not allowed. I haven't seen Full game in many yawns.
But I'll kick as an article up. There are some other athletes. Finally, starting to speak up against this agenda. Sexual rising, our kids, inserting saxon sexual identity into every single component of american life, even baseball. Why? pushing sex in the baseball, people humping on the field is theirs. than I missed, I mean tat, they were playing baseball. Why are you was I dont understand why sex has to be associated with on that Talking about, I mean any kind of sex, I'm a little bit on shore. Why that has to be in baseball. Is walking down the first baseline like a jack rabbit like what's going on? like something going on in the I'll feel, I carry those the off the other in the bullpen look over there. Why is sex in baseball at all? Why why? I don't understand you there, watch a baseball game. This is something missing.
The real users that dont know: ok thanks jim I'm looking for some help here, because I'm trying to figure out why? If I go to a baseball game, I big, engage in and in this ritual list, the celebration of pride month on other people, sexuality. Why? I care what am I supposed to do with the game? Com? In a game and there's big, Clayton curse, shaw, the mound or because the strike- and I turned the air you gay gay. Thank you. It's crazy! What am I supposed to do your ball about the ball, I feel I don't care, but even balls other than a ball and feel hit. The ball brought a ball. Football What do I care about? Who you are bathroom whip. Why do I need to celebrated,
I care. see. Unlike you, I'm an actual conservative, and you know what that means. That means you have bigger god given right the right to speak too. We call for your position the right to advocate for whatever rights or obligations you choose to. I don't have to agree with any of it, but can say it and are defended how does it feel baseball pro baseball head to freak in Paul hit the ball catch the ball throat? I don't care about men's nuts or anything else. I dont care supply. We still on the air because we have been pulled over yet it's only a matter of seconds idle. I don't care, were you taught, you know what you'd I don't care game why the game? Why? Wouldn't
What what do we need? Saxon game? What's going on, like a movie as you going be an interruption for some seeds ikea anybody, everybody understands why come on out shows what your god! Why is this in a baseball game. Is it that boxes or something I pleased today, educate me, please you don't like it: If these, when they one or the other. You conservatives Ten concerted when they came, I was educated on the matter right, the fake. It serves ok be please what does it have to do with breaking baseball? There is, I already know the answer, I'm being silly, he answers, nothing this need to make it the central focus of every single thing in your life. Everything. baseball, kids, clothing, school, social studies, history. The cross,
chick fillet everything get this story The skull to the people out there on the fence not disrespect my conservative, all these people, the fence out there who are like wishy washy on this, get the jury skull right now and tat to what in your brain, these people will never leave you alone. They will never leave you Who alone you Call them ji, Xiao show you will. I recognise that a guy with a winner is a woman. You will say it you will say at proudly. You will get down on your damn knees and you will have pride in it. There's a reason. there's a reason. They speak in the bible, about the value of humility and yet on the left. They speak only in the value of pride, but not pride for the things they lie not Not the things they don't like country innovate pride in their specific causes. You better celebrated and you better celebrated loudly and they are better celebrated. Proudly.
god forbid. You show up in that office within american flag and put it up your ass. Asking to be out on the street and fired ten seconds flat, Some people consider that a micro question you know what You can kiss my ass assets. Take your life, in attaching to my ass, a kiss, my ass. How about that. maybe, if everybody in america did that brought in american flag and stuck it at their desk said I would you talk. I have tried to do in my country, it's great! You pride, your pride for good for you, you did! Is america, you celebrate, I'm celebrate denmark maybe everybody should then drop Your pants show their bare ass to everyone. I'd say port, your lips on this ass right here, because I'm not taken that flagged up about that. Here's, my ass, you kiss it up, taken my flag down How about we all do that happen? everybody shows up with a little americans like just stick it on your desk.
Watch everybody gosh! It's a bike, while aggression here he go on cam, you see this gym here we go if your take them baby, gems, it's the big here's. My ass put your lives on it. You're my flag down about that How do you like them? Potatoes,. Oh boy. What do I do? I'm proud of my country? You live in my country, I'm proud of you too. You can express yourself, you got your flag. That's great! Knock yourself out, have fun free speech. Rights not this workplace. Only they get free speech. Now you what, if we have just to see american flag, American flag, I'm actually celebrating that guy's right to speak out over there right now. Let's go oppression or something for micro grow. It is that's interesting.
Because you're telling me who's really being presser. I doubt you're the one throwing me out of my job for an american flag with the other guy who gets to express his pride's les. Do it freely who's really being oppressed right now, so strange seems like you've got the story backwards, dumb ass go! Do it show up to work, Job to work with an american flag, just drop property desk watchword up so you tell us who is really being oppressed. Let me be clear: man. As I believe in something liberals down. may passionate advocate for free speech. I own a good junker rumble stock. You wanna go on rumbled start yard, Started gay pride channel I ll be the first one to advocate for europe to do it on. I, I dont manage the platform, inequity older, but I own a good chunk of it I ll be the first one, be the first one to say: go right ahead.
I may disagree with some of your positions, but I'm not a fraud. I respect your to speak out. Even if I disagree, that's where free speech is about I put my money and my reputation behind it. and I'll. Do my best songs. You don't break the terms of service of the law and no, We will take you down. Are the platform me. Even if I passionately and vigorously disagree with you want do the same. I show up at your office and drop in american flag on a stick and a kapital been, but five minutes before a bunch, Was bag life losers, zeros we'll be scream into hr about the micro aggression of american tyranny, staring him in the face. Ironically,. As you then use the system you been provided for by the blood of others who protect the jew and died for your freedoms. As you abuse that system, the council, someone off. Everyone should do that.
I think we should start today. I think we should start today. You want to do a little somethin, small, take a rest. Man. You really want to save the country just want everything to be. He and comfortable Could have been real, cosy, uncomfortable for us to say nothin to about a lot of things. We did. Bringing year and a half drama. We gotta walked away. We didn't don't be comfortable, afflict the comfortable afflict yourself. Go do a little thing. Go get yourself a little american flag, putter you that watch what happens to use really oppressed to sit there? Put it on the desk right, but everybody see.
And see who is really impressed tool. tests put that up in your desk. You complaints, then week later go and improve pride flag up your desks see what happens The person who complains about the private flag before the next day, whose really oppressed whose oppressed. Whose oppressed, and by what you have to put a pride flagging, you don't like yourself. There are many rules against in the workplace. You knock yourself out. But tell me who's, really oppressed. try it try that little. Try that will test. you tell me again who the real people were. It's funny how the seniority and critical theory people believe that the white male patriarchy controls the levels of power.
any knowledge derived from that is just a construct of said power. It's it's incredible how they really believe we're in charge. You really believe the white male patriarchy is in charge. Just try a simple test. Everyone listening, bring a little american flag, your office and just put it at the desk and watch what happens. And tell me again is really in charge. By the way, I'm serious about that. I think you should do that. We should all start that today. Go online, get yourself a small american flag and just put your desk as a symbol of rebellion. Similar rebellion, the american, where we were born out of a spirit of rebellion. This country came from, Ragtag army at had no chance against the british empire.
We got our asses handed to us it nearly every battle. And they never gave up. We should never ever but on the winning side of the revolutionary war, we had notes statistical chance of winning that and we did. A lot of stumbles along the way. But that original flag and emanated from the car reform that that battle was the initial symbol of rebellion. Should start that again. Just drop it on your desk and accept the consequences that come with it. The suffering you indoor for such a small gesture the small price you're willing to pay for the future. Your country you're, going to hand to your kids, I'm going to go water, mine right now, hopefully it'll be here by tomorrow or drop it on
Jim, you don't need to James got one right behind them now gives flag, so damn big its bigger than Jim. If you only saw this skype just take a selfie put it on twitter I'll retreated just so. You know my carriage hits the biggest act. Let's start another rebellion folks. It started rebellion an idea. Logical one same ideological rebellion for freedom that founded this great country just drop a flag. Your desk, see what happens coming up next congresswoman marjorie taylor, green, we'll get the second, but let me tell you about an exporter A great day begins with a great night sleep. I sleep on the midnight locks from here says. I'm aside sleeper and I loved your message, if you're not sleep and when he looks offers twenty unique mattress for big tall shore why even special once for kids define the per at faith healing provides a one hundred night in homesick china matter you sleeping position. Helix is the answer. Memory from hybrid
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about exactly what Biden was up to overseas with this disgusting alleged ten million? Yes, ten million dollar bribe take a less welcoming to the show, a good friend of the show, congresswoman marjorie taylor green, who set the world on fire with a press conference yesterday, congresswoman thanks for join us. We appreciate it hi dan thanks for having me on so you're you're, very welcome. So you gave a press conference yesterday have to go into the skiff to review this absolutely shocking document about the Biden, crime, family and thankfully you came out and did the I think for the public and told us what was in it. I've Stun I ran three clip submit on my podcast. Yes, I want to go to him. One by one may have you here to talk about us. We don't need the clips the first one, this was a pretty massive bribe. The allegation appears to be not five million, but
five million alibis- that I hear you correctly on that. Yes and I'm glad we're clarifying, because some of the people were saying one: five million dollar bribe the payment went to bide ends. One for I million dollars and another payment for five million dollars, the first five, in dollar payment went the hunter Biden. The second five million dollar payment went to Joe Biden and the ten twenty three forms specifically told us that I mean it. This is the kind of thing. yeah yeah by producer Jim, says, a kind of sounds like a big deal. Congressman went on talking about ten thousand a hundred times over a ten million dollars in bribes from a country currently involved in the most important geo political conflict right now on the globe you crane, Yet he did know what go. I'm sorry go on now exact,
and then you're one of the few people that get that I've talked to you, and I thank god that you brought that up to me. That's one of the most terrifying aspects of this is this all happened back in twenty fifteen twenty six seeing than going forward from there, but but right now our country, is Is literally engaged in a proxy war, would nuclear russia, and to me that is one of the most terrifying outcomes that this scenario and like the break it down a little further for you in your audience. If I can everyone should know that we subpoena this ten twenty three form about a month ago from Christopher ray FBI any when he wrote us back in his letter, he refused even admit the form existed. He didn't deny it, but he didn't admit it. And then we kept pushing and a couple weeks later he said, okay,
he said chairman calmer and minority ranking later rascal baking come and look at it and we can negotiating with him. So they went and looked at the form then chairman calmer and thank god for him, he's doing a great job, and so is the oversight, staff and all of our members are working so hard, but human com, said, if you don't give us the form, I'm going to hold you in contempt of congress. Will that that rattled, christopher ray and so the yeah I kept negotiating with its, and I want to say I'm very proud to say we were on the verge of holding him in contempt yesterday, but christopher re started. Operating with us, because we found out is: there is not just one ten twenty three four there's more to more at them and say already that's what we're here we hold there's two more. These forms, these forms about. That's it I did. I was not aware that that That's that's shocking value.
Congress. More targeted, congresswoman, marjorie, taylor, green. Are you sensing you're on the inside? I'm not. I don't have your level of knowledge about what's going on with the machinations behind the scenes right, are you sensing a new attitude amongst the republican caucus over there, where this is like what we're not taken the fbi's word for anything anymore, because you know as well as I do Four. You got an office and one of the things I think you ran on was fighting this stub. There was this attitude like wow. You know I will give them the benefit of the doubt, even at trey gowdy on fox one time I go the epi I did the right thing or whatever, no, no, no, no there's no more. We did the right thing, take our word forty cents and are now obsolete people dont really realised that the republican conference is shaken and it started. Last com Breast under nancy policies, leadership the way we were treated it had never. It had never been this way before last. Congress was my first time being there, but last congress was horrific, but now this congress, there
There is resolve, and our conference to hold the fbi accountable the absolutely are not funding there. Brian new fbi, building and canvas and virginia that is not happening, but that I want to go back to this ten twenty three form. Let me, let me explain it to you: it's not a classified form, Which means every american should be able to read it. It is not classified, but they forced us to read it in the skiff yesterday, because, they are scrambling. They are paying a king, doing everything. They can to try to keep this information from the american people, because it one hundred percent proves that Joe Biden as vice president broke the law. He got paid for pay to play schemes. He abused his power. He participated in bribery. Hi crimes and treason, and it all on that form a day and in what I did It is that we weren't allowed to take the form we weren't I'd. Take pictures we weren't aloud,
take notes with us. But what are they? It is why I took notes of the format self inside the skiff, and I wrote I'm very clearly everything it said in detail, and then I But my notes and handed it to the clerk inside and I filed it in a secure, file in the skiff, so I have that. Basically, I have the ten twenty three form, but it is filed in the skiff right now. and then after I filed it. I sat down in the lobby and I wrote down and detail, because it was very clear in my memory after reading the form multiple times and taking notes on it, I wrote down. Indeed everything it saddened that supply carried out with me. have it in my hand, right ale. What when I wrote down and when I took it out to the press conference, smart talking to congressmen, marjorie taylor, green gotta, look at this stunning fbi document alleging
ten million dollar bride to the widening crime family congress month, you said something else that really shocked me. I rode three books on this. I have a chapter on one of my book specifically about ukraine, where the Bribe is alleged to have originated from you, so the dearer records of this that there company, which makes sense if you're gonna. U no attempt to blackmail someone later if they don't follow through with what you paid them for. You want a record of it to show people, but If there are records of this alleged ten million dollar bribe to the Biden family. Are that the Democrats? I asked this almost laughingly. Are the Democrats at least interested in like hey? Maybe we should get a look at those records and find out if the present united states is corrupt. Yeah. Now that democrats or science yesterday and- and you know I have to thank you- or one at that. One of the people that have tried did tell the truth about the story. Writing about
your books, I mean that's incredible, you probably have every detail correct in and you should feel good you're vindicated, what you are saying is true and and The Democrats that were in the skiff yesterday row conner Hello to me, didn't talk much after that. Corey bush was deafeningly silent She didn't say a word I mean what could she say with that form in front of her? I am not sure if she could even digest that well, but she doesn't seem that bright, but she couldn't say anything. But now I well, let's just like the yes, I agree. That's the deal on the police, lady, who spends hundreds of thousands and security but you're in the room. Did you get the impression from these hack tyrant Democrats in the room that reading their faces, the jew
I get the impression they know. This is really bad and they're going to have a really it's not that they won't spread it, but they're going to have a tough time making this go away. Well, I can't speak to korean dishes. reading level and her ability to comprehend what she were had been broken as the very bright guy and I'm sure he gets it. you forget, you left off one detail there. She pays or has been for security it's quite an email goodbye washerwoman, I'm not a carter, yeah me they're roquat is gonna, be on foxier at a minute. I'm sure spent an up some yarn about another thing they came out of this is biting yesterday. Who just seems at this point when he can answer a question in this cognitive functions are working, he says, Ikey was things he was asked about. This yesterday and Biden said jokingly thinks this is funny. Apparently he said where's. The money which is it This thing, because I know you're on this case, like white on rice, here
there are big records, there are actual suspicious activity reports and city ares and bank records documenting millions of payments to the Biden family, so question to you is very simple and- and I think someone in the caucasus should ask blindness and should put this out publicly binds laughing and joking saying it's malarkey, then you think Biden should be investigating these banks for filing false documents and congresswoman. I'm not kidding, I'm not trying to be silly. I was a federal investigator the banks are filing false, suspicious activity reports and alleging millions went to the Biden family and that's not real than Biden has legal recourse. He could civilly sue. He could have People liable on potential criminal charges, don't you think they should do that if this is all made up? Oh I get I think that Joe Biden should have legal recourse is a matter of fact. I would be delighted to see that discoveries and
it we have. We actually know where the money is that that's the funny thing about it. Let me tell you something else attend twenty three forms said now: This was the informant. This was in common logical order. I starting and twenty fifteen twenty six. In going all the way through twenty. Twenty is what this form told the foremost data june thirtieth twenty twenty one of the thing An oligarchy who owns very smart told the informant the cia chess. He told him that he felt, like would take ten years for stuff and all the bank statements all all the wire transfers the l l sees It- would take us tenure. defined at all on the violence that we have. already discovered so much and less than six months because we are already now we many have bank statements, not just sars reports. We read over twenty three
your pages of sars reports that the treasury, but we make statements that out wine in detail. The wire transfers from me Foreign countries from from russia africa, ukraine, romania, all over the world, into l l season, in llc shell companies and then we have the bank statements that show the wire transfers and payments out too all these Biden, family members, even including agrarian child, and then this smoking gun we were looking for is a direct payment to Joe Biden. And we got that yesterday on only one ten, twenty very form just one and this this oligarchy that unsparing Psmith is a smart guy and here you, you nailed it. When you said everybody keeps business records, will bribes or common agnes in ukraine and russia and he kept records and he told the the sea a chest. The fbi and format informant. He told him that he has to peace,
of evidence showing payments to both by this hunter and Joe Biden Congresswoman I gotta run, but I can I just put a little bugging. You re wrong, something please. I need her guys to look into this, because it is really important by point. Man in Ukraine was a guy by the name of Michael carpenter, Michael carpet. There was on the stage when Biden gave that speech saying he was going to fire shokhin that in from his speech that the idiot put out there for all for all of us to see printers right next to him. I call carpenter later one on his appointment in ukraine to be the managing director of the pen Biden centre, where they world away the classified documents which even cnn reported where Ukraine, I believe they were swirl and away documents about ukraine hiding them because they knew they would show decision making that had something to do with those bank record something to put a bugging. You hear my
Today, I lay it all out to tell me to go into it later, but you guys you're doing amazing work. I know you're busy. I appreciate you come in on today. Thanks for the hard work and please I know you're a bull dog on this. Please stay on this. Do not let this go. The american people are relying on you to do it thanks a lot for your time. Sudan and will do it thanks. So much you got us up. Next is a tribute to some real heroes: you're, not gonna, wanna miss is but first or next sponsor Is it your dad's once day when you get dad perfectly aged and oh so tender stay here, not just given him the best me with his life but the chance to grow them up and share the moment with you. For a limited time when you go to omaha stakes, thou com and entered a code, Bonn gino in the search bar you be able to order the dad's favorite give package for just ninety nine. Ninety nine plus you'll get It free Omar stakes burgers with your order. These burgers facing a stake on a bond and our ultra lean and pack a bold, intense beef labour
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The sailors and airmen of the allied expeditionary force? You are about to embark upon the great crusade toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you, the hopes and prayers of liberty, loving people everywhere march, with you in company, with our brave allies and brothers in arms on other fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the german war machine, the elimination of nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of europe and security for ourselves in a free world. Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well, equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely. The tide has turned the free men of the world are marching together to victory. I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory, good luck and let us all beseech the blessing of almighty god upon this great and noble undertaking. The seventy nine years ago today.
Seventy nine years ago. You know it there are a lot of labels and monitors again assigned to people. things in advance, but. That generation being referred to as the greatest generation is certainly the most accurate description. I think anyone has ever devised the scrap. Can you imagine why what those young men went through in you figure there what eighteen? Twenty twenty two? Maybe range from eighteen to twenty five years old. Their entire lives or ahead of them. An abode added on to omaha each to the shores. That's that the hottest action went down. A normal hobby treat the guy It comes down to a three people, an affront to our immediately head
You are german machine gun ness. Basically, zoning in you know what we would call in awe intact it. She noted that be the axe right. You always want to get off the axe where the enemies concentrating their fire and see thing about invasion by water conch Ass thing within invasion by land is, things like flanking and other things are made more difficult because you're not going to swim for him for you're not going to swim into the euro. You know where they were coming from. the channel by swimming over there with a you know, fifty pounds a year so happens. Is you have to come by flotation devices boats, Which enables people in these machine gun ass, our enemies, germans at the time to focus your fire. Its differ. The spread out flag can do these things come in by water. That's why these things are so dangerous.
now. Imagine you're the boat behind the boat you're watching what's happening to the boat in front of you, I mean ever heard of a more apt description for them than the greatest generation. Imagine the bravery. Displayed at all others battles, unknowns, wasn't just omaha. My grandfather was it you Tom each, Which was in his heart is alma. Harboured certainly had enough action itself. He fought in the battle of the bulge. and I said many times to the audience and I'll I'll say it again, especially for the younger folks who listen to this show we gotta. Surprisingly young audience. I know conservative talk, radio, That's a reputation revenue younger audience, but I get your your emails and you Facebook messages during the breakin. How do I know you're young? I can see your pictures Difference from old school re people call in euros, don't, and I can actually see you. I say to the younger folks out there.
Do the next generation of favor and download, whatever you can from your elders,. They were alive during world war too great. If they knew someone who fought and war a war to even better if they Fought in world war to themselves. Even better than that. If they were there on roma beach beach. That day are very few left. You gotta call minor funny. You got the greatest education, you will ever get. You a phd level core sitting right in front of you scrap everything you've heard before and just sit there in rapt attention as you listen and download everything they have to say about what they want. They don't say anything you don't need to say anything just let them talk Just take it all in and become Repository of that information for the next generation and don't let any of it get lost.
put the phone down, put the tick tock down for a minute lesson. I do it too, that a knock. Unfortunately, we're getting shorter attention span soap open your mind, breathe, deep and just listen to everything they have to say. Take it all in take it all. In. It is a phd level course in our human in human history. it's a special day for me. Specifically, it means a lot to me Mean special in a qualitatively good way: men Do a lot that day in the fear I can even imagine At the bravery in overcoming, could you cannot bravery without fear, So he's been my problem with the superman comics right. Nothing ever happen to superman. He wasn't the brave one. Batman was that make It is broadcast tv's, human right, yeah bravery without fear.
and with great fear, comes great bravery and what they did if it wasn't for what they did. those brave men on specific gay not a figurative statement to say that the world we know it now, we know now would not exist. They save the world. They save the world that day for all of us, We owe them an enormous debt of gratitude, it's our job. They never forget My grandfather was there on youtube. But he fought in the battle of the ball. She named my father, John. After his battle body who died and was killed over their world war, two.
And these guys were real heroes. Folks in this generation now, where everything's, an instagram picture or a tiktok video, a look at me. Look at my abs look at my arms go by fast car. Look at my jets. Whatever people do on these platforms right. That generation save the world and the incredible irony say never talked about it. My grandfather, frog, bungee. He wrote to me, I mean and were here I've never met a greater man. I've never met a greater man. I sat with him is he died in Saint John hospital next to queen centre. Mall Greece boulevard and are one of the saddest days of my life, never ever talk, what about it at all, tried to get them to. If you can get someone to talk and download it, like, I said, taken every single bit of it. He didn't want to talk about it. It's too painful for him.
but ass he was die and there the hospitals hole in his hand. And I was so glad I made it over there. I remember thinking as we do know he was gonna die. Maybe he had a heart attack would be reviewed. We thought it was ok and our we're thinking that day. My young self is stupid, embarrassing self gosh she can never park over there. There was never anywhere to park, and I remember thinking I'll go tomorrow on the weekend or so and it'll be a little bit easier to get a parking spot. Maybe I'll go to the park over in a mall and walk over or something like that- and I remember thinking in my instincts. Something tells me you better go today, and I just knew he was dying. He said Daniel. I need you to leave. I don't want you to see me like this, and I was He died about two hours later. but he never talked about it. I remember we're going through my graduation when I graduated at the secret service training school, and I was getting my badge and my gun and he came down and
told the story before. Forgive me if you've heard it before, but we didn't have a lot of money and we were staying in the doubletree, because the secret service put us up there, but you know what my family couldn't afford the double tree, so we all stayed one big room right. And my grandfather, of course he gave him the bed and my grandfather in the middle of the night I was when, were you know my dad was in the room, you're a couple rooms in air, my grandfather, the middle and I got up and he went out this, blood curdling scream at two o'clock in the morning and history. This thing happen. The strange thing happened a strange thing because nobody reacted, not my dad, not my grandmother. No one. and I said to my father the next day I said. That what was that. and he said I as grandpa de does I once rots from the war. He should don't ask me about it. That's it that's who these guys were,
Folks, they were probably run in a double digit chance if you were on one of those boats in omaha beach, a b and mode down and never come back that day. You're probably run in a double digit chance if you were mode down a being shot or maimed. But I can tell you were running a triple did your chance. That is a one hundred percent chance. I've never been the same person after that date. I was a one hundred percent chance. I think we forget. That's not your fault is just a lot going on people's lives and we're trying to forget it just happens. Life takes over. But I think we forget that the. Veterans who do manage to make it back of our military. who seem hard combat. That their injured too not be physical, something they take with them have leaves him a different person. Can you imagine the psychological stress
of days and weeks at a time. Eaten terribly you not sleep in the threat of your impending death, hangs over your head at any given moment. The note these. The chaos The death and destruction you see in front of you: people blown to pieces. It looks like it's fake at a summit in a movie watch and that every day you tell me you don't come home different. I got an email. I read on my when it should to be on fox. My fox yo from a marine friend of mine who was an agent who, as another quiet eyes, aim, is jason tell me about some battle experiences eat out overseas. How can you see this thing? They call the pink mess. You are never the same when someone steps honour its an idea, just explodes the pink mess to over the pink. Mr Weber thought that. The answer is, he did you have to think of it? He saw a change These people forever.
Folks, you been handed and gifted an amazing country by a generation far greater than us. Least, we could do is preserve what they handed us and fought for, and please pass off unharmed. Our kids. And forging we're in a bad spot right now. But we can fix all this when everybody asks me with everything going on all scams. All the swamp nonsense saw the corruption, although Task sub human behavior: oh my gosh: how can you still belong in the united states. This is my choice. I saw my choice, I was given a gift by But, like my grandfather, frank bond gino was given a gift by him. It's my obligation to him than our wine about it, is to take that gift. And handed off again, that's why?
Saw your choice, there's no given up where you going to go canada where you gonna go, as is yours, was gifted to you, take care of it, we'll fix it. so I got a big show. There's a lot going on lot of news. I don't want you to go anywhere, take a minute let that settlement, since your country there's no second best. Thanks for listening to sunday podcast, you ever want to hear these rants on the radio show check us out. Bungie dot com go to station finder and find out where we're on near you see you next week, you just heard in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-27.