« The Dan Bongino Show

The Bongino Brief - Protecting Obama


What do all of the big political scandals of the last few years have in common?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
So they up the dead ceiling. They made it pretty much on limited itself four trillion dollar dead ceiling? I they waved the dead ceiling, that's the means. One thing to me: the? U s is broke campaign spills, so we have to borrow more money. So what are you gonna do to protect your saving as they print more money to pay off where they borrow. I choose to buy, go from birch golden you can't you be, are R Ch, extend day. Eight! Nine, eight! Ninety for you, free information kit on gold, there's no obligation just information with it. Plus rating with a better business bureau? Birch gold can protect. You are savings. I do it have trusted, go it's been a hedge against inflation for generations, tax and to nine, eight nine, eight nine eight take action today. Performance may vary, consult your tax attorney or financial professional before making an invite, indecision message and data rates applied dan bone jean welcome to the barn jean Aubrey damp angie. They are not acting vited they're, not there protecting obama. I want to ask you
simple question: listen just seriously in the chat, but try it alone, make it interactive. Just interactivity say how many of you to type in all when the child of you think it's about obama, be, if you think it's about by, do they take care about Biden they would like nothing more than the sea by go away. Nothing. They want cavern of dago. Ok. its fairly unanimous as not a single yeah, but you that people in the job. I would ask you a question about their work, to all of the big political scandals of the last few years have in common: let's go: do them one by one, the rest collusion, hawk scandal. Who is president, when the collusion hopes was invented pop wow. Was obama show stray these spy, aid scandal when they see
did spying on the trump campaign who was present gas? Let me think about that. That's right, if it was obama, The hell you mail scandal who apply did Hilary secretary of state. and who is Hillary Clinton emailing in the hilary email scandal classified information cheap, appointed by obama, and she was emailing obama, honest blackberry. How do we know because it's already been out in the media by obama's blackberry had to be listed free email addresses, of which hilary private email address was one of them who told us A white lists, tuileries private email address, of course, obama widened bribery scandal where we now have an informant for the fbi. Who is indicated as far back as we know twenty twenty three years ago, that Biden took five million dollar bribe in exchange for policy decisions by was the vice pray.
when this is alleged to have happened. So how the hell could Biden take a bribe for policy decisions he could make, because these gentlemen, the vice president, doesn't make policy decisions who does that's right, oh boy, I'm a bad choices. You did, sir, very bad. selecting Joe Biden. Your vice president was wonderful. all roads lead to obama every single one of these scandals. They are not protecting, who you think they're protecting. They are protecting obama. Why the? Why matters? Why? Obama is their golden calf man, you gotta, You still take yourself out of your sanity mode for a minute and put yourself When did the insane left mode who is their god, small g god, politics obama. He is actively their reagan. Imagine one of them now who's the guy
we do know most of us like in the conservative side, we look to the reagan presidency and your car pretty good? Eighty four, eighty five, eighty six big economy reagan's. Always when a pop you for you, may not like him personally or whatever some of you may be more libertarian what just tell you on the right. Majorities think Reagan was a really good present. Reelected monster, landslides, okay. This is why Obama is to them, and the it obama's legacy, gets tarnished with the truth. But it was the most scandal, ridden corrupt presidency in u s history, when the two, comes out on that to understand that liberalism. Tolerance. Co exist where better than you filthy, conservative, slobs image is gonna, be tarnished. They can don't. Don't doubt me on this
don't it's not about obama, getting arrested he's the guy is completely insulated. He has zero chance, despite all of these scandals involving him of ever being prosecuted. It's not about that. Lupines meet america to believe in their propaganda efforts at their that their betters, there are moral betters they care more. They run a more efficient government government a good thing if their biggest ad kid for this model, Barack Obama turns out to be the most corrupt. President. U s history, whilst simultaneously using the weapons of government for his corruption, while simultaneously advocating that big governments a big thing their whole more my reason for being falls apart. You understand my explaining that. Well good advice, in this world, because if I don't, if you don't get this you're, never going to understand anything on this show it's a waste of our time, because you need to understand that their entire reason for being is big. Government obama. Is there
champion. He used by government not for good, but up people. Once it comes out. It'll make a world of sense more in a minute, but first Is it your dad's once day when you get there Perfectly aged and oh so, tender states you're not given him the best me what his life, but the chair, to grow them up and share the moment with you. For a limited time. When you go to omaha stakes, thou com and enter the code, Bonn gino in the search bar you ll be able to order the dad's favorite give package for just ninety nine. Ninety nine plus you'll get eight free My stakes, burgers with your order Burgers tastes like a stake on a bun and or ultra lean and pack, a bold, intense beef labour, save over sixty percent on a day favorite, grill pack and you'll get for bacon rap police were premium air, chilled boneless chicken breast for bonus. Poor chops, fourg, gourmet, jumble francs for made from scratch, caramel apple targets and in omaha.
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we are talking about these massive payoffs, they have beg records of they. Now I beg Records nobody disputes the authenticity. These bank records flow into the would be binding in crime network while he's vice president. No disputes. It listen a bit Let's talk about how big this network of payments is. They can't run from this anymore check this out. Money is changed, hands gun to multiple business, and these that we believe we shall corporation set up by the Biden family. That is nine members of the Biden family, including grandchildren, from very its nations or bad actors in various nations, so you will look at it. We say this is to be credible and have a link to Biden? Certainly if it, if it's providing a league evidentiary wise. It certainly would temporary temperately wise. What I mean by that is timing, lies
consistent with the timing of him being vice president and timing with all these other money coming into these accounts. It would, consistent with the time he was vice. President I'll ask you again: if these vice president, what decision making authority does he have the answer? freaking zero folks device. President. If he's not casting deciding vote in the senate, he's the president of the senate, useless do wonders burma is useless. How did bob, I do not know the answer. Is you probably did, let's back up a little bit If obama knew about binds bribe and did nothing about it, How serious is, and how did this bribe were just anew check out my newsletter today bunch. You know that consolation newsletter. You want to read the article b, I harboured by navigation, since twenty seventeen doing
its main elections. Lawmaker says talk about Jim homer. Folks, they've known about this, the f has been covering four obama. Since twenty seventeen is twenty, twenty three said the version. The informer report, that was they love, were allowed to see how about and from four percent. Ten percent of the information reacted to make clear. The allegations were first reported to the f b. I back in twenty seventeen as donald trump was beginning his term as president. Isn't that convenient. Homer noted, as I said, thinking that they didn't prediction number one thousand georgia. Forty six comes true comber tone Just the news yes bribe its ukraine. That's where the bribe came from keys shock. Joe key show your shark fin, that's weird and looks like it's normal face. That's crazy! Why, then, we ve only I Wrote about this. In my book follow the money I wrote:
there's a whole chapter there look I don't. I don't give a shit crap you buy it or not, get it from the library. There's a chapter called insane. Ukraine, I've been telling you about this forever. Ukraine was, get back for it. everybody, including the Biden team, now huge work, story gets frequently do what are you laughing? What's up the meter on the screen how yanza message? I know I dare say you guys, you're good. I told you guys provided by around out there. If you know watch it on raw materials in annapolis spotify later because you have left for the folks, it gets worse. Comber, said informants allegation is crazy and businessmen was to pay five millions abiden family in return, for a: u s: policy decision, Joe by Could impact note is the word: impact Why didn't
Say a policy decision Joe Biden could make because for the third time Biden was not the President Was vice president, the decision was made by obama. He said there following the money is spent. Stu numerous l, l season bank accounts and they're beginning the search now for offshore accounts folks, this is only the biggest political scandal of our time. Ok, now you get. There towards the argument here are identical obama. How do you know, obama new, because they ve told us because it? What do you mean? They ve told us September, twenty third, twenty twenty twenty twenty. again. Three years ago, wall street journal, hundreds and ukraine work raise concerns with obama. Officials, geo p lead old, confirms
two obama administration officials raised concerns to the white house in twenty fifteen in twenty fifteen about a hundred biden serving on the board of a ukrainian natural gas company. While father, Joe Biden lead you S, policy efforts towards the country, and an investigation concluded a weird ride out nobody's really reporting favouring about this anywhere, but but this is show any weapon please. If you are. Let me know, let me know someone I'm on other people too and I'm gonna. Be I'm not trying to be an ass about it. You here, but this anywhere we ve only put this stuff together years ago, so mom is team. New far back is twenty fifteen that binds team was taking money. Probably by his team is being bribed as well because they had records and sars were being filed sars. suspicious activity reports, you think about bomb administration did know about them. There we finns and find it
crimes investigating centre out there. We have their filed with The treasury gets these things. You think dated no here's, a real kick in the ass the washington post for in it in a bizarre, active actual journalism back and twenty nineteen. I think is them trying to get by not of the race in twenty nineteen we'd be a liability, as vice As an inviting said, Ukraine should increase gas production. and his son got a job with the ukrainian gas company. Keep that up is so strange, so blower source says I million dollar bribe from ukraine is paid, Oh Biden was journal says the obama team knew about binds money. Exchanging hands from Ukraine says it all. about hundred binds drifting work and then the wash them reproach reports that, from the moment, hundred Biden took the job and twenty fourteen republican set
the conflict of interest for the Biden's, then vice president, who is appoint person on ukraine policy and obama's administration, all look at this lie. Look at this or germ by offered you s, aid to ukraine to increase gas production which could benefit the ukrainian. an energy industry. Sure It is a huge coincidence, folks, again the chat, a simple wire and annulled? Do yes or no, do you think it's a big kuwaiti? Thank you. such a coincidence, that binding as alleged to have taken a five million dollar bribe? At the same time, he offered you s, aid to ukraine as the bribes alleged to have come from ukraine to increase them. Your gas, while his son was working on a natural gas company with no natural gas experience? You believe. That's a coincidence. a simple wire that'll do yeah anyway, yes why is there this thousand ends, but there's only one. Why? Who, with
you must be messy weather, or the troll or some kind of bob quid pro quit broken eau de stop oppian all right then stuff something for sunday? Indeed don't worry region. Eighty eight over their red started said the fancy, but I fancy words: quaid, You mean like something for somethin you mean a deal in illicit bargain. Of course, it's a quid pro quo. Eddie You can see this kind of like what they accuse, tromp doing so weird so I galleries colluding with a foreign national to steal and election as she accuses trump of colluding with a foreign national steel, an election and then a peach tromp. Over a quid pro quo with ukraine. Knowing Biden was engaged in a quid pro quo with ukraine. I thought He thought it was an appreciable offend still not on what is a democrat know: you're you're, acting
We live in a serious constitutional republic. Anyone not enough lou tyranny we live in now now the cracks of course. Lying again there saying all this case was looked at and it was scrap. Long time ago. A bill bar should have spoken out sooner by the way, I think I've been it's fair to bill Barr. Despite some of my objections to some things, bill Barr finally spoke out former attorney general. The trump said. That's not true the case. Clearly the case this alleged bribe referred to the eu the journey in delaware, so the this just rate apply. folks. This is serious. They are protecting obama. Obama is the source of all of us in bonn jean osier. If you like to hear more subscribed to the embargo shell, wherever you get your bike,
Transcript generated on 2023-06-27.