« The Dan Bongino Show

HOLIDAY SPECIAL: Best of The Dan Bongino Show - 07/03/2023


We will resume our daily podcast schedule on 07/10/23 with a live show at 11 AM ET. Please enjoy this special compilation of the best segments from The Dan Bongino Show that you may have missed but are definitely worth your time.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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to remind everyone, be back here with a regular, daily lives shows and eleven a m next Monday July TED. Wish you all a happy independence day with your families and friends celebrating the country we all love. Spy gate, obama was in charge, collusion oaks obama's in charge. hillary, email scandal obama's in charge the bribery scandal. mom is in charge. Theirs In turn, this isn't a conspiracy theory. What did I just That's our factually accurate now was Biden scandal explodes with this allegation that he took a five billion dollar bribe, as vice president obama's MR president, keep that mine eddie begs appeared on fox yesterday. He was talking about
massive pay off? They have bank records help they now a bank records. Nobody disputes the authenticity, these bank records flowing into the with the Biden in crime network while he's vice president. Nobody disputes it, listen, a bigger about how big this network of payments is. They can't run from this anymore check this out. Money is changed it's gone to multiple business and these that we believe we shall corporation set up by the Biden family. That is Nine members in the by family, including grandchildren, from very, nations or bad actors in various nations, so you will look at it. We say this is to be credible and have a link to Biden? Certainly if it Not providing a league evidentiary wise, it certainly would temporary temperately wise. What I mean by that is timing lies
consistent with the timing of him being vice president and timing with all these other monies coming into these accounts, if we'd be consists, with the time he was vice. President I'll. Ask you again these vice president. Decision making authority? Does he have the answer freaking, zero folks, the vice president casting a deciding vote in the senate, he's the president of the senate useless. Do you want snare about he's useless. How did obama not know the answer? Is you probably did, let's backup little bit here. If obama knew about binds bribe and did nothing about it, serious diseases and how did this bribe work just anew check out my newsletter today, bonds. You know that consolation newsletter. You want to read the article f b harboured by navigation since twenty seventeen doing peach
elections. Lawmakers says. Talk about Jim comber folk saved note about this. The I've been covering four oh bombers. Since twenty seventeen is twenty twenty three he said the version. The informer report that growth they were allowed to see how about ten. From her percent of the information reductive and make clear the allegations were first reported to the f b, I back into seventeen as donald trump was beginning his term as president. Isn't that convenient. Homer noted, as I said then going they digging prediction number one thousand georgia or forty six comes true. Comber told just the news: yes, the bribe its ukraine, that's where the bribe came from key shock, Joe case
I was shocked right. That's weird and looks like it's normal face, that's crazy! For them! We ve only. I wrote about this in my book. Follow the money I wrote about, there's a whole chapter, their walk. I don't I don't give a crap occupy it or not, get it from the library there's a chapter called insane and ukraine. I've been telling you about this. ever ukraine was a piggy bank for everybody, including the Biden team, now huge where the story gets. Freaking Dig you do. What are you laughing what's so funny meter screen all these guys, and I know that that said you guys are good. I told you guys feel free to play around the show. The audience loves the chapter if you're, watch it on roma. Listen an apple spotify check it out loud for that the bugs It gets worse. Comber said the foremans allegation. Is a ukraine
in businessmen, was the pay five millions abiden family in return for a: u s: the sea decision, Joe Biden. Could impact note is the word impact. Why didn't say a policy decision Joe Biden could make because for the third time Biden was now the president. He was vice president. The decision was made by obama. He said they're following the money it's been flushed. Through numerous l, l season bank accounts and they're beginning the search now for offshore accounts boxes is only the biggest political scandal of our time. Ok, now you get the contours of the art, in here are right, it's about obama. How do you know obama, my because, because they ve told us, because what do you mean they ve told us september? Twenty third, twenty twenty
twenty. Twenty again, three years ago, wall street journal hunter, binding, ukraine work raise concerns with obama, officials geo p, led probe confirms. well obama, administration officials raised concerns to the white house in twenty fifteen in twenty fifteen hundred biden serving on the board of a ukrainian natural gas company, while his father Biden, lead you S, policy efforts towards the country, a Senate investigation concluded. A weird ride out, nobody's really reporting favouring about this anywhere, but but this is show any weapon to chat. Please if you are Let me take someone had to other people. Do. I don't mean to be I'm not trying to be an ass about it. You here about this anyway. We ve only put this stuff together years ago.
Bomb is jean new spar back. Is twenty fifteen that binding It was taking. Money probably knew. And steam was being bribed as well, because they had banker goods and sars were being filed. Sars suspicious activity reports, you think about obama. Administration did know about them, their files, with finns, financial crime, investigating centre out there. We have their filed with it, the treasure, gets these things, you think dated no here's a real kick him. Yes, here's the washington post for in it a bizarre, active, actual journalism back and twenty nineteen. I think this is them. Try. goodbye now of the race in twenty nineteen we'd be a liability, as vice press biden, said ukraine should increase gas production dennis I got a job with the ukrainian gas company. Keep that up. That is so strange,
whistle blowers source says: a five million dollar bribe from ukraine is paid to Joe by, wall street journal says the obama team. about widens money. Exchanging hands from Ukraine says it. Is about hunter binds grafting work and then the washstand reproach reposed report. is that from the moment one hundred Biden took the job in two thousand and fourteen Republican said it was a conflict of interest for the Biden's. Then vice president, who was Point person on ukraine policy in obama's
Restoration, oh look at this lie in looking at this little gem Biden offered you s, aid to ukraine to increase gas production which could benefit the ukrainian energy energy industry. Sure that is a huge coincidence, folks again in the chair, a simple wire and then I'll. Do yes or no do you think it's a big kuwaiti think? Yes, it's a coincidence that Biden as alleged to have taken a five million dollar bribe. At the same time, he offered you s, aid to ukraine as the bribes alleged to have come from ukraine to increase natural gas, while his son was working on a natural gas company with no natural gas experience, you believe, that's a coincidence. A simple wire and annul do yeah anyway, just someone put away in their there's a thousand ends, but there's only one. Why? Who, with you must be messy weather or it's a troll or some kind of bob.
Quit per as adequate broken, all key stop not be at all written and stuff, something for sunday in key. Don't read: rigidity over their red stuff use an offence and very fancy words quid you mean like something for somethin you mean like The real illicit bargain, of course it's a quid pro quo, Eddie eddie. You can see this kind of like what they accuse trumpet doing so weird. like hilary colluding with a foreign national to steal and election as she Cues is trump of colluding with a foreign national, the stone election and then a peach tromp over a quid pro quo. Would you create? Knowing Biden was engaged in a quid pro quo with ukraine, was he thought it was an appreciable offend still not on what is a democrat know: you're you're, acting like we live in a serious constitutional republic anymore, not an absolute tyranny. We live in now
so another story drops about Epstein, which is probably beg your bengals, like it did my so. First, let's go back to what we talked about on Monday, the what The journal drop this job over the week out about Epstein private calendar revealing prominent names, including a cia chief governments top lawyer and the law, we are talking about is catherine rumbler, who is who not to belabour this point. She was bombers. Whitehouse lawyer, she was known as the fixer what the is catherine rumbler obama's fixer meeting with Jeff. Yep steam for kind of weird know. What is she fixing. It's really strange because catherine rumbler, the obama fixer, also represented this guy george nator, who was
the source for bob mahler in the fake people, tape hoax against donald trump, and by the way NATO was known, tat, middle eastern connections and the room out there. As I said you on monday- and I say again that Jeffrey Epstein may have had middle east, actions in the spy business. If you know what I mean, we are suitable to get. The idea you might not have about explaining this right, you ok, so you got up is fixer who is representing, as a lawyer or meeting with two people with suspected middle east connections to the spy and intelligence business as their setting up donald trump. so strange, so so strange see this little gem back from twenty twenty. I did we put this article up before, but this was really weird your mobile web Epstein, was arraigned I joe to people
the daily beast. While there is a left wing alan occasionally, Fears either it's a left wing out. Will you morons on the left? I beat a far left wing alan. They noticed that this court appearance that someone was air showing support, quote two people who separately attended the hearing said catherine rumbler who serve them Why does council during the clinical bob administrations had? I quote professional relationship with have seen and we see that behind the fence team job, anybody what we do know it's weird we had. This is one of the biggest loud side of the journal covering this. They stories Nowhere, but nowhere on cable news. So you got this big finance. Guy everybody's like way it is money finance how and everyone's like scratch it. Our heads like I have no idea
how we made his money he's also alleged have been connected to the spy community all or in the middle east he's edit obama's o bombers fixer shows up at his court appearance who use the rep Clinton and obama. The wider it and is seated, receded right behind me. The french team, to see your folks, don't you worry so good Gets better, this is what came away my bringing this up today. Then you covered this odd mother. Well, somebody else dropped yesterday at sea, documents. Wall street journal part do in america, call part to this drop yesterday dinners with Lord summers- that was treasury secretary movie screen with woody Allen too? Well, this see man this guy got around, but
I really care about woody Allen. We already know his story. I care about these two names and the wall street journal. All we have is meeting with reid Hoffman now, if you're, asking yourself who's reid hoffman. Ladies and gentlemen, this guy is as influential in the far left. Progressive anti american causes. George soros. No, yes,. we have been is a billionaire venture capitalists any found that a site you may have heard of called linked in turns out. Accordingly, journals, reporting, read, hop and visited, have scenes private island in the caribbean of his schedule to stay over this manhattan. Townhouse back in twenty forty red, often be liberal donor, big censorship. Guy too big censorship guy sensor made. Why are we here and about the Jeffrey Jeffrey Epstein? Sensors all are
Like a piece is coming together, here's another one able brok it's kind of a port guy solely the former prime minister of Israel, turns out he visited have seen dozens of times and accepted flights. I have seen private jet. You know it's always been alleged that he was connected to middle eastern intelligence. Got a stranger saw me he's an interesting little video from her brok to who is needed and leftism who won just talked about openly how they basically engaged in a coup in israel trying to screw over right, leaning, Benjamin Netanyahu, because this accord system it is real. It's out of control, so ably broccoli, four left radical seems to know. I've seen really well you just well laid out how these leftists revolts happened? You see how these swap these are all connected. Maybe why they want to make this lipstick story go away here. Take a listen to this show. It's english dj Up down Jim changed using the
tools, then the legal tools of fair democracy facing a counter the evolution form from bottom up We will win. I'm coming of it because I know our people, we have even empirical evidence for this. Some may many years ago in two ladys squirrels, generous and safer reached in colombia research. They made a fire hundreds of civil protests, in the last day, over one hundred you from nineteen hundred to twenty, oh six and They found a common denominator. All these protests, which succeeded
of which a eleven of three point, five of the popular eight percent of the population, which is which ends up to be about eight percent of the adult population. If tenaciously persistently, keeping difficult days, boycott, civilities, no and so on the end. The government either for or capitulate that is exactly why we already caused this number was in less than three months, so we you know I direction. The publication called Y, see well, at least in the world, he's just laying out the battle plan for the left on how to take to the streets with a small number of people even gives you a number three point: five percent to basically overthrow the government that the former prime minister of Israel, who conveniently according to this report, has had multiple contacts with Jeffrey Epstein, who is now dead. Who is the middle eastern spy contacts o strange man, so strange. It's like these left. These have been engaged. king in this plot to take back gotta, take
governments, duly elected governments, and turned him over twenty four types of a really long time, and maybe I see no other, the players in their so near? It is every single time, so we met would read. Hoffman too read up and as you can see here in the sea and b c, bees notice, how I use left wing links or a left, leaning sources sought to give them clicks. Ladies gentlemen, its defeat any more on left this than the chat right now we have any more on left the sinner I might sounds like a conspiracy there, really by the daily. stan CNBC their chop. It up the conspiracy very linked in carve out the reader It hopes to get more democrats elected to congress. This fall by beating some in the primaries. He wanted. The radicals elected. Oh look, read up in big democrat donor, far left street activist extraordinary, who'd barak in Israel. They all,
to love, Jeffrey Epstein, big money. Guy strange, you seem to have tapes on a lot of people. The deep state disrupt that's a conspiracy to really crazy here is actually other left wing outlet. You sense a pattern here exclusive. elliot back a new media firm to combat this information, I e. Let me three right! This title billionaires back in new media firm to censor anyone who calls them out on their plot to usher in a new era of socialism, that's the appropriate title or what who's who is involved and who is a new public benefit corporation, backed by billionaires red? Half better George soros watching tuesday, to find new media companies and efforts that tackles this information. I e conservatives who look into red hoffman george Soros Jeffrey, have seen Clinton obama by this was from October twenty twenty one.
Makes sense. Now you see, what's going on here, folks, it's pretty clear right now that Epstein, whether he was a cut out whether he was a voluntary winning or unwitting partner in an intelligence gathering operation it appears people want to make this story go away and the people who want this story go away because they may have been gathering bribery, material and others have the ability to make it go away because the exact same people, the red half means and the george soros is a world than the others are engaged in operations? I good information egg, which do nothing but sensor. People who, like me or try to censor me, doesn't really work very well who try to talk about it, folks, I'm gonna you again, as it makes sense now. Why you're not hearing more about this story, because the people in charge of this global cabal of
eddie it's out there trying to hide the truth. Don't want you to hear about this story. And have the power to sensory. You ever wonder why. Every time we start report, in what george soros is up to an article fact check pops up. That says you are an anti semite which is so obscene lie ridiculous, coming from anti semitic, liberals that did discard it and throw it in the fire does its job. It scares some people, not us, never noticed when you start talk. about these billionaires like red, half minute others again, political fact and others jump right, story to make sure no one can see it now, understand why you're not hearing more about the Epstein story. Epstein met with obama bomb in Clinton's lawyer According to multiple reports. Here I just gave you left leaning sources there fixer is hiding, so I think, Epstein was up to I'm. I pay. We do not have an exact answer for you, but I don't
get out ahead of my speech. This is how you get in trouble with my audience. I forget the left reminders. I need you to trust me. I don't know what he was up to. I have some speculative ideas. I said based on rumours that, by a lot of oh by the way that he was in it. Diligence asset that he may video evidence of people involved in some really bad stuff, but I'm not sure. But I'm telling you that catherine rumbler does not get involved with both george nadir, who was a mahler source and Geoffrey Epstein. If she doesn't know something, and the demo I wanted to go away by the way, just to show you how come Did they artist censorship? Now the red half means of making stories like this come uncomfortable, go away. This was obama,
asked the other day record in this video message and I want you to notice. He pays special attention in this video message. He put out on twitter special attention to the fact that he's got. we really involve with censoring the internet by buyer. By basically did declaring what's up source. And, what's not, I e censorship from the left check this out. I planning it shine a light on the biggest challenges, the demand he faces that includes revitalizing. Our political institutions coming up with more inclusive and sustainable models of capitalism creating a stronger democratic culture but it also means creating an information environment that reinforces rather than a roads. Our democracy in which truth matters, one in which We are able to distinguish between fact an opinion. one in which were able to tell a com story and just
a bunch of separate stories that reinforce our biases and our prejudices, These are areas where we're gonna have to do better for them. accuracy to stay. Strong folks sets up a couple. A word salad. What obama's saying there is it's up to us to both troll and silence in the future. They control economic mechanisms, we're going to use or do the swamp we're going to have. pictures and our money. People read this system right and then, when people like me exposes system, gonna use the red hot means in the george soros of the world to sign it's any negative information that comes out via fact, checks to be a public pressure. We are the far left media Proxies is real. Man were engaged in a real fight for information. I taught nobody makes praecipe. You know it's big tech companies, there grating? Is privacy companies? Have you gonna believe the big bad tech wolves now turn that's sweet. Grandma come on
thing in selling your data is big text nature, so they do to protect myself. It's big text prying eyes I use expressway paean when you use expressed, we began you're hiding your unique ip address. Websites can find out your location what you do online atop without it a speedy and encryption rewrites hundred percent of your online activity, so you're They provide a wifi administrators. Hackers can't see it the best part how easy it is to use takes us. one: click to protect all your devices. One expressing the subscription covers up the five At the same time, you can protect your entire family too. Much express be, is rated number one by cnet, wired tech radar and countless others. Today is the day. Get de and I trust, to protect my online privacy when big bad taxes at the door go to express. We pay and slash bond gino and you'll get an extra three once free and one year package, its express we be undercut slash bond gino expressly beyond our coming. Taxes at the door go to express. European dotcom, slash bond gino and you'll get an extra three
months free and one you package has expressly beyond dotcom. Slash bond gino express bbn dot com slash bond gino to learn more. I folks soros money, machines, heat up and you better start getting concerned about it. Soros is money has been a big deal. He puts it into a bunch of causes and, of course, structure in the streets in the structure of our country and, of course, the left you know once misdirection. They want. You talk about soros, which makes us do what fell on the show, and they tell us how to talk about what we do your job. Without that it now we talk about twice weeds at once. Just stick to you at another time, the double barrel. So whenever you tell us not to talk about it, we're going to talk about it twice. So here's was going on. This was a big breaking news story in the wall street journal this week. It folks stir source money, She's gonna get hot wall street journal. George Soros hands. Control was thirty,
Seven year old son, who knows I'm more political, but were really? How do you get more political? His dad is literally not figuratively. One of the largest donors do not just left is for radical left. This causes anywhere cosmos and the sun, no tell you know we think alike. The elder sir said, while embracing some different causes voting abortion rights, gender equity all left this busters interesting, over the kid who says he's even more political than that Any criticism of this is anti christian. I want you to know that, on the record, you been worn southern poverty loss after my come for you now. What does all this mean for you not of its good soros money. Machine is conveniently heating up right before the election.
And here is an author of mine and my publishing company Matt Palumbo. He is also the editor of bon geno report, more bungie to report bug here. Matt wrote an amazing book called the man behind the curtain. He was on fox this weekend talking about what this means and how George soros met with kamala harris is that the clip here is at the on that Matt. yet the David asthma quite bright. He may I want you to pay very close attention to what is sorry act. This allocation must regularly that's on here expert man behind a cordon wrote the definitive book by george soros pay very closely. instead of what he says at the end, here How soros his son met? We PAMELA harris, Is this money machines about to open up, but conveniently that wasn't on the schedule? It's almost like they're trying to hide something
take a look by alexander sorrows, key in on that last name. The son of liberal billionaire george soros met with vice president canada harris earlier this week. senator marcia blackburn, reacted to the mating, saying quotas, laughable that the left wants you to believe that the source family has no influence in politics. That palermo author of man behind the curtain joint we now. Also how deep merit is the soros influence in the democratic party. We argue that he has more influence in the bottom administration, really than any other administration, and you know the and by the way, when you say he, euro, firming both to george and his son, people joined the sign and I will say it's: it's fascinating with george that his whole life in the media has gone along with this. Has Criticism of him at his network and then really suggesting, there's anything negative, going on into a spirit
in theory. I then his son, Alex, is now sort of it looks like really taking over the empire and he is doing it out in the open there. Is you really can't call it a conspiracy unless, through the mainstream media, trying to cover this and with vp harris you, notably that was missing from her public schedule that day? Oh interesting, that's fascinating missing from the public schedule, as if it wasn't an official meeting almost like it was a non official meeting about official visual stop. Sorrows voting machine yet ready Joe is an election seasons or presidential thing coming as I do on the rancher I'd like it just any sure, just
says he heard a little son, but he's not sure strange how soros and the money machine always there pop and back in the new cycle, and yet the Democrats run from a glass anti semitic. When you talk about a liberal advocating for liberal issue so strange how it always happens, the pop up right around the election. Now, if you want the two definitive book somewhat soros, is up to you. Ok,
The man behind the curtain is Matt side, he'll be Matt Palumbo his book he'll be on my show later, but my book follow the money folks again rented from the library. I don't care I trace over at the book a long time ago. I promise you that steps about the dow, but in the book follow the money the opening chapters called insane in ukraine and, ladies and gentlemen, you can read all about what george soros did the interfere in the election last election and the election before that one of the yard, the chapters insane in ukraine how soros is involved in everything, ukraine stuff going on in the f b, I, how is open societies, foundations involved, but one of the things you may have forgotten is that one of the places source his group donated to this is from the book follow. This is right in chapter one, there's three sections on soros in chapter one alone: in twenty seventeen soros gave one million to the democracy integrity project, a group founded by Dan Jones.
Do what investigate interference in western elections by hostile foreign powers jones, a former fbi? Well, it's in staffer for Dianne Feinstein wrangled over seven million in revenue for his nonprofit gosh Soros gave a lot of money to these guys, his group, it's so strange. He says I wrote in a book. He says I could someone else. Let's reverse engineer this jones, it turns out, didn't just hire. Firm they kicked off the entire spiky fiasco: fusion, gps, hired itself. Here's Glenn simpson, describing in the third person how the democracy integrity project was born after simpson, reached out that their jones and I go into the whole thing. So George soros his money in the open sea These foundation were involve one of the guys who started the whole collusion oats, their jobs. Yes, sir, yes Sure doll laid out there in a book. What about the whole ukraine day.
It's almost like George soros had business interests in ukraine and his group, the open societies foundation, we're funding and other call a day, see and sources. Group anti see was being used. to go after some resources, business rival show strange here's another excerpt from the book. Twenty sixteen as a presidential election heated up ukraine's process you. Two generals offers began investigation at the anti sea, which was heavily. Funded by soros about the past misuse of millions of funds and at an inquiry set to the? U s: ambassador Jeffrey pie, it george The sharp and this diplomat- that's diplomatic, speak for the second in command. bonded deputy prosecutor, general yuri slowly, are choke with a jew page letter said: the united states had no concerns about the use of our assistance funds and noted we ve accounted for every single foreign assistance thou spent on projects in ukraine.
deep into the latter. However, can't we go back the swiss cantons, short story, archer about a daisy. All we did the investigation They see, based on the assistance they receive from us, is similarly misplaced. Can't wrote less than a week after shokhin was removed from office, So at the time the letter arrived with avoid Ukraine's top legal offices. No replacement of a name can't was obviously applying pressure to the agency over sources, pet projects, so just to be clear. The shore J, one of the big shots in our ukrainian embassy or comes back to ukraine. Folks, it's why the chapters called insane and ukraine george can't wrote a letter but he had no concerns about this group. Soros was funding anti see after the process What are they all want? It out that was looking into Biden, got fired fire the power,
computer. All of a sudden, a letter shows up on what the? U S, embassy has no concerns with that george soros grew train. Try american financing dot net. What's that, a lot of americans are feeling the effects of inflation, filling up your car groceries home repairs, everything's more expensive. Most of you are paying these bills with a credit card consumer debt, A lot over a trillion dollars in the last year, the biggest increase in twenty years you are a homeowner. There is aware. Call my friends at american financing, its a great company and put together a plan to pay off that high Credit card then created meaningful savings for you, everyone the same People just like you- have two thousand thousand unclosing interspaces ten days, don't way get yourself in a better place. Call her salary base mortgage consults today at sea You can save the twenty five years of experience. seven thousand glowing review speak volumes about their ability to save homeowners. My it costs nothing to get started. You started he could delay to mortgage payments, giving greater savings up front american financing. Today at eighty,
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I am resolutely committed on this show to exposing the deep state and today I'd like to introduce you to the deep state queen Hillary Clinton. No, no! No donald, expose that yesterday because he clearly knew something was up: donald trump on true social. He Biden sitting with LISA monaco second in charge of the justice department, probably working on future plots and schemes against republicans boom june nineteen, twenty twenty three: what happens today? The number two with the o j? Oh I'm sure she knew about it, supervised the deal with merrick garland to give hunter Biden a sweetheart deal on a gun charge and a tax evasion charge where he gets no jail. Time gets to play in the bight administration goes. Oh, look! It's all over What about the international influence peddling and all the tapes I played for you last week of Joe Biden engaged in international blackmail schemes and getting people fired looking into it huh? How bout that that is right. You think
from tweeted that out yesterday by accident. This is episode Number two thousand four hundred and twenty six of donald trump was right again now. Folks, again talking about now is kind of dumb. I should just mentioned that yesterday, regardless. On my reputation, I swear to you. I saw this come out yesterday in the washington post than a big it to myself. Something is definitely up. The Washington post put out this peace with the hapless carol lending an errand david who cannot get a story right ever ever. I have experience with this one. What a mess I ll never forget that secret service story about the age and driving into the barricades vienna change twenty times I can get the story right: here's kara letting the washed impose this is yesterday folks they are setting you up at an akbar act bar trap, like you, ve, never seen. Fbi resisted opening probe
the trumps role in january six for more than a year, look at the names in the peace. Folks, look at an age! You take its accident trump tweets out a picture with LISA Monaco, the deuce at department of justice, the number to the washington post, Is setting you up, someone at justice clearly knew the sweetheart deal with hunter Biden was going to come out today so to make the justice department to put some lipstick on this pig. They launch an article with the friendlies at the washington post the day before gone. The department of justice is not partisan matter of fact they didn't even want to press donald drop Joe. What colleagues, what what a coincidence justice is done, every rabies, read the wording we the wording. Awareness, appearing partisan institutional caution in clashes over how much evidence was sufficient to investigate the actions of trump
surround them all contributed to the slow pace garland in the debt. The attorney general LISA Monaco. Ah,. charted a cautious course aimed at restoring public trust in the department boss. Prosecutors below them, chafed feeling topic visuals were shying away looking at evidence against crime of crimes by donald trump, and those closely want to play this a video for you from fox news. This was David's spot the long time ago. By the way now do you get what's going on the washington? was totally work in the reference year. A hundred percent work in the raft they knew exactly What was gonna go down. Here's fox months ago about how the decisions about hundred Biden and all this all of this was being marshall together by who yeah lisa, Monaco god save the queen check this ultimate,
the more the attorney general merrick garland deputy attorney general LISA Monaco. These are kept. There's that are being briefed on the hunter Biden investigation. We reported fox news just about a month and a half ago that the group jury. Looking into potential charges for hunter Biden ended its term over the summer. so lot somewhat into Chad. Chat said you didn't let us down yet you know the bug gino rule, but now this is different. The bonn gino rules doesn't apply here, This was just my opinion that someone's gonna happen. It was opinion based on informs speculation about how the washed imposts works. I should have put out there man, your mom monaco LISA monaco- is the deep state queen
is me deep, ladies and gentlemen, and multiple scandals. It's now clear. They will work in the raft. The american public, putting this piece out through the washed imposed to prep you for monaco and garland. They give you the giant, gobble barreled moving middle finger, which I don't take. I've done yet. That's a first time so who is LISA? Monaco I'd argue to you. She, even more dangerous than america, arlene lisa monica has been me deep in multiple scandals. Shall we go through the list? She's dead, who said the oj J. Don't forget me: in the enron scandal. Deep as mothers chiefest there. She was Bob cheaper stay. yes, sir knee deep in we advising the mahler pro she was now.
deep and spiky when they respond, donald trump. Who is that Terrorism adviser obama, my my we lisa monaco, so we're the trunk prosecutes. Shit she's, they d o j number two, as they keep throw in the book, Donald trump, with vague charges. The hunter Biden case need deeper, that how do I know I just waited for you and showed you. The washed imposts article about girls are the devil, is the deep in the january six prosecutions to as the do several the J right he's Tom caught up on capital ill picked up something really interesting about the january six case. How they're using a unique interpretation of obstruction of up official proceeding to prosecute the january six guys in gaol, but not the prosecuting and or anyone else
storms accord. Us anywhere and who's, he asked the question: still yes, ma'am one we still gotta bigelow or turn my attention to something for which you do have responsibility. Though there are stature no statute, section, fifteen twelve entitled tampering with a witness victim or informant so that statute focused altering destruction or hiding of records to be used in official proceeding sancho? Are you aware of this statute? Yes, you know when it was adopted, it was adopted it if memory serves after the fact it will collapse of enron and other corporate mouth in two thousand to after the enron scandal in law called the corporate fraud and billy act, two thousand, and it also includes a catch all phrase prohibiting not. the destruction hiding of evidence, but also a acts that quote
wise, obstruct influence or impede an official preceding the what is currently using that catch all provision to prosecute hundreds of americans? for their actions on January six, two thousand and twenty one on the grounds the united states capitol. I want to be clear- I'm not talking here about persons who, it'd violent acts against law enforcement officers. This recent monaco has some really strange readings of the law: crazy. How hard Andrew Weissmann, completely screwed up the enron scandal got there. She smacked around by the court system for abuses of power, and yet keep failing up the ranks so strange. Then she's got this rather unique. Reading of the january six case and a rather unique reading of apparently the presidential records act. It's almost as if the queen least a modicum of the deep state Is making this all up
goes along and conveniently breaks today that LISA Monaco, the do said the oj permanently. must have signed off at some point on this decision to give one I dunno sweetheart deal while a bunch of young black men and women and poor white. And in his spanish men who don't have legal protection, are in jail on gun crimes and that's good. We want people in jail if you use, they got in a crime except it's weird. How the anti gone. Why patriarchy left seems to want to give hotter by in the past on the exact same charge and LISA Monaco's knee deep right in that whole thing so strange folks, China has Joe Biden and missile lock ever see top gun, If you ever see that girl they got us on missile lock. China has got this guy unlocked. They have no respect for him, get ready today or you'll regret it tomorrow. He's a wall street journal piece. I was going to cover yesterday, but we got sidetrack,
when other stout china's military provocations. Ladies and gentlemen, this is just the past two weeks. Pay attention to the sides they are all around you are making. Six. The chinese fighter jet came within four hundred yards of a us recon plane flying in international airspace airspace above the south china sea force. The? U s plane flying through its wake sounds provocative. Why would they do that? Oh we're not done chinese defense official snub the room asked by defence secretary Austin for a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the annual singapore security conferences. We these meetings have become routine at the annual conference and Mr Ross,
criticized china's opposition to military communication that could reduce misunderstanding, china, flipped off our defense secretary of the bus and our plane? That seems a little strange. Doesn't it- and it is another one- a chinese naval ship this weekend came within one hundred and fifty yards of a us missile destroyer traversing, the taiwan strait with a canadian warship us view such patrols as essential to maintaining the principle of freedom of navigation, but about china claims the strait as it's territorial waterway wow. That's a lot of action over the past year, tweaks, it's the last two weeks. We're doing this by mistake that Joe, neither you nor I are fighter pilots, but I got to imagine like you see it.
Can u s recon plane? You probably know it's in the sky. Like oh gosh, look I just flew within four hundred yards of what a mistake that was. How did that happen then? You're on the water and you're like what does that big ship? Oh look! It's a us missile destroyer! Oh, let's cut in front of it, but you go karts. Oh there's, defense secretary I figure he wants to meet and talk about reducing ways for a misunderstanding in avoiding world war. Three, I tell him to go F himself: oh okay, nothing to worry about folks that get a job he's feel a mile, I'm ever Joe Joe. In some limited circles we call out of what clue J gates It uses the word pattern. Instead, I'll stick with wikis, not wrong. We call that a pattern. Now. Here's the kicker here's the coup de crowd of this whole thing,
It appears the chinese communist party now this is on cnn, so take it with a grain of salt, but the footage is authentic. The chinese communist party appears to be prepping. It's people for something. Oh really So we don't get the chinese communist party news here, but if you did, you would see that their putting out every day it asian over their propaganda airwaves trying to get their people to haiti. Knighted states, it's almost like their preference for people for war and try not to mistake, make the mistake: putin made by not prepping the battlefield more to get his people more round up for the ukraine invasion. It's almost like the Chinese learn something from ukraine. and that they are preparing for war. Now now, do you see why I keep telling you to get your food stock up on your water, make sure you've got some ammunition and some rounds worst day of your life. You need 'em best day of your life. You don't watch this report about chinese propaganda you tell me, with their up there, on the streets in the skies and on the sea, rising rhetoric and
who s warns real danger of military confrontation growing list of u s, train a flare ups fuelling fears, anti american sentiment among the chinese problem, he's, the media, adding fuel to the fire seeing the airwaves with outrage public perception of the? U s solemnity. a recent chinese pull reveals more than. Half of those surveyed having very unfavourable or somewhat unfavourable impression of the u s or from Why? You? U s teeth? Picking on china, since this man in beijing field, the! U S is bullying china there's another those of the tragedy that has another making his views clear. I don't like the: u s Bad things in the world are caused by the: u s:. Now it's interesting on our and how you ve got admiral kirby. both for the white house.
A man is really disgraced himself at this point covered up whereby, but you got kirby saying the exact opposite. Are we trying to take down the rhetoric and all this stuff, because people in the wider, soft and they're laughing. The by administration, the chinese communist party cause? What's the chinese communist party telling its people? You bet, I hate those mother and we're coming for the next and its catch it. Ah, what do you think you're doing that because they want better trade relations. I'm just asking you in the audience: not you, because you are smart, you will affect, can see in the chat. You all have. This thing figured out already people I get a propane stove too. It's absolutely right, charcoal be ready, Be ready, there's no, there's no logical reason not to be folks. I never thought Putin conveyed ukraine. It was a blind spot. I admit that You know when you're on the air time you make big mistake. Sometimes it was a strategic miscalculation. I thought its idiots
to do that. Why would he do that? Any did it anyway, because I thought was china. Think like it's a tax, economic decision irrational maximizing? That's, not how the communists think that's not how they big. They think hedge, a they don't care, you're, ready you just heard tan bonn genome, show.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-04.