« The Dan Bongino Show

Deciphering the Latest Fake Scandal (Ep 1075)

2019-09-26 | 🔗

Summary:In this episode, I address the exploding “whistleblower” scandal and how it’s destined to destroy Joe Biden’s candidacy and the credibility of our broken media. News Picks:

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed its not immune to the banks with your host Dan bungee. Now, gentlemen, whistle blower dreaded air quality complaint is out for the world to see folks. This was a professional hit on Donald Trump. Make no mistake I read it before the show this morning we're gonna get into that. I am decipher for you exactly what is going on here. Why Donald Mention crowd strike there really hiding in Ukraine what the whistle blower can complaints. As in doesn't say. I promise you and they show your eyes- are going to be open way completed, thereby GINO shall produce Joe good to see you had your homework and there. I welcome any good job out there on the rocks much work, yet thank you was with which result going
thanks to everyone who showed up at my book, signing in New York and Huntington recognize a lot everyone who showed up at your vat who drove hours to get there. Thank you, the woman from tax it's. Your fluent from TAT was sold over five hundred bucks. I will be at the bureau spoke Centre throughout yes, John with those very flattered, lotta people ass for producer, Joe, by the way, which I told before the shop, and I have a book signing on Saturday Palm Beach Garden, Barnes Noble Informations up at the website, but thank you, everyone about the book, and I appreciate you doing that. But today's important show- and we ve got a who pass that now and get to other stuff. Let's get right, you can show. You by bodies at genocide. Ladies and gentlemen, only one week left for the summer inmates, a clear and sail from Germany right now when you order genuinely July treatment, you get the classic Jenny. Sulphur bags nothing is free. That's right! Free today, here the famous Beverly from Huntsville Alabama raving about the results she saw, Oh, I'm she loved this product, so a difference almost different mediately would recommend it to everyone if they have a problem with their jaw, line all Jenny
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You get a professional hit ondometer up. How do you know it's a professional hit the way its cited the way they use legal statutes two way they on toward the argument to make it appear that president trumpeted something eat it really do is obvious we ve done in consultation with legal professionals and intelligent swamp rat who wanted what to make sure the present the United States was deeply damage by this. The whistle blower comply ladies gentlemen, though, when you read it is actually more damaging to the whistle blower than it is to the president, because it points out things about Rudy, Giuliani, seeking information on Ukraine, and if you read it, you will understand that the whistle blower is clearly trying to cover something up in Ukraine. I I'll get to that in a moment when you get to I gotta splain men. First there's a lot of explaining to do the best way, I can frame what's going on right now and the media, the disgusting coverage by the dvd just did that disgraced. Media is let me
at this straight now, Europe wishing to impeach a President Donald J Trump for looking into corruption I'll simultaneously, covering up the. What I feel is undoubted corruption by someone running to be the president now in job. I seems a little bit James Leer, but T, wait a little we're just show. You want Donald Trump, and this phone call phone call, has now been released through the transcript of the phone call. So let me see what do we get you? First. First, a first, let's go: let's go Wall Street Journal this article in the future, the transcript of the far poverty Ukrainians, where the damn crap media narrative, is that tromp was pushing for them to invite. The Gay Biden and was withholding money unless they did it. You got it very simple. A quid pro quo, something for something right. From the watch your journal work or the Ukraine transcript vessel. The phone
evidence is enough. Do all a presidential election, let's go to number one from the actual of that's gotta. Take away number one from the Wall Street Journal article. Was there a quid pro quo, in other words, its find someone texted me last night. What is quid pro quo lad river, something something why there are tradeoff was Donald Trump sank in Ukrainian. We won't give you this military aid. If you don't investigate honour by from the Wall Street. Which is no pro tromp outlet by the way anymore, more here's the answer, the five page current transcript shows that. Mr call to congratulate Mr Zaleski, the new ukrainian present on his party's victory parliament after niceties Mister, drop waxes on, as you often does, that the? U S spent a lot of effort and a lot of time on Ukraine while Complain that european countries don't do their share. Listen, listen to the key, take away. At no point does MR tromp threatening withdraw,
of U S, aid to Ukraine. Talking point number one by the Democrats that there were some quid pro quo. A will you investigate job. I know we're not giving them money did not happen at no point is that in the transcript showing you again gosh, we ve got so much nigh, but knowing you again the media's narratives over the last two or three days before we had call by the way, still think releasing these transcript was a colossal mistake. Charity done cry over spilt milk. We clean it up, but the transcript is out there. Now we can now read what was in the transcript, and it is now Chris It clear that with the Democrats were telling you four days, Trump made. This promise tat our made this illicit deal that you investigate, hundred binding were not given its military money, Ukrainians to help fight back the Russians in
importing your country it didn't happen. Ladies and gentlemen, it is a myth. Is a fabricated fairytale you got here. The quid pro quo, arguing is dead. The media, as always, is lying to you. They are making it up. They always make it up now, showing you how painful this must have been for the media, folks, you'd been propagating this fairy tale that there was an illicit quid pro quo. Bargain offered by Donald Trump here. Are the law it takes it see at an illicit pain and their voices, as they have to admit that what they ve been reported for the last week about this deal, wasn't a deal at all check this out, but looking into election interference. And it is also significant that, even before the pro brought that up and sad I'd like you to do us a favour he did about how much the? U S has helped Ukraine,
this week, I so he did specifically mention any the explicit quid pro quo of, unless you do this. Unless you investigate this unless you do this, unless you investigate this, we're going to pulled this military aid to you, Why are we here? That's what you all have been reporting for them three days. Rising. I miss something on the road you ve all been report. How about some illicit promise and bargaining. Quid pro quo deal and no what she says, the CNN correspondent in their job asked but a little cabin in their she's as well although it was an exquisite if she's now a mine radiation, because you know about it just one of the things you and I both know about Donald Trump and forgive my sarcasm and the beginning. You- and I both know this about Donald Trump Job- is he hides is emotions and he never explicit everything's obedient lever says that they do that out and about a year
trot peace is not an open guy doesn't say you know, he abilities thinking. He never says you know I always have to decipher it. I mean no one. I live with these recurring, true, so drunk is talking about creating present and although there is no quid pro quo, she has to put the proviso when there are well. Maybe it's just what explicit, not job. It was tromp again we're trapped, always garlic. This is so stupid, even hide it is about its he'd, never or hiding how we really feels like. Ok, no quid pro quo eight hundred and they made it up like they make everything else up. Let's impeach him for a deal that was never meet their take away. Number two from the Wall Street Journal Peace, which is, the comprehensive and amusing the journal today, because this is not a pro tromp outlined at all. Take away number
to the media allegation here, number two other than the quid pro quo was. There was a favor asked by Trump and a investigate Joe Biden Wrong from the journal. Mister Sharp does asked for a favor that Ukraine look at twenty sixteen election meddling joy. I that's what the Democrats want air quote. I would like you to find that this is Trump talking to the ukrainian press. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine. They say crowd strike Trump said referring to the company investigated the twenty sixteen hack into democratic National Committee to take away from this ladies and gentlemen, as again, one William set on the five and others they are not accurately did there just they either. Dont know or they're, just not telling you the truth, and I can't fix. Why they don't think you're gonna get busted the favour. The president asked for was not to investigate Joe Biden, kid. That is not the faith.
You're, just making it up. You're, just fabricated, miss your lie: the favor, He asks me to say: do me a favor look into this is Joe. I thought with Democrats want it. Haven't the Democrats, I'm not crazy. You're right, they ve been tellin us for the last two years. Now that election meddling was a big deal, it's a bad thing down trump. Now. I guess now it is because the Democrats are unprincipled losers in this kind of like the ones I Capitol Hill. Of course, I'm a merger totally unprincipled losers there you're making things up. That was not the favour. The favour was to look at what the Democrats see they're interested in election meddling. Now he brings up crouched doll. You hey. I got a ton of emails on his dad. Please explain, was why the present is bringing up crowd strike Oh you're, not gonna wanna go anywhere for that little doozy
putting it at the end of the shell. Not to tease you not the two days later, not play games with you, because I after said, everything up so at the end the coup de grace is maybe devasted? Ok, ok, number three the leftist. Commentators and everyone else, Are you guys President Trot brought Brute Rudy Juilliard he's gonna, send rudest personal lawyer, Rudy, Giuliani, former Mayor New York, obviously over to Ukraine. This is horrible, again from the Wall Street Journal peace? That is not what happened, who brow a Brodie Giuliani. Do you any in president, not trump quote only through that this. Mr Zaleski, the ukrainian President, men should Mr Trump Personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who's, been quickly, urging the Ukrainians to investigate Joe Biden and his son hunters activities in Ukraine. Mr Zaleski, says quote: he is hoping very much that
former New York mayor comes to you, Craig. He promised that all investigations will be done openly and candid and candidly. For you understand everything you been tall over the last three days has been a. Why there's no quid pro quo, there was favour about hundred by and we have the transcript. All of this is now a lie: totally dependent bike, Capitol Hill, Democrat losers, like you, in conjunction with their boots, licking media sycophants, surgically attaching their lips to the budgets of the collective media They are horrible, awful people who, but not even wait for the transcript to come out to call for formal impeachment proceedings. Good luck with that I'll get to that. Second to that's gonna blow up an already is. Tromp did not bring Giuliani name up. The ukrainian President F
promising in open and candid investigation, I taught Joe that's what everybody want yeah. I guess now says he's the one who invites Giuliani over now. The they fight Liberal nonsensical maniacal lunatic talking point, the OJ had to look into this for a potential campaign violation. In other words, let me sum up the left. This complaint again other lie. Well, Mr Sharp password ever an especial deal. They get his campaign opponent press the gate and Hunter Biden, Joe Biden son. So therefore there. That's a campaign donation from a foreign government; ok, not of action None of that is true, last take away from this
peace about the Dio Jake and the DE investigation of the campaign violation again, nothing, nothing they're telling you it's true quote! Meanwhile, the d o J says its criminal division evaluated. The ideal referral that the phone conversation could be a violation of federal camp in finance law. A Statements said the criminal division determine their quota, was no violation and that all round when components of the d o J, a good all. Let me repeat this: for liberals who have six foot fix skulls where facts can penetrate composed of lead. All relevant components of the department agreed with this law Go conclusion: in other words, no laws were broken. The idea will testify to Congress. We can compare his case to the deal Jason. I get it that you via brainy M skulls, we're like you
information liberals comes in and the energy is absorbed in deflected away. I get that, but can even read or relevant now you're saying the entire department of Justice is corrupt. Ever When agreed, there was no campaign violation to hold that. Let me get this straight there Permit you want us all genuflect in front of would review big government, liberalized, algae trust over everyone else. You hate the private sector. Government is your Messiah, but do you? higher relevant components of the deal J that looked at this said. There's thing wrong here, but your convinced you know better the governments corrupt, government. Your advocating we should expand, create more the whole governments, corrupt but we components of it off you're, making me pursued argument as your Simon, we lying to the american people, disgraceful. What you did that this thing is an absolute disgrace, leaking the conversations.
The present United States to humiliate this country, and our president is disgusting. You people gross me out, you are I wash my hands after I shake some of these peoples hands. I disinfecting Actual alcohol- I'm not kidding. If you see me on the road that alcohol thing I cared, that's not gel. That's actual alcohol! I on my hands cause you gross me out. He's media about the these. These media frauds ended. Democrat, a liars they work with lie to you for three days. Prompt release the transcript now the whistle Our complaint is out and it is now clear as day this was a professional hit on the present. Now you think this is work and after them, ladies and gentlemen, this is blowing up in absolutely speck, hackler fashion. If I can
these tonight for Sean. I don't want to get too ahead of it by Sean Show tonight. Hannity talk. Man should be clear. John Show tonight. I know charge, show TAT. I know policy is I have John Solomon on. John Solomon, who I know and respect, I have some information you may want to hear. I leave it at that, but if you think about it bring that up in context what I just said, because the professional hit on time We ve done to hide something and they thought that Trump and release the tragic they. I still think that's a mistake. He did. Now it shows the media lied to you for three days: the Democrats that they going to be able to play with this for a long time, the promise it sets an awful precedent, Joe. I was chatting
for the show again, one of the golden rules. This is never tell people you are chatting with some before the shell. I don't really care. Can we don't do the rules on the shelf but you said something to me and I did at the time site it, because I want to talk about it on the show- and I didn't say, hold it for later aiding but Joe said to me. You know, then people get really pissed off really pissed. Really. The anger out, their folks, I'm not kidding, is palpable. I'm not pretend I have a sample size of tens of millions of people, I'm not a professional pollster, ok, but I'm here. I do get around. I bidding coffee states in the last few days alone, talking to tons of people at airports, said book signing some not suggesting that the scientific sample size of liberals and Republicans is suggesting view that the anger I can hear at their these endless witch hunts. Professional hits on Donald Trump,
our boiling over. Ladies and gentlemen, and people are red with rage and furious, like I haven't, her united become getting goosebumps talking about. Yet they are red lined with rage. I am giving one last warning to the Democrats: This is going to boomerang on you and slam you back in the face with that boomerangs toward you're, not gonna, know what hit you. You think I was just making this up. Let's put up the latest Rasmussen, Paul member, when tromp was down, eleven to Joe Biden just a few weeks ago, but ask me some say now: Trump forties, Evan Biden, forty, three nice job, morons, you idiots.
Damn sorry, I somebody like of I'm moving on job aura morons. We warned you, ladies and gentlemen, anger is a powerful motivate. It's not an excuse. Again, he than the next level I dont need to virtue signal anyone, your responsible adults, your conservatives, you're, not liberals or anti fa, Anti. First amendment violent, maniacs, The way we are it is different. Some email me: they would you suggesting we just vote yeah. That's what I'm suggesting. What are you suggesting you're ready to give up what you don't want of all what you protests and I'm dead series show a guy email media. Would you suggested we just vote? What I am suggesting you
a show up knock on doors. What are you suggesting that? but we do things here. That's how we want What do you think this was gonna? Be easy. By the way you are you, my only is great. This is is directed at one person. It's nobody else. Bids mad. I'm suggesting people vote, not our stay home and let the Democrats when it's a great idea. This is gonna, be a decades long battle to clean out this festering swamp of professional It takes inside our government who have targeted this pray. You tat this was going to be easy. What do you think we're playing Tivoli wait here this data one day and we can argue there's a deep statement on the other hand, argue that we should show up and vote to clean it out. Thank God rest my orders, you guys get your warriors and I deeply deeply appreciate them And women out there who are with us in this fight, but yes,
suggesting you vote. Ladies. Anger is a powerful motivator and us pretending the world is full of. Pollyanna is good intentions. I go now Joe angers. We out of love people to vote at a love folks, they don't. You may loved the President A lot of people are going to show up because it really furious at what's happened to this guy- and I am to take this day remember this, This professional hit and use it is motivation to show up and change things. We can do this, we have done this and we can do it again by the way you haven't heard the last. I just want to be clear on something not from TAT myself on the bag? Either? There is a lot more. Are coming out on Joe Biden, ladies and gentlemen, and not just job then the ukrainian scandal, I'm gonna, get to this. Why don't worry.
But the ukrainian collusion with the Dnc is devastating. Do not be super. Eyes when you hear the names Marie Ivanovitch. Don't be so do not be surprised. People in Ukraine were actively working against their president, while pretending to help out United States government, I'm not hold them back on you. I just a my word. Ok move on now. I want to point out so first we set up the argument. Argument, number one, the first segment, The show was setting up to you how the entire debt crap argument against tromp over this whistle blower is a fraud. No quid pro quo, no favour about hundred Biden, the Ukrainians, brow a pretty Giuliani, and there is no the OJ case. They dismissed. It
we now we're going to set up by the Democrats are complete. Total for arts do not go anywhere today show brought you by bodies it my patriot supply when it emerged strikes what your first impulse run to the grocery, Are we hats everybody else's first impulse, do that's the problem. You may find Baron Shells Ladys Germany. After ensure your food supply makes no sense not to you in, for everything new life that matters you have your teeth, pure eyeglass, sure it's car insurance, how much it? How do you not sure you food supply UK? oh seventy days without food, or only what at summits we warmly for miss me. I saw this call for miss me us away from total chaos. It's true. I heard the folks. How do we avoid this problem? It simple used today to prepared you know its national preparedness month, make a plan I have. I have boxes and my patriots primary food because it matters it's. It's crazy,
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Hundred hours, by going to prepare with Dan Thou COM, that's prepare with Dandy com prepare with Dan Dotcom, ok and I'm trying to Ladys and gentlemen. I'm trying to balance my emotions. Cedar appeared on the show again my apologies for, but I'm I'm I'm just tired. This was happening. A man if I ve never seen anything like it in american history in the country's just Joe sent me an image before the show that got in my hand, he's right. It's just the countries entirely collapsing, and you could thank the Democrats in the media for doing it and its end its disgusting, ok. So, against setting up earlier in the week, the Democrats in their media boot, licking sycophantic, ally, CC's, pathetic excuses who pretend to be journalist, They were saying show that what was their case right now? Oh my gosh, requesting help on I'm getting to the bottom of corrupt Ukraine from the present Joe requesting house from a foreign government This transfer. We now,
This is holidays, yeah, so Joe, that's that yeah. They said that right, I'm not crazy. You ve been following the news like I have sought so again. This is what about? No! Yes, it is it's absolutely what about us! It's! What about principles? Saward we're trying to set up the fact, Democrats they jumped to the media and their media lunatic. Friends said this is bad job. We should not be seeking help from the Ukrainians to get to the bottom of corruption. We should be doing that Democrats. This is bad you're, media people. This is really bad. I'm ok, interesting. Here's this letter from Senate Democrats, whose is too are you Are you crazy, United States, certainly for twenty eighty crazy, how this happens directed Mr Fiori, Lukashenko, the general as a matter of the office a prosecutor general view create. This is from this is from a senator dickie. Durban attack them Brad Senator Bobbin and as another hacked democratic, get out of his own criminal trouble Senator patent,
Another had Democrat. Let me just remind you to read the whole letter. I just I highlighted for Youtube the Council s budget. If you want to watch, I highlight before you, the second sentence there, this is them writing to you create asking for help to target Donald Trump. Strong advocates for a robust and close relationship with Ukraine. We believe that, cooperation, should extend to such legal matters regardless of poverty. Ok, dude! I dont know this it legal procedure on twenty seven and a half hours democrats, I dont you. I thought you just told us that suited to root out corruption in Ukraine? Where you could buy, you mean you s, politicians looking for you just told us that was impenetrable. That letter reassign by Dickie Durban, Bobby Dominican Republic, Mendez, you know what I mean
and TAT way he one of the biggest frauds up there. There Democrats, a year ago seeking assistance to get information. I'll drop magazines. Bed in bad sounds bed, the other pee wee urban. It we're isn't it since we are in a little bit, I again folks, whenever Democrats talking heads on tv say to you, that's what about us and embrace it. Of course it is because I'm asking you about your principles. You just said that you just told me, minute ago, that seeking foreign help rooting out corruption or what you believe is a bad thing
the same rule, applied Democrats. The answer is, of course it does it because they are the benighted class and none of the rules applying to Democrats. There you see why I'm a little appeal today, Folks Howard, your uninformed, which the overwhelming majority of liberals workers are vaccinated. The facts, how we, or uninformed, you make arguments that are ladies and let me just say, I agree that far interference in our election is a bad thing, but that's not what Trump did on the call. You Read the call yourself betrayal is clear and I'll get the pieces of it and a little bit. The transcript is clear. He seeking information ought in an a corrupt dec. Every we already know happen now, moving on section three of the damage.
And you know show that have broken down here, pointing again to not just the Democrats or total frauds because they sent a letter to Ukraine seeking information against Trump, which you just saw yourself. The media are total frauds too go to media fraudulent activity number one again, three days earlier. They told us this is impossible. Donald Trump dealing with the Ukrainians to root out corruption. How horrible is that so the media's principles again principles, Joe Foreign Interference, very. Let's go to the screen shot from a CNN article from a while ago, written by Jim Pseudo and PAMELA Brown, ah April. Fourteen twenty, seventeen Sierra. Headline british Intelligence Pass Trop Associates communications with Russians onto you S counterparts now you may say, but then
that shows what CNN exposing foreign interference election? No, no! No! No! by the way I delve into this in depth in my new book exonerate not to throw in a shameless plugin transfigured other stuff, but ok Look it for more, even more detail in it. It's in there. Peace would CNN that I just put up on the screen, they're, not attack. King, the Obama administration for actively working with foreign governments to target tromp White Joe. I heard that was then we would just old earlier than we catch impenetrable. We were. We were just told that that's unimpeachable offence that if not, how just articles written just Google, it yourself put there. Title in the sure. Comes right up. It's not gone it still up there. It wasn't retracted in that article Jim Shouto PAMELA Brad, celebrate the fact that the Obama Administration Sky,
Devastating information, of course it was hoax dossier stuff, that's when it was. It was often they celebrated so remember job when Trump tries to root out act corruption in Ukraine. I get to the bottom of the known democrat corruption by corruption, with a foreign government very bad unimpeachable, but when the Obama administration uses foreign governments to actually make up information to spy, Our opponents, that is roundly debunked, discredit, Dat. Not only eight. Ok, it's used to attack Donald Trump. The articles written like he's, not Bob administrations are Super salutes look at this in. For me, They got it. Set laboratory, write that down you folks, Joe. The republic is life support. Yes, Sir Daniel we are in serious Third World Republic.
Territory right now. Ladies and gentlemen, we have deep state hacks, prefer surely hitting the President United States in an effort to solve coup, dismantle and empty. Political bank account of the president of states to influence the next election. Folks, it's unbelievable it really. We are living through and I can tell him the listener ship over the last few days, which has exploded even further Road shows it exploded because p I'm looking for a firmer on what's going on moving on- to show you again the media are total frauds. Ladies and gentlemen, when Joe Biden wasn't running for president, but when they thought he wasn't. And the media thought they had a scoop to get a few clicks? They ran with the story. I'm going to put this up in a SEC. Has an older story from the New York Times.
We are times a little while ago thought. This Hunter Biden thing may have been a little fish. Egypt remit the stormy Joe Biden, Goethe, Ukraine. His son gets appointed board for Ukrainian Natural Gas company contract, is worth fifty as an plus dollars a month. Several fishing. Joe Biden son then gets investigated for this deal, because the ukrainian people, here thinks the deal may have been corrupt. Itunes and on tape, is repeated many times pressuring. The ukrainian government, the fire. The prosecutor investigating his son of a nothing to see here folks, but Joe Adjusting the New York Times thought this was a little suspicion. They ve now change their sorry and they think it's all a conspiracy theory now. So let's go back to that. You knew our comes first version of events when show by was in no way running and aided dated Wanna hurt him. Then, of course they reported on it, then James eyes in December, a twenty fifteen Joe
I'd and his son and the case against the ukrainian oligarchy. That's read a little bit from this peace when don't always going on. There was a little bit suspicious, but they taught by would never run Jos S now penalty from the New York Times, peace, so by Ngos, oversees UK to talk about an anti corruption message. That's a good one, so dear tat, but the credit ability of the Vice President Biden, Anti corruption message may have been undermined. By the association of his son Hunter Biden with one of Ukraine's largest natural gas companies, borri small holdings and with its We call this the Tsar Chaskey, who was you crazy, ology, minister, under former vice of former former President Yanukovych before he was forced into exile? So let us be clear: when Joe Biden, when there was no political healthy. The New York Times writes a story to appear there. Journalists about Biden in this thing seeming really shading smelters. There, so good move
All of a sudden binds ready for present and a New York Times is eager to squash their own story that had the corruption message made out a look so good, given the fact that are being investigated for corruption g that good cat. We have now they make the whole thing go away body we never got by sea by now Thank you have a nice day story. Maybe a joke think could be a good idea. Maybe the New York Times follow up and try to get an interview and undermine anything like that. What would you that, would you call that journalism Ivan attempt? Yes, I think of it. Tropical rain was inner Donald Trump Junior. You think I've got Trump Junior Joe, had a lucrative contracts with police. My wireless father waiting president and they were investigating things in the Ukraine. You think they'd get an interview with down trumped junior, try to think we'd have to listen to his phone calls. You know something like that very good.
So I asked Joe Yorker I'd, say my name and red flag for the drawing my own Joe has gone under them. For a view at he's right. They will not do that they would just use. Defies the court. This well kudos Joe well done body well done now of cash this is a status that sucks lotta people and a book signing? I love you just a second, as this is a statue, dad I'm here, but you have to know that I'd like to know how we fight back showing you again, what kind of frauds these people are less of it Orange, oh now, the front rise, democratic nomination. You know her Joe she's, a big anti corruption, fight array of fake Indiana, Lisbon, one she wants to have the big companies she's got drain the swamp. She doesn't political influence lobbying any of that stuff? Well, this sure pictorial reporter who put on Twitter to ask
The question at a rally and said you know others with one. Let me ask you a question: if the vice residents. Kid was a point that you a corporate board. You know you hate corporations, everything you know like political influence. While he was there, its president and was being investigated up. Would you new policies, anti corruption policies applied at listen to this phony Begin, the and Elizabeth worn listener her answer and again you'll see what a total complete utter fraud. Elizabeth worn is check this out. Could you say whether or not under one in this region? Would your vice president tired he allowed to serve on a board? I don't I don't I don't know I mean I have to back and look at the details
Are you kidding, I hope your problem. I have to go back and worth of acquired very pleased at what happened there, job, let's decipher antidotes, dignified fur. Let's get the Rosetta stone out. Ok, what happened there she hears about the first she hears just the case. Would you like, if your son, if your vice president, vice president serve on a board of a company, will be invested in this? She goes no and in Perhaps your what happens. Sixty quickly figures out these questions about biting aware, but that just like time Soccer card re hold out yet rank. Are we Our priority she's like way way it's about a Democrat. No no sure I have to look again at what about is what about your prince? You just told us your principles. Are you don't like corporate corruption cronyism, but when you find out
her head, you quickly catch yourself that it's about a Democrat. All of a sudden, you change your mind. Greatest caught on women's rights. Staggering that you all day, total complete phones, alright, so ramping up. Section. Three of the shell, which is the Democrats, are frauds on this. The first part of the show, course for setting up the whole case against tromp is fraudulent. Let's look at this piece. It right scoop, so the lawyer for the whistleblowers slammed slash, I'd deep state police. Go ahead. Job on Donald Trump. Oh right, scoop September, twenty two, twenty four twenty ninety Joe God anyhow integrity for Ukraine, whistle blower turns out to be, the former Sumer and Hillary Clinton, scale. It's a surprise, employee, Joe, how shot I'm Paula bring up job. Joking see you're shock face, show us how she,
Joyce, we completely totally Joe Joe about shows you Jeffrey, I'm shot. Ok, then, thrown aside these astonished. He can't do it. Easy to utter amazement that don't you worry a lawyer says Abraham rejection, Brazil representing unreasonable are amazed together. Again you take people would be smarter right. Pick a non partisan lawyers, so it at least seems or lens. The appearance of this is a political job Joe. They don't even care now Joe. Why do you think they don't care as the media's locker report area is the right scoop and action Journalists better better can.
But do the right thing are gonna report on it. That's why they don't care. They don't care at all. Are now you ready for the coup de Graf. This is going to What are they really hiding and what the hell was done, tromp, they would bring it up crowd strike in the call with Ukraine present. Don't you go anywhere last sponsor the day, Got their short on one of my favorites? Bravo, company manufacturing. Ladies gentlemen, you in the market for rifle out there was a severe the Marquis First Sporting rifle don't go to. Bravo company act irresponsibly; that's not what they do. Bravo company manufacturing makes them finest precision, oriented life
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And a couple of my friends who were in prior jobs with me: love this equipment to gonna. Bravo, company m. F G D. Come that's! Bravo! Company M, F g dot com. It is well worth your time. Ok get ready. What are they really hiding? Ladies and gentlemen, Well, let's go to the transcript of call first, and I want to see there's a specific word highlighted when I say the call. I have a transcript the phone call between the president. Obviously, President Trump and the new ukrainian President, this is the transcript that was where the alleged quid pro quo than ever happened was may. Well now we can read the transcript and by way the Democrat talking, but it's not a transcript. Ladies and gentlemen, it is the most accurate recollection of the call based on professionals who took a lesser telling us are lying in a willing to go on the record and subpoena them to you. Just follow crap, ok, here's cabin.
Transcript position. They weren't you shears Donald Trump. Talking to the present, I want to read this lie to you. I would like you to do us a favour thou, because our country has been doing Ukraine knows a lot about it. I, like you too now? What happened with this whole situation with Ukraine? They say a crowd strike. I have crowd strike highlighted there for those you watch on the Youtube you to back the consular sponging. Oh, please subscribe and check it out. Three. Sometimes the leisure followed video. Why do I have crowd strike I did there. I received well over a hundred emails from people saying I'm confused. Why would Donald Trump bring of crabs strike? I well, let's get Ladies and gentlemen, this is all about a guy a victor pincher. Now, if you read book to exonerated in, but one spike, eight you may, While this, but don't worry in the next ten minutes, I'm going to summon up and give you a little code, breaker lesson here about which really going on
what you just said it was about crowd strike. How does this relate to Victor Pincher? Hang tide. We're getting married life. Go to screen shot number one so who sits The advisory board this place called the Atlantic Council. How does the Atlantic Council relate to crowd? Shrike follow me, so this is a pieces from twenty eight Teen it'll be up in the show notes today, but you know that calm subscribe to EL the stout Emily. I always put a lot of other articles in there too, because their evergreen apply now by our good friend, the fantastic Jeff Karlsson. When he was writing at the markets work. It's called Victor pinch. The Clinton's an endless connections take away number one victor Pinchbeck, as ever close relationship, Victor Pincher, who happens to be ukrainian again, will tie this decree shaken a moment, sits on the board of the Atlantic Council as Jeff Carson reports in the peace. In addition to being a Clinton foundation, donor
Don't worry us nothing! You do know. The victor pinching is also on the International Advisory Board of the Atlantic Council, a NATO aligned American think tank specializing in the field of international fair. So we have pinned shook connected to the Atlantic Council. How does this get the crowd shrank we'll get that too. So I take away number two from Jeff Carlson's. True wealth is associated with the Atlantic Council. Victor pin shook sit. On the Board of Victor pinching? Very wealthy Ukraine? It oh major E. Our Petrovitch, who happens to be the ceo of crowd. Shrike that investigated the hacking the Dnc servers. He is a non resident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, the FBI where was refused access to independent the examined the Dnc Service, interesting Li L Pair Bio, appear They have been disable all. You may have to listen to this twice, but I'm really do my best to simply create a little network in your head. Victor pin shook as a wealthy ukrainian victor
and she sits on the board of the Atlantic Council also on them. The Atlantic Council is the ceo of crowd. Shrike crowd strike is the key. Money that was given access to analyze the Dnc servers that damn it It's in the media allege were hacked by the Russians. Now some of you listening. It may be hearing this for the first time. If you knew listers say no dear, that's not possible the with the FBI that analyzed democratic National committee servers and said that the Russians hack- no, not true. Ladies and gentlemen, the F B, I never got a hold of the servers you know now that's a fact that I there's nothing more. I could just a fact They relied on an independent analysis by crowd strike. Wait what yes crowd strike. The way you have people working there have associations at her suspect as well The FBI rely on. The word of a
third party and not just do the analysis themselves. Ladies and gentlemen, because maybe the whole allegation that the Russians hacked the Dnc didn't stand on his former ground as we thought it didn't. Fbi went in there Had I say then under the that wasn't true So, let's just say all they said it. The deal you followed me, John Crowd strikes at it now, hey guys, you Look if you shall not aware goodwill. What is it? What is the problem? Crowd try cattle dial back its own conclusions, that the right, since we are the ones who have the and say because they based on a faulty analysis, they compared the foot into the Dnc, hacked shown to a footprint They prior hack of a ukrainian military app follow me little complicated that of the Ukrainian Military ACT, which was allegedly conducted by the Russians, didn't happen. Folks, Joe Crowd strike, saying we know the Russians hacked Dnc. We looked at the Dnc servers because it looks exact
You like this hack by the since this ukrainian military? What's the problem that has didn't happen, crowds I got a dialogue that back. Stride CEO sits on the Atlantic Council. Where pinch shook is on there sort of advisers. Ah ties in the Atlantic Council folks, they are all know, each other well join the Atlantic Council right after she left the Obama administration, while our good friend ever FARC systematic crazy. Here we go watch it on the Youtube land accounts of every nineteen. Twenty. Sixteen former deputy the Secretary defence Evelyn Farkas joins the Atlantic Council as a non resident senior fell. I don't get it there whose alive Evelyn Fork is all you remember. That great clip on MSNBC when she goes on MSNBC and says: hey, you know:
Do all this information about the Russians colluding with trumpet all this, and we felt it up the people on the hill cause we were afraid tromp was, can we get rid of it? The problem is information was fake, while that software convenient she's at the Atlantic Council to wear a crowd? Show has an association and where this major ukrainian donor, Victor Pincher, who is also a major Clinton donor, also Seems to have an affiliation, you started a figure we're Donald Trump, whose two and three steps other media, not you don't know any of this or just go like this. Why? He would bring up crowd, strike conversation about Ukrainians, like pin, shook. Who else did the Atlantic Council partner up with, so we of a wealthy Ukrainian connected to the coincidence who it's on the Atlantic Council. With the city or with a company that told us that the Russians hacked Dnc. This
Linda, council, populated by Obama. Acolytes in collusion hoaxes, who else that the Atlantic Council partner up with this one is gonna scramble your eggs. Check out the subtle partnership. The Atlantic councillors ah Skis Bourgeois at Atlantic Council side, cooperative agreement, Kiev Post, TAT, calm January nineteen. Twenty seventeen way way way way. This can't be true. So Joe Biden, kid Hunner gets lucrative contract with the ukrainian natural gas company, barbarism, which is Eight are under investigation for potential corruption. He gets the gig after by visits, Ukraine, the New York Times
thinks it's fishy and and walks it all back. When there's a political penalty, then reasonable later partners with the same Atlanta Council, where the crime try see, owes a member who tells us that the Russians have the sea without the evidence from the FBI later walks that Back Atlantic Council, where this big, wig ukrainian, who donate to the court, foundation also sets. Paul? I need a second opinion. Even earlier furious right now,
this making sets back. She doesn't sound. Madam Mina knees. I may be reiterated that I'll find out after the show up there, you oughta Mara, nothing secret ownership state, so just to be clear. Every one of these troops in it How he measured crowd strike? What is that a conspiracy? Very no he's just about sixty five steps ahead of you idiots, not my listeners. Through the media crowd strikes. It's on the Atlantic Council populated by no Annie, trappers and collusion Hoaxes Atlanta Council at partnered with charisma, the same company Charisma that higher Joe Biden, kid was under investigation to say charge thereon,
trying to make go away now by leaking information about trumps. Call with this Ukrainian to make this Ukraine scandal about crowd strike. The Atlantic Council pin shook and others about Donald Trump they're doing the looked squirrel theory. This is what happened. Let me just walk agenda. Might even done you. I got a couple more things to get you I'm almost done. Ladies and gentlemen, someone is sitting around a room in the anti Trump Brigade trying to protect Obama. Environment legacies, Democrat Party, somebody. They clearly and adopted some ways to a puppet master? I sit in both my boss. People are clear, we have a vested interest in keeping away the corruption, because why they don't want to go to jail, it's sail celebrities, it's simple explanation: Clearly, in a room Joe go, and how do we make them
hunter Biden stuff go away because this potential jail time here. How do we make the FBI there there there They had their upper level hack, irradiated and investigate the servers. This call You think how do we make all this malfeasance go away? While I haven't These are of those at the idea. Let make sure whenever Ukraine is mention that we make it about Donald Trump, just like they did about the Ark member Hillary Clinton Who did with the Russians? We already know that her husband gets beacon fees from the Russians. We know her main source, Christopher Steel, for the dossier she paid for God is informed. From Russia's now? First If this is what it was brilliant, how did they make that scare about Trop? They said pay attention at that time colluded with the Russians and the sycophantic bootlegging media, pick the right up. Ladies and gentlemen, as I lay out my second book, this is all the plan, the virtues the sin, the quote: Tucker Karlsson: whenever collusion, slams. The Democrats in the cojones. All they do is blamed the Republicans Fort and boot licking.
Suck ass media picks it right up no trump card. The Ukrainians. This is what their hiding. Ladies and gentlemen, this Pincher guy is me. Deep in all of this. Now, how do I know their hiding? It pinch, the council, the council, the Anti Trust, the council and crowd strike crowd strike with the narrative that did the sea was hacked by the rushes then connecting to hack the trump. This is all these people all know. Each other: let's go to this washed and examine apiece again from a little while ago, but totally evergreen. Sarah Westward August, twenty four twenty sixteen email Show Clinton denied then met with you. Ukraine Trump Ukraine pay attention.
Let's go to screen shot number one from that peace, where the hiding males made public Tuesday. This again for a while now show a ukrainian businessmen and major couldn't foundation. Donor wasn't, The Hillary Clinton home during the final year who is give it up to twenty five If a million dollars to the Clinton Foundation never crossed. Paths with Clinton must serve. The Secretary of State wow invited our opinion. Today, else, but now also, they don't know, I'm going back to the peace part, Diego Victor pinching, who has given up to The five million dollars to the Clinton Foundation appear on the guest list that was set between Dennis Chang, an executive at the foundation whom Aberdeen then Clinton's deputy chief of staff at the State Department I head of a June twenty twelve dinner would mean housing and the invite list
There was hosted a coincide tat. They don't know about the Clinton's, don't know pigeon well, started the email from Nick Merrill. This is really cool. Part number two from the washed any salmon are peace. Amid scrutiny of Clinton's ties to pinch shook pinch of it. The council crowd Strike Dnc Hack, Ukraine, Tramp Kenneth amid scrutiny of size, the pin shook and twenty fourteen the democratic nominees folks Nick Neck Merrill said, Pincher had never met with Clinton. During that time he told the New York Times quote that from January first, twenty nine, two thousand nine two February. First, twenty thirteen, the ukrainian businessmen, was never on her schedule in that specialists to see was on the dinner, invite less but was never on the schedule provided you just wasn't home job. It was a dinner acquainted. Sound manager was hosted by by PD, yet Clayton wasn't there David? Was it ever be a and b?
read it it Victor, Patrick. You showed up. Why are they hiding that? Why it Bob Mothers team by the way. I don't even include this policy at this. I could have gone down. The shorter I did Bob Mothers team then target Donald Trump for his relationship with pin we're. Donald Trump gave a speech overseas. He was paid. Does a hundred thousand thousand to give a speech and without pinchers requested thing illegal at all by that member, they investigated Trump, for that would Pincher. Why folks hawk Square. All Trump pain shook Trump Ukraine pay no attention to pinch, shook the Clinton's Ukraine, the Atlantic Council crowd strike, couldn't foundation, Gracious pension cooperation with a company that may have been in vain
put some sanctions violations of dealings when MRS Clinton was secretary of state. Ukrainians, giving information to Alex Georgia loophole who left the Dnc fake information, a poor man, For it to get a fine words to spy on Trump Key Ukrainians, giving information to nail your whose husband works at the Justice Department used to target Donald Trump Trump. Let's wrap this show up with the cherry on top. So one more Joe Biden, kid gets a nice little position worth
fortune to sit on a ukrainian natural gas company. As Joe Biden designated the point man for Ukraine, in ITALY. A sun gets the job right after Biden, pops in for a little soiree in Ukraine process in Ukraine starts. Looking into this deal determines ease throw gas contract four hundred binds company may not look so good Joe Biden on tape telling bread going about asking that their prosecutor, Shokhin Shokhin Shokhin, remember the name. Shokhin be fired, he's on tape, suggesting the prosecutor. Shokhin investigating kid, be fired. Let's check out this Atlantic piece about choking later council by experts, Tuesday March twenty nine twenty sixty? begins revenge, Ukraine's Oda
Yes prosecutor, general fires, honest deputy before parliament, sacks so the same Atlanta Council, populated by Clinton, Acolytes Clinton donors, the company that this ingenuously stated without conclusive evidence that the Russians acted the see implied that on Trump after the FBI. Refusal that Atlanta Council populated by all those people then comes out. Because the prosecutor investigating Joe Biden, kid celebrates the fact that the prosecutor choking was fired and takes a victory, lap and one of their pieces after they partner up with terrorism of the company that higher Joe Biden KIT,
TRAP door locked over their folks trumpeted at all. You are a soccer if you fall for spy gate. Part to this is a hoax on steroids Iphone. Please, subscribe to my Youtube Channel Youtube accomplished com? We really appreciate it. Try to get three hundred thousand subscribers. It's all free can also subscribe the show an audio and apple podcast. Google pike ass. I hard sound cod really appreciated. Thank you all for making my book top ten for the thirty four straight day on Amazon exonerated, the failed take down Donald Trump, so available. Miss on points, noble and hope to see the Viewer Beach book centre tonight, but is it six o clock Paula The clock out to sea wall there, so thanks for the support, spread the shoe around simple.
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Transcript generated on 2020-02-07.