« The Dan Bongino Show

Body Bags Everywhere At The Debate (Ep 2145)

2023-12-07 | 🔗

In this episode, I discuss yesterday's explosive debate and the catastrophic situation at the border.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Give way to hear the truth about amerika upon his shoulders, not immune to the banks. With your host dan VON jean say. is this really a ridiculous newsday? So much so we're genuinely concerned how much we're going to get there you got the baits are. Thankfully, genocide is bad again on campuses, a figured it out all he took away. Congressional hearing to do that, but We start eating just stay up brief kind, a moment to recognise the heroes there died, a pearl genuine american heroes serving in our military, going about their day in a cowardly strike, people died really awful des covered in oil stuck out there in water burning death drowning.
The american heroes- and she reminds you every day that there's no average day in the military they were just do in their jobs and pearl harbor, and I've seen you know they were dead. So let us not forget that on December seven that's a staff. There really matters. I say that because I had a kind of a rough our here before the showed the yeoman lot of staff, and it always helps to ground me realise and at my problems are like this compared to the problems of our fighting men and women on the front lines who go out and get killed any day of the week, they're the real heroes. So, thanks to all serve and everyone in the chat right now and listen, you got a lot to get through debate last night, we'll cover their first steps out my going to cover a lot of aid because its it really was with me. I then them the shit out of a job. I pillow soft and absorbent six piece, Dallas, that's only twenty nine. Ninety eight, with promo code dan, go to my pillow dot com right now, click on the radio podcast specials.
one hundred sixty seven, four, nine! Eight to again I got and in the border situation, has now reached near apocalyptic levels. The numbers speak for themselves, someone can I get hurt folks, it's gonna happen. Folks, relief ban! Listen, I don't products on the show that I can't relate to and we can be very picky winner sponsors. This is Sponsor who directly impact in my life is my actual relief ban. Here you know what do the cancer them good now by the chemotherapy is consciously. It makes you want to vomit all the time I wouldn't have got through it. Without this, this thing absolutely works. You turn it on. You turn up. This is my actual relief ban scenario. anti noisier, respond quickly, relieving effectively prevent origin, vomiting associated motions, sickness, anxiety, migraines, hang on morning, sickness chemotherapy and more when they need everyday relievers. An occasional or from knowledge as natural fast thing will last as long as you need it, it's one or two percent drug free non drowsy and has zero side effects. Psych the name says,
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In commenting on that, I know that you bothered by the little things my bothered by. I just don't want you to think I'm some like weirdo or something that's. Why Why did I can retreat in normal my left hand, but I'm afraid I'll, you see less. So just now, my right. Yeah, I know it's a biggest winners geese, like I'm glad you wasted thirty seconds of the shows time now it so the debate last night. Ladies and gentlemen, the orchestra pit theory strikes again. What is the orchestra pit theory, the orkut? bid theories, courtesy of the late roger ales used to be from fox news who said you gotta? fine concert? It's an opera, the guy's or girl. I do want to stay everybody that guy What happens to back sovereign peoples, where your bid what's the front page of the new york post. Guy has an awesome concert, blows it out, so thou know dude felony, orchestrated that's Nobody remembers! That's right!
last night's debate. I saw all this back and forth. I watched it by opinion who one. I think this this one and when I say one I mean like, who came out of it better than they went in, or at least not worse. They say this hayley No question comes out of it worse, I don't think so. It comes out of a dead great either and for christie for christie. Just got to bank and Kelly just ended Chris Christie, as a dear chris you're in a race with zero zero. Zero percent of the vote eating twinkies all day forget Chris Christie. He was a waste of time except for the bag for by the orchestra pit theory. Roger ailes says about how you'll always remember the loudest moment. everybody remembers is this, so very good start out with vague who, probably again, between him and Megan Kelly, ended Chris Christie last. I I'm not sure this help ate that much. I just gotta be straight with you. He hasn't been doing that great in the polls lately, but he had good time Chris Christie. This goes on for a little bit about a minute, but he
one point that just eggs at this stage. The nice have a nice people check this out. Three things right there. First of all, Chris Christie also doesn't know what provinces in eastern ukraine he actually wants to. Experience was closing a bridge from new jersey to new york. So do everybody a favor just walked yourself off that stage, enjoy nice meal and get the hell out of this, send your sons and daughters to well yeah in somebody else, or you already use microsoft speaking and I'm not done yet. I think you ought to be done so listen up to If these people want to send your sons and daughters to go dying, ukraine, they ve been arguing for it for a year to hunt, billion dollars of our taxpayers. Money sent over. Neither of them could even name for you, the provinces that they actually want to protect, and this is people have been touting their so called for
policy experience. It is intellectual fraud. These people online, you ok, couple of things about the orchestra pithy? That's all everybody remembers because the guy fell in the orchestra pit. Now the good but the orchestra paid theory of politics is that you remember the opera and it makes the front page of the new posts. Lapo I am a widow I dunno op rattle is an opera, not an opera guy, a middle class hump. I was a competent age. Okr met some opera dude, it sounds I would have so my bag about it's. Ok, but the good part is a lot of people, read the front page of the new york, even though the dude fell than the orchestra operate there. Like always there's a opera knew our cities are right. I get free pr That's free pr for debate because he's all over everywhere today, however, to class other folks in medicine, but send that you, you know. I know you come to show for my opinion, but my Can you tell us what is, I think it's a push? I did get help
some cause he looks like this kind of aggressive go, get on call out the establishment swamp, but I think a lot people who may be aren't as aggressive and conservatives us a pretty aggressive show our No, we came offers a bully and I dont know I'm honestly not your job. in case you think I'm bullshit, you off when I was in put no matter fires shit on my face in a bed in what I say above event that I now ask you: what are you guys think of this year? And what did I say I was I I can't figure it out. I really can't I'm not sure, but the elbe, some or of an art sub. Well, we'll see. c in the coming days. Maybe I should apply the bond gino role, but that was the orchestra, what Everybody knows vague snake today, if you didn't yesterday from that alone, here was a second take away from, any ended with this, and this was the big time orchestra pit and again I bring this up because he just went for it at the end of january sixth replaced.
My the vague, just totally went forward again. How does this play? I don't know we're gonna have to see, but you can listen yourself, three Have been licking donald trump boots for years for money and endorsing this wrong decisions, as you ve been a great governor, but you would have never been one without actually begging, donald trump without adore you exactly a year ago, seething with Chris Christie, as lobbyists begging them for a covert money for a special interest in new jersey, prepping him for the debates last time around this born on Monday morning quarter backing some decision he made The real enemy is not donald trump, it's not even Joe Biden. It is the deep state that at least donald trump attempted to take on and if you want somebody who's going to speak truth to power than for somebody who is going to speak the truth to you. Why am I?
only person on the stage. At least you can say that january six now does look like it was an inside job that the government lied to for twenty years. The nine eleven that the great replacement theory is not some grand white wing conspiracy theory, but a basic statement of the democratic party's platform that the twenty two. The election was indeed stolen by big tech twenty sixteen election, the one the trump one for sure, was also one that was stolen from him by the national security establishment. Well, Listen, I give him the moose nuts award for just come out and say in it. And I focused on this replacement theory thing for a long time because he's absolutely correct the great ways when theory, even though Van Jones was crying about it last night, on cnn or whatever is a democrat thing it's not there and that's a conspiracy theory. He do we have to do it again. Should we do it again, the new york times? What do you think
Let's do it again of the article on folks times october: twenty nine twenty eighteen, we replace them. Jim on a radio. So later, if we do it again, Play the demographic destiny montage baby will do for the radio, or do you just you can call the vague every one about the report There's a visa kidding. It's a Democrat party pleasurable talk. It's not a republic is vague judges. added us for noticing the artist literally titled. We can run What is the commission that its original Go brow the group, looks like it's like the gray pumpkin charlie brown? It's there theory They are wrong. good for him for saying it holy moses they're, just mad at you for noticing. That's it! That's all. We recently made of you notice. They don't
you getting what else, who talks about including Michel Goldberg, it just ass for noticing I get some other. get announcement. Folks, big announcement, You guys are going to be very happy there. Big shift yesterday in? three university presence, who desire presidential disgrace themselves up my capitol hill late. Gentlemen: they ve come to the conclusion f, eight hours plus of questioning lot of feedback from all The people they come to the conclusion. Genocide is not good gas, Well, yes, there you go guys that radio brought it up for everybody This is actually up these high. He didn't have to get up, but they got up. No, it's easy, but they did they gotta be. Thank you, university, bread all day.
we took a rhythm, the figure out. Genocide is bad. We play for. I knew the clubs yesterday, these three president's from you brad mit, at harvard upon capitol hill humiliating all of america on the globe and every said the inhuman being in this universe or other say, genocide merrily sure, depends on the context of the genocide that, That's got to be exact words of praise specific genocide. Several years the EU ted professor. This is just thirty five seconds in this jihad, apparently shiva. She was so I can tell you how bad what happened, the capitol hill was when you film a hostage video like this. Not even a day after it happens. You know u s. The big time check this out. There was a moment during yesterday's congressional hearing on anti semitism. When I was asked to call genocide of jewish people on our campus windsor. Our policies.
From that moment, I was focused on our universities. Longstanding policies alone, with the u S, constitution were saying speech alone is not punishable. That was not focused on, but I should have been the irrefutable fat call for genocide of jewish people, the call for some of the most terrible violence. Human beings, can perpetrate, took her at took a day. A ticket, that's book. It seems we're in a little better winter. Ivy baby. I've been previously it out right away. Folks This is our hard cases, confusion desire. I unloaded on sunday did yesterday. My radio, my radio show the way
go beyond a week and show if you want to hear it, I mean on loaded on this guy, told the money air to go after himself, which is probably not a good but I did it anyway. As actual daniel for censorship. Now, where would you he talking about I am not for some, I'm not censoring this lady at all, Honestly, I don't even care she gets fired. Son of my business on my company, if you Ten and harvard thank you forget thing now president's who have, really no issue and a code of conduct with genocide. I don't semite. I don't care it's on my problem. Now it is problem in the sense that I don't. Believe genocides a good thing, I think it's like really bad kind of my obligation to defend humanity against genocide. If you know what I mean marriage, my problem, but if these people want it. You say whatever you are breaking the law. To call out years why golden rule on this one. you claim for censorship. Just shows you're a moron. I
my calling for that all the government has no role in this whatsoever. breaking the law states say what everyone and to say what I want an album. To say these people or gets jets, and that's it. stance and we're going to continue to pope at them for being morons. every day you the show. I can and that's how free speech works. You talk than I thought for president figured it out to yeah scourge, very good, harvard pray ridicule after reversing course. Today, Claiming genocide calls against Jews has no place at harvard. Finally, there you go harvard even put out a tweet. You see this that are put out a tweet. This genocide, no good statement from president gay there. There are some who have confused the right to free expression with the idea that harvard will condone calls for violence against jewish students. Let me be clear:
which, by the way she had eight hours to do on capital, Hoboken calls for violence or genocide against the jewish community or any religious or ethnic group or violent have no place at harvard those right now, jewish students will be held to account by if there is some re write, all I don't even notice it. That's a good point be highlighted that, yes, we were all confusion. We waited eight hours. The part of the hearing where she sat all this we missed, we must have there are no, we don't it didn't happen. That's right by the way, did did you see she got this harvard three got community noted into the year at happen. Ripen I came on the user community noted into the phantom zone like us gay said no such thing yesterday upon Capitola capitol folks Harvard do you man, I would never send my kids. I just would if they got their pay. I pay for that. I can't stop my kids, but I would never ever give that place. Money.
By the way again showing you how what what do I tell you? What do I tell you, the two most dangerous things are, what what you should know pop quiz for chester's, the two most dangerous things are pity and no emergency brake. If due to have those two things of your dumb and there's no emergency brake on your behavior. That's how we get hist. Recalled disasters like slavery, that's how we got the holocaust, that's how we get Jim. ro ignorance, the big its combined with no emergency brake morale or a kind of moral choke point on your behaviour at all. That's are we. right now, the liberals have no moral checkpoint, they will do anything to the Jews and all care and they're stupid they're not But then you say you always back it up. Ok, only back it up. Here's a pole. you know that all that a jar of calling for jewish genocide from the river to the sea? I will do test again here you fail this test, your fire,
What river are they talking about? Is the mississippi. that's not. It is paid, stood job, Jordan, river, Jordan, river. This see if I don't ours was tough it'll save over you get this. You get a promotion. that's up believable knows it's so strange is the Jordan, which by the way, all of despite the relation between as a name, it's called again that there is peace grasping is re all that's right. So when you called for the river to see its call for genocide to get rid of all the Jews right. She will be actually knows that liberals? Don't why because they're morons bay This puts the wall street journal that forty, Seven percent of students knew what the slogan was well. Forty seven That means fifty three percent didn't so The alternative answers were the nile river
The euphrates, The sea answer was the caribbean did european sea, the dead sea, which is that even at sea and the atlantic, which is neither receive nor a lake put it ocean. We did what boras? Listen to this shit: less a quarter of the students Roma river to see new yasser Arafat was twelve of them. That's percent of the survey he was the first prime minister of Israel, yeah yeah. This is creating a better ask them. What dec israelis and palestinians signed the oslo accords.
A quarter of the chance supporters claim that no such peace agreement had ever even did sign. Ok, I get the decade wrong. It's bad enough, like our, I may be guided they don't even know. Where was it oslo, combine this kind of stupidity right with no emergency brake on your behavior and, ladies and gentlemen, This is why you have history book trade about horrible things is incredible. Speaking too petty Joe Biden. Did it again. Yesterday I get it out. I get to the border. Tromp was right again you better pay attention this wacko on local. Whenever she could tell I'm having too much fun with serious topic today, because I mean really stupid portion, I think, is going to help us in the end that the lack of an emergency brake, the bars bad, bothers me. More Why? Because you can actually educate somebody's people, their total moron
you made it caribbean and the mississippi yeah yeah brown? That's it you now, but idiots What do you want to discover the incredible benefits of a good night's sleep? Well, it's time to embrace the importance of a restful sombre and introduce yourself to an amazing product that can evolution your nighttime routine. Beam dreams, a game changer, I use it all Weekdays, I love it. Their dream patterns of hot cocoa, it tastes, amazing, it's designed specifically for sleep, could transform your nights. It has for mine and today my list, get a special discount on beams dream powder. It's best selling hot cocoa for sleep with no added sugar check out these amazing flavors cinnamon cocoa, chocolate, peanut butter and mint chip. Better sleep has never tasted better than that. Dream contains a powerful all natural, bland and look these things up. Although I do your homework you'll be impressed racial magnesia, althea in Abidjan, melatonin hope you fall asleep sleep awake up refreshes you could tell like. I did that.
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is a powerful six foot, one hundred and fifty pounds and was the runner up estates for a championship to laugh. As they say, football goes soft hands So we had to choose between playing across and football wireless act, parkinson notes on twitter Another bizarre lie with zero basis, in fact jobs. I wouldn't going to have a boy's across team until ninety. Ninety three thirty three years after I graduated ladies and gentlemen, this guy full of shit all the time there. It is there's the receipts right there maybe sane yourself right now is anything Joe Biden say anything he says to the answer is no, nothing he says is true. He is a sociopath ec wire is a kid Sniffing woman feeling sociopath corrupt bride, taking life, loser drifting, peace, a garbage who is never you, a single true thing: it is entirely the man. Is this
acting he's a horror. Show in the white house he's a cognitive mess with an obvious frontal. Lobe deficit who's gonna drive, country at the bankruptcy and world war, while importing roughly ten million people illegally into the country, he is the single biggest single biggest cancers war on human com and we ve seen in the last few decades, shit is getting annoying for real for real, like four reels with asean And not only is it doing all that out of you, We yesterday decided he was going to cancel more student loans. That's all added to that tomorrow. We have time for that today, he's got it so more soon cancel we what does care so so fellows fellows for means that Jos gonna pay for my kid student loans that gas, because what athens. All debts are paid right. Folks, no they're, not, yes, all debts are paid by the debtor or the creditor violin joe money, and he pays me back Joe paid his debt. If I lend money and Joe doesn't pay me back, who paid the debt Joe, I
yes, sir. Yes, sir, is no money. Very daddy. Oh. so cancelling debt you're, just gonna pay. For your neighbor samuels, women studied the great good luck with that your bus, the near ass, repairing h vat systems and actually do in hard work every day pay in your taxes for samuel. and his women studies. The great from that fourteen. Century women study, in the course of taylor. Swift ology, your pay for that, as I feel. whilst we better start square and issued a waste that there's a massive threaten our country right now, serious time here,. I have a lot of friends and security space they reach out. Often most of em feel that although Chris ray is horrible, as the fbi directorate is a straight up here, a tyrant chris for I was not lying when he was talking about these blinking whites for terrorism in the country,
christopher wray. The fbi could stop targeting the maga crowd and actual terrorists and he'd probably do something about it, but he's not interested in any of that, because he's a tyrant. Ladies and gentlemen, I tweet probably three or four times a week, sometimes three or four times a day. You pay very close attention to this, I'm getting this very serious people the enemy is already here. It's only a matter of time. Donald trump was About this we always see the answer, because he is absolutely spot on check this out Could you explain to me do what are you Think the odds are among that group of people from our top geo political photos. In most cases Terrorist cells have entered the country because of the eight million people Joe Biden is allowed in this country, unwedded the odds, the azure, your hundred percent look Why do we have any success as the areas think of it? So you ve no two hundred percent and by the way we had nothing during my remembering the travel ban, I said I dont want.
People coming from countries that want to blow us up and we put a travel ban and some people think about it. I wouldn't for years with no problem, we didn't have any problem, we didn't have buildings being knocked down. We didn't have world trade centres, we didn't have any of that. We had no a very strong travel ban and if came from a country that was the country I can tell you right now. I can name every one of them. We just didn't want you, I'm sorry and we actually passed by the supreme court and That was a big day. Folks he's up by the way. I love you guys and the chat just orange. You know like his manager. This is me damage your show. They are going to pour love you all just so you know you see them chattering away. You make sure you know that wasn't visiting you guys, you're gonna, wants you to check, he's absolutely rise, nothing sk I said is wrong: is up. You use a thing about trump
say this from both a personal perspective, no one in the little different, my name dropping, who gives a shit a lot of people know trumpet doesn't matter, does make me special. I'm all bringing this up to establish component feeding of what I'm telling you here is based in reality of real interactions, not because I'm sure press. You would know what a lot of people no normal, better than me, but I they'll with him enough is the most transactional practice. Guy I've ever. Almost to the point where Thirdly, it sounds weird to some because the questions he asks amazing sway to explain it. It's almost like talking to a guy from another universe who s questions you never thought of right. Why someone comes you against. May salient comes here ass. It goes. Why do you keep your garbage cans and the house like that. What are you just put Outsides unanimity flies near like. Shit man, I don't know, that's trump fellas It is a hundred percent trump he'll say
like the weirdest things and and reason mostly well don't get it is because poppy shreds have been doing swampy, shithead stuff for so long. Nobody thinks of anything different way. He came back and he was like the one. We have an open border. because we re do give up accommodate here. We don't know and is famous honesty and probably not send in their best they're, not weren't sending engineers year, everything that guy's gonna be a racist. We, while america's roy bought a kind of sounds right. That kind of sounds ok engineers and doctors are not going to come in the country illegally figure it coming. right way. I admit I get a kick out of it when they ripped the sky. For saying the obvious Larry is I don't even see this foreign nationals found that the southern border in twenty twenty twenty two, twenty twenty three afghans, six,
thousand three hundred twelve thousand russians. Twenty, six thousand chinese nationals, five hundred thirty, eight syrians folks That's a lot of people if even one percent of those people are bad guys, you think about hundreds of people looking to kill you in the united states right now. But the numbers of calm down a lot. I drew up the fox but where bill knowledge and says thankfully Biden seems yesterday, have gotten a border under control. They had a really rate they that club. You know what I'm talking about keys, like I'm kind of confusing he's been geese, I would be signalled pieces. I mobile bill. My login club is like. Are you talking about this one? So here's the one where milage it's like everything's on, Control of the southern border finds got this down. Trump is crazy, dad dad clip. Why haven't you the numbers are actually getting even worse. Multiple saving resources telling me this morning in the last twenty four hours border,
alone, has made more than ten thousand apprehensions of illegal immigrants. That does not even include see BP ports of entry and you can see the situation here in loophole behind us. We got well over eight hundred people waiting in line here after they cross the illegally overnight waiting to be apprehended by board, the troll. Once again, it's like deja vu from yesterday. You can see these guys are coming in from. All over the world. A lot of african men are mostly single Men here some of them were sending camp fires overnight in the cold camping out waiting to get taken into custody by border patrol but saving pieces source is telling me in alaska. four hours in this tucson arizona sector. There were two thousand nine hundred apprehensions and the border patrol facilities out here are currently running two hundred percent of their capacity. That is why there are so many people out here, waiting to be taken into custody by border patrol.
Don't worry, folks everything you said, that's not the one I have their. I've only got a video build illusion, saying the apocalypse it yesterday, a record. five thousand people, and one day I live in a cab. I think only has thirty thousand people, twelve now and people and one day in the country illegally one day one day, you do them imagine. Ten percent of them are bad guys. What's the number quick sounds twelve hundred me around me. My math is wrong Brian Williams, and more america gay. Whatever name was there, are the age we everyone's rage. He brings up a couple: they're all nora surgeons and rocket science, some sure every single one of share a lot of you just come here to work, but there a process for that. It's called the immigration process. You should try it. My wife did Do you know this actually got a really good job in such use? You're like legally, so she could work and get a career. Worrying, though guys John Kirby. You know carbon from the white house the voice of reason. He said
don't sweat it. We ve got this whole thing under control, so guys don't sweat it don't worry. Trump is crazy. Bides got this under control. This of this we will hear if you're, in this country illegally, obviously not ok, don't worry folks, that's joe Joe calm down Jos freaking out over their kirby set us on ok chat, guys, stop right. The chat skies like this. crazy over they stop you chance. There's you crazy, chats, there's no problem Kirby said it's. Ok, No, he said it's not. Ok! That's a bold signal to the rest of the world, It's not ok to come here. As you can see, there are listening. It would a great job Does it really knock it? A parking, a white house keep it up: I got a lot more. Did you see that egmont, o lord ingram meal, and I am sitting there. I got this ugly recline or check is removing soon I'm sit in his day. My fallen asleep at seven o clock at night eastern time. I'm
joining groups, wooden shags on gc, this cut? It about the bio lab in l, a those chinese nationals you saw come in folks, I swear. I was like this sitting. Am I? What do you say that do email, you guys and say port. I clap right away listener. This ship coming up next, don't go anywhere quick, break, diverse fire savings. Physical press smells while stock. Filing silver in your home, safe its brcko groups, most populous special of now do this. number, twenty second for every five thousand dollars you spend were birch gold they'll, send you a one hour: silver eagle goin for free text dan, my first name, ten, nine, eight, nine, eight nine eight to claim your eligibility. Now you can purchase gold and silver. Have it shipped directly to your home or have birch gold, precious metal special help you convert existing irate or for one case the tat sheltered. I re gold for no money out of pocket This company have multiple times and I'll, send you free silver for every five thousand dollars you purchase even for yourself
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To that by all lab that illicit bio lead they found in California. I hadn't really thought about my says vectors until I heard this Little gem, a risky check this out twenty one thousand of those twenty four thousand chinese nationals who crossed more single adults. You didn't, I tell you well, me that these are saboteurs because they are coming in in packs of five to fifteen of military age travelling without family members, pretending not to speak english, and u s border patrol knows if some of them have links to the chinese military. You remember lab in really california that secret chinese biological weapons facility that was discovered this spring. Will that at least twenty pathogens by the official count. It had also a thousand mice and had been genetically engineered to spread disease I'm believing that some of these savage doors were meant to actually take some of those mice and
bread them around the united states, gordon The number is shocked even truly, and I thought I had seen at all this is. El coincidence, this is no fish. There is something very very disturbing going on. Why. You see even ingram light takes a second till it did. Did he just say that the accusation there that our military knows some of these people may be connected. the chinese military assets, I e the chinese communist party, And their fighting age, males being led to the country who may very well beyond the ground involved in some potential bio weapons attack on the united states, a folks I We gotta test the authenticity of that charge or not. I could just tell you gordon Chang. I know personally is a freaking really smart guy Joe remember. We interviewed him a c pack a couple of years in a row as a matter of fact he's.
No, it is like some big hysteric goes scream anyhow and all the time at sounds crazy the threats already here, even if one heads of what he said is just true. Forget the mice for a second all, it's bad enough, even if one tend to what he just said turns out to be true, that says to me the enemies already here we got a real problem, man and, what's stuff array, the fbi focusing on anything but the real problem focusing on bullshit magda p, all january six trespassers problem. first school board parents. we squire directors and anybody, but the actual transparency fbi. These they are old, see nothin. This video, I saw in the house oversight committee thing yesterday, Whilst this is just the disturbing I mean
really almost as bad as the gordon Chang mice thing. when you, when you see this video we ve christopher, raise any. Twice about targeting catholics, superimposed was the palm. What they actually did. The group but the situation. I think, kids, you even worse, every secular disease is damning check this out and the fbi that I see every single day and then I hear about from all of them is an f b. I that does the right thing in the right way. The f b I's richmond division released. What they're calling an anti catholic memo disgust investigating post radical traditionalist catholics. It does not reflect the high standards. We do not conduct investigations based on religious affiliation or practices full stop. It was a product by one field office. Member of congress from Ohio has issued a subpoena to F b. I director christopher,
ray we do not withdrew open, were Aubrey confidential, you'd sources to infiltrate target group of work. That's how I raised just now was a sad. It sounds like you are trying to do it in richmond virginia. No, sir, no learnt that's just didn't happen. You can assure us that this didn't happen. That product did not to vessels. We can tell result in any investigative action. As a result, they were looking at the eye. The written a field office was looking to put sources in churches. informants in catholic parishes, more millions of americans going to church. Now? What is this I think, would have been carried out. There will be people in the church spy on fellow parishioners when I can tell you you're, referring to the original product, which is a single product by a single field office which, as soon as I found out about it, I was aghast and ordered a withdrawn and remove move beyond system director of the api, I may have lied under how about that.
as a january memo against so called radical traditional catholics. New evidence shows the investigation did not originate solely in richmond virginia field office, as F b. I director christopher wray claim you think you're save, you think you're savings two pronged question by the way. What do you mean a two pronged question. one? You think you're safe from chinese nationals connected to the chinese communist party, potentially entering the country by country, malicious intent or syrians, or anyone else who came here illegally, no you're, not at all the fbi, eyes preoccupied investigating everybody, but the real threat right now and second You think you're safe, that they won't come knocking on your door on all the fbi. You have constitutional protection. Give me A break folks, we'd all live in a constitution republic anymore do your heads out of me to celebrate dick do your heads- we can return to that
we can. There is still time we are not in a full blown police state, as the nash tells me all the time or I wouldn't be able to talk about this stuff. But let me tell you some: we are close. We are that close to knock on that to our right outside there and a knock on yours. Next, they are when the waters of tyranny right now dan, I mean disciplinary action has been taken. They fired these people really did they that's what the video tape again, because yours christopher re aesthetics a question by Josh all its pages fire. Anyone for targeting people for their religious beliefs take a listen. To tell you that we doubt investigate people for their exercise of their costly, protected. Caso should protect religious expression. I ask only secular intelligent product is something As soon as I saw it, I was a gas I had it withdraw. You are again, are really necessary done about it. Did you fire the people who wrote it now?
Where do you want I or to anybody involved in it? Sundry? Give me a chance to answer yes or no. It's not hard. Have you fired at anyone involved in the writing about outrageous memo, about which, frankly, you repeatedly misled the public yes or no the visuals involve had wrought iron bearing arms, but the just a minute we're not found to have engaged in any intention or bad they conduct and in fact italy in fact, senator a number of the end of a number of the individuals involved in writing that product in richmond office for themselves. Catholics are the notional I see that they are getting their faith. Oh so they are not as we all three card. I see, I see so you're in Indiana there, I'm? U, so we should ask questions about it. You haven't done a darn, saying: you're fired anybody So just to be clear, I was unaware of this. If you in fact say your catholic, you can go and violate people's age, him
In the gym on the radio, I know he listens, he has it I this thing the constipation sounds kind of like founding document, a sun sounds like a constitution. Gems tell me my ear. Jim gives a pay. copy- and is this: we have this first amendment thing that private, the establishment of an official religion. You can't be attacked legally using government for your religious beliefs. Didn't realize it was an asterisk there unless, in fact you are a member of their religion, cassettes never happen. That's ever happen Jews have hated other jews or catholics are the cabins. That's that's never happen. Jody reset our whole morbid brought proposed per day the iranian private property rights. Is this history of this stuff is yes call me crazy. Christian emptier. Do free pass. It doesn't matter catholic. Give me it's. Ok, it's ok.
Gave your jewish you're muslim. It's ok! You have your muslim epi as you violate someone's. You are right, go spy, automated maskew for no real discover a muslim. It doesn't matter. I didn't know that christopher. it is a carve out. I was totally unaware of this shame on me who's. The radio show, unlike these guys Jim, would have been better, prepare and not me, unlike these two guys, they didn't stop me dad, there's an asterisk, I held you miss that these gaps for nothin, some guy? In a chance I gave us a great job being able to go after the end of the day, but they did fail today they didn't I'll be there was an asterisk through the first amendment. can attack people for their religion legally, as well as you say, you remember it. I could now I good, totally unaware that freakin fail. I totally fail.
by the way, if you think they're gonna, let trump win without the fbi poland, the same bullshit. They ve been up to spying, the targeting of americans. You are out of your freak in mind. Why do you think all these. These people right now are piling on law and you're here and all this stuff about censorship. You think this is Actually, I want to play for you a cut that is so indicative of where the left is. I want to take some there's a reason: This was said the way it was said. It's a caught by AL gore. I'll go climate hysteric global warming. Fraudster I'm AL gore so claims ease the president despite the fact is: never a head on a single vote count florida and I might even a bush guy, but that's it the fairy tale AL gore's, realising that the global warming hysteria is just not working any more about it. get to the next level thought there comparing now glow warming hysteria and I'll go rhythmic discrimination to violence using gun and
I once analogies this is for a reason why you to listen as none of these words by accident. Listen very carefully check this out, these algorithms, they are the digital, equivalent of our systems. They ought to be man. They really ought to be banned. It's an abuse of the poor, like form but when these, when people are pull down, these are rabbit holes. You know, what's at the bottom of the rabbit, all that's what the echo chamber, is an you spend too much time in the echoed chamber once happen eyes is another form of not artificial intelligence. Artificial insanity. I'm serious I'm serious, excellent, boy boy, armor cos you just save themselves. If there now reminded me about the asterisk on the first dynamic zoos, biogas can like right here on the spot, ease down by you, but this sounds like revolutionary talk, yeah bingo, you're, damn right, it does now
just to be clear if a social media company doesn't tell the government how your cure aiding their videos or their micro blogs. Then they're, essentially committing violence. This is a a digital a our fifteen's? Ladies and gentlemen, the language in the comparison of violence is not by accident. This This is what they're going to use these your. Causing violence with your argument or algorithms analogies to keep the censorship and stay on elon and rumble and truth and anyone else that doesn't toe the line. They are going to use this to interfere in the election. That's the point is I'm sorry about, in sum that up they are going to be just bottom line front, they're, going to censor to interfere in the selection of one percent. Here I can probity. I want you to watch a two part clip. It is a super important they're gonna, use of violence, analogy and they're just going to plead ignorance
here is one of the lead officials at dividing department of justice, Kristen clark, she's, not stupid. A lot of people laughed at. This could go what an idiot this lady doesn't know. What Missouri v Biden is Missouri v binding is the biggest supreme court case in the country right now, the case is gonna head up to that its in that whole process. Right now, right. It's about Governments censoring people do their part of it gonna be a disaster for censorship, kristin clark absolutely knows this case here. Watch her place. Stupid with congressmen, Dan bishop, who stun that, He's pleading ignorance, Could she doesn't want to be on a record why Was there are going to censor unjust, pretend this case never happen. This is really really important. Watches is any criminal investigation or prosecution of the persons responsible for that activity? the scissor. The white house, in their co, conspirators underway in the civil rights division,
congress. Men- and I have not familiar with this litigation but happy to bring your question back. Let me just make sure I understand that you are not aware of the Missouri versus Biden litigation that is currently being taken, by the united states. Supreme court is accurate, Unfortunately, I'm I'm not congressmen. Why wtf over. Missouri versus Biden is the biggest free speech case of our time. Long is short of it. If we win it, it is going to completely destroy the government censorship, complex the fact. Checkers, all the losers out there that work The government is deputies to censor you, She does not want to go on the record and talk about it before the election. Why? Because they gonna give you. The middle finger is sensor anyway. She's like all I don't know anything about it. Now
Jim jordan news, a good dude jordan tone we caught when she was doing here hard to Jordan. This is way during the hearing he's like wave away what we do anything else I wanted. to be sure you the big market, marking the deal j on these specific battersea who have no idea these cases watch this line. think I remember lease on this side. I would think every memory when watching it, just astounded that you are not familiar, the assistant attorney general for the division of civil rights at the justice department, is not familiar with a huge case, Missouri Biden, where in that case I think it was six different federal agencies were found to be guilty of violating the first and then the liberties of americans, age, ass, night, F, b, idea, J d age, as even the white house itself- and you are not familiar with that- is truly
I prefer I dunno what I think. That's why the gentleman that had time to your back, because he didn't know what I dunno, what we say that that is annette gets in front of the supreme court and the head of the civil rights division doesn't know is that is that? Does it in and of itself show that this justice department is political in doing things for political reasons. I do not know what does exist I don't know a lot of guys and again I dont worship politicians. I respect outcomes from the thousand time However, I know Jim Jordan recently wise one, if you guys actually have a personal relationship with joy is brutally honest from the first time I met him when I was trying to get us endorse, ruin I was run for Senate Marilyn. He's brutally honest. He know. exactly going on here. The lady it's full of shit. She knows What missouri bite is she just doesn't want to say a casino. I want to be on the record when they sensor just
be undertaken. The congressional hearing acknowledging they shouldn't, be censoring people you get what's going on. So that when they censure you in the election and try to interfere in the coming election this coming year should be like man I told generated no in and about the case. Of course the media say nothing about it. It's amazing what you can get away with on the left. I ate and we too quickly, but these these are good ones. Again showing you, the red stupidity, combined with no emergency brake problem on the left, Here's a yossi whose genuinely dumb kristen that's stupid. I promise you. She knows Missouri by agencies really dumb somebody stuck there. talking point in front of her any hearing about men competing and women sports. So course. That's not a good thing. You want women competing against women and men against men. That's probably the fair thing to do right if you're a sane person, so you see as a big issue with this so you see is like asking this. Other lady harriet,
gonna be involved in general church channel checks. as if there's no other way like a birth certificate to figure out if you're, a man or a woman. What sort of this shit yourself check this out under the guise of not only trying to further marginalize trans women and girls. We are talking about opening up all women and girls to join it'll examinations when they are under age. That's right potentially just because someone can point to someone and say I dont know you're, a girl love you realize instead, we, liberals are you know, damn you have to be to believe this, so gauges gesture, we clear what ails you set your on the soccer field, ripe from the stairs. That's a boy
and what you that's a boy with w w boy, drop. It draws body jack, two penises on. We feel under the hood verve you it is in fact the please. Yes if it believes this is what passes. This is why I really you know, there's really easy way to determine someone's a man or a woman called a birth certificate. If you just look at it so hard
I take it over done. These people are way one more. I want to end with this because again, this is all going to impact the next. Action. I still think we got a really good shot to win this thing. Yes, there's gonna be cheating, there's always cheating we we have. Overcome it. I dunno what else? To tell you I mean we got a win folks. We lose this country christopher wray, and then we're going to go crazy and getting a knock on your door. reduce our larry's, we were his newsweek colleague, a roman down proposals to monitor. Voters sparse concerns, so I'm reading she came out on monday at I guess this is really what donaldsons proposal modern voted proposal minor voters. What this entire article is about basically people. Public spaces monitoring drop boxes? The Democrats want so it's ok, for democrats to engage in kind of mass voter fraud and hide it and claim every election they don't win, is stolen, but if republicans in public spaces dare to record in Public space not violating anybody's write about
four unusual activity is dangerous proposal to monitor voters that sparks concern, though, This work concerns when he went away you to think about why If this system of drop boxes is so legitimate non the up and up, then why is The most of the drop boxes have cameras they are supposed to anyway, all data work most of the time I acknowledge at, but why we sad written in because if there's nothing wrong, you should be able to record the dropbox notice how its our concerns. Only when its donald trump and republicans, these people are full of shit folks, their full of crap. They wanted she again. As I said at the beginning of the show, with vague and the rope. fishermen theory there only mad that you noticed that's. It their only mad that you noticed this stuff. That's the only thing. is so much. I really appreciate you tune in folks, since I have so much fun with here every day and the chats. I was more active in the chat that I had to drop out for about twenty minutes and handle something me and paulo working on something, but a museum there early about
Thirty nine forty five, I'm at the ones, you know show rumble I com, slash bond gino, join every day, love to see in the chat and please download the rumble app. We worked on the user interface. It looks really great. I would so deeply appreciate if you download the app set up an account. It's free join us for the chat join us for the live, show we'd love to see if you watch it on demand, you back here tomorrow, just ten von jean ojo
Transcript generated on 2023-12-09.