« The Daily

White, Evangelical and Worried About Trump


Two of the key groups that helped elect Donald J. Trump in 2016 were white women and evangelicals. Now, in the midterm elections, white women are turning away from the president and his party, while evangelicals are sticking with him. We look at what happens when you’re both. Guests: Annie Brown, a producer for “The Daily,” speaks with Tess Clarke, who tells us how evangelical Christianity informs her vote, and with Elizabeth Dias, who covers faith and politics for The New York Times. For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From the New York Times, unlike Obama. This today key demographics, helped elected president drop in twenty sixty white women, and even just now in mid white women are turned away from the president and his party, while even Jellicoe are sticking with what happens when you're, both its Monday November fifth test. Clark grew up in a small town in taxes, cop lumber, ten and wearing taxes that outside of Houston and her dad worked as an operator for Exxon, mope all and her mom
at the Baptist Church where they went. I was maybe five or six when I asked Jesus into my heart, I remember when I was wearing. I was wearing this purple dress that had an ice come on? wasn't pigtails, and I remember feeling so nervous. I was at our church in the little Nursery Ella Elementary School Class and it was like a little time table. You know that was yellow and I was sitting there and it was just like this. Moment or I thought okay, I have to do this. I'm right a few weeks ago my colleague Elisabeth dies went to Texas to report on even Jellicoe in the mid terms. While she was there, she met TEST Clark. They both spoke to the dailies, Annie Brown, for this episode and did you have ever tongs attract our
so many favorite songs? I think astounding that I really loved then, and maybe have some issues with the hallways them. Scott, I'm in the Lord's army and now happen on your people are within many. Never I may never march in that, J ride in the guiding the Calvary. The artillery Larry? I may never fly over the enemy that, but I'm in the Lord's army. Yes, there and no marked her out, and I am in the Lord's army. Yes, sir, You're part of God's military Junta hurt. That might mean I love that when the Lord's army- yes, sir, and then he start over our parents and make a lot of money, but they did send her to a private christian squall, because it was really important for them that she got a christian education, learning about math. But you are also being told about you know how God ordered numbers and different things about Jesus, this character, wasn't even in math class. You talked about visas, yes defending, hey. Your teacher was that kind of threw out everything
you're doing those things are being reinforced and intense his family, religion and politics were really linked. I remember and fourth grade learning the President of the United States right and ordered Washington Jefferson, Madison, Monroe Adams and we get all the way down and we would say Carter, Reagan, Bush and, and my fourth grade teacher would make a fart noise for Clinton's name. So you know my education here, but I mean Clinton was bad because he was a Democrat and when Democrats were foreign office, this was bad for Christians. Sick and tired of hearing about about radicals and the proper rules like this. I'm the communist coming out of a cold. It is time for people
that America is beginning to turn around beginning to turn to the right and up and their synonymous the generation of test his parents. That generation of evangelicals really wet themselves to the Republican Party, I go about the moral majority through the founding of, but called the moral majority. Not as many people want to destroy human life. Republicans are the ones you're going to protect and were in children in children, cannot pray in their classrooms in this country until that is all already we haven't come back I'll, protect marriage. Only between one man and one woman burn. My we will truly see moral majority and our by God bless you I remember my dad talking about people on welfare. Talking about him.
Mission in some ways, kind of this idea that they were taking advantage of our tax dollars and they can pull herself out by their bootstraps if they really tried hard enough, and did you internalize those beliefs with us? part of your belief system as well yeah. Well, when I graduated from high School George Bush was running for president, and it was the this time. I was gonna, get to vote and I remember being so excited because I was gonna get to do what was good. I was gonna get to exercise my son
responsibility and really what I felt like with my christian responsibility to vote a Republican into office in it felt righteous, and what kind of work did you do after college? I was a teacher and a public school at the same time, she's also encountering things that really contradicted her narrative. Almost all of my students were emigrants to the United States and mostly from different parts of Central America and Mexico. She got a job in English to immigrant children and some of their parents were undocumented. She falls in love with this man, who is an event uncle to so much about him that drew me. Anne was the way that he loved people that I have been afraid to love at his Jesus was different. He was much more revolutionary and focus on social justice. I started to see that Jesus when he came to earth that people he spent time with, where the people that
I religion considered the sinners, and I think I never understood I never saw that Jesus growing And so when they get married than they moved to a refugee community in Dallas, my has and I started a nonprofit profit, suddenly issues surrounded by people that she'd spent most of her life being afraid of, but even as I'm at this point living in the refugee community my political views, I don't feel like they wavered. There was still this court our belief in me that the Republican Party was the only party a Christian whenever vote for so ice doctor I mean I remember when Obama was running. I didn't consider voting for him, because there was all this population around him being the anti terror. Men. This that fear was still gripping me, and so I was still thinking. This is the only way
If I'm going to protect myself and my future children we need, public in an office of Angela our house divided over Donald Trump in recent days. That division has only widen with revelations of an eleven year old, though when Donald Trump cards on the theme, many people thought there's no way that evangelical voters who have for decades prized character and said, morality? They also describes activities that have been called sexual assault, there's no way that they're going to support breathless trot, but in fact China not know, a lot of people are still perplexed, choir Christian, so supportive and Donald Trump Evangelical supported. In the primary. He is the most pro life from religious liberty.
Conservative judiciary in history, and that includes either Busher Ronald Reagan and that's because of abortion. Yes, abortion is the issue for that I mean I'm going. This man does not represent the values that I represent as a Christian and that I thought the Republican Party represented, but I'm going to vote Republican didn't consider anything else. She has been both decided to support marker Rubio in the primary and then trap got the nomination, and then I felt like what am I going to do Now we want another option, but we don't really have one, and so what are you trying to do. I decided not to vote yes, where one particular, maybe father. I thank you that we have it
President President Donald Trump who believes in the power of prayer, we, America to be great again and weakened who did American only be great if America is good and we have a president who want to make America good. I pray Is there a moment where in them. For the year after a trumpet elected your views kind of solidify, because, if something that he does or something that happens so my husband and I were going. We were going on a date I remember we were both dress, nice and my mom was in town watching our kids and we were kind of excited to get out of the house for the day and we get a call from a local news station. My husband involved in some advocacy work and they say are you we're going to the airport. Have you heard about the travel ban and where alike? I remember has put slamming The brakes than exiting and whooping around and going straight to D, W Airport in being some kind of the fur
People to arrive were sitting with some of the family better outside waiting for their family members to come in, and this is all kind of happening. It feels like in slow motion because we worked with refugees and immigrants because we were in that community. We know people from these. These are people that we love and we now so that fell like such a threat to freedom. That's really had an awakening that night. She stopped Reading more, she starts game or phone call, and then about a year later, persons who violate the law of our nations are subject to prosecute family separation policy, break Few violate the law. You subject yourself to prosecute that would the apostle Paul and his clear and wise command and Romans thirteen to obey the laws of the government, because God is ordain the government for his purposes to kind of
and why they were separating family that the border he used. Scripture irony we're watching that, and young thing happened. Tv within them. There was earth shattering like don't do that be racist, be what for your being, but don't you scripture to back it up and defend it like don't it might be indifferent, aim God in that way, has it felt looking into choose between your faith in your political beliefs? I think in two thousand and sixteen may I would have said yes to that question, because I was feeling that way, which may be as why I didn't vote like I had to make a choice, but I think the more. I understand who Jesus is my faith and forms my politics. This is the reason. I am voting. The way I am now is big. Has it by faith? What's been two years fence tat really struggled with what to do?
twenty sixteen and now she's not hesitating at all casting my vote for a democratic for the very first time. I'm excited was about how did you end up focusing on tests and women like her? I cover religion and politics, and so had the mid terms. One of the big questions for me was what are average algal voters goin to do, especially after they supported president tramp in such great numbers in twenty, sixteen so, of course, the majority of white evangelicals are republican, mean they ve gotten what they wanted so far from President Trump in terms of policy right, but at the same hi, I'm trumps approval rating among White evangelical. Women has been quietly dropping. So the question is how many tests are there and what really is the reach of
this bubbling resistance. What impact will have on election day? So why focus the question on Texas? Better work is happening, tat this we have the very tight Bennett race, highly watch. One of the most anticipated re says and you're running against ten crews that's it grows, we know is, is varied dislike. Let me read, some quotes a frank and I liked it grew more than most of my other colleagues like take root and I hate to groups Linsey. Graham, if you killed dead crews on the floor, this nobody would convict you on one side. You have ended her tat crimes religious liberty has been a foundational passion of mine for DEC
and I have a long record of standing in defending religious liberty and winning success. Who has made evangelicals the bedrock of his support in the past. He is, of course, courting whether it was defending the ten commandments, monument state, Capitol grounds for defending the pledge of allegiance, The words one nation under God, but better work is courting them q and he's doing it re quietly. I think you will join us in this you're in the workplace. So far, a lot of people who die like TED prayers. They see. Someone like bad, really spending time iron reaching more broadly to community is that product party might have rejected in the past. How tight is the seventh race in Texas areas as tight as better or work and Democrats would, like our latest Vienna and pulling showing type crews with
I am fairly aid over our work. So to me I would say: look cruises. The favourite work still has a shot of winning by taxes is still taxes. And Kroes is most likely in a block them. In doing so, I went to Texas because they wanted to how avenge alcohol women were responding to this dynamic, hey my name, is there damn I'm Emily me. My name is Sarah Bailey and starting with George W Bush, I voted a strict republican ticket at first. I voted republican because it's what I saw my even delicate community doing so go and I need a tat than I also met with several other young evangelical mom like her, because I am a Christian honestly didn't even occur
you mean to go in any other way there all very pro life. They oppose abortion and think there should be increased legal restrictions around elective abortions by they. Ve all had these experiences in the past couple of years, especially about immigration than do the commanded me to love the immigrant to love the boys, less interested champion them, and so the Jesus that I see in the new testament is deeply concerned about the dignity of all people, that this does not mean that I care about the unborn any less, because I no care about other issues. We dont led thing. As she lives, it wasn't that there are no longer pro life when it comes to abortion is that they have these other competing ideas. What that identity, that pro life identity means, especially when it comes to immigration and race and how do you reconcile the issue of abortion with your new found beliefs. I know that no candidate or no senators going to
he perfect. I know that no one is going to necessarily line up with everything I believe I feel like being pro life as being pro all life from the syrian person, whose fling bombs in their country to the honduran emigrant to the child, separated them or to the kid and foster care to the baby in the mothers way, unlike if I am pro life, I'm looking at all of that life. You're listening to generate. Never on american family radio. I can't wait to get into this the New York Times, but out of story yesterday better, a work may benefit from an unlikely support. Group white, even Kaliko women. This is the New York Times space in Dallas. We publish the story, almost immediately. I was shocked by the volume of response that this he started to God. I mean this is a quote from a woman named TEST Clark. I care as much about
these at the border, as I do about babies in the womb we ve been asleep. Now we ve woke up. Miss Clarke knows what's the worst react when you ve gotten Ellen. That I'm not a christian that I'm a baby killer. No way any woman with a real relationship with Jesus could ever vote for a democratic. Maybe I should vote for both You vote for battle, need on this whole thing about. He hits a stark moral contrast. Tromp give me a break. I was signed on the their hand. You have other, women coming up to test and her friends at church whispering in their ears thing. Now I'm going to vote for Beto too, and I haven't know what my husband and I feel like I'm going against my pastor, and how did you prepare your family for the fact that you would be feet in this article iii. Now I texted in my mom and dad and said hey. I just wanted you to know I'm gonna Vienna.
To concentrate times, which my dad replies, fake news than that I tax it back Like oh, come on down, it won't be vague, deuce guess it's gonna be my story along with other women, and he just wrote about. Go Trump Go Cavanaugh, and that was it. That was kind of the tax to back in my dad to this day is not ready. Michael I reached out to him a couple of days ago. As you remember, the art, I did for the New York Times wire member. You said something about it, as did you read it now I didn't read it and he said well too,. Bad you're on the wrong side here. So you kind of you ve joke with it. They're about it. Yeah kind of me get light a little bit, but there's definitely that disconnect there between us, but we can't go deeper them What does it mean to you that he hasn't read the article I don't know you know it's in those moments where you're kind of thinking, no matter how old you get. You gonna feel connected to your parents, your parents, to be proud of
you. You know I'm thirty, five in my husband's forty and we we were having this conversation the other day. You never stop wanting the approval of your mom in your dad It is interesting to me that when you think about the history of examples, as part of this called moral majority. The tests is out. There are not so that. They want to leave the Republican Party because they don't believe that Russia is a moral issue anymore. They have moral objections to the rest of the republican platform. Yes, yes exactly, and for many of their power France, for whom that moral majority generation to find their adulthood. That seems to be really threatening for them that their children and the future of the event article movement is questioning everything that they had established on these very Borell ground.
After the break test, talks to her dad will do back in response to cover nineteen people around the world are coming together to help one another in an unprecedented show of solidarity and resilience. Facebooks community help feature as making that easier from delivering growth, these two neighbours to donating, to a local, fundraiser food pantry community. How provides a place where you can offer or request support in your area? So if you need help or can offer it go to Facebook, dot com, slash covert support Facebook dot com, slash covert, support. Hello, hello
hello can harm the minimum pay. You are already doing well. I was gonna watch. The voyage was taken. My car, I haven't, got upon the voice. Yes couple global Dahmer louder than just a robot so dad. You know I was in the New York Times article. I know I warned you before it came out, but you might see it around your friend, might say something that I didn't know you had gotten a chance to read the article. While I did read it and I support your decision and whatever you do, I am not against you and got away. You have freedom of speech just like your by us in this country. So was there any Hang in there you got about like Betsy.
Were I mean I know I only had a couple lies in the article, but you know I had got to talk to you really that much about my trip to the border. I talk a little bit about. The article on. I was wonder if you have any questions kind of about that trapper. What I saw. Well yeah. I may I would like to know what you personally saw, because personally, it must anything. What we know is what we say here made. So what is your personal experience? He asked when I went to the border one of the place, We went to a fine where they were actually doing said: the cold family separation, and then we went to islands and we got to meet some of the people. Who were there and where the women that I met, you telling me how, a year ago she had been
the imported during arrayed in her community and her daughters had witnessed her being deported. She lived in the United States and she was fourteen and after she was deported a few months later, her older daughter. He would about nine. At that time, I believe tried to suicide they want is that a year that I was risking everything by trying to cross back into the United States, but I had to get to my daughter for her to know, but even if I got caught I'd, sure, I'd think, etc, and I think that the mother, you know like that red, mainly with me so much thinking.
Is tat with me. I would I do that too. Well, I mean no that plan and laid it case, a man of course who would be sent the burning compassion to you personally experience, but may not every cases like there. I don't feel like everybody, this cross border. Is doing it, but what their claim they are. The ones put myself in this position come on over there, not all being persecuted, persecuting woody. Would you like to see him? Do you talk about these offences in ok? And I mean this is all temporary staff, I'm not sure what the answer is but got to contain some degree, but it feels like a human peace is missing for me with the current administration and the current policies, and that's what I meant
I think we have to say that this country can just continue. Curiously, let people especially I made it nowhere near jobs, while an amendment being treated like criminals that are coming to claim Asylum went that's not a criminal offence because it allowed. They are not being persecuted. We know How would I know that they're? Not how do we now? Will you really think big many it is now there were men interviewed on tv. You know why you, why we want a better life, abated,
you always been polished in your youth is an absolute cases. I don't know it is built like. Is there not a more humane approach? We can't take I'm trying to lay them in think about this from more like a christian world view and going ok, Jesus called us to welcome the foreigner and the stranger and treat them as if they were among their family, and then it even says you could be entertaining angel when you're doing this and Jesus gonna come to earth as anything that he wanted to write as any powerful person as a king as apparent that we all over, but he came as a baby poor harm that ended up having to lead their country to seek refuge somewhere out and though, as a Christian, how do we justify carrying people away and not helping them? How do we reconcile that with our fate? Because God gives those wisdom where's
to obey the laws of the land, If the lawyers I adjusting was killed because he was obeying law will yet the long journey they d be changed. I disagree with that, but we're not world saviours. This king continue to happen. This will be a country anymore. You know traps not such nice guy was a true. I wish that I could. We believe that our president, one the bad guy. But I d, like our countries ever been this divided, of course not, but is not just because of twelve years, because liberal when he got elected. You didn't see these people just going Dutch on the ground. I mean it was
He was crazy, I'm a hidden. I mean I was really dark day for me to our friends here by form that we love- and you know that, like someone who hated them just became the president of the United States of America will, I would have to pay them well tat. He demonize Muslim, the weak, we're gonna agree on their. Maybe Do you not feel like he painted by some people in a very negative way? What other muslim people pay me? The orange light go there being is like a whole group of people are being associated with a few crazy. Radical people did the same thing of us going. Please don't associated with white supremacist you're, shooting people on a synagogue. We do want to be associated with that crazy person. Muslins, don't wanna be associated with the terrorist bomber like, but they ve gotten associated with it. So much so that people are scared, a walk past. The minute
grocery store well may not. That is why, but as for good reason, because all the terrorist act there was against this country was that type of peace. I don't know who's committed already skull, shooting better that are acts of terror, white people, I just don't see how anybody could support the Democrats and then I may even confirm, even more to the judge, Carolyn all ordeal that there's no way. I would support the Democrats. Everybody witness will happen, I don't see any Christianity and what they were doing that I condemn on him
They do not bear more and pushed him come up in the motor to me. That's the night. Bath fascinating thing about everything happened right now. Is that how different we saw that entire thing claim? like I was feeling similarly about what was happening to doktor, for it is felt like the way that she would demonized wasn't necessary either. You thought Trump made fun of her, even after all of this I mean that it is not necessary. Don't disagree with some of that stuff I am also poor drop in every aspect young I know like that like, but I didn't I do believe that God put him in that place or hidden currently allowed it because God is sovereign. I do believe that got also allowed Ro the raw and then he liberated, hit people for a man. So I think this is going to be
Dane on american history that will never be able to write to look at you, you're really really the good that daddy's doing not give any credit. I do think that the root of our fate it feels like you, have there, Christianity of Empire- and you have the christianity of the vulnerable- and it felt like that's where everyone is so split- is that some like people who are both professing faith, who are both reading the same Bible who both say I'm a follower of Jesus, are coming out on the other side of this in completely different camps, with completely different thoughts, and both people are saying both sides are saying I'm
the name and I'm hearing from God, and I feel like that's, not God. I felt like somebody passing him along the way. Maybe they'll want to get a say it's their bright, but to me it seems like we're following two different guy I mean I know the everybody's in individual row dodge children, but I mean we would be foolish to think that every one is going to be saved. Some people are gonna have to suffer minute? Let's go may allow the suffering come on before the end of tat amended. The in times are coming when Jesus is gonna. Rule ran on this earth. Again I mean it's, not gonna get any better. The closer we get to the end. I mean it tells you in the Bible. The closer you get to the Lord, the more you gonna be persecuted.
Well, maybe that migrant lawyers van there really close to the wire you there are no longer in little brain all the way here I feel like they are probably the lot to teach us about face, there followed the deed ass to how are they not? You know what I mean like God does it was many of us any different world. That, for me, is what I've changed. The way that in the mid term. You really did you hear about in that direction. For Democrats, better and leadership wanting to leave the country and in such a wrong direction. Now. Let me hear about for carrying out. Don't try to create a world that just not and I because I'm a game maybe you better candidate.
There's no way. I can support democratic Party now, where the wailing in different places, we share the same trade, and we feel both want good things for the country and for people, and there are a lot of people who aren't even willing to sit down for the conversations I landed glad that you did that with me, and then I got to hear more about canna how you feeling in winter thing go. Do I feel very proud of you For my part, I offer you parenting. We agree on how to handle them children, but they are still proud of you. Frankie down, thanked her
Talking I've made a day. It means a lot erika. I love you. I love you, use what else you need today. I want to bring to your attention to something that you might not know about, because I think it it just came out. The Georgia Secretariat States office. That's your opponent, Brian camp. They have just announced they ve open an investigation into the Democratic Party of Georgia for possible alleged cyber crimes on Sunday just two days before the election, Georgia's Secretary of State Brine Camp, who is also the republican nominee for governor said he was investigating, its democratic party for allegedly trying to hack into the voter registration system. Have you heard anything about this: do you have any reaction? I've heard
about it, and I would my reactivity camp who faces Democrats Stacy Abrams tomorrow in a tight race and who has been accused of repeatedly trying to suppress democratic votes in his role as secretary of state offered new evidence to back up the allegation on Sunday, Abrams was asked about the claim by CNN Jake Tapir. He is desperate to turn the conversation away from its failures from his room. Diesel to honour its commitments and from the fact that he is part of a nation wide system of voter suppression that will not work in this election. That's it He could see the walk. As a surgeon and present
of Howard University Doktor Wayne Frederick, believes even are tough. His times can lead to strength and change. This is a difficult, stormy period, but it was striking in a way that no classroom activity could ever have. I'm only shipper host of the pack has made all the difference. I talk to it. Rivers about how their managing the current moment and charging a course for the future find that made. The difference anywhere. You get your podcast created by Bank of America,
Transcript generated on 2020-06-29.