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The Headlines: May 24

2023-05-24 | 🔗

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What does Malcolm Gladwell, think about staying in the same profession, your whole career. There is a very large and underestimated risk. In now,. changing your courage, a country that was his advice on my podcast, the next chapter by american express business class, I'm car garcia and this season I sit down with best selling authors, including james, clear, Julie you, David Epstein, to discuss business lessons from their books. They would write for their necks trap was into the next chapter by american express business class wherever you get your podcast, hey! It's Michael every day this week, we're bringing you something extra, a new show called the headlines. It's a short show with three top stories that go beyond what we're covering on the daily. In fact, the shows are designed to go together, so try it out, and after this week you can only get the headlines.
In our new ad new york times audio, where you can find the shows you already know and love like the daily this american life serial the run up and discover a bunch of new shows that you can't get anywhere else like the headlines. You can find the app at n y times dot com, slash, audio, app or search for n Y t audio in the store, ok, here's the headlights! If we make use of this tragedy and your baldi and there was a family member for the twenty one victim still don't know really what happened, how many children could have survived at the police winning sooner the surgeon general has issued a public advisory warning about the potential risks of social media to young people's mental health. What we're seeing is efforts to change voting for the long haul for things that will continue to impact elections for years to come from the new york times. It's the headlights on any korea,
Today's wednesday may twenty fourth, here's what we're covering My name is air goes under while I'm a reporter within your times basis, and in turn your texas and made twenty four twenty twenty two I was driving to your body after hearing about school shooting there. As I got closer, we stay learning more revelations that the shooting was really catastrophic. It was the second worst mass shooting in us history. In a school there were nineteen children dead and two teachers in the last year of extended in touch with the families. This horrible tragedy in paris in the family members have a twenty one, victim still don't know really happen. The families have been going to city hall meetings, goober meetings, demanding answers, and at times the meetings have been pretty contentious,
At a school board meeting earlier this month, there was an uncle of one of the victims. Jesse riso and his frustration really echoes what many people are saying in your body, especially the parents of the children. He told the school board. The family members still don't know what happened. They know that the police waited for more than an hour to breach the classrooms and confront the gunman. But that are now how many kids could have been saved if the police, winning sooner, that's cool administrators billy, having responded to the families concerned, stay, but images said in the school board meetings and tried to explain that there are several investigations I'm going in there, for they cannot even many answers which obviously fraudsters families even more. There are three concurring investigations being conducted in you,
the most prominent one and the one that people are really looking too, is the one by the EU. While the candidates to get tourney, she will look into if any of the officer should be charge for the low police response as an investigation by the department of justice into similar matters, and also the city of your body, has higher an investigator and is working closely with district attorney and all the investigator said. That's just a temple. Something process I was in your balde just a few days ago and when you are right to your balde, I mean you can escape the historic tragedy of their murals of the victims, downtown there's a twenty one crosses at a plus and a center of town. When you talk to people, you start to realize that tensions kind of go beyond the school board meetings. Some people are asking in hushed tones of the memorial should go away, the one that put the tragedy behind them. This also incidents where
will approach the two officials quietly and whisper. You know when is it time for us to clean the memorials and kind of go back to our old identity and the families. Of course, they want to keep those memorials and murals there forever victims' families plan to hold a candlelight vigil this evening into valday. Hmm, here's what else for covering the? U s: surgeon general issued an urgent warning tuesday about the dangers of social media. In a nineteen page report, DR vivek murthy said social media presents a profound risk of harm for children and teens. He said the country is in the midst of a youth, mental health crisis and he's concerned. Social media could be an important driver of that crisis. When I spoke to the surgeon general, he really
the sized that adolescents are not many adults and that their brains are going through. This really unique period of development. That means that they are especially susceptible to some of the risks of social media. Catherine pearson is a reporter on the well desk at the times she says. Recent data shows that ninety five percent of teens or using social media with more than a third of them saying they use it almost constantly. So what they have found in research is that using social media frequently can really affect how the brain is developing, so that parts of the brain that are really important for emotional learning and behaviour An impulse, control and moderating social behaviour are particularly sensitive to this highly stimulating world of social rewards and punishments. One thing to keep in mind is the data are not totally straightforward and the effects of social media can definitely be
it is negative, so social media allows teens to connect with others and to express themselves and fine community, which is why the report really calls for ongoing research into both the potential benefits and the potential harms. So the surgeon general also recommended that policy makers and tech companies and parents and families all work together to address some of these risks. So that would be you know, making sure that they put safety measures in place to keep kid safe online to actually enforce age minimums, for example. It would mean companies being really mine, fall of developing social media platforms that aren't in promoting unless scrolling or the like button or things that can be really develop mentally tricky
four twins and teens, and in my conversations with him he also really emphasised that the burden has fallen disproportionately on families to sort of navigate this on their own and that that should not be the case anymore. hmm and finally man is nick course needy and I'm a political party here at the time. Recently, we ve been looking at the continued effort of republican lawmakers,
to enact new restrictive voting laws across the country. Republicans of long said and justified any electoral reforms, as falling under the banner of election integrity and making it quoting quote easier, vote harder to cheat. But there is a network of billion, are backed advocacy groups that have started to come together on weekly calls and have formed a new hub of election advocacy within the republican party and privately, some members of the coalition have been a little bit more care about exactly: what's motivating them to change these laws, so we sifted, through hundreds of pages of transcripts, listen to recordings of these calls. Doug through meeting notes and got an insight, how this new network of activists groups are looking to show election law in the united states and what
seeing is efforts to change voting for the long haul for things that will continue to impact elections for years to come. Some of the priorities that have been listed by this group include endings
the voter registration or shortening early voting periods. We obtained a recording of a recent conference call with activists in michigan, where a mitchell who is an attorney who's, worked in the twenty twenty election to help president trump try and overturn the results she told the group quote. I think you have to figure out what we have to do where to fix the system that gives a republican candidate a potential chance to win. So it's becoming increasingly clear that the republican led push to add new restrictive laws and change. America's voting systems is going to persist and, as numerous nonpartisan election groups have told us, these election laws are going to be law in time for next year's presidential election and they're going to change how our elections are run
as part of this investigation, the times reached out to cleaner mitchell. She declined to comment. Those are the headlines. I'm an inquiry out we'll be back tomorrow, What is it about Dana where then makes it such a powerful adversary against cancer, its hundreds of Dana farmer research, inclinations, making new discoveries inspired by the work of previous Dana farber discoverers at Dana farmer cancer institute, nothing as effective against him, sir, as a relentless succession of breakthroughs, learn more about their momentum? Go to Dana farmer, dot, org, slash stories.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-25.