« The Cardone Zone

Usher's Success Story: Behind the Music | Cardone Zone Ep. 177

2023-08-21 | 🔗

Usher lays it all out, sharing the hustle behind his hits, the challenges he's overcome, and the drive that keeps him at the forefront of the music scene. He's open and honest about what it takes to make it big and what keeps him grounded.

Whether you're an Usher fan or just looking to catch some inspiration from one of the music world's most successful artists, this episode is sure to deliver. Tune in to The Cardone Zone for this lively and engaging chat.



This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey welcome to the cartoon zone, my newest podcast, where every week I'll bring to you a new celebrity artist, at least some of the top people in their fields, ceos from around the world running the world to give you their insights, their knowledge, their breakthroughs. Look! These people came from nothing just like I did so get ready with uncle gee you're in for the ride of your life or we're going to tenax everything. He thinks the way you work. The way you act and the way you roll every single day make sure you subscribe and comment love to see what you're talking about get ready for today's the day. So I I just I just came in on budget. It wasn't a boeing, however, this everybody that comes out, you have the same type of intro like
but the fire- and that is for me. I was just for you man. One thing at a time now may really happy too were to be here yeah. I was a I was gonna say what what a surprise and it's free for both of us. You know to be able to come here to vegas and I'm not drunk. Are we moving? Are we spinning the okay? Okay? Sorry? So now? What three to be able to come out here cause you know they told me I could come in The mass declares about give him ass a class on the art of entertainment. I hated you really want to be in entertainer. additionally, you wanna dance and sing and stuff I do now, but a real treat man to be able to come here and be It is amazing, amazing group of people
it's index is the shrunk. Can access from irish do to my good friend Kevin Hart and he was like no? No, no! No, it's a real thing. You know That makes it a monies right, as I go of course. Of course, I get a new deadline- white boy now, but now wait? I'm really happy to be able to come here is this exchange is just to shear. I think I don't know if you you ve heard about take a twenty one. You heard of tiger twenty one in the book every time. Yes, yes, so this, but take us when it was the first time that I have a weight somewhere, and I saw people like like just giving to each. as a community. You guys know about second, twenty one way, all these different people from different fields. some are managing. You know that will some day hedge funds, but they are sitting and they have this open form with a sheer information about their business as well as this insight about life,
and what I feel when ice come to places like day feels it feel somewhat, because everybody can afford their ticket to tackle anyway, manufacture, uk, buy a ticket by the way I had I been out of a quarter of a million boxers is crazy. I wasn't bayonet, so it was great to be able to reap the benefits of it as a as a guest and really happy to be able to come here. We are happy to have you and you're a guy when I watch you on tv- and I want you, you know what you're thinking man, oh my damn good, looking dude say right. Ladies europe of those beautiful specimen clinics, and then like he's a triple he's. He's got all the threats. Goin form like hagen. He can sing, he can dance. He can. He can. and he's a business man like this guy this guy, so amazing chat new
chattanooga tenancy single mother. We got some people from tennessee right, more consensus was twelve years old. Unofficially I think I started like. Maybe at eight, but I was in giving properly. what. If what I was doing, you did you, Turkey is here, you know they have chores and you probably just dont, really pay them. Wheelwright, ok how do I do? I do pay in pretty good nobbut. my story does star and is very odd to come. This far and hear someone scream like that about chattanooga tennessee, because is. Now we become the awkward watching the crowd. Ok definitely the spirit of chattanooga Samuel Jackson is also too from chattering, intimacy
they're, not a lot of entertainers or entertainment, wasn't necessarily the thing to think of it. As a matter of fact, the only neighbor there we know musically is nashville, so if it was country music. What was it in that time? You know the forms music that we listen to be it aren't be rhythm and blues. In a word, a little bit older, right and hip hop. It was born around the time. I was a baby you and I on my way in in time but shut, knew there was a hard hard start for me. Man cause there's this and we've had atlanta, and I didn't even know anything about it until later. Obviously, my career blossomed, when I went to atlanta but coming from us, The apparent home in all There were a lot of like plus there they were just like ok, you can make it work. If you can, you know you have
nine to five job that you're going to graduate high school. You know, maybe one day you know, you'll be it. You know you'll you'll have a job that can, you know, take care of your family, but the type of ambition that was required for me to be the type of entertainer that I am. It was in the spirit of my mother first and foremost right. So as a result of her. So too, in addition to me, mother, like I'm southern, so everybody's, like a name all your neighbors are like family, you get in trouble, everybody is mad at you, so and having that environment in and that didn't change. As a matter of fact, as I grew, I understood that as a result of having a village around you, you become stronger being in a in an environment where people are like minded in terms of what they want. They want the ambitious in music if their ambitious and business. If the ambitious.
Life or whatever it might be. As a result of being a net environment, you become a little bit more daring obviously successful if you can just focus on something you said, me backstage, you always thought about being a superstar. I don't hear many people claim that, but but we can you share with them like what you think about the legacy that the biggest not just the get paid this week us well. Maybe not. Every person is bold enough to tell you, but do they However, we feel that way when they sing in the shower we are witnessing in the mirror when making up that face in thinking about the people who have inspired them to look or feel a bit like that is all things that we see. They become inspiration for what we choose to be an air. remember at the very young age is unthinkable. Seven or eight I'm looking at footage of michael
jackson overseas, and you know some foreign country, and there's like a sea of people and is of a box. You know like small minorities is an entire stadium, but he's in this little box like how could even how could you even git? you, can't see it from the back of the stage but managed to entertain all of those people. I'm like that's what I want to do. I think that's what I'm passionate about you know. I tried many different things. I mean I couldn't try a lot seven. Were flag, football was ok, baseball almost knocked down my front teeth for biological didn't quite like develop, yet you know I'm still working on it. So in my mind I am I say you know, This is something that I'm just passionate about. I love listening to the music on oh and I seen each and every song they comes on and I try to sing better then each and every person near so gear,
So how did you know? That was the first thing you do to start moving in the direction of that vision, just just thinking of legacy. For me it was like I can't think about being and just think about. I dunno what it was, and maybe it was once again that environment of people who were around me who instilled these ideas, these mantras in me to think bigger than what you can see. You know in the access that you guys have in comparison to what we had in that I mean I could have only say city I may be the number one artisan shadowy, chattanooga tennessee had to think outside the box, Could I say from going to do this, however, get to that bodies that I saw Michael Jackson have in their stadium? That's what I you're. How old, when this is going to your I'm eight. Do you think people should be dreaming that big
I mean the I mean you know what were dreaming, I mean, if you, for the stars. Your land on the moon, you mean, doesn't cost anything. it's you for the stars to drain. Yes, that's true! It's a date is, is it. It does take focus mrs Matias, that I have picked up throughout my life. It does take focus, it does take accountability, integrity, gratitude and facts matter. If I spent a certain amount of time on anything, I have to become great eddie. If I can share the size of life with around the idea of what it is and I'm trying to go after. I could actually be able to succeed so those monsters they they carry me I gather them when I was much older, but the idea of doing
something that I felt was integra being able to be accountable, well, my in oh man, I thought it's gonna win, but I didn't said I give up now. I could have done better. What could have done better went with it. What is it that I could do to make myself better as an entertainer as apart, whatever. Those montrose that idea of living that way led me to this kind of regimented concept. Geez I gotta figure it out. I gotta keep going. I gotta keep goin until I figured out what where did the work ethic from where. Where did that, because you're a single mom she had to be, I imagine she's, like my mother- was just terrified. Dude yeah she's worried about money, everyday yeah, so how who's like giving you this. I mean there's no other option when you feel you're at the bottom right.
if you don't invest in it. Then you can't challenged the people with you to embarrass, say: ok, you're, not given enough I want to be the first one they are. Hopefully, if I can be on time and I'd like to be the last person to leave every time, I do anything so because you feel like that, inspires the rest of your group to say: wait a minute he's here, early he's, staying late, yeah, you see the work work as the investment. Work has always been the investment. What you put in you get out. I mean that sounds like a simple module. I think you've heard a million and one times right, but do you know always I just that is so important to find passionate. Would you choose to go after as a career right, because. You see it s long working hours. I see it as I'm enjoying doing in going after what it is that I love so
Time does it matter doesn't matter how much time must be as a I have to fight myself then I'm a father. You know to go to get back as I get this my kids, but time. Investment is like it such an honour to be able to do, because I am doing what I love and and how important I have usher cause. I see you given back so much. You can give it up to how how does a guy is famous? You can't go anywhere in the world right, so how how how's that Bless you ve been a bill to go. No, not really right is so How do you give back without being exported being just taken advantage of like? How do you find the balance And still take care of you and your legacy in your career, your business, in your brain. I think you just choose to make the most of it, because,
voting, whatever opportunity is perspective right. If you can choose to look at that, walk. Are here, people not re respond it also. How do I manage to find them? balance? Well, understanding that it's not just about the goal that is accumulating wealth or you know finding Is to transfer that wealth right Well now is my children, so that is how I find a balance. I think that, again time, investment man do you. Did she try? Your heart is too to do it all, but you can't you said you manage your day as much as you possibly can and realise that at the end of the day, I want my children to look at what I'm doing.
as an example for them right. So, if I stick to this, maybe they are going to find something that they love and they're going to stick to it as well, but they are prior. they are doing this, because you can make a billion dollars have access and have people screaming name all over the world, but you know happy internally, and why did you do it? Why are you going out with you and enjoy any of it. right now, I'm with the and that's what I've found when I'm you know when I had this conversation or these types of conversations with people whose success was like man, how do you? How do you I balance you know is so hard to trust you not. I say you trust a varies. Pacific's group of people right is called the sole circle. Those people who are not so Serbia's your wife; it should fichu sons, daughters for you, family members, those people who you know you are invested in continuing to grow because they there
I said to you, but it's not about all the things that it's not all about the ancillaries and things they say where's. It come from right here, passion that passion is family, that passion is finding beauty in that, because, no matter how much money you have, if you're not happy, you will get not happy. This is a guy that had a little bit a success of it, a lot of money. You know did you first now you're gonna be a superstar. When did you know it was became royalty. not just in your head, but. I'm a dreamer so I was seven. I thought I was the superstar already enemy, and let me say you why I'm you know at one point I swear to you. It was not cool to have the name usher. no literally may you guys go to church rising. I hear.
tat funny stories manufactures call now. When I first started. I was with a group of keys. We in our doing something positive in our cities. They answer youth drug group will go into. I schools and we were singing days because we The key is to have a positive alternative, not deterrence gangs jug violent system. Like that right. I feel set myself up here, exact collaborate already were so, they happy about my name. I sure so I gave myself an aim in the group. My name was cha cha, the I came up with it. I don't know so I may add tat had to think big anyway. So eventually When I, my mother, she took me out of the group and we move
who had landed georgia and mockery started. I think I'm around eleven or twelve years old. You know I've been, Winning tell us shows that we had a record deal, so we music and I felt like my world was being taken away from me. She's, like no baby you're world is only begin. Because you are so solo and there's something incredible than you and I'm gonna go to atlanta. you are we going to figure this out, we're gonna. Do it start all the way from the bottom. I'm like you took my dreams away and she's like nope, I'm giving it to you There was your mom acting like a manager at the time she was acting like a manager. She was not a man as you didn't want. Their responsibility. Introduce me to got a name of asia alexander who began to pour We think that he had into me. You know he was a bodyguard work for bob brown, so he introduce me to him introduced me to peep.
sing around sound and try in make a connection anyway, I ended up winning a show and mentally red maybe face, and that was the beginning. My career, I mean l a and he's like. Ok, so will we get? What are you going? No, you have grave voice. May we love you, you know you have a you know, you look you you a great man so we will name cells, ain't wound, chacha, he's I well. You know I don't. if there is any other ushers, but maybe you should this be, who you are just be sure. I think that point. That's when I all of a sudden had my blinders come open. Yes, my ambition was there, but at that moment it was like wait a minute, I'm the only one I have myself so.
Your name does it have to be usher in order to feel that way, we all uniquely one of ones in their time and investment that we spend getting to know ourselves and not looking out, I think makes us more so She'll makes us more and pathetic and helps us connect to each other, and I think it is to get to southern is deeper, at his intention. That is the other way, that you find your way to success. When you find purpose, you find intention it connected that that's passion. So like, along the way have you ever lost your passion like if you ever loss. What am I doing where my going here? Why am I doing it I think there have been times where discouraged. I don't think I ever wanted to completely give up If anything, I didn't feel
like. I had enough family around me and think this is. Bobby gates. I understand that a match is doing this for the money in the diamonds and cars and the plains, and in the things like that. That's not why I'm I want to be around my family. I want to make my and we feel the same way that I feel I want to look over. You know that I'm sharing this successful people that I care about people who will go to war with me people to their hearts. I'm in my heart cells we ve been able to fight and making credible moments in in that made me love it again. That made me feel like it's worth it. I began to notice. Only deal with my friends only deal with the people, whom I know I can trust only people, one no loved me up or down. This is a great use for business too, by the way yeah. There's this passionate thing that he's talking about you guys, don't find the passion then you're done. You gotta find your spark
we absolutely have to fire spoken with that is. Is it is. And it gives you purpose. You know what can I offer that I feel is necessary. What is it that I can do? That makes me feel love and Passion, no matter what it's like a love story. It's like! I fell in love with this thing. It's when you fall in love with a woman or or for girl or guy before a guy, a guy or girl, a girl, but the Syria may be complicated, but but but when find their passion? You find the centre of success. And how do you mix that? What the accountability you used, the word recount ability accountable three times. How do you mix that sensation and feel so good, but I need pay bills, so it- means I'm going to have to work a little bit harder, I'm going to have to make sacrifices and maybe not have it all right away. You know if, for the most part, people think eh
pigs and I was you spent in dollars now we know there's not to write, so in accountable, not only for yourself but the team that you have and nurturing those people, We are making investments in people not just things right. So thank you. Employment. That is a lot of other communities, their african american men and women come from our broken. So all we have is family right, so I try My heart is to be achieved I, what I know is, is necessity finally The way out, finding a new opportunity finding a way to change the mine state of the world of the people, whom I know not only come from but also to advocated, speak for, which is why? My father was three I should know As a matter of fact, I have a really great story to tell you guys about make a wish foundation so make it.
This was the first foundation and ever associated with an keys were chronic disorders, I would comment. I was seeing with them in come visit them at hospitals and in at that point,. I began to realize: wait a minute greater than just you know what I can but these keys. What is it that I feel is necessary so that their needs because of because of make a wish, that's why me and my mother decided to start russia's new look and from there I begin a mentor young men, just like myself, who come from honest or communities about the opportunities that idea future leaders and being a mentor to them.
it's our survey, baccarat, it's our sure. I have heard everybody has been up here for the last two days. Talk about given back me. I find in the passion, find the connection and find an example. Now you know examples for me have always been the things like. I wanna be that leg. It took a second Michael Jackson. Then then you said I you saw that make a wish thing. It inspired it. How important is it for these people, these eleven thousand nine hundred people to leave here and create success, not for the money, but for the example Will you gotta do it you gotta do, but at the same time you gotta understand the magic of waiting for great. You got a week for great no matter,
We have to put in the time- or rather you have to wait for the right moment. You know think their gratitude also to place a very major important part of that as well. You know for each and every pray. then who is listening to us years? We are an example of them again, but I go back to you on your own example. You are one of one: the idea that it's inside of you start with you connecting at times the environment in the the people who are around you can own can speak to the negative that you could be or either the positive that you will become. so be very careful whining about the environments that you're in and do you know your product of your environment? You know I want to be. I want to I want to make billion dollar deals too, so I'm here with you, you know what I'm saying
it's like yeah. So how do you bring those new people in? How does a guy usher? That's got. How do you know to bring somebody new into your group, and you know it? And, and and and how? What? How do you stay hungry enough to say, I want to grow to the next level, likeminded interest being willing to talk shear get to know each other you know a lot of times. People feel like their this there. They are afraid. Collaboration starts with a step right, a conversation motions, I miss you in a room with someone introduce yourself. They may not look like you. They may not be the same, come from the same place We do our understanding, but you make it something within that conversation meet speak talk, connect. That is very, very important. Can anybody be a superstar if they put in the work? A lot depends on what you want to be a superstar,
at yes, you know in your in your own right. Yes, you can, you can be you know, famous or infamous. You know what I'm saying you could be. You can be do it all depends on what success was about, but let's kick: can anybody make it to the top of the game like you, ve made it to the top of the game. Yet so. I want to be sure you guys don't say: hey he's ushered me to the da, but you can't relate you've got to figure out a way to relate to this guy yeah. When I'm the only one Myself- and you are the only one of whom you are- and yes ever, body can have success when that everybody can sustain it. How have you thought, through some of the like imagine the temptations in your space or just breakin like crazy? So how do you walk that I'm trying to figure it out. Steel
I'm taking me to every single day. If you let it you know, but if you have a plane. You know You say this: it is important too Please have a plan and be willing to are. There plans to change as a result of the good energy in the efforts to put in to whatever you doing. People say eight, that's what I want to become, but the truth is there is no destination. The journey is the destination. What are you telling your kids right now? I've got two kids people ask me all the time hey. How are you going to bring your kids up sit down? Don't I said no, yes, what I'm busy I modify. Ok, what do you need? Ok, what else. Do you worry about like that? You worry about them with this too much or I was a matter of fact: my keys likes
spencer from right now they're back there watching mad because they gonna watch yes, sir now nobody. Nobody is a holiday eleven and twelve usher. Raymond, the fifth and la raymond. You guys want to come out come on out and you can hear me want to come out come on out, so access can cripple and also to be unrealistic right. It does take hard work and focus right. So these are the things that I tell my kids about life right. Seven, a conversation im just last night man and more than anything like Because they would have an argument about one got something: the other did get something and he's got two of these, and I don't have enough for this, and I want the night before So don't compare any of you have what you haven't. He has
he has, but the reality is what your brother did as he found something that he was passionate about. The result of him finally, somebody he was passionate about invested in it. You gotta find your passion, man. You gotta, find what it is that makes you happy something it makes you James is drive, somebody makes you feel like I can take over the whirling, because I do this. I do this better anybody else. You find that and it'll take care of you when I was eight years old man. I found it into this day. Right now is take care of you meet all of these people. Results are just finding their passion. So if there's anything I can do you is to find. Suddenly you really love and stick to it. My other video games Do they listen to your they? Listening to you like these people are listening to you to this. Are you listening to me? today our procedure, good, you know what you say.
This effort, video games. He's making a fortune where he is I think that that is a really great thing right, but it so too is a tree and rise with understanding that that is a privilege right. It's a privilege to be but to do that to sit on your book and be able to play can be great. Added is cool. I want my case to be active I want them to understand something greater than just in this box. I want them to know people that want them to connect, not just here, but to get to know each other, because we live in a world right now. That makes us our different. We live in a world That obviously creates segregation in many ways. Could disconnection lack of empathy right and this tool? this tool that stands in between me. A! U is not allow me to see you.
The collective you, the by the way. I like play video games to man but but reality is I just want my son to to to oh, that you know. Know these actions are here because that we don't have those actions as acute and as a result, the sustained. Energy of what came out of that. it seats me here, so I want to Let him have that opportunity to not just to reap the benefits of that luxury that he S. The atlanta, where you're lucky, thereby stages spending, because I still be able to talk to you, We took our ten year old, sabrina off the off the phone. I thought she was like turned into a little crack attic Yeah man going to win draws,
you do you're. How do you do I sixteen eighteen hour day and stay in such good shape? Man? Could you always look good luck? You look in fresh young and How good is a guy look. Energetic, but how do you do that? How do you balance all that stuff, maybe do tat s right may remain ago. You guys over the years are so no. how do you stay young? The help I think now. I think that movement is a major part. of staying healthy, but also to think that sometimes now moving is important, just as important a meditate allied, actually It is something that I found to be very therapeutic, because it's so much that we think about right am I don't turn as most of the time when I'm speaking to people, I'm thinking of something else matter of fact, I'm thinking of the next word or, if they're saying something to me, a word
cues, meaning of thinking about the southern thing. I'm that present right. So many. station has allowed me to feel present connected and more empathetic that I think, is doing something great. Then just allow me to to make money and be successful. So I think there might be one of the major things. the other. When truly, is the fact that I love getting home, you know so those hours, I have to work all night. I still look forward to coming home even if I've only heads with three I was asleep, then I asked you wake up in the morning and I take my boys, the school and I look at them and I say you're gonna be great. If you choose to be go in there. do the right thing. Now they don't always right thing course not where you didn't no need. None of us do right. Wait. I
albert. How does how do I imagine at some point? The usher is an asset, obviously open any door, but at what point does it become a liability to be? You have to date, question now mean more money, more problems and no one thinks that yeah yeah, absolutely you know you obviously have to become more deliberate and get choices in very specific about how you move with your brand and who you
associate with yeah. I love that yeah. How? How do you train? How do you transition from entrepreneur for from artist to entrepreneur? How do you make that transition and at the world take you seriously just the results, or is it just? I think those things once again focus Accountability, integrity, those things that you will want in a brand right, so if I may do those things as a person there's a possibility that we may be able to do that together as a business and in business, and anyone in any business relationship is a collaboration and like minds, move in the direction of success.
If they can see clear- and those are the ideas that I just try and make a part of everything that I do and also to make it a mandate for each and every person who works along with me to follow again, I invest in people, I don't just invest in things and those relationships become more than any. and then as a result of that, then there's business, so the entrepreneurial spirit started the moment that I said I wanted to do anything, and you know I look at you know some of the the investments that I made, You know I know they're scooter braun is actually going to be here on the panel if he hasn't done in our real. You use yesterday right so me, so it means scooter, because I skipped yesterday the Jon Jon today talking about collaboration and these people that how small the world is John sold his house to scooter in bel, air and you're here. Because I know you guys have worked together as well, so go at
well. I am also to I'm here because I wanted to be in an environment of someone that I think he's doing what's necessary. This is purpose work. You know, and I I appreciate it. I really do, but you guys know what investing in people then gives you opportunity to have access and you gotta be ready for success. That's the other thing right so scooter and I You know we're just two young keys in atlanta trying to find our way he's a local promoter. He has an artist these work with, and I made this guy and things, although will we actually fall out and then along the way, he meets this kid. He has is credible kid. everybody's trying to get just in timber lake is trying to get him. I think a con Asylum is an artist, but he said I would like to do business with you and I said, ok, cool will it work capacity you know. Are you are you working here?
I just liked as key. I just really believe in it found them online, so we don't look, he is scooter, does so as a result of that investment in him, look at all of what he has and where he's gone, and I can so Rate too, because I can we're at the scooter could see himself the waited he is I say man, you should be his manager he's like what may man have to years? You should be. imagine, let's take this kid and let's go all around the world man. I think people are going to love him. I know how to teach him my part and you're going to do your thing and let's go in that that kid was justin bieber.
What do you look for a man like like when you do something with people? What are you looking for in that people? You said you invested people, not things. What are you looking for in a partnership in a collaboration and amazing dick first now, but the finance basis turn right what it? What does that termite dec? again a formal deck where I can look at it in and be able to can like completely get an idea with clarity, What it is that you're going out, I mean, there's things to collaborate on. Brains to associate with and wasted, invest seed money into. You know different things like that way. a more or less into long term relationships and funding like what are these things What are some things that we can do that a purse purposeful? You know what is it that we can do? Our kids kids will enjoy and also to feel great about continuing to keep it a flu.
So what are some things we can do together We have many divide department with its got. Will you tell me where you start where we would need to show you tat? I gotta get a deadline for her, so look. I just want to help people. We do this conference once a year. I brought you here because I see you as an end in america. Success story and international success story like where you How you came up, who you became on the idea that you could be someone with no proof, no evidence, nothing their hard work, accountability. basel burst in his ass? You guys are here with him so says something about you guys too. Well. I don't know exactly what type of business is out there, but I'm open. You know I. I remain lovey too
how many times have you can tell from the audience. People love you around the world. He's pretty out always is here. I love you know it, but she just feel responsible to say I love you back. It is something that I really feel grateful for. I really am grateful for you guys, the ones who know me and the ones who don't the fact that you took this to be able to sit here. Yeah, you could have got up and went to the bathroom or wouldn't get something to eat or took a call or did whatever you wanted, but the fact that you sat here and you were willing to listen to them. Story and also to learn something about someone you didn't know. I have an appreciation for that. You women, who take a question, go ahead. It rolling.
I want to thank you, because, after hearing homer god card when you ve university, one of the young. one hundred ways to feel motivated other things was face. Your fear, This is number one number two is do something you ve, you'd never do and its meet him. Thank you very much, mr scary, cannot say you wish yes she's here Are we seeing my boat together.
She has what is a song that I have here? Should we do it? The one I dunno, if the dj has marble cuda by weight by some way? I think it will be really interesting in a in a really great march of all of us to know that if you face your fears, something can happen. Amazing. She faced a fierce, came to the front dunno how you got to the body as I don't really. I dunno how you got up here, I'm sure so missing a marble, yes here, so we just in acapella. We want to wait music, you want to do it. We can.
this. Always one person now see common cause, you're blind and from the start you knew that you want from me everyone to see. Mobile brought about a noble, broader agenda is the only where we know about local bout job, but I know about us- and this is the only way we do you.
in man but girl I was the one who gave you your first kiss cause. I remember the girl, I was the one who said, puts your lives like this. Even before all the famous people screaming your name girl, I was there and you, my bebe is that we were younger you. Another brother said he didn't know bursting your mom boo, even though we used to argue his sovereign boo, though, doesn't those whose in mind that you will always me mabhouh the genre chart the last thing my friend last thing: okay, thank you for being here. Thank you for doing this. Thank you for loving people. Thank you for being so generous. What does connects the concept and explain to you like when you hear or see that term was the first thing you think of I mean
times tat man living year, life past ten, you know the the meter only goes to ten. Atta go to twenty man, go turn it all the way up to twenty and the reality is we only become stronger by helping each other one? I see ten x. I think about the fact that you you're doing this to bring us closer as people in teach people what's in their brain of That makes you the incredible entrepreneur who you are and invest in people so to next to me. Is the few true man, the cartoons work every week, I'll bring to you a new celebrities artist athletes, some of the top people in their fields, to give me their insights, their knowledge and their breakthrough, so get ready with uncle JI. Make sure you subscribe and comment love to see what you're talking about the Cardona zone. The
Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.