« The Cardone Zone

409: Asset or Liability?

2018-10-31 | 🔗
The people in your life, how many are a liability and how many are assets? If you have big goals and big dreams you need to surround yourself with those that will help you. Get tips and advice on how to identify those who are authentic and those who are pretenders.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hi everybody, I'm Alina Cardona I'll, be one of the speakers at the ten ex growth cause. I can't wait to meet everyone there, but I do have a very special announcement for all my Ladys out there. We are going to be having ladies night, which means Ladys only and I'd love to meet you there so sign up. If you go to tax growth, con dot com forward, Flash Ladys, it is free when you get the ticket and idle love to see you there. It's a ten ex growth conduct com forward, Slash Ladys are really look forward to seeing you there. Thank you so much None of your business family granted in a later, are you sure you didn't show starts allow. I welcome a dna, happy Halloween everybody.
Jenny she'll brings it to every Wednesday the business of marriage we're glad you're tuned in. If you want to call in at any point in the show three hundred and five eight hundred and sixty five, eight thousand six hundred and sixty eight we love hearing from, I was actually hoping you were going to be late. I wanted to tell a quick little story about you before you. me off literally, but no one, I wanted to say about Halloween. As you know, the little things do matter, of course, the big picture as the big picture, and and and ultimately that is the main thing, but I wanted to say to all the guys out. There were maybe the girls that are in the guy sort of positions, look grant. I make him dress up every year for Halloween. Every year he gets a little bit better with not complaining, but it's not perfectly handled. now we got there the drama of like getting ready. You know with the outfit not working in him, get all irritated in wanting to take up the cost of our planet. In Gaza,
family bout- I was you know, but guys when you do these little things bangs your girls and your wherein we really appreciate it so you're, actually putting deposit and the metaphorical bank which go. spar, because if you're Ladys are like me, we now ever forget so. Thank you for being a good sport today, grant you look so handsome as the skeleton king or king death. What are you my warrior obsessed with having me that Europe must now Thank you. Ok, Senor Senor. How are you today darling darling I'm telling you I get. So what are you
think about. You know this whole Halloween thing. Do you have any comment before I move on about what I said this morning? Sites it out begins in the juicy into eternity. So how do you feel about me when I make you dress up in the morning for hollowing, you- and then you'll love it afterwards. You, we were just where you George, you pick an excellent, excellent, excellent I've plaza every year. I pick the best costumes forest. Would you agree And he loved the cave man, the Egyptian, what else than available?
oh I had us, is the carnival circus ahead of you. As the cowboy last year I mean really cute Creole five, eight six per vapor do those things. I sailed three or five, eight, six, five, eight six, six! Eight! If you are not yourself, my question to you is: who would you be? Well, that is a good question, because that's what I wanted to talk about today, you know how everyone dresses up for Halloween in its fine who doesn't love accosted, certainly not me, but you know there are people to go through life that actually, where, like a facade the figures, you now the facade authors, how does how does a person see through that and be able to say you know what, You know that person is an authentic there, a damn good tender. How do you see
through that. I'm asking you grant cardon. How do you see through you look at their stats? Their production show me what you have produced and I will show you who you are. So is that what you base a person's worth on what they ve done? Show me your car. Show me your car solved thrashed out. Show me your kitchen sink the you left this morning. Oh god, I would fail miserable, because you know Finnish thinks I get more dead than you do because up instincts you did not take the plate. I wash the played off and leave it in law. Don't you just get me started on your washing thing uses throw stuff. I was up, and I heard banks giving goes in sync. Its build up. Anything sounds more like a dirty think with bare shoulders. There are, and this is what do you know if you don't really that removing attack a viable on
the Turkey over your head. You are, and what are you doing? You're lying idle. Now, when you call him Three hundred and five eight hundred and sixty five eight thousand six hundred and sixty eight by the way, if your spouse lies to you, if they are the liar, not just a fraud. But also a liar. Ok then please, please do do the death king, a favor and tell me the truth. Natalie connect me with one of the others. There's nothing. I love rubbing more satellites. Really. You know like. I love. You don't be nothing
european matters, that's, why would you do it or me tell daughter evil? Do you think when he's Robin the sword about him robbing a sword or something out, tell me the truth? Is it just me? Am I the only one we lower you ass things up, eight were sick, you're, sick. Tell me the churn horse, I would also just me I'm the innocent little girl who doesn't leave. You now has a lot and the guy who don't owe you know when they gave me the sword darling. Let me talk to one of these vile. evil year. Your sound, hey lines, God are you do go and I'll blow your turn turn your turn. Yours you're you're sat down and talk to them about judge or you scared to death by a young man. Answer the question.
There's something about their reality. Also, like I'm on your own, do talk to me car? No man are you doing there. We got one. I call on you like? I had a quick question: man so dying thirty, six years old, Are they emerge in the last seven years would be Murkison now, a year or so years, Seven born I then again about nine years, yeah total enough unlike the last year or so. You know it is rough for us financially over. The years is just like them: jobs and jobs, jobs and. I came across a video about a year ago and your videos gonna like help me with a different direction. and it was like you know,
shoot me, I'm doing this all wrong, so you know, What I was never in reading the video You talked about a guy named Brian tracing get him and see what he was about and he had. A lot of information are full of books stuff, this was not removing, alas, you up at reading by China style. In an hour. Given the real estate and my man. I got a lot of kids. I got a lot of problems A cloud over the years. I wanna make things right, and so Now have this dispute this way of thinking where every day you know I like me in the life, especially if not the wife of these myself to asking him the value today, no matter what it is with his exercise, information getting not there to make.
Well, yes, what's it was like a white business? Will you wanna get loading and in the measures that have a straight up? This is probably the number one thing is asked on this. I do I get my wife and bade she's, not on he's not on the same page. It goes both ways right. So we heard both sides you gotta sit down, would say if we keep going down the pathway, on this thing is going to end is a new. We are destroying the olden Empire Roy you are doing one or the other, that's what you gotta have a hard: it's either life or its death off with the queen's net. It's what I said in this case the head, give money sitting in the stock market, and your word about it or worse. You have money sitting at the bank, earning less than half a percent money, I call on the foundered Sea of Khartoum capital dot com. For the past thirty years, I've been investing my money in my family's money in income producing properties these are real assets, real problem.
He's with real addresses that produce real cash flow economy. but are we provide qualified investors who love real estate with a turnkey solution and want to put their money to work in real estate, but cant find deals. Don't have the time to get the funding for the deals and the last thing most productive people want to do is managed real estate. I find the deals are funded deals, and then I managed the tennis. The termites in the properties pardon would make Own capital, dot com, that's card own capital, dot com go to court on capital, dot com. If you love real estate, your qualified investor, you like the idea, passive income and believe that income producing properties will appreciate overtime, go to court on capital, Dotcom, that's card own capital, dotcom may watch and Jane I shall always so interesting around here. Where will we ve got online you want to just pick up or you want to touch on the last caller that we had. How do you get the stuff and it's saying hey just talk or we create.
Are we destroying do we want to do this thing together? Are we a real team? What is our purpose are we? What do we represent? As a couple? Do we represent the loser couple they can't get along and that's what you wanna go show the faces society hi, I'm in a relationship I signed up for marriage and I'm not going to be great out, but I'm gonna be normal. Just like everybody else, do you represent death or do you represent life? then greatness Let me just add one thing today. I want to add one thing: if you make a list of the people in your life, all the people in your there are either adding value or they are destroying the value there. You're an asset or low key. If you don't know what this there are put him on the day that check it out, you wanna simpler, faster, and don't you guys don't want to deal with black and white
I want to deal with ya. Like you live in the gray, exactly you're gonna be like I everything's gonna be fine. I know you will experience death, you will experience, darkness will experience light and as an end in so you guys got a lion case, although only John you're gonna, I got some partners among my business is right now right and I put him on a list less than a month is he s dead or alive? Oh, that's. A liability, Nay employs asset or level one of the other. You don't put him on the Dwayne? If you put him on the end between them, is therein doubt in your in doubt which by itself would make them a liability? Ok, but both people can confront this. I'm from about your mom brother sister, uncles sprints employs an Pardoners, ok, the the ass should be on the list. They already liability top with their heads of government should be on your lives, their liability. Don't beneath
with their heads. You gotta get yourself in a situation where, like did I'm government like, I'm free of Roma are met in their ended, the Democrats and the Republican care ragged along right. Now she Democratic Europe. The man in both site, we're gonna, win, sets out so that best some food for thought. But you know in death. You dont need food because the bad he is no longer necessary to the spiritual rejuvenation pool the universal expansion in two. Next scholar, Holloway Why you, by the way you ve got a bunch of people in your life, somebody? You know? Somebody asked me that question they said
What would you be doing if you weren't doin? What you're doing right now for the life of me? I cannot answer that question, but when you think about that, Lord you re you're thinking they would be argued. The you'd be acting in reacting in Hollywood. It's ok, let's get about! I just in our life would not have got it. Come on early ring a man by bring a minor man. Jeremy. Let's go what you got, how many? Oh god, I loaded all the lines, grant and Alina High Jeremy Robin Public sector there. Drowning by day lobby swell our dating? I quit my job, but per year and a half ago to go into residential real estate to to build my dream. It man, I discovered crack down. There, are living in the next room, Bobo all that stuff in many it all gamey tremendous per.
So when I took a baby on investment promptly, I wonder if the real estate for I am. I just really bought another investment with some partners and outdated Earl. women are no girls, like the girl, Jamie Jamie Jamie, though a genie we were dating everything, the wonderful, but I felt her heart and broke. My heart beat that he was scared of debt that out of the growing and she was afraid of me not having a stable income and I'm still pursuing her man. Mainly because of your story. You, U pursued Alina, a year and you never gave up, and you said that you know I gotta pick girl his dream girl. He hit No, she said no, he moved on to the next girl, that's giving up on your dream, so I don't want to give up on her. But what? What do you think about why she broke off me and I continue to pursue someone that that has it
Beer in them of mere growing that well well, let me just say that you know you need a doctor like hey many nobody's, dropping you because you take on their ok and by the way if she is then you know a lot of difficulty. I just pursued and I knew for sure that she was the one in twenty six to twenty six phone calls in thirteen months and all that, but look if I would have found out you know once we got together, she did she wouldn't for live in the big dream and she wouldn't she wondered and to support me in blown out of blown out. I told us in the gun. I prefer my dreams like. I would not have followed my heart, so I know some of you. Do you talk? death here, ok, I would not have followed some emotion called. Oh, I love. We make a decision above which you create and by the way, this Jamie chickens she's, not the only person you can love. Do you need to find somebody compatible with your purpose for being on this planet? You know we.
dress dumping costumes today, but this you know at the end of your life, you gonna be thinking about what happens next year. I lost a dad when I was ten years old. I've been I've been experiencing this dark space. Since I was ten the first ten years of my life on one tickle understanding, but the first ten years of my life did it was perfect, happy go lucky, haven't my dad dad it's shattered everything that I knew not what I literally from the day, my dad dad February. Second, nineteen sixty eight, I thought. Then I was gonna die every day after day in everybody ramming cylinder. I would go check my mother. I would go to my mom's room at night and in its a ten year old Levin Euro boy and look at my mom it's in wait to see if her her chest was breeding every day I
Right so my my older brother died ten years later between the age of ten and twenty. I can't wait for somebody to join us Amanda, so the recent food is light like people or not confronting the top part, a lucky guess you're out hard. I am, I think, probably why Lena put me in this is like you're like a dark path, but but Alex Paris darkness him all right. I've been waiting to die since I was ten years old, and so you can breathe life into your purpose. You know you have a purpose. Everybody has a purpose. You you will cease as a body to existed.
some point. How much can you get done between now and that day and that's why come to work every day? That's why I need a partner, not just one. I have passion for in an excited about it. Connected with. I need somebody wants me to do big things and she does so Jamie than these to decide. She wants big things. Maybe I have top. Where do wish? How much do you need asked what what's wrong with you? Ok, you got married Dave Ramsay. Will you Dave Ramses nephew? Would you read about death? Did you don't understand? Did you daddy you, your grandpa go, go, go in debt with that see there's some reason she's using that as the issue, but there's this four billion women on this planet broke. Four billion is all budget good Jamie's out there. There are many alliances living death exit death and I live on the time
Have you always wanted to invest in real estate, but didn't have the time did know where to find the deal's couldn't get the funding and didn't want tenets? Calling you own a company called card on capital. We currently have eight hundred million dollars of assets under management. For thirty five years, I've been by income producing properties in great locations that provide us with consistent passive income, while we as qualified investors, wait for appreciation in future and take advantage of the tax laws while we're waiting check out Khartoum capital dot com. If you like the idea of investing in real estate, if you like the idea passive income partner with a card on capital, dotcom, that's caught on capital, dot com Welcome back to the journey, show darling, darling, that's always wonderful! To have you here and we have the lovely skeleton king the joined US today, the king, a very positive king of death, so we will
the next collar now, unless you have anything more, you want to add darling, darling life and death waits free, both site. Heavy Halloween, everybody whose on Amazon, Andy work. is going on Monday. Everything, everything. How are you guys great morning from California how's it goin out with Uncle Gina Lena? We are saga, I love Halloween. It's one of my favorites next Christmas, Amazing amazing legislator, with the guy that, regardless of the outcome from California much to gain from microprocessor platform assistant, Blatchy sitting a job on Facebook. The boy looked like, I said, not adequately I will give you have gone on on the other line here he asked
do you going? Are you coming to my army for the ten excluding? I am planning to my aunt may? Not only am I come to my employer up becoming what the treaty of Lisbon is he a lot billowy or an asset assets. see, there's a lot of guys lotta. You guys follow people like you guys got it sat or youth allow billiard ass and by the way you need to put their lives. When you can write that less than you did. damn self one lesson which one of you is an asset, which one of you is a liability. Could you you tell me you're the same Gardelle all day long all week, long. There are days when you are a liability, the thing their turn my life around with it when it twenty five m. Like hey, I'm a liability to myself. I am eating right same cognition. and in the two of us got together: ok, she's! started saying hey wait a minute like we, Both started waking up to what do we want to do here and in the truth, is I mean
confront how I'm a liability she had to confront how she's a liability not not not not not not like this wrong with you what's wrong with you, and you need to fix that, and you need to fix that. I need to look at which raw may I gotta find for to do go here? What would your comment about that? The people in your life, how many a more liabilities and how many more assets that's a great watching, Grandcourt lunch, unlike others, without one was a bit areas. Is most people bossy, bar liability. In answer to your, did we ever if you're really purpose driven it? We got big was to be got. Did you know? goals that are pursuing most but will be a liability to that end beginning of my relationship with my with my spouse, my beautiful spouse it'll be recognized right, the beginning. You know what it that the target, the goal where's that you going and what actually to be helping us what's hurting but then so that's great
Where will you take it? It is more like war, here's where you're bad aren't like listen within ourselves in an issue further you know the falls within ourselves in the actual voted down on paper, because once you actually see it went to catch you busily when Russia there on paper Why he is your actually never down that you ve already done. Rearrested, merit, loving and ass. You can move forward together. The majority of people up if you gotta be gold. Digger too big, some big rooms at you looking to be accomplished without their most people would be a liability. Galton thought an odyssey. Now I agree with that, and you know it's not about me cut not by the people
short and not about me going on here, but the people, it's about me, get an honest with myself. Could most the people in my life look, I got. I got a guy right now. I am a bit a partner with him for seven or eight years. This guy doesn't even know he's allow billowy to himself his family and his own business. He doesn't even know he thinks he's run around this plant thinks he's the shit thinks he's doing good, but he can explain why he keeps going up and down up and up in it in his number show. He can't explain what many of US customers are not doing better. He can't explain it, but he D. its himself because he thinks he's an asset which, by the way, those of you who think your assets in your actions I build. You are the most days on the planet. Dangerous, I've taken enemy anyway. I know what I'm doing at least I know he's he's one of the he's one of the credit
he's what plans in the girl. I know what sad their yeah, they weren't collars gay empires destroyed. Four, within two or more all over civilizations, although the last year. Regarding your symbolism, Empire Jesus was retrain, by June, as one of the disciples in happened in every like, so look in your camp. Looking, I can't you look who's paying by the way, just cause her pain than men, their bid for you look at whose Breakin breakin agreements look who's. Not supporting. Look look at the people in your life, they don't say. They don't causing trouble, but they never come here. Indeed, they don't worry, then tower today now and they keep their mouths shut and act like that. I don't want to cause any trouble. I want to stay out of this really look. Look for the people and rested my young friend. You don't stand by me. Oh Mamma dont forget nuthin
I'm trying to help him, try people keep trying to argue and they don't and then all correct themselves to get a result. Reliability, major, ok because their rights, rather than you think, their wearing your flag, any complex. By the way, by the called into they give me some mutton exploits unstinting next flags, everybody. By the way now mixture make sure I wasn't there yes to exploit. x for everybody, hey you wanna tell Ex black folks man. I love that you are spent and don't leave that conference only. I gotta leave it. Ok, I'm already everybody able to evolve within the United States, the ship them out.
In writing every body may last year day by the way, did you big announce yet more police package, a big announcement today, four p m on doing a big announcement today about our ten extra conference, make sure sure that your taken advantage of some of the offers on that page right now, you're bringing a team of your bring in your spouse. If you wanna of great gonna to exploit conduct, got we're about to make some announcements on speakers stated answered themes that we're gonna be doing their over three days but way first, second and third, but with your body, if Europe a telex person rarely by Reinhard underlining Argo, the new already book, your seats, if you know no now, you know You know that the next thing, if you're, not sure you probably had got you see right now, because you more word about this,
and I don't have to worry about among the number of hours ago, so so go to www. Google com for clock today will be announced, gave what you need is our grabbing your seats there because, and things are going to change, here, said they're gonna cost money, and then you gotta call one bit. Then why didn't you go back now? right now we reward more people. They can commit I'll. Just tell them Everybody is already committed happened. The stadium is sold already just to everybody. down evenly? We hang on our we sold five thousand I've sold. Fifty percent more seats held a conference that I sold to the last one in the last one was a mass of a conference Thomas you up.
Promise you gonna gotten, that's all promised. For those of you want more life. I promise you deliver three days. There will be an experience that you never forget in Europe time and some of those who don't judge it. Wouldn't let me put this on for you, but not J. J J J definitely loves me more than you anyway, I go on the record. My pig is right yeah- I know you did. I know you parts who'd, you purchased quickly, forgotten which, by the way you blindly and mobilise Rome, I can now we make way to make the mists J J since a maid listening Eliza. Very a very important question is the is the most important question. I bet I thought ever you that this morning I was right in my I was bringing the girls to the school it. It was the very first time I realise how much you talk about your daddy died. They buried by last year in a car accident. I was listening as I was listening to you. I had to cut it out because I want to live.
Put them out and yesterday made a year as he has been gone now, when I was watching the last one, I heard you say that every every money used to come and check your mama makes her. She would, you know still breathing it was, I might not met, appoint, I'm just gonna beat a better product can be for them and I would never replace the whole. But my question is: how can I be just participate in Vienna? Better step farther for this year was the first of all. I think the first thing is you don't, like my kids know about death already, I think it's. I think it's a terrible injustice to not prepare kids, that, things that we can have dogs, you know get you did you, kids, Patsy, like you get you get a bit. You know the path is gonna die before the kid, as unapproached figures right said so, like we had some dogs around my witless guerrilla he's got a gun under some you
love petted. Anything you like on board these data to this, but but but but kid should be. Like my kitchen heard me, talk about my dad dying, Sabrina came to me one day and said she grabbed me. She started crying. Should I pop a one day? You know you know, I know you're going to die before I do and I'm not you're not going to be around forever However, what is the point when the british people he added you? How hear me about our unknown? Ok, go away to be a better step by to do is to prepare your kids from the reality of the situation, whether its money funny answers changes you no great job in your kids, get ready for you know, selling stuff, it hasn't school year. you just you asking the question tells me you already have the commitment and the willingness to want to be there for your children. You know we have a smaller break me out with them I didn't realize how much you mention it and it was the first time I was listening to the snacks growth time last year. I was watching it and maintenance twice like in like five,
without lie what had occurred at all. You know, because that is the normal movement be about myself. What I did was like man really put me out. You haven't you and I M glad we that is the more mature way, you're not believe, and that approach, I don't believe in playing a game. Yeah. What do we know what we don't get dramatize at either way like there's a parts alive. We move on Jane for you move up, you know We also have a different spiritual like we believe. Spirits live. Yeah yeah. I warn the Heaven think someone my dad would they haven't. I last Monday Emma that didn't make me feel about why? Because, unlike What what have I don't go because I was already masturbate, some like sheep angle, being a levy for never see my dad, you ok, I did not come for me when they drop the Heavens and do you have you been having your dad is watching from Heaven I said I'd, never gonna be in Heaven
so you guys gonna be sure about what you're going to tell you. Kids, I mean what even know what you believe. What you see here, like you, take a look at a man. You guys you take a look at stuff in Syria. I'm not worried about that. I know for sure grant car born three twenty one. Fifty eight in body by forty eight and one hundred seventy four pounds wilna this body will not live well here know what can I do that? Second, second, ok, between wrapping up Europeans now art gallery that ok, what can I do? Well, I'm here because I'm not learning while I'm here, how do I caught your power? We contribute for the people who live on India, okay, so so King Arthur King, Arthur, did he's an aspiration, Algeria broken. You can honour the your father. They passed away by making a difference the better on the planet and you live out. You live out his legacy. You you, you make your ancestors
proud and judges should I just cut her head off right now. No sir, no sir, I see you, Miami DAB, no one My play my play. I'll get you a black eye, then let me I know how many kids you got it. We don't they avenue six flags. We don't to get be fired. You say something really quickly. Can I can I you ask them very important question. What can you do for your children? You? You said you have two girls they're the same father are generally. you're doing here. Ok, so with the children. When, you're trying to educate them about life. This is what we do. If it helps, I hope it does. I try to think about I'm trying to create empire leaders, builders, contributing members of society that are confident we don't beat them down. I don't ridicule
them when they do something wrong. I try to educate them. Why that's not socially accepted or what, without you assume that just a six year old is supposed to know everything we now try to grant them. Being this to explore, and to live life and to make mistakes and to her their own life, and I constantly look at them as these extremely powerful beings and we're going to take care of my ass. if I'm going to treat me, we recognise exaggerated that we talk a little bit like their adults. We know their kids and I want to play a new crises doesn't have any day, but we don't freedom like there's seven it now we treat them like being. You and I, but just in smaller bodies that have to earn adult rights, The authors of this knowledge hang onto our guiding gotta. He got a man sitting six legs, Are we getting will cause a west? They quit on us remained Where do you live in today? Man out, you guys, I live in a day. You give me a sort on the swinging,
now who would not lower the live on the battlefield? Go battle, Kubi shoes That report, not my writings, unlike your point on the battlefield man, our swing it brave, are, could somebody's head right off. I just wanna watch to site. can you memoirs guy? Can you imagine those guys are going to kill him They all. We had a great day. We lost John NASH it the lower the sword against low. Maybe you'll come naturally, let's get going For those of you out, there are believin, reincarnation and immortality and in any live more than what you know like. I wonder why I think sometimes like that's why we get inspired always or movies why you remember that era you're like there's a little
familiar alike, so they requested this month was his grant a grant, a warrior, love and I choose to live because I know I will die, the body will die but the Spirit lives. I take us out. hi everybody, I'm Alina Cardona I'll, be one of the speakers that the ten ex growth cause. I can't wait to meet everyone there, but I do have a very special announcement for all my Ladys out there. We are going to be having ladies night, which means late his only and I'd love to meet you there so sign up. If you go to ten ex growth con dot com forward, Slash Ladys, it is free when you get the ticket and I'd love to see you there. It's a ten ex growth conduct com forward, Slash Ladys are really look forward to seeing you there. Thank you. So
much thank you for listening to the g, uneasy subscribed to this gas leave a review and check out dragged on your favorite social media platforms.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-13.