« The Cardone Zone

184: Understanding the Economy

2015-09-19 | 🔗

Grant Cardone offers insights and advice to help the middle-class break out and achieve true freedom in business, career and finance. Each week NY Times best-selling author, self-made multimillionaire entrepreneur and international sales expert Grant Cardone focuses on matters affecting the middle class.

Whether it’s jobs and careers, finance, entrepreneurship, Grant’s real, raw in-your-face delivery serves as a wake-up call for anyone ok with just being comfortable. The Cardone Zone is like no other business show presently on air. After watching one episode, you’ll be inspired to make success your duty, responsibility and obligation as you break free of the middle class and break into true freedom.

Every Friday at 12 PM Eastern Standard Time, Grant is delivering Cardone Zone to you. Where he talks about success, money, finance, and career—to get you to financial freedom.

Today Grant Cardone talks about straightening out the economy.

Whether they raise or lower rates, the FED cannot manipulate the market anymore than you or I can.

• 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck… in the richest country on the planet.

If everyone left this show today and went home to solely take care of their household, we would collectively fix the economy.

Most of America has their attention on the money going out and not enough attention on their income. The missing ingredient for most of us is, “How do I get money from the marketplace?”

Our economy is awful right now: 2% growth; people with college degrees working at Starbucks; people are fighting over minimum wage; they are FIGHTING over POVERTY. And it’s being going like this for 27 years.

What do you need to do differently?

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Each one of us can build wealth, replay scarcity with abundance, replace average with greatness, replace uncertainty with conviction. Success is there for the taking small business owners, entrepreneurs start ups and the ambitious grandcourt on tells you. What you have to do to prosper in this new economy will inform you in everything, business financing, career related, yet ready fight. the knowledge for your success. It's all here right now,
in the cartoons I grew up or down here. Welcome to the car down zone every Friday at twelve p m twelve p M eastern standard time everywhere on the EAST coast of America Brainy, what's called the Cardona Zone, where I get you in this zone about your money, you're finance is an ear economy, the grocer being hoodwinked everyday you're being tricked. I know this from personal experience. I was tricked into ignorance
what the economy is after seventeen years of education, twelve years and at school, and then five years, guinea and an accounting degree I get out of college and I know less about the economy after college than when I went into college, at least when I was a kid at eight or nine years old. I knew I needed money to buy things by the time I got out of college. I didn't know why didn't have money? How about things I felt the only way I could have financial freedom was to save money Today, show is gonna, be about simply straightening out some of the things that complicate the economy for you and explain. Basically, makes the economy simple for you to understand and get your head around this way just yesterday, JANET Yell ended at the FED elected not to raise interest rates.
If you open up any paper today, you going to see why they did not raise interest rate you're going to hear things like well. If they did, then the dollar would continue to rise. What would that mean to you? It means if the dollar continues to rise, things that we sport overseas become more expensive. Those exports would go down there, saying the reason the rates didn't change didn't go up is because commodity prices would then come down. These are the first two lines out of this. Article dollar would rise. Commodity prices would come down to the price of rice. Are we to copper gold? We come down. What would that have to do with you, gas prices? All prices come down. Is that help you urge? You they're saying the reason they can't raise rates is because Those prices would come down then they add to that. If all that happens, trade deficits with spike, how confused you right now
Are you confused enough? Let me go and just put you out of misery, and then there would be a depressing gdp and oh, my gosh inflation rates would stay low. See. The point is this the FED cannot. This is the simplification of whether they raise rate lower rates. The FED can manipulator market any more than you can. The facts are these. Most people are not doing well in this economy in Europe. Right and creative. Okay, if you don't get lost in all this language of what they're gonna do could do, what would the results be than GDP? The if you don't get lost in all that and you extremely creative and very persistent in very focused on the simple things. How do I go and collect money. How do I go get money? If you're focused on that year, economies great
a very small percentage of people are doing well in this economy. Everybody else's getting torched. Ok, so here's the numbers for you. Seventy six percent of Americans today live pay check to pay check in the richest country on planet earth; seven, Ten people, almost eight out of ten Americans, live paycheck debate check. That would tell me, without any over complication Wall Street Journal Barons Magazines Forbes their fortunes. I don't need it through a lot of complication, to understand that cannot raise rates because Americans are suffering so what I did is ass? It down with a piece of paper and, unlike ok, if they raise interest rates who bars money Bob does ok, it's not Donal, not fear rainy, not Chris Christine, not George Bush, not Hillary Clinton, who one there
On the other side, not the grey headed gathers run in with the Democrats. Look no politician can help either dead can't save you. This is all about new understanding how to get out of your situation. Economy me. simply take care of you? How so if everybody left is broadcast today went out and simply took care of their houses by going out in getting money bringing money into the house, all you would start of of x and repaired this economy. That's what he's gonna This is not a politician. This is not up to the bed. This is simply up to you being responsible enough to you. Her standing? What is an economy, an economy Simply this money comes in and money goes out. You need more money coming in thing going out. Most of America has your attention on what goes out.
They are concerned about dead. I want I want to borrow money. Oh, and I want to spend money when that is the missing link- is the income Tension needs to be on income. In fact, today, at one o clock, I'm gonna be doing three and a half hours called secrets to closing the sale on one topic: how to close a deal and get money this is the missing ingredient for most of us? How do I get money out of the marketplace? Get someone's agreement, some signature? How do I get the exchange of money for services for a good attitude for something I did or for some product Well, your family is suffering the ability to simply get money. I stay with me. His grandcourt own. You want in a car known zone every Friday, it twelve p M eastern standard time. I get you ready for the weekend, so you and your husband, your wife, your face, and we can get your economy right thanks for to day, stay with me I'll, be right back.
Is in my pocket, I felt good by the time I ended up college. Okay, I had thirty thousand dollars worth of government debt, which is nothing today for college debt could be two hundred thousand. I walk. then accounting degree a good degree that should take human. Speck someone how to produce money manage money use money. Instead, walk out. Seventeen years of schooling, five years without income, five years, a dead, I didn't even know how to get a job, much less, how to balance a cheque book. It's horrendous folks, the facts. Or an ambulance is overwhelming. There is something new, and I do not know about this thing called the economy. I'm doing. show today to simply makes simple your economy What is an economy. I need money. I spend money, a boar money,
If you listen to the tv they're gonna tell you all kind of complicated things about inflation, deflation, commodity prices, that GDP they're going to overwhelm you with data the realities yes, your short on scales for bringing in new money? This is what I realise when I was twenty three years, so I don't know how to get money does they did not teach me in college. How do I make contact with someone present a good product that helps or solve some lot someone's problems? How do I get to transact with me and exchange money for value. Your Jordan skills, your short on strategy and were clearly being overwhelmed with information. If you look the newspaper yesterday JANET yell and did not raise interest rates? Why did she not raise interest rates? If you look at it on the internet, you gotta see NBC Forbes or fortune in your paper. Favorite place, ghosting Jim Kramer, Jim Kramer will confusion. So many different ways today
I'll. Tell you why they didn't tomorrow. You'll tell you why they will ok they're going to talk to you about why they didn't raise the rates because it would lower the value of the dollar. Ok, it would raise the price of exports and you can be like does this have to do with me? Ok, this is what you some a mere saying on our comments. Right now, ok keep since, as the media is telling a middle class selling them little class scam, everyday Susie ARM is tell to save your money. Dave Ramses Tellin, you not debar money, I'm telling you go and collect money, theirs four trillion dollars more money. Today then there was eight years ago? Yet most people have less money, Is that even possible? How can you print more money- and not get more money? so the money is available right if the money is available was the missing piece
You can blame the government. You can blame the politicians, nineteen people, the GEO Peace, six hours, the other night talking about what they will do. We say what they will do. They will do now for you until you do something for yourself, I'm doing a course right now on how to understand the economy, how to understand anything and everything how to observe and look. Because when I'm overwhelmed and in a top ever subjects that I don't understand like electronics, you know what I do. I turn it over to somebody else. You do it nothing to do with this and that when I can be taken advantage of? When can you he ripped off. It's when you don't understand something. When can you be victimize when you don't know something local s face in our educational. System does not teach us about economics, the tea there's that we're learning from the principles that run our schools. They can balance their own cheque book. Seventy six percent of Americans,
your friend, your neighbor here relatives, your uncle's, your answer, moms your dad's or living paycheck. Your paycheck a major new surrounded with people, your network of friends and influence are all confused about this thing. Called economics. So, every Friday I come to you to make it simple gay. I talk to you like a simple everyday guy. I don't know you? Don't understand every term in the FED blocks? Ok, I don't need you to understand that, because that's where they get you I need you simply to understand this. Do you wanna take care your family? Yes, I know the answer is yes and you wouldn't be here that this is what you need to do. You must collect money, must go into the marketplace. Confront people that have money. Eight, this young kaji right here you have to be willing to confront, to have the confidence to get attention in the market place to go out into the marketplace and say: first pay This is me over here. This is what you are
Parents didn't teach you they in fact talking the reverse. Don't talk to people, be careful, don't get out there don't talk to strangers. Yes, you have to confront this ok, to have the confidence in your feet to move forward everyday. I M going to take care of my family there's the gray less my father left me with the the willingness encouraged to do whatever it takes to take care and provide his family. The second thing you must know is this: sales is not a bad word. Sales is basically the top line of your financial statement. Your economy with is money coming in revenue sales revenue. So if you don't like it sales because somebody info Jeanne negatively think about revenue, I'm gonna go collect revenues to that can take here the family. Look, you can't save your way. Out of this deal impossible, you can save money. If there's no extra money left over, so revenue must be com.
That thing that you're going out every day to get one exchange value. Somebody's gonna pay me for their value can be an attitude it can be. Security could be confidence. It can be a big smile man, it could be a great products could be a great idea. Look everybody's got ideas. Can you can that idea with a person it solves the problem for them made you're, so automobiles and you offer plumbing or contracting you're real estate age. Let me take a few comments and I happy appear: ok, the media's selling the middle class scam everyday! That's the main Java CNBC Fox Business, avoid them like the plague. Gc Tv is the place to be key. Dixon said media income, not just the job. There's a big difference, most of America's Workin, we're almost at full our full and plunder right now, five percent unemployment? Ninety five percent of the people are employed. That's almost full employment he's right. Keith takes incisions, income not just a job to big difference, critics and all
says the. Of course. Income is king, just pointing something out there as usual. Great show, worn castle from the Caribbean says Graecia grant. Thank you very much worn. Andrea, Alvarez's, high, grant, looks much better here than on Facebook, really really Pritchett all your comments, chip, miss this says. I have a question: how do you approach local store owners to do business store to store sales? Most so there are busy working. Please help that's great. Question chip, my first business, I was twenty nine years old, I went door to door to car coordinators, very, very tough body. Ok, I knew they had money. Ok, I knew and had problems. I knew they were to get better, so they qualified they have money, they had a problem. I had a solution to that problem. I didn't go there and tell them. I had an idea. I went there showed them. I have a solution to a problem. You have that will increase year revenue now. My job was
get through that door, learn how to present to get attention. Ok, to follow up to do whatever it takes to get through that door to sit down with somebody in a very short period of time. Somebody is highly qualified lots of money and knows how to push people around how the whole my position is space with a very, very difficult audience, with somebody's highly qualified unable. How do I sit across from that person gain their attention Attention just goes on from done mean I have their attention had to build some are you proposition ending, them to give me money for that solution that I can offer them. that takes a lot of practice allotted confront a lot of ability. Lotta come often it, but it doesn't take complication. It takes Kirk it a college degree that I don't need to commit to take care of. Carry your family. Your can
Kennedy your church, no matter or whatever it takes a number to the ability to go on, confront the marketplace to learn how to to learn how to collect revenue simpler, but this economic things, Ok, I'm here I'm here right now get an education. Why, fifty seven years- oh I'm sorry, you're learning how long learning, how to us it is the missing ingredient of seventeen years of my life spent in schools are never learn. What am I of course, was algebra. Trigonometry statistics, history, geography, grammar! No one ever tell me why I was even there fifty seven years old in and our financial condition that I've ever been in my entire life when more hope for a future than ever in my life and on taken time off the study to learn so did. I cannot be overwhelmed. I can't be tricked anymore. I can't be deceived and I can't be made into a victim strong
encourage all of you to do whatever you need to do to learn how to study how to get an education to learn what is important and what is not important My name is grant Cardone. Look I'm on your side. Okay, I'm on your side, I'm just here every week, I'm not I'm not running for president, not yet I might get ready for next. Twenty slash. Twenty you little time to clean up hey look. I love you guys. I love you! Your spouses love your kids, I'm here to help you anything I can do you can reach me. Gc Grandcourt known dotcom, Gc Rank or don't outcome have a fantastic weekend. I remember no politician can help you defend can't help you only you can help me. ozone is also available to download Itunes. Instead, Europe see the link in the description below.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-16.