« The Cardone Zone

115: How To Boost Your Social Media Presence

2014-05-20 | 🔗
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Press in the body. Each one of us can build wealth replay scarce Did he with abundance replace average with greatness replace uncertainty with conviction. Success is there for the taken small business owners, entrepreneurs start ups and the ambitious Grandcourt
I won't tell you what you have to do to prosper in this new economy, will inform you in everything, business, finance and career related, yet ready find the knowledge for your success. It's all here right now in the cartoons,
hey Grandcourt down here, welcome to the Cardona zone. Every week I come to you talk about your business, your finances, your career, everything that has do, which your career tang, I'm all fire today oldest, shows goby, because we talking about one of my favorite topics, one of my favorite topics in the world, one of the great gifts that I have been given in the last five years. The thing called social media. I read an article about Oro, awe and social media. Now I have been for four years now. Tell him people Tat, if you need to make sense, your social media, you don't get social media, you don't get it on twitter on that grant Cardone? Our phone number here is three hundred and five eight hundred and sixty five, eight thousand six hundred and sixty eight three thousand and fifty eight six hundred and fifty eight six thousand six hundred and eighty eight number cuz it represent infinity, and that's what I'm workin for you know
Every time I make a post postal social media and by the way I shouldn't understand social media, I should not be getting the benefits social media that I am getting. I should not be using social media to the degree than I am using. I'm a very practical got a business god- debt squeeze a dollar dollar back and squeeze it down. I gotta make sense of it. I gotta make sure the investment, smart, but I got tell you social media, has been the greatest gift I have ever experienced, in business if you need to make sense, if you need an ROI explanation, if you are a social media company that does the hold yeah, I can validate the roi dude. If you d d validate Oro, add to a customer in order for them to get involved in social media day. Do not understand social media check out this article k spending on social media market continues to grow, but what are the metrics
but actually measure, and should they be benchmark against or allow businesses all shapes and sizes, but bought into the idea. Social media marketing check this out now one point: seven billion users on planet earth, the rise of social media has provided commercial enterprises. With a new and unique way to engage with existing and potential new customers when it comes to actually quantifying the benefits, however, there is still a lot of corporate head scratching going on. A recent survey of chief marketing offers found that nearly forty I'm percent were were Not able to quantify whether social media had made a difference to their companies. Well, Mister Barbara Mixture, Sid in some White Tower, ok, some off, into the the land of Bob I, where you're in the clouds and not connected to people anymore. The only reason you would need an
split nation as to whether this is work in or not is because you don't know anything about Facebook, don't how to use Facebook Twitter linked in you, don't know how so you need some might explain to you. Why is it worth it? Thirty, six percent of chief, marketing officers dude on we ve, never die title like that again thirty six percent said they only that's about a third had a good sense of the qualitative, though not quantitative results Fifteen percent said they had seen a proven quantitative in pack. I'll give you one example: company called Independent, Texan Coffee House, often grounds started he's in Twitter as a door, ordering channel ordering ordering it's all sales in market share, increase by twenty five percent, a chemical collar here and a second, but I want to give you some facts about social media. In case you need to make sense of the Euro. I would if I
I tell you that I could connect with fifty eight percent of all the people on planet earth with social media. Fifty eight percent of all people. or on some social site name The eight percent of all people, eighteen to twenty eight years of twenty four years, will actually are on a social media site? Fifty six percent of population. USA eleven percent of the world population on Facebook, fourteen percent on Lincoln Eleven percent of the population is, Twitter, nine percent on Google plus those raw google plus employs by the way how much time on social check this out seven point: six hours a month as way less time and I spent on it, eleven hours. The israeli spend eleven hours compared to the American. spent seven point. Six hours, you too, by the way, is not considered a social media platform which is
streamlining interesting, an opportunist of a guy like you, The unique some unique visit to Youtube a month anyway No, what the number is unique visits to Youtube every month. four hundred and ninety million people are unique to you too, but not the owl where's per month. Can you guys get hundred bucks yeah we're what. Two point: nine billion hours. Can you pull at my numbers on Youtube just for the last week on the technical? first, Charles for used in Texas. How you doing is charger Yes, Sir Charles, how you doing an excellent job, What are you doing good? My friend is this: Charles candidate did hit me on Youtube after my last show that this role it on you
alas, my man net net, Charles Charles. How did you do it? How did you find out about metrology? You know me for my seminars back when I was in used in years ago. Yeah. I built a visit of ears. Ok, I work that large parts of quality and see what our poorest guy major made a similar line, and I was I was impressed A major he made you, you wouldn't gone if he D left it up to you write a vacuum so it's so, Charles now you wrote me you hit on my Youtube channel ass. This is perfect in your colony, because this is what social media does when you're out social. Ok, because I haven't done a seminar used and for a while, but I'm out doing either a radio show that we broadcast on Youtube or you stream and imposed on Facebook and Twitter and Charles picked up my show last week- and I was talking about what was the topic of that show, Charles, what you're talking about the middle way increase their house by everybody the minimum wage. Oh yeah gone from seven in a quarter to ten dollars right.
And then you posted something. Actually you posted something to my Twitter feed animal Youtube and I didn't see the one of and then trawls took, took the the initiative to email me directly, Charles, I can't. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you being a professional enough to know. One grant would want to know you know, When I think about it, number two and will tell you in a second mobility the outbreak and number two. He persisted: ok, eight, so I didn't see it on Youtube. I didn't see it on twitter and you I, which Romania mail about yeah, oh by the way, what it was worth it out? here shows on Youtube everywhere has was divided at work are used on my way, Oh my watch, you don't fuckin publicity or your comments about wage increase the end. Then yours, we keep it all. My Obama ever used better. You caught a statement that you dare to call my thinking and then
shut up in the background, and then you know I was my orders: now. I would, if I find out home, I listen to it and our ok and they are proceeding, so budgets, just by knows, ok, that was talking about Obama talked about a. I talked about a Heaven, big and then I talked about. I was talking about politicians and then I said these bad bones. Just so you know Charles. I was not referring to Obama when I said that, and I d show the clip: ok see I shall now I was. I was without the people, young and old people, starting at the beginning of March, and you may have been talking about politicians, but the way you came out you Tom, Obama, that specific point Yvonne. You made it again, you made your, can you believe it I'm talkin about politician, but in that specific gap you know what I did
You know you come on man junk email, though this is what I did I I know have video clip. Twenty from people give a racist it. the Devil backgrounds, people didn't know you, yet all the boys washes gripping. Let me would you and to do that, I got it. First of all, I gotta tell ya. Thank you for spreading the word. Ok, you got exactly the boy, but actual got it without a twenty people, one person thought okay and end. The others were like yeah that there could be being defensive, and again there some new you can block the widest bet. You know what are you there, what what what racer you? Charles just so we have a lot of ok. So, though, though, you know what you're would in a lot- and it happened, what do you mean to say in how it comes out with different things? So I
No, you personal gambling back. I want somebody at our dear you're, hoping I dont think that you re you're way: evil bad person. Whatever the area on E Bay event, is it my like other people, I wash it it was it got me, you got Turkey differently than. Why would you do when you many? I told the because I'll just tell you, I didn't vote for Obama, but I dont when I see a Dar president, my ok he's our President Manless supporting as much as possible. I don't any politicians on a light diner I dont like Reed, I don't the white, though, that the white woman, that's ninety years old and she she's a policy. I dont like a bomb, but it's got nothing to do with the color his skin. It means nothing to me: you can adjust Charles if you ever down in Miami. I want you come in office and see how many different races the work in office, how many women work here. It don't matter to me results matter to me, and I am sorry that you interbedded, like that Antonov we can play that. Can we buy it, you gotta go.
Play funny, man, thirteen minutes? What what was the answer that it about one thousand three hundred and sixty nine or something I let people play watch about two minutes of again. I don't say anything, I don't say hey. What are you thinking I just gimme your thing. It is vital that all private at it at all all right, they're right there. Let's play that ok hanging. What's yours, I think we're gonna build a pull up and play a minimum wage. Ok, we're going to my daddy. I need, before you give up control to these freakin baboons And then the image Kennedy wont. Let me say that, a marrow and the mayor our little bill c, but we're not talking about the babble do when I'm talking about the balance, I mean. the presidency, one person cut it The president's one person, not many people and by the way my gosh shows a chimpanzee. He didn't, even though the difference disease, where you from
from Czechoslovakia. Gotta, go check the box, he didn't know the dim between a backbone and a chimpanzee, either way trawls. Look. I really I what I want to say. First of all, is social media works folks it gets you attention here too, I want to commend you, Charles for being so professional about this whole thing. Ok, you can easily just kind written me off and said ah screw grant car down he's a race, is white, redneck pig and I hate his gods, and you can just mattered about me monsieur people, but you didn't do that. You wrote me an email. You hit me on you to be hit me on Twitter and do because of that. I'm sending my new audio programme. Mp3 Download seller be sold on the making of a hundred grand this year about that as a graduate. They point out all how'd. You dont want to send data mild backwards with that, I know that man I knew there. I do not want having three
ok, ok, ok, black hard or civil guard Yet I I'll get there came an now. Did I just want to say procedure com in the? What are you on Twitter, Charles? If they would what you got your handle by low, that Charles L Cannon Are you ok I'll? Get you some followers in right? Our grasp. days body. So folks. We're talking about social media. We're gonna take a break right here, but when I come back on my show you how to build your facebook page, your twitter, your link Dan, why you want to build them and how to make sure you don't have to worry, dont. The aura is, can we bang and for you, are you wanted those people not satisfied with at a hundred dollars and want to go to a hundred thousand
you're one million dollars and want to achieve ten million. It's time to change your game. When are you gonna make the move? You want more freedom. If you want more choices in your life, then great cartoons, mp3 game, changer package is for you. The ten explore the rules of success and seller, be soul was mere raided by great hard on himself learn to go from nothing to everything from being unknown. To be known. Worldwide grant wants you to have your freedom and to achieve your highest potential, a seven hundred dollar value on seal now for one seventy nine cardon came from nothing and is now a multi million. The information contained in this package got him there. You need the tools, the inspiration of the guidance and the technique to achieve your potential order. Now, a great Martin DA come forward, Slash game, changer, that's great cardon, dot, com forward, Slash game, changer, always be moving forward, find your freedom and your opportunity order your game changer mp3 package today
they grandcourt down, welcome back Cardona Zone every Thursday? I come here. Talk about your business, your finances, your career, your future, your monies, your paper What you gonna do to get a game on. That's what I'm talking to you about every week on Twitter on that Grant Cardon Hashtag Cardona Zone here or the problems with social media This is the problems. I think all Companies have number one you're, not using it. Oh yeah man I'm on it, no, no, no you're, not using it for business again. You got an egg for an avatar right. You companies, clean water. When you got a picture of a lake. Ok are you You got a picture about a dog And you're, not a veterinarian, even if your venerian dude, I send my dog to another dog. I need to know whom cinema dog to one you're not using it number to unite. Isn't it correctly number three
you're not using it enough, and who am I to say anyway, Gaston Pulling up my numbers, I, who am I to say now, fifty six years old. Great three businesses don't any demographic for social media. One you're, not using a number to you're, not using a correctly number three you're, not using enough and number four, you're, not using all of their look. I use all of them. Ok to me, it doesn't matter. I use anything and everything to get attention, the men Fifth to social media: when I look at social media, I dont see technology a computer, I see signage. I see the ability to get attention. I see how. How can I make myself from mill you're with people they dont one get it first number to make myself familiar with them. How do you make yourself familiar shop at the same restaurant everyday? I can be I spoke every day is like,
on up in a restaurant every day I could actually actually retweet about that restaurant every day without visiting the restaurant every day and get that restaurant in its employees. I did this recently, I'm in Miami the best interior designer in this city may be in the country. Certainly in the state of Florida is a key, name, Stephen G interiors by Stephen Gee, I want everybody hid his name right now on twitter, at Interior, Here's by Stephen J what this guy to design this place that were bought? Ok, I want him to do the interior designed. So what do I do? George Bang, in the guy on Twitter and on his face page at interiors them. Would be so this right, yeah aunt aunt, by steam Angie I ain by steam, Angie Ain T, bus, dementia.
The best in the business. So what are we do? We hook up I'm going to get him to do my place, he's going to do the interior design the place he's the best of the best that got yours is three hundred and fifty grand I'm gonna get him to do if a nuthin how many trade, my social media presence in awareness, ok with the market, Why do you want to? U social media? Not because of a return on investment? You want to use it as a signage. Is attention is familiarity, its branding? Its awareness is the leadership position and its a social social, not for ads. It is not for an offer. First. Social is a way for you to actually manage your reputation. Friends, its. Can we google my name grant cardon? Can you do that from there if you, Google, my name, you know you're gonna see come up and you'll have the plus it up, so people can actually see it. you're gonna, see me control the front page perfectly.
without ever spending a nickel from any one? You will see you and even go bigger than that Polly you're, gonna, see, ok,. Grand cardon sales export. next one grand cardon you two dont tell me Social Youtube's, not a social media, that ridiculous to wait a control, my reputation online. It comes up second, coz its own by Google Gay, great car. on Wikipedia its trash, not that good. They won't. Let me controlled the input d, let anybody else put whatever they want number for granted. On Twitter. Why am Why am I sit no mon front page? You think it's because my name's Grandcourt down? No! It's because I got the forty nine thousand tweets cargo, Miami Beach on Facebook. That's my fan, pay each, that's not my personal page. cardon. Success is not my name there's three hundred and eighty thousand
three hundred and thirty likes on that page. Eighty, six thousand five hundred sixty four people are talking about that page right now. What dawn signage attention. Familiarity brand awareness, leadership position, reputation, management. The next one is grant Cardon Huffington Post. What am I doing? I'm right nordic calls for having done both they dont pay me, until his my front page Amazon Grandcourt on books. Why write a book? You don't write a book because you want to make money selling books. You write books because you want to become a celebrity in space a card on linked in. Why do I use all these? I told you the mistakes you're making them you now using them. Do not use them enough. You look for an hour and you dont use em, all I'm using all. Ok, I use em all that's the first page, a guy that the first page. So when if the social? I want you to think and undertake Adam is Adam Unemployed said who were taken. Ok Adams going
come on. But for someone tell you, when you think social, I want you to think the word ages. Aid Jews aware and this farce give second educate. Third. Ass is for shares. You want people share and I don't know if you can show that post that we did last night. There was, two thousand likes. A hundred nine thousand views and About a fifty percent share right now, the notice radio shares is keen in the social media world go back Polly just so you can see this war light. Thirty, three hundred, thirty one times and this simple little quote. I'm going to succeed because I'm crazy enough to think I can that's not my quote and by the way share. Or enjoy more quotes? a dump dot com.
I didn't take their name off of it. I use their name, gave them credit fort. I got thirty three. Hundred and thirty one likes out of it and, more importantly, I got twenty five percent of the people say alighted and up to sharing. Three thousand, I'm sorry, three thousand three hundred and thirty one likes a hunter in ten thousand. People saw it. that valuable honoured fourteen thousand people sought that valuable. What does it get me? What did it get me? You got me awareness I give Something to people ages, a awareness g is give IE is educate. Am I educating people want to be educated and they want to be entertained and asked is for shares its called aid, his baby. Let me talk to Adam and then we're gonna go to short break Adam you looking for. Ok, mutual mature Urien Adam talked in which a question
What's going on rockstar, how you doing my friend geared to the EU? I'm giving you boys in prefer national sales regret for the last. Years and had a question like me, is your opinion on this? Rather less do it. I regret professionally for a commission only sales positions, I've been right and fortune five hundred companies on the top one percent and what I found a lot of you know recently eyes. People better are turning away. Seditions continue just to stand on employment and looking at your thoughts on that my friend No, this ugly, crazy when unemployment unemployment better than going to get a new job. I think I think the one thing I would tell you is this situation. Reminds me of companies that don't wanna,
banned or invest any money or trainer educate their people to very similar situation? Now, did I'm good I'm satisfy what I have we don't want to educate our people. I don't want to make them better. He's gonna keep doing what we're doing the same thing with the gas is. I know I want to get a good job. I just want get some food stamps. So the thing I do when I have that problem when I reach a ban, people that are complacent, satisfied don't want to invest in their future. Do you got it? You, You just gotta increase your bandwidth and you got to increase your funnel. I would get too if you're not first, your last, if you're not first, your last is in New York Times best seller about prospecting and filling up your pipeline. Did you see it right here somewhere if you, a first, a laugh last hope that helps when it is a problem in America. Folks, people being satisfied, that's a problem for them. It's an opportunity for you, ok, how we do it
let's take a short break right here. We're gonna come back and pick it up with a social media expert named Michael shine and see what he has to say about this whole are, oh, I think, is grant car down on Twitter at Grand Cardon. Can hashtag you question cardon zone I'll, be right back my car down here, and by this time you ve, probably heard the news yeah. It's true, which you ve heard is true. We did go too far. Am I Tony's have told me to be careful about making video, but I do want to apologize to you to my fans, especially one apologize to my my family and my two little daughters. I hope I hope, when they grew up there, able to understand this apologize to my wife. I love you follow me on twitter and face
New to the desert supported me for years. I apologize. I know that I went too, for I know that I did too much. I take full responsibility. while I regret it. Ok, like the ransom. I knew I knew I was getting carried away last year with the reign of two hundred and fifty rains simum we're over the top twenty three thousand tweets. It's crazy, some about some languages way over the top say Santa tweet? My staff took it so over the top? The Miley Cyrus tweet, the tweets to bomb into the Governor California decrease Chrissy tweets than this. dear sweet, the Macy's, the pennies, the retail tweets. Okay, it was insane man. So while I regret finding anyone It follows me to the status ended you waiting to see what I do this year. It's going to be pretty good over the top crazy okay,
Can it be a rest level crazy on twitter? You gotta, follow me on Twitter, Keziah publish it least. Thirty thousand tweets. Will the next twelve months ago, inspire you will motivation to will show you how to take you, your business and your family to another level by the young. Take twitter jail back this grand car down in the car down somewhat on their social media were taught about are, oh, I can't even say it occurred. Just had Brandon Hamper Hampton here twitter handle is sick at CEO. He just told me he says twenty tweets a day for a business is a huge. No, no, I think. Thank you tell me that cause he's got my name. I added on their ya new twentieth day. I'd due to an hour
twenty four hours a day. I do forty eight day and I'd say It's not a no, no as long as this creative, as long as this, because my business, if you go look at my twitter yesterday, Ok he's following me, and I'm following him now. But yesterday I had ITALY's forty tweets. He say twenty a day is a huge? No, no! I'm tellin you folks, you're, not using it enough. Let everybody think it's a no! No let everybody thinks that the rule, that's good for me. Do I want to get out there? Okay, if you could buy every billboard down the highway between your home and your company, you take the city of Chicago or Indianapolis or wherever you live in you can literally you could say, hey I'm gonna taken own every billboard, every mile between your house and your. office? Would you owe him all about twenty miles and the others that? Oh, no that's a huge? No, no! You can't do that at too much you're gonna be over exposed. If your coca COLA,
do you want to be on every shelf in every grocery store in the world? are just some of them. Could you worried about being overexposure showing you my twitter feed from yesterday? Ok, look there, sir! oh they're, so different there. The these are my business twitter handles okay, this is great. Cardona personality is a business. So we're discussing social me today, ages, awareness give educate, shares. Okay, if you ve been a creative facebook page hook. I start with Facebook start with one of them start with any of my don't care, but let's say you go, get a facebook page and you're a business. First of all, get a personal page, get a fan page. Get a fan. Page created age and get a great graphic in the background. Can you show the difference between my personal page and my fan page by the way I have both avatar your avatar matters. Ok, no, eggs on twitter
Ok, don't be so lazy that you don't push your photo okay now this is a shoot that we did for whatever it takes its also. got the image of me right here. If you can make a bigger people can see, you need a good, strong profile image of you and your company. This can change but it needs to be interesting. It needs to say something about your company. In this case, can you make it better In this case, what do we say about my page right there, my family, my fan, page. I'm saying to the zoo, I'm ok! So Also when you're creating a fan page create a purpose. What is the purpose of this page? For instance, the purpose of this page is different than the purpose of my personal page now want to be This thing to death. I think we had how many how many views yesterday Polly on this page. Polly. How many views yesterday. Three hundred and thirty thousand views on that fan page and I
China too much? I don't know we are doing to fifty thousand views today before I said I increase the post mile, as post yesterday was eleven, fifty nine- and I get ready, go too bad how little girl in bed with me, I put one ass posed up. That was the one that was hit from midnight till o clock in the morning creative her As for your page, that pages purpose is different than this pages purpose. Oh, look: it's in a background, so my man. My brother, my weaker brother, from another mother. great purpose for the page you, my personal pages, about me, my family? What I'm doing something I run into someplace, I'm going my fan page, is about quotes business strategies commit Frequency, you need frequency, folks, ok, frequency and you need consistency You need lots of consistency. I can't doing
Repose, like my wife, is on Twitter should show or Facebook either one sure sure she'll dump, for most in two minutes, because she's, a lazy social media purse sheet she's off for a SEC you need to be consistent and frequent. Easily drop drop. Draw what is consistent means continuing keep going. Bleed frigate marketplace out, bleed it out Majesty TAT attack an attack attack. How do you get a village to surrender attack attack attack, they're, gonna fight in a beginning until, finally, what book I surrender a man there you going to quit following you are they're gonna say you know what I like? Your material, never material socks, that's a problem! If your creative is bad and I talk about this in a show. Last week I said, look MIKE Tyson didn't go, broke, cosy, overspent MIKE Tyson, quit making new money
when his career was over. He couldn't create new income to support is spending he had an You come problem, not a spending problem on twitter when you do your twitter page, when you create a twitter page, create two page, create a purpose which says page for I'm create new page simple cos you nothing What is the purpose, and then I want you to think in terms of frequency. What is the frequency. I think every thirty minutes. Is a nice strategy every thirty minutes drop a tweet share other people's tweets. Looked a purpose of social media is not to have friends it's to make money meal and how do you make money every year, I come to you and say: look man. The first rule of making money is to get attention for your brand. You wanna bet on top of mine for your customers, you must use frequency inconsistency.
but you get top Mamma, you gotta repeat, the command- is Grandcourt own over your grand cardon over your grand Cardono vizier hit me up on Twitter. Follow me on Facebook, hey my You do channel not considered a social medium we get most of my business from you too. Most of our calls from people. We don't know comes from that little channel right there, where we drop. What video. Remember the acronym acronym his age, Is first awareness is twelve hundred videos on Youtube. You know what I had people tell me: you drop into much video on Youtube. You give too much away on you. Two people are going to give you money. All your stuff is free on Youtube or guy twelve hundred, videos, his error, or orilla but the more videos I put up free on you to the more money we may hear in our company. I don't have three videos up. There are twelve and I
we're about to quality. First, I worry about awareness. First, awareness comes from quantity number to give give people something they want three educate people and make sure that you're put some video out there. That is share top a man for your customers must use frequency inconsistency become a celebrity in your space. Look I want to be the celebrity go to when you say my name, sales, when you say that name so Those that word sales- you say Grandcourt downwards, yet, ok Adam from is it Adam or Antonio, and Tony come to her brother, until I bought him down to be climate would you question brother Gregor own? Yes, Sir The other guy? I know my name is Antonia our you're, a good man, John Grey, how you doin
then don't get, it was another. Is mankind because I'm not gonna haven't shovels now I'll watch what I wanna do and what steps I wanna do under went forward as far as but you didn't say whatever, and I mean I've been so many job, but it seems to me that I mean I am, I feel like I'm psychologically unemployable which is lacking. Gone from job the job and who tell you who told you that your psychologically unemployable your brother, like open. Now now somebody else told you that who told you that I must have heard heard it. I got it. I'm someone body a long time ago who told you man. I want you to think about who told you that you are psychologically unemployable. Ah, you know to be out of there. I come on come on man Gimme a name money tonight
somebody told you that your psychologically unemployable who told you that I I I I dont know somebody told you that I see it on your show, no hell. No, I wouldn't tell you that, there must have been Of course I want you to do and want you to call my office when you done here. Ok, I'll get. You can go to my website, grant cardon dot com, and I want you to go to a course called ups and downs. Ok, cause somebody draw, The piece of data on you did this- not true- didn't you not psychologically unemployable, but if you believe you are, I mean
the interviews. Not gonna go very good. I gotta tell you when they give you the tests and they say less, do a test you and me, like I'm psychologically unemployable our know how this test dance so Bro. What you're gonna do you gotta get around right people? Could you hanging around someone around people can be mom dad brother, alkaline causing could be friends? It could be somebody. Somebody is your name, until you're freaking gumbo. and that's gumbo you don't wanna. He broke as is gonna, have a nasty after taste. Were now in my dream, Let me now I mean it. Like Heaven, money to start small business. You know a couple about now this amendment. is there, but I mean I am by months, but I dont know what to do only money, but you don't even onwards motivated by money, but I'm with you, but you know, need money right now. What you need is a mental rehabilitation. You need
the good swabbing of the brain. You need a good cleansing of the soul baby. You need a good you need to you need to a mental enema Unita. What do we need a colonic? We need a like a creative colonic. The cleansing of Of the belief of my man, Adam is Adam right, Antonio employment. Only oh and Tony, or we just gotta, get you cooked up doom. We gotta get you on the rules success, but firstly, I what you do is a course called the ups and downs course. Folks, you need a strong, strong, strong, strong social media presence to build your brand awareness. You do not need to look for our allow companies like American Airlines. But the Miami International Airport, how about the Chicago International Airport, how Bout LOS Angeles, International Airport, Regis magazine a Regis USA habit
entrepreneur magazine or whole food Seminole, Fujitsu, Dasso dude. I gotta make more money just a shop at whole foods and what happened literary moments. I'm tweeting that literary moments. Later whole food says oh yeah, and by the way, our fresh food and seafood. Oh, my god, I just complained about the prices and their tweeting, back to me, make sure. You check it out. Look you need to be on the social mediums. These are not Four kids, there not a gimmick. You don't need to worry about the oral. I I and tell you that we ve had a seventy five percent increase in web traffic. Sixty nine percent increase in market intelligence. I have more data from the marketplace to know what people are thinking about company claiming that their increased loyalty from fans you can measure this folks, you don't need a measure Do you have something to talk about in a daily meeting? do something to brag about my clients,
am I reaching people in India, China, Taiwan, Mexico across the planet? Do I have more people talking about my name by my books by my products. Social media is a way for you to advertise in a whirl. If you dont want to be known you, apply under the radar? Don't use these social mediums, but you need them they're, cheap, there's, no cost! You do not have to pay any money. You do not have to buy an ad. You need to be creative. You need to be frequent, you need to be consistent And you need to decide to control your social media in order control, your social reputation. grant car down in the car own. Every week. I come to you to share with you ideas about how you can improve they control and enhance your business. Your finances, your money. I look, let's face it. If you just gonna be average on social media. Don't expect any results, like I say every week, be great, are nothing else
as an are and it will happen in bigger, Eight or nothin else pace
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they died as a result of the new strategy. For a word tat, a lot of things have been done in nice. Sacrificing might one day some more point about, don't gotta be blames biggest sound. In other words, the disease is not an easy. Now we face in practice. Beggar which motivating good is just another statement. Baby, I'm the best.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-17.