« The Bugle

White Noise

2021-01-05 | 🔗

Andy is with Alice and Nish to look back at some of 2020's lowlights and some of the remarkable things that have already happened this year! Including. Should a Prime Minister know the difference between India and Pakistan and how much popcorn is too much?

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We have a sister show, The Last Post, which you can still hear here. Follow us on YouTube or Insta and see parts of this episode with actual video.

The Bugle is hosted this week by:

Andy Zaltzman

Alice Fraser

Nish Kumar

And produced by Chris Skinner. LISTEN TO BUSH'S BOARD GAME THING

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, Ba laws and welcome to the first bugle of twenty twenty one a year that will surely see at least some of the following things happen: the end of the term presidency that the first one at least, maybe also the second, the realisation of films that are not sequels or spin offs and Olympics the first Olympics to take by an odd numbered year, since at least three hundred and ninety three a day in to see how much difference that makes to the metals table. In the end, we could see more muddles one by at least boy an odd numbered years, which might prove something or other we could say this year. The resignation of the covert virus either and humiliating, were treated having been vaccinated, shitless or having some we achieved all coregos was a virus or through having had enough of Boris Junction stupid smoking face, and we will almost certainly also seen a full resumption of the british Empire, the planet, s back, Paypal. Twenty twenty has been consigned to the history books where
assuredly belongs with all other years. Amount is often, and I will always be chronically absolutely everything that both does and more importantly, does not happen this year here on the bugle official, got a record for the human rights and to begin with I'm joined to a finish of the bits left over from a review of twenty slash, twenty show and b review, two thousand and twenty one so far in a bit dies in to begin, baby, we're I'm joined for two purposes. I d finish off the bits left over more review of twenty twenty show and b to review twenty twenty one. So far, all three debates stroke four days of it depending on where you are in the world by Alex right. who essentially lived through too Wendy Twenties, we'll tiniest Levi, the last post and the real world. Our Salmanassar oh shit year to do twice in one go. Wasn't it I mean
yes and they accept that played them off against each other, like the red robot in the blue robot in the rockin Sockin robots and they sort of they cancel each other out. I am also joins by our fellow veteran of the review of twenty twenty shout from a few days ago, and my fellow rich revelling in our new Fangled, found cosmic bricks. It be freed of translation The former european nation Coma they hello, Alice, hello, buglers, happy new year and, more importantly, happy New Bugle I have studied the year that in no way that I made skull with Andy, by which I mean do for art has got the hump with my money. Are the new year is days old and I've already wound up. Nigel barrage, I appeared on a talk show in Britain hosted by Grand Norton called the Groom Norton Show on surprising.
on New year's Eve and due to an unfortunate timing in the edit at eleven p M, exactly as the UK left, the european view did. I was on the BBC was making some jokes about breaks. It undead. Ferajji I've got the has got the hump because I described him. If I may quote from the daily mile article, describing the events as a sack of harm board to life, which his curse, whose blood type is rely on Nigel has received those comments. The exactly is poorly, as you might have anticipated, musical, very upset with me I m not a piece of news moment. Andy's it tat the current doctor, who is likely to step down end of her ten year. The ended they series with the end of her tender as the doktor.
What I would suggest is if the BBC really wants to irritate large sections of this country. Made me as the new doktor. How can I act, of course, not absolutely on the no circumstance this can I act of plate myself once and it was I struggle, but if you re what a cheese off section? Let me let me start the camp I now for me to be as the new doktor doktor homer. That will not vote for that I presume this can be put to the public. Now that we are, we freak reclaimed democracy from from Brussels could brass Brussels. Brussels is responsible for making Sylvester Mccoy Doctor who, back back in the day, that's if that whose european attitude A I for one am am deeply:
listed in this long running friend, amazed to love, as will they won't they, epic, where you both sort of in a fight. Other but secretly you love each other, but we are on the fourth of January, twenty, twenty one meaning it is two thousand and twenty years exactly since the fourth of January. One idea and the moment when Mary famously said: please Joseph, can you take him for just an hour or so until sunrise, I'm absolutely Lacketh, though its Joseph responded, Not my kids, not my problem. Does that most off, not not the little blotter out anyway, stay in nineteen o three topsy an elephant was electrocuted. Luna Park, Coney Island, and I was filmed by the Edison Film Company and a film entitled electrocuted, an elephant,
and when it is true that heavy ever either you seen the film of of topsy the elephant being electrocuted. Nineteen o three, I have not Andrews I've, seen still image of the film that who's, being sort of invited to click on the spot that ANA you can buy from oil. Nineteen o three sensational hashtags. the. I knew what was going to happen. And I haven't seen it because I'm not in the business of watching hundred year old animal based snuff movies and swore inspired. The young David October apparently have seen the greedy rebate Well, it's adoring, Beazley, bigger elephant, that's IBM illegal!
but I got in the way by a hundred seventeen years ago, now began a great human tradition of filming, weird shit. That really does need to be films, and you can trace the direct lineage from that down, such share such productions as some as of Smurfs too, and also cats. Bat approach by cucumbers is very much that the either direct descendants of elephant surprised by being treated like death row in might for the crime of having tusks with being an elephant, affordable otherwise a section of this new year, buglers going straits in the brain and this week in the bay New Year's irresolution, every four: of January, a seven billion or human set themselves, apart from all the other creatures on God synoptic, he could have the challenge themselves. With new year's resolutions, targets for self improvement,
Personal achieve progressions. That's in an estimated ninety nine point, nine four percent of cases and in no one or more of phaia forgotten this off full scale, futility acceding abandonment, the three es which, coincidentally, is a secret code used by the british secret services when referring to operations to safeguard the Prime Minister, the foreign fracturing the home secretary, the big three Previous sir New year's resolutions that have failed to be met in full, de my new year's resolution to sort out a proper Andy's, also website twenty or that one my name- is latin to take over the world, an usher in a new global air of peace, harmony progression also over twenty, but very much depend on me getting the website sorted out first is really hard to take. take over the world without a strong online presence, and also my new year's resolution. To kick my big game. Hunting habit is tricky. I'm goin, yet you haven't gone yet so like so given the resolution's always fair. We have you
Bugle New is irresolution for you to just give up on, without even really making any effort to achieve in the first place eyes and irresolute and fully take less exercise. Think exercising five times a week, but only actually do it a maximum of one time a weak, and that includes a he walked to the nearest booze shop Dunbar job with old friends. Not so good irresolution too might what's. The point knows: gardening positive decide these days that drink less weltering, less water Bible pointless. Stop the clock drop your home just to distract you from the gloom of reality might be another John wooden duck. I've got a spare one if anyone needs give up all hope by February, and then waiver, even on that and suffer mild outbreaks of unjustified optimism throughout March, also a funnel irresolution, don't learn to understand ancient egyptian heartless. It would be interesting, but what's the point. anything that you were. You guys are determined not to bother doing As your new year's resolution this year I mean
my new year's resolution was to say yes to more stuff and also to say no to more stuff brought. So if I can do both those at the same time either what somebody's going australian things in it are you now that some Vienna for everyone to achieve them miss any figure. You ve lost your eyes, and I think this could be the I finally don't learn Mandarin under attack, but I've got a really good feeling about twenty twenty one. Finally, baby, I don't learn how to speak. Fluent mandarin amid a lady and she I asked her what the Joe Boys and she said. Her job was a mandarin translator and I said, that's easy. It sort of like an orange and you didn't get, it she was not out of the artist bids. Randy's oarsmen, Dakota,
UK threats that I just was exactly the size of a busy got my sword from twenty. Fifty on AIDS, I gotta. Oh I mean it. It it's got, shows you're no longer part of everyone, in an eighteen, so it's got into the pot coffees on on apply, form that you can no longer listen to. The IRA is wonderful, almost to debating on the is just helping so busy with the last eleven months getting around the world barely at a moment at home. On my out, it's a saw these things out sober ivory. I for one, am extremely excited about your two thousand and eighteen to. Why was a good turn, as you rightly excited about our very exhaustive, etc? Is the higher at I've got to be evaluated satirical suggested? Have you Saturday your own website. You do. I think I've had that request- numerous times I've just signed up to yoke.
Area, pigeon male drop route, alright, go where goggles section in the Bin job story this week, leftovers from twenty twenty due to time constraints written quite finished everything we plan to get through our review. of twenty twenty show, possibly because he was so jam, packed full of shit that we couldn't come it all down into a single ninety minute disk of useless, and there was that it was a lotta. We pines you plan to have an interview with the covered virus, a world exclusive that sadly, was shelved, and now the viruses, Sir, a bit too busy, still no real, clear idea when its motivations are wanted. To talk to me how it views it so year in the limelight. What its future plans are? No, what it now make sure they knew mutant tribute. Viruses are pops pups of light, the best of which, of course, is
the british virus, the british mutant virus go either, not one. This is this is well, Exit enabled us to do to creates the world's breasts it's a virus way better than the south african mutant virus, which is the ostentatiously contagion The british House is way why more efficient than the tradition oh gee virus. I believe, youngsters call it but side sat just more Britain Sir just get things done at much more polite and organised manner. So, as I know in view with the with the virus survivors of era things, we thought we were hoping to were to get round to, but didn't mission. What what's took us through the things that you are planning to talk about last week as we look back on law, last year. We greens would finally tot up exactly what last year score for comparing it against the start of this year. Well and
One of the things that I wanted to highlight is this is sort of multi faceted. It's a complex organism when you considering the failure of the british governmental risks. Stick around a virus, this number of levels of which could colleagues ate like in its like the film inception, Andy finally a contained within failure contained within failure and one of the elements one of the slightly oversight unsung heroes of the british government's total locking up of the corona virus response is its corruption, which is a sort of slightly gotta noticed this country, but didn't go unnoticed by the new. Times, you stuck the goddamn american noses into office this, but they conducted a car large investigation into one thousand two hundred central government contracts that were made public that been handed out to various companies to provide various
This is for the corona virus response, including some providing protective equipment for hospital work has put together. Those one thousand two hundred contracts were worth Neely Twenty two billion: U S dollars now off that twenty two billion it will mean Festival, let's not be around the Bush. That's not chump change but that's, not exactly twenty two billion dollars. Even I with my BBC wage, can admit that is of a lot of money of that sort. Two billion about eleven billion dollars went to companies either run by friends and associates of politicians in the conservative party, all companies with no Our experience of response, responding to medical pandemics, all companies with a history of controversy, Agnes It really reminds me of my favorite Frank Sinatra: some, and it gets a little the guy. This it's only corruption. If it's not why people
interesting, get interesting. Number wild blue eyes that, let's face it, if this was a different country be throwing around borderline racist phrases like banana republic, but it being Britain all this is evidence of. Is a post breaks. It future where we will be conducting business without the red type of laws, The programme is a sweet taste afraid of it, but the problem with this is that it wouldn't have method in some way at least in the short term, will be there's a long term impact on the health of the body politic of this nation. But in the short term, it might not mattered so much if the response has been effective and people hadn't and again. This is
using some legal terminology been so king dead had been marginally less king dead. We might not have been this minor, but something that so concerning, but there is no doubt that this country has totally is corrode of irish response on the part of it has to come down to the fact that contracts have been handed out awry and the dinner table have various supper: clubs in West, London and concern now as we move into twenty twenty one is obviously the hope for this country. Really. This point is the vaccine. We have no other hope for a bus being this crowd of ours. No sense of us managing this pandemic. It's all about the vaccine. Can we come in August, waved a Magna Carta at it. Well, we we actually have to write that retried, wiping the Magna Carta wrapped it we tried pointing at a picture, Winston Churchill Aggressive and we ve tried. singing virulent and so far the
Goddamn non british virus has refused to cooperate with any of those british tactic, but my concern is now, with the vaccine roll out, the government is going to hand out a contract for the vaccine to an Mps Neighbours nephew whose then going to drop all the vaccines, and yet somehow, inexplicably win the contract to clean the now useless vaccines. It's a market can guide us, loneliness of us. In many ways it what we voted for in twenty sixteen with the fruit, the freedom. two things up on our own terms. I mean essentially what what what strikes nation is, how Forty five years of being part of the EU has sought thus as a nation to except where we com be corrupt efficiently, and we need. We need to rebuild that that corruption to the two to the levels that we had back in backing up our glory days, because
two for too long. Brussels has been making us yet pretend to go by some regulations and that's, that's. Doesn't we lost our, but we ve if weeping independent country all this time, not only would the Corruption have been your worth twice the amount. you said billions and billions about, but we would also be cured. Just covered, but all non diseases already I think it is just that justifies as multiple votes. I placed back in favour of Henry the eggs. What it would just done just quickly on on on breaks it. In actual fact, dumb The fourth of January now say off a few days now Thea. That D the agreement having being signed an unwritten? early days of its journey into interstellar freedom. Remedies endangering deal had a trade deal. That means that we tried less
an unleashing of freedom in the unconventional form of restricting. freedoms, horizons and possibilities are taking back of control by parliament. Philosophical capable of exercising control and a restoration of democracy overseen by a government. That traced What policy luck? An unwanted Christmas sex doll, it sir, It's many strange strange, exciting times its first read these items at the consequence the brakes they are already hearing how full by public, for example, I just before we see, recording. I received a string of text. Messages from brother who was just arrived back where he lives in Berlin. Auntie em has just had to Cuba First time easy, jabbered rested, but he's had to care for the first time through the non Eu Passport kid I gotTa
the really sums up the entire process. It was just three words sidekick, embarrassing, which, I think, is the translation of honest work. You Molly ports, yeah we're video. It was the parliaments to get. RO back to the mother of all parliaments, and if indeed, up on, is the mother of all parliaments. It is a very old mother, old derange sitting in a rocking chair by current window mumbling, something about burn, still loves, yeah, the vat rates of mother for about a year, a Greek play who ends up being assigned firmly shell dwellings. I was delighted Alice Watcher further delights from G20 took your attention, but I think what further dil?
from twenty twenty going to continue to have repercussions through twenty twenty one is probably the theme of twenty twenty one. So far, I think everyone secretly Their fingers crossed that it would be a clean slate do over a moment to women, twenty twenty one is just the same thing. More so more disappointing LISA, because we had a brief window of completely unfounded hope that there is massive epic movements of condoms and people would stop and take a break and maybe think about what they done and gave her a run and a clean for three days here. What I did my best Alice yesterday. I made way too much vegetable soup with our left over Christmas vegetables, so I had to put some in the freezer saw put in a pop up a little bit of type on it when I wrote vegetable soup. Third,
January. Twenty twenty unwittingly up. Oh that's, the wrong it I'll I'll do is I'll see if it's magic soap. Time has indeed gone back to this time last year, but sadly it was parsnip based no problem Madam high suit, so I can maybe wanna get out the Fraser. It will react of eggs. Do we can do the large postal ever get nothing Andy, when making too much food is not a new development into results when Christmas before that is not here, No I got me. A quarter is bent vegetable soup, but maybe we have stock, such as your freedom. Eventual super gone kosher, not bright, Andy,
you're so committed to upset you forefathers they get even injecting ham into places. It does not belong where each Jimmy making flavoured chewing gum. Now, that's a good idea nothing When you twenty was really is the culture, so I think it's worth while covering it. If Michael You mean people at home, watching other people at home, and I do I never before Have we been able to pass on our exhibitionist neighbours around the world with such ease by a twitch youtube? Tik Tok an instagram like a consensual, lie version of rear window on taxes. I watch that film that is very sexy last year, The action video showing reactions to reaction videos ended up causing a nasty doppler effect where everyone on earth was simultaneously defending themselves from accusations of insensitivity and, at the same time thanking their fans on the fleets.
That cinemas took a big hit with everyone's vague feelings, that sitting in a carpet cheerful of historical thoughts, wasn't exactly the pinnacle of covert safe of covert safety and that crystal into a brutally stressful binge watching habit around the world. That is not unless the only thing hiding most people's fragile relationships. Together she had tasted Netflix, the glue and, let us say, the kind of blue that you use to put a post it not on a wall seriously. I dont, why cinemas have survived for so long. They alike wit, look hedge ill. The moment you stop using. You realize it was a terrible idea all along with one, whoever wanted to go to the cinema to justify eating decades old popcorn from a cardboard buckets whose size was always a prank that wouldn't ever meant to be taken seriously. No one has ever meant to look about bucket and go oh yeah I'll. Try I've been here always liked on the bugle to have co. How soon
different ways: very against Cinema, thriving Andrea John. When I'm not one white with his wife, reluctant though I am to offend Tom Cruise, whose met his mission to bring back big screens. I feel like that could be compensated in the same way that, often men of his eyes like big cause. We learn this year from culture that, despite tabloid press, blowing up crazy stories of celebrities that celebrities you play up these celebrities bad judgments. All we need to prove there's no way you could make celebrities appear more of the planet than they are. Was why, like three weeks three weeks without their handlers before Madonna, was in a milk boss. Now. yeah we got them management. Half of Hollywood is rapping half baked opinions about complex political matters that they found in Youtube rabbit holes and brought out to the light of their billions of fans, critical thing December might not literally be in
Lee correlated with visible six packs, but I'm just saying most Hollywood actors: don't aided scripts. I don't like him not chosen there, They just their job is to say stupid things like they mean them one into familiar. Think culturally and twenty twenty one, the big rice, the big hopeful race is gonna, be to create a sculpture. That's can never be toppled whether that's is with a spring loaded, anti topple sculpture that will just get bounced back to outright or a scope so that no one could possibly ever take offence to and I think, maybe London again, we were ahead of the game with the empty plinth interfere, the squire over that's biting the only statue that count at some point. is someone off is just
I am pretty sure that pests and people our continent for genuinely more any date cunning. Instead, you anymore sport or go out with a quick look back at the year. Its boy in twenty twenty and frankly was shades sport already shit year, but still way better than real Letty of sport prove once again its immutable superiority over the real world and for a while doubt there was this harrowing vacuum of sports. Make you think your walk? What was the point with a pint of fighting lows? Well, wars was, it was appointed the development of civil law. It was a point of even climbing up the sea to EVA in the first place, we could not watch competitive sport, That's what essentially why evolution began with fish at got.
Lord of watching swimming, which is limited spectators bore right with a decrease. Has a cane try. Athlete is not much better, that's not most exciting phaser triathlon the swimming bit and when trifles most exciting them anyway of its great what you do, but some of this was that, sporting highlight the year and without very lucky to get going wash and a lot of cricket. My put parallel my own parallel universe as a cricket status, issue, baby say, but might sporting Harleigh the year was an egg? spoon rice in my next door, neighbours garden when they were in a birthday party and had an egg is food rise up and down there were ten yards London Garden, and haven't we come into the house and could see over the fence, and it was the first competitive all I had seen and eight just
lifted, my soul. If all of this is the first glimmer of hope that that some form of normality, can resume so that was out at the start of Austria did not think that watching my I do have an egg in spoon. Rice would be a genuine holler Moliere, but that that is how and data it turned out Your slightly under selling your experience with cricket in twenty two other you didn't just watch Cricky you lived with every did the supper with vehicles by recall, Andy was living in a hotel in a cricket ground bubbling with the very sport They love somebody like you would basically like Tom Hanks in the terminal. Your nation had been addressed cease to exist, become a citizen appear greatly. What a world where Walter like Tom Cruise in terminal? If Tom Cruise in terminal was a massive aviation, buff
but miss loosely. As the bugles indian foaming protest, correspondent, Paolo one about the informing protest correspond. twenty Twenty was goes quite interesting busy. If you in that role, yes, it was I mean it was. It was a controversial appointment, Wendy Beacon these reallocated made this Bates and not. The several actual indicates that the vehicle has on staff but you know it's a rolled I'll. Take it very seriously. Yeah it's been idea. It's been another complicated year, for the indian government, a government, the very much puts the into India, the biggest On aware he there's been a string of large scale
We protest in India deeds to sit in the new laws have introduced in September the under this. Overall banner of the model farming acts a love in these population, all brutal work, and so these there's a huge about pressure on the government to deliver for them because of increasing issue. All farmers losing money now, these new laws are designed. The government claims to make anyone. it will be easier for farmers, and the concern is that they actually opens in due form, is up to the free market and could lead to their prices being undercut and could lead to more I just now so obviously that's inspired a string of protest across the country. The government has responded
I guess it away. That's a lot of governments respond by claiming that a lot of the farmers claims are fake views and misinformation and has also responded by having some pretty heavy handed tactics by the police, I want to say heavy handed. I mean the giant gloved hand of funds from the event it, has its not better, particularly edifying spectacle. There is some positive hope of from forth of January, which is today as we record. The government is best be meetings with representatives from farmers union, in the hope that, in the debate a resolution to this situation, but what this really means, in terms of incompetent hunted governmental responses in twenty twenty really the final of those that competition really is danish Coma, Darby
its India verses England at the country of my family's birth words is the country of my book who is going to pull away in the semi final before the obvious, vital with the other uncontested competitor of the United States of America, our children, our may she's, not it's not like that is, and this is more like America was so far different that it set up its own sport. We gonna cut a cricket baseball dichotomy. Amerika to check on complete with everyone else is not used. Like to complete with anyone else. The world series of incompetent government, the biggest he walked away. the nineteenth eighteen british politician called the normal tablet, introduce something called the tablet test which was designed to prove. To establish the loyalty of british Asians by determining which team they support out of India in England,
there are actually using them as a covert test in a law school. The tebbit tested this competition outside bilateral decisive as the tablet tested cricket our support, whichever one is wedding and besides at everybody says otherwise, is I pod my french Kennedy? He don't speak very good friends. It's not what I would call the tray good. We don't need to be exact. a rendezvous is going to go back to be calling It's called a good old fashioned British may out what's up in terms of the who's out. She get away this decisive Devices, England, governmental, incompetence, competition. I believe the country of my birth may have finally pulled a head because the law Red p. Attempts to sink Jesse actually asked Boris Johnson question at private since question time about the indian farming protein.
Because a number of Mps are trying to get. The british government fly. The foreign secretary Dominic Rob to pressure the indian government into a changing its tactics for how it handles protests in future terminate think Jesse asked Boris Johnson, out. The indian farming protest undue whether that that British come will be committed to helping the protesters be treated fairly by the government, Boris Johnson responded by saying this avenue is that, of course, we have serious concerns about what is happening between India and Pakistan, but these pre eminently matters for those two governments to settle. Now, I don't know how Pakistan has made it into that.
All relations between the two countries. Much like the foods are the two regions. Spicy is all hell. Yes, they are due. Pakistan have anything whatsoever to do with the card farming protests it a dear mother. This is a concern for the private. Is there and less remember the full but foreign secretary of the United Kingdom either opera? This is a class safe way at all but always juggles all Barbours DHA added buddy ways. This is as likely as the first I had with the ecological up. Maybe that Boris Yeltsin simply refuses to recognise the partition of India and Indian Independent, That could be ope. It's all part of breaks and wonders in these tankers back taken this black through history
Sir Arthur objects Dorothy S, he burst. Johnson's. Otherwise we want we want the film tenet the other day, something about things going backwards and was entirely out of the same two and it's not gonna end. Well, that's what I think brands. Basically, a sub plaza tenant some. It is completely incomprehensible and not really. What is yes, it was gonna, be in the trailer but the time travel means time, travel, Andy Foger at any more clearly, Well, that robs up twenty twenty on the official funnel school for twenty twenty is zero zero out of what everyone to be out. So, let's see if twenty twenty one can can beat it with our official review of twenty twenty one. So far here,
Britain. We are a welcome to eighty five hours into twenty twenty one as soon as we recall with touched on on breaks so far, failure headed towards the crucial hundred our mark always a key landmark in any year and where a lot of excitement address, because everything has changed in Australia because right the end of last year, your national anthem changed. Yes, the the Austrians or let us rejoice national anthem which narrowly one a vote against moulting Matilda for our national anthem back in the day, and he didn't recognised to be quite a bad and boring national anthem is going to have one word changed for those of you who are not familiar with the Austrian NASH, anthem. The wood is young and free is We changed to one and free in order to void offending the old infected,
in order to avoid offending the people who are here for eighty thousand years and might resent being called a young tat sort of disaster, and just one word as a gesture of inclusiveness towards aboriginal tar straight island people and look, I don't know, you. Ve heard the austrian national anthem, but I don't think that's the only word that would have I mean it goes Australians or let us rejoice, for we are one and free, golden soil and wealth for toil land is good. Bye. See. Ok, good is the word that I had an issue we have here. It is never used in any other context in any other places like Tis at Christmas time, it's It's an out of date only ever used in this context and I'd I'd. Look just as this so much in the national anthem that I would change beginning with the tune,
going on to almost every other work in the autumn, and that in the fact that reason- australian, national anthem that was basically written by white people for white people and that taking them so long to change. Just one word at feels like any, and that we have regarding, for example, a treaty with the indigenous people is going to be incremental in aid that is being written. What wood as a time. Maybe if we edit the least in national anthem enough it'll, become a treaty. Eventually, rules go to work. In Britain we changed the word of the national anthem, backing that nineteen, fifty two king coin our land abounds with natures, gifts of bees. He vision rare. Why are we selling them to the chinese overtime now, of course, mission we need common already in a position to give national anthem advice noses.
came to the pc lobby and nineteen fifty to an absolute the unbelievably can't. You know why you can't can say anything these at this hour. Before we were asking their wealth in the wrong person, guelder Diet, used reason performance has been at best questionable exercise. a majority has Sir Supream Medical CARE and security data. We can, if only we been asking, you got to save up flickering light Two. An illusory sense of national cohesion or school playing, Wales, or are pretence at having uneasily vaguely moral political system or even our pubs that Libya we might be in a better position. The coin she she, ok, she's gonna, go in and when it comes to saving herself from being sniper medicine as us, security and MAGIC Spangler. That's something This has been made that weak week we could to update our national anthem as well to I wish it could be breaks every day my humps
or if you stick your decades of peace and prosperity of the European Office, just think an early Lonnie Donny. Schiphol number from the sixties, a boy's impressed even when a solid, let my humps has landed on your cultural under a more fascinated by the back story of how you the black Eyed pays, is something that is registered audio rider. Oh right, will you never did not broadcast a pillar of the bugle? It was a very different shop. That's some sixteen years old! Is it a while? Ok, they all bikes, most et cetera. Children have to get married Woody Gus racial now, but they have a nice different interests, but it Bit of a contagious aids difference between my hopes on this land? Is your lacked?
so far. Twenty twenty one is scoring nor point one making it the greatest year of the decade, so far State Union that you have mentioned two months to see if it can hang on this or that laid it could be a real mild. Whites are judged from the way it started. Think Must we listening buglers? If you missed the end of year review, shall we will be making available when Chris, a couple of weeks time of year, before weeks after it went up at the end of your again, thanks though, Did you not argue in Jordan? Will love should have lose more like shows during this year on uneven in person, hopefully, if at some point within the next decade, thanks to nourish and Alice any any shows to plug a mean, go back and listen to the last post. Sometime had podcast told tee thou.
so I'm gonna try and do more regularly. Again, I think if you live in the UK, you can see me an hour of may do stand up on prime video. That's now you definitely can in the UK on Amazon Prime. We can see an hour of may do sound up life from the site. I fear to, and let's face it, you can see if you live in different countries because, as I said Before- and I say again, the big listeners, her a pack of criminals, As an Austrian, I take that personally, I will be back hosting the news came from later this week. It returns for its January February series so do shoot into that on your wireless or download it, as you prefer Thank you listening. Will we back next week with Google
four thousand one hundred and seventy nine of them believe I gave a number for this one bogged down, nor shortening maids numbers anymore, and we will pay you out. As always with lies about our premium level, voluntary subscribers to join him or to make a one off or occurring donation to show good will put us come anklet who done it when it too, king to attach a poster to a wall class swift was struck by a quite revolutionary idea. You a girl, she exclaimed. People guns, they can indeed save the planet a modified fire on the confide staple foods at people who need them most could be just What the? U? Unaids, turning the dish, activity of the weapon straight into a positive benefit all humanity- highspeed snacks now it's just a design and health and safety issue. This is a sure fire. Winner concludes Clare. Colon, add lugs class idea, but would instantly look to upscale. It I'd ghosts,
right to a long range, intercontinental ballistic passed a cannon that can be speedily adapted to do rice or potatoes depending on the weather and so make sure people get a balanced diet concedes unknown logistics person. Someone else can do that sort of things and anyway, I'm already planning up my balloon. I source Missile Richard low it has developed a computer program to write a classical opera in the style of Giuseppe Verde about this of how the rock band, who wrote the rock opera Tommy. Just wanted to see what happened when opera styles clashed explains rigid. In the end, though, he adds my special cable just churned out some brass band music, accompanied by someone singing about Roger adultery, having an affair with Violeta out of left Traviata, which I guess about averages out musically on the sub of brass band music, Simon Heinz, was surprised by the number of trumpets, trombones and tube is involved when he was finally dragged along to his first brass band concept.
They thought it was broad band, as in brass prohibited, rather than brass, basically compulsory, admit Simon. Filled with regret for changing my trumpet, loving soul of a lifetime of happiness and finally, Boris Young. The is rightly proud of his name and has been to break the conversational eyes by claiming that he is counts. Boris yell knock off the hero of a lost syphon novel by the nineteenth century, Russian, let's just all field or Dostoevsky entitled the ice king from outer space Obviously a lie admits Boris, but it certainly help the chat going in the queue at a coffee shop, organ Woodley silent wedding attends poker evening or even a high level job interview here, If the lies goodbye.
Transcript generated on 2021-01-17.