« The Bugle

Voters hide ballots in locked boxes

2020-11-04 | 🔗

WHAT IN A YEAR OF 2020s JUST HAPPENED!?! Andy, Nish and Nato try to make sense of one of an election that is incomprehensible, even by modern standards.

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The Bugle is hosted this week by:

Andy Zaltzman

Nish Kumar

Nato Green

And produced by Chris Skinner LISTEN TO RICHIE FIRTH: TRAVEL HACKER.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The Bugle Audio Newspaper, a visual, would allow unwelcome to the bugle. U S election result special, twenty twenty, and here is our instance. Bugle reaction at twelve p M eastern time. Five pm you take on a Wednesday, the full November twenty twenty, hopefully that sums up pretty much, twenty four hours. So fundamentally, it comes out. we can and must not completely absurd Naturally, we will act Delve into this, in, today's alarm and is also an already starting to regret, not using them
magic, lamplight, both mercury and take you to ask you something a bit more useful than a spare pair of elbows than just call clutter up the fridge Bacon, sandwich hungry after putting elbows and the power to turn shoot, the watermelon fifteen bearing in someone that janian May twenty. Sixteen well apologies to doing so Well, joining me too. Have around in these still twitching yet somehow already rotten end of the twenty two anti american presidential election to try to hospital I wanted all means to pick the boughs from the ranch you have to twice: regurgitating sardine of despair, but was election night. Firstly, Johnny from where it's all kind of happening. The USA, in specifically San Francisco its NATO grain, hello, NATO, hello? Andy, hello, buglers! It's really been it's a hard time to be an american right. Now. We're
its reeling and grieving, and we just can't stop thinking about the the demise of quibble saying that gas from fifty first I view as I pending approval of our obligation to join them. We basically fucking founded in the spiritual home of x. central confusion, Lockdown London, it's the man who brings american media organisations crashing around with him amongst the rubble. Jabez Scuba hello. Are they biogas- and you know what else to do do dancing on the grave of quickly they all thy did they were a lot like Martin Luther King, they had a dream only instead of racial equality, they dream was to force people to pay quite a bit of
money for shortfall, content very much Same continue. Very much of the site. Very large are the same, but both tragically cultural bike, circumstances of their control one case circumstances of his control and in the case of quickly circumstances, would very much like a drought was one of the major backers of quibble republic tech, billionaire MEG women who ran for governor of care cornea several years ago and lost actually here's a fun fact about MEG women when she was right. For governor, because you know I'm a protest, the kind of guy we brought a thousand nurse is to protest in front of her mansion, which, which leads me to a very important NATO agree. Lesson about social change that I want you all to take take with you tonight. is. It is not difficult to
We welcome small town police departments. as always, the second big who's going straight in the bin. This we can back several sections, a section on whatever you apply. To do for the rest of the week, a section on everything else in the world right now and a guide how to be an election pulsed step. One guess what you think will happen, step to factor and a minimum Sty Contingency, that's probably it'll go shit than you think, contingency at the last they didn't make into the acronym. But inaccuracy is open. The well these days that three factor in another five percent nest. engines, ain't no even shorter than that that for shut up and don't Anyone your findings is that probably wrong and step. Five take up knitting, so those sections in been we recording on Wednesday, the fourth of November, the first day of rest
of time as it seems so many days are these days the day after America attempted to elect its job an old man to guide as National Bob sled through the mountain seas of the next four years and yes, initiative, of November so zero years and one day since yesterday, when a record number of numbers were numbered, and on this day in seventeen, eighty three Wolfgang amateur Mozart Symphony number. Thirty six was performed for the first time, thirty, by coincidence, is the percentage votes needed in thirty six counties chosen from thirty six of the possible counties across the USA in thirty six different state that we need to rise or fall by thirty, six percent, or more or less across thirty, six percent of the national vote for more than thirty six percent of partners to agree what it actually meant: top story this week.
While there is only one place to start as we record, the outcome is still not entirely clear. If you are Donald Trump Mouth you have won, the rest of the universe seems to suggest it. Joe Biden is on course, for a narrow, painful victory. As as we record NATO to pursue your range of emotions. What you been going through the last words of twelve eighteen hours Andy. Well, so look at my face This is this is what America's face looks like right now for the further podcast listening audience I have now that most of the shit out of here everyone, but the forum here right now. Everyone in America looks like this right now. I look like a dog shit that had
shit and then was rolled in shit. If you don't mean I actually, I may not be able to get get through This episode, because I may have to go, run and have stress related diarrhoea. How stressed am I this is. I am so anxious that last night I had a stress dream about pulling in all nighter writing jokes for the bugle with data, or we were in his office in the Congress Building, and I was trying to write the jokes and he was skateboarding around me and, I hope, an end. It it's just end, like everyone has been trying to remind you to go vote and to get out to vote like every app every celebrity every news programme, every web, I got a notification reminding me to vote from our phone-
That lets you order and in home, massage ends and it was sort of like well, you can't have swedish style social democracy, but would you like a Swedish massaged ease intended and now: it's like it seems close and live in it shouldn't it shouldn't be close a bit like that's the boss. Upsetting that is even close at all. It's like a significant section, the electorate looked at all the carnage and death and suffering stupidity and goes you know. What's? I d like to show you your light following its following it here, someone we, basically they everyone all buglers, your listening to the show, and you stuck state listening to the shop of the issues you have probably been through. An emotional cement makes are over the last day, or a few days, or weeks months or four years or since seventeen seventy safe on America started about nurturing around our.
as a nation. How cause if a unique election well festival. It's a pleasure to be here abroad trusting in the paranoia M between the bull sack of and the aim of the official announcement. That says a real on to be right. In the end, Can elections, Googe Elusive, election. I go for me I was watching get home drinking wine, which is a marked improvement on the two thousand and ninety british election the evening, which I had a screaming rail with Boris Johnson's father about whether women in Burke has to be able to become fighter. Pilots laugh and spoke to her. From that perspective, it was, it was a huge up, great, absolutely enormous, upgrade from my perspective it was, it was a tense out. I mean it to boil down ones oceans at a time like this, I have no idea. How may I was even eight sick kids
to me that even upright and speaking current, the outsiders perspective. What I will say this I this for the guy who murdered everybody. He did very well, it really mad at everybody. Who is this? this is a real as a real, interesting, superb is a piece of information and and right not content with that of murdering effort, he's now what either insisting that the count be stopped justice, looks like you know, Ireland, is on his way to winning Wisconsin, Nevada and Michigan, which a kind of three big Stacy needs to go the two seventy line at the moment and the trumpet in the process of declaring those mainly ballots completely null and void. These said that he's going to go to the Supreme Court.
interestingly, just as a side no from the election early this morning, the? U S embassy in the Collective war issued a statement. A firm statement to the government of the coat deplore about the election is happening in that country. Calling on the government to show our commitment to the democratic process and the rule of law and urging all parties, groups and individuals to engage in inclusive dialogue. Now I've gotta I give him what is currently happening right now in America. That is like someone telling you off authorities to lift as liquid shit dribbled out of the blue some of their trouserlike is on US dollars. Sharing state of play. That's gotta, God at the questions that have to be asked now is first of all his fucking one that That's nice once we establish if, as it looks like it's going to great Joe Biden than the First that has to be asked, is what Donald
this increased, the number of votes is that voted for it in for four years, this presidency for years and the key chaos tax breaks handed out to his gulf paused and then culminating in a catastrophic, miss her. link the covert nineteen pandemic? There's resolve it, and you know it looks like he's. Gotta result at least a quarter of a million Americans dying, and what's this fishing about some of the New York Times exit polls. The statistics make the sort of semi nauseating raiding white women. In Erica. Accordingly, Yo Times, exit polls have voted. Fifty five percent have voted for Trump versus forty three percent to join say what you will about white women in America and overall, half of them- will still vote for you to be present start, a she is going to start acting without Joshua, leaves a sedative from Missouri. Ever Publican senator has claimed that the Republican Party is,
party of the working class now now gain worth digging into some of these exit polls, because up to howls earning under fifty thousand boy, naturally, is has carried most of their support. Fifty seven percent of the voters who used declared for the new I'm an exit polls who have households are under fifty K. Fifty sympathetic them both about fifty six percent of households between fifty thousand and ninety nine thousand one hundred ninety nine dollars day also declared for binding and the key demographic that declared that came out full Donald Trump households. Over a hundred thousand dollars a year, now dies of regenerates interpretation of the party of the working class with. My guess is that every possible to now ourselves, I read interview a couple of months ago with Joseph Fritz for reasons that I do not wish to go into now. I could do for those who might not remember was an austrian man who built a dungeon where he trapped his daughter and sexually abused her and thought the children with her just
fritz. So a few years ago was interviewed by journalists and Fritz said this I am not the monster that I'm portrayed as in the media, so That's what I'm trying to say is it's impossible to really now ourselves, I'm not comparing the Republican Party Joseph Ritual, but I'm just putting out that I was following the earth the odds overnight, the bookmakers odds, which began with with trumpets about us up to two. Outside aid and became a hot favorite. Seventy two on at one stage, at which point I'm thing I drank half a bottle of Mozart one in five minutes generally drink I'm seeing through the trick, then the report, where were you were you attempting to cook a? I was. services of my churning stew and then the binding
my basic things, no following elections, because it feels like to come back to some other. Any strategic decisions have been made is just different, different forms of of counting and that this whole issue with either the Trump speech and amid followed Joe Biden speech to load up we'll sitting in cars, which is, I think, would have gone down, was one of the weirdest election night sitting at use ever done so early on inspirational in classical Biden, way to the half hearted hunting of horns, followed by dont from delivering. What I believe is one of the low points of the last two and a half thousand is praised. The ancient Greeks I've got an idea about run things better and found themselves in undermining surrounded by businessman, smoking, cigars lobbyists and probably a news outlets with varying Clinton their eyes- and he said, that's never have
steel, the election of a tweeted votes cannot be cast off the Poles capital p, o l e s are closed well, that's sober that does sound like a message that might have come direct from Moscow and dumb. it's one of the most. It was kind of genuinely chilling standing in front of the country. They arrive the array of flag scenario, moment of kind of pure unadulterated, demagogic propaganda. Anything of all things were expected to happen on this election night right up there for me would have been someone at some point on the tv coverage saying that the founding fathers was spinning in their graves, and this Julie happened after the speech by traumas,
CNN coverage. Only he didn't say they were spinning in their graves. You said they would be rolling in their graves, which suggest that even the founding fathers I've been ground down by four years of trump enough of the energy to Spain. No you can just roll over resignation is just talk got himself. Please might it snows, alarm buttons and I'll make it stop account spin and Andy I'm so daisy after the last four years. One of the problems that, as has happened, american politics, is how people use stats, and we have this guy Nate Silver, whose whose like an is pulling data, also sports data, so imagine Andy's, Even with the stats with with work hair and no ponds, not in both may sober that so
but he's like he's restorative relentlessly smug and itself. Self assured I'm talking about mate and not Andy at this point, in in his agnostic Asians, but he formulates everything in terms of probability, so that he's never wrong. They said well, I said there was a ten percent chance of that and lo and behold where, where it in that why we predicted it, but because of the all this there's been all this available pulling data. What it man is that, as the returns were coming in, like everyone in the country was put when this bizarre. Like forensic analysis, the people would say you know people who had never been to Wisconsin at all, we're like well
on the trend line of the early returns from Sheboygan County Wisconsin at sea, and knowing that they have eleven black people in that county and they haven't counted the votes. Yet from that precinct we we can reasonably predicted if this trend line continues at some point we're still It was like people. What are you doing? This is not helpful and- and it's just it feels like the end of democracy. Like I was I mean you know when you were talking about the cook, Cote D, Ivoire and I was a kid in the an era, and there was a claim that America is a democracy and a big into the world against to tell a terrorism, and it was bullshit at the time, but we produce- by and by we I mean why people and like, if you, asked refugees from war torn countries why they sought political asylum, the United States they weren't coming here for the separation of powers. They to not be mass murdered for political reasons, and they
here and found a land of freedom and opportunity where they would only be mass murder due to lax gun laws and inadequate mental health service. And I just read it. I also really admire and an extremely frustrate by the american commitment to violet secrecy, which I think means that its. I think it might be be unable to ask you exit Paul how you voted right. I think that this is something that the constitution is forbidden for doing that, whereas with Britain we have an exit Paul web. Basically, able to stand outside say here did you vote for, and the exit polls in the last elections have been pretty accurate, but it does make for some very compelled television on CNN wood. You see people going a lot of the exit pulses, showing the pit. Really prefer to apply scream really haven
Are we really into the first season of west well, but fell it dropped to lobby for the second phase into new, like that is very interesting. It's a fucking gives to me in the morning when I try to black how a class I fascist game Show House has continued access to the biggest military, our scope in human history, we're gonna wanna gripping, not abuse churning through this possible In our resolution, following a attest match a five day, cricket rule that the confusing numbers, but the devil. saying that the prospect of defeat would entail having to watch your least favoured plan, the opposition captain volunteers, cheeky victory on them, use. Every day for the next four years, unless all future games and cost us like a testament, were a bit different in terms of air, the imaginations and Andy. Can I ask you could cause? I don't. I know nothing at all about about cricket,
so is like the american electoral system in that the main way to win is by cheating. that is the main way to win, but it has been proven to be a way to win. So damn I also following the vote. Council are still open: Python, Michigan, Wisconsin Pennsylvania and the issue of the M, the votes, the postal votes and absentee votes being counted the sort of late stage in it. taking possibly days which is which the Republicans lobbying campaign has won a trump singularly. Could we can't count these votes now because on winning, essentially with his argument, but it was essential, Publican legislators in those states that prevented the election official from cows. sing early as they were in other states, are NATO about. Why would they do other
haven't being in League with Beelzebub, obviously, which is a pretty reasons why? Why would I? Why would I do that? Well, because because their assholes and in it you know in for a penny in for a pound like once, you ve decided that you're I mean it. You know, I think there. There is, I think, something important understand about the relationship between peoples, ideology in their partisan preference, which is that the voters and and and are not like they're, not rational, optimizing. It's not like people tally up their views and say this is the politics. I support all of Donald Trump nonexistent policies incisive. So I from that sort of, like I'm republican and therefore support whatever the Republican Party says, though, if they ve Donald Trump. You know what struck lightning and then, tomorrow morning declared for so
Let every Republican would then declare for socialism. Add that, because that's that's how political identity works, though the latest That's so historically the you keep counting ballots that were postmarked by election day. That's rule. So you, after those are those, are all developed. Bout Pat, valid ballots cast, and so you have to keep counting all about that over postmark by election day. However, it there's was this whole thing about the the postal Service trying to suppress the vote and- and so now, there's there's a hearing today, because the post office forgot to deliver, deliver the balance, and so there's Actually, let me see here a tonne. This is the technical of of outstanding balance, not delivered on looking at a chart now by the postal service. So that's that's.
frightening. There were a couple of outside of the presidential election there a couple of them. I guess positive news stories coming out of other racism, Corey Bush was elected to Mozilla is first congressional districts. This is the first black congresswoman in the history books and she also played a big part in Ferguson. Black lives matter, Protest America's also elected. It serve first Trans state senator. So there are some positive. However, there are also some even worse stories. The trumps success, particularly I mean particular given we now have our first. She went on supporting Congress of the person so Molly Rep luxury democracy has to me.
I hear alone conspiracy happening there too, to love without representation, its large retail agreed as what to see it. House. At that she is the support of the conspiracy theory, Q. Without a conspiracy theory that suggest that there is a cabal of powder, powerful, petty paid off does the running America, not the cabal, palpably defiles them we all know about, not that they did not do have they not the once. He went to a place that locals literally referred to was paid out island, not them rising, but they had not. What is that He would not as interested it at the things I m fascinated by is what Modern retail agreed do once she gets to calm dressed and discovers that there were no PETE
the thing is we used to politicians not delivering on their promises, but those things tend to be: I'm going to cut your taxes and increase public spending, not I'm going to fight and destroy cabal of powerful pay. Defile, also, some you ve got into politics. To fight and destroy powerful cabal of pay. Defiles is going to be very board when They do is involved having to vote on it. Appropriations bill for agriculture subsidy per month, I believe this is yet you're. Looking at this, the wrong way, what it suggests that C of Americans want there to be a cabin Sightedness and running the world, and actually would that not be more reassuring at least be a discernible philosophy behind behind. What I'm gonna do your worship of citing the there was was definitely some good NEWS in the election, those actually quite a bit of good news in the election. In addition to what As I mentioned, we
legalise weed and several states we do needed, an abortion ban in Colorado. We We leave. We decriminalize other drugs in the state of Oregon weeks. In voting rights for four formerly closer to people in California there's a whole bunch. other good news that happen, the other data that I just wanted to share with you. It may have escaped your attention, gentlemen, across the pond, but the state of North Dakota, just elected a dead guy, This was a a resolution that stem from the presidential election of a Republican, David and all just got elected to the North Dakota State. House of representatives who had died in October because You might think that voters didn't know that he was dead, but I think it was probably a resounding mandate for his policy platform of being.
Tat night are withdrawing alive politicians and he's not working very well for us. So you need at this. When things are not succeeding, you need to have the courage to vote for change I'm going to say I want to know them and came home and kind. The president in the wrong here I want to know, is, if you have anything any thoughts about the fact that Trump had a rally in Arizona with Nigel Ferrars. Well, you know I don't. I don't want to compare national political cancers against differences, but when
it it. Sir. It's hard it's hard to its hard to talk about Nigel for auditing, for four for people of modern niches, political persuasions, my favorite Nigel Ferrars moment came at a test match it. Lords cricket much loss in twenty. Sixteen, so am shortly after the bracket voting were playing Pakistan and in the Pakistani misapplied Mohammed. I may just come back from a five year ban for match fixing for cheating virtually been jailed in and banned from from international about rule cricket for five years, and he was playing his first game since this cheating scandal- and there is a lot of talk about how the crowd will react to this list. Cheats returning to the game as it was. I was smiled Boeing and otherwise people thought Ali Series sat for a stiff punishment. Lot of the time and gave him a reasonable reaction and nodules garage walked down the stairs at the sight of the mound stands at Lord TAT Afternoon and got resoundingly boot
that that was that was my favorite. For a moment ago, we were prepared to forgive. I proven criminal cheat play cricket, but barrage got. exactly what he deserved. It's probably just a touch on on the all. The things that you would have thought would would lead to a heavy to favour for Trump, including through not to respect the result of the election to be fine. If, once a politician is as good as his word claiming this was a fraud rather than just basic vote, thing, and it clearly scored well with voters. I guess it is quite attractive as a proposition support me. If our team winds we win, if our team loses, we can pretend we want so there's no out What lose situation is quite a good sales that sales technique mismanaging the pandemic of sea worked pretty well for him and asked the prospect of defeat grows for trompe might possibly be wondering. Did he mismanage it?
enough I mean requesting a quarter of a million that was impressive, given a head start in resources America's disposal, but could you Five hundred thousand, even a million deaths, have made him look Even more of that is clearly the main pillar. This is strange, elect ability. I had. No, I mean I, who knows how this get apply. I have maintained from the beginning of his presidency that I, like the thing that I cannot visualize, is the thing that has to happen in order of him to not be president in this election, which is, he has to say, I concede the presidency to Joe Biden has to do that. We had thing we're still. I call you by the then he asked to do the Weird Dino WAR, the Nixon walk as I believe it sufficiently known where he s to stand in front of the helicopter and while the pace
I did the arrow every chooses to day. I just can't visualize him going through the mechanics of that process. They would require claimed it. I've maintained for beginning that this does not end with him getting in the helicopter. This ends with him going full king Kong, with which One of the MILAN is closest to hand in his first step. on top of the White House as a filings of Wright Brothers Biplanes. Flies along seated in working towards a sixty eight hundred pounds of idea rapidly. I just I shall think this, this com, why? With this end, normally given how it began unmingled, the the fantasy. kept me going through the day yesterday, but not that one not the other one has was very more to what to what they were saying about Nigel Ferrars, which is just
visualizing the video of Trump realizing that he was going to lose and what out in and wanting a live stream wherever he was at that moment of him shouting at people and people rushing bring him ground, beef, tostadas and two and ten and hamburgers cooked well done to it for him to ease his pay. Him, throwing his phone across the room and then rushing to pick it up him realising that what what has, need happened today, which is that Twitter has blocked most of his tweets. spreading disinformation. never happened to grow between we're Cleveland was really Morbus? Snapchat guy got so eminently no, exactly what's going to happen! The one thing we can rule out is any satisfactory outcome, because those are completely off the
able a convincing body when that would have been a satisfactory repudiation of the repudiate re politics of country that have defined the trumpets stilts guinea is a humiliating trump defeat. Are these to correct or end within defined as a whole. This has been a naturally sweet, pipe dream that we can now consigned to history, a convincing trump victory that would have at least meant that we could accept that human. the democracy in America basically filed a social experiments if I'm exaggerate very slowly and just get on with watching sport or tiktok videos of terrapins dancing to bite off into the rest of us I've got this sort of into land of your dick disputed results. In Biden winds. We got the spectre of a provocatively embedded
people. Putrescent lay aggrieved trump hanging over the transition period and indeed of the next four years until whatever acolytes off scion of his fetid loin seeks the right to try and become the next Trump President. We some it's hard to be optimistic. Nato, even if it does look like that, the worst worst case scenario might not happen. Now. You know what it will where we are now I so, as you all know, as regular listeners, the bugle? Now I am I'm in the middle of things. I am on the front lines, I'm involved as I did. I did my get out the vote activities. I did a bunch of foam baking intact banking to turn out to vote. One per highlight by the way I was doing text banking and someone replied to me, so Dick and and then I will I did them, I'm sorry! That's on the ballot, but you can write a rough ride. It in me suck your dick,
I could see how that goes, because that's what democracy is it's about compromises so, but you know this this scenario of of the early, were earns looking good for Trump and then Trump declaring to remove world votes, recounted that it there. The word for it, which is coup to or or, as we say in Spanish gulp at their startle, which it literally translates as punching state which is how it feels right now and and so We there were a lot of people on the American left, like thousands of thousands have been preparing for this moment, Unions that had been talking about having a general strike to shut down the country in the event that Trump tries to refer. used account every vote or refuse to concede defeat and recognise the result.
I have to say, as you know, I wish that it was a more resounding repudiation, but the scenario of Trump losing and then mass protests having to force him to office is pretty fucking, exciting debate- I am we ve, seen it. Happen all over the world. In country, Chile, Thailand, I rack the others all these countries where there is right now in Poland, where millions of people take to the streets and they they are able to DR and illegitimate and unpopular regime from power and the key detail that key saying that you have to remember to win these moments. Tactically, is not just about mobilizing and protesting, but it's about typically not going home and that man of my age that's difficult, because I have reached the age where I have to pee more regularly and self. I at something I have to figure out a final Lou, but you know that this is this this is what you need to do is when you said,
you're you're overthrow the government. Facebook event it usually like you'll, have a facebook event. Words like the rally goes from new due to and then we're we'll get a burrito and then go home and watch Netflix. But if you over there. The government unit, have no end time. So you know that you that it needs to be. The rally, starts it at noon. On Thursday and continues until Trump is per blocking in handcuffs equally in the Guantanamo hats, the fucking player right now and buglers, I want you to know that you have a part to play as you are, you have a historic destiny that only you can deliver in this moment, which is where we weird as we speak. People like me, are all over the United States figuring out ways to have strategic disruption.
what they call nonviolent resistance: civil resistance, targeted, non cooperation to shut down key short choke points in the economy, to force on economic crisis or the Trump leaves and Trump has a golf course in Scotland and and if Andy, and and mark and teeth, and the other members of the UK based what we might call the bugle The expanded cinematic universe went to Scotland occupied the Trump of course in Scotland for a live tape, Basques, socially distant, live taping bugle episode to shut down the Trump Golf course adieu upon run until the regime falls. I think that could do the trick. Well, I'm up for that
it would be my honour to express solidarity for ass. It links at America by taking a dump in Santa per annum or sign up something up, though about do before this is a convenient excuse for Trump. One of the treaty put out was that I was his lead in these states that accounting alot of postal vote should magic Lee disappeared for her clear. Your fingers magically appear when you're teaching. Your infant child to fucking count. This isn't a misunderstanding between magic and basic procedure, which I imagine must have my disappointing. Children's barter informed about it his magically disappeared. Well know: it's magically disappeared into the mouth of that dog
It's it's a really fascinating exercise and watch excel blood he's never had to struggle for added, think their entire life be confronted with the reality of what happens when you lose something like it's almost as if Trump Con psychologically conceive of a situation in which things have gone bodily for because, like the only things that have ever gone, bodily for intervention are going extremely well for him. His like bankruptcy was just a creative piece of accounting. You know say he's a really experienced the tiger. Failure at like normally all that results. It is an adult having a tantrum, but when the adult commands the most well funded image, it gets slightly spicy. I I think I m, as our financial last night in my me, realize the number of things I'd. I fundamentally do not understand
These include America, her Americans, people. Let me do I want to understand them most of the american political system, how Americans use the american political system humans? in general. How do we make it as far as a species? Christianity aren't fully uncertainty. The Migraines version of Christianity in that that too, that the Trump speech that he gave last night's pence was there thinking. What would Jesus do and so maybe fair enough Gaza Jesus posted famously pretend not to be dead, even though all the evidence suggests that he was definitely daddy than delight. The results with eyes, never admitted being dead and it led to an ending squabbles going over generations about whether or not he did in fact eyes are in fact not does kind of sick. Quite well with the trumpets why every- into this election optimism around a stand. Optimism, because that seems to me the path to guarantee disappointment and myself and in others,
and this is more so off the last few years of democracy, we haven't, got sick. You have people my various teams, so even now, if he Trump trumps one I was coming to seventy two. While we ve been well, we ve been recording up the stuff, not counting oceans, I'm looking at those chicken saying what the? U to C4 learning the third millennium around a stand that especially given the second millennium that paves the way for until you learn a lesson from that logic: sense, statistics and Florida Absolute that is a mystery wrapped in an Enigma wrapped in I hawaiian share attempting to understand. Florida could finally drive you off the edge added here, sir, I think is probably best on leave it for another year
right. We all pretty much done so or less just quickly. Look ahead to what's going to unfold over the next few days is another one of those people who might be totally obsolete. Volatile many one listens to it. I guess we'll things that we know definitely won't happen. It is as a rule, these things out is ever more relaxed, Trumbull shudder, Amerika will reach out and american parlance and was an american balance heal the Republicans will remember, disposed to be, or everyone will sit down, come at the end of all this, think what lessons can we all learn from that? That will not none of those will happen. What what? What at, where we gonna be in a week's time night only think general strike bro. You think every week, while another area in in London we go into for weak lockdown list, which, sham
show your very very excited about very excited about the lock down there side of our love. That, too, is a very exciting announce when I didn't think that when they trained knees, rate is one of the most essential pieces of trading in these Rita could receive in twenty twenty, was failing for time, while the government shits itself, because locked out. Announcement was delayed by a couple of hours at the last minute that Boris Yeltsin came out and said things that were incredibly serious and dull. Whilst looking like an absolute carting like the how the announcement was like watching fuzzy back, give a TED talk about hospital administration, You know we were having a second locked down to perfect tat test and try system, which I don't even know. What eyes like our tested trace out is the least successful as of this year- and I say that someone who did a shell on quickly through a lot of things well, we're locked down three is happening in Washington DC withdrawal
barricading himself in thousand foot friends. King called me that that was thousands The size of all for being very short term is not rethink. It must be on the next new cycle, but this eight thousand foot fence night, I'm not a cage people out. It keeps him in its its both an attacking and offensive maneuver. Italy is required to extract a visit before we will be out of reach release him back into the wild yeah, I'm so like here as aid as an uncommitted plug the group that I'm following is called choose democracy and an end. If, if American, based buglers should should contact you Maxie to get trained about how to out to non only overthrow the government, which is what we're about it, the scale of grand historical tasks, overthrowing the government is not that hard. I mean it's it's hard, but it's not like not hard like me, losing another ten pounds is hard
Yahoo a knight errant regular most, would showed him we'll more, but certainly it two. I am you got time. I thought I was gonna, be out probably the most gloomy bugle in history, and there have been quite a lot over all thirty days. Words made since the sunlight. So well, we will say exactly the level of dont ministers enveloping America in next week's show. Until then Beavis goodbye, we back next week when the full shall answer lies not helping him level voluntary subscribers. if I ever on this week's will hold them back, for I've been enough lies as we go up to lack of time. If you wanna, join to be with honesty, subscriptions game go to be, report does not come and click the donate button to make a regular one of donation to keep his show free, flourishing and
and all the time,
Transcript generated on 2020-11-05.