« The Bugle

Ferry bad start to the year – Bugle 4092


Britain plans to save itself post-Brexit with imaginary ferries. Plus it's been an exciting start to the year including North Korean defections and vegan sausage rolls breaking the internet.

Plus, a new Bugle fitness regime, including the return of Swearobics!


@HelloBuglersAlice Fraser@ProducerChris

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The Bugle Audio Newspaper, a visual, would be welcome to an entirely new year of human existence to be comical exclusively for posterity The bugle audio news by Therefore, I will enjoy at least its thirty nine thousand consecutive year, predominantly visual, probably I am, and these ultimate- and here I am in London, twenty nine seen a year which, as we speak, is already speeding toward its conclusion. What will this year bring breaks? It drum, preachment, the? U and imposing a three months about the goal for all: humanity has just kickbacks, take stock, refreshing, regroup, England, wouldn't it World CUP, all things that A few short years ago would have saved absolutely impossible. What the ablest
let me bring- and I can say this with a high level of Confidence- is an absolute minimum of one appeared on the bugle by Alice, Fraser Bingo suspicion, sitting opposite Miro. Arms is now laughter that counts. Denies that one her work is done for the really isn't it looks like you see the future from Canada, someone about it, maximum things that have already happened this year on the welfare of planet of us happy new year to the full, There are flamingos herself, at least for Asia. Andy hell a vehicle. Is it was been already and eventful year, which simply because this is the doldrums, be nothing should happen in the year before my birthday, which is seventy Janshah, accepting all gifts or patrons
This is a void in. Oh, I feel like nothing should happen, and so much has already happened. It's really depressing was the point of having an arbitrary break in the year. A call out the idea simply with breaks it coming out of working. What we're gonna need. Four star is a leap month, adjusted extra month, thoroughbred shoe aerials bricks, embolism between now and the You know the March written die and oh yeah, just just what maybe July, If we look at the entire world should do not just sit down and think about what is done. Yeah I mean all comedians do that you have to organise. Yes, when Edinburgh finished then they realise that what they ve done with their lives is as much a waste as it was before. Don't give way the secrets of the tremor so happy birthday fairer for the sudden,
I don't know insolently also your twin brothers birthday. Yes, he's comes about five minutes after mine bribing technical yadda, which consistently and I refuse to let it start celebrating until I've been going for about five movement traditionally very, very impolite to ask the lady her rage, but how old we'll twin, probably upper Africa, So we will start the period with a quick look at what so far, Alison I've been biggie busy, begging and tagging twenty eighteen in the search for the history show at the Soho Theatre. Thanks to all of you have come to see the shower hope. I've enjoyed it later in the day. I will tell you about the forthcoming bugle tool of the USA and, like everyone, March and the one night Bugle tour of Glasgow. Also in March, but first we are going on the fourth of January, which is of course, is three days after the first of January or New year's day, as it is so often known these days. But I wasn't always the case back in history that murderous murderous
murky land of pastness full of buses death in general. Human chivalry new year was thoughts. On the twenty fifth of March, this proved to be incorrect because, obviously, Eight the year begins on the first of general, but a Europe used have is that, on the twenty fifth march, most of Europe picked up on his mistake, ran through the sixteenth century. England, however, held out until seventeen fifty two, ass, independent spirited press. That's right! Clearly, we ve never been compatible. If we spent a hundred and fifty years, not agreeing when new year was how, in the name of Mary, could we get to agree of wrecks it they'll generally, the first also the day on which jeez Christ. The original Christmas baby himself had penis reduction surgery. Seconds the force get off the shall descended, even under the Heavens coward aloft, upon a sacred golden surgical trade by two archangels forget, which ones, I think was Jeff and Kim. We just consult the gospel according to certain Alvin. Ah, yes, here it is,
chapter one verse, eight and as the infant toilet, miraculously hailed into the perfect insoluble wangle of Christ before skinny most of our Lord disliked from his Willie out by single snip of the holy circumstances of Antioch was half away into the sea eyes by the archangels Jeff and Terry Xyz, not came you say, for all get your payment of correcting here, Those eight as the next level have been able archangel came, was still work with a nasty wing injury after keeping a tree while flung into I still have to make it on time to the birth of the holy child just eight days, a bull afore beforehand, Vulcan was running a little bit like being as he was hung locker. Russian after the archangel that Belgium has partly and so Jeffrey Terry did lift the peanut the children severance aloft as they ascended heavenly woods for to show the godly excision helmet, where, under the Lord himself, tarried glow, the member of the Reliquary and Terry, did verily winds and Terry did
they lose injected reproach terek, saying, obviously, Look at it. You start looking and Terry did humbly accede to the advice of Jeff and Terry did say the eyes off. It's just you know quite weird and Jeff didn't say shore, but a jobs. A job for the bosses goes come on. Flappy wings of the outer will get their quicker here and if the lesson otherwise. A section of the bugle is going straight in the Bin, like an unwanted bearskin arm, still baffled as to. Why me why that was ready to Victoria british Access, because that's the language, the bibles written increase since the James Bible. That's that wrote it in that acts it every everything in person. Why would? The age were at least was voted by a costly to long term,
so proceed disclosure of communism. It can't be an angel now. You should know that I'm offended informatics classes any like jewels. As always. The section of the vehicles going straight in the Bin. Here we have a range of New York supplements going in the Bin, including new year new you again but you rearing and sharing your unwanted Chris Machine New Year, New Hugh a guide to other new, pink color, with which the spruce up your house, car or self, from spurious hedge to vote of ill nosebleed to pigeon death torn out to solid belching to us back despot. New year, another one new year new you some fresh funds, view to use when typing the twenty first letter of the alphabet and New Year New Hugh Ethel, and make up only divergence image. Former chinese president, Hu Jintao, is dressed coughed and cosmetics by celebrity make over dalliance cage and fence harbinger Macneil.
We are keeping new year nude, you just do a full length mirror that you staring yourself and regret thus takes with its basically what Britain has been, for the Maastricht Treaty is not story this week, twenty nineteen so far. Well as a year, I was twenty. Nineteen has a lot to live up to all down to following us. Does he is such as twenty eighteen, twenty? Sixteen twenty six. One, thirteen, nineteen, seventy three, they see it as hundred so many others that have gone before it and so forth. Shaping up to be another memorable, twelve months for this planet and its many fans, it's now as we a call just eighty four days until bricks, it releases Britain from a suffocating yoke of peace, prosperity, and address with which the EU is shackled. My people for too long, the twenty twenty
some presidential election campaign will crank up and I made crank up was the twenty twenty four and twenty twenty eight campaigns will also begin in earnest, over the next twelve months creation earlier pre rumblings from the twenty thirty two campaign, which, on current predictions we'll see Vladimir Putin running Miley, Cyrus, very close indeed up shipowner this point previous on the show we did make jokes about how funny would be if Donald Trump ran for office. Apologies if the Putin Cyrus raced us now happen, but we are still working on how to control the history. Shaping power of this pod cast its it's, not easy. Twenty nineteen could also be the year in which environment. Finally, so it sends his realises that its constant threats that it makes about our future winning at no friends whatsoever, but already We have seen some spectacular action here in Britain Alice in the world of ferries yes, indeed, this has been a very exciting thing. The department transport is getting stick.
Mainly on lines for having hired accompanying to replace the current EU based Ferry Services out of Dover. When breaks it happens, It sounds unfair to be mean to the gum for hiring a fairy service to provide varies until you get the fact that the fairies They have hired to provide varies, has no ferries to provide. It has not previously run a fairy service and has no crossings in place like saying? Do you take this woman and you go yes and then the price goes psych. There is no woman. This isn't a church members, just a bus driver by bus driver. I mean I've, never driven a bus, but you gotta have dreams. I mean it's. The standard will how it happened. All the people involved in deal no each other some moments. I need a fairy company in that forum was again, I could run a fairy company and they got all my god and they like Shaw. Let me go
altogether a website that is literally what happened, because the terms and conditions on the very company website are clearly the terms and conditions that having cut and paste it from a takeaway food joy that is like showing up your waiting and being or like, thank God that bus drivers gone away and having the priest go. Do you take your hands put them on your head. You have the room, not right to remain silent. Anything you do or say should not what we call them from one August We give the government some credit in a life for appointing authority company with with no fairies come what may essentially dumb, is appoint a metaphor for bricks deal with an aspect of bricks. It it's just. Mean they do sound, similar, actually Andy, but it is of ferries that come into being. If you just a believer, clap your hands, fairies, you really behold, you have little faith government is not always able to pick you up on this, because it is all a matter of belief. You have to believe in Britain, you have to believe in breccia and needs
but you have to believe that you're, a ferry companies, even maybe waiting patiently, are not easy to keep the five. It's like a film failed of dreams. If you now might, if you make them a fairy company, they will find some fairies, rather back a little filing cabinet being a fairy. Company Allison. These ninety eight percent psychological loads of organizations with ferries are not very companies, so work in a fairy company not be affair, company, even if it lacks for double, traditional dogma, a fairy country They convey what it thinks it is very We want warships, Anywise Britain, it breaks it. Warships, not fairies, varies a square. I mean this is such a perfect story to begin twenty nineteen, because, as one of the many nuanced operational realities, implicit in peeling, the basically healed on sticking plaster of Europe from what is increasingly obviously the extremely thin skin of written and it's just
government is like a hundred and twenty thousand steps out beyond the edge of uncharted cliffs, desperately trying to build a logistical bridge under their frantically peddling promised fate like wily Coyote in the moments before he accepts gravity, and we have just looked down and then straight to the camera videos in addition, disk acquire spectacular, dvd included seaborne fright Brackets UK limited saying that it is the responsibility of the customer to thoroughly checked this applied goods before agreeing to pay for any mail order, and it is therefore imperative went to ensure delivery. Address details are correct and detailed and are fully delivery driver to locate locate the addressing adequate time. Well, I guess, if you'll delivering a fairy me, how do you do have to know where it's going I mean: does this mean you can insist ensured that the varied live as you do? likely to your half of what they got. Brick,
Isn't it can be wanted to be, and also when you suddenly become a fairy company. Unexpectedly, you're gonna be busy, and you don't have thing time for things like writing neurons. Legal terms and conditions, and so why not just far enough someone else and also many determine I've been half way through a chicken bone. The moonlight night food when suddenly courts The terms and conditions on there won't be wanted me that the bat my chicken beggars and should not be loaded with more than a hundred and twenty thousand tonnes of freight the government asked in or out, but they did not ask if out how to ferries work, because that's not how reference! work. Nor is it how referendums should work, and maybe that's why they should have been referring first flight, that there's no point in crying over spilled transport, logistics, justified and also runs. This business had become very much the hallmark of our preparations for breaks it from the prancing precariousness of the parliamentary proceedings to the nebula. Nincompoop incomplete negotiations at this merely fritz into that narrative, rather snugly, allegedly stamp? Last
The labour MP tone it, Mr Tony and Antonia, see Mr Labour and p: Tonia Antient Nazi Anthony I'm not I don't have to enter me. There was a labour and pay whose head we know our ports aren't ready for no deal disaster, but is hiring affirmed. That's never dealt with this kind of thing before really gonna help. This idea should have been sunk before it saw the light of day to which the ferry services funny you should say, well as breaks rule. Breakfast is becoming more more eminent by the day, further portents of not being the dishes from just before Christmas Gatwick. Thought: the renowned Appleton under transport hobble for hundreds of thousands of travellers, everyday was brought to a flight free standstill by
I guess it was of a soviet era blockade. Was it a John flock of terror? That killed was a nearby volcano? No, it was a small drone. I smell remote controlled, identified, flying object, the combined mines might and majesty of the british security forces and military and even Moloch unable to stop this thing from buzzing around and preventing aeroplanes from taking off or things are essentially a significant part of british infrastructure was brought to its knees, I d with remote control, which does not bode well for our efforts to plough a glorious british Pharaoh through the choppy waters of the modern world, reminiscent of course, of when King Henry, the sixth cavalry charge of muslim blow. My fill in France in fourteen forty five, was stopped by the presence of a single rat, you might be a night's scared of getting plague. They refuse to find my part about the whole stories, was when they arrested a completely innocent middle aged couple and held them for thirty six
I was under terrorist laws with no recourse to lawyers or family. On Christmas, that's all bricks. It's all about in America. Have presidential pardon me just let the queen randomly arrests and fatal for allegedly lug drug? I think they had one had a drawing or something no smoke without fire so there you have, the the combined forces of Britain I'll, find the people wielding the drone. They couldn't shoot a drawn down. They couldn't even hack the drone which, given how easy. For example, Russia seems a family to hack our entire democracy and national soul is also, it didn't work out and drop in a net despite the use of an Roman gladly, its areas flung out of a catapult they couldn't hoodwinked. Drunk down into making a meeting with a roosting puffing magic it down. Using the royal magician laureates the incredible Amazon, using the same spell with which his predecessor, the great cause, Archeo, helped
hindenburg than the World war? One such George, the fifth nothing worked nothing, what one drown out the country just didn't: team Gb Tv, Andy. I know you re using satire then, but in this instance they actually did have a falcon on stand by that there were apparently reluctant to use, because there is movement kills, a federal or whether the falcon would have tried to us. Skype never drumming kind of a kind of Falcon hijacker drug. These questions, The twenty first century is throwing up the humanities never had to confront before who would have thought. The reaction, of course, was was flamboyant level of administrative incompetence and Obfuscation Gatwick Airport, sunken quite rightly not morass, of delight passengers seeing their Christmas is dead.
Before their eyes. It was not Britain at its budgetary finest on twenty nine June is four days old and it has not taken Donald Trump long to get his rusty, talons hacking away in living flesh of this year. Let the mechanical shit eagerly play thinks himself as the undisputed division delusion. The agro firework tarantulas scrabbling around in the underpants of global politics has been sticking is all into his own face that everyone else's face. As always, not only has the U S, apparently too, they stop cooperating with you and investigators. Looking into potential human rights violations in America, a delightful light like Christmas present for the best parts of the world not only has dropped already struck truth, several firmly impolite blows in the face with his petulant penis a provocation, but he also bizarrely took a puppet the controversial opinion shouting, indian prominence in render Modi for have
a generosity stroke temerity to fund build an open, a library in Afghanistan. Yeah he had ass. He took a swing it Modi, saying the US spends heaps more money in five hours and also what's a library and reading is for nerds, and then he gave the indian Prime Minister a wedgie and then told him how much I could his wife was. I mean sort of an astonishing thing that you couldn't be reached for comment later, because he was already off somewhere else. Saying something insensitive to somebody here, but It seems like a really weird way to go about politics. Well, yes, probably a bit like to stop pointing out to him. I imagine but very much the words of a man who yet its rice sketches mounting a good guy I thought you, in a billion Eve Library for Water nations, what's the rational man who shall we say not wasted. An excessive proportion of his life. Perusing. The wisdom is to be found on the shelves of a library. Other indian projects,
Afghanistan of included reconstructing a school in Kabul. Donald Trump reaction to that was what the point of educating people in Afghanistan I went to school in Afghanistan and look at me, I'm emperor rule the Americas indoors funded scholarships for a thousand afghan students a year to study in India. Trump's reaction to that is, those places should have Rodney come to rust belt workers from Michigan two hundred and eighteen kilometer road in Afghanistan. Transactions that will has no casino Gulf Coast are either, and so was the a dam to provide arrogance- to farmers as another indian project in Afghanistan from treasures. That is, terrorists, eat food, you're, just feeding the flames and most significantly. Of course, India provided the opposition for the first test, my bye by the Afghanistan to stop to cricket transfer action is what is cricket? Is a disease of ecosystems? some bizarre things. They said about Afghanistan, why we, the six thousand miles away
which in some ways it is a good questions. Hurtful it ain t. No, some geography emanates near a seven thousand, but the answer is it is it is. It is complicated. Lot of history and Afghanistan piled on history, piled on history. Now I'll tell you what, Mr President, with all due respect, which, as in all cases when anyone says with the respect, means with absolutely no reason whatsoever. Why don't you read up on the history of Afghanistan and, if you'd around any of your own books on the subjects were not put down to this? Very, smart. You love have been recently opened there also dismissed Syria as being little importance, saying we're talking. About sand and death. We're not talking about vast wealth, think he might be mixing Surrey up with a tv series, Spartacus blood- and maybe where's he has addressed troops in Afghanistan, saying we are no longer the sarcasm. I no longer going to be doing the fighting for every nation on earth explaining his recent decision to withdraw. U S, troops from Syria and it fair enough that America
didn't be doing the fighting variation on us, but if they don't want to be doing the fighting for every nation on earth, they should maybe also not be doing the Rio Politic. Oil money driven, delivered destabilization of the Middle EAST, where every nation on earth in you can have one with going into the new year. The? U S, government shut down is nearly two weeks old, which is good because, as it's been Christmas and new year, no one's really noticed, but just under four hundred thousand job government employees are taking a nice unpaid holiday. Sorry, it defying holiday full of uncertainty about the future and just over four hundred thousands are working without pay, which is the american dream the american history will apparently only pay back for their work later, but I wouldn't taken. I owe you from tromp if you wrote it on the money, he owed me the right side, mail is still being delivered. The military law enforcement and entitlement programmes are still mostly functioning as usual, but homeland Security, justice, state and treasury as well. A federal agencies have been affected, I'm sure they not important
I mean either all the libertarians a right and will find out that they don't need. The government in which case may be stuck up on barbed wire and man traps goes about to get Netflix up in here. All you find out we really do need the government and in fact the modern world is a complex web of interconnected organization. So maybe someone should stop throwing big bowls of toilet paper into the complex web. Thank you trap Justice NEWS now here in Britain a judge has said that the grammar and punctuation in text messages sent boy to convicted drug dealers was of a much higher standard than was normally seen from those in their living and sped imprisoned. Hence it is not clear whether this was spent in prisons because he lotta grammar and population, but It was certainly associations very mixed messages for the youth. He said that they do this.
A good glamour, punctuation indicated a higher level of education of these. People would you my dad used to translate, as they should have known better, but here is currently being used as a reason not to punish them on one hand, yeah sure it's fine marijuana is one of those illegal drugs that only illegal if the cops are trying to ruin your day for other reasons, and it sure can destroy your life, but usually by unspectacular early sapping your ambition and drive over years until you are perfectly pleasant, wasted potential of serious psychosis restarting attains, but my point is how we can achieve most of the same life ruining faked with too much pizza, it's just the optics. Only punishing people who made bad choices cuz, they have limited education, socio economic hardship and no other options become more stock when they put right next to smoking. Dick bags, who made those bad choices for fun, We saw this court injury, Miss Grammont, punctuation of a high standard, the normally seen from drug dealers and Asia indicate the high level of education. There is nothing in this country not being gentrifying.
All about. You know these days, isn't it bloody Oxbridge, late Bank of mom and dad setting up your first cartel fully made me sick. The judge told them, I hope, a court never either of you again, even if it means that he wants him to put their lives back on track or are they just hopes? It just need the justice system, which will end the lawyer, in point of must airily Britain and it will be done on the internet soon anyway, you won't need courts. The whole legal process, each side will simply tweets evidence in a ministry of Justice bought will protest the tool sparse sentence, and the guilty party will be then able to download a prison cell to print out on a three day printed to serve He sent his or her sentence at home with their mobile phone playing hourly video threats from a virtual reality in might serving a thirty stretch for Gb H, that's the future. It will save the economy. Five
trillium pounds an hour. I mean that's very good, but that you forget that they didn't publish the second half of that sentence. Is I don't want to see you and here again, but I'll, see you and your dad down at the golf course on Sunday, defection news now and it's just been revealed that the north korean ambassador to ITALY has disappeared. These gone, I wall in Rome. He apparently escaped the diplomatic compound back in November and has not been seen since on one hand, that's news and on the other hand, they did send from North Korea to issue he will examine. This is Rome, of course, he's got. I, while he's? Probably just stop at a really nice wine bar the Cambodia Furioso three cords away through the bottle of important parallel. If mobile expert is anything to go by, maybe he's engrossed in a museum. I can teach you everything you need to know about the human condition by apparently on some two thousand year old bits of jug and emotion I gave a painless more, he said
inquired the sixteenth century palazzo thinking. However. Italian mom drive that car so far down that street. That is apparently less why than his actual kill its role, which city members, fascination I've gone, I wouldn't run with MRS Ultimate refuge on. Maybe not the I will have gone. Oh I remedies it is also, particularly as we say if you ve come to Rome, Froman average communism backwater where the most exciting thing ever happens. Do is not being personally slain by desperate with a rocket larger. I mean Of course. This is not the first north korean diplomat who has gone missing and it's the problem with the north korean diplomats. Is they keep letting them leaving you about a bit of a floor diplomacy, fuel,
come to that North Korea in sausage, wrong news. Now, I'm listening user account you one of my finally discovered the Kosovo will. Almost they have got to the point where Greg's, the popular pie, shop and sausage vow shop has published voters when saying that they are about to start selling, vegan sausage roles and peers. Morgan, as is his want, has said that he has been betrayed by Greg's that this is not what I expected for Gregson and nobody wanted to Dagon saucy, drawl sort of into ignoring the realities of capitalism, huts next petrol station selling, anything other than petrol, chocolates of the pharmacy look I can get on the bandwagon with the best of them, but more than anything is this just a story because it's fun to make fun of is this. The tulip frenzy is,
this opposition or inflation- do we need a nation wide referendum on Greg's product? Offering no company offers a product that I think they can't sell. If they provide a product that is not going to sell, no one's gonna buy it. The government is offering a rebate on vague insulted roles. You open, you showed But then you know we do not fight world wars to be forced to know the other people are eating vacancies roles. But I mean I'm starting to think with this kind of of peers, Morgan, saying something awful and then everyone lashing back that he, actually got heavy as in Greg's pizza heavy shares in himself. Ok, so the thing is its own as a mediator. Other people eating Vegas sausage roles, the mines, the signs of the road is like gay marriage. All over again, reappears Morgan is I just want to carry on
Megan Souci role in a baby papoose, she's masculinity disintegrate completely the ultimate image of modern life, in future soldiers. News now as soldiers of reacted angrily to a new recruitment campaign that is targeting the phone obsessed. The posters call for snowflakes phones on bees and Sophie adequate to sign up failing to realise that nobody identifies as funds omby and if people were to acknowledge their problems honestly enough to identifies any of those categories that goes, the council and the council would tell them about the statistically poor mental health outcomes for people join the army in a debate, I was Blake, it's making. You gave it in it, it's nearly Bertha and ever absolutely nothing. It's in a day discussing the merits of the recruitment. Dr colonel Bob Stuart defended the campaign as an attempt to recruit young gamers suggests
that digital abilities could be transferable. He says people using game and can help protect the country from cyber warfare. Some of these people in pet PS for really well like my fifteen year hoss I just say Andy. The idea that gaming makes you good at warfare is pretty amazing in that it is depressing if it's true and also depressing, if it's a lie. Google Rachel's action now and new year, fitness regime's world. The bugle is always looking to help its listeners shape up and get healthy, but sitting after their Christmas ago, no one, you aerial festivities of Christmas and new year. So this week the bugle offers you more ways to get fit without the efforts, inconvenience or embarrassment of having to go to the gym. With simple modification, steel, everyday life and specifically your mail times, beginning with breakfast breakfast.
It has proved itself to be. One of them must have males of the third millennium, and nowhere more so than here on earth, but one August and quality exercise, along with the morning numbs by hanging a job. And colder, and over a large fire filling the cauldron with porridge oats. Water and or milk plus a squad of salt and then jump If you are now a humanist stirring up, orange with your arms and legs, as it gradually comes to the boil, a perfect work out begins. Nice uneasily then gets gradually tougher. A mixture thickens then send your writing work up a sweat as you struggle through the potentially lethal vat of tasty outer goodness. Is it congeals around you'll, slowly flailing limbs and you desperately cool for help to be extricated from the gluttonous mega global fuel breakfast? What's the emergency services hold you out? Not only have you been the equivalent calories to fight to get better in an elevator? For thirty eight minutes, also got enough breakfast to get you in the rest of your neighborhood. Going until lunchtime, lunch well
We all look a sausage sandwich to fill the lunchtime break, but maybe not all, but let's I we either, like all, would like a sausage damage the financial aid either ways of that. No one or both you're up a body muscles and cardiovascular by slaying, your own sausage down and kill a pig bore cow? Will Buffalo DORA Carpio Vegetarian, ethically of ghosts window animals do in the open and not an inevitable. Please depending on the size and wildness of your sausage, filling tracking hunting grappling with an strangling your lunch is equivalent to three fourteen hours. She's on a very tricky treadmill dinner, but go on you hunt down all the bottles, so high quality sausage should pay. This happened a bargain basement, be high quality Bauhaus well segment on guarantees for the one you want a barnacle that one sometimes elbows are the best
dinner cover the dogs didn't what animals are traditionally fitted in their own is correct dogs and what is sacred to locate on after they bury their bones and then after dig him up again so learn for the masters and bear your dinner somewhere in the local woods early in the morning before sunrise than in the evening after Sundown dig it up oh in the darkness, but we have to dig several holes. Before refunding the location indulge in Kinshasa, roadkill stroganoff as an himself salmon out again or Spaghetti Milton Kenzie, but the more the battlefield, dorsal sculpture rings and absalomed you'll become fitters fiddles with a bugle new year. Male fitness raging harbour. Just Stick
Robert you give. It is always good to his whereabouts from good antivirus bump on So, while twenty nineteen Alice still three hundred and sixty one days to go, so please Don T, look into a crystal bulls for about the path. We cannot say that authors going on about, but holding
so the wonderful new future we live in, there are things that I can say that you could not always this progress. Yes, oil, who's, this. What feminism was supposed to be about? Yes, Well, I mean I've looked into my crystal ball: mutton, federalist. Ok, let's do it. Can you do a sound effective them? What does a crystal ball How do I know what was that Now, that's another blue Lou, don't like that Rochester I'll, just Well so, let's look at every stage. That's look at just switch the bugle crystal ball on. Liquid. Whichever works better remedies. Additives, escargot, isn't didn't pick it well
look again so that Cristobal for twenty nine scene, I say three and a half thousand major high volcanoes springing from nowhere all across Britain. An eruption causing logistical by him across the entire country. Joint programming just Corbett on Boris Johnson, new heads of especial government of national disunity issues I'm saying it has long been disproven that natural disasters would gods punishment for the toleration of homosexuality in has now transpire that candy shouts and divine vengeance for the toleration of deep political incompetence, iconic Thea, I can see sixteen year old, Grendel Squab it from America. Tragic too who becomes a global sensation after getting stuck sang. The word like as long for by professional languishes over use of the word, like eventually leads to this social meter, obsessed, teen, being unable to complete a single, similar despising like eighteen times in a single sentence, and then within days becoming trapped. Eternal cycle of saying, like like, like like can becoming regarded as a living repetitious metaphor of our times?
slab. It will end the on display the tape museums, new living outlawing alongside it newspaper column is too, is now able to write only the words. What am I just get on with? It means the Crystal Ball in Australia. The australian prime ministerial rolodex started moving so quickly its begun to generate clean energy, while nothing is free. Changes which turns out is what everyone wanted. In the first place, Donald Trump, tricked into hibernation, ends the ear asleep covered in two eggs mud leaves, and ironically, newspapers in the White House, gardens after being convinced that he's a bear. The president, Likeliest challenges for the twenty twenty republican nomination as emerge. The late in the year of the ghost of why D Eisenhower throws his hat into the ring from beyond the grave during a wage aboard session on the new Baby say tv. Current affairs show David Dim. We talked to the other side. Meanwhile, in Britain I see attempts to boot. British patriotism by promoting the nuptials three hundred and sixty fourth, in line to the throne duchess of Manhattan too little.
Bolivia, South Africa, back to scale, Cyrano Lopez designed question. Heisman ones appeared as a stunt double for Harold Bishop and low risk, bicycling seed and neighbours to procurement. That is a royal wedding national unity. It proves largely unsuccessful when only nine hundred thousand well wishers lie in the streets of winds and the Happy Diane's less than twenty six hours coverage on the BBC News Channel, Meanwhile, weakness online and the right wing backlash have become so polarized that both sides finally agree to saw the world in half and shoot off in opposite directions over the perfect compromise. Do everything? Isn't it and film of the year is gonna, be black Panther, the big budget Ray might give the twenty Eightth Mega Hindi. It will smash all Box office records and may praise by movie industry, bigwigs and remake officially and all those alike, as quotes entirely pointless and simultaneously almost industries will from and considerably inferior to last year's Zuma, original black Panther will out growth.
Gilaks or to sledgehammer of destiny condemn pre, emptive, sequel to the azure unmade superhero, blockbuster gulags or space vigilante, which will earn celebrity producer. I was watched them trailer, but block. To ask denominations for most commercially cynical film and least ambitious production louts ass an exciting year ahead? I ain't gonna have had we will, of course. We will of course, chronicle everything from this year here. On the bugle also end twenty nineteen he's a prediction: they beauty, We'll do I live tool of North America lot. The dates currently confirmed as follows: twenty six February in Brooklyn Twenty seventh in Washington DC, twenty eight in Boston first of March, in Providence, Rhode, island second of March. In Northampton Massachusetts, the third of March in Philadelphia, the fourth in Chicago me busy faith in Minneapolis,
in Denver and the seventh in Portland then, a few days off before San Francisco, on the eleventh and LOS Angeles, on the twelfth those data all confirmed. Not all of them are on sale yet on the internet, but those are all confirmed and we'll put ticket links up on the bugle podcast. Websites, means quite a tight toy. You better hope that no american infrastructure prove substantial. That could be true distances, all that big guy usage so do come along to all of those shows all of them please. You will also be doing. I one I'd only talk of Glasgow on Tuesday, the night in the march, doing a show at the stand calmly club amending a stand up shown Edinburgh on the twentieth of March, The data to be announced in due course Alex anything the blood of a new birth they, of course, yes, to plug my best as seventh of January, I'm doing sort of all sorts of
new show me sauce this year. It will be in Sydney and Melbourne and purse London in various places, in the U K, most of my dates, rubber My website illustrated outcome. Oh that's about it! Consider that blood, well, at least this is what this is all about. Well, that brings us to the end this first bugle over twenty nineteen least many more to come, possibly even more than that, I will be back every bout, potentially we can hope for too many slightly too. I chose to come in the forthcoming year. Thank you for listening to send your emails in two hello. People is at the bugle podcast dot com book, your tickets, for the; U S door and the Glasgow like Google and we'll be back next week. Until now,
happy new year and a happy birthday to Alice Fraser and her twin brother aged rejected
Transcript generated on 2020-05-02.