« The Bugle

Bugle 282 – Twas the Dick before Christmas

Finally, Andy and John put the best of the worst against eachother in a battle of international dickery

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
They already are. We can readily. We are rolling. Ready is really here. This is about cost from the bugle podcast dot com the Bugle Audio Newspaper, a visual, low buglers, unwelcome to issue two hundred and eighty two of the beauty audio newspaper for a visual world, which is just one, the prestigious thing of the AIDS, in the bugle pot costs annual awards gold seventeenth consecutive year, They convener known so voting member of they wanted unification Panel Andy's also live in London who at Christmas, looms
the and from New York City, is demanding again did not show up to the wars. Discussion meeting us being unable to put the case for any of the other nominees forcing the, namely his own tv, show the environments the buzzing around after all these years, the as yet publicized discovery of a new form of whoop across into in a hollow and a yelp, with regard the gas and an undercurrent of despair. James Rodriguez's golf club club going you're going to welcome sliced bread still going strong chromium democracy and, of course, the British. My royal embryo and its predecessor, steamroller, sperm and eggs. So the bureau is one yet again and so the man join is the cabinet himself. Curing the rotten nuggets of real news guy grilling them into the tasty teriyaki of truth served with us. Other Sobek discussion, it's John Oliver, The four May Rodriguez's go, I'm the screen. I don T think this makes of probably events, but what a strike watered
control it and to Haiti. So cleanly, I'm not gonna, say offsets everything that happened in the world this year, but I think we all know that it conduct We saw how anti aloe buglers ice There's a roller coaster. Emotions are of particular story. This way, candy because most There's two sent me. To a sensational story about the Christmas lights outside the house, store in London. The stories about by the Santa had been fired. Then gone. Robes change I just saw the store, so they would read all right, but the story which is granted for women's bodies. This is an all round three. Why is turning the christian John? As usually it's amazing? What just you gotta stay with us with the story which is beautiful in every way red gaining access to a maintenance control room, the sun Who had just been fired was able to locate the chart, I'm corresponding switches, we're heresies, ten thousand external lights, barricade
so afraid you disable the correct lights until he could spell out his feelings too how its policies and Christmas shop was like he was removed. Biosecurity from our longstanding open handed over to police he'd drunk the best part of two bottles of whisky. Spokesman for the electronic London stock. And it's that kind of behaviour that got the sacking. The Hudson has since been released on police pile Knightsbridge visitors were so honestly on disgusted, said Irene Rider fifty nine from Indiana I was with, Our grandchildren children we just got off the bombs are said, look everybody and pointed up to the light, but you know what the light said they said and that that is not enough programme, as it were a child, at least not at Christmas. The What level that last statement is that it implies. It chose to go themselves, is absent. Don't an appropriate message of others, so most all excited about this story.
And then all we lost the date on the story was two thousand and ten miles we lose reportedly are hoax back then, and haven't actually happened and then even more importantly, are I didn't care. If it had happened or not, it was an amazing story and isn't that take down Christmas is all that is the true meaning of Christmas, an improbable story from an uncertain time. That is so fantastic people do to believe in any way. For some people it a baby and a stable, but born to a virgin mother, Andy from From now on, its a drunk Santa telling shop was to go himself likes. The true meaning of Christmas. Absolutely effective story had been what happens two thousand and fourteen years ago, then,
frankly author of the entire world would be Christian, Mona yeah, it's exactly it's not about whether it definitely happened. It should have happened and it could happen, and I hope it does happen, and it is in a sense. It's not like the way for humanity in the future. This is even do I do we held a competition amongst our many avian fans name. This episode, we have a very big following the bird community in the competition, was won by very busy owl, who was in a real hurry. Your system the episode Bugle too. I too. So we have this is we have agreed This is for the weak ending Friday. The nineteenth of December were actually recording this on Wednesday, the seventeenth of Zimbabwe. First, have a Wednesday bugle recording. So by the time you hey this beetle, the world could event. It is always a problem having a two day like before broadcast
this data. Seventeen twenty fourteen is a hundred Forty nine anniversary of the first ever performance in eighteen, sixty five of our little phronsie shoe butts unfinished symphony. The earlier eighteen twenties are so many things were at the time and which What did you announced that we attribute have discovered the musical score for how Shui intended these symphony two ends here, performed exclusively by the book issues of its memorial Philharmonic orchestra. Seventeen December also motivated the ancient roman Saturnalia festival to mark this Christmas wearing a frankly on necessarily revealing toga, pretty sure they will support, to extend below the waste. Alas, the bullets famous, for its role, reversals where servants had both around their masters and everyone was of take the opposite of their usual social position. So today I have been having a celebrity breakfast with Kenya, where the Dalai Lama, Hillary Clinton, and the embalmed corpse of Charlie Chaplin, whilst John has been
it has ended. He can do to boost sluggish ticket sales at a small arts and again it down his I've, never heard of and wondering how many a time of two you can have in a single day without getting a little bit ridiculous. Happy saturnalia everyone that this is the law full bugle of two. The fourteen, meaning it's the last full bugle of the international year of various things. It's been the international year of Crystal longer free, and this is it will do actually form a crystal if you transform them to atoms in some way or other Spain, the international year of solidarity with the palestinian people not cause money, baby, got on board with our own, as I have done under the international year of family farming, which I have thoroughly Christ I don't have just enjoyed a bumper harvest. Individual my God, monitor girl a couple of uncles. Some second cousin GonNa Grannie, so that is Christmas. Dinner all sorted
and as always, the sanction the biggest going straight in the bin. This week, more of the bugle audio advent calendar nineteenth of December seriously on a junkie Y, see best, but those that you're the one who didn't wanna home birth ready to go wherever you say the word twentieth of December. I feel off Josie you. Let us base all Homeric about six black. Now, look at your massive one, black, It's worse are not helping Josie, not me The kids, not my Abloom yes problem that section in the Bin job story this week. It's that my country desert dig Bugle Special and it must have been around a month ago and when you suggest for that country had been the biggest take on the plan genes for that country had been the biggest
on the planet. Previously, I think I was probably expecting three or four entries but Incredibly, within days, we have been hit by an electronic sooner yourself load. It was truly both heartwarming and slightly horrifying to receive, so many emails from people all over the planet, all making, impassioned and well documented pitches. For why their nations had been the most emphatic penis of previous seven. There was LEO something deeply uplifting about. So many people being so angry. Just a cool bullshit hand themselves these aim. I think it either demonstrate humanity's hope or its ultimate do man why they were very entertaining yeah. This is the contrast we ve all been waiting for my country to the dick can raining champions. The UK be knocked off top sportsmen, the year John has been scarred and gout by frankly unusual preponderance of what might
Each hours, ably described as extreme levels of national naughtiness are not as nations terrorists, viruses and putting the world over are frankly left lot to be desired, but this not about yet leaders or pseudo religious franchises or disease being it's about nations being dicks, and that is a very important differentiate. Products is of this competition. Will be a differentiation fraught with legal technicalities as the international criminal go in high good, no doubt testify, and above all, it has been you be was asked sending in your nominations for your own countries. Turkish behave is holding up the mirror, in the face of your own countries and saying to those countries. Can you not see that massive scale even inflicted all of your own face? Many countries which all the biggest ex post always allow people to email, british, american podcast, report on my decision is the list of countries might not be quite is exhaustive, as it could be, but still here
is the bugle, my country Tis a Dick award seconds out round. So we start with Mexico, Mexico, it's a very good case, Andy for being one of the strongest spiciest declarations on the guy. It's taking. Level. Is my colleague insight down? So we had an email from some in Mexico who wrote MIKE country is a dick, because it's a slaughterhouse want a most dangerous places in the globe to be a journalist. Our youngsters around the country being basket in the name of the war against drugs, even told my mother school and our president has no clue what's going on around him, as in the world, as in the words of Kurds, the horror, the horror at one. Thing. He's has if Andy loves penguins as John is horrified by the vision of a b If, though, not how is it that are not discussing the shocking user penguins being sexually assaulted by first sales. It's really troubling you can check on the BBC. Cheers SAM now have to sandy
I too rare email that can begin talking about the assassination of journalists in Mexico and then end a couple of sentences, light to discussing the sheriff sexual abuse of penguin horsetails. I dont know if arguing that Mexico's the biggest dick or that seals are the biggest ethics or that mexican sales are hypothetically. The absolute worth just for the record just as I guess like tangents early on here, I took sums advice and did check the story of the BBC and it turns out to be willingly true sales worst spotted sexually assaulted, penguins Dakota broiling of mammal resources are due to the university Pretoria, South Africa, and he he argues to broil- that increasing number of cases of seal on penguin sex crimes suggest learnt behaviour on the part of sales, and he says seals have kept for learning. We know this from their foraging behaviour, for example, but if this is love pavia. We really can't think of what the reward, my ebay for these young miles, other, perhaps learning
these birds are an easy target to practise their copulating scale and that Andy makes it even worse. Sales are just using penguins for projects that power that's supposed to make the penguins fail other than emotionally and probably physically crush. I can they never look at sales in the same way again, and they I used to think over hilarious. But now I think of them as anything other than sexual predators. Penguins I can see, in my mind, is a hung over sale working in the morning extra penguin, looking over honking, oh now, drawing to slide away on its summit before the penguin wakes up sales below cost reality the universally beloved naturally funny, but that has covered up some absolute and give bull behaviour in the past to sales.
Sales sales of Mexico. A dance is old time itself. There was a from an american living in Mexico. Sidney t highlighting how well the government has apparently basically spiking peaceful protests with violence, people to make the protests less peaceful and its name other conclude rather delightfully. In conclusion, Mexico is one guy, I'm sick, throbbing, grotesquely veined dick at that ships yet nominate It depends on drunk you all when you looking around us, but I guess it's gonna talk a lot about. It makes no money is for the? U S eye, and this comes from Morton in Norway, who complained spats Morton. I Morton to deal with your norwegian ship before you pick over grudges country on girls with a very valid point, Joam more complains about Michigan passing
The legislation allowing emergency workers to opt out of treating critically gay people if it goes against their religious beliefs, but Morton. This competition is, about Schmidt June other peoples, countries. It is about a shopping, your own nation, exactly If certain states in those other peoples countries have basically made it legally acceptable for an emergency work at a site now But this one die on offering God it's gotta be pretty place with me on this one. It is a win win situation. This is not we'll call Morton from you, and point to my mom from your economic powerhouse with Iraq, solid public finances and comprehensive welfare provision, and you I won't during an expensive bottled water, any increasingly uneasy relationship of the concept of immigration, and you must have sent to examine the Andes item will be appearing in Oslo, crap comedy and on the twenty. Fourth of general is not Yokota MIKE Morton so. We also had Norway nominated by catch. Maria whatnot and I'm sorry for further that much if we wrong and
this immigration, this ok, no, I might not be the first country. This brings to mind when Dixon mentioned, but this past year has been acting like it's pretty cool They got a place in this competition here, few examples of how, if you'll pardon upon hauled its being too, lightly nice to see someone for that. One, an early on now, its newly elected conservative government recently passed a national budget which includes wealth. Tax cuts abolishes inheritance tax, giving the wealthiest I total of eighty six billion kroner tax reduction. That's about half a billion pounds with Norway. Actually literally the world's richest country, the Norwegians benefiting from this budget already world elites of the well to do and who proposed for this present for the programme to finance these tax cuts that one chooses to fall an slash. The pitiful monthly benefit reserve parents of families in the poorest percent, all men, if it more single parents, surviving on a Mig incapacity benefit from the nation. Insurance scheme, while this no
is what we all for a cold war for to enrich the rich to win wealth. The wealthy unto him for to further impoverish. They already published, think anything else We just ordering the memory of all the people who would have died in a global nuclear conflict. Had it actually happened includes me of potentially, so I find that deeply offensive that you should have, but no my studio country for this. You also at that has also been a bad time in this country, which is bicycles, use. I won the world lottery for syrian refugees, these auspicious wealthiest. Actually populated Norway has grudgingly accepted international obligation to take Syrian refugees, a staggering wave of a full one thousand syrian refugees has been accepted, and twenty fourteen compared with light Sweden equal in size, but not in petroleum wealth who have taken an three thousand refugees from Syria that Syria has had a bad here.
Harmonies, underwrote, three or four thing they get to keep themselves through Neuro. It's definitely attribute wait, there's more continually email, no wages on defying the EU and Asia recommendations by refusing to take their minimum amount amounts of refugees and and I believe I dickish move and the deck does not stop there. People on the moving, nor also overruled the Unite she selection criteria by adding its own. Exclusively norwegian screening excuse. Anyone with a physical handicap, psychological trauma. That's right! They will accept tragically small number of all refugees and then refuse anyone whose I hurt or be Roma oil by war. So that is the key That is quite a strong, but
stronger, strong entering this. On top of all that Andy, what the Vikings did was unfair unforgivable Annandale growth has yet on apologized for less, not truly awful things. The email concludes without further ado, we give you Dick S maxim. Norwegian gas. So, thank you for that cod, and Maria Poland ring. Takes news now on thanks to an email from damage Obi. We now know I town in Poland has been a real robust sausage of a dick, already proposed mascots for children's playground, Jos, intrusion in town ninety miles south of also ruled out Winnie the poor. Appropriate mascots due to them, He is- and I quote, an inappropriately dressed of dubious sexuality. While I think they get a few things confused right off the bat there on the first there's nothing
dubious about when the post sexuality he'll go off to anything holding honeypot. That's what he's a hound when it comes to the honey. That's a second fact: the the they story came out, is that there was an audio recording of the council. Deliberation feature is spectacular. Exchanges as counselor right out, see she saying the problem: where is it? Doesnt, have a complete wardrobe? It is half naked which is wholly inappropriate for children, in which case I d I'm guessing that ie or is out of the equation because he walks around completely naked, but that's your hillock making war about ironies dial, but I'm guessing unless you where's that bow ovaries, cartoon donkey painters aren't gonna, be happy without either in many ways a boat. I just makes it worse, isn't it it's not! It's not like that. It's like the tassel, an unknown defence
then joined in well, it doesnt work underpants because it doesn't have a sex, it's a hermaphrodite and that is either magnificently, stupid or problem of translation. Andy. Perhaps the word hermaphrodite in polish fictional cartoon, given the benefit of the doubt on that one. But the best argument came from a councillor Yakima saying this is a very disturbing behind you. Imagine. The author was over sixty and cut posed ethical with a razor blade, because the other pro with his identity, whoa whoa. The key question I have here and these what's happening, The polish version of what is the point. Milon, suddenly appears on a page and consequently, the police testicles offer the rays of light. Then block Christopher Robin Cabin we cast, strikes piglets. What is wrong with the old stories where they throw sticks of bridging edgy enough anymore, with a stick, was clearly a representation of the male penis being discussed.
I went into the river something really the Pope to Disney. It all went to nothing. I think, they saw movies franchise was initially based on a power station. We need a warrant. I think it's completely wrong to blame. I milk for this because of course I e mail was the author of this and he makes no explicit reference to slicing off testicles off the blame lies not in these the lie with the illustrator IE eight shepherds, who of course was absolutely renowned for his hatred of visible babbles now it is time for the reigning champions. The? U K, what kind of defence can we put up to our hard won, not cycle? Well, as certain national food banks and billion eyes of non,
These grounding benefit blogging war, refugees and nice cash, flushing, oligarchs and multinationals who sidestepped tax look of a general people. We have been, we are what we are endemically dick issue in many ways, and a few stories have already highlighted. This is coming from Joseph pull, the rise to protect you, status as world biggest dicks. I'd like to put forward this story about how the work and pensions factory in Duncan Smith as rate if I'd multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's suffers as being ok. Just big work as lead degenerative conditions will emerge, So this is further tourists potu at all with absolute worth. This is you gotta get historically, we ve been absolutely appalling, but do Do not get complacent. I think that we still have a string toward update his fellow that we flock every now and then but a lot of Dixon in outback golfing with sight. This is Father Chris to the stop emails at those Britain is legislate. Yourself towards becoming a heartless basta divination
Mr Garrison by charities founded almost eight thousand people diagnosed with Emma S, muscular atrophy, Parkinson, cystic fibrosis and rheumatoid arthritis have been put on. The lesser will be able to work soon benefits well, Britain. You're not happy with that's. Why don't you elect some medical scientists instead of politicians at the next election? You choose politicians, they will act like politicians and had a father. A story the UKIP. You Nigel Ferrars, said that women should not breastfeeding public in quoting openly Austin teachers. Why? Because some free people feel very embarrassed by this- followed a store in which a woman in clarity, tea room, was asked to cover up the hideous, and I'm not globalization of feeding small by using how boob some people You're very embarrassed by breastfeeding in public said rose, wished to me John it in a tea room is about as much sense is being embarrassed by someone drinking a cup of tea, its absolute ostentation,
breastfeeding as well. I the off I've I've been around breastfeeding mothers, both my own mother, whilst I was the victim struck recipients and my my wife and I have never seen any breastfeeding mother think right thing. Baby nature fade: let's get ostentatious about this. Let's go out and get a bit of a crowd, bring big screen projector. I want this to be completely and utterly on ignoring I'm an auto people say what is disgusting, its unnatural ass, not Watts wipes afore, while we all know what that's really our case, that while there is no about what's a forger mail for my as that, less light for making you more hydro dynamic, was swimming backstroke belief How can one that its natural wealth so is be Bonnac plague and you wouldn't bring a dying plague stricken fourteenth century peasant declared she would see and then take it up. Often popular in its mouth If so, let's have some consistency, sisters
four are also. He was gonna turn to Cardiff, and what, from London any for an appointment. Forever. Meeting Annie but you pulled actually got stuck in traffic and said blames the fact that he didn't appear ATLAS made on immigration, causing the excessive traffic, on the M for now. I can give an update to this because the very next day I myself went to Cardiff got their own time, ass delighted to note that in those twenty four everything ferrars heading West and letting West immigration, entirely solved, so we now found because he had the bravery of that's that's where you take over. An old man faces deportation from the UK after a court ruled at his Britain. Wife salary was, high enough to allow this I'm a country studies a couple of lessons from the british government I to bridge done. Fall in love with foreigners, but you D foreigners, don't fall in love with bridge without you, their tax returns. First now, both of you police Gulf
Belgium, big Business Now- and there was a bold- both my country- is a Dick entry for Belgium, a particularly both in it not featuring a waffle. Nice is basically impossible unless it's been notably misdoubt. Reporting of historic must obey want somewhere, it's just it's their cell ever present, you, don't think it's unless you mention that there was definitely not waffle. President, after you assume that a waffle was there, So this email came from an independent pointed out. The Belgium recently attempted to deport an entire pakistani family. After their son was identified as a terrorist for carrying his crook. It back on public transport, What happened was the IC my boss? At twenty two year old Pakistan cricket player was photographed carrying his covered. As soon as I saw these photo in the newspaper. He mediately contacts wasted tell them he was not armed, but he was carrying a cricket back to a practice session on practising cricket, and they
far from an act of terrorism as it is possible to be, unless you think that testing the limits of the human attention span is, terrorist up. He told the police that arise more Barrymore sweatshirts, because it was raining and if its wet, I can't play the bull probably but to be Ferranti Die just what a terrorist would leave Sally roulette terrorist with a cricket are concerned about play with a wet bats and not a terrorist at all or my well. Do you think that some kind of terror coat when he says around my back? My sweat charity means I will attack the west with thorough. Just what I look at this from the point of view, somebody was infected by the glorious benevolent virus of cricket, a very young age outside Belgium get down on your wofully fucking. These on give fires, people
Brad, live in your chocolate, riddled motion and try to educate you and the glories of cricket trying to save you from the meal. Measurable, swamp of waffle, addicted cricket, Lichness bow down and give thanks- and there is a danger of tit for tat reprisals. John- and I just Before we start the recording those a sore about Pakistan, expelling Belgians for carrying waffles on the streets of level when the incredible thing is that, despite contacting the place, including the whole misunderstanding up his entire family. Seven as now their right to live in Belgium as that Pakistan, embassy in Brussels sectors. Dad diplomat, damaging Pakistan's reputation, however, is that damage Pakistan's reputation, or they can see that the world will think that too scared to play cricket with a damp back I've got a nuclear bomb as long as that willing to use that when it's raining, I think
have a certain level of the world's attention, but against the belgian nominee comes this nomination from Esteban Domingo Buena face strong name. Her right I'm half belgian half dominican and live in Manchester I'll bet you I thought you would see those words together in one sentence of probably didn't think I would say see those words together I've taken time out from my regular Monday night Rights Esteban, which primarily consists of eating rum based waffles using chocolate, sticks his pretend cigars and watching pour over the soundtrack of bicycle country its having its earlier that one of my country's is a dick, but not Belgium at the Dominican Republic. Now you can you probably never the Dominican Republic, rights, Esteban, Thou John, might have given a living in the second biggest dominican city in the world. We are not just left
our two regions monitors the parade, but with better run. Another different reports were ego is that we are actually independence, or at least we get to legislate on rules and stuff, and I left pretty much to play along with ourselves. Might too much noise only the grown ups papa you s eye and Mamma. I M F in Place classic parenting, We behave will rewarded with a multi million dollar bicycle contracts. That is even better parenting. I mean It is not necessarily what must unwanted for his birthday this week, but what's good for our peoples is good for my boy, if not my bank account, but anyway, I think he's only Shakespeare thankfully angels next year. However, our politicians, you just about did what they do, but unrolling this peaceful life by being dicks once again a dance as old as time itself out the National Courts, design to resolve decades of tensions with neighbouring Haiti by reinterpreting a law introduced in twenty ten
I was changed, arrived american citizenship from just solely to just Sanguineous rival, land against rights of blood and applied it retrospectively. Fostered citizenship from all descendants of illegal immigrants born in the Dominican, republic between any guesses. For the is seventeen fifty. Not now about nineteen, twenty, nine and twenty and bad. That's still very bad. Don't let crises guess might feel less bad to you to be fair if the king, He been born in the Dominican Republic from parents, and that is quite a big if she would be safe. She was born in nineteen twenty six, but this renders points I Esteban. People haven't live anywhere else, basically stateless, these overwhelmingly Haitians, says Esteban. No problem with that these Haitians about it far too good for, for too long.
They have made the history of heightened I'm not be mixed, outpatient, Haiti with Monaco, let basically interchangeable you don't have to pay too much tax. Neither of them, albeit for very, very different reasons as to bank, Klute, just in case of a dick off ends in a drawer. Here's the typewriter, I made international condemnation. A complaint was submitted to the Inter American Court of Human rights in hope of overturning the role which the Dominican court do while they found a loop, a note that membership of the Inter american codes of human rights, dissolving any response, morality to review the complaint that is Classic John. That is only call sick governmental sidesteps Hong Kong education is now, and so what else call Joyce, Matt Brown wrote to saying hello, John and Andy Obsolete Hong Kong will not necessarily a country should go. Special mention as potential topic for the government's response to the democracy protests.
These are all about that, because was the physical responses to the protests got the most attention on the noose around the world. The verbal responses will perhaps even more chile the most profoundly patronising cheap chief executive, saw alone, who basically argue that the Universal democracy would not be possible, could not possibly be allowed because it would mean too many poor people would be able to vote, and that is the kind of old school snubbing of poor people that can give your nose blades just a hero, usually you hear that kind of tone it in a lavish. ABC Costume drama, being spoken by a man in an unfavourable large mustache, not clean shaven politician in two thousand and fourteen long setting you'd better as Beijing is suggesting for them to score. In all candidates, with I broadly representative, nominating committee appointed by Beijing, that's great, you said, would Angela candidates from popular pressure to create a welfare state and would allow the
did you government to follow more business friendly policies to address economic inequality. Instead global issues, look, I just had a nose wait out. The other nostrils will pay. Is one sentence away from saying: let them a cake and meaning and see to it that the pet, the best thing all of this- is that he said government house in Hong Kong, the all night mansion that was the home of british colonial governors for more than a century, so if those wars could talk very probably say honestly you're not gonna, believe this, but we ve actually had a lot worse. The excitement- and now this is a Freshly on racist, take on poor people in Hong a few quick entries Constantine nominated Russia for anyone eagle stroke called the Ex Minister of Defence of the debates. People's republic remedy, with I quote, Terry I'd nostalgia about atrocities. He himself had committed. In Ukraine. Russia is openness established a stroll gear in terms of internal? It's tough, its wanted.
National dick, very much on its president's slaves Alex, but I did spine we Spain of such dicks that we're about to tax the sum. If you have a solar panel, you have to pay tax so high, it will become cheap the boy, the energy from the electric companies who can't even get in your home without permission to make sure you are hiding solar panels. Well, we warned about this before John Life. Clearly word about that. Of over forming the sum and also what about the oil companies won't somebody please please, for once think of the oil companies, Japan was nominated by Ian Maloney, currently living points out. The official statistics show that of three things. Don't you want an sixty people who applied for refugee status in Japan during twenty fourteen? Only how the applications were granted from three thousand two hundred and sixty and he gets his half. Half of the applications or one half of one about ocean
fifteen hundreds of you will much closer going for one half of one application: six applications, six out of out of thousand two hundred and sixty our Varro from Chile nominated his country for antediluvian abortion laws that put the o into misogyny and we had a frankly horrific nomination for Kenya from it the standard early, anonymous correspondent that puts the g into even more appallingly misogynistic. It it's been, as you say, John it's it's hard to be overly positive about the states of all once great species having read ploughed through all these emails, yeah. So those are the entries for thee. My country tis a dick competition. Now it is this
time well, John for me, has to be Belgium for its hideously anti cricket. Attempts to deport that, Sir, right back a stony family when you take on cricket you take on and these Ozma and I'm not gonna stand by and let that decision is go unrewarded. It's hard to look past Mexico just in terms of the now distilled horrid, taking place there rush Germany's almost a victim of having to good a year, a dick I don't know in terms of the nominees at shows how hard to make a call their competitive failed. It's been yeah, you almost want to just cut trophy infested. Events like miss well, but more so that I don't know if I can pick one Chris Cristiani. Well. I've played with pleasure in Belgium Roy.
To take made up entirely of Muslims and racists and they seemed to get along just fine. Oh Rasa cricket uniting False or Belgium, should embrace that robot I personally think that it's gotta be Poland. Could you come if we need a po now testify? of all the things we discussed here, a fictitious bad being dishonored we're not studies fully. Dick is nothing. Somebody's nominations are actually do spill beyond the Dick the big business into full three and them when that is it all right how off it to me as Poland or Belgium, let some the Euro in terms of dedication and soon a kind of you know, irritating place of behaviour that doesnt really have much broader world. It's probably Powell This is probably Poland. I think we have a winner, think of a country
is the only country slowly overshot, though just they might have. Pressure on the plan to say dollars. I thought that you ve been a lot of no jumps Oh the winner, Congo its relations. Poland well done overdue drove free for the police had pauper the decade of the ninety nine years of causing is the first major trophy they want. Since then, snow of you who sent an email, sir, for this, sir, for these conditions are we can get around all the nominated countries and all the males Botz, I'm sure you understand it was a massively keenly forts contest. I am sure will return to at some point in the future. Future. This is the end of the big of all the shared twenty four Jane thanks once again for listening the air thanks in particular to those who voluntarily subscribed to keep the broadcast free, people and an independent and also happy comical to one and all,
I've got the right week this year, job? If you have a lucky guess, no one some young. What gets me can you get something with access to the internet You cannot be particularly happy Hannah get to our listeners, Sir Charles and body Almighty law. Does his chosen people chosen by the people for his special happy Hanukkah greeting? Don't don't listen to this? If you, only on the jewish state. How are you gonna give up my father, Canada, all the presence of our full on his special sly. Will they do have to have Permit me to think if you want him to come every day of the big saw him up out of the loop has elapsed you don't go sir. I'm not allowed I'd, know that other full comic Famagusta, Bang. Was this year drums sixteenth to the twenty four of December? I'm just then a special one day lapse chemical the day after the real Canada ends, which this year falls on the twenty fourth of December, as it has All other years in my house, so
we will have a bugle review of the outer some points over the the festive, season, thanks again for you is ears your support during this year, and we will be back in twenty fifteen goodbye, we call it
Transcript generated on 2020-05-02.