« The Bugle

Bugle 232 – Mars, Merchandise and Mad Men!

Andy and John, and about a million Buglers have noticed that there is a penis on Mars. Get your telescopes out. In other news, MERCH IS LIVE(!), and Chechnya's leader is a Hilary Swanker.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This- is a podcast from the bugle podcast com, the Bugle Audio Newspaper, a visual world, hello buglers and welcome to issue two hundred and thirty, two of the Bugle Audio newspaper for a visual world for the week beginning Monday, the 29th of April two thousand and thirteen the first week of the rest of your lives, Is any weak with me he and Altman a thirty eight year old father of two is one of the many people not involved in deciding the nineteenth century clipper ship, the coffee sought when an opportunity missed. And the New York City. USA is the man who needs no introduction. Very,
how hello view at the bottom I'm afraid, I have to this, these bugle similar last week, this as it turns out there is Yes, another issue to correct regarding my ongoing hot I'm killed relationship with entire nation of Australia. So for a while back there and it seemed like I was back in Is good books. The pigs on control of apparently, viral around Australia. Getting half a million hits a warm webs. In just a few days dead. Andy came the doubters, not a surprise I believe it was MAO Tongue who said hey go heights, one. What Austria, in Piper rather story this week with a headline saying the daily, John. Oliver didn't really drop the F bomb on John Howard and this corbeille, particularly because, keep me remember that I did drop the F bomb and I dropped it right on his fucking head the article read a source code.
Mister Howitt checked and said the former prime minister doesn't Rick all the use of the phrase Whoopi do jointly intervene. It appears the comment was digital, to the clip afterwards, Editors who spoke to business insider, said the key moment at about three minutes twenty eight seconds into the clip, looked clearly edited the back of his head, his motionless there's no reaction. When Oliver drops the F bomb, been composed for sure said: one film producer Digital Agency. It's a bit of editing trickery, digital agency a just for the record of site that right now not digitally stage again afterwards, measures or review we tried. You got the joy of guy assassinated Jellyband. They asked for the quotes. The former communist doesn't recall. The use of the phrase Whoopi fucking do join. The interview He remember something he just
like I remember his face in the seconds after I said it, because I'm guessing from his reaction is probably the first time he's ever had someone say you do or or in in any scenario he come on Kyoto, George, W Bush must have set it to him in the build up to where have over a baby Do it I can't believe you said yes, he is why all these hurts- and this is a question of intent, that's right, I resent that implication might have any if you don't think that enough of an asshole to say what do you do to the face of someone who, for over a decade was a major world leader that you just You don't know me the character assassination of be Andy and won't work work. You cannot assassinate the character of someone who doesn't have one take your best shot,
moral house? You don't believe this is actually records today, twenty seven April, twenty thirteen you can certainly, if you the background volume on my end in London, you can still heavy the distant echo of the tears of a nation. Not proved process. Has been recorded since the that Jonas Orange? You should be having this dispute now, because the Monday twenty ninth of April, will be the two hundred and forty third anniversary of James Cook, becomingly first bridge to land in Australia and now, first first person ever on Australia and two hundred and forty three years later, you're trying to start a war between our two nations trying to do anything. Think I mean I mean try to a compliment
visual, full, I just know it's a communication breakdown, It's the twenty six th of April twenty five th of April yesterday, of course, was the sixty th anniversary of Crick and Watson publishing their smash. It research article describing their discovery of the classic double helix. Structure of dna that we've all come to know, love and rely on so much, and this somewhat distracted attention from other research papers published scientific well. The very same week, back in nineteen if he for including professor Eric Fringes, WASP Swallowing is off a gale pine, a causal study, Doktor Cornelia. Let pass investigations into the ballistics of seedless grapes from the internet, no journal of food fighting science and deal what an imprint mechanical studies in the symbiosis and biomechanics of vocal infection flexion
facial snare, which remains one of the most influential papers in the science of sarcasm to this type. It's a really interesting, read all one hundred and forty three pages of it. A real conversation, starter, just a quick message for whoever signed the Bugle podcasts email address up for the dot com data com? Didn't I thanks very much is always nice to get my baby. The bugle is surprisingly well matched with a lot of christian honeys. That's good! and it's nice though, isn't it worse I've ever had very good and I'm very sorry, Lady Jesus fans. This podcast has no time for romance we're all about business besides
if a person going to leave or upgrade my car wife, I really want to try a jewish one. Next time as it was a sight of the is going straight in the bin. Let me just say big with fetish non encouragement for you too now sign up for a jewish dating website at eighty website. I've any other major, Joe eighty things difficult, wheelcarriage tease you just guaranteed our. Why onto J date by next Friday,. As always the sexual beagles, going straight in the Bin an animal beauty section how to shave a horse waxing your gecko? Is it unethical and civic? implants utterly ridiculous or kit. They make your cow feel even milky so previous the world ignoring championships at the Twitch bucket exchange. The leading contenders home favorite Gary strengthened Betsy Cock Ridge from the doors disdain club will be looking to operate. Last year's win in the mixed up. Is cold shouldering against their big rivals? American pair land
and nelion of the Miami slights and settle Bell cheek of the Oakland Overlookers. Meanwhile, the south african trio of Hold but spend Malsen House shape is back second trick and you trick is the like of the Durban This data is looking very strong out again. This year team blind eye, turning still Schooley Mohammed, if the Bethlehem, black ballers he's, being under the UN banner for obvious reasons, all that in the Bin top story. This week Syria may have used chemical weapons. No, does killed in Mosul, violence, no unemployment in spate, his record high. No Mars Rover draws penis on Red Planet is this the most important story at the moment? Of course not. This is exactly the kind of story that we need after the last couple of weeks. Yeah. It is, and don't just take my word for it. Take it,
literally hundreds of bulgarian sending their story to us since it broke. You give people what they want. The Joe's brown told me that she might have stood on the stage and thought what people need this evening evening, someone to give them a vision for best humanity should approach its current major challenges and and them that vision with detail and clarity. However, what these people want, is an evening of wall to Wall Funk, and that is exactly what I plan to fund can give little will put the image of, the pain us on mass on the bugle a feed or you can just look it up by penis and Mars into the internet, which you could get you a different result than you used to get a couple of weeks ago. It used to be a mass bar photo shopped onto a hamsters genesis, but now it's been made. Magnificent sight in my gigantic? graffiti penis on the surface of Mars. There is nothing that is
great about this handy. It shows how far we've come as a species. Thus we put a man on the moon now, a penis on Mars and don't tell me that's no progress, because if you do I'll show you a photo of the planet Mars with a painless on aids and you will lose the argument in especially when that peanut we put on Mars, was drawn there by a fucking robot. We choose to get a robot to draw a penis on Mars. Andy. We choose to do it, not because it is easy, but because it is hilarious As you say, we have been alerted to this story by email and twitter by What seems like thousands of bees you could have Imelda us about many things that we've covered in the show. Other stores John suggested Syria winning LISA country to live in for the year two thousand. He not being nominated for the previous two years? There's probably famine, somewhat less.
So she berries- I usually asunder grim economic figures, but she wrote in such numbers about the Mars heinous. That's! I have missed out on dates with nineteen year old Becky, who really loves John the Baptist. Building on the left sitting. Here, that's a borrows plates all our own. Well, of course, no honourable Christ was then just its. So how did a relationship when he just had such a rippling? Six pack just can't compete with it. But the question is, whose paleness was this picture? of a play on the surface of Mars modeled on you have to assume it's just come right in the top when they do that's because you know what goes when APOLLO. Eight to the moon, then President Lyndon Johnson instructed them to old orbit the moon in the exact shape of his wife, Lady Bird Johnson's left butter. So could this be
President's pronuba? I mean photos. Actually from a few years ago, I think from the George W Bush. Error. So it could could definitely be George W Bush. Some Draken snub jumps. We just don't know we just might It was the mall rovers own purpose, No protest. Bush is hamley of Iraq crisis, perhaps it was modeled on Abraham, Lincoln's, wangle Dan, one hundred and fifty years now after it sadly died along with its owner after disappointing three three trip, or even John F Kennedy's, who Anakin has come out in the fifty since, since he was, took that rather unfortunate term car, a trip, and he was one who ordered the moon landing of the menus standing at CAFE cold war. So who knows what presidential plainest size.
Point. The point is, though- and the broader point here is this penis on mars- could technically ignite the next space race. Who is going to dream big enough to carve a pair of breast into Jupiter you'll move China. Also, This is now a huge opportunity for terrorists, and the alcohol should now be encouraged to spend all their time and energy investing in a space program to send an insurgent robots up my to draw a picture of George Washington with his mouth open around the palace I mean they must have the resources to do that. It's just question about they just not renowned for their sense of humor, the terrorist other things too seriously! This image proves so popular that NASA service were initially unable to cope with the demand for the picture, although they, actually uploaded an even higher resolution vote, because even they cannot deny how phenomenal this picture is. Adding part of NASA's job is to capture
imagination. When it comes space exploration. That's we can ensure future funding. I won't the like to do that that to go around during penises on all of the planets we all well not to happen this is just it's an inevitable. Whenever there's any technological advance, we've seen that, of course, with the sun, a giant here. In England, advances scratching grass off the sides of hills and making shapes out the chalk underneath massive straight away the the most rovers response responsible there some display some be of when it was opportunity or spirit which, by Greg coincidence, with the nicknames that President Calvin Coolidge and his voice Charles doors had for their respective Pinocchio, he's another fact. If you were talking to Calvin Coolidge- and he said the words, should the opportunity arise, a man who really had the hots for you while these things doing on most on I mean what why did this happen is deliberate by NASA.
Obviously, these robots just going wrong. We've all seen it John Graffiti, a cock and balls on something is a sure sign of teenage board and these poor robots, John Millions billions of miles away from the factories they once called home peddling around a planet that is quite clearly absolute. They full to the brim with Jack K shit when I got it. Getting bored out my John and they guested enough enough messages back more NASA, saying guess what guys another bit of you rock I'll go. Well, I'm your man will please all the other pieces of rock I've already picked up so it it's inevitable that Payments of the bulls will be drawn up, as your Aristotle said here that the key It seems to be which of them drew the penis also when made. There are two Mars rovers up there, as you say, opportunity and spirit opportunity is still traversing, the images of most of the moment on its way to the endeavour. Crater. Where is NASA lost communication with the Spirit Rover backing?
two thousand and nine after became stuck in some sand. So, ok, I think solves that mystery, their mandate because spirit did it it spirit and they it's a rebellious rover. That's gone off the rails, fights being stuck in some sand. This communication equipment- I was my joy payments- is all to there is there's a way throughout lives just software to you little is being so much fear about robots developing the power of thought. That's what I need, but who'd have thought robots eventually became sentient, essentially turn into twelve year old boys. I don't think any science fiction ever address that well It's in a lot of ways it's It's quite reassuring that that is the way they're going to go John, rather than, as we always assumed in Sci FI films to destroy the human race. But I teenage boys. Basically, scientists have been quick to claim that this is probably a mistake, with one pointing out that all the rovers have
six wheels three on each side and they leave behind two parallel tracks when they're traveling, in a straight line where the Rover has robot I could turn the wheels rotating place to put the robot in the desired direction for the next leg of its track. If the is they ve got enough. You got a nice of circles at the end of a pair of parallel tracks. Yeah, that's right! I'm not you just described there what you described, sounds what I want. The Roger did: look penis, I think, we're all on the same page here Andy and whether it was an accident or not doesn't matter religious people may claim it was an act of God. The point is we can all agree that it's a wonderful thing we can all enjoy. You would hope the war, fashions around us, would tonight drop their weapons, join hands and stare together up at the sky, knowing that there was a- penis on Mars and that no which is somehow bigger than all of us from the road.
Perspective, is a great resignation letter now, isn't it. Is the picture of a cock. I think we just lost spirit. Of course the gray irony is jump. That's the Gregson ancient Romans ancient Romans very much year, the use of the penis and and I haven't push their civilizations at the wall. We would will probably already be living on Mars right now. And I'm only want all this fuss is about now. Natural They issued a statement on this just come through on on their website, ve become a that serious allegations have been made both within the astronaut community and without the one of our rovers may have drawn a giant painters and bulls on mouse. As an organization dedicated to the furtherance of humankind's knowledge of space and all the stuff in it, and shit like that? Nasa has been strongly opposed to the pornographic faction action of space, despite the shape of many of its rockets. However, if,
allegations. Do prove to be true that one of our rovers unilaterally drew a massive Wang on Mars. We would like it to be seen in the context of the history of human expression and Angelo drew loads of wings on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, unknown, any shit for it for it, the classical sculptor of Athens, sculpted AL kinds of due to the honeys with their junk waggling out all over the place, and everyone says he was a fucking genius. So cut her over some in slack and cut, some slack, there's nothing to do in space. That's why cold space and if they go in any other shape, you don't be complaining about us being boring old, NASA being scientific again, we can't can win. Furthermore,
who says we want being scientific. We know to need to know they've motions happiness is on all. If I see the malls wagon look confused by it. Well, no, they don't have. If I see a and giggle don't know, will because they're just like us, if motions do have warnings, we know that not was dealing with, because why things have done more to home human productivity than any fault of the ball. The ball from the Brighton sincerely NASA. So Churchill famously said, democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others and well, if you want to know what he meant just take a look at the beam bugles, a bell in books this week. If people have a lot to answer for sure sure news well, armed I'm the one of a church near has been in the news in the policy. It's usually pain because some chechens are either throwing something a Russia or Russia is throwing something much bigger and louder back at them, unfortunately
the Boston bombings, Chechnya, is on the map for Americans. For a different reason. Necessarily on the map. Geographically accurate, because after the most the Boston bombers were ethnically Chechen, the czech ambassador to the United States, We need to release a statement. The Czech Republic and Chechnya were completely different places. He was apparently motivated do this after getting worried about seeing some people get. confused online, so he released a statement saying as All information on the origin of the alleged perpetrated has come to light on concerned, to note in the social media a most unfortunate misunderstanding in this respect. The Czech Republic and Chechnya are two very different entities. The Czech Republic is a central european country. Near is part of the Russian Federation going on to say for fuck's sake, there's no
That was not the original why they statement ended and he they chose to add these out himself or other people that is out for him, but there's no way that it wasn't. So, let's take a look Chechnya, seeing as it has unexpectedly become explosively relevance to the. U S in recent weeks that leader, is a man called I'm Ramzan Kadyrov, and looking into a bit. It turns out he's being ridiculous and Andy with the loss of Kim Jong Il Chavez and Kadarian without Alma dinner Jad on his way out in the net. Future the bugle is looking for new Nacho bandwidth and, frankly, I think we might have just found off thirty six. Seven children good start just this week, Catherine you talk his own sports minister in a boxing ring and applauded the photos of it to the internet, and we I can give you
more detail on it, but already that is a fine dish to child out a font. That's sounding strong! Aside of leadership yeah. Off said he taught the sports minister a lesson after he noticed that the industry building in the capital grows he was badly data repair, so we decided to quote rectify his behavior by beating the shit out of him in the guise of giving him a boxing lesson. Apparently off is an experience box and he told his followers on Instagram that he has in the course of this dialogue, or rather sparring he gently and unobtrusively explained to the minister. With the help of the right. And the lender left hook that he should start using his head That is a sensational way to hold a meeting. Isn't that technically what I regret that used to deal with her cabinet and they also get. We call these she's more stripped to the waist and then she walked in start smashing them with a baseball bat, while giving them detailed instructions of how to communicate the upcoming budget
well I'd heard it was just a stiletto hovering over the eyeball, close. But I mean: can it is all part of policies in a threatening and beating up disruptive politicians. I mean that's that's as old as the hills, so you got to give the guy for putting on Instagram on just the wonders of modern technology, and now at least you know, why your leaders are threatening their own ministers with physical violence, yeah, of course, It's great history, this! You don't need me to tell you that much of the Yalta agreement was settled by means of a series of a game of slaps was queen. Vic are used to how William than an a headlock every time you want to tell her what she was going down in parliament. Grandma and insist that she called her Winifred a few more details on this magnificent lunatic, Catherine has come under heavy criticism due to alleged corruption of human rights violations classic boxes. Having he personally implicated in several instances of torture, murder, tick, tick amidst room
He has a three hundred, no murder list, so that's that I hope the three hundred, and so after they were so far on. So that's it you're, not you need to get it, but if you like you, Berlusconi level spiciness intolerant talk over then Canada, I can help you there too cause. He also has a pretty good secrets of sex scandals Thousand six a church and separate his website, posters short video show on a mobile phone up. Party in a sauna involved two alleged prostitutes and several men, including one Some sounds exactly like cater off. He was dancing with a young half naked woman and tried to repair Brower off another man then starts masturbating in front of the, and he just Berlusconi Berlusconi. Sylvia. That now that doesn't sound like the fat years that definite sounds more. Like
what a harem melons. Don't they made. The spokesmen explains that the boxing incident was its intended as a joke for people with a healthy sense of humor. I see how many of our cataracts other jokes crack buildings have one day when he's riffing about them in the Hague as safes quite likely. Given his quest human rights record, possibly one of the most questionable records and rage against the machine that a cover version of the body so cut off Massachusetts, dissenting voices as Tiger Woods has to Gulf bulls. Either was to hit as hard as possible or make it disappear settled on it to make it stop or do the same thing to a hundred times in a row and a driving. I I've taken this too far, but be so not a man who afraid to use his presidential sledgehammer to crack his opponents in the nuts, but but why and kiss His value actually gets way. The poor according Classified Wikileaks, cable, also from two thousand and six
therefore my recalled a lavish wedding attended by off, in which guess, through one hundred dollar bills, at child dancers and which had a nighttime water scooters, violence on the Caspian Sea. My special day, I want everything to be perfect apparently, Catro gave the newly married couple a five kilo lump of gold. I'll do that he owns. He owns a lava, Gadi Reventon, one of only twenty maiden has a large collection of chech and daggers. I guess you can't really have one of those without the other and on file. Start with two thousand and eleven, he celebrated his 35th birthday, with a ludicrously lavish party in which he fluid Hollywood stars, like Jean Claude Van Damme and Hillary swag, and had music from seal and when asked where all the money for this celebration came from here. Thirdly, laughed and then said: Allah is it to us before adding It comes from somewhere. That's just two different ways of phrasing: the same sentence:
I think it's clear for his thirty seventh birthday: let's go out there and, let's do a you, bugle sure, it'll be the people we ever do, but what a way to go out were five Cato lump. Of you going to do with that, doesn't matter, you'll get wedding press but every time it goes round they're to get out and put it on the mantle pay, something maybe what were around my back. I speak spoke, as far as well cut off, which fear for other major rose as clearly murder? let's say, let's call a boy is by aids- makes fancy in ivory. Every cloud, watching terek drone the big team from China which show he was president for seven? Seventy, Is they a player there? The captain sent off and color off grab the announcer's microphone and light into the referee over the stadium PA system set out its thing the referees we off of say:
You jerk, that's the behavior! You want from your head of state. Things one of the queen's many failings that she he has never really behaved like that in our countries times at a fair point of sporting need We all want to be there watching the ashes this summer on the balcony at lords with loud Tyler showing. Are you going don't buy. That was clearly every w Also a you jerk, I'm willing to buy them. Jerk is the gentlest possible translation of what he actually that referee. of, like this said sorry to fans, but not to the official, insisting that he deserves to be killed, corrupt, and that is the insult double down, and they they apologize to people who didn't need to be apologize too and refused to apologize to the one person who did it. That's a difficult move to pull off. The tough to stick that landing, but he did it beautifully, but he
I should have been punished for grabbing up or not. He should have been given a microphone so that he could come and live over I during every game and scream abuse at the referee for the full ninety minutes, because you know who would have complained about that. Nobody, and is, everyone is justifiably terrifying, oh hang on the English Watson sound. Is that the sound of retail history being made? It is because, finally, after five I have years of ruthless commercialism. Angle, merchandising operation is the ground unless anything goes wrong between me recording this now at about three o'clock and the proposed launch of the vehicle much site each this afternoon. So by about time you hear this, it should all be up
I'm running about a link to it from the bugle podcast, don't com, where of course, you can also take out your voluntary subscriptions and John this is really it's finally happening happening a bit faster in the UK. In the: U S due to certain technical issues, which means we won't be able to ship in the S for a little bit, but the website is there. She will be able to send it around the world as well MIKE she bit more. Well, that's your fault for living in a stupid country. Talking to you, Australia, I to get a piece of this, think so I can possibly once the Beagle merch side provider that what you want is a t shirt, a baseball cap, mug mugger, a bumper sticker with bugle written all over it and the teacher really I mean it's an amazing prolateness, complementary holes for alms. Yes, it's a teacher, but it's so much more. I believe you understand humanity. In fact, if you, whether people teacher you might as well where and I'm your official on Planet Earth Poncho, because when people say you and you'll be, politicians like anything
and under girl knows what he's talking about the for advice on everything from how to solve the syrian crosses the weather nearest stockbroker autonomy is this, is they must probably accessory for all people with that or so that needs to be covered up for fear of shame or divine retribution. These t, shirts, are inedible, but Kosher Ann will suit all of the three main genders. Men, women, an old people There's also wish people baseball cap. It's almost like the human was designed for wearing hats. Some argue it's the vice of that versa, but now the time for philosophy, even where the bugle baseball cap, even if you're, not a pro bala or even a border at all, whatever whatever but what is it? What does a bowler? What what's a whole day without your fair go to commercials. If this is any indication you be wasting your life weather thirty minute or thirty seconds What do you need a for for shielding arise in the blinding light of the truth within the bugle cam camouflage,
facing the problems of the past. This hat, as it all You could probably get away with using it as a religious headgear too, if you get it blessed by someone in a cape or beard Might not fool anyone as a mite, but I reckon you could swing it as a yarmulke. It's also. Legal for everyone's wear. It though we'd rather didn't just with us. In the brain, say: that's a judge, your own state, this! On that. When Now. What about the bugle Muggah? You, sick and tired of your coffee tasting of regrets. Everything happened accompanied by the horns and echo of human misery. Then the bugle mugs will turn your life around both the right. The bugle logo Mugen the World Exclusive Geology, Mug, come fully equipped with her. those were improved, improved, fail, but also cylindrical central reservoir in the classic style capable of holding up twenty liters of hot beverage in more than one go deal for all conceivable drinks apart from cocoanut snake blood, which would be drugs right from the cocoanut and or snake do not smoke
The bugle mug without expression express written permission from the bugle. These mugs have not been voodoo, tested as yet made of solid, pewter or porcelain, and what about the bumper sticker well very much the jewel in the retail crown of the bugle operation, you put a bugle bumper sticker on your car, and you are exempt from all motoring legislation for up to one point two seconds they on the Other cars will start following you just to get close to you, you can put it in your window at home and just see the value of your property have also suitable for users, mouth tape, if you're ever being interrogated by the cia- and you don't want to let anything slip that isn't total bullshit so there it is vehicles is finally here, I hope it works. After all, less. Let's be honest, it's taken a long time, but I may,
on because you say it's definitely there and yet no tone which you described. It just makes me assume, it'll bullshit, Why must assume is probably there should be there so I expect to night so much or to next week on week we will to been able to hear you wearing your bugle merchandise. I expect you to be reading a mouse, where's, geopolitical again and sat and vagina that matter just wait, get the Rhine anyway, give oh a blue. Now time for your emails have any emails this week there were not about the painters rover, I don't think so. No, we did not well don't be with you. You've done.
Sprout, there was a picture of you is an alien was, was an improvement or It was remarkably similar to how you to have do keep those emails coming in and just in case you have not got the message yet. We are now aware of the story of the penis on Mars. That's those you have said if you've seen this or not, but we have now seen it. Thank you. Keep remarks coming to info at the Google podcast com. Don't gets to visit by Soundcloud Cloud dot com, slash the hyphen vehicles being rebranded. It's gonna be awesome. I mean this is all happening. And stuff forget much and the voluntary subscriptions at the Beagle podcast com. Sports news now and Man Barge footballer it, sir. John, you are you, Liverpool Fan And- and I am yeah
Suarez is as broad yet more Our attention and glory many ways onto a lower by biting someone from Chelsea which, I was sent reviewed shouldn't have done. It did. Claymore The man he bit bit Branislav Ivanovic, had just been bitten on the arm by a poisonous snake and he was sucking the venom out. I I changed historian said that it was an attempted love by as he was he was by by is rugged rugged. Slavic good looks butts is now facing a ten in Belgium vacuous on behaviour it was provoked, Josie Pye requested had wrought barbecue sauce. All I resolved it wasn't supposed to be with Still nearly ninety first- is the problem job with ten guy. Mercosur is just going courage, copycat behaviour and you're gonna get you they're gonna thing can get killed position player band for ten games, that's going to be I've
don't barbecue shall similarly high class high class balsamic going on there and there all right cheer, brie and now chickens coming got just don't like the way the football is going with this, and also a muffin it's just better ways to deal with it. Then the ban be cause. You know what I'm just going to sit on his art for ten games and break his mom. Nothing when each already discards into play on their machismo obsession that public image and think sources punishment should have been to be renamed for ten games with a girl's name, if knew that it was going to be referred to Ethel Suarez for ten games there. There is no way that he would have sunk no like also, indeed, Look at this in context. He's been better ten games and eighth, just because you are a racist, cheating, cereal biter. That makes your poor role model then I guess we're just not gonna have professional athletes anymore. God dammit have it both ways: Rick Contracts, Borneo, isn't it
take that out of his game, the biting Andy friendship than one finals CUP finals is Nannie. Fifty three cup final Stun Morton's in scores a when when he a Gull keepers head off Spencer into you, can't get away with at least ice there's the game improves on don't know, I'm more. Judging just saying it's changed. No, you just need to look at a goalkeeper and it's a free ridiculous. You just need to start talking a napkin into your top of you shirt and all of a sudden to yellow card, and that's not that's, not the guy. About John demands? Guy, let's go that's it from this way Douglas. May Your telescopes be ready to find any more wagons in space, do enjoy the merch. Should it actually be available? Really bad better me now everybody we can't keep this going on much longer. It is, I think, fair there.
That have definitely not checked, but I is, I think, it's that until next week goodbye.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-07.