« The Bugle

Bonus Bugle: Australian marriage equality

We endure a week off watching cricket in Australia, so offset with some previously unheard Australia marriage news, and sport, of course, more sport.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The Bugle Audio Newspaper, a visual world, was unwelcome, do db issue for thousand and fifty saw by. Besides, I saw ashes and these Elsie and all this week's free bonus Nonfood sawbucks abolished bonus pupil. We will bring you some more choice morphine from November's Bugle LIVE show in London. Some classics, creating moments from the usual archives. I looked back what was happening on this planet. Ten years ago this week undertake my ashes cricket broadcast the unbelievable ashes with the x Felicity ward, what first quick note too, like you all aware of two stories of which I am now thanks to you fully aware huge gratitude.
Literally billions of you who have taken it upon yourself to verify me of them story. One are you Maybe warplanes drew a giant Skype, heinous, any sky over Washington, state, clearly, this is usually the demands for consideration. Sing to the? U DOT S Navy, get the actions of this aircrew all wholly unacceptable and answers. The Navy core values bullshit U S navy most You need to update those core values because for too long, all beleaguered species has been trapped in an endless cycle of violence, industrialized military vengeful boom boom bombast Nazism. What has brought misery to millions? future geopolitical squabbling. John scribbling could be raised resulting instead to more level sky graffiti, so much the better
for these planets and its many varied inhabitants. If the british military, for example, only flown warplanes over France in the early nineteenth century, leaving viper I am saying Napoleon Etna Loser massive havoc, I'm dangling re more miniscule and drawing a picture of the French later covering up his now madly tiny manhood. Well, the hat, airing warmongering russian winter Cochlear underestimating nincompoop would have been found Billy undermined politically, Europe would have learned you get along nor the world, what would have happened and, of course, we have never voted for breaks it. Besides, the skill and precision required to execute an aerial, Cookin bulls with a fighter. Jets are surely precisely within the core values of the? U S, navy- or maybe they wanted more detail, is. Is this the problem? I mean in the battle situation, if you ve proved that you can louts Cochrane Bulls, plus the added viper
EL details of testicular vermicular rhythms and rejected ejaculate oral globule ass. Well, then, in combat situation, not even the right. Baron himself could scare you, admittedly, for the sake of gender equality, ideally those who call this the trial into the sky would also have caused a similar vapor trail depicting a lady's group. But still we can't demand everything this. This kind of thing, this kind of clamp down on this Supreme ACT of aerial creativity is one Erica voted for Trump because ordinary Americans have been prevented by the liberal media from doing or American things like training for years, become a? U S, Navy pilot and then draw a joint viper trail painted in the sky. We brought this very much upon ourselves story too. Of which many of you have made me aware, and indeed the news might be aware a year the star train delight in Belgium by a fire in a waffle factory. Now
If there is anyone out there who has not yet tweeted this story to me or emailed, it's all facebook chat it or what have you done? some kind of medically induced coma. We ve heard about eighteen tons of surface mile on the subject. Surface mile on the subject. I mean that's a lie, but obviously one story involves the to trigger words, Belgium and waffles, then, as the full, undivided attention of all true, it was especially when it involves Belgium, Waffles and the disruption of international transport links. Surely the plot of all future feature films anyway? We may address these two globally relevant stories in further detail. In the next full be able. So it is time now to get stuck into these sub episode before you all run often feverishly book loads and lodge and loads of tickets to myself there to show twentysomething a certain level history running from the eighteenth of December to the sick, the generally, with few days off ass presence for yourself, yourselves and all of your family and or friend,
so time to go back in time to kick off this up. You, Google, a week and a half back in time to be precise to the live, show at the Leicester Square Theater. An issue more and Alice Fraser. what Mugabe's not only lunatic later in the news this week, we first into the corner the action coming from the Philippines yeah, it's a budding romance between two of the world's great shit bags, looks like a very weird remake. Have dude where's my car due to its iron trump. It's not surprising that they got along his detergents was described as the tramp of the east and much
like the Youtube commentator who described John Oliver as a rich man's name, Coma Monica salting above I didn't amazing came out saying a love song for Donald Trump, occasional pre. That please, could you just pay those words that should not have happened. Official event he stood up. He's quite was, ladies and gentlemen. I sang uninvited upon the orders of the commander in chief of the United States and India broke into song? I do I don't know this on personally, but I like to think it begins at first hand afraid I was part of the words translate. As you are the light in my world. A half of this, a lot of mine when that's So you're, not what you should use about. Donald Trump. Unless that light is coal fired?
What I want to do is look all this from men, performance politicians into a new x factor style thing off compete in an arena play off. I don't care if the Russians fix the vote like it'll just be it gives. You took me an orange if Ireland Hairstyle neck jobs, jobs, originally Javert Organ the term Cheops. It was sponsored by Cheops, the third the basic banking software company urgently checkerboard operations, of course, then, by Corfu, these second millennium busy hieroglyphs. Writing mobile phone up, build Pyramids she's effect was cited as a reason for divorce. In up to eighty three percent of failed marriages and ancient Egypt was discovered in the Visa Elizabeth Office from three thousand years ago include phrases such as. If he'd spent as model, time and money on me and the kids as he did to planning
in pyramid, a minor have ended up sleeping with KEN right, It's how you do for time, Chris, really bad me we're supposed to be finished in minus eight me, oh minus nine. We two areas where we have sought slightly late due to the unstoppable march of time I'm still illegally ever ties Antilles do wrestling now. So what was what's wrong with you touch almost marriage equality. Yes, I mean this is this is a haven't. We had a postal vote. An entirely ill advised nonbinding postal would end, is gone through and tiny habit is taking the credit, How is it taking the credit he started the postal vote
this programme openly against gay marriage. Despite having a gay sister and now he's sort of back, piddling is with the of a lens and Armstrong not a bit like Hitler taking credit for the end of the Second World war. There were good men without many starting it. Yes, I will have thou shalt up my ass. Thank you. I mean it. It's all is all happening. The gay marriage, the gay marriage thing is catching senior government. Minister, Christopher Pine has blamed a hacker making mischief mischief off the plebiscite. Road like honest twitter profile, which was discovered early in the morning, celebrations over Wednesdays historic vote for same sex marriage war on into the morning about two? I am the profile liked: a tweet linking to a video showing explicit
gay spear living this, but my favorite of it. Obviously this is objective Lee Good NEWS in the end, regardless of the violent opposed, I don't know, I deal grounds subjectively good news and is also objective, a good news because of these two people making Sarah Jensen who in two thousand and fifteen, so that they would get divorced if same sex marriage wood was ever passed, but now they a lot of legal help, because It turns out that they can't get a divorce, because to show reasonable grounds for a divorce and throwing your toys. I have a problem because of people's basic human rights is not reasonable grounds. The story is genuinely heartwarming, you know just what do you think love is dead is genuinely hard for me to know that to complete its confined
lemme, so lovely we saw out with with the Jeffrey, come unto TAT. I M drop. Everything is the theme of the week. Finding a good luck with the episode Toil Chris Manipulator Mining is what the whole thing was again. Indeed, if you enjoy that and last week, show other all more or less to square life bugles on Thursday, the eighty two January and twenty second of February details on the internet or from random passes by industry.
Time now in this ash is beginning week to concentrate on something even more importance than payments in the sky. That's Dolly Pardon Uncanny Rogers, his finest duet in my book, which, admittedly, is not necessarily a book. You should rely on historical veracity and some are even more important than Belgium living up to every stereotypical dream, its many admirers and local funds around the world have it, something even more important than the way itself, and that, of course, is cricket. Many of you will know, particularly those who are friends of the universe, is greatest thing: TAT S much crickets the ashes angle against Australia in five five days it matches over seven weeks, a began in Brisbane Australia last week, they now one hundred and forty year old, Anglo Australia, cricketing rivalry attorney, fought in the form of a tiny, tiny, tiny little trophy containing the remnants of someone's barbecue from eighteen. Eighty three percent Now, as I recall his Sunday evening, UK on England have skilfully turn what had begun
gripping Lee towards close fought struggle. The supremacy which shifted one. Why, then, the other over three and a half days of absorbing competition into big the verge of another numbingly, humiliating and crushingly inevitable. The fates we are very, very good at that over A few weeks, I'm doing a cricket broadcast covering the ashes, will ABC Radio in Australia, produced by the renowned bugle, escapee and northern Hemisphere, quit a Tom right, I'm featuring. Does it he wore the outstanding australian comedian. To give you a taste Harrison of last week's episode, one recorded before the actual cricket bit of the cricket had begun. It should hopefully pale to cricket fans and non cricket vans alike not quite alike, but the point stance of felicity, Alex
The EU was the ashes, is about to get under way. Well, I was writing an article written by Jason Gillespie this morning and started to cry as he described, walking up through the tunnel and then being blinded by the light. What was I was about cricket was. I was as it was, a ritual journey. That's right at a dark time. You select is dropped a man like that, but nobody is talking about Joe Route and staves Smith and misses the quote that I think needs a merry time talking. Met them being baby faced, you don't. It to that level of the game without having a bit. If she'd about you lack not in the guardian today die that's the level of journalism Roy deserve. One of the most important things as a cricket fantastically down an English Austin cricket, I'm coming. The ashes is to be as pessimistic as possible manner. Prospects of your side, unawed yeah alertness through bitter experience between he is ninety nine and two thousand and three. So what one of the reasons that using Australia or deafening gonna lose the series
I mean there's a lot, but I can never won our team. Success in any form is entirely and on the success of the long running soap, opera, neighbours right now. He me out of luck. Look angry so much as board eyes happy. I can think of neighbours starts in the modalities now, takes it seriously. It gets move channel to channel then in the eighties Scotland Charlene get married and twenty million views all of a sudden tuning and our own, the neighbors trying about which Time Alan border a young Scully wag with anger issues is revenge. News came back into existence via the medium of cricket. I can't believe they letting me say that then early nineties, a strictly starts making some wise getting some solid progression. We beat the West Indies for the first time in twenty five years and so on. Then we it naughty naughty seven. The year. Stay war becomes one day, international captain and the year doc,
Carl Kennedy starts cheating on Susan with Sarah Beaumont. Arguably the rebirth of international obsession with neighbours, the Heidi of both. We will regale and recall for decades to come next decade, glorious Israeli setting record off the record toad fish can t used to date and Mary, many incredible women, despite being cold, toad fish, then two thousand and nine heats things are very shaky for neighbours, numbers and nitrous dropping well off and England achieve its first ashes when it loads. Since contained. Thirty four final nail in the coffin. Two thousand will live in England, win the ashes three one Nay, biscuits moved from the main station network. Ten t made digital channel wrought. And it s pretty hard to argue with a history what sites science, not science, actually scientific, a little bit of respect right! Sorry, surrealistic! Thank you.
The ashes verbal war news now and as always, there has been a war of words. The best kind of war in my book. Wandel wars be was of words, I particular what wealth of Britain versus Australia Shakespeare, thus Daphne from neighbours not contest. Trust jogging has been an intrinsic part of the ashes, build up really since the eighteen. Ninety four ninety five saw When the captain Andrew start out cold is australian counterpart Harry trotted, querulous pumpkin and hit by By calling a start, I bilges rapscallion but this time in England have not really indulged much, not sure they ve quite got the characters in the team for their or at least the characters are currently engaged in a police investigations. But nice in Lyon. How last step up to the? goby polite put in his read for these
for centuries least, intimidating, Gub Shite That is why hardly scared of Nathan on his very, very fine bowler. He burns bread, yes, well exactly. He caused a professional, pretty much delayed due to miss you. If a toaster burnt ties deal, you know what he said here. He said I reckon these happens once it once a fortnight at home. If you I'm learning brain every what night? Maybe your time we toast he's done like man and advocate plastic spoon com? I trusted you know like he's done, that is stops supply and then he's come out of these big tough guy. We're gonna build things. Would he say was being part of that? two thousand and thirteen squad seeing Mitchell Johnson scare them with unbelievable. We knew that were broken, hopefully We can re, create history. Will let's hope it's not two thousand and fifteen we create occasionally or how about where we lost in two thousand and ten or two thousand and nine or two thousand and five like it's just
now, two thousand and thirteen in England, someone's gonna, miss anything victories and you can subscribe to the unbelievable ashes using the internet. Well, it is not looking very good for England right now, two feet seems inevitable, but as an English could give em, where three and a half decades experience of watching England if there is one profound adversity and life, but I've learned through bitter experience to tolerate, and there is a maximum of one profound averted. I've lost tolerate. It is England losing Cricket Matthews this. They also did impressive skill, imagination and regularity, the cricket World CUP back in twenty eleven held an end, the Sri Lankan and Bangladesh. I went out to the cricket World CUP fora. He s been quick info is my first trip to Asia as a pop cricket reporter at each end, rage of thirty six and I began in Bangladesh. Firstly for Britain's Dubai ouster found guilty by up to thirty six hours as scheduled, the echo the blood Bangladesh, possibly with a lot of life at both muscle
They were and it won't be able travel guide through some of India, contractual agreement with cricket did not much more cricket. They were it won't be able travel guide through some of the places are being so far, thereby as discussed previously in June with the golden age, the Bugle Dubai, It is any place. The wealthy about expensive tolling be highlighted, Dubai the departure of the apple was virtually for the wealth tarnished and you stupid is building and unity properly staggering. AIDS, majestic physics define I shot a pure economic talk and architectural wine sympathy table humanity to the sound of always billionaire saying the? What do you think of this money is the level of engineering a thing of sky popping scraping benzene is why Hungary amplified
Youtube com to dream? Possibility a budget middle finger, glittering defied me in spite of gravity, necessity and reason. Spangler there is nothing Beyond the reach of humanity? Would you rather be mighty is prepared to spend billions of dollars above have on Sunday the lead, while in other parts of your monthly hard and persistently be off with a solid gold truncheon but his with Einstein himself said you can later my headless dog rather awkward, the offices Jimmy catapult. The same as a helicopter not allow Thomas Edison anyway, Einstein said to the victims of ingenious and stupidity of genius have its limits and, if need be, belief Let me tell you: I got you last week in Dubai too. I talk, meetings for the Russians play, each other in a game and a shopping mall in a desert. What the hell you were a room for light could feed a village per year. Are we putting himself called it?
Would it might get doomsaying nice one I'll bet. You have it's not mild buying on the bunch next, you'll know one mistake: deck of the parish codifying arrive, shakes his own close outlets, known. Back up LOS Angeles, its film industries, much less problem, few people mistake Jacket for Dubai Dubai place, about. My soul is above the cobble fishmonger jacket, just wave of humanity into the pessimism viability with its Thomson cadres fastened together and last week, John It was going stalk, bonkers, crazy, a cricket. He woke up again in Gaza. Last February in summary, catering em. What can you get on with it? you jump, wouldn't want you obviously book. Opening ceremony, the cricket ornament in Bangladesh, there's only one pass: Nandi, I'm her name is Tina Turner role, it Brian Adams,
It is all about present. I would not like you by summer secular backwards sides basically into Bangladesh TAT Captain Habitable battle, I'm going to do do by tobacco. It locked consecutive, it us LUCA against Kim Kardashian a mother Teresa, opening it more sport. Now and in just over two months on me, twenty eighteen winter Olympics will take place on the korean peninsula. I can't remember offhand, which harmony? and potential of a naughty bit, although suddenly bits, if you're going, I Polly check that first of all make a difference to what what you pack and how long you intend to be. Why I'll confirm it before the Olympics begins. But time now a quick look back to some of the harlot from the last winter games, as reported exclusively on the bugle. They took place in Russia in twenty forty
stones reaches still in the lady Canadian Pole Lodge an Jeanette Ma Am on water routine. That was who says you cannot win an olympic. I stones, metal is two hours of a pencil models on you have to say that I dont quite be Jeff, leisurely Aria from Mozart's jack in the box still, but now to challenge them coming onto this, oh, so very russian, I sits the healthy fancied south african pair skulking of under your priority or scalp guy, not fourth place after the promising around thing, you're always out of the judges phase. Now is the free dance, always a strength of this path and they ve gone for another controversial choice of music skulking on water, the shots, hoping twenty thirteen hates by the american porn funk upon is to abandon the grinder. It's their noble one, single dangler danger, I'm gonna put me in your ear and let's see how this music, what's out, for them either go he's on questionably, a very vigorous starts, and that is an extremely on those rocks move at this stage of the late, but I dont programme can't quite imagine, told online drawing to back one off and that that's too graphic, not least to look in my life, a technical marriage. In fact it should school very high energy. That is quite extraordinary angle, but now all some of the judges are turning away whilst leaving in for a closer view. This is a real opinions which are well. I guess you can dispute. The fact remains that this music, streaming literally
welcome to the first, ever Olympic downhill, curling of internet. You join us here, scurrilous slop Genco of the Ukraine, with a final stone of the fourteenth, and she sets it off now down the icy slope and yes, that's another one bouncing into the crowd at the bottom of the rapidly
decreasing crowd still no little contention for a podium finish line round of the I stress hours and they are also very, very agitated, looking horses out there after this morning's practice round very agitated. Indeed, and the only thing one can say about this event is, there is a reason that horses live icebergs, a very good reason, so the excitement stays palpable air at this stage on pale ass. For the first time in the history of winter Olympics, T jumping motorbikes will be as ITALY friendship drawing on TAT was like every fifty goodspeed down the ran from Rangel around long. She goes lightning where the Muslims living things bodies being well. It was a brave effort and the judges will look favourably on that's so tough, the land and they lost competitors. Ambulance strikes that was also brevity and America's favorite ain't it can evil is gonna have to pull out all the stops to beat that sad. This friend, you have seen some spectacular action in the last two weeks, particularly in the new big he'll Husky sled jumping watch out of Indonesian put it this way. There are some fetching socio or join a very profitable games, and they will be further exclusive coverage of the winter Olympics next year. On the bugle
That brings us towards the end of this sub bugle. I do hope you enjoy the various offerings within. Don't forget my radio for philosophy series exploring the wonders of various branches of ancient philosophy, untied the my life as I dont adult, is available on the BBC websites, the first two episodes of cover the stocks and the epicurean. The final episodes in this coming week is the cynics. Please do listen to that coffee, transcript into a stone, slab, haul it onto a bus and recited at a confused stranger, anything that helps get it out that we will be back next week with people four thousand and fifty one, including part one, while they twenty seventeen bugle advent calendar until then book your ticket to my own place up. What are you talking about the new year's while more, that's my time, goodbye.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-02.