« The Babylon Bee

Real Moms Of The Babylon Bee

2020-05-06 | 🔗

In this special mother's day episode of The Babylon Bee podcast, editor-in-chief Kyle Mann and creative director Ethan Nicolle are joined by their moms, Diane and Diane, to talk about the biggest stories of the week like celebrities being just like you, believe-all-women hypocrisy, and how expert predictions always go well.  Then, the biggest topic of the week, your mom.  We find out about what it was like having to raise Kyle and Ethan and whether or not it was worth it.

In the subscriber portion, subscribers get to keep listening to the two Dianes spill on all the really embarassing stories that they have on Kyle and Ethan. Kyle's mom brings in a treasure trove of old stuff Kyle made.

Send your emails to [email protected] and maybe we will answer you in our next Mailbag segment!

Pre-order the new Babylon Bee Best-Of Coffee Table Book coming in 2020!

Show Outline

Introduction -  Kyle and Ethan are joined by Kyle's mom Diane and introduce viewers to the new videocast.

Stuff That’s Good - 

Kyle - Disc golf

Ethan - Crooked Still

Weird news- 

Police in India reveal device to detain coronavirus lockdown violators without contact

Kentucky governor apologizes to Tupac Shakur for unemployment mix-up

Sign warns 'mystery human poo-er' to stop defecating on garage

Man takes 43 wet sponge hits to the face for Guinness record

Stories of the Week

Story 1 - Inspiring: Celebrities Spell Out 'We're All In This Together' With Their Yachts

With Americans feeling the financial pressure of millions of jobs lost, Celebrities joined together to bring hope to the nation by spelling “We’re all in this together” with their yachts

  • Patton Tweet

  • People who thought it was real

  • Hope police cars - PROPHECY REPORT cops got together to spell out HOPE with their cars and they really did that

Story 2 - Judge Dismisses Sexual Assault Allegations Against Biden On Grounds That He Is Not A Republican

At a prelimary hearing to establish evidence in the sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden, a federal judge dismissed all charges after the revelation that he was not a Republican.

Story 3 - Scientists Who Didn't Predict A Single Thing Accurately For Last Two Months Confident They Know What The Weather Is Going To Be Like In 100 Years

Authorities in the scientific community who touted faulty COVID-19 models confirmed today that they are "pretty confident" they know what the weather is going to be like in 100 years.

Kyle and Ethan play Name That Failed Prophecy!

Topic of the Week - Your Mom

  • Was it worth it? 

  • Weird/embarrassing stories from the kids’ youth (subscriber?)

  • What’s your favorite yo momma joke?

  • Parenting advice: you’re obviously great parents since you raised the minds behind The Babylon Bee. What is some advice you have for all the young mothers out there?

  • What was the worst part about raising (Ethan/Kyle)

  • What hopes and dreams were crushed the moment you became a parent

  • What do you do with all your free time now 

  • Kyle talks about his Christian upbringing. You didn’t let him watch movies like The Terminator or Friday the 13th, scarring him for life. What do you have to say for yourself?

  • Are there any interesting home remedies you found as a mother?

  • Tips for moms -- agree or disagree

Love Mail/Hate Mail-   We got some hate regarding this gem.

Paid-subscriber portion

Exclusive moms stuff

Subscribers, please send you emails to our mailbag at [email protected] so Kyle and Ethan can answer your questions or talk about the things you want to hear about.

Become a paid subscriber at https://babylonbee.com/plans

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In a world of fake news. We bring you up to the minute, factual inaccuracies and a heavy dose of moral truth with your host Kyle Mann and Ethan Nicole. This is the Babylon Bee, fake news. You can trust, welcome to first ever public Babylon, be video, videotaped, taped, podcast wound a tape twenty year. Linear tape we're waiting when a vcr movies now reliable on Betamax, and laser disk with an early naked feeling. Knowing that the internet can see us now, we have been posting videos to our subscribers. We might yet. Prisoners are, but others are first official epochs and the limit for different absurd because its mother's day suspect. Guest here we are
especially as guest host. My mom dynamic You think you make your mom jokes anymore, now may come into it actually is and then later on, she's gonna be our interviewee, along with my mom come on etons, Manawyddan, skyping, amazing Skype. Where will the Skype we find here better than against these acts. Mouth and endangers well, so they are in talk moms? This is our first that I just want to know. I'm sorry than you all had mental images of what we looked like and I never was shattering that right now we had one email. You said that, They thought that I was a giant muscular guy with red hair and not all kind of reddish ere. They picture Ethan, let I am giant, but like some brave heart warrior yeah like giant muscles in relatively early in my voice, the cracks all the time you think they wouldn't. Why would they get that image? He always talking.
A punch, engineers and stuff here. Talk of being my mouse masculinity talk among game underneath This is a very masculine guy, somewhere somewhere underneath alleys layers of emotion and love love. So yeah. Well everybody. This is a pint guess where we come in the news. And we did it. My reading about a lobby stories, the dynamo Agri away to get you to recover his cave For me, this is how people get their new and some people do hear and feel sorry for it. How we encourage you to get the news, sell diamond too soon we're news: let's do I don't know nothin for diving into stuff. It's good stuff, that's good! but now this week's edition of Stuff- that's good, so my stuff Could this week with good cow disk off your broad things,
Well, I can recommend a very specific discussed is the exact disk, but I would recommend ennobles star destroyer. Ok, that's my favorite disk sounds violent. Also the champion t bird by an over a very good, beginner, disc and recommended. My parents actually got me a discover. This basket for answer my birthday or something so I like having that out in the yard- and I just go but anyway so this is. This is kind of people are returning to outside and they're, starting to experience the sunshine and everything and just go because it is socially distant. Your There are kind of in the middle of this course by yourself. It's we much free it's out of all the sports. It's like one that cost! Basically, nothing! You get it ask for ten bucks, add big five, and you're good. You can play the whole course with certain disks.
The champion Teebird I mentioned, or the shark, the Uno, the shark integrate disc and such a great community, because a lot of sports you have to go in and you have to be really good and this one. It's like you, don't can you like kind of their offers me you can buy disco. I have a good time, so I recommend finding your local disk. Of course they are usually free once in a while. If they're like a county, Parker Regional Park, it'll cost a little bit but it's a great way to spend time with your family. Take a kids out people of all ages can enjoy, and you can we'd. Why do you do that? You know just as my my like smoking, therefore injecting masters as we talked about, and whenever I renew my math browning. I don't want you do it. That's my mom have never done anything about anything about anyway. I recommend go and take your family using disco. It's a great. Spend some time in ITALY, but like discover really like it, I don't get it. It's almost like surfers activists like
this last about it your eyes when such not hard course punishment. That's weird. My thing I am recommending is a blue ground. Band, which their considered new grass. Because they're, a newer bluegrass ban that you is a are in need of Agnew, metal, Agnew Metal, but they are called crooked still, and I allowed you may know the like bluegrass of them Have you ever heard of Alison cry? she's a glorious voice. I am sure most of her loss and cross The singer of this group has that kind of a silky like glorious voice, and ass a slick. It's so good. This woman named ISA, O Donovan she's. I believe Irish anyway crooked. Still, if you want some nice strings, I will list and sincere Mary for South, might happen to get it on my desk less like my early twenties throne, but and other elements
mom. Do you have anything you'd like to recommend? This is where we give kind of a free, piteously pay free advertising somethin to centres we proper on Estonia we ve been enjoying walking. The various neighborhoods around our home walking dead watch. He did so, and I mean we ve got all directions about a mile. Each direction since gone through the neighborhoods and concluded. We have The good neighbours, because there's some people, like with big truck setup music outside their houses, things at me. Them undesirable to us, but been funded just explore. We have a little cabin in the mountains where we walk and just look at the different cabin We always do that up there, but never mind, in Chino, walking the neighborhoods walking walking, is Maybe you fear the extreme park or extreme walking here. Her right now, it's gettin away every year
this has been stuff. That's good! This news is, weird with this very red, real stories that actually lotteries mom. You read the first one first headline their underwear news in India reveal device to detain corona virus lockdown violators without contact their solution, these have these giant it's like a giant. Town type. They have giant Tong, grabber man, grammar so it will have a picture up on their disappeared for me, but these giant like tongs that they is to grab new around ball without being within six feet. Area. Are these stories you actually dinner, and these are real Vienna reawakening now these are an actual thing saying in the actual. No, these are This is real new. Oh, this is really yeah yeah. This is not Babylon, be can Kentucky Governor apologizes to two points
secure for unemployment mix up so this governor It may seem in saying that there's been always employment check makes up so we're supersonic checks to people to all these are real dead. But it turns out there actually is a guy named Tupac, secure in his where he lives in the guy was scam upset, is a cam real, seven, that's funny, me that their lives to Bob Sugar is included, as this check was made at the two particular areas, and we had somebody apply for an employment for two packs: a career in Kentucky, and then I waited a toolbox cargoes. I'm hurt I'm really embarrassed and I'm shocked, shook her too. Likely to Harold. Is an easy apologize. That's my name I apologize. I demand that we did about this historic yet, did about as society, Sign warns me story, human poor, to stop
advocating on garage. How do you like on a garage anger? I angles in Australia, Sony, kept pooping on their eyes, and so there She put a sign up. Have the sign here. Yeah, I think I haven't, we put it up on the air. We have she'll put it up there the Sciences Dear Garage Cooper, mystery. Human poor, a museum from flower beds. Here we have stop this fence in a camera to hand over to the police windows and covered nineteen is tough on everyone. Please stop. On our guard honour garage I'll make sure you to your food better and whenever it is, that makes us sticky. I get that checked. Is a toilet in the car park opposite Banana Jos. Thank you for it cooperation
like the mix of passive aggression and politeness at gets it's one of them that the last one for US man takes forty three wet sponge heads to the face for Guinness Record you have been a newscast Armani reading these bearing these parents are proud of that death that Malta did it in the guest worker world records and forty three eight would you knew already three times the wet sponge, so we can take forty four and get in the Guinness. I guess we used in certain my time, delay We heard as I why its links us to point like the faces of video is thrown. Spongy yes face. They shop disguise just in it for the fame, and it's like I'm doing hard to get in the book of records said. Sad, not good. Our. Let's move into our battle on be stories of the weak stood every week stories. These are some of them
inspiring with Americans. Feeling the financial pressure of millions of jobs lost celebrities have joined together to bring hope to the nation by sea. Lying, we're all in this together out with their yachts. While that's really amazing, I need to take a lot of coordination limit on their yachts in the exact spot under spelled it right, they probably had to pay their servants a lot of money to did, navigate him and Emily's the yacht's yeah Sacrifices of celebrities are pretty amazing. My lady Helen De Janeiro being the apostrophe in besides. It is a good details. Data pertaining in that there is an apostrophe and where there is fun didn't is that in the article in the air I wrote the article photoshop. So if one was there was people have thought. This is real. It's one got me
taken in Ireland, I mean there's really only like four yachts and betrays the latter copies, and also I give you look at it. One of them has a giant shadow and only the ones don't. You should be really obvious that scenario, but it looks like it's like floating on the water. My fear of young people look at and that they act like theirs booths and they like it. You zoom in ass, clearly photoshopped and cares detailing the little red circle uncertain spot see you can tell wow good job. You got me inside has been fun, seeing them not on their stage, though I know I were kind of sick of them preaching to us. Well, I guess things to you from their living room without made up, and then I've left out and slap. Let's move that using a bill more, he looks at me, scorpion and some others than these on there and yet on the studio earlier. The act is all yes to do like is gonna nodded his audience. We want some doll, interrupter funny I was talking to the corner of the guy, starts to make a point. By this I mean the show
Can we talk about? I remember pretended Mademoiselle interviewed in Kinshasa, Eyepatch guy tyrant, cringe charges with school in him hard on everything and if they were in the studio he could have like if, if good point. He does do his little thing. You is this. Is it. Killing nods and now we're on? Did you know, hang on. And then the whole eyes like eyes. Media seals are began you and now he's willingness and like there's, nobody cricket he's looking around. In contrast to this drop and he's, like truth, economies colonies, the maid can you can give me my seals, mood, so here's some people that I thought it was real. Now you some real tweets in person tweeted. No, we are not in this together Therein on it with who giving their millions to it, instead of helping all poor and homeless and allay and errors
Into a tree, that's it don't forget the celebrities they got together to share this inspiring messing with their yachts and then Thankfully another guy changes it. This is a Photoshop pick from Babylon. Be parity website ruin all the fun. Ngos in all caps completely out of touch Can someone replied to that? If we, all was in this together. Then we all would have have yards and fake lives like they do and then one of my favorites, this woman says they are clueless. There is a saying right now that we're all in the same storm, but we're not all in the same boat fire. We really we re, They are not all in the same boat and some people's both their way bigger than that's another, People have servants on their but even Do you want to read one of these other thought? It was real. You see that from mill there. I don't
see one from now. Here we go again when the deplorable. I think it's meant to be an insult they mean we as in day the elite minority are in on a scam. That's just how I think I'm just saying this evening there a percentage of people that just don't do not get satire, he lay it inherited. You'd think, twenty to forty percent, the just do not We stand. Silence on this person has got some conspiracy, there is going on here and then they feel this article validates them. Soon army. Anyone too funny cat way till lively Nazis distribute their wealth demonstration, their commitment to occur. We for our such stars. Almost blinded me with their brilliance, what's not to love just ignore the minor detail at cannibalism in adrenal chrome
look at those Lumley Yacht sentiment, touching ain't. It, sir, this guy is women, go straight to the cannibalism and enduring chrome year this year is taken If there is all conspiracy that state and concerning the conspiracy than these celebrities They harvests Fetuses are babies to that suck out some chemical from their brains to create adrenal chrome, which is a drug that they all feast on in a mixed My colleague superhuman, so they can be super famous theirs People are believe this, my my best. Has a friends of the it's really people talk mothers. We're coming overnight, as is now the Miller Castle. Jet man, you are upsetting. Now the common employment. First, as Non Malibu Second, and you can see you can't see what's being spell out over the water unless you're flying overhead. Third,
Those neurons couldn't coordinate something like this. Who would weep over this? is Hollywood. Trying to play is again Europe, There are thinks that all we would put this out. So when the best responses to this, could we didn't? patent laws in the year in this because this is calmer, responds to a partially Also in his tweets right. It was, in my view, one of the general Hollywood. Merci However, the responses reality. I had a really bad tree where he says something like all you people just then that are pro lasting for the locked and end. You just want to get a fun. Rockers yeah he's gonna, go city and be a fat pig, fun records or something Annie swearing. When I say that word fun, so he was being a little fun Rucker about oh a little bit about homer foot record, and our bed record flower men Rucker.
And what the heck. I think I thought I had the treaty in the article we mention Patten Oswald as being one of the guys who see his boats out there to foreign these letters and he saw- and he responded to Russia's, and he responded in that. We have a twin right here. I wish it. We will show it there have to be some words cross doubly basically said: Daddy tweet was very funny. He hastened I kind of regret that on tuna did these like yeah. These guys disagree with me this there's only about it, but it's a good job, so I took it well. We appreciate as when I go about it, as they probably doesn't realise that were conservancy recite and I like that moment, where Lanky Provident, maybe did I really curious, but who knows and if you can also european common or show totally, everyone, Russia, India, can somber cancelled,
How to find that we now I couldn't make it ass our normal under an extra next story. And a preliminary hearing to establish evidence in the sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden a federal judge dismissed all charges. After the revelation that he was not a democrat good for him Sometimes it's like you need like a lot of evidence. Somebody's been unripe fish. Other time you don't need a lot of ants Gus. We did this era that he was not a Republican. What did I say wrong where he is I'm gonna take it out on Monetary union, I made the joke, not at all the others, like crickets
How can you anytime headline like a not this or not yet, think about it for a long time I mean. Is that makes sense, because I know you think through the negative is Democrat. Is a Democrat got it anyway. You guys get at the gate, the joke. Yet I think some of these people that have been put behind bars for this kind of stuff, like mine, Steen and an Epstein. Yes, then they they probably realise too late. If I just told the judge wade gonna turn said Mama, don't I'm Adam Democrat. Oh I'm sorry, son for office is a democratic, I'm sorry, Sir Red. This way, nudist freedom ran on the spot sets of em. I didn't like to. It's so the watch. What happens cabin? I was deaf Liberia reopening and then to see this second stage expositions. It's so like in your face I guess this is why the media's is completely not trusted this point,
but I am ready is who shouting about cabin hollered silent now, yes, partisanship it happens from both sides. It is operating glaring example. On the other side, mom your thoughts I was thinking she wants about people together. She wants to unify. Oh, ok, ok, go with that story, anti user. Whenever you want, I was you Facebook friend, who you grew up with, and he's a democrat and dead this week on Facebook. He doesn't think things they should take by out of it. Many things should be, as should be fair. Both sides. He knew nothing about that as I do that coffee shop now it's kind of Sunday you don't see, never we get so cited are, but there are quite a few people on the left, who are like, let's get this guy here, but is it a vote vocal in part in the leadership that unease down. I'm really know you gotta get behind this guy yeah
Although you see these are beds coming out there, like maybe believe all women was kind of little. Much too like there are so many can very interests. Spectre of now that they have been believe Emory examination of leave darlin. Just you know it's really hard to its hard to come to a conclusion on this now suddenly becoming very nuanced about it. Yet that's fine! Now you know, we ve forgotten the last story. I usually don't go back to story what we missed that these, police cars. Soon, the Babylon business we are we're prophetic, CS. I mentioned that the yacht, Storwell Yachts criminals is felt only a few days later police. When our in shaping the cars into the word hope Police cuffs, arresting mothers and who take neutral in the playground evil inside the cuban people and everything you spell out the stellar hope in a prophecy fulfilled sound bite in graphic the odyssey fulfilled with a little checkmark to cheer.
Acted abiding Biden, accusations to you I don't know they wonder what it would be like if someone just told the truth, maybe I'm idealistic, I am sure I am, but what have you said this and in the hallway- and it's probably not not the only thing I ever did anyone and I've changed I don't know Genoese, really my cabin a relic. If he had done what they say he had done like. There's so young so long ago and like I was rape, I'm in with rape with Canada. We, let me with with violence. Rape, do that's the thing s, not it's another alike in high school or eight there really young man. I care, I'm not saying it's. Ok, what I'm saying It was then remember there being actual raped. I thought it was like use.
Don't get new now and I would like to go into any similar closer to women his arms around for the audio we're watching a movie where you to stay all they were just stay. They choose your ear yeah. Then there will be a movie and strew system. One thing Adam for did our dear leader He grabbed a bunch of old Nancy Policy tweets from during Thee Cavanaugh hearings into switched out. The names verge terror, red and Joe Biden, here's. What news Nancy policy I apply the courage of Terry to come forward to share our story as Ten you to learn more about these allegations against Joe Biden, and sure that reads. To justice and privacy are respected. So I was the she had not originally. I thought you said you already decided there would have been Christine Blasi Foreign and judge Ghana
America had every American should be concerned about what the debate around the allegations against Joe Biden says to young people across our country. We should stand with survivors, not punish them when they decide to speak out. Believe survivor, believe but then they don't believe yes win, get is true the idea of our efforts, so that the funniest parts was peaceable was a feminist attorney. She I ask: you grew up on twitter that she will leaves tureen was assaulted by Biden still will vote for him and supported since, like I believe he is a rapist, but I will friends that's an incredible hurry. I mean I could just guess what she thinks: trumps rapists diseases from seven to pick. I leave you tearing, you have people who remember you told them about this decades ago. You we know, he's hands it, you're, not asking for money, you're obviously struggled mightily with this. I still have to fight Trump, so I will
I'm still support Joe, but I believe you and I'm sorry so weird empty words alone, for my guess is the news talking about that phone call from the mom? Are they not Can I ever conservative newspaper. Now all called into Larry King they're saying it can't be proven it was her, but I'm sure there's some video downloader you could you get. Compare the voices, I mean the same thing. Is it just a noxious that this has to happen every every politician? Now I mean hassle have to find them to dig somebody up. A thing ass to go. Maternal into this all into this cold I mean have to go anti this with everybody. In the thing. I think that most conservatives during Cavenaugh we're saying if you did truly bad yeah. But let us look at the evidence. Let's see what the evidence is right and you
still say that about Tara like well, maybe Jordan. Do that look once the evidence but a man. What's the weird thing here is the timing is a super crazy thing that are doing on the left where they're going. You know why, must believe all women two years ago, in addressing while we didn't mean all you notice, is this crazy you're crazy act. Livings am I right you guys are way more serious in real life than the one. I listen to you That was a serious, does nothing, let's go to a fun. More fun or want me, I'm more funding authorities in the scientific community who touted faulty covered nineteen models. Confirmed They did their pretty confident. They know with the weather, is going to be like in one hundred years. In here. Like confidence sitting predict everything, On for two months, one hundred years more pretty sure what.
Recent climate scientists predicted governor different case so its authorities is right. Experts expert I think most of them experts have really good predictions, never wrong when anything agri so we should always isn't everything they say. I grant disavow recount the story. The war we're do. Is I'm going play a little game here? called name that fail prophecy in our inner. Do multiple choice and then you which, when you think a real scientists said now tat they will reveal which one of your mom knows house in order I'm not your mom nose out. Skinner fuel will see all right I'll, do all read the following: first, you choose Kyle came. The word will be cold enough to have gone into another ice age two times over by the year. Two thousand, that's one.
With the amount of time the spends in a given millennia, scientists predict mass dizziness and a pandemic of vomit by the year. Two thousand ten could all spinning. By the year two thousand fifteen, every american household will do With the tragic experience of their pets, heads falling off. After Dick Fourth, an informed choice. After decades of cow abuses, cows will develop unnatural milk toxin that will wipe out the human race by the year two thousand twelve, which one is real. Actual prediction: scientists main that's what I'm trying to guess, I'm gonna go. The count milk toxin wrong action that scientists so that the world be cold enough to have gone into another ice age twice over by the year. Two thousand. So now One time like region, I say, you'll get twice as cold as it would take. Why didn't really happen? as far as I remember that so complete
think his didn't they don't. They say we're warming we had. I was, I was wrong: what is a climate change now cause and whatever is announced just changing is changing this ban one thing, though I almost almost I'm done that one one. One of my first dates with that Wales rocket scientist dad we and salt and pepper, shaker on the table, and I like ok, here's the earth been so fast. How can we don't get dizzy and making go around the sun spend spend spend. Do they understand that its meaning and it's that hold when he for our for once been? I just thought everyone just always said the earth's bins fast. So, whoever wrote that how he might doing right now? It's crazy think yeah I've itself ass, how come you're not to see that Farming, all time or no, I said how come it doesn't go Dana I d night like down. If we're going to do so, convinced him tat. The earth is flat, we demand ever thought of this here and a big this discussion.
Ok, so here's some for you is in the earth, be entirely depleted philammon hot Tito's by September A hundred percent of humans will experience death by bear, by two thousand the earth will be overpopulated with seven billion people, and that is simply unsustainable. We had a hundred and fifty million violent gun deaths over the past fifteen years, meaning that humanity will be extinct by approximately yesterday Oh, you know what I'm going with. Obviously, hundred percent of humans will experience death by bear. I knew that you would jump on that. One, that's why I wrote it and you were wrong Actual prediction is that by two thousand year from me, overpopulated with seven billion people, so it's funny man Fourteen years off there are seven billion now overlap, but they Fourteen years off, there are seven billion, now overlap, but
They predicted that be so interesting, but we could not survive that massive population boom. Of that many people we couldn't handle it. It says here that he forecast in the hundreds of millions would starve to death in the 70s can anyone like over sixty sixty million Americans would serve starve to death in the seventies, some wrong wrong pie, all dumb scientists, cash scientists idiots some sign this guy. Get a real agree in this area. Worried. You, you read amendment in my my Mama Lance take this one guy, I might see by the year two thousand fourteen water obsolete, and to global warming we'll be so bad mighty doesn't find that you can cook a bag of popcorn just by holding out the window.
Third option by the year two thousand thirty years from now the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North American Austria will be incomplete, famine or five, really is a very real danger of having at least three new newsboys albums released in the next five years, which ones real was really made are you laughing? This is I totally forgot all of em three is when I put in my head, because it had a lot of words and sounded like a scientists would Lay in a way is plain away, and yet it is going to be funny about that. You are correct, it is that is correct in the entire world will be in a state aid and deliver you two thousand, that the entire obi and famine. This is a little balderdash he s a modern ass, but when I gave them, we should play the more name, even I'm so bad at Idas, giggle one. Gus definitions for words and have to guess which ones real cellphone. He said Joseph
You're Gunther, a professor at North Texas State University in the nineteen seventy issue of living wilderness demographers agree almost unanimously on the following Grimm Timetable by one thousand nine hundred and seventy five widespread famine begin in India. These will spread by one thousand nine hundred and ninety two include all of India, stand. China, the near east. Africa by the year two thousand. Similarly sooner south and Central America will exist under complete famine conditions do not happen. No I hear you hasten ready final thither finale earth, Has one moon after approximate six thousand years since the data of creation. So after six hundred thousand years or will approximately one hundred means. Let me say in Europe they reproduce between one thousand nine hundred and seventy and one thousand nine hundred and ninety five, a mass extinction like what happened to the dinosaurs will happen. Thanks to environmental policies.
Scientists now believe we are at risk of having over five thousand two hundred and sixty seven Tyler Perry Movies, by the year twenty thirty climb. Change will cause everybody's hair to burst into flames by two dozen seven, but even sooner they use Aqua. I'm going with the Tyler Perry Movies, her shirt, collar, Perry, Correct Medea, but not correct as you. No. It said that there would be a dinosaur like mass extinction at the first earth day. The political sponsor, Senator dealer Nelson warned that twenty five years somewhere between seventy five and eighty percent of all living animal species of living animals would be extinct little bit off, Isn't that by that much miss good phrases and De Tyler Perry thou? He makes my mom like silence barium. He keeps making movies antonyms
Surprisingly, not very good, like at this stage, show or something job, but he can making them this goes on programme in the guidelines, do ran, and I only if one of us get Tom, we say Heller like so we can only imitate Tyler very little there can you do the region for us which hello hello, those uncle MIKE ass. You did you ever ethic. Deanna Aeroplane. I don't think that no effort and was allowed to say this, so we really do want to know what I said mom. What? Where do we say instead of part? Ok, this is thanks to care. As we said bottom bubbles. Bottom, but there's so much more recent gas I textile went on UK should use bottom bubbles. Is another flower bed word and he didn't ex ante backwards, always the no text back like
Mr De Melo, ass a new danger? You down your son, gets suggestions all day losses true for in the meantime, we never know everybody else images headlines and I just ignore. Ideally, I've become numb too, like good friends will send me ideas like not answering map but when you get that allow some it well. Who cares? Well, cheap Adela! Well! Well, maybe capsule, and I was sitting with him and type Hallowell unease I'll happy, I led I'll say no, real he's lying alright well, what we're going to do now is ever going to talk to her mom's. Yes, we're going to bring on while your mom's here and I'll come in via of technology to find out all about our childhoods, which is going to be wonderful. Do it
the Babylon Bee Gees top hits of the week. Well, it's mother's day or almost mother's day. And so we are here talking about the most important topic in the universe, your mom right, your mom. It's a big tough, but we are. We are interviewing the mostly most their lids, a little topic for bovine. Yet we have small mom misery but as a your mom subscribers re answer me nevermind So another go to my mom. We have carefully so allows because our moms- or here we ve, had many guests on the ban on be podcast right, but on Paul
wrong Pa Phil. Why isn't women should feel Johnson? Yet no one is a film Jeddak dying, not reveal Johnson Phil Robin Roberts and feel dances. The Mccarthy again, who else is well it's way surpassing any of these politicians? Commentators and more importantly, in them, is our mothers. So today We have our mothers on the mother's day. Podcast welcome well where's. That say: welcome Diane Welcome, Diane and Diane, we had a two days nerve authorized by Diane, as you know, the way to discern them, Diane One and dyin to land man, a dying man. When my mom's lasting begs, so we get a demon man and de bags.
So when you do that with my name, it sounds like demon. What do you have you? Have your grandparents are near grandchildren? Call you grandma Duncan my grandma grandma manner, Well, I got mine, combine grainy be well if, if kind, says mom will know, he's talking to me acre and if you those I andean go now you're too good a point also Diane or evens mom, Kyle's Mamma and then we'll Ok, we have a good reason, not figure it out at her. I welcome its mother's day. We're here we're talking and we want to find out. First, Overall, this? U birth, you Bertha! You worked hard, you brought you made money You didn't area to do any. My mom was a single mom, so she went through a lot Our moms go through a lot in the train but I wasn't worried saying my momma didn't go through a lot, wasn't worth it was it worth it goodness gracious was worth it was it worth. It regards
an absolute your mom's them, I'm on a scale, one from wounded him? That's all sports, and ten more well yeah gazillion. Yeah. Well, you know how you feel about your kids know, that's how we felt it. Aren't you going through their own outward? elinor younger. It's more of a question that we have this spread rain area, one junior high who sit like the worst time, the junior, and then we have the two year old. Is the worst and then the five year old playing off two year old so and where lockdown thrilling, locked down with kids at their worst moments of their lives, so yeah, so as to think that it will all be worth it in the end makes you go It's gonna be often yes, it's already you. Mothers have any words of encouragement for Ethan. As you go out at this stage of twins in martini,
I know I was a horrible teenager. Our memories are anything to help help guide Ethan through the valley of the ship, shadow of the genome, the valley of the shadow and general them. I was What gender is something I am I did have to girls after I had two boy: that's what I'm asking what how what access to your old boy, five year old girl, a ten year old boys, actually the easier and now and then the thirteen year old girls continue very dramatic. I would say, and relegate your girls for the beauty and complexity they bring to the world there. There less simple than boys more complex, but they bring someone beauty and joy and celebrate her she was this so nice. No one does indeed have a unique opportunity for the effort. He says beauty and complexity. So I go it's.
To be a train wreck, so I translate that sounds like shattered spies, swell Also just realize it's not gonna be forever. You know, their hormones are raging in and they are in. Thing is so serious and they a goal like themselves. You know- and I think it Important to remind them here that all there, their friends are feeling this way, even though it doesn't seem like it. You know I think there are the only ones going through this and they're not here. Also before suggest that as beautiful and you should let your let your daughter, no she's beautiful, physically beautiful and warned her about man
lies. Young girls. Don't realize you know, especially, I think now, in this day and age, with some sexuality and everything. You know that our attempting man just by the way they look now I never knew that when I was a kid when I was young, men are tempted by physical things fiscal beauty in our hearing a mean, travel explain to girl, how a guy's mine works in. Really have to get used to believe, because in our view they can really comprehend the way it works. It seems I had only so differently. In the arena. Modest is modest. Their use. That's a good one. That is pretty and not to have girls them in girls are wonderful but its spare I do not like to do it I don't think I win or lose. Why
I thought I heard I wanted a daughter, but the thing about care son is like I imagined my son and he's kind of a meaning, the others things about him. I never could imagine. But, like you have you, I did what having asunder likened. It's kind of lines up, allocating a daughter you think about it. Like you aren't like you, you son is going to become a big yeah he he looks at. You asked me to become that one day, but your daughter, your daughter, your this mysterious creatures, this giant creature that protects her. You, like her blue. Bear or like the iron giant or use that give this giant creature that is rough and stubbornly, and you embrace her and care for her, and you like this, the almost you feel like this magic beast. When she's with you and you slow down the river with her on your belly, and you said you had he bugs exactly
I like em in the moms on eleven, my jokes super lack of might describe as teenagers was how I like as a teenager. Now. That's why it's there no time to think about this and there's no way, but not a currently describe it. So Kyle was ok. He was president of the crew in club and class club learning the lot right there so professed class clown. Were I think I one place clown one year and senior year, maybe in high school, I would say he despised, convention country. He would wear these classes to settle and I didn't have the lenses in them. These display of names to be reviewed at hand and different shoes from each other. The bright colors and if anything had a Nike logo or anything there be duct tape over it,
He was like we're loners, even we're thinking to promote these big brand. I will not about duty corporate sponsored that, if I'm right Bible hers has unleashed are very, very likeable by me, but I'm his mom, but yes, but they don't think it's either by some book. Everybody in your philosophy club was more than a carpenter cash. Endowing he had a cousin band, so use creative with his is music. Had a cousin band, look beyond man, I gotta cousin ban to be lemon. Vienna, Threed wanna be Button wrap in minutes. Gregory MOM, I would say Kyle embrace life. It's brought so much joy. So my granddaughter some a funeral. Laughter,
he had a really long hair you. We must rely on the area cheeses here going on. It's all. Somebody does communist me almost sweeping home now. You are really in the Christian rose halfway through my school yeahs, ninth grade tenth grade He was the total grunge free her coming here. In the current obeying and headlong picture Elsa behind stringy here who I must say that I was Isaiah the weird. Yet we are now Did you know that allowing ponytail title that you said along the Kirk obeying here the covered my eyes like? What's stare people through hair, move around girl lesson. Remember how often I was confused with a girl, my people so
is your daughter, gonna stay in the car during this car wash when we got that that question perfectly well yeah. I can just remember the grungy shorts and now the black boots with you now. Crummy old, he sure combat movie. I may moon combat, but I didn't write viable verses on them. I drew the pictures out every heads and things like that in a wretch He was into the sky newspaper drawing cartoons and got in trouble for a couple both of those because they were how can it said that you were the severed heads and our
in a whole series of jokes about animals of leprosy who just Dolly's dumb jokes were like a dog is catching frisley, was making his head come off like a cat is like scratching the drapes, but its arms are still struggling draped in the cap on the ground, like my arm shall off so this as a prelude to your biblical nest. There were severed heads in the by our opponent, leprosy in the Bible. I leprosy uses these skills to this day. To Joseph things on the van wanting. So right, do we still Many of these comics dying, or have a book of em. I think I have myself Maybe you're going sign from my patriotic get a you get one of em Lego Digital. We added a bunch of those yeah yeah. He had. A couple of different bands started there. Listen, a plague here, I'm up at least once a month,
I opened my eyes around in the garage. Lantern identically, I was wrong. I was the old lady and Leah Concerts and the first aid lady, because the Bush pit had some injuries helper, Arms are like angels man when it comes to kids, who start bands, because there ratio and now that I really make his minister band, I can't believe you went through that of me so I look back now might well. Thank you myself notches. The number one supporters, oh yeah, yeah all those gonna need. I thought, having abandon the practice in the garage could land We see no, I am and what I'm doing here throughout and our house
and then he went to young life camp and that's red. Turn your life around right, yeah, you ve, basely forced me to go. I did you paid me. You was working, was working memory. You were working, my mom is a hero, suffuse working like multiple jobs at a time issues. I can show you David, bless you working all day were waitress at this bar and in arrest, I didn't are you also worry, but you had more jobs. On top of that three, I am you do paper out in your and so come on you guys I've seen and never licence yet, but I drove so much was this tiny small town. You know you were so I doubt I would actually do the paper out and you sleep at the back. Some nights could you're so wiped out from all the work you are doing. Three boys and ass, so I was pretty.
I appreciate the chunk of money. You were giving me for that and I didn't want to miss a day of it cuz I was in so, but you wanted me to go on this week trip to ITALY, so you gave me a vacation to go and you're telling me no excuse. So you got you got my relatives top if the tripling you paid me to go with side choice had been alien. Yeah. You didn't want to go because your friend didn't want to go. I also hated those kind of things: a hate church camps and made Airways hate. All that stuff I really don't want to go, and I love it. I really limit, which is weird Cosette, was now. The men. I would win this myself loving, lower and the teenager Thing Kyle. You look like you're about to say something on em Don't you is look like that now we are going I think it was fifteen when we flew to Washington DC for mainly trip so the whole right on the airplane. He let me know that we were making him go. So what Diane set over reminded me on this?
commonalities menagerie going on here between the two citing my constitutional right here. Taking away my american freedoms, you link, I can't believe you're making me go so we get a vacation has the best time of anybody. He has a great I'm so that all up and then the whole plane ride home EAST. I can't believe you took away my rights you. I am in America, Yes, my love for liberty runs deep. It comes from my teenage. My oppressive parents, I actually launched a protest one time they try to make me get braces, so you can see Loretta you can see that I have this bottom to feel like sticks out, and they tried to get it fixed for me, and I do wish you hadn't, but I protests signs all over the house on the walls a man went up on our own and he got it from me. We call it that
Barbara crowded, that's my name. You have to Keimer Crowd, gathered there, so crowded all the teeth don't fit there. So I knew I should have made you buy you are so passionate and I'm like world a few thousand bucks and he'd really doesn't want braces unaware of that meeting. I had I made you get them. Who knows? A few thousand bucks out So when I was a kid, my mom was a hard core commit us do chores. I was I chopped at every weekend, because we are used, wouldst, thou, wouldst overheating. We had this giant lawn. That was like a star vertical hill dwindle modal on so I always I would my biggest beef with mom was it. She was at. The slave driver should make us work. So much so remember, member one week can I got no matter. What did I do? First aid? I need a cartoon. My computer is a looping animation.
And it was of me and my brothers are in a vague, an egg in a cage I think and in the end She has had his tears running down her eyes and it showed you wanna thrown like laughing laughing dynamically Co Uk. Found that it has had a running a loop on the computer while we were doing their chores and you're laughing so hard at it. Then I got magazine you demanded, and I think it's funny, and then this is Bad admitted, but it's really now. This is my sense of humour in high school. I of others is running, don't read into a too deeply the next analysed and I did was the cages broken open and my mom is lying on the floor. Wiggling like this like a cartoon character and we all guns and Regos repeatedly he's out school because Isinglass, Nolan, her school shooting started like like
we're hearing about the one in Eugene. Oh yeah, I mean my France all joked like that. We'll joked about shooting and stuff and catch over got any anymore But she thought I was Larry's to disturb. You know it's killing We have the power to make it has made it funny to us is that we do not have guns. You have a dad around that with we didn't Hemingway guns you out again. We are growing up, but I'd never even touched one and tell my friends from around the oh, so you that was an anecdote. That was an actor and then liberties deserve disturbed. Now. Can we ve kindness animation, know that computer think truly crash said These are major innovations, real old computer. When I worked nothing that crazy the hours mathematician.
Yeah he was good in animation, so now. He did crazy things like that. I still encouraged it. I love that I love the lack of over reacting this to what she thought to what you had and admiring and creativity and the humour in it. Instead of focusing on Violence is bad, bring me with animation of me getting shot, you see, it was kind of, is I made it enough? It was funny. I like the way you were on the ground like wiggling, like as if it like You don't know the whig like now shouted lives if they were like flies getting, as I made a silly tat, whereas now just a yourselves as well That's I found some tips from arms on the internet. No really
see what you guys think I wanna get Diane Diane Stick mom and Diane's. Take on this so number one stick to an early bedtime. You haven't down thumbs down. What do you think guns that? Thirdly, let alone really bedtime temper better, waiting for the council. Yes, sign of I get in Tibet as soon as physically possible. So why are you answer older girly bedtime, mom. Even when you re getting on very structured. So I think we got judged by some people when we are raising here that we didn't have you embedded. At an amateur he married. But we have fun so your own struck. It was definitely our house I don't mean that anyway We want to save you guys that you'd damage, like a structure, is hassling with us, because her so casual we were thee,
fun house that, like all neighbourhood gave the winning Gonna neighbourhood, gives us they'll, give our house that will bring Amanda. We have lacked a dozen kids at our house just run around wow. My mom would have gone insane. Is it you didn't empire? Yeah I would like to their work. Kids and lakeside. Yeah peaceable varies, towns in Oregon for people? Empire lot appeal street children. Everywhere has led to try once they had to be in school. We were do eight, thirty or nine by as toddlers it's like want. No one's telling us where we have to be tomorrow. Let's play, didn't. I get up at like two in the morning industry around my bike around the house. Dagda got up in Europe big will in the hall you gotten it out a grudge.
Are another advice from arms, create many traditions stemming Many are many, many like small, like little traditions. Like Why? I can think of one from our childhood. We have a special birth. They play a plate likely to have a birthday plate. Every birthday there's a place as yours, today, and I always they always said. Oh I'm not social every other day Rios Montt, special today as part of the treaty, employed about the birthplace, absolutely for that one about you, Diane they didn't have averted he played whereby we make every year money, Kingbirds yeah, what's binding, Ed Sorry man shattered arises here. Is
Oh, yes, he's on Fridays, remember I am moving. I tried it will be diminished getting us at a holiday temper. Just to help your holiday staff Christmas tree in. Look warm on the lukewarm. I wasn't absolutely. We were one. I was absolutely further maneater yeah I'm trying to think of some more though I know we have it. I know we had a ton in the summer. Sometimes we didn't theme Thursday and there would be like a circus theme or your cousins will come over not Pinterest, ing at all, replied us towards Boston names. Of our many tradition on and if you have any ideas, just trying to think of some, but it was a small things like this when we were in soccer was like Burger King Thursdays and we just gotta murdering, and it was just.
And we ought to be to see who got the longest fry. That's when I was a bible, steady dahlia, take you too, but I was dead thing. They were taking all dead story, our he did the he would do the the little trips where. You just drive around town and see where we ended up. If there storm you guys will make us did about down there. You know how these two out of transiting through these are down. These are fathers, these stories, who have to save him for fathers too. Take your kids on individual dates. By day your children, It is a good thing if you can go now, in a single mother. I I think, as part of the world we didn't have a little traditions and I couldn't take em individual dates are the time I could didn't want to be with their mom. They want
their friends. They didn't happen much younger. Two times I've taken like I took Eliza to Disneyland all by yourself in that is still one of those special memories we were had and then Lily took her to the Matilda play at a date night and yeah, It's so worth it do it. If you can do it too the old times. The other one, unwanted so manageable. You forget how like nice, it is to have kids like when it's just one loud and screaming at each other. It's like yeah, because it that's what they really want. They want to be focused on. Yeah need to learn in reality they can't be focused on, but everyone still out. This causes this sigh of relief when, like you, can focus on them and they get what they wanted. You know, then, we'll go back to reality.
You will remember that forever. My dad EU on on a one on one once and I never forgot that I still, I still think about it- sometimes Kids would get the idea that, like lucky, I work hours and hours and all this time and all the money that you get the girl comes from oil. I focus on you attend, but then it really translate that Tell me about I like much older, that's good to. We had some really good Sunday school teachers in our adult Sunday, school class, Kyle's dad and I and one of the best things that they said was to spend fifteen minutes a day which we didn't do it every day, but letting your kid just be a kid and letting him get an idea. Of what to do and then not making a teachable moment out of it just following their idea and going with it. So as a teenager Kyle I took
I'll do whatever you want to do, and he had me, Dr Backward. I can't hear you had me DR backwards through talk about an order, only guacamole who we were in that when you are in here is in my view, but it was fun to get the idea, and I just followed- and I think about backing through drive through, and it sounds heart You did and I'm sure I didn't do it. I, like the wheels turn on the back and you gotta like other points, but I had one with my dad is the little girl one hundred one and he had a RO in the summer is when you didn't teach our school, and I got to get up like at four a m and go with him and I was so excited and drink. Chocolate milk and got ill. We had to go into this nicely on Israel.
So you tell me what is that's, how excited I was as one of six children to be one on one with my my dad. So it is, it is special. Now its tummy ache? Special thumbed allow your kids to fail. Definitely deaf I'd rather stop from failing mishap. We're going to fail. Some writing it. I guess they get all, whereas they get when you see them about to fall off the sight of a building. When smaller sticking to fork and allied saga. You stop when there, as my dad fifteen and going to spend the money on some damn you can. Let you let em we're gonna die Locking nut with my brother know is like playing on the edge really high up and there's some fisherman friend of his, like you know, Tommy was plain right there on the edge he's gonna fall off my Ngos, The way I learn next time you know he's gone
the day, so all the way down there. It is not the way out of a mug labour, we, the tide, was an end. It was you I wear. The tide was anyone again into the ocean, school fired, not spoil likely toddler You know was had something high Ikey tell him it's hot, they dont understand the after. Let him get burned a little bit near, bear little, so then they understand hot, no other, avoiding being asked to that too to let them fail, but then I'm trying to think what is fail and I can't really think of examples, probably like right, trailer by regular bacon, gonna crash capital.
Or fall down. You know, sir, on other teenage years, like dating a diagonal heard her own. Now, how did you guys were of the allow your kids to fail philosophy, none too bad with them? Yet fail decisive final, yet I'm it found get back up Yes, I have a family meal together every night this last longer than I could ever get check in I guess I didn't get so much pressure due to family meals together over nine. Sometimes you know what make yourself some Syria, I think that's ok to yeah person Yeah we create together my most of the time, but then what Everybody got older and get jobs. It's impossible working? You know I am the older, the kids get the harder it is getting ready to get together it.
I'm not proudly on our part. We did the Wednesday night twenty burgers for five dollars and moved on The idea is to have some right on the way to a lotta and now so help me. I'm like. Oh, my goodness. I didn't really do that. Damn poster thirty thirty burgers Doin bird were well my sister's husbands, atom he's really cheap is number being cheap and he would have each kid go in and by twenty burgers and then to freeze them. That's pretty good, yeah. We went to meet girls on Wednesday night too. We'd inside and more was a me altogether. Rain became ass. It was to focus fun the totally council whose work some of the worst moments raising us.
Skip little stories here was the worst could be. Two, your own vomited up, something could be teenager crash the car. What is it? What do you think some, the worst stories, embarrassing moms, me thoughtfully. I am hoping I remember their mistake, or maybe it wasn't even think that have always likes assuming the very best of them. So now that the kids are older, this story, he's come out your finding a retroactive when he was letting derive when she was thirteen, Yet as I let you never tell my sisters to drive or one of em when I was new and I'm a Buick, we just go the Parthenon glittered around certainties. Thirteen year. What then I was acting? Yes M team, makes your mother now geez yeah. We were little hooligans sometimes, but it was always very peachy hooligans and we were Pd Hooligans a thing,
They will send you a crack dealer even known but like a high school, we would get jam. We go jump. The fence at the apartment, complex down the street and go swimming pool. Therein Why? Don't you tell me you know what it's like? That would also be breaking stir religiously. Getting in MR, there was a pepper shaker I kept buying from pampered. Shall sum the one to break it can break and violent wanna make a man about a benign, probably just as it was likely find a yeah. They handle them. Anymore. Must gonNa Kipling oriented Pembroke just now that if you turn but whom again challenge I wouldn't sunlight. I went very troubled challenge was he would have big ideas that I couldn't quite fulfil so he'd say I want to make a helicopter and I'd go, get some construction paper and glue and scissors. No, I want to make a real helicopter.
So I always a little added weight to five if those Mikhail Gabby yeah that was chatting Yeah well you're too, through the worst thing. I can think you, through the piano being kept me when you're through high school. You got mad. Don't you? Let me go to a concert. They have been the weird I'll concert. Camera was the we're AL yank. Now it was one of those local rock concerts I don't let you I gray eyes some bad. I think I got myself grounded, let me or the concert I did These were the bad days, are fighting Finally, we all thought was like a house of fighting for like dear for years. We were alike in high school, really, the most volatile ages, Junior either I school and I loved a piano bench at my mother and she dodged in and then she actually fake, called the police.
I love you actually nearby value, then you start throwing myself out of MILAN. Let me know that I ask you to be kicked out than ours, I started pleading so yeah here. I am today after throwing your mother and you survive survive even arrived user and cheese. Smiling. We all recall affable now I know you so mad you're, gonna Brito against the wall. Get the wall, the wall above the trash can live, there might be no stay there and we were also manner. Yelling is screaming and he slammed the breed arrogance towards is tired of it and it hits the one big. Like a perfect Brito against the behind. It was like it's got splattered everywhere and is it duck Ryanair like a work of art. And it was so funny the way hit the wall that we must also laughing and like the fires like the fight was over, the Brito is so funny.
You think I don't think we have any violent stories or yet of father there to stop you halting like throwing throwing things. I m really matter. I Ryan punch me once, but I think that the parents we never like, we never followed these ceilings. We fight with our similar, been we'd, never punched real My mom was like my parents are like Adam in, like if you'd started to hit was like you're done. You know yeah. I had this thing that home with a safe place, the world is hard out there, but at homework. Safe and they pretty, but I can't believe like to have two boys. It really didn't beat the daylights out of each other. One time I did say if you wanna hit each other go ahead and and I put you in a room and shut the door and you guys history laughing mood measurements medicines which that, as long as far as throwing things and all back, Remember I remember saying: there's a guy way and are not good way to express your anger. I never really went farther to its president. The gonna make it
were telling you, you can't buy your brother, but you can stay. You feel like biting your brother, did. I was on the landline phone ones talking with someone. You picked up the phone, your two or three mom I feel like biting my brother. Then I would have you bite a pillow by still don't know quite what to do with anger, but yeah we didn't have the big think Boeing learns of brown stuff, but I guess I called you guys a name, I shut your fat little faces and you will ever memories Maloney, because they would have been worse than labour and yeah one time where this were fine or whatever and issue sad little faces and which might areas like did did silence. I mean I'm just called us a name. Will we do then fuller? Yes, to this day, we still bringing it up because the only there was the only outburst
I had to get up, and now I've lost you okey, here s, how I can hear you I take the rest. Subscriber portion will do some embarrassing stories. Yeah, it's you, and what are we having us going to try to do for the we have some fun we're Calliope S. Mc highlights what was Kyle. Has a joke, but could he wrote mild and we're going to honour its power was I wonder at this joke you dictated to me, so you must have been like three, and she had at my mom is a core reporter and she said she had a time and she's type This was on the typewriter or the core reporting this title, eight ironical yeah. So she was. She take this up. The funniest joke book. You ever heard of a man some exciting to release. So organs, see some real jokes here right.
Honest subscribers. You give us your Kyle's, embarrassing all our work and in some embarrassing stories from Cairo, Nathan's passed a few theological it's from Cairo evaluated at an early hour. I will do it. Well. That was touching in moving removing all a lot of the touching moving was in the subject proportions, vision of our sense of the best stuff we haven't we read and some of my my old, ass, Julia Joke Book, my job in all my own staff and talked about America, you my ears. He was pretty fantastically. Some special moments, Nelson Mass moment, small hearing, military and moments- I got it, you guys, so we're do some hate mail now. To do so.
So we wrote an article trump refuses to let Jesus in his heart after learning he's from Nazareth because he's give us was when he was talking about all those countries, any column, flowerbed, whole countries and So it can anything good come from Nazareth, and so we get so in replying to our newsletter, was very upset of area upset. So mom. You like to read, towards your kids. What's the protein all mobile broadband on word, your damn dark article about Trump just confirms what a bunch of Babylon Baptist heads you really are hiding behind a computer like limp limp did spineless Joel. Fish morons. You certainly are mind. You know many words for the person that wrote this. Dear son votes, we're just The liberation of it, it sounds
Duff daffy: that's what I'm poison penalize backed up by heads of her momsey but its before, so that was previously you hear hesitate. Noises I did by ones when he was a kid and, and and bring home from lucky. There was a node signed by and all the children saying, dear dear, mom said, but at the same moment when are we actually set? Was I witnessed it love? but you are telling us before that, use our common and Babylon be that Ceta. Whoever wrote this has issues with their mother, her something here, yeah they're, trying to work out what they did get emotionally from their mother when they were young. Can it was clearly road. It so hard people who love you guys you're not supposed to read the car like another one leaves They will, I really worry about them. They go
personal as possible to a stranger comment on twitter psyche. Problem sciatic, they have to go that deed, like they were trying to cut as deep as they can in some strange persona. Remittances, very strange people in need of help. You need help. So we did it. We did our first filmed episode right this. It yeah If I tell you I was trying to picture, would a limp, roosted spineless jellyfish moron would look like they have wrists I can try to draw it, but the Alley something limp wrist. Spineless this needs to be the thumbnail further jellyfish Ok, what seen this Jerusalem was something about Nazareth. Ok It reminds me that right wrangling, you're Babylon people came out. I got to travel to Jerusalem and I took it into the dead sea. And I held a really more money.
The bologna book has been read in the density. Well. Well, I floated while there and then I had floated Rikers six ought and then I had an idea for a Babylon, be story that a text to the Kyle ignored yeah. It was something like there's something like all these tours get stopped. Could everybody has to stop and read this amazing Booker see here. Sorry do the med and jokes about the Babylon, But I really I've seen the first went to order the book, even if she might very supportive yeah she threw party the data the book online has. Big to be kick my parents are, so they ve been through its times the media. There is doing whatever the same thing as is done in the area will get there. I got a poem a few more books in Edinburgh, billing air. So that all the hate mail we genuinely want a week if we get one really good one like that, you ever think of doing something. With the comic the comments
sometimes our hey man will be comments in their accounts that they may not be what you love male, sometimes denies it nice nice mail So can I just say that none of your things really offend me. Not even the thing about growing up in a christian bubble allowing ok a little bit, but that the or a bubble that less money than theirs. In a funny in it that I don't care suspended, but the only time I get really upset is when you make a funny crystalline, I feel so tat. You can cry into his millions of dollars. My ps3 road, I dont know why violate spot for for Chris Tomlin and have you ever heard from him? Has he ever and I was really an ogre home? He was down the street at the wheel. At times that are made down their tailor. The tailors made down there and he was down the street at the factory touring took like a selfie and, as I am sure, and over there cannot ever didn't does my let's goes of ever gets is critical
Maybe he was seeing you in trying to get you in the same here. He is never shared the Babylon Bee article. So I think he's a hard on. We are gonna harsh we haven't done, but he's decided to be the guided butchers him. So I stand. We can do no other really enjoy to the world. I crack too funny that Kyle Dan L L it. I was at a critical, contrary funny. Well I, casual Kyle. I takes Kyle before I put this unpaid, but to make sure it was funny so Heath, EV, Kyle things its money, I'm eyes feel so good. So I said I'm out of Chris Tomlin concert. That's where I am that's where I am that's where I am, and so I texted him and I got the thumbs up in the lol and he thought it was pretty good. So that wound Facebook gun allotted like the due account I'm a humor consulted on Zaire, I'm really what we have done and we have talked to her mothers. We have covered the news and you are now sand. Yes,
you for joining us in these efforts and watching our you to show that there is a ton of all episodes that are audio camp near but is the first time you can see us keep a gun and he wants you Philip said you're gonna find out how snakes rotten goodbye The rest of this August is in our super exclusive premium subscriber large. If you're, not Babylon, bees subscriber go to Babylon, be dotcom. Flash plans for full length, ad free pod gas access to our headlines for twenty percent of the items in the Babylon Bee Store a gift and more. Please drop us review on Itunes and share the podcast with a friend feedback and love male go to podcast at Babylon, be Duncan, follow Ethan at acts CUP and Kyle at the Underscore Kyle Underscore Man on Twitter
Ireland either would like to thank Seth Dylan Propane the bills Adam forward for creating their job. The other writers who tirelessly pitching headlines subscribers and Eu Law is now until next time. This is Davy Andrea Voice in the battle on be reminding you to go forth and punch same repeatedly in our eggs.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-06.