« The Babylon Bee

Kira Davis talks White Guilt, JK Rowling, and COVID Christianity

2020-07-21 | 🔗

This is the Babylon Bee Interview Show.

Kyle and Ethan welcome back Kira Davis! They discuss how white people are making black people feel awkward in an effort to stamp out racism, J.K. Rowling and the TERF wars, and how the rules of Quidditch make no sense to our resident expert on games, Kyle Mann.  

Topics Discussed

  • White people making black people feel awkward to stamp out racism
  • Accepting doughnuts from strangers
  • Poisoned Halloween candy
  • Black people who support Donald Trump
  • COVID lockdowns and civil disobedience
  • Churches trying to navigate the lockdowns and being a voice in the community
  • The Walking Dead and creepy horror movies
  • J.K. Rowling and TERF wars
  • Sexuality, social contagion, and making life-changing decisions at age 12
  • Looking for identity in brands and labels
  • Old tweets coming back to haunt people
  • The rules of Quidditch don’t make sense to Kyle
  • Enjoying entertainment without agreeing with all of the creator’s personal ideologies
  • Christians in Hollywood and Kira’s unhealthy obsession with celebrity culture

Subscriber Portion

  • The Ten Questions
  • Kira tells an insane story involving a spider in her garage

To watch or listen to the full podcast, become a subscriber at https://babylonbee.com/plans.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Real people, real interviews, I have to say that I attacked strenuously tee a hard hitting questions when you think about them and as you like it, taking you to the cutting edge of terms will last year is one of the worst movies ever made, and it was very clear that Brian Johnson doesn't like storm. Kyle poles, no punches ass Calvin. How you're evil to sleep tonight he's brings own shattering common sense from the top robe defining double dear you. This is the Babylon Bee Interview Show. Welcome everybody to devolve be interviewed show Kyle man I mean in the coal as hope. You watch the show a couple of times. We say that every time and hears cure data say it's
the interviewee, if you haven't seen, carry it where you man, I have what's your problem really out now your life is currently you can end it, and now that you ve done everything, There is too, do you ve seen me I don't know where you go from here. It's all down every year, as you so to show. So we decided, since we have carrier and ever and both of em, but why not? Now what the heck I assume their wealth, we very similar in the sense that words me talking to cure a bit rain. Anybody I know who likes cure. I can't get enough so near So the first thing we are wondering care and this hardening interviews in any stories about. Something weird than happened at my Comp Depot Earth ass funny you ass has been involved. Funny that you ask, I actually something recently happened to my husband the criteria we ask all our guests that so we're. Ok, so
buddy his listening to this might not be able to see me I'm black, my husband's black reveal, but obviously it typically how works and just simple genetically patrol primarily by man, humbled by women and the independent Beckett's crazy, but that's how it works. As everybody. We already knows wherein ten times raises the big issue and my husband: I live in suburban Orange County. You do the math on what that looks like block, plus, why equal blight she told us how do the math I was trying to block plus Orange County equals, you stick guidelines are Laura. They. My husband was that deeper the other evening ad. He comes up, says, house looking at play,
ants in this lady. Those why lady was sitting next to me and I could feel her staring at me and You can tell the corner your eyes are to feel comfortable using that maybe she she not that she knew me or whatever and sky was moving around she'd cut a move with me and she kept. Look at me as a family alike. Do I know you did she said I just wanted to say I'm Sorry, oh my god, my has been, who, Hoddan, run into you or something before lesser excellently. Put the stranger. My lady strangest I'm so that an accident I invite me your car outside My- has rules that he is not really into all of this annex ten miles, the very like average guy, not work come on sport, your family and
the rage, the raging and the justice, that's me as minding my heart was beating like that. I'm just a faint man, so he was like she said Would you now I'm sorry he said for what and she said well, I just I hope, but you feel welcome in our community and I'm so glad you here and I just want to tumblr view. Thank you I have a leg, Kay, you're, welcome method in the day like the biggest, why it won't let you like, I didn't know what to do with the most awkward thing, and then she had told him. Is even worse. I've been going up to every black person. I see apologizing. So well why people, if you're wondering what you can be doing to be a part of the solution don't single lesser Ankara
to us around depot at apologize or thank us for any the, unless you know us in yeah. Maybe you hit our car apologize for the worst apologists for those guns, those so weird, but like I've, never felt at a place and when's county and in the last few weeks I feel it everyone, staring out all the time. It's so weird it. So that is its social justice, that is making feel more yes like we say are there. People like, I think it's probably happened on both sides. To some extent America gear we want the popular data was sorry. I told him to Kyle Where do the parodi rank we're the only white family there? It was like fully mostly mexican Blackwood. Here with everything, on the news to what what do you think about us is there's. This is like we're. Not one of the bad ones. Were nice,
The EU must do want to walk around with, like hey we're cool. I recall or night see, I don't think I've been gave evidence we just be like a guy that weird guy offered my child doughnuts and use black guy Finally, can I said no be Raby racist, silent? I let them have known at some of the wheel. Guy. But I'm yours. Why plays a poison because you'd, like you, may now be atrophy Madeleine homeless? I couldn't tell. But I have worked out their findings We have only to storage, I wouldn't trust a white. Almost go of doughnuts either you shouldn't just any homeless person with donor in you. Probably she just said now that you are that the story was one thing about. It is that they were sealed Oh he's thickness, sealed Manzi. Well, when I was a kid when I was a kid Maybe when you guys were kids to it. Didn't
if they were sealed because member Halloween Time- and they will tell you you just stick a needle through the innocent jacked up That word has a lab objective, inevitably zero. Forty five year very serious answer, no but and again countenance Halloween. Can't it's ok, candy a good topic, because history to be like serial killers and stuff they liked him like they have. Some psychotic is dry to do this, but to do it and then just be like hassle. It somewhere got up, you don't see, what's happening right, see, that's just think of without fear, It's kind of like. Recently, I saw that somebody like put a note on peace, a cheese and a grocery store and said, I hope, you're having a good day can do this or whenever they just put a random no to a stranger Their number can announce that just opposite of that.
So that, frankly, you probably won't believe they one. Like noted. This good thing happened some rather than only to see the results that Syria there's the opposite of the murder, yeah they like that their were s. Pay forward is learn, for instance, the idea that is satisfactory, The idea that some kid is dying, a horrible death because of the poison in the popcorn. Bob, let other guys a high razor blade inside the same thing. Again. Someone somewhere, they got some really good. Soldering iron and value in my parents had to my mom. Had a czech candy. Did your mom check, candy. I think so. Yeah I've. Now I'm not I'm taking anti like good luck, a beggar, you'll you'll be fine, I'm sure they had been one in a million to get the razor boy. Are you
naturally since knocked over now now does in special following spelling. This is how, in special, do you thyself reality absolutely not course. Really free candy I grew up. Poor you'll have to do anything for you got take share that makes sense. The arsons for end dawning on him of what's happening from that's the best one to two to three to four look in their eyes: man we're does working on the street the sailor Seinfeld that everyone that we know is just given away candy. I can wear that sort of any like social justice, black but that would actually like someone to come to them,
I'm sorry when they feel they are left to be done. The same thing happened. You has been home. People is there anyway, if you would like to follow after what he really. I yes bow before me ass. I ask I have no idea because I think they can protect people these days, but Eric. What surprised me all? The time but there may be, go out there who are like who again kick out of it, but they would still talk about that person later life All too often we like the alarming rise, making fun of white people being so guilty stays I actually was. This is going to sound even let delirious and conduct of this conversation, but My I guess, just listen to yourself of CARE Davis. I did and episode on George Floyd and racial reconciliation and it got live attention and a group of Ladys from my neighborhood their homes have a podcast group like package clubs, edible clubs, part
club. Wouldn't today, listen, they don't have a pike and bring their own part. Now talk about. I gotta have in the first set of written a book, and talking about it's been, does I've never heard of them before I met easier? That's what they feel they are like we're all minds of little kids. We now have a lifetime to read then you another was stirred Babylon. The Punkahs now I'll send them the ban also have of content or something that so my friend from Bible Study Group is in this group, and she said with a sincere podcast. Can you like come talk to us about racism ends, and so I did there was me and a bunch of by Ladys, and but they were really open and honest like they were really eager to such cheesy felt they were very eager to listen, and so we had a really great open and honest conversation, but one of the thing is that came up was like
they were like. We would like some practical things, as I told might that that story about my husband own deeper, had literally happened moments before that I got there Sesar will. Let me tell you this: don't be this person, but I said the other thing is. I always like to have me: slowly heard your paper bag. She has, just by the joint Orange bucket the other thing that union To now is that work one of you when you do that again, also, I think go this isn't just like for black people. This is for anybody. Nobody, respect, someone who feel confident and who they are which is a lot witches funny enough. One of the reasons. I think, so many by people like Trump like you would never understand. You would never think that
as many by people. Like trumpets, I do- and I know it's a concept course of surprise for a lot of people. But to me this is me talkin what I see as a guy who is unapologetic for who he is, our bowed, weird or saying like, hopefully, these totally, who he is, he doesn't ever apologize? He doesn't ever pander raise, not knocking down to you as a person person if he says something awkward dislike, that's because he is talking. I we normally does changing how he talks to. To your rays and I think a lot of us feel that way like I see it all the time we can have complex, but if you know who you are and your confident who you are and you don't feel like, you have things to apologize for just for breathing just for existing Even when we disagree, I think there is a measure of respect that that comes with that,
so think it in some ways we are, to figure out how to be who we are some really happy. Discussions in a way that doesn't make us feel awkward or rejected, or you you going to that park like. Maybe it takes a little more confidence and who you are as dad as crucial as I am. Again as a man of faith and then to walk into the situations and not feel like you have to as a way encouraging even one hundred a month, and you see the start. Thinking about king of the waste waste throb of controls, the gates never know They were all better off of her low, more confident that comes with age, true of age, yet confidence good. I think. If people come up and apologize, you should like really play at first. During your phone on my lord.
And then you get an industry. I just tell him all the other steps it you have to take in order to truly. You must prostrate yourself, like you could happen, like my husband. Was she she's gonna Q, younger issues like you like, a viable single item? Unlike what Go back to my place and talk about some reparation lesson. As a christian volunteers reminded a crazy man, he's a painful man ran for twenty one. I think it's weird though I prefer that I would prefer not to be singled out like that. And also I found that I've been having to do a lot. I'm having to appease a lot of people, are like hobble. I people feel better, like every white person. I know it's like taxing me, calling me. I went to name
the party the other day inviting you on their part can have you a long time ago. You cancel on us this room- I reparation. That's that wasn't my fault. We were like gonna die from covert. If I can you come in, we all that's. The pandemic will all be dead. How so March twenty twenty and promote pandemic you remember it's coming back there more locked downs and went away to be serious errors, as we know the likely every never statement, the who releases the who is Sunday My eyes are really analyzing they on top of the very Stephen they release Discreet, because it gives me all this thing. My comment, career the ends and might take years to disappear. This might never go away. The attic their preparing you to be locked down required is now actually been very pleased with how unruly Americans have been with this whole thing, even a whole, even as a protest
so how black lives matter has come in and around totally a raised. Our panic over Colvin, even than to me as like ass, the Z american Spirit. We don't like to be told what to do German anywhere. Also, we are already a powder keg before all of this head people were near primed to be angry and I think there is a real prevention with the with the pandemic like at the beginning. People are like a kid. Sounds reasonable stay in your house for a couple weeks, just slow this thing. Fifteen days he says to slow sprang to its relentless thirty to bend the curve. The current flattened the girl. I was the emperor flat motto here and now a thing: when they went to weeks of note deaths, cases before other open up right? that's the last thing I heard I don't know: what's in the California, the Irons Dunbar Disney, let us go back. Yard is known line. Everybody's brilliance miserably place so expensive this money now lets her. Will
I'll. Take you on the Burundi dime Gray at that Babylon, be one city park ass Advertising lane. I am foresail, do you can be bought and is what years we absolutely? I don't have a lot of standards when it comes to this business. Now my favorite joking, did you like change, takes only actually pandemic depending prepared there? two pandemic. How much did you say inside anyway and enjoying my bow for me it didn't change but most close to home if I go out, I'm like going out like I'm going to allay look I'm going to do sir or whatever, I do. Love is Nellie, but like Roaming around Orange County for fun is not my usually do not. Orange county is my home now, but I'm not necessarily great suburban person.
But my husband different, was used to go now, only the jam, the hang out, friends going to the bar and begins for football games and all the sudden that just completely shut down them we're all. I was like like in the beginning, I was like all right. Let's do our part, and then I was I was terrified for a little while I am also the Bible country to so. I was really struggling. I was pretty sure I have had covert like about thirty times so and then once we had once we went past thirty day period and we started like getting the extensions and then I was this- doesn't make sense to me this, and I figured. Sometimes the things don't make sense yields cause they don't make sense. I was like a smart enough to figure this out on that. Like I know I don't have all the grandson, Degrees, but
I am also not an idiot I can go out and see I can. Billing and looking at the numbers every day and looking at the testing rights, nothing setting up and that's when I was like but this an orange county is pretty unruly. We don't care about what the northern her lips still who care about our county, we pay a lot of money to build a girl beach and go to the polls and walked the trails, and though people just started doing it without the governor and eventually he has had to catch up to us. I dont know: if will go back in the lock down. I don't think something wouldn't read it. He was funny governor governor gave it to me. I never said that the governor was like you can watch when peoples are started, doing things, and then he would announce now so sick. But, like you see, people go to the beach and India is a never ending, or in here this purse guarantee it is
Can we go to the beach now? You really think you gave an eighth of an energy and they were going to open and thirty first and like three days before he's like a net, it's ok for churches to open we're so close yeah they're in an area where still has United Klaus directors easier, I think churches are all Ben. I dont know how big an area have opened. A single depends on how big can I do. I do not envy pastures having to be ass agents has all of them are just like if one the voice of their seniors, died or something they would feel terrible. You know so there being careful. I respect that in this respect that, but I did fire off very care in a letter to my past yesterday said enough is enough. I feel about asters because of the care I mean the ad we're part of your flock to deal with it yeah I've been like everybody else it. Of course this is I'm, unlike you, don't envy pastors have in the past.
Through this, but there is a lying, Where we need to decide or we're gonna, let God be God original at the state B, the state and I was selling them but the world's on fire right now, this is the time for the church to step forward. This is a time to be physically present, not an assumed you physically present in our community, not Seeing people archer to still doing that, we ve still got our volunteer programmes going out, but we're not regaining were not communing, we're not growing this community, which is what were always called to do this Christians. If there was ever a tie, first to lead on what the kingdom of God looks like It's now like me, we have to get out there. We have to be an example, the world burning, we're still shut down in whose leading who was leaning on this,
to be ass. There's no other solution to this crisis. Without Christ, and so for us to be still worrying about this issue of a virus that The numbers are even really add up to panic. It's real not denying it. It's real has its issues, but some point we have to be like. We can't tell the state that were not allowed to be a voice in the desert right now we have to be out there or were going to be playing catch up, and the churches When playing catch up in this culture for too long and frankly, I have never prayed so much for the general american charge, as I have in the last few weeks. I just think week. This everything looks dismal right now, because of just We did not even the racial tension, but just everything how everything is going there supreme
Susan. I came down yesterday about the old protections for eligibility, that could really have some dire consequences. Moving forward for american Freedom, just fearmongering show I mean fine I think MRS Eriksson decision- passes through all this- could do things. That's like a year later than the exactly what you said. Happen happens every day, but then, when you want to remind people that you set it like will lessen go back to the past, does that other. I do think that now is the time for us to pray, to pray for a country that you speak very calm and beyond the lad. Persons do that anymore and now is the time to pray, pray for revival, pray for healing God doesn't happen. Down with us, yet we're not gonna last forever the american spare me is not going to last forever. I don't!
necessarily believe spanish. Yet, though, and they're still remnant here and I got. I listen to british bypass, unbelievable, which is a apologetic podcasting me. You share people differently fine there and sometimes so. How is all their very polite spreading but sometimes I haven't american guest on and always it will devolve into what's wrong with american Evangelicals was that's all any of us are right. From overseas, we're all just Evangel. The goals of the Capital II, but what's wrong with american evangelicals? You guys are so political. You ve sway election whereby they look at it s so base so basic and their above it. And I was talking to the home one day and I was saying we're not above it. It's not It's not that were exists. We set that were basic. Its we haven't? Given that view this gave up. We ve already conceded
that you're in opposed christian era. Miracles are not there yet to go when we, when you see us putting heads it's not because we're neanderthals who keep get our point across its because we're not. Fighting for the idea that this is a place where we're faith, particularly crucial he can flourish and provide a more. Equal, more prosperous society for everyone. We haven't given up There usually don't allow women to preach, but then some not a pulpit and your presence or a woman, not Should the transition in California would mean eggs. We could you do like a giant evangelical manager, the giant one, but definitely cabbie, consider nature. Yet I would do I get ligatures eleven smile, I never thought I would I never wanted to go to one we ended up
because we came out of the black church tradition. So that's like six hours of church on Sunday. You know that's a question. I was gonna get intolerable. Is it a buttered agenda So when we moved in my husband's pat copycat so he was in charges for less only movies like I just want to go to it. It has like an hour lawns, and so, That was a mega church, but we met some great people, their turn out to be a great fan. We are a lot of the harder work. It's done in small groups at senior friendly, but I've, always found them very open to the eye. The other theirs of light biblical tradition, but the values there's a few litmus test. I have, and I'm always waiting for them to cross the line, but they have not yet what's going on the pastors, not a woman now yet,
it's getting did not yet we do have that female junior pastors like Junior high and that's it, wanted just ass, you look for furniture like in air and sea. I was afraid I work in air and sea and in the same benefit right biblical way. Call it like strict. Call values read every interpretation women in the Baltic, as another one it's an honor gay marriage if we perform ceremonies and problematic To me it would be a sign that were shifting from. Straight biblical values so yeah it would. I think those are not that there's no discussions he be had about those things, but just when you see those things enter the culture of your church, it's a sick.
Of more gay marriage is not the worst thing that can happen and women preaching in the pulpit, not the worst thing that can happen. Those are signals of a shift away from a strict interpretation of scripture and then that's a signal of decline. In my opinion, the canary in the coal mine. I think so. I never used that expression correctly. Just trying to was that you did You know him he's out into a pregnant lady other there's. Nothing now is it in German, No now who live there
the silver does the present material Ass, a good tearing up a male Magnus. Yes, now that you use it Gradually, somebody with my friend is episcopalian in L a and so she works for their episcopalian church, which is notoriously swing. Pretty cardinal let these days of course, with all of this, her. Parishioner crew was asking: how do we get more? black people into,
the charge, China, we want a diverse, I, how do we get more black people at dollar follows like tell them that if you want more like people in church, you need to take the sign from infernal churches as black trans lives matters, because I can tell you that true and gender issues is not the number one priority for the black community. And it tells me that you don't understand what faith is the black community, so you can like. Cater to people guess anyone right or need all even understood the culture using by Trans live no matter. Flower but the Lord's? I didn't cods, our g origin she's talking about shit, I'm a Thorn Grig. I do not take the same vein. You can ask my kids, because if it is a source of great embarrassment for them, because when their kids come their friends come in the house, it's as soon as someone uses Jesus Abbe, like light from
The bottom of the stairs I now we you, we all live in vain name in you MA am a flower bed before there was kind and gangster, but he would. Say God, Jesus yeah, but to every other government as well. Of course, I, like gosh baby gosh Mamma, you throw GOSH misuse. I've got a few tens. This package are generally don't say it but whenever an eyelid neighbour, by yeah, I'd like I have, I have a party now I'd kill us like a sailor. But you re name and yeah birds offensive, came on the like them ever. Invite me on again get my control. And remember, cousin them pretty good dizzy. Ok, I spend it. We'd have written back on track. Well I'll, be back on me listening Sure
but we have supervisory of Britain and a lot of extra. That's a callback back to the old to go back to that other haven't weeks ago, we don't even remember, went by the time. This airs hell it woody because gonna be gone on in Amerika the crazy thing, since we're recording this one a few weeks in advance. This could completely irrelevant as necessary, timeout transact about things, an awkward silence because the ever it yet the attack there it could have been unleashed at this point. God only knows right now: cows, bread with human faces, that'll, be like a headline, a real headlines, the air. In a few weeks. Why feel like maybe in a few weeks we actually might be to the zombie portion of this apocalypse. We might actually see elders. That's what covert actually does everybody that the diet of covering two hundred twenty thousand when America, whenever I start they rise again come back.
Well over market watching walking dead, that you're gonna be like a samurai with two's, the couples: zombies, I'm I'll, do it I'll, do and leading them around the area. We are useless How can you cut their jaws applicant bite, You have that shown as the bow. What did she have only was too for the smaller, like area, because they were lying when our yeah, they they helped kind of camouflage I stopped watching when the guy, with the baseball bat and of the barbed wire baseball bat came on as it was too much so impressing. Every episode again, I did to you. I lost at sea has read before that. I dropped off. I lasted a season after that. I was ok with them killing glands boilers, that then I was okay with them like here, yeah he's awesome loved. I was really sorry diver, that's the last thing. I want you to think I watched a year. I said all right, I get it, but after that you're right you can I think that the writers are trying to cotton the contract? If it's
cycle characters in Ghana just journey they. If I knew he ran day I'll get murdered, then they sit on the side of a lake for about seventy eight episodes and cry experience addressing the earls Dead, Not only do we gotta get up what we gotta keep walk, but please is gonna believe in people again and they look at seven. Were our grave and like all but we're cannibals are. Our people are worse than Sandy's that the lesson get out of here then they start over, say always look at the camera and go. We are the walking. The virus. We aren't. You he's yours feeling. My love like I love a good zombie. The movie or is omby, show I'm totally down for its obvious, I'm really into, and then scary dolls, love a boom Let me ask scary Annabel, me and my daughter, free
can love Annabel she actually dressed up as Anna Bell for Halloween. I miss Miller Crazy, conjuring time whose dear we cannot allow horror movies for ever Could talk about your favorite horror movie number one, the conjuring! That's your favorite horror movies. Classics, modern, but listen. He Contra, here's my thing, I'm movies! I love movies. I don't I don't! at its heart. If you asked me what your favorite is that's hard for, in my change, repairing I'm season of the siege on your same right now, I'm saying the conjuring now I still there's no that's gonna talk nightmare and ELM street. When you, why though, unlike his watch nightmare and ELM Street Sid Ahmed, like another minute, was busy. To me, which ones that is those pretty grammar Nicaragua and I can we're being a kid and watching on cable. Thus ran in them? We just fell asleep on the house. Is we're afraid to put our feet on the ground to walk to her bedroom?
this attack reader, something no like, but he'll come out from under star and a voice in your home school. I don't know this guy. My daughter is you: are you guys you together goes and under international law? Tat, hath, ripe, crazy things like that looks like we're got burned out of. You is a charm Lester. Williams wooden cats capture him. So the parents went and burn him alive in his own house and that's that Let me be somehow: I got dream, Bowers Gag, that dream powers like you, do look around us. How do you get from mingled muster my mind, honour and, I might add, has been Watchin horn with these issues. So then I said I would never do, but You gotta found them on our own, which is about age. I found harm. It is my first horror movie was the exorcist and I watched it recently for the first time whizzing. I fell asleep born right cause, it's a movie of its time. That's a movie of its debt when I watch like the shining recently loved it. So you no more reason
the shines, a masterpiece. He I think very few. These are like that, where it, it just translate, continues to translate the shining and Think anyone's ever really made a movie like that one of the things that I think makes the shining so relate a bowler so special aside at her at the heart of it. It's a story about what, happens when apparent hates their kid ends. It speaks to a lot of us that we have this base instinct get rageful or angry, turn on r, loved ones and then that that's like an evil instincts. You know that were always having to resist. In fact that was perhaps even king. Says he wrote the story. He was writing. But when he back when you type than the typewriter and escape spilled coffee build coffee. A manuscript leaves like act, just kill him and they, like all
What happened to the printed word guy? What how what would it take for you to kill your offspring in a one with what kind of a person with that make you with and then- as other stuff woman there near by I'm a big fan of of horror, workin on a couple horoscopes myself, so nice, love, it say. Where are you now? You can write his lips or your fan wore a faint, mean, frank farming of Babylon. We wrote a horse grouped together, face journey I would producers out there. I watched the invisible man recently. Renewal is pretty good guy. I liked it was. How did you like it? I like it? I found a great. I didn't, I didn't receive the old ones, but like the idea of a stalker yeah we talked about. Some issues have my family, so I really look, but I had someone like that would be visited. Do other more movie adaptations of earlier theirs and laughing black and white one right yeah. It is
like a total and every imagining this, like an area imagining that IRAN House Mojo Man, they're firing on also cylinders over there, my daughter's twelve doesn't necessarily have the most sophisticated understanding of relationship between men and women. We will watch. That show watch a movie and towards the end she was like. Why is it that every horror movie we watch, though it's was the woman that people are like she's, so crazy, It's always some woman that everyone thinks is crazy and whenever believes the woman that amazing, because she really hit on something which was the theme of the moving of real Arrowpoint riches like a female fear de Mello. Suppression and work now believe all hash, I believe all women and it actually. Whole other discussion about how women are perceived when they have concerns verses men now. Easier. Maybe the paint us crazy and
And you know how the truth gets caught up in all that I thought it was interesting that you noticed it. But also a powerful way to express that point about believe women, and all that you know when we hear the hashtag and we can't we now roller eyes or whatever and I'm not. Hundred percent on board with a whole believe all women believe every every accusation and around we make fun of that idea. Ella BC, someone who's rain that to make that point and when they make it through and artistic way, it's all there something very well, then I I can understand Your position on minors in yeah, yeah I just got his invisible or Salter. Nobody believes that is their right. Ray frustrating that is now in your reaction to things people like calm down. How do you like now? I was trying to murder me here- I can come down by it. Did bring up some interesting conversation about that awesome
we think. Well, I wonder if it'll be at all to being talked about that has been in use for quite a while J corralling. Her. He force Exhaustless Her stand trans trance fusion erratic feminists, while you like were you hardly an amazing. I've been guided by defining thing at least of the last of business and me, and what that means is that you're, a feminist you think Few like you because you are, you said Jake IRAN Progressive shred Arthur. J K, rowing proceed, jesting people whom and straight our women. So that's I kind of the basis of religion, the biology, if you're biologic, if a mega, if you adhere to the biological definitions of general, you are a Turk. Person says identify as male and if you don't that everything about them is as male as a male condemn If you just do your turf, if you're a feminist, nothing
be a feminist right now. You will call you redefining feminism. Include you at hearing the biological definition of sex that actually eggs you, a radical feminist only if your Vienna, so they went, got us terms because we're not even on board with feminism, demeaning you'll, get your mom, cleaner air, no matter what we still be labelled and one whose nels like everyone, whose over thirty now's boomer in the north. Really spent every year. Every annoying. Ok, young person is a millennium, even if their genes here yet errand is the same thing with turf at words are nearly meaningless Adele displaying Leah my son even called me a turf the other day, because I suggested that women measure, Amanda he was serious while My son's like I don't,
He comes a conservative buddies. Definitely like middle of the road, libertarian doesn't like nonsense, but that one wishes that was one of those talking points throughout their and now he's in high school half of high schools trans right now. But is interesting as we did her. He won't listen to their solve all say that we did a conversation recently, ask me about Did I ever worry that the keen might be gay whenever animals like now more about it. And he's pretty he now and music? Well what about Ruby? You know she's these wild like what, if she's Ghana like while I'm not too worried about her either. To be honest, He was a well. What would you do? She's Ganum? Like I don't know what is to do what city done you notion, still my daughter so you'll, understand that when you become apparent by what I said
honest with you, I would even take her seriously, if she told me that right now, because I think that a lot of sexuality that we see these days is because it's a it's a social contagion of its like a virus yes, it's a trend trend is the more. It's a silly or word to use as a buzz word that takes people off, but really I like in it too contagion and and he surprised me. He was like to be honest, kind of I've been kind of in the same thing lately lying he's like I'd, say: half of my friends are gay or trans and, like half of them have decided there now. At some point like young eyes, the motorway yeah friends. Did that to gag is I've from small town organ. My friends move lipstick.
Most mostly either Eugene Portland the bigger cities and like a bunch of them, went gay or by yeah and then kind of like you know a lot of stopped yeah tat away. A lot of it is just this pressure that kids have when they turn twelve thirteen. It's like what are you want to Philip? What's your intuition? Well, you know what I'm, what do you have? Any fires like it or not feelings for anybody? Maybe I'm messed up that it now. I know like showing them pictures. Are your jacket is the piano. What are you there's a string hopping about pressure tests for the church? That was one of them. I spoke with our youth passer about Does the gown first started? I was, because I knew my my son's middle school group like I knew a bunch of his friends were experimenting like we had. We had some incident, so and I didn't know he was gonna, get caught up in that, and so I to pass, and I said I,
to know what your response will be to this, because we were seeking church. We talk a lot about sexuality from the pulpit by obviously is nothing you can ignore from kids. And I want to make sure that you guys, addressing in biblical response, because at this age and this is why I told my son to at this age. There are a lot of it, who actually just need someone to tell them- oh no you're, actually you'll have to be like that you know there are like it's who are just looking for one at all. Some are going to struggle and maybe never maybe that is what they are and then that's how they move forward with their lives. Obviously, those people out there but I would say the majority of kids. If you get them early enough and new say you actually, dont have to serve under these feelings. These are We feel that might pass.
If you allow yourself to to it just ride it out We can give them permission to just ride it out and not come to anything until they feel and I was like, I need to know that you will say that, and they were like a word now. Of course, we have a biblical view of sexuality. All are welcome, were ought world two that's why they don't address it from the pulpit a lot so that people don't feel like they can't come into the church, but at the end of the day you know this is our written so undiscovered and make any major decisions about my life. When I was too my guys rights! so weird thing now to edit. It is because it gets weird self labeling epidemic where people they suddenly and we have a joke mother walks, child, to grow, isn't it there's a guarantor either through the Barbie Ireland, using up transgender gang celebrates by.
Gender stereotypes are bad So, if you were a deal barbie your girl by media media by but Barbies Africa itself, it is rare diseases But just the ye they create labels nay, Mealy go oh, this is what I am. I found it. It's almost like a really just like you, I found Christ would think I found this exact lionesses tooth found she's a sexual and its seem like that. Its exile. Imagine and led her down this path of ice. A fine very strongly and politically in this one way of thinking about herself. I can imagine if I thought that way when it, because I was I had they thought that I Sexual in some ways, have the words to put to it. When I high school, I felt so unattractive three years, write a new attempt to ask me: realities ape the Hague mice. I felt like suicidal and not as an attractive, an ugly and I to stir
No, but I didn't have a minute ago. That's so you know what that is. You have this condition, No, he will carry it with her thrust your life, but here is our flag. Riah, here's your Geigy. I hear your man God, because people adults, of saddle view, would this identity now and then instead of letting you explore that identity and decide for yourself them. Oh no. I have a acts, have a friend who has a middle school age, daughter and her and her husband discovered that shit they shouldn't Instagram and she had to suffer said. I'm by having sent she's bisexual and they were shocked, leave and know that she was even kind of getting into the whole romance thing at this point and they were scared, they were. She was actually step daughter, so there was a lot of it. With divorce and blended families and everything, so they were already kind a sensitive about what she might be going through, so they the counselor, and
wanted to export the explore this, and the council that will, let me meet with her without you and he, I don't know how they chose this person, but they trust them and who did and then, when the session was over, he said he now. She's fighting like. This is it. This is a case and he he's did say. I am seeing this a lot, we're latin, don't even really knowed, it means, but it feels special. Was she really men when they got when they dug into it. Was I ll of everyone You know, I don't I discriminate who I care for based on, but she wasn't talking about romance. But she didn't know that. So what If she went to a doctor that said you are bisexual. Your parents need to affirm this in everything you do. Your parents are the greatest authority in life. How does that? fella pow. She thinks about her sexuality, for that is what
where then, what it is all based on like. The whole idea that they were aware that come from cities at science- I don't know where it's actually a sire. I got an air whether sir, what is being said is you can make up whatever you want to buy yourself is on you feel it that's why areas has to treat it like it's the truth. So where does anyone then that's what happens when we rip guide out from under our communities, and our kid so we ve spent the last fifty or sixty years trying to convince ourselves that God has no place in the problems where we took him out of school. We took him out of the workplace, can have His out, we still swear on the Bible, but we can have the ten commandments in and a court room we ve done our best, remove God so we tells you who you are? God does that's. Why I came to price, because I was lost and lonely and her.
Didn't know where I sit in, was acted even in my own family- and here I am God, who was like. I chose you. Why created you you're a part of this thing? I adopted you into this kingdom. You don't deserve to be a prince princess and yet I call you to my right hand side. You, u inherit everything, even though you ve done nothing. That is an amazing gives you a sense of purpose right now, even like you, struggling and feeling or less and not knowing, like I'm sure, I feel confident speaking for you here like when you find the there is a God says: I'm now I created with purpose it doesnt erase all the pain, but it does give you an idea that view matter. Right and you have an identity he now I had an identity as a Christian as a child of God. Really special. You pull out from under people, it creates a vacuum. Something always
to fill the vacuum that we all a religion, the ridge sexuality has become a religion. We ought we worship at that alter sexuality. Is even stolen the rainbow as a symbol of that relate a religious symbol report, As for another religion, so sick people searching- and I don't mean to you degrade or denigrate the devalue, the struggle of people or, you- and I know everyone does it differently. I some people feel again. In this way. In my whole life, you translate thing about your journey, but I am saying that there is a vacuum that gets it I think what we're seeing as it is a vacuum in actually is a huge part of God's plan for him? beings, and that is why it's one of the first things to be attacked the hardest things to discuss and too
overcome and to be healthy about It is literally the mechanism for which we create life, and life is creating. Life is the closest thing you can get to being a dime I think I know identity in the levels thing was such a clever tactic, to get kids to mind at this whole thing, because I'm more, I was that age identified with anything like you. I plead intended. Sixty form Raphael, exactly you do by, like you buy into a brain underlined. I was our big unintelligible, former kids, like my friends like police stations, Identify would only have still wearing into gear and its powerful I've, I've seen studies about people that by brands and it's not that their buying a product, it's their buying, this identity or lifestyle. Yet either such a powerful thing, especially for kids at age, lower all in pride any I've always sold my kids from the start when there were little
If we would hear something silly on tv or every time my son come to me and say this friend is. Email, this trend is getting kind of grand is translated. Friend. Is then ten? No, I would, I would always say a lot of people feel like they have to. Make up these labels for themselves, so that, because they're looking for an identity and the thing and that's something we never have to do is, as Christian as some guy. We never have to search for our identity. We already have, it were already confident in it, and so That's why I don't worry about my daughter, That's why I never worried about my son. You know I can't explain because I can't laying out to them because they ve been raised in this world. That says you're, worn, gay and weeds
accepted that their science behind that science, like Gavin Eater Mon Audio, could have one you, but we ve, and so we ve never been allowed to like have really full discussions about what that means. But and maybe we never well, but the one thing I can tell them is that identity is huge and pure everyone's looking to belong. If you, already belong somewhere the battles, one you don't they a family they belong to they have a mom and dad there gather stable were committed. And then we ve raised and the children of God, my sons, a team, The question whether or not he's down with you now church in the Bible now beat him I'm dazzle gone as far as I know. You have a really large purse. How many persons I have like thirty Personally now, when I was,
Where does thing that you have in your purse? right now you are asked the never in my life I would carry around here I haven't, got a bag and smell this point Are you want larynx? Why I'm leaving? I probably infected more people with my mask then without it like? I don't follow and I well. I brought I just where it's when you get in the store at all like, Yeah that was say. The mask is of nuclear to certain members right. It is such a strange thing, then. We all carry masks oh yeah, my kids, the vast majority of your mass couldn't come up. Your post, apocalyptic film we're living under pressure. With their own topic, say, will you know, do you carry and really really not sauce around a new per Heehaw? I'm not a killer, like that's guidance, the carrying out of concern for wise to laborious pilot
firstly, the part of my progress shortly on the other side, do you wrote your purses through, like you, you like you, but you have the same one for a month or two and then let it yeah whilst at the same time for a month or two and then maybe from going out- and they want like Maybe I want a bigger purse because I need to carry more or maybe smaller pistols in going to maybe about. Some thing we're it's not convenient, tat lived. It depends on your location, my husband, very annoyed. Are you annoyed by the number of your wife's persons she doesn't ever made up of August? I do like three months and should get another one, and I think one thing my wife me just have one initiated is hidden from mere from a thrift or think gets gowns at the thrust of our closet, you're, full of things of hers, and I just don't people in their re. It's better. That way. She brought me as all causative purses. You don't even know she's, very thrifty and very money needs. No, she is here it will meet us rather already or something should get a purse mama.
I don't really have desire purses via the desire persons, because I found it thrift store side. I definitely think In that way, but my husband can stand like all by another person like what do you mean another per for you, have many more right here on the opinion on this chair and but then he'll be he'll, be the first one to walk and would like to new baseball cap. The Google Google for three hour. I, what do you need me all how right it's something the problem areas for money on his and cigars and lighten the burden burned away, you're, pretty spend more and cigars and, like a day than your wife, doesn't persons valliere silence. Probably just so? You know we are one purse per cigar. You should know it's an accessory eyes. Ancestry, that's why we have to make our voice heard your wallet, searches for you too. Do you know you use a new use them for something our prices are accessories.
Second barely match shirt ban, so I can't imagine being yet. I gotta in the bag that have had a man person cab, I see we like it. I think it's funny guy like or does this look here with this minors is practical. My favorite thing is to find a really cute purse at the thrift store, and then everyone compliments and that's when you know who's It's not gonna, craftsmen are lagging orderly deal carried Naxian in the movies and the giant per year moved us here who can, of course, as watcher, namely I I don't feel bad Elena but was still maybe binder, popcorn and drink, but already, and I popular shimmering another like the cane we're not gonna, spend doll and the little will buy it will by Big box dynamic and we'll do we'll stop for so that, like us, all of us are growing Wilson, for soldiers of the gas station and then we'll get. Key and the if we want candy but will buy popcorn at the theatre, because he had written to my palm popcorn
Some say: Although I work at the dollar show fifty years ago, when I used to live in Nashville knows you don't want me before I was married. I worked at the dollar theater taken. They make their money there on concessions having all theatres, mostly health, due for the dollars or movies. So probably like percent more expensive than at the regular theater and valuable go in, and they d like what I can't afford it fifteen dollars smaller up here, for you spend a darling. I like it well- and this is how this works is capitalism, but we would, go into the theatres to clean up after a shell swear, grudging respect for how people got stuff in their pockets a chicken p? apart from the back there see light with low meals, full and.
No one bother to carry them out in a holistic dinner on a plate, elles candles, so amazed at how much junk people actually got into the. Why utilise yeah disgrace. Is it the weirdest job even or of your own? Weird regime, I would say by current job, is aware to stop at our head up at writer. It really, Is this a bizarre job because you put you impositions you. I forget that people listen to me. I forget that I forget that I'm a public personality. I don't think of myself like What places people recognize me, but if you're a reader of conservative opinion, you ve, probably read something of mine or seen me, I'm thoughts sometimes I forget and I'll make a joke or I'll say things and then I'll get picked up by like the opposition and mobility editor at large for red, Secure Davis said
x Y, see and feel that was his job thou say to a friend on twitter, but I it's bizarre to be suddenly to some, have these labels thrust upon you. They don't apply to you at all, like I'm just to say, oh mom, I'm just saying: oh mom, we embroiled in this being political issue, or I will only mention it, but it was a huge issue. They involve a lawsuit. Because I was a, member of the of the blog. The lawsuit hit me too, and I was like this- is so crazy. I got the New York Times calling me while she
junior, that, whilst the junior partner should make streams, remake, launching forget articles on economics that explain things with Lemon Einstein, but I read an article about myself. It was at the times I think again. It was quoting old old opinion, The goals of me relating them to the current, so Cure Davis, set this about women's issues, but why- and it's like these things- work related at all been made me look out to be this horrible alike. Massage in a of racist like brightly, My job- and I remember telling my husband like this- is still here like unmistakable mom I am not a celebrity. I am not a public personally, I'm just a mom. I right, because I want to raise my kids, so best thing. I can deal and be at home
This is the weirdest shop. I've had True, the weird world, Can anyone dig up like also your tweets of yours now, because I have to ITALY So you delete were how long out do five hundred days are gone gone. I one message that. I think, we're really at the tip of the iceberg of this phase of people getting cancelled, because you think about everybody who wanted twitter. Two dozen nine tells me two thousand ten. Are they no one somewhere on the very thing to ten years ago we can have kids, who were twelve, then that are now adults that's just starting that those given got twitter when they were that age are now adults, turning it becoming eighteen In twenty now tat, we might have to revolve through a few more years that this before hips now you got in here you see a lot. I really need to get stuck in the snare before they realize all this. Maybe there wasn't a good idea to cancel everybody over everything. I could understand what we didn't have no interest in the earliest, for me would be like Myspace
I created a weird star wars span site in like ninety, ninety seven or something but how'd you can't and really cool. Now my head. I had my angel fireplace I'm glad to I'm glad till. I feel sad the image and everything you ever said in high school was out there right now, my eyes no I'd even bear to think of what I said two years ago, which is why I think that five days Some people delight: I appreciate that about bench, apparel he's, never race, anything from a timeline. Even though he has said when I look back some things that I've said like. Ten years ago, I first started is like. Obviously I was really a mature me. Now he's a dad he's a husband. Business owner. We first started use at some point kid at Yale, smarter, get out of here
Furthermore, we went and but he has, committed to keeping us up there. He says I wiping people should know that I have grown and I don't think I should run away from that. But I don't have that courage now they respect them, saying you were living in women up the onto it say, respectfully respects pinch peer iris, that I believe will mean that the right to you. I have great respect for and I'm not brave enough for it. I'm not saying it's me wacko, but I'm saying I respect you just going. I do. We didn't really energy Carolyn waited were returning home. I agree that we still have a server. Oh my guys week. I went to the limit, we sure it isn't it insane how she's getting like it's crazy. It's bizarre land is getting like all the slavery is turn honour to think for every
every person in Turkey. What a group of oh ungrateful, little so, and so every facet of Lilith Little Power Bud Google completely, she sheep made them filthy rich. Oh yeah reactors a privilege, the many things she said was women, men, trade men, menstruating women Ministry and for that She is being excoriated everybody, the she may rich and famous and privilege. All get out? has disowned her. No one's. Even given her the benefited like one seamen in new and even get the benefit of the doubt for how you live your life every day. She's out their having to tell people what are my friends? Are lesbians, I've transparent it? Don't you, Did this she's haven't approve what why prove. This is a good person. You shouldn't have to prove to your friends.
But you know you are you're good person because a one statement, but the think we're in a place where, when a woman says I don't feel calm, with the idea of men deciding what what the female form is then you're a you know I never thought we would be here. This is why keep this is why I say: pray for this nation. This is chaos is confusion and we can we can rollo, we can be Europe, can say will were done or weakened fighting about this. I think we should keep fighting about it now, I dont think I work So weird burns is dark age. When the age of information they do everything computer information, our lives easier and were now we're like totally in this age, were completely anti science and medicine? at time medicine. Its beside her hereupon her. No, I tried
Reading I couldn't you to do is now near banana deal, analyses a martyr, Fred become Gung ho our affairs, where now arising rather on the Christians, our reading it now Molly Vine and it's actually really. I she's getting eyes. Let him all the burned Henry by them: sea, gull, marketing, she's, a very rich for My read all the books and I live watch on who is my wife is crazy about my life and my daughter. I didn't you get that thing, but I don't get it, but I didn't. I could I tried with my kids. I thought this would be a fun thing to reinvent I couldn't get around. Is that the rules to quit it don't make? Any sense is that is that we are working and it s game, it really broke. The the like world building for me, like the whole rules of quitting, make absolutely no sense, because I have to do is catch the golden snitching Windsor, this whole game, we're like it was a football match. Sensing there's only one case. I look like an out and out of place like football right, it's like it,
we're going to explain to me: be there s the bad guys like. I wish you good luck Kyle gets really exciting times our game. Listen, listen! So you're playing forgot that almost half of all ok and you're trying to score you're touchdowns, and whenever we learn, as you may know, they were with we're winning fifty two forty. He took them. Never listened this money to pay for this morning and damaging while you star wars Gimme about last night, in some areas like he says Sean Hannity didn't need to now lifestyle like lineages, like what you say that what is the problem with quit? Ok, so quitted they're trying to hit these balls through these hoops right. So imagine, footballer, basketball, im trying to score the teams are point but then sounds like ping pong ball back and forth across the core yeah and if you catch the Bing bumble, your team immediately wines that Those are the rules of quitted they're. Trying to
chasing balls. The Scooby thing flying the next week on science and it just flying around some real Dolliver, MRS need, if you catch you in the game, is our own rights as a where's, the young playing here you know it. You do make an employ. I noticed that not because I watch Harry Potter, but because I watched this really, ravens fond Midday, the interns Tucker, where human Owen but to Spain, Wilson, Wilson, their older kind of washed up cells, man, and so they go into Google's internship programme and try to win and in turn them one at that. A team in your team, ass, a win and wanted events was a quitted match, and then I remember thinking like we ve just Ben five minutes on this game and then at the end of the gay they're losing, but at the end of the game, all if the dews catch this gold from guy unlike this seems really dumb, which is what their character
said to the door like wine. We must do all. That is why you just tell me to start with children's fund some agreement and in the great movie it we haven't seen at the interns is actually very sweetly. Anyway, I mean we realise that she didn't understand. She didn't really built on rural, not choose what the store and all the little reference issues like. Aren't you just make up stuff later now, which is where she got trouble with conservative and serves to split around she'd, be like his characters were gay Ray, which is like whenever enough to give us the thing is she's you can pull much. To the left and Jake a rallying she's, like total hard core promised internal total thy, my care and diverse, and everyone's gay bastard you want via everyone's gay like since then it just this wine to mention the biological functions of a woman's body too much, I mean it's interesting that women are the losers here
yeah. You know she was like an actor that had a contract and some show should be cancelled fire. The apologies but because she listen get our money, the eyes, all her properties. She has our money. She has her own boss, he's like a girl, you know so that's pretty cool, actually she's yeah in international law to be in that position. Now you and many other people that it is being quiet because they know They said anything that has everything, but now being quiet. Isn't it silence. As I can answer. There is nothing I wish you could see, release that big long statement, we know her position Have you take a position that is not the the position of the day. Much more work to make your case if you just go along with popular, but every scenery now even dislike throw meme up just said, ass comment, the sphere and be Jerkin, and you just your era. Yeah yeah, then it s the written replies to her tweets and stuff it just like.
This cascades garbage just people being the worst. The terrible terrible people may feel so justified beyond. Now as for Nano gets out, not only that, but I at soap Vatican sad how many people have attached theirself were so what a very rich white woman, says about periods Thank you for your reading, a whole list of people who are like I'm ever gonna remarry. My again, this is the only thing that as a gay or trans or whatever you're outlying identity is This was the only refuge. I had it as a kid. Was this fantasy world, and now I ll never read it the same. You ve hurt me and I'm just like. Oh my gosh. How
sad and warmly you must be. If your whole. Identity was wrapped up in this one, there are in this year agreeing with all your politics this one book or even she, she's the author, but you can read the character still right It's from his eyes and were ignored, I'm about earlier, have, if we thought about it, like that, like we were like you know, we can only read early watch movies was so disappointed. I just found out that it is no good, Cameron Liberal what I now have to die movies that can never watched another terminated, and then you just sit on twitter when you are ready to eat anything, any reply turf, I know that you guys Mina or be able to watch garbage now yeoman garbage avatar, is worthless man from its true that just taken us
and sat very sad again, going back to even my kids, my stray from my own political ideologies. I do think we ve where we have gone right is provided them with an identity that is their did their Davis's Christians, the other part of this kingdom. There American and and thereby You know these are solid identity, identifying points that are double they don't change them out, based on how good or bad you are a lot of his other nor comfort and reading J K, rallies Timeline was so sad to me. So sad lady every every person who was saying I'll, never read Harry Potter again, I just thought I literally that as a mom like my mom's, heart was like. This person, these a hug, this we need someone to say you don't need Jake
it rallying to affirm. Who you are you, don't need any one for that, hey just enjoy the fact that she made a book about magic, kids enjoyed it, six months ago. I just discovered the algorithmic ex cop Horrible, yellow like a right wing, but talk bag had onwards and please poop backward adwords, more men can't we jointly this study, Let us then, maybe about any man used to assist its about we can all agree on one child, it's funny the people, everybody that makes your favorite movie or your favorite tv tv shall even you know this is a horrible person like every way there is. Someone on the tv show that you watch that that the little people forget about their ideology. They probably do some pretty sick and horrible things at home. That would argue we mousing the hole in the meantime and how many
as people were massive, scumbags, nay, just yet is tat, they d Purchasing a liberal views on everything So as long as you say, the right stuff, you're, fine little. We that's another, almost empty people, that's how they work the most empty, the most empty people exactly and. There's no one. You should look too. There's no one you should look to in Hollywood and say I want to be like that person, you should only in July Proctor Cameron. Good here that you're in Tigard was now I mean There is probably really mind. I've never learns, look Decker Cameron and thought. I be more like a camera. What about through her Hercules? Guy becomes I'm sorry, but it is urgent. I, like
I want to be like a like amendment is why his wife's aims are Christians in this, and I will come to a common with her yet, but I was just going to ask if we only we dinner unquestionably, thirty zero, ten questions on. We ve been doing this, how lotteries and at no time five you can't tell us now bringing Colesburg given suitable he's a Christian and who is a christian and end. His wife's interval is a huge advocate home schooling and ask a choice. I loved them pursued. I want to be more like them your son and I'm fine with land. They should be more. Let me now I've. I've never had anything but pleasant and wonderful interaction. With them, but I would surely there are things in their lives that would disappoint somebody just like there are things in my life that would disappoint people
It is dangerous to look at people as examples which is another problem right with culture we pulled got out of that position and what replaces God, people, people are always good split you every time I google Christians and I would like all the results are obviously not Christians, Michael well you know I shouldn't. I guess I should say that we are here, but the army secret Chris Prance always on there. Tom Hanks, always pops up. Which is like I've never seen like. Maybe he's like Presbyterianism. There is like I always I can be raised in Mr Rogers. Jennifer Lawrence Iraq has ceased. The doggie and bring about his person Madame upon her, the Texas
Do you know you know an honest people. I have an unhealthy obsession with celebrity culture, so I drew near addresses why Zella, I dont have their addresses and I dont drive by their houses on a regular basis, to look to see if they're coming out put the trash out I'd. Have you ever known the Hollywood bus too? I never do that. Now my mind: a car like electricity, you're goin to do here. Tourists stuff, when, when people come in sea to sit on, animals live online, but I love slippery culture, so I, like I, the the gossip. The blind gossip items that either Oh no. The blind items are blind gossip, the blind people again. That's Africa has ridden Braille already seeing impaired people its gossip. That is that it The the
I'm sick of the gossip is obscured c of the gas who it is, but it's hot tips from people in Hollywood. So there you can look up blind items and in writing over on any ways I how else is on their that's? Why design a lot of uses information about celebrities corrected to celebrity gossip, by that those magazines at the beginning of the grocery store lying to you, but I don't know I don't I don't understand what they realized, but they're right there's they must love, you must by them are uniformly solar. Even now I get all my have made and get all that online I did now. I can go on and now I can get tips like directly from them Some celebrity some celebrities like to do that. I'll call in tipsy this line because The only way they can really EL, the truth about. What's going on so there anonymous and the cowardice anonymous and they'll give clues like this, a
Mr Hu Jia, divorced a be less star, who is a reality If he be STAR was caught using, open the Mcdonald's bathroom and since I believe, our something like that and you'll have to go, still giving clues and you have the gas from game. It is like a game? Did you say up again became is afoot? Christian Slater was picking his nose. The other day with the corner was never see. What do I have felt unchristian Slater is that he said recently. Since later was you know he is anywhere as a christian I was on Mr Name, euros was big either about was big just pretty quickly. Cassim s mill The main guiding our big eyes sent smells the director and the writer we shouldn't have been. She had just been the writer oarsmen, the director, but they the second season. They gave him both and then it was. This all navel gazing his
There was a thing. I'm look at himself a mirror. Exam Asheville fan, but I don't think you should be doing all the rules in his work so. I carry Underwood aggression, analyze, driven by the Sinai here by the arena- and it says every day is a new day in courts and answers carry Underwood it's not like, I doubt, carry Underwood Creed, is anyone who anybody think somebody had a quote everyday is new. Is inspirational quote from carry underweight at this It is what it is will rise to the attitude, but just because, as I mean that you can put, your things are good things you have issued by the rights to secure the gray red spots
like I heard Medea God's name caliber guys get me a calm down at a greater, but that's other go now they're waiting for Tyler, the guy. Then I get time that God Journal Maggot Tyler the creator mixed up with chance, the wrapper chancellor. What's he has ever animal? How much you guys know that guy he is called lariat. Because he's he's accretion like ease up for real, born, again question, but he's all a rap artists. Like a secular artists and my husband, I we're just watching the shell called rhythm and flow on Netflix and it's a wrap reality shows like a competition. T eyes. A judge party be is a judge and chest wrapper is a judge like its acts? pretty good has really creative, but she has the ripper. Maybe you a crack. Myanmar has up has every time someone even got a little bit offensive. You black man like that, does that one guy, why it's a record
A video in a church you recorded has video and it was a happy themes in it so recorded in charge, and he was like Nazi. You gotta be careful about recording the church causes editors itself out here that godless and they'll take an alternative. May I don't like that double stuff determine and devils. He was not in the devil stuff you how this hunter. Proper names are assigned, likened something ceremony, kind of like that. You know, native Americans. They get their name. When you are you are sitting bull whenever there is that until someone named them or do they pick them tell you as a tooth here, ok actually not the journey of, whereas I'm not saying anything, my human exponentially. Ok, I'm glad I'm at random and let you wrappers I'm just Maybe you know, I don't know, I'm not a sound like I know, but her years ago, her to really fascinating and pr report
with their a just to lick sport. We get our names and one of the things that they that this was a woman in what she did was she studied the history of african american means? Why so we just like all which she knew why or awkward that our somethin, but she, There is actually a very long tradition behind that. We might not recognize it anymore, but feeds into the idea. Those proper names is that because in african cultures, which I know is a very generic Turks. Africa is a continent, not a country, but in most african cultures. You know wasn't by last name or even where you are from, but was kind about about your function. And and so There was a light to see in that any If you go on Facebook, like almost all my black friends, have some kind of India Sing middle name set the real name. Is our Facebook mean my knee
since Tiffany Cayenne or mine, spicy all get my old youth group got a kid. Is you know, isolating yeah Floyd did the barber likely just be its It seemed tradition of aligning yourself with here with their function, not us
you're coming up next for Babylon, be subscribers incidental, like life code. If, today we says that's very like yeah coach, are you calvinist, armenian biggest side ring, I don't army recycling, I won't listen. Other concern is the worst he's blind, trailing spider on a spider lag behind him. Spiders floating through the air carrier, enjoying this hard hitting interview, become a babylonian subscriber to hear the rest of this conversation. Go to Babylon, be dog com, slash plans for full length, free blog, ass, Kyle and Ethan. I would like to thank Seth Dylan for pay. The bills Adam poured for creating their job, the other writers, sport tirelessly pitching headlines subscribers and the listener until next time. This is Dave. The Andrea, the voice of the battle on b,
Transcript generated on 2020-07-24.